Akuw81002 Part5

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Alex M cK . Bannerman, M BE A. I. F . S. T.
Independent Consultant
Swanland, North Ferriby
HU14 3QT
En gland
44! 0482-633124

In 1933, I was privileged to join the Torry Research Station in Aberdeen,

Scotland. I worked for the director, the late Dr. G. A. Reay, investigating
fish proteins, freezing, cold storage, salting, and dehydration of herring and
cod, and the analytical techniques to test these processes ~

In 1936 37, I became involved in smoke curing fish, working with Dr. Charles
Cutting. We started a research program to investigate the process of curing
fish in traditional kilns. Some of these kiln s were 800 ft square and 30 ft
high. We measured air flow, temperatures, humidities, and weight loss of
fish during smoking. From the data, we built a picture of the irregularities
and disadvantages of smoking in these old kilns. However, this also led to
improving the process. After several attempts, we developed a simple tunnel
design in which fish could be smoked under controlled conditions. The
process was more economical, faster, and the product more uniform. This is
a bit of history, but it was from this work that we built our expertise and
knowledge of fish.

A previous speaker suggested that with modern, programmable smoking

equipment it is only necessary to push buttons, and "witch doctors" are no
longer needed. I would agr ee with this for products such as salami,
sausages, and other products manufactured from uniform ingredients in skins
of uniform length and thickness ~ However, fish come in all shapes and sizes,
with differing fat, protein and water content. In any smoking process, these
differences have to be considered by the processor. Based on my knowledge
of the old kilns, I became one of the "witch doctors" of modern smoking

Only very fresh or good quality thawed fish should be used for smoking since
modern methods will not preserve flesh or mask off-flavors. All fish have to
be prepared for smoking as in Figure 1. Whole fish are first washed in fresh
or chlorinated water to remove any blood, loose scales, and other debris.
With few exceptions Table 1!, fish are cut. Herring with the head on the
gut in are used to produce bloaters and buckling. A buckling is a German
herring cure which is hot-smoked. There is a little buckling production in
the United Kingdom, but the herring are prepared by nobbing: removing the
head and long gut, but retaining any roe or milt. This is done by cutting
the fish behind the head, stopping before going through the gut cavity, then
pulling off the head with the long gut attached. The Russians use "nobbed"
herring and mackerel for freezing, canning, smoking, and fried products.

Figure 1. Basic steps in the processing procedure.

Table 1. Preparation of fish for smoking
Treatment S Finished Cured

washed loose scale removed! all

washed loose scale removed! herring bloaters and buckling

head on, gut and gills trout and mackerel for hot smoking

"gibbed" herring red herring

herring buckling
head on "split" herring kippers

head off "split" haddock "Finnan"

"block, " "butter fly" ! any small white golden cutlets

or boned fillet! fish, herring and boned kippers

filleted lug bone on! salmon! for cold smoking

large sea trout!

filleted and trimmed all white fish, for cold smoking

mackerel for hot smoking

washed, cooked, and shucked mussels and oysters for hot smoking

All cut fish to be washedfree of any loosescales, blood and piecesof gut.

"Gibbing" is a Scottish term for herring which have gills and gut removed by
cutting into the throat with a small knife. "Gibbed" herring are used for
salting, and subsequently for red herring, probably the oldest commercial
form of smoked cure. The herring are salted for weeks or months, desalted
in running water, and hung in the kiln where they are smoked for 24 hours,
cooled, then smoked again. This process repeats for several weeks. The
cooling forces internal moisture to the surface where it is dried off with the
warm smoke. Red herring are heavily smoked, very salty, dried, and usually
exported to tropical countries.

For more popular kippers, herring are split along the backbone and the gut
and roe removed, usually by machine. Boneless kipper s and block haddock
fillets are prepared by cutting behind the head, continuing the cut down
either side of the backbone, removing the head and backbone so the two side
fillets are left, still joined down the back. The "boneless" kipper was
introduced after World War II, when iced herring were shipped overland in
boxes. This resulted in some deterioration in the belly walls. Gut enzymes
caused the walls to burst, producing a high proportion of second-class
kipper. Most of the white fish cures are prepared from fillets, apart from
"finnan" haddocks and Arbroath smokies.

Salmon are gutted, the gut cavity scraped, and all blood removed. The fish
are then beheaded, but the lug bones are left intact, and the fish filleted.
String should be threaded through the shoulder of each fiHet under the lug
bone to form a loop. This helps when handling the fish during further
processing. Filets from thawed fish can be very soft and must be handled
All fish have to be quickly washed in running water after cutting. After
that, most fish are ready for salting. Prior to smoking, all fish are either
dry salted or brined. Most fish which have been cut open are brined.
Salmon is the exception in the United Kingdom, where it is always dry salted.

Salmon processing has, over the years, been looked upon as a mysterious
ritual and a closely guarded secret. From time to time, various ingredients
have been used in addition to common salt. These include brown sugar,
molasses, spices, and rum. I personally would use only salt, put the brown
sugar in my coffee and drink the rum.

In the United Kingdom, only fine, vacuum-dried salt is used. The salmon
fillets are laid skin side down on a bed of salt about one-half to 1 inch thick.
The cut surface of the fillet is then covered with salt about one-half inch
deep at the thick end tapering down to the tail. At the thinnest part of the
tail the salt is only lightly sprinkled over, in order to prevent the tail from
becoming too salty and dry.

Salting time depends on the size and fat content of the fish. A rough guide
would be six to eight hours for a 2 lb side and up to 24 hours for a 6 lb
side. It is only from experience that a processor will get to know how much
salt and salting time will be required. Salmon fillets can be brined, but the
fillets will not lose any weight in brine, and may even gain some. This extra
water has to be removed in further processing so the fillet will have the
texture for slicing. Dry salting can remove from 6 to 9 percent of water.

After salting, any excess salt is washed off and the fish are allowed to drain
before they are smoked. The salt content in a finished side of smoked salmon
averages 5 percent. In general, the tail will have 7 percent, the middle
section about 5 percent, and the thickest part of the fillet about 2. 5 to 3
percent. It is not possible to equalize the concentration of salt throughout
the fillet by either method of salting and this applies to all fish, either whole
or filleted.

An 18 to 25 percent brine solution is used for salting smaller fillets from cod,
haddock, herring, and mackerel. The fillets were usually soaked in tanks of
brine with added coloring in batches of 56 lbs of white fish and up to 112 lbs
of herring split for kippers. This bulk brining resulted in variations in salt
uptake between batches, and also within a batch. There is now an automatic
brining machine manufactured to handle these smaller fillets Figure 2! . The
fish are fed into one end of the brine tank in a single layer and moved along
by paddies to an off-take mesh belt which allows the surplus brine to drain
back into the tank. This allows a uniform salt content in the fish.

