SFD Aisc 360 10
SFD Aisc 360 10
SFD Aisc 360 10
Design Manual
AISC 360-10
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1 Introduction
1.1 Load Combinations and Notional Loads 1-2
2 Design Algorithms
2.1 Check and Design Capability 2-1
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
Chapter 1
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
Program output can be presented graphically on the model, in tables for both
input and output data, or in calculation sheets prepared for each member. For
each presentation method, the output is in a format that allows the engineer to
quickly study the stress conditions that exist in the structure, and in the event
the member is not adequate, aid the engineer in taking appropriate remedial
measures, including altering the design member without re-running the entire
The program supports a wide range of steel frame design codes, including
many national building codes. This manual is dedicated to the use of the menu
option “AISC 360-10.” This option covers the “ANSI/AISC 360-10 Specifica-
tion for Structural Steel Buildings” (AISC 2010a, b), and the “ANSI/ AISC
341-10 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings” (AISC 2010c) codes.
traditional design method, the Effective Length method can be specified using
the Design Preferences.
Direct Analysis Method with General Second Order Analysis and Variable
Factor Stiffness Reduction (AISC C1, C2)
Direct Analysis Method with General Second Order Analysis and Fixed
Factor Stiffness Reduction (AISC C1, C2)
Direct Analysis Method with Amplified First Order Analysis and Variable
Factor Stiffness Reduction (AISC C1, C2)
Direct Analysis Method with Amplified First Order Analysis and Fixed
Factor Stiffness Reduction (AISC C1, C2)
These options are explained in greater detail in Chapter 2. The first three op-
tions make use of the effective length approach to determine the effective
length factors, K. The four options available for the Direct Design Method dif-
fer in the use of a variable or fixed stiffness reduction factor and the method
used to capture the second-order effects. All four Direct Analysis Methods op-
tions use an effective length factor, K = 1.0.
Notional loads combinations that include lateral wind and quake loads
User Options 1 - 5
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
The validity of the analysis method. The user must verify the suitability of
the specified analysis method used under the User Options described in the
preceding sections. The AISC code requires, for instance, that the Direct
Analysis Method be used when a ratio of the second order displacements to
the first order displacements exceeds 1.5 (AISC C1.2, App. 7.2.1(2), App.
7.3.1(2)). This check currently must be performed by the user.
P-Δ analysis. Since many different codes are supported by the software and
not all require a P-Δ analysis, the user must specify that a P-Δ analysis be
performed during the analysis phase so that the proper member forces are
available for use in the design phase. See the AISC Direct Analysis Method
Practical Guide for additional information.
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
To check adequacy of a section, the program checks the demand/capacity (D/C) ra-
tios at a predefined number of stations for each design load combination. It calcu-
lates the envelope of the D/C ratios. It also checks the other requirements on a pass
or fail basis. If the capacity ratio remains less than or equal to the D/C ratio limit,
which is a number close to 1.0, and if the section passes all the special require-
ments, the section is considered to be adequate, else the section is considered to be
failed. The D/C ratio limit is taken as 0.95 by default. However, this value can be
overwritten in the Preferences (see Chapter 3).
To choose (design) the optional section from a predefined list, the program first
orders the list of sections in increasing order of weight per unit length. Then it
starts checking each section from the ordered list, starting with the one with
least weight. The procedure of checking each section in this list is exactly the
same as described in the preceding paragraph. The program will evaluate each
section in the list until it finds the least weight section that passes the code
checks. If no section in the list is acceptable, the program will use the heaviest
section but flag it as being overstressed.
To check adequacy of an individual section, the user must assign the section
using the Assign menu. In that case, both the analysis and design sections will
be changed.
To choose the optimal section, the user must first define a list of steel sections,
the Auto Select sections list. The user must next assign this list, in the same
manner as any other section assignment, to the frame members to be opti-
mized. The program will use the median section by weight when doing the ini-
tial analysis. Check the program Help for more information about defining and
assigning Auto Select Section lists.
analysis is run and refine the design along the length of a member by request-
ing more stations. Refer to the program Help for more information about
specifying the number of stations in an object.
The factored forces are calculated for axial, flexural, and shear at each de-
fined station for each design combination. The bending moments are calcu-
lated about the principal axes. For I-Shape, Box, Channel, T-Shape, Dou-
ble-Angle, Pipe, Circular, and Rectangular sections, the principal axes co-
incide with the geometric axes. For Single-Angle sections, the design con-
siders the principal properties. For General sections, it is assumed that all
section properties are given in terms of the principal directions.
For Single-Angle sections, the shear forces are calculated for directions
along the geometric axes. For all other sections, the program calculates the
shear forces along the geometric and principal axes.
The nominal strength for shear is calculated along the geometric axes for
all sections. For I-Shape, Box, Channel, T-Shape, Double-Angle, Pipe,
Circular, and Rectangular sections, the principal axes coincide with their
geometric axes. For Single-Angle sections, principal axes do not coincide
with the geometric axes.
Demand/Capacity Ratios 2 - 3
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
value of one. A capacity ratio greater than one indicates a member that has
exceeded a limit state.
To define a design load combination, simply specify one or more load cases,
each with its own scale factor. The scale factors are applied to the forces and
moments from the load cases to form the factored design forces and moments
for each design load combination.
For normal loading conditions involving static dead load (DL), live load (LL),
roof live load (RL), snow load (SL), wind load (WL), earthquake load (EL),
notional load (NL), and dynamic response spectrum load (EL), the program
has built-in default design combinations for the design code. These are based
on the code recommendations.
The default design combinations assume all load cases declared as dead or live to
be additive. However, each load case declared as wind, earthquake, or
response spectrum cases, is assumed to be non-additive with other loads and pro-
duces multiple lateral combinations. Also static wind, earthquake and
notional load responses produce separate design combinations with the sense (posi-
tive or negative) reversed. The notional load patterns are added to load combina-
tions involving gravity loads only. The user is free to modify the default design
preferences to include the notional loads for combinations involving lateral loads.
For other loading conditions involving moving load, time history, pattern live
load, separate consideration of roof live load, snow load, and the like, the user
must define the design load combinations in lieu of or in addition to the default
design load combinations. If notional loads are to be combined with other load
combinations involving wind or earthquake loads, the design load combina-
tions need to be defined in lieu of or in addition to the default design load com-
The program allows live load reduction factors to be applied to the member
forces of the reducible live load case on a member-by-member basis to reduce
the contribution of the live load to the factored responses.
Figure 2-1 System sway and element order effects
For more details about the program capabilities and limitations, see Appendix A.
The program offers the user seven analysis options for design:
When the user selects one of the options available under the Direct Analysis
Method, the user must further choose how the stiffness reduction factors for
EI and AE are to be considered. For options 1 and 3, Table 2-1, the stiffness
reduction factors ( τ b ) are variable because they are functions of the axial force
in the members, while for methods 2 and 4, the stiffness reduction factors are
fixed (0.8), and not a function of axial force. If the user desires, the stiffness
reduction factors ( τ b ) can be overwritten. When options 2 and 4 are used, a
higher notional load coefficient (0.003) must be used compared to methods 1
and 3 for which the notional load coefficient is 0.002. Also, all the direct analy-
sis methods (methods 1 through 4) allow use of K -factors for sway condition
( K 2 ) to be equal to 1, which is a drastic simplification over the other effective
length method.
The AISC requirements to include notional loads are also summarized in Table
2-1. The notional load coefficients (AISC C2.2b) are summarized as well. The
program automates creation of notional load combinations for all gravity loads
but does not automate the creation of notional load combinations that include
lateral wind or seismic loads. Combinations for notional loads with lateral
loads are required for the Direct Analysis Method when the ∆2nd ∆1st exceeds
1.7 (AISC E2.2b(4)). Additionally, combinations for notional loads with lateral
loads are required if the Limited First Order Analysis, option 7, is used (AISC
App. 7.3.2).
The Limited First Order Analysis, option 7, does not include the secondary
P-∆ and P-δ effects. This method has very limited applicability and might be
appropriate only when the axial forces in the columns are very small compared
to their Euler buckling capacities.
When using the LRFD provision, the actual load combinations are used for
second order P-∆ effects. When using the ASD provision, the load combina-
Analysis Methods 2 - 7
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
Table 2-1 The Essentials and Limitations of the Design Analysis Methods
Direct Analysis Method
Limitation or
Option Variable Essentials of the Method
2nd Order Analysis
Reduced stiffness
EI=* 0.8τb EI
The program has several limitations that have been stated in Section 1.5 and
the preceding paragraphs. Additionally, the user must be aware that it is possi-
ble to choose a design option that violates certain provisions of the AISC code
that will not be identified by the program. The limitation for the use of the
Analysis Methods 2 - 9
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
∆ 2 nd α Pr
effective length method, namely, the requirement that ≤ 1.5 and must
∆1st Pe
be verified by the user. To assist users to in making validity checks, the ratio
α Pr
and τ are now reported in tabular form for each member.
The program allows the user to create a Notional Load pattern as a percentage
of the previously defined gravity load pattern to be applied in one of the global
lateral directions: X or Y. The user can define more than one notional load
pattern associated with one gravity load by considering different factors and
different directions. In the ANSI/AISC 360-10 code, the notional loads are
typically suggested to be 0.2% (or 0.002) (AISC C2.2b(3)), a factor referred to
as the notional load coefficient in this document. The notional load coefficient
can be 0.003 (AISC C2.3(3)). In some cases, it can be a function of second
order effects measured by relative story sway (AISC App. 7.3(2)). The code
also gives some flexibility to allow the engineer-of-record to apply judgment.
Currently, the notional loads are not automatically included in the default
design load combinations that include lateral loads. However, the user is free to
modify the default design load combinations to include the notional loads with
appropriate factors and in appropriate load combinations.
Two unsupported lengths, l33 and l22 , as shown in Figure 2-2 are to be
considered for flexural buckling. These are the lengths between support points
of the member in the corresponding directions. The length l33 corresponds to
instability about the 3-3 axis (major axis), and l22 corresponds to instability
about the 2-2 axis (minor axis). The length lLTB , not shown in the figure, is
also used for lateral-torsional buckling caused by major direction bending (i.e.,
about the 3-3 axis).
In determining the values for l22 and l33 of the members, the program recog-
nizes various aspects of the structure that have an effect on these lengths, such
as member connectivity, diaphragm constraints and support points. The pro-
gram automatically locates the member support points and evaluates the corre-
sponding unsupported length.
Manually, breaking a column member into several elements can affect many
things during design in the program.
1. The unbraced length: The unbraced length is really the unsupported length
between braces. If there is no intermediate brace in the member, the un-
braced length is typically calculated automatically by the program from the
top of the flange of the beam framing the column at bottom to the bottom
of the flange of the beam framing the column at the top. The automatically
calculated length factor typically becomes less than 1. If there are interme-
diate bracing points, the user should overwrite the unbraced length factor in
the program. The user should choose the critical (larger) one. Even if the
user breaks the element, the program typically picks up the unbraced length
correctly, provided that there is no intermediate bracing point.
2. K-factor: Even if the user breaks the member into pieces, the program typi-
cally can pick up the K -factors correctly. However, sometimes it can not.
The user should note the K -factors . All segments of the member should
have the same K -factor and it should be calculated based on the entire
member. If the calculated K -factor is not reasonable, the user can over-
write the K -factors for all the segments.
5. B1 factor: This factor amplifies the factored moments for the P-δ effect. In
its expression, there are the Cm factor and the Euler Buckling capacity Pe .
If the user keeps the unbraced length ratios ( l33 and l22 ) and the
K -factors ( K 33 and K 22 ) correct, the B1 factor would be correct. If the
axial force is small, the B1 factor can be 1 and have no effect with respect
to modeling the single segment or multi-segment element.
6. B2 factor: The program does not calculate the B2 factor. The program
assumes that the user turns on the P-∆. In such cases, B2 can be taken as
equal to 1. That means the modeling with one or multiple segments has no
effect on this factor.
If the user models a column with a single element and makes sure that the L -
factors and K -factors are correct, the effect of B1 and B2 will be picked up
correctly. The factors Cm and Cb will be picked up correctly if there is no in-
termediate bracing point. The calculated Cm and Cb factors will be slightly
conservative if there are intermediate bracing points.
If the user models a column with multiple elements and makes sure that L -
factors and K -factors are correct, the effect of B1 and B2 will be picked up
correctly. The factors Cm and Cb will be picked up correctly if the member is
broken at the bracing points. The calculated Cm and Cb factors will be con-
servative if the member is not broken at the bracing points.
There are two types of K -factors in the ANSI/AISC 360-10 code. The first
type of K -factor is used for calculating the Euler axial capacity assuming that
all of the beam-column joints are held in place, i.e., no lateral translation is al-
lowed. The resulting axial capacity is used in calculation of the B1 factor. This
K -factor is named as K1 in the code. This K1 factor is always less than 1 and
is not calculated. By default the program uses the value of 1 for K1 . The pro-
gram allows the user to overwrite K1 on a member-by-member basis.
Pn . This K -factor is
named as K 2 in the code. This K 2 is always greater than 1 if the frame is a
sway frame. The program calculates the K 2
K 2 factors on a
Both K1 and K 2 have two values: one for major direction and the other for
minor direction, K1minor , K1major , K 2minor , K 2major .
