Wahhabi History

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Jamia Masjid Al Mustafa

Charity No: 281189 England The Excellence of Knowledge Est. 1975

History of Wahhabism

Founder is Abdul Wahhab Najdi

of Wahhabism

Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Email: mosqueric@yahoo.co.uk
Also known as Ahle Hadith, Salafi's, Najdi's etc

''Undoubtedly, one of the worst abominations perpetrated by the Wahhabis under the leadership of Ibn
`Abd al-Wahhab was the massacre of the people of Ta'if. They killed everyone in sight, slaughtering
children and adults, the ruler, the lowly and well-born.

They began with a suckling child nursing at his mother's breast and moved on to a group studying Qur'an,
slaying them, down to the last man. And when they wiped out the people in the houses, in the streets, the
shops and the mosques, killing whoever happened to be there. They killed even men bowed in prayer until
they had annihilated every Muslim who dwelt in Ta'if.''

In the last few years the term 'Wahhabi' has become infamous among the Muslims; however, there is very
little understanding among the general Muslim populace as to the exact meaning of this term
'Wahhabi'. Some say that there is no such thing as a 'Wahhabi' it is only a myth. Others say that a
‘Wahhabi' is a person believes in Allah's attribute of Al-Wahhab. Yet others say that to call someone a
'Wahhabi' is an insult. So what is the mystery surrounding this term ‘Wahhabi'

As to those who say that there is no such thing as a Wahhabi, they are either misinformed or lack
knowledge on the subject. That leaves us with the other two possibilities as mentioned above

1. A 'Wahhabi' is a person who follows the teachings of a Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi. Just
as we call people who follow the Madhab of Imam Abu Hanifa (Radi Allahu anhu) - 'Hanafi.'
Wahhabis are not called 'Wahhabis' because they believe in Allah's attribute Al-Wahhab, all
Muslims believe in Allah's attribute Al-Wahhab.

2. Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi was born in 1699 and died in 1792. Before he appeared,
there was no such term as 'Wahhabi'.

3. Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi rebelled against the Aqeeda of Ahl as-Sunnah Wah
Jama'ah and established his own Wahhabi School of thought. He took as his mentor Ibn
Taimiyya (b1263/d1328), who also had rebelled against the Aqeedah of Ahl as-Sunnah Wah
Jama'ah and established his own school of thought.

4. Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi was spoon feed and supported by the
British Government who were looking for rebellious people like Mohammed Ibn
Abdul Wahhab Najdi to destroy the Islamic Caliphate from within its self. (Read
the 'Confessions of a British spy' for a detailed account of Mohammed Ibn Abdul
Wahhab Najdi's partnership with the British).

5. Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi was despised by his father and brother, who were both
learned ulama of the Ahl as-Sunnah Wah Jama'ah. Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi's brother,
Shaykh Suleman, refuted Wahhabism in his book 'As-sawa'iq al-ilahiyya fi'r-raddi'ala 'i-

6. Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi declared the Ahl as-Sunnah Wah Jama'ah as 'Kafirs'. He
passed a ruling that it was lawful to kill men, women and children belonging to the Ahl as-Sunnah
Wah Jama'ah. In fact, it is recorded in the books of history, that, the Wahhabis killed over 100,000
thousand Muslim men and enslaved the women and children.

Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Email: mosqueric@yahoo.co.uk
7. Wahhabis came into power by torturing and killing Muslims. They finally took Makkah with the
help of the British in 1924 and bombarded the Shrine of the Final & Most Beloved Prophet to
Allah (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa sallam) in Madina. But it was in 1931 that they finally
took Madina. And in 1932 the Wahhabis founded the state of Saudi Arabia.

These, then are the beliefs and atrocities that the Wahhabis committed not too far in history but they have
managed to cover their tracks successfully with 'Petro-Dollars', by buying the weak Iman of some corrupt
scholars who also became Wahhabis.