Mechanical brining can. reduce the brining time from one-half to one-third of
the bulk brining time. For example, herring fillets with a 12 percent fat
content could be bulk brined for up to 5 minutes, whereas only 1. 5 minutes
is required in the mechanical briner. This particular briner has a solid salt
make up tank, variable paddle speed, complete recirculation system, and a
filter for removing most of the debris. This briner is constructed of
stainless steel and at the end of a day's production can be emptied out,
washed down, and sterilized.

Most of the cold-smoked fish produced in the United Kingdom is colored with
a dye added to the brine. This color, in some people's opinion, gives the
finished product a more attractive appearance, however, some of these dyes
do contain carcinogens and are being investigated by food additives

The fish are all either brined or salted, hung on various pieces of equipment,
or laid on wire mesh trays on trolleys, and allowed to drain for at least two
hours. If the trolleys of fish can be stored at 3 C, so much the better.
The fish's surface will develop a good gloss, and the smoking time could be
reduced slightly.

I have digressed from the title of this talk, but I feel that the preparation
and salting of the fish is as important as the smoking. I would now like to
show a film entitled The Torr Kiln. This film was produced mainly in one of
the largest fish smoking plants in Grimsby where up to 42,000 lbs of smoked
fish were produced every 24 hours. The film is now 20 years old, but the
kilns shown are still manufactured by the same company. The original
principle of the kiln has not been changed. More sophisticated control
equipment has been added, but the ghost of the "witch doctor" probably still
has some influence!!

As already stated the Torry Kiln is, in effect, a simple wind tunnel operated
by an electric fan Figure 3! . To go through the system briefly; smoke,
from an external sawdust burning automatic smoke producer, is drawn into
the kiln. Fresh air can also be sucked into the kiln and mixed with smoke.
This smoke/air mixture passes over a thermostatically controlled electric


Figure 2. Digrammatic flow of brine






Figure 3. The Torry kiln; A! the smoke curing chamber in a Torry kiln, B!
sectional view of Torry kiln and smoke producer

heater battery. The warm smoke/air mixture passes through an aero-roto fan
and along the top duct. Splitters installed in this duct remove the whirl from
the smoke and help to keep it in evenly distributed straight lines. At the
end of the duct the smoke is diverted by aerofoils through an angle of 90
into a plenum. A diffuser wall in this plenum prevents the smoke from just
flowing along the floor of the chamber. The diffuser wall is designed to even
out smoke distribution so it is at a controlled temperature and a uniform
speed from top to bottom and from back to front within the smoking chamber
before it passes through the trolleys of fish. After the smoke has passed
over the first two trolleys in a four-trolley kiln it has cooled, but is reheated
by a thermostatically controlled heater battery, before it passes through the
other two trolleys. The smoke picks up moisture when passing over the fish
and a proportion of this wet smoke is vented up the chimney. The rest of
the smoke is recirculated into the top duct and replenished with fresh smoke
and air.

The smoke flows from the diffuser end of the kiln, therefore, the trolley of
fish nearest this wall will always receive the freshest, driest smoke compared
to the last trolley where the smoke is wet and contains less of the original
smoke constituents. This is evened out by interchanging and reversing the
trolleys at half time. For example, a kippered herring can be produced in
four hours. At the two-hour stage, the two outer trolleys are interchanged
and reversed. This is repeated with trolleys at either side of the center
heater battery, In a one-trolley kiln, the trolley is reversed. I will explain
the reason for this procedure shortly. In two hours, the fish in the first
trolley may lose 10 percent of their weight, in the second trolley, about 7
percent. The smoke then passes through the center heater and the third
trolley may lose 8 percent and the last trolley as low as 4 percent. Two
hours after the cure is completed, all the fish will not only have lost the
same 14 percent weight, but will also have the same flavor and color.

After smoking, the fish are removed from the kiln and cooled to at least room
temperature or, if possible, chilled to 3~C before' packing. The approximate
smoking times, temperatures, and target weight losses are shown in Table Z.
Apart from the temperatures, the other parameters have to be decided by the
processor for his particular product. The Torry Kiln has a wide range of
application in either hot- or cold-smoking foods such as fish, meat, poultry,
and game.

I would now like to explain how a side of smoked salmon is sliced. The lug
bone is cut off and the side is trimmed by cutting a thin sliver of skin along
either side of the fillet, and by cutting out the small piece of the anal fin.
The pin bones down the center of the fillet are pulled out using a pair of
forceps or small needle nosed pliers. These bones must be pulled out
towards the head otherwise the flesh will tear ~ The side is then frozen down
to -7 C. The skin is pulled off the frozen side by hand.

The side is placed head downwards into the slicing machine with the cut
surface of the fillet facing the blade. The machine resembles a meat slicer.
One person operates the machine and another reforms the slices on the skin,
interlaying each slice with a small piece of grease-proof paper. The process
can be completed in up to four minutes per side. The reformed side is
placed on a backing board and vacuum packed in a plastic sleeve. Vacuum

Table 2. Fish smoking in a Torry Kiln

Time in Kiln Temperature Target !Vt

Cure hours! 'F! Losw 0

kippers 85 12-14

kippers for canning 12-14

kipper fillets 2$-3 10-12

cod and haddock fillets 3-5 80 10-12

"butterfly filets" Zk-3 80 10-12

"Finnans" 3-5 80 12-14

bloater s 3-4 90 14-16

salmon 4-12 80-85 10

cod's roe 8-12 100 20-25

buckling 80-180 10-12

trout 2+ 3 80-180 10-12

eels ly-3 80-180 12-15

mackerel fillets 80-180 1Z-14

packs of sliced smoked salmon weighing 1 to Z lbs are on sale in the United

QUESTION: What kind of wood would you use?

ANSWER: In the traditional kilns and in the smoke bo~es shown in the
film, there is a layer of whitewood shavings pine! with hard
wood sawdust banked on top. The hardwood recommended was
oak, but this is no longer available, so mixed hardwoods are

In the film, the operator lights the front of the fire. It is

kept burning by air sucked in through hit-and-miss holes in
the door which the operator can adjust as the fire bed burns
toward the back of the box. In an automatic smoke producer,
only sawdust is burned. We found in the initial tests that if
only hardwood sawdust is used, the product lacks the color
and flavor required. Whitewood was mixed. with the hardwood
and eventually a 50:50 mixture was recommended.

