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Health Class Abilities

6 Fighter Charge - 6’s do one damage, but you can only count up to two 6’s per round as this attack.
6 Paladin Lay on hands – For each 6 rolled, heal one damage. This can only be applied to one adventurer each round.
Smite evil – Two 6’s do one damage.
6 Dwarven Defensive stance - Two dice, where both equal an opponent's current health - Keeps the opponent from
Defender attacking that turn. Multiple opponents can be defended against, but each need two dice (for example, 4
dice with the right values could be used to keep 2 opponents from attacking for one turn).
6 Barbarian Rage - 6's inflict one damage and can be used against multiple opponents. Any number of 6's can be used. If
there are any 5’s when the attack rolls end, the party takes one damage. Only deal one point of damage to
the party regardless of how many 5’s are rolled. The 5’s can be used as part of other abilities as well.
3 Rogue Sneak attack - 1’s do one damage. Any number of 1’s can be used, but only against a single opponent.
Crippling strike - Full house. The 6th dice is the damage inflicted against a single opponent.
3 Cleric Minor heal - Straight of 4. Heal two damage.
Heal - Straight of 5. Heal the amount on the 6 dice. If it is a 1, heal all living party members fully.
Miracle - Straight of 6. Resurrect dead adventurers and restore all party members to full health.
3 Druid Animal companion – Every time the party takes more than one damage in an attack, you can ignore one point
of damage.
Wild form - Add up the dice not used in other abilities and that have not been saved from previous rolls.
Divide by 4, rounding down. The result is the amount of damage inflicted by the druid this round.
3 Bard (The bard can only do one of the following abilities each round.)
Inspire - At the end of your attack rolls, you can change one of the dice to any number.
Distract - When rolling for your opponent’s attack, you can re-roll all of the dice one time.
Suggestion - Before the monsters attack, you can pick one monster and roll a dice. If it is a 1 or 2, the
monster’s damage can be applied to any monster, even itself. If it is a 3 or 4, suggestion fails, apply damage
normally. If it is a 5 or 6, suggestion fails badly, apply damage from this monster to the bard first.
3 Ranger Ranged - Before each battle, roll six dice. For each pair, inflict two damage.
Dual wield - For each pair rolled, inflict two damage.
Evasion - If all other party members have died and fighting a monster that hits on a 5 or 6, the ranger will only
take damage on a roll of 6.
3 Monk Quivering palm - Two rounds in a row where exactly five dice add up to the opponent's current health. The
opponent is killed. When attempting quivering palm, no other abilities by any party member can be used for
those two rounds, even if quivering palm fails.
Ki strike - Two dice that both equal the monk's current health. Inflict damage against a single opponent equal
to the monk's current health.
Empty body - Three dice that all equal the monk's current health. Any damage that is inflicted against the
party this round is discarded.
Wholeness of body - Four dice that all equal the monk's current health. Heal the monk fully.
3 Enchanter Bolster spirit - Before your attack rolls you can roll one dice. For that round, roll the attack dice as many
times as shown instead of the normal three times. If it is a 6, you only roll for the monsters.
Greater heroism - You can roll one dice after your attack rolls each round. On a 1 or 2 double the amount of
normal damage you inflict, on a 5 or 6 double the amount you take. Do nothing different on a 3 or 4.
3 Assassin Death Attack - Four 1's kills one opponent.
Poison - Inflict one extra point of damage each round regardless of which abilities are used (or even if any are
1 Wizard Ray of frost - 3 of a kind. Roll two less dice for the monsters this round.
Chain lightning - 4 of a kind. One damage to each opponent
Fireball - 5 of a kind. 6 damage which can be applied to multiple opponents.
Demise - 6 of a kind. All of your opponents in the current battle are destroyed.
1 Necromancer Animate dead - When party members die, roll one dice. They have been animated and can take as much
damage as rolled, but cannot attack or be healed. If the necromancer dies, any animated adventurers are
immediately destroyed as well.
Channel - If you choose not to animate an adventurer when they die, the necromancer can perform their
abilities for the rest of the game.
Drain life - Before the attack rolls each round, you can roll 4 dice. Pick 2 of the dice and inflict that much
damage on your opponents and inflict the other 2 dice of damage on members of your party. This damage
cannot be applied to the necromancer or to animated dead adventurers. Any damage that cannot be applied
is ignored (if your party is just the necromancer and animated dead, for example).
1 Sorcerer The dice used for the Sorcerer’s abilities must have all been rolled in the same roll.
Straight of 3: Wall of ice - Do not roll for your opponents this round.
Straight of 4: Disease - Reduce each of your current opponent’s health by half, rounding down.
Straight of 5: Ring of fire - Any damage done to the party is also inflicted back on the attacker for the rest of
the game.
Straight of 6: Cyclone - All opponents in the current encounter are destroyed.
1 Thaumaturgist Summon lesser planar ally - Two pair - An ally joins the party for the rest of the current encounter.
Summon planar ally - Three pair - An ally joins the party for the rest of the game.
(Both lesser planar allies and planar allies will only stay as long as the thaumaturgist is alive. They cannot take
damage, but will fight by rolling 6 dice, every 5 or 6 causing one damage that can be applied to multiple
opponents. This roll comes after the party's, but before you roll for your opponent's attack. The
thaumaturgist can only have one ally at a time.)
Sands of Time The Abyss
1st Encounter: Gift of the Ancestors (Choose one)
1st Encounter: 1-6 Raiders (Roll one dice for the number of Raiders. Hit on a 5 or 6)
       Sentient Axe - The barbarian no longer inflicts damage to the party on rolls of 5.
2nd Encounter: 30 Scorpions (Hit on a 6. For the first round, only 6 scorpions attack.  Gandr’s Staff - 4 of a kind will kill the Demon.
At the end of each round, add 6 more scorpions until all 30 have entered the battle.)  Shadow Lore - You get one free attack before each battle begins.
 Planar key - Do not take any damage at the planar gate.
       Halfling’s gem - Ignore rolls of 5 or 6 when trying to do bard’s “Suggestion” ability.
       Frost wolf companion - Hellhounds only hit on a 6 and do not deal additional dmg.
      2nd Encounter: Crumbling Walkways (For each adventurer, roll a number of dice
3rd Encounter: Sandstorm (Roll six dice three times and for every 6, take one equal to their health. If you roll two of a kind, take two damage. Only two of a kind
damage.) causes this and it only applies once, for example three 5’s would be safe.)
4th Encounter: Abandoned Fortress (Roll a die) 3rd Encounter: 12 Goblins and 1 Cave Troll (Hit on a 5 or 6) Roll for the cave troll
 1 Jeweled Scimitar (requires Rogue) - The rogue can attack multiple opponents. separately before the goblins. For each point of damage the cave troll inflicts on the
 2 Healing Waters (requires Cleric) - Heal all living party members fully. party, destroy one goblin as well.
 3 Spell of Confusion (requires Wizard) - The sphinxes apply damage normally      
instead of attacking the opponent that is the weakest.      
 4 Grappling Hook (requires Fighter) - The ankheg cannot burrow. 
 5 Enchanted Hourglass - You have six rounds to destroy the time trap. 4th Encounter: 6 Gray Dwarves (Hit on a 5 or 6. Roll just one dice for each dwarf.)
 6 Bandits - Only roll five dice for the adventurers for the rest of the game.      
5th Encounter: Ankheg (Hit on a 5 or 6. If it is still alive after the first round, it 5th Encounter: 8 Goblin Archers (Hit on a 5 or 6. Goblin archers get to attack once
burrows and will attack again along with the next encounter.) before the adventurers.)
6 Encounter: 2 Monstrous Centipedes (Hit on a 5 or 6.) 6th Encounter: Planar Gate (Roll a dice for each living adventurer. If it is equal or
above their health, do nothing. If it is less than their current health, that is their new
7th Encounter: 3 Sphinxes (Hit on a 5 or 6. Apply damage points one at a time to
7th Encounter: 6 Burning Hellhounds (Hit on a 5 or 6. Each round you take one
the adventurer with the current lowest health. If there is a tie, you choose.)
additional damage automatically.)
8th Encounter: Time Trap (The time trap does not attack, but if you do not destroy it
8th Encounter: Demon (Instead of attacking normally, roll three dice. If one or two
in three rounds, all of the adventurers die.)
of the dice are a 6, destroy one adventurer. If all three are 6’s, destroy all of them.)

