Eu Standardi Otp - Na Pozar
Eu Standardi Otp - Na Pozar
Eu Standardi Otp - Na Pozar
Reaction to fire
If a fire is able to find sufficient flammable materials it will quickly spread The additional designations are:
through an area. It is therefore crucial to use materials of Smoke | s1, s2, s3
limited combustibility on key surfaces within a room, such as ceilings s1 = little or no smoke generation | s2 = medium smoke generation
and walls. The use of such materials can dramatically reduce the s3 = heavy smoke generation
speed flames spread through an area as well as minimise their
contribution to the fire. Burning droplets | d0, d1, d2
d0 = no droplets within 600 seconds | d1 = droplet form within
The European standard EN 13501-1: Reaction to Fire provides a 600 seconds but do not burn for more than 10 seconds | d2 = not as
number of performance criteria to measure the fire characteristics of d0 or d1
building products. These cover spread of flame and contribution to fire
as well the generation of smoke and the production of burning droplets. Country Test standard Classification
The table below provides an overview of the available classifications. EC member states EN 13501-1 A2-s1,d0 | B-s1,d0
Switzerland Guide to fire regulations, 1976 Vl q.3 virtually non-combustible,
smoke level low
Additional requirements European class
according to USA ASTM E 84-97 a class I
No smoke No burning droplets
falling/dripping EN 13501-1
✓ ✓ A1
✓ ✓ A2-s1,d0
✓ ✓ B-s1,d0 | C-s1,d0
✓ A2-s2,d0 | A2-s3,d0
B, C-s2,d0 | B, C-s3,d0
✓ A2-s1,d1 | A2-s1,d2
B, C-s1,d1 | B, C-s1,d2
A2-s3,d2 | B-s3,d2
✓ ✓ D-s1,d0
✓ D-s2,d0 |D-s3,d0
E | E-d2 | F
✓ D-s1,d2 | D-s2,d2 | D-s3,d2
Resistance to fire
Resistance to fire Resistance to fire Structural elements based on EN 13501-2 encompass the whole
class EN 13501-2 duration in minutes
structural element and not just the suspended ceiling. This may consist
REI 30 ≥ 30 of the roof and the suspended ceiling or the structural floor and
REI 60 ≥ 60 suspended ceiling. The entire element should resist the impact of fire
REI 90 ≥ 90 on its structural ability for as long as possible. The length of time this
REI 120 ≥ 120 can be maintained is the fire resistance duration and will classify it in
REI 180 ≥ 180 one of the classes shown.
For European categorisation, a building material classification is always given separately.
Test criteria
During the fire resistance test the laboratory will look out for adverse The example below (fig 2) shows a timber floor construction with the
reaction as well as reporting on the following key criteria. OWA ceiling below
Timber beams
R. The structural element should not collapse or deflect beyond the Wooden floorboards
permitted levels when subjected to the applied load. with tongue and groove
flames is permitted. Suspended
I. The temperature on the non-exposed side of the structural element
must not rise more than 140° C above ambient as an average measure- 930 930
ment and no more than 180° C at any one location.
If one of the above criteria is exceeded the test is terminated and Fig. 2: Timber floor
the duration achieved prior to failure will dictate the appropriate fire
resistance classification. OWA have tested most standard floor and roof constructions with
OWAcoustic® Ceilings to EN 13501-2 and have achieved up to REI 180
Due to the diversity of the various structural elements currently as shown in the following table.
available it is impossible to test each individually. We therefore
endeavor to test the worst case scenario in each generic construction Where an OWAcoustic® ceiling is used to provide structural fire
type. resistance it is important that the ceiling is constructed in the same
manner as that used in the test. Failure to use the same components
The following examples show constructions within a test furnace. and layout may invalidate any certification and prevent us issuing a KIT
The illustration below (fig. 1) shows an example of a typical declaration.
steel beam construction with the OWA ceiling below. Escape and rescue routes often have services containing combustible
materials installed below the structural slabs. For this reason we recom-
Steel beam span 4000 mm
Covering mend the use of OWAcoustic® self contained fire resistant ceilings (see
table on page 6 and 7). With this type of ceiling it is possible to provide
fire resistance of EI 30 to the services in the void as well as to the area
below. The use of this system can help provide protected escape
routes both from fire and smoke.
