Correcting Birth Time

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October 15, 2017; 02:49PM, New Delhi, India.

I received a mail asking for Birth Time

Rectification. Later on, I got to know that this case was referred to by My friend Mr
Ashok who himself is one astrologer. The confusion was right from Rashi Chakra.
Between Libra or Scorpio Lagna. Given birth details were:

21 October 1989; 08:30-08:40, New Delhi.

The time of birth in her Birth Certificate was 08.40

In all these cases I will make a chart of 08.30 and another of 08.40 and then will find

What I found is 08.30 – 29.56 Libra, 08.40 – 02.04 Scorpio.

Now real confusion lies in Lagna.

I made a Prashna chart for October 15, 2017; 14:49; New Delhi.

I found here that Lagna is strong due to the aspect of Saturn who is lagnesha, and
Moon is weak by being in the 8th house. Then we see Lagna is Capricorn, Nigh strong
sign, Now as per rules of Nashta Jataka [Lost Horoscopy] In case of Night strong sign
in Lagna birth must be in Day Strong Sign. Both Scorpio and Libra are Day Strong
Signs. Which one is to be chosen. We see Saturn [Lagnesh] in Scorpio. Natural
choice goes to Scorpio. But can we accept it like this only, No. We will clarify it further
with help of the Birth Chart.

We need to see all events from Rashi Chakra, But as it is mainly for the body amongst
all divisional charts, We will see physical features from this chart.

For ease of reference, I am giving her rectified chart.

Physical Features: Fair, Tall, Weak Eyesight.

Libra is ruled by Venus may show fair but Sun is there, More than Rashi importance is
of planet therein. Scorpio even being a malefic sign [Bad face] is having Venus
[Karaka of beauty]

Tall is not signified by Sun, Be very sure sun is of medium-low height and not tall.
Hence here Venus doesn’t prove tall [Saturn, Mercury, Rahu are tall] but Sun can’t be
we are sure about this. Sun is alone, If Sun is with anyone else then we should also
consider that.

Weak Eyesight is caused by Sun, Venus, Moon in the 12th house or 2nd house. Here
both lagna signify this Libra Venus in 2nd Scorpio Sun in 12th. But she said “Right eye
weaker” In the male horoscope right eye is the 2nd house and the left eye is the 12th
house and it is reversed in the case of female’s. Hence Sun in 12th indicates her right
eye being weak in a clear form. Also with Libra, both sides of Lagna will have malefics
which indicates painful life, we will see it in a while. With Mercury exalted in 12th
house in Libra Lagna. she must have good eyesight.

Before we proceed, We need to see which Dasha to use. We fixed Scorpio Lagna

Here we find 7th lord Venus in lagna which makes Dwisaptati Sama Dasha applicable
in this chart. We should start Dasha from Lagna in this case but because of this being
a rectification case let we start Dasha from Moon.

Using D1 Justify diseases, If easily justified then fine, If not then recheck from another

04-08-2016, Minor Fracture: Mars-Rahu-Sun [Just keep on looking connection of

Antardasha and Pratyantardasha lord to Bhava to Bhavesha] Rahu aspects 6L Mars
and Sun aspects 6H. [L-Lord, H-House]

August 2006 to February 007, Developed Tuberculosis: Moon-Venus: I told in a

previous article that in Nakshatra dasha depositor is very important.  The depositor of
Venus is Mars who also lords the 6th house.

November 2006, Broke Leg: Same Antardasha can be of Moon or Sun, It must be Sun
antardasha as it aspects 6th house. Moon is in 8th house [Sure to give chronic

May 2013, Kidney stone pain in Water: Mars-Saturn: Saturn is in mutual aspect with

Now, After applying a conditional dasha which can only be possible with Scorpio
Lagna and then using Antardasha and Pratyantardasha lord being strictly connected
to concerned house or lord. We are sure that Lagna of native is Scorpio only. Let us
now proceed to rectify other divisional charts.

7th lord in Lagna gives rise to the applicability of “Dwisaptati-Sama-Dasha” We will

use this Dasha for analysis.

