PAP A4 BOD Legends

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Umari’s Spells 1 Warden

2 1 2
Iron Fist
1. Polymorph (2 APs) 1. Evade: escape from a monster (dwarf)
Redraw one monster tile without taking damage
(must keep). Cannot replace (movement APs apply) 1. Haymaker: re-roll one or more
Red Dragon 2. Focus: re-roll any damage result of your combat dice, once per
from your bow, once per shot fight (keep best result)
2. Ethereal Sword (3 APs) (keep best result) 2. Troll Hunter: +3 combat
+4 combat for one fight 3. Leap: take only one damage vs. trolls
(may not use other weapons) from triggering a trap 3. Thick-skinned: take -1 damage
3. Teleport (2 APs) 4. King’s Guard: take -1 damage 4. Dig In: take no damage as a
Move any character up to six 5. Seeker: when drawing items, tag partner
spaces (not through Exit) draw one extra and discard one 5. Hard-Headed: take -1 damage
4. Ice Storm (2 APs)
Rng: 1-4. Dmg: 1d6
3 4 5 3 4 5
1 2 1 2 1 Shadowcaster
Guardian Lightfoot (wizard)
1. Demolish (3 APs): break a hole
(halfling) 1. Spellmaster: cause +4 damage
1. Stout: take -1 damage from any spell cast
through a wall. Place a black
counter to show permanent 2. Nimble: take only one damage 2. Spell Sword: +1 combat
access for all, including monsters from triggering a trap 3. Cunning: re-roll one or more of
2. Winter Coat: take -1 damage 3. Second Breakfast: recover one your combat dice, once per fight
health after a fight (keep best result)
3. Gore: +1 combat
4. Belt & Braces: re-roll one or 4. Shadow Step: take -1 damage
4. Kick: re-roll one or more of
your combat dice, once per fight more of your combat dice, once 5. Manipulate: re-roll monster
(keep best result) per fight (keep best result) dice, once per fight
(keep best result)

3 4 3 4 3 4 5
Spending skill tokens
1 Witch
2 1 Skirmisher
2 Duck
Spend one skill token to avoid
(healer) (fighter) one damage
1. Animal Speed: +1 AP per turn 1. Parry: re-roll one or more of Dive
2. Eagle-eyed: when you draw an your combat dice, once per fight Spend two skill tokens to dodge a
item, discard it and draw again (keep best result) trap and avoid all damage
(once per turn) 2. Battle-scarred: take -1 damage
3. Repel: take -1 damage 3. Martial artist: +1 combat Riposte
4. Banish: +2 combat vs. undead 4. Search: when drawing one or Spend three skill tokens to
monsters two items, draw one extra and transfer all damage from one
discard one combat round to your opponent
5. Shielding Light: take Half
damage (rounded down) from 5. Fanatic: recover one health Dragonbane
undead monsters when you win a fight Spend four skill tokens to weaken
the Red Dragon for the remainder

3 4 5 3 4 5 of the game. Use once she is

revealed, reducing her health to
12 (one player, once per game)

© Gunpowder Studio ltd - For non-commercial use only - Version 1.1

1 Vanguard
2 1 2
1. Pathfinder: +1 AP per turn Trickster
2. Quick: re-roll one or more of (elf)
your combat dice, once per fight 1. Backstabber: re-roll one or
(keep best result) more of your combat dice, once
3. Well-Fed: take -1 damage per fight (keep best result)
4. SureFooted (2 APs): draw 2. Focus: re-roll any damage
two dungeon tiles, pick one and result from your bow, once per
return the other to the bottom shot (keep best result)
of the stack 3. Devious: +1 combat
5. Sharp-eyed: when drawing 4. Meditate: recover one health
items, draw one extra and after you win a fight
discard one

