Icon 1.1
Icon 1.1
Icon 1.1
Many of you may know me from the other Massif Press RPG, Lancer, or from my webcomic Kill Six
Billion Demons. This is a free play test of the next game I intend to publish after completing our Lancer
kickstarter content. My ethos is to give people content, then ask them to pay for it later if they like it, so
this test is entirely free to play and distribute. Much like Lancer, the final product will have a free version
with all player facing content.
This game was born from my love of fantasy. I love that old-school mysterious, enormous-world fantasy
vibe that is reproduced so well in animation, comics, and games. This game is inspired by the feeling I
think you might get when you look at the main cover. I took inspiration from anime, the works of French
comic artist Möebius, studio Ghibli, and video games like Shadow of the Colossus, Dragon’s Dogma, and
the legend of Zelda.
I love tactical combat and strategy games, but also more freeform narrative games. Here I have mashed
the two together. You can use either or both. The narrative portion is a more stripped down version of the
action system of Blades in the Dark, by John Harper, which I think is an excellent lightweight system and
probably my favorite game currently.
This is a play test and hasn’t been hammered out quite yet. It was written, illustrated, and formatted by
one person. There might be spelling or formatting errors. stuff that doesn’t work, feel good, or certain
combinations of abilities that are too strong, weak, etc. You can send feedback to
Work on this game will be slow while I finish Lancer content and it probably won’t receive publishing for
a little while so there is plenty of time to test it. There’ll be regular but slow content for it, including 8
more jobs and at least 3-4 more bonds. Thanks for your patience.
Character sheets
I include character sheets as more of a proof of concept/for visual learners than anything. They might be a
little rough so I apologize in advance. There’s a separate .zip file you can download.
If you like this playtest and want to support my work, please consider supporting me over at my patreon:
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Foreword 2
Legacy of The Arkenlords 6
Rolling Dice 8
Narrative Pla 11
The Action Roll 11
Action Ratings 11
Clocks 14
GM Principles 15
Combat In ICON 18
Chapter 19
Play Example 21
Making a character 24
The Path nder 31
The Seeker 32
The Mighty 33
The Wolf 34
The Harlequin 35
The Bright 36
The Brave 37
Combat, step by step 39
Attacks 41
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Vigor, Elixirs, Camping, and Healing 47
Combat Glossary 48
Relics 52
JOB 53
CLASS: Stalwart 54
Bastion 56
Demon Slayer 59
Class: Vagabond 62
Shade 64
Freelancer 67
CLASS: Mendicant 70
Seer 72
Sealer 76
Enochian 82
Spellblade 86
Advanced Combat 94
FOE 109
Elite 116
Monstrosity 117
Relict 123
Scavenger 126
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underground caverns or passages mostly intact. Many in your position use it to plumb the depths
Within these preserved ruins is also buried the of the old world in search of treasure and fame.
Arkentech of the old empire - magical and Others use it to drive back the Blights and protect
technological creations and devices of terrifying the villages of the Green from the specters of the
import. The ruins themselves are so seeped in the past, or keep the roads and ways safe for the
elden sorcery of the old lords that they exude Dust young and old alike. Some work as mercenaries
- the essence of condensed raw magic highly for the city guilds and take to the sky in great
sought after by the wrights and technological airships, while others wander the land helping the
artisans of the world above. lost or forgotten. Some use their power to kill to
cut away threats to the world, others to defend
Brave or daring adventure seekers or treasure those they hold dear.
hunters often venture into these ruins in search of
wealth or power, and are frequently rewarded, Will you defend the Green Age? Will you help
despite the terrible danger that these expeditions usher in the Churning Age? Or will you cast all
pose. aside to turn the great wheel of history and allow
its stagnant blood to flow again? Whoever you are,
it is your decisions that make you who you are,
The Churning Ag and cement your place in the Tale of Ages.
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ICON has two modes of play: narrative play, When the outcome of an action is unclear, risky,
and tactical combat. The rules for these or contested, a character names their goal and
modes are different and there is next to zero makes an action roll, rolling a number of d6s
overlap between them. It’s entirely possible to run equal to an action rating on their sheet and
a game of ICON entirely in one mode or the other, choosing the best result. The GM tells the player
and rules are provided to play the game only in before they roll the effect and risk of their
narrative mode if you so desire. Typically games action. On a 1-3 the character fails to accomplish
will start in narrative play and remain there their goal and suffers the risk, on a 4-5 they
whenever there is storytelling, free role playing, or succeed but may suffer the risk anyway, take some
a need to move the story somewhere. When other consequences, setback or reduced effect,
there’s a point of tension that can only be decided and on a 6 they succeed with no complications.
through the drama and violence of combat, then There’s many more details on on action rolls in
the game swaps to a grid-based tactical game, the section on narrative play.
with more clearly defined turn order and more
structured rules. In tactical combat, characters mostly use
Expeditions and Interlude
The two rolls in tactical combat are attack rolls
In ICON, characters are adventurers that go on and saves.
expeditions in order to accomplish a goal. On an
expedition they can camp to restore their lost Characters usually make an attack roll when they
health and ease their minds. After the expedition take a hostile action against another character
finishes, they can pause the action to take an with the attack tag. For an attack roll, a
interlude, a longer pause in the action. character rolls a d20 (and may also roll a number
of d6s, or add another number), then compares
Some goals are more long term than a single the final result to their target’s defense, beating it
expedition. Any goal that takes multiple if they match it or roll higher.
expeditions to complete is called a quest.
Characters make saves to avoid or end harmful
Chapte ongoing effects, such as dragon breath, poisonous
gas, being stunned by a boulder, or something
Campaigns of ICON are split into 3 chapters. Over similar. For a save, a character rolls a d20
the course of their adventure, characters will (usually with no modifiers). On an 11 or higher,
become increasingly more powerful, represented they save against the effect successfully, ending or
by levels. Every chapter represents four levels avoiding it.
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There’s many more details on attacks, saves, and that defeated means dead. You can decide if you
tactical combat in the rules in that section. want to run a game with a different tone that
players can decide whether to defeat or kill an
Boon and Curs enemy they reduce to 0 hp, if an enemy is always
killed when reduced to 0 hp, or if an enemy is
Some abilities give rolls boon or curse. These never killed when reduced to 0 hp unless
modifiers represent situational modifiers that can characters take some extra action.
happen during a dangerous and chaotic
adventure. Many character abilities will give Here are the game’s other setting elements:
boons built in and many enemy effects will give
curse. Setting conceit
For narrative play, when a roll has a boon, add an The game takes place in a world called Arden Eld
additional d6 to the roll for each boon. When a (old Arden).
roll has any curse, subtract a d6 for each curse.
Arden Eld is old, wild, and untamed. Where
For tactical combat, when a roll has a boon, roll civilization exists, it is green, pastoral, and
an add a d6 to the total d20 roll for each boon. If idyllic, except for the cities, which are few and
more than one boon is added to a roll, choose the far between. There are no nations the way we
highest d6 result, no matter how many rolled. For think of them today, but there are tight knit
curses, do the opposite (subtract 1d6 per curse, communities and city states.
subtracting the highest for multiple curses).
Arden Eld is post apocalyptic, and full of
Boons and curses cancel each other out, 1 to 1 ruins, dungeons, caverns, and other unexplored
(don’t even roll). and dangerous spaces. There was an ancient,
cruel, and technomagically advanced empire
For example: that collapsed under its own hubris, irrevocably
- A character makes an attack roll with two boons changing the land. In these deep and perilous
and +0 to the roll. They roll 1d20, and gets a 13. spaces there is great treasure in the form of lost
They roll 2d6 (one for each boon), and gets a 3 magic and technology.
and a 4. They take the highest boon result (a 4)
and add it to the total, for 13+4 = 17. Arden Eld is a fantastic world. The technology of
Arden Eld is roughly medieval, but the existence
- A character makes a save with 2 curses and 1 of arkentech means there are firearms, automata,
blessing. The blessing cancels one curse. They roll skyships, and other ancient machines all over the
1d20, and get a 12, then roll 1 remaining curse and place. High technology tends to be rare,
get a 4. Their total result is 12 - 4 = 8, a failure. coveted, and buried.
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Narrative Play
Players typically say what their characters do and The most important rule to remember is that you
say, and the game master tells them how the can’t get more than +2 or -2 additional dice on
world or other characters respond to them. It’s a any roll, no matter how many dice you get
bit like a conversation back and forth between the otherwise.
GM and the players.
Bonus dic
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All of these different situations have different Sometimes the GM can judge an action can have
narrative outcomes and might be more risky or no effect at all. For example, the GM might decide
more or less effective depending on the situation. trying to charm monsters to persuade them that
The key thing is that players always choose the your actions are just may not have any effect.
approach and the action they want to use. The Trying to traverse by leaping up a 50 foot wall
GM is free to suggest actions, and also to decide probably doesn’t have any effect unless it’s already
whether an action is riskier or even been established your character can jump that
effective. This is where the meat of narrative high.
play in ICON lies. Players can use their creativity
to form approaches to problems, and the GM acts Sometimes an action has extraordinary effect, is
as the judge to set the stakes. heroic or outsized in scale, or pushes beyond
mortal limits. This level of effect is called
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superpowered. Characters can get a These two tools together - risk and effect - are
superpowered effect by pushing their effect kept slightly loose for a reason. They let you set
beyond powerful through their abilities or getting the tone of the game you want to play, and also
a critical hit on a powerful action. A superpowered give the GM tools to judge situations based on the
effect can accomplish feats that we normally story.
wouldn’t think possible - like traversing that 50
foot wall in a single leap, smashing a tower to How much can a powerful or super powered
rubble with a blow of your sword, sneaking action do in your game? Can a superpowered
through a whole army, or supernaturally smash destroy a boulder or a whole tower? Does
recalling the exact words of an ancient emperor, changing the mind of the enchantress take a
lost to time. powerful charm or a normal charm? Can a
character command a whole army by themselves
Fortun with normal effect or is that effect weak without
When a character is trying to accomplish a task
that isn’t particularly dangerous or doesn’t have Which actions end up being more or less risky and
obvious consequences, but the action is difficult the consequences of character action also sets the
or the outcome is unclear, they can make a tone. If a character attempts to leap across a wide
fortune roll. This a roll that uses actions as chasm, is that a desperate action, or merely
normal, but the outcome is slightly different, risky? Can a character even jump across a chasm
based on what the character is trying to do: that wide unaided, or will they have no effect
without a superpowered action?
• 1-3: Poor result or outcome
• 4-5: Expected or average result or outcome Might and Magi
• 6: Good result or outcome
• 6,6: Excellent result or outcome One last note - you might notice that there are no
explicitly magical effects in the actions. The
The most common application of these rolls is outcome of the actions and the type of action is
when gathering information about a situation, what’s important. Whether in the story your
or during interludes. For example, a character character is using their skill, physical strength, or
surveys a group of monsters from a distance. The magical forces to perform the action makes no
GM judges that it’s too far for there to be any difference - all heroes are ICONs, after all, and all
danger, so the player makes a fortune roll and gets equally capable of great feats. However you flavor
a 4, getting average information. the action is up to you - you choose which action
rating you think best fits your activity in the story.
Researching and working on long term projects Survey could be your character using magically
are usually all fortune rolls. Tests of ability can be enhanced eyesight to scout a situation, or just
a fortune roll - a character can roll traverse to your character’s keen senses. You could sneak on
see how fast they show up at a scene, for example, your own two feet or with a magical cloaking spell,
or endure to win a drinking contest . Tests of or you can recall by consulting an arcane tome
knowledge are also usually fortune rolls. A instead of your own memory. You could even
character might roll recall to see how much they channel by using your own senses, awareness,
remember about the corrosive properties of Wyrm and intuition, instead of magical ability.
bile, or they might roll tinker to test their
familiarity with a magitech device. Player initiativ
The GM can also make a fortune roll if they want In ICON narrative play, the Game Master
to leave a situation up to chance. How’s the never rolls (except maybe to make a fortune roll
weather? Is the town elder busy today? How rocky here and there, as stated above), and players
are the river rapids up ahead? always have the initiative. Non-player characters,
traps, hazards, etc are not treated like individual
Judging risk, effect and setting ton entities with their own ‘turns’ or action ratings,
but rather like a part of the scene or story, with
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the story itself being the most important thing! take more time, or multiple steps, to complete,
Characters take action, and the GM responds by and doing everything in one roll just doesn’t feel
narrating what happens next. right.
The only way players can take consequences is In all these cases, it’s best to use a clock!
through their own actions. The extent of those
consequences are up to the GM, however, which When you have a clear challenge or goal, you can
could include them ‘losing’ the initiative by set out a clock with an even number of segments
forcing them to react to a situation. In tense (4, 6, 8, 10, 12). You can draw out an actual clock,
situations, a GM can always turn things back on split into segments, or use a tracker, or simply tick
the players and force them to react, even when off check marks if you like. The longer the clock,
players have a successful roll. Always look to ask the more complicated or challenging it will be to
the question “What do you do?” fulfill. Name the clock after the challenge or goal,
not necessarily the method. For example, you can
One Rol have a clock that says ‘Guards’, ‘Traps’, and
Most tasks can be accomplished in one roll, but
you can decide how far one roll goes in your game. When characters take action related to a clock
that would further it in some way, they will fill in
• Will one roll let you sneak into the castle, or will segments on that clock with their actions on a
you need to take a series of actions? successful roll equal to their effect:
• Will one roll let you convince the knight of your • Fill in 2 segments for normal effect
worthiness, or will you need to prove your • 1 for weak,
mettle to them with further actions? • 3 for powerful,
• Will one roll let you fight your way out of the • and 5 for super powered actions.
monster infested flooded passage, or will you
play out tactical combat to get out instead? When the clock fills up completely, the task or
challenge it represents is complete or
Stretching the value of a single roll can let you surpassed. No further action is necessary from
control the tone of the game and how it’s framed - the characters.
how much time and action is covered - and you
can vary it from scene to scene. In the previous example, we could set out a single
clock (maybe a longer one, such as 10 segments)
for the whole castle, called something like ‘The
Clock Castle’. Alternately, we could set out a few
(shorter) clocks representing each major obstacle
as the characters come across them - like ‘Guard
Let’s think about sneaking into the castle in the
in the hallway’, ‘Big complex lock’, ‘Hidden
section above - there may be several discrete tasks
Trapped Room’, judging the characters successful
or obstacles that need to be cleared - guards,
if these smaller clocks are filled in.
locks, trapped doors, you name it. One roll may
not feel right for the purposes of this task. If the
Clocks abstract out a whole task, scene, or series
journey in doesn’t particularly matter, a character
of events. It’s certainly possible to just use a series
could make a single roll to sneak in and have to
of normal rolls for many complex tasks (and a lot
figure out how to get out. Or, if this is something
of tables will play that way). However, using
we want the story to brush past or montage
clocks to represent complicated tasks ensures
through without much further consideration or
you’re only rolling when there’s persistent
consequence, we could do the whole thing in a
narrative tension, constrains the number of rolls
single roll (perhaps this is a scene from the
made for any given task, and creates clear
character’s history, or the task is far below their
parameters for success. It allows the story to
progress and means you don’t have to waste time
lingering on tasks that would otherwise require a
Sometimes a task is too complex or daunting to be
lot of rolling, all of which we find extremely
completed in one roll. Sometimes a task might
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result except a 6 - something that will happen or they are late to the peace summit. Put them
fairly often! on the back foot.
7. Reduce effect - Give characters less effect on
Consequences are typically narrative in nature a successful action, perhaps making them
and will depend on the nature of the action that have to roll again.
the character is taking in the fiction. For example, 8. Inflict strain, as established - Inflict
a character trying to leap a chasm might fall, strain. There’s more on strain below. For a
stumble, or find themselves clinging to the edge if risky action, inflict 2, for a controlled action, 1.
they don’t get a full success. The severity of For a desperate action, inflict 4 strain, or in
consequences should depend on the risk of the rare cases, inflict critical strain.
action that a character is taking, with more
severe consequences the worse the risk Foreshadowing consequence
was. For a controlled action, consequences are
minor, for a desperate action major, and for a It’s good practice as a GM to foreshadow or hint at
standard risk action they should be somewhere in the possible consequences behind a character’s
the middle. In the previous example, a character actions. This is especially important for
might fall completely into the chasm if the action consequences with hard outcomes, such as strain.
was desperate (probably getting majorly hurt!), Establish consequences in the story first. This is
find themselves clinging to the edge on a risky pretty easy and intuitive to do:
action, and maybe drop something on the way
over in a controlled action but otherwise make it • “The robber levels their dagger at your chest. It
over safely. looks pretty sharp.”
• “You can take a shortcut to get ahead of the
Here’s some broad suggestions for the GM when fleeing courier, but you’ll lose sight of her -
inflicting consequences. better hope you catch up.”
• “You can definitely sneak past the sleeping
1. Put someone in a bad spot - Increase the giant, but he’s sleeping lightly and the slightest
risk of their next action. Put them in a worse noise will probably wake him up.”
position than before, like teetering on the edge
of a cliff, separated from the group, sliding off Sometimes players will even suggest possible
a rooftop, or in the middle of a crowded guard outcomes or consequences for their own actions -
post. in which case you should run with it. You can also
2. Start a ticking clock - Start a ticking clock communicate this pretty easily by setting risk for
for a much worse consequence. Perhaps a actions. Don’t worry too much about doing it
character knocks a pillar, now the whole room every time, just try to remember when you inflict
is about to collapse. hard or severe outcomes to communicate the
3. Tick an existing clock - Tick 1-2 segments possible outcomes before the character takes the
for a partial success, tick 2-3 for a failure. If action - and allow players to back out of their
the action was desperate or controlled tick ideas if they want. This helps the game feel fair.
more or less.
4. Offer a hard choice - Make characters
choose between two harder outcomes - do you Strain and Burden
want to recover the key to the ancient door or
let the treasure chest fall into the abyss? When a character is physically hurt, mentally
5. Weigh them down - Present characters with drained, or narrowly avoids injury from a
a sudden obstacle or hindrance - pin them situation, they take strain.
under a heavy boulder, give them an annoying
hanger-on at the party, blow out all the In base ICON, characters are heroic and larger
torches and make the room pitch black than life. Only the stresses and stakes of tactical
6. Make them lose initiative - The character combat can truly hurt characters. Outside of
misses a window of opportunity or loses combat, they take strain. Taking strain
valuable time. They lose sight of the thief represents the mental and physical effort a
they’re pursuing, a door slams shut on them, character must put into avoid serious bodily
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When a character breaks, they clear their strain When getting into trouble or invoking a burden
boxes and take a burden, and at the end of the means changing a character’s behavior or making
scene they cease to be broken and can act them act out-of-character, the GM can say what
normally. happens but it can be up to the player to act it out.
