5.the Maglev Heart
5.the Maglev Heart
5.the Maglev Heart
a n iel
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Peter Adams
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THE INVENTOR: Daniel Timms,
founder of Bivacor, holds the
650-gram machine that could
save the lives of men, women,
and children with heart failure.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Talca. Downloaded on April 29,2021 at 00:49:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
For more than 50 years, cardiac surgeons and biomed- Our company is now working toward human trials of our
ical engineers at the Texas Heart Institute (THI) have been device. It relies on a dramatic new approach: Rather than
questing for an artificial heart that can fully replace natu- using a mechanical pump that mimics the structure and
ral ones, which are in terribly short supply for transplant. actions of the four-chambered human heart, it uses a spin-
They’ve seen their share of metal and plastic contraptions ning disk, suspended in a magnetic field. With just one moving
that used a variety of pumping mechanisms, but none of part, the Bivacor heart is able to send oxygen-rich blood out
these machines could match the astounding performance to the body and return oxygen-depleted blood to the lungs.
of the human heart. We had to overcome many technical challenges to make an
In April 2019, the possible culmination of that long quest artificial heart that’s small, biocompatible, energy efficient,
was inside a shaggy brown cow, which stood peacefully chew- and durable. Consider that the human heart beats about
ing its cud at a THI research facility in Houston. The animal 112,000 times a day, which adds up to 42 million times a
was part of a 90-day trial in which it lived its life powered by year, and you’ll understand the magnitude of the challenge.
an implanted artificial heart made by our company, Bivacor. We’ve tested the Bivacor heart in 15 cows so far. While
Throughout the trial, the calf stayed healthy and energetic, the need for animal testing is unfortunate, it’s the only way
and gained weight at a normal rate. It even jogged on a tread- to prove the device’s safety and move forward to clinical
mill for 30-minute stretches. trials in humans. These Corriente calves, which are rela-
HEART TECH: In Bivacor’s engineering lab, founder and CEO/CTO Daniel Timms tinkers with the parts of the latest prototype of the artificial heart
[above left]. Its centrifugal pump [above right] uses a single rotating disk, which is suspended in its casing via magnetic levitation. The left side of the
pump stands in for the anatomical heart’s left ventricle, doing the job of sending oxygenated blood [red] out to the farthest reaches of the body; it has
wide impeller vanes that produce enough pressure for the task. The right side of the pump substitutes for the heart’s right ventricle; its narrower impeller
vanes return deoxygenated blood [blue] to the lungs. The Bivacor device doesn’t need components to stand in for the heart’s left and right atrium, which
take in blood and send it to the ventricles.
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The Maglev Heart
IN THE LOOP: To rapidly test their artificial heart prototypes, and to reduce the need for animal testing, the Bivacor team built an apparatus that
replicates the human circulatory system [above], simulating the flow of blood through the body and the lungs. By connecting a prototype to the testing
rig, Bivacor engineers can watch how it propels a synthetic bloodlike liquid through the tubes and valves. The engineers test a prototype’s sturdiness
[opposite, left and middle] by keeping it hooked up to a special durability rig for several months. The device’s casing [opposite, right] is made of titanium,
which is biocompatible. The parts that look golden have a coating of titanium nitride.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Talca. Downloaded on April 29,2021 at 00:49:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad de Talca. Downloaded on April 29,2021 at 00:49:41 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
EVOLUTION OF AN IDEA: Timms came up with the original concept of an artificial heart with a centrifugal pump in 2001 and has been developing the
technology over the past 18 years. The first concept model [left] tested the hydraulic feasibility of the design, with a single rotor pumping fluid in two
directions. Later prototypes [middle left and right] were used for the crucial tests in cows. The final design [right] is more tailored for human anatomy.
operation each), although they can also plug in directly goes about daily activities. It’s important to keep the rotor
to a power outlet. properly suspended and to prevent it from bumping into the
Throughout our design process, we used 3D printers to sides of the casing, which could damage the components
make both titanium and plastic parts for our prototypes, and smash blood cells.
allowing us to rapidly experiment with different geometries. This positional control system works as follows: Tiny con-
For testing, we built a hardware simulation of the human tactless sensors send out magnetic fields that interact with the
circulatory system in our engineering office in Los Angeles; rotor, determining its exact location many times per second.
this mock-up allows us to validate a device’s function thor- If the rotor is moving in one direction or another, the control
oughly and repeatedly in a controlled environment, and system puts electrical energy into electromagnetic coils within
reduces the need for animal testing. several actuators, causing them to cancel out that movement.
The primary design innovation in the Bivacor heart is its The design of the magnetic bearing actuators was critical,
simple construction, with one motor and one rotating disk particularly because they had to be small, light, and energy
that simultaneously supports the pumping of blood to both efficient, yet strong enough to compensate for all the jiggles
the body and the lungs. The rotating disk is completely sus- and joggles created by a person on the move. We used com-
pended in a magnetic field, operating under the same “maglev” puter simulations of the magnetic field to optimize the design,
principle that has been used by high-speed trains. The disk experimenting with different materials and geometries to find
has open impeller vanes on both sides, one larger set that the configuration that would provide sufficient force within
pumps blood at the high pressure necessary to send blood a small space. Keeping our device small and light means that
throughout the body, and another smaller set that pumps it will fit inside people with small bodies, including women
blood at lower pressure to the lungs. Each side of the disk and children.
can pump more than 12 liters per minute, more than enough To improve the efficiency of our artificial heart, we also
output for patients engaged in moderate exercise. integrated a “zero power” controller into the suspension sys-
While some blood from the two sides mixes around the tem. This controller monitors the additional electromagnetic
edges of the suspended disk, this isn’t a concern, because power used by the bearing as it responds to external forces
of the direction of the flow. Some oxygenated blood leaks acting on the rotor, then moves the rotor to a position where
from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure side, which the permanent magnets of the magnetic bearing system
means that some already-oxygenated blood returns to the can provide a balancing force. This system doesn’t produce
lungs. And this leakage is actually a design feature, not a bug. instant adjustments—that’s the job done by the main stabil-
The wash of blood around the disk cleans out the casing and ity controller—but it does reduce the amount of power used
ensures that there are no areas where stagnant blood can by the magnetic bearing when exposed to external forces.
form into dangerous clots. A unique feature in the Bivacor heart is that the rotor can
The motor’s stator provides rotational torque by coupling to shift along its axis of rotation to change the amount of blood
a set of permanent magnets in the rotor disk. During normal moved by the left and right sides of the pump. When the rotor
operation, it spins the rotor at speeds of between 1,600 and moves toward the left side of the casing, it brings the impeller
2,700 rotations per minute. The attractive forces between the vanes closer to the casing wall. In this narrow space, most of
motor and the rotor are counteracted by the magnetic bear- the blood is whirled around by the vanes and little flows over
ing on the opposite side of the rotor, which actively controls the vanes’ tips, thus increasing the left pump’s efficiency and
the rotor’s position within the casing. This active control sys- consequently its output of blood to the body. This feature is
tem is necessary because the rotor naturally moves around useful for quick adjustments necessary in transitions, such
as the patient walks, climbs stairs, jumps, and generally as when a patient stands up.