Announcing A New PSCAD Release!: - Powered Re
Announcing A New PSCAD Release!: - Powered Re
Announcing A New PSCAD Release!: - Powered Re
May 2010 Issue…
1 Announcing a New PSCAD® Release!
3 Sheath Overvoltage Study for a
Transposed 380kV XLPE Cable System
6 A Fresh Approach to Managing
Transmission Lines and Cables
in PSCAD® X4
9 Preparation of Figures Generated
May 2010 in PSCAD® for Technical Publication
11 We’ve Moved...
12 PSCAD® 2010 Training Sessions
The Manitoba HVDC Research Centre is pleased In addition, the new architecture will make possible a
to announce the release of PSCAD® X4! new efficiency in feature implementation and future
Our software development team has successfully innovations of PSCAD® from this point forward. For
achieved a significant leap forward in the evolution example, X4 includes an advanced copy and paste
of the PSCAD® software architecture. At the same for entire page modules, including pages within
time, we have worked carefully to ensure that the pages, graphs, controls, etc. The ability to copy and
user interface environment remains familiar to users paste page modules comes with a new responsibility
by keeping the outward appearance of the software that rests primarily on the shoulders of the user. The
similar to the latest released version; though function- PSCAD® X4 user must now rethink how a project is
ality has been enhanced to deliver the powerful new designed from the very beginning of the process in
features made possible by the modern architecture. order to make the most efficient use of this feature.
The result is branded X4, and it is the most powerful The multiple instance modules feature is meant to
version of the PSCAD® software to date. exploit repetitiveness in systems. In other words,
identify first what combinations of components are
During the past decade, a trend has emerged toward replicated at the lowest level (a string of thyristors
the use of compatible software working off of com- for example), and incorporate them into a page
mon sets of data, eliminating the need to manually module. From here, move upward until you reach
manipulate or translate results from multiple incom- the top, all the while exploiting duplication. The
patible tools. It is this philosophy that has driven main reason for this is that although a page module
the changes to the internal architecture of PSCAD®. can be copied and pasted many times, only unique
We have elected to consider the simulation as data page module definitions need be compiled. So, the
centered rather than computational engine centred more duplication is taken advantage of, the more
as in the past. PSCAD® is now operating fully on a efficient the compilation of your project will become.
centralized database, meaning that it reads and writes
all of the bookkeeping information required to keep
the project organized, from a single source. This
architectural change is absolutely essential to facilitate
communication between different programs, and to
design a common information bank for results data.
This also greatly simplifies and stabilizes both the
usage and the development of the software, which in
turn reduces operational difficulties, making PSCAD®
even more enjoyable to work with.
In addition to the computational efficiency, there Fortran 77 Compatibility No Longer Required
is also improved efficiency in the preparation of The old free compiler supplied with PSCAD®, which
simulation cases. Exploiting the duplication in a is Fortran 77 based, has been replaced by its modern
case reduces the time required to create a case, equivalent: The GFortran 95 compiler. This means
as well as reducing the opportunity for error in that users no longer need to maintain model code
needing to manually prepare each individual copy. in Fortran 77 when working in PSCAD® X4.
The many new structural and feature changes to New Master Library Models Many new models
PSCAD® X4 have enabled abilities that have long have been added to the master library, in addition
been sought after by PSCAD® users. X4 is the first to numerous updates and improvements to existing
step in a new development direction for PSCAD®. models. Some of the more important new models are:
Moving forward, you will be able to readily import • New Multiple Run component allows for
PSCAD® version 4.1.x or 4.2.x project files into X4. additional data recording
• Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
Of course, the features discussed above are not the • Saturable Reactor
only highlights of PSCAD® X4. Here are a few more • Spark Gap
of the major advancements in this release1: • Two New Auto Transformer Models
Multiple Instance Modules (MIM) The new Line Constants Program Improvements
architecture has enabled us to treat page module Line constants program developments include some
components the same as regular components. Page of the following major enhancements:
modules may be copied and pasted, either as an • DC Correction Two unique DC correction
instance of itself, or uniquely with new definitions algorithms have been added, which assure accurate
and links. In addition, page modules may now possess DC parameters for time domain simulations.
input parameters, which may be used in concert • Unique Ground Wires in Overhead Towers
with graphical connection ports to transfer data If there are two ground wires in a tower, they
onto the page module canvas. may now be entered with unique parameters.
• Specific Conductor Layer Elimination in Cables
EMTDC™ Memory Management A major change Users may now select which conductors are to
was made to the manner in which EMTDC™ uses be eliminated (not just the outer layer).
memory in large networks with subsystems. EMTDC™
now dynamically allocates the memory needed based Our technical support team has played a key role
on the requirement of individual subsystems, instead in the success of PSCAD® and would be pleased to
of relying on dimensions of the largest subsystem. assist you should you need advice. Please contact
This can mean huge savings in system memory, for more information.
especially for systems containing many subsystems
(i.e. networks separated by transmission lines 1
For a complete list of new features,
or cables). please refer to the PSCAD® help documents.
