Aee Cem 2022
Aee Cem 2022
Aee Cem 2022
What does the Certified Energy Manager (CEM®) What is the bottom line for me or my company?
Certification Program offer? Gaining a wide-reaching and industry-recognized
This program helps educate and qualify individuals certification is always a personal and financial investment.
involved in optimizing the use of energy in buildings Since its inception in 1981, the CEM certification program
and systems. By obtaining the CEM certification, has demonstrated it’s validity year after year. Individuals
candidates gain industry and peer recognition by tell us a CEM certification has helped improve their career,
demonstrating their understanding of energy-efficiency improve their salary, and increase their job responsibility.
principles, practices, and technologies. The program Holding a CEM certification shows a fundamental
raises the professional standards, both technical and understanding of the industry and a commitment to their
ethical, of those engaged in energy efficiency and profession. Companies, organizations, and consultants
energy management. with a CEM on-staff often see a higher affinity with their
customers because CEMs understand their customer’s
requirements, speak the language of energy efficiency, and
are a trusted, unbiased source for accurate information.
More Information
CEM® Website
What functional areas does the CEM® Certification What is the CEM®, and how was it developed?
Program cover? The Certified Energy Manager (CEM®) accreditation
The certification program requires fundamental is one of the most globally respected in the field
knowledge across several core principles and practices of energy management. Since 1981, over 30,000
specific to energy management in buildings and professionals from over 100 countries have participated
facilities. These include: in AEE’s CEM program. The program is ISO IEC 17024
accredited by Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC)
–– Codes and Standards –– Fuel Supply and Pricing
and American National Standards Institute (ANSI,) and
–– Energy Accounting and –– Building Automation and is also a U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings
Economics Control Systems Thermal Workforce Guidelines Recognized Program. It is also
–– Energy Audits and Energy Storage Systems accredited by many other organizations worldwide. See
Instrumentation –– Lighting Systems for a complete list.
Our Instructors
The CEM multi-day program is taught by approved
instructors with extensive experience in the industry. They
present the latest practices, strategies, and theories, while
leading discussions in an open, interactive environment. You
also spend invaluable time connecting with and learning
from, other program attendees. In each topic covered, the
instructors focus on the most “useful” and “proven” activities
that an energy manager should pursue to improve profits.
Daily Agenda
Day 1 Day 2
Why Energy Management is Important, become Energy Accounting and Economics
aware of: –– Economic Analysis and Terminology
–– Global trends on Energy, Economy and Our –– Time Value of Money (TVM) Tables/Compound
Environment Interest Factors
–– Non-Technical Drivers that Create the Need for –– Calculate Key Financial Metrics: Net Preset Value, PV,
Energy Projects Life Cycle Cost, IRR, SIR and Simple Payback
–– Selling Points for Energy Projects
Electrical Power Systems
Energy Basics –– Electrical Basics (DC/AC, Single and 3-Phase Power)
–– Energy Fundamentals –– Resistive and Inductive Loads, Power Factor
–– Energy Conversion Factors and Application –– Voltage Imbalance, Grounding and Harmonics
–– Comparing Energy vs. Power –– Estimating Savings from Power Factor Improvement
–– Important 3-phase Motor Equations and Estimating
Fuel Supply and Pricing
Power Consumption
–– Overview of Utility Rate Components
–– Electric and Natural Gas Energy Procurement Motors and Drives
–– DSM and Demand Response –– Savings Considerations: Lifecycle vs. First Cost for
–– Benchmarking Energy Information Installing Energy Efficient Motors/VSDs
–– Motor Terminology and Performance Factors
Energy Audits and Instrumentation –– Load Factors and Ability to Estimate Motor Loads
–– Energy Programs (ISO 50001, DOE and EPA –– Centrifugal Devices: Fan/Affinity Laws
Resources) –– Variable Volume Options and Frequency Drives (VFD)
–– Audit Strategies/Approaches
–– Benchmarking, Level I, II, and III Audits (ASHRAE Lighting Systems
Standard 211-2018) –– Lighting Retrofits: Evaluate and Identify Opportunities
–– Investment Grade Audits for High Energy Saving Potential
–– Reports –– Lighting Design Basics and Terminology
–– Data Collection Technologies and Instruments Related –– How to Avoid Common Mistakes of Lighting Retrofits
to Energy Systems –– Practical Approaches to Audits and Upgrades
–– Data logging and Communication Technologies
Maintenance and Commissioning
Codes and Standards –– Useful Maintenance Technologies
–– Scope of Relevant ASHRAE Standards (55.1, 90.1, –– Basic Terminology and Common Maintenance
135, 189, 62.1) Strategies
–– How ASHRAE Standards Affect Green Energy and –– Estimating Savings from Maintenance Activities
Federal Building Energy Codes (Compressed Air and Steam Leaks, Uninsulated
–– Ability to Estimate Minimum Air Flow Requirements Steam Lines, Group Relamping)
(Ventilation Rate Procedure)
High Performance Green Buildings
–– Leadership for Energy and Environment Design Continued on next page...
