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Business owners reviewing ‘Dirty Dancing’: Ranking Pujols: ‘I’m still

budgets to avoid layoffs every song on soundtrack going to retire’

Worried about possible recession, companies We had the time of our life listing tunes for
look at ways they can keep staff. In Money dance drama’s 35th anniversary. In Life St. Louis Cardinals icon,
who is closing in on 700

home runs, says he won’t
change his mind about
retiring even if he doesn’t
hit milestone. In Sports



poised to
test new
Fla. laws
Some fear voting limits
are aimed at minorities
Rick Rouan

Floridians will cast their primary bal-

lots Tuesday under new voting restric-
tions a judge once said were designed
“to target Black voters,” the first such
federal election under the new law.
Voting rights advocates say the new
rules make it harder to request and turn
in absentee ballots and register voters
as well as making it easier to challenge
votes once cast. But supporters say the
new rules are needed to combat voter
The primary will not only serve as a
preview of presidential elections in
2024, but it will also test ideas about
who should be able to vote, and how
easily, in what has become one of the
Shootings only part of story

most electorally important states in the
country. he horror and tragedy of mass shootings in American What the data tell us
By 2024, in fact, Florida might have
even more restrictions. Its new election schools, churches and other public places capture the Takeaways include that most
laws call for a committee to study rules nation’s attention. But these are only part of the larg- mass killings are committed
similar to those in Texas, which led to a using handguns and most often
spike in rejected ballots in that state’s er violence of mass killings – deaths by guns, knives, occur in private homes.
primary earlier this year. fires, vehicles and other weapons in public and in private – that Full-page graphic, 3A
Operating under new rules, Texas
tossed out more than 12% of mailed bal- plague the United States, research shows. Explore the database
lots during its 2022 primary, up from Over the past decade, USA TODAY, along with Northeastern University Search the tool using variables
what the Texas Tribune determined to and The Associated Press, has been tracking all mass killings in the United such as type, date and state to
be less than 2% in 2018. States. When it comes to gun violence, our database is narrower than other learn more about fatal incidents
“A lot of people have questions about tracking sites that include shootings that injure large numbers of people but at
this new law,” said Amy Keith, program kill no one. However, our data is broader in other ways. It includes every
director for the good government group mass killing since 2006 from all weapons in which four or more people, ex-
Common Cause Florida. cluding the offender, were killed within a 24-hour time frame.
Among the key points we learned from the database: Victims of mass ILLUSTRATION BY TRACIE KEETON/
New restrictions for midterms killings are more likely to have been killed by someone they know and USA TODAY; PHOTO BY ALBERT CESARE/
mass killings aren’t confined to big cities. USA TODAY NETWORK
Florida is part of a group of states
that have adopted new election restric-
tions fueled by claims of election fraud

See FLORIDA, Page 2A

raises cash
QIJFAF-01005z(N)e ©COPYRIGHT 2022
A division of
off FBI
Gannett Co., Inc.

More than 100 emails

sent in days after search
Tots’ take per Erin Mansfield, Candy Woodall
tooth tops $5 and Rachel Looker
The average payout per canine, USA TODAY
incisor, molar or premolar has hit a
new high at $5.36 this year.
Former President Donald Trump is
Lawrence Springer of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s aggressively raising money off the
conservation response unit writes down a home’s information after FBI’s seizure of confidential documents
$6 identifying a wayward sprinkler system in violation of the agency’s rules on at his Mar-a-Lago home, sending a blitz
water waste. AMANDA LEE MYERS/USA TODAY of emails that urge supporters to donate
to an “Official Trump De-
$4 fense Fund.”
Calif. water patrols, neighbors The money is being
solicited through a fund-
crack down on big-time wasters
$2.52 raising vehicle that can
$1 2010 dump money into Don-
ald Trump’s leadership
2001 2022 Amanda Lee Myers different rules for everyone, some- Trump PAC, Save America, and
USA TODAY times even neighbors who live across to another fund, Make
SOURCE Delta Dental’s Original
Tooth Fairy Poll of U.S. parents the street from each other. America Great Again PAC, which
AMY BARNETTE, BILL CAMPLING/USA TODAY From working-class neighborhoods Leading the charge is Las Virgenes evolved out of his first presidential
to the celebrity haunts of Malibu, resi- Municipal Water District, which in- campaign.
dents in the Los Angeles area have cludes some of the richest areas of the Trump is using the criminal investi-
been getting visits from what is essen- region, including Calabasas, Hidden gation as an opportunity to motivate his
DAILY DISCOUNTS & SAVINGS ... tially the water police as California re- Hills, Agoura Hills, Westlake Village supporters to stock war chests that
mains in a near constant state of and parts of Malibu. already have more than $100 million.
drought. For the biggest water users among He will be able to use the money in a
Six million Southern California resi- its 75,000 customers, the agency has variety of ways, including opposing his
dents are under the toughest water re- begun installing devices that limit flow political enemies, and preserving and
strictions in the nation. And because inside homes and completely cut it off extending his already-firm grip on the
of the patchwork of different agencies
overseeing different areas, that means See WATER, Page 4A See TRUMP, Page 2A


