Classification of Al Qur'an's Contents (Original Format)
Classification of Al Qur'an's Contents (Original Format)
Classification of Al Qur'an's Contents (Original Format)
Introduction 18
A Note on Transliteration and Style 20
Preface 24
A. Al Qurʾān and the classification of its contents 24
B. The meaning and purpose of this classification 25
C. The presentation and compilation of Al Qurʾān’s Sūrah 26
Allāh, ʿIlm, and Makhlūq 33
Allāh 34
Knowing Allāh is the innate character of ‘mankind’ 34
Knowing Allāh by way of the universe and His creation 34
Knowing Allāh and His characteristics by means of His decrees 34
Knowing the Names and Attributes of Allāh 38
ʿIlm (Knowledge) 67
The Knowledge of Allāh encompasses everything 67
‘Mankind’s’ knowledge comes from Allāh and it is very limited 67
The rank and condition of a person without knowledge 68
The superiority and rank of a person with knowledge 68
Al Qurʾān is the source of knowledge 68
It is obligatory to strive for that knowledge and to teach it 69
Sunnatullāh – the Prescription of Allāh 69
Every creation of Allāh is determined by His Law 69
The essence and features of Allāh’s Laws – Sunnatullāh 69
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The characteristics of Sunnatullāh 70
Is there any deviation regarding the Laws of Allāh? 71
The Universe – heavens and the earth 71
The Creator of the Universe 71
The Time of the Universe’s creation 72
The Creation of the Universe 72
The Function of the heavenly bodies 73
The Relationship of passing time and the movement of
heavenly bodies 73
Does life exist in the heavenly bodies? 73
Everything submits to Allāh 74
The Perfection of the Universe 74
The Purpose of the Universe’s creation 74
The Total destruction of the Universe 75
The Earth and its plants 76
The state of the earth and the mountains 76
The state of the various lands and plants 77
The production of rain 77
The Proliferation process of plants 77
The Earth’s surface is the source of livelihood 78
Domesticated and other animals 78
The creation and proliferation of animals 78
Various animals and their lairs 79
The benefits of animals for ‘mankind’ 79
The attitude of ‘mankind’ towards animals 79
What is said about the Universe 80
The Universe 80
The Milky Way 80
The Solar system 81
The Sun 82
The Earth 83
Rain process and sea currents 84
Supernatural Creatures and their nature 87
Ghaib (Hidden) 88
With Allāh are the keys of all that is hidden 88
Allāh knows the affairs of the hidden 88
Allāh knows all that is in the heart 88
Some of that which is hidden 88
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The Malāʾikat 89
The creation and essence of the Malāʾikat 89
The duties of the Malāʾikat 90
The speed of the Malāʾikat before Allāh 93
The enemies of the Malāʾikat 93
The opinion of the disbelievers towards the Malāʾikat 93
The Jinn 94
The Jinns creation 94
The nature of the Jinn is in similitude to the nature of ‘mankind’ 94
The purpose of creating the Jinn 94
The Daʿwah of the Muslim Jinn to their peers 94
The majority of Hell’s occupants are the Jinn and ‘mankind’ 95
Iblīs and Shaiṭān 95
The origin of Iblīs is from the category Jinn 95
The nature of Iblīs 95
Those who are included in the group of Shaiṭān 95
Every person is pursued by Shaiṭān 96
The capacity for Shaiṭān to beguile 96
The pronouncement of Allāh regarding the temptation of Shaiṭān 96
Seeking protection from the evil of Shaiṭān 97
‘Mankind’ and ‘his’ nature 99
The Names of ‘Mankind’ 100
Al Insān 100
Al Bashār 100
Banī ʾĀdam 100
Al Nās 100
The process of ‘mankind’s’ creation 101
The creation of ʾĀdam 101
The creation of Ḥawwaʾ 101
The creation of ʿĪsāʾ 101
The creation of ‘mankind’ as a community 101
The purpose of the creation of ‘mankind’ 102
The difference between ‘mankind’ and other creations 102
The characteristics of ‘mankind’ 103
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The potential of ‘mankind’ 105
Rational thought 106
Intellect or ʿAql 106
What is within the ʿAql cannot necessarily be rationalised 106
That which is rational can surely be assimilated by the ʿAql 107
The relationship of ʿIlm, ʿAql, and the Heart 107
Al Qalbu – the Heart 108
The heart of ‘mankind’ is not constant 108
The detriment to those who contaminate their hearts 108
Successful are those who purify their hearts 109
Al Nafsu – the natural appetite or desire 110
Al Nafsu-l-ammārah bis-sūʿ 110
Al Nafsil-lawwāmah 110
Al Nafsu-l-muṭmaʾinnah 111
Al Rūḥ – the spirit or soul 111
Deliberation of the Rūḥ 111
The condition of the Rūḥ 112
Killing the Soul 112
The Soul and nobility of ‘mankind’ 112
Jasmāni – the body 113
The body of ‘mankind’ is exemplary in form 113
‘Mankind’ themselves will bear witness to themselves 113
Deeds which are accountable for by ‘mankind’ 114
Monotheistic ‘religion’ and the classification of ‘mankind’ 116
Islām is the religion of Tauḥīd 117
Explanation of Islām 117
The essential nature of ‘mankind’ is to have the religion
that is tauḥīd 118
Islām is the only religion of tauḥīd 118
All Prophets were of the tauḥīd religion, Islām 118
All Messengers carried the teachings of the religion of tauḥīd 119
The difference in the religions of the Messengers is only
in regards to laws 119
The truth of Islām is superior to all other religions 120
The religion of Islām brought by Muḥammad 120
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Islām is the final religion 120
Islām is the religion of confirmation 121
Islām is the religion that resolves and perfects 122
The Classification of ‘mankind’ 128
The group of servants who receive guidance 128
The group of servants who do not receive guidance 130
The group of servants who are loved by Allāh 132
The group of servants who are not loved by Allāh 133
The Attitude of ‘mankind’ towards Islām 135
Muslimīn 136
Have faith and enter into Islām 136
Profession and testimony of embrace into Islām – Shahādat 136
Apply the teachings of Islām 136
Inter-religious relationships 136
Muʾminīn 137
Faith 137
Various characteristics of the Muʾminīn 137
Faith requires trials 138
The prophets were tested by Allāh 138
Establishing the religion of Allāh is a duty of the Muʾminīn 138
The recompense and agreement of Allāh for those who
are faithful and apply themselves righteously 138
Muttaqīn 139
The Command to be pious 139
Various deeds to realise piety 140
The Promise of Allāh towards the Muttaqīn on earth 140
Recompense for the Pious people in the Hereafter 140
Munāfiqīn 141
Various characteristics of a Munāfiq 141
Parables of individual Munāfiqīn 142
The method by which to face the Munāfiqīn 143
The recompense for the Munāfiqīn 143
Fāsiqīn 143
Characteristics of Fāsiq people 143
Ways to face the Fāsiqīn 144
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The punishment of Allāh is for the Fāsiqīn 144
The relationship between the Munāfiqīn and the Fāsiqīn 144
The prohibition of praying and asking forgiveness for
the sins of the Munāfiqīn and the Fāsiqīn 144
Murtadd 144
Apostasy 144
The futile acts of those who are Murtadd 145
Those who are faithful will not be Murtadd 145
Repent and believe before it is too late 146
Kāfirīn 146
The deeds of the Kāfirīn 146
There is no point for them being given the reminder 146
The deeds and wealth of the Kāfirīn 147
The extravagant lives of the Kāfirīn 147
The attitude of the faithful towards the Kāfirīn 147
The Kāfirīn are the worst of creatures 148
The sins of the Kāfirīn are not forgiven 148
The punishment and torture for the Kāfirīn 148
Comparison of the Mu’minīn with the Kāfirīn 149
Mushrikūn 149
Shirk 149
Ṭāghūt 150
The impotence of Shirk’s idolatry 150
The comparison between Allāh’s Authority and Shirk 150
The state of a Mushrik and his Shirk in the hereafter 151
The sin of Shirk is unpardonable 151
The Life of ‘Mankind’s’ World 153
The Womb 154
The Condition of the Womb 154
The process of ‘mankind’s’ creation 154
The existence of ‘mankind’s’ creation 154
The kinds of formed ‘mankind’ 154
The testimony of ‘mankind’s’ soul before birth 155
The World 155
The development of ‘mankind’ 155
The life of the World continues onward 155
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The Fiṭrah of ‘mankind’ 155
The reminder for ‘mankind’ is in order that they are not remorseful 156
Hell and Paradise 171
Hell 172
The causes for ‘mankind’ to enter Hell 172
Disputes amongst ‘mankind’ at the time of entering Hell 172
The regret of the occupants of Hell 172
The prolongation of Hell’s punishment 172
The fuel of Hellfire – the state of Hell 173
That presented to the occupants of Hell 173
Various names for Hell 174
Paradise 174
Belief in the existence of Paradise 174
The heirs to Paradise 174
The images presented by Allāh about the blessings of Paradise 174
The bliss of Paradise is everlasting 175
Various names for paradise 175
Between Paradise and Hell 175
From Hell to Paradise 176
The dialogue between the occupants of Paradise and Hell 176
Al Aʿrāf – the barrier between Paradise and Hell 176
Daʿwah and Narratives 178
Daʿwah 179
The command to perform Daʿwah 179
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The purpose of Daʿwah 179
The characteristics of the dāʿin – those who invite 179
The spirit of Daʿwah 179
The language of Daʿwah 180
The characteristics of giving Daʿwah 180
The reprimand of Allāh towards wrongful Daʿwah 180
The success of Daʿwah is determined by Allāh 180
Prophets, Messengers, and their duties 181
Prophets and Messengers were ‘common’ people 181
There are narratives of prophets within Al Qurʾān as well
as non-narratives of Prophets 181
The prophets and Messengers originated from the
communities to whom they belonged 181
The duties/functions of the Prophets and Messengers 182
All messengers conveyed the teachings of tauḥīd 182
Trials and struggles for the Messengers 183
The punishment of Allāh is for those who denied the Messengers 183
The Mutrafin denied the Messengers 183
The reminder is only of benefit to those who believe 184
Allāh assuredly helps the Messengers and their followers 184
The Narratives of the Prophets 184
The Prophet ʾĀdam 184
The Prophet ʾIdrīs 185
The Prophet Nūḥ 185
The Prophet Hūd 186
The Prophet Ṣāliḥ 187
The Prophet Lūṭ 187
The Prophet Ibrāhīm 188
The Prophet Isḥāq and the Prophet Yaʿqūb 189
The Prophet Ismāʿīl 190
The Prophet Yūsuf 190
The Prophet Ayyūb 190
The Prophet Shuʿaib 191
The Prophets Mūsā and Hārūn 191
The Prophets Al-Yasaʿa and Dhūlkifli 196
The Prophet Dāwūd 196
The Prophet Sulaimān 196
The Prophet Ilyās 197
The Prophet Yūnus 197
The Prophet Zakarīyā and the Prophet Yaḥyā 198
The Prophet ʿĪsāʾ , son of Maryam, daughter of ʿImrān 198
The Prophet Muḥammad 200
Other narratives 200
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Lessons from the Narratives of the Messengers 202
The detriment to the communities that denounce Messengers 202
What lessons are we able to learn? 202
The community that denies the Prophet Muḥammad as
the Last prophet will certainly suffer loss 202
CHAPTER 10 204
The Prophet Muḥammad 204
Brief history of the Prophet Muḥammad 205
The Messengership of the Prophet Muḥammad 206
News of the birth of Muḥammad 206
Muḥammad is like other Prophet 207
Muḥammad was the last of the Prophets 207
Muḥammad was sent for all ‘mankind’ 207
Muḥammad was charged/entrusted with conveying the truth 207
Various important events at the time of the Prophet 208
The event at the time of Muḥammad’s birth 208
Muḥammad wa appointed and designated as a Messenger 208
The event(s) of ʿIsrāʾ and Miʿrāj 208
The event of Hijrah 209
The final struggles of the Prophet Muḥammad 209
The Akhlāq and Family of the prophet Muḥammad 210
Akhlāq and various characteristics of the Prophet 210
The family of the Prophet Muḥammad 210
The social etiquette of the Prophet’s family 210
CHAPTER 11 212
The Ṣuḥuf and Holy Books 212
The Messenger and the Holy Books 213
The Ṣuḥuf of ʾIbrāhīm and of Mūsā 213
The Holy Book Zabūr 213
The Holy Book Taurāh 213
The Holy Book Injīl 213
The Contents of the Taurāh and the Injīl 214
The contents of the Taurāh 214
The contents of the Taurāh and the Injīl 214
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The attitude of the Ahli-l-Kitāb towards the Scriptures 214
Their attitude towards their own books 214
Their attitude towards Al Qurʾān 215
The Holy Book, Al Qurʾān 215
CHAPTER 12 217
Al Qurʾān and the Aḥādīth 217
Al Qurʾān 218
Al Qurʾān originates from Allāh 218
The definitive clarity of Al Qurʾān 218
The charge by ‘mankind’, that Muḥammad created
Al Qurʾān is false 218
The reasons why Al Qurʾān was not revealed in the
form of a written Revelation 218
The challenge and answer by Allāh to all the accusations
and opinions of ‘mankind’ that it is the truth 219
The illiteracy of Muḥammad is also a sign that Al Qurʾān
only originated from Allāh 219
Al Qurʾān is the confirmation of the previous Holy Books 219
Al Qurʾān is a Holy Book in the Arabic language 219
Al Qurʾān is a Book of admonition for all of creation 220
Al Qurʾān is a Book of Guidance for ‘mankind’ towards the
Way of Allāh 220
Al Qurʾān is the Noblest of Books to read, with Allāh guarding
its purity 221
The Āyāt of Al Qurʾān are detailed and orderly in composition; those that
are clear and those that are ambiguous; and it is only for Allāh to abrogate
these issues 221
The Night Al Qurʾān was sent down; the Noblest of Nights;
the Blessed Night 221
The manner in which Al Qurʾān was revealed 222
Reciting and listening to Al Qurʾān 222
The characteristics of those who believe in Al Qurʾān and
the benefits for them 223
The characteristics of the disbelievers towards Al Qurʾān
and their recompense 224
Names for Al Qurʾān 225
Ummul Qurʾān and the Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah (Alphabetical letters) 227
The names of the Sūrah based upon their sequential revelation 229
The names of the Sūrah and their meanings as they appear in
Al Qurʾān 235
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Al Aḥādīth –The Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh 239
Al Aḥādīth as a source of the Law 239
The essence of the Messenger of Allāh’s deeds 239
The essence of that which denounces the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allāh 239
The consequences of opposing Allāh and His Messenger 239
The Mercy of Allāh for those who are obedient towards the
Sunnah of His Messenger 240
The difference in character between the Munafiqūn and the Muʾminūn
in appointing the Messenger of Allāh as an
Arbitrator or judge (taḥkīm) 240
Examples of the consequences of people who did not obey
(the commands) of their Messengers 240
CHAPTER 13 242
Parables, Health, Aspirations 242
Parables-Metaphors-Examples 243
Various parables 243
The parables in Al Qurʾān are full of wisdom 244
Health – well-being 244
Various kinds of sickness 244
Cures and treatments for certain diseases 245
CHAPTER 14 247
Judgement, Qadar (Preordainment), and Obligation of
Efforts 247
Judgement, Qadar, and Free Will 248
Judgement and Qadar 248
The obligation to strive in endeavour 248
Each person is only burdened in keeping with their capabilities 248
The recompense from Allāh is in accordance with the efforts
of ‘mankind’ 249
The manner of Good Endeavour 249
Endeavour in all earnestness 249
Endeavour towards happiness both in this world and in
the Hereafter 249
Trust and Patience 250
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Not all of the desires of ‘mankind’ will be realised 250
Be thankful for the provisions of Allāh 250
The Endeavour of Trade and Trading and its issues 251
Trade and trading 251
Measure and balance 251
Debit, Credit, and Pawning 251
Ribā – Usury 251
The Endeavour of Shipping 252
Sailing ships with the command of Allāh 252
Search for the gifts of Allāh in ships 252
Ships as instruments of transport 252
Within situations of danger, ‘mankind’ acknowledges the
Authority of Allāh 253
Other forms of Endeavour 253
The endeavours of ‘mankind’ are indeed different 253
The endeavours of ‘mankind’ are influenced by existence,
nature, and the atmospheric conditions of the world around them 253
What is important is seeking the Favour of Allāh 253
Food and Drink 253
Eat of that which is Ḥalāl and good 253
Food that is Ḥalāl 254
Food that is Ḥarām 254
The question of Ḥalāl and Ḥarām 254
Do not make Ḥalāl that which is Ḥarām and vice versa 255
CHAPTER 15 257
Akhlāq Education – Islāmic Morality 257
Respect time, so as not to suffer loss 258
Do goodness! 258
Desist from evil! 258
Multiple rewards for goodness 259
Love and affection 259
Distance oneself from hatred of each other 259
Love, brotherhood, and peace 259
Avoid hostility 260
Hold to unity 260
Do not be prejudicial 260
Desist from deprecation, abusiveness, and cursing 260
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Be patient 261
Do not be angry 261
Forgive the faults of others 261
Concerning the obligation of oaths, agreements, and vows 262
Do not lie 262
Do not spread lies 262
Do not slander 263
Be a true witness 263
Speak what is good and true 263
Protect trusts 263
Do not be treacherous 263
Do not refuse blessings 264
Be thankful 264
Do not be envious nor spiteful 264
The prohibition of luxuriousness 264
Do not be excessive 265
Steer clear of miserliness 265
Pay attention to the poor and needy 266
Collectively spend of your wealth in charity - ʿamal 266
Desist from intoxicants and gambling 266
Do not be boastful - Riyāʾ 267
Do not be afraid nor cowardly 267
Do not cause destruction 267
Do not be arrogant nor proud of oneself – Be modest! 267
Be obedient! 268
Rebelliousness and its consequences 268
Beware the humiliation that will descend 268
Do not be deceitful 268
Do not be involved in secret evil talk 269
Desist from deeds of no benefit 269
Be simple in behaviour and personality 269
Dress and cover! 269
Maintain cleanliness and purity 269
Pay heed to the etiquette of visiting and greeting 270
Pay heed to sexual etiquette in the household 270
Pay heed to the association of men and women 270
Mutually assist one another 270
Do not be hopeless nor lose hope 270
Maintain justice 270
Correct oneself 271
Distance oneself from bad utterances 271
Be accustomed to uttering goodly words 271
CHAPTER 16 274
Communal Laws 274
Marriage and its issues 275
There is no monasticism in Islām 275
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Recommendation to marry 275
What is allowed and disallowed in marriage 275
The obligation of paying Mahr (dowry/nuptial gift) 276
Examples of good and bad wives 276
Nushūz – violation of marital duties on the part of the
husband or wife 276
Liʿān 277
Ẓihār 277
ʾIlyā’ 277
Ṭalāq 277
ʿIddah 278
Rujūʿ 278
Matāʿu 278
The rights of the wife after divorce and at the finish of the
period of ʿIddah 278
Do not approach that which is despicable 279
Children and their issues 279
Duʿāʾ (invocation) in order that one is blessed with a pious child 279
The position of children 279
Children must be maintained with good 280
Suckling a child/children 280
Adopted children 280
Orpans 280
The loyalty of a child and children towards parents 281
Various relationships between ‘mankind’ 281
The family which is happy in this world and in the Hereafter 281
Good relationships of kinship 282
Limits of kinship relations 282
Relations between nations and tribes 282
Wealth, Proprietary rights, and laws of Inheritance 282
All the world belongs absolutely to Allāh, for ‘mankind’ 283
Status of wealth for mankind’ 283
‘Mankind’ instinctively loves wealth 283
Tax and Ṣadaqah 283
Wills - Waṣīyat 283
Laws of inheritance – Farāʾid 284
Khilāfah: Group, nation, and State 284
The existence of a state dependent upon its inhabitants 284
Various community feature desired within Islām 285
The duties of ‘mankind’ as Khalīfah 287
The authority of a leader 288
Mushāwarah as the means of remedying differences of opinion 288
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Who is proper to be a Walīy 288
Be on guard and wary of the disbelievers in the nation
and of their deliberations of hostility towards Islām 289
Jināyat 289
Qiṣāṣ - Law of equality in punishment 290
Diyyat – Blood money 290
Ḥudūd 291
Zināʾ 291
Accustaion of Zināʾ 291
Stealing and theft 291
Drinking alcohol – imbibing intoxicants 291
Jihād and Qitāl 292
The life of jihad 292
The spirit of jihad 292
The laws of jihad 292
ʿUdhr (Aʿdhār) – ‘Excuses’ for not participating in jihad 292
Be wary of the enemy 293
Rules of war 293
Love (incline) towards peace 293
The months of Ḥarām 294
The equipment of war 294
Ghanīmah and Fāʾi (Faiʾ) 294
Prisoners of war 295
Shuhadāʾ – martyrs 295
Ṣalāt within battle 295
Dislike of war 295
The time of glory and the destruction of the community 296
Narratives of war and peace 296
CHAPTER 17 301
About various acts of Worship 301
Purification: Wuḍūʾ, Ṭahārah, Tayummum 302
Water as a purifying agent 302
Purification 302
Ṣalāt - Prayer 302
The command to perform Ṣalāt and to pay Zakāt 302
Farḍ Ṣalāt – Obligatory Ṣalāt 302
Ṣalātul Jumʿah – Friday Ṣalāt 303
Night Ṣalāt 303
The culture and etiquette of Ṣalāt 303
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The wisdom of Ṣalāt 303
Paradise for those who perform Ṣalāt 304
Agony for those who do not perform Ṣalāt 304
The Command for Zakāt and Ṣadaqah 304
The command for Zakāt on wealth 304
The command to give Ṣadaqah and that spent in maintenance
of wealth in the Way of Allāh 304
Those who have the right to receive Zakāt and who are
suitable to receive Zakāt 305
Good Ṣadaqah 305
Ṣadaqah that is not good 305
The giving of Ṣadaqah does not bring about detriment 305
Ṣaum – Fasting 306
Aṣ Ṣaumul Ramaḍān – The Fast of Ramaḍān 306
Aṣ Ṣaumul Qaṣr and Fidyah – The Shortened Fast and
Redemption 306
Aṣ Ṣaumul Kifārah – The Fast of Expiation/Atonement 307
The time of Ṣaum and various issues that invalidate it 307
Masājid and the Kaʿbah 307
Masjidul Ḥarām and the construction of the Kaʿbah 307
Baitul Maqdīs and the change of Qiblah 307
Masjidul Qubbah and the building of masājid 308
The function of the masjid 308
Ḥajj and Qurbān 308
Ḥajj and ʿUmrah 308
Making or slaughtering a sacrifice 309
Ṣibghatullāh 309
Ṣibghatullāh 309
Love and obedience to Allāh and His Messenger 309
Dhikrullāh and Duʿāʾ 309
The etiquette of Dhikrullāh and its benefits 309
Dhikr and Tasbīḥ the praise of Allāh 310
Tawaṣṣul towards Allāh 310
The etiquette of good Duʿāʾ 311
Various Duʿāʾ from Al Qurʾān 311
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All Praise is for Allāh, the Lord of the Worlds. Thanks to Allāh this
book, ‘A Classification of Al Qurʾān’s Contents’ is now in your hands. With
much internal motivation, courage, and patience I was able to take steps
towards the realisation of this book. This internal motivation began with the
reflection that each and every Muslim has an obligation to understand and
imbibe the contents of the Holy Book Al Qurʾān as a ‘Way of Life’. This is in
order that one is capable of behaving in a manner compliant with the guidance
of Allāh, the Creator of the universe. Besides that it is hoped that there likewise
emerges the motivation to charitably convey knowledge towards other people.