The Saudi Electricity Company in the Western Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC). The peak
Region (SEC-WR) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia load recorded is 8559 MW. This load includes network
has recorded an excessive load increase in the losses and auxiliary power plant loads.
past few years. As a result, the overhead transmis-
sion lines, underground cables and transformers The existing SEC-WR 380 kV network is connected
became fully loaded, especially in the Jeddah area. with Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Jeddah, including SWCC
In case of system faults, the nature of load mainly Jeddah, Rabigh Plant, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah,
composed of air conditioners during high load including SWCC Yanbu and Yanbu Area. The sub-
season (summer) causes very severe low-voltage and transmission 110kV network in Jeddah is divided into
slow-voltage recovery. This may lead to brownouts seven electrical islands radially fed from the 380kV
and blackouts. It was necessary to set up an emergency primary transmission. In Makkah Al-Mukarramah, the
automatic under-voltage load shedding scheme. 110kV network is divided into three islands including
Taif network. The 110kV network in the other cities
Using PSCAD®, a study involving transposed cable of the area is synchronized as one island.
system was performed to simulate the fault and also
compared with field measurements. The SEC-WR power network is comprised of five
main power plants, three main SWCC power plants,
SEC-WR Existing Power System The Saudi Electricity fourteen 380/110kV substations, over 150 110/33
Company in the Western Region (SEC-WR) is the and 110/13.8kV substations, more than 5000 kms of
main power supply utility responsible for generation, 380kV and 110kV over-head transmission lines and
transmission and distribution in the region. underground cables and a distribution network of
mainly underground 33kV and 13.8kV cables [1].
The SEC-WR generation capacity (in 2005) at peak The Marafiq power system in Yanbu Industrial City
load is 8727 MW including 1028 MW from Saline is interconnected with SEC-WR System.
Simulation Studies
Case 1 Normal Cross-bonded Cable System (with
transposition of phase conductors) A simulation study
was performed using PSCAD® for the transposed cable
system. Figure 1 shows a transposed cable. One end
of the cable was energized with a three phase supply.
The sheath currents in the cable are almost symmetri-
cal. Figure 2 shows the conductor currents (IA) and the
total sheath current (IS).
Figure 3 Case 2 Conductor current IA and the total sheath current IS.
(1) The PSCAD® results are in agreement with the
field measurement report from Viscas company.
(2) Switching overvoltages did not damage the SVL.
(3) For this example, there is no significant difference
between transposed cable and non-transposed cable
in the switching study.
(4) Link boxes should be tested every year and should
be accessible.
[1] SEC-WR Annual Report 2005.
[2] “EWR Under Voltage Load Shedding Scheme;”
J. Deuse, J.Dubios, R. Fann & I. Hamzah
[3] Jeddah incident Aug-Sep 2005 Final Report
[4] “Field Measurements and Investigation;” Report by Viscas 2005
[5] “Jeddah Cable Switching Study 2004;” ABB.
Ismail A. Hamza served as Vice President of Transmission for North,
West and South Regions at Saudi Electric Company from 2003–2006.
Figure 4 PSCAD® model Mr. Hamza is also a member of IEEE & GCC CIGRE.
Ismail A. Hamza
M AY 2 0 1 0 5
A Fresh Approach to Managing Transmission
Lines and Cables in PSCAD® X4
John E. Nordstrom, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc.
M AY 2 0 1 0 7
When a project is compiled, a unique segment input This algorithm essentially ‘fools’ the simulation engine
file is generated for every transmission segment in into thinking there is only a single line, when there are
the project. The Line Constants Program (LCP) is called actually many combined together. This provides the
once for every input file, and in doing so produces a huge benefit of avoiding having to use Breakout
unique segment results file for every segment. Each components to map its endpoint nodes. For example,
input file contains information that defines the in versions previous to X4, only 6-conductor systems
transmission segment; including conductor positions, were allowed as a maximum in Direct Connection
resistance, circuits, ground properties, etc. The mutual mode. Now using mutual coupling, you may parallel
coupling algorithm simply merges all towers (or cable up to ten, 3-phase transmission segments between
cross-sections) from all segments in the coupled system two buses (i.e. 30 conductor maximum per segment),
into a single segment input file, which assumes the with all node mapping performed for you. Mutually
name of the coupled system. Using only the horizontal coupling also makes it possible to keep all transmission
translation distance between coupled segments, systems in your project in terms of 3-phase circuits, with
conductor position and numbering can be made the ability to toggle coupling on and off as needed.
relative to the entire coupled system.
For more information on these PSCAD® X4 features,
please refer to the online help provided with the
product, or contact the PSCAD® Support Desk at:
M AY 2 0 1 0 9
The first column shows the channel number. The third
column shows the description of the channel which
is entered in PSCAD® as its “title.” As shown, the
elements of an array are placed next to each other
in the .inf file. Note that if you change the PSCAD®
simulation case, the channel numbers may change,
and you need to use the new .inf file. A MATLAB
function is provided to help determine the column
and file number from the channel number.
We’ve Moved...
Our Services…
The Manitoba HVDC Research Centre can help
provide expertise and labor to guide or perform
engineering consulting work for you. We provide a
comprehensive array of engineering services. Contrary
to our name, the services we provide are for much
more than just HVDC and include:
M AY 2 0 1 0 11
Modeling and Application of FACTS Devices
Fundamentals of solid-state FACTS systems.
System modeling, control system modeling,
converter modeling, and system impact studies.
Duration: 2–3 Days
please send us an email to Articles and submissions addressing the use of PSCAD® in the real world are always welcome.
September 21–23, 2010
Fundamentals of switching transients,
Wind Power Modeling
modeling issues of power system equipment,
Pulse is distributed free of charge and is posted electronically at If you would like to receive a copy of Pulse,
Simulation using PSCAD®
stray capacitances/inductances, surge arrester
energy requirements, batch mode processing November 23–25, 2010
and relevant standards, direct conversion of Introduction to PSCAD® and Applications
PSS/E files to PSCAD®. Duration: 2–3 Days
All training courses mentioned above are held
Distributed Generation & Power Quality
at the Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc.
Includes wind energy system modeling, integration
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
to the grid, power quality issues, and other DG
methods such as solar PV, small diesel plants,
fuel cells. Duration: 3 Days
Please visit Nayak Corporation's website
Wind Power Modeling and for courses in the USA.
©2010 Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc. Printed in Canada