Sandwich Panels Technical PDF
Sandwich Panels Technical PDF
Sandwich Panels Technical PDF
Lindab CoverlineTM
Technical information
Thermal insulation
Lindab's range of sandwich panels includes two types of core, foam (PIR, PUR,
IPN) and mineral wool. A panel with a foam core is easy to handle and can cope
with large spans, and even a relatively thin core produces high insulation values. The
panel has a closed cell structure that produces a very high insulation value and
ensures very low water vapour permeability. The closed cell structure also prevents
the core from absorbing water. Below is a comparison showing the core thickness
required for a variety of panel types to achieve similar U-values.
A panel with a core of mineral wool is preferable if there are stringent requirements
regarding fire performance.
Lindab's PUR panels are free from CFCs/HCFCs, which means they do not have
any negative impact on the Earth's ozone layer. Reported U-values in this brochure
have been revised with regard to ageing of the foam in accordance with EN 13165.
Reaction to fire
This method of testing shows how a building product reacts when exposed to high
heat in the form of a direct flame, radiant heat or high temperatures. Reaction to fire
tests can be performed using a variety of test methods, including the SBI method
(Single Burning Item). Parameters such as smoke formation, heat release and any
flame spread are measured to determine the product's fire characteristics. The
following classifications for combustibility are assigned based on the limit values
achieved by the tested product:
A1 is the highest class and is not combined with any additional class. The other
classes are always combined with the following additional classes which indicate
d2 no requirement for limited
the product's ability to produce smoke and flaming droplets and particles.
amount of flaming droplets and
s1 the structural element may produce a very limited amount of combustion gases
s2 the structural element may produce a limited amount of combustion gases
Swedish standards use the
s3 no requirement for limited production of smoke
following classifications for
d0 flaming droplets and particles may not be produced by the structural element
internal building surfaces:
d1 a limited amount of flaming droplets and particles may be produced by the
structural element Class I = B-s1, d0
Class II = C-s2, d0
Class III = D-s2, d0
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Resistance to fire and the requirement is for the average temperature not to
This classification concerns a building product's ability to exceed 140 C generally or 180 C at one specific point. The
withstand a flashover. The panels are tested and assigned a integrity requirement means no flames must penetrate the
specific class based on their function: joints. The time for which the panel satisfies the criteria is
measured and the panel is rated for integrity and insulation
R Load-bearing capacity
followed by a time requirement in minutes, e.g. EI60.
RE Load-bearing capacity and Integrity (containment)
REI Load-bearing capacity, Integrity and Insulation Tests on load-bearing structures (roof panels) are performed
E Integrity in a test furnace measuring 3x6 m, where the panel is
EI Integrity and Insulation exposed to a load for the duration of the fire. The panels are
EW Integrity and limited radiation rated with reference to their load-bearing capacity, integrity
and insulation, followed by a time requirement in minutes, e.g.
Tests on fire cell partitions (wall panels) are performed in a test REI60.
furnace on a 3x3 m wall, with the temperature inside the
furnace normally reaching around 1000 C. The temperature A number of Lindab's sandwich panels have been subjected
on the unexposed side is measured at a number of points to full-scale testing in accordance with FM-Global and LPCB.
Fire engineering classes B-s1,d0 (class I). Fire cell partitions must be of class EI60 to
A building can be constructed to one of three different EI240, depending on the fire load.
classes: Br1, Br2 or Br3. Classification takes into account
factors such as possibilities for escape and the risk of Br2 buildings are buildings where fire poses a moderate risk
personal injury in the event of the building collapsing. of personal injury. This normally means two-storey buildings
Assessments are made based on, for instance, the height and with a building area of more than 200 m2 or single-storey
volume of the building, the activities conducted in the building, buildings containing public areas. Interior ceiling surfaces
and the number of people calculated to be present inside. should comply with C-s2,d0 (class II) and wall surfaces
D-s2,d0 (class III). In public areas, e.g. shopping centres,
Class Br1 means that a fire in the building poses a high risk of walls and ceilings must both comply with the highest
personal injury. This normally applies to buildings of three or requirement B-s1,d0 (class I). Fire cell partitions are normally
more storeys, two-storey buildings such as hospitals and of class EI30, irrespective of the fire load.
