Phoenotopia Awakening - Compendium

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Phoenotopia: Awakening

Compendium v3.1(written by u/Pimez)

[Steam] | [reddit]Feel free to DM me if you have any comments/suggestions!

one-stop-to-all spreadsheet for finding the specific things they have missed previously.
This compendium
Exploration is notmost
is where meant
of to
fun is at,the exploration of this game itself.
premature exposure to guides such as this would very likely ruin your experience with spoilers.
You are highly recommended to check the "Index" page to search for any specific items you are looking for

Credits of Phoenotopia: Awakening

Quang Tran Director & Programming
William Cho Music
Annamaria Klimkovich Lead Artist
Clement Swennes Lead Animator
Jerram Fahey Artist
Thuy Ngan Nguy Artist
Roger Winters Writer
Cody Williams Writer
Minh Tran Play Tester
Nabil Khawaja Play Tester
Rashid Omar Play Tester
Chris Chang Play Tester
Fernando Da Costa Play Tester
Professor Q Play Tester
Wong Tsz Yau Play Tester
Aaron Hong Art Consulting
Chevy Ray Object Pooling Library
Chris G. Soto Iron Ghoul Graphics
Davi Santos Palette Swapping
Dented Pixel LeanTween Library
Stephen Buchard TextMeshPro
Thorbjorn Lindeijer Tiled
Unikron Software 2D Toolkit
Jimmy Campbell Arcadepix Plus Font
Reekee of Dimenzioned Arcadepix Plus Font
(And others)
tten by u/Pimez)
ave any comments/suggestions!

ey have missed previously.
of this game itself.
likely ruin your experience with spoilers.
earch for any specific items you are looking for a

pia: Awakening
Play Tester

Programming Support
Page Name Contents
- Overview of this Compendium
- Credits of Phoenotopia: Awakening
Index - The purposes of each page
Versions - Version History of this Compendium
- All 62 individual Side Quests
Side Quests
-- All 12 SideofQuest
Overview Chains
the Oracle (67 in total)
-- Keywords toRubies
All 55 Heart the Oracle Hints
Heart Rubies
- All 33 corresponding
Energy Gems Oracle Hints and Backtrack Requirement)
Energy Gems
- All 111 corresponding
Moonstones Oracle Hints and Backtrack Requirement)
Moonstones - All 4 Armor
(with corresponding Oracle Hints and Backtrack Requirement)
Upgrades -- All All 6
9 Techniques
Dog Tags
Treasure/Quest Items -- All All 7
6 Bunny
Songs Figurines
-- Snooper
All 10 Anuri Pearlstones
Badges -- Lights Out Puzzle
Cat Petter
Puzzle Solutions - Ancient Vault
-- Renewable
Atai Mayor'smoney
Vault deposits
RIN Locations
- Side Quests
Consumables - All 96 Consumable Items and their sources
- All 38 Consumable Items that can be cooked
Cooking Catalog
(with - Basic theoverview
bonus healing
of the potency
damage and recycled price included)
Combat Statistics (WIP)
-- AllAll 54
19 enemies
attacks andandtheir
Enemy Statistics (WIP)
-- All 15 bosses and their
All 73 Overworld Entrances statistics
Locations -- All
All 48
76 purchasable
Save Points Consumable Items and their statistics
Vendors - All 17 purchasable Non-food Items
Item Statistics -- Total
All 96costs of finishing
Consumable theand
Items game in statistics
their completion
Version Date Added * Most pages renamed with Change
shorter Log
3.1 04/07/2021 ** Most pages has the corresponding
List of Side Quests, minor improvement Wiki pages linked
3.0 23/05/2021 ** Side Quest, "Strange Urn" & "Moon Lens" quests added
* List List of
of other Collectibles,
Side Quests, minor improvement
Moonstones delivery rewards
2.2 18/02/2021 ** List List of
of Badge-Objectives,
Fixed RIN Sources,"Endingsums Arsenal" and "Ethics" added
+ List of Fixed RIN
* Item Statistics, small updating Sources
2.1 04/02/2021
*- List List of
of Locations,
Vendors (sum of rewards,
column sumadded
for "Music" of expense)
2.0 24/10/2020 -- List of mis-information
Sidequests, column
Minor fixingfor "repeatable"
here and there added
1.9 03/10/2020 - Moonstone, reward section re-located
*+ Change the sub-headings
List of Vendors, to bold
food completed
1.8 25/09/2020 *+ All tablesStatistics,
have boundary
Combat mostlyadded and certain cells merged
1.7 23/09/2020 * Unnecessary rows and columns removed
1.6 16/09/2020 + - Compendium
Enemy Statistics Versions, revamped!
* Various minor typo fixed (credits to DarshVader)
1.5 13/09/2020
-- Item List ofStatisitcs. updated
Consumables. to match
updated v1.0.5 v1.0.5
to match
1.4 12/09/2020
-* Cooking Catalog.renamed
Version History, updated to to "Compendium
match v1.0.5 Versions"
1.3 11/09/2020
+ Cooking Catalog, completed!
1.2 09/09/2020 - List of Consumables, sources completed!
* List of Tools/Upgrades, renamed to "List of Upgrades"
1.1 08/09/2020 -- List List of
of Heart Rubies,
Upgrades, completed!
1.0 06/09/2020 - List of Energy Gems, completed!
-- ListList of
of Heart Rubies,completed!
Moonstones, almost completed!
0.9 05/09/2020
*- List
List of
of other
Song Collectibles, Dog Tag
Stones Solutions, included
renamed to "List of Puzzle Solutions"
0.8 04/09/2020
-- List of Puzzle Solutions, mostly
List of Sidequests, partially completed completed
0.7 03/09/2020
-- List of other Collectibles,
Introduction, (game) creditskeys included
0.6 01/09/2020
+ List of
* List of Upgrade-Items,
Tools/Upgradesrenamed to "List of other Collectibles"
0.5 31/09/2020
-+ List
List of
of other Collectibles,
Stamina mostlyincluded
Gems, Oracle completed
0.4 30/08/2020 + List of
of Moonstones,
Moonstones, Oracle
Oracle included
included (94/111)
- List
0.3 28/08/2020 * Special Objectives, divided into "List of Upgrade-Items"
0.2 27/08/2020 + * Special
The OracleObjectives, divided into "List of Badge-Objectives"
+ List of Sidequests, quest chains
0.1 25/08/2020
+ List of Consumables, statistics
0.0 21/08/2020 * Duplicated from PHO as template
hics" added

Puzzle Solutions"
Since there is no official definition for what a Side Quest is,
I consider anything that involves "Interacting with an NPC and be rewarded" as one of them.

Individual quests
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Additional Objective?
Orphanage Nana -----
Orphanage Kitt -----
Orphanage Kitt Milk
Store Tao -----
Panselo Village Field Jon -----
Orphanage Amanda -----
Orphanage Seth Win in "Heads or Tails"
Orphanage Seth -----
Orphanage Knight -----
Doki Forest - Altar Shelby -----
Doki Forest
Temple Entrance Seth -----
Fruit Stall Merchant Berry Fruit (4)
Jail Guard Persuade (20 R)
Atai Town Mayor's Mansion Chef -----
Tavern Gustav Show him a full Gear Ring
Rufus' Uncle Stack of Letters
Mayor's Mansion
Mikhail (open the mansion's safe)
East Watchtower Female Guard -----
Rhodus Checkpoint ----- Golem -----
West Watchtower Male Guard -----
Overworld (Atai) SE of Atai Town Boar Boy Drake Tail (4)
Bottom-right of Hub Snake Persuade (50 R) / Taunt
End of jail / storage Balo "Break the Box" #1
End of jail / storage Balo "Break the Box" #2
Ouroboros Hideout Stealth Trial Lihu Talk after capturing Birdy
Great Drake hall Atri Ouroboros Scroll (1st pair)
Great Drake hall Atri Ouroboros Scroll (2nd pair)
Great Drake hall Atri Ouroboros Scroll (3rd pair)
----- Female Guard Talk before capturing Birdy
----- Female Guard Talk after capturing Birdy
Moonlight Ravine South Port Boy -----
Office Georgia Antique Pin (1st)
GEO Club
Office Georgia Antique Pin (2nd)
----- Astrid Submit 4 different Artifacts
Antique Shop ----- Astrid Submit 8 different Artifacts
----- Astrid Submit 12 different Artifacts
Entrance Arch Impersonate Peace Minister

Thomas's Laboratory
Entrance Arch Blue Golem Medallion
Thomas's Laboratory
Entrance Arch Red Golem Medallion
Bottom floor Floret Chocolate
Entrance Bird Lady Donation (10)
Left to Student Dorm Woman Drake Tail (3)
Daea City Left to Student Dorm Elderly Woman -----
Inn's alleyway Faun Fountain Play the 6 learned songs
White Towers base Female Knight -----
Subterra Near middle switch Last Anuri Strange Urn
Forgotten Pier ----- Havelock Defeat Green Slargummies
Outside second House Boy Talk to his sister
Cosette Village
Outside the Store Dog Doggy
Talk to Biscuit (3)
the daughter twice,
Above Dining Commons Harriet then to the mother,
The First Wall then to the (3),
daughter again
Dining Commons Waiter DokiGrape
Herb Cake Stink
East structure
Old Castles Truff Spicy Noodles,
between the walls
Entrance Scientist Blue
The Last Wall Above storage room Wallace Send the recruit back
Above the right tower Hilde Dog Tag (9)
Ancient GEO Base By executive's office GEO Golem Crystal Lens (2)
Aurantia Entrance, left tree Merli Moon Crystal
Top of right tree Sooty Fish Fillet (3)
Top of right tree Sooty Prime Fish Fillet (3)
Top of right tree Sooty Amber Fish Fillet (3)
Top of right tree Sooty Gourmet Fish Fillet (3)
Upper entrance of hut Arba Gold Dragon Scale
Top of hut Pelna Combat Challenge
Stealer Bird Stall Reyfa Gold Dragon Scale
Mushroom Basement Young Troll Gold Dragon Scale (9)
SPHERE Pristine City Golem Bunny Figurine (7)

Bandits in Jail
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
Jail cell Zeke & Birdy Berry Fruit (2)
Atai Town Jail cell Zeke Lune Fruit
Jail cell Zeke Cooked Drake Tail (2)

Dojo in the City

[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
West end of tunnel Teraka Tuition Fee (150 R)
Daea City
West end of tunnel Teraka Refer a boy to the Dojo
Ze Ultimate Recipe
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
Blue Lobster Kitchen Chef Basil Raw Knife Krill
Blue Lobster Kitchen Chef Basil Desert Squash
Daea City
Blue Lobster Kitchen Chef Basil Amber Fish Fillet
Blue Lobster Kitchen Chef Basil Arboar Meat

Troubled Couple
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
----- Rory Talk to him twice in red-hair
Pooki Farms
----- Judith Defeat the Arboar in the east

Aella at Loss
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
Inside Mayor's house Erik Berry Fruit
Cosette Village Inside Mayor's house Erik Pan-Fried Potato Wedges
Inside Mayor's house Aella Prelude of Panselo

Travelling Melodies
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
South Castella Bridge East entrance Troubadours Talk to the band
Franway - Atai ----- Troubadours Donation (60 R)
Moonlight Ravine South Port Troubadours Donation (40 R)
Ouroboros's Hideout End of Tavern Melody Donation (100 R)
Cupid's Fountain ----- Cupid's Fountain Donation (50 R)
Daea City ----- Harmony / Forte -----

Ruby on the Run

[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
Ouroboros's Hideout Jail cell Ruby Open the jail gate
Daea City Dungeon Hall A Ruby Break the large crate
The Last Wall Dining Commons Ruby Ruby's Diary

The Free Runner

[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
Atai Town East entrance Bo Complete the course
Moonlight Ravine North Port Bo Complete the course
Daea City Left to The Blue Lobster Bo Complete the course
Cosette Village ----- Bo Complete the course
Between the Walls Central structure Bo Complete the course
Gardening Help
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
Oasis Behind breakable rock Mr. Planto "Food" (5)
Sunflower Road Honey Bee Lab & Inn Mr. Planto "Food" (5)
GEO Dungeon (Daea)East to Thomas's Lab Mr. Planto "Food" (5)
Franway - Cosette ----- Mr. Planto "Food" (5)
Between the Walls Eastmost structure Mr. Planto "Food" (5)
SPHERE Pristine City (west) Mr. Planto "Food" (5)

Trading Sequence
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
GEO Base In the basement Man Turtle
On a boat Young Man Chocolate
Moonlight Ravine
On a boat Young Man Pearl Ring
First Wall Upper-left Dorm room Female Guard Moonlight Perfume
Rhodus Border Besides the camels Noble Woman Stuffed Camel
Cosette Village Right side of village Sally Letter of Recommendation
South watchtower Beryl Donation (100)
Kingdom Bridge
South watchtower Guards Doggoro
Daycare Garnet Finish Hide-and-Seek #2
Atai Town
Tavern Hiro Prop Sword
Daea City Tailoring Tracy's Sally Broken Doggoror?
Last Wall Dining Hall Knight Fantasy Novel
Aurantia Entrance, right tree Alco Broken Wendigo Claw
Daea City Smithy Master Dream Ore