There is another K -factor . K ltb for lateral torsional buckling. By default, K ltb
is taken as equal to K 2minor . However the user can overwrite this on a member-
by-member basis.
The beams and braces are assigned K -factors of unity. In the calculation of the
K -factors for a column object, the program first makes the following four
stiffness summations for each joint in the structural model:
Scx = ∑ c c Sbx = ∑ b b
Lc x Lb x
Scy = ∑ c c Sb y = ∑ b b
Lc y Lb y
where the x and y subscripts correspond to the global X and Y directions and the
c and b subscripts refer to column and beam. The local 2-2 and 3-3 terms
EI 22 L22 and EI 33 L33 are rotated to give components along the global X and
Y directions to form the ( EI L ) x and ( EI L ) y values. Then for each column,
the joint summations at END-I and the END-J of the member are transformed
back to the column local 1-2-3 coordinate system, and the G -values for END-I
and the END-J of the member are calculated about the 2-2 and 3-3 directions as
S I c 22 S J c 22
G I 22 = G J 22 =
S I b 22 S J b 22
S I c 33 S J c 33
G I 33 = G J 33 =
S I b 33 S J b 33
α 2 G I G J − 36 α
6(G + G ) J
tan α
from which K = π/α. This relationship is the mathematical formulation for the
evaluation of K -factors for moment-resisting frames assuming sidesway to be
uninhibited. For other structures, such as braced frame structures, the
K -factors for all members are usually unity and should be set so by the user.
The following are some important aspects associated with the column
K -factor algorithm:
An object that has a pin at the joint under consideration will not enter the
stiffness summations calculated above. An object that has a pin at the far
end from the joint under consideration will contribute only 50% of the cal-
culated EI value. Also, beam members that have no column member at the
far end from the joint under consideration, such as cantilevers, will not en-
ter the stiffness summation.
If there are no beams framing into a particular direction of a column mem-
ber, the associated G-value will be infinity. If the G-values at both ends of
a column for a particular direction are infinity, the K -factor corresponding
to that direction is set equal to unity.
If rotational releases exist at both ends of an object for a particular direc-
tion, the corresponding K -factor is set to unity.
With regard to these framing types, the program has implemented specifica-
tions for all types of framing systems, except STMF, BRBF, and SPSW. Im-
plementing those three types of framing require further information about
The program recognizes the OCBF framing in its two separate incarnations:
OCBF for regular Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames (AISC SEISMIC
F1.1) and OCBFI for (base) Isolated Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames
The steel beam frames in a direction parallel to the column major direction,
i.e., the beam frames into the column flange.
The steel beam frames in a direction parallel to the column minor direction,
i.e., the beam frames into the column web.
The steel beam frames in a direction that is at an angle to both of the prin-
cipal axes.
For connection conditions described in the last two bullet items, the thickness
of such plates is usually set equal to the flange thickness of the corresponding
2 - 18 Continuity Plates
Chapter 2 Design Algorithms
Continuity Plates 2 - 19
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
However, for the connection condition described by the first bullet item, where
the beam frames into the flange of the column, such continuity plates are not
always needed. The requirement depends upon the magnitude of the beam
flange force and the properties of the column.
The program investigates whether the continuity plates are needed based on the
requirements of the selected code. Columns of I-sections supporting beams of
I-sections only are investigated. The program evaluates the continuity plate re-
quirements for each of the beams that frame into the column flange and reports
the maximum continuity plate area that is needed for each beam flange. The
continuity plate requirements are evaluated for moment frames only.
Shear stresses in the panel zone, due to major direction bending in the column,
may require additional plates to be welded onto the column web, depending
upon the loading and the geometry of the steel beams that frame into the col-
umn, either along the column major direction, or at an angle so that the beams
have components along the column major direction. See Figure 3-3. When
code appropriate, the program investigates such situations and reports the
thickness of any required doubler plates. Only columns with I-shapes and only
supporting beams with I-shapes are investigated for doubler plate requirements.
Also, doubler plate requirements are evaluated for moment frames only.
2 - 20 Doubler Plates
Chapter 2 Design Algorithms
The Display Unit preferences allow the user to specify the units.
Choice of Units 2 - 21
Chapter 3
Design Using ANSI/AISC 360-10
This chapter provides a detailed description of the algorithms used by the pro-
grams in the design/check of structures in accordance with “ANSI/AISC 360-
10 — Specifications for Structural Steel Building” (AISC 2010a, b). The menu
option also covers the “ANSI/AISC 341-10 — Seismic Provisions for Struc-
tural Steel Building” (AISC 2010c), which is described in the next chapter. The
implementation covers load combinations from “ASCE/SEI 7-10,” which is
described in the section “Design Loading Combinations” in this chapter. The
loading based on “ASCE/SEI 7-10” has been described in a separate document
entitled “CSI Lateral Load Manual” (CSI 2012). References also are made to
IBC 2012 in this document.
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
3.1 Notations
The various notations used in this chapter are described herein.
Cb Bending coefficient
Cm Moment coefficient
3-2 Notations
Chapter 3 - Design using ANSI/AISC 360-10
K33,K22 Effective length K-factors in the major and minor directions for
appropriate braced (K1) and unbraced (K2) condition
Py AgFy, kips
Notations 3-3
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
Seff,33,Seff,22 Effective major and minor section moduli for slender sections,
bf Flange width, in
r Radius of gyration, in
3-4 Notations
Chapter 3 - Design using ANSI/AISC 360-10
t Thickness, in
tf Flange thickness, in
tw Thickness of web, in
λ Slenderness parameter
Notations 3-5
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
AISC 360-10 refers to the applicable building code for the loads and load com-
binations to be considered in the design, and to ASCE 7-10 in the absence of
such a building code. Hence, the default design combinations used in the cur-
rent version are the ones stipulated in ASCE 7-10:
Most of the analysis methods recognized by the code are required to consider
Notional Load in the design loading combinations for steel frame design. The
program allows the user to define and create notional loads as individual load
cases from a specified percentage of a given gravity load acting in a particular
lateral direction. These notional load patterns should be considered in the com-
binations with appropriate factors, appropriate directions, and appropriate
senses. Currently, the program automatically includes the notional loads in the
default design load combinations for gravity combinations only. The user is
free to modify the default design preferences to include the notional loads for
combinations involving lateral loads. For further information, refer to the “No-
tional Load Patterns” section in Chapter 2.
where, Ωo is the overstrength factor and it is taken from ASCE 7-10 Table
12.2-1. The factor SDS is described later in this section. Effectively, the special
seismic combinations that are considered for the LRFD provision are
The program assumes that the defined earthquake load is really the strength
level earthquake, which is equivalent to QE as defined in Section of
the ASCE 7-10 code. For regular earthquake, load is considered to have two
components: horizontal, Eh and vertical Ev, which are taken as
Effectively, the seismic load combination for the LRFD provision becomes:
The program assumes that the seismic loads defined as the strength level load
is the program load case. Otherwise, the factors ρ, Ωo, and SDS will not be able
to scale the load to the desired level.
The combinations described herein are the default loading combinations only.
They can be deleted or edited as required by the design code or engineer-of-
The program allows live load reduction factors to be applied to the member
forces of the reducible live load case on a member-by-member basis to reduce
the contribution of the live load to the factored responses.
The table uses the variables kc, FL, h, hp, hc, bf, tf, tw, b, t, D, d, and so on. The
variables b, d, D and t are explained in the respective figures inside the table.
The variables bf, tf, h, hp, hc, and tw are explained in Figure 3-1. For Doubly
Symmetric I-Shapes, h, hp, and hc are all equal to each other.
For unstiffened elements supported along only one edge parallel to the direc-
tion of compression force, the width shall be taken as follows:
(a) For flanges of I-shaped members and tees, the width b is one-half the full-
flange width, bf.
(b) For legs of angles and flanges of channels and zees, the width b is the full
nominal dimension.
(c) For plates, the width b is the distance from the free edge to the first row of
fasteners or line of welds.
(d) For stems of tees, d is taken as the full nominal depth of the section.
Refer to Table 3-1 (AISC Table B4.1) for the graphic representation of unstiff-
ened element dimensions.
For stiffness elements supported along two edges parallel to the direction of the
compression force, the width shall be taken as follows:
(a) For webs of rolled or formed sections, h is the clear distance between
flanges less the fillet or corner radius at each flange; hc is twice the dis-
tance from the centroid to the inside face of the compression flange less the
fillet or corner radius.
(b) For webs of built-up sections, h is the distance between adjacent lines of
fasteners or the clear distance between flanges when welds are used, and hc
is twice the distance from the centorid to the nearest line of fasteners at the
compression flange or the inside face of the compression flange when
welds are used; hp is twice the distance from the plastic neutral axis to the
nearest line of fasteners at the compression flange or the inside face of the
compression flange when welds are used.
(c) For flange or diaphragm plates in built-up sections, the width b is the dis-
tance between adjacent lines of fasteners or lines of welds.
of flanges of 10 b f 2t f 0.38 E Fy 1.0 E Fy No Limit
Doubly Symmetric I-Shape
in flanges of 11 b f 2t f 0.38 E Fy 0.95 kc E FL No Limit
min 0.40 E Fy , 260}
Flexure in web 15 h tw 3.76 E Fy 5.70 E Fy (beams)
No limit for columns
and braces
of flanges of 10 b f 2t f 0.38 E Fy 1.0 E Fy No Limit
Singly Symmetric I-Shapes
in flanges of 11 b f 2t f 0.38 E Fy 0.95 kc E FL No Limit
hc E
hp Fy
Flexure in ≤ λr
16 hc t w Mp
2 5.70 E Fy No Limit
0.54 − 0.09
M y
min 0.40 E Fy , 260}
Flexure in h tw NA NA (beams)
No limit for columns
and braces
compression 10 bf t f 0.38 E Fy 1.0 E Fy No Limit
in flanges
min 0.40 E Fy , 260}
Flexure in web 15 h tw 3.76 E Fy 5.70 E Fy (beams)
No limit for columns
and braces
compression 10 bf t f 0.38 E Fy 1.0 E Fy No Limit
Double Channel
in flanges
min 0.40 E Fy , 260}
Flexure in web 15 h tw 3.76 E Fy 5.70 E Fy (beams)
No limit for columns
and braces
axis bending
Flexural or
axial b f 2t f 0.38 E Fy 1.0 E Fy
10 No Limit
in flanges
Any type of
compression 12 b t 0.54 E Fy 0.91 E Fy No Limit
Double Angle
in leg
Any type of
compression 12 b t 0.54 E Fy 0.91 E Fy No Limit
in leg
――― ――― ―― ――― Assumed Noncompact
――― ――― ―― ――― Assumed Noncompact
General ――― ――― ―― ――― Assumed Noncompact
――― ――― ―― ――― Assumed Noncompact
(d) For flanges of rectangular hollow structural sections (HSS), the width b is
the clear distance between webs less the inside corner radius on each side.
For webs of rectangular HSS, h is the clear distance between the flanges
less the inside corner radius on each side. If the corner radius is not known,
b and h shall be taken as the corresponding outside dimension minus three
times the thickness. The thickness, t, shall be taken as the design wall
thickness, in accordance with AISC Section B3.12.
Refer to Table 3-1 (AISC Table B4.1) for the graphic representation of stiff-
ened element dimensions.
Table 3-2 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios of Compression Elements for
Classification Sections Subjected to Axial Compression
Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios
Width-Thickness for Compression Element
Ratio, NonCompact
Section Description of AISC Case
Type Element Example No. (λ) (λ )
1 bf t f
sion in flanges
Axial 1.40 E Fy
6 bt
compression in 2 b f 2t f 0.56 E Fy
Compression in d tw 0.75 E Fy
3 b t 0.45 E Fy
sion in any leg
9 Dt 0.11 E Fy
The design wall thickness, t, for hollow structural sections, such as Box and
Pipe sections, is modified for the welding process (AISC B4.2). If the welding
process is ERW (Electric-Resistance Welding), the thickness is reduced by a
factor of 0.93. However, if the welding process is SAW (Submerged Arc
Welded), the thickness is not reduced. The Overwrites can be used to choose if
the thickness of HSS sections should be reduced for ERW on a member-by-
member basis. The Overwrites can also be used to change the reduction factor.
kc = , (AISC Table B4.1b Note a)
h tw
S xt
FL = Fy , where (AISC Table B4.1b Note b, F4-6)
S xc
Stress check of Too Slender sections is beyond the scope of this program.
The factored forces can be amplified to consider second order effects, depend-
ing on the choice of analysis method chosen in the Preferences. If the analysis
method is chosen to be General Second Order Elastic Analysis or any of the
Direct Analysis methods with General Second Order Analysis, it is assumed
that the analysis considers the influence of second-order effects (P-∆ and P-δ
effects); hence the analysis results are used without amplification (AISC C1).
