3D Visualization Program For Earthquake Simulation

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Christy Nishimoto Home Institution: University of California, San Diego REU Institution: University of California, Davis REU Advisor: Ross Boulanger


Looking at hundreds of time histories for sensors in an earthquake simulation experiment can become very cumbersome. The UC Davis Center for Geotechnical Modeling has recently developed a visualization program that gives the user a three-dimensional view of the sensors in an earthquake simulation experiment. The visualization program allows the user to watch the movements of the sensors.

In order to view data from an earthquake simulation in the visualization program, an experiment file is created. The experiment file consists of an instrument file, an event file, and a model container file. The instrument file lists all the sensors used in the experiment, their initial location, type, and whether the sensor is positioned horizontally or vertically. The event file lists all the earthquake simulations performed using the same experiment configuration. Two important sub-files are the channel gain file and the sensor log file. The channel gain file lists the sensors that are used in each event and the sensor log file contains normalized data from the experiment. The main purpose of this study is to document the creation of an experiment file so other people can convert data from their own experiments into the form required by the visualization program.

Introduction to my study

Scientists at the Center for Geotechnical Modeling at the University of California, Davis have created a system that visualizes displacement, acceleration, and strain data collected during an earthquake simulation experiment in a geotechnical centrifuge. Data and meta-data is currently supplied in form of a PDF experiment report, sketches illustrating an experiment, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets detailing positions of sensors, calibration data and experiment history, and ASCII files containing the transducer recordings (Weber, 2003). Results of the earthquake simulation experiments were originally visualized as a set of 2D graphs plotting sensor data as a function of time (Weber, 2003). This method is very difficult for a scientist because it is hard to get a good idea of what is happening in a model container that contains hundreds of sensors simply by looking at 2D graphs. When a scientist has to look at a 2D graph s/he has to match each time history to the respective sensor, which is very cumbersome. The Center for

Geotechnical Modelings visualization tool, which is called Shaker, starts by reading the data describing experiment set-up and displaying this data along with icons for the sensors used during data acquisition, providing spatial context for each sensor. Once a user has selected a particular event, measured data can be displayed as a 2D graph/plot by clicking the corresponding sensor. Sensors can be animated to obtain 3D visualizations of measured data (Weber, 2003).

This is why I studied it

My part of the Shaker program was to figure out and document the method to convert data from experiments into the form required by the Shaker program. The reason why I researched how to place test data into the Shaker program was because no student had attempted to create a usable Shaker experiment. It was important for someone to figure out how to convert test data into a usable experiment for the Shaker program. My objective for the summer was to become familiar with the Shaker program and to come up with a general procedure for converting test data to a usable experiment for the Shaker program.

Research Approach

Before I could begin working on a procedure for converting test data to a usable experiment for the Shaker program I had to research the visualization program and the types of experiments the program is used for. By researching the visualization program along with the types of experiments the program is used for I was able to gain a better understanding of the program I was working with. Some of the papers that I read in order to gain this understanding were the Status Report on Study of Modeling of Nonlinear Cyclic Load-Deformation Behavior of Shallow Foundations, Visualization of Experimental Earthquake Data, The NEES geotechnical centrifuge at UC Davis, and data reports from experiments performed at the geotechnical centrifuge at UC Davis. Once I felt I had a good understanding of the types of experiments the Shaker program is used for and a good idea of how the Shaker program works, I started to look into how an experiment file is created. I examined an existing experiment, DDC01, to see the types of files that needed to be created for the Shaker program. After examining this experiment and getting pointers from Dan Wilson and Tom Slankard, I took test data and experimented with it to figure out how to transform that test data to the necessary format required by the Shaker program.

My procedure for converting test data

Prior to attempting to convert test data to an experiment file for Shaker, it is a good idea to look at a folder of a created experiment in order to get an idea of the types of files that will need to be created. An example of a good experiment to look at is DDC01. After the files that make up the experiment are examined, a folder needs to be created to hold all the files that will be made. Before any files are created, copy the files named default_behaviors.xml and test.xml, which can be found in the DDC01 experiment folder, and paste these files into the folder that was created for the new experiment. Also copy the file named container1.iv in the DDC01 experiment folder and paste this file into the folder for the new experiment. The file named container1.iv is a VRML file that describes the model container and provides a convenient reference frame. If a different model container than the one in the DDC01 experiment is used, a new file will need to be created in order to accurately describe the model container.

