CfA - ADDO - Insights - Daily Maverick - Jamie Roz
CfA - ADDO - Insights - Daily Maverick - Jamie Roz
CfA - ADDO - Insights - Daily Maverick - Jamie Roz
Insight Report
This DRAFT report looks at mentions of the byline Jamie Roz in South African digital media (using
Code for Africa’s CivicSignal MediaCloud machine learning platform), as well as social media traces
on Facebook (using Crowdtangle) and Twitter (using Meltwater). We attempted to ascertain whether
Jamie Roz was a real person, or an alias used to legitimise propaganda and misinformation from
Sekunjalo and Independent Media, masquerading as investigative journalism.
The first mention of the byline “Jamie Roz” picked up on Code for Africa’s MediaCloud monitoring
platform was on May 15, 2022, with a story written in response to banks starting to cut ties with Iqbal
Survè’s Sekunjalo Group, and entitled “History in the making: Sekunjalo Group takes a stand against
Mafia banks.” Prior to that date, we could find no stories attributed to Jamie Roz in South African
digital news media.
Using CivicSignal MediaCloud we identified a total of 6 stories by Jamie Roz, written between May
15 and August 8. These 6 stories were published multiple times on different Independent Media
platforms, for a total of 75 instances. (Note: this indicates that the individual 6 stories were also
published under the rubric of the different media titles.)
A word cloud of topics covered in “Jamie Roz” stories shows that his main concerns are banks
refusing to do business with any company tied to Survè and Sekunjalo Investment Holding, and to
attack the Daily Maverick.
Top words from stories associated with Jamie Roz 01/01/22 - 24/08/22. Source: CivicSignal MediaCloud
See Link to urls of stories
Attention over time of stories authored by Jamie Roz 01/01/22 - 24/08/22 Source: CivicSignal MediaCloud
Cite this case study as: Code for Africa (CfA), August 25, 2022.
Top sample stories by Jamie Roz 01/01/22 - 24/08/22. Source: CivicSignal MediaCloud
Cite this case study as: Code for Africa (CfA), August 25, 2022.
Top names from the stories associated with Jamie Roz 01/01/22 - 24/08/22. Source: CivicSignal
Using CrowdTangle, we searched for the key term “Jamie Roz” on Facebook covering the period
between January 1 2020 and August 25 2022. We did not observe any social media digital footprint
related to Jamie Roz.
Cite this case study as: Code for Africa (CfA), August 25, 2022.
Snapshot of CrowdTangle results of posts mentioning “Jamie Roz” between Jan 1 2020 & Aug 25 2022 (source:
Using Meltwater, we identified 7 tweets which mentioned the keyword “Jamie Roz” for the period
between August 26 2021 and August 25 2022. The first tweet that mentioned “Jamie Roz” was
observed on February 7 2022. The second tweet originated from @GeorgeSA60 questioning who
“Jamie Roz” was. However, no evidence of the existence of a “Jamie Roz” account was observed.
Timeline of all tweets mentioning “Jamie Roz” since August 26 2021 to August 25 2022 (source: Meltwater/CfA)
Extracts of the first two (left, right) tweets observed mentioning “Jamie Roz” (source: Meltwater/CfA)
Cite this case study as: Code for Africa (CfA), August 25, 2022.
Additional visualisations
For the period between January 1 2020 and August 25 2022, we identified IOL as the main publisher
of 69 “Jamie Roz” articles, except for 6 mentions on news aggregators.
Cite this case study as: Code for Africa (CfA), August 25, 2022.
This draft report was co-written by CfA’s iLAB and CivicSignal
Cite this case study as: Code for Africa (CfA), August 25, 2022.