The Prisoner of Arkus: Moa Frithiofsson

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The crew of a damaged ship took refuge in a nearby asteroid, where they discovered an ancient airlock and symbols on the walls.

The walls were covered with large textiles and beneath them they found the same symbols that covered the airlock. In the middle of the chamber, First Sergeant Jhannas found a cube of an unknown material with another set of symbols on it.

First Sergeant Jhannas found a cube of an unknown material with another set of symbols on it inside the chamber. He later suffered a nervous breakdown.




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Commander Aburalin (23/06/54): Relay TX-527 OUTLINE

>>>We came under fire by corsairs and were forced to The scenario begins when the judicator Khaled Wakkari
retreat to an asteroid in the nearby belt>>Coordinates to makes contact with the player characters and asks for
follow>>> their help to free his little sister Zain from the Legion.
She disappeared without a trace a few cycles ago, but
Commander Aburalin (26/06/54): Relay TX-527 Khaled has now received some information that has
>>>Yesterday when Specialist Hamedes and Lieutenant him convinced his sister is in the faction's grasp. He has
Rainas followed the ravine in order to set up better com- spent all his birr and called in all the favors he can to
munications, they found a large gate into the asteroid>>It prepare a bold and desperate rescue operation. Khaled
appears to be an older form of airlock>>We will try to doesn’t know what awaits him or the player characters
force it open>>> in the dark vastness of the horizon, or even if his sister
is still alive. All he has is a set of coordinates and a
Commander Aburalin (28/06/54): Relay TX-527 name he only ever heard whispered in fear... Arkus.
>>>The gate appears to be older than we first anticipat-
ed>>Along the sides there are some kind of symbols>>The When the player characters reach Arkus, their investi-
size of it is remarkable>>See enclosed appendix>>> gation reveals that it is a classified research station run
by the Consortium in cooperation with the Legion. The
- - - - - - higher encryption - - - - - - station was established with a single purpose, to create
the next generation of operatives. The player characters
Commander Aburalin (28/06/54): Relay TX-527 also uncover that Zain is not a captive, she is there of
>>>We entered the asteroid>>The walls were covered her own free will. Tempted with promises of endless
with large textiles and beneath them we found the same resources, she was recruited four cycles ago to recre-
symbols that covered the airlock>>In the middle of the ate an ancient Portal Builder technology that enables
chamber, first Sergeant Jhannas found a cube of an un- organic processing of digital code. This resulted in the
known material with another set of symbols on it>>I have prototype hybrid Izer; a former legionnaire declared
attached detailed scans for analysis>>> brain dead after a failed mission, but then awakened
by Zain, now with the ability to control all technology
Commander Aburalin (30/06/54): Relay TX-527 powered by data systems around him.
>>>Lieutenant Rainas has expressed concern for the Under the ruthless supervision of the Direc-
squad>>First Sergeant Jhannas suffered a nervous break- tor of research, doctor Ayat Almadhi, the Legion and
down today in connection with the documentation of the the Consortium have begun the creation of additional
cube and needed to be escorted back to base camp>>We hybrids based on Zain’s design. But the factions have
have examined the air in the chamber but it shows no a hidden agenda; through the technology they want to
trace of any kind of external stimulant>>Still, I have to ad- exert external control over their intended operatives.
mit that even I feel a certain discomfort>> When the player characters reach the station,
the project has entered its last phase. A dark shadow, by
Commander Aburalin (03/07/54): Relay TX-527 the name of Barakha, has arrived at Arkus. Barakha has
>>>The diagnostics from the airlock is complete>>It was been sent there to oversee the final test of the Arkus’
locked from the outside>>> hybrids, and to make sure the project remains a secret.
While the player characters try to locate Zain, Barakha
-Buffered message from the Colonial Rangers will seize control of the hybrids and initiate the execu-
Yhaddija, Zhau system tion of all the scientists who’ve worked on the project.


Arkus holds many secrets. For many of the hybrids, the THE SAGHIIR TECHNOLOGY: THE HUMAN
integration with the Portal Builder technology failed, and COMPUTER
not all of the test subjects participated willingly. What The Portal Builder manuscript from Yhaddija described a
lurks in the black rooms of the station? What kind of technology that changes organic matter on the nano lev-
technology did the factions really find? How much hu- el so it can process and interact with digital information;
manity is left in Zain’s prototype Izer? And how far does a very advanced form of atomic craftsmanship. Howev-
the external control Almadhi programmed into Arkus’ hy- er, the manuscript was incomplete, which is why they
brids really extend? needed Zain, as she was the only one competent enough
The player characters will face several difficult to fill in the gaps.
decisions. Will they prevent the factions from using the The goal was to integrate human beings with
Portal Builder technology? Will they steal it and sell it to the Saghiir technology and create advanced hybrids that
the highest bidder? Will they tell Khaled the truth about could serve the factions. However, due to the invasive
his sister? And finally, will they destroy Arkus… and there- nature of the technology, Zain objected to the use of or-
by risk destroying themselves? dinary, conscious, test subjects. Instead she was given
a brain dead legionnaire, who’d fallen in the line of duty,
on whom to perform her studies and experiments. The
BACKGROUND name of this legionnaire was Izer, and he will come to
play an important role during the course of the scenario.
PROJECT Y Without Zain’s knowledge, Almadhi initiated a
Seven cycles ago, the Colonial Rangers found an an- parallel research of her own. The doctor has no qualms
cient Portal Builder manuscript in a sealed room on the about experimenting on unwilling test subjects; enemies
asteroid Yhaddija in the Zhau system. The manuscript of the Legion and the Consortium who had the misfor-
described an old nanotechnology called “Saghiir” that tune of being sent to Arkus instead of being executed.
enables organic processing of digital code. The Con- The integration was often carried out prematurely and
sortium immediately realized its potential and early on failed, which has resulted in death, or fouler things, for
involved several high key executives in both the Founda- the test subjects.
tion and the companies Celer-Delekta and Nyala.
Project Y was initiated by the Consortium in The Saghiir technology was originally a tool for the por-
cooperation with the Legion. The project’s goal was to tal builders to transfer and store their consciousness in
create the next generation of operatives; individuals with code. Zain is the only one who has understood this. Al-
exceptional cognitive abilities and the capability to take madhi, the Consortium and the Legion are all convinced
direct control of all technology powered by data systems it is only a form of cybernetic enhancement.
around them.
Zain Wakkari, a young prodigy who had already THE SAGHIIR TECHNOLOGY
excelled at the Foundation’s College of Engineers, was
hired to recreate the technology. To fill the role as head As a talent, the technology affects the player characters’
of research, and director of the project, they hired doctor WITS and gives them a permanent +2 in that attribute. A
Ayat Almadhi from the Foundation. She also oversaw the hybrid also has at least 5 in the DATA DJINN skill, because
construction of the space station that would house the they can communicate directly with all data systems and
project: Arkus. computer powered machinery in their vicinity.


ALMADHI'S EXTERNAL CONTROL to question something that has to do with the Consor-
The Consortium views the Saghiir technology as a tium. If they succeed, nothing happens, but if they fail
means to take control, in order to steer the Third Hori- they suffer 1 point of stress.
zon in the direction they deem best. Almadhi has been THE EXTERNAL CONTROL
working with Zain’s research as her basis, but always
with a different goal. She has made modifications to the The execution and transmission of subroutines is done
technology which enables it to receive a special code of through a special computer in Almadhi’s office. It requires
her own making. A code for external control. The code an access code only she possesses and the frequency
in itself is very subtle. A third party does not take direct transmitted by the computer has a range of 400 m (which
control of the hybrid. Instead the control consists of a roughly translates to 440 yards), so everyone on board the
subroutine sent on a special frequency that takes hold in station who’s been equipped with Almadhi’s version of the
the hybrid’s subconscious and feeds them suggestions Saghiir technology is susceptible to it.
they feel an urge to follow. If a player character who’s been integrated with
This proved more dangerous than Almadhi Almadhi’s version of the Saghiir technology is exposed to
could have foreseen. When a subroutine has been exe- the subroutines of the external control, then the GM can
cuted it is impossible to stop it; the suggestions turn into activate these suggestions with darkness points.
needs, and the needs turn into insanity. In this way, the
early hybrids were driven to madness. Even in the latest
generation, the external control has a significant impact;
the more suggestions, the more fragmented a test sub- KHEFFERA: THE LOST SOUL
jects' mind becomes. Since the project is young, no one The Colonial Rangers also found something else on
knows what will become of the hybrids in the future. How Yhaddija, more revolutionary than Almadhi and her scien-
many subroutines can they really withstand, and for how tists have realized. On a cube in the center of the cham-
long? ber, there was a cipher. Despite initial fascination, no one
could figure out what it was and eventually everyone
gave up. Everyone but Zain. While Almadhi worked on her
Generation 1: The integration constituted too much of a code for external control, Zain studied the cipher from
strain and the test subjects were declared brain dead. Yhaddija. After a while, she not only managed to figure
Generation 2: The integration appeared successful but out what it was, but also how it was supposed to be used.
after a while the test subjects’ brains began to rot. It turned out to be an ancient Portal Builder con-
Generation 3: The test subjects were driven mad by the sciousness put down in code, Kheffera, an old soul that
external control. was imprisoned on Yhaddija by its kin a long time ago.
Generation 4: The only generation to be integrated It is this code that Zain installed in her prototype hybrid
successfully. Izer and by doing so, brought the Portal Builder back to
life from its age-long slumber.
It is up to the GM to decide why Kheffera was
imprisoned on that asteroid, but it should be clear to the
To ensure the loyalty of the operatives, they are instant- player characters that whatever the reasons were - they
ly fed a subroutine that ties them to the Consortium; an were good. Kheffera is dangerous. Maybe even more so
involuntary fanaticism. Player characters integrated with now. A tip is to play it as something ancient and unfath-
the Saghiir technology and exposed to Almadhi’s exter- omable, as if a human woke up from stasis to the realiza-
nal control will have to roll for WITS every time they want tion that flies were now the masters of the Third Horizon.


kha has been on the station for two segments without
anyone, except Almadhi, knowing why.
It is possible to install Kheffera in additional people. It Barakha has come to Arkus with orders to
requires Zain’s integration chamber (because Almadhi’s execute Operation Dawn; a secret operation in which
chamber installs a version of the Saghiir technology that Barakha will seize control over the hybrids and execute
contains her external control), and the cipher on the cube all personnel on board the station, except for Zain. The
from Yhaddija. With these requirements met, the player operation serves two purposes: to test Almadhi’s version
characters can roll for DATA DJINN. If Zain doesn’t assist of the Saghiir technology and her external control, and to
them the roll gets -4 dice. With a critical success they can clean house. Top executives in both the Consortium and
install the portal builder consciousness in an additional the Legion, backed by the Consortium’s Special Branch,
person. want as few people as possible to have any knowledge
about Arkus or project Y. After the operation the station
If Kheffera is installed in two people, it will result in two will be repurposed. When all the personnel, except for
Portal Builder individuals. Kheffera does not have the ability Zain, have been executed, Barakha has orders to move it
to share consciousness between two bodies so they will to a different part of the Horizon in order for the project
become two separate entities. to enter its next phase.

