Once an affair has been uncovered, we Setelah perselingkuhan terungkap, After the affair was exposed. There
often ask – in the position of the
pasti banyak sekali pertanyaan yang must be many questions that come to
betrayed, pained party – when it
terlintas dipikiran, apalagi bila berada mind, especially if you are in the
began. Pinpointing the precise
moment promises to shed light on its di posisi yang dikhinati dan disakiti, position of being betrayed and hurt.
motivations and on possible ways to kapan perselingkuhan itu dimulai. When did the affair start? Think about
prevent any further such disasters in Mempertimbangkan waktu yang tepat the right time to find out the motive
the future.
untuk mengetauhi motif for the affair and how to prevent it
There is understandably a hunt for the perselingkuhan dan cara-cara yang from happening again.
exact time when the two straying dapat mencegah perselingkuhan itu
individuals met and physical contact
terjadi lagi. There are times when two people feel
began. We think of how two people
something is missing in their
had a drink after a business dinner or Ada waktu yang tepat dimana dua
met online or flirted at a party and relationship or marriage and start a
orang merasa ada sesuatu yang hilang
agreed to meet up a few days later. We friendship because they have the same
dalam hubungan atau pernikahannya
concentrate on exact details: when feelings. How two people drank after a
their knees touched under the table, dan memulai menjalin persahabatan
business dinner or met online and
when one of them lightly put their arm karena memiliki perasaan yang
flirted with each other at a party then
round the other’s waist, and when serupa. Bagaimana dua orang itu
they first lied about where they were minum setelah makan malam bisnis agreed to meet again. Their feelings
going or to whom they were sending a
atau bertemu secara online dan saling begin to grow, this relationship direct
menggoda disebuah pesta kemudian to disloyalty. It started when their
This kind of detective work feels setuju untuk bertemu lagi. Perasaan knees touched under the table, when
obvious, but it overlooks a complexity:
mereka mulai tumbuh dan hubungan one of them actually hugged each
the start of an affair should not be
ini bisa mengarah kepada other, and when they lied to each
equated with the moment when two
straying people meet. Affairs begin perselingkuhan. Berawal ketika lutut other about where they were going or
long before there is anyone to have an mereka saling bersentuhan dibawah who they were texting.
affair with. Their origins lie with meja, ketika salah satu diantara
certain initially minute fissures that
mereka dengan gampang merangkul This job sure looks like a detective, but
open up within a subtly fracturing
yang lain, juga ketika mereka saling it's done amateurishly. The beginning
couple. The affair predates, possibly
by many years, the arrival of any berbohong tentang kemana mereka of infidelity does not occur when two
actual lover. pergi atau kepada siapa mereka people feel that something is missing
Pekerjaan ini jelas tampak seperti starts from small things like trust
perselingkuhan tidak terjadi ketika The accident started long before they
pernikahannya . Perselingkuhan