Course Title National Training Service Program –Civic Course Code : NSTP-CWTS 1
Welfare Training Service 1
Credit Units 3 units Course Pre-requisites NONE
Course Description This course is designed to provide in-depth and comprehensive discussions on relevant topics as provided for in the course
offerings and coverage of the NSTP Law Civic Welfare Training Service in particular. Further, the course aims to equip students with
sufficient knowledge, skills and competencies in the vastly changing world.
Course Intended
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester, the students should are expected to be able to:
1. Acquire deep understanding of the NSTP Law especially in the area of Civic Welfare Training Service
2. Develop responsible citizens imbued with nationalism, social consciousness with special emphasis on human rights education.
3. Identify and enumerate the Human Security and its treats.
4. Being familiar with Republic Act 9165 (R.A 9165) or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002.
5. To have in deep knowledge on gender equality.
6. Equip students with the right knowledge on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Course Plan in NSTP-CWTS 1
Preliminary Period
Essential Learning
Week Content Standards Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge Intended Learning Suggested Assessment
Outcomes (ILO) Teaching/Learning Tasks (ATs)
Activities (TLAs)
1 and 2 Orientation
Discuss the NSTP Law The Legal Basis of the Enumerate and discuss Identify the provision Lecture-Discussion Quiz
National Service Training the three 930 covered by the NSTP law Oral Recitation
Program components of the
National Service Training
3 and 4 Discuss the Human The scenario of the Illustrate what is Human Enumerate and identify the Lecture-Discussion Oral recitation
Security background and Security seven concepts of Human Presentation Group –
development of Human Security Presentation -
Security concepts Poster Making
5 and 6 Discuss the Human The historical background Appreciate the Recognize the vital role Lecture-Discussion Long Quiz
Rights of the Human Rights Law importance of knowing citizens and civil society
and its various legal one’s right organizations in ensuring
instruments relative respect, promotion and
thereto protection of human rights
Term Exam
Course Plan in NSTP-CWTS 1
Mid-Term Period
Essential Learning
Week Content Standards Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge Intended Learning Suggested Assessment
Outcomes (ILO) Teaching/Learning Tasks (ATs)
Activities (TLAs)
7 to 8 Discuss the RA 8491 or Understand and appreciate Discuss the prohibited Enumerate the instances Lecture-Discussion Individual –
the Flag and Heraldic the meaning and acts of Republic Act 8491 when the National Flag Demonstration demonstration
Act of the Philippines significance of the National should and should not be Quiz
Flag and National Anthem used.
Discuss Values Define the values of the Define and illustrate Enumerate the core values Lecture-Discussion Role Playing
Formation of the different cultural values and clarify how of Filipinos and appreciate Demonstration
Filipino People backgrounds of Filipinos one’s value is being its purpose.
formed. Oral recitation
9 to 10 Discuss Republic Act Know about legal and illegal Discuss and define Information on commonly Lecture-Discussion Creative
No. 9165 or the drugs and drug abuse prescription drugs, Over abused drugs, it’s form and Multimedia- Presentation
Comprehensive the Counter Drugs (OTC), drugs dependency. Presentation through
Dangerous Drug Act of pharmacological Determine the personality performing arts
2002 classification of drugs, the profile of the Filipino drug
different form of drug abuser. The importance of
abuse knowing the kinds of drugs
and the evil of its abuse.
Term Exam
Course Plan in NSTP-CWTS 1
Pre –Final Period
Essential Learning
Week Content Standards Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge Intended Learning Outcomes Suggested Assessment
(ILO) Teaching/Learning Tasks (ATs)
Activities (TLAs)
12 Discuss Gender Equality Trace the philosophical, Identify the difference Advocate gender sensitivity Lecture-Discussion Oral Recitation
and Development religious and historical between sex and gender by using gender neutral
foundation of the existing language and avoiding the
power relationship use of sexist language and
between men and women participate effectively to
promote gender equality.
13 to Discuss the Anti-Sexual The Philippine Government Recognize various forms Protect themselves from Lecture-Discussion Quiz
14 Harassment of Anti-Sexual Harassment and manifestations of potential harassers by
sexual harassment as it knowing what to do and
happen in the workplace, where to go when subjected
educational settings, and to sexual harassment.
training environment
15 Discuss the geographic The geographic profile of Discuss the different Knowledge on the physical Lecture-Discussion Question and
profile of the Philippines the Philippines features and profile of feature of the Philippine Answer
Philippine geography. Geography
Term exam
Course Plan in NSTP-CWTS 1
Final Period
Essential Learning
Week Content Standards Declarative Knowledge Functional Knowledge Intended Learning Suggested Assessment
Outcomes (ILO) Teaching/Learning Tasks (ATs)
Activities (TLAs)
16 to Discuss the introduction The basic concepts in Identify hazards and Appreciate the importance Lecture-Discussion Oral recitation
17 to Disaster disaster management assessing their risks of; Multimedia – Group
Management 1. Hazard and risk Presentation reporting
assessment Brainstorming
2. Disaster prevention
3. Disaster
4. Disaster response
5. Post-disaster
reconstruction and
18 Discuss fire and What is Escape Plan? Discuss what escape plan Identify and locate different Demonstration Sketch and
earthquake emergency is. fire/emergency escapes and Lecture-Discussion Layout Making
escape and evacuation alarm signals in
procedures buildings/home and
performs the things to do
when trapped in the building
during a fire and earthquake
Discuss Fire Safety The Basic Implementing Know and understand .Know and understand the Demonstration Quiz
education Rules and Regulations of the behavior and Basic Implementing Rules Lecture-Discussion
the Fire Code of the chemistry of fire, triangle and Regulations of the Fire Multimedia-
Philippines (R.A 9514) on of fire and Code of the Philippines. Presentation
fire safety concerns extinguishment. Term Exam
Basic Readings NSTP Common Module, MSU – Iligan Institute of Technology, 2013 Edition
TOTAL 100%