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JENKA System


1. General Information ....................................... 2. Anchors .........................................................
2.1 Materials 2.2 Application 2.3 Component Dimensions and Edge Distances 2.4 Reinforcement
2.4.1 Minimum Reinforcement 2.4.2 Reinforcement for Angular Pull 2.4.3 Reinforcement for Lateral Pull

4 8

8 8 9 10
10 11 12

2.5 Corrosion


3. Lifting Device JENKA TLL .............................. 13

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Materials and Dimensions Usage Safety Considerations Checking the Peikko JENKA TLL Corrosion Protection 13 13 14 15 15

4. Lifting Device JENKA JL ............................... 15

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Materials and Dimensions Usage Safety Considerations Checking the Peikko JENKA Lifter Corrosion Protection 15 16 17 17 18


JENKA System
1. General Information
The Peikko JENKA anchor is a component of the Peikko transport anchor system and is in compliance with the safety regulations set forth by the (German) Construction Trade Association Sicherheitsregeln fr Transportanker und -systeme von Betonfertigteilen (BGR 106). Compliance with this installation and operation manual is necessary for the use of Peikko JENKA anchors. The anchors are only designed to operate with original Peikko Lifting Devices. All existing installation and usage manuals must also be considered. The Peikko JENKA System is designed for the transport of precast concrete construction components. Components should not see repeated operation. Construction components (specically the transport anchor) may undergo some erosion during the transport of a component from the place of production to the place of installation, however this is not considered as repeated operation. Repeated operation is for example, the use of precast concrete components as a removable dam, or as counterweight of a crane; this is only permissible if warranted by the type approvals Erzeugnisse, Verbindungsmittel und Bauteile aus nichtrostenden Sthlen (Products, Connections, and Construction Components of Stainless Steel) (DiBT Berlin, Zulassung Nr Z30.3-6).
Table 1: Dimensions Peikko JENKA SRA-Anchor

Figure 1:

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD SRA12x195 SRA14x235 SRA16x275 SRA18x305 SRA20x360 SRA24x400 SRA30x505 SRA36x690 SRA42x840 SRA52x950 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 52 D [mm] 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0 27 ,0 31,0 40,0 47 ,0 54,0 67 ,0 h [mm] 195 235 275 305 360 400 505 690 840 950 e [mm] 22 25 27 34 35 43 56 68 80 100 ds [mm] 8 10 12 14 14 16 20 25 28 32

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500 4000 6300 8000 12500

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25 40 63 80 125

Fq * [kN] 2,5 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,5 20,0 31,5 40,0 62,5

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 * Fq= Allowed load force at 90 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA SRA-Anchor Zinc Plated: Stainless Steel: SRA30x505 SRA30x505E

Table 2:

Dimensions Peikko JENKA WAS-Anchor

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD WAS12x105 WAS14x130 WAS16x165 WAS18x175 WAS20x195 WAS24x240 WAS30x300 WAS36x380 WAS42x450 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 D [mm] 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0 27 ,0 31,0 40,0 47 ,0 54,0 h [mm] 105 130 165 175 195 240 300 380 450 e [mm] 22 25 27 34 35 43 56 68 80 ds [mm] 8 10 12 14 14 16 20 25 28

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500 4000 6300 8000

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25 40 63 80

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA WAS-Anchor Zinc Plated: Stainless Steel: WAS30x300 WAS30x300E

Table 3:

Dimensions Peikko JENKA WAL-Anchor

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD WAL12x135 WAL14x170 WAL16x215 WAL18x235 WAL20x270 WAL24x350 WAL30x450 WAL36x570 WAL42x620 WAL52x880 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 52 D [mm] 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0 27 ,0 31,0 40,0 47 ,0 54,0 67 ,0 h [mm] 135 170 215 235 270 350 450 570 620 880 e [mm] 22 25 27 34 35 43 56 68 80 100 ds [mm] 8 10 12 14 14 16 20 25 28 32

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500 4000 6300 8000 12500

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25 40 63 80 125

Fq * [kN] 2,5 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,5 20,0 31,5 40,0 62,5

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 * Fq= Allowed load force at 90 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA WAL-Anchor Zinc Plated: Stainless Steel: WAL30x450 WAL30x450E