Fran's Gang
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
South Castella Bridge Behind the rubbles Fran -----
Franway - Daea Fran -----
Franway - Daea Fran Moonstones (10)
Franway - Daea Lan -----
Franway - Daea Fran Moonstones (10)
Franway - Daea Van -----
Lake Laboratory Franway - Daea Fran Moonstones (10)
Franway - Daea Van -----
Franway - Daea Fran Moonstones (10)
Franway - Daea Van -----
Franway - Daea Lan -----
Franway - Daea Fran Moonstones (10)
Thomas' Workshop
[Wiki] Overworld Entrance Specifics Client Objective
South Castella Bridge Behind the rubbles Fran -----
Rutea's Laboratory Thomas Moonstones (10)
Rutea's Laboratory Thomas Moonstones (10)
Rutea's Laboratory Thomas Moonstones (10)
Panselo Village
Rutea's Laboratory Thomas Moonstones (10)
Broken Blaster
Rutea's Laboratory Thomas
Moonstones (10)
Mysterious Bracelet
Rutea's Laboratory Thomas
Moonstones (10)
Reward Repeatable? Note
Pumpkin Muffin No Expires after obtaining Golem Head
Cooked Toad Leg No Expires after obtaining Golem Head
20 R No Expires after obtaining Golem Head
Fruit Jam (3) No Expires after obtaining Golem Head
Panselo Potato Yes Expires after obtaining Golem Head
Potato Lunch No Available after the 1st night
Panselo Potato, 1 R No Available during the 2nd night
Potato Lunch No Available after the 2nd night
Potato Lunch Yes Available after the 3rd night
Doki Herb Yes Expires after obtaining Golem Head
Mystery Meat Yes Expires after obtaining Golem Head
25 R Yes -----
Easy access to Zeke No Expires after capturing Birdy
Cooked Squash No -----
Pooki Jerky No Expires after
Available capturing
after freeing Birdy (?)
Lisa (?)
150 R,
No (also see List of Puzzle Solutions)
Heart Ruby
Moonstone No Talk to Rufus afterwards
Stand reallyfor an extra
close to her10
reward (stingy!)
Dandelion No -----
Moonstone No Hover past the entire screen to impress him
Tusk Strike (technique) No -----
Shortcut passage No Completing the challenge may reward you an extra 30 R
Energy Gem No -----
Heart Ruby No -----
Singed Fruit Yes -----
Spear Bomb (technique) No -----
Spell of Rejuvenation No -----
Baroque of Battle No -----
Saffron Milk No -----
Saffron Milk No -----
Moonstone No He is hidden behind a stake
Lucky Earrings No -----
Heart Ruby No -----
Energy Gem No -----
Antique Cast Iron No -----
Heart Ruby No -----
50 R No Expires after access is gained
Moonstone No -----
Moonstone No -----
Heart Ruby No -----
Energy Gem No First the fountain in the Inn, then the fountain at entrance
40 R No Only 2 Drake Tails will be handed over
Moonstone No Requires talking to her multiple times
170 R No 20 R for each different song, extra 50 R for playing all songs
Deli Sandwich No Expires after rescuing Leo
Heart Ruby No -----
Serpent Rod No -----
Dandelion, Moonstone No She is in the GEO Dungeon east of Cosette Village
wholesomeness Moonstone No -----
Exit and re-enter the area to find both
Moonstone No
the mother and daughter at the same location
Heart Ruby No -----
Troll Guard (technique) No Rest inside the castles to hand over the offering
50 R, Moonstone No Mention Thomas to haggle for the Moonstone
Energy Gem No He is in the abandoned Miranda store on the west
135 R, Heart Ruby No Each individual Dog Tag is rewarded with 15 R
Fixing of attraction puzzle No Power to the room has to be restored first
Further access to Aurantia No Merli will fly you to Terrelum after reaching there once
25 R Yes -----
50 R Yes -----
60 R Yes -----
80 R Yes -----
Verdent Stone No -----
Whirlwind (technique) No -----
Golden Egg Yes -----
Super Shroom Yes -----
Energy Gem No (see "List of other Collectibles")

Reward Repeatable? Note

----- No -----
----- No -----
Heart Ruby No Obtained from talking to the guard afterwards

Reward Repeatable? Note

Concentrate (technique) No -----
Moonstone No Same place as where Bo was before the challenge
Reward Repeatable? Note
10 R No -----
20 R No -----
Moonstone No -----
Elixir Yes Only one Elixir can be carried at a time (ingredients required)

Reward Repeatable? Note

----- No Rory will hide in a haystack (same screen)
Heart Ruby No The reward is given only when both requests are fulfilled

Reward Repeatable? Note

----- No -----
----- No Unlocks Prelude of Panselo in the Dojo room of Panselo
Temperance (technique) No -----

Reward Repeatable? Note

----- No -----
----- No -----
----- No -----
Ouro Guard Key No -----
Heart Ruby No Needs to talk to the Troubadours in Daea City before & after
35 R Yes Has a cooldown of roughly 30 minutes

Reward Repeatable? Note

Heart Ruby No -----
Moonstone No -----
Heart Ruby No You need to retrace her footsteps between the Walls

Reward Repeatable? Note

30 R No -----
40 R No -----
50 R No -----
60 R No -----
Energy Gem No -----
Reward Repeatable? Note
20 R No Requires to initiate the quest chain
20 R No
20 R No
All 5 remaining quests can be done in any order.
20 R No
The Energy Gem is the last reward for this quest chain
20 R No
Energy Gem No

Reward Repeatable? Note

Pearl Ring No Turtle can be fished from west of Panselo passage cave
30 R No -----
30 R, Moonlight Perfume No -----
Stuffed Pony / Stuffed Camel No -----
Letter of Recommendation No Not to be confused with Stuffed Pony
Doggoro No -----
----- No -----
Broken Doggoror? No The Guards are found in Adar's House afterwards
Prop Sword No -----
Fantasy Novel No -----
Chocolate (6) No Optional
Broken Wendigo Claw No -----
Dream Ore No -----
Night Star No The apprentice would be selling Cosette Cannoli afterwards...

Reward Repeatable? Note

Fran is returned No -----
Tailoring Voucher No -----
Heart Ruby No -----
Saffron Milk No Optional, expires after handing over the next set
Tailoring Voucher No -----
Grape Cake No Optional, expires after handing over the next set
Energy Gem No -----
Cooked Drake Tail No Optional, expires after handing over the next set
Moon Crystal No -----
Franway shocks disabled No Optional
Spicy Noodles No Optional, expires after handing over the next set
Heart Ruby No -----
Reward Repeatable? Note
Narf becomes "available" No -----
Treble Shot No
Remote Bombs No
Double Crossbow No Service is available after rescuing Leo.
Neutron Lamp No All 6 Tools can be obtained in any order.
Kobold Blaster No
Berserker Band No
Tips: Use Ctrl+F
The Oracle is theto quicklyhint
in-game search about
system the
that keywords
becomes of the hint you hav
For ayou have
small acqured
service the15final
fee of rin, movement tool. for the general locations of
she offers hints
one of your yet-to-be-obtained Heart Rubies / Stamina Gems / Moostones.
She is than
rather located
final above theofentrance
location where theof collectible
the Daea city.
(Namely the sidequest chains for Bo and Ruby)

[Wiki] Location Hint Keywords

(overworld encounter) wander the map

Panselo Village home village

Doki Forest the forest where thorny fruits grow

Anuri Temple ancient temple of amphibians

Sunflower Road giant flowers

South Castella Bridge a broken bridge that runs east and west

Rhodus Border where two kingdoms meet

Adar's House the house of a humble bombmaker

Atai City lively desert city

Sand Drifts where sandstorms rage without end

Sand Drifts Ruins a sand-filled temple of worshipping statues

Forlorn Ruins a sand-filled temple of worshipping statues

Ouroboro Hideout where bandits congregate

Moonlight Ravine a beautiful, sunken valley

Kingdom's Bridge a broken bridge that runs north and south

Antique Shop the avid collector of artifacts

GEO Club the jovial gathering of explorers

Lakeside Laboratory the laboratory of a short, eccentric scientist

Thomas's Laboratory the laboratory of a tall, eccentric scientist

Daea City this fair city

Aqua Line the water channel of this fair city

Dungeons the dungeons below the royal towers

White Towers the royal towers

Subterra deep in the water channel... and deeper still...

Wheat Road the road that cuts through gold

Cosette where man and machine coexist

Royal Archives a deep tomb of knowledge

The First Wall the merry wall

Between the Walls between the walls of joy and sorrow

The Last Wall the weeping wall

Scorched Lands a deathly realm of metal and fire

Mul Caves a great bug-infested cave

Aurantia a vast orange forest

Terrulum a strange town of winged beings and green giants

Pristine City a metallic azure city

E.D.E.N an underwater research center

Tips: Use Ctrl+F to quickly search about the keywords of the hint you have received
the cap for would
Oracle maximum
hint HP is 30 at
directly + 4*55 = 250 location,
her current
rather than the final location of where you will obtain said Heart Ruby.

[Wiki] Location Backtrack after... Hints from the Oracle

In your home village... it

waits at a high place...
Panselo Village
In your home village... it waits in the
bedroom of a dear friend...

Within an ancient temple of amphibians...

Anuri Temple -----
it waits behind a locked door...

High among the giant flowers... east of

Sunflower Road Rocket Boots the local residents... a treasure rests
on a leaf...

Below a broken bridge that runs east and

South Castella Bridge Bomb
west... it waits near the water...

Near the house of a humble bombmaker...

Atai (Region) Bomb
two caves... the dark one...

Seek the humble bombmaker's abode... find

Adar's House Spheralis
his secret...

In a lively desert city... prisoners you

know well are bored... entertain them...

In a lively desert city... there is a door

----- hidden behind a tapestry... there it

In a lively desert city... above the

Atai Town Rocket Boots equipment shop... you must brave the

In a lively desert city... an elderly man

Lifesaver wishes to comfort a bereaved mayor...
help him...
Atai Town

In a lively desert city... it waits as a

----- prize to be won in a target-shooting

Where sandstorms rage without end...

Sand Drifts (Region) ----- search south... and old tree bears a
strange mark...

Where sandstorms rage without end...

Sand Drifts GEO Ruins ----- look west for a strange ruin... inside,
seek the loud wind...

Above where bandits congregate... lies an

abandoned tower... there it sits...

Where bandits congregate... and orange-

Ouroboros Hideout ----- haired girl is held captive... she awaits
your rescue...

Where bandits congregate... a fallen

----- warrior has found solace in breaking
boxes... meet his challenge...

Beneath the house of an avid collector of

artifacts... there it sits...
Antique Shop
Held closely by an avid collector of
Spheralis artifacts... win her favor, and she will
relinquish it...

Within the jovial gathering place of

----- explorers... a receptionist waits...
present the golden ticket...
GEO Club
Within the jovial gathering place of
Spheralis Shard explorers... the leader seeks the lost
mementos of her forebears...

Held closely by a short, eccentric

----- scientist... help her in her quest for
Lake Laboratory
Held closely by a short, eccentric
Lifesaver scientist... help her in her quest for

In the laboratory of a tall, eccentric

----- scientist... hit a punching bag multiple
Thomas's Laboratary
Thomas's Laboratary
In the laboratory of a tall, eccentric
scientist... a woman waits to be freed...

In the target range of this fair city... it

waits as a prize to be won...

In this fair city... reach it from the

balcony of a luxurious inn room...
Daea City
Held closely by members of a traveling
music troupe... aid their cause...

Within the tunnels of this fair city... the

Royal Hymn
royal songs opens the way...

Beneath this fair city... deep in the

Aqua Line -----
water channel... there it waits...

In this fair city... right of the king's

Dungeons Rocket Boots
throne... there it waits...

High up in the royal towers... it sits in a

White Towers -----
room guarded by time switches...

Beneath this fair city... deep in the

----- water channel... and deeper still... it
waits in a room near a sluice switch...
Beneath this fair city... deep in the
----- water channel... and deeper still... help
the old amphibian... the last of his kind...

Along the road that cuts through gold...

Royal Hymn
it sits in a small house...
Wheat Road
Along the road that cuts through gold...
Rocket Boots
it waits in a tall silo...

Where man and machine coexist... it rests

Cosette Village -----
high within the house of the mayor...
Where man and machine coexist... a
Pooki Farms -----
troubled couple seeks your aid...

Where man and machine coexist...

Far Beach Fishing Rod seek the quiet waves... there, a shark glows

In a deep tomb of knowledge... guarded by

----- many blades... a treasure waits for a
skilled adventurer...
Royal Archives
In a deep tomb of knowledge... behind a
Rocket Boots
dragon fossil... a ladder...

Within the merry wall... a

The First Wall -----
waiter seeks your aid...

Upon the weeping wall... help an old woman

that seeks peace...
The Last Wall
Within the weeping wall... aid a familiar
----- orange-haired girl in her quest to prove
her innocence...

Scorched Lands Seek northeast... from the deathly realm

(Region) of metal and fire... there waits a cave...

Within a deathly realm of metal and fire...

hidden within a giant gate...
Scorched lands
Within a deathly realm of metal and fire...
Rocket Boots above the giant metal soldier... a

Within a great bug-infested cave... above

Rocket Boots
the first set of nests...

Within a great bug-infested cave... the

Mul Caves Rocket Boots
queen Ariadne holds a treasure...

Within a great bug-infested cave... a

Rocket Boots maze of hidden paths yields to the
In a strange town of winged beings and
Terrelum -----
green giants... it waits for a buyer...

From the metallic azure city... head

Pristine City Spheralis
east... there lies a treasure...

In an underwater
research center... D... 4...

In an underwater
E.D.E.N -----
research center... A... 5...

In an underwater
research center... C... 4...


Watchtower (east)

The bedroom in Rutea's laboratory



Right side of the bridge, bottom-left


(Shanti's video demonstration)

(see "List of Side Quests")


(see List of "Puzzle Solutions")

Talk to Rufus' uncle, then the chef

to unlock options for feeding the bird
(also see List of "Puzzle Solutions")
Like with other shooting mini-games,
Spear Bomb is very effective.

Break the 4th large wooden crate

near the tree with strange mark

(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

Right to the watchtower exit

of Ouroboros Hideout

(also see "List of Side Quests")

Complete the
ultimate "Break the Boxes"
challenge... TWO!!!

Stack two boxes on top of each other

Donate all 12 different Lunar Artifacts

to Astrid at least once


Give a 2nd Antique Pin to Georgia

Give 1 set of Moonstones to Fran

Give 5 sets of Moonstones to Fran

Press the attack button before,

not at the peak of your jump.
(Similar to the punching bag in Panselo Dojo)
Give Chocolate to Floret's son

Like with other shooting mini-games,

Spear Bomb is very effective.

Go right after resting in the

deluxe suite of Daea's Grand Inn

(see "List of Side Quests")


Bottom-left from the big room with time switch

Top-right of the room where

knights fought in the background before

Use the metal pot to activate

the time switch to buy extra time

The switch for the gate guarding the

Heart Ruby is in another room near by

Give Strange Urn to the Anuri

(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

Hover from the top of silos trio

(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

(see "List of Side Quests")



(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

Give 3 Doki Herbs and 1 Stink Root

to the waiter in Dining Commons

Give 9 Dog Tags to Hilde

(see "List of Side Quests")

Defeat two Green Slargummies

Above the 1st multi-gate.

Use the crate on the right for extra height

At the top of Wrecker field.

Stand from the battery to climb above and hover

Use the crate on the left for extra height.

Jump on the top-right crystal, then hover to left

Defeat Ariadne close to

where you first encountered her





Tips: Use Ctrl+F to quickly search about the keywords of the hint you have received
The cap for maximum stamina is 125 + 15*33 = 620
You can turn on the Accessibility Option for regular attack, which allows you to perform melee attack witho

[Wiki] Location Backtrack after... Hints from the Oracle

South of your home village... there exists

Panselo (Region) -----
a secret fishing spot...

Within an ancient temple of amphibians...

Anuri Temple ----- below the throne but above the tomb...
there it sits...

Among the giant flowers... west of the

Sunflower Road ----- local residents... the bees guard it

On a broken bridge that runs east and

South Castella Bridge Bomb
west... it waits beneath some rubble...

In the backyard of a humble bombmaker...

brave the cave...
Adar's House
In the humble bombmaker's abode... find
his secret...