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Narrative Comba
Combat In ICO
As an alternative or companion to tactical combat,
ICON has a tactical combat system, but this you can play combat scenes out exactly like you’d
system doesn’t have to get used to represent every play out any other narrative scene - using action
occasion when violence breaks out. You have a rolls, clocks to track challenges, etc.
couple options, including not playing with tactical
combat at all! Combat action
If using narrative combat, you can use a
character’s combat ratings when they inflict
Use tactical comba violence in narrative play. There are three ratings:
By default, ICON assumes GMs and other players
• Skirmish: Act with mobile, fast, and quiet
will be using the tactical combat system in the
violence. Powerful against numerous foes, but
second half of this book. This system is only for
Weak against larger, tougher, or armored foes.
when the stakes or the tension are high and must
• Snipe: Act with long range, precise, but slow
be resolved through combat. In tactical combat,
violence. Less Risky at a distance. More Risky
characters can actually be hurt or killed, and
up close.
they are going to use the full extent of their
might - all their destructive magical and physical
power. If the scene doesn’t warrant that, or the
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• Crush: Act with strong, loud, and close challenges characters could be expected to handle
violence. Powerful against larger, tougher, or as beginning adventurers. Chapter 2 is for
armored foes. Weak against numerous foes. established adventurers, and Chapter 3 is for
legendary adventurers.
Characters start with one rating at 2, one at 1,
and one at 0, and can improve them like any Character’s actions are more effective and less
other action rating. The flavoring and theming of risky against threats and challenges 1 chapter
a character’s action and attacks is up to the player, lower than them. Against threats and challenges 2
and any rating could be used for physical or chapters lower than them, characters can surpass
magical combat. them without rolling at all, or in one roll.
In a narrative combat situation, characters don’t The opposite is true. Character’s actions are less
have to just use combat ratings, but can use any effective or more risky (or both!) against
action to progress a clock, as long as its effective. challenges 1 chapter higher than them, and have
reduced effect twice and increased risk against
In this situation, don’t treat monsters or foes like challenges 2 or more chapters higher, which could
you would in a traditional rpg, but instead use mean they have no effect at all!
clocks, risk, and effect to represent them. The GM
can adjudicate or adjust these based on the Characters can tackle higher Chapter threats by
qualities of the foes characters are facing, deciding mitigating risk and effect as normal, such as
which actions in the moment would be more or through using Superpowered actions.
less effective.
In the above example with the Wyrm, the GM
For example, characters are fighting a Wyrm in might rule that the Wyrm is a Chapter 2 foe, a
open combat. The Wyrm itself might be powerful monster, and players will be less
represented with a 10 or 12 segment clock (a effective against it (and take more risky actions) if
pretty powerful foe!) with segments filled in as they want to tackle it now. Or they could rule it’s a
characters take actions against it. A character legendary monster and players have no current
flinging daggers at a mighty armored wyrm with recourse against it without special preparation or
Skirmish might have no effect, or be a weak and superpowered actions.
desperate action. A different character trying to
hit that wyrm’s weak scale with a snipe action What constitutes chapter appropriate depends on
might have normal effect and the action might the tone of your game, and what superpowered
merely be risky. However, another character using effect can do in your game. Here’s some examples
Survey might try and spot openings for the for a game I’d run, however:
rapier-wielding player, changing their effect, or a
character might use Smash to topple a pillar onto Chapter 1
the Wyrm to immobilize it, Endure to grapple its • Fighting a small band of bandits or an average
jaws and hold its attention, Charm to distract it, monster
etc. All these actions can key into each other and • Scaling a high manor wall
all of them could potentially fill out the Wyrm’s • Swimming across a river
clock to defeat it. • Surviving in the wilderness for a few weeks
• Sneaking into a camp undetected
• Charming a merchant into better prices
Chapte • Commanding a few lackeys
• Deciphering odd runes from a ruin
Chapter is a rough approximation of power level
in ICON, and narrative play is no exception. The Chapter 2
following rule applies for Chapter in narrative • Fighting a large group of well trained soldiers
play: • A tough, intelligent, or powerful monster
• Scaling a huge castle wall
When the players come across a challenge, assign • Sneaking into a guarded castle
a Chapter to it. Chapter 1 is for threats and • Riding a monster without a saddle
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If you’re broken in a scene (you maxed out on All characters can make an action roll to set up
harm and took a burden), if you push or receive another character - for example by distracting the
aid, you can act normally for a single roll. You merchant while your ally sneaks up behind them,
don’t get the bonus die or effect, however. studying a monster for a weak point, or charming
a mercenary your ally wants to hire. Your roll has
no effect by itself, and you can still take
Bond Power consequences, but your ally gets +1 boon or
increased effect on the action you set up if your
Bond Powers are special abilities that either give
roll is successful. Some bond powers give more
you the ability to do something without rolling, or
powerful set ups or key off setups.
boost your existing actions or abilities. They are
very powerful and help distinguish your character.
You can further define what your characters’
specific powers look like and where they come
Play Exampl
Here’s a quick play example.
• Scene: Some powers or Bond features (like
stress relief) apply until the end of the current Play example: The hall of deat
scene, or can only trigger once a scene. A scene
is a contiguous series of events where we don’t The GM is playing with two players, Alice and
‘cut away’ from the action. When we enter a new Marco. Alice’s character has the Bond of the
sequence of action or dialogue (like a new room Mighty, James’ character has the bond of the
in a dungeon, a new challenge, a different Pathfinder.
conversation happening in a different place) the
previous scene is over. This is pretty easy to The character are exploring a ruin and reach a
judge naturalistically. hallway. The GM knows this hallway is trapped
• Limited Powers: Certain Bond Powers can with pressure plates (on the floor) which will
only be used by spending Stress, and many can cause poison darts to fly out from the far wall. A
only be used a certain number of times per tough scenario!
game session. You get these powers back at the
start of a new session. The GM can do a couple things here. If characters
• Range: A few powers have a loose effect range - take action without checking the hallway out, the
these are hand (within hand’s reach), close traps end up being an obvious consequence for
(within speaking distance), far (within shouting their actions, and their actions are probably risky,
distance), and vision (within distance of vision) if not desperate! If characters take a moment to
survey the hallway and get good information, the
Gambit GM can make their actions more effective or more
controlled moving forward, since they know about
Normally you can only take powers from your the traps.
own Bond. However, once you have four powers
from your own bond (including your starting The GM can also decide to let the whole thing get
power), you can take a Gambit, which is a power covered in one roll. Or, if the trap is more
from any bond. dangerous or complicated, they can set up a clock
for it.
The GM can use good practices and foreshadow
Some powers give you a knack. A knack is a skill threats here by showing the players that the hall
or area of expertise or knowledge, usually specific. might be trapped.
When you can apply your knack to a roll, get +1
Boon (+1d6) on the roll. Let’s see some permutations of each of these
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GM (offering a choice): Your action was If the characters are in a higher chapter than the
controlled thanks to your power, so you don’t get treat, a hall like this, in the fiction, may not pose
riddled with darts, but you’ve got a tough choice. much of a threat. The GM can ignore it, make it a
You don’t make it quite down the hall, and you’re single roll, or make it a shorter clock. If the
close enough to see the mechanism. Do you try characters are in a lower chapter than the hallway,
and leap forward disable it now, and maybe get maybe it poses a huge threat and is super risky,
poisoned for your trouble, or do you try and make and the character’s actions are less effective.
another roll? I’ll let you finish the clock right now
if you want.
Marco: I’m going for it.
GM: Ok! You dive forward and jam your blade
into the mechanism. A vaporous cloud of poison
pours out from the dart holes as the trap
deactivates. You’re going to take 2 strain from the
Marco: Ouch. That would give me a burden.
Alice: Can I use my stress ability to take the strain
instead by pushing Marco aside?
GM: Yeah… but you’re not close enough - you
were put in a bad position, right?
Alice: Ah, ok. Can I just throw my shield and
smash the mechanism before it manages to poison
GM (Avoiding saying ‘no’ to this creative
solution): Sure, I think that would reduce the
strain, but give me a roll. Risky, since you’re
trying to do it quickly from far away!
Alice: Ok, I’m going to use 1 stress to push this.
(Rolls 2, 3, 6). A 6!
GM: Cool. You hurl your shield and crumble the
wall, sealing off the vapor. Marco only takes 1
Marco: Nice.
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Making a character
To make a character in ICON:
Folk of Arden El
The collective peoples and folk of ICON are
collectively referred to as Kin. Kin have lived in Thryn
Arden Eld since time immemorial.
The Aethrynn, or Thrynn (most commonly) are
When you make a character, choose what Kintype found everywhere across Arden Eld. They are an
you are. There’s no statistical or mechanical adaptable, diverse people with a strong sensitivity
differences in game terms for whatever Kin you to Aether and a strong connection to arkentech,
pick. It’s true, for example, that Troggs as a whole some say because they are direct descendants of
are larger and stronger than most Thrynn. the Arken that survived or fled the Doom and the
However, each individual is different, and more dark age that followed. They make up a large part
importantly you are a hero. of airship crews and captains in the great Guilds
due to their potential for aether sensitivity making
Your bond is more important for determining the them excellent pilots.
kind of person you are. If you want to play up the
unique attributes of your Kin, you can pick a bond Thrynn are made up of a dazzling swathe of
that fits that fantasy, and pick actions that fill out backgrounds that span the continent. They tend to
what you want your character to be strong at. A live in clans that cluster into villages, towns, and
strong, physically powerful Trogg may want to city associations. Symbology and culture of the
pick the Mighty Bond. An agile Xixo who is an ancient Thrynn clans, called the Seven Families,
excellent swimmer may pick the Pathfinder bond. are present in many modern cultures of Arden
Eld, and some draw strength and purpose from
Broadly speaking members of all Kin can be found their ancient texts and teachings.
in every part of the world and every walk of life in
ICON, and none have any ancestral nation, Some Thrynn will occasionally have small glowing
‘homeland’, or monoculture, especially due to the ‘star-marks’ on their body, especially when
ancient influence of the Arken Empire. attuned to or channeling strong sources of Aether.
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These can form constellations of stars or twisting with tails. The Troggs reproduce slowly, have few
branch-like patterns under their skin. children, and treasure them greatly. Trogg
Occasionally these marks are strong enough that children spend a long time maturing and only
even being near to a strong source of Aether is reach adulthood around forty years old.
enough to light them up.
Like other Kin, Troggs are hugely diverse in their
Very rarely, Thryn are born with delicate vestigial backgrounds and cultures but due to their small
insect-like wings, not capable of flight. Children number tend to be loners or outsiders to the
born this way are given special attention, having communities they join. In legends, they are
been divinely marked, and often have roles in the supernaturally tolerant of heat and can handle
community leadership or priesthood prepared for even molten metal with their bare hands, though
them. They may grow into these roles or how much this holds up in real life varies from
eventually reject them. Trogg to Trogg. Very traditional Troggs worship
the Elden Flame, the primal force of creation, and
give themselves over to the study of smithing or
the aetherial arts. Since Trogg artisans live a long
time, they can accumulate several lifetimes of
knowledge that Kin from a similar background
could accumulate.
Troggs, also called Ogres, are horned demi-giants
that are few in number but outsize in stature.
Legend has it that the Troggs descend from the
Titans who originally kept the four pillars of the
world stable before they were slain by the Arken,
or at least have some titan blood running through
their veins. Adult Troggs typically stand anywhere
The variety of animal-like Kin found across Arden
between six and eight feet tall, and never stop
Eld can be broadly called Beastfolk. They are the
growing throughout their very long lifetimes,
most common Kin and the most diverse
sometimes living four or five hundred years and
physically. There are many clans of beast folk:
growing to truly enormous stature. All have horns
of various size and shapes, and some are born
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yearly harvests. Neighboring villages tend to commerce with the mainland. Islanders have
depend on each other for trade, safety, and strong taboos about going back on promises, and
information, and come together for festivals (of value someone’s word very strongly.
which there are many, especially in the summer
months). The villages typically are run by a city Respect for strength, a healthy sense of
elder, or a council of elders and have a strong humor, reliability, and independence are all
connection to nature and its cycles. Faithful strong values for Islanders. Outsiders can
villagers tend to pay their respects to the spirits or sometimes see them as insular, surly, or loud.
the Titans at local forest shrines or holy sites such
as pools or groves.
+1 to two: Excel, Tinker, or Survey
Villagers tend to be proud of their local traditions,
festivals, and gods. Most villages have a regional
The villages of the Green rely on a healthy
cooking or craft specialty, and people will often
network of trade caravans, peddlers, crafts-kin,
visit from many towns over just to sample them.
menders, and healers of all kinds. Parts of these
One village might specialize in iron and smithing
networks are made up of local farmers and
work, another might be known for the quality of
traders, but over time some of the caravans have
its steamed buns, and another might have miles of
grown into permanent residences and a quasi-
beautiful grazing pastures and be known for the
religious way of life for the people that crew them,
quality of its milk and dairy products.
who have come to be known as the Leggio. Their
massive, colorful caravans make seasonal
Regional village councils sometimes will gather a
rotations around Arden Eld, stopping in the cities
militia to defend against a surfacing ruin or a
to resupply, and are broadly welcome wherever
blight, and those towns very close to the ruins
they show up, since it means a chance to buy,
typically have a wall to keep out roaming
repair, and indulge in all the necessities and
monsters. Many villages, especially those deep in
luxuries so sorely missed. The Leggio always eat
the wilderness, will train some or most of their
well and trade fairly with the towns, and will often
members in old and secretive martial arts
take on travelers who are seeking safe passage to
techniques unique to each village that can be used
the next village, post, or city.
to defend the village in times of crisis.
Nearly all Leggio have some sort of family trade or
Community, hard work, respect for nature,
skill they are specialized in (sometimes multiple),
and family are strong values for Yeokin.
and many famous or legendary artisans, smiths,
Outsiders can sometimes see them as parochial,
and weapon makers come from old Leggio
stubborn, and uncultured.
families. Leggio Grand Caravans can be two (or
sometimes three!) stories high and are carved
Islande with family histories. They are pulled by draft
+1 to two: Smash, Endure or Command beasts and sometimes captive monsters, who are
kept docile by Leggio beast tamers.
The islands around Arden Eld are an oddity, in
that most of the arkenruins out there are sunken Leggio are nearly all armed and trained in fighting
beneath the ocean. Unfortunately, this has only since they were young as they often have to pass
made them more active. The island chains are through dangerous or blighted areas in order to
beautiful, sun-soaked places that seem paradise- reach a town in need. They regard their duty to
like to many Kin, but the people that live there are keep towns supplied as sacred and pray to the
tough and disciplined, having to constantly Titan of chance to give them safe passage.
defend their idyllic-seeming homes from horrors
that rise unendingly from the sea. Islanders are Craft, sociability, discipline, and
prolific sailors, strong drinkers, and prodigious hospitality are all strong values for Leggio.
fighters. They tend to have a dark sense of humor Outsiders can sometimes see them as brash,
and more than a touch of bravado. Most of their overly friendly, or nosy.
living is made through fishing, carpentry,
mercenary work, and through trade and
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The Pathfinder
Discover new things, meet new people, learn new • Freesoul - You can escape from any restraint,
things. The Pathfinder is always looking to grab, shackle, hold, or prison cell without
horizon. They’re the first to clamber up the rolling. You can conceal this ability if you wish.
mountain, leap across the river, or dash down • Lay Burdens - 1/session, When you enter a
the slope. The road is their friend and they can’t populated location, tick 1 segment on up to two
wait to see what’s around the corner. burdens of your choice.
• Airfeel - When you camp or start an
+2 Traverse expedition, you can ask any of the following
questions about the next day or so of travel and
Ideal get a yes or no answer from the GM:
- I addressed challenges with curiosity, discovery, • Is it a long, dangerous, or arduous
or understanding journey?
- I expressed my heritage, background, or beliefs • Is the journey defended or contested?
through my actions • Are you currently being pursued, tracked,
- I saw, heard, or tasted something truly unique or hunted?
• Colortongue - You can understand and speak
Max stress: 1 all languages and read all scripts.
Stress relief: Relieve stress when you enter a • Horizon Sweeper - When you’re outside, your
new scene. survey actions have increased effect and aren’t
Stress special: Leading traverse or sneak affected by weather or time or day.
actions doesn’t cost stress for you • Memory of the Sole - Name a location you
Strain: 4 last set up camp. The GM will determine the
difficulty of the journey there by answering the
questions below. When the next scene starts,
POWER you and up to ten other willing people can
• Saddleborn - Get a knack for riding animals choose to be safely there if you take 2 strain for
or piloting vehicles each ‘yes’ answer, which could cause you to
• Windrider - When you push yourself to take a break. Work backwards to figure out how you
traverse or sneak action, you also get got there (the scene doesn’t necessarily have to
increased effect and choose one of the following take place the next hour or day, for example).
for the action: you don’t touch the ground, you • Is it a long, dangerous, or arduous journey?
don’t make a sound, you can’t be touched while • Is the location defended or contested?
moving. You can spend 1 additional stress for • Are you currently being pursued, tracked, or
additional effects. hunted?
• Dabbler - Get +1 point to put in any action • Lightspeed - 1/session - Your next traverse
rating. At the start of an interlude, you must action has superpowered effect
swap this point around to a new action. It can’t • Gambit of Momentum (requires 4
take any rating higher than 4. powers): Take a power from another Bond
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The Seeker
Uncover forbidden knowledge, untangle people, • Darksight - You can see in the dark, which
teeter on the edge of sanity. The Seeker wants could make your risk and effect better. Your
answers - about the world, about magic, about study and channel actions get increased effect
monsters, about themselves - all of it. Their keen in darkness.
wits let them cut through any situation, even if • Unhinge - Your desperate actions have
they may not like what they uncover. increased effect
• Dark Clarity - 2/session - Close your eyes and
+2 Study study the ambient emotional state of someone
in close distance from you (make a roll). If your
Ideal action is successful, your next action against
- I addressed challenges with investigation, that person gets +1 boon and increased effect. If
intuition, or instinct your action fails, take 1 strain and regain a use
- I expressed my heritage, background, or beliefs of this ability.
through my actions • Possession - 2/session - Ask a presence inside
- I questioned my own understanding of the world you for advice. The GM will answer. Get +1d on
the next action to follow the advice as if the
Stress: 2 presence aided you.
Stress relief: Relieve stress when you discover • Instinctive - 2/session - Describe a course of
something hidden, forbidden, or secret. action to the GM you plan to take in the same
Stress special: When stressed out, you get +1d scene. You will receive an answer that is
on study, channel, or recall and can aid in those truthful, if unclear, that comes from a feeling.
actions without spending stress. The GM can choose from the following options:
Strain: 4 Wheel (good/positive outcomes), Stone (bad/
negative outcomes), and Chaos (a mix of good
and bad outcomes).
POWER • Geist - When you touch someone skin to skin
and tick 2 stress, even if you break contact, you
• Heartsight - 1/session - Close your eyes. You can see through their eyes and experience their
can view a location within far distance for 1 sensations and ambient emotional state, though
minute as if you were there as an invisible you can do little but observe, and they are not
observer, hearing and seeing everything. You aware of your presence. The effect lasts until the
cannot move your point of vision, and your body end of the scene, or until you use this ability
is immobile and vulnerable while taking this again, and while you’re concentrating on it, you
action, and you can end it any time. You don’t cannot do anything yourself except sit in quiet
have to be able to see the location you’re trying focus, otherwise the effect breaks. A player
to view. character must be willing.
