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Luh Ayu Nanamy Khrisnashanti Eva Susila
I Gusti Ayu Putu Intan Udayani, S.Pd
SMA Negeri 4 Denpasar, Denpasar-Bali/ Indonesia, nanamykes@yahoo.com

1. Introduction benefits of the products was done in Laboratory

Prices of snake fruits at harvest time in Services Unit of Agricultural Technology Faculty of
Sibetan village, Karangasem regency, Bali has Udayana University. The process of making coffee
decreased dramatically. This situation results in many has been done at Abian Salak, Sibetan Village.
Organoleptic test has been conducted to 30
wasted snake fruits and some farmers have been able
respondents of coffee lovers to provide assessment
to process it, such as become dodol (a type of sweet questionnaire about coffee quality in terms of taste
candy made of rice flour and palm sugar), sweets and and odor through rank test (1 : very dislike, 2 : dislike,
wine. Snake fruits (Salacca zalacca) or waste from 3 : usual, 4 : like, 5 : very like). Organoleptic test was
the process itself and unprocessed fruits produces a conducted on Salacca coffee, civet or “Luwak” coffee,
seed that has not been used [1]. Such kind of problem and Bali coffee.
certainly experienced by farmers in other snake fruits
5. Results and Analysis
plantation. Therefore, snake fruit seeds waste need to
Snake fruits seeds waste as much as 1 kg of
be processed into valuable economical products and dried seeds processing yield 0.825 of powdered
beneficial to health. Based on this, the study aims to coffee. This means there is a weight loss of 17.5%.
process snake fruit seed waste into coffee products. This loss occurs because of the evaporation process
substances in the roasting process. Cutting of the
2. Problem Statement seeds aims at expanding the touchpad's surface
Snake fruit seed waste becomes a problem irradiation with sunlight, so the drying process
for farmers because it can not be processed into becomes faster. Drying was done to reduce the water
valuable product, therefore solutions to overcome this content in the seeds, therefore Salacca coffee has a
problem is necessary. low water content. The water content in the coffee
powder is expected to be low to avoid the growth of
3. The purpose of the investigation microorganisms. In addition, the low water levels will
This study aims at processing snake fruit facilitate and accelerate the filtering process.
seeds into valuable products to become Salacca Roasting process is a hallmark of any kind
coffee. coffee making since the process that gives flavor,
color, and odor of the coffee itself. Roasting process is
4. Research Method carried out at a temperature of 180 0C - 2000C, because
This research was conducted by processing the this temperatures provides good quality of coffee
seeds into the coffee and to know the use value by production [2]. Roasting is the key of the coffee
analyzing the chemical content and sensory production process. This process is the formation
organoleptic test. The seeds processing in this study stage of the odor and taste of coffee from the seeds.
was conducted through five processes, namely The results of this roaster also facilitate the grind in
washing seeds, cutting, drying, roasting, grinding and order to obtain a finer powder and easily made in the
filtering, in order to obtain powdered salacca coffee. form of infusion solutions. During the roasting
The process is described as follows. process, there are three stages of physical and
(1) Washing is done by cleaning the dirt attached to chemical reactions that run sequentially, ie the
the seeds using water and repeated 2 times. evaporation of water from the seeds, the evaporation
(2) The seeds then cut into smaller sizes using a knife. of volatile compounds, as well as pyrolysis or
(3) The seeds then dried in the sun for 5 days. browning seeds. Roasted process begins with the
(4) 1 kg of the dried seeds then roasted. This process is evaporation of water contained in the seeds by
carried out for 15 minutes at a temperature range utilizing the available heat, followed by pyrolysis