Trump tee. Fifteen of the emails reference an

“Official Trump Defense Fund,” language
fense attorney and former federal prose-
cutor in the Southern District of New
Fundraising emails promising match-
es are also common, and in Trump’s case,
that is strikingly similar to the “Official York. Weiner said there’s no indication the do-
Continued from Page 1A Election Defense Fund” that the House Perry said the “Official Election De- nations in the past have been being
panel probing Trump’s role in the Jan. 6 fense Fund” was a “cut and dried” case matched.
Republican Party. Capitol attack said likely never existed. because the Jan. 6 committee deter- “It’s just a fundraising tactic,” Weiner
Some examples of what Trump sent to The Save America Joint Fundraising mined that the money largely did not go said.
his followers in the days after the law en- Committee did not reply to a question to election litigation. Ann Ravel, a Democrat who served on
forcement actions include: about whether there was a segregated “Time and maybe FEC records will the Federal Election Commission, said
h “What recently took place at my fund for money that comes in for the “Of- tell,” she said. fundraising off of Mar-a-Lago is “really
Mar-a-Lago home was an unprecedent- ficial Trump Defense Fund” or where that She said Trump could also run into unseemly.”
ed infringement of the rights of every money goes. Information on fundraising trouble if he’s raising money not off of hy- “He is turning it into a fundraising
American citizen,” the Save America and spending this month won’t be avail- perbole, but off of false statements. (mechanism) and also using it probably
Joint Fundraising Committee wrote on able until they report to the Federal Elec- A fundraising email sent Aug. 9 had for his purposes of politicizing it and
Aug. 12, which included the “Official tion Commission in September. subject line, “The Democrats broke therefore advancing his own career,” Rav-
Trump Defense Fund” logo at the bottom. Other emails came from the campaign into the home of President Donald J. el said. “Which is why I think it has to be
h “Scam after Scam, year after year. arms of House Republicans and Senate Trump.” The search was approved by a related to deciding to run again in 2024
This POLITICAL PROSECUTION is mere- Republicans, as well as funds affiliated federal judge after the Department of and to rile up the base.”
ly a continuation of Russia, Russia, Rus- with House Minority Leader Kevin Mc- Justice made a case that there was Trump has not filed to run for election
sia, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeach- Carthy, R-Calif.; Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La.; probable cause that a crime was commit- in 2024, but allies have called for him to
ment Hoax # 2, the no collusion Mueller and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. ted. take another stab at the White House,
Report, and more,” he said. “Every single dollar raised will go di- Bruce Udolf, a defense attorney and and his fundraising emails regularly ask
h A fundraising email sent Aug. 9 had rectly to FIGHTING OFF the corrupt Left former prosecutor in the Southern Dis- supporters if they would vote for him a
the subject line, “The Democrats broke and their LIES,” an email sent Tuesday trict of Florida, said the new Official third time.
into the home of President Donald J. said. On Wednesday, an email promised Trump Defense Fund is “entirely predict- Money that ends up with Save Amer-
Trump.” The search was approved by a a 1,300% match in donation amounts for able” and raises concerns. ica can be spent for personal use, from
federal judge after the Department of one day only, with text that claimed the “If Trump’s doing it, it’s questionable,” clothing to defense attorneys, but cannot
Justice made a case that there was prob- FBI went on “a wild goose chase looking he said. be turned back over to a potential
able cause to believe a crime was com- for cocktail napkins, raincoats and golf campaign, Ravel said. The Make America
mitted. balls from the White House.” ‘Particular fundraising tactic that Great Again PAC is not a leadership fund.
In the first 10 days after the search, Not all emails explicitly say what the the Trump campaign has perfected’ Erin Chlopak, a senior director for
Trump and his allies sent out more than money will be used for, and the amount campaign finance at the nonprofit
120 emails explicitly raising funds off the raised this month will not be disclosed Daniel Weiner, a director at New York watchdog group Campaign Legal Center,
event. There were at least dozens more with the FEC until September. University’s Brennan Center, said it’s said the influx of fundraising emails
referring more generally to things like a An inquiry to the Save America Joint common for people across the political could be “misleading at best” and “fraud-
“witch hunt.” Fundraising Committee was not immedi- spectrum to use the concept that a candi- ulent at worst” if the donations do not in
ately returned. date is being unfairly persecuted when fact go to Trump’s legal defense.
‘Nothing inherently wrong with “There’s nothing inherently wrong asking for donations. And others have “There’s not necessarily a specific
profiteering off of galvanizing news’ with profiteering off of galvanizing news used the concept of a “fund” before. campaign finance law that prohibits gen-
– and this is obviously very galvanizing “This is a particular fundraising tactic eral misleading fundraising,” she said,
The vast majority were sent by the for his base – as long as it’s going to the that the Trump campaign has perfected,” “but it’s certainly a problem that we have
Save America Joint Fundraising Commit- stated purpose,” said Danya Perry, a de- he said. seen for many years.”