If Kheffera is installed in a player character, this will result MALICIOUS WHISPERS

in death. Everything the player character was will be taken
over by Kheffera. The character will henceforth be an NPC. The operation is carried out with a programmed sugges-
tion to the hybrids. A suggestion that states that the per-
e AN INNER DEMON sonnel on board Arkus is too dangerous to be kept alive.
Something goes wrong and the installation of Kheffera
is only partial. The player character is still fully integrated
with the Saghiir technology but is not consumed by the
Portal Builder. Instead, Kheffera lurks in the back of the TIMELINE
character’s mind, with its own agenda, whispering com- n 7 cycles ago: The Colonial Rangers find an ancient
mands that only the player character can hear. Portal Builder manuscript on an asteroid in the Zhau
It works in the same way as Almadhi’s exter- system. Project Y is initiated and doctor Almadhi is
nal control, but now with Kheffera giving the orders. The appointed project director. The construction of Arkus
player character will have to roll for WITS every time they is commenced.
want to defy the Portal Builder’s commands. If they suc- n 5 cycles ago: The construction of Arkus is completed
ceed, nothing happens, but if they fail they suffer 1 point and project Y with all its research is transferred there.
of stress. n 4 cycles ago: Zain is recruited by the Consortium and
Cost: 3 DP arrives at Arkus to begin the reconstruction of the
Portal Builder technology.
n 2 cycles ago: Zain integrates Izer with the Saghiir
technology. The creation of hybrids based on Zain’s
OPERATION DAWN research is begun by Almadhi without Zain’s knowl-
When the player characters arrive at Arkus, project Y has edge. Zain examines the cipher from Yhaddija that
entered its last phase. An operative of the Consortium’s turns out to be a Portal Builder consciousness in the
Special Branch by the name of Barakha has arrived. Bara- form of code; Kheffera.


n 6 segments ago: Zain installs Kheffera in the proto- was highly sought after by the larger companies within the
type hybrid Izer. Consortium, while Khaled was recruited as an officer down
n 2 segments ago: Barakha arrives at the station. on Kua, and later by the Judicators on Coriolis.
When Zain disappeared, Khaled looked every-
NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS where, but with no success. Despite the mounting evi-
Most people on board Arkus are scientists, crew or le- dence that she was dead, he couldn’t shake the gnawing
gionnaires in charge of the station’s security or hybrids. doubt that maybe she was still alive somewhere and in
However, there are some more important people the need of his help.
player characters can come across. Those that appear
throughout the scenario are described here, the rest is Khaled is a responsible, principled man with a great sense
briefly described in Table 1 and then in more detail in of duty and justice. His determination, which has served
connection to the act they appear in. him well in the Judicators, sometimes make him appear
dry, humorless, and at times even uncompromising. When


Khaled puts his mind towards accomplishing something
he deems to be just, there are few things that can bring
him off course. And right now that course is set towards the
liberation of his sister.

APPEARANCE: Khaled is hardened from his time as an offi-

cer on Kua and as a judicator on Coriolis. He has a tower-
ing, disciplined presence, short, black hair and severe eyes
that miss nothing.

CHARACTERISTICS: Brave in a way reserved for those with






SKILLS: Command 3, Ranged Combat 4, Melee Combat

2, Force 2, Observation 1, Dexterity 2
“Zain needs me.”
TALENTS: Combat Veteran

The Wakkari siblings lost their parents when Zain was ARMOR: Chameleon Suit (Rulebook p. 121)
very young. Early on, Khaled had to step into the role of a
WEAPONS: Thermal Pistol (Rulebook p. 126)
parent rather than that of a brother. He realized how tal-
ented Zain was and worked hard to bring her to Coriolis GEAR: Personal communicator with pulse function, tag
containing 3 000 birr, talisman representing the Judge,
and the Foundation’s College of Engineers, where she got
1 medkit, 1 cutting torch, 1 proximity sensor, 1 security
a scholarship. For a time the siblings were separated; Zain sensor, 3 smoke grenades, 2 stun grenades
made a distinguished career within the Foundation and






SKILLS: Data Djinn 8, Technology 8, Science 5,

Medicurgy 2

TALENTS: Gearhead, cybernetic self-repairing arm

prosthesis with built-in servo locks, accelerated re-
flexes and skin electrodes.



GEAR: Library database (nanotechnology), comput-

er, modulator, tabula, 3 cells, spare parts (advanced),
tools (advanced), workshop (advanced)


“Because I can.” Dr. Ayat Almadhi Head of research and director of


Zain is extremely intelligent, but arrogant and obsessed Barakha Operative of the Special Branch
sent to Arkus to execute
with her research. When it comes to the consequences of
Operation Dawn
her actions, she’s naive and heedless. The only thing her
Izer Zain’s prototype hybrid
tunnel vision allows her to see is the specific challenge in
front of her at that point in time.
Zain isn’t a bad person, but she never really
understood her brother’s sense of justice either. She loves FACTIONS
Khaled, but his values and strict morals have always been The most important factions in the scenario are the
suffocating her. Regardless of what she did when they Consortium and the Legion. Together they run Arkus
were younger, it never really seemed to live up to his stan- and conduct project Y. The Consortium contributes with
dards, so somewhere along the line she stopped trying. research personnel from the Foundation and the com-
panies Celer-Delekta and Nyala, together with all the
APPEARANCE: Dyed, blue hair and dark skin with golden maintenance staff that is required to run the station. The
tattoos. An advanced, cybernetic left arm that she built Legion contributes with legionnaires responsible for the
herself. security of Arkus.
Another important group in the scenario is the
CHARACTERISTICS: The only thing that upsets Zain is when Special Branch of the Consortium. They are in charge of
other people can’t keep up with her. She’s got no time for the internal security of the faction and have sent Barakha
unintelligent people. to Arkus in order to execute Operation Dawn.




n 5 cycles ago: The Wakkari siblings lose contact.

n 4 cycles ago: Zain is recruited by the Consortium in
"Arkus is never more than a whisper. A hushed intimation secret and travels to Arkus. Khaled looks for her un-
that there is something out there in the darkness, but al- successfully and concludes that she must be dead.
ways implied that it is something you do not really wish n 1 cycle ago: Through the judicators, Khaled manages
to find." to get a hold of a shadow file containing information
that the Legion has recruited an expert in advanced
In this act the player characters meet the judicator data systems. The rational part of him knows that
Khaled Wakkari and together with him they try to reach Zain is dead, but his gut is telling him a different sto-
the mysterious "Arkus". ry. He starts to investigate in secret and after spend-
ing most of his birr the name “Arkus” turns up.
OUTLINE n 6 segments ago: Khaled manages to track down a
There are different ways the GM can kick off the scenar- legionnaire that has transported equipment to Arkus.
io. Either Khaled recruits the player characters through She doesn’t know what “Arkus” is, seeing as every-
promises of wealth or by appealing to their good na- thing regarding the place is strictly confidential, but
ture. Or the GM can intertwine their backgrounds with Khaled manages to get the coordinates from her. He
Khaled’s rescue mission. Maybe one of the player decides to rescue his sister.
characters is from a rival faction, sent out to establish n 1 week ago: Khaled has received information that the
Arkus' existence? Maybe a close relative to one of the legionnaire ship LSS Huma is scheduled to depart
player characters have also gone missing? Maybe they’re for “Arkus” with supplies. He realizes that this is his
smugglers and technology hunters that have stumbled chance.
upon a shipping manifest of one of the ships departing
for the station and sense a bigger payday at this “Arkus”? TWO WAYS OF PLAYING KHALED
The GM can then have Khaled and the player
characters sit on supplementary information so that they m Khaled believes that Zain needs his help and travels to
need each other in order to complete their respective Arkus in order to rescue her.
m Khaled knows what Zain is like and what she can do.
A more dramatic prelude is to have the player characters His goal in going to Arkus is to kill her; to protect the Third
kidnapped by the Legion, to be used as test subjects on Horizon. He will however still maintain the appearance that
Arkus, and then saved by Khaled during their journey to he’s there to save her.

The fundamental thing is that the player characters

come into contact with Khaled and join forces with him DARKNESS POINTS
in order to get to Arkus. Act II will commence when they At the beginning of the scenario, the GM gets as many
have arrived at the station. darkness points as the number of players.