JENKA System
Table 4: Dimensions Peikko JENKA TF-Anchor

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD TF12x100 TF12x150 TF14x105 TF14x155 TF16x130 TF16x175 TF18x150 TF18x225 TF20x185 TF20x250 TF24x200 TF24x275 TF30x275 TF30x350 TF36x335 TF36x450 TF42x385 TF42x500 TF52x550 TF52x700 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 24 24 30 30 36 36 42 42 52 52 D [mm] 15,0 15,0 18,0 18,0 21,0 21,0 24,0 24,0 27 ,0 27 ,0 31,0 31,0 40,0 40,0 47 ,0 47 ,0 54,0 54,0 67 ,0 67 ,0 h [mm] 100 150 105 155 130 175 150 225 185 250 200 275 275 350 335 450 385 500 550 700 e [mm] 22 22 25 25 27 27 34 34 35 35 43 43 56 56 68 68 80 80 100 100 ds [mm] 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 14 14 16 16 20 20 25 25 28 28 32 32 D1 [mm] 24 24 30 30 36 36 42 42 42 42 48 48 60 60 75 75 84 84 96 96

Load Capacity [kg] 500 500 800 800 1200 1200 1600 1600 2000 2000 2500 2500 4000 4000 6300 6300 8000 8000 12500 12500

Fs * [kN] 5 5 8 8 12 12 16 16 20 20 25 25 40 40 63 63 80 80 125 125

Fq * [kN] 2,5 2,5 4,0 4,0 6,0 6,0 8,0 8,0 10,0 10,0 12,5 12,5 20,0 20,0 31,5 31,5 40,0 40,0 62,5 62,5

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 * Fq= Allowed load force at 90 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA TF-Anchor Zinc Plated: Stainless Steel: TF30x350 TF30x350E

Table 5:

Dimensions Peikko JENKA BSA-Anchor

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD BSA12x60 BSA14x70 BSA16x80 BSA18x90 BSA20x100 BSA24x115 BSA30x150 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 D [mm] 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0 27 ,0 31,0 40,0 h [mm] 60 70 80 90 100 115 150 e [mm] 22 25 27 34 35 43 56

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500 4000

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25 40

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA BSA-Anchor

Zinc Plated: Stainless Steel:

BSA30x150 BSA30x150E

Table 6:

Dimensions Peikko JENKA CSA-Anchor

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD CSA12x40 CSA14x47 CSA16x54 CSA18x65 CSA20x67 CSA24x77 CSA30x105 CSA36x125 CSA42x145 CSA52x195 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 52 D [mm] 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0 27 ,0 31,0 40,0 47 ,0 54,0 67 ,0 h [mm] 40 47 54 65 67 77 105 125 145 195 e [mm] 22 25 27 34 35 43 56 68 80 100 f [mm] 8,0 10,5 13,0 13,0 15,5 18,0 22,5 27 ,5 32,0 40,0

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500 4000 6300 8000 12500

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25 40 63 80 125

Fq * [kN] 2,5 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,5 20,0 31,5 40,0 62,5

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 * Fq= Allowed load force at 90 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA CSA-Anchor Zinc Plated: Stainless Steel: CSA30x105 CSA30x105E

Table 7:

Dimensions Peikko JENKA ESA-Anchor

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD ESA12x60 ESA14x70 ESA16x77 ESA18x85 ESA20x92 ESA24x105 12 14 16 18 20 24 D [mm] 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0 27 ,0 31,0 h [mm] 60 70 77 85 92 105 e [mm] 22 25 27 34 35 43 f [mm] 8,0 10,5 13,0 13,0 15,5 18,0

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25

Fq * [kN] 2,5 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,5

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 * Fq= Allowed load force at 90 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA ESA-Anchor Zinc Plated: Stainless Steel: ESA24x105 ESA24x105E


JENKA System
Table 8: Dimensions Peikko JENKA PSA-Anchor

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD PSA12x30 PSA14x33 PSA16x35 PSA18x44 PSA20x47 PSA24x54 PSA30x72 PSA36x84 PSA42x98 PSA52x117 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 52 D [mm] 15,0 18,0 21,0 24,0 27 ,0 31,0 40,0 47 ,0 54,0 67 ,0 h [mm] 30 33 35 44 47 54 72 84 98 117 a [mm] 35 35 50 60 60 80 100 130 130 150 b [mm] 25 35 35 45 60 60 80 100 130 130 t [mm] 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 8 10

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500 4000 6300 8000 12500

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25 40 63 80 125

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA PSA-Anchor Zinc Plated: Stainless Steel: PSA30x72 PSA30x72E

Figure 2:


Anchors of the Peikko JENKA System are identied by markings in the socket. Manufacturer, load capacity and thread type are printed to the surface. The correct allocation of JENKA Anchor and JENKA Lifting Device is given with this marking. Mistakes are avoided due to these markings.