of 1800C - 2000C. Stirring was done while roasting. reaction and Maillard reaction also occurs. These
(5) The samples were roasted and then ground and reactions cause the aroma of the coffee [3]. Pyrolysis is
filttered in order to obtain a coffee powder. Coffee basically a decomposition reaction of hydrocarbon
powder was then scaled. compounds such as carbohydrates, hemicellulose, and
The process of making salacca coffee from snake cellulose in the seeds resulting from the heating. The
fruit seeds repeated 3 times to obtain representative reaction generally occurs after the temperature is
data. Tests of chemical constituents to find out the above 1800C. Physically characterized by
discoloration of the seeds into blackish brown color.
During the process of roasting seeds undergo physical Based on Figure 1, salacca coffee has taste
and chemical changes that cause significant weight and odor that is almost the same as civet “Luwak”
loss. Losing weight or yield is a weight ratio before coffee, and the coffee is somewhat different to Bali
and after roasting (%). In this study produced 82.5 % coffee. This indicates that respondents coffee lovers
of coffee yield. After the roasting process, the feel the taste and odor which is almost the same
grinding process is carried out using a grinder, and between salacca coffee and civet coffee. This means
sifted so that the results obtained are finely ground snake fruit seed waste that has been processed into
coffee. salacca coffee has a use value and have content that is
also beneficial to health, such as with low caffeine and
(1) Chemical Analysis
rich in antioxidants.
Table 1. Chemical Analysis of Salacca Coffee
6. Conclusion
No Analysis Unit Amount Snake fruit seed waste can be processed to
make coffee. The resulting coffee has lower caffeine
1 Water % 6.24
content and are rich in antioxidants. From the
2 Ash % 3.49
organoleptic test, odor and taste of the coffee is
3 Fat % 2.95
similar to civet “Luwak” coffee. Therefore,
4 Protein % 6.34
unprocessed snake fruit seed waste can be processed
5 Carbohidrate % 80.98
into valuable salacca coffee.
6 Antioxidant mg/L 436.91
GAEAC Refrences
7 Caffeine %bb 0.207
8 Phenol mg/100g 443.29 [1] Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Kabupaten
GAE Daerah Tingkat II Karangasem. 2009. Laporan
9 Flavonoid mg/100g 66.4 Perubahan Survei Potensi Wilayah
QE Pengembangan Komiditi Salak di Bali.
10 Tannin mg/100g 838.98 [2] Joko Nugroho W.K., Juliaty Lumbanbatu, Sri
Rahayoe. 2009. Pengaruh Suhu Dan Lama
Penyangraian Terhadap Sifat Fisik-Mekanis
Based on Table 1, the water content in Biji Kopi RobustA. Makalah Bidang Teknik
Salacca coffee is in SNI standard of the quality of Produk Pertanian ISSN 2081-7152
powdered coffee, as well as the ash content. The [3] Roberto A. Buffo, Claudio Cardelli-Freire. 2004.
caffeine content in Salacca coffee is low. This is Coffee flavour: an overview. Flavour And
compared with SNI requirements regarding the quality Fragrance Journal 19: 99–104
of coffee powder which does not exceed 2%. This low [4] Standar Nasional Indonesia. SNI 01-3542-2004
caffeine content will certainly reduce the impact of Standar Mutu Kopi Bubuk
excessive caffeine consumption from regular coffee. [5] P. Nawrot, S. Jordan, J. Eastwood, J. Rotstein, A.
This is because the consumption of caffeine per day Hugenholtz and M. Feeley. Effects of caffeine on
for adults has its own limit [5]. In addition, the content human health. Food Additives and Contaminants,
of antioxidants in Salacca coffee is too high. The 2003, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1–30
content of these antioxidants such as tannins, [6] Yashin, A., Y. Yashin, J.Y. Wang, B. Nemzer.
flavonoids, phenolic compounds will be beneficial to 2013. Antioxidant and Antiradical Activity of
health [6]. Coffee. Antioxidants 2013, 2, 230-245;
doi:10.3390/antiox2040230, ISSN 2076-3921,
(2) Organoleptic Sensory evalution www.mdpi.com/journal/antioxidants

Figure 1. Sensory evaluation of taste and odor of


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