Your guess is that the tall man is in his early forties. The The LSS Huma is owned and operated by the Legion. It is
cropped hair and grim lines of his face tells a tale of dis- a gunship that has been modified to carry lighter cargo.
cipline; there’s a sense of order about him. You know the It is scheduled to depart Coriolis for Arkus within the next
type, a man with principles. His dark eyes radiate the kind couple of days with supplies and equipment. Here the
of determination that can only come from conviction. GM can expand the story by letting the player characters
find out for themselves where the ship is set to depart
”Do you have any family? How far are you willing to go from, and only let Khaled have the information that the
in order to keep them safe? I have a sister. She’s much ship is departing and approximately when. This seg-
younger than me… I think her life is in danger.” ment can be used to incorporate the player characters
in the scenario. Maybe they have different motives and
LEADS Khaled’s coordinates is the breakthrough they’ve been
If the player characters choose to conduct some re- waiting for?
search, they find that Khaled is employed as a judicator There are different ways the player characters
on Coriolis, and that he has received several commen- can deal with this segment of the scenario. They can
dations for bravery in the line of duty. There are several overpower the crew and take command of Huma, or they
articles by the Bulletin on prominent cases he’s worked can steal the ship in other ways. Other possibilities in-
on and the overall impression is that he’s a competent, clude sneaking on board as stowaways or just stealing
honest man with great integrity. With a little resourceful- the ship’s cargo and its transponder and then heading for
ness they can also gain access to internal judicator files Arkus in their own ship. Encourage the players’ creativity!
that comment on Khaled’s swift advancement within the
organization. He’s considered to have a bright career LSS HUMA
ahead of him. If the player characters choose to look up
Zain, they find that she was a distinguished student at Huma is a relatively new, well maintained gunship. It’s built
the Foundation’s College of Engineers, and was involved specifically for the Legion with an enlarged cargo hold and
in various research projects regarding advanced data stealth technology that can help it disappear from ship
systems. After graduation, she’s worked for several com- sensors.
panies within the Consortium, but no current employ-
ment status can be found. CLASS: III

EP: 5
Searches for “Arkus” yield nothing.
HP: 8




It is obvious which ship is LSS Huma. It stands out with its
black, expensive armor. Like a resting predator, fully aware MODULES: BRIDGE, REACTOR, GRAVITON PROJECTOR, DOCKING
of its elevated position in the food chain. All its parts per- COUNTERMEASURE DISPENSER, ACCELERATOR CANNON, AUTO-
fected in terms of functionality and efficiency. A first class
weapon, worthy of a faction like the Legion.


THE CARGO ON BOARD HUMA know that it’s for nanotechnology and atomic craft.
The main cargo on board Huma consists of four people Some crates are marked with the logos of the companies
in stasis. Their identities are free for the GM to expand Nyala and Celer-Delekta and even the Foundation. In the
upon but they should have in common that they all pose cockpit and the captain’s cabin there is also an officer’s
an inconvenience in different ways to the Consortium manual with essential information about the mission, in
and/or the Legion. If the player characters choose to addition to course plots and coordinates for “Arkus”.
wake them up, the prisoners only remember that they ON HUMA
were attacked and injected with something that made
them unconscious. They know nothing about Zain, but Transponder with Huma’s identity
might know some things about Arkus if the GM deems Course and coordinates for “Arkus”
that fitting.
Shipping manifest listing all cargo
Four people in stasis

e Aadil “Red Star” Kamarra - A notorious rebel leader Material for nanotechnology/atomic craft
and troublemaker from the Algol system that relentlessly 4 Exo shells
makes life hard for anyone in the Consortium.
Officer’s manual (see “The journey to Arkus”)
e Kaduk “The Azaëlean” Bakyr - An operative from the
faction the Order of the Pariah, sent to ascertain the exis- THE CREW OF HUMA
tence of “Arkus”. She got her code name from the myste-
rious Azaëleans; a beast few have seen in person but that The crew of Huma is made up of a pilot, a sensor operator,
most have seen the consequences of. a captain and an engineer, of which at least one of them is
e Jasri ”The vulture” San - A smuggler that deals with on the ship at all times.
Portal Builder technology. He’s stumbled upon the Colonial
Rangers' original communication and has tried to hunt ATTRIBUTES
down the technology it speaks of; the Saghiir technology STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 2

on board Arkus. HIT POINTS: 8

e Haide Ansin - A reporter from the Bulletin who's been MIND POINTS: 5
asking uncomfortable questions about certain transac-
tions made recently by the company Nyala.
SKILLS: Ranged Combat 2, Melee Combat 2, Force 2, Ob-
e Doctor Minan Kori - A scientist who declined a working
servation 1, Dexterity 2
position on board Arkus. She’s had dealings with doctor
Almadhi before and doesn't trust her. ARMOR: Flightsuit (Rulebook p. 132)

e Rakin - A preacher from the Cellar on Coriolis who’s WEAPONS: Legionnaire carbine Dayal-3 (Rulebook p.
noticed how people from the slums have gone missing 126)

and has tried to report it.

e One of the player characters’ old enemies, who have also CORIOLIS
made an enemy of the Consortium. Huma will depart from Coriolis, but where on the station
is up to the GM. Recommended places are either a heav-
ily guarded part of the Neoptra spaceport, or a private
port in the Spire owned and operated by the Consortium,
The ship is also loaded with technical equipment and or maybe an anonymous loading platform down in the
if the player characters succeed on a SCIENCE roll, they Cellar.


It’s important to keep in mind that Arkus is a top secret IN CASE OF BATTLE
facility. Only a few people within the Consortium and the
Legion even know of its existence. It should be reflected If the player character’s crew lacks a captain or an estab-
in the berth Huma departs from; either through anonym- lished leader, Khaled will take command during a potential
ity or strict security. battle.


The player characters can enlist the help of the Syndi-
cate to get access to LSS Huma. The faction wants the e NOTHING TO SEE HERE
expensive cargo the ship is carrying and in return they’re If the player characters pretend to be Huma, they will be
willing to provide manpower in order to seize the ship, or hailed by the legionnaire ship that discovers them and
to create a distraction that will lure Huma’s crew away will be expected to present a password. The password is
from the ship. “Fourth moon of Akkalis” and can be found in the officer’s
manual. A successful CULTURE roll (or maybe through
game master benevolence should one of the PCs have
THE JOURNEY TO ARKUS knowledge of the operations of the Legion) will give the
During their journey to Arkus, Khaled will open up about player characters the knowledge that the password is
his relationship with Zain. The GM can also choose to let expected to be used in a sentence, and not as an individ-
the player characters view some of Zain’s personal video ual phrase. For example: “We just came from the fourth
logs or other documents in order for them to establish an moon of Akkalis.” If they can’t present a password, the
emotional connection with her. legionnaire ship will open fire and the player characters
will have to fight.
A tip for the GM is to portray Zain as sympathetically as
possible, and as a defenseless person you might want to e AN UNPLEASANT SURPRISE
care for and protect. Maybe most memories, pictures or In addition to the legionnaire ships that are visible on the
videos that Khaled shares of his sister is from her child- sensors, there is another ship close by with its transpon-
hood? der switched off, ready to assist its colleagues.
Cost: 3 DP
The player characters head for Arkus. If they retrieved IMPORTANT TO KNOW
the officer’s manual from Huma and examined it, they Any messages sent from the legionnaire ships to Arkus
discover a set of coordinates that extend in a wide circle will be blocked by Zain’s prototype hybrid Izer. He wants
around the place they think is Arkus. This is an outpost the player characters to reach Arkus so they can set him
with two legionnaire Destroyers (found in the rulebook on free (See “Izer” in act II).
page 161), that patrols in orbit around the station. As a
deterrent, they have their transponders switched on and
will therefore be easy for the player characters to spot
when they get close, even if they haven’t found the coor-
dinates in the officer’s manual.


actions on board the station, the GM has a darkness track.

Use new darkness points, not those that have been accu-
mulated before reaching Arkus, to indicate how close the
player characters are to being discovered and captured.
Put them in a pile at the center of the table so the players
In act II the player characters reach Arkus and board it can see how it grows depending on their choices. When
in order to look for Zain. This act presents the best op- they reach 10 darkness points, the GM spends them and
portunity to explore the station and find out its secrets. initiates the scene “Captured!” If they never reach 10 dark-
The player characters will also get to know the research ness points and the scene “Captured!” is never initiated, the
director Almadhi and the Special Branch Operative Bara- GM can add the points from the darkness track to the reg-
kha, and finally meet Khaled’s sister Zain and her proto- ular darkness points in act III and use however she wants.
type hybrid Izer.
In the beginning of the act, the GM also gets 2 “regular”
OUTLINE darkness points. These should be kept separate from the
Here the main scenes of act II are listed. darkness points accumulated by the darkness track.
e The Arrival
The Trash Compactor
e Arkus If they use the elevator instead of the elevator shaft: 1 point
Sector Z: Reactor Chamber and Elevators If they make a lot of noise: 1 point
Sector C: Administration and Communication If they are acting weird: 1 point
Sector F: Personnel Quarters If they don’t roll critical success when accessing the communication
Sector G: Holding Cells logs in sector C: 1 point
e Almadhi's and Barakha's Cabins If they fail their MANIPULATION rolls: 2 points
e Sector B: Laboratories If they use the computers in the laboratories: 2 points
Almadhi's Office If they run into crew without disguising themselves: 2 points
e Captured! If they noticeably touch something in Barakha’s cabin: 2 points
Integration If they break into Almadhi’s office: 3 points
Operation Dawn If they are discovered on the bridge: 3 points
e Zain If they try to bypass the security console at Zain’s cabin: 3 points

If anyone on Arkus sound the alarm, the legionnaires will
want to catch the player characters alive so that Almadhi IZER
can question them (See “Captured!”). Zain’s prototype hybrid is different from the other hybrids
Barakha secretly monitors all communications on the station. He now carries the mind of something an-
on board Arkus, to evaluate potential threats against Op- cient, with its own agenda. Izer or Kheffera, whoever hides
eration Dawn. If anyone sound the alarm, Barakha will be in the former legionnaire's shape, wants to escape Arkus.
the first on the scene, well before Almadhi gets there He has access to all digital information in the vicinity of the
. station and therefore has full knowledge of both Almadhi’s
DARKNESS POINTS experiments and Barakha’s mission. Izer will try to guide
To illustrate the consequences of the player characters’ the player characters to him so they can set him free.



It’s up to the GM how this is put into play. Izer can be will use any means necessary to keep herself alive. Any
used as a safety net if things go badly for the player means.
characters. He can be used to direct them where the Almadhi likes it when people bolster her ego, but
GM wants them to go and make sure they get all the cannot handle being questioned or feeling inferior. Where
information they need. He can also be used to create a Zain’s motivation stems from a genuine passion, Almadhi’s
creepy atmosphere during their time on Arkus; through comes from a deeply rooted inferiority complex. Where
cryptic messages and inexplicable behaviour of the Zain has taken her time with particular problems, Almadhi
station’s technology. has rushed ahead driven by her ego and the will to out-
shine Wakkari. Almadhi doesn’t see Zain as a colleague
IMPORTANT NPCS but as a competitor and rival, and in her hunt to produce
The most important NPCs on Arkus are listed below. better results she will stop at nothing. All the while she has
conducted parallel research on the manuscript from


Yhaddija and conducted her own experiments concerning
the integration with human test subjects (but always with
Zain’s research as her basis). This has resulted in a deeply
rooted loathing and an unhealthy fixation with the other
scientist. Regardless of how many test subjects she goes
through it seems as if Ayat Almadhi can’t surpass Zain

APPEARANCE: Almadhi always presents a spotless appear-

ance with long, beautifully painted nails in bright colors.
She’s covered in expensive jewelry and always dress in the
latest fashion.

