Mirote - Biology q3 m1 Wicd and Assessment

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Teddy Jr. L.

Mirote 12 – STEM A

Biology Quarter 3
Module 1: Genetic Engineering
What I Can Do
Direction. Do the following activity. Use a separate sheet of paper. Research and make a
concept map on the pros and cons of genetic engineering.

Genetic Engineering


• Fighting diseases • Religious and ethical

• Increase in life concerns
expectancy • Genetic Issues
• Increased variety of foods • Health Issues
and drinks • Allergies
• Nutritious food • Resistant insects and
• Decrease in use of pests
pesticides • Antibiotic resistance
• Medical foods • Reduction in genetic
• Decrease in the use of variety
resources • Effects on wildlife
• Increase in growth rates • Soil Pollution
of animals and plants • Displacement of natural
• Development of specific species
characteristics • Influence of certain
industries and interest
Teddy Jr. L. Mirote 12 – STEM A

Biology Quarter 3
Module 1: Genetic Engineering
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer in a separate sheet
of paper.

1. It involves mating two members of a species (plant, yeast, or animal), each of whom
possesses one or more different and desirable traits in order to create a hybrid
individual possessing both traits.

A. Classical Breeding
B. Genetic Cloning
C. Recombinant DNA Technology
D. Electroporation

2. What is the expansion of the membrane pores that is done through an electric “shock”?

A. Electroporation
B. Biolistics
C. Selection of plasmid DNA containing cells
D. Selection of transformed cells with the desired gene

3. This technique is used to fire DNA-coated pellets on plant tissues.

A. Electroporation
B. Biolistics
C. Selection of plasmid DNA containing cells
D. Selection of transformed cells with the desired gene

4. It is a technique in which target cells are pre-treated before the procedure to increase
the pore sizes of their plasma membranes.

A. Electroporation
B. Biolistics
C. Heat Shock Treatment
D. Genetic Cloning

5. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is the ability to insert gene sequences, comes
the possibility of providing new traits for these target organisms. Which of the following
examples does not belong to the group?
A. Insulin
B. Flavr-Savr
C. Bt-Corn
D. Genetic Disease
Teddy Jr. L. Mirote 12 – STEM A

Biology Quarter 3
Module 1: Genetic Engineering
Answer the following question briefly.

1. Which of the techniques discussed can be used to detect if GMOs were used in a certain
food product?
Assuming that the DNA is still intact in the sample, testing for specific
marker genes in expression plasmids can be used to detect the presence of these
engineered plasmids.

2. What has been the impact of GM crops on pesticide use?

Pesticide use has decreased due to GM crops: Worldwide reduction in
insecticide use (bug spray) due to GM crops, from 1996 to 2014: Bt (insect
resistant) corn provided a 52% reduction amounting to 11.15 million lb. less
active ingredient used on U.S. corn. Bt (insect resistant) cotton provided a 28%
reduction amounting to 6.16 and 12.36 million lb. less active ingredient in U.S.
and China cotton, respectively. (Brookes and Barfoot, 2016). There is also a
reduced need for insecticide sprays on nearby non-Bt fields because of the
reduction in pests on GM planted fields.

3. Do you agree or disagree with genetic engineering and GMO? Support your idea/s.
Yes I agree with genetic engineering and GMO if and only if it helps our
environment, helps the evolution and development of humankind, and that no
natural resources are being wasted and no other species being harmed in the
process of doing so.

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