Seek southwest from the lively desert

Oasis Fishing Rod city... there waits an oasis... and there
waits a glowing fish...

Where sandstorms rage without end...

Sand Drifts ----- there exists an abandoned tower... a
treasure waits at the top...

Where bandits congregate... a fallen

Ouroboros Hideout ----- warrior has found solace in breaking
boxes... meet his challenge...

In a beautiful, sunken valley... it waits in

Moonlight Ravine Lifesaver
the depths for the daring diver...

Southwest of this fair city is a dark

Daea (Region) Sonic Spear
cave... there it waits...
Held closely by an avid collector of
Antique Shop ----- artifacts... win her favor and she will
relinquish it...

Within the jovial gathering place of

GEO Base ----- explorers... a receptionist waits...
present the golden ticket...

In the laboratory of a short, eccentric

Lake Laboratory ----- scientist... help her in her quest for

In the laboratory of a tall, eccentric

Thomas's Laboratory ----- scientist... guarded behind a Song

In this fair city... a woman loved by

----- birds... seeks to start a new legend...
humor her...

In the library of this fair city... guarded

Daea City -----
behind a Song Stone...

In the target range of this fair city... it

waits as a prize to be won...

In the dungeons below the royal towers...

Dungeons -----
it sits in a jail cell marked B-33...

High up in the royal towers... a treasure

White Towers -----
waits in a gazebo...

Where man and machine coexist... in a barn

Franway - Cosette -----
housing a teleporter... seek upwards...

In a deep tomb of knowledge... guarded by

Royal Archives ----- many blades... a treasure waits for a
skilled adventurer...

At the merry wall... a treasure waits

The First Wall Rocket Boots
above the office of the general...

Between the Walls Between the walls of joy and sorrow... a

(Region) running man wishes to test your skill...
At the weeping wall... the general seeks
The Last Wall -----
the return of his lost recruit...

In a forlorn place... where explorers

Ancient GEO Base ----- once gathered... the book tells the tale...
and the paintings show the way...

Within a deathly realm of metal and fire...

Scorched Lands ----- guarded by a series of great turrets...
climb upwards...

Within a great bug-infested cave... from

Rocket Boots the food storage of the colony... seek
downwards and west...
Mul Caves
Within a great bug-infested cave... a
Rocket Boots secret chamber lies below the sands... a
strange dragon snare is the key...

West of the giant metal sphere... a bug's

Forbidden Lands
----- nest yields to a cave... the cave yields to
a treasure...

In a strange town of winged beings and

Terrelum -----
green giants... it waits for a buyer...

A solitary being seeks to plant flowers...

----- he needs materials... aid him in his
Pristine City
Within a metallic azure city... a metal
being seeks seven hidden hares...

u to perform melee attack without using energy



Lower floor, room next to the left shaft.

Use a pot to hold the switch,
then hit it with Slingshot




(Shanti's video demonstration)



Complete "Break the Boxes #1"


At the top of the cave with Fire Fish

Submit 4 different Lunar Artifacts to Astrid


Hand over 3 sets of Moonstones to Fran

(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

Donate 5 R to the fountain inside the Inn,

then another 5 R to the fountain at the entrance

(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")


Enter the jail cell B3-2 and break the wall

Jump from a Color Orb on top of

a large Metal Crate. Then break the Color Orb


Room bottom-right
from the Dragon Fossil

Climb to the top from the right.

Alternative, sprint-jumping from stacked Bombs
allows you to get this EG with only Sonic Spear

(see "List of Sidequests")


(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

You may disable the Great Turrets

by removing the battery
in the room top-right of Wrecker field


Feed the Dragon Snare with bugs.

Head right from the bottom



(see "List of Sidequests")

(see "List of other Collectibles")

Tips: Use Ctrl+F to quickly search about the keywords of the hint you have received
Some Moonstones can be accessed with unorthodox method.
For Moonstones
For Moonstones tied
accessible with tools
to sidequests acquired
(Ruby, earlier
Bo), the than
Oracle the intended
would method,
hint at where youthey willinstead
left off be labelled with
of where
Do not be surprised if what you receive is not what you expected

[Wiki] Location Backtrack after... Hints from the Oracle

From your home village... seek

northeast... the tree holds a treasure...

From your home village... seek

Panselo (Region) Bomb northwest... where the fence bends... a
treasure waits...

Near where giant flowers grow... a

strange glowing bee wanders the map...

In the forest where thorny fruits grow...

Doki Forest Bomb
a treasure lies hidden in a cave...

Seek not within the ancient temple of

Sonic Spear
amphibians... but without...

Within an ancient temple of amphibians...

Bomb above the old king's throne... a sealed
door hides the treasure...

Within an ancient temple of amphibians...

----- where bridges move over water... seek
Anuri Temple
Within an ancient temple of amphibians...
----- seek the room of many pots... one hides a

When you first met your metal

Fishing Rod
companion... in the waters... a fish glows...

Within an ancient temple of amphibians...

Bomb a place of death... a sarcophagus holds a

High among the giant flowers... east of

----- the local residents... a treasure rests
on a leaf...
Sunflower Road
Sunflower Road
High among the giant flowers... west of
----- the local residents... a treasure rests
on a leaf...

Below a broken bridge that runs east and

----- west... it waits, wedged between two
boards of wood...

Below a broken bridge that runs east and

Sonic Spear
west... seek upwards...
South Castella Bridge
Below a broken bridge that runs east and
west... it waits for the daring diver...

Where a broken bridge runs east and

Sonic Spear
west... seek inside the west tower...

Where two kingdoms meet... pester the

----- guard in the watchtower and see what
Rhodus Checkpoint
Where two kingdoms meet... a guard waits
Rocket Boots upon a tower... impress him with your

Near the lively desert city... a small

Franway - Atai Fishing Rod abode with teleporter... a fish glows in
its water...

In a lively desert city... seek a tower

without light...

In a lively desert city... a treasure waits

above some prisoners you know well...

In a lively desert city... where a young

----- girl runs a small daycare... a treasure
waits above...

In a lively desert city... where a young

Sonic Spear girl runs a small daycare... a treasure
waits above...
Atai Town In a lively desert city... above the
Rocket Boots equipment shop... you must brave the
In a lively desert city... seek the mansion
----- of the lonely mayor... in the storeroom
waits a treasure...
Atai Town

In a lively desert city... a balcony holds a

pot that shines...

In a lively desert city... it waits as a

prize to be won... shoot the targets...

Beneath the lively desert city... an

Lifesaver abandoned rail car lies in darkness...
beware the ghouls that guard it...

Where a great stairway connects oasis

Sand Drift Access Bomb and sandstorm... a boulder above holds a
treasure within...

Where sandstorms rage without end... a

Sand Drifts (Region) ----- thorny thistle weed wanders the map... be
watchful for its glow...
Outside a sand-filled temple of
worshipping statue... dark birds
gather... a patch of sand sounds most odd
when passed over...
A sand-filled temple of worshipping
----- statues... a great stairwell... search the
east wall for cracks...
(Sand Drifts Ruins)
Forlorn Ruins
A sand-filled temple of worshipping
----- statues... behind a locked door... a dragon
snare makes an unlikely ally...

A sand-filled temple of worshipping

Sonic Spear statues... there waits a serene pool... a
treasure waits for the daring diver...

Where bandits congregate... beneath the

Lifesaver waters of their shrine... a treasure

Where bandits congregate... a storage

Ouroboros Hideout ----- room locked by Song Stone... seek the
password in the shrine...

Where bandits congregate... a tower

Sonic Spear climbs up and up... within a chest it

In a beautiful, sunken valley... on the

----- southern pier... a man wanting company
waits behind a pole...

Moonlight Ravine
In a beautiful, sunken valley... a little
Lifesaver island holds three pots... one holds the

In a beautiful, sunken valley... a young

Moonlight Ravine Sonic Spear couple embarks on their first steps of
love... seek upwards...

In a beautiful, sunken valley... a

Spear Bomb /
stubborn boulder blocks the cavity... a
Kobold Blaster
treasure waits within...

In a beautiful, sunken valley... beneath

Fishing Rod
the north dock... a fish glows...

Where a broken bridge runs north and

Fishing Rod
south... in the water... a fish glows...

Where a broken bridge runs north and

south... seek the Song Stone high above...
Kingdom's Bridge Sonic Spear
the bridge that runs east and west...
knows the melogy...
Where a broken bridge runs north and
Lifesaver south... a pot rests upon each tower...
one holds a secret...

Head west from the avid collector of

Daea (Region) ----- artifacts... a group of bandits wander
the map... one holds the treasure...

Outside the jovial gathering of

GEO Club Fishing Rod explorers... a great pool of water... a fish

In the laboratory of a tall, eccentric

----- scientist... a loyal assistant waits for a
blue medallion...
Thomas's Laboratory
In the laboratory of a tall, eccentric
----- scientist... a loyal assistant waits for a
red medallion...

In this fair city... an old woman sways on

----- rocking chair... listen well to her

In this fair city... an alleyway holds a

pot... a pot holds a treasure...

Daea City
In this fair city... there are many
----- windmills... one holds the treasure you
Daea City
In this fair city... a skilled martial arts
master seeks new students...

In this fair city... a chef seeks to

Royal Hymn discover new flavors... aid him in his

In this fair city... the tunnels yield to a

----- luxurious dining room... a woman seeks to
be moved through music...

In the water channel of this fair city...

----- many wooden boxes float... one holds the
treasure you seek...

In the water channel of this fair city... a

Aqua Line ----- giant slimy foe carries a treasure in its

In the water channel of this fair city... a

----- treasure rests just out of reach... drop
unto it from above...

In the dungeons below the royal towers...

----- a room of water boilers holds the
treasure you seek...

In the dungeons below the royal towers...

----- a room of computers holds a treasure
compartment... solve its riddle...
In the dungeons below the royal towers...
Sonic Spear as you walk to B sector jail cells... keep
your eyes upwards...

In the dungeons below the royal towers...

----- a familiar orange-haired girl seeks your
help again... sector A...

In the royal towers... it sits in a pot

before the statue of a faun...

In the royal towers... hidden within a

----- chandelier... the chandelier hidden
behind some drapes...

White Towers
In the royal towers... it lies, tucked
White Towers Rocket Boots
under the western balcony...

In the royal towers... an otherworldly

foe carries it... he will be hard to catch...

In the royal towers... it

Rocket Boots
rests at the very peak...

Beneath this fair city... deep in the

----- water channel... and deeper still... search
for new areas when the water runs low...

Beneath this fair city... deep in the

Rocket Boots water channel... and deeper still... search
for new areas when the water runs low...
Beneath this fair city... deep in the
water channel... and deeper still... search
the room adjacent to the second sluice
Beneath this fair city... deep in the
Fishing Rod water channel... and deeper still... a
secret fishing spot holds a glowing fish...

At the west end of the road that cuts

Sonic Spear through gold... it sits unnoticed in a
Wheat Road
Along the road that cuts through gold...
Royal Hymn at the top of one of the silos... search
for a box...

South of the fields of gold... a band of

Cosette (Region) ----- bewitched knights wander the map... one
holds the treasure...

Where man and machine coexist... a young

boy seeks the return of his sister...

Where man and machine coexist... a dog

Cosette Village -----
desires treats...

Where man and machine coexist... a dark

----- uninhabited building contains what you
Where man and machine coexist... in a barn
Franway - Cosette ----- housing a teleporter... consult the
weather vane outside...

Where man and machine coexist... climb to

The Tower of King Royal Hymn the top of the southmost windmill... then
look down...

Where man and machine coexist... seek the

Far Beach ----- quiet waves... there rests a cave... within
waits the treasure...

In a deep tomb of knowledge... as you step

off the rail car... seek upwards...

In a deep tomb of knowledge... it waits

Royal Archives -----
guarded by a Song Stone...

In a deep tomb of knowledge... a tankbot

----- incapable of firing reveals a hidden
alcove in the wall...

In the merry wall... in one of the dorm

----- rooms... a well-disguised box holds the
The First Wall
On the merry wall... a mother and
----- daughter keep missing each other... relay
their messages...
Between the walls of joy and sorrow... a
Between the Walls band of bewitched knights wander the
(Region) map... their security drone holds the
On the weeping wall... some scientists
----- seeking metal parts hold it close... haggle
with them...
The Last Wall
On the weeping wall... it
rests high up on a tower...

A deathly realm of metal and fire... a

Scorched Lands
----- ghoul wanders the map... it holds a
treasure within...

Within a deathly realm of metal and fire...

it waits in a box on the second floor...

Scorched Lands
Within a deathly realm of metal and fire...
it waits in a closed room... perhaps a
great turret can be lured to open the
Scorched Lands
Within a deathly realm of metal and fire...
----- a dark room with many ghouls... seek

Within a deathly realm of metal and fire...

Rocket Boots a dark, twisty path guarded by many
ghouls... it waits at the end...

Within a great bug-infested cave...

Rocket Boots beneath a bug's nest... there lies a
secret burrow...

Within a great bug-infested cave... where

----- the crystals shimmer green... a bug makes
an unlikely ally...

Within a great bug-infested cave... within

----- the colony's food store... search the
Mul Caves
Within a great bug-infested cave... a
Rocket Boots great atrium holds many bug nests...
within one lies the treasure...

Within a great bug-infested cave... a

Rocket Boots secret chamber lies below the sand... a
strange dragon snare is the key...

Within a great bug-infested cave... a

Rocket Boots
treasure lies below the north exit...

West of the giant metal sphere... a bug's

Forbidden Lands
----- nest yields to a cave... the cave yields to
a treasure...

From the great metal sphere... seek

Ocean Cliffs Fishing Rod northwest... there a shark glows

In a vast orange forest... a gazebo high

up holds a treasure...
Before the strange town of winged
----- beings and green giants... a battle on a
great bridge awaits...
Beyond the strange town of winged
World's End ----- beings and green giants... a battle with
two great boars...

Head west from the metallic azure city...

SPHERE ----- on the roof of a rail car station... a pot
holds the treasure...

From the metallic azure

city... seek upwards...
Pristine City
Head east from the metallic azure city...
a moth mine makes an unlikely ally...

Between the metallic azure city... and an

----- underwater research center... the rail
car holds a box...

In an underwater
research center... D... 3...
In an underwater
research center... F... 3...

In an underwater
research center... F... 4...

Bo's Prerequisite
In a lively desert city... a running man
Atai Town -----
In a beautiful, to test your skill...
valley... a running
Moonlight Ravine -----
man wishes to test your skill...
In this fair city... a running man wishes
Daea City -----
to test your skill...

Ruby's Prerequisite
Where bandits congregate... and orange-
Ouroboro's Hideout ----- haired girl is held captive... she awaits
your rescue...

