Fea RS
Fea RS
Fea RS
NJ are e!ective plastic strain and e!ective plastic strain rate, respectively, is the
temperature, and c1 and c2 are material constants. Flow stress with strain hardening may be
expressed as
o "HcNJ
for cNJ)c
, (3)
where o is the #ow stress, H is the strength coe$cient, n is the strain hardening exponent, cNJ is the
e!ective plastic strain, and c
is the critical e!ective strain. In this study, the material strain
hardening was modeled by de"ning #ow stresses as a function of plastic strain and temperature,
Table 2. The values of H and n were determined from these input values.
3.2. Strain rate
The work material deforms extensively along the shear plane as it #ows through this zone.
Considering high strain rate in metal cutting is essential because of its e!ects on the strength of the
material. For many alloy steels this e!ect becomes very important in metal cutting. The strain rate
is represented by over stress power law
for o *o
, (4)
where c
NJ is the equivalent plastic strain rate, o is the e!ective yield stress at a nonzero strain rate,
is the static yield stress (zero strain rate), and D, p are material parameters that may be functions
1074 C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086
of temperature. These parameters are indicative of the strain rate sensitivity and can be determined
from experiments as 1500 and 6, respectively [25].
3.3. Heat generation
Heat generation during metal cutting is important in tool wear and plays an important role in
surface integrity and chip formation. The majority of the heat generated in the metal cutting
process comes from plastic deformation and chip tool interface friction. High-temperatures and
large-temperature gradient in metal cutting causes strength reduction of the workpiece material.
The ductile failure model used in this study also indicates this phenomenon.
As a "rst approximation, the heat generation incorporated in this study assumes adiabatic
condition. The temperature increment associated with the heat generation may be expressed by
, (5)
where V is the temperature increment. f
and f
were taken as 0.9 as most of the workpiece deformation
is converted to thermal energy. o is the e!ective stress and ccNJ is the e!ective plastic strain
increment, and , and C
are the material density and speci"c heat, respectively.
3.4. Chip separation criterion
In the "nite element analysis of metal cutting, two factors are important in choosing a chip
separation criterion, i.e., the type of criterion and the magnitude of criterion. The type of criterion
should be based on the physics of chip separation. The magnitude depends on properties of the
work material under cutting conditions. A variety of chip separation criteria, either geometrical or
physical variables, and associated magnitudes have been proposed to simulate metal cutting
process. The physics of chip separation has not been clearly characterized because elements cannot
be made small enough to simulate a dislocation. Further, a reliable procedure for determining the
magnitude of the criterion is not available. Therefore, it is hard to determine which of these
separation criteria is better. However, the magnitude of the chip separation criteria a!ects the chip
separation process, the stress distributions in the machined layer, and the distributions of e!ective
plastic strain both in the chip and the machined surface [26]. E!ective plastic strain criterion [17]
and strain energy density criterion [19] have been used to investigate residual stress distribution.
Geometrical criterion has also been used to study residual stress [20,21]. The disadvantage of the
geometrical criterion is that it has no physical meaning. A material ductile failure model based on
e!ective plastic strain was used in this study. When the e!ective strain of the material reaches cNJ
the critical e!ective strain, damage in the material initiates. When the e!ective strain reaches cNJ
, the
failure e!ective strain, due to further deformation, the material fails and loses its ability to resist any
further load. The metal plasticity model in this paper uses the Mises stress potential for isotropic
behavior. However, the potential depends only on the deviatoric stress and is independent of
hydrostatic stress instead of normal stress on the shear plane. The proposed fracture criterion does
not take care of the microcracks in the free surface. Plastic deformation of the material assumes
C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086 1075
no inhomogeneity due to microcrack formation. The ductile failure criterion, denoted as FC, is
de"ned as
, cNJ
). (6)
This criterion applies to all elements that are potentially part of the chip which contact the
cutting tool edge. The determination of values for cNJ
and cNJ
in steady-state cutting process has
been derived based on cutting mechanics [22]. In this study, cNJ
and cNJ
were 0.85 and 0.8,
respectively, from the experimental data.
3.5. Friction condition
The study of tool}chip interaction in "nite element simulation concerns force transmission at the
interface, and thus determines surface integrity of a machined layer. The key issue is the variation of
frictional and normal stress on the rake face. Two distinct regions of sliding and sticking were
observed on the rake face. Experimental results [27,28] exhibited a constant coe$cient of friction
in the region for frictional shear stress lower than certain value and an approximate constant
frictional stress (shear #ow stress) thereafter. Based on experimental stress distribution and direct
observation of the rake face, a constant coe$cient of friction is proposed in the sliding region and
for dry friction conditions and an equivalent shear stress limit, t
, (7)
when t*t
. (8)
The Coulomb friction model de"nes the critical shear stress, t
, at which sliding of the surfaces
starts as a fraction of the contact pressure, o, between the surfaces (t
"jo). The shear stress limit
is typically introduced in cases when the contact pressure stress may become very large (as can
happen in some manufacturing processes such as metal cutting) causing the Coulomb theory to
provide a critical shear stress at the interface that exceeds the yield stress in the material beneath
the contact surface. An upper bound estimate for t
is o
/(3, which o
is the Mises yield stress of
the material adjacent to the surface.
