Ssiikkoossttaarrtt 33Rrw W3344 Iinnssttrruuccttiioonn Gguuiiddee
Ssiikkoossttaarrtt 33Rrw W3344 Iinnssttrruuccttiioonn Gguuiiddee
Ssiikkoossttaarrtt 33Rrw W3344 Iinnssttrruuccttiioonn Gguuiiddee
April, 1999
The signal words Danger , Warning and For the purposes of this manual and product
Caution used in this manual indicate the labels, a qualified person is one who is familiar
degree of hazard that may be encountered by with the installation, construction, operation or
the user. These words are defined as: maintenance of the equipment and the haz-
ards involved. In addition this person has the
Danger - Indicates death or serious injury will following qualifications:
result if proper precautions are not taken.
(a) is trained and authorized to energize,
Warning - Indicates death, serious injury or de-energize. clear, ground and tag cir-
property damage can result if proper precau- cuits and equipment in accordance with
tions are not taken. established safety practices.
(b) is trained in the proper care and use of
Caution - Indicates some injury or property protective equipment such as rubber
damage may result if proper precautions are gloves, hard hat, safety glasses or
not taken. face shields, flash clothing, etc., in
accordance with established safety
(c) is trained in rendering first aid.
List of Tables
This manual provides an overview for the installation, setup The SIKOSTART 3RW34 controller utilizes a voltage ramp
and operation of the Siemens SIKOSTART 3RW34 controller. design to produce an output voltage to the motor that increas-
Maintenance data consists of troubleshooting and spare parts es from a customer selected initial voltage to full line supply
information. Note that the instructions in this manual do not voltage over an adjustable starting time. This voltage ramp
cover all details or variations in equipment, nor provide for produces a reduced current start (soft start) similar to a cur-
every possible contingency to be met in connection with rent limit start without the load dependence of the current
installation, operation, or maintenance. limit type start. Similarly, stopping time can be adjusted to
provide a soft stop for many pumping applications.
1.2 3RW34 SIKOSTART Features The SIKOSTART controller employs a DSP (digital signal
processor) to control the motor. This advanced type of micro-
The SIKOSTART 3RW34 product line is the next generation of processor allows the controller to contour the starting and
Siemens solid state reduced voltage controllers. This controller stopping ramps. This contour adjusts for the nonlinearities of
combines DSP microprocessor and SCR technologies to provide an induction motor to produce a smoother and more linear
AC induction motor starting and operation. The sturdy compact motor start and stop.
frame affords rugged, industrial grade reliability.
The SIKOSTART 3RW34 controller is a single ramp style con- 2.2 Functional Description
troller using phase control for the operation of three-phase
induction motors. The controller can be set to operate either Power Poles. As is shown in the block diagram of figure 1, the
wye (star) or delta type motors. Each unit includes soft start incoming main power (L1, L2, L3) is connected to the con-
and stop parameters plus fault detection. The controller can be trollers three power poles which control the voltage to the
used with an electro-mechanical starter or, when combined motor windings. Each power pole consists of two SCRs in a
with an overload relay, the controller can be used as a solid- back-to-back arrangement for each phase which allows alter-
state starter. nating current to pass to the motor.
The SIKOSTART 3RW34 controller is available as an open type Snubber PCB. The snubber printed circuit board(s) contains
(compact frame, no enclosure) or in a NEMA 1, 3R, 4, or 12 the trigger circuit for each SCR. The firing signal for each trig-
enclosure. The unit can be ordered as a starter with overload ger circuit is generated at the logic printed circuit board. The
relays or as a combination starter with disconnecting means snubber board sensing circuits send data to the logic board for
and circuit overload protection devices. Additional options are factoring into firing signal generation. The snubber board also
also available such as push buttons, pilot lights, and meters. includes an RC network for a degree of protection against
false firing of the SCRs due to dv/dt and MOVs for transient
1.3 Applications and Benefits
Figure 1
Figure 4a represents a three-phase wye-connected motor Figure 4b represents a three-phase delta-connected motor.
with three sources connected to supply voltages, U1,2, U2,3, The three sources are connected to supply voltages, U1,2,
and U3,1. The SIKOSTART controller is connected in line with U2,3, and U3,1. The SIKOSTART controller is connected inside
the motor windings. of the delta in series with the motor winding.