2.2 Application
Installation and application A Peikko JENKA anchor nailplate and identication ring is used when installing the anchor into the formwork. The nailplate is usually installed with either nails or with a hot glue gun. For steel forms JENKA NPM magnetic installation plate is used. The nailplate forms the recess so that the Peikko lifting device can be connected. It is necessary to use original NPP Peikko JENKA nailplates when Peikko JENKA Lifter is used. The rotation symmetric Peikko JENKA anchor (Type SRA, TF BSA) does , not require further attention in anchor installation. For all other Peikko JENKA anchors, the waved ends and reinforcement stirrups respectively, must always be parallel to the lengthwise direction of the component. The load transmission to the concrete is accomplished by the mechanical bond stress of the reinforced concrete, this is conditioned by the forming and implementation of the JENKA anchor. With this system construction components, particularly thin components, can safely undergo application of heavy forces. For massive components we recommend the use of JENKA WAL Anchors or the Peikko JENKA TF Anchor. The forces are applied to the waved part of the anchor and the forged foot encased in the concrete. At the time of rst lifting, the concrete must have a compressive strength of at least 15 N/mm2. Dynamic and adhesive forces which affect to lifting load must be checked by the user. Incorrectly used or damaged Peikko JENKA anchors may not be installed in precast components. Welding or other modications to the Peikko JENKA anchor (especially bending) are prohibited.

2. Anchors
2.1 Materials
Sockets of the Peikko JENKA System are constructed from precision steel tubes of exceptional quality. The sockets are used in combination with BST500S, the pressed variant of Peikko JENKA anchors. For other types, special screws and at steel is used. The anchors are generally protected from corrosion through electro zinc plating, excluding the rebars. Anchors made of stainless steel are also available. The pressed stainless anchors are protected with a sealing agent on the inside of the threaded socket.

Nailplate NPP or magnet attachment NPM

Table 9:

Edge (de), Axial Distances (da), Component width (d) valid for SRA, WAL, TF CSA and ESA. , Walls and beams.

Size RD12 RD14 JENKA Anchor RD16 RD18 RD20 RD24 Identication Ring RD30 RD36 RD42
Figure 3: Assembly

da [mm] 300 400 400 500 550 600 650 800 1000 1200

de [mm] 150 200 200 250 275 300 325 400 500 600

d [mm] 60 60 80 100 100 120 140 200 240 275

dred* [mm] 60 60 65 80 90 100 120 150 160 180


* only for SRA in angular pull angle of 12.5 to a max of 30

2.3 Component Dimensions and Edge Distances

Load capacities in tables 1 - 8 are based upon specic dimensions and edge distances as in gure 4. The minimum compressive strength of the concrete at the moment of load application must be 15 N/mm2. The necessary edge distances de and axial distances for respective anchor types is given in tables 9 12. The details for dred only apply when using the anchor types SRA. Prior to choosing an anchor take into consideration the information in our General Information for the Installation and Usage of the Peikko transport anchor system, or contact our technical department. Choose your country at www.peikko.com for planning and individual solutions.

Table 10:

Distances (de), Axial Distances (da), Component width (d) valid for WAS in slabs.

Size RD12 RD14 RD16 RD18 RD20 RD24 RD30 RD36 RD42

da [mm] 200 200 260 300 350 440 550 600 800

de [mm] 95 115 135 155 170 220 275 300 400

d [mm] 140 160 195 205 215 270 390 410 480

d or dr


Figure 4:



JENKA System
Table 11: Distances (de), Axial Distances (da), Component width (d) valid for WAS in slabs. Table 12: Distances (de), Axial Distances (da), Component width (d) valid for WAS in slabs.

