Gibbs Reflective

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Gibb’s Reflective

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle was developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 to give structure to
learning from experiences.  It offers a framework for examining experiences, and given
its cyclic nature lends itself particularly well to repeated experiences, allowing you to
learn and plan from things that either went well or didn’t go well. It covers 6 stages:
Description of the experience
Feelings and thoughts about the experience
Evaluation of the experience, both good and bad
Analysis to make sense of the situation
Conclusion about what you learned and what you could have done differently
Action plan for how you would deal with similar situations in the future, or general
changes you might find appropriate.

Stage 1 – Description (Pure Facts)
I am a third-year student nurse ‘in charge’ on night duty, in a London hospital, with a
junior nurse to deal with 23 pretty sick people in this medical ward.  A doctor asked me
to give a patient (Mrs X,) 0.1 mg of Digoxin (a heart stimulant – steady, slows and
strengthens the heartbeat) to relieve symptoms of severe congestive cardiac failure and
difficulty breathing.  I had never given such a high dose of Digoxin before and
measured 4 tabs from the 0.25 mg bottle.  I checked the script and the tablets with
both the doctor, who nodded, and my junior nurse. We were all in agreement. I
checked Mrs X’s pulse rate (standard practice for Digoxin), which was in the OK range,
before giving the tablets. I kept Mrs X on hourly observations after.
At about 2 am I suddenly realised I had given 10 times the amount of Digoxin as stated
on the Doctors script.  In horror, I called the night sister who agreed with me.  We filled
in an incident form, informed the doctor and Mrs X’s relatives of what happened.
Petrified, I was told to go see the hospital matron in the morning.
Mrs X did not seem to suffer any ill effects from the Digoxin during the night and went
on to make a full recovery.
Stage 2 – Description – (Feelings)
I had been on nights for a long stretch.  It was a very busy ward with only two-night
staff and I was “in charge”.  Mrs X was very ill and needed constant monitoring.
I had only ever seen 0.25mgs of Digoxin tablets and did not know there was a
paediatric blue table of 0.1 mg made.  I was very reluctant to give such a big dose
which is why I checked the four tablets of .25 with the doctor who looked at the tablets
and said OK.  I was nervous about the dosage being so high and took Mrs X’s pulse for
much longer than the customary 15 seconds.
The doctor too was under tremendous strain, his beeper kept going off and he was
rushing about all over the place.  I had never met him before.  He had recently come
from a paediatric ward.
Stage 3 – Evaluation
Nobody ever blamed me for the incident, neither did they reassure me.  Mrs X went on
to make a full recovery and the relatives were very understanding about the situation
which was a relief.  Matron was kind to me and impressed I had owned up to the error
– nobody would have ever known, she said.
I felt absolutely terrified about the error though and watched Mrs X all night for signs of
overdose.  I didn’t sleep all the next day and returned to my next night shift to find Mrs
X better.
Stage 4 – Analysis
This incident really frightened me because I had done everything right – I had checked
the dosage with both the Doctor and the junior nurse.  I had not known that you could
get a 0.1 mg of Digoxin or it was blue.  I have no idea what prompted me to think
about the overdose later on that night except that I had been very reluctant to give it. 
The Doctor agreed I had shown him 4 white tablets who said “I thought you knew what
you were doing” Which isn’t any sort of answer really.  Yet he didn’t get in trouble (like
me) at all for overseeing and agreeing my mistake.
I also realised how dependant patients are on the care and insights of the medical
profession and the trust they put in us; I’d let Mrs X down.
I believe that this incident was down to a series of incidents linked to overwork,
tiredness and misunderstandings. Plus if I’d known the Doctor better I might have had
a conversation about the dose.
Stage 5 – Conclusions
I was so relieved that Mrs X survived the overdose and the relatives were
understanding but, if she had a serious reaction or even died, I’m not sure I could have
carried on nursing.
Stage 6 – Now What? (Action)
I have learnt to be more careful with drugs and to really understand the dosage.  If
necessary now I will look up the drug in the reference books before I give them
because it is my responsibility if I do it wrong.
I will always be ultra-careful with new drug scripts in the future and if I am nervous,
then to go with my gut feeling and check and check again. Although, as I said to
Matron, at the time I’d felt as if I done as much as I could have.
Also, if nurses in my team are involved in incidents where they have made a clinical
mistake, I am always on hand to offer support and give them an opportunity to talk to
I never want another nurse to go through what I went through alone and I definitely do
not want to harm anyone in my care.
I am currently on a teaching practice placement in an adult education college in the
south-west of England, learning how to teach GCSE maths to various groups of adults.
