Present Continuous Global Warning

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Global warning _____________________ (cause) major

changes in our world now and animals and plants

___________________ (try) to live with these changes. The
problem is that, if we do not do anything, many species will
become endangered or even extinct!

For example, on the Galapagos Islands, penguins will not

be able to survive because now the fish they eat
__________________ (move) north to cooler waters. The Sahara Desert
____________ (expand) because the temperature ____________________ (rise). This
means that in near future many animals will lose their habitat as their homes
_______________ (get) hot and dry and water ___________________(evaporate). If
the ice continues melting in the South and North poles, polar bear will be thinner and
finally die because they will not have a place to live and hunt.

Global warning _____________________ (cause) major

changes in our world now and animals and plants
___________________ (try) to live with these changes. The
problem is that, if we do not do anything, many species will
become endangered or even extinct!

For example, on the Galapagos Islands, penguins will not

be able to survive because now the fish they eat
__________________ (move) north to cooler waters. The Sahara Desert
____________ (expand) because the temperature ____________________ (rise). This
means that in near future many animals will lose their habitat as their homes
_______________ (get) hot and dry and water ___________________(evaporate). If
the ice continues melting in the South and North poles, polar bear will be thinner and
finally die because they will not have a place to live and hunt.

Global warning _____________________ (cause) major

changes in our world now and animals and plants
___________________ (try) to live with these changes. The
problem is that, if we do not do anything, many species will
become endangered or even extinct!

For example, on the Galapagos Islands, penguins will not

be able to survive because now the fish they eat
__________________ (move) north to cooler waters. The Sahara Desert
____________ (expand) because the temperature ____________________ (rise). This
means that in near future many animals will lose their habitat as their homes
_______________ (get) hot and dry and water ___________________(evaporate). If
the ice continues melting in the South and North poles, polar bear will be thinner and
finally die because they will not have a place to live and hunt.

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