On the 1st of July 2013 the new European Construction Products The harmonised European standard EN13964 (Suspended Ceilings
Regulation (CPR) No. 305/2011 came into force and replaced the Requirements and test Methods), covers a number of essential
existing Construction Products Directive (CPD) 89/106/EU. requirements including:
Part of the new regulation is the use of CE labelling for construction – Reaction to fire – Resistance to fire
products that are regulated by a harmonised European Standard – Mechanical safety – Hygiene, health and environmental
(hEN) or a European Assessment Document (EAD, formerly known – Acoustics – Corrosion
as “ETAG”). – Others
In addition a “Declaration of Performance” (DoP) will be issued for all Important: In case of resistance to fire a CE label and DoP
CE labelled construction products. This declaration will show a number for the whole kit (ceiling tiles + subconstruction) is
of key performance criteria as well as a unique identification code of mandatory according to EN 13964 ZA 1.1
the product type. This replaces the existing document known as a
European Declaration of Conformity
4 European resistance to fire test
S 3a
Module Thickness Product Classifi- Test report no. Centre of Centre of Hanger Special
range cation main tee hangers OWA-no. characteristics
625 x 625 mm 14 mm nom. smart REI 120 N. 297270/7130/CPD 1250 mm 1250 mm see
600 x 600 mm 15 mm premium … and further reports 1200 mm 1200 mm Page 11
S 3a
S 3a
S 3a
S 3a
Module Thickness Product Classifi- Test report no. Centre of Centre of Hanger Special
range cation main tee hangers OWA-no. characteristics
625 x 625 mm 14 mm nom. smart REI 120 N. 311867/8160/CPR 1200 mm 900 mm see
600 x 600 mm 15 mm premium … and further reports Page 11
625 x 625 mm 14 mm nom. smart REI 180 N.234562/2488/CPD 1250 mm 1250 mm see
600 x 600 mm 15 mm premium … and further reports 1200 mm 1200 mm Page 11
625 x 625 mm 14 mm nom. smart REI 120 N.281196/6048/CPD 1250 mm 1250 mm see
600 x 600 mm 15 mm premium … and further reports 1200 mm 1200 mm Page 11
gypsum fireboard
12.5 mm
Module Thickness Product Classifi- Test report no. Centre of Centre of Hanger Special
range cation main tee hangers OWA-no. characteristics
width 312.5 mm 44 mm premium EI 30 PB 3617/3831 clear span 625 mm 79/50 perimeter trim
length 2100 mm, PB 3619/3851 and band- no. 51/25
2250 mm MPA Braunschweig raster Further details see
… and further reports ≤ 2300 mm system leaflet
Light fittings
When installing recessed luminaires in an OWAcoustic® fire For details, see OWA installation guide no. 801.
resistant ceiling an OWAcoustic® fire box should be installed to When using 40 mm thick OWAcoustic® premium tiles, 40 mm thick
ensure continuity of fire resistance. It is important to ensure that MINOWA® tiles should be used and for 20 mm thick OWAcoustic®
the performance of the fire box matches that of the installed premium tiles, 21mm thick MINOWA® tiles should be used.
OWAcoustic® ceiling.
Also see information sheet on Fire Protection Enclosure.
Recessed light fittings
Thickness OWAcoustic® tiles Thickness Firebox
14 mm 14.5 mm
15 mm 16 mm
20 mm 21 mm
≥ 40 mm 40 mm
OWAcoustic® ceilings with recessed light fittings offer the same fire
resistance as closed OWAcoustic® ceilings, if the recessed light fittings
are encased in a 16 mm thick MINOWA® Firebox.
Perimeter trims
For fire resistant ceilings the perimeter trims should be installed in
accordance with corresponding test report. Only approved fire
resistant wall fixings should be used (ETA – European Technical
Approval). Fixing centre ≤ 250 mm.
* Adjustable hangers are not to be used with Timber constructions REI 90.
Top fixings
Only approved fire resistant top fixings suitable for the substrate
should be used (ETA – European Technical Approval).
Technical assistance
This brochure provides a very brief outline of European Standard
EN 13501 and how OWAcoustic® Ceilings can help meet your fire
resistance requirements.
Product Warranties
The information provided in this leaflet is based on the standards and data available at the time of publication. Any performance, warranties or
guarantees provided, expressed or implied, are subject to the exclusive use of OWA components and the installation of those components in
accordance with our recommendations. Failure to adhere to these conditions will result in the invalidation of any performance claims,
warranties or guarantees and rejection of any liability. OWA reserves the right to make any technical improvements to the products, systems
or services without prior notice. All goods and services are supplied in accordance with our current Terms and
Conditions of Sale. Errors excepted!
Mistakes and printing errors are not excluded. With the publication of this issue, all previous brochures no. 500 eu/e are invalid.
Brochure 9500 eu/e