This presentation evolved from these two realizations.
The author
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All praise is due to Allāh. We praise Him and seek His assistance. We
ask for His forgiveness and take refuge in Him from the evil within ourselves
and from the evil of our deeds. He whom Allāh guides will never be diverted
yet whomever He sends astray will never find his way. I bear witness that there
is no ilāh (god) but Allāh, alone; He has no partner; and I bear witness that
Muḥammad () is His Servant and Messenger.
ﺍ a ﻁ ṭ
ﺏ b ﻅ ẓ
ﺕ t ﻉ ʿ
ﺙ th ﻍ gh
ﺝ j ﻑ f
ﺡ ḥ ﻕ q
ﺥ kh ﻙ k
ﺩ d ﻝ l
ﺫ dh ﻡ m
ﺭ r ﻥ n
ﺯ z ﻩ h
ﺱ s ﻭ w
ﺵ sh ﻱ y
ﺹ ṣ ء ʾ
ﺽ ḍ
َ◌ a ◌ِ i ُ◌ u
Within the course of the book’s text, there are certain Arabic
abbreviations used to signify common phrases within the course of Islāmic
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texts and discussions. The most commonly encountered phrase within Islāmic
discussion is the eulogy found after mention of the Prophet Muḥammad’s name
- . This transliterates as Ṣallallāhu ʿalaihi wa sallam meaning: Allāh bless
him and grant him salvation.
A eulogy after the mention of the name of one of the wives of the
Prophet Muḥammad or of a respected and esteemed woman during
the lifetime of the Prophet Muḥammad .
A eulogy after the mention of the name of one of the Prophets and
Messengers of Allāh.
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has also been given the opportunity and right to perform ijtihād 3, the utilization 2F
of intelligence, for the establishment of a framework for their lives in this world
in accordance with the expansion of timely situations. 4 Such is the flexibility of3F
Islām’s teachings; namely, they are both ‘universal and eternal’. However, it
must be borne in mind that every action performed by ‘mankind’ needs to
always firmly adhere to the two primary sources of judgement in order for
salvation and non-deviation to occur. The Prophet Muḥammad has stated:
‘I leave for you two matters and you will never go astray as
long as you hold onto them both, that is the Book of Allāh and
the Sunnah 5 of His Messenger’. 6
4F 5F
Sūrah Al Anʿām (6), ayāh 38.
Aḥādīth (sing. ḥadīth) are the sayings, non-sayings, deeds, and non-deeds of the Prophet Muḥammad .
Within Islamic law, independent judgement based on the interpretation and application of the 4 Uṣūl al Fiqh (Al
Qurʾān, As-Sunnah, Qiyās [analogy], and ijmāʾ [consensus]) – fundamentals (principles) of jurisprudence.
Ijtihād is independent judgement based on Al Qurʾān and As Sunnah. It is based on scholarly knowledge of Al Qurʾān
and As-Sunnah and not on the basis of speculation, assumption, or supposition by an individual without such
As-Sunnah is the legal ways of the Prophet Muḥammad (also referred to as the aḥādīth) – the path and example of
the Prophet Muḥammad , consisting of all that he said, approved of, or condemned.
The Prophet Muḥammad
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One is said to be have firmly grasped Al Qurʾān and the aḥādīth when
one has faith and applies what is within the teachings of both of them. This
demonstrates to every Muslim that not only is there a requirement for fluency in
reading Al Qurʾān but also that one must understand, live and practice the
blessed contents of Al Qurʾān within one’s life. A further step moreover is that
it is an obligation to propagate this ‘highest duty of mankind’ to others, namely
to perform daʿwah. 7
Although the study within this book is not overly simplistic, yet it is
hoped that we are able to understand and appreciate the principles examined
within Al Qurʾān in their entirety, Allāh willing. The comprehension of a
‘certain something’ will be more readily understood in its entirety, when the
issues under enquiry are not confused one with the other or, the elements that
support it are easy to locate.
Daʿwah is calling to Islām.
Āyāt are interpreted as ‘verses’ in keeping with the English language’s designation of them. However, the meaning is
much more intensive and all-encompassing than simply a verse or verses, such as one necounters in poetic
measurement. Āyāt, as explained in Lane’s Arabic-English Dictionary (Book 1, page 135), is ‘A sign, token, or mark,
by which a person or thing is known’ and ‘it properly signifies any apparent thing inseparable from a thing not
equally apparent, so that when one perceives the former, he knows that he perceives the other, which he cannot
perceive by itself, when the two things are of one predicament; and this is apparent in the object of sense and in that
of the intellect’; A sign as meaning an indication, an evidence, or a proof’; ‘A sign as meaning a miracle’; ‘A
portion of the Qurʾān denoting any statute, or ordinance, of God, whether it be [what is generally termed] an ﺍٓﻳﺔ, [i.
e. a verse,] or a [ ﺳﻮﺭchapter], or an aggregate [and distinct] portion of the latter’. Thus it means - signs, marks, miracles, wonders,
marvels, exemplars, paragons, proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.
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A feature that we often have in mind and encounter is that a person
reads and understands Al Qurʾān in a chronological order, namely chapter by
chapter. However, it is not guaranteed that an issue in question will be
encountered in its entirety within only one chapter, as for instance the narrative
of Yūsuf in Sūrah Yūsuf. Therefore, it is not uncommon at times for us to
understand one ayāh or one Sūrah that we have not primarily related to a
previously read ayāh or Sūrah.
Sūrah Al Nūr (24), āyāt 51-52.
Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), āyāt 43-50.
Sūrah Al Anfāl (8), āyāt 20-22 and Sūrah Al Nūr (24), āyāt 48-50.
Plural: Suwar.
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– may Allāh be pleased with him. The compiler is convinced therefore that
the order of the āyāt in Al Qurʾān is already in the most perfect order. Allāh
Alif-Lām-Rā. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qurʾān
and none but Allāh (Alone) knows their meanings]. 13 12F
It is Allāh, Most Holy who sends down decrees. I seek the protection
of Allāh from all of that (deviations and doubts). For these reasons, this book is
presented in an unpretentious manner and is only prescribed as:
Al Fātiḥah Al Anfāl
1 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻔﺎﺗﺤﺔ 8 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻷﻧﻔﺎﻝ
Al Baqarah At Taubah
2 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺒﻘﺮﺓ 9 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺘّﻮﺑﺖ
Āl ʿImrān Yūnus
3 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺁﻝ ﻋﻤﺮﺍﻥ 10 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﻳﻮﻧﺲ
An Nisāʾ Hūd
4 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻨﺴﺎ ِء 11 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﻫُﻮﺩ
Al Māʾidah Yūsuf
5 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﺋﺪﺓ 12 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﻳُﺴُﻒ
Al Anʿām Al Raʿd
6 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻷﻧﻌﺎﻡ 13 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺮّ ﻋﺪ
Al Aʿrāf Ibrāhīm
7 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻷﻋﺮﺍﻑ 14 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﺑﺮﺍﻫﻴﻢ
Sūrah Hūd (11), ayāh 1.
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15 Al Ḥijr 28
Al Qaṣaṣ
ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺤﺠﺮ ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻘﺼﺺ
Al Furqān 38 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ٰ
25 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻔﺮﻗﺎﻥ
Al Naml 40 Al Mūʾmin or Ghāfir
ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟ ّﻨﻤﻞ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﻣﻦ ﺍﻭ ﻏﺎﻓﺮ
ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ٴ
Page | 28
41 Fuṣṣilat 54 Al Qamar
ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﻓﺼّ ﻠﺖ ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻘﻤﺮ
Page | 29
67 Al Mulk 80 ʿAbasa
ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻚ ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﻋﺒﺲ
Al Infiṭār
69 Al Ḥāqqah 82 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻻﻧﻔﻄﺎﺭ
ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺤﺎﻗّﺖ
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Al Ḍuḥa
93 ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻀﺢ 104 Al Humazah
ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﻬﻤﺰﺓ
Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, who has taught by
the pen, has taught man that which he knew not. Nay! Verily,
man does transgress all bounds, because he considers himself
self-sufficient. 13F
Sūrah Al ʿAlaq (96), āyāt 3-7.
Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 85.
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Allāh - ﷲ
Knowing Allāh is the innate character of ‘mankind’
In order that one is more resolute towards the greatness and grandeur
of the essence of Allāh, the Creator, Al Qurʾān calls upon ‘mankind’ to
carefully examine and contemplate His creations.
57:3 Allāh is the First – there is nothing before Him; and the Last
– there is nothing after Him.
55:26-27 Allāh is eternal and can never be destroyed nor
28:88 negated.
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Allāh is different to that which He created (Makhlūq - )ﻣﺨﻠﻮﻕ
Sūrah Al Naḥl (16), ayāh 40.
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Allāh, the Everliving (Al ḥayyu - )ﺍﻟﺤ ﱡﻲ, stands alone
40:64-65 Allāh, the Lord of the ʿĀlamīn ( – ) ٰﻋﻠﻤﻴﻦall that exists, the
Everliving – there are no gods besides
25:58 Him – the One who dies not.
2:255 He is Allāh who lives and stands alone, the One who
20:111 sustains and protects all that exists. He is the lord,
3:1-2 perfect and free from weakness and defect.
42:11 The hearing and sight of Allāh is perfect and nothing like the
20:46 hearing and sight of His creatures.
58:1 Allāh hears and sees all ‘mankind’’s actions. Allāh hears and
41:36 knows the appeals of His servants.
42:27 Allāh sees and knows His slaves. Allāh sees and hears
whatsoever exists.
6:103 Allāh cannot be seen by the sight of ‘mankind’.
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Knowing the Names and Attributes of Allāh
1. Al Raḥmān
The Most Lovingly Beneficent, The Most Kind and Giving, The Most Gracious, The
Infinitely Good
2. Al Raḥīm
3:26; 59:23
4. Al Quddūs
59:23; 62:1
5. Al Salām
The Source of Peace, The Flawless, The Source of Wholeness and Well-Being,
The One Free from all defects
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6. Al Muʾmin
The Remover of Fear, The Giver of Tranquillity, The Source of Faith, The
Giver of security
7. Al Muhaimin
The Protector, The Bestower of Security, The Guardian, The Safeguarder, The
Watcher over His creatures
5:48; 59:23
8. Al ʿAzīz
The Mighty, The Strong, Dignified and Powerful, The Eminent, The All-Mighty
9. Al Jabbār
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The Restorer, The Repairer, The All-Compelling, The Irresistible
10. Al Mutakabbir
The Supremely Great, The Possessor of all Rights, The Perfection of Greatness
11. Al Khāliq
12. Al Bāriʾ
The Maker, The Producer, The Evolver, The Maker from Nothing, The Inventor of all
2:54; 59:24
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13. Al Muṣawwir
14. Al Ghaffār
The All-Forgiving, The Absolver, The Veiler of Sins and Faults, The Most Protecting
One, The Oft-Forgiving
15. Al Qahhār
16. Al Wahhāb
The Most Liberal Bestower, The Great Giver, The Giver of Gifts, The Real Bestower
3:8; 38:9
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17. Al Razzāq
The Provider, The Providence, The Supplier, The Bestower of Sustenance The
18. Al Fattāḥ
19. Al ʿAlīm
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20. Al Qābiḍ
21. Al Bāsiṭ
22. Al Khāfiḍ
The Humbler, The One who Softens, The Lowerer (The One who brings low)
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23. Al Rāfiʿ
24. Al Muʿizz
25. Al Mudhill
26. Al Samīʿ
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The All-Hearing, The Ever-Listening, The All-Hearer
27. Al Baṣīr
28. Al Ḥakam
29. Al ʿAdl
The name Al ʿAdl is not specifically used as a Beautiful Name in the Qurʾān.
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30. Al Laṭīf
The Most Subtle, The Gracious, The Refined and Benevolent, The Most Courteous and
31. Al Khabīr
The Inner-Knowing, The Knower of Reality, The Knower of Inner Truth, The
All-Knower of everything
32. Al Ḥalīm
The Most Serene, The Most Kind and Gentle, The Calm Abiding, The Ever Forbearing
33. Al ʿAẓīm
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The Supreme Glory, The Mighty Splendour, The Most Grand, The Greatest, The Most
34. Al Ghafūr
The Forgiving, The Forgiver of Sins and Faults, The Perfectly Forgiving, The Pardoner,
The Oft-Forgiving
35. Al Shakūr
The Most Grateful, The Most Appreciative, The Rewarder of Good Works
35:30; 64:17
36. Al ʿAlīy
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2:255; 4:34; 22:62; 40:12
37. Al Kabīr
38. Al Ḥafīẓ
39. Al Muqīt
The Sustainer, The Nourisher, The Preserver, The Maintainer, The Guardian
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40. Al Ḥasīb
4:6; 6:62
41. Al Jalīl
The Glorious, The Majestic, The Independent, The Sublime (The Most Sublime), The
42. Al Karīm
The Most Generous, The Most Bountiful, The Most Esteemed, The Beneficent
43. Al Raqīb
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4:1; 33:52
44. Al Mujīb
The Fullfiller of Prayers, The Answerer of Prayers, The Responsive One, The Most
45. Al Wāsiʿ
46. Al Ḥakīm
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47. Al Wadūd
The Most Loving, The Most Affectionate, The Beloved, The Loving-Kindness
11:90; 85:14
48. Al Majīd
The Glorious and Majestic, The Most Honorable and Praiseworthy, The All-Glorious
11:73; 85:15
49. Al Bāʿith
50. Al Shahīd
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The Omniscient Witness, The Certifier, The Testifier, The Ever All-Witness
33:55; 34:47
51. Al Ḥaqq
The Reality, The Just and Correct, The Truly Existing, The Truth
22:62; 31:30
52. Al Wakīl
The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs, The Advocate The All-Sufficient Guardian
4:81; 17:65
53. Al Qawīy
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54. Al Matīn
55. Al Walīy
The Protecting Friend, The Loving Defender, The Nearby Guardian, The Guardian
56. Al Ḥamīd
The Praiseworthy, The Laudable One, The Object of all Praise, The All-Praiseworthy
57. Al Muḥṣī
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The Reckoner, The Appraiser, The Accountant, The All-Calculating
19:94; 72:28
58. Al Mubdiʾ
33:37; 85:13
59. Al Muʿīd
60. Al Muḥyī
The Bestower of Life, The Giver of Life, The Reviver, The Life Giver
30:50; 44:8
61. Al Mumīt
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The Creator of Death, The Slayer, The Life-Taker, The Death Causer
62. Al Ḥayy
The Living, The Alive, The Everlasting, The Deathless, The Ever Living
63. Al Qayyūm
The Self-Subsisting, The Self-Existing One upon Whom all others depend, The
All-Sustaining Protector
64. Al Wājid
The Finder, The All-Perceiving, The Wealthy, The Resourceful, The All-Evaluator
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65. Al Mājid
66. Al Wāḥid
The Creator of Diversity from Unity, The Manifestation of Unity, The One
67. Al Aḥad
68. Al Ṣamad
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The Self-Sufficient Master, The Eternal, The Everlasting, The Satisfier of Every Need
69. Al Qādir
30:50; 6:65
70. Al Muqtadir
The All-Determining, The Prevailing Ordainer, The Powerful Determiner, The All-Able
71. Al Muqaddim
The Promoter, The One who Brings Forward, The Expediter, The All-Preceding
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72. Al Muʾakhkhir
15:24; 11:104
73. Al ʾAwwal
74. Al Ākhir
75. Al Ẓāhir
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76. Al Bāṭin
77. Al Wālī
The Sole Governor, The Friendly Lord, The Protective Ruler, The Supporter
13:11; 12:101
78. Al Mutaʿāli
79. Al Barr
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The Kindly and Gracious Benefactor, The Righteous, The Source of Goodness, The Most
80. At Tawwāb
The Acceptor of Repentance, The Oft-Forgiving, The Acceptor of our Return, The
All-Forgiver of repentance
13:11; 12:101
81. Al Muntaqim
82. Al ʿAfuww
The Pardoner, The Most Forgiving, The Effacing, The Eliminator of Sins, The Ever
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4:43; 4:99; 22:60
83. Al Raʾūf
The Most Kind, The Tenderly Merciful, The Clement and Compassionate, The Ever
The Master of the Kingdom, The Owner of All Sovereignty, The Lord of Absolute
Ruling Power, The Possessor of the Kingdom
Lord of Majesty and Generosity, Lord of Glory and Honour, The All-Possessor of
Honour and Sublimity
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86. Al Muqsiṭ
87. Al Jāmiʿ
88. Al Ghanīy
The Self-Sufficient, The Wealthy, The Independent One, The Ever Rich
89. Al Mughniy
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The Enricher, The Bestower of Wealth, The Fulfiller of Needs, The Dispenser of Wealth
The name Al Mughniy is not specifically used as a Beautiful Name in the Qurʾān.
90. Al Māniʿ
The name Al Māni‘ is not specifically used as a Beautiful Name in the Qurʾān.
91. Al Ḍārr
The Correcter, The Balancer, The Distresser, The Afflicter, The Punisher, The Purveyor
of Harm
92. An Nāfiʿ
The Creator of Good, The Benefiter, The Propitious, The Auspicious, The Purveyor of
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93. Al Nūr
24:35; 39:22
94. Al Hādiy
The Guide, The Leader, The Guide on the Right Path, The All-Guiding
95. Al Badīʿ
2:117; 6:101
96. Al Bāqī
97. Al Wārith
15:23; 21:89
98. Al Rashīd
The Director to the Right Way, The Appointer of the Right Path, The Unerring
Director, The True Guide
18:10; 18:17
99. Al Ṣabūr
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Invocations and supplications (duʿāʾ ) ُﺩﻋَﺎءcan be made that include
Al ’Asmā’ul ḥusnā :
Sunnatullāh – ﺴﻨﱠﺔُ ﷲ
– ﺍﻟ ﱡThe Prescription of Allāh
21:105; 33:38-39
1. They engage ‘mankind’ in the right to choose (between good and evil);
2. Their ‘time response’ is over a sizeable time period, more than likely
lengthier than the lives of ‘man’ and, moreover, until the end of time.
For that reason faith/belief is required;
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3. Some of them can be observed from the course of humanities’ history.
(what were the consequences for those who were insubordinate and how
this impacted upon their piety):
3:137; 65:2-3
These laws were those of Allāh’s laws that were not revealed towards
His Prophets and Messengers and have the following characteristics:
10:101; 7:185
54:49 Verily, We have created all things with Qadar ()ﻗَ َﺪ ٍﺭ. –
Divine Preordainment of all things before their creation.
3:137 Take note of the detriment to the insubordinate societies of
65:2-3 Verily, Allāh will accomplish His purpose. Indeed Allāh
has set a measure for all things. (If we pick up a rock and
then throw it, assuredly that rock will fall – it is not possible
that it will fly)
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17:77 The Sunnatullāh has not experienced change since its
creation by Allāh and even until Judgement Day.
33:62 The promise of Allāh towards His servants will never
6:115 and there is no-one who can alter the Word of Allāh (ﷲ
ﺖُ – ﺍﻟ َﻜ ِﻠ ٰ َﻤthe Word of Allāh) or the Sunnatullāh.
48:23 The Way Of Allāh continues immutably onwards through
21:68-71 The Prophet ’Ibrāhīm did not burn in the fire and in fact
felt cold.
19:22-26 Maryam gave birth to a son without a husband;
19:27-36 The Prophet ʿĪsā was able to speak whilst in the cradle.
40:57 The creation of the heavens and the earth is superior to the
creation of ‘mankind’ and the embodiment of them with
32:4 The heavens and the earth were created in 6 days (’ayyām
ﺃﻳ ٍﱠﺎﻡdays, eras, periods), including everything that exists
50:38 between them (the heavens and the earth).
41:9-10 The earth and all its contents was created in 4 days.
41:11-12 The heavens was created in 2 days and it initially consisted of
32:5 Time is relative; a day according to Allāh’s computation
equals 1000 years by ‘mankind’’s calculations; a day equals
50 000 years;
70:4 such decisions are the exclusive right of Allāh.
25:45 The movement of the earth about the sun forms shadows
25:46 which continue to change at every minute, hour, day, etc.
22:61 The revolution of the earth (about the sun) is a day; this
36:37-38 consists of the day and the night, with the night withdrawn
from the day, and so on.
36:39 A single rotation of the moon constitutes a month, 29 or 30
days in duration; the start of the month finds the moon in the
36:40 form of a crescent; mid-month the moon is full and the end of
84:18 the month the moon is once again in the form of a crescent
but in the reverse direction to the beginning of the month.
55:17 The movement and bearing of the sun in the north and the
south causes various set climatical changes within individual
9:36 A year consists of 12 months. All of this is created in order
that ‘mankind’ understands that the
17:12 computation of time and the number of years is
13:2 computed according to a time appointed by Allāh.
5:120 The heavens and the earth belong to Allāh and dispersed
The sun rotates and the moon rotates and revolves (around the earth, which itself revolves around the sun).
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42:29 within them are moving organisms; all will return to Allāh as
19:93 slaves.
55:33 Penetrate the heavens and learn if you have the power or
possess the capability/ knowledge to do so.
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29:44 authority in truth and with purpose and not as a
46:3 plaything.
3:190 It is a sign of Allāh’s authority for those who understand;
30:22 A sign of Allāh’s authority for those of sound knowledge;
10:6 A sign of Allāh’s authority for those who fear Allāh;
16:65 A sign of Allāh’s authority for those who want to listen and a
13:3 sign of Allāh’s authority for those who think.
2:29 It is created to fulfil the needs of ‘mankind’ and as a mercy
from Allāh.
45:13 It is created for the sake of ‘mankind’ in order that
31:20 they are thankful for blessings;
11:7 in order to test all of ‘mankind’; and to find out
67:2 whomever is the best in deeds within this life.
‘Mankind’s’ situation
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84:1-2 All of this will occur by His will and all will obey
81:11 Allāh and the heaven will be destroyed by Allāh.
81:3 The mountains will disappear and be like carded wool; they
101:5 will be blasted and scattered like dust and all will be flat and
20:105-107 smooth.
81:6 Likewise the seas will be like blazing fire or overflow; and
the earth will quake and pour out its insides.
84:3-5 The earth will be emptied and stretched out; everything
obeys its Lord and it will obey.
16:15 Allāh lays out the earth and implants mountains into the
earth as pegs so that it does not shake.
20:53 This earth is complete with roads and rivers as
21:31 guidance signs for ‘mankind’.
31:10 Allāh has distributed on this earth a proliferation of
35:27 various animals and plants of various colours and
35:28 fruits.
78:6-8 Likewise animals and ‘mankind’. The earth is as a bed and
the mountains as pegs whilst ‘mankind’
13:3 is in pairs.
Take note!
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The state of the various lands and plants
7:58 Of the various lands there are those that are fertile
18:8 and those that are infertile.
2:155 When infertile this is a test and an ordeal from Allāh with a
decrease in the success of fruit growth and
means of agriculture.
55:6 Trees and plants prostrate to Allāh.
32:27 By means of the rain Allāh creates and makes fertile
25:49 the barren and infertile land.
16:65 This issue is a clear sign of Allāh’s authority,
78:14-16 because He brings forth seeds and vegetation and lush
gardens as a result of the rain He provided.
