Review 307
Review 307
Review 307
36…Bg3! 37.gxh3
Bxd6, 0-1.
Another combinative
finish is Ivanchuk-
Anand, Linares 1998:
19…Bg5! 20.Qd1?
— Anand presents
lengthy analysis
indicating White
might have held after
20.Qd3. 20…Qa5
21.Nd5 “There is no
defence: 21 Qd3 b4
22 Nd5 b3! wins for
Black, while 21 Bd3
Rxc3 22 bxc3 Bc8!, followed by …Be6, gives
Black a decisive attack.” (Anand) 21…Bxd5
22…Rxc2! 23.Kxc2
Qxa2 “Simple –
White can’t do
anything to stop
24…Rc8+.” 24.f4
Rc8+ 25.Kd2 Bxf4+
26.Ke2 Qxb2+
27.Kf3 Rf1, 0-1.
37…g4! Avoiding
37…Nf4+?? 38.Nxf4
gxf4 39.Kf3, draw.
38.Ng5 Nc1+ 39.Ke3
Nxb3 40.h6 a5
41.Kf4 Nd4!
42.Kxg4 a4 43.Kh5
Nc6 “It’s still not too
late to be careless –
after 43…a3?? 44
Kg6 White would even win. However, after the
text-move 44 Kg6 Ne5+ 45 Kf5 a3! 46 Kxe5 a2
wraps it up.” 0-1.
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