• Library Organ - 1/session - Get +1d on study, • Living Tome - 1/session - Increase the effect of
channel, and recall actions for the rest of the your next Recall or Study action to
scene, but -1d on all other actions Superpowered
• Argus - You get a knack for sensing danger, • Gambit of Knowledge (requires 4
hidden traps, or ambushes, and can use this powers): Take a power from another Bond
knack on any action when surprised.
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The Mighty
Use your prodigious physical or magical that (you have 3 burdens for example) this effect
strength to destroy obstacles and help your ends at the end of the scene.
friends. The Mighty revels in strength and • Iron jaw - You can’t suffer critical strain (take
power, and presents an unbreakable front to the 4 strain instead)
enemy, but uses that power not to oppress and • Volcanic - 2/session - When someone or
control, but to protect the vulnerable and stand something harms an ally in your presence, you
against evil. can trigger this ability to get +1d or increased
effect (choose) on all actions against them for
+2 Smash the rest of the scene
• Hammersoul - Your Smash actions have
Ideal increased effect when you’re stressed out
- I addressed challenges with strength, leadership, • Overpower - You can push by taking 2 strain
or force instead of spending stress for Endure and
- I expressed my heritage, background, or beliefs Smash actions
through my actions • Stoneskin - The first time you take strain in a
- Someone challenged me or my friends and I session, reduce it to 0
didn’t back down • Force of Will - 1/session - You can choose to
automatically treat your next Command action
Stress: 2 roll against another character as a 6. The GM
Stress relief: Relieve stress when you take strain can decide a character is too strong willed for
for others, or take strain while aiding others this to work on them, but if they do, heal 2
Stress special: When an ally close to or closer stress.
suffers strain, you can take the strain for them. • Half Light - When you gather information
You can resist it as normal. about violence or possible threats, you can use
Strain: 5 Endure, Smash, or Command
• The Wall - 1/session - This scene only, reduce
all strain suffered by 1, to a minimum of 1
POWER • Make Total Destroy - 1/session - Increase the
effect of your next Smash action to
• True Grit - When you break, you remain in superpowered
control of your character for the rest of the • Gambit of Strength (requires 4 powers):
scene. If you would remain broken longer than Take a power from another Bond
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The Wolf
You are a tough exterior covered in scars. Your • Blood Scent - You get a knack for tracking or
competency makes you strong, but you also can’t intimidating anyone or anything that’s wounded
let anyone see where you’re vulnerable. The wolf • Go for a Walk - 2/session - When you act
stands strong alone, but can’t forget that they completely alone, you can trigger this ability to
ultimately rely on the pack. get +1d or increased effect on your action
• Cornered - When you are clearly outnumbered
+2 Excel in a hostile situation, reduce all strain you suffer
by 1, to a minimum of 1
Ideal • Viper - If there’s any question about who acts
- I addressed challenges with precision, coldness, first in a scene, its you. If there’s multiple
or intimidation characters with this power, roll off.
- I expressed my heritage, background, or beliefs • It’s Nothing - During Heal Burdens, heal 2
through my actions extra ticks on a burden of your choice if nobody
- I let my mask crack helps you heal burdens. Heal 1 tick on two
burdens if someone does help you heal, instead
Stress: 4 of just one burden. You can’t help other people
Stress relief: Relieve stress when you fix heal burdens.
someone else’s mistakes. • Crack Shell - When you’re stressed out, you
Stress special: You cannot take or benefit from can benefit from aid actions and team actions
aid or team actions. normally, and can take aid actions without
Strain: 4 spending stress.
• Bishop - When you set someone up, that
person gets both +1d and increased effect on the
POWER set up roll.
• Clarity - If you break, clear all stress, and you • Wick - 1/session - Increase the power of your
can push your next action for free next Sneak action to superpowered
• Scarcoat - +1 max strain per Burden you have • Gambit of the Fang (requires 4 powers):
Take a power from another Bond
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The Harlequin
Trick, humiliate, and dance around the powerful. • Mockingbird - You get a knack for mimicking
The Harlequin despises those who take sounds or voices
themselves too seriously, and delights in slipping • Fast Friends - 2/session - You can choose to
in and out of conversations, roles, and situations. automatically treat your next charm action roll
as a 6. If you do, its effects only last a minute
+2 charm until its target(s) realize they were manipulated.
• The Big Show - Critical hits on excel,
Ideal charm, or sneak actions relieve 1 stress for all
- I addressed challenges with cunning, subterfuge, party members who witness your feats
or deceit • Habitual Line Stepper - 2/session - You
- I expressed my heritage, background, or beliefs instantly disappear from sight and re-appear
through my actions somewhere nearby in close distance. You don’t
- I talked my way out of a charged situation have to see your destination, but you are
shunted back to your starting point if it’s
Stress: 3 occupied or obstructed (like trying to hop into
Stress relief: Relieve stress when you get in solid rock, for example).
trouble with someone or something powerful • Quickfingers - 1/session - Name an object
Stress special: When you’re stressed out, get nearby that you can see that could fit or carry in
+1d on sneak one or both hands. By the start of the next
Strain: 4 scene, you have possession of it. If you stole it,
the person you stole it from will find out within
the hour
POWER • Ridi Pagliacci - You can invoke each of your
burdens instead of spending a stress, once a
• Mirrormask - You can always tell if someone session for each burden
is lying if you can see their face, though the • Exuent - When you lead an action to flee or
nature of the lie is unclear escape trouble, don’t spend stress.
• Mercurio - You can change your appearance • Tongue of the Bards - 1/session - Increase
completely by spending 2 stress, including the power of your next Charm action to
height, weight, gender presentation, etc. You superpowered
must appear as Kin (a person), but you could be • Gambit of the Laughing Titan (requires 4
a different Kintype, and otherwise everything powers): Take a power from another Bond
else is up to you. This effect lasts until you
camp, or until you eat or drink something, and
while active you get a knack for impersonation.
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The Bright
You gather your group with cheer and good effect with or against characters or creatures
attitude. You use your power to fix, heal, and that trust you.
mend. You can be quiet, but when you’re loud, • Untangle - When you help someone else lift
people listen. burdens, you increase their segments healed by
+1, and heal 1 segment yourself
+2 Command • Pangloss - When you fail a desperate action,
your next action can be pushed for free.
Ideal • A Better Way - When you channel to
- I addressed challenges with diplomacy, understand how something or someone is hurt
positivity, faith, or empathy or broken, get +1d and increased effect
- I expressed my heritage, background, or beliefs • Mender - 2/session - You can channel or
through my actions tinker to heal someone’s strain. Check the final
- I defused a potentially violent situation result:
• 0-3 - Characters can gain 1 stress to heal 1
Stress: 5 strain
Stress relief: You can’t relieve stress. • 4-5 - Character heals 1 strain
Stress special: You can relieve someone else’s • 6 - Character heals 2 strain
stress by 1 by spending 1 stress. • 6,6 - Character heals 4 strain
Strain: 4 • Encourage - 2/session - Spend a use of this
ability to use aid without spending stress or
• Push through - You can spend 1 strain instead exposing yourself to consequences
of spending stress to take aid actions • Take Hope - When you critical hit on an action
• Divine Luck - When you take strain as a roll, you can tick a segment on one of your or a
consequence, roll a 1d6 fortune roll. On 6, single ally’s burdens
reduce the strain suffered to 0. • Gaia - 1/session - Increase the effect of your
• Illuminate - Your Charm, channel, and next Channel or Command action to
tinker actions have +1 boon and increased superpowered
• Gambit of the World Soul (requires 4
powers): Take a power from another Bond
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The Brave
Use your courage, luck, and wits to smash head aided you or were in a team action) also reduce
on into problems. The Brave is always at the incoming strain by the same amount
front line, hurling themselves at problems, and • Luck as a Constant - When you critical hit,
hoping their allies will pick up the pieces. They’re lose 1 stress and 1 strain
at their best when relying on fate, teamwork, and • All in - Using Aid to help a character taking a
the power of perseverance. desperate action costs 0 stress for you
• Joyluck Wind Thrower - When you take a
+2 Endure desperate action, you can take +1d on the
action. If you do, you can’t resist, gain aid, or
Ideal reduce or transfer strain suffered in any way.
- I addressed challenges with perseverance, • The Sun- 1/session - Gain increased effect on
friendship, and passion all actions for the rest of the scene
- I expressed my heritage, background, or beliefs • Coordinate - Aiding you on team actions costs
through my actions 0 stress
- I trusted someone with my life • Heart of Hearts: 1/session - You can flash
back to a scene from your past or hometown and
Stress: 3 describe how your memory of that time inspires
Stress relief: Relieve stress when you charge you in the current moment. You can treat your
forth without a plan next roll as though you rolled a critical hit (6,6).
Stress special: When you lead a team action, get You can only use this ability three times ever,
+1d on the action and when you expend its third use, replace this
Strain: 4 power with another one.
• Team Player - When any ally sets you up,
you have increased effect on your next roll
POWER • Brave Destiny - Your critical hits have
• Strike the road - The first team action you superpowered effect
lead in a session costs you 0 stress • Gambit of the Wheel Smashing King
• Stronger Together - When you reduce (requires 4 powers): Take a power from
strain (from resistance or otherwise), allies another Bond
that suffer strain from the same action (if they
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When you go into a situation in ICON where high- alternate taking turns. When everyone (allies and
stakes violence is about to break out, it’s probably foes alike) have taken their turn, a round passes,
time to go into tactical combat. Combat is ICON is and a new round begins.
for answering the tensions or questions that
words alone can’t solve - when the outcomes are This section is basic combat rules. For
important, and true mettle is tested. Typically advanced combat rules (with more detailed
heroes fight against the monsters and horrors that explanations of some statuses, effects, and each
clamber within and without the sunken chambers section), you can see further down this section.
of the arkenruins, but sometimes you may find Each class and subclass has the combat rules,
yourself fighting against other people when an statuses, and effects most relevant to it explained
argument can’t be solved any other way. at the start of its section.
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• Defense: How hard it is to land a blow on you That isn’t to say there isn’t power to be found in
in combat. A hostile character must beat or gear and weapons, but ICON only cares about the
match your defense with a to-hit roll to hit you truly legendary stuff. During your adventures, you
with an attack (and you have to do the same to will recover and unlock powerful Relics, ancient
them) magic that can take the form of armor, weapons,
• Armor: Subtract all damage taken by your or enchanted items. These relics must be leveled
armor (unless that damage has the pierce tag). up alongside your character by infusing them with
• Speed: Affects how far you move when you Dust, which you can recover as a reward from
take a standard move, run, or dash. your exploits. Dust can also be used to empower
• Size: How many spaces (square) you take up on your group as a whole by investing it into your
the battlefield. Player character are all size 1. Camp, or infused into more temporary items of
power, called Arkentech.
• Attack bonus: Depends on job. Add this
number to your attacks.
• Damage: Damage in ICON depends on your Combat, step by ste
job, and comes in different degrees. Every class
has a damage die (d6, d8, etc) and a fray
The Golden Rule(s
damage value (a low, fixed amount).
There are two general rules that apply to this
• Saves: When you make a save, roll 1d20, and
save against the effect on an 11+.
1. Specific beats general. Armor usually
• Resolve: Resolve is a resource you build up
reduces all damage, however the pierce
slowly over combat and you must spend to use
tag, which says it ignores armor, takes
your most powerful abilities, called Limit
precedent, because it’s more specific.
2. Round up to the nearest whole number.
• Traits: Passive abilities, based on your job,
class, or your relics, that always apply to your Turn orde
character. These are unique to your job and
class. A player character always takes the first turn in
• Abilities: The actions you can take in combat, any combat in ICON (players can decide which).
based on the jobs you have taken. You can have Once their turn is finished, the game master will
six abilities active on any expedition, and one choose a hostile character to take their turn.
Limit Break. All abilities have talents which are Players then choose another player character or
unlockable improvements to each ability. All allied npc to go, then the game master chooses a
abilities, even Limit Breaks, have a master hostile character, then so on and so forth,
talent which further improves the ability. alternating. Once there is only characters of one
• Gambit: One of your abilities (just one, side left, they take their turns one after the other
typically) can be taken outside your class. in any order. The round then starts with a
character from the opposite side that ended the
last round (so if the round ends with a player
Strength of Spiri
character turn, it will start with an npc turn).
You may notice that unlike other RPGs, in ICON,
your health, defense, attack bonus, armor, and Slow turn
even damage are determined by your job, not
your gear. In general, this game expects in tactical At the start of a combat, at the start of any round,
combat for your character to be as well armed and or if they are forced to (because they become
armored as they possibly can, given their training, inflicted with the slow status, for example),
background, and powers. The armor, weapons, characters can take a slow turn. Slow turns follow
and look of your character is up to you. If you’re the same rules for every other turn (they alternate
not well armed and armored, then don’t go into ally-enemy-ally-enemy), except slow characters
tactical combat! take their turns after all other non-slow
characters have acted (imagine it like its own
mini-round). Some abilities get powered up when
39 of 142
used on a slow turn, or you may choose to take If you move through spaces adjacent to a hostile
one for a tactical advantage. character, each space of movement costs +1
more space to move through. This is called
The Gri engagement.
Combat in ICON is fought on a square grid, with Moving through certain terrain on the battlefield
equal space representing 5 ft on each side. The can also slow your movement. Difficult terrain,
grid is an abstract of the battlefield, so it’s not like mud, snow, or swamp, increases the cost by
necessary to translate everything perfectly. When +1 space. Moving up elevation also costs +1
measuring distances and range, measure from the space.
edge of the origin space (or character).
These effects can all stack.
If movement would cost too much to even make a
Any character that can take action or takes up move (moving past an enemy in the snow might
space is called a Character. cost 3 spaces to move 1 space for example), then
the movement can’t be taken.
On your tur
Dashing is a special form of movement. When you
On your turn in any combat, you can move up to dash, your movement ignores engagement, so
your speed, then take two actions. Some you can move normally past other characters, and
abilities cost both your actions to perform. You also doesn’t trigger interrupts (so other
can only use one ability with the attack tag per characters can’t take advantage of it to attack or
round, no matter what, and you can only use harm you).
each action or ability once on your turn (no
duplicate actions).
Basic Action
Tactical combat is a highly structured game in
A character can make a single standard move ICON. Activities that are not specified here or
action on their turn at any point during their covered by the rules here can’t be taken by
turn, moving spaces up to their speed. All character in tactical combat, the same as in any
characters get this action for free on each of their board game or video game you might enjoy. If you
turns. want to improvise, be creative, or add a flourish to
your abilities, you can do it within the constraints
All movement in ICON, whether granted by an of your character’s abilities and actions - there are
ability or effect, must be taken orthogonally (in plenty to choose from!
straight directions, no diagonal movement),
unless specified, and it can’t be broken up by Run (1 action): Move half your speed, rounded
other actions. You can stop at any point during up.
movement to take an action or interrupt, but if Dash (2 actions): Dash your speed.
you do, the movement ends. There are exceptions Interact (1 action): Interact with something on
to both these rules but unless specified all the map that takes more than a few moments,
movement in ICON works this way. such as pulling a lever, opening a heavy door,
picking up a heavy object, etc.
You can’t move through obstructions that block Rescue (1 action): Help an adjacent defeated
your movement (by default hostile characters or ally. They end the incapacitated state on
terrain), unless an ability allows you to do so. You themselves and heal to full hit points, minus any
can move through allied characters but not end wounds they’ve taken.
your turn in their space. Basic attack (1 or 2 actions): Make a basic
light or heavy attack
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Whack (1 action): Kick, punch, or throw • Light attack (1 action): On hit, deal light
something from the environment. Deal 1 physical damage. On miss, no effect.
damage as an effect to a character in range 3. • Heavy Attack (2 actions): On hit, deal heavy
damage. On miss, deal light damage. If your
That’s it! These actions seem rather limited total roll is 20+, your attack is a critical hit
because all characters in ICON, including the foes and deals critical damage.
you will face, also have powerful abilities they
can use. If you do want to improvise, use the Let’s break down attacks a little more:
constraints of the rules offered here or in your
abilities. For example, if you want to knock over a Targeting and Rang
heavy boulder so it smashes into your enemy, the
GM might rule that it’s a basic heavy attack. You can only make attacks against foes in range
and line of sight, unless specified. Range can be
No repeat measured in any direction, including diagonally.
When you take an action, you can’t repeat it in Attacks can be either ranged or melee.
the same turn. You can only run, rescue, or • For ranged attacks, a character must be at
whack once on a turn regardless of how many least partly within the listed range of the attack
actions you have left, for example! This also to be a valid target. Make ranged attacks with
applies to all abilities. +1 curse per adjacent hostile character to
you. Ranged attacks also care about cover
Free and limited Action • For melee attacks, a character must be
adjacent to be in range for an attack, unless a
Some abilities take Free Actions. These abilities higher range is specified. Melee attacks ignore
don’t take an action slot to use and must be used cover. Adjacent means in any adjacent space,
on your turn, but still follow the No Repeats rule. even if that space is higher or lower
• Ranged and melee attacks get terrain
Other actions, often free actions, are limited. advantage: +1 boon against targets standing
These abilities are written as X/turn or X/ on lower terrain than you, and ranged attacks
round (like 1/turn, 2/turn, etc). These abilities gain +1 range for every level of height you have
can break the no repeats rule but can only be on your target. If someone attacks you on higher
used a specified number of times a turn or round terrain, or your foe is on higher terrain, they get
instead. +1 curse instead.
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space is the first character hit (attacker’s choice Abilities will specify targets: Self, Foe, Ally,
if there’s a tie) or the origin space if the attack Characters, Summon, or any combination of
has a listed range. these.
• Self: You! Abilities can’t target yourself unless
If the origin space is not listed, or is listed as specified.
(self), the origin space is the user of the ability. • Allies: An allied character other than you
Abilities with no listed range or a target of • Foe: A hostile character.
(self) don’t affect the caster. If the ability has • Summon: A character controlled or owned by
a range, the origin space can be anywhere in that another character (summoner). Hostile
range, and the ability can affect the caster, so be summons can be targeted as normal. Allied
careful! summons can only be targeted by abilities and
only count for abilities if the ability specifically
Combined AoE mentions it can target or count summons.
If an ability has a combined effect area, the
combined area is placed in the attack space of If an ability merely specifies ‘characters’, it
the first pattern. For example, an area that is line means all of the above except yourself.
3 + cross 2 would be a line 3 area with cross 2
radiating out from its attack space. If patterns Like attacks, all abilities require line of sight
overlap, they extend the area and don’t affect the unless specified.
overlapped area twice.
The secondary area of a combined AoE does not
have an attack space, but extends the total area Many abilities apply effects, including some
effect. attacks. Effects simply take place when specified
and don’t require a to-hit roll. Even if abilities
deal damage, they don’t count as attacks unless
Abilitie they have the attack tag.
Every job has abilities, including additional
light or heavy attacks, specified in each job.
Some effects can take place out of turn, and
don’t take an interrupt slot to activate, making
Each ability can only be taken once per turn,
them quite powerful.
and only one attack can be made per round.