<--- Fran's Rewards | Thomas's Catalog--->
Location Unlocked Item Reward
Heart Ruby,
Franway - Panselo
Tailoring Milk
Franway - Atai
Grape Cake
Energy Gem,
Franway - Cosette
Cooked Drake Tail
Aurantia Spicy Noodles
----- Heart Ruby
re youthey willinstead
left off be labelled with exactly
of where "Alternatively" in Notes
you would obtain the Moonstone.


Use Slingshot to
knock the Moonstone down


Overworld encounter near to Sunflower Road

(Bee comes from above)


On top of Anuri Temple from outside

Past where you obtain the

first Anuri Pearlstone


In the room where you have to stack up pots


Blow up one of the tombs



Climb from the east side


Two of the crates are made of metal






Climb to the left platform with a crate


(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

West screen




Overworld encounter in the Sand Drifts

Turn up the game volume

The stairwell refers to the room

with lots of bats

Feed the Dragon Snare with

the explosive crates



(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")


Talk to an NPC in the south port,

who hides behind the middle of three stakes

Above the boat with the couple. Alternatively,

it can be knocked down with Crossbow

Break the boulder with a well-timed Spear Bomb.

Then break the middle pot with aerial swings

Stand on the top of the roof, then cast

the line to the port and reel it to the fish.




Overworld encounter west to Antique Shop






(see "List of Sidequests")

(see "List of Sidequests")

Request "Inspirating Song"

Break one of the boxes at the bottom of

the big room with the time switch

Defeat the Slargummy top-right of

the big room with the time switch



(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")


(see "List of Sidequests")

First floor with enemies

Second floor with enemies

Third floor with enemies
Alternatively, you may use a spear near
the bottom as a platform to reach it

Fourth floor with enemies, drop bombs

into the hole from the upper floor

Climb from standing on a large crate.

Alternatively, use stacked Bombs to
gain height instead

Break the rocks on the left side of a wall

Stack the explosive crates

underwater against the pot



Atop the guard tower

Alternatively, use Bomb to blow it down


Overworld encounter south to Wheat Road

Talk to the boy's sister in the

GEO Dungeon east of Cosette Village
after accepting the quest

Give 3 Dog Treats to, well, the dog

Throw a Bomb/Spear Bomb to

the left of the metal crate



Stack crates to reach the roof of the rail car

(see "List of Puzzle Solutions")

Roll into the left wall where

the rail is leading to

There are rooms at the side of the left tower

Exit and re-enter the area to find both

the mother and daughter at the same location

Overworld encounter in the north region

(with barren background)

Mention Thomas when trading Golem Cores


Overworld encounter

There is a metal crate hidden

behind the foreground above the 1st battery set
Alternatively, the ceiling rock can be broken
with a well-timed Spear Bomb

The dark room with Battery for the

second multi-gate

In the room above the elevator to the metro

Blow up a nest on the floor

Lure the Thorniad to lunge and land

on the ground left to the Moonstone

There is a shiny pod in the ceiling

Blow up the third nest from the bottom by

placing a Spear at the entrance, then
throw a bomb and knock it inside

Feed the Dragon Snare with bugs


Blow up the rocks in the way, and

let a Miniad pushes the Moonstone out


Past second tower, go to the upper platform of

left entrance, fly right and land on a Sonic Spear


Distract the Megalith to the right of the pot

Ride the elevator upward

Lead the Moth Mine to

blow up the time switch





(see "List of Sidequests" with Teraka)

(see List of Sidequests, Ruby)

Thomas's Catalog
Treble Shot
Neutron Lamp
Double Crossbow
Remote Bomb
Kobold Blaster
Berserker Bands
This page contains the locations for the permanent upgrades that Gail can obtain/learn throughout her jour

[Wiki] Atk Location Specifics Details
7 Panselo Village Storeroom -----
9 Atai Town Item Shop Costs 200 R
11 Daea City Smithy Costs 300 R
14 (Trading Sequence) ----- (see "List of Sidequests")

[Wiki] Def Location Specifics Details
0 ----- ----- (available by default)
1 Atai Town Item Shop Costs 150 R
2 Daea City Smithy Costs 250 R
3 GEO Club ----- Traded with 6 GEO Tickets

[Wiki] Location Requirement Details
1 SE of Atai ----- Overworld encounter in the grass area
2 Daea City ----- Pay 150 R in the Dojo, underground westmost
3 Ouroboros Hideout Sonic Spear Offer the first pair of Ouroboros Scrolls to Atri
Old Castles Offer 1 Blue Lobster Special,
4 -----
(between the Walls, east) 1 Spicy Noodle, 2 Grape Cakes
5 Cosette Village ----- Finish Aella's sidequests
6 Terrelum ----- Complete the rooftop training in Terrelum

[Wiki] Location Requirement Details
1 Atai Town ----- (story)
2 GEO Base ----- Pay 200 R to become a GEO Club member
3 Panselo Village Leo (story)
4 Panselo Village Aella Part of Aella's sidequests
5 Ouroboros Hideout Rocket Boots Offer the 3rd pair of Ouroboros Scrolls to Atri
final ----- ----- "A C E"

[Wiki] Location Requirement Details
Tools Panselo Village The Royal Hymn Exchanged with 10 Moonstones each
Cooking Artifacts Shop The Royal Hymn
Reward for submitting 8 different Lunar Artifacts
Fishing The Forgotten Pier ----- Defeat the Slargummies (Green) in Subterra
Luck GEO Club Lifesaver Traded with the 1st Antique Pin
HP Regen Terrelum ----- Costs 1000 rin
earn throughout her journey.

nd westmost
Scrolls to Atri

ub member

Scrolls to Atri

Lunar Artifacts
) in Subterra
- Quest Items (Centralised) : Dog Tags
- Quest Items (Centralised) : Bunny Figurines
- Quest Items (Keys) : Anuri Pearlstones
Lunar Artifact
[Wiki] Location Requirement Details
Frog Anuri Temple Lifesaver Dive in the room past 2nd Gate
Vase Anuri Temple ----- First door left to the throne
Drake Ouroboros's Hideout ----- At the end of the room with Drake sign
Compass Forlorn Ruins ----- Behind a locked door at the stairwell bottom
Trident Moonlight Ravine Sonic Spear Requires diving through breakable floors
Crown Moonlight Ravine Lifesaver In a tunnel past 2 breakable rocks
Comb Wheat Road ----- In a house with hidden basement
Watch Royal Archive ----- In the bottom-left room from Dragon Fossil
Goblet Between the Walls (east) ----- Hidden in a room below ground
Medal Scorched Lands (east) ----- Guarded behind series of Great Turrets
Egg World's End Fishing Rod In the area leftmost to Terrelum
Key Pristine City ----- In the area right to Pristine City

Gold Dragon Scale

[Wiki] Location Repeatable? Details
Doki Forest No In the pond right below Anuri Temple
Mul Caves No Left to the pond
Aurantia No Behind locked door in the first tower
Aurantia No In the third house past the second tower
World's End Yes Fish on the right
Ocean Cliffs Yes "deep into where human eyes cannot reach"

GEO Ticket
[Wiki] Location Requirement Challenge
1 Panselo (southwest) ----- Sudoku
2 South Castella Bridge ----- Sinking Crates
3 Kingdom Bridge ----- Hidden Switches in Water
4 GEO Club Crossbow Shooting Challenge
5 East of Thomas's Lab ----- Snipperclip
6 Cosette Forest (east) ----- Scabers on Switches
7 Cosette Wheat Field (north) ----- Disappearing Floors
8 Subterra The Royal Hymn Lights Out Puzzles
9 Between the Walls (west) ----- Sliding Puzzles
10 Daea City Rocket Boots Snipperclip+

Ouroboros Scroll
[Wiki] Location Requirement Challenge
1 Atai Town (east well) ----- Dodge the Darts on Stakes
2 North of Ouroboros Hideout ----- Avoid the Pressure Plates
3 Cupid's Fountain ----- Hit the Time Switches
4 Oasis Sonic Spear Climb to the Top
5 (Cosette) Far Beach ----- Conquer the Great Drakes
6 (Sand Drifts) Forlorn Ruins Rocket Boots Blow up the Crates

Dog Tag
[Wiki] Location Rocket Boots? Details
1 First Great Turret ----- Below the left battery
3 Shelter ----- Bottom-right to the save point
2 First Multi-Gate ----- At the end of the lower tunnel
4 First Multi-Gate ----- Middle of the three doors
5 Top-right to Wrecker Field ----- Stand from the battery to climb above
6 Second Multi-Gate ----- Below the upper battery
7 Underground Tunnel 2 ----- Past the acid lake
8 Metro Tram Yes At the end of the dark tunnel
9 Past second Multi-Gate ----- Bottom-left

Bunny Figurine
[Wiki] Room Spheralis? Notes
1 - First screen (top-left) Yes -----
2 PHERE - Second screen (top) Yes -----
3SPHERE - Fourth screen (top) ----- -----
4 Pristine City - Bunny Golem ----- Talk to the Golem
5 Pristine City - Bunny Golem ----- Solve the Song Stone puzzle
6Pristine City - Top-left crystal Yes -----
7Pristine City - Top-right crystal Yes -----

Anuri Pearlstone
[Wiki] Location Bomb? Notes
1 Right above the 1st Gate ----- Break the skeleton at the end
2 Left Shaft (left) ----- Press the switches with pots and fruits
3 Left Shaft (right) ----- Maze with Scabers
4 Right Shaft (right) ----- Slingshot and toads
5 Right Shaft (left) ----- 3 switches with lots of pots
6 Bottom Floor (right) ----- Sprint-jump on timed platforms
7 Rightmost of Tomb Yes Hit the switch hidden under a breakable tomb
8 Left of Tomb Yes Push the metal pot onto the switch from above
9 Bottom of Tomb Yes Defeat the glowing Slargummy
10Upper room past the 2nd Gate Yes Use Slingshot to hit the switches below

Ouro Guard Key

[Wiki] Location Holder Details
1 Hub Ninja Bandit -----
2 Top-left of Hub Mouse -----
3 Trial of Stealth Axe Bandit -----
4 Drake Room Axe Bandit -----
5 End of Tavern Melody Donate 100 R

Verdant Stone
[Wiki] Landmark Location Details
1 Tower 1 At the top Defeat the Troll that shines
2 Tower 2 Cave below Defeat the Troll that shines
3 Tower 2 At the top Defeat the Harpy that shines
4 Tower 2 Exit Complete the running challenge
5 Tower 2-to-3 2nd house after Solve the Dragon Snare puzzle
6 Tower 3 Bottom exit Break all the pots
7 ... ... Defeat the Harpy that shines (?)
8 Terrelum Upper entrance Trade with Gold Dragon Scale

[Wiki] Room Challenge Details
1 B7 Combat Defeat 3 Guardian Constructs (1+2)
2 B5 Guidance Guide a Mole Mine to the end
3 B4 Combat Defeat 3 Evil Eyes (1+3)
4 D2 Gates Keep the gates open
5 E4 Dodging Hover through the hallways undetected
6 F5 Guidance Guide the Evil Eye(s) to the end
7 C8 Combat Defeat 2 Trolls and 2 Harpies (2+2)

[Wiki] Location Specifics Challenge
1 Panselo North Hill Tree Branch Platforming
2 Atai E of Sand Drifts Drop
3 Daea SE of City Hide & Seek
4 Cosette Pooki Farms Pooki Bounce
5 Between the Walls Northwest Cave Hidden path
6 North Castella S of SPHERE Hide & Seek
rwell bottom

annot reach"
akable tomb
h from above
This page contains the details of collection-based badge objectives.

Ending Arsenal
Location Fee Details
Bat 1 Panselo Village ----- Wooden Bat
Bat 2 Atai Town 200 R Composite Bat
Bat 3 Daea City 300 R Steel Bat
Bat 4 Daea City Side Quests Night Star
Tool 1 Atai Town 125 R Civilian Crossbow
Tool 2 Rhodus Checkpoint 80 R Refurbished Crank Lamp
EX Tool 1 Panselo Village 10 MS Treble Shot
EX Tool 2 Panselo Village 10 MS Double Crossbow
EX Tool 3 Panselo Village 10 MS Remote Bombs
EX Tool 4 White Towers 10 MS Kobold Blaster
EX Tool 5 Terrelum 800 R, 10 MS Berserker Band

Fluffy Pillow Connoisseur

[Wiki] Location Fee Notes
0 Panselo Village ----- Does not count towards badge progression
1 Sunflower Road 10 Free if you don't have enough RIN on you
2 Atai Town ----- Garnet's Daycare
3 Atai Town 20 Tavern
4 Adar's House ----- -----
5 GEO Club ----- Requires a one-time membership fee of 200 RIN
6 Daea City 15 or 100 Only one counts towards badge progression
7 Cosette Village ----- -----
8 Royal Archives ----- -----
9 Old Castles ----- A ??? location between the Walls
10 The Last Wall ----- -----
11 Terrelum 15 -----
12 Pristine City ----- -----
final ----- ----- "A C E"

[Wiki] Location Requirement Specifics
1 Adar's House ----- -----
2 Thomas' Laboratory ----- Bottom floor, right room
3 Panselo Village Leo rescued Rutea's Bedroom
4 Cosette Village ----- In mayor Henry's Room
5 Ancient GEO Base ----- Next to the Song Stone
6 Lake Laboratory Rocket BootsRoom with the Teleporter to Forbidden Lands
final ----- ----- "A C E"

Cat Petter
[Wiki] Location Cat? Specifics
1 Sunflower Road Cat Left room of the Inn
2 Rhodus Checkpoint Cat Watchtower, innermost room
3 Ouroboros Hideout Cat Top-right room from the central room
4 Lake Laboratory Cat Attic
5 Thomas' Laboratory Cat Room with treadmill
6 Daea City Cat Residence next to Student Dormitory
7 Wheat Road Cat Watchtower, bottom-right crate
8 Pooki Farms Cat House on the right
9 The First Wall Cat Dining Commons

Location Client Details
1 Adar's House Pooki Bank Put 150 RIN into the Pooki Bank

Not for Profit

[Wiki] Location Service Details
1 Sunflower Road Bed -----
2 Moonlight Ravine Ferry Only from the North port
3 Daea City Song Request -----

ee of 200 RIN
bidden Lands
This page contains the solutions to Song Stones, GEO Dungeon puzzles, other puzzles and maze paths.

Song Stone
[Wiki] Location Hint

Panselo GEO Dungeon (1) (Sudoku)

Panselo GEO Dungeon (2) (Sudoku)

Panselo GEO Dungeon (3) (Sudoku)

Franway - Atai It's literally written on the wall, come on

The order is beneath the Song Stone.

Sand Drifts GEO Ruins
Observe the notes with matching corners
The order is in the room with a
Ouroboros Hideout
shrine (where there is running water)

Kingdom Bridge (left) The order is written on the wall

Kingdom Bridge (above) The order is on a bridge

Input the notes in binary code,

Thomas's Laboratory
following the pattern on the notes
The memo next to the door tells you how many
Daea City Kitchen
notes are required in the same type of paper

Daea City Library All six clues are within the Library

Find the difference between two shelves.

