Maddela Marvelous Grace Christian School Inc.: Monthly Accomplishment Report
Maddela Marvelous Grace Christian School Inc.: Monthly Accomplishment Report
Maddela Marvelous Grace Christian School Inc.: Monthly Accomplishment Report
1. Prepare weekly modules for SHS 1. Modules prepared (EAPP 11, Oral Com 1. Modules submitted, prepared and 1. All printed modules
including the appropriate learning 11, Practical Research 2, Creative Writing) distributed for the month of October with
materials. with adequate, interactive and ICT integrated corresponding ICT integrated IMs.
Content Knowledge & Pedagogy IMs.
(Mastery of the content)
2. Make a video lesson to expound the 2. Videos were appropriately and extremely 2. Videos posted in Google Classroom 2. Screenshots of the videos
deeper meaning of the subject matter. filmed and edited for educational purposes. or passed in flash drives. uploaded in YouTube.
3. Search for a valid and reliable sites for 3. Sites were analyzed and judged according 3. All files posted and passed to Google 3. Sample of downloaded file in
more information about the lesson. to the needed information. Classroom/Flash drives. internet/List of downloaded files per
Learning Environment Demonstrate knowledge of managing
(Classroom management classroom structure that engages
learners, individually or in groups, in
Enhancement & remediation)
meaningful exploration, discovery and
hands-on activities within the available
physical learning environments.
National Highway, Buenavista, Maddela, Quirino
E-mail Add:
Contact No. 0906-186-0907
2. Maintain the structure of Google 2. All the classes were sufficient for the
Classroom as the main teaching-learning 2. The structure gave an overview of the students to learn. Utilized educational 2. Screenshots of the classwork
area. progress of the lessons and became the tools (PowerPoint, Google applications, area per subjects.
backbone of each quarter. OBS, Filmora, YouTube, etc.) to
improve students’ learning.
4. Maintain the weekly devotion (every 4. 80% of the class joined and
Monday) with the advisory class. experienced the weekly devotion.
4. 75% of the advisory class attend the 4. Attendance sheet of weekly
devotion every week to feed the spiritual life Google Meetings.
every week.
5. Initiate discipline of learners including 5. 98% of the learners agreed on the
online classroom rules and guidelines and online classroom rules and the
5. Classroom orientation on online class 5. All documents (Online Class
individual task and group task. individual task.
policy (Dos and Don’ts), the individual task Rules, and Schedule of Individual
every Google Meeting (Opening prayer, Task)
Share the Gospel and Closing Prayer), group
task (Each barangay has a leader).
Curriculum Development Demonstrate knowledge of the design,
(Instructional and Assessment selection, organization and use of
diagnostic, formative and summative
materials development
assessment strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.
National Highway, Buenavista, Maddela, Quirino
E-mail Add:
Contact No. 0906-186-0907
Personal Growth & Professional 1. Demonstrate the empirical knowledge 1. Attend trainings and seminars about the 1. Attended the 2020 JHS and SHS 1. All the certificates.
Development and skills in the practice of online and New Normal. INSET. (September)
blended learning.
(Trainings/Seminars/Group Work)
2. Recorded the important key points in 2. Minutes of the Meeting
2. Involve in the school activities meetings.
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