Statuses and Blight
Abilities have an action cost, a listed range, and
might have tags, indicating special properties
Many effects apply a status or force a save to
(such as inflicting a status or dealing damage), or
avoid gaining a status. Statuses apply ongoing
the type of ability they are. These tags are all listed
negative effects to a character.
in the job descriptions and in the advanced
combat section. Non-attack abilities can only be
Blights are similar to statuses but are more
used on specified character in range and line of
elemental in nature and cause certain abilities to
sight (the same rules as attacks).
become stronger. Characters take 1 damage to
every unique blight they are affected by at the
A character can only take 6 available abilities and
start of their turn, ignoring armor. Unlike
one limit break with them on any given
statuses, blights cannot be cleared automatically
expedition, even if they’ve learned more abilities.
and last until the end of combat, or until they are
They can swap them out before each expedition if
removed by abilities.
they choose, so some characters may choose to
have a larger tool kit available to them.
Ongoing statuses cannot be removed and are
usually caused by an ability you used yourself.
Clearing Statuse
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At the end of any characters own turn, they can members of the group, so any use of it must be
make a save against each status currently affecting used with the consent of your your team
them, ending them on a successful save. members. Resolve is always spent at the
beginning of the action.
Special State
Victory and Defea
There are two special states that also can’t be
removed and don’t count as statuses - bloodied When any character (hostile or player character)
(when a character is under 50% hp), and is reduced to 0 hit points, they are defeated.
incapacitated (when character is reduced to 0 Defeated player characters are incapacitated
hp) (can’t do anything), don’t cause engagement, are
immune to damage, gain a wound, and remain
Interrupt that way until someone uses the rescue action to
bring them back to their feet. If a player character
Some abilities are called interrupts and can be with 3 woulds would become defeated and gain a
used off your turn. You can use each interrupt a 4th wound, they instead die.
number of times indicated by the tag (Interrupt 1,
Interrupt 2, for example) between your turns, only Defeated enemy characters are incapacitated,
one interrupt during any turn (yours or another don’t cause engagement or obstruction, and are
character’s) and get them all back at the start of immune to damage and effects. Depending on the
any of your turns. Imagine them like a card that tone of your game or the scene, defeated could
you play and can draw again at the start of your mean slain or killed, or merely beaten and unable
turn. to fight any longer. Battles in ICON typically
aren’t to the death, unless monsters are involved.
Like they sound, interrupts have a trigger which
interrupts any action currently being taken, and Characters (player characters, npcs, and hostile
then immediately apply effects. characters) can also spend their entire turn to give
up and admit defeat any time, becoming
Resolve and Limit Brea defeated (without gaining any wounds as a
player character), or flee the battlefield by
Limit breaks are the most powerful abilities in moving off the edge of the grid. Combat ends
ICON. Every character unlocks limit break at level when every character of one side is defeated,
2. dead, or has fled the battlefield.
Limit breaks are abilities (with an action cost, etc) If all player characters are defeated or dead, they
that may or may not be attacks, and don’t count are totally defeated as a party. The outcome of
against number of abilities taken. All Limit Breaks this will depend on your GM and the tone of your
cost a unique resource, called Resolve, to use. game, if you’re totally defeated, you’re at the
mercy of your foes, but it’s up to the GM whether
Resolve is split into two pools, party and your foes use the opportunity to escape, teach you
personal resolve. Party Resolve goes up by 1 a lesson, leave you tied up, dump you in a pit
after every round in combat, and depletes to 0 somewhere, or merely attempt to finish you off
after combat ends (perhaps unsuccessfully).
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Difficult terrai
The Battlefiel
Difficult terrain represents mud, snow, swamp, or
Each space on the battlefield has a type: water. It could also be something like a river, deep
water, or rubble.
Ground - Flat, no special effects.
Difficult Terrain - Costs +1 space of movement Interactable
to move through You can rule that certain terrain objects or spaces
Dangerous - Take piercing damage equal to the are interactable, like levers, switches, heavy doors,
chapter number for each space you move into or force fields, traps, etc. Interacting with them (as
through an action) changes some part of the map or has
Impassable - Blocks movement of all kinds some effect, such as dealing light damage in an
unless it has phasing, and always blocks line of area, creating cover, creating new terrain, or
sight. Could be a pillar or a solid rock wall that summoning foes or allies.
goes to the ceiling.
Terrain - Categorized by height, 1-3. Blocks Alternate victory condition
movement. Provides cover if you’re the same There’ll be more on this in the final game, but
height. Blocks line of sight if you’re smaller. having alternate victory conditions can make your
Characters can move up and stand on top of combats more interesting and interactive. Here’s
terrain. Costs +1 movement per difference in a few for you:
height to move up a level but not down a level. • Escort: Characters have to escort an ally or
Terrain can represent a large object or obstruction object, who is an intangible object or ally, to the
on the map, such a cart, a boulder, a chunk of other edge of the map and flee off the edge by
ruin, or just something like a hill. If you want ending their turn there. The ally or object can be
terrain to be destructible, give each space 10 hp ‘picked up’ by a character as an interact action.
per height, and attacks automatically hit. While carried by a character, that character
cannot attack, run, or dash, but can take other
When measuring range, measure it flat even if the actions. They can drop the character or object in
terrain is elevated (don’t worry about doing a free adjacent space as a free action, and also
Pythagorean math!). drop them when they are hit by an attack or
reduce to 0 hp. Enemies can also pick up the
Size object or ally. Characters fail if they haven’t
Battlefields should be around 15x15, 20x20 or taken their escort to the goal in six rounds.
25x25 or so. You can go smaller or larger, and • Control: Mark three zones in three different
change the proportions. parts of the map. At the end of the round, a side
(ally or foe) scores 1 point if they have more
Terrain advantag non-summon, non-mob characters in the point
• Cover: Characters gain resistance to damage than the other side. Elites count for two
from ranged attacks while they are in cover characters, monstrosities count for four. Most
• Height advantage: +1 boon on any melee or points at the end of round 6 wins.
ranged attack against a target on lower elevation • Holdout: Characters must try and survive. Use
than you, and increase range of ranged attacks 2x the point budget for a normal fight. Deploy
by +1 space for each level of height of the terrain the normal budget of enemies at the first round,
you’re standing on. then bring in half at the start of the third round,
• Height disadvantage: If you attack a then half more at the start of the fourth. If
character in higher elevation than you, get +1 characters aren’t totally defeated by the fourth
curse round, they win.
If a character is shoved or moves so that they
would move down more than 1 space of terrain,
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they take physical damage for every space they fall Between combats, characters can either drink
(2 or 3 damage). Characters fall immediately. an elixir to heal 50% hp, or camp regain all of
their hp. Camping is limited, and characters only
Edg embark on an expedition with 2 elixirs by default.
The GM might rule that a certain area of the map Some camp upgrades or abilities allow you to heal
is an edge, like a pit or a cliff. Characters shoved wounds, but generally wounds are only fully
off an edge are removed from play. They can avoid healed when you end an expedition and enter an
this by passing a generic save, stopping at the interlude.
edge. Otherwise, remove them from play for the
rest of the round. If they’re a player character,
they can return to play as close to where they
moved off an edge at the start of their next turn. If
they’re a foe or NPC, the GM can rule whether
they come back or not. Mobs (weak foes) never
come back from getting shoved off an edge.
Vigor, Elixirs,
Camping, and Healin
In ICON, it’s rare to heal in combat. Instead,
characters that heal (for example, from the Cure
ability) often gain Vigor, which is a temporary
shield that goes over your hit points. Damage goes
to vigor first when you take it. Vigor gained is
always some multiple of your health value (1x, 2x,
3x, etc), and any vigor shield gained replaces the
last shield instead of stacking with it. You lost all
vigor at the end of every combat. For a little more
on vigor, see the advanced combat rules.
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The Blights are Burning, Electrified, Poisoned, Guardian - Special interrupt. When an ally you
and Frostbite. A character takes 1 piercing can see in range 3 is targeted by an attack, you can
damage at the start of their turn for each different dash up to 2 spaces towards that ally. Then, if
blight they are afflicted by. Moves become you’re adjacent, you can change the target of the
stronger when used against a character suffering attack to you.
from these blights, depending on the move. Pierce - Ignores armor.
Blights can only be cleared by Cleanse or other Regeneration X - Gain vigor X at the end of
abilities that specify they can clear blights. your turn
Skirmisher - Can move diagonally
Statuse Stance - Ongoing effect. A character can only
Blind - Can only target adjacent spaces have one stance active at a time and can drop a
Dazed - +1 curse on attacks stance by taking a new stance or as a free action at
Hatred of X- When taking actions against a the start of their turn.
hostile character, must include X character as a Stealth - Cannot be directly targeted except from
target for the action to be valid. an adjacent space. Breaks on taking or dealing
Immobilize - Max speed reduced to 0 damage.
Pacified - Max damage reduced to 1. Breaks on Sturdy - Immune to shove, daze, stagger, and
taking damage. stun
Stunned - Take 1 less action. Unlike other True strike - Ignores dodge, evasion, and does
statuses, automatically clears at the end of your not trigger guardian
turn. Doesn’t stack. Unstoppable - Immune to all statuses and can’t
Staggered - Attackers gain +1 Boon against a be shoved.
staggered character Vigilance - Hostile characters can’t dash in your
Slow - Must take a slow turn while slow. engagement and can’t move through your space
Vulnerable - All damage taken increased by 1 for any reason
Vigor X - Gain a shield that goes over your hit
Special state points, equal to X times your health value.
Bloody - Under 50% hp Damage goes to Vigor before Hit Points. Vigor
Incapacitated - Speed reduced to 0, can’t take does not stack, and when you gain Vigor you can
actions, movement, or use abilities. Immune to all choose to keep the old value or gain the new
damage. Characters that are defeated and value. Lose all vigor at the end of combat.
incapacitated by default when reduced to 0 HP.
Player characters take a wound when they’re
Ongoing Statuse
Ongoing statuses cannot be purged or removed
(for example, by becoming sturdy or
Positive effect
Counter - Deal fray damage to your attacker
after being attacked, hit or miss.
Defiance - Prevents hit points from being
reduced past 1 hp. When this triggers, remove this
Dodge - Immune to all damage and effects on
miss or successful save. Immune to damage and
effects from the non-attack spaces of AoE attacks
and abilities.
Evasion - Roll a d6 when targeted by an attack.
On a 4+, the attack automatically misses. Check
before the attack roll.
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Choosing your jo Relics represent extraordinary or powerful
artifacts from the old world, lost with its ruin.
At level 1, pick a job from those available to you. They might be enchanted weapons, magitech
There are 8 available in this playtest, two for each armor, or something similar. There’s a suggestion
class. You get all the traits from your class for each Relic as to the form it takes, but this can
(basically a meta-job, of which there are 4), plus be loose. It’s up to the player to decide how they
the traits from your job itself. You can then pick came across the relic in their adventures, or
two abilities from your job. If you’re unsure, pick whether it’s something they are working on
the first two abilities listed, you’ll have plenty of creating themselves. They don’t have to take any
opportunities to choose others. action to receive the relic, but will have to work on
it by infusing Dust into it to unlock it’s benefits.
When you gain xp, at 4 and 8 xp you’ll be able to
pick new abilities and strengthen your current Relics provide powerful passive bonuses to a
abilities through talents, although you can only character in combat, no matter what job they
equip six abilities at a time to take on currently have. They have four unlockable levels,
expeditions. with each level giving increasing benefits. Some
Relics give a % chance for certain effects to occur
(use a d100 or a d% dice to check for them). Relics
Gambits can be leveled up by infusing them with Dust,
which is the magical essence sought after by the
When you level up, you will eventually get the powerful factions of Arden Eld.
opportunity to pick another job. This allows
you to swap from Expedition to Expedition to Aspect
different jobs as needed. You can take abilities The fourth level of a Relic is called an Aspect, and
from your new job and use them just as you would provides more powerful benefits. Aspects can be
your primary job abilities, however you can only unlocked either with their (high) Dust cost or by
equip abilities that are from the same class as completing a task listed in the Aspect as part of an
your job with one exception, called your expedition. If the Aspect task is completed once
Gambit. by any character, aspecting the same relic costs
only 4 dust from that point onwards.
For example, if your job is Bastion and you also
have a Spellblade job, you can equip exactly one
Spellblade ability and any number of Bastion
abilities. A Bastion character can equip and use
any number of Demon Slayer abilities, however,
since they are from the same class (and vice
At level 2, then at levels 6 and 9, characters pick
up a Relic.
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CLASS: Stalwart 54
Bastion 56
Demon Slayer 59
Class: Vagabond 62
Shade 64
Freelancer 67
CLASS: Mendicant 70
Seer 72
Sealer 76
Enochian 82
Spellblade 86
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MOST RELEVANT RULE does not stack, and when you gain Vigor you can
choose to keep the old value or gain the new
Resistance to X - Take 1/2 damage from X, value. Lose all vigor at the end of combat.
rounded up Vulnerable - All damage taken increased by 1
Armor X - Reduce all incoming damage by X
Bloody - Under 50% hp
Charge - When used on a slow turn, this ability
becomes more powerful.
Counter - Deal fray damage to your attacker
after being attacked, hit or miss.
Dash - Special movement that ignores
engagement and doesn’t trigger interrupts
Dazed - +1 curse on attacks
Defiance - Prevents hit points from being
reduced past 1 hp. When this triggers, remove this
Elixir - Heal 50% hp outside of combat per elixir
drank. Start with 2 by default.
Hatred of X- When taking actions against a
hostile character, must include X character as a
target for the action to be valid.
Guardian - Special interrupt. When an ally you
can see in range 3 is targeted by an attack, you can
dash up to 2 spaces towards that ally. Then, if
you’re adjacent, you can change the target of the
attack to you.
Immobilize - Max speed reduced to 0
Regeneration X - Gain vigor X at the end of
your turn
Shove X - Move a character involuntarily X
spaces in a line away from you. If they would
move into another character’s space, or a piece of
terrain, they Collide and stop, taking fray
Slow - Go after all other characters. If multiple
characters take slow turns, it takes the same order
as regular turns (ally/enemy/ally)
Stance - Ongoing effect. A character can only
have one stance active at a time and can drop a
stance by taking a new stance or as a free action at
the start of their turn.
Sturdy - Immune to shove, daze, stagger, and
True Strike - Ignores evasion, dodge, and
Unstoppable - Immune to all statuses and can’t
be shoved.
Vigilance - Hostile characters can’t dash in your
engagement and can’t move through your space
for any reason
Vigor X - Gain a shield that goes over your hit
points, equal to X times your health value.
Damage goes to Vigor before Hit Points. Vigor
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stuns a character that’s immune to that effect they pass through take fray damage and are
(such as from sturdy or unstoppable), deal light shoved 1.
damage to them as an effect.
Rook: Allied characters can use you for cover SHIELD SLAM
Heavy Physical Melee Attack
Crash your greatshield into the earth, sending up
devastating shockwaves.
HERACULE Attack: On hit: Deal heavy damage. Miss: Light
Light Physical Ranged Attack damage. Critical Hit: Critical Damage.
Range 3, True Strike Effect: All characters adjacent to your target take
light damage, then are shoved 1
Hurl your shield as a discus with irrepressible Heroic: Increase the range of the effect area to
force. all characters in range 2 of your target
Attack: On hit: deal light damage and shove 1.
Effect: On hit: a different foe in range 3 from Talents
your target is also shoved 1. I. Charge: Primary target must also save or
Heroic: All ranges and shoves from this ability become immobilized
increased by +1 II. If Shield Slam’s effect shockwave shoves 2 or
more characters, gain vigor 1.
I. Charge: Increase ranges by +1 and the Master talent: LAND WASTE
primary target must physical save or be dazed Before Shield slam’s effect triggers, you tear up
II. Trigger Heracule’s effect +1 times on hit the very ground, creating a terrain effect of two
rock spires, height 1 pieces of terrain in range 3 of
Master talent: ETERNAL DISCU you. When you use this ability again and summon
Heracule’s effect triggers +1 times, triggers even new spires, any others placed by this ability
on miss, and the effect now deals fray damage crumble to dust.
Use your shield, weapon, or armored fist and Charge forth, with your shield held before you,
send your foe flying. battering aside foes.
Effect: An adjacent foe must physical save or be Effect: Dash in a line AoE equal to your speed
shoved 2 spaces. On a successful save they are +2, phasing through characters.
shoved 1 anyway. Area Effect: Foes you pass through must
Heroic: +1 curse on the save, and shove 4 instead physical save or become dazed, then shoved 1 to
on a failed save. either side.
Heroic: Daze the first enemy in the area of effect,
Talents then shove them to the end of the line, moving
I. Effect: If your target collides, they release an them with you. They can physical save to avoid
explosion, dealing fray damage as a blast 1 this effect.
area effect centered on them
II. Effect: Shove all adjacent characters to your Talents
target’s final position 1 space I. Charge: Increase the dash by +2
II. Effect: You may repeat the dash effect back to
Master talent: GATE SMASHE your starting point, but don’t trigger any other
Battering Ram’s target can pass through effects. If you pass through 2 or more
characters while being shoved instead of characters with any part of this move. gain
triggering collide (you can choose for each vigor 1
character). If collide isn’t triggered, characters
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Master talent: MARATHO attack. If the attack misses, deal light magical
Heroic valiant is a free action damage to your attacker as an effect.
Interrupt 1
I. Your shield becomes a valid target for allied
ranged attacks. When targeted, you can
expend Catapult to retarget the attack from
your position to a new valid target in range 3.
II. You can trigger catapult when targeted by a
magic attack to gain evasion against the
58 of 142
59 of 142
60 of 142
1 action, Stance
61 of 142
62 of 142
63 of 142
The legends say Shades make a deal with the The Shades say the stories are rumors, and they
Weeper, the dead Titan queen of night and air, to get along with their Darksides. They do have a
split their soul in two. Their shadow becomes tendency to appear when least expected, in
animate, bestial and hungry. Over a week and a uncanny and unsettling ways.
64 of 142
I. Critical Hit: Instead of teleporting adjacent to
I. Critical hit: Increase blast size by +1
your foe, you may attempt to swap places with
II. After this attack, you may teleport to any
them, teleporting. They can magic save to
adjacent space to an affected character
avoid this effect.
II. You may teleport 2 spaces in any direction
instead of adjacent to your target Master talent: SHUKUCH
You can teleport 3 spaces before and after using
this ability.
Master talent: NINJUTS
Has the range of the battlefield against blinded or
frostbitten characters. VEIL
1 Action, stance
Draw down a veil of shadows to mask your
1 Action, Mark
countenance. Harden your heart.
Stance: Gain stealth, and your next attack, hit or
With the flick of a wrist, you hurl a spectral
miss, forces a magical save or your target is
blade, marking your foe with an umbral seal.
blinded and is inflicted with frostbite. This stance
Effect: Flick a dagger at a character in range 3
ends after you attack.
and line of sight. That character must magic save
or become marked. While marked, that character
takes magical fray damage at the start of your turn Talent
and you may teleport adjacent to that character as I. Finishing Blow: Refresh Veil
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II. Increase the range of all teleports by +1 under I. Finishing Blow: Deal light damage instead
the effects of veil II. After Danse Macabre resolves, you may
teleport adjacent to any affected character.
Gain phasing with veil, and moving through Master talent: LIZARD TECHNIQU
terrain or other character’s spaces with Veil costs Deal fray damage once to the final foe targeted by
0 spaces of movement. this ability for every character you teleported to
prior to them, up to three times.