Second-order effects due to overall sway of the structure can usually be ac-
counted for, conservatively, by considering the second-order effects on the
structure under one set of loads (usually the most severe gravity load case), and
performing all other analyses as linear using the stiffness matrix developed for
this one set of P-delta loads (see also White and Hajjar 1991). For a more accu-
rate analysis, it is always possible to define each loading combination as a non-
linear load case that considers only geometric nonlinearities. For both ap-
proaches, when P-δ effects are expected to be important, use more than one el-
ement per line object (accomplished using the automatic frame subdivide op-
tion; refer to the program Help for more information about automatic frame
=B1 ≥ 1, and (AISC A-8-3)
1− α
=B2 ≥ 1, (AISC A-8-6)
Pstory = total vertical load supported by the story using LRFD or ASD
load combinations, including gravity column loads, kips (N)
m 0.6 − 0.4 ( M a M b ) , (AISC A-8-4)
1.00, if length is more than actual length,
1.00, if tension member,
Cm = 1.00, if both ends unrestrained,
0.6 − 0.4 a , if no transverse loading, and
1.00, if transverse loading is present.
π2 EI
Pe1 = (AISC A-8-5)
( K1 L )
If any of the direct analysis methods are used, the reduced val-
ue of EI is used (AISC C3.3).
Pe, story = RM , (AISC A-8-7)
In the expression of B1, the required axial force Pr is used based on its first or-
der value. The magnification factor B1 must be a positive number. Therefore,
αPr must be less than Pe1. If αPr is found to be greater than or equal to Pe1 a
failure condition is declared.
If the program assumptions are not satisfactory for a particular structural model
or member, the user has the choice to explicitly specify the values of B1 for any
Currently, the program does not calculate the B2 factor. The user is required to
overwrite the values of B2 for the members.
For all sections, the nominal shear strengths are calculated for directions
aligned with the geometric axes, which typically coincide with the principal
axes. Again, the exception is the Single Angle section.
If the user specifies nonzero nominal capacities for one or more of the
members on the Steel Frame Overwrites form, those values will override
the calculated values for those members. The specified capacities should
be based on the principal axes of bending for flexure, and the geometric
axes for shear.
The design tensile strength, φtPn, and the allowable tensile strength, Pn Ωt , of
tension members is taken as the lower value obtained according to the limit
states of yielding of gross section under tension and tensile rupture in the net
The effective net area, Ae, is assumed to be equal to the gross cross-sectional
area, Ag, by default. For members that are connected with welds or members
with holes, the Ae A g ratio must be modified using the steel frame design
Overwrites to account for the effective area.
The nominal axial compressive strength, Pn, depends on the slenderness ratio,
Kl r , where
Kl K l K l
= max 33 33 , 22 22 .
r r33 r22
For all sections except Single Angles, the principal radii of gyration r22 and r33
are used. For Single Angles, the minimum (principal) radius of gyration, rz, is
used instead of r22 and r33, conservatively, in computing Kl r . K33 and K22 are
two values of K2 for the major and minor axes of bending.
The members with any slender element and without any slender elements are
handled separately.
The limit states of torsional and flexural-torsional buckling are ignored for
closed sections (Box and Pipe sections), solid sections, general sections, and
sections created using Section Designer.
π2 E
Fe = 2
. (AISC E3-4)
where Ag is the gross area of the member. The flexural buckling stress, Fcτ, is
determined as follows.
4 Fcr 22 Fcrz H
F + Fcrz ,
=Fcr cr 22 1 − 1 − (AISC E4-2)
( Fcr 22 + Fcrz )
KL22 E
(0.658 Fe )Fy , if ≤ 4.71 ,
r22 Fy
Fcr 22 = (AISC E3-2, E3-3)
KL22 E
0.877 Fe , if
> 4.71
π2 E
Fe = 2
, and (AISC E3-4)
Fcrz = . (AISC E4-3)
Ag r0 2
4 Fe33 Fez H
F + Fez
=Fe e33 1 − 1 − (AISC E4-5)
( Fe33 + Fez )
x0, y0 are the coordinates of the shear center with respect to the cen-
troid, x0 = 0 for Double Angle and T-Shaped members (y-axis
I 22 + I 33
r0 = xo2 + yo2 + =polar radius of gyration about the shear
center (AISC E4-11)
x 2 + y2
H = 1− o 2 o (AISC E4-10)
π2 E
Fe33 = (AISC E4-7)
( K33 L33 r33 )
π2 E
Fe 22 = (AISC E4-8)
( K 22 L22 r22 )
π2 EC 1
Fez = w
+ GJ (AISC E 4-9)
( K z Lz )
2 2
K22, K33 are effective length factors K2 in minor and major directions
L22, L33 are effective lengths in the minor and major directions
r22, r33 are the radii of gyration about the principal axes
For angle sections, the principal moment of inertia and radii of gyration
are used for computing Fe. Also, the maximum value of KL, i.e.,
max(K22L22, K33L33), is used in place of K22L22 or K33L33 in calculating
Fe22 and Fe33 in this case. The principal maximum value rmax is used for
calculating Fe33, and the principal minimum value rmin is used in calculat-
ing Fe22.
Q 0.658 Fe Fy , if ≤ 4.71 , and
r QFy
Fcr = (AISC E7-2, E7-3)
0.877 Fe , if > 4.71 ,
r QFy
where Fe is the elastic critical buckling stress for flexural buckling limit state.
π2 E
Fe = 2
. (AISC E3-4)
Q 0.658 Fe Fy if ≤ 4.71 , and
r QFy
Fcr = (AISC E7-2, E7-3)
0.877 Fe if > 4.71 ,
r QFy
where, Fe is the elastic critical buckling stress for torsional and flexural-
torsional limit states, which are given for different shapes as follows.
The variables used in the preceding expressions for Fe, such as Cw, x0, y0, ro , H,
Fe33, Fe22, Fez, K22, K33, Kz, L22, L33, Lz, KL r , and so on, were explained in the
previous section.
where Qs and Qa are reduction factors for slender unstiffened compression el-
ements (flanges of I-Shapes, T-Shapes, Double Angles, Channels, and Double
Channels; legs of angles; and stems of T-Shapes) and slender stiffened com-
pression elements (webs of I-Shapes, Channels, and Boxes; and Pipe sections),
respectively. For cross-sections composed of only unstiffened slender ele-
ments, Q = Qs(Qa = 1) and for cross-sections composed of only stiffened slen-
der elements, Q = Qa(Qs = 1).
The reduction factor, Qs, for slender unstiffened elements is defined as follows:
1.0, b E
if ≤ 0.56 ,
t Fy
b Fy E b E
Qs 1.415 − 0.74
= , if 0.56 < ≤ 1.03 , and
t E Fy t Fy
0.69 E , if
> 1.03
b 2 t Fy
(AISC E7-4, E7-5, E7-6)
1.0, b Ekc
if ≤ 0.64 ,
t Fy
b Fy Ekc b Ekc
Qs 1.415 − 0.65
= , if 0.64 < ≤ 1.17 ,
t Ekc Fy t Fy
0.90 Ekc , if
> 1.17
b 2 t Fy
(AISC E7-7, E7-8, E7-9)
where kc = and 0.35 ≤kc≤ 0.76, (AISC E7.1b)
h tw
and b t is defined as
bt 2t f) for I Shapes,
b b f 2t ) f for T Shapes,
(AISC B4.1a, E7.1)
t b tf for Channels,
b f tf for Double Channels.
where b is the full width of the longest leg, and t is the corresponding thickness
(AISC B4.1a, E7.1c).
where d is the full nominal depth of the tee and t is the thickness of the element
(AISC B4.1b).
For T-Shapes, the Qs is calculated for the flange and web separately, and the
minimum of the two values is used as Qs. For Angle and Double Angle sec-
tions, Qs is calculated based on the leg that gives the largest b t and so the
smallest Qs.
The reduction factor, Qa, for slender stiffened elements is defined as follows:
Qa = , (AISC E7-16)
where A is the total cross sectional area of the member, and Aeff is the summa-
tion of the effective areas of the cross-section,
where f is taken as Fcr with Q = 1.0 (AISC 7.2a), and b is taken for rolled
shapes as the clear distance between flanges less the corner radius, and is taken
for welded shapes as the clear distance between flanges.
1.0, if D t < 0.11 ,
0.038E 2 E D E
Qa =Q = + , if 0.11 < < 0.45 , and (AISC E7-19)
Fy ( D t ) 3 Fy t Fy
1.0, if D t > 0.45 ,
where D is the outside diameter and t is the wall thickness. The design wall
thickness is modified for the welding process (AISC B4.2). If D / t exceeds
0.45 E / Fy , the section is considered to be too slender and it is not designed.
The design flexural strength, φbMn, and the allowable flexural strength,
M n Ω b , are determined using the following resistance and safety factors:
When determining the nominal flexural strength about the major principal axis
for any sections for the limit state of lateral-torsional buckling, it is common to
use the term Cb, the lateral-torsional buckling modification factor for non-
uniform moment diagram. Cb is calculated as follows:
12.5M max
=Cb ≤ 3.0, (AISC F1-1, H1.2)
2.5M max + 3M A + 4 M B + 3M c
The nominal bending strength depends on the following criteria: the geometric
shape of the cross-section; the axis of bending; the compactness of the section;
and a slenderness parameter for lateral-torsional buckling. The nominal bend-
ing strength is the minimum value obtained according to the limit states of
yielding, lateral-torsional buckling, flange local buckling, web local buckling,
tension flange yielding as appropriate to different structural shapes. The fol-
lowing sections describe how different members are designed against flexure
in accordance with AISC Chapter F. AISC, in certain cases, gives options in
the applicability of its code section, ranging from F2 to F12. In most cases, the
program follows the path of the sections that gives more accurate results at the
expense of more detailed calculation. In some cases, the program follows a
simpler path. For an easy reference, Table 3-3 shows the AISC sections for the
various scenarios.
Table 3.3 Selection Table for the Application of Chapter F Sections
Section in Flange Web
Chapter F Cross Section Slenderness Slenderness Limit States
F8 N/A N/A Y, LB Yielding
Mn=Mp=FyZ33 , (AISC F2-1)
where, Z33 is the plastic section modulus about the major axis.
where, S33 is the elastic section modulus taken about the major axis, Lb is the
unbraced length, Lp and Lr are limiting lengths, and Fcr is the critical buckling
stress.Fcr, Lp, and Lr are given by:
Cb π2 E Jc Lb
=Fcr 2
1 + 0.078 , (AISC F2-4)
Lb S33 h0 rts
L p = 1.76ry , (AISC F2-5)
E Jc 0.7 Fy S33 h0
=Lr 1.95rts 1 + 1 + 6.76 , (AISC F2-6)
0.7 Fy S33 h0 E Jc
I y Cw
rts 2 = , (AISC F2-7)
M p , if Lb ≤ L p ,
Lb − L p
= (
M n Cb M p − M p − 0.7 Fy S33 ) L ≤ M p , if L p < Lb < Lr , and
r − L p
Fcr S33 ≤ M p , if L p > Lr .
(AISC F3.1, F2-1, F2-2, F2-3)
where λ, λpf, and λrf are the slenderness and limiting slenderness for compact
and noncompact flanges from Table 3.1, respectively,
λ= ,
2t f
λ pf = , (AISC Table B4.1b, F3.2)
1.0 (Rolled),
λ rf = (AISC Table B4.1b, F3.2)
kc E
0.95 F (Welded),
kc = , 0.35 ≤kc≤0.76. (AISC F.3.2)
h tw
1 if I yc I y ≤ 0.23,
M p
=R pc , if λ ≤ λ pw ,and I yc I y > 0.23,
M p − M p − 1 λ − λ pw M p
≤ , if λ pw < λ w ≤ λ rw ,and I yc I y > 0.23,
M y M y
λ rw − λ pw
M y
(AISC F4-9a, F4-9b, F4-10)
λw = (AISC F4.2, Table B4.1)
Cb π2 E JC Lb
=Fcr 2
1 + 0.078 (AISC F4-5)
Lb S33 ho rt
rt = (AISC F4-11)
h 1 h2
12 0 + aw
d 6 h0 d
hc t w
= ≤ 10 (AISC F4-12)
bf t f
L p = 1.1rt (AISC F4-7)
E J F S h
=Lr 1.95rt 1 + 1 + 6.76 L 33 o (AISC F4-8)
FL S33 ho E J
Iyc = moment of inertia of the compression flange about the minor axis
kc = , 35 ≤ kc ≤ 0.76 (AISC F4.3, Table B4.1)
h tw
λ =
2t f
λpf = λp, the limiting slenderness for compact flange, as given in Table
3-1 (AISC Table B4.1b, B4.3)
aw h E
R pg = c − 5.7 ≤ 1.0, (AISC F5-6)
1200 + 300 aw tw Fy
ht w
= ≤ 10, (AISC F5.2, F4-12)
bf t f
F , if Lb ≤ Lp ,
Lb − Lp
Fcr Cb Fy − ( 0.3Fy )
= ≤ Fy , if Lp < Lb ≤ Lr , and
Lr − Lp
Cb π2 E
≤ Fy , if Lp > Lr ,
(AISC F5-1, F5-3, F5-4)
L p = 1.1rt (AISC F5.2, 4-7)
Lr = πrt (AISC F5-5)
0.7 Fy
rt = (AISC F5.2, F4-11)
h 1 h2
12 0 + aw
d 6 h0 d
Rpgis the bending strength reduction factor, which has been described in the
previous section.