hotels, and two-storey buildings with public areas on the top
floor, e.g. two-storey shopping centres. Interior ceiling Br3 buildings are other buildings. For example, single-storey
surfaces should comply with B-s1,d0 (class I) and wall industrial or storage facilities. Interior ceiling and wall surfaces
surfaces C-s2,d0 (class II). In public areas, e.g. shopping should comply with D-s2,d0 (class III). Any fire cell partitions
centres, walls must also comply with the highest requirement are normally of class EI30, irrespective of the fire load.
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Mineral wool Normally classed as A2-s1, d0. burning when the heat source disappears. Studies have also
Panels with a hard core of high-density mineral wool fibre. A shown that a PUR panel that is fixed to the framework with a
mineral wool panel generally achieves a very high fire continuous mechanical fastener does not fail until the
performance and normally produces less smoke and heat structural framework fails.
than a panel with a polymer core. However, even a mineral
wool panel is not classed as wholly non-combustible (class Other core types on the market
A1), as the fibre core contains binders and the core is glued
to the sheets, usually with a polyurethane adhesive. For this PUR B3 Polyurethane B3 Normally classed as C or D-s3,
reason, it is classed as A2. For structures serving as fire cell d0.
partitions, where a high fire resistance is required (greater than A PUR B3 foam performs less well in a fire than type B2. It
EI30), requirements are currently only satisfied by panels with emits more smoke and produces more heat during a fire.
a mineral wool core. Unlike a B2 foam, B3 foam is not self-extinguishing.
IPN Isophenic Normally classed as B-s1, d0. Fibreglass Normally classed as A2-s1, d0.
IPN is a refined PIR foam. It emits less smoke and contributes Fibreglass is, like mineral wool, a mineral fibre, although its fire
relatively little heat to the fire. As with a PIR core, the core characteristics are not as good as those of mineral wool.
chars on the exposed side; this stable, protective charred Fibreglass shrinks at high temperatures. A fibreglass panel
layer then protects the rest of the core from the fire. Lindab's normally achieves a maximum rating of EI90.
sandwich panels with IPN core achieve the highest rating for
internal surfaces (B-s1,d0) and are classed as EI30 with Polystyrene (EPS) melts at temperatures as low as 180 C
fire-resistant joints. The panel's good fire performance has and produces a lot of flaming droplets during a fire. Even
also been demonstrated in full-scale tests. Lindab's IPN panel flame/fire-resistant EPS can produce a lot of black smoke and
has lasted the full test period in full-scale testing in accordan- emit a lot of heat during a fire. Once the core melts the fire
ce with ISO 13784-1. Testing was carried out by SP (Techni- can also spread unchecked inside the panel. If the panel wall
cal Research Institute of Sweden) at the request of the is not securely fixed, it can collapse and accelerate the fire's
Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. progress. Despite this, EPS can be classed as d0, because
only droplets and particles that fall outside the so-called 'burn
PIR Polyisocyanurate Normally classed as B-s2, d0. zone' of approx. 300x350 mm are counted during testing. A
A PIR core is a type of polyurethane that has undergone major UK study has shown that some of the greatest
significant material modification. In the event of a fire the core industrial damage of modern times in the UK has involved
chars on the exposed side; this charred layer then protects polystyrene panels installed internally in buildings.
the rest of the core from the fire. This means that a panel with
a PIR core is more resistant to fire than a PUR B2 core. It also Delivery information
emits less heat and smoke. Max. length roof panel: 13.6 m Longer panels available on
request; these require special transport arrangements.
PUR B2 Polyurethane B2 Normally classed as B-s3, d0.
Panels with a rigid polyurethane core also char in the event of Min. standard length roof and wall panel = 2 m.
a fire. However, the charred layer is not as strong as that in a
PIR or IPN core and it has a relatively low resistance to fire. A All wall panels are supplied with an integrated seal along the
PUR B2 core produces no flaming droplets during a fire but long joint.
does emit quite a lot of smoke. However, it usually emits less
than a corresponding EPS panel. Full-scale tests have also All roof panels are supplied with an integrated seal along the
shown that there is no hidden flame spread inside the panel. long joint and overlap (however, not the overlap on RT
Studies using real fires and full-scale tests have shown that panels).