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Various animals and their various lairs
The Universe
Within this universe are billions of galaxies. Amongst these galaxies are:
- the Magellan galaxy (at a distance of some 150 000 light years
from the Milky Way)
The speed of light is the maximum speed which matter can travel,
namely 299,792,458 metres per second or approximately 100 000 000 000 000
000 metres per year (1016)
How vast therefore is the universe when one takes into account the
billions of galaxies therein?
1. Within the Milky Way galaxy alone there are in the order of 100 000
000 000 (one hundred billion - 1010) stars, one of which is our sun.
Ensiklopedi Dunia Kita 4 (Encyclopaedia of Our World 4), PT Djambatan, Bumi dan Antariksa (The Earth and Outer
Space); PN Balai Pustaka, Atlas Dunia (Atlas of the World), Drs. Djenen Bale, M.Sc., Balai Pustaka Fisika (Physics),
Bina Pustaka Tama, Surabaya.
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2. The Milky Way galaxy is shaped like a disc. Thus, it is dense in the
middle and thinner around all its edges. The centre of the Milky
Way contains approximately 80 billion stars with the remaining 20
billion towards the edges, including the location of our sun.
3. The width of the Milky Way from one side to the other (diameter)
is 100 000 light years with the central part of the disc measuring
approximately 10 000 light years.
The central point of orbit for the planets is our sun and the nine major
planets known to revolve around the Sun are (in order of increasing distance
from it): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and
37.8 trillion kilometres in diameter! That is approximately 40 light years in diameter!
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Our Radius - Distance Rotation Revolution Mass
Solar Kilometres from Sun - time 22 – on time – (Earth =
system Kilometres its own around the 1 25)
axis in Sun in days 24
days 23
Sun 700000 0 25.0 0 333400000
Mercury 2440 57910000 58.6467 88 0.055
Venus 6056 108210000 243.02 224.7 0.807
Earth 6378 149600000 23.9344696 365.25636042 1.000
Mars 3390 227940000 24.622961 687 0.106
Jupiter 71400 778300000 9.925 4346.546 318000
Saturn 60400 1427320000 10.543056 10775.05 94100
Uranus 23700 2863840000 17.24 30681.5 14400
Neptune 22300 4478440000 16.11 60194.19 17100
Pluto 3200 5861440000 6.3872 90473.91 0.9
The Sun
Figures are at best approximate.
Measured as the time the earth rotates 100% around its own axis - 23.9344696 hours (23 h 56 m 4.1 s).
365.25636042 sidereal days.
The mass of the earth is 5.98 x 1024 kg.
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- this part of the sun is its atmosphere
- it looks like a red bracelet around the moon at the time of a solar
The Earth
1. The shape of the earth is, like the other planets, spherical; simple proof of
which is:
- at the time that the sun newly sets, high clouds and mountains are still
clearly visible
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- a straight path in one direction will return to its starting point
- the apex of a ship’s mast is visible before the rest of a ship approaching
the coast
3. The further one penetrates the earth the higher the temperature 26:
4. Our earth also both rotates (upon its own axis) and revolves (its orbit
around the sun), in the same direction, namely from the west to the east. The
result of the earth’s rotation brings about day, night, and differing times
between places on different degrees of longitude. Whilst the effect of the
earth’s revolution results in the changing of seasons; lengthening of days and
nights; and the viewing of, from month to month, different constellations.
The Earth is a nearly spherical body with an equatorial radius of slightly more than 6,378 kilometres (3,963 miles).
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Ocean currents occur because of the difference in density between
sea water and wind. Sea water shifts from locations of high density to locations
of low density. The colder the water temperature the higher the content of salt.
Ocean currents that are formed by the difference in water temperature are
referred to as vertical and horizontal currents, whereas the influence of wind on
the ocean’s surface forms surface ocean currents.
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And with Him are the keys of the Ghaib, none knows them but
He. And He knows whatever there is in the earth and in the sea;
not a leaf falls, but He knows it. There is not a grain in the
darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but it is written
in a, Clear Record. 27
Sūrah Al ʾAnʿām (6), ayāh 59.
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ِ ﺍﻟ َﻐﻴ
The Ghaib ﺐ
32:6 Allāh knows all that is hidden and all that is seen, whether in
59:22 the heavens or the earth.
49:18 Everything is written in a Clear Record
27:75 ( ﺡ ٱﻟ َﻤﺤْ ﻔُﻮﻅ
ُ ﻟَﻮ- the ‘Preserved Tablet’).
6:59 With Allāh are the keys to all that is hidden and no one
knows these things except Allāh Himself.
15:24 Allāh knows the people of before and those now present.
33:63 No one knows about the Sā‘at - ُ ﻋﺔَ – ﺍﻟﺴﱠﺎor time of the
34:3 occurrence of Resurrection except Allāh.
27:65 There is no being either in the heavens or upon the earth who
knows about the ghaib except Allāh.
31:34 It is Allāh who sends down the rain; It is Allāh who knows
what is in the womb; no one knows what is in store for ‘him’
tomorrow or where it will be that ‘he’ dies.
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and submissively represent themselves towards Allāh before
the coming of the severe torment and the Day of
72:26-28 Allāh does not reveal anything of the ghaib except towards
those Messengers whom He has elected.
81:22-24 In all truth Muḥammad is under no circumstances insane;
and he has seen the angel Jibrīl (ْﺮ َﻝِ ) ِﺟﺒ towards the east;
and he is not a person to withhold that which he knows of the
72:1-3 The Messenger of Allāh whilst reciting Al Qurʾān was
listened to by a group of Jinn ( ﺟﻦﱢ
ِ ) 28 27F
16:49-50 They are not proud; they are fearful of their Lord and they
willingly obey the commands of Allāh.
21:26-27 They are regarded as honoured slaves by Allāh; they never
withdraw from Allāh’s command and are
66:6 obedient; they never rebel against His commands.
37:1-3 Those in groups who line up do so in an orderly rows; they
desist from immoral acts and they recite that which they have
learned (revelation from Allāh).
89:22 On the Day of Judgement they will line up and at the same
37:165-166 time they will obey the command of Allāh and glorify Him.
A creation, created by Allāh from fire, like human beings from mud, and angels from light.
Nowhere in Al Qurʾān is there a direct reference to angels being composed of light. However, the ḥadīth of ʿĀisha
affirms that such is the case.
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22:75 The Malāʾikat are the envoys and messengers of
16:2 Allāh towards those slaves inspired by Him.
6:8-9 The Malāʾikat are neither prophets nor messengers for all
(except to those Prophets and Messengers as ordained by
Allāh) of ‘mankind’.
2:30-31 The knowledge of the Malāʾikat is limited to that which has
2:33 been taught to them by Allāh, even though they are
especially gifted.
41:30-31 Allāh made it not but as a message of good news for you, and
8:9 as an assurance to your hearts. And there is no victory except
3:123-126 from Allāh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
42:5 Nearly the heavens might render asunder from above them,
and the angels glorify the praises of their Lord, and ask for
33:43 forgiveness for those on the earth;
40:7-9 (Remember that) Verily, Allāh is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most
33:56 Allāh sends his Ṣalāt on the Prophet and also His angels too.
O you who believe! Send your Ṣalāt on him and greet him
with the Islāmic way of greeting.
7:206 Surely, those who are with your Lord are never to proud to
2:30 perform acts of worship to Him, but they glorify His Praise
21:19-20 and prostrate before Him.
69:17 And the angels will be on its sides, and eight angels will, that
40:7 Day, bear the Throne of your Lord above them.
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Inspire ‘mankind’ to do good and to bear witness.
50:16 And every person will come forth along with an (angel) to
50:21 drive (him), and an (angel) to bear witness.
82:10-12 Not a word does he (or she) utter, but there is a watcher by
50:18 him ready.
13:10-11 …Certainly, Our Messengers record all of that which you
50:17 plot.
2:210 And if you could see when the angels take away the souls of
4:97 those who disbelieve, they smite their faces and their backs,
47:27 (saying): “Taste the punishment of the blazing Fire
79:1-2 Say: “The angel of death, who is set over you, will take your
6:61 souls, then you shall be brought to your Lord.”
69:13-19 And listen on the Day when the caller will call from a near
50:41-44 place. The Day when they will hear Aṣ Ṣaiḥah in truth, that
will be the Day of Coming Out.
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Guard Hell and punish its occupants.
2:161-162 O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your
16:28-29 families a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which you
43:74-77 are angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, the
74:28-31 Commands they receive from Allāh, but do that which they
66:6 are commanded.
16:30-32 ‘Adn Paradise, which they shall enter and (also) those who
13:19-24 acted righteously from among their fathers, and their wives,
41:30-31 and their offspring. And angels shall enter unto them from
13:23-24 every gate (saying): “Salāmu ‘alaikum (Peace be upon you
for) bimā Ṣabartum (for that you persevered in patience)!
Excellent indeed is the final home!”
53:27 Has then your Lord preferred for you sons, and taken for
43:16-20 himself from among the angels daughters.
37:149-150 Verily! You utter an awful saying, indeed.
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such desires.
55:15 The Jinn are created from a flaming fire, extremely hot.
72:11-12 Amongst the jinn are those who are righteous, but also there
are those who are of an evil nature.
72:13-15 There are those who are obedient but also there are those who
are extremely insubordinate.
72:26-28 They do not know that which is ghaib; if they knew, they
34:14 would not be subject to punishment; since they would surely
not rebel against Allāh.
51:56 The Jinn were created for the worship of Allāh; by following
6:130 the Messengers from amongst ‘mankind’.
72:15 The threat of punishment is given to those of the jinn who are
evil and rebellious.
72:16-17 Whereas those who were obedient will receive their just
34:14 Amongst the Jinn and ‘mankind’ there are many who will be
punished because they did not believe in that which is ghaib
11:119 and rebelled against it. They do not want to make use of their
heart and senses to understand the signs testifying to the
authority and Oneness of Allāh.
41:25 They perceive that which is evil as good; they are those who
46:18 suffer losses.
7:38-41 They mutually curse each other at the time they enter into
ٰ ﺍﻟ ﱠ
َ ﺇِ ْﺑ ِﻠand Shaiṭān ُﺸ ْﻴﻄَﻦ
Iblīs ﻴﺲ
18:50 Iblīs (Shaiṭān) is one of the disobedient jinn who hid amongst
2:34 the angels.
7:27 Iblīs or Shaiṭān sees ‘mankind’, but ‘mankind’ does not see
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Those who are included in the group of Shaiṭān
6:112 Those who are included in the group embracing Shaiṭān are
59:16-17 Iblīs,those of ‘mankind’ who always whisper, suggest or
imply evil and mislead ‘mankind’.
6:128 Consequently, reference to Iblīs incorporates and means
41:29 discussion of Shaiṭān; thus, matters of discussion in
114:1-6 reference to Shaiṭān are more than likely references to the
assemblage of Iblīs and also likely references to the
assemblage of ‘mankind’, or in reference to both of those
23:97-98 And say: “My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the
7:200-202 whisperings of the Shayāṭīn. And I seek refuge with You, My
113:1-5 Lord! lest they may attend me”. And if an evil whisper from
114:1-6 Shaiṭān tries to turn you away, then seek refuge in Allāh.
41:36 Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
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Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 1.
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The Names of ‘Mankind’
َ ﺍﻹ ْﻧ
Al Insān – ﺴﺎﻥ ِ
76:1-2 Has there not been over man a period of time, when he was
nothing to be mentioned? Verily, We have created man from
Nutfah drops of mixed semen, in order to try him, so We
made him hearer, seer.
Al Bashār - ﺍﻟﺒَﺸَﺎﺭ
ِ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎ
Al Nās - ﺱ
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The Process of ‘mankind’s’ Creation
3:59’ ʾĀdam was created from ‘dust’ (turāb - ﺏ ِ ;)ﺗُ َﺮﺍ
15:28 from sounding clay (ṣalṣāl - ﺼﺎﻝ ْ
َ ﺻﻠَ ) of altered smooth mud
55:14 black and given form (fakhkhār - ﺨﺎﺭ ;)ﻓَ ﱠ
37:11 from sticky clay (ṭīn - ﻁﻴﻦ
ِ );
15:29 Allāh completed his creation and blew into him Rūḥ;
4:1 Allāh created a wife from ʾĀdam for him, by the name of
Ḥawwāʾ – Eve.
39:6 ʾĀdam is the ancestor of all ‘mankind’.
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86:5-7 after being emitted from between the coccyx of the male and
23:14 the ribs of the woman,thereafter made into a clot of blood,
3:6 then into a lump of flesh, and then into skin and bones;
82:7-8 then fashioned within the womb into form by His will;
32:9 subsequently Rūḥ was blown into ‘him’. 31
23:115 ‘mankind’ was not created merely for ‘fun’; but in order to
33:72 bear the mandate/trusteeship (ʾAmānah - َ )ﺃَ َﻣﺎﻧَﺔof Islām; and
51:56 in order to serve and worship Allāh alone;
2:30 to be the Caliph/executive (Khalīfah - َﺧ ِﻠﻴﻔَﺔ
َ ) on the earth,
6:165 where there is differentiation in ranks, one from the other, for
3:110 trial and the enjoinment of all that Islām has ordained
ِ ) َﻣ ْﻌﺮand the forbiddance of all that Islām has
(maʿrūf - ُﻭﻑ
prohibited (munkar -ﺮ ِ ;) ُﻣ ْﻨ َﻜ
55:31 directed by Allāh;
75:36 and held responsible.
3:164 Prophets and Messengers were sent to recite āyāt and orders
4:165 in order that ‘mankind’ receives His guidelines.
7:52 There are many of ‘mankind’ who partner themselves with
13:37 Allāh in spite of the fact that Al Qurʾān constitutes true
17:15 guidance; those who receive His guidance are successful.
17:70 ‘mankind’ is favoured above other created beings and has
64:3 been bestowed with good, attractive shapes; there are those
95:4-5 who have been reduced to the lowest of the low; and also
there are
This whole process has been clearly explained within Al Qurʾān since the 7th century AC, and medical science
‘discovered’ and acknowledged this in the 20th century AC.
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95:6 have been given great blessings.
25:43-44 Whomsoever takes as his ilāh (َ )ﺇِ ٰﻟَﻪhis desires, then they will
7:179 be even more astray than cattle.
98:6-8 The disbelievers and polytheists are the worst of creatures;
whereas those who believe and perform acts of piety are the
best of creatures.
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And I free not myself (from the blame). Verily, the self is inclined
to evil, except when my Lord bestows His Mercy. Verily, My
Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 32F
Sūrah Al Shams (91), āyāt 7-10.
Sūrah Yūsuf (12), ayāh 53.
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Rational thought
Intellect or ʿAql
ʿAql consists of the elements of both rational thought and the
sincerity of the heart. Once ‘mankind’ thinks about or rationalizes over the
signs of Allāh’s authority, which are laid out or written in His Book, and ‘he’
still cannot acknowledge the existence of Allāh, then ‘his’ heart is not
functioning correctly, because it is blind, uncertain and polluted.
10:5 Allāh explains the signs of his oneness and authority to those
29:43 people who understand; and those people who have
knowledge (ʿIlm), use their ʿAql, are able to understand it.
14:52 Al Qurʾān is the elucidation for ‘mankind’ in order that those
13:19 who use their ʿAql will absorb and take heed of the
knowledge therein; and truly, those people who utilize their
ʿAql will gain knowledge.
3:190-191 The characteristics of those who utilize their ʿAql (Ūlū-l al
Bāb - ) are of remembrance of Allāh (with their
From the explanations of the two points above, it is clear that the
essence of true knowledge is verified by the ʿAql and the function of ʿAql is
verified by the heart. Thus, the essence of true knowledge is from the heart.
Whoseever’s heart is open to receiving Islām and is always faithful, then Allāh
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will bestow His teachings and guidance (upon them) of the difference between
right and wrong, making it easier to determine true knowledge and its
6:125 The guidance of Allāh is for those people who have opened
66:8 their hearts to Islām; for them will be light around them;
6:82 and whosoever has faith, then Allāh will guide their hearts;
64:11 likewise, for those who seek His favour.
10:9 They will obtain guidance, wisdom, and the criterion for
2:269 understanding and differentiating between what is true and
8:29 what is false.
ُ ﺍﻝ ﻗ ْﻠ
The Heart – Al Qalbu ﺐ
91:7-10 Each and every heart or soul of ‘mankind’ has already been
83:12-15 inspired with what is sinful and what is piety; those who
7:100 transgress are those who corrupt themselves with false and
5:41 evil acts. With such contaminated hearts, Allāh seals their
hearts so that they are blind and cannot be purified.
4:116-118 Shaiṭān always tries to trick ‘mankind’ into rejecting Allāh;
59:16 by misleading and conducting ‘him’ to Hell.
22:3-4 Indeed Shaiṭān is the enemy of ‘mankind’ , so one must deem
35:6 him as the enemy; do not regard him as a friend or
58:19 Shaiṭān can inspire ‘mankind’ to forget ‘his’ Lord; hinder
‘mankind’ from the true way;
7:16-17 Shaiṭān comes at one from the front, the back, the right, the
59:19-20 left, and from every direction, until many of ‘mankind’
become ungrateful;
36:60 and their place of seduction is Hell and its raging fire.
Successful are those who purify and cleanse their hearts with the light
of faith, belief, and acts of purity. Hearts that are pure will always receive the
guidance of Allāh and it is not easy for them to be tempted by Shaiṭān into
performing acts of denial and immorality. Eventually desires will be
persistently controlled.
91:9 Successful are those who purify their hearts with faith; who
87:14-15 always remember Allāh and the establishment of Prayer (Aṣ
20:14 Ṣalāt - َﺼ ٰﻠَﻮﺓ
)ﺍﻟ ﱠis one example of the realization of the
remembrance of Allāh.
13:28 The heart is peaceful whenever it remembers Allāh.
87:8-10 With the result that Allāh bestows guidance towards the easy
way in life.
6:82 Those who have faith are those who have received the
guidance of Allāh.
2:2 The guidance of Allāh is found in Al Qurʾān.
2:185 Al Qurʾān is a guidance for ‘mankind’.
6:152-153 Remember, follow the straight path in order to be pious and
do not follow other paths.
22:32 Piety is in the heart and is established through deeds;
7:175-176 and aspire to follow the guidance of Allāh within Al Qurʾān
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in order that one is not tempted by Shaiṭān.
38:82-83 Shaiṭān is incapable of tempting people who are sincere and
16:99 faithful (sincere in their hearts and strong in faith).
7:200-201 Because of this ‘mankind’ is always protected by Allāh from
17:61-65 the temptations of Shaiṭān, so that ‘he’ is not quick to fall into
wrongful acts and sin.
ُ ﻧَ ْﻔ
Natural appetite or desire – Nafsu ﺲ
This desire is always free from compliance and does not want to
oppose, in fact it obediently submits towards the desire of lust and the call of
This form of desire is calm and composed towards certain issues and
far removed from the instability caused by the various challenges and
whisperings of Shaiṭān.
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The condition of the Rūḥ
Refer to page.25…'Mankind's knowledge comes from Allāh and it is very limited.
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‘himself’, despite insinuating all manner of reasons.
6:130 Because of that do not follow something or someone blindly,
or follow something without knowledge thereof.
17:36 Indeed, hearing, sight, the heart, the tongue, the feet, and the
skin will become witnesses against oneself.
24:24 Every soul will be called upon to be accountable in
41:19-23 front of Allāh later.
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Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 19.
Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 85.
Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 102.
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Islām is the religion of Tauḥīd ( ﺗ َْﻮ ِﺣﻴﺪ- monotheism) 37F
The word ‘religion’ is derived from the Latin words ‘religio’ and religo’. ‘Religo’ refers to ‘binding’, ‘making fast’,
‘to tie up’, ‘to unite’, ‘to bond’. ‘Religio’ refers to ‘reverence’ and ‘awe’. In today’s English the relationship between
the two Latin source words is fractured, in a state of division, whereby the ‘religo’ aspect has been disassociated from
the ‘religio’ aspect. That is, the ‘making fast’, the uniting’, and the ‘bond/bonding’ inherent within ‘Religo’ being
redundant from the ‘reverence’ or ‘awe’ in ‘Religio’. In Arabic, and specifically ‘Islāmic Arabic’, this fracture or
conflict between the two does not occur. The point being that within ‘Islāmic Arabic’ one without the other renders
‘religion’ invalid. Arabic uses the word ﺩﻳﻦDīn (Deen) for both the aspects represented by the Latin words ‘religio’
and ‘religo’. Dīn at one and the same time means ‘to borrow’ or ‘take up a loan’, be ‘indebted to’, ‘to yield’, ‘owe
allegiance to’, to ‘be bonded to’. At the same time, and this is inextricably linked, it refers to ‘religion’, ‘conviction’,
‘creed’. The essence of Dīn refers to the inextricable bond established between Allāh and ‘mankind’, whereby
‘mankind’ is ‘obligated to’, ‘owe allegiance to’ Allāh for ‘his’ very creation. That obligation, that ‘bond’ (that
contract), must be adhered to in order to be eligible for success in both this life and in the Hereafter. The ‘bond’ referred
to is extracted from the very essence of ‘mankind’ before being brought into being as ‘mankind’ -
This therefore is the essential fitrah (nature, essence) of ‘mankind’ – to be in a state of Islām. It is the message brought
by all prophets, as a reminder to ‘mankind’ of their indebtedness to their Creator.
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The Essential nature of ‘mankind’ is to have the religion that
is tauḥīd
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16:120-123 Allāh revealed (the religion of Islām) to Muḥammad in
order that he followed the religion of ’Ibrāhim .
2:135-141 Nevertheless, the Jews (Al Hūd - )ﺍﻟﻬُﻮﺩand Christians (An
َ )ﺍﻟﻨﱠstill dispute and oppose the truth of this.
Naṣārā - ﺼﺎ َﺭﻯ
3:67-68 Once again, he (ʾIbrāhīm ) was neither a Jew nor a
22:78 Islām has existed from times before.
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The truth of Islām is superior to all other religions
9:30-33 The truth of the matter regarding the religion of Islām is that
48:28 it is superior to all other religions because Islām itself was
61:6-9 created by Allāh. It is Allāh who bears witness to this even
though the disbelievers and the polytheists hate it.
Gautama Smṛti:12
Sūrah Al Aḥzāb (33), ayāh 40.
Sūrah Al Sabāʾ (34), ayāh 28.
Sūrah Al Furqān (25), ayāh 1.
Sūrah Al Māʾidah (5), ayāh 3.
The Veda, meaning “Knowledge,” is a collective term for the sacred scriptures of the Hindus. It is only permissible
for the highest caste to read and recite it.
The fourth and lowest of the traditional varnas, or social classes, of Hindu India.
Al Qurʾān and its interpretation, Department of Religion, Republic of Indonesia, page. 40.
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Apastainbha Dharma Sutra 111, 10-26
This topic is on page. 107, sourced from: 1. Old Testament (Taurat); 2. New Testament (Injil); 3. Doctor Soejardji,
Differences in Religion.
Page | 121
The prophethood of ʿĪsā in the ʾInjīl
This last point is proven within the teachings of Islām; a different case with the teachings of Paul who contradicted
the teachings of Jesus.
The contents of the Gospel according to Barnabas are rejected by the Christians themselves.
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And Al Qurʾān was sent down so that they would be faithful to Allāh
and towards Al Qurʾān (2:89):-
Al Qurʾān
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6:100 The Most-Pure Allāh is free form defections such as those
37:180 above.