Dungeons Terminal Room
In the order of (top)->(middle)->(bottom)

Wheat Road House The flowers are the answer

(Ghost Leg) From the top note, go straight down.

Wheat Road Silo
If you see a branch, follow it instead
In the mayor's diary, there is a mention of
Cosette Village
"doing his daily routine backwards"
The key for deciphering
Franway - Cosette
lies outside the building
Royal Archives (1) (Sudoku)

Royal Archives (2) (Sudoku, upper row -> lower row)

The order is in a room with a lot of

Royal Archives (above)
Rail Sawers. Look for a bookshelf at the top
Each location corresponds to a note.
Ancient GEO Base
Follow the order of George's adventure

The painting on the wall reveals the order,

Pristine City
Try looking it from the right way.

Quiz in Room 2-1 of Thomas's Lab

Finally, one wrong answer Hint
Answer this question like a normal
means instant failure. You can see its name when interacting
Question. interviewee.
Are youWhat is my
ready? with any of the speakers in the laboratory
name?how many There is an emergency exit on the right as
exit this facility, as well.
floor, howwould
many youtimeshave
doesto Rutea is the blondewell.
girl back in Panselo
Rutea appearWhat is the on ItVillage,
in pictures boosts neither your
one of the energy nor
abducted power,
slogan of our exciting new and Thomas is too eccentric to compare it
product, this Slush''?
''Calory one, Are you ready?
with Hope you didn't forget
how many questions have I how to count.

Sliding Puzzle
Location Hint
Anuri Temple -----
BtW GEO Dungeon (1) -----
BtW GEO Dungeon (2) -----
BtW GEO Dungeon (3) -----
Ancient GEO Base -----

Lights Out Puzzle

Location -----
Subterra GEO Dungeon (1) -----
Subterra GEO Dungeon (2) -----
Subterra GEO Dungeon (3) -----

Ancient Vault
Location -----
Branch A (1) -----
Branch A (2) Alternate solutions may exist
Branch A (3) Alternate solutions exist
Atai Mayor's Vault
Location Hint obtained from
Left trigger Rufus
Middle trigger Dining Hall Maid
Right trigger Top-left Guard

Location Treasure

Atai Town Maze (above Armory) 35 R

Atai Town Maze (above Armory) Moonstone

Atai Town Maze (above Armory) Heart Ruby

Sand Drift GEO Ruin (split)

Sand Drift GEO Ruin Antique Pin

Sand Drift GEO Ruin Heart Ruby

E.D.E.N Mole Mine

Location Set-up
on puzzles, other puzzles and maze paths.

Solution Key Input





















Correct Answer
It's got what humans crave!


1 1 101
0 1

5 3- 4- 7- 8
- -3-2- 1- 9


Left - Left - Right

Right - Right

Middle - Right - Left - Left

Top-left - Bottom-right -
Top-left - Top-right
Bottom-left -
Bottom-left - Bottom-left
Top-right - Top-right -
Top-right - Bottom-left

- Renewable ( respawning money deposits )
- Side Quests ( also the renewable ones )
A quick shoutout to Vouivre Critique's video walkthroughs (playlist link)Super helpful for verifying the amount

Location - 1 Location - 2 Requirement

Orphanage -----
Orphanage -----
Orphanage -----
Panselo Village
Storeroom -----
Dojo -----
West Watchtower -----
Forest -----
Forest Sonic Spear
Forest Rocket Boots
Doki Forest Anuri Temple -----
Anuri Temple -----
Anuri Temple -----
Anuri Temple Tomb Bombs
North-East Forest Slingshot
Panselo Region
Shortcut Cave -----
Right Screen Slingshot
Sunflower Road Middle Screen Bombs
Left Screen Slingshot
Center Screen -----
South Castella Bridge
West Screen -----
East Street -----
Dark Tower (by Prison) -----
Prison -----
East Street -----
East Street -----
Atai Town Mayor's House -----
Mayor's House Lifesaver
West Well -----
West-most House -----
Metro Bandit's Flute
Weapon Shop Rocket Boots
Atai Region Cave by Adar's House -----
Oasis ----- Bombs
∑≈ 884 Franway - Atai ----- Bandit's Flute
Sand Drift Ruins -----
Sand Drift Ruins -----

Sand Drift Ruins

Forlorn Ruins Sonic Spear (MS)
Forlorn Ruins -----
Sand Drift Ruins
Forlorn Ruins -----
Forlorn Ruins -----
Ouroboros Hideout -----
Ouroboros Hideout -----
Enemy Screen 1 -----
Enemy Screen 2 -----
Enemy Screen 3 -----
Moonlight Ravine
Enemy Screen 3 -----
North Port -----
North Port -----
Left Watchtower -----
Left Screen -----
Kingdom Bridge
Center Screen -----
Center Screen Sonic Spear
Thomas's Laboratory Entrance -----
GEO Dungeon -----
Daea Region
Cave with Fire Fish Sonic Spear (EG)
Antique Shop ----- (various)
Residence -----
Student Dormitories -----
Right Screen -----
Blue Lobster Kitchen -----
Blue Lobster Kitchen -----
Daea City
Blue Lobster Kitchen -----
Outside Library -----
Pianist Hall -----
Song Fountain Spheralis
Song Fountain Spheralis
Aqua Line Left to Entrance -----
Terminal Room -----
Hall C -----
Enemy Screen 2 -----
White Towers Enemy Screen 3 -----
∑≈ 1350 Enemy Screen 4 -----
1st Tram -----
Subterra Near Middle Sluice -----
Near Middle Sluice -----
Outside -----
Franway - Cosette
Inside -----
Barn -----
Cosette Village Larry's House -----
Outside -----
Tower of the Queen ----- -----
Entrance Cave -----
Below Top Rail Car -----
Royal Archives First unused Rail Car -----
Past Gauntlet 1 -----
1st Room from Entrance -----
Old Castles Box Stacking Tower -----
Bottom-left -----
The Last Wall
Top-right Rocket Boots
1st Great Turret -----
1st Multi-Gate -----
Scorched Lands
Metro Entrance -----
2nd Multi-Gate -----
Enemy Screen 2 -----
Before Ariadne's Nest -----
Ariadne's Nest Rocket Boots
Mul Caves
Past Ariadne's Nest Rocket Boots
Atrium Rocket Boots
Atrium Rocket Boots
Tower 1 -----
Tower 2 -----
Tower 2 -----
Tower 3 -----
Tower 3 Top -----
Between Tower 3 & 4 -----
Tower 4 -----
Tower 4 Top -----
Terrelum -----
Terrelum -----
Terrelum -----
Terrelum -----
Terrelum -----
Path to World's End -----
Path to World's End -----
Path to World's End -----
West Megalith Fields -----
Pristine City -----
E.D.E.N -----

E.D.E.N -----
E.D.E.N -----
E.D.E.N -----
E.D.E.N -----
E.D.E.N -----
∑ ≈ 5250
Specifics Source RIN Multi? Nearby?
Orphanage, right to meeting table Fixed 9 1
Orphanage attic Fixed 35 1
Kitt, deliver Milk Side Quest 20 1
Right under Wooden Bat Fixed 25 1
Hanged punching bag Fixed 20 1
Top Fixed 35 1
Small Tunnel Fixed 35 1
Above Zophiel statue Fixed 50 1
Outside, top-left Renewable? 9 1
Right of 3 ceiling pots Fixed 15 1
Right Shaft, bottom bone (renewable) Renewable 15 1
Pot Room 2 (stacking), top-left bone Renewable 15 1 Moonstone
Tomb, above Slargummy Fixed 20 1
Pot above branch Fixed 30 1
Bottom-left Fixed 50 1
East screen Fixed 35 1
Mr. Planto, deliver "Food" (5) Side Quest 20 1
West screen Fixed 35 1
Basement Fixed 15 1
Bottom-right Fixed 30 1
Chest Fixed 30 1
Bottom Fixed 30 1 Moonstone
Upper floor (hidden switch) Fixed 40 1 Moonstone
Merchant, deliver Berry Fruit (4) Side Quest (R) 25 1
Bo's Free Running Challenge Side Quest 30 1
Mayor's Storeroom Fixed 30 1 Moonstone
Rufus' Uncle, deliver Stack of Letters Side Quest 150 1 Heart Ruby
Left room Fixed 25 1
Crawl space, third crate Fixed 30 1
Bottom-right (?) Fixed 35 1
Maze (Left-Left-Right) Fixed 35 1
Cave by Adar's House, end of bottom route Fixed 50 1 Heart Ruby
Mr. Planto, deliver "Food" (5) Side Quest 20 1
Song Stone "U R D L C" Fixed 45 1
Chest above entrance (2nd screen) Fixed 25 1
Top-right room, upper-left crate Fixed 25 1
Past Slargummy Fixed 35 1 Moonstone
Past triple Dragon Snare Fixed 35 1
Dragon Snare trap room Fixed 25 1
Dragon Snare ally Fixed 20 1 Moonstone
Storage secret room Fixed 40 1 Moonstone
Drake room chest Fixed 35 1 Lunar Artifact
Dive for Treasure Chest Fixed 30 1
Cliff Wall Fixed 30 1
Boat Couple, deliver Chocolate Side Quest 30 1
Boat Couple, deliver Pearl Ring Side Quest 30 1
Bo's Free Running Challenge Side Quest 40 1
North port hidden Fixed 30 1
Song Stone "C U D C U D" Fixed 45 1
Left screen Fixed 35 1
Basement Fixed 20 1
Dropping from above Fixed 50 1 Moonstone
Bribery from Arch Fixed 50 1
Mr. Planto, deliver "Food" (5) Side Quest 20 1
Bottom-right Fixed 40 1 Energy Gem
Energy Gem
Astrid, deliver Lunar Artifacts Side Quest 40 12
Heart Ruby
Woman, deliver Drake Tail (3) Side Quest 40 1
Student Dormitories Fixed 35 1
Bo's Free Running Challenge Side Quest 50 1
Chef Basil (Raw Knife Krill) Side Quest 10 1
Chef Basil (Desert Squash) Side Quest 20 1
Kitchen Song Stone "L L D C C U" Fixed 100 1 Food
Forte, completing quest chain Side Quest (R) 35 1 Heart Ruby
Below Pianist Fixed 75 1 Moonstone
Song Fountain (each) Side Quest 20 6
Song Fountain (all) Side Quest 50 1
Top-left, past duo Slargummies Fixed 30 1
Song Stone "L U - C C C - D R" Fixed 70 1 Moonstone
Block C, bottom-center Fixed 25 1
Bottom-right, chest Fixed 30 1
Top-right, chest Fixed 40 1
Top-left, big pot Fixed 25 1
Bottom-right Fixed 30 1
Left room Fixed 100 1
Right room Fixed 25 1
Mr. Planto, deliver "Food" (5) Side Quest 20 1
Song Stone "U C R L L U D R U" Fixed 25 1 Moonstone
Time switch puzzle Fixed 40 1
Left ceiling Fixed 30 1
Bo's Free Running Challenge Side Quest 60 1
Pot on right cliff Fixed 15 1
Upper-right Fixed 15 1
Below Rail Car (upper station) Fixed 25 1
First Rail Car Fixed 20 1
Past first gauntlet, left room Fixed 30 1
Song Stone "R D L C U" Fixed 40 1
Mr. Planto, deliver "Food" (5) Side Quest 20 1
Scientists, deliver Golem Core (10) Side Quest (R) 50 1 Moonstone
Hilde, deliver Dog Tag (9) Side Quest 15 9 Heart Ruby
Upper-right Fixed 20 1
Right of 3 doors Fixed 30 1
Metro entrance Fixed 25 1
Above the gate Fixed 40 1
Fake ceiling, right pod Fixed 50 1
Before Ariadne's nest, ceiling Fixed 25 1
Ariadne (re-fought) Battle Loot 70 1
Past Ariadne's nest Fixed 50 1
Left hidden tunnel Fixed 25 1
Right hidden tunnel Fixed 25 1
Hidden entrance Fixed 40 1
Big pot Fixed 9 1
Timed door Fixed 75 1
Timed door Fixed 75 1
Harpy Fixed 9 1
Aurantia Trio (re-fought) Battle Loot 40 1 Moonstone
Right door Fixed 250 1
Access from the left side Fixed 30 1
Right to main building Fixed 20 1
Sooty, deliver Fish Fillet (3) Side Quest (R) 25 1
Sooty, deliver Prime Fish Fillet (3) Side Quest (R) 50 1
Sooty, deliver Amber Fish Fillet (3) Side Quest (R) 60 1
Sooty, deliver Gourmet Fish Fillet (3) Side Quest (R) 80 1
1st Chest Fixed 35 1
2nd Chest Fixed 35 1
Double Arboar (re-fought) Battle Loot 30 1 Moonstone
Right before Pristine City, bottom-right Fixed 30 1
Nutri-Food vending machine, fake wall Fixed 60 1
D3 Fixed 40 1 Moonstone
E3 Fixed 50 1
A2 Fixed 60 1
F2 Fixed 45 1
F5, pots Fixed 10 4
C72 Fixed 25 1
In patch v1.0.5, many items have their selling prices increased.
In patch v1.0.9, several items also undergo rebalancing.
All info is now up to date!
Regular Food
Name Heal Time Carry Sell Purchasable? Found Naturally?
Pumpkin Muffin 16 2.5 3 5 ----- Thomas's Laboratory
Milk 15 1.5 2 5 Daea City (7) Panselo Village
Cheese 18 3 3 5 ----- Panselo Village
Potato Lunch 25 4 2 6 ----- -----
Honey Bun 18 2.5 3 6 Sunflower Road (18) Rhodus Border
Chocolate 8 1 3 5 Daea City (30/3) -----
Saffron Milk 20 1.5 2 6 Rhodus Border (15) Kingdom Bridge
Canned Beans 20 4 2 4 ----- Atai Town
Pooki Jerky 20 3.5 4 6 ----- Panselo Village
Sushi 12 1.5 4 6 Moonlight Ravine (20/2) -----
Calory Slush 30 1.5 2 8 Thomas's Lab (18) Thomas's Laboratory
House Soup 25 1.5 2 7 Daea City (17) White Towers
Deli Sandwich 25 3 2 6 Daea City (12) -----
Macaron 12 1 3 6 Daea City (30/2) Daea City
Puff Pastry 22 2.5 3 7 Daea City (18) The Last Wall
Grape Cake 32 3.5 2 9 Daea City (25) Daea City
Doggy Biscuit 5 6 9 3 ----- -----
Cosette Cannoli 20 2.5 3 7 Daea City (14) Cosette Village
Ancient Ration 30 4 2 4 ----- Royal Archive
Dekea Cookie 30 2.5 3 9 Terrelum (10) Terrelum
Astro-Lunch 80 5 1 16 Pristine City (38) SPHERE

