Bedford County SRO Grant Memo

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County Administration Building COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR

122 East Main Street, Suite 202

Bedford, Virginia 24523
Tel: (540) 586.7601



TO: Dr. Marc Bergin, Bedford County School Superintendent

FROM: Robert Hiss, County Administrator

DATE: August 26, 2022

RE: School Resource Officer grant funding

On August 5, 2022, Bedford County received notice of a grant award thru Virginia’s Department
of Criminal Justice Services for School Resource Officers (SROs) as submitted by Sheriff Miller.
The grant award is to help fund the salaries and benefits of up to14 SROs. This grant places an
SRO in every public school in Bedford County. Although the grant is of tremendous assistance
in providing enhanced safety and other benefits at each school, it is not without significant
unplanned long-term costs.

The grant outlines the following matching requirements over the next several years. It is
important to note, these grant funds only cover salaries and benefits, and not the equipment
needed for an SRO to fully function.

Year 1 (FY23) - $0 local match, State pays 100%

Year 2 (FY24) – up to $326,480 local match
Year 3 (FY25) – up to $326,480 local match
Year 4 (FY26) – up to $326,480 local match
Year 5 (FY27) and thereafter – $1,042,356, which is 100% locally funded

Note: These budget figures are based on entry-level salaries ($45,000) and FY23 benefit costs assuming the most
expensive tier of health insurance. Therefore, it may cost less if the SRO chooses a less expensive health plan or no
health plan. Additionally, these figures do not account for the placement of more experienced (and costly) deputies
and does not include assumptions for future salary and benefit increases. In summary, the costs are subject to

There are additional costs for an SRO such as uniforms, equipment, and vehicles. To provide
uniforms, equipment, and other necessary items; it costs about $21,500 per Deputy Sheriff. To
purchase and upfit a vehicle, it currently costs about $60,000.

On August 22nd, the Board of Supervisors discussed this grant in detail and the Board believes
the grant match expense should be shared between the County and the School Board. Since the
County Administration Building COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR

122 East Main Street, Suite 202

Bedford, Virginia 24523
Tel: (540) 586.7601


SROs are embedded in the schools and are primarily serving as school support personnel for nine
months of the year, the Supervisors believe the school system should pay for 75% of the salaries
and benefits. This reimbursement to the County would start in FY24 and continue thereafter.
The County will cover the remaining three months (or 25%) of salary since the SROs will be
reassigned to other community and patrol duties when school is not in session. Furthermore, the
County will absorb the cost of all unforms, equipment, and vehicles so the SROs can
successfully operate.

The Board of Supervisors must either accept or reject the grant award by October 17th, meaning
they need to vote on such no later than their October 11th meeting. Therefore, I humbly request a
response from you and the School Board by or before Monday, October 3rd.

In the meantime, if you want to discuss alternatives such as exploring the less cost prohibitive
School Security Officer model, then please let know. Please contact me if you have any
questions or desire more information.

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