Size RD12 RD14 RD16 RD18 RD20 RD24 RD30

da [mm] 360 420 180 540 600 690 900

de [mm] 180 210 240 270 300 345 450

d [mm] 80 90 100 110 120 135 170

Size RD12 RD14 RD16 RD18 RD20 RD24 RD30 RD36 RD42 RD52

da [mm] 350 350 500 600 600 800 1000 1300 1300 1500

de [mm] 180 180 250 300 300 400 500 650 650 750

d [mm] 70 80 85 95 100 115 140 160 175 215

2.4 Reinforcement
2.4.1 Minimum Reinforcement
Concrete elements must have a minimum reinforcement according to tables 13 and 14. These can be substituted with steel bars of the same diameter. Should it be necessary to remove individual bars for the installation of the anchor, the bars must later be replaced by bars of the same diameter and reinforcement length. The reinforcement in the concrete can be taken into account (Reinforcing steel mesh, stirrups, iron bars, etc). Minimum reinforcement is not necessary with Peikko JENKA BSA anchors. Transport load of the component shall be calculated according to General Installation Instructions.

Table 13:

Minimum reinforcement for walls and beams valid for SRA, WAL, WAS, TF CSA, and ESA ,


Minimum mesh reinforcement [mm2/m]

Reinforcement stirrups for CSA and ESA BS 8666:2005 A142 A142 A142 A193 A193 A193 A193 A193 A193 A193 ds [mm] 6 8 10 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 L [cm] 24 28 33 42 44 48 65 82 86 120 dBr [mm] 24 32 40 40 48 56 64 140 175 196 Total length [cm] 49 57 67 85 89 97 132 167 175 244

RD12 RD14 RD16 RD18 RD20 RD24 RD30 RD36 RD42 RD52

131 131 131 188 188 188 188 188 188 188

Table 14:

Minimum reinforcement of slabs valid for PSA

Table 15:

Angular pull reinforcement valid for all Peikko JENKA anchors

BS 8666:2005


Minimum mesh reinforcement [mm /m]



Basic reinforcement ds L a b Size

For Component width For Component width d d or. dred 12,5 45 12,5 30 ds [mm] L [mm] 150 200 200 250 300 300 400 550 600 750 dBr [mm] 24 24 32 32 32 40 48 56 64 140 ds [mm] 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 12 14 16 L [mm] 150 200 250 200 250 300 350 450 600 700 dBr [mm] 24 24 24 32 32 32 40 48 56 64

[Pc.] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 8 8 8 10 12 14 16 20 250 360 420 530 640 640 830 60 60 90 90 90 90 90 60 70 70 80 80 100 110 120 120 150 RD12 RD14 RD16 RD18 RD20 RD24 RD30 RD36 RD42 RD52

RD12 RD14 RD16 RD18 RD20 RD24 RD30 RD36 RD42 RD52

131 131 131 188 188 188 221 221 513 513

A142 A142 A142 A193 A193 A193 A252 A252

6 6 8 8 8 10 12 14 16 20

1140 140 1250 140 1530 140

Figure 5:

Reinforcement Stirrups

Figure 7:

Reinforcement for angular pull

d or d


Figure 6:

Installation position

2.4.2 Reinforcement for Angular Pull

In the case of loads in angular pull, a reinforcement stirrup must be applied with pressure contact at the angular point counteracting the direction of pull (table 15 and gure 7). In case of a max. angular pull of 30 it is possible to adjust the reinforcement stirrup in length and diameter.

Figure 8:

Arrangement of the reinforcement for angular pull



JENKA System
2.4.3 Reinforcement for Lateral Pull
A load in lateral pull with 15 requires an additional reinforcement to be incorporated following table 16 in the face counteracting the direction of pull (gure 11). Loads in lateral pull (with the use of chain overhead conveyors) requires no further measures, as the stirrup provides for this load as well. During lowering and raising of the component, the direction of the reinforcement should always be checked (gure 11). Lateral lifting is allowed only for components with minimum thickness d according to table 9. Attention: for Peikko JENKA anchor types BSA, PSA, and WAS, lateral pull is not permissible.
Table 16: Reinforcement for Lateral Pull (necessary if 15)

Size RD12 RD14 RD16 RD18 RD20 RD24 RD30 RD36 RD42 RD52




[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 6 6 8 8 10 12 12 14 16 20 270 350 420 460 490 520 570 690 830 930 23 28 33 39 44 51 68 90 111 134 35 42 49 55 64 75 92 118 143 174 24 24 32 32 40 48 48 56 64 140 280 350 400 450 490 550 580 700 850 1000 8 12 12 12 14 14 16 16 20 20
Figure 10: Reinforcement for Lateral Pull

Lateral Pull

Figure 11: Installation of Lateral Pull reinforcement. Reinforcement must be in contact with the socket surface.

