Science LP
Science LP
Science LP
A. ENGAGE (Mentally Lead students to an area where a large rope is laying in the middle. Arrange
engage students with students in a fashion so all students are able to see the rope from the same
a question or activity, angle.
activity picture No
Pose the questions: "Is the rope moving?"
observations, video
clips, demonstrations, "How can we make the rope move?" {Have students brainstorm ideas of how to Pull the rope.
kinesthetic activities or make the rope move. They should record their ideas in their science journal.} Push the rope.
free write)
(Facilitate a discussion about the ways we can move the rope based on
their prior knowledge.)
Group 2 (gravity)
Direction: Each member should work for the task completion. Use the
book and smooth wooden board.
Procedure: Position the wooden board like an inclined plane where one
end is higher than the book. Place the book at the lower end of the board
and push it upward. Observe the book. Hold the book at the upper end of
the board. Release the book. Observe what happens.
Group 4 (magnet)
Direction: Work together. Use the following; cartolina, thumbtacks,
Procedure: Draw three (3) lanes on the cartolina. Hold properly on both
edges of the cartolina while lifting it. Be careful about placing a thumbtack
on each lane. From the starting point, hold and place the magnet under
the cartolina and move the thumbtack down to the finish. Enjoy the race.
EXPLAIN Answer the following given question for each group. One group member
( Learners explain their will be called out to present in front of the list down observations and
understanding of concepts answers.
and teacher corrects
students’ misconception. Group 1
During this phase the teacher
may provide formal definition, 1. In what way did you move the chair? 1. Push/pull
note, and labels. 2. How did you do it? Pull/push. 2. Push is to press upon or against a thing with force in
order to move it away. Pull is another way; it is to draw
or haul toward oneself or itself, in a particular direction
or into particular position
3. What do you think is called about something that changes the 3. Force that can also changes in speed and direction.
motion or the shape of the chair?
4. Can you give another example that shows a force? 4. Throwing a ball
Group 2
1. What happened to the book when you pushed it upward the 1. The book was lifted.
2. Why did it move downward after it has gone upward? 2. It moves downward because we release the support
from the upper end and because of the weight and the
3. What happened to the book when you released it from the upper gravity force.
end of the board? 3. It moves downward
4. After the book has gone down, did it go up again? Why? 4. No, because the weight stays on it and the pull force
from the gravity.
Group 3
1. What comes first into the finish line? 1. The toy car.
2. What force had been used to move the sail boat? 2. The wind force from the fan.
3. What force had been used to move the toy car? 3. The electricity or energy conserve from the battery.
4. Give examples on each that uses wind and electricity to move? 4. For the wind, a piece of paper dry leaves and the flag
on the pole. Cars, jeepneys, buses, trains and ships are
move by machine through electricity.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.
AFTER THE LESSON Individual work. Answer the following questions. Write true on the blank if
EVALUATION: the statement in each number is correct and false, if it is not.
(Formative and summative
assessment are appropriate 1. A push or pull can move objects. _____ 1. A push or pull can move objects. true
in this phase). 2. Objects move without force. ____ 2. Objects move without force. false
3. Running water is a force. _____ 3. Running water is a force. true
4. Riding a bicycle needs force. ______ 4. Riding a bicycle needs force. true
5. When you squeeze a balloon, you are using force. ______ 5. When you squeeze a balloon, you are using force. true
6. You use force when you pull a chair. ______ 6. You use force when you pull a chair. true
7. When you push an object, it moves toward you. ______ 7. When you push an object, it moves toward you. false
8. The rough surface of the floor slows down a moving object. _____ 8. The rough surface of the floor slows down a moving
9. You speed up the motion of a ball when you catch it. _____ object. true
10. Carrying a small bag needs greater force. _____ 9. You speed up the motion of a ball when you catch it.
10. Carrying a small bag needs greater force. false
Additional question.
1. Why should you hold on tightly when riding a bus? 1. We should hold on tightly when riding a bus because
the force or pressure is fast and unstable. Holding
tightly will prevent us from bumping or hitting on the
surfaces inside the bus.
2. You need a wind to blow to fly you kite up the sky. When the wind 2. When the wind stops blowing, the kite will fall because
stops the blowing, what happens to the kite? Why? there is no wind force to make it fly, and gravity will pull
down the kite.