F , if flanges are compact,
λ − λ pf
Fcr Fy − ( 0.3Fy )
= , if flanges are noncompact, and
λ rf − λ pf
0.9 Ekc
≤ Fy , if flanges are slender,
(AISC F5-1, F5-8, F5-9)
and λ, λpf, and λrf are the slenderness and the limiting slenderness ratios for
compact and noncompact flanges from Table 3-1, respectively, and kc is given
kc = where 0.35 ≤kc≤ 0.76. (AISC 5.3)
h tw Yielding
Mn = Mp = FyZ22≤ 1.6FyS22, (AISC F6-1)
where S22 and Z22 are the section and plastic moduli about the minor axis, re-
0.69 E
Fcr = (AISC F6-4)
λ= (AISC F6.2)
2t f
and λpf and λrf are the limiting slendernesses for compact and noncompact
flanges, respectively, as described in Table 3-1 (AISC B4.1b).
1 if I yc I y ≤ 0.23,
M p
R pc , if λ ≤ λ pw ,and I yc I y > 0.23,
M p − M p − 1 λ − λ pw M p
≤ , if λ pw < λ w ≤ λ rw ,and I yc I y > 0.23,
M y M y
λ rw − λ pw
M y
(AISC F4-9a, F4-9b)
S33t = elastic section modulus for major axis bending referred to ten-
sion flange
λ = (AISC F4.2, Table B4.1b)
and Myc is the yield moment for compression flange yielding, which is
determined as follows:
Cb π2 E JC Lb
=Fcr 2
1 + 0.078 (AISC F4-5)
Lb S33 ho rt
b fc
rt = (AISC F4-11)
h 1 h2
12 0 + aw
d 6 h0 d
hc tw
= ≤ 10 (AISC F4-12)
b fe t fc
L p = 1.1rt (AISC F4-7)
E J F S h
=Lr 1.95rt 1 + 1 + 6.76 L 33c o (AISC F4-8)
FL S33 ho E J
0.7 Fy , if
≥ 0.7
FL = (AISC F4-6a, F4-6b)
S33t F ≥ 0.5F , S
if 33t ≤ 0.7
S33c y y
Iyc = moment of inertia of the compression flange about the minor axis
kc = , 35 ≤kc≤ 0.76 (AISC F4.3, Table B4.1)
h tw
b fc
λ =
2t fc
where, Rpt is the web plastification factor corresponding to the tension flange
yielding limit state. It is determined as follows:
, if λ ≤ λ pw
M yt
R pt
M p − M p − 1 λ − λ pw
M yt M yt
λ rw − λ pw , if λ pw < λ ≤ λ rw
S33t = elastic section modulus for major axis bending referred to ten-
sion flange
λw = (AISC F4.4, Table B4.1b)
aw h E
R pg = c − 5.7 ≤ 1.0 (AISC F5-6)
1200 + 300aw tw Fy
= ≤ 10 (AISC F5.2, F4-12)
bf t f
F , if Lb ≤ L p ,
Lb − L p
= (
Fcr Cb Fy − 0.3Fy ) L ≤ Fy , if L p < Lb ≤ Lr , and
r − L p
C π2 E
b 2 ≤ Fy , if L p > Lr ,
(AISC F5-1, F5-3, F5-4)
L p = 1.1rt (AISC F5.2, 4-7)
Lr = πrt (AISC F5-5)
0.7 Fy
rt = (AISC F5.2, F4-11)
h 1 h2
12 0 + aw
d 6 h0d
Rpg is the bending strength reduction factor, which has been described
in a previous section.
F , if flanges are compact,
λ − λ pf
Fcr Fy − ( 0.3Fy )
= , if flanges are noncompact, and
λ rf − λ pf
0.9 Ekc
≤ Fy , if flanges are slender,
b fc
(AISC F5-1, F5-8, F -9)
and λ, λpf, and λrf are the slenderness and the limiting slenderness ratios for
compact and noncompact flanges from Table 3-1, respectively, and kc is given
kc = , where 0.35 ≤kc≤ 0.76. (AISC 5.3)
h tw Yielding
Mn = Mp=FyZ22≤ 1.6Fy S22, (AISC F6-1)
where, S22 and Z22 are the section and plastic moduli about the minor axis, re-
0.69 E
Fcr = (AISC F6-4)
b fb b ft
λ =max , (AISC F6.2)
ttb t ft
and λpf and λrf are the limiting slendernesses for compact and noncompact
flanges, respectively, as described in Table 3-1 (AISC B4.1b). Yielding
Mn = Mp =FyZ33 , (AISC F2-1)
where Z33 is the plastic section modulus about the major axis.
where S33 is the elastic section modulus taken about the major axis, Lb is the
unbraced length, Lp and Lr are limiting lengths, and Fcr is the critical buckling
stress. Fcr, Lp and Lr are given by
Cb π2 E Jc Lb
=Fcr 2
1 + 0.078 (AISC F2-4)
Lb S33 h0 rts
L p = 1.76ry (AISC F2-5)
E Jc 0.7 Fy S33 h0
=Lr 1.95rts 1 + 1 + 6.76 (AISC F2-6)
0.7 Fy S33 h0 E Jc
I y Cw
rts 2 = (AISC F2-7)
M p , for compact flanges,
λ − λ pf
M n = M p − M p − 0.7 Fy S33 ) λ ,
for noncompact flanges, and
rf − λ pf
0.9 Ek S
c 33
, for slender flanges,
(AISC F2-1, F3-1, F3-2)
R pc M y , for compact flange,
λ − λ pf
M n = R pc M y − R pc M y − FL S33 ) λ ,
for noncompact flanges, and
rf − λ pf
0.9 Ekc S33 , for slender flanges,
(AISC F4-1, F4-12, F4-13)
Fy , if flanges are compact,
λ − λ pf
=cr Fy − ( 0.3Fy ) , if the flanges are noncompact,
λ rf − λ pf
0.9 Ek
≤ Fy , if the flanges are slender,
(AISC F5-1, F5-8, F5-9)
λ =
2t f
λpf = λp, the limiting slenderness for compact flange, as given in Table
3-1 (AISC Table B4.1b, B4.3)
kc = , 35 ≤kc≤ 0.76 (AISC F4.3, Table B4.1b)
h tw
1 if I yc I y ≤ 0.23,
M p
R pc , if λ ≤ λ pw ,and I yc I y > 0.23,
M p − M p − 1 λ − λ pw M p
≤ , if λ pw < λ w ≤ λ rw ,and I yc I y > 0.23,
M y M y
λ rw − λ pw
M y
(AISC F4-9a, F4-9b)
aw hc E
Rpg = 1 − − 5.7 ≤ 1.0 (AISC F5-6)
1200 + 300 aw tw F
λw =
λpw = λp, the limiting slenderness for compact web, as given in Table 3-1
(AISC Table B4.1)
λrw = λr, the limiting slenderness for a noncompact web, as given in Ta-
ble 3-1 (AISC Table B4.1)
Rpg is the bending strength reduction factor, which has been described in a
previous section. Yielding
Mn = Mp = FyZ22≤ 1.6Fy S22 (AISC F6-1)
where, S22 and Z22 are the section and plastic moduli about the minor axis, re-
0.69 E
Fcr = (AISC F6-4)
λ= (AISC F6.2)
2t f
and λpf and λrf are the limiting slendernesses for compact and noncompact
flanges, respectively, as described in Table 3-1 (AISC B4.1b).
The nominal flexural strength is the lowest value obtained according to the
limit states of yielding (plastic moment), flange local buckling and web local
buckling. Yielding
Mn = Mp = FyZ, (AISC F7-1)
where, Seff is the effective section modulus determined using the effective com-
pressive flange width, be ,
E 0.38 E
be = 1.92t 1 − ≤ b. (AISC F7-4)
Fy b t Fy
See the “Reduction Factor for Slenderness” section for details (AISC F7, E7.2).
Note that the code does not cover the Box section flexure strength if the web is
slender. The program uses the same flexure strength formula for Box sections
with noncompact and slender webs, even though the formula applies only to
noncompact section.
The nominal flexural strength is the lowest value obtained according to the
limit states of yielding (plastic moment) and local buckling. The same set of
formulas is used for both major and minor axes of bending. Yielding
Mn = Mp= FyZ (AISC F8-1)
where, S is the elastic section modulus and Fcr is the critical buckling stress,
Fcr = . (AISC F8-4)
t T-Shapes Major Axes Bending
The nominal flexural strength for T-Shapes bent about their major (3-3) axis,
i.e., the axis perpendicular to the axis of symmetry, is taken as the lowest value
obtained according to the limit states of yielding (plastic moment), lateral-
torsional buckling, flange local buckling, and web local buckling. Yielding
=M p Fy Z 33 ≤ M y , for stems in compression, and
Mn =
M p Fy Z 33 ≤ 1.6 M y ,
= for stems in tension.
(AISC F9-1, F9-2, F9-3)
d Iy
B = ±2.3 . (AISC5 F9-5)
Lb J
The plus sign for B applies when the stem is in tension (M > 0) and the minus
sign applies when the stem is in compression (M < 0).
0.7 E
Fcr = 2 (AISC F9-7)
2t f
and λpf and λrf are the limiting slendernesses for compact and noncompact
flanges, respectively, as described in Table 3-1 (AISC F9.3, B4.1b).
When the flanges are in tension, i.e., when the factored moment Mr is
negative, this limit state is not considered in the program.
where, S33 is the elastic section modulus, and Fcr is determined as follows:
d E
Fy , for
≤ 0.84
d Fy E d E
Fcr = Fy 2.55 − 1.84 , 0.84 < ≤ 1.03 , and
tw E Fy tw Fy
0.69 E d E
, >1.03 ,
d tw Fy
(AISC F9-9, F9-10, F9-11)
When the stem is in tension, i.e., when the factored moment Mr is positive, this
limit state is not considered in the program. Yielding
Mn = Mp = FyZ22 ≤ 1.6FyS22 (AISC F6-1, C-F9)
where, S22 and Z22 are the section and plastic moduli about the minor axis, re-
0.17 M e
0.92 − Me , if M e ≤ M y , and
M y
Mn =
0.92 − 1.17 M M y ≤ 1.5 M y , if M e > M y ,
Me = EI 33GJ (AISC C-F9-3)
0.69 E
Fcr = 2 (AISC F6-4, C-F9)
2t f
and λpf and λrf are the limiting slendernesses for compact and noncompact
flanges, respectively, as described in Table 3-1 (AISC F9.3, B4.1b).
value obtained according to the limit states of yielding (plastic moment), lat-
eral-torsional buckling, flange local buckling, and web local buckling. Yielding
=M p Fy Z 33 ≤ Fy S33 , for stems in compression, and
Mn =
M p Fy Z 33 ≤ 1.5 Fy S33 ,
= for stems in tension.
(AISC F9-1, F9-2, F9-3, F9.3, F9.4, F10-1)
d Iy
B = ±2.3 . (AISC5 F9-5)
Lb J
The plus sign for B applies when the stem is in tension (M > 0) and the minus
sign applies when the stem is in compression (M < 0).
b E
M p = Fy Z 33 ≤ 1.5 Fy S33 , for ≤ 0.54 ,
t Fy
b Fy E b E
M n = Fy S33c 2.43 − 1.72 , for 0.54 < ≤ 0.91 , and
t E Fy t Fy
F S , b E
for >0.91 ,
cr 33c t Fy
(AISC F10-7, F10-8, F10-9, F9.3 Note)
Fcr = 2
(AISC F10-9)
M = d E
Fy Z 33 ≤ 1.5 Fy S33 , for ≤ 0.54 ,
p tw Fy
d Fy
E d E
M n = Fy S33c 2.43 − 1.72 , for 0.54 < ≤ 0.91 , and
tw E F t F
y w y
0.71E S , for
2 33c tw Fy
When the stem is in tension, i.e., when the factored moment Mr is positive, this
limit state is not considered in the program. Yielding
Mn = Mp = FyZ22 ≤ 1.5FyS22 (AISC F6-1, F10-1, C-F9)
where, S22 and Z22 are the section and plastic moduli about the minor axis, re-
0.17 M e
0.92 − Me , if M e ≤ M y , and
M y
Mn =
0.92 − 1.17 M y ≤ 1.5 M y , if M e > M y ,
(AISC F10-2, F10-3, C-F9)
Me = EI 33GJ (AISC C-F9-3)
0.69 E
Fcr = 2 (AISC F6-4, C-F9)
and λpf and λrf are the limiting slendernesses for compact and noncompact
flanges, respectively, as described in Table 3-1 (AISC F9.3, B4.1b). Yielding
Mn= 1.5My, (AISC F10-1)
where, My is the yield moment about the axis of bending.
0.17 M e
0.92 − Me , if M e ≤ M y , and
M y
Mn =
0.92 − 1.17 M M y ≤ 1.5 M y , if M e > M y ,
0.46 Eb 2 t 2Cb
for equal-leg angles,
Me = 2
4.9 EI z C 2
Lt for unequal-leg angles.
β + 0.052 + β
L2 w r
(AISC F10-4, F10-5)
=βw ∫ z ( w2 + z 2 ) dA − 2 z0 (AISC Table C-F10.2)
Iw A
In the preceding equation, My is taken as the yield moment about the major
principal axis of bending, considering the possibility of yielding at the heel and
both of the leg tips.
The nominal flexural strength for bending about the minor principal axis for
the limit state of lateral-torsional buckling is not needed because the limit state
of lateral-torsional buckling does not apply for minor axis bending.
