Graphic Organizers Catalogue
Graphic Organizers Catalogue
Graphic Organizers Catalogue
This document consist of a compilation of the most common types of graphic organizers (12 in
total). To have a clear and effective information of them, each one present a brief of information
(definition, characteristics and elements), steps or procedure to elaborate it and an example.
At school, it is a useful strategy that consider them as a powerful tool to achieve meaningful
learning. Some advantages to use graphic organizers are the following:
• A graphic organizer shows information, data and characteristics related to a specific topic
or between different aspects.
• The main purpose of choosing and creating one, is to present concrete information in a
visual graphic for anyone who wants to read or learn about it.
• It permits identifying and visualizing each aspect or specific data more efficiently.
• There are many types of graphic organizers, each one of them has its own structure,
elements, procedure and design to organize, understand and explain quickly almost whole
information of a topic.
I N T R O D U C T I O N ...................................................................................................................................... 2
F I S H B O N E D I A G R A M ...................................................................................................................... 4
V E N N D I A G R A M .................................................................................................................................... 7
COMPARATIVE M A P ........................................................................................................................ 9
K W L C H A R T ...............................................................................................................................................11
M A T R I X T A B L E...................................................................................................................................... 13
N E T W O R K T R E E ................................................................................................................................... 17
P R O B L E M A N D S O L U T I O N M A P ...................................................................................... 19
S E Q U E N T I A L M A P ............................................................................................................................. 21
A S E R I E O F E V E N T S C H A I N S............................................................................................ 23
CYCLE M A P ............................................................................................................................................. 25
SPIDER M A P.......................................................................................................................................... 27
STORY M A P ............................................................................................................................................. 29
R E F E R E N C E S .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Fishbone diagrams are also called a cause and effect diagram, or Ishikawa diagram (Lewis, 2020).
A fishbone diagram is a visualization tool for categorizing the potential causes of a problem. This
tool is used in order to identify a problem’s root causes. Typically used for root cause analysis, a
fishbone diagram combines the practice of brainstorming with a type of mind map template. It
should be efficient as a test case technique to determine cause and effect.
Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, a Japanese quality control expert, is credited with inventing the fishbone
diagram to help employees avoid solutions that merely address the symptoms of a much larger
problem. Fishbone diagrams are considered one of seven basic quality tools and are used in the
"analyze" phase of Six Sigma's DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) approach to
Fishbone diagrams are typically made during a team meeting and drawn on a flipchart or
whiteboard. Once a problem that needs to be studied further is identified, teams can take the
following steps to create the diagram:
1. The head of the fish is created by listing the problem in a statement format and drawing a
box around it. A horizontal arrow is then drawn across the page with an arrow pointing to
the head. This acts as the backbone of the fish.
A few reasons a team might want to consider using a fishbone diagram are:
Venn diagrams help to visually represent the similarities and differences between two concepts.
They have long been recognized for their usefulness as educational tools. Venn diagrams have
been used as part of the introductory logic curriculum and in elementary-level educational plans
around the world.
It is usually made up of more than two overlapping circles. The Venn diagram works with sets of
things. (A “set” is a mathematical term, which refers to a series of objects.)
1. Set the “universe”. (In the context of Venn diagrams, the universe refers to the issue you
are dealing with at the time, and not the entire universe.)
2. Choose the categories. (The term “categories” simply refers to how you are going to
organize the items)
3. Add information in the categories. Draw a circle for each category. Once you’ve done this,
start filling the circles with items.
4. Determine which elements are to intersect. You may notice that some items are found in
both lists
5. Draw the circles again. Take care of the circles and draw them again, but this time, make
the middle of one of the sides of each circle intersect
6. Complete each of the circles. Don’t add the elements that are going to intersect yet. In the
circle labeled
7. Complete the intersection area. In the intersection area, write the words that they have in
The comparative map allows the development of skills to process and compare data, classify
information, organize thinking and facilitate the formulation of conclusions or value judgments.
• They classify and organize the most important information about the topics or elements to
be compared.
• The contents are usually brief and clear.
• They facilitate the understanding of the information to be presented.
• They allow the different elements to be easily and quickly distinguished.
• They use columns in which the information to be contrasted is placed.