Pacifist Dish
Name Heal Time Carry Sell Purchasable? Found Naturally?
"Food" -5 3 9 1 (cooking) (cooking)
o Dandelion 3 2 5 3 ----- Panselo Village
o Doki Herb 4 1.7 5 3 ----- Doki Forest
o Moon Kelp 6 2 5 3 Atai Town (20/3) Moonlight Ravine
o Pristine Rose 14 1.7 5 5 Pristine City (9) Pristine City
Cooked Greens 7 1.2 5 3 (cooking) (cooking)
o Perro Egg 7 1.7 4 4 Cosette Village (20/4) Panselo Village
Rolled Omelet 10 1.3 4 5 (cooking) (cooking)
o Panselo Potato 20 4 1 5 ----- Panselo Village
Pan-Fried Potato Wedges 6 1.2 4 2 ----- (cooking)
o Berry Fruit 6 1.2 4 4 Atai Town (10) -----
o Prickle Fruit 7 6 3 4 Atai Town (6) Franway - Atai
o Singed Fruit 7 1.7 3 4 (cooking) (cooking)
o Lune Fruit 15 6 1 5 ----- White Towers
Fruit Jam 9 1.7 6 5 Cosette Village (18/3) Panselo Village
o Nectear 4 0.7 5 3 ----- Sunflower Road
Honey Drop --- 0.3 5 4 Sunflower Road (24/3) Sunflower Road
o Vala Bean 7 2 3 4 Atai Town (20/3) Aurantia
Falafel 13 2.5 3 5 (cooking) Sand Drift Ruins
o Desert Squash 33 5.5 1 11 Atai Town (20) Wheat Road
Cooked Squash 22 4 2 8 (cooking) (cooking)
o Dried Cacti Bark 4 6 5 2 ----- Ouroboros's Hideout
Cacti Jerky 6 3.5 5 3 ----- (cooking)
o Hard Tack 11 6 4 2 ----- Royal Archive
Revitalized Tack 14 3 4 3 ----- (cooking)
o Odd Shroom ?? 1.7 4 2 Terrelum (20/4) Mul Caves Nest
o Mul Shroom 10 2 4 3 ----- Mul Caves Nest
Toasted Shroom 12 1.5 4 4 (cooking) (cooking)
o Dekea Nut 13 2 4 6 ----- -----
Dekea Butter 16 1.7 6 8 Terrelum (20/3) -----
o Nutri-Food 24 2.4 3 1 Pristine City (15) E.D.E.N
Nutri-Meal 40 3.5 3 3 (cooking) (cooking)
o Golden Egg 80 1.7 4 35 Terrelum (250) Panselo Village
Crispy Golden Egg 99 1 4 50 (cooking) (cooking)

Leisure Dish
Name Heal Time Carry Sell Purchasable? Found Naturally?
o Mystery Meat 8 3.5 4 2 ----- -----
o Cooked Mystery Meat 16 2.5 4 5 ----- -----
Twice-Cooked Mystery Meat24 2 4 8 ----- -----
o Raw Bird 11 3.5 3 5 ----- Panselo Village
Roast Bird 21 2.5 3 7 ----- Panselo Village
o Fish Fillet 9 2.5 4 4 ----- -----
Fish Sticks 12 2 4 6 ----- -----
o Prime Fish Fillet 18 3.5 3 7 Atai Town (15) Terrelum
o Amber Fish Fillet 21 3.5 3 10 ----- -----
Fish Skewer 24 3 3 11 Moonlight Ravine (17) White Towers
o Gourmet Fish Fillet 27 4.5 2->3 10 ----- Daea City
Fish Steak 36 4 2->3 14 ----- (cooking)
o Mollusk 12 2 5 5 ----- -----
Cooked Mollusk 15 1.5 5 7 ----- -----
o Jellyfly Tentacle 13 1.2 3 4 ----- -----
Jellyfly Oil --- --- 3 5 ----- -----

Exciting Dish
Name Heal Time Carry Sell Purchasable? Found Naturally?
o Toad Leg 7 3 3 5 ----- -----
o Rock Toad Leg 7 6 3 5 ----- -----
Cooked Toad Leg 10 2.5 3 7 ----- -----
o Raw Meat 13 3.5 3 6 -----
Meatballs 9 1.5 6 5 -----
o Big Raw Meat 23 4.5 2 12 Atai Town (22) Daea City
Pulled Pork Lunch 33 4 2 18 (cooking) (cooking)
o Drake Tail 12 4 3 6 Atai Town (15) Kingdom Bridge
Cooked Drake Tail 16 2.5 3 8 (cooking) (cooking)
o Raw Knife Krill 7 2 5 4 ----- -----
Cooked Knife Krill 10 1.5 5 5 Moonlight Ravine (24/3) -----
o Mimi Toad Leg 12 4.5 3 5 ----- -----
Cooked Mimi Toad Leg 16 2.5 3 8 ----- -----
o Iad Sap 12 1.5 4 3 ----- Mul Caves Nest
Elastic Pellet 7 3 4 4 ----- Terrelum
o Arboar Meat 36 5.5 2 18 ----- -----
Arboar Steak 50 4.5 2 26 ----- -----

Stamina Boost
Name Heal Time Carry Sell Purchasable? Found Naturally?
20 seconds Honey Brew --- 1.5 2 6 Sunflower Road (20) Ouroboros's Hideout
60 seconds Grape Juice 10 1.5 2 6 Daea City (13) Daea City
60 seconds Blue Lobster Special 60 5 1 13 Daea City (25) -----
90 seconds Miranda 18 1.5 2 8 Pristine City (24) SPHERE

Attack Boost
Name Heal Time Carry Sell Purchasable? Found Naturally?
50 seconds Curry Bento 22 5 1 10 Rhodus Border (32) -----
15 seconds Stink Root 4 4 1 1 ----- Ouroboros's Hideout
30 seconds Spicy Noodles 16 3 1 8 Daea City (25) -----

Double Boost
Name Heal Time Carry Sell Purchasable? Found Naturally?
90 seconds Elixir 250 1.5 1 70 ----- -----
00 seconds Super Shroom 250 1 1 150 Terrelum (1350) -----
Dropped? Quest? Note Sell
----- ----- ----- 3->5
----- One (1) ----- 4->5
----- ----- ----- 4->5
----- ----- Renewable after rescuing Leo 5->6
----- ----- ----- 5->6
Red Bandit Two (2) Candy-type item 4->5
Blue Bandit ----- ----- 5->6
----- ----- ----- 3->4
----- ----- ----- 5->6
Crossbow Knight ----- ----- 5->6
----- ----- ----- 7->8
Spear Knight ----- ----- 6->7
Spear Knight ----- ----- 5->6
Crossbow Knight ----- Candy-type item 5->6
Crossbow Knight ----- ----- 6->7
----- One (2) ----- 8->9
Kobold Soldiers One (3) ----- 2->3
----- ----- ----- 6->7
----- ----- ----- 3->4
Harpy ----- ----- 8->9
----- ----- ----- 15->16

Dropped? Quest? Note Sell

(cooking) Six (30) ----- ###
----- ----- ----- 2->3
----- One (3) ----- 2->3
----- ----- ----- 2->3
----- ----- ----- 4->5
----- ----- ----- 2->3
Thistle Weed ----- Also dropped by nesting Perro 3->4
(cooking) ----- ----- 4->5
----- ----- ----- 4->5
----- ----- ----- 1->2
Thorned Fruit ----- ----- 3->4
Red Bandit ----- ----- 3->4
(cooking) ----- ----- 3->4
Moonlight Ravine ----- ----- 4->5
(cooking) ----- ----- 4->5
----- ----- ----- 2->3
----- ----- Candy-type item, restores 50 points of stamina 3->4
----- ----- ----- 3->4
----- ----- ----- 4->5
----- ----- ----- 10->11
----- ----- ----- 7->8
----- ----- ----- 1->2
----- ----- ----- 2->3
----- ----- ----- 1->2
----- ----- ----- 2->3
----- ----- Hurts up to -14 HP or heals up to +21 HP, is not lethal ###
----- ----- ----- ###
----- ----- ----- ###
Aurantia Thorned Fruit ----- ----- 5->6
Troll ----- ----- 7->8
----- ----- ----- ###
----- ----- ----- ###
----- ----- ----- ###
----- ----- ----- ###

Dropped? Quest? Note Sell

Critters ----- ----- 1->2
Critters (burnt) ----- ----- 4->5
(cooking) ----- ----- 7->8
Bird ----- ----- 4->5
Bird (burnt) ----- ----- 6->7
Fire Fish ----- ----- 3->4
(cooking) ----- ----- 5->6
Fire Fish ----- ----- 6->7
----- One (1) Obtainable only from fishing ###
(cooking) ----- ----- 10->11
Fire Fish ----- ----- 9->10
(cooking) ----- ----- 12->14
----- ----- Obtainable only from fishing 4->5
----- ----- ----- 6->7
Jellyfly ----- ----- ###
(cooking) ----- Cannot be consumed directly ###

Dropped? Quest? Note Sell

Toad ----- ----- 4->5
Rock Toad ----- ----- 4->5
(cooking) ----- ----- 5->7
Boar Cub ----- ----- 5->6
Blue Bandit ----- ----- 4->5
Boar ----- ----- 10->12
(cooking) ----- ----- 16->18
Sand Drake Two (7) ----- 5->6
(cooking) One (2) ----- 7->8
Knife Krill One (1) ----- 3->4
Knife Krill (burnt) ----- ----- 4->5
Mimi Toad ----- ----- ###
(cooking) ----- ----- 7->8
Miniad ----- ----- ###
(cooking) ----- ----- ###
Arboar One (1) ----- 15->18
(cooking) ----- ----- 24->26

Dropped? Quest? Note Sell

----- ----- ----- 5->6
----- ----- ----- 5->6
----- One (1) ----- 12->13
----- ----- ----- 7->8

Dropped? Quest? Note Sell

----- ----- ----- ###
----- One (1) ----- ###
----- One (1) ----- ###

Dropped? Quest? Note Sell

----- ----- See "List of Sidequests", only 1 can be carried at a time ###
----- ----- Candy-type item ###
In patch v1.0.5, many items have their selling prices increased.
In patch v1.0.9, several items also undergo rebalancing.
All info is now up to date!
(per 5) (per stack)
[Wiki] Ingredient Resultant Time Input Fail Heal+ Sell+
1 Dried Cacti Bark Cacti Jerky 8.35 7 2 10 5
Dandelion Cooked Greens 7.70 3 4 20 ---
Doki Herb Cooked Greens 7.70 3 4 15 ---
Lune Fruit Fruit Jam (2) 7.15 7 1 3 5
2 Berry Fruit Fruit Jam 6.65 4 2 12 4
Moon Kelp Cooked Greens 6.25 5 3 5 ---
Dekea Nut Dekea Butter 6.25 8 2 12 8
Desert Squash Cooked Squash (2) 6.00 9 2 11 5
Toad Leg Cooked Toad Leg 5.90 5 3 9 6
Pristine Rose Cooked Greens 5.55 7 2 -35 -10
Iad Sap Elastic Pellet 5.55 9 1 -20 4
3 Rock Toad Leg Cooked Toad Leg 5.00 5 4 9 6
Fish Fillet Fish Sticks 5.00 6 3 12 8
Perro Egg Rolled Omelet 5.00 5 2 12 4
Mollusk Cooked Mollusk 5.00 6 2 15 10
Drake Tail Cooked Drake Tail 5.00 6 2 12 6
Vala Bean Falafel 5.00 7 2 18 3
Jellyfly Tentacle Jellyfly Oil 5.00 8 1 --- 3
4 Panselo Potato Pan-Fried Potato Wedges (4) 4.60 6 3 4 3
Raw Meat Meatballs (2) 4.60 8 3 15 12
Mul Shroom Toasted Shroom 4.60 6 2 8 4
Hard Tack Revitalized Tack 4.55 7 2 12 4
Raw Bird Roast Bird 4.60 7 2 30 6
Prime Fish Fillet Fish Skewer 4.60 7 2 18 12
Amber Fish Fillet Fish Skewer 4.60 7 2 9 3
Mimi Toad Leg Cooked Mimi Toad Leg 4.60 7 2 12 9
5 Arboar Meat Arboar Steak 4.35 10 1 28 16
Singed Fruit Fruit Jam 4.20 5 3 6 3
Big Raw Meat Pulled Pork Lunch 4.20 9 2 20 12
Raw Knife Krill Cooked Knife Krill 4.20 8 2 15 5
Odd Shroom Toasted Shroom 4.20 6 2 ?? 8
Gourmet Fish Fillet Fish Steak 4.20 8 1 27 12
Mystery Meat Cooked Mystery Meat 4.00 8 2 32 12
6 Nutri-Food Nutri-Meal 3.75 9 2 48 6
Nectear Honey Drop 3.60 8 1 --- 5
Cooked Mystery MeatTwice-Cooked Mystery Meat 3.35 10 1 32 12
Prickle Fruit Singed Fruit 3.15 4 5 --- ---
Golden Egg Crispy Golden Egg 3.15 10 2 76 60
Stack size: 1/1 -> 2/6
Stack size: 4/4 -> 4/6
Stack size: 4/4 -> 4/6
Stack size: 1/1 -> 2/2
Resistance against Paralysis
Resistance against Bind
Stack size: 1/1 -> 4/4
Stack size: 3/3 -> 6/6
Stack size: 3/3 -> 3/6
Odd Shroom heals between -14 to 21
Energy restore
More testings are required to confirm some of my theories below, so take them with a grain of salt

[Damage Calculation]
Formula: [ (Atk) - (Def) ] x (weakness)
For (Atk), refer to the table below.
- Attack Boost would increase (Atk) from Bat/Tusk Strike by 3
(WIP) For (Def), refer to the table in [Enemy Statistics]
(WIP) For (weakness), also refer to the table in [Enemy Statistics]

[Attack/Energy Values]***estimates***
Attack/Tool Energy Bat 1 Bat 2 Bat 3 Bat 4 Fire Bomb KB

Bonk (jumping) 0 0
Bonk (rolling) 10.5 0
Refurbished Lamp 0 1 Yes

Regular 17.5 7 9 11 14
Aerial 21 9 11 13 16
Charged 26 16 20 24 30 Yes
Whirlwind 35 2*(12) 2*(16) 2*(20) 2*(26) Yes
Tusk Strike 35 22 Yes

Rocket Boots (Burst) 17.5 10 Yes

Slingshot 35 5
Civilian Crossbow 35 8
Kobold Blaster 44 5*(9)
Kobold Blaster 44 25 Yes Yes
Treble Shot 52 3*(7)
Double Crossbow 52 2*(9)
Spear Bomb 52 20 + 2*(6) Yes Yes Yes
Sonic Spear 52 13
Bomb 70 15 Yes Yes
Remote Bomb 70 20 Yes Yes