2.5 Corrosion
Lifetime of installed Peikko JENKA Anchors is limited due to corrosion. Even through the use of electric zinc plated anchors, corrosion damage can occur and cause rust damage to the component surface. Corrosion damage can be avoided if after nal placement the anchor is covered with mortar and sufcient concrete covering. If the JENKA anchor is to be consistently used in outdoor environments, Industrial environments, or in the vicinity of sea, we recommend the use of Peikko JENKA anchors made of stainless steel. Electric zinc plated Peikko JENKA anchors should only be stored for a longer time in dry environmental. To protect the anchors against rust we recommend to use JENKA CPP plastic plugs.

Lateral-Angular Pull

Figure 9:

Angle of Lateral Pull


3. Lifting Device JENKA TLL

3.1 Materials and Dimensions
The Peikko JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loop (table 17) is a component of the Peikko transport anchor system and is in compliance with the safety regulations set forth by the (German) Construction Trade Association Sicherheitsregeln fr Transportanker und -systeme von Betonfertigteilen (BGR 106). For the use of Peikko JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loop, this brochure, the installation and usage manual for JENKA transport anchors, and the General Instruction and Usage Manual for Transport Anchors must all be

followed. While following the instructions of this guide, user shall also follow the regulations UVV BGV D6 Krane and BGR 500, Betreiben von Lastaufnahmeeinrichtungen im Hebezeugbetrieb The Peikko JENKA TLL wire . rope lifting loop is only designed to operate with Peikko JENKA anchors, other use is not permitted (BGR 106 section 5.2). Prior to use the intended allocation and use of the system component must be reviewed. Through a clear label, the manufacturer, the type, and the load capacity can be easily identied. Peikko JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loops are made from electric zinc plated wire strands and a crimped steel shell. Upon the crimped shell an outside thread is established (metric thread according to DIN 13 or special roundthread). The installation of the JENKA TLL is designed for the transport of precast concrete components. The Peikko JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loop is suitable for load classes 0,5t to 12,5t.

Table 17:

Dimensions of Peikko JENKA TLL

Dimensions Article Nr. Type RD or M TLL12 TLL14 TLL16 TLL18 TLL20 TLL24 TLL30 TLL36 TLL42 TLL52 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 52 h [mm] 155 155 165 190 215 255 300 360 425 530 e [mm] 22 25 27 34 35 43 55 67 75 95

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500 4000 6300 8000 12500

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25 40 63 80 125

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA TLL Round Thread: Metric Thread: TLL30 TLL30M

3.2 Usage
Labeling All Peikko JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loops are tted with a load capacity tag (gure 12). The tag includes the manufacturer, the load capacity, and the type, much like the CE labelling. Additionally the load capacity tags are colour coded, this makes identication of which JENKA anchor and JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loop to use in combination both quick and easy. TLL20 2000kg

Figure 12: Labelling of Peikko JENKA TLL



JENKA System
Usage Prior to use of the Peikko JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loop the intended use of the system component must be reviewed for safety, the Peikko identication tags makes this easier. The Peikko JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loop can only be used with JENKA anchors. The JENKA TLL can be used multiple times. Improperly used, corroded, or otherwise damaged Peikko JENKA components should not be installed or see further use. Alterations or welding of JENKA components is not allowed. The Peikko JENKA TLL is to be fully screwed into the JENKA anchor so that the threaded end is inside the socket of the anchor. The JENKA anchors are designed so that the JENKA TLL threads can always be completely screwed into the anchor. Incompletely screwed lifting loops can not bear load. The following points must be reviewed during installation: Unclean threads must be cleaned Visual inspection of the JENKA TLL must be established Concrete maturity must be veried according to accident prevention regulations (BGR 500, BGR 151, BGI 556). Thread must be completely screwed into the anchor. Hook size, form, and curvature radius R of the hook must be checked (minimum of 2 times the cable diameter, see gure 13) Only axial or angular pull of up to 45 is permitted. Peikko JENKA components should not come in contact with acids or alkali. Method of safe & unsafe operation are shown in gures 14 & 15
Figure 14: Case of Operation Straight Pull