3 4 5 3 4
1 Mystic 2 1 2 1 Skullcrusher 2
(wizard) Innkeeper (minotaur)
1. Guiding Light: +1 AP per turn (halfling) 1. Afterlifer: +2 combat vs.
2. Second Sight: view adjacent 1. Bar Apron: carry three undead
unrevealed monsters extra items 2. Giant Killer: +3 combat vs. any
3. Time Shift: re-roll one or more 2. Barrel Lifter: can use two- monster with 10+ health (cannot
of your combat dice, once per handed weapons be used with Charmer)
fight (keep best result) 3. Short-changer: when drawing 3. Charmer: +4 combat vs. snakes
4. Phasing (3 APs): pass through one or two items, draw one extra and reachers
one wall and discard one 4. Charger: +1 AP per turn
5. Shield of Friendship: protect 4. Brawler: re-roll one or more of 5. Scent Finder: when drawing
any tagging partner from your combat dice, once per fight items, draw one extra and
taking damage (keep best result) discard one

3 4 5 3 4 3 4 5
All for One Hoarder 1 2 1 2
+2 kills if you never
refused a tag request
+2 kills if you have the
most items Crusader Alchemist
All for Me Purist (fighter) (healer)
+2 kills if you refused +2 kills if you didn’t
1. Shielding Light: take half 1. Transfusion: recover one health
all tag requests take healing magic or after killing a monster
One for All potions damage (rounded down) vs. undead
+2 kills if everyone Hard Left 2. Protector: take full damage 2. Raise Dead: a dead monster will
survived -2 kills if the player when fighting as a tag. Main fight beside you (once per game)
Dragon-slayer to your left died partner takes half damage for +1D6 combat (remove skill on
Hard Right defeat)
+2 kills if you slew the 3. Veteran: +1 combat 3. Blinding Light: +1 combat
Red Dragon without -2 kills if the player
the Dragonlance to your right died 4. Battled-scarred: take -1 damage 4. Curse (3 APs): once per fight
Lone Wolf Unstoppable 5. Sacred fire: +2 combat vs. (before melee combat), use one of
+3 kills if you never +3 kills for slaying undead your heal tokens to inflict
asked for a tag three monsters while
taking no damage 2d6 damage

3 4 5 3 4
+2 kills if you escaped Heretic
with three lives and +3 kills if you did not
full health use the healing pool

© Gunpowder Studio ltd - For non-commercial use only - Version 1.1

All for one Dragon-slayer Hard Left
All for me One for all Hoarder
You will receive
You will receive You will receive You will receive -2 kills at the You will receive You will receive
+2 kills at the +2 kills at the +2 kills at the +2 kills at the +2 kills if you
end of the game end of the game
end of the game end of the game if the player to end of the have more items
if you never if you refused if you slew the game if every than any other
refused a tag your left died adventurer at
all tag requests Red Dragon (0 lives) adventurer
request escaped the the end of the
(You must be asked at without using
(You must be asked at least once) the Dragonlance
(You could therefore
end with a minus dungeon game
least once) victory point total)

Hard Right Unstoppable Purist

Untouchable Heretic Lone Wolf
You will receive You will receive
-2 kills at the You will receive
You will receive You will receive +3 kills at the +4 kills at the
You will receive end of the game
+4 kills if you +2 kills at the end of the end of the
+2 kills at the if the player to
escaped the end of the game game if you kill game if you
end of the game your right died
dungeon with if you never three monsters did not use
if you didn’t use (0 lives)
three lives and requested a tag without taking healing magic
the Healing Pool
full health partner (You could therefore
any damage or potions to
end with a minus
victory point total) recover health

Minotaur Grakun
Grakun is fearsome and strong,
able to use his considerable size
to strike hard at his enemies. 20
Combat: 3d6 +1 APs
Special: Spend 3 APs to charge into
combat (straight line to target),
5 19
causing 1D6 of instant damage. Cannot use
weapons, 4 18
1 2 3 armour or
Solo Lives boots 17
Health 3
7 8 9 10 11 12 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 15
Monster Health *Take one item on kill **Take two items on kill
DEAD! 1 2 3 4 5 6* 7 8 9 10** 11 12 13