Regenerate 50/s
Regenerate (H) 100/s
Regenerate (TG) 90/s
Regenerate (H + TG) 145/s
Sprinting -25/s
Reeling (w/o Fish) -18/s
Reeling -25/s
Reeling (H) -22/s

[About Energy]
* Since the only reference of numerical value in the game is fron Honey Drop,
all the Energy values posted in this page are estimates only
Gail starts with 125 Energy
(?) Once her energy drops below threshold value of 25, she would be unable to perform most actions
Gail can still keep sprinting and perform sprint-jump, she just cannot start a sprint
For each Energy Gem she obtains, maximum energy is increased by 15, up to a maximum of 620
(?) During buff, energy consumption is reduced and the regeneration rate are increased
During Tusk Strike, sprinting does not consume energy
m with a grain of salt
perform most actions

to a maximum of 620
Based on how enemies react to getting hit,
They can generally be divided into 4 classes: Weak (W), Light (L), Medium (M), Heavy (H)

[Common Enemies]
Family Name HP Def Class no. Rin Loot
Perro --- --- L 1 --- Perro Egg
Pooki --- --- L --- --- -----

Lizard 1 0 W 1 --- Mystery Meat

Mouse 1 0 W 1 --- Mystery Meat
Scropion 1 0 W 1 --- Mystery Meat
Bird 1 0 W 1 --- Raw Bird

Blue Gummy 1 0 W 0~1 1 -----

The Slimes
Green Gummy 1 0 W 0~1 1 -----

Toad 20 0 L 1 1 Toad Leg

Rock Toad 20 4 L 1 Rock Toad Leg
Mimi Toad 20 4 L 1 Mimi Toad Leg
Water Kin
Fish Fillet
Fire Fish 50 0 L 2~3 --- Prime Fish Fillet
Gourmet Fish Fillet

Boar Cubs 70 0 L 1 --- Raw Meat

Boar 160 1 H 1 --- Big Raw Meat


Arboar 200 3 H 1 --- Arboar Meat

Sand Drake 22 0 L 0~1 1 Drake Tail

Dwellers Stealer Bird 12 0 L 0~1 1/3 -----
Thistle Weed 20 0 L 1~2 1 Perro Egg
Dragon Snare 50 3 H 1 -----
Vine Tentacle (desert) 6 0 L --- --- -----

Spike Ball (desert) 10 2 L --- --- -----

Mutant Snare 100 5 H 1 -----
Vine Tentacle (cave) 6 0 L --- --- -----

Spike Ball (cave) 10 2 L --- --- -----

Jellyfly 1 0 W 1 1 Jellyfly Tentacle

Bat 1 0 W 0~1 1 -----
Bee 1 0 W 0~1 1 -----
Knife Krill 1 0 W 1 --- Raw Knife Krill
Spiders Spider 15 0 L 0~1 1 -----
Miniad 20 0 L 0~1 1 Iad Sac

Thorniad 40 0 L 1~2 1 -----

Aciad 30 0 L 1 1 -----
Iad Family

Blastiad 1 0 L ----- ----- -----

Dartiad 12 0 L 1~2 1 -----

Prickle Fruit
Ninja Bandit 40 0 L 1 Chocolate
Ouroboros Falafel
Bandits Meatballs
Axe Bandit 55 1 M 1 Pooki Jerky
Saffron Milk
Crossbow Knight 40 2 L 1 Sushi
Castella Puff Pastry
Knights Chocolate
Spear Knight 60 2 M 1~2 Deli Sandwich
House Soup
The Kobolds Kobold Soldiers 45 1 L 1 Doggy Biscuit
Scaber 1 32 L 1 20 -----
Moth Mine 20 2 L 0~1 -----
Mole Mine 1 2 L ----- ----- -----
Flying Scrapper ≤ 21? 2 L 0~1 3 -----
Rail Shooter 10 2 H 1 -----
2 3
Rail Sawer 2 H 1 -----
25 3
Evil Eyes 20 2 L 1 -----
Porcubot 10 0 H 0~1 1 -----
Robotics Turtlebot 10 0 H 0~1 1 -----
Smart Turret 28 2 H 1 -----
Big Turret 100 5 H --- --- -----
Megaliths --- --- H --- --- -----

52 1
Guardian Construct 4 M 0~1 -----
?? 3

Gray Ghoul 29 4 H 0~1 Golem Core

Scrapped Ghoul 29 4 H 0~1 1 Golem Core


Glowing Ghoul 69 4 H 0~1 ? Golem Core

Wendigo 13 (inf.) H 1 --- Golem Core

Harpy 120 1 L 1 5 Dekea Cookie


Troll 165 2 H 1 Dekea Butter

[Bosses & Mini-Bosses]

Family Name HP Def Class no. Rin Loot
Slargummy 2 H 1 5 -----
Bart's Snack Green Slargummy 4 H --- --- -----
Green Slargummy (S) 175 2 H --- --- -----

Bandit Atri 150 0 H --- --- -----

Bandit Atri 150 0 H --- --- -----

Colossal Great Drake ??? H --- --- -----

Musician Birdy --- 2 H 10 5 -----

Colossal Century Toad ~320 2 H --- --- -----

Mechanical Wrecker 200 H 2~3 --- Golem Core (1~3)

Kobold Katash (1st) 400 2 M --- --- -----

Mother Computer 450 2 H --- --- -----

Colossal Ariadne 500 4 H 1 70 -----

Ancient Mother Computer II 2 H --- --- -----

Ancient Mother Computer II 2 H --- --- -----

Mother's Eye 1 (?) L --- --- -----

Mechanical Shadow Clones ??? 0 M --- --- -----

Kobold Katash (2nd) ??? 2 M --- --- -----

Phalanx 3600 0 H --- --- -----

Location Name HP Def --- no. Rin Loot
Berry Fruit 14~24 2 L 1 --- Berry Fruit
Dried Cactus 0 L 0~1 1 Dried Cacti Bark
Fruit Lune Fruit 21~38 2 L 1 --- Lune
Odd Fruit
5? 1
Mul Pod ? L 1 Mul Shroom
10? 2
Dekea Nut L 1 --- Iad Sac
Dekea Nut
1 1
Anuri Temple Bone 0 --- 0~1 -----
5 3
Anuri Temple Pots 0 --- 0~1 -----
20? 3
20+5+5 1
(everywhere) Wooden Crate ≥1 --- -----
20+9+9 3
(caves) Falling Rocks --- --- --- --- --- -----
Ouroboros Dart 20 4 --- 1 -----
(everywhere) Rock 1 inf --- 0~1 Amberite Ore
Scorched Lands Projector 12 --- --- --- Crystal Lens
5 1
White Towers Royal Pots 0 --- 0~1 -----
20 5?
White Towers Chandelier 1 0 --- 1 3
2 -----
Terrelum Sparklies Basket 1 0 --- 1 5
4 -----
(Is weak to)
Dmg Attack Fire Bomb <- Blastiad does not count
2 Droppings --- ---
4 Headbutt
--- ---
10 Headbutt (Ramp)
--- ----- x1 x1
--- ----- x1 x1
1 Scorpion Sting x1 x1
--- ----- x1 x1
4 Whip
4 Fall
8 Whip
8 Fall
9 Acid Shot
5 Acid Trap
4 Lunge ---
6 Lunge
8 Lunge
12 Acid Tongue
9 Horn Flick Flee if got hit for 4 times
10 Charge
x2 x2
6 Fire Spit
5 Fire Spit (burst)
5 Charge
6 Slam
11 Charge
13 Slam Enraged after taking 104 dmg
6 Rubble
15 Charge
15 Slam
8 Rubble
12 Tail Whip
9 Seed Bomb
6 Seed Shrapnel
6 Roll
5 Sand Spit
7 Swoop
6 Contact
3*9 Chew
5 Spit
4 Vine Whip
7 Contact
4 Split
5*9 Chew
10 Spit
7 Vine Whip
11 Contact
7 Split
--- -----
4 Contact
5 Contact
6 Contact ---
5 Contact
7 Contact
7 Contact
12 Lunge
9 Acid Shot
5 Acid Trap
15 Explosion * Detonate upon hit
9 Acid Shot
5 Acid Trap
13 Charge
6 Shuriken

7 Katana

9 Overhead Slash

8 Rush Slash

7 Crossbow Melee * Half HP during Dungeons gauntlet (20)

7 Crossbow Bolt
13 Spear Smack * Half HP during Dungeons gauntlet (30)
12 Spear Charge
12 Spear Throw
9 Shot * Extra HP during Dungeons gauntlet (65)
15 Grenade
5 Contact --- ---
15 Explosion x3 x3 Laser deals 30 (Fire with base 12?)
15 Explosion
x2 x2 * Detonate upon hit
8 Shrapnel
9 Shot
8 Explosion
9 Shot --- x3
13 Blade x1 x1 Negate ≤1 damage
15 Laser Beam --- x2
7 Contact --- ---
9 Shot --- ---
9 Shot --- x3
12 Shot --- ---
23 Laser --- ---
15 Smack Has more HP in Mother Computer II?
16 Blade
9 Aerial Laser --- ---
8 Triple Shot
15 Grenade
12 Smack
9 Acid Shot --- x2
5 Acid Trap
12 Smack
9 Acid Shot --- x2
5 Acid Trap
12 Smack
9 Acid Shot --- x2
5 Acid Trap
12 Claw Combo 1
--- ---
15 Claw Combo 2
18 Scythe Takes fixed damage of 40 from explosives
9 Feather
10 Crate Throw --- Fixed
13 Rock Throw
15 Mole Mine Throw
16 Club Strike Gets stunned if receiving ≥ 28 dmg
20 Body Slam
8 Rubble
6 Hunting Net

10 Attack
*The first boss in Anuri Temple has higher HP
15 Spike
Spike *The ones in Anuri Temple do not drop Rin
8 Gummy
Gummy Shot
Shot * Spawned from Subterra's Green Slargummy
9 Spike
Acid Shot ** Whip and Spike has decreased power (15->10)
9 Acid Shot
7 Spear Hop ** Shoot Acid (9) instead of Gummy (8)
8 Spear Slide
6 Shuriken
8 Rolling
6 Falling Rock
10 Crunch * Restore 20 HP if eating Doggy Biscuit
3 Hot Contact *Takes 20 damage if eating Bomb
8 Hot Sand Spit * Reduce defense if stunned, -5 sometimes?
5 Hot Sand Trap * May take double damage during Hot Sand Spit
8 Tail Whip
6 Shuriken
14 Body Slam
30 Super Slam
4 Falling Gummy
3 Falling Fruit
5 Falling Rock
4*10 Devour
8 Spit
5 Fruit Spit
10 Falling Rock (big)
9 Laser First defeat does not drop loot
10 EMP Grenade Take 15 from grenade, defense would be reduced
12 Swipe ^ Takes 6 damage from Lamp ?!
15 Grab & Toss Damage can be negated with Ukemi
20 Ground Slam
15 Self-destruct
9 Blaster Pellet
15 Blaster Missile Takes 20 DMG from self-damage
13 Triple Dash Steals your food and heals at most 10 HP
11 Swipe
15 Spaceship Laser Takes 99 from laser
10 Energy Barrage --- x2 Shield has 40 HP, takes only 1 damage
12 Electric Trap
12 Paralysis Beam
9 Acid Shot First defeat does not drop rin
5 Acid Trap Takes 10 damage if bomb on face, 11 on belly?
4 Web (Shot/Trap) x2 damage when stunned?
25 Crunch 20 from explosion/fire after stunned
10 Energy Barrage
Electric Trap --- x2
Paralysis Beam
10 Falling Rock
Energy Missile
15 Laser Beam x1 x?? Takes x3 damage (?), cannot exceed 99
(copy) (copy)
6 Minion Bullet Minion ships have no hitbox
9 Blaster Bullet
23 Blaster Missile
17 Swipe
23 Dash
17 Bullet (Green)
33 Wing Smash
25 Spaceship Laser
15 (Purple) Homing
16 (Red) Spread
15 (Green) Lock-on
25 (Blue) Explosion
13 (Blue) Shrapnel
13 (Yellow) Barrier
50 Laser Beam
16 Black Hole
12 Feather
22 Missle Blast
15 Missle Shrapnel
24 Nest Drop

All of these are immune to LAMP

--- -----
3 Contact Guaranteed drop if damage ≤ threshold
--- ----- HP hidden
--- -----
--- ----- x10
6 Contact
--- -----
--- -----
8 Throw
16 Gravity x2
6 Gravity
6 Dart x2
--- -----
--- ---
4 Slingshot (5)
--- -----
2 Wooden Bat (7+3)
--- -----
--- -----
has higher HP
not drop Rin
en Slargummy
ed power (15->10)
mmy (8)
ng Hot Sand Spit

would be reduced

ace, 11 on belly?
From patch v1.0.5 onward, saving and reloading your file always restores your HP to at least half.
From patch v1.0.7 onward, walking past save points immediately restores your HP to half.

Map Entrance Save Books Heal?

Panselo Village - East -----
Panselo Village
Gail's Room Bed
Panselo Village
Panselo Village - West Zophiel Statue
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
Franway - Panselo Franway - Panselo -----
Doki Forest -----
Doki Forest - Altar Zophiel Statue
Doki Forest
Anuri Temple - Shrine -----
Anuri Temple - Garden -----
Sunflower Road
Honey Bee Lab and Inn Bed (10)
??? Road
----- -----
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
South Castella Bridge South Castella Bridge -----
South Castella Bridge South Castella Bridge -----
Franway - Atai Franway - Atai -----
Rhodus Checkpoint Rhodus Checkpoint -----
??? ----- -----
Adar's House Bed
Adar's House
Ancient Vault -----
Oasis Oasis Zophiel Statue
Atai Town Atai Town Bed
Atai Town Atai Town -----
Sand Drifts Access Sand Drifts Access -----
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
Sand Drift Ruins -----
Forlorn Ruins -----
Sand Drift Ruins
Ouroboros Hideout Zophiel Statue
Secret Railway -----
Moonlight Ravine - South Moonlight Ravine - South -----
Moonlight Ravine - North Moonlight Ravine - North -----
Kingdom Bridge Kingdom Bridge -----
Kingdom Bridge Kingdom Bridge -----
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
Antique Shop Antique Shop -----
Lake Laboratory Franway - Daea -----
GEO Base Franway & GEO Club Bed
Cupid's Fountain Cupid's Fountain -----
??? ----- -----
Thomas's Laboratory -----
Thomas's Laboratory
Thomas's Kitchen -----
Daea City Bed (15)
Dungeons - Entrance -----
Dungeons - Secret Access -----
Dungeons - Hall A -----
Daea City ----- -----
??? White Towers - Zenith Zophiel Statue
Forgotten Pier Subterra - Entrance -----
Subterra - Station -----
Subterra -----
Forgotten Pier -----
Oracle Mill Zophiel Statue
Wheat Road Wheat Road Zophiel Statue
Cosette Village Cosette Village Bed
Cosette Village ----- -----
??? ----- -----
Tower of Dog Tower of Dog -----
Franway - Cosette Franway - Cosette -----
Pooki Farms Pooki Farms -----
??? ----- -----
??? Far Beach -----
Tower of the King Tower of the King -----
Tower of the Queen Tower of the Queen -----
Strange Well -----
??? Royal Archives - Entrance Zophiel Statue
Royal Archives - End Bed
The First Wall The First Wall -----
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
??? Old Castles Bed
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
The Last Wall The Last Wall Bed
??? ----- -----
??? Ancient GEO Base -----
??? ----- -----
??? ----- -----
Scorched Lands -----
Scorched Lands - Shelter -----
Scorched Lands
Mul Caves - South -----
Mul Caves
Mul Caves - Storage -----
Mul Caves - North -----
??? Forgotten Teleporter -----
??? ----- -----
Aurantia -----
Aurantia Terrelum Bed (15)
World's End -----
??? Ocean Cliffs -----
??? ----- -----
SPHERE - Outside -----
SPHERE - Garden -----
Pristine City - Entrance Bed
E.D.E.N - Station -----
E.D.E.N - Core -----
Megaliths Station -----
E.D.E.N - Final Rest Zophiel Statue
Phalanx Tower -----
ys restores your HP to at least half.
ly restores your HP to half.