As my placement is in the early stages, I am mainly assisting the class tutors and have
just started planning and delivering a small part of each lesson. The incident occurred
in an evening class during which I was due to deliver my very first session. The class
tutor had been teaching the learners about fractions, and my task was to continue with
this instruction, looking specifically at how to multiply two fractions. However, when I
was due to teach the session, I got to the whiteboard and became so nervous that I
struggled to speak to the group. I felt myself visibly shaking and was unable to
articulate my first sentence coherently. The students were quite understanding, as they
are all mature students who are aware that I am new to teaching and am nervous, but
the teacher was unsympathetic and responded by taking over the lesson whilst I sat at
the back of the room trying not to cry. I left the session as soon as the class was over,
and did not speak to anyone.
I felt extremely miserable at the time and even considered leaving my teacher training
course. I was also embarrassed and upset by my own inability to speak in front of the
group, but I was also extremely angry with the class teacher for her response in the
presence of the learners. I felt afterwards that she had not given me sufficient time to
compose myself, and that she should have allowed me to address my nerves. The
situation left me very distressed and I rang in sick the following week; it was only when
I reflected on the experience that I decided I needed to speak to the placement
supervisor. I also realised later that feeling nervous is a natural reaction to speaking in
public (Jones, 2000) which made me feel less embarrassed.
At the time, I did not feel that the situation had been resolved at all. I very deliberately
left at the end of the class without speaking to the class teacher or the learners.
However, after speaking to a fellow trainee about his own experience, I felt much more
positive. I realised that everyone feels nervous before their first few classes. This is
clear in the relevant literature, as Greene (2006, p. 43) points out, saying that nine out
of ten new trainee teachers found their first session “incredibly daunting”. It appears
that most trainee teachers have moments of being “tongue-tied” and “losing their way
with the lesson” (Parbold, 1998, p. 223).
The situation was made worse by both my own actions and those of the class teacher. I
feel that I should have stood up to her, rather than letting her take control of the
lesson, and that I should have spoken to her immediately after the lesson about how I
was feeling. Dealing with situations like this immediately is preferable, as Cooper (2001)
points out. Instead, I spoke to my placement supervisor several days later, and did not
see the class teacher again until a formal meeting consisting of myself, the teacher and
the supervisor. Daynes and Farris (2003) say that, by not dealing with situations
immediately and personally, and instead taking it to an authority figure, the situation
can be made worse. The class teacher could have felt that she was being “ganged up
on” (Thomas, 2003, p. 22), which could lead to future problems. The teacher’s actions
also made the situation worse, because she did not give me time to overcome my fears
and she deliberately embarrassed me in front of the class. She claimed that she had
thought she was helping me to overcome my anxieties, but I do not believe that to be
the case. However, as we only spoke about the incident over a week later in the
meeting with the supervisor, she rightly argued that I should have said something to
her at the time.
In retrospect, I would do several things differently. I should have spoken to the class
teacher immediately after the session and voiced my opinions. I should also have been
more assertive by advising the tutor that I could continue with the lesson. However, the
incident made me realise the importance of building up a relationship with the teacher,
a skill that Jackson (1999) stresses as fundamental to a successful placement. I feel
that, had I developed a professional relationship with the teacher in the preceding
weeks, I would have been able to explain how nervous I was beforehand. This would
have provided the opportunity to discuss strategies for dealing with nerves and perhaps
the incident could have been avoided entirely.
Action Plan
In future, I will ensure that I build up a relationship with colleagues. I am working
alongside several different teachers during my placement, and I intend to speak to each
of them about my nerves. I have already had a beneficial conversation with one teacher
and together we have developed a programme of team-teaching for the next few
weeks so that I do not feel so pressurised. I plan to do this with the other class
teachers, as it will help them to understand how I feel. I also need to speak to my
fellow trainees more often about how they feel, as I think I will be able to learn from
them. In terms of training, I have booked onto a presentation skills workshop at
University, and intend to follow it up by attending the practise sessions afterwards. This
experience has made me realise that I need to gain more confidence with presenting,
and I feel addressing my presentation skills will help me to do this.

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