CHARACTERISTICS: Often talks about herself in the third

person and makes sure to mention her friends in high
places. Does not tolerate being contradicted.


“You will never understand what it is we do here. MIND POINTS: 9
Your minds… are too small. How could you ever
comprehend the greatness of Arkus?” .
SKILLS: Data Djinn 4, Technology 2 , Science 4, Culture 2,
Manipulation 3, Medicurgy 2
Doctor Ayat Almadhi is a reputable and ruthless scientist
within data systems and bionics, with an impressive ability TALENTS: Faction Standing

to rationalize the use of involuntary test subjects and the ARMOR: None
negative consequences of her research. She’s unscrupu-
lous and ambitious and cares nothing for other people’s
suffering. She also harbours an extreme fear of dying and


GEAR: Library database (Portal builders + 3), Library da-

tabase (Culture +1), Library database (Science +2), per- mirror mask covering their face.
sonal communicator, modulator, transactor contain-
ing 3 400 birr, tabula CHARACTERISTICS: Barakha’s mask distorts the voice of the
wearer, making it muted and metallic.






SKILLS: Ranged Combat 1, Melee Combat 4, Dexterity 4,

Force 2, Infiltration 4, Survival 1, Observation 4

TALENTS: Accelerated Reflexes, Malicious

ARMOR: Ablative pads (Rulebook p. 132)

WEAPONS: Energy gloves

GEAR: 10 cells, personal communicator with pulse func-

tion, modulator, tabula, tag containing 2 000 birr, med-
kit, thermal cutter, lie detector, proximity sensor, secu-
rity tablet, signal jammer, 6 stun grenades


“I might die, but it’s much more likely that you INIT: 0

The operative sent by the Special Branch is callous, prag- CRIT: 2

matic and quiet. When there is a job to do, Barakha is RANGE: Close
cold and calculating; they do not enjoy killing, but won’t TECH TIER: A*
shy away from it either. As an operative of the Special
FEATURES: Energy weapon, cell-powered.
Branch, Barakha is the first and last line of defense of the Faction technology developed by the Consortium.
Consortium. They will do whatever has to be done, for the
good of the faction, which is the reason few people in the
Third Horizon know who Barakha is; the assignments they
are sent on seldom leave people talking… or breathing.

Barakha is a hijra, one of the non-binary people of the Third


APPEARANCE: Barakha always wears black armor, and a






SKILLS: Ranged Combat 1, Melee Combat 1, Technology

5, Data Djinn 9, Dexterity 2, Observation 6

TALENTS: Saghiir Technology, Kheffera



GEAR: None


In addition to the imprisoned test subjects, there are also
maintenance personnel, scientists and legionnaires on
the station. The scientists and maintenance personnel
will not fight the player characters unless they’re forced
“. . .” to.

Izer was recruited by the Legion at a young age and worked HYBRIDS
for them until his group was ambushed in the field and large
portions of his body were blown off by a dirty bomb. The ATTRIBUTES
ambush left him alive, but brain dead. The Legion seized the STRENGTH 2, AGILITY 4, WITS 5, EMPATHY 3

opportunity and gave his body to Zain as her test subject. HIT POINTS: 6
Izer was completed, “awoken”, two cycles ago MIND POINTS: 8
and then served as the prototype for how to integrate the
Saghiir technology. After that, six segments ago, Zain intro-
duced Kheffera in his system and it’s now unclear what’s SKILLS: Force 2, Melee Combat 2, Ranged Combat 1, Dex-
terity 4, Observation 2, Manipulation 3, Data Djinn 5
really looking back through his dark eyes. The legionnaire, or
something else? TALENTS: Saghiir Technology, Almadhi’s external


APPEARANCE: Izer is tall and thin with several surgical scars
after the accident he suffered in service of the Legion which ARMOR (AFTER OPERATION DAWN): Light armor (Rulebook
p. 132)
eventually landed him on Zain’s table. His legs and arm are
made out of metal and some parts of his face have been WEAPONS (BEFORE OPERATION DAWN): None


Legionnaire carbine Dayal-3 (Rulebook p. 126)
CHARACTERISTICS: Izer is deceptively calm with piercing eyes.
He rarely blinks and maintains eye contact for too long.


The ship’s intelligence factually informs you that you have
ATTRIBUTES arrived at Wakkari’s coordinates. Your first thought is that
STRENGTH 5, AGILITY 4, WITS 3, EMPATHY 3 it must be a mistake, an electrical failure somewhere on
HIT POINTS: 9 the ship that needs fixing. There is nothing in front of you.
Not even stars. As if someone clawed out a part of the

SKILLS: Force 2, Melee Combat 2, Ranged Combat 3, It’s hard to interpret what unfolds next; suddenly the tow-
Dexterity 3, Observation 2
ering darkness takes shape. The void expands like some-
ARMOR: Light armor (Rulebook p. 132) thing out of a nightmare, and even the ship’s external
WEAPONS: Legionnaire carbine Dayal-3 (Rulebook p. lights are swallowed by the black mass. No light bounces
126) back. Everything is darkness.

You realize, this is Arkus…


STRENGTH 2, AGILITY 4, WITS 5, EMPATHY 4 When the player characters first reach Khaled’s coor-
HIT POINTS: 6 dinates, there is nothing there but darkness. Then the
sensors start picking up weak heat signals and if they
fly closer the station suddenly emerges in front of them
as if out of thin air. Arkus is equipped with black panels
SKILLS: Data Djinn 2, Technology 2, Science 3, Culture 2, that absorb all light it comes into contact with; nothing
Manipulation 1, Medicurgy 2
is reflected back. If the player characters succeed on a
ARMOR: None TECHNOLOGY roll they know this type of technology is ex-
WEAPONS: None tremely advanced and expensive; it’s highly unusual to
outfit a whole station with it.

There are different ways to get on board Arkus: either
through the hangar, the trash compactor or straight
ATTRIBUTES through the hull if the player characters brought the right
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 4, WITS 4, EMPATHY 4 equipment. They’re all listed in more detail below.

When on board, the GM should try to foster a claustro-
phobic atmosphere. All the corridors and rooms on the
station are made up of black metal with low ceilings; ev-
SKILLS: Data Djinn 2, Technology 2, Force 1, Observation erything is cramped and dark. The GM can also let the
2, Dexterity 3
player characters get indirectly acquainted with Baraka-
ARMOR: None ha and Almadhi. For example through overheard conver-
WEAPONS: None sations, messages on computers or tabulas or through
security footage.



The player characters should get no indication that Zain One of the legionnaires at the checkpoint knows the actual
is there of her own accord until they actually find her. Ev- captain of Huma. The player characters must succeed on a
erything up until that point should be presented by the MANIPULATION roll to get out of this pinch!
GM as if she’s a prisoner of Arkus. Cost: 2 DP


If the player characters choose to pose as the crew of The player characters can also dock at Arkus’ trash com-
Huma and dock in the hangar, they will be expected to pactor, which is in sector H, at the very far end of the station.
be in possession of everything that was loaded onto All the residual waste of the station is routed here through
the original ship. A dock supervisor accompanied by massive pipes. The space has oxygen and pressure, but no
two legionnaires will meet them when they dock. Inside gravity or lights, and there’s not only garbage and danger-
the hangar there are also four deckhands that will com- ous chemical waste floating around in there, but also dead
mence unloading the ship’s cargo. The player characters hybrids that didn’t survive the integration. Periodically the
also notice a strange, black ship docked in the hangar; trash compactor locks down and opens its outer airlock to
this is Barakha’s ship. release the waste into space. The player characters must
succeed on a TECHNOLOGY roll in order to force open the
e THE SHIP'S INTELLIGENCE BETRAYS YOU! airlock to gain entry.
If the dock supervisor and the legionaries for some rea- n Failure: The player characters can’t get the airlock open
son board the player characters ship and it’s not Huma, and will have to find another way onto the station.
the ship’s intelligence will greet them in the airlock with: n Limited success: They get the airlock open, but too
“Welcome back to <ship’s real name>”. fast. There’s an explosive decompression in the space
Cost: 2 DP within and the player characters must succeed on a
DEXTERITY roll in order to avoid all the contents that’s
e SECURITY CHECKPOINT being violently flung at them.
If the player characters manage to get out of the han- n Critical success: They get the airlock open.
gar, a security checkpoint awaits them in the next room
before they can enter the station itself. The two legion- e MONSTERS IN THE DARK
naires posted here will demand identification from the One, or several, of the unsuccessfully integrated hybrids in
player characters. In order to get past them, the player the compactor are still alive. They reach for the player char-
characters must succeed on a MANIPULATION or an IN- acters and obstruct their movements.
FILTRATION roll, or have forged identity papers to show. Cost: 1 DP
n Failure: The legionnaires get suspicious and send the
player characters back to their ship while they delib- e THE COMPACTOR STARTS UP!
erate with their superior. The player characters can The player characters must escape before they’re ejected
attempt a last roll for MANIPULATION when the legion- out into space! There is a console on one side of the inner
naire’s arrive at their ship to question them, or solve air lock that can be used to stop the process and open one
the problem with brute force. of the air locks, either the one that leads into the station or
n Limited success: The player characters can proceed. the one that leads out into space. If the player characters
n Critical success: The legionnaires buy into the player wish to hack it they need to succeed on a DATA DJINN roll.
characters story hook, line and sinker and are very ac- There is also a mechanical emergency handle the player
commodating and helpful. characters can reach with a successful DEXTERITY roll.
Cost: 2 DP


STEALTHY SHADOWS The bridge is at the top of the station and at the bottom
If the player characters brought suitable equipment, they there is a small service sector (sector H). Only mechan-
can put up a portable ED field, drill their way in through ics and repair technicians venture here in order to keep
the hull and enter anywhere they like on the station. Al- up the maintenance of the station.
though, the GM should make sure they don’t end up in
Zain’s cabin immediately. OVERHEARD CONVERSATION

