Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Set A
S.E. (Mech.) (Part – II) Examination, 2015
Day and Date : Thursday, 26-11-2015 Total Marks : 100
Time : 10.00 a.m.to 1.00 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. It should be solved in first 30 minutes
in Answer book Page No. 3.
2) Answer MCQ/Objective type questions on Page No. 3 only.
Don’t forget to mention, Q.P. Set (A/B/C/D) on Top of Page.
y3 x3
u= + 2x − x 2 y , v = xy 2 − 2y − .
3 3
Obtain an expression for stream function ψ .
Set A
SLR-KM – 82 -4- *SLRKM82*
6. a) What are different types of energy losses ? Enlist different minor losses and
explain any one of them. 7
b) On a flat plate of 2m length and 1m width, experiments were conducted in a
wind tunnel with a speed of 50 km/hr. The plate is kept at such angle that the
coefficients of drag and lift are 0.18 and 0.9 respectively. If density of air is
1.15 kg/m3, determine : drag force, lift force and resultant force. 7
7. a) A main pipe divides into two parallel pipes which again forms one pipe. The
data is as follows :
First parallel pipe : length = 1000 m and diameter = 0.8 m
Second parallel pipe : Length = 1000 m and diameter = 0.6 m
Coefficient of friction for each pipe = 0.005.
If the total rate of flow in the main is 2m3/s, find the rate of flow in each pipe. 7
b) Explain the terms : 6
Friction Drag, Pressure Drag, Streamlined body and bluff body.
Set A