Mid Term in Practical Research 1

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Bayambang National High School - Senior High School

Mid-Term Examination in PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1

NAME: ____________________________________________________ SCORE: _____________________

GRADE AND SECTION: __________________________________ DATE: _______________________

1. The first two elements that were formed after the Universe had expanded and cooled.
a. Lithium and Boron b. Oxygen and Carbon
c. Hydrogen and Helium d. Hydrogen and Carbon
2. What is cosmic microwave radiation (cosmic background radiation)?
a. Energy released 380, 000 years after the Big bang and very important evidence of the Big bang’s existence.
b. Energy that is emitted from the sun.
c. Energy used in the laboratory to sterilize equipment.
d. Energy that is released by the fusion of hydrogen nuclei in the center of stars.
3. Why is the end of the plasma Universe so important to the creation of greater complexity?
a. Energy could no longer be created or destroyed at the end of the plasma Universe.
b. At the end of the plasma Universe, 380,000 years after the Big bang, human existence began.
c. It was then that the gravity was created.
d. The Universe cooled enough to allow for the formation of atoms, the building blocks of everything more
complex in the Universe.
4. Which of the following below is an important evidence of Big Bang?
I. Cosmic Background Radiation III. Atomic Theory
II. Stellar formation and distances IV. Hubble’s Law
V. Ptolemy’s work on epicycles
a. I, II, and III b. I, II, and IV c. I, III, and IV d. I, IV, and V
5. Two subatomic particles found in the nucleus of an atom are ____________.
a. neutron and electrons c. electrons and protons
b. protons and neutrons d. positron and leptons
6. The atomic mass is the ________________.
a. number of electrons outside the nucleus c. excess of each neutron over proton
b. sum of the protons and the neutrons in the nucleus d. same as atomic number
7. Which particle has a mass unit approximately equal to one and a charge of zero?
a. electron b. proton c. neutron d. alpha particle
8. An element has an atomic mass of 167 and an atomic number of 68. How many protons, electrons, and neutrons
does it have?
a. 55 protons, 56 electrons, 55 neutrons c. 68 protons, 56 electrons, 99 neutrons
b. 68 protons, 99 neutrons, 68 electrons d. 99 protons, 68 electrons, 68 neutrons
9. The idea that matter is composed of tiny indivisible particles originated from the Greek philosopher __.
a. Democritus c. Neils Bohr
b. J.J. Thomson d. Ernest Rutherford
10. The alpha scattering experiment of ________ proved that the mass of an atom is concentrated at the center leading
him to the “nuclear” model.
a. Aristotle b. Neils Bohr c. Heisenberg d. Ernest Rutherford
11. Which of the following disproved Dalton’s Atomic Theory?
a. Atom is the smallest particle of matter.
b. Atoms of a particular element have different identical properties.
c. Atoms combine in simple numerical ratios.
d. Atoms of most elements exist as combination of isotopes having different masses and stabilities.

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