(LEED) Program and Benefits
–– Energy Star Program and Benefits
Day 5
Open Q&A
Certification Exam
Preparatory Courses and Certification Examinations for the Certified Energy Manager
Locations in India ( Organized by AEE Kolkata Chapter, IISWBM
REGISTRATION Prior to sitting for the exam, each candidate must complete an
Updates on Course schedules, eligibility, fees, contact for details and registration application.
information are available at: and #CEM Training would be optional for the following candidates: Before submitting fees, you are Candidate possessing CEA or CEM certification from Bureau of
advised to check your eligibility and availability of seat by submitting the filled-up Energy Efficiency (BEE), Government of India
application form available at following link for enrolment: Candidate completed MBA-PS degree OR Master in Public Systems Management (MPSM) with specialization in Energy
Management OR Post-Graduate Diploma in Energy Management
(Approved by AICTE) from IISWBM-University of Calcutta.
If those who are eligible, in terms of educational qualification, to take the exam but do not meet
The CEM exam will be administered at the close of instruction on day
the experience requirement, on the date of application for CEM, receive a passing score, they can
still earn the Energy Manager In Training (EMIT) certification. Then they have up to six years to gain four to those, with requisite experience and degree from an
the number of years of experience needed based on their education level (see eligibility (AICTE/UGC/AIU/Such Body) accredited university or college, who has
requirements for CEM & EMIT). qualified in advance to sit for the exam by submitting a completed CEM
Email your queries to and and/or application and fee.
WhatsApp/SMS +91 9433719779/9123395598. Fees for the Training Seminar (in INR)* 50000
Last date of submission of filled-up application form along with fees August 25, 2022 Fees for the Examination (in INR)* 40000
Email of Admit E-Card to Eligible Candidates September 5, 2022 *Add GST 18%. Discount of up to 5% applicable to active AEE members
Conduction of online CEM International training by IISWBM September 12-16, 2022 recommended by the applicant’s AEE Chapter President/Vice-President
Conduction of online examination by AEE September 17, 2022
Declaration of Examination Result on or before December 16, 2022
Submission of Application: For enrolment apply through link or Emails your credentials to
as well as and copy to within stipulated date, and also hard copy may be sent by post at the cost of and
responsibility of the interested candidate with Name(s), Qualifications & Experience (enclose supporting document), Address for Communications (with mobile
number and Email),and other information as per Application Format with PP size Photo, and proof of online payment made by the stipulated date. Please note
the Bank details for NEFT/RTGS Transfer: Beneficiary: IISWBM, Name of Bank: State Bank of India, Surya Sen Street Branch, Kolkata, ACCOUNT NO.:10252384198,
IFS Code: SBIN 0003496; SWIFT Code: SBININBB492, MICR Code: 700002099 and PAN : AAATI3215M, IISWBM’S GSTIN # 19AAAT13215M2ZJ and accounting head
9992 for 18 % GST.
Rise to the Top of the Energy Management Profession: Become AEE Certified