Fluid Mechanics

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*SLRKM82* SLR-KM – 82

Set A
S.E. (Mech.) (Part – II) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Thursday, 26-11-2015 Total Marks : 100
Time : 10.00 a.m.to 1.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 30 minutes
in Answer book Page No. 3.
2) Answer MCQ/Objective type questions on Page No. 3 only.
Don’t forget to mention, Q.P. Set (A/B/C/D) on Top of Page.

MCQ/Objective Type Questions

Duration : 30 Minutes Marks : 20
1. Choose the correct answer :
Type I : All questions are compulsory. There are two questions carrying three marks each :
1) Column – I Column – II 3
A) Stable equilibrium for floating body p) B is above G
B) Unstable equilibrium for floating body q) M is above G
C) Stable equilibrium for submerged body r) B is below G
s) M is below G
2) Column – I Column – II 3
A) Major losses p) Pipe bends
B) Minor losses q) Compound pipe
C) Equivalent pipe r) Darcy Weisbach
s) Sudden Expansion
Type II : Attempt any one from two questions. Each question carries two marks :
3) Statement (I) : When the venturimeter is inclined, then for a given flow it will
show the same readings.
Statement (II) : When the venturimeter is inclined, then for a given flow it will
show different readings. 2
4) Statement (I) : According to Bernoulli’s theorem, total head with flowing fluid
is constant.
Statement (II) : In a pitot tube pressure head is converted to kinetic head. 2
Type III : Attempt any four from five questions given. Each question carries two marks :
5) The assumptions made in the most familiar form of Bernoulli’s equation is that 2
A) Flow is along stream line B) Flow is steady
C) Fluid is non-viscous D) Fluid is viscous
SLR-KM – 82 -2- *SLRKM82*
6) The component of acceleration in x, y direction are 2
∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u ∂u
A) a x = u ⋅ +v⋅ +w B) a x = u ⋅ ⋅ + v ⋅⋅ + w ⋅ +
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂t
∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v ∂v
C) a y = u ⋅ ⋅ + v ⋅ + w ⋅ D) a y = u ⋅ + v ⋅ + w ⋅ +
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z ∂t
7) In case of parallel pipe 2
A) Loss of head in each branch pipe is same
B) Loss of head in each branch pipe is different
C) Discharge in main pipe is equal to sum of rate of flow through branch pipe
D) Discharge in main pipe decreases
8) The relative contributions of pressure drag and friction drag to the total drag
depends on 2
A) Shape of immersed body B) Fluid characteristics
C) Material of the body D) Position of body immersed in the fluid
9) Equipotential lines 2
A) These are the lines drawn along the stream lines
B) These are the lines drawn perpendicular to the stream lines
C) Represented by Φ = constant
D) Represented by ψ = constant
Type IV : Attempt any four from five questions given. Each question carries one mark :
10) Continuity equation deals with law of conservation of 1
A) Mass B) Momentum C) Energy D) None of above
11) Coefficient of contraction is the ratio of 1
A) Actual velocity of jet at vena contracta to the theoretical velocity
B) Loss of head in the orifice to the head of water available at the exit of the orifice
C) Actual discharge through an orifice to the theoretical discharge
D) Area of jet at vena contracta to the area of orifice
12) The total energy line lies over the hydraulic gradient line by an amount equal
to the 1
A) Pressure head B) Velocity head
C) Pressure head + Velocity head D) Pressure head – Velocity head
13) The intensity of pressure on an immersed surface ________ with the increase
in depth. 1
A) Decreases B) Increases C) No change D) None of above
14) When a liquid is flowing through a pipe, the velocity of the liquid is 1
A) Maximum at the centre and minimum near the walls
B) Minimum at the centre and maximum near the walls
C) Zero at the centre and maximum near the walls
D) Maximum at the centre and zero near the walls
Set A
*SLRKM82* -3- SLR-KM – 82

S.E. (Mech.) (Part – II) Examination, 2015

Day and Date : Thursday, 26-11-2015 Marks : 80
Time : 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Answer three questions from each Section. Question No. 2

and Question No. 6 are compulsory.
2) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
3) Use of single memory non-programmable calculator is allowed.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary and state it clearly.


2. a) Explain the term metacentre and metacentric height. 7

b) The velocity components in two dimensional flow field for an incompressible
fluid are as follows : 7

y3 x3
u= + 2x − x 2 y , v = xy 2 − 2y − .
3 3
Obtain an expression for stream function ψ .

3. a) Derive Bernoulli’s equation for the flow of an incompressible frictionless fluid.

State its assumptions. 7
b) Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force due to water acting on
a roller gate of cylindrical form of 6 m diameter, when the gate is placed on
the dam in such a way that water is just going to spill. Take length of gate
as 10 m. 6

4. a) A nozzle is situated at a distance of 1 m above the ground level and is inclined

at an angle of 45° to the horizontal. The diameter of nozzle is 50 mm and the jet
of water from nozzle strikes the ground at a horizontal distance of 4 m. Find the
rate of flow of water. 7
b) Obtain an expression for continuity equation in Cartesian coordinate. 6
b) What is Hagen Poiseuille’s Formula ? Derive an expression for it. 6

Set A
SLR-KM – 82 -4- *SLRKM82*

5. a) What is venturimeter ? Derive an expression for discharge through venturimeter. 7

b) What are equipotential lines ? Show that equipotential lines are orthogonal to
stream lines. 6


6. a) What are different types of energy losses ? Enlist different minor losses and
explain any one of them. 7
b) On a flat plate of 2m length and 1m width, experiments were conducted in a
wind tunnel with a speed of 50 km/hr. The plate is kept at such angle that the
coefficients of drag and lift are 0.18 and 0.9 respectively. If density of air is
1.15 kg/m3, determine : drag force, lift force and resultant force. 7

7. a) A main pipe divides into two parallel pipes which again forms one pipe. The
data is as follows :
First parallel pipe : length = 1000 m and diameter = 0.8 m
Second parallel pipe : Length = 1000 m and diameter = 0.6 m
Coefficient of friction for each pipe = 0.005.
If the total rate of flow in the main is 2m3/s, find the rate of flow in each pipe. 7
b) Explain the terms : 6
Friction Drag, Pressure Drag, Streamlined body and bluff body.

8. a) Write a note on CFD. What are applications of CFD software ? 6

b) What are the advantages and applications of model testing ? What is meant
by geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarities ? 7

9. a) A pipe line of length 2000m is used for power transmission if 110.3625 KW

power is to be transmitted through the pipe in which water is flowing having
pressure 490.5 N/cm2 at the inlet. Find the diameter of pipe and efficiency of
power transmission if pressure drop over the length of pipe is 98.1 N/cm2.
Take f = 0.0065. 7
b) Define the following terms : 6
i) Laminar boundary layer
ii) Turbulent boundary layer
iii) Laminar sub-layer.


Set A

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