Fey Forest
Forgotten Crypt
Dwarven Defender 
1st Encounter: Choose an animal companion for the Ranger. You can only use the
1st Encounter: 5 Mummies (Hit on a 5 or 6)
animal’s abilities while the Ranger is alive
 Bear - Can take 2 damage 
2nd Encounter: Earth Elemental (Hits on a 6)
 Panther - Before rolling for the monsters each round, roll six dice and inflict one
::: point of damage for every 6 rolled.
3rd Encounter: Vampire (Hits on a 5 or 6. For each point of damage the vampire  Hawk - If there is more than one opponent alive in the battle, the hawk keeps one
inflicts, heal one point of damage from the vampire.) of them busy and they cannot attack.
 2nd Encounter: 4 Dire Wolves (Hit on 5 or 6)
4th Encounter: Trap (Selected an adventurer and roll a die)    
 1 Safe - You avoid the trap. 3rd Encounter: 8 Goblins (Hit on a 5 or 6)
 2 Spiked pit - Roll one dice and the adventurer selected takes that much damage.        
 3 Fire ward - Each party member must take one damage. 4th Encounter: Sylvan Feast (Heal one damage from each adventurer and roll a die)
 4 Time shift - Fight one of the first three encounters, selected by you, again.  1-2 Elven Bow - The Ranger’s “Ranged” attack does double the damage.
 5 Poison darts - Before each encounter, take a point of damage (this can be applied  3-4 Elven Elixir - After each battle, roll one dice and heal that much damage.
to any adventurer).  5-6 Elven Pendant - Dark Elf Lord only hits on a 6.
 6 Insanity dust – The adventurer selected turns on the others. Fight them as if they 5th Encounter: 4 Pixies (The pixies do not cause damage, but each time a 6 is rolled,
were a monster that hits on a 5 or 6. an adventurer, picked by you, cannot fight the rest of the encounter. If no
5th Encounter: Wererat (Hits on a 3, 4, 5 or 6. Only roll one dice for the wererat, but adventurers can fight, you lose.)
if it hits, continue rolling until either the adventurer is killed, or the wererat misses.)    
: 6th Encounter: Assassin Vine (Does not attack normally. Each round you damage the
6th Encounter: 9 Zealots (Hit on a 6. If a 5 is rolled, destroy the zealot and inflict 2 vine, it inflicts two damage. Each round you do not do any damage, it inflicts one.)
damage on the adventurers.) :
         7th Encounter: Dark Elf Lord (Hits on 5 or 6. Roll one dice for each point of damage
7 Encounter: Wraith King (Hit on a 4, 5 or 6. Before the wraith takes normal that the elf lord has taken rather than for each point of health left.)
damage each round, roll a dice and if it is a 4, 5 or 6, ignore all of the damage.) ::

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