In the United States, pine wood cannot be used, therefore, I

can only recommend that you use the wood burned in your
traditional kilns. I should mention that the sawdust should
have a little water added, otherwise it will get so hot that
instead of smoldering, it wi11 burst into flames and produce
more heat and less smoke. In the cold-smoking process too
much heat from the smoke producer could override the
thermostat setting for the heater batteries, and then you have
no control.

QUESTION: During dry salting why are the sides of salmon left on benches
at room temperature?
ANSWER: If a side of salmon is cooled, it will not absorb sufficient salt
in the aHotted time. Perhaps I should qualify "room
temperature." In countries with higher ambient temperatures
than Britain the room may have to be cooled.

QUESTION: What type of treatment do you use with your wash water.
ANSWER: Only fresh water from the main supply. In the United
Kingdom the water is chlorinated at the source and I believe
there are 0. 5 parts per million free chlorine in our fresh

QUESTION: Why do you allow the smoked product to cool at room

ANSWER: If warm fish are packed straight from the kiln into bo~es and
then either chilled or frozen, they will deteriorate and go
"moldy," especially the fish in the center of the box.

I should mention that there are several publications on fish smoking available
from the Torry Research Station. One is The Kiln 0 erators Manual. This
booklet details the principle and operation of the kiln with some recipes of
smoked cured products. There are also Torry advisory leaflets which cover
most aspects of fish handling and processing. The address for these is:

The Director, Torry Research Station, P.O. Box 31, 135 Abbey Road,
Aberdeen, Scotland.


Ken Hilderbrand
Marine Advisory Program
Marine Science Center
Newport, OR 97365


This presentation is based on the 1944 paper written by N. D. Jarvis, "Mild

curing, pickling, dry salting, and smoking salmon" U. S. Fish and Wildlife
Service fisheries leaflet 60!. Although this publication has been out of print
for years, it contains a good background for smoking in general and
cold smoking in particular.

Other publications such as "Fish smoking: A Torry kiln operator's handbook"

by Burgess and Bannerman have good information on other products. See
bibliography at the end of this publication.!

The purpose of this presentation is to point out the difference between hot
and cold smoking and to encourage the art of cold smoking. Cold smoked
products rely on salt to denature, or cook, protein. Hot smoking relies on
heat to cook protein. As a consequence, cold smoked product contain someof
the normal "indicator" bacteria when finished. The hot-smoking process kills
these. For this reason, cold-smoked product will normally spoil before
botulism flora can grow and develop toxin. In contrast, the hot-smoked
product, if abused during handling, can have botulism develop unnoticed.
Even though cold-smoking is still very much an art, understanding of the
physical principles involved will prove beneficial. Water phase salt, good
sanitation, refrigeration, and good handling practices are all very important.
The paper by N. D. Jarvis will help describe these principles.


Norman D. Jarvis
Bureau of Commercial Fisheries

Ed's. note: Reprinted from Bureau of Commercial Fisheries leaflet 60, U. S.

Fish and Wildlife Service, out of print, circa 1944.!
Mild-cured salmon is a lightly salted product which is largely dependent on
refrigeration for preservation. This method of curing was first in.troduced on
the Pacific coast in 1889 when a shipment was prepared for the German
market but the experiment was unsuccessful ~ Salmon was not mild-cured in
large quantities until 1898, when two small plants were established on the
Columbia River. Packing of mild-cured salmon began on Puget Sound in 1901.
While a few tierces were occasionally packed in Alaska prior to 1906, it was
not until then that mild-curing was established on a commercial basis. A
large part of the king salmon taken in southeastern Alaska is now mild-cured.

This product must be regarded as an intermediate or half-finished one, since

a large proportion of the cure is used in preparing smoked salmon. Some of
the pack was formerly sent to Germany and to Scandinavian countries for this
purpose. Two world wars have disrupted foreign trade, but meanwhile,
markets in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Milwaukee, and other large
cites, have absorbed a considerable amount of the pack.


Mild-cured salmon must be handled more carefully than any other salmon
product. In few food products is handling so important in determining the
quality of the manufactured product ~ Red fleshed king salmon is used almost
exclusively and dressed fish weighing 18 to 20 pounds are the smallest sizes
suitable for mild-curing. There is some variation in this minimum, as at
Astoria, Oregon, fish of less than 30 lbs. in weight are rejected by
mild-curers, while in Vancouver, Canada, the minimum size is 18 lbs. dressed
weight. From time to time, packs of mild-cured chum and pink salmon have
been put up, but have not found a market. Coho or silver salmon is the
only other species utilized to any extent for the manufacture of mild-cured
salmon and is usually prepared to fill market demands for low-priced smoked
salmon. In 1943, according to the Pacific Fisherman, 611 tierces of silver
salmon were packed in North America. Tierces average 8?5 pounds net

Salmon intended for mild-curing must meet certain requirements as to quality.

Fish must be ! strictly fresh, ! reasonably fat and in good condition;
thin fish are not wanted, ! the skin must be bright--there must be no
"water marks" or other blemishes, ! the flesh must not be bruised or
broken--there must be no pew marks or other signs of rough handling, !
they must not be belly-burnt, that is, show signs of softening in the
abdominal region.

For this reason troll-caught salmon intended for mild-curing are always gutted
when caught and packed in crushed ice aboard ship. Salmon taken by other

gear are often gutted, or at least packed three or four together in a box.
filled with crushed ice, which not only acts as a refrigerant, but also aids in
drawing out the blood. The boxes may be piled up in several tiers in the
hold of the boat, but the weight is distributed, and individual fish are not
weighted down more heavily than by the remaining contents of the box.


The first step in preparing mild-cured salmon is known as butchering. The

butcher first removes the head, cutting from the back and leaving as much as
possible of the bony structure just above and below the gills. With this
preparation the fish stands up better under handling. If the bony structure
were cut away, the sides would break easily in curing, and the hooks on
which the fish are hung during smoking would be more likely to tear out.

The fish is then scored with three or four cuts along the lateral line. These
are made just through the skin, but should not penetrate into the red meat.
Scoring allows the salt to penetrate more rapidly, insuring a better cure. A
specially designed, star-pointed wheel is sometimes used for this purpose. It
makes a series of small cuts varying from half an inch in length at the tail to
one and one-half inches at the shoulder. A number of extra cuts or scores
are made if the salmon is large. After scoring, if the fish is not already
gutted it is split down the belly to the vent. The viscera or entrails are
removed as are most of the belly membranes, and a cut is made along either
side of the kidney, the dark red mass found just below the backbone at the
top of the belly cavity.