PUR panels are only partly involved in the early stages of the
fire and are not affected until the fire has developed fully. The See standard cross-sections and colours for each panel on
core is self-extinguishing, which means that the core stops the following pages.
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Wall panels
Profiles, External: Box, Micro, Euro, Flat**Minibox, Wave Thick- U-value Airborne Fire rating Dead
(Minibox only as IPN panel) ness of W/m2K sound Core type load kg/
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 3000, 5010, 7035, 9002, insulat- insulation m2
9006*, ing core (dB) PUR B2 IPN
9007*, 9010, 8004, HBP60*** (d)
40 0.56 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 10.2
50 0.45 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 10.6
60 0.37 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 11.0
80 0.28 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 11.8
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6/0.5 100 0.22 25 B-s3,d0 12.6
Profiles, Internal: Box, Minibox
Std colours int.: Ral 9002 120 0.19 25 B-s3,d0 13.4
Steel int. (mm): 0.5
*Metallic colours 150 0.15 25 B-s3,d0 13.7
** Smooth outside only available as IPN panel option.
Smoothness tolerance = +/-2 mm/m2 170 0.13 25 B-s1,d0 14.4
*** Colour HBP60 available as option, see page 25
200 0.11 25 B-s1,d0 15.5
*Panels with an IPN core are class EI30 with fire-resistant joint.
Panels >150 mm thick only with IPN foam, and only profiles Minibox
and Flat. Only Minibox and Flat profiles for 150 mm panel
with EI30 joint.
Profiles, External: B/B, Micro, Flat** Thick- U-value Airborne Fire rating Dead
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 7035, 7016, 9002, 9006*, ness of W/m2K sound Core type load kg/
9007*, insulat- insula- m2
9010, 7037, 3000, 3009, 5010, 8004 ing core tion (dB) PUR B2 PIR
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6 (d)
80 0.30 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 12.4
100 0.24 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 13.2
120 0.20 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 14.0
150 0.16 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 15.3
Profiles, Internal: B/B
Std colours int.: Ral 9002
Steel int. (mm): 0.5
*Metallic colours
** Smooth outside is optional. Smoothness tolerance =
+/-2 mm/m2
*** min 500 m2
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Wall panels
Profiles, External: Box, Micro, Euro, Wave Thick- U-value Airborne PUR B2 IPN Dead
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 3000, 5010, 7035, 9002, ness of W/m2K sound load kg/
9006*, 9007*, 9010, 8004, HBP60** insulat- insulation m2
ing core (dB)
50 0.45 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 10.8
60 0.38 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 11.2
80 0.29 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 12.0
100 0.23 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 12.8
120 0.19 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 13.6
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6
Profiles, Internal: Box, Minibox
Std colours int.: Ral 9002
Steel int. (mm): 0.5
Concealed fixing
*Metallic colours
** Colour HBP60 available as option, see page 25
Sin20 1000
Profiles, External: Sin 20 Thick- U-value Airborne PUR B2 PIR Dead
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 7035, 7016, 9002, 9006*, ness of W/m2K sound load kg/
9007*, 9010, 7037, 3000, 3009, 5010, 8004 insulat- insula- m2
ing core tion (dB)
50/70 0.40 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 12.2
80/100 0.27 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 13.4
100/120 0.22 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 15.2
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Wall panels
Profiles, External: Box, Minibox, Micro, Euro, Segment, Thick- U-value Airborne *Mineral Fire rat- Dead
ness of W/m2K sound wool ing load kg/
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 3000, 5010, 7035, 9002, insulat- insulation m2
9006*, 9007*, 9010, 8004, HBP60*** ing core (dB)
60 0.68 31 A2-s1,d0 EI30 17.3
80 0.52 31 A2-s1,d0 EI30 19.9