Interrupt 1
Limit Break: ABYSSAL
You capture a thin silver thread of spilled life
force of a foe and use it to tear open a space of ECSTAS
night and cold. 1 Action, 2 Resolve
Trigger: You slay a foe.
Terrain Effect: Mark a blast 1 area around that A prayer and a drop of blood, and soothing
character, then create a terrain effect in that area. darkness cloaks the battlefield.
This cloud of shadow does not create cover or Effect: All allies and allied summons gain stealth,
block line of sight, but inside the zone, all and all foes are blinded. These effects end if a
characters (including you) have permanent character takes or deals damage, or saves against
stealth. The area disperses at the end of the next them with a magic save at the end of their turn.
round. If you trigger this interrupt again, you can
replace the zone or keep it. Master Talent: ULTIMA ECSTAS
The stealth effect from this ability does not break
Talents on you when you take or deal damage, but instead
I. When you score a finishing blow, refresh lasts 1 round. Extend this by 1 round when you
the duration of your Nocturne zone until the slay a foe.
end of the next round.
II. Keep stealth even if you leave the zone
1 action
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Talents Talent
I. If you fire 4 or more shells, gain stealth after I. The Ace attack also gains true strike
this action II. When Ace refreshes, you can eject the bullets
II. Electrified characters can be hit by any from your gun and deal fray damage to a foe in
number of shells range 3 as an effect
69 of 142
Mendicant Gambit:
If you take a Mendicant Ability as a non-
Mendicant job, you get Bless and Blessing.
Characters can spend your blessings to Cure and
Cleanse themselves as an action.
70 of 142
71 of 142
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area effect space of that AoE to encompass its area You crook a finger, and pull on the threads of
and destroying the card. Wild cards can be fate, casting an irrevocable curse.
triggered by other wild cards. Mark: Mark a foe or ally with a magical card,
which pulses with astral energy. At the end of any
Talents of the marked character’s turns, you roll a d6. On
I. Effect: After a Wild Card explodes, Bless an a 6, the card explodes in a blast 1 area effect
ally in range 3 of the card centered on that character. This becomes 4+ for
II. You can throw a Master Card instead of a frostbitten characters. A character can pass the
regular card. It’s not destroyed when it card off to another adjacent character (allied or
explodes, but using this ability again will hostile) as an action on their turn. The card also
replace the last card created. explodes if the character is slain.
Master Talent: WILD GAMBL When the card explodes, characters in the area,
When you trigger a Wild Card with an AoE, roll including the primary character, must magic save
1d6. On a 1, nothing happens. On a 2-5, it inflicts a or take fray damage and become staggered. The
random blight on all affected characters (2 primary character takes light magic damage
burning, 3 electrified, 4 frostbite, 5 poisoned). On instead and automatically fails their save.
a 6 it inflicts all blights.
Sleight of Hand I. If you hit the target with a critical hit, the card
immediately explodes
Light Magic Ranged Attack
II. If a character is defeated while under the
Range 4
effects of Doom, the card may pass to a new
character of your choice in range 3 of the
A flash of bright color, and a card is stuck to your
defeated character.
foe, bursting with power.
Attack: Auto-hit: You attach a magical card to a
foe in range Master Talent: SEAL FAT
Effect: The next attack against the target gains +1 When Doom is passed at least once, it deals heavy
Boon. The next time an ally hits the target with an damage instead of light to its primary target.
attack, the card explodes in a blast 1 area effect for
fray damage and grants that ally a blessing. The POLARIS
triggering ally is immune to all damage from this 1 action
A distant glint in the heavens, portents of the
Talent devastation to come.
I. You can target an allied character with this Effect: Choose a space on the battlefield in range
attack to attach the card to them instead, 5, which becomes visible to all characters. At the
marking them. It triggers on any attack, not end of every turn that passes after yours (allied or
just allied, and they’re immune to its damage foe), roll 1d6. On a 6, a meteor lands in that spot,
II. You can throw a card in an arc 3 area effect exploding for a blast 1 explosion, dealing light
when you throw it, dealing fray damage to damage as an area effect and inflicting Frostbite.
characters it passes through before it hits its Frostbitten characters must also save or become
target. immobilized. This effect ends at the start of your
next turn.
Master Talent: PERFECT HAN
You throw two cards with this move at two Talent
separate targets I. You can choose to make the meteor check on
only allied or enemy turns (pick one) when
you cast it. If you do, it checks at 5+
DOOM II. Also check for the meteor falling at the end of
1 action, mark your turn.
74 of 142
1 action, stance
I. Allies gain a blessing if this effect triggers.
II. Foes this effect triggers on must also magic
save or become pacified.
75 of 142
Traveling priests, monks, and mages, the Sealers In their other role, Sealers are legendary
roam the world from village to village, monster hunters and exorcists of unbelievable
performing necessary rituals, marriages, prowess and unshakeable faith. Whenever an
ceremonies, and yearly festivals. They are a especially bad blight or an arch demon appears,
welcome sight in most villages, and most the Sealers are usually there to drive it back with
perform the important function of traveling ancient sealing magic, blessed brands, and
judge, acting as an impartial party translating flaming weapons.
76 of 142
True Strike
Traits: Attack: On hit: deal light damage, either physical
Blessed Weapon: Characters can spend your or magical, and inflict Burning. Deal bonus
Blessings when they use an ability to give that damage if your target is already burning.
ability bonus damage and +1 boon on any attacks. Effect: On hit: your target is staggered and a
Mantra of Sealing: When you hand out a character in range 3 of you is blessed.
blessing token, set out a d6 at 1 or tick it up by 1 to
a maximum of 6. You can spend it for the BURNING SEAL
following effects when you make an attack: 1 action, Mark
• Cloud Riding: Reduce your Mantra by 2.
Teleport 2 before making the attack. Bind an enemy in an astral seal, condemning
• Seal: Reduce your Mantra by 3. Gain effect: them and crushing them under the weight of
attack target must magic save or become their own evil.
pacified after the attack. Mark: A foe in range 3 becomes pacified. It can
• Smite: Reduce your Mantra by 6. Your next end this condition on itself any time, including
attack inflicts burning and its damage is directly after this action, as an effect, but must
boosted. then immediately magic save or become staggered
Break Meridians: Your attacks against pacified and burning. If it’s already burning, deal light
targets are critical hits on hit. Your light attacks damage.
against pacified targets can critical hit, dealing
bonus damage. Talents
Martial Arts: You have dodge I. Charge: Increase range to 6
II. Bless all allies adjacent to the marked foe
Abilitie when it chooses to end the effect
77 of 142
The first time you hit with Matsuri in a combat, it Allies that end their turn in the area are cured and
deals double damage and ignores all armor and cleansed, then pacified. The area persists until you
resistance to damage. take this action again or until the end of combat.
Interrupt 1, Combo I. Charge: Increase area to blast 2
II. Magic attacks against allied characters in the
Invoking the spirits of the land and air, you move area gain +1 curse. Allied characters magic
at impossible speed, doling out blows faster than save with +1 boon.
the eye can see.
Trigger: You score a critical hit or slay a foe Master Talent: ELDEN SAL
Effect: Teleport adjacent to every character in Sanctify inflicts light damage and burning as an
range 2 of you in any order. Foes become burning, effect to hostile characters in the area when you
allies are blessed. take this action, and hostile characters must
immediately save or become pacified.
Interrupt 1, True Strike ENSHRINE
Trigger: You score a critical hit or slay a foe 1 Action, mark
Effect: Roll a d6 for every foe in range 2 of you. You place a holy seal over your ally, enveloping
On a 1, that character is struck by a fiery bolt from them in divine protection.
heaven, takes light piercing magic damage with Mark: Mark an ally in range 3. While marked,
true strike. Roll becomes a 1 or a 2 against foes that attack your target must magic save or
burning characters. become pacified after the attack resolves. The
effect ends at the end of the marked ally’s turn.
Talents The marked ally can extend the duration of this
I. Also roll a d6 for allied characters with effect until the end of their following turn by
Judgement. If they roll a 6, they are cured and spending 1 blessing token.
II. You can teleport 1 space after triggering Talents
justice or judgement but before applying the I. Your ally can teleport 1 as an effect after being
effect attacked
II. Your ally gains Counter while marked
Master Talent: GRAN JUDICAT
Add a third part of the combo: Master Talent: SHROUD FROM HEAVE
Your ally also gains stealth after being attacked
Interrupt 1
Trigger: You score a critical hit or slay a foe Limit Break: PASSAGE
Effect: Cure and Cleanse every bloody ally in
range 2. Deal light piercing magic damage with TO THE AFTERLIF
true strike to every hostile character over 50% hp
in range 2. 5 resolve
Heavy Magical Melee Attack
True Strike
2 actions You unleash the supreme Sealer war art,
shattering the connections of your foe’s vital
You throw out a handful of glittering salt, energy to their body and hurrying on the
scorching the spiritually impure. transmigration of immortal souls.
Terrain Effect: You scatter salt in a close blast 1
area. Foes that start or end their turn in the area Attack: On hit: Deal light damage three times.
must magic save or become pacified. Miss: Deal light damage twice. Critical hit: deal
light damage four times
78 of 142
79 of 142
Many spells have upgraded versions that can only
be cast by Infusing them by spending X Aether.
Aether is consumed at the start of the action.
Wright Gambit:
80 of 142
The Blights are Burning, Electrified, Poisoned,
and Frostbite. A character takes 1 piercing
damage at the start of their turn for each different
blight they are afflicted by. Moves become
stronger when used against a character suffering
from these blights, depending on the move.
Blights can only be cleared by Cleanse or other
abilities that specify they can clear blights.
81 of 142
The Enochian Orders of wrights are the most The power that condenses inside an Enochian is
chaotic of the mage orders. They have no official related to the element of fire, a wild spark that
organization, most of their members being hedge grows and wanes with their emotions and
wizards or self taught. Many Enochians disdain energy, but with control can be focused into
authority and work for hire, sleeping and eating power that can carve mountains, scorch forests,
where they can and relying on the communities and boil rivers. In times of desperation, the
82 of 142
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Master Talent: DRAGON SLAV centered on them. They can save to remove the
DRAGON SLAVE mark and all associated effects.
Infuse 5
Superheavy ranged magic attack Talent
Line 10 I. Characters affected by the flame burst are
Attack: On hit: deal heavy damage. Miss: Light shoved 1 away from the marked target.
Damage. Critical Hit: Critical Damage II. The flame can be released as a close blast 1
Area Effect: Light damage area instead.
Effect: After the attack resolves, every character
in the area also releases a blast 1 explosion that Master Talent: ELDFLAM
deals light damage as an area effect. A character A character marked with Immolation takes fray
can be hit by multiple explosions. damage at the start of their turn even if the mark
or blight ends. This effect cannot be saved against,
SOUL BURN cleansed, ignores resistance and armor, and only
1 action, stance ends when the combat ends or if you end it as an
You stoke the furnace with the very essence of
your being. AETHERSHARD
Stance: Burn your own life force into a protective 1 action, summon
shield of magical energy and gain regeneration
1. Refresh this stance until the end of your next You crystallize ambient Aether with force of will,
turn if you trigger a Chain Reaction or if you forcing it to take a useful form
slay a foe. Otherwise this stance ends at the end Summon: Spend 1 Aether to summon an
of your turn. When this stance ends and it’s not Aethershard in a free space in range 6.
the end of combat, lose 25% hp. This could cause Aethershards are intangible size 1 Summons. They
you to go to 0 and become defeated. count as foes for the purposes of Chain Reaction.
When you target an Aethershard as part of any
Infuse 2: INCANDIUS attack, they release a pulse of energy, releasing a
Your attacks deal bonus damage while you’re in blast 1 explosion dealing fray damage as an area
Soul Burn effect, then roll a d6. On a 1-3, they disintegrate
and are destroyed. Otherwise they remain until
Talent the end of the combat.
I. When Soul Burn ends or refreshes, shove all
adjacent characters 1 Talent
II. While in Soul Burn, foes that hit you with a I. When you take any action that spends Aether,
melee attack gain burning you can teleport one of your Aether shards 3
spaces in any direction.
Master Talent: MAX INCANDIU II. You can choose to summon a Great Shard
While in Soul Burn, you also have counter and instead for 2 Aether. It counts as a size 1 piece
dodge. of terrain that is immune to all damage and
effects as well as a Summon, but still works
IMMOLATION the same way (and counts for Chain Reaction).
1 Actions, Mark
Master: LEY LIN
Use your target’s own life force to spark a Blasts and lines can be supercharged if they hit an
terrifying flame. Aethershard. Any blast effect that hits an
Mark: A foe in range 5 and line of sight must Aethershard increases its radius by 1. Any line
magic save or become marked by you. While effect or attack that passes through an
affected by this mark, they are burning and when Aethershard doubles its length. The Aethershard
you hit them with an attack, they release a burst of is always destroyed if activated this way.
flame, dealing fray damage as a blast 1 area effect
84 of 142
Limit Break:
Superheavy ranged magic attack
4 resolve
True strike, pierce
5 resolve
Deal light damage twice instead.
85 of 142
86 of 142
Aether Deflection: You may spend 1 Aether as ODINFORCE
an interrupt when targeted by an attack to 1 Action, Stance
immediately gain Evasion against that attack
Static Charge: The Infuse cost of your abilities You thrust your weapon skyward, and pierce the
is reduced by 1 for every electrified enemy in heavens.
range 2, to a minimum of 1.
Storm Hilt Rage: If you start your turn at 6 Stance: Shoot a flurry of lightning bolts into the
Aether, during that turn your teleports have the air. While in this stance, when you teleport,
range of the battlefield and you can teleport to any Odinforce has a chance to come down. Roll a d6
visible space as an effect before taking any action. each time you teleport. On a 6, a bolt descends
At the end of that turn, reduce your Aether to 0. and hits a foe in range 3 of you, dealing light
Klingekunst: Every third line, arc, or cross piercing magic damage as an effect and
ability you use has its area of effect increased by electrifying them. Odinforce ends when three
+3 bolts have come down.
Abilitie Talent
I. Every third Odinforce bolt that comes down,
the affected character must also magic save or
BOLT become stunned.
Light Ranged Magic Attack II. Slay: Add +1 charge to Odinforce
Line 5
Master Talent: NOTHUN
A bright lance of lightning shoots from your Odinforce’s maximum bolts becomes 6
weapon or hand, piercing your foes with a
hundred shards. LEVINBLADE
Heavy Melee Magic Attack
Attack: On hit: deal light damage and electrify
Arc 4
your foe.
Area spaces: Deal fray damage
You summon a blade of pure lightning energy,
Effect: If your foe is already electrified, deal
sweeping it in a shining arc.
bonus damage and you may teleport 2 after the
Attack: On hit: Heavy damage and electrify your
target. Miss: Light damage. Critical hit: Critical
Increase attack area to line 6 + cross 2. Area
Effect: Teleport 1 space before or after the attack
spaces deal light damage.
Terrain Effect: If your attack target is already
electrified, the attack area becomes difficult
Talent terrain for the rest of combat, or until you create
I. Slay: Teleport 2 terrain with this ability again.
II. Gains pierce against electrified foes
Infuse 2: FREYA
Master Talent: Increase effect area and teleport by +2
Infuse 5: GAE BOLG
Superheavy ranged magic attack Talent
True Strike I. Electrified characters treat this difficult
Line 10 + cross 4 terrain as dangerous
Attack: On hit: Heavy damage. Miss. Light II. When you pass through at least 1 space of this
Damage. Critical Hit: Critical Damage terrain with any movement, gain flying until
Area Effect: Light damage you take damage.
Effect: After the attack resolves, teleport to any
space in the attack area
Master Talent: BLADE MASTER
87 of 142
Terrain Effect: Swipe your weapon to create a Effect: Dash in a line 6 area. You gain phasing
line 3 area of crackling winds in range 3. The area and intangible while dashing. Foes you pass
is difficult terrain for foes and foes that attempt to through for the first time on your turn take fray
move into or start their turn in the wall’s space damage and are electrified. Electrified characters
must pass a magic save or be unable to move into take light damage instead.
the area and shoved 1 spaces back away from it.
The area lasts until the end of the scene or until Infuse 2: Instant Transmission
you use this ability again. Becomes a free action.
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RELIC spears
I. At 25% hp or lower, gain counter
II. Counter also applies on adjacent allies
III. After being damaged by a hostile attack, gain
Relicts start with no levels and take 6 dust to counter until the start of your next turn.
unlock a level and gain its benefits. Infuse 1 dust Aspected: Counter stacks twice
into a relic of your choice when you complete a
tactical combat. Characters gain a relic at level 2, Aspect quest: Gather and reforge true iron nails
6, and 9. Once a Relic is level 3, it can be Aspected from the sarcophagus of a Relict Emperor
by either infusing 12 dust or completing a
legendary task. These tasks are suggestions and
can be adjusted by the GM to fit your game. Once
A massive weapon carved from the fang of an ur-
at least character has completed an aspect quest
for a relic, other characters can complete it for 4
I. Charged attacks gain +1 boon
II. Charged attacks deal bonus damage vs slow
Relic actions that require a % dice to activate roll
III. Every third attack forces a save, hit or miss,
a d100.
or your foe becomes slow.
Aspected: Every third charged attack can be
Relic actions that are ‘every X’ actions carry over
taken during a normal turn
between combats.
Aspect quest: Weave the aethersilk of an ancient
CRIMSON KING Ur-spider into your relic
A blood red gem, similar to an Elixir Stone, set
into your weapon or armor
I. At full health, gain +1 boon on all saves
A horned helm or fur mantle with a demonic
II. When you lose a health segment or gain a
wound (by spending it or losing it in combat),
I. Every third attack you make shoves 1, or
10% chance to immediately regain the
shoves +1 if it already shoves
segment and ignore the wound.
II. Immune to shove
III. Every sixth time you slay at least one foe with
III. Shoves shove +1 when you’re at or under 25%
an ability or attack, gain 25% hp. If you’re at
full hp, gain vigor 1.
Aspected: Increase threshold of III to 50% hp
Aspected: Every time Crimson King III triggers,
heal a wound.
Aspect quest: Take the horns of a legendary beast
as your trophy
Aspect quest: Quench your relic in the still-warm
blood of a wyrm
APE GOD A cracked mirror, set on a pendant or into a
shield or weapon hilt
An elaborately carved, studded, and oversized
I. Gain defiance at the start of each combat.
gauntlet, incredibly heavy
II. When defiance triggers, you may deal light
I. Immune to stun
piercing magical damage as an effect to a
II. When you stun a character you can also shove
character in range 3
them 1 in any direction
III. Every sixth time you slay at least one foe with
III. Every sixth attack stuns on hit (no save).
an ability or attack, gain defiance. If you
Aspected: Every third attack forces a physical
already have full instances of defiance, trigger
save, hit or miss, or your foe is is stunned
it and replace it.
Aspected: Defiance stacks twice
Aspect quest: Climb the highest peak in Arden Eld
90 of 142
Aspect quest: Bathe in the water of the river that III. Every third teleport action you make has its
leads to the underworld range additionally increased by +4
Aspected: Increase Hermes III to every other
RUIN teleport action
A weapon, bow, or stave carved from ancient
stone, a heavy slab of a thing. Aspect quest: Weave a strand taken from the
I. Immune to pacified cloak of the Titan of trickery, the Laughing God,
II. You may trade in 1 boon, once per attack, for into your relic
bonus damage.