After dressing, the salmon is ready for the splitter, who holds the most
important position in any mild-cured establishment. The grading of
mild-cured salmon depends largely on the skill of the splitter. An unskilled
or careless workman is often responsible for considerable losses. A specially
shaped knife is sometimes used in splitting, the end of the blade being nearly
square, but the type of knife used depends on the preference of the splitter
and varies with individuals. The splitter turns the fish on its side, nape to
his right and with the open belly toward him, and then forces the shoulder
down on a sharp-pointed nail protruding from the table so that the fish will
not slip. Short incisions are then made under the anal fin and just above
and below the backbone. Then, with the upper lung or shoulder tip of the
fish in his left hand, the splitter enters his knife at the shoulder above the
backbone and holding the blade steady with the edge at a slight downward
angle touching the bone, takes the whole side off with one sweep of the
knife. If the work has been well done, little flesh will be left on the
backbone and the side will be smooth. A thin line of bone will show down
the center of the side which increases the value of the finished product ~

To cut the second half loose from the backbone, a cut is made at the
shoulder just under the bone. With the edge of his knife resting against the
bone at a slight upward angle; the splitter separates th . backbone from the
flesh down to the root of the tail without removing the fish from the nail,
again with one sweep of the knife. As with the first half, little flesh should
be left adhering the bone, and a film of bone should show down the center.
In other words, the two sides should be exactly alike ~


The sides are washed thoroughly in cold water and then passed to the sliming
table where they are laid skin side down with the thin or belly edge toward
the front. All blood clots, loose membranes, and fragments of bone are
removed. Any blood remaining in the veins along the abdominal cavity is
scraped off by pressing it toward the back of the fish either with the fingers
or the back of a knife blade. If the blood is not squeezed out in this way,
the salt will harden it during the process of curing, causing discoloration of
the flesh, and lowering the value. Any slight necessary trimming may also
be done at this time ~ Great care must be taken in handling the newly split
sides as they are very tender and may be easily broken or bruised. In
lifting them by the lug or collar bone, the curer should have his fingers to
the inside and his thumb to the outer or skin side, otherwise the flesh may
be broken.

From the slimers the sides are taken to a tank of ice water or iced brine.
Warm water tends to loosen up the muscle flakes and if the salmon is left too
long in cold water the effect is the same. This tank is known as the
"chilling", or more commonly, the "sliming" tank. The latter name is a
misnomer as all slime should be removed before the sides go into this tank.
The object of this step is to prepare the sides for curing and it may be
likened to case hardening. Unchilled sides would absorb too much brine, and
the penetration of brine would be too rapid during the first portion of the
cure. But this is not the only reason for chilling. It has two other
important purposes. Chilling serves to draw out the blood, thus improving
the color and also helps to pre~ent oil from oozing out of the flesh, which is
apt to occur where such an amount of cut surface is exposed, especially
under pressure during curing. There is some variation in the time the sides
are left in the sliming tank. In some localities, the period is for two hours,
in others from one-half hour to one hour. The temperature of the brine will
vary from 30 to 40 F., and its salinity from 60 to 70 percent. It should be
made with fresh water, boiled and strained before use, and changed daily.

After sliming, the sides are drained. This is done in another tank, or the
salmon may be placed on a two-wheeled cart or portable table to drain. The
fish are transported more easily and it is claimed the water drains off better
where the second method is used. On the Columbia River, a cart holds just
a tierceful of sides--seven lengthwise of the cart, and three at the end, or
ten sides to a layer. This arrangement helps in counting the number of sides
going into a tierce.


When the sides of salmon have been drained sufficiently, they are taken to
the salter, who works from a special bin or box of convenient height, filled
with fine salt of the dairy" type. A special grade of salt known as
"mild cure" is usually required. It fulfills the requirements of low content of
chemicals other than sodium chloride, contains no organic impurities and is of
small, even grain. The salmon is taken one piece at a time and placed in the
salt box, skin side down. Salt is scooped over the side with the hands but
it must not be rubbed or pressed into the flesh of the fish as sufficient salt
always adheres. The side is picked up by the tips and excess salt is allowed
to fall back into the box. It is then packed in a container known as a
"tierce ~' .

A tierce is a large barrel, made from fir or spruce, and bound by six
galvanized iron hoops. It holds between 800 and 900 pounds of fish with the
average around 825 pounds, cured weight. The gross weight, including
pickle, runs between 1, 100 and 1,200 pounds. A few handfuls of salt are
thrown on the bottom of the tierce, then a layer of salmon sides, skin side
down. In packing two sides of fish, alternating head and tail, are laid close
to opposite sides of the tierce, the back or thick part of each side being
placed close up against the side of the tierce. Other sides of salmon are
packed from the sides of the tierce toward the center, napes and tails
alternately, the back of each side being drawn half way up and resting on
the side already laid. When complete, the layer should be level, this
depending a good deal on how the last or center piece is laid. A little salt is
scattered over each layer before starting the next one, and each layer should
be laid at right angles to the one preceding. The top layer should be packed
skin side up, and a little more salt should be scattered on this layer than on
the others. The amount of salt used varies from 85 to 120 pounds to the
tierce. One of the leading Canadian mild-curers uses 90 pounds of salt to
the tierce, and this may be taken as the average, but some curers use as
much as 15 pounds of salt per hundred pounds of fish.

There is some variation in the curing process at this stage. The tierce is
filled only to the croze and in some districts it is headed up at once and
filled with a 90 to 95 brine until the tierce will hold no more. In others
the tierce is left from 24 to 48 hours before heading, and is then headed and
filled with 100 brine. The pickle or brine should be made from the same salt
used for rousing and packing the fish. The water used in making the brine
should be clear and pure--in fact, drinking water. Before using, the pickle
should be strained through a fine sieve or piece of clean cheesecloth to free
it from any froth, dirt, or sediment ~ The strength of the brine is then
determined by a salinometer. A centigrade scale salinometer is used by most
mild-curers. The brine is usually made up to a strength of 90 C., but
during the first week or ten days of the cure while moisture is being
extracted it sinks to 70 C. in strength. After repacking, the strength of the
brine should not fall below 85~C., and it should hold this strength some time.

After the tierces have been headed and filled with pickle, they are usually
rolled into a room where the temperature can be kept down to from 32 to
34 F. Here they are stored in rows one or two tierces in height and left to
cure. The temperature of the storage room should not be allowed to
fluctuate, as this causes the oil to exude from the flesh, and to escape into
the brine. The tierces are not always rolled into the chill room immediately
after packing. Some curers, especially those working in cooler climates,
leave the tierces out in the packing room for four days, then send them to
the chill room for 10 to 20 days before repacking.