Note Music
----- Panselo(unlisted dojo)Thomas' Theme
Secret fishing spot ----- ?
GEO Dungeon #1 GEO Club
----- Fran's Theme
----- ?
----- ?
Doki ForestAnuri TempleSanctuary
----- ?
----- ?
----- Sunflower Road
Shortcut cave that bypasses Sunflower Road ----- ?
Turtle Cave Sanctuary
Perro #1 ----- ?
GEO ClubSanctuary
----- Fran's Theme
----- The Great Walls
West to Adar's House -----
Home (Mr. Eldwin's Penguins)Royal Archives (Slow)Royal Archives (Action)
----- ?
----- SanctuaryForlorn Ruins
----- ----- ?
North Cave Forlorn Ruins ?
East Tower ----- ?
South Tree ----- ?
West Ruin ??? ?
----- ?
----- ?
Forlorn RuinsSanctuaryTribe of Ouroboros(unlisted dojo)
----- ?
----- ?
----- ?
Moonlight Ravine
----- ?
----- ?
GEO Club
----- ?
GEO Dungeon #5 GEO Club ?
Fire Fish cave ----- ?
----- Home (Mr. Eldwin's Penguins)Lone House
Fran's ThemeGEO Club
----- Forlorn Ruins
Perro #3 ----- ?
Thomas' Theme
----- ?
Back exit of the White Towers ?
Daea(unlisted dojo)Music
-----Troupe(unlisted dungeon)Dungeon BreakerThe White TowersSubterraSong
? for the DeadSanctu
----- ?
----- ?
----- ?
----- ?
----- Wheat Road
----- ?
Cosette(unlisted dojo)
Back exit of Cosette Village ?
GEO Dungeon #6 Wheat RoadGEO Club
----- Beacon Towers
----- Fran's Theme ?
----- Humble Hamlet
GEO Dungeon #7 GEO Club
----- Echoes of SanctuaryForlorn Ruins
----- Beacon Towers
----- Beacon Towers
----- Royal Archive (Slow)Royal Archive (Action)(unlisted techno)
----- The Great Walls
Central, Bo Old Castles ?
West, GEO Dungeon #9 Old Castles ?
East, Truff Old Castles(unlisted dojo)
East, Mr. Planto Old Castles ?
Perro #5 Old Castles ?
----- Old Castles ?
Miranda ??? ?
----- Ancient GEO
Lunar Medal -----
Acid cave ----- ?
----- (unlisted dread)Caves of MulMystic Cave
----- -----
Bug-infested cave -----
----- AurantiaTerrelum(unlisted dojo)World's ?End
----- Echoes of Sanctuary ?
Perro #6 ----- ?
----- ?
Pristine CityE.D.E.N(unlisted echo)Echoes of Sanctuary(unlisted techno)
----- ?
Food (After Cooked)
Location Item Name Heal Cost HP/Rin Carry Stack HP Heal
Panselo Potato 20 13 1.54 1 20 24
Panselo Village Milk 15 10 1.5 2 30 ---
Perro Egg 7 5 1.4 4 28 10
Honey Bun 18 14 1.29 3 54 ---
Sunflower Road Honey Brew 0 20 0 2 0 ---
Honey Drop (3) 0 24 0 1.67 0 ---
Chocolate (3) 24 36 0.67 1 24 ---
Honey Brew 0 25 0 2 0 ---
Rhodus Border
Curry Bento 22 32 0.69 1 22 ---
Saffron Milk 20 15 1.33 2 40 ---
Moon Kelp (3) 18 20 0.9 1.67 30 21
Desert Squash 33 20 1.65 1 33 44
Vala Bean (3) 21 20 1.05 1 21 39
Prime Fish Fillet 18 15 1.2 3 54 24
Atai Town
Drake Tail 12 15 0.8 3 36 16
Big Raw Meat 23 22 1.05 2 46 33
Berry Fruit 6 10 0.6 4 24 9
Prickle Fruit 7 6 1.17 3 21 9
Cooked Knife Krills (3) 10 24 0.42 1.67 17 ---
Moonlight Ravine Sushi (2) 24 20 1.2 2 48 ---
Fish Skewer 24 17 1.41 3 72 ---
Thomas's Laboratory Calory Slush 30 18 1.67 2 60 ---
Daea City Tunnel Spicy Noodles 16 25 0.64 1 16 ---
Smithy Cosette Cannoli 20 14 1.43 3 60 ---
Deli Sandwich 25 12 2.08 2 50 ---
House Soup 25 17 1.47 2 50 ---
Blue Lobster Blue Lobster Special 60 25 2.4 1 60 ---
(discounted) Milk 15 7 2.14 2 30 ---
Honey Brew 0 20 0 2 0 ---
Grape Juice 10 13 0.77 2 20 ---
Puff Pastry 22 18 1.22 3 66 ---
Macaron (2) 12 30 0.4 1.5 18 ---
The Dough
Grape Cake 32 25 1.28 2 64 ---
Chocolate (3) 24 30 0.8 1 24 ---
Cosette Cannoli 20 16 1.25 3 60 ---
Milk 15 9 1.67 2 30 ---
Cosette Village
Perro Egg (4) 28 20 1.4 1 28 40
Fruit Jam (3) 27 18 1.5 2 54 ---
Pristine Rose 14 9 1.56 5 70 ---
Nutri-Food 24 15 1.6 3 72 40
Pristine City
Miranda 18 24 0.75 2 36 ---
Astro-Lunch 80 38 2.11 1 80 ---
Dekea Cookie 30 10 3 3 90 ---
Golden Egg 80 250 0.32 4 320 99
Dekea Butter (3) 48 20 2.4 2 96 ---
Odd Shrooms (4) 0 20 0 1 0 48
Golden Egg 80 150 0.53 4 320 99
Scale Trade
Super Shroom 250 1350 0.19 1 250 ---

Non-Conusmable Items
Location Item Name Cost
Refurbished Lamp 80 / 60
Rhodus Checkpoint
Rubber Ducky 14
Sky Vest 150
Civilian Crossbow 125
Atai Town Composite Bat 200
Crank Lamp 90
Fishing Rod 200
Moonlight Ravine Fishing Rod 175
Crank Lamp 125
Steel Bat 300
Daea City Jade Hauberk 250
Civilian Crossbow 120
Fishing Rod 150
Life Ring 1000
Mysterious Bracelet 800
Heart Ruby 400
Energy Gem 500

Minimal cost
Items Formula Sum
Pockets (50 + 100 + 150 + 200)*4 - 200*2
(60 + 150 + Equipment
150 + 200 + 120) + (300 + 250 + 150) +3180
(1000 + 800 + 400 + 500)
HR / EG 400 + 500 900
(20+20) + (10+25) + 200 + 20 + 250645+ 100
Total N/A 6325
(After Cooked)
HP/Rin Stack HP
1.85 24
--- ---
2 40
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
1.05 35
2.2 44
1.95 39
1.6 72
1.07 48
1.5 66
0.9 54
1.5 54
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
2 40
--- ---
--- ---
2.67 120
--- ---
--- ---
--- ---
0.4 396
--- ---
2.4 48
0.66 396
--- ---
This sheet is here if you want to look at the statistics for whatever reason.
Truth to be told, just don't be picky and eat whatever you have

Name Carry Heal Stack HP Time HP/Time Sell Stack Sell

x Pumpkin Muffin 3 16 48 2.5 6 5 15
x Milk 2 15 30 1.5 10 5 10
x Cheese 3 18 54 3.0 6 5 15
x Potato Lunch 2 25 50 4.0 6 6 12
x Honey Bun 3 18 54 2.5 7 6 18
x Saffron Milk 2 20 40 1.5 13 6 12
x Chocolate 3 8 24 1.0 8 5 15
x Pooki Jerky 4 20 80 3.5 6 6 24
x Canned Beans 2 20 40 4.0 5 4 8
x Sushi 4 12 48 1.5 8 6 24
x Calory Slush 2 30 60 1.5 20 8 16
x Macaron 3 12 36 1.0 12 6 18
x Grape Cake 2 32 64 3.5 9 9 18
x Puff Pastry 3 22 66 2.5 9 7 21
x Deli Sandwich 2 25 50 3.0 8 6 12
x House Soup 2 25 50 1.5 17 7 14
x Doggy Biscuit 9 5 45 6.0 1 3 27
x Cosette Cannoli 3 20 60 2.5 8 7 21
x Ancient Ration 2 30 60 4.0 8 4 8
x Dekea Cookie 3 30 90 2.5 12 9 27
x Astro-Lunch 1 80 80 5.0 16 16 16
x "Food" 9 -5 -45 3.0 -2 1 9
Dandelion 5 3 15 2.0 2 3 15
Doki Herb 5 4 20 1.7 2 3 15
Moon Kelp 5 6 30 2.0 3 3 15
Pristine Rose 5 14 70 1.7 8 5 25
x Cooked Greens 5 7 35 1.2 6 3 15
Perro Egg 4 7 28 1.7 4 4 16
x Rolled Omelet 4 10 40 1.3 8 5 20
Panselo Potato 1 20 20 4.0 5 5 5
x Pan-Fried Potato Wedges 4 6 24 1.2 5 2 8
Berry Fruit 4 6 24 1.2 5 4 16
Prickle Fruit 3 7 21 6.0 1 4 12
Singed Fruit 3 7 21 1.7 4 4 12
Lune Fruit 1 15 15 6.0 3 5 5
x Fruit Jam 6 9 54 1.7 5 5 30
Nectear 5 4 20 0.7 6 3 15
x Honey Drop 5 0 0 0.3 0 4 20
Vala Bean 3 7 21 2.0 4 4 12
x Falafel 3 13 39 2.5 5 5 15
Desert Squash 1 33 33 5.5 6 11 11
x Cooked Squash 2 22 44 4.0 6 8 16
Dried Cacti Bark 5 4 20 6.0 1 2 10
x Cacti Jerky 5 6 30 3.5 2 3 15
Hard Tack 4 11 44 6.0 2 2 8
x Revitalized Tack 4 14 56 3.0 5 3 12
Odd Shroom 4 ?? #VALUE! 1.7 #VALUE! 2 8
Mul Shroom 4 10 40 2.0 5 3 12
x Toasted Shroom 4 12 48 1.5 8 4 16
Dekea Nut 4 13 52 2.0 7 6 24
x Dekea Butter 6 16 96 1.7 9 8 48
Nutri-Food 3 24 72 2.4 10 1 3
x Nutri-Meal 3 40 120 3.5 11 3 9
Golden Egg 4 80 320 1.7 47 35 140
x Crisy Golden Egg 4 99 396 1.0 99 50 200
Mystery Meat 4 8 32 3.5 2 2 8
Cooked Mystery Meat 4 16 64 2.5 6 5 20
x Twice-Cooked Mystery Meat 4 24 96 2.0 12 8 32
Raw Bird 3 11 33 3.5 3 5 15
x Roast Bird 3 21 63 2.5 8 7 21
Fish Fillet 4 9 36 2.5 4 4 16
x Fish Sticks 4 12 48 2.0 6 6 24
Prime Fish Fillet 3 18 54 3.5 5 7 21
Amber Fish Fillet 3 21 63 3.5 6 10 30
x Fish Skewer 3 24 72 3.0 8 11 33
Gourmet Fish Fillet 2 27 54 4.5 6 10 20
x Fish Steak 3 36 108 4.0 9 14 42
Mollusk 5 12 60 2.0 6 5 25
x Cooked Mollusk 5 15 75 1.5 10 7 35
Jellyfly Tentacle 3 13 39 1.2 11 4 12
Toad Leg 3 7 21 3.0 2 5 15
Rock Toad Leg 3 7 21 6.0 1 5 15
x Cooked Toad Leg 3 10 30 2.5 4 7 21
Raw Meat 3 13 39 3.5 4 6 18
x Meatballs 6 9 54 1.5 6 5 30
Big Raw Meat 2 23 46 4.5 5 12 24
x Pulled Pork Lunch 2 33 66 4.0 8 18 36
Drake Tail 3 12 36 4.0 3 6 18
x Cooked Drake Tail 3 16 48 2.5 6 8 24
Raw Knife Krill 5 7 35 2.0 4 4 20
x Cooked Knife Krill 5 10 50 1.5 7 5 25
Mimi Toad Leg 3 12 36 4.5 3 5 15
x Cooked Mimi Toad Leg 3 16 48 2.5 6 8 24
Ias Sap 4 12 48 1.5 8 3 12
x Elastic Pellet 4 7 28 3.0 2 4 16
Arboar Meat 2 36 72 5.5 7 18 36
x Arboar Steak 2 50 100 4.5 11 26 52
Honey Brew 2 0 0 1.5 0 6 12
Grape Juice 2 10 20 1.5 7 6 12
Blue Lobster Special 1 60 60 5 12 13 13
Miranda 2 18 36 1.5 12 8 16
Curry Bento 1 22 22 5 4 10 10
Stink Root 1 4 4 4 1 1 1
Spicy Noodles 1 16 16 3 5 8 8
Elixir 1 250 250 1.5 167 70 70
Super Shroom 1 250 250 1 250 150 150

Candy-type item

Candy-type item
Candy-type item
Dual-boosting, Candy-type item

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