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death of the Prophet who was teaching from said Holy Book? Even by means of
someone else’s worded account to another person? Within the Taurāt (‘Old
Testament’) it is narrated that the death of the Prophet Mūsā occurred when
he was 120 years old
In fact, the one who died in the crucifixion was not ʿĪsā (Jesus)
but someone who was made to resemble him in face, body, disposition, and
voice, by Allāh; namely Judas Iscariot because he was a traitor. Whereas ʿĪsā
(Jesus) died naturally and resides within the ranks close to Allāh. This issue
is recorded by Barnabas, - ‘a good man, full of the holy Spirit and of faith’ -
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Compare this with the narrative of the Prophet ʿĪsā within Al
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still upheld within the laws and teachings of
This despite the fact that Paul was a person who within his life had
never met with ʿĪsā . Moreover, the history of its writing is still very
controversial because it is unclear as to which year it was compiled.
The quality of a written Holy Book that is not based upon direct
revelation from Allāh must be in doubt. Whereas, for example, the history of
the compilation of Al Qurʾān is clear. Its contents have never been changed
since its original introduction. Many people have memorized Al Qurʾān (6236
āyāt, 114 Sūrah, 30 juz’) since the time of the Messenger of Allāh until the
present. So, it is an impossibility for the contents of Al Qurʾān to have changed
from its inception. Where it to be that a person or people had the intention to
alter it, it would be instantly known and a book so filled with faults would be
immediately destroyed.
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ِ ِ ﺍﻟ ُﻤ ْﺨﻠ- Faithful):
The Mukhliṣīn (ﺼﻴﻦ
They are not just obedient because they are struck by disaster:
And in order that they assuredly belong to those people who receive
the mercy of Allāh’s blessings and not to that group of people who are deviated
The servants who do not receive the guidance of Allāh are those
people who have angered Allāh and who have gone astray from the Straight
Way in this life:
‘Mankind’ deviates because ‘he’ does not want to use ‘his’ ʿAql:
And the wrath of Allāh is for those people who do not want to use
their ʿAql
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They are amongst others:
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Because they believe in ṭāghūt (ﻁَ ُﻐﻮﺕ ٰ - falsity) 50 or perform shirk 49F
(ﺷﺮْ ﻙ
ِ – polytheism, idolatry), then they will not be forgiven for their sins.
Allāh punishes, is angry with, and curses them, and jahannam (ﺟﻬَﻨﱠﻢ
َ -
Hell) will be the place of return for them
Ṭāghūt means anything worshipped other than Allāh i.e. all the false deities – idols, Satan, graves, stones, sun, star,
angels, human beings, messengers, Jesus, Mary, Ezra, Moses, saints, etc.
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The Attitude of ‘mankind’ towards Islām
He has chosen you, and has not laid upon you in the
Deen any hardship, it is the creed of your father
ʾIbrāhīm. It is He Who has named you Muslims both
before… 53
Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 256.
Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 208.
Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), ayāh 78.
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Muslimīn ﻣﺴﻠﻤﻴﻦ
4:136 Have faith in Allāh, His Messengers, His Books, His Angels,
2:62 the Last Day, and Qadar (predestination both good and bad).
2:208-209 Enter Islām whole-heartedly and do not turn away from it.
2:23-24 The truth comes from Allāh and for that reason do not doubt
the authenticity (truth) of Al Qurʾān.
2:28-29 Furthermore, do not disavow Allāh because of His Oneness
and His Authority.
Interfaith relationships
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6:108 people of another religion; when debate occurs then it also
29:46 must be performed in a good way.
3:61 when necessary one may invoke a curse;
73:10 and distance oneself from them in a good way;
109:1-6 Islām bestows the freedom for ‘mankind’ to choose;
2:256 there is no compulsion to embrace Islām, because it is
6:104 already clear as to what is true and what is false.
8:61-62 Islām is the religion that loves and inclines to peace; fight
8:57-58 against those others who initiated the fight against you; do
not look for enemies and when one meets an enemy do not
run from them.
5:82 Islām must be cautious with the responsiveness of the People
of the Book, namely the Jews and the Christians.
Muʾminīn ﻣﺆﻣﻨﻴﻦ
2:136-138 The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him
2:285 from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in
4:136 Allāh, His Angels, His Books, and His messengers. They
39:17-18 say, “We make no distinction between one another of His
49:14-15 Messengers” – and they say, “we hear, and we obey. (we
seek) Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return
(of all)”.
9:71 Those who are Mu’minīn carry out all acts of worship with
devotion and act upon as well as call to that which is ma‘rūf
( ﻣﻌﺮﻭﻑ- of benefit and prescribed by Islām), whilst
abstaining from and prohibiting that which is munkar ( ﻣﻨﻜﺮ-
disbelief and forbidden within Islām).
8:2-4 they feel a fear in their hearts when the name of Allāh is
mentioned and always increase their faith when reciting His
32:15-16 They always fulfil and maintain their mandates and
16:94-97 They maintain Ṣalāt ( ﺻﻼﺓ- prayer) and perform it with
49:14-15 They strive in the Way of Allāh with their wealth and their
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souls; distance themselves from words and deeds that are of
no benefit;
61:10-13 guard and preserve their honour, fulfil zakāt (– ﺯﻛﺎﺓ
obligatory charity based on earnings), etc.
23:1-11 They are those who truly believe.
29:14-39 The Prophets were also put to the test by Allāh within their
2:155-157 lives. We can understand this from the narratives of the
12:86 Prophets when they were confronted with the rebelliousness
of their communities whilst they undertook giving them
daʿwah. They were always resolute and patient in carrying
out pursuit of delivering the truth, despite the denial of their
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18: 107-108
Muttaqin ﻣﺘﻘﻴﻦ
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Various Deeds to realize Piety
2:2-5 Carry out with devotion all elements of righteous deeds upon
2:177 the basis of faith and seeking the blessing of Allāh. True
2:189 fidelity is the devotion of people who are faithful.
2:183 Fast for piety;
5:88 Eat and drink what is good and ḥalāl.
7:26 The best of garments is the garment of piety;
4:1 Kindly uphold the bonds of kinship.
9:107-110 Establish places of worship on the basis of piety and not in
order to undo the unity of the community.
17:79-80 Do not forget to implement night prayer (tahajjud - )ﺗﻬﺠّﺪ.
64:16-17 So keep your duty to Allāh and fear Him as much as you can;
listen and obey;…
3:133-136 People who are pious always perform good deeds as well as
25:63-73 distance themselves from that which is prohibited, for
themselves and others.
65:2-3 Allāh will facilitate the way out from various difficulties;
7:96 bestow blessings which did they did not suspect existed
10:62-64 before they came; shower His blessings from the heavens
8:29 and the earth; they do not feel afraid and likewise not feel sad
2:103 in their hearts; they are granted Furqān ( ﻓﺮﻗﺎﻥ- criterion)
judge between right and wrong;
16:30-32 their sins faults are nullified.
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Munāfiqīn ﻣﻨﺎﻓﻘﻴﻦ
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They like to associate with people who are hostile to Islām:
2:17-20 The Munāfiqīn are like people who censure a lamp but do not
light it; they are reminiscent of the deaf, dumb, and blind or
like a rainstorm with darkness, thunder, and lightning; or like
63:4 blocks of wood propped up, thinking every cry is against
2:11-13 them; they are fools and only deceive themselves.
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The Method by which to face the Munāfiqīn
9:68-69 All the deeds of the munāfiqīn are futile in this world, and in
the Hereafter they will suffer losses;
57:13-15 they are unable to redeem themselves with anything;
4:145-147 the fruit of their labours is burning in Hell, and Hell at the
48:6 deepest depths; they will return to jahannam, the most evil of
places to return.
Fāsiqīn ٰﻓَﺴﻘﻴﻦ
The deeds of those people who are fāsiq, deviate from the stipulations
of Allāh’ laws, even though their hearts actually acknowledge and are
persuaded of the truth of the laws of Allāh which they contravene.
61:5 They turn away from and conceal the truth; they break their
2:26-27 promise to Allāh after ratifying it;
5:47-50 They do not want to practice what they are certain is true, that
which comes from Allāh; they like to resolve matters with
that which is not based on the laws of Allāh;
3:187-188 They rejoice in their deeds (The People of the Book, namely
the Christians and the Jews, are Fāsiq if they do not embrace
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Ways to face/counter the Fāsiqīn
49:6-8 Always carefully examine the truth of the news that they
bring as often they lie; always follow the Straight Path, as
certainly love will emerge in us for faith and likewise hatred
will emerge within us for towards the Fāsiqīn.
29:34 Allāh will certainly punish the Fāsiqīn. Pay attention to the
narrative of the community of the Prophet Lūṭ and the
community of Mūsā in the section to follow on narratives
of the Prophets.
9:67 The hypocrites, men and women, are from one another, they
enjoin (on the people) Al Munkar, and forbid (people) from
Al Maʿruf. They have forgotten Allāh, so He has forgotten
them. Verily, the hypocrites are the Fāsiqūn.
63:5-6 For the Munāfiqīn and the Fāsiqīn it is the same whether
forgiveness is asked for them or not; even if asked for 70
9:80 times, Allāh will not forgive them; and whenever one of
them dies, never stand in prayer for them.
2:217 Those who are apostates from Islām and die in a state of
3:86-91 then their deeds are rendered futile and for them is a painful
5:5 Their deeds are nullified and they are amongst those who
14:18 suffer loss, like ash blown by a strong wind.
47:25-32 The actions of the apostates are a result of Shaiṭān’s
3:106 Their faces will be black on the Day of Judgement with
3:176-178 and for them the punishment of Hell will be painful and
Learned men of religion who practice what they know and also preach to others.
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Repent and believe before it is too late
Kāfirīn ﻛﺎﻓﺮﻳﻦ
The deeds of the Kāfirīn are those that are blindly followed. They
only follow that which their forefathers followed without understanding laws
that they should have followed based on the stipulations of the religion of
Allāh. Note the following āyāt:
The Kāfirīn who denounce the āyāt of Allāh, it is the same to them
whether they are reminded or not, since their hearts are blind. However, it is
obligatory for those who believe to deliver or perform daʿwah to them. Whether
they (the Kāfirīn) believe or not is their own affair. Note the following āyāt:
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The deeds and wealth of the Kāfirīn
The deeds and wealth expended by the Kāfirīn are futile and without
purpose. They will not receive blessings from Allāh and whatever they possess
will not be able to be used to compensate them for their disbelief. Note the
following āyāt:
The extravagant lives of the Kāfirīn has made them miserly and they
have brought upon themselves forgetfulness about death. Furthermore, they
have forgotten about the resurrection on the Day of Judgement when all their
deeds will be weighed and rewarded. Note the following āyāt:
7:179 The Kāfirīn are like cattle, and moreover worse than that;
8:55-56 they are the worst of moving beings, and they are the worst of
98:6 creatures.
Allāh does not forgive the sins of the Kāfirīn, those who commit
despotism, and they die in a state of disbelief. Note the following āyāt:
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Comparison of the Mu’minīn with the Kāfirīn
For the Mu’minīn, Allāh protects them and brings them out of the
darkness into the light. They follow the truth and desire to heed His Āyāt and
witness the signs of Allāh’s authority. The blessings of paradise are from the
fruit of Faith.
For the Kāfirīn, Shaiṭān is their protector who takes them out of the
light into pitch darkness. They follow what is invalid because they are deaf and
blind to the call of the truth of Allāh’s Āyāt. Their recompense is Hell, and that
is the fruit of disbelief.
Mushrikūn ﻣﺸﺮﻛﻴﻦ
Shirk ( )ﺷﺮﻙPolytheism
There have been many efforts by mankind, from the time of the
Prophets until now, to create partnerships with Allāh (the One) using something
alien to Allāh.
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25:1-3 The only true Lord is the One True Lord, without offspring
17:22 and without partners unto Him; for that reason there is no
6:71 other Ilāh in existence besides Allāh.
25:55 Their idols cannot create, since they themselves created
7:191-193 their idols are fruitless and bring no benefit whatsoever, only
35:40 their idols have no control over life or death, nor moreover,
16:19-21 have any power on the Day of Judgement later.
22:11-13 For these reasons do not become like someone who is vague
in their belief and worships Allāh from the sidelines.
7:194-198 Their idols are merely created beings, and in fact weaker than
‘mankind itself;
22:71-73 these idols have no soul, and do not possess senses that
16:73-76 these idols cannot even create a fly, and in fact even
something weaker than a fly; the comparison with the
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likeness of Allāh is as a submissive servant and that of his
employer; or the likeness of a mute with a person who orders
the doing of what is good and just;
4:117 so whomsoever worships that besides Allāh it is the same as
them worshipping Shaiṭān.
6:162-164 Verily, my Ṣalāt, my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are
for Allāh.
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The Life of ‘mankind’ ’ World
It is He, Who gave you life, and then will cause you to die, and
will again give you life. Verily! Man is indeed an ingrate. 54F
And Allāh has brought you forth from the (dust of) earth.
Afterwards He will return you into it, and bring you forth. 56
Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), ayāh 66.
Sūrah Nūḥ (71), āyāt 17-18.
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The Womb
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The Testimony of ‘Mankinds’ Soul before Birth
The World
22:5 A baby grows into maturity; some die and some live to
16:78 A baby at birth knows nothing;
30:54 from a state of weakness the baby grows strong, and in the
end it becomes weak once again;
16:70 there are those who also attain an advanced age, until ones
appointed time is completed; according to Allāh’s decision
6:60-61 until one arrives at death, that is as brought about by His
35:11 angels.
21:34-35 Nobody from ‘mankind’ lives forever.
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30:30 According to ‘Mankinds’ fiṭrah, the worship of none but
Allāh alone, this fiṭrah can never be altered.
16:78 ‘mankind’ has been complemented with senses and two ways
17:36 have been indicated to ‘him’, namely, ‘Mankinds’ soul is
91:7-10 aware of the true (taqwā) path and the false (fukhurā) path.
2:256 Do not coerce ‘mankind’ into believing in the truth,
10:99-100 because each soul of ‘mankind’ will bear its own
18:29-30 The duty of those who believe is only to remind.
74:38 And whomsoever diverts from the narrow path of truth then
20:124-125 in the Hereafter they will be gathered together in a state of
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14:2-3 the life of this world more than the life of the Hereafter.
46:20 Their riches are only consumed extravagantly or out of
27:65-66 self-enjoyment, and they are unwillingly charitable.
30:7 Whereas they doubt the life of the Hereafter and they are
neglectful of the coming of death.
17:18 Whomsoever only likes this world will have it hastened by
11:15-16 Allāh,but the happiness of the Hereafter will not be theirs.
45:33-35 The punishment of Allāh is allocated for those people who
17:10 cheated within and mocked the benefits available in the life
of this world; and did not believe in the reality of the
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‘Mankind’ cannot flee from their predestined hour of death
40:41-46 After death, ‘mankind’ will dwell in Barzakh (in the grave).
In the grave the souls of ‘mankind’ will realize the truth as
promised by Allāh.
23:99-100 For those people who were/are evil the torture of Hell will
already be revealed to them from morning till night.
The Hereafter
16:38-39 There are many of ‘mankind’ who do not believe in the life
of the Hereafter.
17:49-52 They deride and ridicule the Prophets and those people who
17:98-99 bring the reminder to believe in Allāh and believe in the Last
19:66-68 Their words belie that their doubt and incertitude.
21:1-3 What are they asking (one another)? About the great news,
21:37-40 About which they are in disagreement.
27:65-66 Nay, they will come to know!
78:1-5 Nay, again, they will come to know!
32:10 Qaf. By the Glorious Qurʾān.
34:7-9 Nay, they wonder that there has come to them a warner from
37:11-19 among themselves. So the disbelievers say: “This is a strange
44:34-37 When we are dead and have become dust (shall we be
45:24-26 That is a far return”
50:1-5 We know that which the earth takes of them (their dead
56:42-56 bodies), and with Us is a Book preserved (i.e. Book of
64:7 Nay, but they have denied the truth (this Qurʾān) when it has
come to them, so they are in a confused state (cannot
differentiate between right and wrong).
75:1-5 They say: “Shall we indeed be returned to (our)
78:1-5 former state of life?
79:10-14 “Even after we are crumbled bone?”
7:187-188 They ask you about the Hour (Day of Resurrection): “When
will be its appointed time?”
27:65 Say: “The knowledge thereof is with my Lord (Alone). None
can reveal its time but He. Heavy is its burden through the
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31:34 heavens and the earth. It shall not come upon you except all
of a sudden.”
33:63 They ask you as if you have a good knowledge of it.
34:29-30 Say: “the knowledge thereof is with Allāh (Alone) but most
of ‘mankind’ know not.”
42:17-18 Say: “I possess no power of benefit or hurt to myself except
as Allāh wills. If I had the knowledge of the Ghaib, I should
42:47 have secured for myself an abundance of wealth, and no evil
should have touched me.
53:58 I am but a warner, and a bringer of glad tidings unto people
79:44 who believe.”
ِ ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ ُﻡ ٱﻟﺪ Al-Yaum-ul Dīn The Day of 51:12
ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ ِﻡ ْٱﻟﻔَﺼْ ِﻞ Al-Yaum-il Faṣl The Day of Sorting out 77:13-14
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ِ َﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ ﻡ ٱﻟﺘﱠﻼ
ﻕ Al-Yaum-al Talāq The Day of Mutual 40:15
ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ ُﻡ ْٱﻟ ُﺨﻠُﻮ ِﺩ Al-Yaum-ul Khulūd The Day of Eternal life 50:30-35
ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ َﻡ ْٱﻟ َﺤ ْﺴ َﺮ ِﺓ Al-Yaum-al Ḥasrah The Day of Grief and 19:37-39
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ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ ُﻡ ٱﻟﺘﱠﻐَﺎﺑ ُِﻦ Al-Yaum-ul Taghābun The Day of Mutual 64:5-9
Loss and Gain
ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ َﻡ ٱﻷَ ِﺯﻓَ ِﺔ Al-Yaum-al Azifah The Day that is 40:18-20
Drawing Near
َﻈ ٍﻴﻢ
ِ ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ ٍﻡ ﻋ Al-Yaum-il ʿAẓīm The Great Day 19:37-40
ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ ُﻡ ٱﻷَ ْﺷ ٰﻬَ ُﺪ Al-Yaum-ul Ashhād The Day when 40:51-52
Witnesses Stand Forth
ﺍﻟﻴَﻮْ ُﻡ ْٱﻟ َﻮ ِﻋﻴ ِﺪ Al-Yaum-ul Waʿīd The Day of Given 50:20-21
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ﺃﻟﺴﱠﺎ َﻋ ِﺔ Al-Sāʿah The Hour 22:1-2
ُﺎﺭ َﻋﺔ
ِ َﺃﻟﻘ Al-Qāri‘ah The Striking Hour 101:1-11
َﺎﺷﻴَ ِﺔ
ِ ﺃﻟﻐ Al-Ghāshiyah The Overwhelming 88:1-2
ُ ﺼ ﱠﺨﺔ
ﺃﻟ ﱠ Al-Ṣakhkhah The Day of the Second 80:33-42
Blowing of the
There are various other names which are used to describe this
specific event, this specific ‘Day’, such as those found in the following Āyāt,
amongst others:
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Signs of the Nearness of the Day of Resurrection
39:67-68 And the Trumpet will be blown, and all who are in the
heavens and all who are on the earth will swoon away, except
him whom Allāh will…
Bey Arifin, Hidup Sesudah Mati (Life after Death).
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The state at Maḥshar 58
99:6 After the blowing of the Trumpet ‘mankind’ will rise from
79:8-9 their graves; in various scattered groups;
78:17-20 they will come in crowds; with fearful hearts and in
39:68-70 submission; with feelings of fear, awaiting the jurisdiction of
18:99-101 They will be gathered on the earth and clearly illuminated by
the light of Allāh’s justice.
89:22-27 For those with faith will be returned to Allāh with hearts once
89:30 again satisfied with the blessings of Allāh.
The Day when the dead shall migrate from their graves and assemble for judgement.
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40:18 whom the Most beneficent has given permission and whose
43:86 word is acceptable to Him.
18:49 And amongst ‘mankind’ there are also those who receive the
84:10 book from behind and from the left side.
69:25 They are the group who reproach their deeds.
83:7 The book of the people of the latter group is called Sijjīn
45:28 Each soul will acknowledge and read the book of their deeds;
81:10-14 although their deeds are already forgotten, the book will be
82:5 full and complete. All of this in order to exhibit for each
100:7 person their just desserts.
45:28-31 This Our Record speaks about you with truth. Verily, We
were recording what you used to do.
There are various kinds of remorse from people who did not believe
in the coming of the Day of Judgement. All of these regrets will serve no
purpose and their pleas will not be fulfilled. All of them were too late. Take
heed of the following Āyāt:
56:1-10 At that time ‘mankind’ will be divided into three groups; the
group on the right, the group on the left, and that group of
people who were foremost in faith.
56:90-96 The recompense for those on the right will be salvation. The
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punishment of Allāh will be for the group on the left and Hell
will be their abode.
74:38-47 Various dialogues will take place between those on the right
and the occupants of Hell.
2:80-82 Yes! Whosoever earns evil and his sin has surrounded him,
they are dwellers of the Fire; they dwell therein forever.
And those who believe and do righteous good deeds, they are
dwellers of Paradise, they will dwell therein
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Hell and Paradise
There is not one of you but will pass over it (Hell); this is with
your Lord; a Decree which must be accomplished. Then We
shall save those who used to fear Allāh and were dutiful to Him.
And We shall leave the Ẓālimūn therein to their knees. 59
And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from
your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as are the heavens and the
earth, prepared for Al-Muttaqūn. 60
Sūrah Maryam (19), āyāt 71-72.
Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 133.
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7:36-41 They will (‘mankind’ ) plead for those who entered Hell
ahead of them to receive double torment;
38:59-64 likewise those of ‘mankind’ who have already entered Hell
will ask for protection from it; but they will all be together in
40:47-48 Hell, unable to help each other. Such will be the situation in
Hell and there they will continue disputing.
39:56-58 Many of ‘mankind’ will enter into Hell; they will all
39:72 acknowledge their sins, yet Allāh will not alter His Decision
regarding their punishment.
67:6-11 They will say: “Our Lord! You have made us to die twice,
76:4 and You have given us life twice! Now we confess our sins,
40:11-12 then is there any way to get out?”
23:103-108 They will plead to be released out of Hell even if for only a
42:44-46 moment, in order to do good.
40:49-50 “Our Lord! Bring us out of this; if ever we return (to evil),
23:107 then indeed we shall be Ẓālimūn.”
43:75 They will plead for alleviation of their punishment, even if
only a day, and they would rather be dead.
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39:71-72 The Kāfirīn are degraded in the world an for them the
20:127 punishment of the Hereafter will be more severe and more
7:36 The torment of Hell is truly everlasting; they (the occupants
21:98-100 of Hell)will wail in the Fire; they will be tormented
25:11-34 repeatedly with no hope of forgiveness.
25:77 In Hell, they will neither feel dead nor alive, but will always
87:10-13 feel the piercing torment and overwhelming loss.
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Various names for Hell
3:15 Paradise, as wide as the heavens and the earth, has been
5:83-85 bequeathed to those people who are pious, faithful and
practice righteous good deeds.
10:9-10 Verily, those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness,
41:30-32 their Lord will guide them through their Faith; under them
50:31-35 will flow rivers in the gardens of delight.
Furthermore, refer back to pages 105-107 about the recompense for those
people who are faithful and pious.
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44:51-57 cups of crystal, crystal-clear, made of silver. They will
47:15 determine the measure thereof according to their wishes.