100 0.42 32 A2-s1,d0 EI90 22.5
120 0.35 32 A2-s1,d0 EI90 25.1
150 0.28 32 A2-s1,d0 EI180 29.0
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6/0.5
200 0.21 33 A2-s1,d0 EI180 34.4
Profiles, Internal: Box, Minibox
Std colours int.: Ral 9002 *Density mineral wool 100 kg/m3
Steel int. (mm): 0.5
*Metallic colours
** Smooth outside is optional, tolerance +/-2 mm/m2
*** Colour HBP60 available as option, see page 25
Profiles, External: Box, Minibox, Micro, Euro, Flat** Thick- U-value Airborne *Mineral Fire rat- Dead
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 3000, 5010, 7035, 9002, ness of W/m2K sound wool ing load kg/
9006*, 9007*, 9010, 8004, HBP60*** insulat- insulation m2
ing core (dB)
60 0.68 31 A2-s1,d0 EI30 17.3
80 0.52 31 A2-s1,d0 EI30 19.9
100 0.42 32 A2-s1,d0 EI90 22.5
120 0.35 32 A2-s1,d0 EI90 25.1
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6/0.5 150 0.28 32 A2-s1,d0 EI180 29.0
Profiles, Internal: Box, Minibox
200 0.21 33 A2-s1,d0 EI180 31.9
Std colours int.: Ral 9002
*Density mineral wool 100 kg/m3
Steel int. (mm): 0.5
*Metallic colours
** Smooth outside is optional, tolerance +/-2 mm/m2
*** Colour HBP60 available as option, see page 25
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Wall panels
Thick- U-value Airborne *Mineral Fire rat- Dead
Profiles, External: Box, Minibox, Micro, Euro, Plank, Flat**
ness of W/m2K sound wool ing load kg/
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 7035, 9002, 9006*, 9007*, insulat- insulation m2
9010, 3000, 5010, HBP60*** ing core (dB)
60 0.68 31 A2-s1,d0 EI30 17.3
80 0.52 31 A2-s1,d0 EI30 19.9
100 0.42 32 A2-s1,d0 EI90 22.5
120 0.35 32 A2-s1,d0 EI90 25.1
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6/0.5
150 0.28 32 A2-s1,d0 EI180 29.0
Profiles, Internal: Box, Minibox
200 0.21 33 A2-s1,d0 EI180 31.9
Std colours int.: Ral 9002
Steel int. (mm): 0.5 *Density mineral wool 100 kg/m3
*Metallic colours
**Smooth outside is optional. Smoothness tolerance = +/-2
*** Colour HBP60 available as option, see page 25
Profiles, External: Box, Minibox, Micro, Euro Thick- U-value Airborne *Mineral Fire rat- Dead
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 3000, 5010, 7035, 9002, ness of W/m2K sound wool ing load kg/
9006*, 9007*, 9010, HBP60** insulat- insulation m2
ing core (dB)
60 0.70 31 A2-s1,d0 untested 17.6
80 0.53 31 A2-s1,d0 untested 20.2
100 0.42 31 A2-s1,d0 EI60 22.8
120 0.36 31 A2-s1,d0 EI60 25.4
150 0.29 31 A2-s1,d0 EI60 29.3
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6
200 0.22 31 A2-s1,d0 EI60 32.5
Profiles, Internal: Box, Minibox
Std colours int.: Ral 9002
Steel int. (mm): 0.5
*Metallic colours Concealed fixing
** Colour HBP60 available as option, see page 25
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Wall panels
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Roof panels
Profiles, External: 3 Wave Trapeze profile Thick- U-value Airborne PUR B2 IPN Dead
Std colours ext.: Ral 3000, 3009, 5010, 7016, 7035, ness of W/m2K sound load kg/
8004, 9002, 9006*, 9007*, 9010, 1015, HBP60** insulat- insulation m2
ing core (dB)
25 (60) 0.77 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 9.3
40 (75) 0.50 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 9.9
50 (85) 0.41 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 10.3
Steel ext. (mm): 0.5 60 (95) 0.35 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 10.7
Profiles, Internal: Minibox 70 (105) 0.30 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 11.1
Std colours int.: Ral 9002
80 (115) 0.26 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 11.5
Steel int. (mm): 0.4
100 (135) 0.21 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 12.3
*Metallic colours
120 (155) 0.18 25 B-s3,d0 B-s1,d0 13.1
** Colour HBP60 available as option, see page 25
Bare section without filling: 100 mm standard, 250 mm Min. roof pitch 5 degrees without transverse joint
max., min. length for bare section without filling = 2.7 m Min. roof pitch 6 degrees at transverse joint
Profiles, External: 3 Wave Trapeze profile Thick- U-value Airborne PUR B2 PIR Dead
