Problem-Solving Definition and Process

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Problem Solving and

• articulate a definition of problem solving;

• differentiate between routine and non-routine problems;

• outline the steps in problem solving from personal

practice vis a vis those outlined by Polya and others;

• explain the significance of problem solving in mathematics

What is Problem-Solving? (Definition and Process)

Problem solving is a complex skill involving curiosity,

creativity, connecting to prior learning, collaborating, critical
thinking and having insight.

Problem solving is a productive and creative human in action.

Just imagine yourself the moment when you say “ah ha” during
discussion as you discover something new yet tricky not
knowing that you are already discovering things as you went
through the process of solving.
What is Problem-Solving? (Definition and Process)

• Problem-Solving is the process of finding solutions to

difficult or complex issues (Oxford Dictionary)

• Finding a way around a difficulty, around an obstacle,

and finding a solution to a problem that is unknown
(Polya, 1945 & 1962)
What is Problem-Solving? (Definition and Process)
Other definitions
• special importance in the study of mathematics (Wilson, Fernandez and
Hadaway, 2011)
• “…to develop a generic ability in solving real-life problems and to apply
mathematics in real life situations.”

• “…for a deeper understanding of concepts.”

• “Successful mathematical problem-solving depends upon on many factors

and skills with different characteristics.”

• “…many skills are needed for a learner to be effective problem solver.”

What is Problem-Solving? (Definition and Process)
Other definitions:

• One of the most complex topics to teach (Dendane, 2009).

• “Quantify numerically and spatially natural as well as man-made situations.” • It

has helped in making social economic and technological advances (Dendane).

• Learning facts and contents in mathematics are important but these are not
enough. Students should learn how to use these facts to develop their thinking
skills in solving problems. Special mention for the development of problem
solving ability has been accepted by mathematics educators (Stanic and
Kilpatrick, 1989) and genuine mathematical problem-solving is one of the most
important components in any mathematics program or curriculum
(Stacey,2005; Halmos, 1980; Cockroft, 1982).
What is Problem-Solving? (Definition and Process)
Other definitions:

Mathematical problem-solving may help students to improve and develop the

standard ability to solve real-life problems, (Reys et al.2001), to develop critical
thinking skills and reasoning , to gain deep understanding of concepts
(Schoenfeld, 1992; Schoen and
Charles, 2003 ) and to work in
groups, cooperate and interact with each other (Dendane).

What is Problem-Solving? (Definition and Process)

Other definitions and processes.

Specifically, it may also improve eagerness of an individual to try to analyze

mathematical problems and to improve their determination and self-concepts
with respect to the abilities to solve; make the individual aware of the problem
solving strategies, value of approaching problems in an orderly manner and that
many problems can be solved in more than one; improve individual abilities to
select appropriate solution activities, capacity to implement solution strategies
accurately and abilities to get the correct answer to problems (Hong, Kee and
Singh, 2013)
What is problem
solving for you?
• From curriculum point of view, routine problem solving involves using at
least one of the four arithmetic operations and/or ratio to solve
problems that are practical in nature.

• Routine problems are problems that we solve by using the formula,

symbol and so on. the problem leads to an answer. the problem is either
we have been done before or almost the same with a question that we
have been solved.
• From curriculum point of view, routine problem solving involves using at
least one of the four arithmetic operations and/or ratio to solve
problems that are practical in nature.

• Routine problems are problems that we solve by using the formula,

symbol and so on. the problem leads to an answer. the problem is either
we have been done before or almost the same with a question that we
have been solved.


Julius had 42 apple. She gave some to her friend. Now
he has 17 apples. How many did he give to her friend.
• Non routine problems are the problem that need us to think! try
to understand the problem deeper. It doesn't show or give us the
answer on the spot, but it is minimizing the difficulties of the

• A non-routine problem is any complex problem that requires

some degree or creativity or originally to solve. Non-routine
problems have typically do not have an immediately apparent
strategy for solving them. Often times, these problem can be
solved in multiple ways.

There are 45 questions in an exam. For every correct answer is five

points and every wrong answer is three points deducted. Melissa
scored 185 marks. How many correct answers did she give?