ARKUS “Did you hear about that new one? Barakha? She from us…?
The black elevator shaft extends as far as the eye can see. “Not a chance. You’ve seen her, right? That’s not Legion… it’s
The only indicators of its length are the cold, blue lights something else.”
that run in vertical lines across the walls. First far apart, “Like what?”
then closer and closer together until the most distant part “Special Branch.”
of the shaft seems to bathe in a sea of frozen light. In “Give it a break, Zadek!"
the darkness above your heads, the constant, buzzing “Just look at the facts! We’ve heard nothing! No orders,
sound of busy machinery accompanies you. Thousands nothing-”
upon thousands of components relentlessly pumping life “Yeah, but have you seen her? I’ve never seen a Special
through the station. Branch operative in that kind of armor.”
“You’ve never seen an SB op. Period.”
LOOKING FOR ZAIN “You’re just cranky because some things are above your
In this segment of the scenario, the player characters are pay grade. Leave it be. She’s not here for us anyway. Let the
given free reign to move around the station and decide office drones handle it.”
how they want to conduct the search for Zain. Most peo-
ple on the station will not confront the player characters,
unless they are acting strange. Since Arkus is a top se- SECTOR A: THE BRIDGE
cret facility everyone that works there just assumes that On the bridge there are two pilots and three sensor oper-
the player characters have some sort of clearance that ators together with a captain. If the player characters are
authorizes them to move around freely. The only ones discovered here, the captain will brusquely ask them to
who will actually confront the player characters are the leave: “This is no place for civilians. Go back to the lab.”
legionnaires. They’re in charge of station security and
have full knowledge of who’s authorized to be there. Al- SECTOR C: ADMINISTRATION AND
madhi and Barakha will also confront the player charac- COMMUNICATION
ters if they run into them. At the administration the player characters can find all
of Arkus payrolls, listing all personnel aboard the station
SECTOR Z: REACTOR CHAMBER AND and the parties involved in project Y. If the player charac-
ELEVATORS ters have any knowledge of research in technology and
The two enormous elevator shafts that run parallel to the data systems, or succeed on a SCIENCE roll, they recog-
reactor chamber make up the central hub of the station. nize several of the names as distinguished scientists
Through them you gain access to the rest of the sectors. who have worked for the Foundation and the companies
The player characters can either use the elevators to get Celer-Delekta, Nyala. If instead they have any knowledge
around or climb in the elevator shafts or the small ser- of the Legion, or succeed on a CULTURE roll, they can see
vice tunnels that run in parallel to them. Both the elevator that the faction seems to be in charge of station security
shafts have gravity but the reactor chamber does not. and alla transports to and from Arkus.


mand from their superior. Here the player characters can

gain access to Arkus communication logs through a MA-
NIPULATION roll (if the personnel is still in the room) or a
DATA DJINN roll (if the room is empty).
n Failure: They can’t access any logs.
n Limited success: They player characters gain access
to Arkus ordinary communication logs that deal with
shipments to and from Coriolis and communication
with the legionnaire outpost around the station. No
one in the crew seems to have any contact with the
outside world.
Player characters that have any connection or knowledge n Critical success (only available with a DATA DJINN
of the Consortium, or succeed on a CULTURE roll, can see roll): The player characters gain access to Arkus en-
that all the maintenance staff have a history within the crypted communication logs. They mainly consist of
faction. Almadhi’s communication with the Foundation and
Zain isn’t on any of the payrolls. Instead her the Consortium, where she complains about Wakkari
contract gives her free access to all the resources she being uncooperative and withholding information.
wants in return for food and board. There are also highly encrypted messages orig-
inating from a cabin in sector F, and with an unknown
e ARKUS COMMUNICATION recipient. The player characters can’t discern any-
When the player characters enter the communication’s thing more than that, but for the GMs knowledge this
center, they interrupt a very intense card game. The two is Barakha’s communication with the Special Branch
miserable players won’t challenge or question the player of the Consortium.
characters in any way. They just want to avoid a repri-


If the player characters manage to get the staff to show ZAIN’S CABIN
them the logs they will only gain access to the ordinary The door to Zain’s cabin is locked with an advanced me-
logs and the fact that there are encrypted logs. The staff chanical lock that requires a key card. Above the lock
is under strict orders not to touch the encrypted commu- there’s a smaller console. If the player characters try
nication. to break the lock (which is impossible) the console will
flicker to life with the text: “Almadhi”. It’s a message from
SECTOR F: PERSONNEL QUARTERS Izer who tries to guide them towards the key card, which
All personnel who’s not on an active work shift will be in is in Almadhi’s office.
the personnel quarters. Since Arkus is a top secret facil-
ity, no one of the scientists or in the maintenance staff DOCTOR ALMADHI'S NOTICE BOARDS
will suspect or confront the player characters (unless
they’re acting weird). Everyone assumes the legionnaires Everywhere in the personnel quarters and the laborato-
are doing their job in keeping unauthorized people off the ries there are notice boards with directives from Almadhi.
station and that all the people on board Arkus therefore This is a way for the player characters to get indirectly
have a legitimate reason to be there. Maybe the player acquainted with the doctor and the GM is free to expand
characters are guests of Almadhi there to inspect the on the notice boards with more unsympathetic messages.
project? Or maybe they’re new recruits?



The sector is made up of several cramped prison cells
Inappropriate use of company supplies is strictly prohib- and two security offices, each containing a legionnaire.
ited and will be reported. Paper clips are a privilege. The keys to the cells are kept in each security office.
-Dr. Almadhi
The backgrounds of the prisoners vary and can be ex-
All movement in restricted sectors is strictly prohibited and panded upon by the GM; some are enemies of the Con-
will be reported. sortium or the Legion, while others are just poor kids
-Dr. Almadhi. from the back alleys of Coriolis no one will miss. The one
thing they all have in common is that they’re all destined
Lunch is a privilege. If working hours will not be respected I for Almadhi’s integration chamber, as test subjects for
am left with no choice but to implement harsher rules for the new Saghiir technology.
those of you who think the Consortium pays you to social- The player characters can hear distant crying
ize. and sobs through the walls of the prison cells, both from
-Dr. Almadhi adults and children. Let them know people are suffering
here. This section can also be intertwined with one of the
player characters' backstory. Maybe they find a long lost
friend or loved one in one of the black cells of Arkus?


ALMADHI’S AND BARAKHA’S There is also a folder on the tabula with the name: “Khef-
fera”. It contains several scans of a cube with mysterious
CABINS symbols on it; it seems to be covered by some form of
The room is lavish; with heavy fabrics and massive furni- cipher. In the folder there is also an audio log and a video
ture that seems to serve no other function but as status log. If the player characters have seen pictures of Zain
markers. Everywhere there’s expensive artefacts and trin- they recognize her in the video log.
kets from all over the Third Horizon. Carved relic shrines
from Zalos, ornate vases from Mira and beautiful little AUDIO LOG
statuettes from Dabaran. The walls are covered with large
oil paintings set in gilded frames. They’re all of an older “The cube, Kheffera… It doesn’t seem to be necessary to
woman. Her small, black eyes seem to follow you wher- use the Saghiir technology. So why was it in the middle of
ever you go and the carefully painted lips are bent into a the chamber the Colonial Rangers found? If it isn’t needed
jeering grin. to recreate or use the technology… Why was it there? What
The overwhelming pomposity of the room is a is its purpose? I’m convinced that Wakkari knows. The little
stark contrast to the sparse station outside. Whatever snake thinks she can keep the truth from me, but I will drag
rules apply out there, they don’t extend here... it out of her.”

Doctor Almadhi’s cabin is extravagant and lavish. The
walls are covered with huge oil paintings; portraits of Al-
madhi herself wearing expensive clothes and jewelry. All
fabrics and furniture are of the finest quality and even
the toilet is gilded. The GM is encouraged to exaggerate
the luxury and excess of the rooms so that the player
characters (and the players) fully understand the doc-
tor’s narcissism.
On a desk there is a tabula with encrypted mes-
sages the player characters can get access to with a suc-
cessful DATA DJINN roll. It is correspondence between
Almadhi and senior members of the Consortium and the
Foundation (here is an opportunity for the GM to sow
seeds for future scenarios), in which Almadhi complains
about Zain. She thinks the other scientist is uncoopera-
tive and suspects that Wakkari is withholding important


“Your successful application of the Saghiir technology is

remarkable, Dr. Almadhi. The directorship is very pleased
with your results. We are looking forward to seeing what your
hybrids can achieve with our own eyes.”



A video flickers to life and you see a young woman next to >>>Sent message>>>
a cluttered desk. She’s rubbing her chin as if she’s lost in Arrived at Arkus. Located subject 0 and Wakkari. Security
thought. force conquerable. Generation 4 stands ready.
“Maybe the Saghiir technology, and Kheffera, isn’t what we
thought it was?” >>>Received message>>>
“I think I know now what Yhaddija was.” Update: Move up the operation. Coordinates for the sta-
“A grave… And a prison.” tion’s new position will follow.