Understanding people,
leading, organizing, Having friends, talking to people, Sharing, comparing, relating,
INTERPERSONAL communicating, resolving getting together with people interviewing, cooperating
conflicts, selling
KWL & KWHL charts are graphic organizers designed to activate prior knowledge, promote
higher-order questioning, and engage students in metacognition. A KWHL chart is a variation of a
KWL chart where an extra column is added for ‘How’: How can I learn this, How will I learn this,
How I plan to learn this, How I’ll know if I’ve learned it, etc.
A matrix chart or diagram is a project management and planning tool used to analyze and
understand the relationships between data sets. Matrix charts compare two or more groups of
elements within a single group. (Lucid Content Team, 2020).
Tree map templates or tree map graphic organizers are data visualization tools that show the
hierarchy of the data and the relationships between the elements in different levels of order. It may
use nested rectangles or other shapes, and sometimes a depiction of a real tree is also used.
(Edrawsoft, 2021)
A solution map indicates a logical analysis of how one might weight information provided to solve
the problem. The solution map contains an overview of all laws and principles used in each step
to strengthen students' knowledge base. (Noah, 2022)
Step 1: Identify the most important element under the topic you are studying. Write this
down at the top of the hierarchy chart.
Step 2: List down the second layer of sub-elements stemming from the first component
you have identified. Add a third and fourth as necessary.
Step 3: Connect these with lines to show how they are connected to each other
(Athuraliya, 2019).
A solution map indicates a logical analysis of how one might weight information provided to solve
the problem. The solution map contains an overview of all laws and principles used in each step
to strengthen students' knowledge base. (Noah, 2022)
It is a tool that helps graphically re present the order of steps in a process, a timeline of events,
etc. It can also be used to plan lessons or to take down notes during a lesson. A Sequential
Episodic Map is useful for mapping cause and effect.
The cognitive sequence map simulates a chain with chronological sequences. In the first box the
title is written, and in the boxes below the information, steps or stages that develop the main topic
are included (Lucidspark, 2002).
• Review the information you want to represent on your cognitive map. It can be the text of
a book, or an article on an Internet page.
• Find the main theme. The main theme can be the title of the article.
• Identify the most important points and ideas. Do not forget to underline them or write them
so they will not forget you.
• Choose the type of cognitive map you will use. Review the above information to fin d the
type of adequate cognitive map. It will also be important to decide the method you will use
to create your map.
• Organize the underlined ideas on your cognitive map. The most general ideas should go
close to the main theme, while the most specific ideas must be more removed under the
corresponding theme and subtheme .
• Review the information. Make sure your cognitive map follows a hierarchical order of ideas,
that is, the most general idea to the most specific.
It is used to show the sequence of events in a passage, showing the continuous movement of
events. Students can gain a deeper understanding of text by retelling the proper order and
understand how the events affect the central theme of the story (Shmaefsky, 2007).
7. E X A M P L E
Following the idea from Wondershare EdrewMax, explains “A spider map is an organizational tool
that graphically represents your concepts and helps you brainstorm ideas.” (Wondershare
EdrewMax, 2022)
A spider map has a main idea or topic in the center, of the diagram. Each detail or sub-topic
associated with the main idea has its own leg, or branch, surrounding the main idea. The basic
premise of spider mapping is to familiarize students with a topic at a basic level.
StoryBoardThat explains the steps that you should follow to have a great Spider Map.
a) The title in the center of the spider map is the central topic, person, or vocabulary word.
b) The map then branches out into separate cells to show details or examples of the topic.
c) Having the main topic in the center and the ideas surrounding it reduces the temptation to
give greater importance to particular details.
d) The legs of the spider map are all treated equally (Storyboardthat, 2022).
8. E X A M P L E
Story map is a kind of graphic organizer in the form of illustration or picture which describes the
story line or the content of a text. Story map may help students identify parts of narrative text or
the content of text. In a literacy class, students may be assigned to summarize the content of a
text, to make a story outline which is, then, developed into a comprehensive text.
There are many different types of story map graphic organizers. The most basic focus on the
beginning, middle, and end of the story.
3.1. Beginning: You should introduce the characters in the setting and a problem the
characters face.
3.2. Middle: You can briefly describe what happens before the problem is resolved.
3.3. End: There should be a resolution or a way for the characters to overcome the
challenge they had in the beginning.
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