Higher Order
Thinking Skills

Problem Solving Strategies

George Polya was a
influencer (an educator) who
strongly believed that skills of
problem can be taught. He
worked a
framework known as the Polya’s
Four-Steps in Problem Solving.
Problem Solving Strategies
The major target of this method is to
help students establish a
strategy in problem solving and
difficulty of fresh learners
specially for
those that are of poor
foundation. He firmly believed
that the
most efficient way of learning
mathematical concepts is through
problem solving building students and
teachers become a better problem
Problem Solving Strategies

This module presents the four-step process that forms the basis of any
serious attempt at problem solving. The Polya’s four step in problem
solving are:
1. Understand the Problem.
2. Devise a plan.
3. Carry out a plan.
4. Look back.
Problem Solving Strategies
In order to become a problem solver, one should recognize and follow Polya’s
four steps which help to examine each of steps and determine what is involved.
Commonly, a mathematical problem s presented verbally whether orally or
written. We will solve the mathematical problems using mathematical symbols,

then interpret the answer.

Problem Solving Strategies

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

Sometimes the problem lies in the comprehension the problem itself.
Understand the problem is often neglected as being obvious and is not
even mentioned in many mathematics classes. To help us interpret the
problem correctly, we might consider the following guide questions:
Problem Solving Strategies
Step 1: Understanding the Problem
Sometimes the problem lies in the comprehension the problem itself.
Understand the problem is often neglected as being obvious and is not
even mentioned in many mathematics classes.
• What is the goal? • What is the condition? • What sort
• What is asked? of problem is it? • What is known
or unknown?
• Is there enough information?

• Can you draw figure to illustrate the

• Is there any way to paraphrase the
problem? • Do you understand all the • Do you need to ask the question to get
words used in stating the problem? the answer?

Problem Solving
Strategies Step 2: Devise a Plan
Devising a plan (translating) is a way to solve the problem by
picturing how we are going to attack the problem. These are the
several devices based on the book of Polya.
• Act it out.
• Be systematic. Draw a picture/diagram. •

• Consider special cases. • WorkApply variable such a x. •

backwards. • Eliminate Innovate/look for formula. •

possibilities. • Conduct/perform Write an equation (or model). •

an Look for a pattern or patterns.

• Make a list or table/chart. •

Problem Solving
Strategies Step 2: Devise a Plan
Devising a plan (translating) is a way to solve the problem by
picturing how we are going to attack the problem. These are the
several devices based on the book of Polya.

Use direct or indirect reasoning.

Solve simple version of the problem.
Guess and check your answer (trial
and error).
Problem Solving Strategies
Step 3: Carry out the Plan.
In carrying out the plan (solve), we need to execute the equation we came up from
the second step (Devise a Plan). The major ticket is to persevere and carefully
analyze, even if we are enough skills. One error in the first step wouldn’t make it
solve the problem, accurately. Work carefully.
Be patient.
Modify the plan or try a new plan. isn’t working.

Keep trying until something Keep a complete and accurate record

of your work.
Be determined and don’t et discourage if
Implement strategies. the plan does not work immediately.

Try another strategy if the first one

Problem Solving Strategies

Step 4: Look Back.
This step helps in identifying if there is a mistake in a solution. Its time to reflect
and look back at what is done, what worked, and what didn’t.

Look for an easier/ less complicated solution.

Does it answer the question?
Does the answer make sense?
Review any computed value involved in the solution.

Problem Solving Strategies

Step 4: Look Back.
This step helps in identifying if there is a mistake in a solution. Its time to reflect
and look back at what is done, what worked, and what didn’t.

Interpret the solution with the facts of the problem.

Can the solution be extended to a more general case?
All situations related to the problem should be emphasized.
Are there any other solution aside from this?
Is the solution consistent in the content of what is asked?
What are your
personal practices on
problem solving?
Mathematics Education is referred to as the practice of
teaching and learning of mathematics in a way of
problem-solving involving algorithms and formulas necessary
for the computations.

It is a platform to learn and teach mathematics with better way.

Mathematics Education is referred to as the practice of
teaching and learning of mathematics in a way of
problem-solving involving algorithms and formulas necessary
for the computations.

It is a platform to learn and teach mathematics with better way.

The practice of teaching and learning mathematics, along
with associated scholarly research:

PotenziaMente: A Collection of Online games for

Learning Mathematics and Enhance Thought

The systems that encompass aspects of teaching, learning
and assessing mathematics.

Critical Thinking and Mathematics Teaching and Learning

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