ABT3 Test Paper Uncompleted 2018 Edition

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Grade 3 Theory Test Paper (ABRSM)

At the end of the How to Blitz! ABRSM Theory Grade 3 workbook, there is a test paper
which has been completed with MANY wrong answers. The following test paper is the same
as the workbook example. Once you’ve marked the version in the workbook, do this test
paper yourself and see if you can get 100%!

(N.B. This uncompleted test paper is up to date with the 2018 syllabus changes)

Theory Paper Grade 3 100

Time allowed: 1.5 hours

1 Write the correct time signature for each of these five melodies.
They all begin on the first beat of the bar.

            
   

  

                                   

    
                   


      
             

 
      

  
 
2 Write the time values in the correct order, from the 10

longest to the shortest. The first answer is given.

.... ........ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............

3 This melody contains five deliberate mistakes. Rewrite it correctly on the 10

        
given stave.
      
    

4 Add the correct rest/s at each place marked * to complete the bar. 10


      
i ii

      
* *


v vi

           
* * *

      

5 Above each of these notes write a higher note to form the named harmonic
interval. The key is C# minor.

 
   

minor 3rd perfect 5th major 7th major 2nd perfect 8ve
6 Name the key of each of the following scales. Where the key is minor, 10

state whether the scale is harmonic or melodic.

         
   Key ..........................................

 
    
  
Key ..........................................

    
     
  Key ..........................................

          
 
  Key ..........................................

    
     Key ..........................................

7 Write the following tonic triads with the correct key signature. 10

 

B@ major C minor E major

 
B minor A@ major

8 Tick one box for each term/sign, as shown in the first answer. 10

Ben marcato means: Marziale means:  means:

hold for the full value in a military style

without accent playfully, joking

well-marked delicately

smoothly sadly

Largamente means: sempre staccato means: con anima means:

broadly smoothly with freedom of tempo

always short convenient,
heavy and detached comfortable

with force without staccato with determination
with feeling,
energetically simply with spirit

9 Look at this melody by Chopin and then answer the questions below.

  4 
      
   
   
          
1 2 5 3 6 7 8

   etc.


a) Give the meaning of: 5

(i) Rubato .................................................................................

(ii)   (e.g. bars 1, 3, 5 and 7) .................................................................................
(iii) semplice .................................................................................

 (give full definition) .................................................................................


  
(v) (e.g. bar 4) ....................................................................

b) (i) Which bars contain notes NOT belonging to A major?...........................
(ii) Name one similarity and one difference between bars 1, 3, 5 and 7.
Similarity ..........................................................................................
Difference ..........................................................................................
(iii) How many FULL bars contain minims? ..............................
(iv) What is the name of the horizontal line over each minim? .............................................
(v) The first phrase has been marked with a square bracket. Mark the rest of the phrasing
the same way.

c) Rewrite the melody from the beginning to the second beat of bar 4 an octave 10

lower, using the bass clef as shown.

 

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