Florida Election supervisors who violate the

state’s drop box laws could face a
after the departure of four sitting mem-
bers and the addition of another repre-
numbers when they return mail ballots.
Earley, the president of the group rep-
$25,000 fine. sentative following the 2020 census. resenting 67 local election supervisors,
Continued from Page 1A “All of these changes add up to constrict On the Senate side, Democratic has opposed the idea. The change would
(voting),” said Cecile Scoon, president of Rep. Val Demings showed a comfortable be expensive, Earley said, requiring extra
in the 2020 election, which saw unprece- the League of Women Voters of Florida. lead in a recent Fox News poll over her envelopes or different envelopes that
dented levels of voting by mail because of In April, Florida adopted another new primary opponents and also is trending their equipment struggles to handle.
the COVID-19 pandemic. election law, Senate Bill 524, which re- ahead of Sen. Marco Rubio, the Repub- He also worries about the “massive
Trump won Florida, but Republicans quires annual purges of the voter rolls, in- lican incumbent. Rubio is unopposed in disenfranchisement” he said happened
in state government adopted an election creases penalties for election crimes and the GOP primary. in Texas.
law in 2021. creates an “Office of Election Crimes and Florida has 29 electoral votes, mean- During the Texas primary on March 1,
U.S. District Court Judge Mark Walker Security” to investigate complaints of al- ing it is among the richest prizes during voters for the first time had to include
said in a March ruling that the law was leged voter fraud. presidential elections. Donald Trump’s identification numbers on the flap of an
designed “to target Black voters because Scoon said she fears that the group victory there in 2016, for example, helped envelope for their mail-in ballots. That
of their propensity to favor Democratic will act as election police and scare Black him win the White House. led to a wave of rejected ballots, about
candidates.” But an appeals court said voters away from the polls. 25,000 mail-in ballots out of nearly
the law should stand for the Aug. 23 “The history is too raw, and it’s too 2024 could bring more changes 200,000 cast statewide. That amounted
primary while it is challenged in court. real,” she said of the South’s history of to a rejection rate of about 12.4%.
In addition, in 2022, Florida’s GOP- keeping Black people from voting. Senate Bill 524 also sets the table for The rejections affected voters of both
controlled Legislature passed another set more potential changes in 2024 that parties, too, with 12.9% of Democratic
of election law changes. State Republi- The stakes for 2022 could mirror those that led Texas election primary mail-in ballots rejected com-
cans hailed the changes as a victory for officials to reject thousands of mail-in pared with 11.8% of Republican mail-in
“election integrity,” and Gov. Ron DeSan- Voters will pick candidates in a num- ballots earlier this year. ballots, according to the Austin
tis said his state was a “national leader” ber of high-profile races Tuesday, includ- The initial version of the bill required American-Statesman.
in election security. ing a Democratic challenger to DeSantis, voters to provide an identification num- “I don’t see any good way to make this
Voting rights advocates, though, fear who is thought to be laying the ground- ber on their mail ballots, but that was work, frankly,” Earley said. “I’ve been
the new laws will make it harder for vot- work for a presidential campaign. scrapped. Instead, it called for a study, very adamant about that.”
ers. The League of Women Voters and At stake, as well, are a handful of open due to the state Legislature by Feb. 1, on Contributing: The Associated Press
other groups sued the state to stop the congressional seats during the midterm requiring voters to include identification and The Tallahassee Democrat
enforcement of Senate Bill 90, the bill
adopted in 2021.
That bill requires, for the first time,
voters applying for a mail ballot to in-