There are five different types of files that need to be created when converting test data to an experiment file for Shaker. One of the main files that are created is the .exp file. The .exp file is the experiment description file. This is the file that is called by Shaker to run the experiment. The .exp file contains references to the .il file, the .el file, the .iv file, and the coordinate reference for the x, y, and z coordinate axis. The .il file is the instrument list file. The instrument list file contains the instrument location number, the type of instrument, engineering units, location description, the initial x, y, and z coordinates, and whether the instrument is positioned horizontally or vertically. The .el file is the event list file. The event list file is a list of all the recorded events during the experiment. The .el file contains descriptive information of every event and references two external files for each event. The two external files that are referenced are the .cgl files and the .txt files. The .cgl files are the channel gain lists. A channel gain list is a list of the instrument location numbers that were recorded in a given event. The .txt files are the sensor log files. The sensor log files contain the recorded time histories for the channels listed in the .cgl file for each event.

In order to easily construct the experiment files, it is useful to use the experiment files from an experiment that has already been created as a template. The DDC01 experiment is an example of an experiment that can be used as a template and is used in the following procedure. The appendix contains an example illustrating how the following procedure is used to convert test data to a usable experiment for Shaker.

The first file that needs to be formed is the .exp file. One way to create this file is to open the .exp file of an experiment that has already been created, for example DDC01, using Notepad. Rename the DDC01.il and the DDC01.el files to something appropriate for the experiment that is being created. Use the command "save as" to rename and save

the .exp file. An example of a created .exp file is shown in Fig. 1. Place the saved file in the folder that was created for all the experiment files.

Figure 1. An example of a created .exp file.

The next file that is made is the .il file. Before creating this file all the data for the location of all the instruments in the experiment needs to be converted into the coordinate system that Shaker uses. The origin in Shaker is the bottom left corner of the container. The origin, as well as the axis of the Shaker program is shown in Fig. 2.

Z Y X Origin Figure 2. The coordinate system used by Shaker.

After all the coordinates for the sensors are converted to the Shaker coordinate system, open the DDC01.il file from the DDC01 experiment folder using Notepad and rename the file. Replace the data in this file with the data from the experiment being created. The data that is placed in this file is tab delimited. If there are more sensors in the experiment than in the DDC01.il file, then when entering a new row of data, the tab character needs to be inserted between each column of data as well as at the end of each event. An example of how data for an additional sensor is added where the items in parenthesis are keystrokes can be seen in Fig. 3.

A1(tab)acc(tab)g's(tab)"Northwest Shaker Table"(tab)0(tab)-46(tab)0(tab)H(tab)(enter)

Figure 3. The method for entering data in the instrument list.

The .el file is created next. Form the event list file by opening the DDC01.el file from the DDC01 experiment folder using Notepad and placing the data for the experiment that is being created in this DDC01.el file. To add additional events to this file, follow the same format used to enter data in the instrument list file since the data placed in this file is also tab delimited. Fig. 4 shows how additional events need to be entered where the items in parenthesis are keystrokes. The data shown in Fig. 4 should all be entered on one line. After all the data has been entered save and rename the file.

Wed., 8/18(tab)2:50 PM(tab)shake11(tab)HPC01-2.cgl(tab)shake11.txt(tab)(enter) Figure 4. The method for entering data in the event list.

Once the .el file is made, create the .cgl files for each event. The channel gain list specifies which instrument outputs and in what order the outputs are read for a particular event. To create a channel gain list for a particular event, open the .cgl file from the DDC01 experiment folder using Notepad. Replace the instruments listed in the file with the instruments that were used for the event. The channel gain list is not a tab delimited file. Therefore, when placing the instruments that were used for the event a tab character should not be inserted after the name of each instrument. Fig. 5 illustrates how the channel gain list should be created, where the items in parenthesis are keystrokes.

A1(enter) A2(enter) A3(enter) Figure 5. The method for entering data in the channel gain list.

The final files to be created are the .txt files or the sensor log files. Create the sensor log files using the output data that has been converted to engineering prototype units in MathCAD. These converted output data files have the appendix .prt. The first column in the output data files is the time and the rest of the columns are the sensors in the order that they are listed in the channel gain file. Import the data files into a program like Microsoft Excel. Once the data is in Excel, the data needs to be normalized so that all the values lie between 1 and 1. Normalize the data based upon the type of sensor. For example, all the sensors that measure displacement are normalized with respect to each other, where the sensors that measure acceleration are only normalized with respect to

other sensors that measure acceleration. Time is normalized with respect to itself. To normalize the data for each type of sensor, find the largest data value, either positive or negative, and divide all of that type of data by that value. If the largest value is negative, multiply it by 1 in order to preserve the sign. After the data has been normalized, save the normalized data as a text (tab delimited) document. The easiest way to do this is to first save all the data as a text (tab delimited) document, make a copy of the normalized data in this file, and paste the data in a new document which is also saved as a text (tab delimited) document. Repeat this process for all of the events in the experiment. Place all of the normalized sensor log files in the folder with all of the files for the experiment.

