Questionnaires Sample

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Shankev Dev Campus

Faculty of Management

Masters of Business Studies

Dear respondent,

The objective of this questionnaire is to gather information that will help to assess the
determinants of Internal Audit Effectiveness in the selected commercial banks. This study is
undertaken as a partial requirement for the completion of Masters of Business Studies.

All data and information that will be gathered through these questionnaires will be used for
the sole purpose of the research and remains confidential. Therefore, you are kindly
requested to respond to the questions with utmost good faith, freely and to the best of your
knowledge. There is no need to write your name on the questionnaires.

Thank you in advance for your time and kind cooperation.

Section I. General Profile

General Instruction: Please indicate your choice by putting “√” mark in the bracket.

1. Sex/Gender/: Male ( ) Female ( )

2. Age (in years): 16 to 25 ( ), 25 to 30 ( ), 31 to 35 ( ), 36 to 40 ( ), + 40 years ( )

3. Years of service in the Bank: 1-5 ( ), 6-10 ( ), 11-15 ( ),16-20 ( ), +20 ( )

4. Field of study: Accounting ( ), Finance ( ), Marketing ( ) Others ( )

5. Level of education: Diploma ( ), Bachelor's Degree ( ), Master degree ( )

Section II. The Questionnaires items (questions)

Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with the following statements by
ticking the appropriate option.

Key: SD= Strongly Disagree; D=Disagree; N= Neutral; A= Agree; SA= Strongly Agree

Management Support
1 The internal audit team has direct support and assistance from the
top management.
2 The internal audit team members have direct support and
assistance from process owners and Immediate supervisors.
3 The internal audit team members get expected assistance from
auditee during their audit engagement.
4 The internal audit team members get respected and assisted by the
auditee during their audit engagement.
5 Management does not provide enough support and
encouragement for training and developing the IA staff.
Management’s Perception of IA’s Value
6 The Top management as well has enough awareness and
good/+ve perception about internal audit functions.
7 The top management considers internal auditing practices as a
value adding activity and hence has a warm wish to review the
audit findings for decision making.
8 The management encourages the audit team for their valuable
recommendations, to promote value-added activities and to
strength internal audit function.
9 The management dully recognizes the audit finding reports as a
tool which give a clue on the current financial performance and
internal control mechanisms.
10 The management appreciates the internal audit recommendations
as a tool that contribute to the improvement of risk management,
control and governance using a systematic and disciplined
approach in the bank.
Organizational Independence
11 The IA operates totally independently, and conducts their work
without interference. Terminating the work of the IA requires the
approval of the IA committee, and/or the board of directors.
12 The IA decides seriously on the scope, time and extent of auditing
procedures based on auditing standards and the Bank’s audit
13 Independence is the essence of effective auditing among other
factors in particular.
14 All IA members feel free to include any audit finding in their
audit work and report directly to responsible body.
15 IA can freely access any necessary documents, information and
data about the process under investigation and hence always
Adequate and Competent Internal Audit Staff
16 IAF is used as training ground for future management personnel
and as a stepping stone to managerial positions.
17 There is no mere staff assignment in the IA process rather skilled
internal auditors having certification in auditing are recruited for
the post.
18 The audit procedures and evidence collections are completed on
time, since enough and skilled internal auditors are available or
employed for the bank in line with technological advancement
and organizational advancements.
19 The work of internal audit is performed with modern technology
that uses computerized data tools and specific IA software as it
currently a must for fraud detection.
20 The existing internal audit staff number and their skill is
outstanding and matches the scope of internal audit operations to
achieve the corporate goal set for the IA.
Approved Internal Audit Charter
21 Internal audit charter is available in my office.
22 The IA charter defined scope of IA activities.
23 The purpose and authority of internal audit is clearly defined in
24 The purpose and authority of internal audit charter is in line with
“Standards for the Professional Practice”.
25 The IA charter specifies authorized access to records, personnel,
and physical properties relevant to the performance of
Internal Audit Effectiveness
26 Management Support is a corner-stone for the IA Effectiveness.
27 Management Perception of IA has impact in the effectiveness of
its function.
28 Organizational Independence excels all the factors that affect IA
29 Adequate and Competent IA Staff placement is vital in any


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