Cardiosoft V7.0: Citrix® V7.13 Xen Desktop/Xenapp Installation Manual
Cardiosoft V7.0: Citrix® V7.13 Xen Desktop/Xenapp Installation Manual
Cardiosoft V7.0: Citrix® V7.13 Xen Desktop/Xenapp Installation Manual
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Introduction ........................................................................................ 13
Terminal/Citrix Server Administrator Directory Overview.............................. 14
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................ 15
Installation Procedures.................................................................... 16
Installing on Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 ............................................. 16
This document provides the information you need to install and configure the
CardioSoft Diagnostic Systems in a virtual environment running version 7.13 of the
Citrix XenDesktop or XenApp products. While this document provides instructions
for configuring the Citrix products for optimal operation with the CardioSoft
systems, it does not provide instructions for installing the Citrix products or
creating the virtual environment; for those instructions, refer to the
documentation provided with the Citrix products.
Only the Citrix XenDesktop environment supports data acquisition from
CardioSoft systems. In Terminal Server/Citrix XenApp environments, the
CardioSoft systems can be used only as a viewing station; data acquisition
is not supported.
Individual sets of application data files are located in the CardioSoft user profiles.
Before the CardioSoft application is started, the application data (configuration)
files are copied to the user’s profile. While this only needs to be performed once
during the installation, it can be repeated at a later time to restore default
settings. Afterward, the CardioSoft application uses the Application Data
substituted to the Application Data directory selected during installation.
To install CardioSoft in a Citrix XenDesktop or a Citrix XenApp environment, you
need the following:
• A Floating License Hardware Key
To install the Floating License Hardware Key, log on to the system with the key
using an account with administrative privileges and run
\Hardlock\install.bat from the CardioSoft v7.0 installation media.
• A shared network database folder
The folder must have read/write access for all CardioSoft users. It can
be accessed using the UNC path, in this format: \\<database_server>\
Installation Procedures
The procedure for installing Citrix v7.13 XenDesktop or XenApp can include the
following tasks, as appropriate:
• Installing the application
This procedure varies slightly depending on operating system. This manual
provides the instructions for installing on the Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and
Windows Server 2012 (R2) operating systems. For Windows 7 and Windows
Server 2008, only differences in the procedure are provided. Always required.
• Managing the CardioSoft System Configuration
This procedure ensures changes made to the CardioSoft configuration remain
persistent on the virtual machine after a reset. Optional.
• Configuring Citrix XenApp
This procedure is the same regardless of operating system. Required only if you
use a virtual environment running Citrix XenApp.
• Configuring Citrix XenDesktop
This procedure is the same regardless of operating system. Required only if
you use a virtual environment running Citrix XenDesktop.
• Installation of the Citrix CAM-USB Driver Set
This procedure is the same regardless of operating system. Required only if
you use remote acquisition of Resting ECGs in a virtual environment running
Citrix XenDesktop.
3. Insert the CardioSoft v7.0 installation media into the DVD drive
connected to the virtual machine.
One of two things happen.
• If autorun is enabled, the CardioSoft installation begins automatically.
• If autorun is not enabled, start setup.exe in the CASE-CS directory on
the CardioSoft installation media.
If you substituted a different drive letter for the CardioSoft directory in
step 2b, use that drive letter instead.
8. Continue the remainder of the installation, responding to any prompts
as appropriate.
When the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart Windows.
9. Select No, I will restart my computer later and click OK.
Command Prompt
Windows 8.1 Command Prompt
Professional Windows Windows 8.1 Enterprise, Windows Server 2012
Server 2012 R2
Some virtual machines may encounter an issue detecting the
hardlock server dongle. If this occurs, the Internal Serial Number
field will display 0 when you select the Use Floating License check
box. This is typically due to the network setup of the virtual
To resolve this issue, review and correct the virtual machine’s
network configuration.
If that does not resolve the issue, re-install the hardlock dongle
driver by running \Hardlock\install.bat from the
installation media and reboot the virtual machine.
When the issue is resolved, continue with the CardioSoft
d. Enter any option codes that are not already present on the
database server.
Installing on Windows 10
1. Using an account with administrative privileges, log on to the Master Image
for the virtual machine on the Citrix server.
2. Create the necessary directories on the virtual
machine. Use the following procedure:
a. Open a Command Prompt window as an administrator.
3. Insert the CardioSoft v7.0 installation media into the DVD drive
connected to the virtual machine.
One of two things happens.
• If autorun is enabled, the CardioSoft installation begins automatically.
• If autorun is not enabled, start setup.exe in the CASE directory on the
CardioSoft installation media.
5. On the Enter Serial Number and PID window, type the given serial number
and PID in its appropriate field and click Next.
Command Prompt
Windows 10 Command Prompt
Professional Windows 10 Enterprise
Some virtual machines may encounter an issue detecting the
hardlock server dongle. If this occurs, the Internal Serial Number
field will display 0 when you select the Use Floating License check
box. This is typically due to the network setup of the virtual
To resolve this issue, review and correct the virtual machine’s
network configuration.
If that does not resolve the issue, re-install the hardlock dongle
driver by running \Hardlock\install.bat from the
installation media and reboot the virtual machine.
When the issue is resolved, continue with the CardioSoft
d. Enter any option codes that are not already present on the
database server.
The procedure for changing the CardioSoft shortcut on the Windows Start menu
for a Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 system differs from the procedure for
Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 or Windows 10 (step 14 on page 26).
1. On the Windows Start menu, right-click on the CardioSoft icon and click
on Properties.
@ECHO off
set SRC=”C:\CARDIO\AppData”
set DEST=”%userprofile\CARDIO\AppData”
Subst H: /D
Subst H: “%userprofile%\CARDIO”
if not exist %userprofile%\"Windows" md
copy %SRC%\..\"win.ini" %userprofile%\"Windows\
@ECHO off
set SRC=”C:\CARDIO\AppData”
set DEST=”Z:\CARDIO\AppData”
Subst H: /D
Subst H: “Z:\CARDIO”
if not exist Z:\"Windows" md Z:\"Windows"
copy %SRC%\..\"win.ini" Z:\"Windows\win.ini"
copy %SRC%\..\"win.ini" Z:\"Windows\win.ctx"
Besides changing the existing instances of %userprofile%, the
following entry was added at the end of the batch file to ensure
the changes are available in the Citrix environment:
copy %SRC%\..\"win.ini" Z:\"Windows\win.ctx"
In addition, a set of configuration changes can be assigned to a
CardioSoft user. For details, refer to “User Administration” in the
System Configuration chapter of the CardioSoft operator manual.
After the CardioSoft application has been added to the Delivery Group, modify
the properties of the Delivery Group to edit the Application Settings and change
the path of the executable file to c:\CARDIO\cpy_appdata.bat. When you
are done, click OK.
For step-by-step instructions for creating Citrix XenApp Delivery Groups and
editing their content, refer to the documentation provided with the Citrix
XenApp product.
Move the mouse over the file camusb_fx1.sys and verify the following information:
File description: CAM-USB V2 driver
Company: GE Healthcare
File version:
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