6 Types of Assessment
6 Types of Assessment
6 Types of Assessment
How do you use the different types of assessment in your classroom to promote student
School closures and remote or hybrid learning environments have posed some challenges for
educators, but motivating students to learn and grow remains a constant goal.
Some students have lost a portion of their academic progress. Assessing students in
meaningful ways can help motivate and empower them to grow as they become agents of their
own learning.
But testing can contribute to math anxiety for many students. Assessments can be difficult to
structure properly and time-consuming to grade. And as a teacher, you know that student
progress isn't just a number on a report card.
There’s so much more to assessments than delivering an end-of-unit exam or prepping for a
standardized test. Assessments help shape the learning process at all points, and give you
insights into student learning. As John Hattie, a professor of education and the director of the
Melbourne Education Research Institute at the University of Melbourne, Australia puts it:
Diagnostic assessments
Formative assessments
Summative assessments
Ipsative assessments
Norm-referenced assessments
Criterion-referenced assessments
Use Prodigy to deliver fun, engaging assessments when you sign up for your free teacher
account today!
Let’s find out how assessments can analyze, support and further learning.
Different types of assessments can help you understand student progress in various ways.
This understanding can inform the teaching strategies you use, and may lead to different
1. Assessment of learning
2. Assessment for learning
3. Assessment as learning
Assessment of learning
You can use assessments to help identify if students are meeting grade-level standards.
Final projects
Standardized tests
They often have a concrete grade attached to them that communicates student achievement
to teachers, parents, students, school-level administrators and district leaders.
Summative assessments
Norm-referenced assessments
Criterion-referenced assessments
Assessments for learning provide you with a clear snapshot of student learning and
understanding as you teach -- allowing you to adjust everything from your classroom
management strategies to your lesson plans as you go.
Assessments for learning should always be ongoing and actionable. When you’re creating
assessments, keep these key questions in mind:
There are lots of ways you can deliver assessments for learning, even in a busy
classroom. We’ll cover some of them soon!
For now, just remember these assessments aren’t only for students -- they’re to provide you
with actionable feedback to improve your instruction.
Common types of assessment for learning include formative assessments and diagnostic
Assessment as learning
Assessment as learning actively involves students in the learning process. It teaches critical
thinking skills, problem-solving and encourages students to set achievable goals for
themselves and objectively measure their progress.
They can help engage students in the learning process, too! One study "showed that in most
cases the students pointed out the target knowledge as the reason for a task to be interesting
and engaging, followed by the way the content was dealt with in the classroom."
Another found:
“Students develop an interest in mathematical tasks that they understand, see as relevant to
their own concerns, and can manage. Recent studies of students’ emotional responses to
mathematics suggest that both their positive and their negative responses diminish as tasks
become familiar and increase when tasks are novel” Douglas B. McLeod
There’s a time and place for every type of assessment. Keep reading to find creative ways of
delivering assessments and understanding your students’ learning process!
1. Diagnostic assessment
Let’s say you’re starting a lesson on two-digit multiplication. To make sure the unit goes
smoothly, you want to know if your students have mastered fact families, place value and one-
digit multiplication before you move on to more complicated questions.
When you structure diagnostic assessments around your lesson, you’ll get the information
you need to understand student knowledge and engage your whole classroom.
Short quizzes
Journal entries
Student interviews
Student reflections
Classroom discussions
Graphic organizers (e.g., mind maps, flow charts, KWL charts)
Diagnostic assessments can also help benchmark student progress. Consider giving the same
assessment at the end of the unit so students can see how far they’ve come!
Prodigy’s assessments tool helps you align the math questions your students see in-game with
the lessons you want to cover.
To set up a diagnostic assessment, use your assessments tool to create a Plan that guides
students through a skill. This adaptive assessment will support students with pre-requisites
when they need additional guidance.
Want to give your students a sneak peek at the upcoming lesson? Learn how Prodigy helps
you pre-teach important lessons.
2. Formative assessment
Just because students made it to the end-of-unit test, doesn’t mean they’ve mastered the
topics in the unit. Formative assessments help teachers understand student learning while
they teach, and provide them with information to adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.
Meaningful learning involves processing new facts, adjusting assumptions and drawing
nuanced conclusions. As researchers Thomas Romberg and Thomas Carpenter describe it:
“Current research indicates that acquired knowledge is not simply a collection of concepts
and procedural skills filed in long-term memory. Rather, the knowledge is structured by
individuals in meaningful ways, which grow and change over time.”
In other words, meaningful learning is like a puzzle — having the pieces is one thing, but
knowing how to put it together becomes an engaging process that helps solidify learning.
Formative assessments help you track how student knowledge is growing and
changing in your classroom in real-time. While it requires a bit of a time investment —
especially at first — the gains are more than worth it.
A March 2020 study found that providing formal formative assessment evidence such as
written feedback and quizzes within or between instructional units helped enhance the
effectiveness of formative assessments.
Group projects
Progress reports
Class discussions
Entry and exit tickets
Short, regular quizzes
Virtual classroom tools like Socrative or Kahoot!
When running formative assessments in your classroom, it’s best to keep them short, easy to
grade and consistent. Introducing students to formative assessments in a low-stakes way
can help you benchmark their progress and reduce math anxiety.
Prodigy makes it easy to create, deliver and grade formative assessments that help keep your
students engaged with the learning process and provide you with actionable data to adjust
your lesson plans.