Std colours ext.: Ral 3000, 3009, 5010, 7016, 7035, ness of W/m2K sound load kg/
7037, 8004, 9002, 9006*, 9007*, 9010, 1015 insulat- insulation m2
ing core (dB)
30 (68) 0.71 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 11.1
40 (78) 0.55 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 11.5
50 (88) 0.45 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 12.0
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6 60 (98) 0.38 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 12.4
Profiles, Internal: B/B 80 (118) 0.29 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 13.2
Std colours int.: Ral 9002
100 (138) 0.23 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 14.1
Steel int. (mm): 0.5
120 (150) 0.20 25 B-s3,d0 B-s2,d0 14.8
*Metallic colours
Min. roof pitch 5 degrees without transverse joint
Bare section without filling: 100 mm standard, 300 mm
max., min. length for bare section without filling = 5.5 m Min. roof pitch 6 degrees at transverse joint
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Roof panels
Profiles, External: Tile effect Thickness U-value Airborne PIR** Dead
Std colours ext.: Anthracite grey, Terracotta red, 50 my of insulating W/m2K sound insula- load kg/
HBP core d/D tion (dB) m2
45 (85) 0.48 25 B-s2,d0 12.6
60 (100) 0.38 25 B-s2,d0 13.2
80 (120) 0.29 25 B-s2,d0 14.1
100 (140) 0.24 25 B-s2,d0 15.0
Min. roof pitch 12 degrees
Steel ext. (mm): 0.5
Panel lengths (mm) with 160 mm bare section without filling
Profiles, Internal: Minibox
Std colours int.: RAL 9010 Number Panel Number Panel Number Panel
of tiles length of tiles length of tiles length
Steel int. (mm): 0.4
Bare section without filling: 160 mm standard 6 2100 21 6975 36 11850
Only seal in long joint integrated. 7 2425 22 7300 37 12175
Seal in overlap applied on site. Bare section without filling 8 2750 23 7625 38 12500
always implemented for installation from left to right.
9 3075 24 7950 39 12825
The panel length is a multiple of the tile spacing of 325
mm. 10 3400 25 8275 40 13150
Max. standard length = 13475 mm. Longer lengths require 11 3725 26 8600 41 13475
special transport arrangements.
12 4050 27 8925
13 4375 28 9250
14 4700 29 9575
15 5025 30 9900
16 5350 31 10225
17 5675 32 10550
18 6000 33 10875
19 6325 34 11200
20 6650 35 11525
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Roof panels
Profiles, External: 4 Wave Trapeze profile Thick- U-value Airborne *Mineral Fire rat- Dead
Std colours ext.: Ral 1015, 3000, 3009, 5010, 7016, ness of W/m2K sound wool ing load kg/
7035, 9002, 9006*, 9007*, 9010, 8004, HBP60** insulat- insulation m2
ing core (dB)
60 (94) 0.67 31 A2-s1,d0 untested 18.6
80 (114) 0.51 31 A2-s1,d0 REI90 21.2
100 (134) 0.42 32 A2-s1,d0 REI90 23.8
120 (154) 0.35 32 A2-s1,d0 REI120 26.4
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6 150 (184) 0.29 32 A2-s1,d0 REI120 30.3
Profiles, Internal: Minibox 200 (234) 0.20 33 A2-s1,d0 REI120 32.5
Std colours int.: Ral 9002 *Density mineral wool 100 kg/m 3
Steel int. (mm): 0.5 Min. roof pitch 5 degrees without transverse joint
*Metallic colours Min. roof pitch 8 degrees at transverse joint
** Colour HBP60 available as option, see page 25
Bare section without filling, not possible
Profiles, External: 3 Wave Trapeze profile
Thick- U-value Airborne *Mineral Dead
Covering width: 1000 mm ness of W/m2K sound wool load kg/
Std colours ext.: Ral 3000, 3009, 5010, 7016, 7035, insulat- insulation m2
7037 ing core (dB)
8004, 9002, 9006*, 9007*, 9010, 1015 d/D
Steel ext. (mm): 0.6 60 (98) 0.65 29 A2-s1,d0 16.6
80 (118) 0.51 29 A2-s1,d0 18.8
100 (138) 0.41 30 A2-s1,d0 21.0
120 (158) 0.35 30 A2-s1,d0 23.2
150 (188) 0.28 30 A2-s1,d0 26.4
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Everything you need
Fasteners are a very important part of
any construction project involving
sandwich panels. At Lindab you will find
a complete range of fasteners for use
with different materials in any environ-
Our stainless steel screws for
mounting panels on purlins and steel
profiles have been type-approved for
use up to and including corrosion class
C4. Approval denotes an estimated
technical life of as much as 50 years.