If the tierces are not kept full of pickle the sides of fish are apt to get
shaken about and broken when the tierces are shifted while being inspected
at intervals to determine the presence of leaks. No tierce is perfectly tight
at first, and the staves absorb some brine. If any part of the fish is left
uncovered by the brine, yellow, discolored spots develop, so-called rust
spots, which lower the quality of the finished product ~ Therefore, it is
extremely important to see that the tierces are kept full of brine during the
curing period and also after repacking. A tierce of salmon may absorb

several gallons of pickle in the first two or three weeks of cure, especially if
the fish are "dry."

The amount of shrinkage during the first three weeks before repacking may
be estimated at about 30 percent. Less shrinkage occurs in fat, ocean-caught
fish, but thin, "dry" fish, especially those caught when well on their way to
the spawning ground, may shrink as much as 35 percent in weight.

After the salmon has been held in storage at least twenty, but not more than
ninety days, it is repacked. The tierces are rolled out and unheaded. Each
piece is taken out carefully, remembering to hold the sides with the fingers
on the flesh side and thumb on the outer, or skin side. The sides are
sponged or cleaned off, removing all salt or other material on the surface.
Either ice water or chilled brine are used to wash the sides of salmon,
depending on condition. If the fish are soft and rather poor, they should be
washed in brine, but if the sides are firm and thick, ice water may be used.
It is the opinion of some curers that chilled brine should always be used.


The next step is weighing and grading the sides. Unlike curers in other
districts, those on the Columbia River grade twice ~ While the fish are being
dressed three chilling tanks are used, one for each size. A rough grading
into large, medium, and small sides is thus obtained. This is an advantage
in packing and curing as the time required for curing varies with the size of
the side and much work is also saved in sorting for repacking. When
repacking, a careful separation is made into from 6 to 10 grades. The
designations of the grades depend on the number of sides needed to fill a
tierce, and are expressed as 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 80, 80 to 100, and 100
to 120 sides per tierce! . Slightly broken sides are graded as "B" of that
size, other more defective sides are placed in a third grade and called culls.
Color of the sides is also considered in grading, and pale or off-color sides
are segregated. The system of grading differs somewhat in various districts,
but the description given indicates the general method.

In repacking, the sides of fish should be replaced as nearly as possible in

their original position; those curved in shape being placed against the sides
of the container, and straight pieces laid in the center of the layer. No salt
is used in repacking, but as soon as the tierce is filled, the head put in,
and an examination made to determine the tightness of the tierce, it is laid on
the side opposite the bung, and filled with ice cold pickle made to a strength
of 90 to 95 salinometer. The tierce will contain about 825 pounds of salmon
after repacking, and some 14 gallons of brine may be required to fill it. The
gross weight will average 1,100 pounds. The tierce is then put back into
chill storage and filled up daily with pickle, through the bunghole, for a
week or more. If mild-cured salmon is stored for any length of time, the
tierces must be tested for leakage at frequent intervals.

The head of each tierce is marked to show: number of tierce

consecutively!; the number of sides of salmon in the tierce; and the net
weight and the initial or brand of the packer. In some districts the tierce is
marked with the packer's initials, place where packed, number of tierce,
number of sides of salmon in tierce, the tare, gross, and net weight, quality
of fish I, II, and III or T!, and size of fish L large!, M medium!, or S

small! . In Vancouver, Canada, thin or broken sides are designated by
letter X. If the salmon is of first quahty no special mark is necessary, but
second and third quality fish are always designated.


Mild-cure salmon must be shipped under refrigeration and held at all times in
cold storage. It is kept at a temperature of 32 to 34 F., after repacking,
but some packers, if the salmon is to be held for more than three months,
hold it at a temperature of 28 F. The salt cure is not of sufficient strength
to delay spoilage for more than a brief period. At one time attempts were
made to reduce or eliminate refrigeration in connection with the mild-curing of
salmon, by adding various preservatives. These were usually preparations of
salicylic or boric acid, and the benzoates or other chemical compounds now
limited in use by food and drug administrations, here and abroad. The use
of these agents was soon abandoned, however, as it was found that quality
was affected and the product was becoming unfavorably regarded by the
buyers of cured salmon, so artificial preservatives have not been used since
the earliest days of the mild-cured salmon industry.


Pickling or brine salting was the first method of preservation followed in the
commercial utilization of the Pacific salmons. Long before any permanent
settlement was made, our ships visited the northern Pacific coast to put up
cargoes of salted salmon, which were later traded in Hawaii for sandalwood,
or in China for furs, silks, teas, spices, or other Oriental goods. Hawaii
remains today one of the principal markets for hard-salt salmon.

The method is found on a commercial scale in Western Alaska. While pickled

salmon has been prepared at other points along the coast, no commercial
packs have been made elsewhere for some years.

All five species of salmon are used to some extent in the preparation of
hard-salt salmon, but the red salmon is the principal species used and is
regarded as yielding the highest grade product. A considerable amount of
pink salmon and silver or coho salmon is also salted. While king and chum
salmon are occasionally used to some extent, very little of those two species
is hard-salted. Some pickled salmon bellies are still put up, but the pack is
very small ~ This is a choice product, but under the present law, bellies may
only be packed when the rest of the fish is used for food in some other way.
The major portion of the belly pack is made from pink salmon.

Quality is an essential consideration in packing salt salmon. It is important

to use only fresh fish, for if not of this quality, soft bellies are very evident
after salting. If the fish are stale, the bones will come loose from the flesh
and stand out, giving the fish a ragged appearance. Salmon approaching the
spawning stage cannot be used because of discoloration of the skin. The use
of pews in forking the fish about is also detrimental in curing a good grade
of pickled salmon. The holes made by the prong cause spoilage to advance
more rapidly and dark streaks are left in the flesh, detracting from its


When the salmon are brought in to the saltery, they are washed, slimed, and
beheaded, after which they pass to the splitter. There are two methods of
splitting. In the first, the fish is split along the back, ending with a
curving cut near the tail. The abdominal side is left as a solid section.
Some two-thirds of the backbone is then taken out, and all viscera, blood,
and membranes are scraped away. In the second method the fish is split
along the ventral side, eviscerated, and all membranes are scraped from the
abdominal cavity. In splitting, the neck end of the salmon is toward the
splitter, who makes a shght incision at the neck end, just above the
backbone. The whole side is then removed with one sweep of the splitting
knife, leaving as little flesh along the backbone as possible. The knife is
usually held so that the edge of the blade is at a downward angle. A short
cut is made under the backbone on each side, just about the region of the
anal opening. Another slight cut under the neck end of the backbone, and
one sweep of the knife removes the entire backbone and tail. The two cuts
are made under the backbone to direct the course of the knife, preventing it
from slanting too much in splitting. Slanting causes considerable flesh to be
left on the backbone, which is of course wasted. Some curers make one or
more longitudinal slashes in the flesh so that the salt will "strike" or
penetrate more rapidly. The loss in weight in cleaning and splitting averages
Z5 percent.