52:17-28 And they will be given to drink there a cup mixed with
55:46-78 Zanjabīl,A spring there, called Salsabīl.
76:5 And round them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you
76:12-20 see them, you would think them scattered pearls.
88:8-16 And when you look there, you will see a delight, and a great
2:25 And give glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous
2:82 good deeds, that for them will be Gardens under which rivers
7:42-43 flow. Every time they will be provided with a fruit therefrom,
9:72 they will say: “This is what we were provided with before,”
29:58-59 and they will be given things in resemblance and they shall
31:8-9 have therein Azwājun Muṭahharatun, and they will abide
therein forever.
39:73-74 The angels will look after it (Paradise) and warmly welcome
with Salāmun ‘Alaikum those who enter.
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From Hell to Paradise
6:128-129 From the beginning all of ‘mankind’ will enter into the
11:106-107 punishment of hell although momentarily, except those
slaves as Allāh wills.
19:69-72 Thereafter, Allāh will save those who are pious; and those
who are Ẓālim and Kāfir will remain in Hell.
7:44-45 And the dwellers of the Fire will call to the dwellers of
7:50-53 “Pour on us some water or anything that Allāh has provided
74:35-56 you with.” They will say: “Both (water and provision) Allāh
83:29-36 has forbidden to the disbelievers.”
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Sūrah Ghāfir (40), ayāh 78.
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9:41 March forth even though one feels light or heavy, and
61:10-12 perform ones utmost in the Way of Allāh with ones wealth
38:86 and soul; desire to perform daʿwah with sincerity; do not ask
for payment.
8:30 Whomsoever accepts this trial risks being boycotted,
imprisonment, and even death.
16:125 Full of wisdom, and good argument; rejects evil with good.
2:256 It is not allowed to compel someone to embrace Islām,
6:104 because the difference between good and evil is already
6:108 Do not insult that worshipped by others, in order that they do
not insult Allāh.
3:159 Be gentle, and full of mercy towards those who believe; and
26:215-216 be steadfast in opposition to the Kāfirūn.
25:20 Messengers were ordinary people; they ate and also walked
23:51 just like us.
12:109 Allāh did not send a Messenger to a specific community
16:43 except that he was a man who had been inspired with His
21:7 (Thus, all Messengers were men)
17:94-95 The Messengers were not angels, so that they could be
examples for ‘mankind’ and not disunite ‘mankind’.
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16:113 The Messengers were from their own communities, yet those
38:4-5 communities denied them; these communities were amazed
at the arrival of Messengers from among themselves.
14:4 Whereas those Messengers used the language used by their
10:47 respective communities themselves. Each community had a
35:24 Messenger, to bring the reminder for them.
7:59 The Prophet Nūḥ was from and for his community;
7:65 The Prophet Hūd was from the ʿĀd community;
7:73 The Prophet Ṣāliḥ was from the Thamūd community;
7:80 The Prophet Lūṭ was from the Sodom community;
7:85 The Prophet Shuʿaib was from the Madyan community;
14:5 The Prophet Mūsā was from the Yahūdī community;
3:48-49 The Prophet ʿĪsā was from and for the Banī Isrāʾīl – and
not for any other community;
34:28 The Prophet Muḥammad was from the Arāb community
and was for all of ‘mankind’.
43:23-25 And similarly, We sent not a warner before you to any town
but the mutrafīn (luxurious ones) among them said: “We
73:11 found our fathers following a certain way and religion, and
we will indeed follow their footsteps.”
34:34-35 (The warner) said: “Even if I bring you better guidance than
17:16 that which you found your fathers following?” They said:
“Verily, We disbelieve in that with which you have been
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36:14-15 So We took revenge of them, then see what was the end of
those who denied.
10:2 In truth the reminder is for all people but in actual fact it is
65:8-10 those who use their intelligence who obtain guidance from it;
87:8-11 because they fear Allāh whereas those who disbelieve always
7:187 reject it; as if they tightly close their ears to said reminder. In
13:19 truth Al Qurʾān is a book full of the clear reminder.
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advice and guidance; then Allāh caused them both to leave
Paradise and admonished them in order that they would
2:35-39 always follow His guidance within this life.
5:27-30 Hābīl was killed by his own brother Qābīl who later buried
5:31-32 Hābīl after seeing and learning from the experience of a
crow, sent by Allāh, which showed him how to bury.
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revelation to load animals in pairs on board the ship.
54:11-15 The heavens sent down rain, and the earth gushed forth
11:40-41 the Prophet Nūḥ sailed with some of his community, and
called out to his disbelieving son.
37:78-82 Allāh saved the Prophet Nūḥ and his faithful followers.
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7:72 however Allāh saved the Prophet Hūd and his followers.
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29:28-29 such acts had never occurred before within any previous
26:160-168 yet they denounced their Messenger and moreover desired to
expel the Prophet Lūṭ .
11:77-81 Angels came in the form of young men to Lūṭ ; they came
15:61-66 in order to bring the revelation of Allāh to Lūṭ that his
(Lūṭ ) community would be destroyed the following
15:67-72 morning; the community of Lūṭ came upon hearing of the
handsome strangers;
54:37-39 so Allāh blinded them and the following morning they
received their punishment.
29:31-35 The angels who visited beforehand also met with ’Ibrāhīm
to tell him of the forthcoming destruction of the
26:169-175 occupants of Sodom, the community of the Prophet Lūṭ ;
7:83-84 the Prophet Lūṭ prayed for salvation from the
21:74-75 consequences of the abominable deeds of his community;
27:57-58 the family of the Prophet Lūṭ was then saved by Allāh,
except his wife;
54:33-35 the community of the Prophet Lūṭ was destroyed by a
storm of stones brought by a strong wind; and subsequently
11:82-83 the land was turned upside down by Allāh; stones of baked
clay were then rained upon it;
15:73-76 the community of the Prophet Lūṭ were destroyed by a
thundering sound before sunrise
37:134-138 traces of that collapsed town are passed by in the morning by
6:79-83 The way used by the Prophet ʾIbrāhīm in order that his
19:42-47 father and his community did not worship in a direction other
than to Allāh, the Lord of the worlds, alone.
26:69-82 And he made it a Word lasting among his offspring that they
43:26-30 may turn back.
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The Prophet ʾIbrāhīm was burnt after he destroyed the
12:4-6 Yūsuf (Joseph) dreamt that he saw eleven stars, the sun,
and the moon; and Allāh taught him the interpretation of
12:7-19 Yūsuf was brought by his brothers and thrown into a
well, and eventually he was found by travellers; they (the
brothers) returned home carrying Yūsuf’s shirt which
was smeared with some blood;
12:20-29 Yūsuf was sold, raised and tempted by Zalīkhāh, the wife
of Al ʿAzīz (Potiphar), the king of Egypt, who had bought
12:33 him; and eventually Yūsuf was imprisoned.
12:37-42 Within the prison Yūsuf gave daʿwah to other inmates of
the prison.
12:46-49 Yūsuf interpreted the dream of the king after interpreting
the dream of a fellow inmate.
12:53-57 Finally Yūsuf was released from prison and appointed
Minister of Finance for the then nation of Egypt.
12:58-69 Allāh united Yūsuf with his brothers, and his father only
informed his sadness to Allāh;
12:90-99 eventually Yūsuf was united by Allāh with his aged
parents in Egypt.
12:101 The invocation of the Prophet Yūsuf .
12:102-103 We are able to gain much guidance from this narrative of the
Prophet Yūsuf .
Refer to ‘Further Explanations’, No. 2, page 738.
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Further explanations:
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The narrative of the treachery of the Sāmirī and the Banī
20:80-84 Mūsā and the Banī ’Isrā’īl made a covenant on the right
side of the Mount - Aṭ-Ṭūr-il-ʾAiman (Mount Sinai).
7:142 The Prophet Mūsā received the revelation of the Taurāh
after 40 nights.
20:85-91 The people left by Mūsā under the charge of Hārūn .
They were deceived by the Sāmirī (Samaritan), who made
for them a statue of a calf for them to worship.
7:150 The Prophet Mūsā returned to his people
20:92-94 (from Aṭ-Ṭūr-il-ʾAiman) with an angry heart. The Prophet
Mūsā admonished Hārūn and Hārūn answered
and explained (the situation) to Mūsā .
20:95-97 Mūsā rebuked the Sāmirī and ordered him to depart and
live a life of isolation.
7:151 Mūsā chose 70 people to ask for forgiveness from Him
2:47-56 The Banī ’Isrā’īl were reminded of the favour already
bestowed upon them by Allāh. However, they did not want to
believe and ask forgiveness until they themselves had seen
Allāh with their own eyes. Finally, Allāh resurrected them
after striking them with a thunderbolt.
2:58-59 In order to redeem their misdeeds from their sin Allāh
commands them to go to Palestine (to Al Baitul Maqdis,
5:20-26 However, they were once again unwilling to comply, and
gave many reasons (for their reluctance to comply) until they
were punished by Allāh who made them wander through the
land for 40 years.
2:60 Mūsā requested water for his people, and Allāh
commanded him to strike a stone with his stick, and water
then gushed for the from the stone.
7:161-162 Mūsā commanded his people to remain resident at Al
2:61-62 Baitul Maqdis but they were impatient; eventually they broke
the commands of worship on Saturday (Al Yaum-as-Sabt,
the Sabbath).
29:39 Qārūn (Korah) was a rich man who denounced the Prophet
Mūsā .
28:76-77 Because of his great wealth, the keys of his treasures would
have been a burden to a body of strong men.
Qārūn was the first cousin of Mūsā , the son of his uncle. Qārūn was also from the Banī ‘Isrā’īl.
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28:78-79 Qārūn paraded forth in front of his people (the Banī ’Isrā’īl)
with all his glory so much so that many people desired to be
like him. Qārūn was swallowed by the earth as well as all his
wealth and those who had desired to be like him became
28:80-83 aware of being grateful for the blessings bestowed upon them
by Allāh.
21:81-82 Allāh subjected the wind and some of the Shayāṭīn to the
Prophet Sulaimān (Solomon).
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34:12-13 The journey of the wind in the afternoon was the same as the
journey of the wind in the morning for a month.
2:102 The Yahūd (Jews) accused the Prophet Sulaimān of
practising magic, even though that was not the case.
27:16-17 The Prophet Sulaimān inherited the kingdom from the
Prophet Dāwūd , his father.
27:20-26 The dialogue of the Prophet Sulaimān with the hoopoe
bird, which arrived after a while and related what he had seen
in the land of Sabaʾ.
27:28-31 Sulaimān was sent with a letter for Balqīs, the queen of
27:35-37 Queen Balqīs sent ambassadors to the Prophet Sulaimān
bearing a gift but it was rejected.
27:38-40 An ʿIfrīt, from amongst the Jinn, with knowledge promised
to bring the throne of Queen Balqīs to Sulaimān in
27:42-44 Queen Balqīs was amazed and entered Islām. The denial of
34:15-16 the people of Sabaʾ towards the blessings of Allāh and the
consequences that befell them.
38:34-39 Sulaimān received trials from Allāh in the form of
pleasures and sickness.
34:14 Nothing was able to predict the death of Sulaimān except
an earthworm, which gnawed at his stick. Moreover, the Jinn
had no idea of the time of Sulaimān’s death. The Jinn
know nothing of the unseen.
3:35-37 The wife of ʿImrān vowed that the child in her womb would
become a righteous slave to Allāh and serve in Baitul
3:37-38 Allāh chose the Prophet Zakarīyā to be her teacher and
3:44 In truth many people wanted to take care of Maryam (Mary),
daughter of ʿImrān, with the result that a dispute arose and
eventually lots were drawn.
3:42-43 Jibrīl (Gabriel) brought news from Allāh to Maryam
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concerning her purity and rank amongst women. Maryam
19:16-21 received the news of her pregnancy.
66:12 Maryam was a woman who guarded her chastity.
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called ‘mankind’ to worship himself; ʿĪsā , son of
Maryam, was a slave of Allāh, a Prophet for the Banī ʾIsrāʾīl;
5:73 Allāh is not ‘one of three’ (as stated in the ‘Trinity’);
5:116-117 ʿĪsā , and his mother Maryam, are not two Āliha’s (gods)
alongside Allāh.
9:30-32 The Yahūd (Jews) state, “ ʿUzair (Ezra) is the son of
Allāh…”; and the Naṣārā (Christians) state, “Al Masīḥ (ʿĪsā -
Jesus) is the son of Allāh…”.
5:17-18 In actual fact they only base their words on the statements of
the disbelievers of before, and the disbelievers are those
people who say such things.
19:35-36 It is not befitting for the Lord who is Most Generous to have
19:37 The Yahūd and the Naṣārā diverged and differed much
concerning ʿĪsā .
Other Narratives
18:32-46 These Āyāt tell the story of two Yahūd, one of whom was a
kāfir (disbeliever) and the other a muʾmin (believer). This
narrative bestows guidance to ‘mankind’ about neither
deceiving nor being deceived by the enticing life of this
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31:12-13 The narrative within these āyāt teaches parents to give advice
to their children (as Luqmān once advised his son), that is to
be obedient towards Allāh by upholding Aṣ Ṣālāt (prayer
31:14-19 towards Allāh); and by not associating partners with Allāh
(in worship); devotion to ones parents; performing the
obligation of daʿwah ; and behaving in a righteous, noble
character in front of one’s parents.
Ya’jūj and Ma’jūj are two nations who sought to destroy the earth, such as that once carried out by the Tartars and
The East Roman peoples were centred in Constantinople.
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of Ethiopia), desired to destroy the Ka‘bah, but Allāh did not
105:3-5 permit this. Before entering the city of Makkah (Mecca) his
army was attacked by birds which pelted small stones at
them until they were destroyed.
69:1-12 Has not the story reached them of those before them? – The
50:12-15 people of Nūḥ, ʿĀd, and Thamūd, the people of ʾIbrāhīm, the
38:12-16 dwellers of Madyan, to them came their Messengers with
29:38-42 clear proofs. So it was not Allāh Who wronged them, but
22:46 they used to wrong themselves.
11:100-104 And all that We relate to you of the news of the Messengers
is in order that We may make strong and firm your heart
40:21-22 And in this has come to you the truth, as well as an
admonition and a reminder for the believers.
40:82-85 And say to those who do not believe: “Act according to your
ability and way, we are acting (in our way).
11:120-122 And you wait! We (too) are waiting.”
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The Prophet Muḥammad
Muḥammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the
Messenger of Allāh and the last of the Prophets. And Allāh is
Ever All-Aware of everything. 66
Sūrah Al Aḥzāb (33), ayāh 40.
Sūrah Al Aḥzāb (33), ayāh 21.
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Brief History of the Prophet Muḥammad
20th of April 571 CE or 12th of Rabīʿ al Awwal ()ﺭﺑﻴﻊ ﺍﻻﻭﻝ, the year
of the elephant, in the town of Makkah a baby boy was born by the name of
Muḥammad .
From the time that he was a baby Muḥammad was cared for by
Ḥalīmah (Saʾdiyah) bint Abī Dhuʾayb from the Banī Saʾd a nomadic tribe of
the Hawazin, not far from Makkah.
A month later his mother died at Abwa on the return trip to Makkah
(from Madinah). From that time onwards he was an orphan and under the care
of his grandfather.
At the age of 8, his grandfather ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib died and from there
on he was brought up by his uncle, Abū Ṭālib.
By the time he was 12 years old he had already undertaken a trip with
his uncle to Shām (Syria). At Buṣrā, a city some 67 miles south of Dimashq
(Damascus), they met with a monk by the name of Bukhaira.
At 15 years old he was already actively helping his uncle within the
inter-tribal wars between the tribes of the Quraish and Kinanah who fought
against the Qais ‘Ailan; he prepared their needs for warfare.
On the 12th of Rabī‘ al Awwal ()ﺭﺑﻴﻊ ﺍﻻﻭّﻝ, 8th of June 632 CE, the
Prophet Muḥammad ﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢdied and returned to the presence of Allāh
ﺗﻌﺎﻟَﻰ. He was 63 years old when he died and he left ‘two matters’ for ‘mankind’
(namely Al Qurʾān and As Sunnah).
Deuteronomy 18, verse 15; John 14, verse 16.
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who always denounce the Prophethood of Muḥammad .
33:40 Muḥammad was the last of the Prophets and there were a
3:144 number of Messengers before him. The name Muḥammad
is elevated by Allāh.
33:56-57 Allāh and His angels recite their Ṣalāt upon the Prophet
Muḥammad ; we hope that we also do the same.
16:36 The call was made to ‘mankind’ in order that they serve
Allāh and reject ṭāghūt.
6:153 The call is to the Straight Path and in order not to follow
other paths, which will disband people from His Path.
5:67 Then, if they turn away, your duty is only to convey in a clear
13:7 way.
11:2-3 Verily, We have sent you, a bringer of glad tidings and a
13:40 And you will not be asked about the dwellers of the blazing
25:56-57 Fire.
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38:65-70 The duty of the Prophets is only to remind, a warner, and not
to confer faith nor compel it.
36:1-6 That is the duty of the Messenger, yet there were various
22:49-57 stances towards Muḥammad and Al Qurʾān (amongst
27:76-81 others there were those who were faithful; those who
disbelieved; those who were hypocrites; those who were
treacherous; and those who were doubtful).
110:1-3 In the 9th year of Hijrah messengers from the Arab nomadic
tribes came to the Prophet in order to embrace Islām and
the Prophet asked forgiveness for their sins.
5:3 Allāh declares the perfection of Islām to the Prophet
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Muḥammad at the time of Ḥajj Wadāʿ (final or farewell
Ḥajj) in the 10th year of Hijrah; (and 3 months after its
performance, on the 12th of Rabīʿ al Awwal in the 11th year of
Hijrah, he died).
13:38 The Prophet was married and had a family; he was not
monastic (he was not a confirmed bachelor).
33:37-38 Zaid (bin Hārithah) was adopted as a son by the Prophet .
The laws for an adopted son are not the same as for one’s
own son, including through marriage; one must observe
these laws.
33:50-52 Those women that were ḥalāl were married to the Prophet
and laws of marriage were observed by him.
66:1-5 The Prophet and his wives are narrated briefly in these
33:28-34 The stipulations of Allāh regarding the wives of the Prophet
Muḥammad .
Sūrah Al Ḥadīd (57), ayāh 25.
Sūrah Al Raʿd (13), ayāh 38.
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The Messenger and the Holy Books
57:25 Allāh sent His Messengers and they carried His Scriptures, in
13:38 accordance with the needs of the time.
6:89-90 A number of people received the Scriptures, wisdom, and
4:54 Prophethood as amongst those named in these Āyāt.
4:163 Allāh gave revelation to the Prophets and gave the Zabūr
17:55 ([ )ﺍﻟ ﱠﺰﺑُﻮﺭPsalms] to the Prophet Dāwūd . Within the
contents of the Zabūr are explained that the earth is inherited
21:105-106 by those who are righteous.
19:51-53 The Prophet Mūsā was spoken to (by Allāh) on the right
side of Mount Ṭūr for 40 nights;
7:142 straight after that Allāh bestowed upon him the Taurāh
21:48-49 ([ )ﺍﻟﺘﱠﻮ َﺭﺍﺓthe Torah] whose contents were the decrees of
6:154 Allāh to the Prophets Mūsā and Hārūn .
37:114-122 Allāh inspired the Taurāh for the Banī ’Isrā’īl (refer
23:49 as a guidance, a light, and a remembrance (refer 40:53-54)
5:78-81 The Yahūd cursed Allāh because they denounced the
Prophets Dāwūd and ʿĪsā .
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57:26-27 Allāh bestowed the ʾInjīl (ﻧﺠﻴﻞ
ِ ﺍﻹ
ِ ) [the Gospel] to the Prophet
ʿĪsā , which was a clear guiding light and which
5:46-48 confirmed the Taurāh. Allāh taught the Scriptures, wisdom,
the Taurāh, and the ʾInjīl to the Prophet ʿĪsā .
The Taurāh declares and clarifies food for the Yahūd (Jews). Various
foods were declared ḥarām for them as a punishment from Allāh upon them.
7:157 The Holy Books Taurāh and ʾInjīl announce the coming of
48:29 the Prophet Muḥammad whose characteristics are as in
these Āyāh.
5:44-50 The Taurāh and Injīl also contain the promise of Allāh
ُ ) [witnesses] and the laws of
towards the Shuhadāʾ (ﺷﻬَﺪَﺁ َء
Qiṣāṣ (ﺼﺎﺹَ ِ[ )ﻗreprisal].
41:45 The Banī ’Isrā’īl mutually disagreed about the contents of the
17:4-8 Taurāh; they did not want to follow the teachings of the
7:169-170 even though they carefully studied its contents;
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6:91 they concealed a large part of the contents of that Scripture;
5:41-45 and did not want to decide issues according to the laws of
Allāh within the Taurāh;
3:23-25 they turned away from their own Holy Book;
3:69-74 they obscured that which is valid from that which is invalid;
3:78 they told lies, and twisted their tongues and they performed
3:93-95 deeds which had been forbidden in their Scriptures;
2:75-82 they altered the contents of their Book, faithfully adhering to
2:83-86 some and denying other parts (amongst which were the laws
of Qiṣās);
2:144-146 Certainly their treatment of their Scriptures was a desire to
conceal the truth;
2:159-162 Allāh and all His created beings curse their deeds; and a most
severe punishment awaits them for their actions in the
Refer to the following chapter.
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Sūrah Yūnus (10), āyāt 37-38.
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Al Qurʾān
6:38 …We have neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their
Lord they shall be gathered.
5:48 There is nothing contradictory within the contents of Al
Qurʾān because it all originates from Allāh, the Lord of the
59:21 Had Al Qurʾān been set upon a mountain then that mountain
would have humbled itself and collapsed through fear.
13:31 Al Qurʾān, the Book which shakes the world.
21:1-5 The disbelievers and the hypocrites suppose and assert that
25:4-5 Al Qurʾān is the dream of a crazed mind, an empty daydream
32:1-3 of a poet, and magic; a falsehood created by Muḥammad ;
36:69-70 Muḥammad is not a poet.
17:86-88 Even if the Jinn and ‘mankind’ all gathered together it would
be impossible for them to create the like of Al Qurʾān; let
11:12-13 alone the like of Al Qurʾān, ‘mankind’ would not even be
10:37-39 able to create 10 Sūrah thereof;
2:23-24 moreover, they could not even create 1 Sūrah the like
52:29-34 Even though ‘mankind’ gathered together all their helpers
besides Allāh, they would not be able to create even a
sentence the like of that within Al Qurʾān.
45:20 Al Qurʾān is designated for those people who are certain (in
42:7 their belief); the occupants of Makkah and its environs; and it
36:1-6 constitutes a reminder for those neglectful communities;
27:76-79 namely for the Banī ʾIsrāʾīl (those of the Ahli-l-Kitāb - the
6:156-157 Yahūdī and the Naṣārā; they have already read the Taurāh
and the Injīl).
16:44 it is also for all of ‘mankind’ and as a reminder for all of
25:1 creation (including the Jinn and ‘mankind’).
81:25-27 And it (Al Qurʾān) is not the word of the outcast Shaiṭān.
Then where are you going?
Verily, this (Al Qurʾān) is no less than a reminder to the
4:174 Al Qurʾān embodies the bright clear light for the guidance of
14:1 ‘mankind’ out of the darkness; Al Qurʾān bestows true
15:1 clarification and direction; in the form of glad tidings for
18:1-2 those who believe and practice righteousness;
22:16 By means of Al Qurʾān, Allāh bestows guidance for those
14:52 who desire it from Him; for those who want to obtain the
teachings therein.