Drekkana [D3] Siblings – Pravritti Traya

Younger Brother: 27 May 1994: Promise of Brother, There are 4 points in 3rd from
Mars in his BAV, These four points are given by [Ascendant, Moon, Jupiter and
Mercury] Due to Moon and Jupiter being in 8th house we subtract their points,
Ascendant is not considered as Planets only indicate living beings, This leaves us with
one point in 3rd from Mars, This indicates one sibling. This can be further seen
through Jaimini Astrology, but we are leaving that for now.

Dasha [Jupiter-Rahu-Venus-Rahu-Jupiter] See Jupiter aspects 3rd house in D3 which

is his own house, He promises event in his own Dasha, Remember one simple
formula for deciding Dasha strong significators of the event will make the event
happen in their Dasha, Stronger will make the event happen in his Antardasha and
Strongest in his Pratyantardasha. Here Jupiter being in the 11th house of gains and
aspecting his own Rashi becomes significator making the event possible in his Dasha,
Rahu is in 9th house Rahu along with Moon and Venus works in Axis hence he
influences 9-3 axis of Horoscope making the event possible. Venus being the
strongest significator due to being in Rashi with the dignity of exaltation make the
event happen in his Pratyantardasha. Such is the beauty of the right dasha in the right

23 January 2017, Brother moved to Bangalore: Mercury-Ketu-Rahu. There are two

methods of looking at a Bhava one from Lagna and another making the concerned
house as Lagna, as divisional charts are an expansion of Bhava from Rashi chart this
method works best with regard to Divisional charts. Houses of travels are 3-7-8-9-12
Now we see Mercury and Rahu in the 7th house, Rahu is strong because he takes the
nature of Mercury who is exalted in the 7th house, Sun is in the 8th house but
debilitated [weak disqualifies for being significator] Jupiter is in 9th house but being
lagnesh and aspecting Lagna denies movement from the birthplace. Ketu being a
detachment giving planet in lagna promotes travel.

Thus now we are confirmed that Birth is in the first Drekkana of Capricorn.

Navansha [D9] Spouse and Everything 

One Drekkana can have three Navansha, Here being first Drekkana navansha can be
Cancer-Leo-Virgo. Varahamihira instructs us to decide the look of a native from
Navansha Lagna, considering her Fair, Tall and weak eyesight it suits Cancer
ascendant due to Mercury in Lagna [Indicates tall] Leo having Saturn indicates
women will be manly [Jaimini Sutra] she is not manly as seen from her pictures hence
rejected, Virgo lagna is Having Mars and Rahu-Mars will indicate one of angry
disposition, rational and erratic. She is not like that [as she himself said] thus only
Cancer Lagna suits, which will be further clear from coming events.
2008/2009 to May/August 2009: Saturn-Rahu: We are not using antardasha as timing
is feeble, Saturn is in 2nd house 8th and 7th lord in 2nd house indicates failure in
love/relationships. 7th lord in 8th from himself, malefic aspecting 8th house. He must
have saved his own house, but she is not married, hence it worked his part, Rahu is in
3rd house another Dusthana. Here we come to an important question, which house
signifies relationships, people take 5th house, but in my humble opinion 5th house
indicates something which occupies our mind this is true when one is in true love with
some then thoughts of dearest occupies the complete mind, but with modern times
people often run into a relationship because they feel unstable, directionless, or they
need emotional counterpart which comes under 4th house, I am considering 4th
house also because Varahamihra takes it to signify Bandhu which means closed one,
Bandhu is not a brother but one whom we consider as brother [In same-sex
relationship] Hence 4th house must be considered as the house of love affairs. Now
look Rahu is in 12th from this 4th house and afflicts lord of 4th house [Venus] with his
5th aspect, also Saturn afflicts this 4th house with his 3rd aspect. This gave her few
failed relationships.