Not Allowed


Not Allowed

Figure 15: Case of Operation Angular Pull

3.3 Safety Considerations

All load suspension components must undergo a routine yearly inspection (BGR 500, chapter 2.8). The inspection is the responsibility of the user and must be done by qualied persons. In general the up to date accident prevention regulations apply. By using the correct size and form of hook, the durability of a Peikko JENKA TLL can be extended. To maintain the security of the JENKA TLL, any modications (ex. recutting of the threads) is not permissible. In case of particular occurrences (ex. Loss Occurrence) the JENKA TLL wire rope lifting loop must undergo an additional inspection (BGR 500, Chapter 2.8 section 3.15.3). An exact product durability is not established and depends upon the products use and the regulations of standards BGR 500 and DIN 13155 or other country specic regulations.

Figure 13: JENKA TLL with a Hook


3.4 Checking the Peikko JENKA TLL

The amount of inspection and the required concrete maturity for loading and load capacity components conforms to the regulations in BGR section 3.15.4. The following is a list of inspection criteria to be reviewed. Damage to the threads Kinks Breaking of strands Loosening of the exterior length in free length Corrosion marks Damage or heavy wear upon the loop or the connection head. Any wire breaks.

4. Lifting Device JENKA JL

4.1 Materials and Dimensions
The Peikko JENKA Lifter (table 17) is a component of the Peikko JENKA transport anchor system and is in compliance with the safety regulations set forth by the (German) Construction Trade Association Sicherheitsregeln fr Transportanker und -systeme von Betonfertigteilen (BGR 106). For the use of the Peikko JENKA Lifter, this brochure, the installation and usage manual for JENKA transport anchors, and the General Installation and Usage Manual of the Peikko transport anchors must all be followed. Adherence to this guide does not absolve the user from following the regulations UVV BGV D6 Krane and BGR 500, Betreiben von Lastaufnahmeeinrichtungen im Hebezeugbetrieb The Peikko JENKA Lifter is only designed . to operate with Peikko JENKA anchors and Peikko nailplates NPP other use is not permitted (BGR 106 section , 5.2). Prior to use the intended allocation and use of the system component must be reviewed. Through a clear label, the manufacturer, the type, and the load capacity can be easily identied. Peikko JENKA Lifters are made from tempered steel with a welded forged threaded screw adapter. Installation is designed for precast construction components. Peikko JENKA Lifter can be ordered with metric threads according to DIN 13 or with a special roundthread. The JENKA Lifter is available for load classes 0.5t to 12.5t.

The complete extent of the inspection can be found in BGR 500 chapter 2.8, 3.15.1.

3.5 Corrosion Protection

The durability of reinforced concrete components with installed Peikko JENKA TLL load suspension components is assured, damage through corrosion is limited. Lifting loops can leave corrosion scars upon the surface of a concrete component.

Table 18:

Dimensions Peikko JENKA Lifter

Dimensions Article Nr. JL12 JL14 JL16 JL18 JL20 JL24 JL30 JL36 JL42 JL52 Type R or M 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 52 B [mm] 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 65 65 H [mm] 150 150 150 162 162 162 177 177 218 218 e [mm] 19 21 24 27 29 35 43 52 60 73 d [mm] 13 13 13 16 16 16 22 22 26 26

Load Capacity [kg] 500 800 1200 1600 2000 2500 4000 6300 8000 12500

Fs * [kN] 5 8 12 16 20 25 40 63 80 125

Fq * [kN] 2,5 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,5 20,0 31,5 40,0 62,5

* Fs= Allowed load force from 0 - 45 * Fq= Allowed load force at 90 (Note: A load force for a mass of 1 ton demands a force of approximately 10 kN) Example for ordering Peikko JENKA Lifter Round Thread: Metric Thread: JL30 JL30M