An ideal way to obtain the coe$cient of friction in the sliding region is based on the data of the
stress distribution on the rake and #ank wear faces from machining test. However, on-line
measurement of stress distribution in the faces in machining is a changeling. Alternatively, the
mean coe$cient of friction in the sliding zone will be calculated from measuring cutting and feed
forces. In case of sharp tool, the mean coe$cient of friction between tool}chip in orthogonal
cutting may be calculated by
, (9)
1076 C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086
where F
and F
are measured cutting and thrust forces, : is rake angle, and c is a coe$cient. The
value of c depends on the di!erence between measured and simulated forces. If the di!erence is less
than 5%, the friction coe$cient can be considered acceptable because the variation in measuring
cutting and thrust forces can be as high as 10}15%. Otherwise, a modi"ed coe$cient value will be
used and the di!erence will be checked again. This process will continue until the acceptable
calculated forces are obtained. The advantage of this proposed approach is that the data of
measured cutting and thrust forces are relatively easy to obtain.
3.6. Equations of motion
The explicit dynamics analysis procedure is based on implementation of an explicit integration
rule together with the use of diagonal or lumped element mass matrices. The equations of motion
for the body are integrated using the explicit central di!erence integration rule [23]
u 'G>`'"u 'G`'#
uK 'G', (10)
u'G>'"u'G'#At'G>'u 'G>`', (11)
where the subscript (i) refers to the increment number, ; represents the displacement vector and At
represents the time increment. The central di!erence integration operator is explicit in that the
kinematic state may be advanced using known values of u 'G`' and uK 'G' from the previous increment.
The explicit integration rule provides high computation e$ciency due to the use of diagonal element
mass matrices because the accelerations at the beginning of the increment may be computed by
uK 'G'"M
(F'G'!I'G'), (12)
where Mis the diagonal lumped mass matrix, F is the applied load vector, and I is the internal force
vector. The explicit procedure integrates through time by using many small time increments for
assuring convergence.
4. Simulation results and discussion
4.1. Chip formation
Fig. 1 shows chip formation process in the sequential cuts. It is recognized that the steady-state
cutting is obtained in the point of chip formation, cutting forces, and distributions of stress/strain.
Chip morphology of the "rst cut is almost identical to that of the second cut except that thickness
of the second chip is about 3% thinner, but the thickness di!erence is so small that it can be
ignored. From calculation, the shear angle is 14.53 and 15.13 for the "rst and the second cut,
respectively. The model suggests that the "rst cut produced work hardening in the workpiece that
the second cut `seesa. The e!ect of increased hardness on the onset shear plate is to increase the
shear angle, so the model is reasonable. The increase in shear angle results in a thinner chip (large
shear angle for the same uncut chip thickness) and large forces and less surface damage. This shows
evidence that material properties have been modi"ed by the "rst cut.
C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086 1077
Fig. 1. Chip formation in subsequent cuts.
Fig. 2. Equivalent plastic strain (Peeq) distribution in vertical direction.
Fig. 2 shows the equivalent plastic strain distribution in the two direction. The equivalent plastic
strain on the machined surface goes down from 0.14 to 0.12. Thus the degree of strain hardening
near the machined surface from the "rst cut is larger than that from the second cut. The depth of
a!ected layer may be expressed by the distance o from the machined surface. o
of 375 m in the
"rst machined layer is larger than o
of 276 m in the second machined layer. Therefore, the
a!ected layer from the "rst cut is deep.
The in#uence of the strain hardened machined layer from the "rst cut is expected. It is partly
responsible for the di!erences in shear angle and hence shear plane length, residual stress and strain
distribution in the two cuts. Liu and Brash [3] found that there is a close correlation between the
shear plane length and residual stress of the machined surface. The relationship of the a!ected layer
and residual stress is not clear, However, it can be inferred that they are closely related if the second
cut is within a certain depth of the a!ected layer with residual stress/strain and strain hardening
from the "rst cut.