4 August 2016: Mercury-Ketu-Venus-Venus-Rahu: Relationship finally over [We don’t

know when it started] Make 4th house as Lagna to find mercury making a 9th and
10th house exchange which makes him a Raajyoga giver He promises relationships [It
is always futile to analyse Dasha for such small things as Mercury will last till 2031 he
will make and break many relationships]. Ketu is in the 9th house which is the 6th
house of fights from 4th house, Venus is in the 7th house which is 4th from 4th
indicating major house of relationship but see Venus is also lord of 11th house [8th
from 4th house] now it makes him a Maraka and he being 8th lord in 4th house took
away comforts of being in a relationship, but it was Venus how can he completely end
a relationship when he is lord of Lagna in Kendra [Make 4th house as Lagna] They
both continued to talk which finally ended in March 2017 [It can be either Saturn or
Jupiter Pratyantardasha] It has to be Jupiter Pratyantardasha because he is 6th lord in
6th house being strong significator of a break in a relationship. We saw it making 4th
house as Lagna in D9. Now here I will give another hint, When we need to see one’s
relationship and one’s sexual life we will see D9 from Lagna but when we see a
specific relationship for example take first marriage then we will make 7th house as
Lagna and then will analyse, see the same kind of analysis in this one and previous

Dwadashamsa [D12] Parents and Grandparents. 

One Navansha can have 6 Dwadasamsa, One can also analyse one looks from
Dwadashamsa, especially from Dwadasamsa Rashi. In Navansha lord of Navansa
indicates the complexion of native, thus we took Moon indicating fair complexion,
whereas Sun and Mercury must have indicated brown and light brown complexion
respectively. We have to choose from Scorpio to Aries Dwadasamsa but we choose
Scorpio Dwadasamsa itself because the native is having black patches on her face
around the nose and eyes area as specified by the native herself.

Father Died 21 March 1996 [Saturn-Saturn-Venus] Sun is in Lagna, 9th from Sun is
under 3rd aspect of Saturn who is in 7th house [Maraka of D12] Venus is in 9th house
from Lagna and Sun signifying the event [Pratyantardasha lord must connect to the
house of event]

Grandfather Died 1 February 2013 [Saturn-Jupiter-Venus] Grandfather have to be

seen from 5th house from where Saturn is in 3rd house of longevity [Death after
completion of longevity] Jupiter is 5th lord in 2nd house [Maraka] Saturn is also in
Maraka house from D12 Lagna, Venus is in 9th house but in 8th from 5th lord. Venus
owns 12th house 8th from 5th house of Grandfather.

Grandmother Died 20 December 2016 [Mercury-Ketu-Rahu] 12th house signifies

Grandmother, Mercury is in 8th from 12th house and 7th [Maraka] from Lagna, Ketu is
in 9th from 12th house and 8th from Lagna [House of death] Ketu will give the effect of
Mercury being in his sign whose results we have already seen, Rahu is in 2nd house
from Lagna [Maraka] he will give the effect of Jupiter [Conjunct planet] Jupiter owns
3rd house from 12th house death after completion of longevity and 6th from 12th
house indicating death after diseases.

Mother’s Heart attack 2004 April, 7th house [4th from 4th] is having Saturn along with
Mercury which indicates problems related to Nerves in the heart area. [Saturn-Venus-
Saturn] Saturn as we have seen already signifies disease, Venus is in the 6th house
of diseases from Mother’s house [4th]

1997 to 2000 [Maternal home due to dispute between mother and grandparents] – 6th
lord of fights and litigation is in 9th house of father indicating the event, 6th lord is
Mars. This all happened in Saturn Dasha who is Karaka of fight aspecting Mars in 9th
house and lords 4th house of mother in D12

Death of Maternal Uncle 29 April 2006 [Saturn-Moon-Rahu] Saturn and Moon are in
7th house [Maraka] in 2nd [Maraka] from 6th house of a maternal uncle, Influence of
Maraka houses indicates death before completion of longevity,  Rahu is in 2nd house
which will give the effect of Jupiter who in turn lords 5th house [12th from 6th house]
Indicates death due to weakness of the body.

Mother’s cataract 2012 January/February [Saturn-Jupiter-Saturn] Problem related to

eyes is seen due to Jupiter and Rahu being in conjunction in the 2nd house. Saturn is
the 4th lord and Jupiter causes the disease to happen, But how Jupiter signifies this
disease, Cataract is a disease when a smoky layer presents before the retina, smoke
is related to nodes especially Rahu.