1.5Fy Sc if compact,
b Fy
M n Fy Sc 2.43 − 1.72 if noncompact, and
t E
2 c
if slender,
( b t )
(AISC F10-7, F10-8, F10-9)
In calculating the bending strengths for single-angles for the limit state of leg
local buckling, the capacities are calculated for both the principal axes consid-
ering the assumption that either of the two tips (toes) can be under compres-
sion. The minimum capacities are considered.
The nominal flexural strength is the lowest value obtained according to the
limit states of yielding (plastic moment) and lateral-torsional buckling. Yielding
Mn= Mp = FyZ≤ 1.6My (AISC F11-1)
Lb d 0.08 E
M p , if
L d Fy 0.08 E Lb d 1.9 E
M = Cb 1.52 − 0.274 b2 My ≤ M p , if < 2 ≤ ,
t E Fy t Fy
Lb d 1.9 E
Fcr S33 ≤ M p , if > ,
t2 Fy
(AISC F11-1, F11-2, F11-3)
1.9 ECb
Fcr = , (AISC F11-4)
Lb d
where, t is the width of the rectangular bar parallel to axis of bending; d is the
depth of the rectangular bar; and Lb is the length unbraced against lateral dis-
placement of the compression region or twist of the cross-section.
For this section, the limit state of lateral-torsional buckling need not be consid-
ered (AISC F11.2(c)).
The program does not check any lateral-torsional buckling, flange local buck-
ling, web local buckling, or tension flange yielding. The program assumptions
may not be conservative. The user is expected to calculate the capacity and
overwrite it.
In calculating nominal strength for shear, Vn, it is assumed that there is no in-
termedial stiffeners used to enhance shear strength of a section (AISC G2-2).
The code allows the use of one of following methods: (a) the limit state of
shear yielding and shear buckling without using tension-field-action (AISC
G2); and (b) post buckling strength of the member or tension-field-action
(AISC G3). The program uses the first method to calculate shear strengths.
The design shear strength, φvVn, and the allowable shear strength, Vn Ω v , are
determined using the following factors.
For all sections in both the major and minor directions, except for the web of
rolled I-Shaped members with h t w ≤ 2.24 E Fy
For the web of rolled I-Shaped members with h t w ≤ 2.24 E Fy and for ma-
jor direction shear only
where Aw is the area of the web (overall depth times the web thickness, dtw),
and Cv is the web shear coefficient. The expressions of Aw and Cvdiffer from
section to section, as follows. I-Shapes
For all I-shaped members, Aw is taken as the overall depth of the member times
the web thickness
For the webs of rolled I-shaped members with h t w ≤ 2.24 E Fy , Cvis taken as
For webs of all other I-shaped members, including both singly and doubly
symmetric and both rolled and welded sections, Cv is taken as follows:
1.0, if
≤ 1.10 kv E Fy ,
1.10 kv E Fy h
Cv = , if 1.10 kv E Fy < ≤ 1.37 kv E Fy , and
h tw tw
1.51Ek h
, if > 1.37 kv E Fy ,
( h t w ) Fy
(AISC G2-3, G2-4, G2-5)
kv = 5. (AISC G2.1(b)(i))
In the preceding expression, for rolled shapes, h is taken as the clear distance
between flanges less the fillet or corner radii, and for built-up welded sections,
h, is taken as the clear distance between flanges (AISC G2.1(b), B4.2).
It should be observed that the φv factor, also the Ωv factor, differs for the web
of rolled I-shaped members with h t w ≤ 2.24 E Fy from the web of other I-
shaped members.
Cv is taken as follows:
1.0, if
≤ 1.10 kv E Fy ,
1.10 kv E Fy h
Cv = if 1.10 kv E Fy < ≤ 1.37 kv E Fy , and
h tw tw
1.51Ek h
if > 1.37 kv E Fy ,
( h t w ) Fy
(AISC G2-3, G2-4, G2-5)
and for Channel and Double Channel sections, h is taken as the clear distance
between flanges less the fillet or corner radii (AISC G2.1(b), B4.2); and for T-
Shape sections, h is taken as the overall depth (AISC G2.1(b)).
Cv is taken as follows:
1.0, if
≤ 1.10 kv E Fy ,
1.10 kv E Fy h
Cv = , if 1.10 kv E Fy < ≤ 1.37 kv E Fy , and
h tw tw
1.51Ek h
, if > 1.37 kv E Fy ,
( h t w ) Fy
(AISC G5, G2-3, G2-4, G2-5)
kv = 5 (AISC G5)
Note that the design thickness of the Box section can differ by a reduction fac-
tor from its nominal thickness if the welding process is ERW (AISC B3.12).
The choice of reduction and the reduction factor C can be overwritten on a
member-by-member basis.
Aw = bt (AISC G4)
0.78 E
=Fcr ≤ 0.6 Fy . (AISC G6-2b)
( D t )3 2
The code allows Fcr to be taken as the maximum of two alternate values. The
program conservatively uses one of the two expressions only. In the preceding
D = outside diameter
The design wall thickness is equal to 0.93 times the nominal wall thickness for
ERW HSS, and equal to the nominal wall thickness for SAW HSS. However,
the choice of thickness reduction and the reduction factor can be overwritten in
the program on a member-by-member basis.
where,Aw is the shear area for minor direction shear, andCv is the web shear co-
efficient. The expression of Aw andCv differs from section to section as follows.
Cv is taken as follows:
1.0, if
≤ 1.10 kv E Fy ,
1.10 kv E Fy h
Cv = , if 1.10 kv E Fy < ≤ 1.37 kv E Fy , and
h tw tw
1.51Ek h
, if > 1.37 kv E Fy ,
( h t w ) Fy
(AISC G7, G2-3, G2-4, G2-5)
b f 2t f I Shapes
h b f tf Channels
= (AISC G7)
t w b f tf Double Channels
2t f
b f T Shapes
All dimensions used in the preceding equation are explained in Figure 3-1. For
Singly Symmetric I-Shapes where each flange has its own properties, the shear
capacity contribution is calculated for each flange separately based on its own
dimensions, and then the combinations are added together.
The design torsional strength, φTTn, and the allowable torsional strength,
Tn ΩT , are determined using the following resistance and safety factors:
where C is the torsional shear constant, and Fcr is the critical buckling stress.
Fcr1 = 5
, and (AISC H3-2a)
LD 4
D t
0.60 E
Fcr 2 = 3
. (AISC H3-2b)
D 2
(AISC H3.1)
0.6 Fy , if h t ≤ 2.45 E Fy ,
2.45 E Fy
Fcr = 0.6 Fy , if 2.45 E Fy < h t ≤ 3.07 E Fy , and
(h t )
0.458π2 , if 3.07 E Fy < h t ≤ 26.0.
(h t )
The variables bf, tw, d, tf, h and t used in the preceding expression have been
explained in Figure 3-1. In calculating h t , the maximum of the ratio of depth
to thickness and width to thickness are considered.
Here t is the design thickness. The design wall thickness is equal to 0.93 times
the nominal wall thickness for ERW HSS and equal to the nominal wall thick-
ness for SAW HSS. However, the choice of thickness reduction and the reduc-
tion factor can be overwritten in the program on a member-by-member basis.
In the calculation of the demand/capacity (D/C) ratios, first, for each station
along the length of the member, the actual member force/moment components
are calculated for each design combination. Then, the corresponding capacities
are calculated. Then, the D/C ratios are calculated at each station for each
member under the influence of each of the design combinations. The control-
ling D/C ratio is then obtained, along with the associated station and design
combination. A D/C ratio greater than the D/C ratio limit (whose default value
is 1.0) indicates exceeding a limit state.
During the design, the effect of the presence of bolts or welds is not consid-
For ≥ 0.2
Pr 8 Mr 33 Mr 22
+ + ≤ 1.0. (AISC H1-1a)
Pc 9 M c 33 M c 22
For < 0.2
Pr Mr 33 Mr 22
+ + ≤ 1.0, (AISC H1-1b)
2 Pc M c 33 M c 22
where, Pr and Pc are the required and available axial strengths; Mr and Mc are
the required and available flexural strengths; and 3 and 2 represent the strong
and weak axes, respectively.
As an exception, for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before
adding the axial load component, instead of the single algebraic addition as
implied by the interaction equations given by AISC H1-1a and AISC H1-1b.
The resulting interaction equation is given by the following:
For ≥ 0.2
2 2
Pr 8 Mr 33 Mr 22
+ + ≤ 1.0.
Pc 9 M c 33 M c 22
For < 0.2
2 2
Pr Mr 33 Mr 22
+ + ≤ 1.0.
2 Pc M c 33 M c 22
The philosophy behind the preceding modification is that the engineer has the
freedom to choose the principal axis. The engineer can easily choose the prin-
cipal axis to match with the resultant moment so that the design is always
based on the uniaxial bending with axial force. In that case, the moment will be
the resultant (SRSS) moment from the two components. The resultant D/C ra-
tio calculated using the preceding equations will match the calculated D/C ratio
from the pure resultant moment for the Pipe section. The reason is that Mn for
the Pipe section is independent of the K and L factors. However, for solic cir-
cular (round) sections, the resultant stress ratio calculated using the preceding
equations will not match exactly with the calculated D/C ratio from the pure
resultant moment because Mn for this section depends on the K and L factors,
which are known for only two given principal directions.
a) For the limit state of in-plane instability, equations H1-1a and H1-1b are
used with Mc having a different meaning.
For ≥ 0.2
Pr 8 M r 33 M
+ r 22 ≤ 1.0. (AISC H1-1a, H1.3a)
Pc 9 M c 33,NoLTB M c 22
For < 0.2
Pr M r 33 M
+ r 22 ≤ 1.0, (AISC H1-1b, H1.3a)
2 Pc M c 33,NoLTB M c 22
where, all the terms in the preceding equations are the same as explained
earlier in this section, except Mc33,NoLTBis explained as follows:
For ASD:
In general, Mn33,NoLTB is either larger than the regular Mn33or equal to (for
Pipe sections) the regular Mn33. The negligibility of the minor axis moment
is tested in the program by using a tolerance (0.001) multiplied by the mi-
nor direction capacity (Mn22).
b) For the limit state of out-of-plane buckling, the following interaction equa-
tion is used
Pr P M r 33
1.5 − 0.5 r + ≤ 1.0 (AISC H1-2)
Pcy Pcy Cb M c 33
The program considers the left-hand side to calculate the D/C ratio. The D/C
ratio is really compared with the D/C ratio limit rather than 1. By default, the
D/C ratio limit is 0.95. This limit can be changed in the Preferences.
For ≥ 0.2
Pr 8 Mr 33 Mr 22
+ + ≤ 1.0 (AISC H1.2, H1-1a)
Pc 9 M c 33 M c 22
For < 0.2
Pr Mr 33 Mr 22
+ + ≤ 1.0, (AISCH1.2, H1-1b)
2 Pc M c 33 M c 22
where, Pr and Pc are the required and available axial strengths; Mr and Mc are
the required and available flexural strengths; and 3 and 2 represent the strong
and weak axes, respectively.
As an exception, for Circular and Pipe sections, an SRSS (Square Root of Sum
of Squares) combination is made first of the two bending components before
adding the axial load component, instead of the single algebraic addition as
implied by the interaction equations given by AISC H1-1a and AISC H1-1b.
The resulting interaction equation is given by the following:
For ≥ 0.2
2 2
Pr 8 Mr 33 Mr 22
+ + ≤ 1.0
Pc 9 M c 33 M c 22
For < 0.2
2 2
Pr Mr 33 Mr 22
+ + ≤ 1.0.
2 Pc M c 33 M c 22
As an exception, all General sections and section created using Section De-
signer are treated as Doubly or Singly Symmetric sections. The equations H1-
1a and H1-1b are use for calculation of the D/C ratios.
The program considers the left-hand side to calculate the D/C ratio. The D/C
ratio is really compared with the D/C ratio limit rather than 1. By default, the
D/C ratio limit is 0.95. This limit can be changed in the Preferences.
f ra f f
+ rbw + rbz ≤ 1.0 (AISC H2-1)
Fca Fcbw Fcbz
where fra and Fca are the required and available axial stresses at the point of
consideration; fra and Fca are required and available bending stresses; w is the
subscript related to the major principal axis bending; and z is the subscript re-
lated to the minor principal axis bending.
For General sections and Section Designer sections, it is assumed that the sec-
tion properties are given in terms of principal directions. These two types of
sections are treated as symmetric sections for interaction purposes.
and for members with Box sections, the interaction of torsion, shear, flexure
and axial force is given by
Pr M r 33 M r 22 Vr 3 Vr 2 Tr
+ + + + + ≤ 1.0, (AISC H3-6)
Pc M c 33 M c 22 Vc 3 Vc 2 Tc
and for members with Pipe sections, the interaction of torsion, shear, flexure,
and axial forces is given by
2 2 2 2
Pr M r 33 M r 22 Vr 2 Vr 3 Tr
+ + + + + ≤ 1.0, (AISC H3-6)
Pc M c 33 M c 22 Vc 2 Vc 3 Tc
where, Pr and Pc are the required and available axial strength; Mr and Mc are
required and available flexural strength; Vr and Vc are required and available
shear strength; and Tr and Tc are required and available torsional strength, re-
Reference to the ANSI/AISC 341-10, Part I code carries the AISC SEIS-
MIC prefix or sometimes SEISMIC only.