After the experiment is created, load the experiment into the Shaker program to check to see that everything is working properly. Once the Shaker program has been opened, an experiment is loaded into the Shaker program by choosing file and then load experiment. Fig. 6 is an illustration of what the Shaker program should show when the experiment is loaded correctly.

Figure 6. A successfully loaded Shaker experiment.

Once the .exp file is successfully loaded into the Shaker program check the instruments to make sure that they are in the proper location. Also, run each event to make sure that all the data has been properly converted and that all the instruments are functioning correctly. In order to run an event, first click the event tab found towards the top right corner. Next, click the event that you want to run. If the event is selected properly it should appear highlighted. Then click the load button which is located in the lower right corner. After the event loads click the play button in the lower right corner to view the event. A picture of a loaded event running in the Shaker program is shown in Fig. 7.

Figure 7. Snapshot of an event running in the Shaker program.

Once an event is loaded, the time history of each instrument can also be viewed. To view the time history of an instrument, click the tab that is titled nodes. The nodes tab is found in the upper right corner. Click on the name of the instrument whose time history is of interest. Then click on the info button found in the lower right corner. To view the time histories for multiple instruments at the same time, control-click each instrument of interest and click the load button. Fig. 8 shows time histories of two of the sensors during the event pictured in Fig. 7.

Figure 8. Two sensor time histories for an event in the Shaker program.

The significance of the study

Creating a procedure to take test data and manipulate the data into a usable Shaker experiment was significant because no student had attempted to create a usable Shaker experiment in the past. The main result of coming up with a procedure for converting test data into an experiment file that the Shaker program can use, is that in the future any student that wants to take data and place that data in a Shaker experiment file now has a guide to follow. Having a reference guide will be a tremendous advantage to any student because now s/he does not have to struggle to figure out how experiment files are created in the Shaker program.

Future goals for the Shaker program One of the main goals in the future for the Shaker program is to connect the Shaker program to the NEESgrid. Once the Shaker program is connected to the NEESgrid, experimental earthquake research groups throughout the U.S. will be able to use the program via the internet. The Shaker program also has a few more immediate goals that will help improve the actual Shaker program. One of these goals is to create the ability to place solid containers in the model as well as sensors. The addition of solid containers in the model will give the user to opportunity to visualize how a structure reacts during an earthquake simulation. The other immediate goal for the Shaker program is to give more degrees of freedom to the sensors. Currently, the sensors can only show horizontal or vertical movement. In the future, the Shaker program will be able to show both horizontal and vertical movement, so in essence the sensors will be able to rotate.


This research was conducted as part of the 2004 Research Experience for Undergraduates at the University of California at Davis and was funded by the National Science Foundation. I would like to thank Tom Slankard and Dan Wilson for their guidance and assistance during the entire summer. I would also like to thank my advisor Ross Boulanger for making this summer research experience possible.


Weber, Gunther H., et al. Visualization of Experimental Earthquake Data, Visualization and Data Analysis 2003. Santa Clara, CA; January 21-22, 2003.


Procedure used to convert the HCP01 test data to a usable experiment for Shaker

Step 1: Preparing to create the experiment

The first thing done in preparation for this experiment was to create a folder to place all the needed files for the experiment. The created folder is titled HCP01. All the files that are created in the following steps are placed into this folder. Before creating any files, the following files were pasted into this folder from the DDC01 experiment folder: container1.iv, default_behaviors.xml, test.xml, and Copy of default_behaviors.xml. The file container1.iv needs to be modified in order to have the same size container that is used in this experiment in the Shaker program.

Step 2: Creating the experiment file

The experiment file was created by opening the DDC01.exp file and renaming the event list and the instrument list. The files were renamed HPC01.el and HPC01.il respectively. The experiment file was saved as HPC01.exp and placed in the HPC01 folder.