As can be seen, the source current, the SIKOSTART current, As can be seen, the source or line current is split between
and the motor winding current are all equal. two motor windings. The winding current and SIKOSTART
current is therefore less than the source or line current. Note
that the magnitude of a line current is greater than the magni-
tude of a winding and SIKOSTART current by a factor of the
square-root-of-three (1.73). This allows the SIKOSTART con-
troller to operate a motor of a higher current rating when con-
nected inside of the delta.
Figure 3a
Figure 4a
Figure 3b
Figure 4b
Wye Motor. The controller can be used for either a three- lead Figure 6 shows three torque/speed curves (a, b, c) for a typi-
or nine-lead wye motor. Connecting the controller to a wye cal induction motor.
motor inserts the SCRs directly in the line wiring, referred to a This curve shows the torque/speed relation when the
as In Line wiring. motor starting voltage, U, is 100% of line voltage (Ue).
Delta Motor. The controller can be used for either 6 or 12 b This curve shows the relation when the controller voltage
lead delta motors. If the motor is hard wired as delta, the con- potentiometer, U (initial soft start voltage setting) is set
troller must be connected and sized with In Line wiring as for 75% of line voltage.
shown in figure 5a.
c This curve shows the relation when the controller voltage
Figure 5b shows the controller connected with the thyristors potentiometer is set for 50% of line voltage.
inside the delta, referred to as Inside Delta wiring. For
Inside Delta wiring, the controller power rating may be The curve a motor (without soft starting) produces a very high
increased (line current = 1.73 phase current, figure 4) relative torque across most of the speed range, whereas, the curves
to the In Line power rating. b and c motors (with soft starting) produce a much lower and
adjustable torque. This allows slower and smoother accelera-
tion of the motor and its load.
Figure 5a
Figure 7 shows the relationship of voltage and speed with Figure 8, like figure 7, shows the voltage and speed curves for
respect to time when a soft start is used with coast to rest. a soft start but with controlled deceleration. The potentiome-
The controller potentiometers have been set as follows. ters have been set as follows.
U The initial voltage is set at approximately 30%. U The initial voltage is set at approximately 30%.
T1 The start time setting is greater than 0. T1 The start time setting is greater than 0.
T2 The stop time is set at 0 which allows the motor to T2 The stop time setting is greater than 0 which allows the
coast to a stop. motor to soft stop.
On the voltage/time graph, the voltage starts at U when the The motor starting ramp is similar to the one shown in figure 7.
run coil is energized and increases to 100% within the T1 time But, when the run coil is de-energized, a motor stopping ramp
setting. The voltage immediately drops to zero when the run is formed where the motor voltage starts at 100% and
coil is de-energized. decreases to 80% of U (the initial start voltage) within the T2
The speed/time graph shows the motor accelerating from 0, time setting. Then the voltage immediately drops to zero. The
when the run coil is energized, to operating speed. The time time required to decelerate may be more or less than the T1
required to accelerate may be more or less than the T1 setting setting depending on the connected inertia.
depending on the connected inertia. The motor speed coasts When the run coil is de-energized, the speed decreases
to zero when the motor is de-energized. throughout the T2 time period and then coasts to zero.
1. Section 8 of the manual contains controller mounting The following precautions are intended for use as guidelines
dimensions and data. Air flow through the unit is vertical, for proper installation of the controller. Because of the variety
from bottom to top. of applications, all of these precautions may not pertain to
your system and they are not all-inclusive. In addition to the
following, refer to codes and standards applicable to your par-
ticular system.
Fire hazard.