The range also includes products
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
Lindab's extensive range of profiles and flashings means that the final
result will be both functional and attractive. The easy-to-mount profiles
are manufactured from durable painted sheet metal. In our range you
will find standard and custom-made flashings suitable for any project. From left to right: gable flashing (SGB) as
bargeboard with angled gable flashing (SVGB)
underneath, and at the point where the wall
and roof panels meet sill flashing (SUBG)
mounted externally and sill flashing (TFBI)
mounted internally.
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
A ridge capping (NP170) is mounted on a seal Panel joint, bare section without filling 300 mm Behind the KFK fascia bracket are a front
profile. A fill-in insulation strip between the two with compriband sealing tape. flashing (SFB)
panels and an interior ridge plate (NPI200) and a z-shaped eaves profile (STFP), and
under the panels. a sill flashing (SUBL) up against the wall panel
on the outside.
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
NP170 Ridge capping
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
SUBL Sill flashing long side
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
SPIL Pilaster
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
SUBG Sill flashing gable
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Technical information
SUB Sill ledge
Dim. A
mm mm
60 40
80 60
100 80
120 100
150 130
170 150
200 180
US U-profile, slotted
(1.5 mm galv)
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Colour chart
Colour RAL Nearest NCS Colour RAL Nearest NCS Colour system for exte-
rior coating
9010 S 0603-G40Y 5010 S 5040-Y90R 25 m Polyester
Zinc, 275 g/m2
Environmental class C3
9002 S 1502-Y 9006* S 2502-B (standard)
Other information
3000 S 2070-Y90R 7016 S 8005-B20G The colours of Lindab's
sandwich panels follow the
RAL standard.
8004 S 4550-Y60R * Metallic colours
The NCS which is stated
after the RAL number is
3009 S 5040-Y90R the nearest NCS.
Optional coating Foodsafe a 150 m polymer coating that is free from toxins
Special Pe colours when a project requires RAL or NCS and resistant to mould. It is durable, easy to clean, chemically
Pe colours available on the market but not included in the inert and approved for use in the same premises as unpacka-
standard colour range. ged foodstuffs. Standard colour is white RAL 9010.
PVDF 25 m a coating offering extraordinary UV resistance 25 m Pe interior 25 my Pe on the interior side of the
and good corrosion resistance. panel, for indoor environments corresponding to environmen-
tal class C3.
HBP60 a coating with UV resistance and corrosion
resistance similar to PVF, but which is cheaper than PVF INOX outer or inner stainless steel sheet of EN 1.4301
colours. This coating is also very flexible and highly resistant grade.
to mechanical damage. Standard colours HBP60 Granite:
RAL 9002, 9006, 9007, 7016, 3009, 7035. Contact your Lindab representative to find out more about
which options are available for each panel.
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Lindab Coverline | Sandwich Panels
Lindab Coverline | Te c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n S a n d w i c h P a n e l s