Step 3: Creating the instrument list

The coordinates that were used for the location of all the instruments in the experiment were provided. Along with receiving the coordinates, the actual model was looked at in order to visualize the placement of all the instruments. The coordinate system used to place the instruments in the HCP01 experiment took the top northeast corner of the container for the origin. Since the origin for the Shaker program is the bottom northwest corner, the coordinates had to be converted so that the instruments were properly placed in the Shaker program. The coordinates were adjusted in the manner shown in Fig. 9. The coordinates of the model container are illustrated in Figs. 10 and 11 and a drawing illustrating the different origins is shown in Fig. 12.

X-coordinates: remained the same Y-coordinates: 1006 mm - given value Z-coordinates: 570 mm - given value Figure 9. This figure shows the method for adjusting the coordinates.


1981 mm

1006 mm

Figure 10. The diagram shows plane view of the container.


1981 mm

570 mm

Figure 11. The drawing illustrates elevation view of the container.

HCP01 experiment origin

Shakers origin Figure 12. This diagram shows the difference between the two origins

Once the coordinates for the sensors were converted into Shakers coordinate system, the instrument file was created. The DDC01.il file was used as a template. All the data that was in this file was deleted and the data for this experiment were placed in the file. The file was saved as HCP01.il and placed in the HCP01 folder. An example of how one line of the instrument list was placed in the file is shown in Fig. 13.

A1(tab)acc(tab)g's(tab)"Northwest Shaker Table"(tab)0(tab)-46(tab)0(tab)H(tab)(enter) Figure 13. This is a representation of how data is entered in the .il file.

Step 4: Creating the event list

The event list was created by using the file DDC01.el as a template. The data that was in the DDC01.el file was deleted and the data for the HCP01 experiment was placed in the file. The file was then saved as HCP01.el and placed in the HCP01 folder. An example of how a line of data was placed in this file is illustrated in Fig. 14.

Wed., 8/18(tab)2:50 PM(tab)shake11(tab)HPC01-2.cgl(tab)shake11.txt(tab)(enter) Figure 14. This is an illustration of how data was entered in the .el file.

Step 5: Creating the channel gain list

The channel gain lists were created from data that gave the order that the instruments were read for each event. The DDC01.cgl file was used as a template for creating each channel gain list. The instruments listed in the DDC01.cgl file were deleted and the instruments for this experiment were placed in the file in the order in which the data was taken. Each channel gain list file was saved with a unique name that corresponds to the name found in the HPC01.el file for a specific event and placed in the HCP01 folder. An example of how instruments are listed in a channel gain list can be seen in Fig. 15.

A2(enter) A27(enter) A4(enter) Figure 15. This is an example of how data for the .cgl file was entered.

Step 6: Creating the sensor log files

The last step in creating the experiment was to create the sensor log files. The prototype data from the events in the HCP01 experiment was used. The prototype data that was received did not have a space between all positive and negative numbers. Some of the data looked as follows: 4.056-0.0025. In order to quickly correct this problem, the prototype data was copied into Microsoft Word. Once in Microsoft Word, the find and replace command was used to place a space between each number as shown in Fig. 16.

Figure 16. This is a screenshot showing how spaces where placed between the numbers.

The data was then imported into Microsoft Excel. In Excel, the data was normalized so that all the values lied between -1 and 1. The data was normalized based on the type of sensor. For example, for the shake11 event the accelerometers were normalized by dividing all accelerometer data by 6.565 whereas all the linear potentiometer data was divided by 1.042. The normalized data was saved as a text (tab delimited) file and placed in the HCP01 folder.

Step 7: Checking the experiment

After the experiment is created, the experiment is loaded into the Shaker program to check to see that everything is working properly. Once the Shaker program has been opened, an experiment is loaded into the Shaker program by choosing file and then load experiment. Once the HCP01.exp file is successfully loaded into the Shaker program the instruments are checked to make sure that they are in the proper location. Also, each event is run to make sure that all the data has been properly converted and that all the instruments are functioning correctly. In order to run an event, first click the event tab found towards the top right corner. Next, click the event that you want to run. If the event is selected properly it should appear highlighted. Then click the load button which is located in the lower right corner. After the event loads click the play button in the lower right corner to view the event. Once an event is loaded, the time history of each instrument can also be viewed. To view the time history of an instrument, click the tab that is titled nodes. The nodes tab is found in the upper right corner. Click on the name of the instrument whose time history is of interest. Then click on the info button found in the lower right corner. To view the time histories for multiple instruments at the same time, control-click each instrument of interest and click the load button.

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