4.2. Cutting forces
The calculated cutting F
and thrust force F
are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The di!erence between
the calculated average forces and the measured forces are smaller than 5%. The measured forces to
1078 C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086
Fig. 3. Cutting force F
Fig. 4. Thrust force F
determine the friction coe$cient of tool}chip interface are not shown. No appreciable di!erences of
calculated cutting and thrust forces exist between the two cuts in terms of magnitude and pattern.
Steady-state cutting is assumed to be reached when the cutting forces approach steady-state values.
Both cutting and thrust forces vary within certain amplitude due to node separation in cutting
process. This variation is inherent in the "nite element method. Compared to the average cutting
forces, the average thrust forces are small because of the high rake angle of 153 used. In addition to
cutting conditions, the values of cutting and thrust forces may also be a!ected by the plane strain
assumption, which restricts material #ow in the width direction of the chip. However, a negligible
error exists because the ratio of the uncut chip thickness to the undeformed chip width is
this study.
Cutting and thrust forces are generally una!ected by the separation criterion because they are
calculated by averaging nodal forces over the entire rake face. The e!ect of the tool tip node is
signi"cantly lessened.
4.3. Residual stresses distribution
Residual stresses induced in the sequential cuts were investigated. Figs. 5 and 6 show the change
of the distribution of residual normal stress S11 in the cutting direction of the two cuts. High tensile
stresses are generated near the machined surface after the "rst cut, while the tensile residual stress is
considerably changed after the second cut, and a compressive residual stress region near the
machined surface is observed in Fig. 7. It is clear that the level of residual stress S11 decreases
C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086 1079
Fig. 5. Normal stress S11 (Pa) in horizontal direction in the "rst cut.
Fig. 6. Normal stress S11 (Pa) in horizontal direction in the second cut.
1080 C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086
Fig. 7. Normal stress S11 distribution in vertical direction.
Fig. 8. Von Mises stress (Pa) in horizontal direction in "rst cut.
greatly after the second cut. Simulation result shows that the values of residual von Mises stress,
Figs. 8 and 9, also decrease, but not as much as that of the residual normal stress S11.
Fig. 7 shows the distribution of S11 in the machined layer versus the depth from the machined
surface in the two cuts. The high tensile stress layer left after the "rst cut is changed by the identical
C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086 1081
Fig. 9. Von Mises stress (Pa) in horizontal direction in the second cut.
second cut. The pattern of the stress distribution is modi"ed. A compressive region exists just under
the "nished surface of the second cut, and the level of the compressive stress increases in the inner
layer. Compressive residual stress S11 goes deep into the machined layer in the "rst cut. Thus, it
indicates that residual stress S11 control in the machined layer is possible by optimizing the second
cut. Experimental result [29] shows that residual stress S11 is tensile usually on the machined
surface in the "rst cut in machining aluminum. That S11 may become compressive depends on the
uncut chip thickness of the second cut. This provides indirect experimental evidence that the
residual stress pattern follows the simulated pattern.
Compared to the cutting forces, all components of residual stress may be changed by the second
cut. The magnitude of the residual stress usually increases with the value of the separation criterion
because the separation criterion is applied only to the nodes closest to the tool tip. Therefore,
caution must be exercised in selecting an appropriate value of the criterion to solve the residual
stress problem. By constraining the nodes to remain "xed to the workpiece for a longer time,
cutting forces are transmitted to the subsurface of the machined surface, resulting in the observed
residual stress.
4.4. Residual stress sensitivity to friction condition of tool}chip interface
The average friction coe$cient of tool}chip interface determined from the measured forces was
used to study the e!ect of sequential cuts on residual stresses in the machined layer. However, the
1082 C.R. Liu, Y.B. Guo / International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 42 (2000) 1069}1086
Fig. 10. Residual stress sensitivity to friction condition of tool}chip interface: A * 0.3; B * 0.5; C * 0.7.
friction coe$cient of tool}chip interface is a!ected by both the tool rake angle and the coolant
used, besides the in#uence of workpiece material. For the same tool rake angle and workpiece
material, the friction coe$cient may vary greatly, and thus the friction force applied to the
workpiece. So residual stresses are expected to be a!ected by the friction force on the tool}chip
interface. Considering the rake angle of 153 used in this study, the variation range of the friction
coe$cient is around 0.3}0.7 using di!erent coolant in machining steels [30]. In order to investigate
residual stress sensitivity to the friction condition, three levels of friction coe$cient were selected to
be 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7. For improving simulation accuracy, the "nite element mesh was re"ned and the
uncut chip thickness was assumed to be 0.1 mm. Other cutting conditions were same as those in
Table 1. Fig. 10 shows residual stress S
is tensile on the machined surface under low friction coe$cient 0.3. As the friction
coe$cient value increases from 0.3 to 0.5, then 0.7, residual stress S