clude their Florida driver’s license or

identification card number or the last
four digits of their Social Security num-
ber. It also forces voters to apply more
frequently for mail-in ballots.
But about 600,000 of Florida’s
14.3 million voter registrations do not
have those numbers for local election of-
ficials to cross reference because the vot-
ers used other forms of identification to
prove their identity, said Dan Smith, a
political science professor at the Univer- 1) Register and enter codes at:
sity of Florida who was an expert witness
2) Enter today’s code before Wednesday, August 24 at
for the groups challenging the law.
11:59 p.m.
“For voters who have been on the rolls
for a long time, they may well not have 3) Redeem today’s bonus code for coupon redemptions
given that information,” Leon County that interest you. Coupons cover restaurants, travel,
elections supervisor Mark Earley said, family fun, automotive, shopping and more!
adding that many of Florida’s elections
supervisors reached out to voters who
did not have the numbers on file to get the
Once those voters receive their bal-
lots, the new law also limits who can re-
turn a ballot for a voter to immediate fam-
ily, and an individual can return only up
to two ballots that aren’t their own.
Senate Bill 90 also requires drop boxes A voter fills out his ballot Aug. 8 at the Stephen P.
– rebranded later as “secure ballot intake Clark Government Center in Miami. Early voting in the * Discounts vary by merchant, location and offer; subject to availability. Offers may change
without notice. Total savings vary based on the number of discounts and coupons
stations” in Florida – be monitored by Aug. 23 Florida primary election has been underway for redeemed and value of offers.
staff. several weeks. WILFREDO LEE/AP

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Mass killings database reveals trends, details

and anguish in every US event since 2006
An analysis by USA TODAY, The Associated Press and Northeastern University


Mass shootings in public places have become shockingly common in In an attempt to understand the phenomenon, USA TODAY,
American life. Though we’re stunned and outraged by these tragic Northeastern University and The Associated Press have teamed up over
events, research shows they’re only part of a much larger number of the past decade to track all mass killings in the U.S. since 2006.
mass killings across the U.S. These deaths, in public and private
Our database includes every mass killing over the past 16 years
settings, aren’t just from guns – they’re also caused by knives, vehicles,
involving all types of weapons in which four or more people, excluding

Mass killings by
location scaled
by number
of victims


2017 Virginia Tech
Las Vegas shooting

2022 Orlando Pulse
Robb Elementary Nightclub
School shooting shooting

James Alan Fox, a professor of criminology, law and public policy at Northeastern Public mass shootings are only part of the story
University in Boston, oversees the database and continues to add information
drawn from media reports, FBI data, arrest records, medical examiners' reports, Public fatal Nonpublic Other
prison records and other court documents. This is what we have learned: shootings fatal shootings mass killings

The number of mass killings in 2022 is about average 40

compared with previous years


2008 10

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Mass killings take place far more often in private homes
than in schools, markets or churches
Residence/Other shelter
2013 349
2015 Open space
2016 Multiple
2019 12
2021 House of worship
2022 Medical facility
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2

Victims are more likely to Race of victims and offenders

have been killed by tends to reflect the population Most mass killings are committed using handguns
someone they know White
1,222 Handgun
Acquaintance Black
751 202 Long guns
Unknown guns
First 197
716 692 158 Fire Explosive Unknown
Family Stranger 32
American Indian
445 28
Victims Sharp object Strangulation Other
Other Offenders
Blunt object Vehicle
2 Knife
Consult and download the full data at