After splitting, the salmon passes to the cleaners. These men scrape out
blood clots and the kidneys, and remove membranes, loose bones or other
offal. After cleaning, the fish is scrubbed thoroughly inside and out. Care
must be taken not to injure the flesh, however. A final cleaning is given in
the washing tank and the salmon are then drained thoroughly, preparatory to


Both round and square salting tanks are used, but the capacity of a tank
should be not more than one hundred barrels. If the tank is too large,
pressure on the lower layers of fish is excessive, and as a result sides of
fish in these layers are distorted or otherwise injured. A thin layer of salt
is scattered over the bottom. A layer of fish is then laid in with the flesh
side up. No special system is followed in packing, and the only rule is that
the work must be done neatly, with the layers as level as possible. Each
layer is covered with salt, using from twenty-five to thirty pounds of salt to
a hundred pounds of fish. Care must be taken that each fish is completely
covered. The tanks are filled several layers above the top, to allow for
shrinkage and the top layer is laid with the skin side up. The tank should
be covered at all times, however, to prevent "rusting", that is, discoloration
caused by oxidation. The fish are allowed to make their own pickle, which is
formed as the salt extracts moisture from the flesh, bringing the salt into
solution. From ten to fourteen days will be required for this curing process,
though the salmon may be left in the tank for a longer period of time.
Curers do not agree on the loss of weight in salting. The best estimate at
present is that about fifteen percent of the moisture content is removed.


The next step is repacking into barrels containing 200 lbs. net weight,
exclusive of brine. In repacking, the fish is washed in brine and scrubbed
well, usually with a stiff brush, though pieces of burlap have been used for
this purpose. All slime, blood clots, excess salt, or other waste material
should be removed. The salmon is then graded: ! as to species if one
species only is being cured, this is not necessary!; ! the color of the flesh
and skin, according as the flesh is of good color and the skin bright, or the
flesh pale in color, with the skin murky or discolored; ! as to
quality--good or poor, that is, fish which were not strictly fresh when
packed, and have a characteristic odor and flavor, must be separated from
the rest of the pack.

After sorting, 200-lbs. net weight of fish is weighed out for each barrel to
be packed. The sides are packed in, flesh side up, except for the top
layer. A liberal sprinkling of salt is scattered at each end, but only a little
is thrown between the layers ~ From 8 to 10 lbs. of salt should be a
sufficient amount for repacking a barrel of salmon, if the fish have been
properly cured. After the barrels have been headed they are filled with 100
salinometer! brine, through the bunghole. One one end of each barrel is
stenciled the packer's name or brand, the species of salmon, and grade.


A few salteries also pack beHies which are merely the ventral sections, the
tattest and choicest portions of the fish. So much salmon was formerly
wasted by this method, that the preparation of this article was forbidden
under the Alaska fishery regulations unless some economic use is made of the
remaining portions of this fish. Section 8, Act of June 26, 1906, 34 Stat.
480; 48 U. S. Code 236. !

In preparing salmon bellies, the curer first cuts off the two pectoral fins and
then removes the head, taking care to follow the curve of the body until the
backbone, which should be cut straight across, is reached. With smaller
salmon, the fish is then turned on its back, a knife is inserted vertically in
the body just above the backbone, and a vertical cut is made through the
body, the knife coming out just in front of the anal opening. If properly
done, the cut wiH come close to the upper wall of the abdominal cavity. With
large king also known as spring or chinook! salmon it is sometimes necessary
first to make a cut on one side, then turn the fish over and cut through on
the other side. The belly is then laid flat on the cutting table and the
membrane at one end cut so that the belly will lie flat.

The bellies are washed thoroughly in clear, cold ~ater, or in iced brine.
The remainder of the process is identical with that just described for
hard-salted salmon. Bellies are sent to the Seattle market in barrels holding
200 pounds net weight of fish, but are usually repacked for distribution to
the retailer in small kits or tubs of various sizes,

Also included under Section 201, 17 of the Laws and Regulations for the
protection of the commercial fisheries of Alaska. Fish and Wildlife Service,
Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C.


Large quantities of salmon are dry-salted every year on the Pacific coast,
mostly for export to the Orient. The greater portion of the pack is prepared
in British Columbia. Little interest in. this method of curing salmon has been
shown in the United States for a number of years, but occasionally, when
chum salmon are in little demand for canning purposes, quantities are
available for dry salting at a price which should show a profit on the finished

Chum dog! salmon is largely used in the pr eparation of dry-salted salmon

though other species are sometimes used. In Siberia, where an increasing
quantity of dry-salted salmon is put up every year, red and coho salmons are
used to some extent.

In preparing dry-salt salmon, the heads are cut off, the fish split down the
belly and eviscerated. The blood is scraped out as thoroughly as possible
and the fish split again, if large. The backbone may or may not be removed,
depending on the custom of the individual curer ~ As a rule, it is removed
when the salmon is split. Small fish may be split almost through to the skin,
but are left in one piece, and the backbone is not removed. The dressing
and splitting process is the same as that already described in the method for
hard-salted or pickled salmon, but is done with less care.

When the salmon are cleaned and split, they are laid down in stacks, with a
heavy layer of salt between each layer of fish. All layers are piled flesh side
up, with the exception of the top layer, which is laid skin side up, for the
purpose of better protecting the fish against dirt or other contamination. If
packed in large salting tubs or vats, the salmon sides are arranged as neatly
as possible alternating heads and tails with the thick edge toward the side of
the tub, small pieces being packed in the center to make the layer even. If
cured in stacks or kenches, the salmon are laid down in rows, alternating
heads and tails ~ The amount of salt required in dry salting is approximately
35 pounds of salt per 100 pounds of fish.

When the fish appear thoroughly cured, they are packed in bo~es holding 400
to 500 pounds of fish, with salt scattered between the layers ~ No particular
system is followed in packing, except that the packers endeavor to make even
layers without large air spaces. From five to 10 pounds of salt per 100
pounds of fish will be used in repacking. The product receives no further
processing, but if it is to be held any length of time before shipping, it
should be repacked.