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
4.1 Notations
Most of the notations used in this chapter have been described previously in
Chapter 3. Any additional notations used in this chapter are described herein.
Framing Type
Notional Load Coefficient
Seismic Design Category
Ignore Seismic Code?
Ignore Special Seismic Load?
Is Doubler Plate Plug Welded?
4-2 Notations
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
4.3 Overwrites
The steel frame design Overwrites are basic assignments that apply only to
those elements to which they are assigned. The steel frame design Overwrites
are described in more detail within the application. The following steel frame
design overwrites are relevant to the special seismic provisions.
Frame Type
Overstrength factor, Ry
With regard to these framing types, the program has implemented specifica-
tions for all types of framing systems, except STMF, BRBF, and SPSW.
Implementing those three types of framing requires further information about
The program recognizes the OCBF framing in its two separate incarnations:
OCBF for regular Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames (AISC SEISMIC
Overwrites 4-3
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
F1) and OCBFI for (base) Isolated Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames
By default, the frame type is taken as Special Moment Frame (SMF) in the
program. However, the default frame type can be changed in the Preference
form for all frames or in the Overwrites form on a member-by-member basis
(Chapter 3). If a frame type Preference is revised in an existing model, the
revised frame type does not apply to frames that have already been assigned a
frame type through the Overwrites; the revised Preference applies only to new
frame members added to the model after the Preference change and to the old
frame members that were not assigned a frame type though the Overwrites.
The program assumes that the special seismic provisions are applicable to any
structural steel structure that is assigned to SDC D, E, or F, irrespective of the
value of R, and to any structural steel structure designed with an R greater than
3 and that is assigned to SDC A, B, or C. In addition, the program allows the
user to change the default applicability of special seismic provisions using the
“Ignore Seismic Code?” Preference item.
The program assumes that the defined earthquake load is really the strength
level earthquake, which is equivalent to QE as defined in Section in
ASCE 7-10 code. For a regular earthquake, load is considered to have two
components: horizontal, Eh and vertical Ev , which are taken as
Effectively, the seismic load combinations for the LRFD provision become
Effectively, the special seismic combinations for the LRFD provision are
Those combinations involving Ω 0 are internal to the program. The user does
NOT need to create additional load combinations for those load combinations.
The special circumstances for which those load combinations are additionally
checked are described later in this chapter, as appropriate. The special load
combination factors are applied directly to the load cases. It is assumed that
any required scaling (such as may be required to scale response spectra results)
has already been applied to the load cases.
The program assumes that the seismic loads defined as the strength level load
is the program load case. Otherwise, the factors ρ , Ω0 , and S DS will be unable
to scale the load to the desired level.
Seismically compact sections are capable of developing the full plastic strength
before local buckling occurs when the section goes through low cycle fatigue
and withstands reversal of load under seismic conditions. The width/thickness
ratio ( λ ) should be less than the limit, λmd or λhd , as appropriate, for the sec-
tion to be Seismically Compact. The limiting width/thickness ratios, λmd and
λhd , for compression elements are given in Table 4-1 and are based on the
Seismic code (AISC SEISMIC D1.1b, Table D1.1). The Seismically Compact
sections are reported as “Seismically Compact,” or sometimes as “Seismic” on-
ly for brevity in the design output.
the width-to-thickness ratio of the compression elements shall not exceed the
limiting width-to-thickness ratio, λhd .
Table 4-1 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios of Compression Elements for Classification Sections
Width- Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for
Thick- Compression Elements
ness Highly Ductile Moderately Ductile
Given Ratio, Members Members
Section Description Graphical Case
Type of Element Example No. (λ ) ( λhd ) ( λmd )
Flexural or
in flanges of b f 2t f 0.38 E Fy
1 0.30 E Fy
rolled and
Singly or Doubly Symmetric I Shapes
in webs of 5 h tw 1.49 E Fy 1.49 E Fy
If Ca ≤ 0.125 If Ca ≤ 0.125
Webs in E E
2.45 ( 1 − 0.93Ca ) 3.76 ( 1 − 2.75Ca )
flexural Fy Fy
compression If Ca > 0.125 If Ca > 0.125
or combined 6 h tw
flexural and E E
0.77 ( 2.93 − Ca ) ≥ 1.12 ( 2.33 − Ca ) ≥
axial Fy Fy
1.49 1.49
Fy Fy
Flexural or
Uniform bf t f
1 0.30 E Fy 0.38 E Fy
in flanges
in webs of 5 h tw 1.49 E Fy 1.49 E Fy
If Ca ≤ 0.125 If Ca ≤ 0.125
Webs in E E
2.45 ( 1 − 0.93Ca ) 3.76 ( 1 − 2.75Ca )
flexural Fy Fy
compression If Ca > 0.125 If Ca > 0.125
or combined 6 h tw
flexural and E E
0.77 ( 2.93 − Ca ) ≥ 1.12 ( 2.33 − Ca ) ≥
axial Fy Fy
1.49 1.49
Fy Fy
Table 4-1 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios of Compression Elements for Classification Sections
Width- Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for
Thick- Compression Elements
ness Highly Ductile Moderately Ductile
Given Ratio, Members Members
Section Description Graphical Case
Type of Element Example No. (λ ) ( λhd ) ( λmd )
Flexural or
Uniform bf t f
1 0.30 E Fy 0.38 E Fy
in flanges
compression 5 h tw 1.49 E Fy 1.49 E Fy
Double Channel
in beam web
If Ca ≤ 0.125 If Ca ≤ 0.125
Webs in E E
2.45 ( 1 − 0.93Ca ) 3.76 ( 1 − 2.75Ca )
flexural Fy Fy
compression If Ca > 0.125 If Ca > 0.125
or combined 6 h tw
flexural and E E
0.77 ( 2.93 − Ca ) ≥ 1.12 ( 2.33 − Ca ) ≥
axial Fy Fy
1.49 1.49
Fy Fy
If Ca ≤ 0.125 If Ca ≤ 0.125
Webs E E
2.45 ( 1 − 0.93Ca ) 3.76 ( 1 − 2.75Ca )
in flexural Fy Fy
compression If Ca > 0.125 If Ca > 0.125
or combined 6 ht
flexural or E E
0.77 ( 2.93 − Ca ) ≥ 1.12 ( 2.33 − Ca ) ≥
axial Fy Fy
1.49 1.49
Fy Fy
Table 4-1 Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios of Compression Elements for Classification Sections
Width- Limiting Width-Thickness Ratios for
Thick- Compression Elements
ness Highly Ductile Moderately Ductile
Given Ratio, Members Members
Section Description Graphical Case
Type of Element Example No. (λ ) ( λhd ) ( λmd )
Flexural or
axial b f 2t f
1 0.30 E Fy 0.38 E Fy
in flanges
T Shape
in stems with 3 d tw 0.30 E Fy 0.38 E Fy
M33 < 0
Any type of
compression 1 bt 0.30 E Fy 0.38 E Fy
Double Angle
in leg
Any type of
compression 1 bt 0.30 E Fy 0.38 E Fy
in leg
Any type of
compression 1 bt 0.30 E Fy 0.38 E Fy
in any leg
Any type of
compression 1 bt 0.30 E Fy 0.38 E Fy
in any leg
0.044 (braces)
Flexural or E E
bt 2.5 2.5
Some of those variable are explained in Figure 3-1 and also explained in the
code (AISC B4.1, B4.2, Table B4.1). The variable Ca can be expressed as fol-
Pu ( φc Py ) for LRFD
Ca = (AISC SEISMIC Table D1.1 Note [d])
Ωc Pa Py for ASD
Ca ≥ 0 (AISC SEISMIC Table D1.1 Note [d])
φb = 0.90
Ωb = 1.67
When satisfying the Special Seismic criteria, it is in general not necessary for
the design sections to be Seismically Compact (AISC SEISMIC D1.1b). How-
ever, for certain special cases, the design sections must be Seismically Com-
pact (AISC SEISMIC D1.1a, D1.1b) or Compact (AISC SEISMIC D1, AISC
Table B4.1) as described in the “Seismic Requirements” section of this chapter.
For a situation when the code requires the design section to be Seismically
Compact, but the section fails to satisfy the criteria, the user must modify the
section. In that case, the program issues an error message in the output.
The preceding load combinations are used to calculate axial force only because
other forces and moments are ignored. This axial capacity check is in addition
to regular strength checks for the regularly specified load combinations (AISC
Those combinations involving Ω 0 are internal to the program. The user does
NOT need to create additional load combinations for such load combinations.
The special circumstances for which these load combinations are additionally
checked are described later in this chapter, as appropriate. The special load
combination factors are applied directly to the load cases. It is assumed that
any required scaling (such as may be required to scale response spectra results)
has already been applied to the load cases.
If the overwrite item “Ignore Special Seismic Load?” is set to yes, the preced-
ing check will not be performed.
For this framing system, the following additional requirement is checked and
reported (AISC SEISMIC E1).
Member Design 4 - 13
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
In columns, the axial compressive and tensile strengths are checked in ab-
sence of any applied moment and shear for the special seismic load combina-
tions as described previously in the “Special Check for Column” section of
this manual (AISC SEISMIC B2, D1.4a(2)).
In columns, the axial compressive and tensile strengths are checked in ab-
sence of any applied moment and shear for the special seismic load combina-
tions as described previously in the “Special Check for Column” section of
this manual (AISC SEISMIC B2, D1.4a(2)).
The program checks the laterally unbraced length of beams between lateral
braces not to exceed the limiting value 0.17 ( E Fy ) ry consistent with mod-
erately ductile steel beams (AISC SEISMIC E2.4a, D1.2a(a)(3)). If this crite-
rion is not satisfied, the program issues an error message.
For this framing system, the following additional requirements are checked or
reported (AISC SEISMIC E3).
In columns, the axial compressive and tensile strengths are checked in ab-
sence of any applied moment and shear for the special seismic load combina-
tions as described previously in the “Special Check for Column” section of
this manual (AISC SEISMIC B2, D1.4a(2)).
All beams and columns are required to be Seismically Compact for highly
ductile members (AISC SEISMIC E3.5a, D1.1, Table D1.1). The limits of
the width-thickness ratio, λhd , has been presented in this manual in Table 4-
1. If these criteria are satisfied, the section is reported as SEISMIC as
4 - 14 Member Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
The program checks the slenderness ratio, L r , for columns to be less than
60 (AISC SEISMC E3.4c(2)(2)). If this criterion is not satisfied, the program
issues an error message.
The program checks the laterally unsupported length of beams not to exceed
0.086 ( E Fy ) ry consistent with highly ductile steel beams (AISC SEISMIC
E3.4b, D1.2b). If this criterion is not satisfied, the program issues an error
No special consideration for this type of framing system is given by the pro-
gram. The user is required to check the seismic design requirements for STMF
For this framing system, the following additional requirements are checked or
reported (AISC SEISMIC F1.1).
In columns, the axial compressive and tensile strengths are checked in the
absence of any applied moment and shear for the special seismic load
combinations as described previously in the “Special Check for Column”
section of this manual (AISC SEISMIC F1.2, B2, D1.4a(2)).
Member Design 4 - 15
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
(b) A beam that is intersected by braces and supporting earthquake load shall
be designed to resist the effects of the load combinations stipulated by
the code, except the brace forces have to be replaced by their capacities.
The forces in all braces in tension shall be assumed to be equal to
Ry Fy Ag (AISC SEISMIC F1.4a(1)(i)). The forces in all braces in com-
pression shall be assumed to be equal to 0.3 Pn (AISC SEISMIC
In columns, the axial compressive and tensile strengths are checked in ab-
sence of any applied moment and shear for the special seismic load combi-
nations as described previously in the “Special Check for Column” section
of this manual (AISC SEISMIC F1.2, B2, D1.4a(2)).
4 - 16 Member Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
For this framing system, the following additional requirements are checked or
reported (AISC SEISMIC E3).
In columns, the axial compressive and tensile strengths are checked in the
absence of any applied moment and shear for the special seismic load com-
binations as described previously in the “Special Check for Column” section
of this manual (AISC SEISMIC B2, D1.4a(2)).
All column and brace members are checked to be Seismically Compact for
highly ductile members in accordance with Table 4-1 (AISC SEISMIC
F2.5a, D1.1, Table D1.1). If these criteria are satisfied, the section is reported
as SEISMIC as described earlier under “Classification of Sections for Local
Buckling” in this chapter. If these criteria are not satisfied, the program is-
sues an error message.
The maximum Kl r ratio of the braces is checked not to exceed 200 (AISC
SEISMC F2.5b(1)). If this criterion is not satisfied, the program issues an er-
ror message.
The program checks the following requirements for V-type and inverted V-type
SCBF frames.
The program checks the laterally unsupported length of beams not to exceed
( )
the limiting value 0.17 E Fy ry (AISC SEISMIC F2.4b(2), D1.2a). If this
criterion is not satisfied, the program issues an error message.
Member Design 4 - 17
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
The columns and beams are designed for load combinations, including the
automatically generated special seismic combinations involving amplified
seismic load. These combinations are the same as described in Section 4.8
“Special Check for Column Strength.” However, for this case, all compo-
nents of forces, including moments and shears in addition to axial forces, are
In columns, the axial compressive and tensile strengths are checked in ab-
sence of any applied moment and shear for the special seismic load combi-
nations as described previously in the “Special Check for Column” section
of this manual (AISC SEISMIC B2, D1.4a(2)).
e e
e e
2 2
4 - 18 Member Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
The shear strength for link beams is taken as follows (AISC SEISMIC
( d − 2t f ) t w for I-Shapes
Alw = (AISC SEISMIC F3-4, F3-5)
2 ( d − 2t f ) t w for Boxes
Py Ag Fy .