Cheney, saddened by GOP, focuses on future

Katie Wadington On Kevin McCarthy
Asked whether House Minority Leader
Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Che- Kevin McCarthy should become the
ney, in a wide-ranging interview that next speaker of the
aired Sunday, said she had no regrets House, should
about how she ran her congressional Republicans take back
campaign or rejecting false claims that the chamber in
might have gotten her reelected. November’s elections,
“I think that it was clear really from, Cheney did not mince
you know, the beginning, the moment words: “Well, my views
that I voted to impeach, that there, you McCarthy about Kevin McCarthy
know, were going to be potential politi- are very clear.”
cal consequences,” Cheney, the vice Noting the speaker is in the
chair of the House’s Jan. 6 committee, presidential line of succession, Cheney
told Jonathan Karl on ABC News’ “This said McCarthy is not fit for the role:
Week.” “He’s been completely unfaithful to
Cheney said she is “sad about where the Constitution and demonstrated a
my party is” and expressed disap- total lack of understanding of the
pointment that “so many people have Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., speaks to supporters at a primary night event in significance and the importance of the
failed” the “great moral test” of uphold- Jackson, Wyo., on Aug. 16. Cheney conceded her loss in the Wyoming GOP role of speaker. So I don’t believe he
ing democracy. primary. ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES should be speaker of the House.”

On a White House bid On Pence testifying

On Ron DeSantis
“We had a very – a very The morning after her loss to in the Cheney may be leaving Congress but
Wyoming Republican primary to she still serves as vice chair of the Asked about whether she would
good talk, a talk about the Trump-backed candidate Harriet Jan. 6 committee, which has held a oppose a potential presidential
importance of putting the Hageman, Cheney suggested she is series of public hearings this candidacy of DeSantis, Cheney put the
considering a run for the White summer. Florida governor in the camp of those
country ahead of House in 2024. who don’t support the 2020 outcome.
She said the special panel has been in
partisanship.” Would she run as a Republican? talks with legal “I think that DeSantis is somebody
counsel for former who is, right now, campaigning for
Rep. Liz Cheney “I haven’t made any specific decisions
on her chat with President Biden after her Vice President Mike election denier,” she said. “And I think
election loss last week or plans about that at this point,” she that, you know, that is something that
Pence, who she says
told ABC News, when asked whether I think people have got to have real
“played a critical role
Several Republican candidates who she would run under the GOP banner. pause about. You know, either you
on January 6th.”
have attempted to court former Presi- She would not speculate further on fundamentally believe in and will
dent Donald Trump’s base have either Pence Pence has said he support our constitutional structure,
whether she’d campaign as an
cast doubt or outright denied the re- would “consider” or you don’t.”
sult of the 2020 election. testifying before the panel if asked.
Cheney said her attention going for- Cheney, the daughter of former Vice
Cheney noted that while she didn’t
ward is squarely on defeating anyone President Dick Cheney, told Karl that
see those comments, “it sounds like
who does not believe in the outcome of she would run not just to send a
they were pretty similar to what his On what’s next
the last presidential contest. message about what she believes,
counsel has been saying.” She is completing the work of the
“I think that they – we’ve got elec- but to win.
She acknowledged Pence has House committee investigating the
tion deniers that have been nominated “Look, you run for president because attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
for really important positions all “concerns about executive privilege.”
you believe you would be the best –
across the country,” she said. “And I’m She said that while she respects She has started a political
the best candidate, because you
going to work against those people, I’m those concerns, “I also think that organization to fight those who deny
believe you’d be the best president
going to work to support their oppo- when the country has been through the outcome of the 2020 election.
of the United States,” she said. “And
nents; I think it matters that much.” something as grave as this was,
so, any decision that I make about “I’m going to be very focused on
Here’s what else Cheney had to say everyone who has information has an
doing something that significant and working to ensure that we do
on a potential presidential bid in 2024, obligation to step forward.
that serious would be with the everything we can not to elect
Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and intention of winning and because I “So I would hope that he will do that.” election deniers,” she said.
more. think I would be the best candidate.”