Several different methods of smoking salmon are used. Formerly a lar ge

proportion of the pickled or hard-salted red salmon from Alaska was shipped
to Europe and the eastern part of the United States for smoking. Today,
mild-cured chinook or king salmon is most used in salmon smoking, but
varying quantities of silver, or coho salmon, are cured for this purpose,
especially for the low-priced markets. Fresh salmon, lightly salted, is
occasionally used for smoking, but the quantity so employed does not compare
with the amount of mild-cured salmon used for the same purpose, with the
exception of kippered salmon, for which fresh or frozen salmon is invariably

In preparing smoked salmon from mild-cured fish, the sides of salmon are
taken out of the tierce and soaked overnight in a tank of fresh water,
changing the water two or three times. Ten or twelve hours freshening
should be sufficient, but a more thorough soaking may be required by some
markets. Certain smokers freshen salmon for 10 hours in a tank with
running water, especially if a large quantity is to be smoked. When properly
freshened, the salmon is washed with a stiff bristle brush, to remove all
traces of blood, slime, or encrusted salt.

The next step is draining and trimming. Draining is often done by

water-horsing--that is, the salmon is placed on a pile, flesh side down and a
weight placed on top of the pile to press out the water. After enough
moisture has been drained from the flesh, the sides are trimmed of any
ragged edges and wheeled on barrows or hand trucks to the smokehouse.

Wire hangers are used for hanging the salmon on sticks in the smokehouse.
These are made of steel wire or light iron, and have six points at right
angles to the frame at the lower end, and a curving hook at the top to hang
over the smoke stick. A side of salmon is laid out flat, skin side up. The
points of a hanger are pressed through the skin at the nape or neck end.
Another workman in the smokehouse hooks the handle over a round smoke
stick. In hanging the salmon, care is taken to leave sufficient space between
sides and to guard against crowding or overloading the smokehouse, which
would result in an inferior product with a shorter period of preservation.

The time required for the smoke cure depends primarily on the length of the
period of preservation desired. If the product is for immediate consumption,
10 to 12 hours cure over a dense smoke should be sufficient. However, in
most cases a longer cure is required as the smoked salmon may not be
consumed within the next 24 or 48 hours. So, in these instances, after the
smokehouse has been filled, a fire is started in the pit below and for some
hours the fish is smoked over a clear fire with the ventilators left open so
that moisture can escape, preventing the salmon from sweating in this initial
period of smoking, which is really more or less of a drying process.
When the first period of the smoke cure has been finished, that is, after
about 48 hours, the ventilators in the top of the smokehouse are closed, and
the fire smothered with sawdust. A dense smoke is thus created, in which
the salmon is cured for an additional period of two to three days. If a still
more durable article is desired, that is, one which may be marketed over a
wide area, and one which will keep longest under average conditions of
temperature, handling, and storage, the curing may require a week to
complete. In such case, the fire is kept low and smoldering during the
entire period of the cure, not forming dense smoke. The process is a
dehydration as much as a smoke cure.

When the cure is completed, the smokehouse doors and ventilator s are left
open. A fter the smoked sides are sufficiently cooled, they are weighed,
wrapped in oiled or parchment paper, and packed in boxes with a usual net
weight of 30 pounds. Smoked salmon must be stored at temperatures of from
33 to 40 F., if it is to be held any length of time, especially in summer.

The length of the smoking period and other factors involved in smoking
salmon vary with the locality, type of product demanded by the trade,

temperature used in smoking process, humidity, and similar factors. The
process must be altered to meet changes in these conditions, E~act data as
to temperatures giving best results are lacking. However, this is a
cold-smoking process; though the fire must be high enough to cure the
salmon; it must not give off too much heat, or the product will be partially
cooked, and soon spoiled. The temperature should not exceed 90 F., and in
general should be somewhat lower. As to the best type of fuel, alder wood is
most commonly used on the Pacific coast, but almost any nonresinous wood
such as maple or beech gives satisfactory results. Oak and hickory are
favorite fuels among salmon smokers in the Atlantic coast area.

A small amount of smoked salmon is sliced like bacon or ham, wrapped in

cellophane and sold in half or quarter pound packages to the delicatessen and
grocery trade. Shced smoke salmon is also packed in quarter-square cans of
the type used for small oil sardines. A little olive or cottonseed oil is added
to each can which is then sealed hermetically but not sterilized. While this
product is not so perishable as ordinary smoked salmon, it does not have an
unlimited period of preservation, and should not be exposed to high
temperatures, or other unfavorable storage conditions. The maximum of
preservation is achieved by keeping this product in a refrigerator or
refrigerated showcase.


Some attempts have been made on the Pacific coast to market a hard smoked
and dried salmon known as beleke, or Indian cure. Though it is superior in
keeping quality and equal in flavor to salmon smoked by other methods, it
has not met with much favor outside of Alaska as it is dull in color and
therefore does not have the attractive appearance of the more perishable
smoked salmon products. It is prepared commercially in Alaska for
distribution in the territory and to a small extent in the Northwestern United
States. Beleke makes an excellent appetizer or relish to be served with
beverages, and there are possibilities in developing a better market. Red
and coho salmon are the species used in preparing this product. One
authority states that the backs only are used, cut in two or three long
strips, the bellies being pickled and sold salted. Packers of beleke have
informed the writer that though this may be done, it is quite as usual to
smoke whole sides of salmon by this method.

If the bellies are to be utilized, pickled or hard-salted, the remaining edible

portion of salmon is split in two sides, the backbone is removed, and each
side is cut into several strips, longitudinally. These may or may not be
washed in salt water. The largest, thickest strips of back flesh are then
placed in a tank of 90~ salinometer! brine, followed in an hour by strips of
medium size, and after an interval of another hour by smaller pieces. This
procedure is followed so that all sizes will have the same degree of pickle.
The strips are removed and drained after a period of from 16 to 20 hours. If
whole sides are to be used, after cleaning and dressing as described under
the preparation of pickled salmon, the fish is brined overnight or for a
period of 10 to 12 hours in a 90 brine.

After brining, whole sides are fi~ed on smoke sticks, while strips are usually
suspended by cords, run through one end as in smoking bacon at home. The
fish is given an air drying of 24 hours to remove the surface moisture. At

the end of this time the salmon is placed in the smokehouse, the ventilators
are left open, and the salmon is smoke-cured over a fire of green alder wood.
The smoking is done very slowly at a low temperature, not more than 70 to
80 F. Two weeks is the average period of time required to smoke beleke.
This product was first prepared around Kodiak, Alaska, but a similar process
is used in smoking salmon in other sections of Alaska. Beleke is said to have
better lasting qualities than any other smoked fish, remaining in good
condition for two and even three years ~ If surface mold begins to appear in
storage, the fish is taken out, scrubbed in brine, given an air drying of
several hours, and is then smoked for from 24 to 48 hours after which it is
restored to a cool, dry place.