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56:77-82 Al Qurʾān is the Noble Book; sent down as a Mercy from
43:44 Allāh;
17:105 Al Qurʾān brings the truth and there is nothing within it that
6:115 detracts from the truth because it is guarded by Allāh from
15:9 every corruption and from every form of corruptor.
41:53 Allāh reveals the truth of Al Qurʾān’s contents to all
including to ‘mankind’;
38:88 and its truth will be known by ‘mankind’ after a while.
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25:32-33 Al Qurʾān was not revealed all at once but rather gradually,
in stages, in order that Allāh would strengthen the hearts of
those who believe; in order to answer questions and reject
17:106 Al Qurʾān was revealed in stages, stage by stage in order to
be read and absorbed slowly.
42:51-53 There is no human being who has been face to face with
26:192-195 what is possible is that they have been spoken to by Allāh
from behind a screen.
2:97 Al Qurʾān was sent down by Allāh and conveyed by Jibrīl
53:1-12 to the heart of Muḥammad ; or that the angel Jibrīl
20:114 showed his real form to him and the Prophet slowly
imitated the recited speech of Jibrīl ; neither quickly nor
75:16-20 hastily after Jibrīl was finished reciting it (Still there were
other methods, simultaneously with the sound of chimes or
Jibrīl assuming the form of a man).
26:210-213 Al Qurʾān was not brought down by Shaiṭān. Shaiṭān was not
authorised to bring it.
2:1-5 Al Qurʾān has nothing of doubt within it for those who are
8:2 faithful; moreover, their faith is increased when Al Qurʾān is
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and practice the contents of Al Qurʾān.
There are none amongst them but who will later be punished
and tortured in Hell yet they still deride and postpone its
75:17-19; 17:88-89
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Al Kitāb – The Book – ﺍﻟ ِﻜ ٰﺘَﺐ
2:2; 39:41
25:1; 3:4
15:9; 16:44
10:57; 3:138
10:57; 41:44
41:44; 72:13
17:39; 31:2
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Al Ḥukm – The Judgement – ﺍﻟ ُﺤ ْﻜ ُﻢ
45:20; 7:203
80:14; 98:2
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Ummul Qurʾān ( )ﺍ ﱡﻡ ﺍﻟﻘُ ْﺮﺁﻥor Sūrah Al Fātiḥah – The Mother
of the Qurʾān or the Opening
1:1-4 Sūrah Al Fātiḥah is divide into three parts; the first part is the
rights of Allāh;
1:5 The second part is for Allāh and His slaves;
1:6-7 The third part is for the slaves of Allāh.
15:87 Sūrah Al Fātiḥah consists of seven Āyāt, which are
repeatedly recited (in the performance of Ṣalāt).
ُ – Al Ḥurūf-ul
The Alphabetical letters (ﺍﻟﺤ ُﺮﻭﻑ ﺍﻟ ِﻬ َﺠﻴﱠﺔ
Hijaiyyah) are located at the start of 29 Sūrah in the Qurʾān
(30 sets of letters including the 2nd ayāh of the 42nd Sūrah):
ٓ ﺍ ٓﻟ ٓﻤ
ﺺ – Sūrah Al Aʿrāf – 7:1
ﻁﺲ – Sūrah Al Naml – 27:1
ٓ – Sūrah Yā-Sīn – 36:1
ﺹ – Sūrah Ṣād – 38:1
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ﺣ ٓﻢ – Sūrah Al Shūrā – 42:1-2
The Makkan Sūrah are those Sūrah revealed before the Prophet Muḥammad’s Hijrah to Madinah.
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5 ْ ﺍﻟﻔَﺎ ِﺗ َﺤ
ﺖ Al Fātiḥah
10 ﺍﻟﻔَﺠْ ﺮ Al Fajr
12 ِ ْﺍﻟ ﱠﺸﺮ
ﺡ Al Sharḥ
14 ﺕ
ِ ﺍﻟ َﻌﺎ ِﺩﻳَﺎ Al ʿĀdiyāt
19 ﻴﻞ
ِ ِﺍﻟﻔ Al Fīl
20 ِ َﺍﻟﻔَﻠ
ﻖ Al Falaq
21 ِ ﺍﻟﻨﱠ
ﺎﺱ Al Nās
22 ِ َﺍﻹ ْﺧﻼ
ﺹ ِ Al ʾIkhlāṣ
24 ﺲ
َ ََﻋﺒ ʿAbasa
26 ِ ﺍﻟ ﱠﺸ ْﻤ
ﺲ Al Shams
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27 ُﻭﺝ
ِ ﺍﻟﺒُﺮ Al Burūj
28 ﺍﻟﺘﱢﻴْﻦ Al Tīn
30 ﺖ ِ َﺍﻟﻘ
ِ ﺎﺭ َﻋ Al Qāriʿah
34 ْٓ
ﻕ Qāf
36 ﻕ ِ ﺍﻟﻄﱠ
ِ ﺎﺭ Al Ṭāriq
38 ْٓ
ﺹ Ṣād
39 ِ ﺍﻷَ ْﻋ َﺮ
ﺍﻑ Al Aʿrāf
40 ﺍﻟﺠﻦﱢ
ِ Al Jinn
41 ٓﺲ
ِ ٓ َﻳ Yā-Sīn
42 ِ َﺍﻟﻔُﺮﻗ
ﺎﻥ Al Furqān
43 ِ َﻓ
ﺎﻁ ٍﺮ Fāṭir
46 ﺖ
ِ ﺍﻟ َﻮﺍﻗِ َﻌ Al Wāqiʿah
Page | 231
49 ﺺ َ َﺍﻟﻘ
ِ ﺼ Al Qaṣaṣ
51 ِ ُﻳُﻮْ ﻧ
ﺲ Yūnus
53 ﻳُﻮﺳُﻒ Yūsuf
54 ﺍﻟﺤﺠْ ﺮ
ِ Al Ḥijr
56 ِ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﻓﱠﺎ
ﺕ Al Ṣāffāt
58 ٍَﺳﺒَﺄ Sabaʾ
59 ﱡ
ﺍﻟﺰ َﻣ ِﺮ Al Zumar
61 ﻓُ ﱢ
ﺼﻠَﺖ Fuṣṣilat
63 ِ ﺍﻟﺰ ْﺧﺮ
ُﻑ ﱡ Al Zukhruf
65 ﺖ
ِ َﺍﻟ َﺠﺎﺛِﻴ Al Jāthiyah
66 ِ َﺍﻷَﺣْ ﻘ
ﺎﻑ Al ʿAḥqāf
68 ﺖ
ِ ََﺎﺷﻴ
ِ ﺍﻟﻐ Al Ghāshiyah
69 ِ ﺍﻟ َﻜﻬ
ْﻒ Al Kahf
Page | 232
71 ٍ ُﻧ
ﻮﺡ Nūḥ
73 ِ َﺍﻷَﻧ ِﺒﻴ
ﺎء Al ʾAnbiyā’ʾ
76 ﻮﺭ ﱡ
ِ ﺍﻟﻄ Al Ṭūr
77 ﻚ
ِ ﺍﻟ ُﻤﻠ Al Mulk
78 ِ ﺍﻟ َﺤﺎﻗﱠ
ﺖ Al Ḥāqqah
79 ﺎﺭﺝ
ِ ﺍﻟ َﻤ َﻌ Al Maʿārij
80 ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺒَﺎء Al Nabaʾ
81 ﺕ ِ ﺍﻟﻨﱠ
ِ ﺎﺯﻋَﺎ Al Nāziʿāt
82 ِ َﺍﻻﻧﻔِﻄ
ﺎﺭ ِ Al Infiṭār
83 ِ َﺍﻻ ْﻧ ِﺸﻘ
ﺎﻕ ِ Al Inshiqāq
84 ﻭﻡ
ِ ﺍﻟﺮﱡ Al Rūm
85 ِ ﺍﻟ َﻌ ْﻨ َﻜﺒُﻮ
ﺕ Al ʿAnkabūt
The Madinan Sūrah are those Sūrah revealed after Hijrah by the Prophet Muḥammad to Madinah.
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89 َﺁﻝ ِﻋ ْﻤﺮَﺍﻥ
ِ Āl ʿImrān
90 ِ ﺍﻷَﺣْ َﺰ
ﺏ Al ʾAḥzāb
98 ِ ﺍﻹ ْﻧ َﺴ
ﺎﻥ ِ Al ʾInsān
99 ِ َﺍﻟﻄﱠﻼ
ﻕ Al Ṭalāq
100 ِ َﺍﻟﺒَﻴﱢﻨ
ﺖ Al Baiyinah
102 ِ ﺍﻟﻨﱡ
ﻮﺭ Al Nūr
106 ﺕ
ِ ﺍﻟ ُﺤ ُﺠ َﺮﺍ Al Ḥujurāt
110 ﺖ
ِ ﺍ ُﺟ ُﻤ َﻌ Al Jumuʿah
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111 ِ ﺍﻟﻔَ ْﺘ
ﺢ Al Fatḥ
113 ِ َﺍﻟﺘﱠﻮْ ﺑ
ﺖ Al Taubah
The order in which the Sūrah appears in Al Qurʾān.
The English translation of the Sūrah’s Arabic name.
An ayāh or āyāt within the Sūrah in reference to the Sūrah’s name.
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Banī ʾIsrāʾīl The Children of Israel 101-104
18 Al Kahf The Cave 9-26
ʾAṣḥābul Kahfi 10 The Companions of the 9-26
19 Maryam 98 Mary 16-40
20 Ṭā-Ḥā 135 (Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah) 1
21 Al ʾAnbiyāʾ 112 The Prophets **
22 Al Ḥajj 78 The Pilgrimage 26-37
23 Al Muʾminūn 118 The Believers 1
24 Al Nūr 64 The Light 35
25 Al Furqān 77 The Criterion 1
26 Al Shuʿarāʾ 227 The Poets 224-227
27 Al Naml 93 The Ants 18-19
28 Al Qaṣaṣ 88 The Narration 25
29 Al ʿAnkabūt 69 The Spider 41
30 Al Rūm 60 The Romans 2-4
31 Luqmān 34 Luqmān 12-19
32 Al Sajdah 30 The Prostration 15
33 Al ʾAḥzāb 73 The Confederates 9-27
34 Sabaʾ 54 Sheba 15-21
35 Fāṭir 45 The Originator of Creation 1
Al Malā’ikah The Angels 1
36 Yā-Sīn 83 (Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah) 1
37 Al Ṣāffāt 82 Those ranged in Ranks 1
38 Ṣād 88 (Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah) 1
39 Az Zumar 75 The Groups 71-73
Al Ghuraf The Lofty Rooms 20
40 Al Mūʾmin 85 The Believer 28
Ghāfir The Forgiver 3
Al Ṭaul The Bestower (of favours) 3
41 Fuṣṣilat 54 They are explained in detail 3
Ḥā-Mīm (Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah) 1
42 Ash Shūra 53 The Consultation 38
Ḥā-Mīm (Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah) 1-2
43 Al Zukhruf 89 The Gold Adornments 35
44 Al Dukhān 59 The Smoke 10
45 Al Jāthiyah 37 The Kneeling 28
Al Sharī‘ah The Plain Commandment 18
46 Al ʾAḥqāf 35 The Curved Sand-hills 21
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48 Al Fatḥ 29 The Victory 1
49 Al Ḥujurāt 18 The Dwellings 4
50 Qāf 45 Qāf (Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah) 1
51 Al Dhāriyāt 60 The Winds that Scatter 1
52 Al Ṭūr 49 The Mount 1
53 Al Najm 62 The Star 1
54 Al Qamar 55 The Moon 1
55 Al Raḥmān 78 The Most Beneficent 1
56 Al Wāqiʿah 96 The Event 1
57 Al Ḥadīd 29 The Iron 25
58 Al Mujādilah/ 22 The Disputation 1
Al Mujādalah
59 Al Ḥashr 24 The Gathering 2
60 Al Mumtaḥinah 13 The Woman to be examined 10
61 Al Ṣaff 14 The Row or The Ranks 4
62 Al Jumuʿah 11 (The) Friday 9
63 Al Munafiqūn 11 The Hypocrites 1
64 Al Taghābun 18 Mutual Loss and Gain 9
65 Al Ṭalāq 12 The Divorce **
66 Al Taḥrīm 12 The Banning 1
67 Al Mulk 30 The Dominion 1
Al Tabārak The Blessed One 1
68 Al Qalam 52 The Pen 1
Nūn Nūn (Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah) 1
69 Al Ḥāqqah 52 The Reality 1
70 Al Maʿārij 44 The Ways of Ascent 3
71 Nūḥ 28 (The Prophet) Nūḥ **
72 Al Jinn 28 The Jinn 1
73 Al Muzzammil 20 The One wrapped in 1
74 Al Muddaththir 56 The One Enveloped 1
75 Al Qiyāmah 40 The Resurrection 1
76 Al ʾInsān 31 The Man 1
Al Dahr The Time 1
77 Al Mursalāt 50 Those sent forth 1
78 Al Nabaʾ 40 The Great News 2
ʿAmma yatasāʾa lūn About what they are asking 1
each other
79 Al Nāziʿāt 46 Those Who pull out 1
80 ʿAbasa 42 He frowned 1
81 Al Takwīr 29 Wound round and lost its 1
82 Al Infitār 19 The Cleaving 1
83 Al Muṭaffifin 36 Those Who deal in Fraud 1
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84 Al Inshiqāq 25 The Splitting Asunder 1
85 Al Burūj 22 The Big Stars 1
86 Al Ṭāriq 17 The Night-Comer 1
87 Al ʾAʿlā 19 The Most High 1
88 Al Ghāshiyah 26 The Overwhelming 1
89 Al Fajr 30 The Break of Day or the 1
90 Al Balad 20 The City 1
91 Al Shams 15 The Sun 1
92 Al Lail 21 The Night 1
93 Al Ḍuḥa 11 The Forenoon – “After Sun 1
94 Al Sharḥ 8 The Opening Forth 1
95 Al Tīn 8 The Fig 1
96 Al ʿAlaq 19 The Clot 2
Iqraʾ Read 1
97 Al Qadr 5 The Night of Decree 1
98 Al Baiyinah 8 The Clear Evidence 1
99 Al Zalzalah 8 The Earthquake 1
100 Al ʿĀdiyāt 11 Those that run 1
101 Al Qāri‘ah 11 The Striking Hour 1
102 Al Takāthur 8 The piling up – “The 1
Emulous Desire”
103 Al ʿAṣr 3 The Time 1
104 Al Humazah 9 The Slanderer 1
105 Al Fīl 5 The Elephant 1
106 Quraish 4 (The Tribe) Quraish 1
107 Al Māʿūn 7 The Small Kindnesses 1
108 Al Kauthar 3 A River in Paradise 1
109 Al Kāfirūn 6 The Disbelievers 1
110 Al Naṣr 3 The Help 1
111 Al Masad 5 The Palm Fibre 3
Al Lahab The Blazing Fire 1
112 Al ʾIkhlās 4 The Purity **
Al Tauḥīd The Oneness 1,4
113 Al Falaq 5 The Daybreak 1
114 Al Nās 6 The Mankind ***
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Al Aḥādīth (The Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāh )
The Mercy of Allāh for those who are obedient towards the
Sunnah of His Messenger
Sūrah Al Nisāʾ (4), ayāh 115.
Sūrah Al Anfāl (8), ayāh 13.
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And indeed We have put forth for men, in this Qurʾān every kind
of similitude in order that they may remember. 81
Sūrah Al Zumar (39), ayāh 27.
Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 82.
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Various parables
2:17-20 The disbelievers who exchange error for guidance.
2:26 A parable even of a mosquito and it’s wisdom therein.
2:171 A disbeliever and his cry.
2:261 Spending of wealth in the Way of Allāh.
2:264-266 Spending of wealth and the mention thereof and making the
recipient of the wealth’s heart sick.
2:265 Spending of wealth to seek the Pleasure of Allāh.
3:59 The creation of ʿĪsa is like the creation of Adām .
3:117 The wealth spent by the disbelievers.
6:122 The heart of a disbeliever is dead – pitch black.
7:40 The consequences of the person who denounces the āyāt of
7:57 The example of the Day of Resurrection.
7:176 The person who denounces the āyāt of Allāh and the person
who loves this earth.
10:24 The life of this world is temporary.
11:24 The comparison between a disbeliever and a believer.
13:17 The difference between what is true and what is false.
14:18 The deeds of those who disbelieve.
14:24-26 Truth and falsehood.
16:75-76 The difference between the authority of Allāh and that of
those who seek partners with Allāh.
18:38-46 The parable of the life of this world and the person deceived
by it.
19:16-22 The instance of proof of Allāh’s authority by His creation of
the Prophet ʿĪsa .
22:73 The weakness of directing worship towards ‘mankind’.
24:35 The parable of the light of Allāh and the fortune for the
person who obtains His light.
24:39-40 The deeds of the disbeliever cannot receive the light of Allāh
and all they do is in vain.
29:41 The person who takes the protection of someone besides
Allāh, ‘Lord of the Worlds’.
30:27 An example of Allāh’s authority.
30:28 A parable about the authority of Allāh concerning
‘mankinds’ worship of self.
43:17 An example of the grief of the mushrikūn.
43:46-56 The destruction of Firʿaun is a lesson and example for
communities to follow.
47:3 The difference between the disbelievers and the faithful.
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47:15 A description of Paradise as promised by Allāh.
48:29 The character of the Prophet Muḥammad and his
companions is like the description of them given in the Holy
Books, the Taurah and the ʾInjl.
57:20 The simile of the life of this world.
59:15-17 The invitation of the munafiqūn is like the enticement of
Shaiṭān who misleads.
59:21 The person who did not practice the Taurāt.
63:4 The parable of the majesty of the Qurʾān.
66:10-12 The example of a good wife and of a bad wife.
68:17-33 The trial of the disbelievers who blamed each other in the
Health – well-being
Artistic aspirations
34:10-13 The artistic handicraft of the Prophet Dāwūd was his
chain mail armour.
26:149 The diligence of carving, from mountainsides, houses by the
community of the Prophet Ṣāliḥ .
13:17 The diligent artistry to create jewelry.
26:221-227 Do not allow the beauty within poetry to mislead people
from the Right Path; rather be poets whose belief is in Allāh.
37:36-37 The perfection of the words within Al Qurʾān is not poetry
created by Muḥammad , but the truth that comes from
36:69-70 Allāh did not teach poetry to Muḥammad , and the
recitation of poetry is improper for the Prophet Muḥammad
55:1-4 Allāh taught ‘mankind’ the eloquence of speech.
31:19 Soften speech in a good manner, and speak cautiously;
6:112 beware of the adorned speech of a person whose intent is to
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No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed
in the Book of decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfūz), before We bring it
into existence. Verily, that is easy for Allāh. 83F
Option, choice, preference – a precondition for the realization of Allāh’s Mercy, Beneficence, and Bounty.
Sūrah Al Ḥadīd (57), ayāh 22.
Sūrah Al Raʿd (13), ayāh 11.
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Judgement, Preordainment
13:11 Allāh will not alter the fate of a community unless they alter
76:2-3 themselves. Allāh has already made clear to ‘mankind’ the
90:10 Straight Path, and moreover, clarified two ways
(righteousness and sin).
74:38 We need to remember that every one of ‘mankind’ will be
held accountable.
30:41 Destruction of the earth is a consequence of the deeds of
42:30 ‘mankind’,so return to the Straight Path. All calamities are
also caused by the hand of ‘mankind’. Yet, Allāh forgives a
great part of ‘mankinds’ faults.
Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 284.
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13:11 Allāh alters the fate of a certain community (in order that
59:18 they)plan for the events of tomorrow.
31:34 ‘Mankind’ does not know the success of tomorrow’s
6:135 Earnestly endeavour according to the capabilities at hand.
39:39-40 Certainly, after hardship there is ease; so when one is
94:5-8 with one endeavour, finish off other endeavours in earnest.
90:4 ‘Mankind’ was created in toil.
28:77 Seek the happiness of the Hereafter, but do not forget the
blessings of this world.
34:13 Work with thanks towards Allāh.
36:34-35 And much of what is consumed by ‘mankind’ is from the
success of their efforts.
10:67 Allāh created the night so that ‘mankind’ can seek out His
27:86 blessings; so that ‘mankind’ is later thankful towards Him.
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62:9 Remember to perform ṣalāt during work times and work
after one has finished ṣalāt and ʿibadāh.
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The Endeavour of Trade and Trading and its issues
2:275 Allāh legally permits buying and selling and forbids usury
4:29 engage in buying and selling based on the foundation of
2:198 mutual agreement. It is not a sin to look for successful
fortune in trading at the time of performing the ʿibadāh of
62:9-11 Remember to perform ṣalāt during trading and carry on
seeking the blessings of Allāh after performing ṣalāt.
Ribā (usury)
2:275 Ribā is not the same (nor can be equated to) buying or
Page | 251
3:130-131 Buying and selling is ḥalāl, whereas ribā is by
law ḥarām. 87 For that very reason do not consume the profit
of ribā.
2:276-279 The profit or wealth obtained from ribā is of no
benefit; so leave aside the uncollected profit obtained by
ribā remaining with someone.
30:39 And that which you give in gift, in order that it may
increase from other people's property, has no increase with
4:161 Allāh, but that which you give in Zakāt seeking Allāh's
Countenance Then those, they shall have manifold increase
Ḥalāl by definition means (as decreed by Allāh): lawful (legal), allowable, and importantly ‘non-punishable’. Ḥarām
by definition means (as decreed by Allāh): unlawful (illegal), forbidden, and importantly ‘punishable’.
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2:164 By means of ships, ‘mankind’ is able to carry whatever is
40:80-81 useful for them; moreover, ‘mankind’ with these vehicles,
is at once able to enter and steer ships.
43:12-14 Ships are such in order that ‘mankind’ can praise Him.
2:11 ...‘Make not mischief on the earth,”...
(All truly sincere activities of ‘mankind’ are done with the
intention of seeking His Favour)
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seas for
6:14 ‘mankind’. Allāh bestows certain foods – He Himself does
16:114 not feed – so eat of that which is ḥalāl and good from the
provisions bestowed by Allāh.
2:168-169 Eat of that which is ḥalāl and good from that
which is on the earth.
7:31 Eat and drink, but do not do so in excess.
22:30 All cattle is ḥalāl, 88 except that which has been declared
16:66-69 bees honey, fruits, and wild animals caught by trained
5:4-5 animals –if at the time of their live capture and slaughter
5:96 one is able to mention t he name of Allāh on them; animals
of the sea, and food originating from the sea. And the foods
‘slaughtered 89’ by the Ahlul Kitāb. 90
5:1 All ‘cattle’ are ḥalāl (except those pointed out below and
those sanctioned within the aḥādīth), and ḥarām are
animals hunted at the time of performing Ḥajj.
6:145 That which is ḥarām is maytatah ( – )ﻣﻴﺘﺔcarrion; blood; the
6:121 flesh of swine (pork, etc); that which is slaughtered in a
5:3 name besides Allāh; or on which Allāh’s name has not
been pronounced; that which is strangled; or killed by a
violent blow; or by a headlong fall; or by the goring of a
horn(s); that which is partly eaten (unless able to slaughter
in the name of Allāh before it’s death); and that which is
slaughtered in the name of idols.