Member Design 4 - 19
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
If Pr Pc > 0.15, the link beam length, e, is checked not to exceed the fol-
– if ρ′ ≤ 0.5
e ≤ 1.6 (AISC SEISMIC F3-10)
V p
– if ρ′ > 0.5
e ≤ [1.15 − 0.3ρ′] 1.6 (AISC SEISMIC F3-11)
V p
ρ′ = r c (AISC SEISMIC F3-5b(3))
Vr Vc
The link beam rotation, θ , of the individual bay relative to the rest of the
beam is calculated as the story drift ∆ times bay length ( L ) divided by the
total lengths of link beams (e) in the bay.
4 - 20 Member Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
– θ ≤ value interpolated between 0.08 and 0.02 as the link beam clear
length varies from 1.6 M p Vp to 2.6 M p Vp .
∆ s Cd
∆= , (ASCE 12.8-15)
The beam strength outside the link is checked to be at least the beam force
corresponding to the amplified controlling link beam shear strength, 1.25
RyVn for I-Shapes, and 1.4 RyVn for Box shapes (AISC SEISMIC F3.3).
The controlling link beam nominal shear strength is taken as follows:
Member Design 4 - 21
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
in this chapter. If these criteria are not satisfied, the program issues an error
The brace strength is checked the brace forces corresponding to the ampli-
fied controlling link beam nominal shear strength 1.25RyVn for I-Shapes
and 1.4RyVn for Box shapes (AISC SEISMIC F3.3). The controlling link
beam nominal shear strengths are obtained by the process described earlier
(AISC SEISMIC F3.5b(1)).
The column strength is checked for the column forces corresponding to the
controlling link beam nominal shear strength, 1.25 RyVn for I-Shapes and
1.4 RyVn for Box shapes, where Vn is the nominal shear strength of the link
beam (AISC SEISMIC F3.3). The controlling link beam nominal shear
strength and the corresponding forces are obtained by the process de-
scribed previously.
Note: Axial forces in the beams are included in checking the beams. The user
is reminded that using a rigid diaphragm model will result in zero axial forces
in the beams. The user must disconnect some of the column lines from the dia-
phragm to allow beams to carry axial loads. It is recommended that only one
column line per eccentrically braced frame be connected to the rigid diaphragm
or that a flexible diaphragm model be used.
For this framing system, the following additional requirements are checked or
reported (AISC SEISMIC F4).
4 - 22 Member Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
In columns, the axial compressive and tensile strengths are checked in the
absence of any applied moment and shear for the special seismic load com-
binations (F4.3) as described previously in the “Special Check for Column”
section of this manual (AISC SEISMIC B2, D1.4a(2)).
All column members are checked to be Seismically Compact for highly duc-
tile members in accordance with Table 4-1 (AISC SEISMIC F2.5a, D1.1,
Table D1.1). If these criteria are satisfied, the section is reported as SEISMIC
as described earlier under “Classification of Sections for Local Buckling” in
this chapter. If these criteria are not satisfied, the program issues an error
The program checks the laterally unsupported length of beams not to exceed
( )
the limiting value 0.17 E Fy ry (AISC SEISMIC F4.4a(2), D1.2a). If this
criterion is not satisfied, the program issues an error message.
The columns and beams are designed for load combinations, including the au-
tomatically generated special seismic combinations involving amplified seis-
mic load. These combinations are the same as described in Section 4.8 “Special
Check for Column Strength.”
The beam to column connection is designed to resist the moment equal to the
lesser of the following:
1.1Ry M p
M b = 1.1Ry M p ( LRFD) or M b = ( ASD)
Member Design 4 - 23
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
1.1Fy Z
M c = 1.1Ry Fy Z ( LRFD) or M c = ( ASD)
No special consideration for this type of framing system is given by the pro-
gram. The user is required to check the seismic design requirements for SPSW
The steel beam frames in a direction parallel to the column major direction,
i.e., the beam frames into the column flange.
The steel beam frames in a direction parallel to the column minor direction,
i.e., the beam frames into the column web.
The steel beam frames in a direction that is at an angle to both of the prin-
cipal axes of the column, i.e., the beam frames partially into the column
web and partially into the column flange.
4 - 24 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
column, in line with the top and bottom flanges of the beam, to transfer the
compression and tension flange forces of the beam into the column. For
connection conditions described by the first bullet, where the beam frames into
the flange of the column, such continuity plates are not always needed. The
requirement depends on the magnitude of the beam-flange force and the
properties of the column. This is the condition that the program investigates.
Columns of I Sections only are investigated. The program evaluates the
continuity plate requirements for each of the beams that frame into the column
flange (i.e., parallel to the column major direction) and reports the maximum
continuity plate area that is needed for each beam flange. The continuity plate
requirements are evaluated for moment frames (OMF, IMF, SMF, BRBF)
only. No check is made for braced frames (OCBE, SCBF, EBF).
The program first evaluates the need for continuity plates. When the required
strength Pbf exceeds the available strength φRn (LRFD) or Rn Ω (ASD), as
appropriate, a continuity plate will be required. The program checks the
following limit states.
The column flange design strength, φRn , and the allowable strength, Rn Ω ,
for the limit state of flange local bending is given as follows:
φ =0.9 (LRFD)
Ω =1.67 (ASD)
The available strength of the column web against local yielding at the toe of
the fillet is given as follows:
Joint Design 4 - 25
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
φ =1.0 (LRFD)
Ω =1.5 (ASD)
The available strength of the column web against crippling is given as fol-
t fb ttw
EF t
0.80 t 1 + 3
2 yc fc
Rn = wc , if not at top story
dc t fc
t wc
(AISC J10-4)
t fb ttw
EF t
0.40 t 1 + 3 , if at top story and t fb d c ≤ 0.2
2 yc fc
Rn = wc
dc t fc
t wc
(AISC J10-5a)
t t
EF t
0.40 t 1 + 4 − 0.2 tw
Rn = 2 fb
yw fc
, if at the top story and
t fc
t wc t fb d c > 0.2,
(AISC J10-5b)
φ =0.75 (LRFD)
Ω =2.0 (ASD)
The available compressive strength of the column web against local buckling
is given as follows:
24 t wc EFyc
Rn = , if not at the top story (AISC J10-8)
12 t wc EFyc
Rn = , if at the top story. (AISC J10-8, J10.5)
If any of the preceding conditions are not met, the program calculates the re-
quired continuity plate area as follows.
4 - 26 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
(Pbf − φRn )
, (AISC J10, J10.8, E3)
φc Fcr
For ASD:
(Pbf − Rn Ω )
, (AISC J10, J10.8, E3)
Fcr Ωc
In the preceding expressions, φc, Ωc, and Fcr are taken as follows:
r Fy
Fcr = (AISC J10.8, E3)
0.877 Fe , if
> 4.71
π2 E
Fe = 2
. (AISC E3-4)
The cross-section is comprised of two stiffeners and a strip of the web having
a width of 25twc at the interior stiffener and 12twc at the ends of the columns
(AISC J10.8).
Joint Design 4 - 27
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
is calculated based on the equivalent cross-section and equivalent length
stated here.
In addition to satisfying the preceding limit states, it is made sure that the
equivalent section, consisting of the stiffeners and part of the web plate, is able
to resist the compressive concentrated force (AISC J8). This is similar to a col-
umn capacity check. For this condition, the program calculates the required
continuity plate area as follows:
Pbf 2
= − 25t wc , if not at top story (AISC J10.8, E8)
φc Fcr
Pbf 2
= − 12t wc , if at top story (AISC J10.8, E3)
φc Fcr
For ASD:
Pbf 2
= − 25t wc , if not at top story (AISC J10.8, E3)
Fcr Ωc
Pbf 2
= − 12t wc , if at top story (AISC J10.8, E3)
Fcr Ωc
4 - 28 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
If the maximum thickness is more than the upper limit, the program reports
an error. Here it is assumed that the continuity plate can extend for the full
width of the column flange.
The minimum width of the continuity plate on each side plus 1/2 the thick-
ness of the column web shall not be less than 1/3 of the beam flange width,
b fb twc
bcpmin 2
= − (AISC J10.8)
3 2
Acpmin = tcp
min min
bcp . (AISC J10.8)
Therefore, the continuity plate area provided by the program is zero or the
greater of Acp and Acpmin .
db = Beam depth
dc = Column depth
kc = Distance between outer face of the column flange and web toe of its
Joint Design 4 - 29
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
Rn = Nominal strength
The special seismic requirements additionally checked by the program are de-
pendent on the type of framing used. Continuity plate requirements for seismic
design are evaluated for moment frames (OMF, IMF, SMF, BRBF) only. No
checks are performed for braced frames (OCBF, SCBF, and EBF).
For OMF, the continuity plates are checked and designed for a beam flange
force, Pbf ,
For SMF, IMF and BRBF, the continuity plates are checked and designed for
a beam flange force, given below,
Note that the code insists on designing the continuity plate to match with tested
connection (AISC SEISMIC E2.6f, E3.6f, ANSI/AISC 358).
4 - 30 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
One aspect of the design of a steel framing system is an evaluation of the shear
forces that exist in the region of the beam-column intersection known as the
panel zone.
Shear stresses seldom control the design of a beam or column member. How-
ever, in a Moment-Resisting frame, the shear stress in the beam-column joint
can be critical, especially in framing systems when the column is subjected to
major direction bending and the joint shear forces are resisted by the web of
the column. In minor direction bending, the joint shear is carried by the column
flanges, in which case the shear stresses are seldom critical, and this condition
is therefore not investigated by the program.
Shear stresses in the panel zone, due to major direction bending in the column,
may require additional plates to be welded onto the column web, depending on
the loading and the geometry of the steel beams that frame into the column,
either along the column major direction or at an angle so that the beams have
components along the column major direction. See Figure 2-3 of Chapter 2.
The program investigates such situations and reports the thickness of any
required doubler plates. Only columns with I Shapes are investigated for
doubler plate requirements. Also doubler plate requirements are evaluated for
moment frames (OMF, IMF, SMF, BRBF) only. No check is made for braced
frames (OCBF, SCBF, EBF).
The program calculates the required thickness of doubler plates using the fol-
lowing algorithms. The shear force in the panel zone, is given by
M bn cos θn
=Vp ∑
n =1 d n − t fn
− Vc .
The available strength of the web panel zone for the limit state of shear yield-
ing is determined as φRn (LFRD) or Rn Ω (ASD), as appropriate. Assuming
that the effect of panel zone deformation on frame stability has not been con-
sidered in analysis, the nominal strength, Rn , is determined as follows:
0.6 Fy d c t p ,
Rn = for Pr ≤ 0.4 Pc , and (LRFD J10-9)
Joint Design 4 - 31
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
0.6 Fy d c t p 1.4 − r , for Pr > 0.4 Pc .
Rn = (LRFD J10-10)
Vp φ
tp = , for Pr ≤ 0.4 Pc
0.6 Fy d c
Vp φ
tp = , for Pr > 0.4 Pc .
0.6 Fy d c 1.4 − r
For ASD:
ΩV p
tp = , for Pr ≤ 0.4 Pc
0.6 Fy d c
ΩV p
tp = , for Pr > 0.4 Pc
0.6 Fy d c 1.4 − r
The extra thickness, or the required thickness of the doubler plate is given as
t dp= t p − t w ,
4 - 32 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
φ = 0.9 (LRFD)
Ω = 1.67 (ASD)
The largest calculated value of tdp , calculated for any of the load combinations
based on the factored beam moments and factored column axial loads, is re-
Doubler plate requirements for seismic design are evaluated for SMF and
BRBF only. No further check/design is performed for other types of frames
Joint Design 4 - 33
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
For SMF and BRBF, the panel zone doubler plate requirements that are re-
ported will develop at least the beam moments equal to the expected plastic
moment capacity of the beam ( Ry M p ) , or beam moments due to specified
load combinations involving seismic load (AISC SEISMIC 9.3a). For seis-
mic design, V p is calculated using the equation given previously, except that
M pb is taken as Ry Fy Z 33 .
The capacity of the panel zone in resisting this shear is taken as:
3bcf tcf2
0.60 Fy dc t p 1 +
Vn = , for Pu ≤ 0.75Py (AISC J10-11)
db dc t p
3bcf tcf2 P
0.60 Fy dc t p 1 +
Vn = 1.9 − 1.2 r , for Pr > 0.75Pc (AISC J10-12)
db dc t p Pc
V p φv 3bcf tcf2
t p= − , if Pr ≤ 0.75Pc
0.6 Fy d c db dc
V p φv 3bcf tcf2
=tp − , if Pr > 0.75Pc .
P db d c
0.6 Fy d c 1.9 − 1.2 r
tdp = t p − twc
4 - 34 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
For SMF and BRBF, the program checks the following panel zone column
web thickness requirement:
(d c − 2t fc ) + ( db − 2t fb )
Here, t is taken as twc + tdp when the doubler plate is plug welded to prevent
local buckling. In such cases, tdp is increased if necessary to meet this criteri-
on. If the doubler plate is not plug welded to the web, t is taken as t wc and
also as tdp for checking both the plates. If t wc cannot satisfy the criteria, then
a failure condition is declared. If tdp does not satisfy this criterion, then its
value is increased to meet the criteria. If the check is not satisfied, it is noted
in the output.