Kippered salmon probably has a larger sale than any other smoked fishery
product on the Pacific coast. It is sold in a few large centers in the east
and middle west, but the greater part of the production is consumed in the
western part of the United States. Practically ail kippered salmon is
prepared from white-fleshed chinook king! salmon. This fish has little sale
in the fresh fish market where it is considered inferior to other salmon by
reason of its paler color. However, it is equal to the brighter colored salmon
in food value and often has a better flavor. A constant supply of fresh fish
at prices making profitable operation possible cannot be assured throughout
the year, while frozen salmon is available all the year round, giving the
curer an assured supply of raw material without wide fluctuations in price.
Therefore, frozen salmon is used during a great part of the year and is split
before it is completely thawed. Fresh salmon is much softer in texture,
requires more care and skill in splitting, and the smoking period must be
somewhat longer.

The first step in the curing process is to thaw out the salmon in tanks of
cold water. In some establishments thawing is done with running water, in
others, with standing water, changed several times ~ The time required for
thawing varies from eight to 15 hours depending on the size of the salmon,
and whether or not running water is used, Smaller-sized fish placed in
running water will be sufficiently thawed in eight hours. As the salmon has
already been cleaned and dressed before freezing, it is split into sides when
sufficiently thawed, the backbone is removed, and the sides are cut into a
number of smaller pieces. These pieces usually weigh about one pound each
after curing, and are separated according to thickness ~ The thinner pieces
will cure more rapidly, which is one reason for separating them, while
another is that the thickest pieces are considered best grade. There are
three grades or sizes chunks!, the thickest part of the back flesh; thins,
pieces of flesh not quite so thick, and strips, thin pieces from the bellies of
the fish. The names used for the grades may vary with the locality and
among different curers but the separation into three grades is followed by
practically all establishments on the Pacific coast. The third grade or
size for there is little difference in the quality usually goes to the lower
price markets. The Jewish trade buys a considerable amount of the strips as
this size has a much higher oil content than the other two, the richer flesh
meeting favor among the Jewish population.

After cutting, the salmon is placed in a 90 to 95 salinometer brine for from

30 minutes to two hours and 30 minutes, the length of the brining period

depending on the size and thickness of the pieces, local preference in the
market for which the salmon is destined, and on the time required for

When sufficiently brined, the salmon is drained, then dipped into a tank or
tub of coloring matter. The dye may be added to the brine, combining the
two operations in one, in which case the amount of dye used is less than
when the fish is colored by dipping. The dye most often employed is 150
Orange I, an aniline dye, the use of which is per mitted under the Federal
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Other red or orange dyes on the permitted
list may be used. The dye solution is made up in strengths dictated by the
experience of the individual curer, and it is not possible to set down e~act
rules as to the mixing of the solution which will apply to every situation.
Where the fish is dipped in the dye after brining, experiments, carried out at
the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, indicate that dipping for
15 to 30 seconds in a solution made up in the proportion of one part of dye
to 3 000 parts of water is sufficient. This is given only as a general
formula, to guide those without practical experience. The curer must
determine requirements by experiment, and according to the desires of his
customers as to the shade of color. The fish is dyed owing to a popular
prejudice against a lightly colored kippered salmon. The dye used is
harmless and does not affect the quality of the fish in any way, while it
gives it an attractive color. For certain markets, principally in States where
all artificial food coloring is prohibited by law, no dye is used.

When the salmon has drained for a short time, it is put into wire
mesh-bottomed trays, made of half-inch mesh with wooden frames. These
trays should be thoroughly cleaned before use and the wire mesh rubbed with
lard oil or some other edible oil to prevent pieces of fish from sticking to it.
The pieces in a given tray are, as nearly as possible, of the same size and
thickness ~ They must not touch each other, or an even, sufficient cure will
not be obtained. The individual trays may be laid onto a rack holding
sever al tiers of trays and moving on wheels, which is run into the
smokehouse when it has been filled; or the trays may be placed directly in
the smokehouse on fixed racks.

The salmon is allowed to drip and drain for a few hours in the smokehouse
but a sug gested procedure, which it is believed would shorten this period
and result in a better product, is to dry the trays of fish for an hour or two
under a strong current of air at a temperature of about 70 F. The fire is
now lighted and the salmon is smoked lightly and partially dried over a
medium fire temperature in the section holding the fish should be about
80 F! for from seven to 12 or 13 hours. At the end of this time the fire is
built up and the salmon is given a hot smoke by which it is partially cooked.
Gare must be taken that the salmon does not get overheated, or it will be
softened and spoiled. When the fire is built up it must be regulated by
means of drafts and ventilators so that the temperature will not be higher
than desired. This hot smoking or barbecuing takes one hour at a
temperature of from 170 to 180 F. In some establishments the time is 25 to
35 minutes at a temperature around 250~F.

When the process is finished the kippered salmon is thoroughly cooled, in

some cases, by throwing open the doors of the smokehouses. In others, in
plants which are equipped with movable smokehouse racks, the racks are run

out on the wrappings of parchment and are then packed in a small box or
basket. A container holding 10 pounds is the most popular size. Kippered
salmon is perishable, spoihng after exposure of a few days at ordinary
temperatures, so if not to be sold at once it should be kept in chill storage
at temperatures of 35 to 40 F, and sold from refrigerated showcases. A
certain amount of kippered salmon is intended for shipment to distant
markets, or is stored to fill rush orders. For these purposes it is frozen
and held in storage for use as required. The freezing temperature and
length of time required for freezing are the same as for fresh fish. As in
freezing fresh fish there is some variation, but in a typical instance kippered
salmon is placed in the sharp freezer at -10 F, and left there for 10 to 12
hours when the temperature should be -25 F. The storage temperature is
about O~F.

NOTE: New U. S. Food L Drug Administration "Good Manufacturing Practice"

requirements for "hot process smoked fish" recommend that commercially
prepared smoked fish be subjected to one of the following conditions:

1! Center temperature must reach at least 180 F for 30 minutes if "water

phase salt" content is a minimum of 3. 55. OR, 2! center temperature must
reach at least 105 F for 30 minutes if "water phase salt" content is a minimum
of 5%.

Most 1 to 2" thick pieces of fish will reach these conditions if salted 1 to 2
hours in 60~ SAL brine 5.8% salt by weight! and smoked 4 to 5 hours at
180 F to 200 F followed by 4 to 8 hours of smoking without heat.

These "GMP" requirements are designed to help prevent unsafe products from
reaching the consumer. However, only careful attention to good sanitary
practices will insure complete safety.


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