>>>Received message>>>
The cell on Coriolis is ready. Almadhi no longer essential.
Barakha’s cabin previously belonged to the captain of >>>Sent message>>>
Arkus, but was vacated when the operative came on Roger that.
board. Let the player characters take notice of how im-
personal the room is. Barakha has no private posses- >>>Received message>>>
sions, except for some weapon gear and a tabula with a The cell is active. Initiate OPERATION DAWN.
high encryption the player characters can gain access to
if they succeed on a DATA DJINN roll.
The tabula contains detailed documentation SECTOR B: LABORATORIES
concerning the routines and work shifts of the legion- All the scientists (and a portion of the maintenance
naires on the station, together with a note that the key personnel) who’s on an active shift can be found in the
card to Zain’s cabin can be found in Almadhi’s office. It laboratories. There are also some legionnaires here, but
also contains a blue print with no name or description they are few. They are usually only summoned when a
attached to it (This is Zain’s cabin, but the player char- test subject or a hybrid needs to be moved or handled in
acters won’t know that). The tabula also contains some some way, or to monitor experiments so they don't get
encrypted logs sent to, and received from, an unknown out of hand.
party during the last two segments.
e WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? The computers in sector B hold information about both
Barakha has installed a fail safe on the tabula. When the Saghiir technology and project Y, but since every
someone tries to hack it, it sends out a message to Bara- scientist has been studying only a limited aspect of the
kha’s communicator. They now know that someone is technology, the information is fragmented. The player
in their cabin and has logged on to their tabula. It then characters need to look on several computers in order
only takes 10 minutes until they arrive themself. If the to get the full picture of what’s actually happening on the
player characters succeed on a DATA DJINN or an OBSER- station and what ancient Portal Builder technology the
VATION roll they become aware of the fail safe and that it people here are actually experimenting on. Let them play
has been activated. They now have a chance to flee the detectives, with just enough puzzle pieces to keep it in-
scene, otherwise the scene “Captured!” is initiated. teresting.
Cost: 3 DP



COMPUTERS ”Day seven in the segment of the lady of tears. We have
n Scientist’s recorded notes. managed to recreate the technology and doctor Almadhi
n Izer’s personnel file, containing his background with has given the all clear for the next phase. It makes me feel
the Legion and that he has been given over to Wak- excited, but also… no, it’s too late for those thoughts now.”
n Information about the hybrid generations. “It’s hard to believe your own eyes when looking at the
n Meticulous notes and scans of the symbols on the videos of subject 0. The potential of the Saghiir technology
walls at Yhaddija. is staggering. It feels like I’m a part of something great here;
n Meticulous notes and images of the cube from Yhad- something that has never been seen before. This is what
dija with the cipher “Kheffera”. we always talked about, Chabi. The Third Horizon will never
n Recordings of Almadhi’s experimentation on chil- be the same. I wish you were here.”
dren. (“When can I go home?”)
n Recordings of hybrids manipulating digital informa- “I should never have left Coriolis. I know that now. Now
tion and technology powered by computer systems that I’m past the point of no return. All communicatios
with their mind. are locked down. Nothing gets past Almadhi. No one can
n The buffered message from the Colonial Rangers escape Arkus. I’ve seen what they did to Jorhanis and
that discovered Yhaddija. Rihan. See me, Judge. See that I never wanted this. Only
n Information about Almadhi's external control. you can pass judgement. That’s all I can hope for now; the
mercy of the icons.”



Personal use of corporate mandated communicators and n The key card for Zain’s cabin.
tabulas are strictly prohibited. n A shock stick.
- Dr. Ayat Almadhi n A proxy helmet filled with erotic dreams Almadhi has
stolen from Zain. Almadhi rationalizes this by claim-
Reminder: communication outside the station is strictly ing that she’s helping Zain focus on her important
prohibited. Necessary communications will be conducted work, but really it’s all so she can gorge herself on the
through Dr. Almadhi, director of Research. other woman’s sexuality. Over the cycles Almadhi’s
inferiority complex towards the other scientist has
evolved into an unhealthy obsession.

Generation I: “The cognitive abilities of the test

subjects could not be salvaged. There are three main folders on Almadhi’s computer:
Further consultation of the man-
uscript from Yhaddija is neces- “Project Y”, “External control” and “Wakkari”. Next to the
sary.” computer there’s a biometric palm reader to scan the
Generation II: “The organic tissue of the test palm of a hand. It seems to be connected to the com-
subjects have rejected the in- puter but doesn’t seem to govern encryption, but rather
tegration. There is documented
massive decay in the cell struc-
something else. This palm reader unlocks the possibility
tures of the subjects.” to send subroutines to the hybrids and in that way con-
Generation III: “Calibration of the external trol them, but it requires Almadhi’s palm and a password.
control necessary. Why hasn't In the office there is also a modulate of the cube
Wakkari been consulted?” from Yhaddija that contains the cipher for Kheffera. If the
Generation IV; NO DOCUMENTATION player characters examine it they see that there seems to
be a logic pattern to it, but as soon as they try to figure
out exactly what kind, it eludes them.
The door to Almadhi’s office is locked and if the player e DEAD VOICES
characters try to open it, they’re greeted by an electron- The symbols on the modulated cube are almost hypnot-
ic voice: “Good day doctor Almadhi, please place the key ic. It’s like someone is whispering softly in their ear, and
card against the lock.” With a successful TECHNOLOGY the player characters find it hard to take their eyes off the
roll they can get the door open anyway. If they fail the GM cipher. They take 1 point of stress.
can have Izer open the door for them. Inside they find Cost: 1 DP
themselves in a grand, spacious room filled with several
very expensive items and trinkets. There are several pho- FOLDER: PROJECT Y
tos in the room of Almadhi with notable people within the The Portal Builders called it “Saghiir”. A beautiful name
Consortium and the Foundation. There is even one where for a beautiful process. I’ve never seen such advanced
she is shaking hands with Tiera Yriedes herself, the fac- atomic craft before. Yhaddija was truly a gold mine. More
tion director of the Consortium. On Almadhi’s desk there valuable than the directorship can even begin to imagine.
is a password protected computer the player characters All the secrets of the Third Horizon… within my grasp! I’ll
can get access to if they succeed on a DATA DJINN roll. make sure they all carry my name. I am their conqueror.
Next to the desk there’s a locked, robust safe. Their rightful master.


This folder contains detailed documentation concern-

ing Almadhi’s research on the Portal Builder technology. CAPTURED!
With a critical success on a SCIENCE roll the player char- “You can’t hide anymore.”
acters can understand it, but only just barely, because of
its complexity. If they also succeed on an OBSERVATION Behind you, a long shape materializes from the shadows;
roll, they notice that many of the paragraphs seem to be dressed in black armor and with a dark dupatta draped
authored by someone other than Almadhi, and that Al- across their head and shoulders. Distorted versions of
madhi has been keepings extensive notes regarding the yourselves dance across the polished mirror mask cover-
other scientist’s work. It seems to form the basis of her ing their face. All of a sudden legionnaires flood the room
own research. If the player characters succeed on a MA- and you hear Almadhi’s voice before you see her.
NIPULATION roll they can discern that underneath most of
Almadhi’s notes there’s a frustration and a strong aver- “What's the meaning of this!? Let me through!!”
sion towards the other author.
The dark stranger never turns from you, but it’s obvious
FOLDER: EXTERNAL CONTROL their words are meant for the doctor.
This folder contains code, and lots of it. If the player char-
acters succeed on a DATA DJINN roll they can tell that the “It seems you’re letting just anybody onto the station,
code is for sending subroutines to people; compelling Ayat. It doesn’t look good.”
suggestions they need to follow; a kind of mind control.
If the player characters also succeed on a TECH- Almadhi’s eyes are black with rage, and it’s hard to tell
NOLOGY roll they understand that this is probably what if it’s directed towards you or the person with the mirror
the biometric palm reader next to the computer is for. mask. But it’s you she addresses.

FOLDER: WAKKARI “Who do you think you are?! Seize them!! Immediately!!”
You see a young woman bent over a scan of a wall that is
covered in weird symbols. Her jaw is noticeably clenched, THE SITUATION
as if she is restraining herself. The player characters are captured and if they’re not al-
“I expect results.” An older woman materializes at the far ready in Almadhi’s office they are brought there. All their
corner of the screen. You recognize her immediately from equipment is taken from them and then kept in Almadhi’s
the many pictures on the office walls: Almadhi. safe. They are then questioned by the doctor, assisted
“A lot of people sing your praises, Wakkari. I have trouble by a legionnaire for each player character. She wants to
understanding why.” The expression on the younger wom- know how they got on board the station, who they are
an’s face turns grim and you recognize the dark look in her and what they are doing there. If necessary she will use
eyes. You have seen it before, not too long ago, in Khaled’s her shock stick to get them to talk. The GM gets 2 dark-
eyes. Her voice is venomous when she answers. ness points for every player character that’s subjected to
“That’s not the only thing you seem to have trouble under- the torture (see page 345 in the rulebook).
standing." Almadhi also brags about project Y and what
they’re trying to accomplish on Arkus. She should be
This folder contains several videos of Zain. Some are perceived as a power hungry individual, fully prepared
Zain’s own recordings concerning her research, some to sacrifice anything, or anyone, in order to get what she
are recordings of her working. There are a lot of videos wants. She is petty and proud. Through their presence
of Zain; Almadhi’s relationship with the other scientist on Arkus the player characters have infringed upon her
doesn’t seem healthy. authority, and humiliated her, and now they need to pay


the price. To achieve this effect the GM can have Almadhi When Almadhi feels she’s gotten all the answers she
refer to herself in the third person and repeat her own wants, the player characters are separated from Khaled
name more times than necessary. She will also punish (if they haven’t been already) and taken to the integration
all interferences from the player characters with extreme chamber in sector B. What happens to Khaled after that
violence. is up to the GM.


Khaled is integrated with the Saghiir technology and sub-
If the player characters are never captured, then this sec- jected to the subroutine that is initiated during Operation
tion can be remade into a “pleasant” conversation with Dawn. This means he will attack the player characters
Almadhi where the PCs must try to maintain their cover. the next time they meet.
Cost: 3 DP
Have you any idea how you’ve made me look?! What
you’ve done?! Ayat Almadhi will not be made to look a fool INTEGRATION
by some simple cockroaches!! You are taken through a deactivated airlock with the omi-
nous text “Integration chamber” neatly printed by the con-
n It is perfectly obvious that Almadhi cares little for sole. The room on the other side is stuffy and completely
Zain. Give the player characters the impression that dominated by a glazed, submerged cage in the center.
a lot of her statements are concealed threats, like for Down there, you see a massive seat made out of metal,
example: “Wakkari’s days are numbered” or “Wakkari with heavy restraints for the arms and legs, and an intri-
thinks she’s indispensable”. Give them the impression cate contraption for the head. In a circle around the seat,
that Zain is in real danger. Of course, Almadhi’s harsh mounted on stands, there are big, arched screens with a
words are not direct threats but rather an expression thousand blinking lights. Like ominous stars in the dark.
of her own frustration and perceived inadequacy. The whole thing looks like something out of on of those
n Almadhi becomes obsessed with Khaled if she finds classic horror dramas the Bulletin spit out once a cycle.
out that he’s Zain’s brother. In front of the glass cage there are two computers whose
n Almadhi won’t tolerate being questioned. If the play- screens are lit by bright green indicators.
er characters challenge her she will beat them with
her shock stick. She will also deny all accusations Arkus is ready for you.
thrown at her. Almadhi doesn’t want to see the un-
savory consequences of her actions. In her world the THE SITUATION
end justifies the means. What are a bunch of lives On their way to the integration chamber, the player char-
compared to uncovering the great mysteries of the acters are dragged through the laboratories and test ar-
Third Horizon? eas where all the experiments are carried out. This gives
n If the player characters choose to warn Almadhi the GM the opportunity to create a frightening atmo-
about Barakha’s orders to execute her, they will need sphere full of unease. When they arrive at the chamber,
a critical success on a MANIPULATION roll in order for the player characters go through a thorough decontam-
her to believe them. She will still send them to the in- ination and are then dressed in the same clothes as the
tegration chamber (See “Integration”), but if the player other test subjects are carrying (this will have a better
characters warned her, she will survive Barakha’s be- effect if the player characters have encountered other
trayal later on in the scenario (See “Operation Dawn”). test subjects earlier in the scenario).


