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GE3 Module 1 PART 2

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Commission on Higher Education


Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World

MODULE NO.: 1 – part 2

MODULE TITLE: Introduction to Globalization
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina

Below is a guide on how you are going to uncover the topics in this

Things to remember in order to succeed in completing this module.

1. Go to recommended websites if there’s any.

2. Jot down notes for future references.
3. Check videos/articles as many times as needed
4. Make sure to use your complete name. (Surname, First Name,
Middle Initial)
5. All answers (Tasks, Activities, Tests etc.) shall be organized in one (1)
file only. (Use the answer sheet uploaded separately). This will be
submitted on Friday (11:59pm)
6. If you have any queries regarding this module, contact your
instructor thru his fb messenger.

GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College
Commission on Higher Education
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World

Activity no. 3: Identifying the factors of globalization
Read the key factors of globalization and identify what factor of
globalization is present in the story of Gio and Latif or in our real life.
The readings will also give you the difference of globalization and

Continue reading. . . . . . slides 14-17 only

open the file manually: “Module 1 RM – Introduction to


After reading the factors and globalism, do the following:

1. Define or describe:
a. economic globalization
b. cultural globalization
c. political globalization.

2. Give at least 1 event in the story that shows

a. economic globalization

b. cultural globalization

c. political globalization.

3. Give the characteristics of globalization and globalism by filling in

the table below.
Globalization Globalism
a. a.
b. b.
c. c.

In summary, the discussions and activities you have just done led to
clear understanding of globalization and the factors that may affect
its concepts and definitions. Having gone through this section, you
have now clearer idea and response to the questions “What is the
difference between globalization and globalism? What factors affect

Now that you know the important concepts about this topic, go
deeper by moving on to the next section.
GE3: The Contemporary World
Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College
Commission on Higher Education
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World

Analyze: Deepen your knowledge!
Your goal in this section is to take a closer look at some aspects of the
topic like nationalism to fully understand globalism.

Watch the video on YouTube that will deepen your understanding of

globalism and globalization. How can nationalism and globalism as
competing conceptions of globalization exist at the same time?

Activity no. 4: Video processing

1. If you are online:

(If the link does not work by clicking, copy and paste it to a web

2. If you are offline: Open the video manually: “Module 1-Activity 4

video How nationalism and globalism can coexist”)

Over all, when we say GLOBALIZATION, it is the act or process of

globalizing while GLOBALISM is the feeling, beliefs, or appreciation of
the act of globalization that it is beneficial to work together as one.
On the other hand, NATIONALISM is also the feeling of people of being
loyal to their country and proud of their country by thinking that it is
better and more important than other countries. Therefore, globalism
supports globalization, and nationalism, favors one’s country.

GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College
Commission on Higher Education
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World

- Filipinos are very open to international trade.
- Filipinos are fond of buying imported products, like gadgets,
clothings, and beauty products.
- Japan supplies the world with technological inventions, like cars,
phones, etc.
- North Korea has limited international participation or
involvement like trade and tourism.
- Filipinos promote the “proud to be Pinoy movement” which
includes patronizing Philippine-made products like movies,
music, shoes, and tourism.
- In the past, Japan was exclusively using their national language.

Process task: Write T if the statement is true, while F if it is false.

1. Nationalism is the same as globalism.
2. Globalism is part of globalization.
3. In globalization, they say that the world has shrunk. It means that
thru communication and transportation facilities, people
communicate faster and go to places faster.
4. The speaker in the video is Wanis Kabbaj.
5. Globalization can lead to world peace and unity amidst diversity.

Activity no. 5:
Application: Choose whether the following statement shows
globalism, or nationalism. Write G if it shows globalism, and N if it shows
1. The idea that multinational corporations operating on global
scale, with satellite offices and branches in numerous locations
is more accepted.
2. Most of the European countries are open to global interaction
due to its economic benefits.
3. Philippines is openly embracing ASEAN integration due to its
open trade.
4. Though Philippines is part of ASEAN, some parts of it refuses to
patronize foreign products.

GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College
Commission on Higher Education
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World

5. China bans some international products, be it electronic or
physical, to protect their national culture and promote their own

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the topic, you are
ready to do the tasks in the next section.

Action Apply your learnings in the society!

Activity number 6: Performance task

You are an exchange scholar student of Cambridge University in the

program Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. You’re invited as speaker and
share your experiences and ideas on the topic “An Asian student and
Globalization” to the Journalism 101 class in a 3 to 4 minutes speech.
Also you have to come up with your description or definition of
globalization. Your output will be rated and graded using the rubrics

Rubric for the speech

4 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Developing Needs
Content The speech The speech The speech The speech
mentioned 3 mentioned 2 mentioned does not
or more experiences only 1 mention
relevant and relatable experience any
experiences to and not experience.
that are very globalization. relatable to Expected
relatable to The speech globalizatio information
globalization. has the n. Some were not
The speech expected expected presented.
contains information. information
additional Comprehensi were not
information. ve. presented.

GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College
Commission on Higher Education
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World

Clarity of The speech The speech The speech The speech
concept presents an presents a presents a presents a
excellent, good satisfactory very poor
exemplary explanation explanation explanation
explanation of of of
of globalization. globalizatio globalizatio
globalization. Demonstrate n. n.
Demonstrate s an Demonstrat Demonstrat
s a deep adequate es a surface es poor or
understandin understandin understandi little
g of global g of global ng of understandi
experience experience global ng of
and and experience global
globalization. globalization. and experience
globalizatio and
n. globalizatio
Conclusi The The The The
on conclusion is conclusion is conclusion conclusion
relevant and strong, ties is weak, but is weak and
strong on the the paper ties the doesn’t tie
current together and paper the paper
setting, leaves the together together
realistically reader and leaves and leaves
ties the feeling they the reader the reader
paper understand feeling they feeling they
together and what the slightly don’t
leaves the speaker was understand understand
reader getting at. what the what the
feeling they speaker speaker
understand was getting was getting
what the at. at.
speaker was
getting at.
Work The speech The speech The speech The speech
Cited has at least 3 has 2 work has 1 or has no work
work citations more work citation.
citations related to the citations
related to the topic. but not
topic. related to
the topic.

GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College
Commission on Higher Education
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World


Before closing module 1, as part of conclusion let us clarify that yet

the word globalization is a world-wide phenomenon we can still have
global experience even within our boarders due to the diversity of
globalizing. Therefore global experience is different for every person
and globalization is so diffused and fleeting.

Though we need to have a working definition of the word

globalization, anthropologist Arjun Appadurai said different kinds of
globalization occur on multiple and intersecting dimensions of
integration that he calls scapes.

REFLECTION: Kindly put a check on your honest response given the

learning skill.
Learning With Not sure A little bit
outcomes confidence though confused
- I can
from globalism
-I can identify
the competing
conceptions of
- I can
synthesize the
definitions of

Before you go to the post test, assess yourself using the self reflection
if you are ready, if not you may reach me via messenger or sms for
your queries.


True or False: Write T if the statement is true, F if the statement is false.

_____ 1. Economic factor is the only one that drives globalization.
_____ 2. Globalization is a world-wide phenomenon.
_____ 3. Globalization always has good effects.
_____ 4. Globalism is the same with globalization.
_____ 5. People experience globalization in the same manner.

GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College
Commission on Higher Education
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World

It’s now time to evaluate your learning.

I. True or False: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is

False. [1 pt]

_____ 1. Globalization is a country-wide phenomenon.

_____ 2. Globalism is the same with nationalism.
_____ 3. Political factor is the only one that drives globalization.
_____ 4. People experience globalization in different ways.
_____ 5. Globalization is both good and bad.
_____ 6. Globalization has intersecting dimensions making it unitary in
_____ 7. Global experience is something that is really happening as of
_____ 8. The world is shrinking because of globalization.
_____ 9. Globalization and globalism are not connected.
_____ 10. Nationalism and globalism can exist at the same time.

II. Nationalism or Globalism: Write N if the item shows Nationalism, write

G if it is Globalism. [2 pts]

_____ 1. USA in the spirit of “American Dream” is so proud of their belief

to succeed in their homeland.
_____ 2. The Filipinos’ overwhelming support to Manny Pacquiao
especially during a fight when almost all Filipinos pause from
whatever they do in order to watch the fight.
_____ 3. Appreciating the benefits of cultural diversity.
_____ 4. Being open to free trade among different nations.
_____ 5. The Original Pilipino Music (OPM) “Anak” by Freddie Aguilar
has been translated to 27 different languages in the world
(Philippine Star, 2015), thus sharing the Filipino culture globally.

III. Identify what factor of globalization is being shown for every item.
Write E for economic globalization, C for cultural globalization, and P
for political globalization. (2 pts)

GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College
Commission on Higher Education
Salvacion, Daraga, Albay

GE3: The Contemporary World

Note: For every item it may seems to have 2 factors but choose only 1
that is really emerging on the situation given.

_____ 1. China is exporting silk for profit.

_____ 2. Philippines is enjoying some products of China including lucky
charms that are already part of our superstitious belief.
_____ 3. Philippines is abundant in root crops in which we export.
_____ 4. To facilitate convenient trading among Asian countries, they
formed ASEAN integration.
_____ 5. Philippines was colonized by Spaniards for a long time that we
acquired their teachings such as Catholicism.

<end of Module 1. Part 2>


Aguilar, Arlene A. GE3 (UST, Professor, Module Writer)

Claudio, E.L., et. al., “The contemporary world”, 2018, p.2-10

Morrison, S.P., “Quora”, Retrieved from


(n.a.). 2005. GRIN. Retrieved from




GE3: The Contemporary World

Module no.1 (part 2)
Instructor: Emil P. Mesina
Daraga Community College

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