5:90 Khamr (intoxicants) and their like; and all that is decayed
7:157 (foul) or contemptible is also ḥarām to consume.
Cattle here refers to all livestock whether, cows, camels, sheep, etc.
Slaughtered here is from the Arabic ( ﺫﺑﺢdhabḥ) meaning ‘to cut the throat’ – and not by means of shooting,
electrocution, or any other method.
The Ahlul Kitāb refers to the Jews and Christians – ‘those who were given scriptures’.
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5:3 be eaten (ḥalāl by law to eat) if in a condition of
2:173 compulsion (an intentional state of hunger is a sin) – forced
16:115 by necessity – and the heart itself does not intend to eat it
(without wilful disobedience); and without transgressing
(eat merely enough to satisfy one’s hunger).
2:168 The essential substance of food that is ḥalāl is also ḥalāl to
3:130-131 however, changing something into a state of
5:90-91 ḥarām and causing it to be ḥarām is forbidden; that is the
4:6 way of ribā, wealth, which is obtained from a gambling
success in whatever form - wealth from successful
deception, etc.
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Akhlāq Education – Islāmic Morality
And thus have We sent it (the Qurʾān) down to be a judgement of
authority in Arabic. Were you (O Muḥammad ) to follow their
(vain) desires after the knowledge which has come to you, then
you will not have any Walīy (protector) or defender against
Allāh. 92
For every nation there is a direction to which they face (in their
prayers). So hasten towards all that is good. Wheresoever you
may be, Allāh will bring you together (on the Day of
Resurrection). Truly, Allāh is Able to do all things. 93
Akhlāq ﺍﺧﻼﻕis derived from the root word khalaq ﺧﻠﻖwhich according to Lane’s Arabic-English Dictionary
(Volume 2, page 799), ‘signifies The act of measuring; or determining the measure, proportion, or the like, of a thing;
and the making a thing by measure, or according to the measure of another thing; or proportioning a thing to another
thing’. 91 Sūrah Al Mulk (67), ayāh 15.
Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 11.
Sūrah Al Anʿām (6), ayāh 162.
Cattle here refers to all livestock whether, cows, camels, sheep, etc.
Slaughtered here is from the Arabic ( ﺫﺑﺢdhabḥ) meaning ‘to cut the throat’ – and not by means of shooting,
electrocution, or any other method.
The Ahlul Kitāb refers to the Jews and Christians – ‘those who were given scriptures’.
Akhlāq ﺍﺧﻼﻕis derived from the root word khalaq ﺧﻠﻖwhich according to Lane’s Arabic-English Dictionary
(Volume 2, page 799), ‘signifies The act of measuring; or determining the measure, proportion, or the like, of a thing;
and the making a thing by measure, or according to the measure of another thing; or proportioning a thing to another
Sūrah Al Raʿd (13), ayāh 37.
Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 148.
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Respect time, so as not to suffer loss
Do goodness!
28:54 Rewards will be given twice for those who are patient, and
repel evil, and spend in charity.
28:84 Good rewards are better than the doing of good (the good
6:160 The bringing of a good deed is rewarded ten times and the
reward of an evil deed is the recompense thereof.
2:261 The reward of those who spend their wealth in the Way of
Allāh is multiplied 700 times.
64:17 A goodly loan to Allāh is doubled in recompense and He
will forgive (then one performing the goodly loan).
98:7-8 The reward for goodness is ‘Adn Paradise, underneath
which rivers flow and they will be well pleased.
30:21 From ‘mankind’ wives were created, in order that love and
affection grows between them.
90:12-17 Recommend one another to persevere and to pity and
48:29 compassion; develop love and affection towards other
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who call to the maʿrūf, and peace between ‘mankind’.
Avoid hostility
22:38-39 Moreover, we are empowered to fight back if we are fought
60:7-9 Relationships (within the bounds of Islām) between
Muslims and non-Muslims, who do not oppose Islām, is
Hold to unity
Do not be prejudicial
49:11 Do not mock nor deride as it may be that the latter one is
better than the former.
49:12 Do not be condemning, nor backbite or look for others
4:47 Do not gossip about others. Allāh does not like that which
is evil.
104:1-2 There is great misfortune for those who slander and
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Be patient
Do not be angry
Sūrah Qāf (50), ayāh 39.
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Concerning the obligation of fulfilling oaths, agreements,
and vows
66:2 Whenever a person makes an oath that what is ḥarām is
ḥalāl, then it is obligatory upon ‘him’ to free ‘himself’ from
5:89 that oath by praying kaffāra ( – )ﻛﻔﺮﺓpenance, atonement,
reparation, amendment – by bestowing meals for 10 poor
people, or giving them clothing, or freeing a slave. For
those who are unable to do this then their kaffāra is to fast
for three days. Kaffāra also applies to those who
contravene their oaths.
16:91-95 For that reason do not seek to break oaths and agreements.
17:34 ...And fulfil covenant. Verily! The covenant, will be
5:1 questioned about. 95 94F
22:29 Then let them complete the prescribed duties for them, and
76:5-7 perform their vows... 97 96F
Do not lie
22:30 shun the abomination of idol, and shun lying speech. 98 97F
Sūrah Al Isrāʾ (17), ayāh 34.
Sūrah Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 270.
Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), ayāh 29.
Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), ayāh 30.
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Do not slander
Be a true witness
17:53 O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allāh and fear Him,
33:69-70 and speak the truth. 99
Do not be treacherous
Sūrah Al Aḥzāb (33), ayāh 70.
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8:27 Do not betray Allāh and His Messenger .
Be thankful
2:90 Do not enter disbelief by feeling spiteful that Allāh has
4:54-55 bestowed graces towards people who He wills.
3:118-120 Characteristics of those people who are envious
and spiteful is that their hearts are saddened when (other)
people obtain goodness and feel happy at the time that they
themselves have troubles.
113:1-5 Seek the protection of Allāh from the evils of people who
are spiteful.
Sūrah Ibrāhīm (14), ayāh 7.
Page | 264
2:202 ‘mankind’ will obtain a share of what they have
endeavoured towards.
3:14 In the view of ‘mankind’ that which is beautiful is the love
18:46 of that which they desire, namely, the pleasure of this
worlds ornaments.
8:28 Whereas all of that is a trial within life. For that reason do
not love the pleasures of this world more than ones love for
Allāh and His Messenger , and strive in His Path.
28:77-78 Remember the destruction of communities aforehand
34:34-37 caused by the over accumulation of wealth and
excessiveness in their love for luxurious lives at the price
of forgetting the Hereafter.
57:20 Do not be proud of ones wealth, (number of) children, and
89:20 overly loving of wealth, because that wealth is unable to
3:10 prevent the punishment of Allāh.
102:1-8 Allāh threatens those negligent amongst ‘mankind’
regarding the meaning of life and a life of grandeur.
104:1-9 There will be grand misfortune for the hoarder of
possessions or wealth which is not spent in the Way of
Do not be excessive
Sūrah Al A’rāf (7), ayāh 31.
Page | 265
47:36-38 Behold! You are those who are called to spend In the Cause
of Allāh, yet among you are some who are niggardly. And
whoever is niggardly, it is only at the expense of his
ownself. But Allāh is rich, and you are poor. And if you
turn away, He will exchange you for some other people,
and they will not be your likes. 102
Be obedient!
Do not be deceitful
Page | 268
Do not be involved in secret evil talk
58:7-8 Allāh knows those people who are involved in secret evil
58:9-10 talk, so do not get involved in secret discussions about sin,
enmity, and rebelliousness.
4:114 Secret talk is from Shaiṭān, and it does not bring
disadvantage except by the leave of Allāh. Much
whispering is evil, except to call to that which is maʿrūf.
Be simple in behaviour/personality
Sūrah Al Aḥzāb (33), ayāh 59.
Page | 269
Pay heed to the etiquette of visiting and greeting
Maintain justice
Page | 270
5:8 One must be a just witness.
4:58 Do not allow our personal hatred inhibit us from being just.
4:105 Upholding law must also uphold justice.
5:42 Decide upon a matter with justice, on the basis of Allāh’s
laws as sanctioned in the Qurʾān and the aḥādīth.
6:152 Speak to anyone in a just manner.
21:112 Pray and ask for a just decision.
Correct ourselves
Page | 271
18:23-24 Inshāʾallāh, when we make arrangements.
6:54 Give ‘Salāms’ in a goodly manner, and reply to ‘Salāms’ in
4:86 a better way.
Page | 272
Page | 273
Communal Laws
Sūrah Al Ḥajj (22), āyāt 67-69.
Page | 274
Marriage and its issues
Recommendation to marry
Page | 275
The obligation of paying mahr (dowry/nuptial gift)
66:10 Allāh made the wives of the Prophets Nūḥ and Lūt
examples of disbelievers.
66:11 Allāh made the wife of Firʿaun an example of a believer.
66:12 Maryam, daughter of ʿImrān, mother of the Prophet ʿĪsā
, a woman who protected her self respect.
Nushūz more specifically means recalcitrance of the woman towards her husband and brutal treatment of the
husband towards the wife.
Page | 276
Page | 277
The rights of the wife after divorce and at the finish of the
period of ʿiddah
Page | 278
Do not approach that which is despicable
Plural of duʿāʾ.
Page | 279
18:46 Wealth and children are an adornment of the life of this
34:37 Both of them (amount wise) do not necessarily bring one
closer to Allāh.
63:9 Do not allow wealth and children to make oneself
negligent of the remembrance of Allāh.
3:10 The wealth and children of a disbeliever will not avail them
of anything of the torture to come.
Verily, those who disbelieve, neither their properties nor
their offspring will avail them whatsoever against Allāh;
and it is they who will be fuel of the Fire. 107
Suckling a child/children
‘Adopted’ children
Sūrah Āl ʿImrān (3), ayāh 10.
Page | 280
2:220 The command of Allāh to maintain orphans; the obligation
2:83 to do good towards family and orphans.
4:2-10 Justly give unto orphans their wealth and maintain the
wealth of orphans.
4:127 A religious edict from Allāh concerning female orphans.
17:34 Do not approach the wealth of an orphan except with an
89:17 approach that is better for and nobler than that of the
93:1-9 Do not undertake anything arbitrarily towards orphans.
107:1-2 A person who repulses an orphan means ‘he’ denounces
Allāh .
Page | 281
Good relations of kinship
10:55 All that is in the heavens and on the earth belongs to Allāh.
2:29 Allāh created the heavens and the earth for ‘mankind’ and
45:13 for that reason do not allow it to be that a group of people
2:188 consume the wealth of another group of people in an
4:29 invalid, ḥarām manner.
Wills (waṣīyat)
Page | 283
2:132 The testament and will of ʾIbrāhīm to his children.
42:12 Bequeath to the religion of truth – Islām.
2:180-182 When a person arrives close to death, then it is
desired that he bequeaths to his parents and next of kin in a
reasonable manner.
5:106-108 Whosoever alters ‘his’ (the one dying or dead)
will, it is a sin. It is therefore desired that the one who
bequeaths does so justly and it is also witnessed by two just
4:5-6 Allāh explains the manner in which to administer and
manage the inherited wealth of orphans.
7:96 Allāh showers blessings from the heavens and the earth,
when its inhabitants are faithful and pious.
10:98 Remember the faith of the community of Yunūs which
brought happiness and removed from them a disbraceful
11:117 Allāh will not destroy a nation by means of tyranny if its
inhabitants do good.
13:11 Allāh will not alter the condition of a community unless
they change it themselves.
14:28-30 The characteristics of a leader is also determined by the
state of the community. What if the leader is a disbeliever?!
16:25 Remember the punishment of Allāh will befall all people,
not only those who are ẓālim alone.
16:112 When the inhabitants of a certain state are ungrateful then
Regarding the laws of inheritance, much is explained in Al Qurʾān, and further explained within the aḥādīth.
Page | 284
disaster will befall them.
30:36 Such disaster is the consequence of the damage inflicted at
the hands of ignorant people, those without faith.
30:41 Such disaster and calamity is possibly there as a reminder
to ‘mankind’ in order that they desire to return to the way
of truth.
34:15-16 Remember the destruction of the nation of Sabaʾ famous
for being...a fair land and an Oft-Forgiving Lord... 109
Sūrah Saba’ (34), ayāh 15.
Page | 285
Taʿāwun – ‘Mutual assistance’– ﺗﻌﺎﻭﻥ
Page | 286
Ḥurriyah – ‘Liberty’ – ﺣﺮﻳﺔ
Page | 287
The authority of a leader
It is not a disbeliever
Page | 288
It is not a Yahūdi nor a Naṣrānī
Page | 289
Jināyat encompasses various laws regarding the killing of a person,
injury, amputation, the loss of the benefit of a body member, such as the loss of
one of one’s five senses.
6:164 There is no inherited sin – one cannot be the bearer of the
sin(s) of another.
4:94 Be cautious and careful with these measures.
Sulaiman Rasjid, H., Fiqh Islam (Islamic jurisprudence). Hukum fiqh lengkap (Complete Jurisprudential Laws), p.
405; Drs Shodiq SE, Kamus Istilah Agama (Technical Dictionary of Religion), p. 265.
Page | 290
Ḥudūd is specific laws, which are obligatory for a person who has
contravened or violated fixed prohibitions; such as zinā’ (adultery), accusation
of zinā’, drinking of alcohol, theft, stealing.
Accusation of zināʾ
2:244 Qitāl (fighting) in the Way of Allāh.
5:35 Strive hard in His Cause.
9:87-89 Be sincere and true.
Sūrah Al Anfāl (8), ayāh 65.
Page | 292
These last two Āyāt do not refer directly to aʿdhār for not being
willing to participate in war, but indeed there must be amongst the faithful
those who do not take part (directly) in war in order to instruct those who
remain in knowledge of the Deen; and also to perform daʿwah (itself ‘oral’
jihād) amongst the community of the muʾminūn (who remain).
Rules of war
Page | 293
9:1-6 The muslimūn are free of responsibility towards
agreements with the mushriqūn.
9:7-15 Whenever a mushriq does not hold to his peace agreement,
this is reason for invalidation of the agreement.
100:1-5 Allāh swears by that which runs speedily into battle (horses
or other items of warfare with the potential at the time).
57:25 Iron (weapons and items of war)- remember the Prophet
21:80 Dawūd who made a chain metal jacket from iron
(now tanks are available).
8:60 And make ready all you can of power and ask for the help
of Allāh against the enemy, which ‘mankind’ does not
know of but Allāh knows of.
Ghanīmah is the spoils of war (war booty – the spoils of war) that has
been acquired from the disbelievers during the course of battle. 112 Fāʾi is war
booty obtained and acquired without engaging in combat. 113
Ghanīmah...what is obtained from the believers in a plurality of gods, by force, during war... Lane, Edward William,
An Arabic-English Lexicon, Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 1968, p. 2301.
Fāʾi...such as Allāh has restored [as though it were theirs of right] to the people of His religion, of the possessions of
those who have opposed them, without fighting, either by the latter's quitting their home and leaving them vacant to the
Muslims, or by their making peace on the condition of paying a poll-tax or other money or property to save themselves
from slaughter... Lane, Edward William, An Arabic-English Lexicon, Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 1968, p. 2468.
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59:6-8 These Āyāt explain the way to divide fāʾi and its benefits.
Prisoners of war
Shuhadāʾ – martyrs
Dislike of war
Page | 295
Battle of Badr – 2H
Battle of Uḥud – 3H
2:109 The objective of the yahūdī 114 was a desire to have the
Muʾminūn return to disbelief (state of); the yahūdī of the
5:11 Banī an Naḍīr wanted to kill the Prophet Muḥammad but
were found out.
59:11-14 The Munafiqūn did not fulfil their promise, that is they did
not go together with the Banī an Naḍīr after they were
expelled from Madinah.
59:15-17 The expulsion of the Banī an Naḍīr (4H) was like the
expulsion that occurred to the Banī al Qainuqāʿ (2H).
33:9-12 The help of Allāh for the Muslimūn at the time of the Battle
of Al Aḥzāb came in the form of wind and an army of
33:13-21 At the time of the Battle of Al Aḥzāb many of the
Munafiqūn were averse to going forward to the battlefield.
33:22-25 At the time of this battle the Muʾminūn witnessed the signs
of victory promised to them by Allāh.
48:1-7 Glad tidings for the Prophet and the Muslimūn for the
peace (reconciliation) of Ḥudaiybiyah, which was for the
Yahūdī, sing. Yahūd, Jews, Jew.
Page | 297
Muslimūn a great victory, forgiveness, help, strengthening
of imān, as well as Paradise.
48:8-10 The occurrence of the Baiʿāt ur Riḍwān for the Muʾminūn
towards the Prophet Muḥammad was in order to attack
the Quraish after hearing the news that Uthmān (sent by
the Prophet to convey news of the coming of the
Muslimūn to Makkah for ʿUmrah) had been captured and
news was spread that he had been killed. The Baiʿāt ur
Riḍwān caused the Mushriqūn of the Quraish to tremble
with fear so much so that they released Uthmān and
agreed to a peace agreement known by the name of Ṣulḥul
ḥudaibiyah – Peace (Reconciliation) of Ḥudaibiyah.
48:11-17 Those Munafiqūn who did not go to Ḥudaibiyah were put
to great shame.
48:18-26 Allāh blessed the Baiʿāt ur Riḍwān of the Mu’minūn and
gave victory to the Muslimūn.
48:27 The truth of the Prophet’s dream of entering the city of
Makkah in safety was proven.
Page | 299
Page | 300
Sūrah Al Anʿām (6), āyāt 162-163.
Page | 301
Purification: Wuḍūʾ, Ṭahārah, Tayammum.
Night Ṣalāt
Page | 303
29:45 doing of that which is shameful, and that which is
70:19-23 prohibited;
11:114 as a self discipline (regarding time); fostering agreement
4:102 and equality, oneness, and brotherhood; a constant means
5:6 of guarding ones purity.
66:6 It is hoped that one guard ones family from the agonies of
20:132 Hell by instructing family members to perform Ṣalāt and to
be patient in its performance.
2:45-46 Ṣalāt is extremely heavy except for those people who are
74:42-47 Indeed, the agony of Hell is for those who do not perform
Page | 304
2:254 The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of
3:92 Allāh,is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven
14:31 ears, and each ear has a hundred grains.
57:7 Allāh gives manifold increase to whom He pleases.
63:10-11 And Allāh is All-Sufficient for his creatures’ needs,
2:261 All-Knower. 116
Those who have the right to receive Zakāt and who are
suitable to receive Zakāt
2:215 Nafiq (from the good of wealth) is for parents, relatives,
51:19 orphans,the poor (those who request and those who do not
2:261 request), the wayfarer, and those who use it in the Way of
2:177 Allāh, to free slaves,etc.
Good Ṣadaqah
Surāh Al Baqarah (2), ayāh 261.
Page | 305
9:98 Something given in maintenance (Ṣadaqah) will not bring
about detriment and disaster.
34:39 Whatever is given in supportive maintenance will be
35:29-30 replaced by Allāh, and moreover they will receive more of
His grace and their blessings will be perfected for them.
58:12-13 Do not fear poverty because of the giving of Ṣadaqah;
indeed Allāh is the Best of Providers for His servants. In
the Hereafter they will obtain the blessings of Paradise as
wide as the heavens and earth.
Ṣaum – Fasting
Page | 306
Aṣ Ṣaumul Kifārah (The fast of expiation/atonement)
Page | 307
Masjidul Qubbah and the building of masājid
Tawaṣṣul to Allāh is the execution of deeds that will bring one closer
to Allāh. Tawaṣṣul is the attainment of that objective. (The acts of) Tawaṣṣul
that are permissible within the teachings of Islām are as follows.
40:60 Allāh will allow the duʿāʾ of a person who invokes Him;
7:180 perform tawaṣṣul by means of duʿāʾ (invoking) the ʾAsmāʾ
ul Ḥusnā (by declaring the most noble characteristics of
3:38 Take note of the example of the duʿāʾ of the prophet
3:8 Zakariyā ,who followed up his duʿāʾ by mentioning the
ʾAsmāʾ ul Ḥusnā in accordance with his invocation to Him.
Pay attention also to the adʿiya from Al Qurʾān included at the back
of this book.
Page | 310
By means of the adʿiya of living righteous people
Page | 313
113:1-5 The duʿāʾ in order that one is protected from all kinds of
evil from the creatures of Allāh;
114:1-6 The duʿāʾ in order that one is protected from the evils of
Shaiṭān both from within the jinn and ‘mankind’.
