Scion - Hero-64
Scion - Hero-64
Scion - Hero-64
Virgin Goddesses such as Artemis and Athena find the concept of mating with men disagreeable.
Osiris cannot procreate Scions of his own. Set has difficulty doing so as well. Uniquely ugly Gods
such as Miclántecuhtli have problems of their own. Yet, for these Gods—and for all Gods—adoption
remains a viable alternative.
When a God adopts the Scion of another, he claims that child so completely that the child thereafter
treats the adopting God’s associated powers and Favored Abilities as his own. The Gods can’t simply
poach one another’s offspring, however, even when one divine parent is unaware of a child’s existence. G
In order for the adoption to be formal and binding, the child’s true parent must first formally disinherit R
him in the Overworld, utterly renouncing his filial connection and responsibility. After that, any God or E
Goddess who has a mind to can claim the child—the culmination of which claim is a Visitation and a
bestowal of Birthrights. After the Visitation, it’s too late for any divine being—even the child’s true divine
parent—to claim the child. It’s also too late for the adopting parent to renounce his claim. The child is K
now his in the eyes of Fate.
A God cannot adopt a mortal and make him a Scion in this way. Only a being whose body combines G
mortal flesh and divine ichor—regardless of whose divine ichor it is—can be adopted thus. Also, no O
Scion who has already received a Visitation can be adopted by another God, even if that God should D
later grow to despise his Scion and renounce him before all the Gods of the Overworld. S
Finally, while this terrifying possibility is rare, it is known that the Titans themselves can also adopt
formally disinherited Scions. Some Titans will even take a Scion under their wings regardless of the
current relationship between that Scion and his parent God—all the Scion has to be is willing.
These Scions are a tsunami building across the World, World push him to father yet more Scions and bring
transforming nations and civilizations, wreaking havoc more soldiers to the side of the Gods in the battle with
on a World that forgot Poseidon and forgot to take care the Titans and the titanspawn. That his very eagerness
of the ocean. The Scions of the Horse Lord will make could result in the ruin of the World weighs little on his
everyone remember. mind. Some suggest he might actually be addicted to the
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Manipulation, sexual rush or even to the act of procreation.
Animal (Horse), Arete, Earth, Water To modern audiences, Zeus has played many roles:
Abilities: Animal Ken, Control, Fortitude, Integrity, irreplaceable senator, undefeatable mayor, obscure
Melee, Thrown European prince, sharp-eyed president (elected or not,
Rivals: Zeus; Damballa, Frigg, Geb, Quetzalcoátl, political or corporate, it matters not). He is always in
Susano-o, Tyr charge, always on top and always in control. When he’s
wrong, the results are bad; when he’s right, the results
are good. Either way, the results are always epic in scope
ZEUS and scale.
AKA: JOVE, JUPITER, TINIA His Scions are a diverse and unruly bunch. Dionysus,
Description: Zeus, Sky Father, King of Heaven, Ares, Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis and Hermes are all
Titan-Slayer, Many-Splendored, Crowned in Lightnings. his children. So were Heracles, King Minos of Crete and
He has many titles, all expressing his strength and power. Helen of Troy. That his children are capable of spreading
Legends say Zeus was stronger than all the other Gods order and justice is undeniable. That they are capable of
of the Dodekatheon combined; some Gods believe great destruction and ruin is equally undeniable. Yet it is
he might be stronger than any other two pantheons difficult to explain that to Zeus without giving offense.
combined. This very strength could, in fact, be his Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Manipulation,
undoing, for Fate has decreed that a son of his own siring Epic Strength, Arete, Justice, Sky
will overthrow him in time. The other Gods caution Abilities: Awareness, Command, Integrity, Presence,
him to be careful in spreading his divine seed, yet Zeus Politics, Thrown
cannot help himself. His very potency and the heroic Rivals: Apollo, Hades; Amaterasu, Atum-Re, Horus,
nature of his children and the great deeds they do in the Huitzilopochtli, Odin, Shango