Can cause death, serious injury, or 4.3.1 Motor Branch Circuit
property damage.
To prevent a fire, the controller, espe-
cially a non-fan-cooled unit, must be
mounted with its fins in a vertical direc-
tion only. Side ways mounting and
improper ventilating can result in fire. Hazardous voltage.
Can cause death, serious injury, or
property damage.
To avoid electrical shock, this controller
2. Adequate cooling is essential for proper operation. Leave at MUST be wired with motor disconnect-
least 6 inches of clearance above and below the unit to allow ing means and branch circuit protection
unimpeded convection or fan air flow. Wire bending because the controller does not provide
allowance may require more than this recommended mini- electrical isolation to the motor when
mum clearance. the controller is OFF.
3. When mounting the controller in an enclosure, the enclo-
sure must be properly sized or ventilated to provide cooling The National Electrical Code (NEC) and local regulations govern
for the continuous power dissipation in the thyristors, approxi- the installation of the SIKOSTART controller and the motor it
mately 3 watts per ampere of continuous rating. The follow- will control. Refer to NEC Article 430 for requirements and
ing vent areas are required for each inlet and each outlet on data regarding 1) motor disconnecting means, 2) motor branch
customer furnished NEMA 1 enclosures, motor control cen- circuit short circuit and ground fault protection, and 3) motor
ters, etc. overload regulations. Figure 10 shows the components gen-
erally required to meet the various regulations. The overload
relay indicated in the figure is necessary but the standard
Vent Area Continuous Amps HP at 460V
SIKOSTART controller is not furnished with an overload relay.
not reqd up to 57A 40 HP
20 sq. in. up to 131A 100 HP The SIKOSTART controller does not utilize electronic means to
40 sq. in. up to 248A 200 HP protect itself from damage due to short circuits applied to the
80 sq. in. up to 480A 400 HP motor terminals or from the motor terminals to ground.
120 sq. in. up to 960A 800 HP Suitable branch circuit protection must be provided per NEC
Locate front ventilation air inlet vent at least 3 inches below
the bottom edge of the controller. Locate the outlet air vent
area at least 6 inches above the controller top edge. Air filters
impede air circulation and require a fan at inlet and/or outlet.
Some NEMA 12 enclosures use bypass contactors or heat
exchange devices to maintain the integrity of the NEMA 12
rating. Establish a maintenance schedule for enclosures with
heat exchangers. Equipment cleaning frequency should be
based on the operating environment.
220 ohm
Run Output
Motor at 100%
Voltage Output
Fault Output
Contact (see SW1-4
to set for OPEN or
CLOSE on Fault)
Wrong power rating may cause injury 2. Connect the ground terminal (labeled with ground symbol)
or property damage. to earth ground.
Confirm that the correct HP rating for the
controller corresponds to the type of con- 4.5.2 Motor Connections
nections being used; e.g. dont use
Inside Delta rating for a controller wired 1. The NEC motor overload protection requirement can be met
In Line. with an optional overload relay.
2. The controller can be used for wye or delta motors with con-
nections to the motor as either In Line wiring or Inside Delta
wiring (paragraph 2.3.3). Be sure the power ratings are correct
Table 3 Terminal Screw and Ground Stud Nut Torque for the type of connection required for the application; refer to
section 3.
3. For a dual voltage 9-lead wye motor (represented in figures
Threaded Torque 12 and 13), the 3-lead controller-to-motor terminal connections
Item (lb-in.)
are listed in Table 4.
Terminal Screw
Wire Size (AWG or MCM)*
6 to 4 .................................................................100
3 to 2.................................................................125
1 ........................................................................135
1/0 to 2/0...........................................................150
3/0 to 4/0...........................................................225
250 to 400.........................................................290
500 to 600.........................................................335
Nut on Ground Stud
Controller Operational Current
<= 105A ..............................................................75
>= 133A-248A ...................................................110
>= 361A ............................................................150