Use your Prodigy teacher dashboard to create an Assignment and make formative
assessments easy!
Assignments assess your students on a particular skill with a set number of questions and can
be differentiated for individual students or groups of students.
3. Summative assessment
They can assist with communicating student progress, but they don’t always give clear
feedback on the learning process and can foster a “teach to the test” mindset if you’re not
Plus, they’re stressful for teachers. One Harvard survey found 60% of teachers said “preparing
students to pass mandated standardized tests” “dictates most of” or “substantially affects” their
Sound familiar?
But just because it’s a summative assessment, doesn’t mean it can’t be engaging for students
and useful for your teaching. Try creating assessments that deviate from the standard multiple-
choice test, like:
Recording a podcast
Writing a script for a short play
Producing an independent study project
No matter what type of summative assessment you give your students, keep some best
practices in mind:
Use these summative assessment examples to make them effective and fun for your students!
Did you know you can use Prodigy to prepare your students for summative assessments —
and deliver them in-game?
Use Assignments to differentiate math practice for each student or send an end-of-unit test to
the whole class.
Or use our Test Prep tool to understand student progress and help them prepare for
standardized tests in an easy, fun way!
See how you can benchmark student progress and prepare for standardized tests with
How many of your students get a bad grade on a test and get so discouraged they stop
Ipsative assessments are one of the types of assessment as learning that compares
previous results with a second try, motivating students to set goals and improve their
When a student hands in a piece of creative writing, it’s just the first draft. They practice athletic
skills and musical talents to improve, but don’t always get the same chance when it comes to
other subjects like math.
A two-stage assessment framework helps students learn from their mistakes and motivates
them to do better. Plus, it removes the instant gratification of goals and teaches students
learning is a process.
A two-stage testing process
Project-based learning activities
One study on ipsative learning techniques found that when it was used with higher education
distance learners, it helped motivate students and encouraged them to act on feedback to
improve their grades.
In Gwyneth Hughes' book, Ipsative Assessment: Motivation Through Marking Progress, she
writes: "Not all learners can be top performers, but all learners can potentially make progress
and achieve a personal best. Putting the focus onto learning rather than meeting standards
and criteria can also be resource efficient."
While educators might use this type of assessment during pre- and post-test results, they can
also use it in reading instruction. Depending on your school's policy, for example, you can
record a student reading a book and discussing its contents. Then, at another point in the year,
repeat this process. Next, listen to the recordings together and discuss their reading
5. Norm-referenced assessments
Unlike ipsative assessments, where the student is only competing against themselves, norm-
referenced assessments draw from a wide range of data points to make conclusions
about student achievement.
IQ tests
Physical assessments
Standardized college admissions tests like the SAT and GRE
Proponents of norm-referenced assessments point out that they accentuate differences among
test-takers and make it easy to analyze large-scale trends. Critics argue they don’t encourage
complex thinking and can inadvertently discriminate against low-income students and
Norm-referenced assessments are most useful when measuring student achievement to
Language ability
Grade readiness
Physical development
College admission decisions
Need for additional learning support
While they’re not usually the type of assessment you deliver in your classroom, chances are
you have access to data from past tests that can give you valuable insights into student
6. Criterion-referenced assessments
In the classroom, this means measuring student performance against grade-level standards
and can include end-of-unit or final tests to assess student understanding.
When it comes to your teaching, here are some best practices to help you identify which type
of assessment will work and how to structure it, so you and your students get the information
you need.
Make a rubric
Students do their best work when they know what’s expected of them and how they’ll be
marked. Whether you’re assigning a cooperative learning project or an independent study unit,
a rubric communicates clear success criteria to students and helps teachers maintain
consistent grading.
Ideally, your rubric should have a detailed breakdown of all the project’s individual parts, what’s
required of each group member and an explanation of what different levels of achievement
look like.
A well-crafted rubric lets multiple teachers grade the same assignment and arrive at the same
score. It’s an important part of assessments for learning and assessments of learning, and
teaches students to take responsibility for the quality of their work.
There are plenty of online rubric tools to help you get started -- try one today!
This helps you effectively prepare students and create an assessment that moves learning
End-of-unit assessments are a tried and tested (pun intended) staple in any classroom. But
why stop there?
Let’s say you’re teaching a unit on multiplying fractions. To help you plan your lessons,
deliver a diagnostic assessment to find out what students remember from last year. Once
you’re sure they understand all the prerequisites, you can start teaching your lessons more
After each math class, deliver short exit tickets to find out what students understand and where
they still have questions. If you see students struggling, you can re-teach or deliver intervention
in small groups during station rotations.
When you feel students are prepared, an assessment of learning can be given to them. If
students do not meet the success criteria, additional support and scaffolding can be provided
to help them improve their understanding of the topic. You can foster a growth mindset by
reminding students that mistakes are an important part of learning!
Now your students are masters at multiplying fractions! And when standardized testing season
rolls around, you know which of your students need additional support — and where.
Build your review based on the data you’ve collected through diagnostic, formative, summative
and ipsative assessments so they perform well on their standardized tests.
It’s an ongoing process, with plenty of opportunities for students to build a growth mindset and
develop new skills.
Prodigy is a fun, digital game-based learning platform used by over 100 million students and
2.5 million teachers. Join today to make delivering assessments and differentiating math
learning easy with a free teacher account!