Only for Special Moment Frames (SMF) the code requires that the sum of col-
umn flexure strengths at a joint should be more than the sum of beam flexure
strengths (AISC SEISMIC E2.4a). The column flexure strength should reflect
the presence of axial force present in the column. The beam flexural strength
should reflect potential increase in capacity for strain hardening. To facilitate
the review of the strong column weak beam criterion, the program will report a
beam-column plastic moment capacity ratio for every joint in the structure.
Joint Design 4 - 35
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
For the major direction of any column (top end), the beam-to-column-strength
ratio is obtained as
∑M ∗
pbn cos θn
Rmaj = n =1
. (AISC SEISMIC E2.4a, E3-1)
M ∗pcax + M ∗pcbx
∑M ∗
pbn sin θn
=Rmin n =1
, (AISC SEISMIC E2.4a, E3-1)
M ∗pcay + M ∗pcby
θn = Angle between the n-th beam and the column major direc-
M ∗pcax , y = Major and minor plastic moment capacities, reduced for axial
M ∗pcbx , y = Major and minor plastic moment capacities, reduced for axial
The plastic moment capacities of the columns are reduced for axial force ef-
fects and are taken as
4 - 36 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
M ∗pc Z c Fyc − uc (LRFD)
M ∗pc Z c Fyc − 1.5 ac (ASD)
The plastic moment capacities of the beams are amplified for potential increase
in capacity for strain hardening as
f mv = 1 + where,
Joint Design 4 - 37
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
For the preceding calculations, the section of the column above is taken to be
the same as the section of the column below, assuming that the column splice
will be located some distance above the story level.
The preceding ratios are not checked for single story buildings or the top story
of a multistory building (AISC SEISMIC E2.4a(a)(ii)).
For each steel beam in the structure, the program will report the maximum
major shears at each end of the beam for the design of the beam shear
connections. The beam connection shears reported are the maxima of the
factored shears obtained from the loading combinations.
For special seismic design, the beam connection shears are not taken less than
the following special values for different types of framing. The special seismic
requirements additionally checked by the program are dependent on the type of
framing used and the Seismic Design Category.
For SMF, the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum of those from
regular load combinations and those required for the development of full
plastic moment capacity of the beam. The connection shear for the develop-
ment of the full plastic moment capacity of beam is as follows:
CM pb
Vu= + VDL + VLL (LRFD), (AISC SEISMIC E3.6d, ASCE 2.3.2-5)
CM pb
=Va ( 0.7 ) + VDL + VLL (ASD), (AISC SEISMIC E3.6d, ASCE 2.4.1-5)
4 - 38 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
For IMF, the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum of the two val-
ues: (a) maximum shear from the load combinations and (b) maximum shear
based on beam moment capacity of the beam (AISC SEISMIC E2.6d).
The maximum shear from the load combinations is determined from all of
the regular load combinations and also from the amplified seismic load com-
binations (AISC SEISMIC E2.6d). For LRFD or ASD provisions, appropri-
ate load combinations are considered. The load combination for amplified
seismic load combinations are also described previously in the “Design
Loading Combinations” section.
The maximum shear based on beam moment capacity is calculated for any
load combination involving seismic load by replacing the seismic effect on
shear force with the capacity shear as follows:
CM pb
Vu= + VDL + VLL (LFRD), (AISC SEISMIC E2.6d, ASCE 2.3.2-5)
CM pb
=Va ( 0.7 ) + VDL + VLL (ASD). (AISC SEISMIC E2.6d, ASCE 2.4.1-5)
For OMF, the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum of the two
values: (a) maximum shear from the load combinations and (b) maximum
shear based on beam moment capacity of the beam (AISC SEISMIC
Joint Design 4 - 39
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
The maximum shear from the load combinations is determined from all of
the regular load combinations and also from the amplified seismic load com-
binations (AISC SEISMIC E1.6b(a), ASCE For LRFD or ASD
provisions, appropriate load combinations are considered. The load combina-
tion for amplified seismic load combinations also are described previously in
the “Design Loading Combinations” section.
The maximum shear based on beam moment capacity is calculated for any
load combination involving seismic load by replacing the seismic effect on
shear force with the capacity shear as follows:
CM pb
Vu= + VDL + VLL (LFRD), (AISC SEISMIC E1.6b(a), ASCE 2.3.2-J)
CM pb
=Va ( 0.7 ) + VDL + VLL (ASD). (AISC SEISMIC E1.6b(a), ASCE 2.4.1-5)
For SCBF the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum of those
from regular load combination and those from amplified seismic load com-
For OCBF and OBFI, the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum
of those from regular load combinations and those from amplified seismic
load combinations.
For EBF, the beam connection shear is taken as the maximum of the two
values: (a) maximum shear from the load combinations and (b) maximum
shear based on link beam shear capacity (AISC SEISMIC 15.7, 11.2a(4)).
The maximum shear from the load combinations is determined from all of
the regular load combinations and also from the amplified seismic load com-
binations (AISC SEISMIC 15.7, 11.2a(4), ASCE 14.2.3). For LRFD or ASD,
appropriate load combinations are considered. The load combinations for
amplified seismic load combinations also were described previously in the
“Design Loading Combination” section of this chapter.
4 - 40 Joint Design
Chapter 4 Special Seismic Provisions
The maximum beam connection shear based on link beam shear capacity is
taken as the beam connection shear that can be developed when the link
beam yields in shear. The load factor for the seismic component of the load
in the combination is calculated to achieve forces related to yielding of the
link beam. For connection shear determination, the forces are further ampli-
fied by 1.1 Ry (AISC SEISMIC 15.7, 11.2a(4)).
For each steel brace in the structure, the program reports the maximum axial
force at each end of the brace for the design of the brace-to-beam connections.
The brace connection forces reported are the maxima of the factored brace axi-
al forces obtained from the loading combinations.
For special seismic design, the brace connection forces are not taken less than
the following special values for different types of framing. The special seismic
requirements additionally checked by the program are dependent on the type of
framing used.
Bracer axial forces for seismic designs are evaluated for braced frames (SCBF,
OCBF, EBF, BRBF) only. No special checks are performed for moment
frames (OMF, IMF, SMF).
For SCBF, the bracing connection force is taken as the minimum of the two
values (AISC SEISMIC F2.6c):
(a) The expected yield strength in tension of the bracing member, deter-
mined as Ry Fy Ag (LFRD) or Ry Fy Ag 1.5 (ASD), as appropriate (AISC
SEISMIC F2.6c(1)(a)).
(b) The maximum load effect of the amplified seismic load combination
(AISC SEISMIC F2.6c(1)(b)).
Note that the required bracing connection force for the required compressive
strength of the brace based on limit state of buckling that is equal to 1.1 Ry Pn
Joint Design 4 - 41
Steel Frame Design AISC-360-10
For OCBF or OCBFI, the bracing connection force is taken as the minimum
of the two values (AISC SEISMIC F1.6a):
(a) The expected yield strength in tension of the bracing member, deter-
mined as Ry Fy Ag (LFRD) or Ry Fy Ag 1.5 (ASD), as appropriate (AISC
SEISMIC F3.6b(a)).
(b) The maximum load effect of the amplified seismic load combination
(AISC SEISMIC F3.6b(b)(i)).
For EBF, the required strength of the diagonal brace connection at both ends
of the brace is taken as the maximum of the following two values: (a) the
maximum connection force from the design load combinations, and (b) the
maximum brace connection force based on the link beam shear capacity
The maximum brace connection force based on link beam shear capacity is
taken as the brace connection force that can be developed when the link
beam yields in shear. The load factor for seismic component of the load in
the combination is calculate to achieve forces related to yielding of the link
beam. For connection force determination, the forces are further amplified by
1.25Ry for I-Shapes and 1.4Ry for Box links (AISC SEISMIC F3.3).
For BRBF, the diagonal brace connections in tension and compression are
computed as 1.1 times the adjusted brace strength in compression in accord-
ance with Section F4.2a. The adjusted brace strength in compression is
Pnc = βω Ry Pysc (AISC SEISMIC F4.2a) and the adjusted brace strength in
tension is Pnt = ω Ry Pysc (AISC SEISMIC F4.2a).
4 - 42 Joint Design
Appendix A
P-Delta Effects
Modern design provisions are based on the principle that the member forces are
calculated by a second-order elastic analysis, where the equilibrium is satisfied
on the deformed geometry of the structure. The effects of the loads acting on the
deformed geometry of the structure are known as the second-order or the P-Delta
The P-Delta effects come from two sources: global lateral translation of the
frame and the local deformation of members within the frame.
Consider the frame object shown in Figure A-1, which is extracted from a story
level of a larger structure. The overall global translation of this frame object is
indicated by ∆. The local deformation of the member is shown as δ. The total
second order P-Delta effects on this frame object are those caused by both ∆ and
The program has an option to consider P-Delta effects in the analysis. When you
consider P-Delta effects in the analysis, the program does a good job of cap-
turing the effect due to the ∆ deformation (P-∆ effect) shown in Figure
B-1, but it does not typically capture the effect of the δ deformation (P-δ
effect), unless, in the model, the frame object is broken into multiple elements
over its length.
Appendix A - 1
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
Original position of frame
element shown by vertical
line δ
Final deflected position of the
frame element that includes the
global lateral translation, ∆, and
the local deformation of the
Position of frame element
element, δ
as a result of global lateral
translation, ∆, shown by
dashed line
M CAP B1M nt + B2 M lt (AISC A-8-1)
= Pnt + B2 Plt
Appendix A - 2
Appendix A – P-Delta Effects
To properly capture the P-δ effect in a finite element analysis, each element,
especially column elements, must be broken into multiple finite elements. Alt-
hough a single element per member can capture the P-δ effect to some extent, the
program considers that inadequate. For practical reasons, the software internally
divides the column elements into two members. The user must provide addi-
tional subdivisions where a column is expected to have multiple inflection
Appendix A - 3
Appendix B
Interactive Steel Frame Design
The Interactive Steel Frame Design command is a powerful mode that allows
the user to review the design results for any steel frame design and interactively
revise the design assumptions and immediately review the revised results.
Note that a design must have been run for the interactive design mode to be
available. With the design results displayed, right click on a frame object to
display the Steel Stress Check Information form for the member. Click on the
Overwrites button to display the Design Overwrites form, where the member
section or other design parameters may be changed. Clicking OK on this form
results in an immediate updating of the results displayed on the Steel Stress
Check Information form.
Appendix B - 1
Appendix C
Analysis Sections vs. Design Sections
Analysis sections are those section properties used to analyze the model when
an analysis is run (refer to the program Help for information about running an
analysis). The design section is whatever section is used in the steel frame
design. It is possible for the last used analysis section and the current design
section to be different. For example, an analysis may be run using a W18X35
beam, and then in the design, it may be found that a W16X31 beam worked. In
that case, the last used analysis section is the W18X35 and the current design
section is the W16X31. Before the design process is complete, verify that the
last used analysis section and the current design section are the same. Refer to
the program Help for information about completing this task.
The program keeps track of the analysis section and the design section
separately. Note the following about analysis and design sections:
Assigning a frame section property assigns the section as both the analysis
section and the design section.
Running an analysis always sets the analysis section to be the same as the
current design section.
Assigning an Auto Select section list to a frame object initially sets the
analysis and design section to be the section in the list with the median
Appendix C - 1
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
Unlocking a model deletes the design results, but it does not delete or
change the design section.
Altering the Design Combinations in any way deletes the design results but
does not delete or change the design section.
Altering any of the steel frame design preferences deletes the design results
but does not delete or change the design section.
Appendix C - 2
Appendix D
Error and Warning Messages
This appendix provides all the possible error message that can be offered by the
Steel Frame Design model of the program. Some of these messages are relevant
to the "AISC 360-10" design code. Others are relevant to the other design codes
supported by the program. However, the entire list is presented here for com-
3 P > Pe
4 P > 0.85Py
5 P . 075Py
7 1 > 96ry
Appendix D - 1
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
9 Section is slender
10 Section is Class 4
15 1u > 76bf/sqrt(Fy)
16 fe > Fe
Appendix D - 2
Appendix D Error and Warning Messages
32 tz < (dz+wz)/90
35 Fy > 50 ksi
Appendix D - 3
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
48 tz < (dz+wz)/70
49 1/r >60
59 tz < (dz+wz)/90
61 Section is slender
62 Section is unknown
Appendix D - 4
Appendix D Error and Warning Messages
70 Unequal legs
Appendix D - 5
ASCE, 2010. SEI/ASCE 7-10. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures. ASCE Standard. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Boresi, A. P., 1985. Advanced Mechanics of Materials, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
ISBN 0-471-88392-1.
CSI, 2012. CSI Lateral Load Manual. Computers and Structures, Inc., 1995
University Avenue, Berkeley, California, 94704.
IBC, 2012. International Building Code, International Code Council, 4051 West
Flossmoor Road, Country Club Hills, Illinois, 60478. January.
Bibliography - 1
Steel Frame Design AISC 360-10
Bibliography - 2