© Gunpowder Studio ltd - For non-commercial use only - Version 1.1

LEGENDS character Expansion

© Gunpowder Studio ltd - For non-commercial use only - Version 1.1

Halfling Firkin
Firkin is quick and agile, able to APs
escape and hide in the shadows
from danger when needed.
Cannot use
Cannot use
two-handed 6 20
Combat: 2d6 weapons weapons
Special: Can escape from a monster
5 19
without taking damage. Take one
item when defeating a 5+ monster.
1 2 3 4
Solo Lives 17
Health 3
5 6 7 8 16
1 2 3 4 15
Monster Health *Take one item on kill **Take two items on kill
DEAD! 1 2 3 4 5* 6 7 8 9 10** 11 12 13

Wizard Umari
Umari trained under the Order of
the Light, famed for its alchemy
and temporal shifting.
Combat: 2d6
Special: Can cast four spells per game
(see Umari spell card). Cannot wear Spells 5 19
armour or use shields.
Poly- Ethereal
4 18
1 2 3 morph Sword
Solo Lives 17
5 6 7 8 16
1 2 3 4
Monster Health *Take one item on kill **Take two items on kill
DEAD! 1 2 3 4 5 6* 7 8 9 10** 11 12 13

© Gunpowder Studio ltd - For non-commercial use only - Version 1.1

LEGENDS character Expansion

LEGENDS character Expansion

© Gunpowder Studio ltd - For non-commercial use only - Version 1.1

gunp wder
Play Guide

© Gunpowder Studio ltd - For non-commercial use only - Version 1.1

Skill tokens Using tokens to upgrade
You gain skill tokens from winning fights during Choose an upgrade card at the start of the game
the game. You can use your skill tokens as instant and place it, with your chosen side face up, next to
bonuses against traps and enemies or you can your character card. You can only use an upgrade
place them on an upgrade card for a permanent in- card that matches your character. To activate an
game advantage. If you lose a life and have another upgrade skill spend two skill tokens and place a red
remaining, you keep your unused skill tokens counter on a numbered skill circle of your choice.
and those you have placed on your upgrade card, You now have that skill for the rest of the game.
carrying them over to your next life.
Umari’s spells
Gaining skill tokens Umari can cast four spells per game. Spend a skill
• You may take a skill token instead of an item. token to cover a spell and cast it. You can do this at
• You receive a skill token if you win a fight in any time, but you may not remove or move tokens
which you were a tag partner. once you have placed them.

Spending tokens for bonuses Hidden agendas (multiplayer only)

Duck: Spend one skill token to avoid 1d6 damage. Hidden agenda cards give you extra kills (victory
points) if you manage to stay true to your deeper
Dive: Spend two skill tokens to dodge a trap and
character and complete the agenda on the card by
avoid all damage. Chests are automatically opened
the end of the game. To play with hidden agenda
without triggering their trap.
cards, shuffle and deal one to each player at the
Riposte: Spend three skill tokens to transfer all start of the game. Hidden agenda cards should be
damage from one combat round to your opponent. kept secret from other players.
Dragonbane: Weaken the Red Dragon for the Unmasked: Once per game, you may spend a skill
remainder of the game. When she is revealed, spend token to reveal the hidden agenda of another player.
four skill tokens to reduce her starting health to 10. You get one attempt to reveal each of the other
Combos: You can spend skill tokens to perform players’ agendas. If you are correct, their agenda is
Duck, Dive or Riposte as many times in a single turn revealed and you receive two skill tokens from the
as you have tokens available. Dragonbane can only supply. If you are incorrect, their agenda remains
be performed by one player, once per game. hidden and they receive one skill token.

© Gunpowder Studio ltd - For non-commercial use only - Version 1.1

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