JENKA System
4.2 Usage
Labelling All Peikko JENKA Lifters are imprinted with a permanent marking on its ring (gure 16). This includes the manufacturer, the load capacity, and the type, much like the CE labelling. Finding compatible Peikko anchors and Lifters is possible through these markings. Usage The installation of the Peikko JENKA Lifter must take into consideration the General Information for Installation of Peikko transport anchors, this brochure, and the usage manual for Peikko JENKA anchors. Prior to use the intended allocation and use of the system component must be reviewed. The load suspension devices of the Peikko JENKA System (JENKA TLL and JENKA Lifter) are only designed to operate with the Peikko JENKA anchor. The JENKA load suspension devices can undergo multiple loads from the place of casting to the place of installation. Improperly used, corroded, or otherwise damaged Peikko JENKA components should not be installed or see further use. Alterations or welding of JENKA components is not allowed. The following points must be reviewed during installation. Unclean threads must be cleaned Visual inspection of the JENKA JL must be established. Concrete maturity must be veried according to accident prevention regulations (BGR 500, BGI 556). Thread is completely screwed into the anchor. Appropriate lifting components (hook size and hook form) is used. Peikko JENKA components should not come in contact with acids or lye. The Peikko JENKA Lifter should only undergo loads from the directions shown in gures 17 - 18, loads as shown in gures 19 - 21 are impermissible.
Figure 17: JENKA Lifter Installation for Axial and Angular Pull

Figure 16: JENKA Lifter Identication

The Peikko JENKA Lifter is used with the JENKA nailplate NPP After fully screwed into place, the load sus. pension device is ready to apply force to the concrete (gure 22). For the alignment in the direction of pull, the Lifter can be unscrewed a maximum of half a rotation. Improper direction of pull (Pulling over corners, or in angular pull greater than 45) can lead to damage of the ring or the threaded head. The concrete maturity is greatly effected.



d we Allo t


Figure 18: JENKA Lifter Installation for Lateral Pull


tA No

ed llow

Figure 19: JENKA Lifter Installation for Lateral Pull

Figure 22: JENKA Lifter Installation

4.3 Safety Considerations

Not Allowed All load suspension components must undergo a routine yearly inspection (BGR 500, chapter 2.8). At least every three years a magnetic break inspection must be made. The inspection is the responsibility of the company and must be done by qualied persons. In general the up to date accident prevention regulations apply. By using the correct size and form of hook, the durability of a Peikko JENKA Lifter can be extended. To maintain the security of the JENKA Lifter, any alterations (ex. recutting of the threads, straightening the ring head) is not permissible. In case of particular occurrences (ex. Loss Occurrence) the JENKA Lifter must undergo an additional inspection (BGR 500, Chapter 2.8 section 3.15.3). An exact product life is not dened, rather is dependant on the regulations set by the standards BGR500 and DIN EN 13155 or other country-specic regulations.
Figure 20: Incorrect loading

Direction not allowed

4.4 Checking the Peikko JENKA Lifter

The amount of inspection and the concrete maturity for loading and load capacity components conforms to the regulations in BGR section 3.15.4. The following is a list of inspection criteria to be reviewed. The complete extent of the inspection can be found in BGR 500 chapter 2.8, 3.15.4. Damage to the threads Breakage along the ring head Tears or corrosion marks Deformation of the ring head (see gure 23) Reduction in ring width dmin at any location of more than 10% of width d (table 19) Damage or heavy wear at the drop point (gure 25) Lengthening of nominal dimensions T beyond 5%.

Figure 21: JENKA Lifter impermissable Angular Pull


JENKA System
Damaged or worn out load suspension devices can no longer be installed or used. Table 19 has inspection and wear values for the ring head of the Peikko JENKA Lifter.

Table 19:

Inspection and Abrasive Wear Dimensions Chain Link

Type RD/M12 RD/M14 RD/M16 RD/M18 RD/M20 RD/M24 RD/M30 RD/M36 RD/M42 RD/M52

T [mm] 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 139 139

Tmax = 1,05 x T [mm] 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 121 146 146

d [mm] 13 13 13 16 16 16 22 22 26 26

dmin = 0,9 x d [mm] 11,7 11,7 11,7 14,4 14,4 14,4 19,8 19,8 23,4 23,4
Figure 24: Average Link Thickness

Figure 25: Wear on Chain Link

Figure 23: Deformation of Chain Link

4.5 Corrosion Protection

The lasting durability of reinforced concrete components with installed Peikko JENKA Lifter load suspension components is assured, damage through corrosion is limited. JENKA Lifters can leave corrosion marks upon the surface of a concrete component. The Peikko JENKA Lifter is galvanized for protection against early corrosion.


For your personal notes



Peikko Group www.peikko.com

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