So, the Mullah in the Mosque gave a totally misconstrued definition of a 'Wahhabi'. He was in reality
offended when the worshipper called him a Wahhabi, because the Mullah knew full well what the
worshipper meant when he called him a Wahhabi. The worshipper clearly knew the account of
the Wahhabi history of murder and disrespect towards Allah Almighty's Most Beloved Messenger (Salla
Allahu 'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa sallam).

Our Mullah belongs to the Deobandi school of thought and this is what one of the founding fathers of the
Deobandi/Tableeghi movement had to say about the Wahhabis. "Mohammed Ibne Abdul Wahhab is
known as a Wahhabi. His beliefs were excellent." (Fatawa-e-Rashidia, Book 1, pp/111 by Rashid Ahmed

Now when the founding father of the Deobandi/Tableeghi school of thought praises the Wahhabi beliefs,
then surely he also condones the slaughter and rape of the Muslims by these very Wahhabis. He also
condones the Bombing of the Sacred Shrine of the Beloved Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa
sallam. Then, we the Sunni Muslims, would like to know, why the Deobandis/Tableeghis object on being
called Wahhabis, when their own leader has praised the Wahhabis for their 'excellent beliefs'?

We seriously urge the unsuspecting Muslim populace to rethink their views and study the recent Islamic
history in respect of the Wahhabi/Deobandi/Tableeghi movements which all stand for the same cause but
under different names.

It will be seen that these three notorious movements are bent on defaming the Beloved Prophet (Salla
Allahu 'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa sallam and destroying Islam from the inside. These three movements are the
original products of British Conspiracies and nothing else.

For too long the Sunni Muslims have been sitting idle, while the
Wahhabi/Deobandi/Tableeghi movements have brain washed our Sunni brothers & sisters.
They have destroyed the very fabric of our pure beliefs and polluted our Mosques with their
twisted beliefs.

These people never debate with the learned scholars of the Ahl as-Sunnat Wal Jama’at,
fearing the loss of face should their congregations hear of their defeat.
They always run away making an excuse of not wanting to make fitna, when in reality they
are the fitna makers who have divided the Muslim communities everywhere.

Now it is up to you fair minded Muslims to study the beliefs of these movements, their leaders and their
aims. And it is up to you fair minded Muslims to ask Mosque committees to allow Sunni Muslims to
preach and practice true Islam. Why should only the Wahhabis, Deobandis and Tableeghis have control of
all our Mosques.

Why don't the Mosque committees allow Ahl as- Sunnah scholars to lead prayer, is it because, like
the Wahhabis, they think that Ahl as-Sunnah Muslims are Kafirs?

Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Email: mosqueric@yahoo.co.uk
Yes, we need to ask these questions to the Mosque committees, unless the committee members are
themselves Wahhabis, they should allow the Sunni Muslims to use the Mosques for Milad an-Nabi, Salat-
o-Salaam on Fridays and Urs Shareef. If the beliefs of the Ahl as-Sunnah Wal Jama'ah are wrong, then
prove it, come and debate with as face to face!

Because the Wahhabis could not dominate the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent with their corrupt
beliefs, they bought a few corrupt Mullahs to do their dirty work for them. These Mullahs pretended to
be Sunni Muslims until such a time when they had brainwashed enough unsuspecting Sunni Muslims, then
they declared their corrupt beliefs openly.

It is about time that the Mosque committees did justice to the Muslim populace. It is about time they
accepted the truth instead of running away from it. It is about time that they realised they will have to carry
the burden of the entire congregation, whom they have allowed to be exposed to Wahhabi beliefs. We only
pray that Allah opens the eyes and minds of the Mosque committee members and makes them distinguish
truth from falsehood (Ameen).

May Allah protect us from these evil movements and their beliefs. May Allah give us the strength to
speak the truth (Ahl as-Sunnat Wal Jama’at, Redhill Surrey).


Redhill Islamic Centre 30 Earlswood Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 6HW, Tel Ph: 01737-760 251, 056014 91966
Email: mosqueric@yahoo.co.uk

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