III. Your first attack in any combat does double MISTBORN
damage This weapon is made from seeping mist, and
Aspected: Your first attack also gains pierce, true doesn’t seem to be entirely present
strike, and its listed ranges are increased by +2 I. Every third attack you make, gain stealth after
making the attack.
Aspect quest: Gather rubble from the pillars of the II. Attacks from stealth deal bonus damage
oldest Arkenruin III. At 25% hp or lower, gain phasing, and gain
stealth at the start of your turn.
SLEIPNIR Aspected: Increase threshold of III to 50% hp
Odd wooden armor carved with the image of an
eight legged horse. Aspect quest: Sail to the edge of the world and
I. Every third action you take that dashes, fly bathe your relic in the mists there
II. Increase all flight as part of your abilities by ARENHEIR
+1 This weapon or armor has the imagery of a great
III. When you start a flying movement, any fierce wolf on it
adjacent allies can also fly 1 as an effect I. +1 boon on attacks against vulnerable targets
Aspected: Gain flying every third turn from the II. Piercing attacks deal bonus damage
start until the end of that turn III. Every third attack you make gains pierce
Aspected: All attacks gain piercing against
Aspect quest: Tame a titansteed, one of the bloodied characters
enormous legendary wild horses
Aspect quest: Find the burial tomb of the ancient
GLADESONG Berserker Titan, the Sundered Queen, and pray
A weapon carved from supple but durable gaia there
wood, sharper than any metal
I. Attacks against characters standing next to an SCHEHEREZADE
allied summon gain +1 boon This weapon emits a faint singing tone that can
II. Your summons gain vigor 1 when summoned only be heard in a quiet room
III. 10% chance to duplicate a summon when first I. Every other turn, gain 1 blessing token on
summoned yourself. You can spend blessing tokens on
Aspected: Increase III chance to 25% yourself to grant yourself +1 boon on a save.
II. You can also spend blessing tokens on yourself
Aspect quest: Drink from the primeval Gaia pool to also grant +1 boon on an attack
III. When you gain a blessing token or grant a
HERMES blessing token to any character, 10% chance to
Intricate, curling silver wings have been carved also Cure your target as an effect
into this artifact, weapon, or armor Aspected: Increase III chance to 25%
I. Every third action you take that dashes,
teleport instead Aspect quest: Recover a genuine page fragment of
II. Increase range of all teleports as part of your the legendary Tale of Ages
abilities by 1
91 of 142
This gem is a void of space within. If you stare II. When you use the combo version of an ability,
long enough, you can see stars. dash 1
I. Every third time you slay at least one foe with III. When you cast the base part of a combo, 10%
an ability or attack, you can cast Cure as an chance to immediately perform the second
effect on your turn, targeting an allied part of the combo as a free action
character in range 3 Aspected: Chance of Stormlord III becomes 25%
II. Increase range of all Cures by 3
III. Cures can target foes and deal light magic Aspect quest: Ride the lightning to the palace of
damage as an effect. clouds and learn from the teachings of the long-
Aspected: Cures against hostile characters gain dead Battle Titan, the Storm Lord
true strike
Aspect quest: Find a shrine of the Titan of death, This weapon or armor seems surprisingly
the Weeper, and survive the trials there hollow, despite how durable it is. It’s cold and
BYRAX I. Cure’s effect on you increased to vigor 3 when
Goat horn engravings adorn this armor, you’re at or under 25% hp
weapon, or cloak, curling into intricate runes II. When a foe breaks your vigor, deal piercing
I. When you refresh a stance, dash 1 magic fray damage to them as an effect.
II. When you refresh a stance, immediately save III. Cure has no maximum range when targeting
against a condition or end a blight affecting you and doesn’t need line of sight
you. Aspected: 1/round, when you’re cured, duplicate
III. 25% chance of a stance automatically it on an ally in range 2
refreshing at the start of your turn
Aspected: You can hold +1 more stance than Aspect quest: Split a part of your soul into your
normal relic at a deep shrine of the Black Blood Titan, the
Holy Body
Aspect quest: Find the resting place of the
Hundred Sword Titan, take a splinter of one of his APOPHIS
weapons, and reforge it. Coiling serpents cradle the hilt of this weapon or
curl around the base of this necklace
MERCY I. At the start of your turn, deal fray damage to
This gold-filagreed choker or torc is surprisingly all poisoned foes in range 2 of you
light, and includes imagery of grasping hands II. Your attacks against poisoned foes gain Slay:
I. When you use Rescue on a character, Cure Gain vigor 1
them as a free action III. Your attacks against poisoned foes deal 1
II. When you Cure another character with an damage to their hp on hit, ignoring vigor,
ability that costs 1 or more actions, gain vigor resistance, and armor.
1 Aspected: Your attacks against poisoned foes
III. First Cure you cast in combat has its efficacy ignore vigor and go straight to hit points
Aspected: First Cure you cast grants a character Aspect quest: Infuse your relic with three scales of
Defiance the ancient Wyrm Nidhogg
92 of 142
III. When you hit an electrified character with an Coiling thorns have been set into this ranged
attack, deal fray damage to all other electrified weapon. The barbs sometimes curl towards your
characters in range 2 of that character flesh.
Aspected: Increase III range to 4 I. Deal bonus damage if a character is at
maximum range of your ranged attack or line
Aspect quest: Survive a day in the Hundred Year or arc area effect
storm II. Range of ranged attacks increased +1
III. Every third ranged attack ignores cover
This gem-incrusted gauntlet is intricately made Aspected: Every third ranged attack has any
and seems heavy, but is oddly light to wear. range you like, up to range 10
I. Increase the range of ranged and melee
attacks against burning foes by +1 (melee Aspect quest: Climb to the highest floor of the
attacks with no listed range can be made incredibly dangerous dungeon the Tower of Barbs
within range 2).
II. You can bounce ranged attacks off allies or HUNTRESS
foes, inflicting no damage or effects but This supple leather bracer has been crafted with
retargeting them to a new character in range 3 images of Gaia, the Hunter Titan
of the original target I. Gain dodge against marked characters
III. When you hit a burning ally or foe with a II. Attacks against marked characters deal bonus
melee attack ability, you can create a fireball damage
that copies and bounces the ability to a new III. When you hit a marked character with an
character in range 3 of the original target, attack, teleport 1 in any direction
inflicting no damage or effects to the original Aspected: When you hit a marked character with
target. an attack, teleport them 1 in any direction
Aspected: 1/round, when you bounce an attack,
15% chance that you may duplicate it on a new foe Aspect quest: Take the pelt of a legendary beast
in range. and incorporate it into your relic
A set of six star-diamonds, flickering with a
distance light, set into earrings or a neck piece.
I. At the start of your turn, inflict frostbite on all
adjacent characters
II. The area adjacent to you is also difficult
terrain for frostbitten characters
III. When you inflict frostbite on a character for
the first time in a round, they are also shoved 1
space towards or away from you
Aspected: When you inflict frostbite on a
character, they also become immobilized if they’re
bloodied (magic save avoids).
93 of 142
94 of 142
Any number of marks from different characters
can be on one character, but each character can
only mark another character once, and only one
mark per ability causing it. For example, if I use
the ability Immolate, which marks an enemy, the
next time I use Immolate on a different character,
the mark on the first character will fade. If I use a
different mark ability on my immolate target,
immolate will end on my target.
Counter deals damage as an effect and triggers
even on ranged attacks or if the character with
counter can’t see their target.
95 of 142
camps, and
If you’re expecting to encounter opposition,
danger, or uncertainty, you’re probably heading
into an expedition.
All expeditions have a clear goal at the start, even
if that goal changes.
During an expedition, you can momentarily pause
Sessions of ICON are focused around the action to camp. Camping allows everyone in
Expeditions. Whenever you leave a place of the group to recuperate and eat and drink, healing
safety with a clear goal in mind, you’re on an all strain, statuses, blights, stress, and hit
expedition. points. It only takes an hour or so and a place of
relative safety for characters to be able to camp.
Typically in ICON this involves leaving the safety
of a village, town, or city, and setting out into the Characters can only camp a certain number
wilderness to explore some ruin, claim some of times per expedition, and when characters
artifact, or stop some force from causing harm, camp they lose any resolve they accumulated.
but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that simple.
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At camp, if characters have gained 4 or 8 xp, they it? Will the heroes track down and stop the
can also unlock abilities or talents for their mysterious stranger who has been stealing from
abilities (a sort of mini level up). the village shrine? Will the heroes put a stop to
the brewing fight between the towns of
The Camp shee Barrowglade?
Characters can upgrade their camp, name their
group, and set group ambitions when they camp 2. Define the number of camps. Before
or go into an interlude using the camp sheet. characters embark on an expedition, the GM sets
the amount of times characters can camp.
Think of the camp like a character sheet for the Supplies to camp in the wilderness are limited,
whole party - everyone benefits from it. and time is usually short. Camping lets characters
heal and fully recuperate. For a short or time
Interlude limited expedition, characters won’t be able to
camp. For other expeditions, characters should
When the goal of an expedition is accomplished, gain the ability to camp once for every 3 combat
abandoned, put on pause, or no longer relevant, encounters the GM expects them to go through
and you return to a place of safety, the (so once for 1-3 encounters, twice for 4-6, etc), or
expedition is over, and you go into an if there is no tactical combat, about once for every
interlude. An interlude is a longer period of three major obstacles GMs expect them to have to
more narrative time in which characters can rest, go through. Characters can camp at any time they
relax, and recuperate. have a few hours and enough safety in which to do
During an interlude, characters can get
rewarded for their adventures, spend xp and 3. Set your job and abilities, if you expect
dust to level up or improve, can heal burdens tactical combat. Pick which combat job and
and pursue ambitions, and can freely role- which abilities you are using (up to 6). If you have
play. any bonuses from your group (see the section
below, such as elixirs or cooking), apply them
Returning to an expeditio
4. Define rewards. All expeditions normally
Interludes should always aim to come back to an
reward 6 xp and 3 dust if they’re successful. If
expedition at the end of each interlude, creating a
there are extra rewards possible, define them
loop of expedition > interlude > expedition.
here. If an expedition’s not long enough to prompt
rewards, it’s probably not an expedition!
Starting an expeditio
When you set out on an expedition, take the 5. Set out! Don’t worry about how you get there,
following steps: or over-planning. Get your feet on the road and
cut to the action.
1. Define your goal. What are you hoping to
accomplish? What are you setting out in search Why Expeditions
of? Who are you trying to stop? You can pose this
as a question if you like, phrased like ‘Will the Expeditions are used in ICON so that characters
heroes do X?’. We play to answer this always have goal they are working towards, and
question. If you’re a GM, you don’t need to have they can expect the story to move at a certain pace
an answer yet, just an idea of how players might and with a certain amount of tension. When we’re
get there. on an expedition, things are probably dangerous
or uncertain. There might be combat involved.
Example goals: Will the heroes recover the Certain activities, like healing, can only be done a
mysterious arkenrelic from the ruins that’s limited amount inside an expedition (it’s not safe
rumored to be able to destroy an entire town? Will enough, or there’s not enough time!), and certain
the heroes discover what is causing monsters to actions, like getting rid of burdens, can’t be taken
pour out of the oak hill dungeon and put a stop to in expeditions at all!
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Quests take more than one expedition to Each time you go into an interlude, fully heal all
complete. You can take interludes in the middle of strain, stress, hit points, and wounds. If
a quest or take on other expeditions. characters were successful during their
expedition, they get rewarded (xp, dust, or
Each expedition can represent a small part of the other rewards). Characters can then spend xp
quest (a leg of the journey, a wing of the dungeon, and dust to level up and improve their job,
gathering allies to fight the king, etc), and bond, or relics.
characters can take interludes normally in
between. For example, characters could take a Characters always do this at the start of an
quest to explore a large dungeon. The GM decides interlude, and for more details on payout and
this will take about three expeditions to complete, leveling see the section below.
98 of 142
99 of 142
Bringing it bac
100 of 142
THE CAM Purchase: 6 Dust
Upgrade: 3 Dust
101 of 142
• Empowered attunement: Dust can be • Power flask: A character can drink a power
withdrawn or deposited into the Vault from flask to gain +1 boon and bonus damage on all
anywhere. actions until the end of their next turn.
• Aether Sapphire: Increase the vault’s capacity
to 12 GMs can offer flask ingredients as rewards for
• Aether Ruby: Increase the vault’s capacity treasure collected during an expedition, or side
to 16 tasks. If that's the case, forgo the dust cost for
• Upgrade condenser: If it’s at least half full, brewing a flask if you have the ingredients.
the vault condenses 2 dust instead of 1.
• Flask belt: Characters can hold on to two
Purchase: 6 Dust
• Improved flask belt: Characters can hold
Upgrade: 6 Dust
on to up to three flasks
Add the following to your flask brewing by taking
This dusty cabinet or traveling trunk allows you to
an upgrade for each. They cost increased dust to
keep additional gear with you.
brew and take rarer ingredients.
• Flask of Godly Speed: 3 dust. Until the end
During camp, you can swap out your abilities at
of your next turn, double your speed and gain
• Flask of Godly Strength: 3 dust. Double the
damage of your next action
• Soulstone: Characters can change jobs at
• Flask of Godly Health: 3 dust. Clear all
blights and conditions and gain vigor 2
• Great Soulstone: Characters are now able • Flask of Divine Grace: 2 dust. Increase the
to take a second Gambit for their Bond.
effect of your next narrative action to
• Elden Soul-stone: Characters can take a superpowered.
second Gambit for their combat job. It must
be from a job they’ve learned, and it must be
from the same class as their other Gambit. Cooking Pot
Purchase: 6 dust
Upgrade: 3 dust
Purchase: 6 dust
When you embark on an expedition, or when you
Upgrade: 3 dust
camp, one character can cook a meal for everyone.
A heavy iron cauldron and apothecary where
A character’s cooking skill is a unique action,
characters can brew flasks.
starting at 1d6. A character can improve their
cooking by spending 2 xp during an interlude to
Characters can brew one of the following flasks
improve their cooking skill by 1, up to a maximum
during an interlude by spending 1 dust. Flasks
of 4.
can be drunk instead of taking an action roll (in
narrative play) or as an action in combat.
Roll 1d6 per level of cooking skill and choose any
Characters can only hold on to one flask at once.
die as the final result.
• Flask of Action: A character can drink a flask
to gain +1 boon and increased effect on their
Meal effects apply to the very next combat you
next narrative action
get into.
• Phoenix flask: An incapacitated character can
spend a full turn to drink a Phoenix Flask to
Rescue themselves at the end of that turn. D6 Result
• Cleansing flask: A character can drink this
flask to cleanse themselves (clear all blights and 1 Burnt meal - No effect!
immediately save against all effects).
102 of 142
103 of 142
104 of 142
Survival Gear
Purchase: 6 dust
Upgrade: 3 dust
• Rangers: Increase health by 1 for all characters
• Toughened: All burden clocks are 1 shorter
• Footwork: All characters can make up to 1
square of diagonal movement when they move
• Advanced footwork: All characters can
make up to 2 squares of diagonal movement
when they move
Thieves’ Gear
Purchase: 6 dust
Upgrade: 3 dust
• Skeleton Key: 1/session you can make any
action roll to open, unlock, or activate a device
or door superpowered in effect.
• Shadow cloaks: For the first combat after you
embark on an expedition, start with stealth.
Lose stealth at the start of the second round if
you gained it this way.
• Whisper cloaks: Also gain this benefit after
you camp.
105 of 142
During their adventures, characters earn
Advancement and experience points, filling out an experience bar. At
certain breakpoints in the bar, they will unlock
Reward new abilities or talents.
7 2 Improve an action
Choose a third job OR gain a mastery
8 2 Improve two actions or gain a Bond power
9 Unlock third relic Gain a Bond power
Stat up!
Gain Mastery Point to unlock a
10 3 Improve an action
master talent for an ability
11 3 Improve an action
Gain Mastery Point to unlock a
12 3 Gain a Bond power
master talent for an ability
106 of 142
107 of 142
Example Arkentec
Tech Description and Effect Uses
Spend an action to wreath your ammo in shimmering
Entropy Ammo frost. For the rest of combat, your ranged attacks inflict 2 2
frostbite on hit
Wrap this cloak around you and blink in and out of
Displacement Cloak 3 1
existence to use your standard move to teleport instead
An ancient Relict weapon that still functions, shooting
bolts of lightning. You can make a light attack with it (line
Relict Arbalest 1 2
5, heavy damage, secondary effect: light damage, effect:
electrifies all targets)
Venom from a howler beast. You can apply it as an action.
Howler Venom Your next physical attack gains bonus damage, piercing, 1 2
and the effect: Inflicts poisoned and dazed on hit
Wrap your armor in tough howler hide. Apply before an
Alpha Howler Hide expedition. This expedition, you start every combat with 1 3
vigor +1
Strap on a piece of decaying armor for extra protection.
As an interrupt when you’re hit by any attack but before
Decayed Plate 1 2
damage is applied, you can expend the plate to gain 6
armor against the attack.
Point this stave at a space on the ground in range 3 as an
action to release a spark of flame as an effect, inflicting
Stave of Flame 2 2
burning and fray damage to all characters in a blast 1
Use as an action to splash the oil about, reversing gravity
and drifting into the air. Gain flying but also become
Drift Oil 1 1
immobilized. You can use this action again to end the
Step on the screecher gland as an action to make a
horrible screeching noise. Characters in a blast 1 (self)
Screecher gland 1 1
area, including you, must physical save or become
108 of 142
clans will often organize and maintain large
hideouts, where they will periodically raid nearby
towns for loot and captives. In the ruins
themselves, some adventurers make a living not
The ruins that litter Arden Eld and churn beneath only off the ruins, but also off robbing their fellow
its surface are sometimes peaceful, hollow affairs - adventurers. In the cities, wealthy criminal
full of dust and destroyed monuments to a dead syndicates, sometimes masquerading (or acting
empire. More often than not, however, they are openly!) as guilds, pursue enrichment at all costs,
host to innumerable monsters that slither, crawl, running kidnapping schemes, forcing labor, or
and stalk through their hallways, born of the using debt to control large numbers of people.
Doom that befell the Arken Empire and the grand
technomagical projects they undertook. These Mistrust has reached the point that some towns
ruins can be deadly places despite the riches they and cities have begun eyeing the legacy of the
offer, and occasionally when a ruin surfaces, it Arkenlords, arming themselves for what they see
disgorges monsters continuously that boil over as a coming grand conflict between Kin. War
into the surface world, called a Blight. Minor between city states or towns, so rare between Kin
blights can deform and destroy the landscape and in the Green Age, is becoming more common and
threaten nearby villages, towns, and cities, and increasingly severe in scale. Some powerful towns
every few decades a blight surfaces that can or city states see themselves as inheritors of an
threaten large portions of the world. imperial legacy, with the warlords helming them
titling themselves a new Emperor, seeking to
Monster unite the cities by force into Arden Eld’s first
nation. The ambitions of these self-styled
The creatures that stalk the halls of the ruins are a Imperials remain unfulfilled - for now.
mix of mundane beasts that have been warped by
the ruins’ influence, native fauna that have grown When Kin commit or threaten violence, it’s
accustomed to dungeons, terrifying horrors from always motivated. Kin can be bargained
beyond the realms of understanding, and the with (even if that bargain on your end is giving
remnants of the old empire, animated by the up all your money or throwing down your
ruins’ magic. weapons in surrender!), they’re people after all.