Vimsamsa [D20] Spirituality 

She is into Reiki and Tarot Reading with a religious and spiritual bent of Mind, Faith in
God is strongest. This has to be signified by D20 Lagna. Now we see the art of fixing
things judiciously, as D20 lagna has nothing to do with appearance.

Three Vimsamsa Lagna is possible in one Dwadasamsa, We have to choose between

Scorpio -Sagittarius and Capricorn in D20. Faith in God will be seen from the 9th
house in all three Lagna 9th house is strong, With Scorpio exalted Jupiter in 9th, with
Sagittarius 9th lord in 7th aspecting Lagna and with Capricorn Exalted Mercury in 9th.

Now search for an event, June/July 2017 is said to have been a good time for spiritual
growth as per herself. See Dasha It is Mercury-Ketu. Now with the occurrence of
Mercury, we are sure of Capricorn, but let us check Ketu before finalizing. Ketu is in
11th from Capricorn indicates gains which prompt us to set Capricorn as Vimsamsa

Chaturvimsamsa [D24] Education 

Two D24 is possible in one D20, Hence using data that she is Pursuing PhD in
immunology and she has academically been bright we will look at her D24.

It can be either Cancer or Leo D24. 9th house is the house of higher studies, 9th
house has to be extremely strong to indicate one’s rise in studies up to PhD level.
With Leo lagna, we get Mars in his own house in 9th which indicates her academic
brilliance as well as her subject [Medical] Lagnesh Sun is in 4th house Kendra [which
indicates she have been a bright student with Venus and Mercury both indicates
chemistry as per Jaimini.
2005 Academic Excellence Award: Saturn-Sun, Sun is lagnesh in 4th house with
Venus who is having directional strength which indicates honours, Saturn is 6th lord in
12th house with 12th lord making Vipareet Raaj Yoga which must have given her this
title after a long competition.

2007-2008 May, Drop-in Studies: This was to happen as Sun who is lagnesh is devoid
of directional strength. Saturn Dasha Moon and Mars antardasha. Saturn is in the
12th house which indicates a drop in education, 12th house either shows
correspondence or break in studies, Moon is 12th lord in 12th house indicating the
same, Mars is in mutual aspect with Saturn taking on his nature which again indicates
the same and works as a servant to Saturn [Dasha lord] in this case. But it was for the
entrance exam this indicates working to Vipareet Raaj Yoga as well as
discontinuation, See how beautifully it works.

2009 -2011 Academically Good: It was Rahu in the 11th house and Dasha is of Saturn
Vipareet Raaj Yoga again working.

October 2012-2013 [Admission to M.Tech (Hostel)] Saturn-Jupiter: Again Saturn

showed his colours in forms of hostel [Away from home] Jupiter is in 2nd house, which
indicates Studies [In D1 Traditional Studies and in D24 normal studies] 2013 was all in
Jupiter Dasha which conferred her many things like Top rank in National Level exam.
Here comes a secret to analysing divisional chart from Natal Lagna, From Scorpio
Jupiter is in the 9th house. [All these secret techniques of divisional charts will be
extensively taught in my “Varga Viveka” course commencing from March 2018]

In End 

Now after coming to this step [As native is not married, never indulged in the
profession] We got to refine next charts like D30 to see emotionally and physically bad
periods and diseases, and D40, D45 and D60 to see each and everything after that
we use D108 Lagna to decide the gender of Native which in this case is Female. This
way rectification needs to be done.

We see rectification as an easy but tiring process that needs mastery and patience.
Those with strong Saturn can only master the art of Correcting Birth Time.

Native also had Past Life Regression therapy where she discovered a few previous
lives of her’s as different people across the globe. We will see those same lives using
her Horoscope and finer divisional charts such as D60 which indicates all Karmas.
Taken by me as Karma’s which change one’s life or impact it deeply. Because this will
increase the size of the article too much I am leaving this for another article.

Like all other Astrologer’s I also have some secret techniques which are not shared
publicly due to many reasons some of their being their nature of being an easy tool in
hands of exploiters and those who cheat their clients. Another fear is of imparting
knowledge to unworthy people. And most important is because techniques are given
to me by other people with a promise that I will never share them.

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