Water there’s too much onus on the homeown-

ers in her area.
but because the restrictions are so new,
no one has been cited since June 1.
Restrictions should be streamlined to “Ninety-nine percent of the popula-
Continued from Page 1A apply to all Californians and the West, tion are receptive,” Springer said. “They
she said. tend to want to make the corrections not
from the outdoors. Since new restric- “We’re not making any fuss about our only because they don’t want to receive
tions went into place June 1, the agency allocation,” she said. “We’d be happy to citations but also this is basically a
has installed 56 of the flow restrictors, have our hill not die and our lawn be waste of water and a waste of money. So
which are stainless steel discs 1 inch in green again, but we also are nervous they tend to want to make the correction
diameter fitted to water meters. The that at some point there will be no water so that they save water and save money
discs have a tiny hole the size of 1/16th of coming out of the faucet.” in the process.”
an inch and that’s where the water trick- On top of water patrols, most agen- Many residents in the largely liberal
les through, meaning low-flow showers cies in Southern California provide hot- region have embraced the new normal
and less effective appliances. lines or online forms for residents to re- and made adjustments, like not flushing
Only seven of the 56 installed restric- port wasters to the authorities. the toilet for urine alone, turning the
tors remain in place because residents shower off while shaving, and collecting
made the necessary changes for them to Number of residents ratting out the sink water that runs while waiting
be removed, said Las Virgenes spokes- wasteful neighbors skyrockets for it to get hot. Others have made the
man Mike McNutt, adding that once the switch to artificial turf or irrigation sys-
devices are installed, they’re left in Lawrence Springer has been with the tems for watering their yards.
place a minimum of two weeks. Los Angeles Department of Water and
An additional 1,600 customers are on Power’s conservation response unit for ‘No more lawns’
the list to get flow restrictors but the This type of water flow restrictor has four years but has been extra busy since
agency only has the capability to install being installed in homes in some of the new restrictions were announced in The adjustments are paying off. Los
20 a week, McNutt said. the Los Angeles area’s richest areas. April. Angeles Department of Power and Wa-
PROVIDED BY LAS VIRGENES WATER DISTRICT People reporting on their neighbors ter customers used 9% less water in
‘Nobody is getting have skyrocketed. (The department June this year than June 2021, despite
preferential treatment’ says there were 544 complaints in May the month being hotter than any June in
bills from Las Virgenes telling her she’s 2021, compared with 1,198 in May 2022, the past eight years, the agency said.
And it doesn’t matter whether your over her monthly allotment. The most a 120% increase.) In the strict Las Virgenes district, wa-
last name is Kardashian or Stallone, the recent one told her she may be targeted Springer responds to those reports ter use in May fell by 21% since last May
agency promises residents that their for a flow restrictor. on top of his regular neighborhood pa- and by 42% in June, according to figures
status will not exempt them from flow “I wrote them an email because I was trols, which range from working-class provided by McNutt.
restrictors. panicked,” she said, citing a recent leak areas in South Los Angeles to million- He attributes the huge decreases to
“We’re talking celebrities, people of her irrigation system that released dollar homes in the tony neighborhood the area’s large property sizes, which
who are very wealthy, people who live in about 600 gallons of water after she re- of Hancock Park, home of Mayor Eric means that irrigation represents about
gated communities,” McNutt said. “No- ceived a warning. Garcetti and formerly Howard Hughes, 70% of water usage.
body is getting preferential treatment.” Since the new restrictions were an- Mae West and Nat King Cole. “So when conservation restrictions
So far, the agency has targeted the nounced, McMeel said she’s been using Springer drives or walks around on are put into place, we can see larger sav-
highest users of water, those who are qua- a bucket to collect shower water that the lookout for people watering their ings due to cutting back on outdoor wa-
drupling their allocated budgets. Among would otherwise be wasted while lawns past 9 a.m. or for sprinklers that tering,” he said.
those who’ve been on the list include Syl- warming up and uses it for irrigation. end up watering cement. While homes in the area are now
vester Stallone, Kevin Hart, Kourtney She’s also stopped rinsing dishes before On a recent sunny summer day in an down to being allowed to water their
Kardashian, Howie Mandell and Michael putting them in the dishwasher and upscale area of the Pico-Robertson lawns once a week, McNutt said resi-
Jackson’s estate, McNutt said. started combining whites and colors to neighborhood, Springer immediately dents need to start preparing for a time
Those celebrities and others can and cut down on laundry cycles, among oth- spotted two homes violating his agen- when they’re not allowed to water out-
have been able to get their names off the er adjustments. cy’s rules. Sprinklers were spraying all doors at all.
list before getting a device installed if Since being notified she was over her over sidewalks so much that it created “What were saying is no more lawns,”
they sign a water-use commitment form allotment, she started a water diary to puddles along the curbs and flowed he said. “All lawns will ultimately go
and lower their usage, he added. track her usage. It’s all getting to be a bit down the street. dormant or turn brown or not live any-
While the agency monitors water use too much. “There may be a broken pipe,” he said more. That’s the future of where were
through meters, it also does neighbor- “I would like to have a life besides as he walked around the lush green lawn going with outdoor living spaces.”
hood patrols like many other utilities in worrying about my water,” she said. of a $2 million Spanish-style home. “In Southern California, we’ve been
the region that are under restrictions, And if they install a flow restrictor on But Lawrence doesn’t knock on the accustomed to having lush, green
which include allowing residents to wa- her home? door to see whether someone’s home. lawns, and as we move into the future, if
ter their lawns only once a week. “I will figure out how to remove it my- Instead, he pulled out his clipboard and we don’t get a sufficient amount of snow
The restrictions and penalties aren’t self or find someone who can remove it began filling out information about the and rain, it’s going to get tough to justify
sitting right with many residents. for me,” she said. house and the violation, information having a green lawn when we can use
Kitti McMeel, a 71-year-old portrait Miriam Zacuto, a 60-year-old man- he’ll use later to write a warning. the water for other reasons. Hopefully,
photographer living in Westlake Village, ager of a law practice who lives in near- The first citation carries no fine. But a we can move toward a more California
said she’s been working hard to reduce by Agoura Hills, said she also believes in second costs $200, a third $400 and a landscape, but it’s going to take time
her water use, but has now gotten three conservation, but says it feels like fourth $600. It can escalate from there and it’s going to take education.”