Kin will almost never fight to the death and
Monsters are dangerous and beyond reasoning will often flee or surrender if their lives are
with. Though some have some shred of threatened.
intelligence, they are motivated by hunger, pain,
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Monsters and Ki you to fit the ‘fantasy’ of the foes you are thinking
of in your story and fit them to statistics that help
In combat, there are two rules to apply to them perform that role in combat.
monsters and kin:
There are four classes for foes, with numerous
1. Kin always have reasons to fight. If their jobs inside. Each class grants every job its general
demands or desire are met, then they are willing statistics must like player jobs. When those
to bargain or avoid a fight. statistics are different from the usual, it’s listed in
2. Kin will surrender or flee, potentially each job’s stat block.
ending a tactical combat, if they have suffered
heavy losses or see there is no chance they will • Heavy: Slower, melee focused enemies that
win. Typically this is easy to judge as a GM, but defend their allies with their higher hp and
make a call when Kin are outnumbered 2 to 1 or traits like Guardian, Vigilance, and True Strike.
more than half their forces have been defeated. • Skirmisher: Fast, mobile, short ranged
3. Kin won’t kill without a reason. enemies that deal high damage but are fragile
themselves. Have many traits like Stealth,
The most important rule to stick by is that Evasion, Finishing Blow, and Dodge.
monsters are never people, and people are • Leader: Foes that improve the combat
never monsters. If monsters are intelligent capabilities of their allies or heal them. Have
enough to be a character in their own right, or traits like Cure, Shelter (bonuses to saves), or
bargain with or be characters in their own right, auras that improve or move their allies
treat them like Kin. • Artillery: Long range, slow enemies that
become powerful if left alone by either creating
or summoning more allies, or simply dealing
How to use this sectio more damage. Deal the highest damage but
relatively little defense or health. Have traits like
In tactical combat, foes in ICON have statistics Pierce, Overdrive, Aetherwall, and inflict Blights
such as HP or armor, abilities, and actions just
like player characters. On their turn, they can take SPECIAL FOE RULE
2 actions and move, also just like player
characters. Unlike player characters, they are Foes can all make a standard move like heroes,
limited to the actions in their profile, and and can all run, dash, or interact with something.
they are also much simpler. The usual rules around attacks, abilities, and
effects apply.
Foes in ICON aren’t listed out in individual detail,
like in some role-playing games. Instead, there are However, foes have some special rules, tags, and
classes and jobs for foes, much like for player traits that apply only to them:
characters, which informs how they function in
tactical combat. A monster that’s a soldier and a • Repeatable X: This action is repeatable X
Thryn soldier will function much of the same (an number of times in a turn, ignoring the no
up close fighter that gets more powerful when repeats rule, including the 1/round attack limit!
adjacent to an ally). The jobs are not strict • Multiattack X: This action can make X attack
definitions and can be ‘flavored’ any way you like. rolls, targeting the same or different characters.
For example, if you need a flying monster that • Recharge X+: After this ability is used, it can’t
harasses enemies, you probably want a Hellion. If be used again until it recharges. Roll a d6 at the
you want to represent a guard with a crossbow, start of the foe’s turn for each ability. On the
you can choose an Archer (for a more mobile listed number or above, recharge the ability and
option) or an Arbalest (for a long range, slow, it can be used again.
high damage option). The Hellion could just as • Foes all deal flat damage. This is to speed up
well represent a soldier using a magitech device to the game on the GM side, since you’ll be playing
fly around, however, and an Archer could many more characters.
represent a monster that launches spines, spits • Foes can never choose to take a slow turn unless
acid, or something similar. This flexibility allows specified
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• 5 mobs is worth 1
Foes may have additional or unique tags, such as • 1 regular foe is worth 1
Autocure or Prowl (see jobs for more details!). • 1 elite is worth 2
• 1 monstrosity is worth the number of players.
Special classe
There are a few special classes for foes in ICON For example, if I have 3 players, I can run 4
that change the gameplay of foes up slightly: regular foes against them, or one elite and 2 foes,
or 20 mobs.
• Mob: Mobs are weak, numerous enemies with 1
hp. They can be used for a more ‘heroic’ feeling To balance up or down, add or remove 1 or 2
game where characters cut down enemy after points from the encounter budget. The most
enemy. They can overwhelm characters in important balancing factor is action economy - ie
numbers. When you take an enemy turn, you how many fighters are on one side or another. If
can take a turn for up to 5 mob-type foes. your players outnumber your foes, no matter how
• Elite: Elites are more powerful foes that take powerful their enemies are, they will typically win!
additional turns, have more hp, and take more
actions. They are akin to ‘mini-boss’ encounters Using the chapter syste
in a role playing game, representing a more Both foes and player characters increase slightly
powerful or skill enemy. in stats each chapter. This system is here to let
• Monstrosity: The most powerful foes in ICON. players that are behind on experience catch up
Monstrosities are fights worthy of an entire and let players set the pace of their game. You can
group, and meant to represent huge or use this to do a couple of things:
legendary monsters, such as wyrms, giants, or • Increase the difficulty of combat encounters by
elder demons. They take multiple turns, have adding foes from later chapters
phases (different actions and abilities based on • Decrease the difficulty of combat encounters by
different situations), have attackable locations lowering a foe’s chapter
that can disable or weaken their attacks, deal • Keep foes in certain locations ‘frozen’ at a
high damage, and have high hp. certain chapter to give players a sense of
Faction • Keep foes at certain locations ‘frozen’ at a higher
chapter to give players a potential challenge.
You might feel that having every ‘soldier’ type
enemy fit one template will make things feel a
little same-y, but to distinguish foes from another,
there is one more component to Foes in ICON,
which is Faction. Faction allows you to put a
‘template’ on top of enemies to give them bonus
traits, change their statistics, or grant them a
choice of additional actions. These faction
templates help create a sense of unity among foes
of different jobs and can change the experience of
fighting them completely.
111 of 142
112 of 142
Armored foe that crushes enemy defense Traits: Skirmisher, Extended Dash, Dodge,
3 armor Prowl, Finishing Blow
Traits: Guardian, Vigilance
Flank: Loses all armor if 2 or more foes are Strafe shot (1 action, ranged attack 5): On
adjacent. hit: deal light damage. Can interrupt movement.
Poise: Sturdy above 50% hp Pepper (1 action, repeatable 2): Deal fray
damage to a character in in range 5.
Wind up (2 actions): Next Slam costs 1 action Riddle (2 actions, ranged attack 5,
and gains +1 accuracy recharge 5+): On hit: Deal fray damage four
Bash (1 action): An adjacent character must times. Miss: Two times.
physical save or become dazed
Slam (2 actions, melee attack): +1 difficulty. Berserker
Pierce. On hit, deal critical damage and character
must save or become vulnerable. Traits: Skirmisher, Extended Dash, Dodge,
Finishing Blow
Nimble: Has evasion unless suffering from a
Skirmishe status
Revenge: Has counter under 50% hp
Prowl: Gains stealth at the start of their turn Vengeful Slash (Interrupt 1): When damaged
Finishing Blow: Boost damage if character is for the first time a round, Berserker deals light
bloodied. damage as an effect to a random adjacent
Extended Dash: Can dash as 1 action character (for or ally).
Skirmisher: Can move diagonally
Furious Slash (melee attack, repeatable 2):
Health: 6/7/8 On hit: Light damage. Critical hit: Character must
HP: 24/28/32 physical save or become vulnerable.
Speed: 4, run 2, dash 4 Charge (1 actions, recharge 4+): Dash, then
Defense: 9+ chapter deal light physical damage to an adjacent
Armor: 0 character
Attack: +2/+4/+6
Fray Damage: 1/2/3 Hellion
Damage: 3+chapter/6+chapter/10+chapter
Damage/save type: Either Traits: Skirmisher, Extended Dash, Dodge,
Finishing Blow
Assassin Winged: Gains flying at end of their turn. Loses
flying if shoved, dazed, staggered, or stunned.
Traits: Skirmisher, Extended Dash, Dodge,
Prowl, Finishing Blow Bolt (1 action, ranged attack 4): On hit: light
Nimble: Has evasion unless suffering from a magic damage.
status Swoop (1 action, recharge 6): End turn and
leave the battlefield. Return to the battlefield in a
Bolt (1 action, ranged attack 4): On hit: light free space at start of next turn.
magic damage. Dive (1 action): Fly in a line 3 area effect. Once
Deumbra (1 action, repeatable 2): Teleport 2 character within the area must physical save or
Lunge (2 actions, melee attack, recharge take fray damage, be shoved to the end of the line,
6): May dash 4 before attack. On hit: Heavy and become blinded.
physical damage. Trigger finishing blow if
character has no adjacent allies. Skulk
113 of 142
114 of 142
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gains vigor 1, regeneration 1, pierce on all its next turn. Immediately ends if reduced below
abilities, and doubles its speed. 50% hp, and can’t take while bloody.
Great Summon (2 actions, recharge 6): Great Bash (1 action recharge 4+): Dash
Summon a soldier with the Summon type and forward up to 3 spaces, then an adjacent foe must
25% max hp. physical save or take light damage and be be
shoved 3 spaces. Collide: stun.
Arbalest Blackheart (3 actions, melee attack,
Multiattack 2): On hit: deal light damage. Miss:
Dash 1 light damage. Boost on hit damage to heavy if
Traits: Overdrive 3, Slow character is stunned or dazed.
116 of 142
117 of 142
Defense: 6+ chapter Cannot move this turn, or use on any turn that
Armor: 2/3/4 it moved. End turn and combo returns to
Attack: +0/+2/+4 Wind Up.
Fray Damage: 2/3/4
Damage: 3+chapter/5+chapter/7+chapter Phase 2: Rage mode (50% hp or under)
Damage/save type: Physical Tantrum: Gain hatred of character that
triggered phase change. Swap to the closest
Traits: Vigilance character at the start of each following turn. If
Enormous: Size 3 multiple characters are evenly close, the
Monstrosity: Takes 1 turn for every player demolisher can choose
character, and has 3 actions. If slow, only one of Rage: Gain unstoppable and regeneration 1 at
its turns is affected. 25% hp.
Colossus: Immune to immobilized and shove. Charge (1 action): Move 6. All characters it
Has phasing for characters and terrain smaller passes over must physical save or become shoved
than it and can end turn in those spaces. Ignores 1 to either side. Collide: Daze.
movement penalties for terrain. Swat (1 action): Adjacent foe must physical save
Monstrous strength: All attacks have shove 1. or be shoved 2 and staggered. Collide: also
1/round after attacking a character, create a space Stunned
of height 1 terrain adjacent to the target. Lash (1 action): The Demolisher whips a chain,
hook, or tongue around a foe in range 5. They
Body parts: must physical save or be shoved 3 or as far as
Head (10 hp) - Demolisher becomes blinded possible towards the demolisher.
(ongoing) Rage Pound (2 actions, multiattack 3):
Lash (10 hp) - Demolisher loses its lash attack Melee attack, range 2. On hit: Light damage.
Armament (10 hp) - Demolisher gets +1 curse Miss: fray damage. If a character is hit by 2 or
on all its melee attacks. Destroyed Demolisher more attacks, they are immobilized.
armament can be sold for 2 dust. Wind up (1 action, combo): End turn, become
resistant to all damage. Can use Smash.
Phases: Phase change triggers instantly when • Combo: Smash (3 actions, melee attack,
reduced to 50% hp or lower. close blast 1): On hit: heavy damage, double
damage, and character is stunned. Miss:
Phase 1: Lumbering Heavy damage. Area effect: Heavy damage.
Swat (1 action): Adjacent foe must physical save Cannot move this turn, or use on any turn that
or be shoved 2 and staggered. Collide: also it moved. End turn and combo returns to
Stunned Wind Up.
Lash (1 action): The Demolisher whips a chain,
hook, or tongue around a foe in range 5. They
must physical save or be shoved 3 or as far as
possible towards the demolisher.
Pound (2 actions, multiattack 2): Melee
attack, range 2. On hit: Light damage. Miss: fray
Wind up (1 action, combo): End turn, become
resistant to all damage. Can use Roar.
• Combo: Roar (1 actions): End turn.
Characters in range 3 must magic save or take
physical piercing damage, become
immobilized, and shoved 1 towards the
Demolisher. Can use smash.
• Combo: Smash (3 actions, melee attack,
close blast 1): On hit: heavy damage, double
damage, and character is stunned. Miss:
Heavy damage. Area effect: Heavy damage.
118 of 142
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The Brood Lord represents a monster that Possession Gem (20 hp): Possession costs 3
commands a legion of lesser minions, such as an actions. Characters can sell a possession gem for 4
enormous spider, a Relict Necrolord, or a insectile dust.
Phases: The Brood Lord can switch phases at the
Health: 8/9/10 start of each round. It can be forced to switch
HP: [16/18/20] x number of player characters phases if it loses all its minions, in which case it
Speed: 4, run 2, dash 4 happens instantly.
Defense: 7+ chapter
Armor: 1/2/3 Phase 1: Darklurker
Attack: +1/+3/+5
Fray Damage: 2/3/3 Lurk: The Brood Lord is intangible in this phase
Damage: 3+chapter/5+chapter/7+chapter and cannot summon new minions. If all its
Damage/save type: Either summons are destroyed, it is immediately forced
into phase 2.
Traits: Shelter, Autocure Looming Shadow: The Brood Lord’s space is
Large: Size 2 difficult terrain for hostile characters and allied
Monstrosity: Takes 1 turn for every player characters spend 0 movement to cross spaces in
character, and has 3 actions. If slow, only one of the area.
its turns is affected. Brood assault (free action, 1/turn): Up to 3
Colossus: Immune to immobilized and shove. brood minions make an attack, using the brood
Has phasing for characters smaller than it, can lord’s attack bonus. On hit, deal fray damage. Deal
end turn in those spaces. Ignores movement fray damage twice if at least one other brood
penalties for terrain. summon is adjacent.
Legion: The Broodlord starts combat with 5 of its Shadow spines (1 action, melee attack,
unique summons per player character, which can repeatable 2): Close blast 1. On hit: light
be placed in any space on the battlefield not damage. Miss or area effect: Fray damage. Allies
within range 2 of players. are immune.
Great Puppeteer (1 action): Up to three allies
Brood Minions: The Brood Lord creates unique in range of the Broad Lord can dash 4
summons with its abilities. It can summon any Possess (1 action, stance): An allied character
combination of the following minions, which all or summon in range 10 of the Brood Lord gains +1
have defense 7+chapter and 1 hp by default. They action, +1 boon on attacks and saves, and vigor
can move 4 spaces when the Brood Lord takes equal to the Brood Lord’s health. Can only possess
their turn, otherwise cannot take actions by one character at once.
themselves unless specified. Evolve Brood (3 actions): Destroy one brood
• Clawing Brood: Foes treat spaces adjacent summon and replace it with an Impaler, Sledge,
clawing brood as difficult terrain. or Skulk. This new unit has the summon type and
• Grappler Brood: Characters that start their only 25% max hp.
turn next to an Grappler brood must physical
save or be shoved 2 in a direction of the Brood Phase 2: Despoiler
Lord’s choice
• Crusher Brood: 1/1/2 armor. Characters that Spawn (3 actions, 1/round): The Brood Lord
start their turn adjacent to 1 or more crusher spawns a new unique minion in any space on the
brood must physical save or become dazed or battlefield that’s not in range 2 of a player. They
staggered (Brood Lord’s choice). summon 2 unique summons per players
Brood assault (free action, 1/turn): Up to 3
Body Parts: brood minions make an attack, using the brood
Brood Control (15 hp): Brood can only move 2 lord’s attack bonus. On hit, deal fray damage. Deal
spaces instead of 4, and brood assault becomes 1 fray damage twice if at least one other brood
action. summon is adjacent.
Spines (10 hp): Shadow spines can only be used Shadow spines (1 action, melee attack,
once repeatable 2): Close blast 1. On hit: light
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damage. Miss or area effect: Fray damage. Allies Heartscale (15 HP): Loses Heavy Armor trait
are immune. and all armor.
Great Puppeteer (1 action): Up to three allies Horns (15 HP): Wyrm gains permanent hatred
in range of the Broad Lord can dash 4 of the player that destroyed the horns
Possess (1 actions, stance): An allied Tail (15 HP): Tail lash costs 3 actions.
character or summon in range 10 of the Brood Characters can sell a Wyrm tail for 4 dust.
Lord gains +1 action, +1 boon on attacks and
saves, and vigor equal to the Brood Lord’s vigor. Phases:
Can only possess one character at once. Enters a new phase at the start of every round, in
Screaming spire (3 actions): The Brood Lord order (looping back to phase I after phase III).
summons a height 1 terrain piece in any free space Since the Wyrm enters God of Destruction the
not adjacent to a player character. Foes in range 2 round its Overdrive triggers, characters should
of the spire take double damage from summons, aim to end the fight by then.
and allied summons have dodge in the same area.
Attacks automatically hit the spire, and it is Phase I: Dominant
destroyed after taking 10 damage. The Brood Lord Cataclysm: At the start of each turn, create a
can only create one spire at once. rock spire, a height 1 terrain piece in range 3 of a
player character.
Snap (1 action, repeatable 3): Character in
range 2 must physical save or take piercing fray
Wyr damage
Swat (1 action): Adjacent character must
A Wyrm is a flying serpentine monster famous in physical save or be shoved 3, staggered, and
legend and myth, a lesser god of destruction that dazed. Collide: also Stunned
wreaks havoc on towns and villages. Eruption (2 actions): A Rock spire in range 3
emits a pool of blight, covering every adjacent
Health: 5/6/7 space to the spire. The space is dangerous and
HP: [15/18/21] x number of players difficult terrain, and characters that end their turn
Speed: 6, run 3, dash 3 in the space are blighted.
Defense: 7+ chapter Tail Lash (2 actions, melee attack, Arc 4):
Armor: 2/2/3 Attack: On hit: Heavy damage. Miss: Fray
Attack: +2/+4/+6 damage. Area effect: Light damage and Shove 1.
Fray Damage: 2/3/4 Must target a character in its area. Destroys any
Damage: 3+chapter/6+chapter/10+chapter rock spires in the area.
Damage/save type: Magic
Phase II: Soaring
Heavy Armor: Immune to pierce over 50% hp Take to Wing: Flying in this phase
Rage of Arenheir: Overdrive 6 Rake (1 action, repeatable 3): Fly in a line 5
Enormous: Size 3 area effect. Characters along the path take fray
Monstrosity: Takes 1 turn for every player damage.
character, and has 3 actions. If slow, only one of Spitfire (1 action, repeatable 2): Mark a
its turns is affected. character in range 6. At the end of that character’s
Colossus: Immune to immobilized and shove. turn, if that character is marked, the Wyrm shoots
Has phasing for characters smaller than it, can a blast of blight at them for a blast 1 explosion
end turn in those spaces. Ignores movement area effect. Characters within must magic save or
penalties for terrain. take light damage and be blighted. The ball
Blightheart: Wyrms deal one of the four blights destroys any rock spires in the area.
exclusively, except for in their God of Destruction Scorch (2 actions, attack): Range 8, Blast 1.
phase. Pick one when creating the Wyrm. On hit: light damage: Miss or area effect: light
damage. Blightboost: Increase all damage to
Body Parts heavy.