Page | 314
Page | 315
Another point to note also is that there are 3 further sections that are
not included within the Āyāt of Al Qurʾān. This matter is meant to increase
clarity and perception. The 3 sections in point are:
Page | 317
Page | 318
Aaron refer Hārūn
Abel (Hābīl) 688
Abraham refer ’Ibrāhīm
Accountability 310
ʿĀd 182, 186, 202
ʾĀdam 67, 69, 97, 100, 101, 181, 184
ʿĀdil/ʿĀdl/ʿAdālah (justice) 46, 165, 166, 183, 191, 212, 259, 270,
271, 275, 286, 287
Adʿiya refer Duʿāʾ
Adopted children 280
Affection 259
Afraid 140, 165, 251, 267
Agony 304
Agreement(s) 137, 138, 141, 251, 262, 263, 293, 294,
297, 298, 304
Aḥādīth (ḥadīth) 24, 25, 89, 217, 239, 245, 254, 271,
288, 291
Ahli-l-Kitāb 122, 145, 214, 220
Ahlul-Kitāb 254, 257, 275
Akhlāq (Morality) 210, 257
Allāh (occurs over 18, 20, 24-28, 33, 34-38, 67-80, 88-97,
6900 times within 101-102, 106-114, 116-126, 128-133,
Al Qurʾān) 136-140, 142-151, 153-160, 164-169,
171-174, 176, 178-202, 204, 206-210,
212-215, 217-223, 227, 239-240,
243-245, 247-255, 257-272, 274-277,
279-285, 287-289, 292, 294-298,
301-314, 317
Allāh’s Laws 69, 70, 271
Al Hūd/Yahūd/Yahūdī 119, 182, 197, 200, 206, 213, 214, 220,
289, 297
ʿAmal 266
Amānat (protect trust) 263
Angels (also Malāʾikat) 36, 73, 75, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96,
100, 108, 125, 132, 136, 137, 155, 166,
173, 175, 181, 185, 188, 189, 196, 199,
207, 236, 296, 297
Anger 130, 181, 198, 259, 261
Page | 319
Animals 76, 78, 79, 106, 107, 127, 186, 207,
Anṣār (helpers) 91, 138, 209, 270, 289, 313
ʿAql (Intellect) 25, 106, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 130
Arabic 20, 21, 25, 117, 160, 207, 219, 220,
235, 254, 257, 294
Aʿrāf 27, 117, 176, 227, 231, 235
Arbitrator 46, 240, 276
Arrogance 267
Aṣḥāba-l-Kahf 200
’Asmā’ul ḥusnā 38, 66
Aspirations 242, 245
Ayyūb 190, 191
Bai‘āt ur Riḍwān 297, 298
Baitullāh 307
Balance 74, 154, 166, 167, 257
Banī ʾĀdam 97, 100
Banī ’Isrā’īl 193, 194, 195, 196, 206, 213, 214
Banī an Nadīr 297
Banī al Qainuqā‘ 297
Banī Quraiẓah 297
Barzakh 157, 158
Bashār, Al 100
Battle of al Aḥzāb 297
Battle of Badr 296
Battle of Ḥunain 298
Battle of Khandaq
(the Trench) 297
Battle of Confederates refer Battle of al Aḥzāb
Battle of Tabūk 298
Battle of Uḥud 240, 296
Beguile 96
Blessings 18, 75, 94, 103, 112, 130, 140, 143,
147, 149, 158, 165, 174, 175, 179, 196,
197, 200, 207, 209, 235, 240, 248, 249,
250, 251, 261, 263, 264, 271, 284, 295,
Book of Accounts 166
Page | 320
Cain (Qābīl) 185
Calamity 264, 271, 285, 311
Children 35, 100, 112, 117, 191, 200, 201, 236,
261, 265, 279, 280, 281, 284, 297, 311,
Classification 18, 24, 25, 26, 34, 116, 128, 316
Cleanliness 269, 302
Clouds 77, 83
Confirmation 121, 219, 302
Cover 269
Cow 195, 235, 254, 257
Cowardice 267
Credit 251
Cures 245
Cursing 260
Dāʿin 179
David refer Dāwūd
Daʿwah 25, 26, 94, 138, 142, 146, 178, 179,
180, 185, 190, 192, 198, 199, 201, 220,
261, 293, 295
Dāwūd 196, 197, 213, 245
Day of Judgement 89, 95, 112, 145, 147, 150, 165
Day of Resurrection 75, 89, 110, 113, 156, 158, 159, 160,
161, 164, 166, 195, 202, 243, 257, 268,
312, 313
Debit 251
Deceit, deceitful 141, 268, 296
Deliberations 289
Denial 34, 97, 109, 138, 183, 185, 197, 219,
261, 267, 313
Deprecation 260
Desire 26, 68, 93, 94, 95, 103, 109, 110, 111,
113, 149, 150, 180, 188, 195, 196, 202,
215, 220, 222, 238, 239, 250, 257, 261,
264, 265, 266, 268, 275, 276, 277, 284,
285, 287, 288, 296, 297, 308
Despicable/Despicability 96, 275, 279, 291
Destruction 75, 78, 79, 112, 186, 187, 188, 189,
191, 201, 208, 243, 248, 265, 267, 279,
285, 296
Page | 321
Dhikr 225, 308, 309, 310
Dhikrullāh refer Dhikr
Dhūlkifli 196
Dhul Qarnain 201
Disagreement (s) 159
Disaster 34, 127, 130, 146, 148, 248, 267, 279,
285, 298, 306, 311
Dislike 142, 295
Divorce 237, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280
Diyyat 290
Dowry 276
Dress 68, 79, 195, 269, 276
Drink 79, 93, 126, 140, 173, 175, 207, 245,
253, 254, 265, 266, 291
Duʿāʾ 66, 279, 281, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314
Earth 36, 37, 67, 71-76, 78, 80-84, 87, 88,
91, 102, 106, 112, 113, 123, 127, 140,
151, 153, 157, 159, 160, 164, 165, 171,
174, 179, 185, 186, 191, 196, 197, 201,
213, 217, 238, 243, 248, 253, 254, 261,
268, 282, 283, 284, 302, 306
Earthquake 191, 238
Earthworm 197
Education 257
Elephant 201, 205, 208, 238
Endeavour 18, 26, 97, 106, 248-253, 265, 293,
Enemy/Enemies 93, 97,109, 135, 137, 151, 267, 280,
289, 292, 293, 294
Envy/Envious 250, 264
Equipment 294
Etiquette 210, 222, 270, 303, 309, 311
Eve refer Ḥawwāʾ
Evil 20, 69, 94, 95, 96, 97, 108, 109, 110,
111, 112, 143, 158, 160, 169, 172, 180,
239, 248, 249, 250, 258, 259, 260, 264,
268, 269, 289, 291, 311, 314
Examples 21, 31, 239, 240, 243, 244, 276
Excess/Excessiveness 78, 174, 254, 265, 283
Excuses 292
Expulsion 297
Page | 322
Fā’i 294, 295
Faith 25, 26, 40, 69, 71, 80, 90, 91, 96, 107,
108, 109, 110, 111, 118, 122, 123, 125,
129, 130, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141,
144, 145, 147, 149, 164, 165, 168, 174,
179, 181, 182, 186, 187, 189, 191, 200,
208, 209, 215, 223, 239, 243, 263, 269,
271, 276, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285, 287,
289, 293, 298, 307, 310, 311, 313
Family/Families 93, 151, 188, 189, 191, 210, 235, 281,
282, 304
Farā’iḍ 284
Fāsiqīn 143-144
Fear 35, 40, 68, 71, 75, 77, 89, 99, 111, 112,
116, 137, 139, 140, 142, 165, 171, 184,
218, 263, 267, 280, 282, 288, 298, 306,
309, 311
Fidyah 306
Firʿaun 146, 191, 192, 243, 276, 313
Fire 71, 76, 78, 94, 189, 255
Fire of Hell/Hell-Fire 92, 109, 169, 173, 174, 176, 193, 207,
238, 265, 280, 281
Fitnah 189, 263, 292, 313
Fitrah 34, 117
Food 126, 173, 200, 214, 235, 253, 254, 255,
294, 306
Forgive –r, n, ness 20, 48, 61, 68, 91, 132, 137, 144, 145,
148, 151, 173, 187, 189, 194, 209, 236,
240, 248, 259, 261, 279, 282, 296, 298,
299, 311, 312, 313
Futile/Futility 143, 145, 147
Galaxy 80, 81
Gambling 255, 266, 291
Ghaib 67, 87, 88, 89, 94, 95, 160
Ghanīmah 294
Glory 48, 62, 196, 208, 296
Good 38, 48, 64, 69, 91, 92, 95, 102, 107,
112, 113, 122, 125, 129, 136, 137, 140,
145, 157, 160, 168, 169, 172, 174, 175,
179, 180, 196, 198, 207, 222, 226, 244,
Page | 323
245, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254, 258, 259,
261, 263, 264, 268, 271, 272, 275, 276,
278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284, 286, 287,
288, 289, 293, 305, 311, 313
Goodness 61, 247, 258, 259, 264, 271, 288, 311
Greeting 91, 270, 271
Group 89, 94, 95, 96, 100, 120, 121, 128,
130, 132, 133, 165, 167, 168, 169, 236,
240, 271, 283, 284, 293, 295, 312
Hābīl 185
Hābīl and Qābīl 185
Ḥadīth refer Aḥādīth
Ḥajj 28, 210, 234, 236, 251, 254, 275, 307,
Ḥalāl 79, 126, 140, 210, 214, 252, 253, 254,
255, 262, 275, 294
Ḥarām 79, 190, 206, 208, 214, 252, 254, 255,
262, 275, 277, 279, 283, 290, 294, 307,
Hārūn 191, 192, 194, 213, 313
Hate/Hatred 96, 118, 120, 144, 145, 179, 259, 266,
Ḥawwāʾ 101, 184
Health 242, 244, 245
Heart 35, 68, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95, 96, 106,
107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114,
124, 130, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143,
145, 146, 165, 175, 181, 194, 202, 222,
243, 245, 255, 261, 264, 267, 268, 279,
281, 293, 295, 309, 310
Heirs 174, 284
Hell 93, 95, 97, 107, 109, 132, 143, 145,
149, 151, 158, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174,
175, 176, 183, 193, 197, 209, 224, 239,
244, 258, 265, 281, 304, 312, 313
Hereafter 24, 107, 117, 118, 140, 143, 148, 151,
156, 157, 158, 159, 173, 183, 184, 190,
209, 215, 244, 249, 265, 268, 279, 281,
306, 311, 317
Hijrah 206, 209, 210, 229, 233
Holy Books 69, 120, 150, 212, 213, 214, 219, 244,
Hope 18, 25, 27, 77, 173, 186, 207, 239, 250,
Page | 324
264, 266, 270, 271, 282, 293, 296, 304,
305, 308, 311
Hostility 260, 289
Hūd 27, 119, 182, 186, 187, 227, 232, 235
Hūd refer Yahūdi
Ḥudaiybiyah 297
Ḥudūd 291
Humiliation 268
Ḥurūf-ul Hijaiyyah 226, 227, 235, 236, 237
Iblīs 95, 96, 184, 313 refer also Shaiṭān
’Ibrāhīm 27, 71, 118, 119, 188, 189, 190, 202,
213, 227, 233, 235, 279, 284, 302, 307,
‘Iddah 278
’Idrīs 185
Illiteracy 219
ʿIlm 33, 67, 107
’Ilyā’ 277
’Ilyās 197
Īmān 100 refer also Faith
‘Imrān 101, 198
Immoral-ity 89, 109, 251
Inhabitants 284, 292, 312
’Injīl 121, 122, 125, 128, 214, 244
Intercession 165
Intoxicants 245, 254, 266, 291
ʿĪsā 7, 90, 101, 118, 119, 121, 122, 125,
126, 127, 128, 182, 198, 199, 200, 213,
214, 276
’Isḥāq 118, 189
Islām 24, 25, 34, 79, 102, 107, 18, 117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122, 127, 128, 135, 136,
137, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145, 150, 180,
181, 197, 199, 206, 209, 257, 260, 268,
270, 275, 281, 284, 288, 289, 292, 310,
312, 316
’Ismā‘īl 118
’Isrā’ and mi‘rāj 206, 208, 235
Jasmāni 113
Page | 325
Jesus refer ʿĪsā
Jew/Jews refer Yahūdī
Jihād 129, 138, 142, 145, 287, 292, 293, 295,
Jināyat 289, 290
Jinn 30, 89, 94, 95, 139, 197, 207, 219, 220,
231, 237, 314
Job refer Ayyūb
Judge/Judgement 24, 26, 46, 71, 89, 95, 112, 114, 118,
122, 140, 145, 147, 150, 157, 165, 166,
168, 183, 193, 196, 201, 226, 240, 247,
248, 296
Ka‘bah 202
Kāfir-īn/ūn) 26, 31, 79, 131, 141, 146, 147, 148,
149, 156, 173, 176, 180, 200, 230, 238,
268, 275, 276, 288, 298
Khalīfah 78, 102, 287
Khamr 245, 254, 266, 291
Khiḍr 195
Khilāfah 284
Kifārah 307
Kill-/ing 112, 123, 124, 158, 185, 195, 196, 199,
254, 263, 280, 290, 293, 295, 297, 298,
307, 308
Kinship 140, 282
Knowledge 18, 24, 25, 26, 34, 37, 67, 68, 69, 74,
75, 89, 90, 107, 108, 110, 113, 114,
120, 159, 160, 179, 184, 195, 197, 244,
282, 293, 312 refer also ʿIlm
Languages 21, 25, 180, 182, 219, 220, 282, 316
Last Day 112, 136, 159, 160, 186, 189
Laws of inheritance 282, 284
Leader 65, 201, 284, 288
Lessons 25, 191, 202, 279
Li‘ān 291
Lies 215, 262
Listen-/ing 46, 68, 73, 75, 89, 92, 94, 140, 167,
222, 223
Love 52, 67, 130, 131, 132, 133, 137, 144,
Page | 326
156, 210, 240, 243, 259, 265, 273, 281,
283, 293, 305, 309
Loyalty 281, 307
Luqmān 28, 201, 228, 232, 236
Lūṭ 118, 144, 182, 187, 188, 189
Luxur-y/iousness) 156, 183, 264, 265
Madinah 205, 206, 209, 229, 233, 297
Madinan Sūrah 233
Madyan 182, 191, 202
Mahr 276
Maḥshar 165
Maintenance 278, 304, 306
Makkah 202, 205, 206, 209, 220, 298, 307
Makkan Sūrah 229
Malāʾikat 73, 89, 90, 92, 93, 108 see also Angels
‘mankind’ 18, 24, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36, 37, 67, 68,
69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
79, 88, 90, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99-103,
105-114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 123, 127,
128, 130, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142,
145, 151, 153-169, 172, 173, 175, 176,
179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 200, 206, 207,
218, 219, 220, 221, 239, 243, 244, 245,
248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 258,
259, 260, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269,
270, 271, 275, 281, 282, 283, 285, 287,
288, 294, 295, 303, 307, 311, 314
Marriage 205, 210, 275, 276, 278
Maryam 28, 71, 90, 101, 171, 198, 199, 200,
228, 231, 236, 276
Masjid (Masājid) 190, 206, 208, 307, 308
Matāʿu 278
Measure (ment) 25, 36, 70, 78, 82, 93, 112, 154, 175,
191, 251, 257, 276, 290
Messengers 20, 21, 24, 26, 35, 37, 69, 70, 80, 89,
90, 92, 94, 102, 108, 118, 119, 122,
124, 128, 129, 130, 132, 136, 137, 150,
179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184m 185m
186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 199, 201, 202,
204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212,
213, 215, 219, 239, 240, 244, 245, 255,
264, 265, 268, 288, 289, 294, 296, 298,
307, 309
Page | 327
Metaphors 243
Mi‘rāj refer ’Isrā’ and mi‘rāj
Miserl-y/iness 96, 103, 147, 186, 265, 266, 305
Modest-y 267, 269
Monasticism refer Rahbānīyah
Month-s 73, 84, 197, 205, 210, 221, 277, 280,
290, 294, 306, 308
Moral-ity 257
Mountains 74, 76, 77, 83, 84, 106, 196, 245, 252
Muḥammad 20, 21, 24, 29, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 117,
119, 120, 121, 122, 166, 181, 182, 200,
201, 202, 204-210, 214, 215, 218, 219,
220, 221, 222, 224, 229, 233, 234, 236,
239, 240, 244, 245, 257, 266, 271, 274,
291, 297, 298, 301, 302, 307, 313, 316,
Mu’minīn 80, 137, 138, 143, 149, 240, 268, 293,
297, 298
Munāfiqīn 29, 79, 132, 141, 142, 143, 144, 150,
209, 234
Mūsā 37, 119, 121, 122, 125, 127, 144, 182,
191, 193, 194, 195, 206, 213, 311, 313
Mushāwarah 286, 288
Muslim-īn 18, 24, 25, 94, 112, 135, 136, 145, 148,
179, 223, 240, 260, 275, 283, 289, 294,
296, 297, 298
Murtadd 144, 145
Mutrafīn 183
Muttaqin 139, 223
Mutual assistance 286
Nafsu 110, 111, 112
Narratives 124, 129, 138, 144, 178, 181, 184, 200,
201, 202, 296
Nās, An 31, 100, 230, 238
Naṣrānī 289
Nations 73, 107, 180, 193, 201, 282
Night of Al Qadr 205, 208, 221
Nūḥ 30, 119, 182, 185, 186, 202, 233, 237,
276, 312, 313
Nuptual gift 276
Nushūz 276
Page | 328
Oaths 141, 262, 266
Obedience 117, 136, 172, 309, 310
Occupants (of Hell) 93, 95, 169, 172, 173, 176
Occupants (of Paradise) 93, 176
On guard 143, 289
Opinion 93, 155, 219, 288
Orphans 280, 281, 282, 284, 305
Parables 142, 158, 242, 243, 244
Paradise 61, 93, 111, 149, 169, 171, 174, 175,
176, 184, 185, 209, 223, 238, 244, 259,
261, 263, 266, 281, 295, 298, 304, 306,
311, 312, 313
Parents 190, 201, 258, 268, 270, 281, 282, 284,
288, 305, 312, 313
Patience 18, 93, 250, 261, 303, 312
Paul 122, 123, 126, 128
Pawning 251
Peace 39, 90, 93, 109, 111, 117, 137, 175,
259, 260, 276, 279, 293, 294, 296, 297,
298, 309, 310
Plants 74, 76, 77, 78, 106, 156, 207, 304
Poor/Poverty 112, 262, 266, 277, 280, 281, 282,
305, 306
Position (of children) 279
Prejudice 260
Prisoners 295
Process 70, 77, 84, 101, 102
Proliferation 76, 77, 78
Property rights 252, 282, 294
Prophets 21, 69, 70, 90, 102, 108, 117, 118, 120,
121, 124, 126, 128, 129, 138, 144, 149,
159, 181, 182, 183, 184, 191, 196, 206,
207, 208, 213, 236, 261, 275, 276, 279
Prostration 223, 236
Protection 27, 34, 97, 172, 200, 243, 264, 271,
Provisions 44, 79, 139, 250, 254
Punishment 92, 94, 144, 145, 148, 157, 169, 172,
173, 176, 183, 185, 188, 191, 195, 197,
206, 214, 215, 240, 247, 249, 260, 264,
Page | 329
265, 268, 279, 284, 289, 290, 291, 298,
312, 313
Purity 109, 199, 220, 238, 269, 304
Qābīl 185
Qadar 70, 136, 247
Qalbu, Al 108
Qārūn 195, 196
Qiblah 307
Qiṣāṣ 214, 290, 294
Qitāl 236, 292
Qiyāmah 30, 160, 231, 237
Qubbah 308
Qurʾān, Al 18, 24, 25, 27, 34, 46, 64, 68, 89, 90,
94, 95, 102, 106, 107, 108, 109, 117,
120, 123, 124, 126, 128, 136, 142, 159,
181, 183, 184, 193, 201, 206, 207, 208,
210, 215, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222,
223, 224, 226, 227, 235, 239, 244, 245,
257, 271, 284, 288, 302, 303, 310, 311
Qurbān 308
Rahbānīyah 275
Rain 74, 77, 78, 84, 88, 142, 156, 186, 188,
Ramaḍān 205, 221, 306
Rebelliousness 138, 215, 268, 269
Reckoning 161, 166, 167, 189, 313
Relationships 24, 136, 260, 281
Religion 113, 116-133, 136, 137, 138, 145, 146,
183, 206, 267, 281, 284, 289, 290, 294,
Remorse 156, 168, 183, 312
Repent-ance 35, 61, 68, 121, 139, 146, 184, 186,
Responsibility 114, 156, 186, 294
Resurrection 75, 88, 89, 110, 117, 125, 147, 156,
158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 166, 195, 202,
237, 243, 257, 268, 312, 313
Rewards 78, 259, 295, 296
Ribā 251, 252, 255
Page | 330
Ridicule 159, 183, 205, 224, 289, 298
Rights 41, 227, 276, 278, 282
Romans 201, 236
Rūḥ-an 90, 93, 101, 102, 111, 112, 122, 208,
Rujū‘ 278
Ṣadaqah 259, 261, 283, 298, 304, 305, 306, 313
Ṣalāt 91, 109,137, 151, 207, 227, 250, 251,
266, 283, 295, 302, 303, 304, 308, 309,
Ṣalātul Jum‘ah 303
Ṣāliḥ 119, 129, 182, 187, 245
Sāmirī 194
Satan refer Shaiṭān
Ṣaum (fasting) 275, 306, 307
Seas/Oceans 76, 79, 84, 106, 127, 252, 254
Secret-s-ive 97, 108, 259, 269
Self correction 271
Shahādat 136 refer also Testimony
Shaiṭān 73, 95, 96, 97, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113,
128, 130, 145, 149, 150, 151, 172, 184,
190, 220, 222, 144, 258, 266, 269, 271,
279, 312, 314
Ships 252, 253
Shirk 132, 149, 150, 151, 282
Shu‘aib 119
Shuhadā’ 129
Ṣibghatullāh 309
Ṣiffatullāh 34-37
Shipping 252
Simple 83, 269
Sin 35, 42, 48, 61, 68, 108, 109, 110, 111,
112, 114, 122, 132, 140, 144, 145, 148,
151, 158, 169, 172, 187, 189, 194, 209,
240, 248, 251, 255, 263, 266, 269, 270,
282, 284, 290, 294, 299, 311, 312, 313
Sodom 182, 188, 191
Source of knowledge 68
Source of livelihood 78, 127, 209
Slander 238, 260, 263
Spite 264
Page | 331
State (nation) 284, 292, 293
Stealing 264, 291
Stoning 127, 185, 279
Struggles 183, 206, 209, 308
Suckling 280
Ṣuḥuf 212, 213
Sulaimān 118, 196, 197, 313
Sun 21, 72, 73, 74, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84,
132, 174, 188, 190, 193, 238, 258, 261,
Sunnah 24, 206, 223, 239, 240, 245, 303
Sunnatullāh 69, 70, 71
Ṭāghūt 119, 132, 150, 207, 288
Ṭahārah 302
Ṭalāq 29, 234, 237, 277, 278
Tasbīḥ 271, 310
Tauḥīd/ Tauḥīdullāh 31, 117, 118, 119, 182, 183, 238, 285
Taurah/Taurat/Torah 121, 122, 126, 150, 213, 244
Tawaṣṣul 310, 311, 313
Tax 283, 294
Tayammum 302
Testimony 112, 122, 127, 136, 155, 166, 277
Thamūd 182, 187, 202, 240
Thankful 75, 77, 249, 250, 252, 264, 283
Theft 291
Time 24, 26, 34, 37, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75,
76, 82, 83, 84, 88, 89, 94, 95, 96, 100,
112, 113, 114, 117, 119, 120, 123, 124,
128, 144, 146, 149, 154, 155, 156, 157,
158, 159, 164, 165, 166, 168, 172, 175,
183, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199, 205, 206,
208, 210, 213, 221, 237, 238, 245, 250,
251, 254, 258, 261, 264, 277, 278, 279,
281, 294, 295, 296, 297, 302, 304, 307,
308, 309, 313
Trade 251
Treachery 194, 245
Trials 138, 179, 183, 197, 258, 261, 279, 281,
Tribes 205, 209, 282
Trinity 199, 200
Trumpet 92, 163, 164, 165
Page | 332
Trust 96, 102, 136, 143, 145, 155, 205, 210,
250, 251, 263, 283
‘Udhr 292
Unity 57, 140, 143, 260
Universe 18, 24, 34, 35, 36, 38, 68, 69, 70, 71,
72, 74, 75, 80, 106, 107, 201, 316
Usury 251
Utterances (bad) 271
Vedas 120, 121
Visiting 270
Vows 262
Waḥdānīya 35
Walīy 54, 288, 289
War 142, 143, 235, 267, 292, 293, 294, 295,
Waṣīyat 283
Water 77, 78, 85, 101, 176, 186, 194, 205,
252, 269, 302
Wealth 56, 63, 64, 129, 137, 138, 147, 160,
173, 180, 195, 196, 243, 252, 255, 259,
265, 266, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284,
295, 304, 305
Wind 77, 78, 85, 145, 186, 188, 196, 197,
237, 252, 297
Witness 20, 50, 53, 68, 75, 92, 113, 114, 120,
127, 129, 136, 149, 162, 166, 199, 208,
214, 251, 263, 271, 277, 279, 284, 291,
Wives 21, 93, 210, 259, 261, 269, 275, 276,
280, 281, 302, 312
Womb 88, 101, 102, 112, 154, 198, 281
World 18, 24, 36, 106, 107, 117, 127, 143,
145, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 173, 179,
184, 188, 190, 191, 192, 201, 218, 243,
244, 249, 253, 265, 268, 279, 280, 281,
Page | 333
283, 288, 291, 295, 307, 317
Wuḍū’ 302
Yahūd refer Yahūdi
Yahūdi 119, 182, 197, 200, 206, 213, 214, 220,
289, 297
Yaḥyā 198
Ya’jūj and Ma’jūj 201
Yaʿqūb 118, 189, 302, 311
Yaum-as-Sabt, Al 194
Yūnus 27, 145, 179, 197, 198, 227, 232, 235
Yūsuf 26, 118, 190, 227
Zabūr 196, 213
Zakarīyā 90, 198
Zakāt 138, 251, 252, 283, 298, 302, 304, 305
Ẓihār 277, 307
Zinā’ 291
Zuhd 156
Page | 334