Inside the chamber, one of the player characters is trol over all the generation four hybrids in order to clean
strapped into the integration chair (let the players roll house and repurpose the station. This is done through
the die to see who’s the unlucky one) while the others cunning. Barakha asks Almadhi to issue a subroutine to
look on through the glass windows of the cage. With the hybrids, that the scientists and the staff (except for
them are two scientists and two legionnaires, the other Almadhi and Zain) on board Arkus are too dangerous to
legionnaires present during Almadhi’s interrogation have be kept alive. Almadhi is the only one on Arkus, except
returned to their posts. for Barakha and Izer, that has had any knowledge about
The scientists activate the chamber via the Operation Dawn. She’s always been convinced that she’s
computers outside the glass cage, and a countdown too valuable to kill, that she and Barakha will carry out
commences (the GM can add tension by having the play- the operation together, but when she has issued the sub-
er character roll for EMPATHY in order to avoid taking 1 routine, Barakha shocks her with their energy gloves until
point of stress), but when the countdown reaches 2-1 she dies. It’s up to the GM if this is something that the
the power is cut and everything turns dark. This is the player characters witness, maybe on a security camera
work of Izer, he's taken control of the system because he or from a hiding place.
doesn’t want the player characters to get integrated with If the player characters warned Almadhi that
Almadhi’s external control, since he’s still hoping that Barakha planned to kill her, she has taken precautions
they will help set him free. and a short fight breaks out between her and the oper-
The scientists and legionnaires frantically try to ative before she manages to flee the scene (see “The
get the systems back online. The GM can have them exit Stowaway”).
the room in order to examine the power generator, and
give the player characters the chance to kill them by ac- THE GUIDE
tivating the deactivated air lock and trigger an explosive After Izer has saved the player characters from integra-
decompression. The player characters can also use the tion and they’ve dealt with their captors, he will lead them
cover of darkness to overpower their captors or maybe towards Almadhi’s office to retrieve the key card to Zain’s
try to convince them to let them go. cabin. He will guide them with flickering lights, doors that
open in front of them and cryptic messages on screens
e A NEW LIFE they come across. The player characters should have no
Izer gets control of the system too late and the player clue as to who is leading them, but their guide shouldn’t
character is integrated with Almadhi’s version of the be perceived as threatening.
Saghiir technology, and gets it as a new talent. They also When they reach the office, the fight between
get the talent “Almadhi’s external control” and have to Barakha and Almadhi might already be over, in that case
pass a WITS roll every time they try to resist the subrou- the player characters find clues and traces of it, or the
tines sent from Almadhi’s computer. GM can let them witness the confrontation from a safe
The player characters also have to succeed on distance. When the player characters have found Al-
a WITS roll every time they want to question the Consor- madhi’s key card in her office, Izer guides them towards
tium. If they fail they take 1 point of stress. Zain’s cabin.
Cost: 8 DP
“External control initiated. Subroutine: Operation Dawn.” First, everything they were, died
After that, their minds rotted
At the same time as the player characters are being in- Then they were emptied for the words of others
tegrated with the Saghiir technology, Barakha initiates Now they are coming for you
Operation Dawn. This means that Barakha seize con-


understands how unethically Almadhi has been conduct-

ZAIN ing her research.
The cabin is significantly different from the narrow corri-
dor you just left. In here, the walls are bright, the ceilings Zain is very cooperative and will tell the player charac-
high and for the first time since you arrived at Arkus, you ters everything she knows. She feels no need to hide
feel as if you can really breathe. At a cluttered desk in the anything. She’s candid about her background and her re-
middle of the room, there’s a young woman surrounded lationship with Khaled. When she talks about the Saghiir
by screens and blinking consoles. She seems to be in the technology and Kheffera, she’s very enthusiastic; it’s ob-
middle of fusing some kind of intricate components. Next vious she’s passionate about her work.
to her is a half empty glass of arrak and in the background
you can hear the low beats of some old Kuan hit song that ZAIN’S RESOURCES
hasn’t been popular for some time.
n If the player characters have been injured, Zain can
“Put the food on the table. I don’t have time for you. Go on restore their hit points. The player characters’ then
then! Run back to Almadhi.” receive a special talent named “Zain’s nanites”. This
is an advanced cybernetic technique Zain invented
Zain Wakkari dismiss you out of hand. herself, where nanites enter the cells of the body and
heals them. The player characters get an automatic
THE SITUATION 3 extra hit points and all the healing time of injuries
Zain’s cabin consists of four large rooms and a toilet. The (normal and critical) is cut in half. This lasts one cy-
room the player characters first enter is cluttered with cle, then the nanites need to be replenished.
equipment, clothes and old, forgotten food. It’s hard to n The integration chamber in Zain’s cabin is decommis-
get around without stepping on some expensive machin- sioned and it would take her a couple of hours to get
ery. Zain hasn’t been outside her own cabin since she it operational again.
arrived at Arkus; food and other necessities have always
been delivered to her. She does however have a key card ZAIN KNOWS
that opens the door, she is not locked in. The function of n How the Saghiir technology works, what it is and
the lock is rather to keep unauthorized personnel away, what the Portal Builders originally used it for. She has
so that Zain is not disturbed in her work. studied it thoroughly the last cycles, but if the player
In the adjacent, larger room there are several characters ask her to explain it to them in more detail
modulators with smaller modulated versions of the walls she will simply be amused: “Why? It’s not as if you’re
of Yhaddija, which holds the Saghiir manuscript, and on a gonna understand a word of what I’m saying anyway.”
bench sits the actual cube containing the cipher for Khef- n That Kheffera is an old Portal Builder consciousness.
If the player characters comment on the fact ZAIN DOESN’T KNOW
that she seems to be there of her own free will, she won’t n She knows nothing about the research Almadhi has
understand. Why wouldn’t she be? If they question her been conducting parallel to her own.
presence on board Arkus, her defense is that they pro- n She knows nothing about the subroutine for external
vide her with everything she needs for her research. “If control that Almadhi has constructed, or that addi-
I so much as fantasize about a component, it’s here with tional people have been integrated with the Saghiir
the next shipload. I’m living the dream!” She doesn’t care technology.
much for Almadhi, but this is because she finds the older n She knows nothing about the human experiments, nor
woman annoying and incompetent, rather than that she the experiments on children, Almadhi has conducted.


will be fascinated, and if they ask her what’s on the other

side of the door, she will grin: “Something you’ve never
seen before.” She won’t stop them if they go for the door,
but she will warn them:

“He’s not like us. Don’t forget that.”

The door to the inner room is unlocked, and when the

player characters enter, they’re met by a big glass cage
in the middle of the room. In front of the cage, there are
two screens showing some sort of live brain scans. If
the player characters succeed on a SCIENCE roll, they
know that the patterns of the brain scans are reminis-
cent of the type of patterns that emerge when someone
is dreaming.
In the middle of the cage there’s a man. He has
obvious cybernetic implants. His legs and one of his
arms are made out of metal and his face is reconstruct-
ed and scarred. Izer quietly watches them. “Now you
have come. Now you are here.”
Izer reveals that he’s led them all the way here,
and now he wants them to let him out. He can commu-
nicate with all the data systems on Arkus but he can’t
n Zain doesn’t know a lot about Izer’s background, or open the physical lock on the glass cage. He should be
how he ended up as her test subject, and she doesn’t perceived as eerie and uncanny. Let him bring up things
really care either. She will answer those kinds of the player characters struggle with in their private life.
questions with a shrug. The only thing she knows is He has access to the player characters ship’s data (if
that he was brain dead when she got him, and then they brought their own ship) and all files and information
she brought him back to life (a feat she is immensely stored on the player characters personal tabulas, com-
proud of). If the player characters ask her where he is puters and communicators. Use it to make him seem
now, she will gesture towards the door to Izer’s room. omniscient.
n She doesn’t know that Khaled is on Arkus. If the play- After a short time, Zain joins the player charac-
er characters tell her that Khaled has been captured, ters in the room but keeps a low profile.
she will want to save him.
IZER n That Almadhi has created operatives integrated with
While they are talking, mysterious things start to hap- the Saghiir technology.
pen. Behind Zain’s back, screens come to life with the n That Almadhi has experimented on children and un-
text: “It’s time.”, but if the player characters point this out willing test subjects.
and Zain turns around, the screen is black again. After a n Why Barakha is on the station, which is why he’s so
while the lights at the far door (the door to Izer’s cham- eager to leave it; he knows what’s coming. “If you stay
ber) starts to flicker and the message on Zain’s screen here, you will all die. You don’t stand a chance against
returns. If the player characters tell her what it said, she the one they sent.”


