Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
fruits (Olife et al., 2015). It is universally acknowledged that citrus fruits emanated from north eastern
India (Ortese et al., (2012). The Federal Department of Agriculture and Missionaries in the 1930s
introduced citrus fruit to Nigeria. Since its introduction the cultivation of citrus fruit has spread to every
part of the country and recently ranked as the most extensively cultivated fruit tree in the country
particularly in South-Western Nigeria (Oyedele & Yahaya, 2010). With regard to international trade,
citrus fruits are ranked highest worth fruit crop. The market available for citrus fruits is the fresh fruit
market and the processed citrus fruits market chiefly orange juice (Olife et al., 2015). Orange (citrus
sinensis: sweet orange) accounts for the most produced citrus fruit with a global production forecast for
2016/2017 at 2.4 million metric tons and the global production forecast for orange juice for 2016/2017
at 2.0 million metric tons (USDA, 2017).Citrus (oranges) and citrus products contain very high nutritional
contents; they are rich and cheap sources of vitamins (particularly vitamin C), minerals and dietary fibre
which are essential for healthy living. In 2007 Nigeria was ranked the 9th in the world citrus production;
producing about 3,325,000 tons (Oyedele & Yahaya, 2010). Orange (hesperidia) is a specialized type of
berry and the structure consists of a soft, pithy central axis surrounded by 10-15 segments which
contains the pulp and juice. The segment is enveloped in the oily rind leathery which poses a white
spongy inner part and a harder, orange coloured outer part that contains many glands which secrete oil.
Contained in the segment juice are sugar, organic acid (mainly citric acid) and several other components
that give the orange it unique taste. Orange is a rich source of vitamins A, B and C (Sylvester & Abugh,
Dhineshkumar & Siddharth (2015) conducted a study on the physical properties (dimensions, mass,
volume, surface area, porosity and coefficient of static friction) of oranges using 100 randomly selected
samples. The result revealed that the average mass is 165.13 g. Similarly, Sharifi et al., (2007) carried out
an experiment on the physical properties of oranges using 150 randomly selected samples and found
that the average mass is 168.19 g. Oranges like most other tropical fruit are seasonal and as such they
are not available all year round and in addition, they are highly perishable especially in the Sub-Saharan
region (Olaniyan, 2010). Ndubisi et al., (2013) conducted a study on the postharvest losses of fruits and
the result showed a loss of about 30 % within raining season which accounts for scarcity and high cost of
fresh fruits during off-season. The high temperature and low relative humidity in the tropics causes
oranges to respire quickly after harvest, thereby losing moisture via transpiration. The resulting
hastened biochemical reaction causes the oranges to deteriorate rapidly. The shelf life of oranges in its
natural form is within 2-10 days. This shelf-life can be improved upon if the fruit is stored in a controlled
atmosphere or processes into more stable products for example juice, drinks, jellies and jam
(Oluwalana, 2006). Refrigeration, hypobaric storage, packaging in plastic films, use of food surface
coatings, chemical treatments and irradiation are some of the methods for prolonging the storage life of
fruits. However, these methods are expensive in Nigeria and in other developing countries as market
value of the fruits will not be sufficient to offset cost of such methods. The most practicable method of
prolonging the storage life of fruits is the extraction of the fluid content which can then be processed
into juice, jam and jelly (Abulude et al., 2007; Oluwalana, 2006). Depending on the method of
preservation and packaging, fruit juices are capable of spending months even years before they expire
(Abulude et al., 2007). Fruit juice can be defined as the extraction of cells or tissues fluid content of the
fruit or the extraction of the unfermented but fermentable fluid for the purpose of human consumption,
through mechanical process from wholesome fully developed fruit (Oluwalana, 2006). It is said that juice
production from fruits has been in Existence for years (Bates et al., 2001). Fully developed Fruit are
usually soft to the extent that mere Manipulation or while in transit they produce juice. The Juice is
often more tasteful than the solid part of the Fruits. The effective and applicable means of extracting
Juice from the source fruits were achieved by man after Several attempts. The extraction of juice from
source Fruits was enhanced by the manufacture of juice Extraction devices. The means of extracting
juice from Fruits are the Brown method and the In-Line method.
The Brown method requires the fruit to be cut in half And the juice extracted by the action of a reamer
while The In-Line method uses a specially designed machine For the extraction of juice from the fruits.
Abulude et al., (2007) listed the following as the process Involved in the extraction of juice from fruit;
sorting, Washing, pressing, slicing, crushing and extraction, Addition of additives, homogenization,
pasteurization (heat treatment), packaging and storage. The primitive Process of juice extraction
includes crushing and pulping With mortar and pestle or blender and then sieving via Muslin cloth or
plastic sieve. The major demerit of this Procedure is low extracted volume and low efficiency.
Hence, the development of orange juice extractor from Locally sourced materials at minimal cost to
effectively And efficiently extract orange juice will improve the Availability of orange juice at affordable
price, increase Its consumption and also reduce it postharvest losses. Adejuyigbe & Bolaji (2005); Bolaji
et al., (2008);
Adejuyigbe & Bolaji (2012) have reported that one of the Ways to improve agricultural mechanization in
Nigeria Is the encouragement of indigenous design, Development and manufacture of most of the
required Machines and equipment, this is to ensure their Compatibility and sustainability for the farm
produce as Well as the incorporation of farmers technical and Financial consideration. It is worthy to
note that several research has been Conducted locally in this area, some are manually Operated (Aremu
& Ogunlade, 2016); (Oguntuyi, 2013) And (Abulude et al., 2007) while some are motorized (Olabisi &
Adelegan, 2015) and (Olaniyan, 2010). This Present work is aimed at designing a motorized citrus Juice
extractor that will be acquirable for use by both Small and medium scale citrus juice processing plants in
Nigeria at a preferred cost compared to an imported Extractor of similar capacity. As well as improving
the Machine capacity of the motorized juice extractor.
Therefore, this paper presents the design, construction And performance evaluation of a locally
fabricated Motorized citrus (orange) juice extractor for small and Medium scale citrus juice processing
plants in Nigeria. The components of the designed orange juice extractor Are as follows: the hopper,
electric motor, pulleys, Bearings, drive belt, collector, shaft, bolts, machine frame And compression
chamber which houses the presser of Reamers, perforated cylindrical sieve which sieves the Pulp, seeds
and skin.
The process of juice extraction with the present design Starts from the preparation of the orange fruit
(washing, Peeling and cutting into half), loading of the half oranges Into the hopper which channels the
oranges to the Compression chamber. In the compression camber the Presser compresses the half
oranges against the Perforated cylindrical sieve and the separated juice is Collected at the collector unit.
The hull of fruits is ejected From the incorporated outlet.