22 B Aliifah 205070100111051
22 B Aliifah 205070100111051
22 B Aliifah 205070100111051
1. A protein found in red blood cells, __________, is necessary for the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the
You correctly answered: a. hemoglobin (Hb)
02/20/22 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: How will the hemoglobin levels for the female Olympic athlete (sample 5) compare with the hemoglobin
levels for the healthy female (sample 2)?
Your answer : c. The hemoglobin levels for the female Olympic athlete will be greater than those for the healthy female.
Experiment Data:
02/20/22 page 2
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.
02/20/22 page 3
Review Sheet Results
1. Is the male with polycythemia (sample 4) deficient in hemoglobin? Why?
Your answer:
Tidak, karena pria pemiliki sample 4 mempunyai kadar hemoglobin yang melebihi batas normal. Seseorang yang
mempunyai polycythemia akan mengalami peningkatan jumlah sel darah merah dan hal tersebut yang nantinya akan
meningkatkan tingkat hemoglobin.
2. How did the hemoglobin levels for the female Olympic athlete (sample 5) compare with the hemoglobin levels for the
healthy female (sample 2)? Is either person deficient in hemoglobin? How well did the results compare with your
Your answer:
Kadar hemoglobin perempuan atlet lebih tinggi daripada perempuan sehat dan tidak ada yang mengalami defisiensi
hemoglobin, hal tersebut sesuai prediksi saya.
3. List conditions in which hemoglobin levels would be expected to decrease. Provide reasons for the change when
Your answer:
Tingkat hemoglobin menurun karena terjadinya penyakit antara lain anemia, hipertiroid, sirosis hati, dan hemoragik
4. List conditions in which hemoglobin levels would be expected to increase. Provide reasons for the change when
Your answer:
Salah satu kondisi yang menyebabkan kadar hemoglobin meningkat adalah pada seseorang yang tinggal di ketinggian. Hal
tersebut disebabkan sebagai upaya tubuh dalam mengompensasi rendahnya kadar oksigen di ketinggian sehingga
memproduksi hemoglobin yang lebih tinggi.
5. Describe the ratio of hematocrit to hemoglobin for the healthy male (sample 1) and female (sample 2). (A normal ratio of
hematocrit to grams of hemoglobin is approximately 3:1.) Discuss any differences between the two individuals.
Your answer:
Laki-laki sehat memiliki rasio PCV:Hb sebesar 3:1 sedangkan perempuan sehat memiliki rasio 3.14:1. Rasio yang dimiliki
perempuan lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki.
6. Describe the ratio of hematocrit to hemoglobin for the female with iron-deficiency anemia (sample 3) and the female
Olympic athlete (sample 5). (A normal ratio of hematocrit to grams of hemoglobin is approximately 3:1.) Discuss any
differences between the two individuals.
Your answer:
Perbandingan PCV terhadap hemoglobin pada atlet perempuan adalah 2.73:1 sedangkan pada perempuan sehat adalah
3.14:1. Perempuan sehat memiliki rasio yang lebih tinggi
02/20/22 page 4