n That neither the Consortium nor the Legion knows

what he is, but that could change at any moment. He
doesn’t intend to stick around until it does.
n If Khaled has been captured: That Khaled is captured
on board the station (but save this for last). “You’ve
made him their slave, Zain.” His smile is as cold as During act III the player characters must escape Arkus
the vast darkness of space. “Not even you can save and make several fateful choices. Will they make sure
him now…” the research conducted on Arkus is never used again? Or
will they sell it to the highest bidder? Will they save the
test subjects? Blow up the station? Will they take Zain
and Khaled with them when they escape?
Zain knows that Kheffera is an old Portal Builder conscious-
ness and therefore inherently strange and incalculable. EXAMPLE PLAYTHROUGH
“I don’t know what I’ve awoken.” She isn’t afraid of Izer, but n The player characters release Izer and he unlocks the
realistic, and maybe even a bit fascinated and anticipative. door for them before escaping.
n The player characters head back to their ship but run
into hybrids in sector F.
n The hybrids close down the elevator shafts and
THE BEGINNING OF THE END the player characters are forced to make their way
“Time is running out.” through the reactor chamber to get back to their ship.
n Barakha catches up to them in the reactor chamber
Izer eyes are piercing as he makes a small gesture to- and they fight. If Khaled has been integrated, they
wards the screens in front of the glass cage. They no lon- have to fight him too.
ger display drowsy data, but a man desperately crawling n Izer or the player characters initiate a detonation of
over a red floor. Next to him are several motionless bod- the station.
ies, resting in growing puddles. n The player characters make it to the other elevator
shaft and then on to the hangar.
“No, please! NOOO!” n The player characters make it to their ship and es-
cape Arkus.
The scientist raises a futile hand, but seconds later the n The player characters find Almadhi on their ship.
bullet cracks the back of his cranium and scatters his
once sought after brain across the floor. A dark figure step IMPORTANT TO KNOW
into view. They look at their victim, before calmly turning With Zain’s help the player characters can initiate another
towards the camera. The blank mask of Barakha stare at subroutine for the hybrids. This must be done from Al-
you through the screen, before they raise their weapon, madhi’s computer in her office.
fire, and everything turns black.
You hear the deep sound of heavy locking mechanisms In the beginning of this act the GM gets 3 new darkness
falling into place at the outer door. Your only way out is points. If the player characters evaded capture in act II,
sealed. Izer’s expression hasn’t changed. the GM can now also use the darkness points generated
by the darkness track.
“Barakha’s coming for you, Zain.”


m  If Khaled has been integrated, he will be with the other
TRAPPED hybrids and attack the player characters next time they
It’s part of Barakha’s orders to detain Zain, so after meet.
they’ve released the hybrids and chaos has erupted on m If Khaled hasn’t been integrated, he’s been bound and
board the station, they lock down Zain’s cabin with an stuffed away at either Almadhi’s office or her cabin.
advanced encryption. Izer offers to open the door, but
in exchange he wants the player characters to open the
lock on the glass cage. If they won’t accept his help, the
player characters must await Barakha’s arrival with the LIBERATING THE TEST SUBJECTS
hybrids, and then fight their way free, or try to unlock the If the player characters want to go back and free the test
door themselves with a critical success on a DATA DJINN subjects, most of them can be found in sector G. The key
or a TECHNOLOGY roll. cards to the cells are located in the two security offices
and it’s up to the GM whether the legionnaires previous-
e LIBERATION ly posted there have been called away to face the new
If they release Izer, he will turn off all the lights and when threat, or if they’re still at their posts. Or if they’re already
the player characters manage to get them all back on dead.
again, he’s long gone with the door leading out of Zain’s
cabin wide open. e DUTIFUL
The legionnaires are still at their posts.
If they don’t release Izer, he will haunt them throughout
the station in the form of power outages and threatening e THEY REST IN THE EMBRACE OF THE STAR
messages on the screens they pass. He will consistently The test subjects, including the children, have already
try to interfere and hinder the player characters in any been executed by the hybrids.
way he can. This can be activated by the GM through Cost: 2 DP
darkness points.
Cost: 1-3 DP each time it’s activated THE HARD DRIVES OF ARKUS
The player characters can choose to either copy all the
RESCUING KHALED information and/or blow the hard drives. If they choose
If Khaled has been separated from the player characters to erase all the information on the hard drives, this needs
and captured by Almadhi, Zain will insist on rescuing him to be done in two places to have full effect:
before they depart Arkus. If the player characters want
to get Zain off the station without saving Khaled, they e Zain’s cabin in sector F.
need to either persuade or lie to her with a hard (-2) MA- e Almadhi’s office in sector B.
NIPULATION roll, or bring her with them using brute force.
In order to erase the files they need to succeed on a DATA
e  KHALED’S SACRIFICE DJINN roll. When it comes to Zain’s files, she will glad-
Khaled has been executed, either by the hybrids, Bara- ly erase them if the player characters ask her to. She’s
kha, or by Almadhi. not protective of her research - partly because she’s al-
Cost: 2 DP ready succeeded at the challenge it presented and part-
ly because she’s convinced she could replicate it again
should the need arise.



You enter a gigantic, curved chamber, as black as the The player characters can blow up the reactor manually
vast space outside. The immense reactor towers in front if they succeed on a TECHNOLOGY roll at the reactor. With
of you and you can feel it giving off weak waves of heat. this course of action, it’s not possible to delay the explo-
The weightlessness embrace your bodies and a sudden sion, and the player character(s) carrying it into effect
dizziness takes hold as the perspective shifts and the re- will perish with the station.
actor suddenly appears to be far below you. The darkness
leaves few things for the mind to orient itself by and it INITIATING THE STATION’S SELF
feels like stepping into a swirling nightmare… DESTRUCT
Because Arkus is a top secret facility, the station has a
If the player characters choose to blow up the station, self-destruct function in order to prevent it from falling
there are a number of ways to accomplish this: into enemy hands. This function can be initiated on the
bridge, but will require Almadhi’s palm and an initiation
OVERLOADING THE REACTOR code only she has access to. The system reads the pulse
The player characters can initiate a detonation of the sta- of the person initiating it, so in order for it to work, Al-
tion from the bridge or from the reactor chamber. This madhi needs to be alive. The initiation code is a long
can be accomplished by overloading the reactor with a combination of numbers that Almadhi will happily pro-
DATA DJINN roll. If they choose to do it this way, they can vide in exchange for an escape route off Arkus.
delay the explosion so there’s time to escape the station.
Barakha shuts down the elevators. The player characters The GM can have Izer blow up the station should the player
can still use the service tunnels that run parallel to the characters choose not to, or if they fail their attempt. .
elevator shafts.
Cost: 1 DP


The data systems of the Consortium are too advanced “Angry red lights are flashing everywhere. The alarms of
for the player characters. Either they can try again with the station are mixed in with the screams of the staff and
an insane (-3) DATA DJINN roll, or they can attempt to crew until it blends into a deafening cacophony of chaos
blow up the station some other way. and death. The hybrids show no mercy. All enemies must
Cost: 2 DP be destroyed. Long live the Consortium!”


The Consortium has equipped the data system with ro- Barakha has orders to detain Zain. If the player charac-
bust fail safes, making it impossible to slowly overload ters manage to escape with her from her cabin, Barakha
the reactor and in that way delay the explosion. One of will search for them. If the GM spends 2 darkness points,
the player characters has to stay behind to manually trig- the operative catches up to them and will fight for control
ger the detonation, and in doing so, sacrifice their own of the scientist.
life. If Barakha catches up to the player characters
Cost: 5 DP and the fight goes poorly, the GM can have Izer appear
and overload Barakha’s energy gloves (and thereby blow


up Barakha’s hands). Zain, or a player character, can also what she can for him. If he is dead, it will have marked
achieve this through an insane (-3) DATA DJINN roll. her for life.

Khaled will come through on all the promises he’s made
For effect, the GM can steer the confrontation with Barakha to the player characters, unless he’s been killed or inte-
into the reactor chamber and its lack of gravity. . grated. His attitude towards Zain will depend on how
much the player characters have told him about his sis-
ter, and how the GM has chosen to play him. If he doesn’t
know what part she played on Arkus, he will be protec-
THE STOWAWAY tive; he has finally freed his sister and now nothing bad
Almadhi survived Operation Dawn and has taken refuge shall ever happen to her again. If he knows what part she
on the player characters’ ship. When they’ve departed the played on Arkus, he will be bitter, disheartened and disil-
station, she will make herself known holding a Vulcan lusioned; he knows now how dangerous she really is and
pistol. She wants to escape Arkus by any means possible the threat she poses to the Third Horizon.
and offers the player characters anything she can think
of; money, the research concerning the Saghiir technol- ALMADHI
ogy, services… and if that doesn’t work, she threatens If Almadhi is alive at the end of the scenario and on good
them. terms with the player characters, she will make a lot of
promises, but there are few of them she can actually
IZER’S FAREWELL keep. The Special Branch and the Legion want her dead,
“Then darkness took form, and all that once lived, with- and she is far less resourceful than Zain.
ered and died.” If she is not on good terms with the player char-
acters she will go out of her way to make life hard for
If Izer is alive at the end of the scenario, he sends the them. Ayat Almadhi never forgets.
player characters a cryptic message as they leave Arkus.
This can serve as a mysterious and enigmatic ending, BARAKHA
but can also be used as a prelude to future scenarios. If Barakha survives, they will return to their employer.
They will hold no grudges against the player characters.
It’s never personal, it’s just a job. The Special Branch

might send Barakha after the player characters again to
tie up loose ends, but that is up to the GM.

What happens to Izer/Kheffera is up to the GM. Maybe
ZAIN his agenda can be intertwined with other scenarios?
If Zain is alive at the end of the scenario and on good Maybe he just vanishes in the vastness of the Third Hori-
terms with the player characters, she can be a capable zon…
ally. She’s very handy and has few scruples, but since
she’s wanted by both the Special Branch of the Consor-
tium and the Legion, she will need to stay on the move.
If Khaled has been integrated, Zain is determined to do


The Expanse, Deus-Ex, Mass effect, Dead Space, Blade
Runner, Ex-machina, Prometheus, Event Horizon


Cover art - Ylva Ljungqvist
Interior art - Moa Frithiofsson

Pernilla Sparrhult, Amanda Stenback, Maja Søgaard
Widerberg, Ylva Ljungqvist, Charlotta “Lotta” Lundborg,
Selma Rahem, Daniel Andersson, Kristoffer Warnberg,
Krister Svanlund, Tobias Wallin, Iskra Hedvall, Iris Landar
Lygren, Eric Horn Steep, Mikaela “Millie” Kristiansson,
Mathias Bylund Frithiofsson, Malin Frithiofsson, Karl-Si-
mon Frithiofson, Lovisa Frithiofson, Martin Emson, Rob-
in Lundin, Gustav Bohlin, Micael Jerkenstam, Svartviken
Rollspelspodd, Tärningen är Kastad, Andreas Lundström,
Anna Sandberg

Isak Ström, Joakim Andersson, Axel Widén, Pernilla
Sparrhult, Amanda Stenback, Kristoffer Warnberg, Krister
Svanlund, Martin Gillå, Rickard Bjerkerud

Daniel Pettersson, Henrik Jonsson, Martin Emson, Mar-
tin Gillå, Erland Nylund, Eskil Myrenberg, Viktor Lindqvist

In memory of Namir, may you rest in the embrace of the



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