Wings (15 HP): Cannot fly Tail Lash (2 actions, melee attack, Arc 4):
Attack: On hit: Heavy damage. Miss: Fray
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Heavies or Leaders
Some Relict are walking statues powered by an
amalgamation of feeble souls.
+25% hp
Large: Increase size to 2
Combat subroutine: Has hatred of the closest
Imbued strength: All melee damage is boosted
and gains shove 1.
Stone march: Slow and cannot dash, run, or
Heavy: Immune to shove.
Relict are the most common danger that
adventurers face in the ruins of Arden Eld. They
are the spectral remnants of the Arken Empire,
Some relict have become fused due to damaged
souls bound in an Aetheric network that runs
networks. The result is a large, fused mass of
through the ruins by an ancient Eldmage as a
tormented souls.
last ditch effort to save a dying people. The
+25% hp
process was technically successful, but most relict
Large: Increase size to 2
have been left mindless husks - souls harnessed
Deadsoul: Has evasion and dodge vs magic
and stored in lightning powered sarcophagus-
Shambling: Permanently staggered and dazed
like nodes nestled throughout the ruins. Relict
Release passengers: When defeated, summon
armor sits eerily still, or crumpled into a corner,
4 relict chaff mobs in free adjacent spaces.
until its a node senses intruders, the Relict within
rippling out through conduits to manifest in
crackling undeath. Skirmishers or Artillery
There are some Relict - a priest class - that have Some relict have learned to survive by absorbing
retained more sense of themselves and work at their brethren to boost their sense of self.
dark purpose to resurrect the old empire and Sparkfeed (2 actions): The relict absorbs an
bring back the arkenlords. adjacent defeated relict, destroying its ally and
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gaining vigor 2. It doubles its speed for the rest of Ferocity: On the first round of combat, beasts
combat the first time it uses this ability. double their speed.
Electrostatic death: When destroyed, this Flank: While two or more beasts are adjacent to
character explodes in a blast 1 area effect for light a character hostile to them, that character takes
damage. If it used sparkfeed, boost this damage to +2 damage from their attacks
heavy. Feral: Always have hatred of the character that
damaged them last, or the closest character (can
choose either).
Heavy Beasts:
Stone Lizard
Thick hides and stony camouflage make these
large beasts almost impossible to tell from
Dire Hide: Resistant to physical damage above
50% hp
Heavy Armor: Immune to pierce above 50% hp
Rolling Boulder: Gains character phasing, and
when moving through foes for the first time in a
round, they are shoved 1 to the side and take fray
Flank: If two or more hostile characters are
adjacent, lost all armor
Wraith: The enormous and foul-smelling Halitoad uses its
Tethered to the network, relict can float on the long tongue to strangle and digest its prey.
air with eerie grace, flickering in and out of Large: Increase size to 2
existence. Stench: Melee attacks have +1 curse. Characters
Reduce hp by 50% starting their turns in an adjacent space are
Immortal rage: When defeated, instead become poisoned.
Intangible for one round. At the end of that Tongue lash (1 action): A foe in range 4 must
round, evaporate from the battlefield. physical save or be shoved 3 towards the Halitoad
Ethereal: Flying, phasing, and intangible unless Tongue Constrict (2 actions, stance,
there’s an adjacent foe recharge 4+): Adjacent foe must physical save
Slip (1 action): Teleport 3 or become immobilized, stunned, and take light
piercing damage at the start of the beast’s turns.
Beast cannot move while in this stance and it ends
if beast is stunned, staggered, dazed, or shoved. A
Ruin Beas character can also repeat the save at the end of
their turn to end this effect.
The ruins are full of wildlife that has adapted to
their unique environment over time - or have Horned Beast
been changed or warped by it. Large omnivores that use their horns to tear up
dungeon stones and get at the roots and insects
Monsters: Beasts do not flee or negotiate. within.
Faction Blight: Poisoned Large: Increase size to 2
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Gore (2 actions, recharge 4+): The Horned Chameleonic: When starting or ending its turn
Beast dashes up to 5 spaces. An adjacent character adjacent to cover, gains stealth
must then physical save or take light damage and Decoy (Interrupt 1, recharge 5+): When hit
be shoved for each space the beast moved, or half by an attack, turns that hit into a miss and
on a successful save. teleports 3 spaces to an unoccupied space it can
Strength: All attacks gain shove 1 see, which is its ‘real’ location.
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Spore detonate (2 actions, recharge 6): A • Flee: If a Scavenger has 4 or more valuables
character with a spore infestation explodes, tokens, they attempt to flee the battlefield,
dealing heavy damage in a blast 1 area as an area fleeing successfully if they start their turn in an
effect. Characters within the area can save to edge space of the battlefield with no hostile
reduce damage to light damage. The host fails this characters adjacent
save. The spore infestation on the targeted Faction Blight: Poisoned or Burning
character then ends. Valuables: If fighting scavengers, place 3
Puppet (1/turn, free action): A staggered valuables tokens on the battlefield. Valuables are
character (foe or ally) in range 5 is shoved 3 intangible tokens that can be picked up by any
spaces in a direction of the creeper’s choosing. character by moving over their space. Characters
drop them when defeated. At the end of an
Artillery Beasts expedition, all characters gain 1 dust for every 2
valuables tokens the party has as a whole.
Ruin Centipede
All scavengers have the ruffian template by
These huge, man sized insects are a potent
symbol of bad luck in most villages.
Acid Splash: Attacks deal piercing fray damage
on hit or miss to all foes in range 2 of the target as Ruffian
an area effect Corner fighting: At the start of their turns,
Toxic spines (1 action, recharge 6): A ruffians can dash 1 as a free action
character in range 5 must physical save or become Greed: Deal +2 damage against characters with
poisoned and instantly lose all vigor. at least one valuable token
Scavenge Looter
Kin that care little for what they carry out, only
Scavengers is a particular term in Arden Eld, that it glitters.
referring to the scions of the Churning Age - Loot sack: When defeated, a looter drops any
those who rush into the ruins in search of relics to valuables they have, plus 2.
extract for a quick profit. Many find that it is Mug (2 action, recharge 4+): An adjacent
easier to have others do the hard work for them, character must physical save or become stunned.
then rob them blind on the way out. On a failed save, the Looter also steals all
valuables from the character.
Kin: Scavengers are kin, can be bargained with,
and will flee or surrender if heavily outnumbered Quickfinger
or heavily losing a fight Trained thieves from city guilds often find
• Motivations: Scavengers are typically after the comfortable homes with scavenger bands.
wealth in the ruins and won’t fight if terms can Prowl: A quick finger gains stealth at the end of
be reached their turn
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Decoy (Interrupt 1, recharge 5+): When hit • Commanding Officer: Designate one foe the
by an attack, turns that hit into a miss and commanding officer of the imperial detachment.
teleports 3 spaces to an unoccupied space it can They get a special template.
see, which is its ‘real’ location.
Pick pockets (1 action, recharge 4+): An Special Mob: Auxiliary
adjacent character must physical save or become
dazed as their loose change is pilfered. The quick
finger gains 1 valuables, even on a successful save. Auxiliary
Made of of levies pressed into service from
Shank captured villages and towns and armed with
heavy arquebuses.
Rough and tumble street fighters, come to the
HP: 1
ruins to turn a quick guilder.
Speed: 3, run 1, dash 2
Backstab: When a shank makes an attack
Defense: 8
against a character adjacent to one of their allies,
Attack: +1/2/3
their attacks gain true strike or pierce (they can
Mob: This character doesn’t trigger slay effects
Sucker punch (1 action): An adjacent
Firelance (2 actions, ranged attack): Attack:
character must physical save or become dazed. If
On hit, deal 1 damage. Increase to 3 if in the
the character is holding any valuables, they also
command aura of an imperial officer.
drop them in adjacent spaces.
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Receive orders: When this unit starts its turn in Arkentech mine (1 actions, recharge 6): The
range of a command aura, it recharges all its Demolitionist places an intangible size 1 summon
abilities. in a space in range 3. If any character moves or is
Heavy Armor: Immune to pierce above 50% hp shoved more than 1 space over or adjacent to the
Flank: If adjacent to 2 or more foes, lose all mine, it explodes for heavy damage in a blast 1
armor area effect and inflicts burning.
Flame hurler (1 action, recharge 6): Line 3. Detonate mines (2 actions): All mines laid by
True strike. Inflict fray damage and burning as an the demolitionist explode as if triggered.
area effect on all within.
Leader Imperials
War Beast
This large, bear-like imperial beasts are bred for
war and fitted with armor.
Retired officers that sometimes go into battle to
Improved armor: Armor +1
complete the training of levies and legionnaires
Large: Increase size to 2
with brutal discipline.
Heavy Armor: Immune to pierce above 50% hp
Tactics Aura: Staggered, dazed, or stunned
Frenzy: When hitting with an attack, can
enemies in range 3 take +2 damage
immediately make another attack with an action
Discipline (Interrupt 1): When an ally in the
cost of 1 or less as a free action. This free attack
tactics aura misses with an attack, the Drillmaster
doesn’t trigger frenzy.
can use this interrupt to cause them to re-roll the
Leashed: Designate another character the
attack with +1 boon, taking the second result as
handler. Can only take 1 action maximum, loses
the final result.
all armor, and cannot trigger frenzy unless
adjacent to the handler or in a command aura.
Skirmisher Imperials Furnished with the latest scopes and tech,
Artillerists bring the imperial firepower to bear.
Firing Drills: The ranged attacks of allies in
Imperial Spy range 3 ignore cover
Top line imperial operatives, trained at a guild Spotter (1 action, recharge 4+): Mark a
academy character in range 8 and line of sight. That
Receive orders: When this unit starts its turn in character becomes Vulnerable (ongoing) to
range of a command aura, it recharges all its ranged attacks while marked and cannot gain
abilities. stealth. A character can repeat the save at the end
Disguise (1 action, recharge 6): A foe in of their turn to end this effect.
range 5 must magic save. On a failed save, the Spy
switches places with them, teleporting both
Artillery Imperials
Explosive Decoy (1 action, recharge 6): The
Spy teleports 3 spaces, gains stealth, and leaves an Imperial Sniper
explosive decoy in its space. The decoy is a A college-trained wright or gunwright with a
summon with 1 hp. As an action by the spy, or pedigree in precision combat
when damaged, the decoy explodes for light Receive orders: When this unit starts its turn in
damage in a blast 1 area effect, destroying it and range of a command aura, it recharges all its
inflicting magical fray damage and burning. abilities.
Brace: When adjacent to cover, increase the
Imperial Demolitionist range of all ranged attacks with a listed range by
+3, and increase all line attacks by +3
Laden with explosives, demolitionists blow doors
Deploy cover (1 action, recharge 6, 2/
in ruins, gatehouses of cities, or collapse tunnels
combat): The sniper creates a space of height 1
below armies.
terrain in an adjacent space
Receive orders: When this unit starts its turn in
range of a command aura, it recharges all its
abilities. Imperial Powdermage
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Heavy Demons
Starving Demon
These skeletal demons swell to enormous size
The origin of Demons is a mystery, but most
when they absorb their defeated foes.
scholars agree they appear to be closely related
Flesh Hook (1 action, recharge 4+): A
to the Doom. They are among the most
character in range 4 must pass a physical save or
dangerous and fearsome creatures that lurk in
be shoved towards the demon as much as possible
the deep levels of the Arkenruins, existing
Cleave (1 action, repeatable 2): Deal piercing
seemingly only to destroy. Whenever they
fray damage as an effect.
appear, they drive other creatures to the surface
Feast: Devour only costs 1 action for this Demon,
in a Blight.
and it can dash 1 before using it
Engorge: Increase size by 1 and gains +1 action
Monsters: Demons do not flee or negotiate.
for the rest of combat if it feasted.
Faction Blight: Any
Legion: When fighting demons, at the start of
combat, place three Natals on the map in Armor Demon
unoccupied space somewhere outside of range 2 These knight-like demons fight with no sense of
of players. These don’t count for the total self preservation and crush all before them.
encounter budget. Hellforged: Increase armor by +3
Devour (2 actions): The Demon devours and Heavy Armor: Above 50% hp, immune to pierce
absorbs an adjacent Natal or another defeated Flank: If adjacent to 2 or more hostile characters,
Demon, healing 25% of their HP and gaining vigor lose all armor
1. A Natal devoured this way is destroyed. Crush Bones (2 actions): Choose an adjacent
Banish: A character can disintegrate an adjacent character. That character is immobilized and the
defeated demon as an action, returning it to the Armor Demon becomes Slow. At the start of the
void from which it came. Armor Demon’s next turn, if that character is still
adjacent, they take critical piercing damage with
Special Mob: Natal true strike as an effect. The targeted character can
save against this effect as normal.
Natals are immature demons, smooth, pale-
skinned humanoids. Wherever demons appears,
breaching the veil between worlds, they Gaping Demon
inevitably pour forth. This demon is almost all mouth, teeth, and
tongue, which nearly splits its body in two.
Natal Large: Increase size to 2
Feast: Devour only costs 1 action for this Demon,
and it can dash 1 before using it.
HP: 1
Invigorate: When the Mouth Demon uses
Speed: 3
Devour, it also recharges any abilities it has
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Lurking Demon
This reptilian demon’s skin constantly shifts to
match its surroundings.
Chameleonic: When starting or ending its turn
adjacent to cover, gains stealth
Void rift (1 action): Create a line 3 area of
difficult terrain in range 5. This area lasts until the
end of combat or until the demon uses this ability
again. Demons can use it for cover and ignore its
difficult terrain
Unstable Demon
This demon is a barely controlled chaos, it svery
form constantly twisting and warping
Implode: If the Unstable Demon reaches its
overcharge counter, it explodes, dealing light
piercing damage as an area effect to all non-
demon characters on the battlefield.
Chaos: Unstable demon attacks inflict all four
Color Demon
This demon is a color that cannot be named.
Looking at it too long hurts.
Distorted Soul: Above 50% hp gain resistance
to all physical damage and gain flying. Below 50%
hp, gain resistance to all magic damage and gain
Absorb Aether.
• Absorb Aether: Gain 1 vigor when a magic
ability is used in range 3.
Distort space: All Natals in range 3 are
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Deeptower is a simple expedition for level 1 or The top of the tower broke off and was lost
level 2 characters. Try it at level 2 if you want to somewhere during its ascent from the deep earth,
test limit breaks and for characters to have more but the bottom half is still intact. The Chroniclers
options. You can use it as a jumping off point to who noted the event on their seismographs have
get people into the game and write your own named the sinister ruin Deeptower.
Persons of Interest and hook
REWARDS: 6 xp, 3 dust. There’s some extra Here are some folk that players might run into in
arkentech and dust possible, and camp upgrade. town, and a quick description of each. You can use
CAMPS: 1 any or all of them as hooks for players to go to the
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Trogg, Churner, she/her
Quell is a Churner, a traveling merchant who was
in town for the night when the tower surfaced.
She has a dark sense of humor and keeps her true
intentions hidden.
Hook: Quell knows towers like this can have
powerful arkenrelics hidden deep inside, and paid
Yu’s sons to go scout it out, not expecting them to
actually enter the tower. She felt so terrible about
what happened that she pulled some strings and
hired a mercenary band, Carel’s Brigadiers, to go
get the kid out. The band is still at the tower and
hasn’t returned. She’s genuine in her remorse, but
secretly has also promised the band she’ll fence
any relics they find as payment. She’s not
planning on actually selling the relics, but intends
to split town as soon as she gets her hands on
anything. She might get the characters to go fix
her problem for her, promising payment.
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The Towe
Setting out for the tower is not a particularly hard
journey, though a lot of it is uphill. The tower,
when it comes into view, juts out of the
mountainside like a broken fang, the top split off,
leaving part of it open to the air. The earth around
its base is torn up and characters who linger in the
area will occasionally feel minor seismic tremors
in the earth.
4. The Knigh
Then fill the remaining with the following
enemies depending on your players and
preferences: A crumpled figure in ancient arkentech amor has
collapsed on an altar at the end of the room here,
lit by a sunbeam. Adjacent to the altar is a stair
Fused Brute leading down. Rows of stone pews mark the way
Wight Summoner there.
Wraith Illwright
Wraith Skulk A dark miasma has seeped from the knight’s
helmet, a curling black mist that seeps across the
floor and sinks low across the stone, which looks
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Officer Knuckle
Ironfeather Shortbow
Howler Impaler
Fill out the rest of the encounter with the
following options, costing 1 point each: Gulper Siegewright
Legionnaire Soldier
Stalker Berserker
Legionnaire Siegewright
Artillerist Commander Clearing the toad from the well reveals a set of
Imperial Spy Shortbow stairs going down.
The pools of oil (difficult terrain) on the map can 10. BATTLE CHAMBE
be ignited by damaging them with any magic
attack (attacks auto hit) or attack that inflicts The sounds of heavy footfalls echo through this
burning. They become difficult and dangerous room, which is filled with the crumpled skeletal
terrain. remains of warriors, and the broken armors of
Alliance: If they promise to help clear out the
courtyard for the Imperials or fight Carel for his The center of the room has a sunken
key and are successful, Hela will accompany the Sarcophagus-like structure, the relict node. A
characters in their fight with the Nocturnal. statue atop this node once held a huge gleaming
mace, almost as big as a man, but it has been torn
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The room is pitch black without light. The well is This room is the former prison of The Wretch, a
dry, having drained during the tower’s ascent Nocturnal demon, a powerful monstrosity,
from the deeps, but there’s still a thin film of which will allow characters to enter the room
water and clinging on the floor here. before attacking if it notices them.
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Characters that get out safely (or flee) will find the blight near the border, and crossings aren’t safe.
following, depending on the situation: If you can deal with it, the patrician will pay you
• If Carel and his band haven’t been defeated, and personally.
the imperials are still active, they’ll give up and • The second part of the tower surfaces nearby.
split town, taking their loot with them • Marat finds your band and has a proposal: bring
• If Carel is still around but the imperials are not them back to their Leggio family, a few days
a factor, he’ll let characters leave with Gwyn, but from here. There’s a big problem though -
demand they cut him and his brigade in on the Marat has a terrible price on their head.
valuables, including the elixir stone. He can be
convinced otherwise with a lot of effort (or
healthy intimidation), otherwise he will attack.
• If Hela and the Imperials are around and on
good terms with the players, and Carel has left,
she’ll let them go with their valuables and Gwyn,
but demand the Elixir stone before they leave,
or she’ll order her soldiers to take it by force.
She can be convinced otherwise, but it’s
• Neither Carel nor Hela will kill player characters
if they can help it. If players are defeated, they’ll
be dumped somewhere outside the tower, with
Gwyn. Carel will rob them and split town, Hela
will take the stone, leave them with 2 dust, and
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