US border agents
encounter record
numbers of migrants
Rick Jervis USA TODAY

Growing numbers of Mexicans, Hondurans, Cubans and Venezuelans are coming

across the U.S.-Mexico border, while some U.S. policies may continue to funnel
migrants into hazardous terrain. h The number of migrants encountered at the
U.S.-Mexico border dipped slightly last month compared with the month before,
but is still on pace to surpass last year’s record-breaking totals, according to sta-
tistics released this week by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. h “Repeat cross-
ers” and other factors may skew the numbers somewhat, making them appear
larger than they are, but the sheer number and variety of migrants arriving at the
Southwest border are still at historic highs, said Adam Isacson, of the Washington
Office on Latin America, a research and advocacy group.

Is this a record-breaking What is Title 42, and how

year for migrants at did the pandemic affect
US-Mexico border? immigration numbers?
The consensus is mostly yes. Border Border agents and officials continue
agents and officials encountered to expel migrants at the border under
199,976 migrants at the Southwest Title 42, the pandemic-era rule that
border, a 4% drop from June, when allows agents to remove migrants
207,933 were encountered, according without processing their asylum
to the CBP statistics. But, overall, claims to avoid the spread of the Immigrants from Haiti, Who is arriving at the US-Mexico
1.947 million migrants were coronavirus. In July, 74,573 migrants who crossed through a
encountered at the border this fiscal encountered at the Southwest border gap in the U.S.-Mexico
year from October 2021 through July. – or 37% – were removed from the border barrier, wait in Just more than half – or 52% – of migrants
That number is already higher than U.S. under Title 42, according to CBP line to be processed in encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border came
the 1.7 million reported all of last fiscal statistics. Yuma, Ariz., in May. from Mexico and the three “Northern Triangle”
year, then the highest number on MARIO TAMA/GETTY IMAGES Central American countries of El Salvador,
Many immigrants avoid Title 42 and Guatemala and Honduras.
record. (Numbers have approached
are allowed into the U.S. to face
those heights in decades past: 1.6 Other countries seeing large influxes of its
removal proceedings because the U.S.
million in 1986 and again in 2000.) citizens at the Southwest border include Cuba
lacks diplomatic relations with their
Border officials said 22% of those home country or some regions of (20,159), Venezuela (17,651), Colombia (13,459)
encountered at the border were Mexico decline to take them. The and Nicaragua (12,076), according to CBP
“At the end of the statistics. Also, 5,396 Haitians were picked up at
“repeat crossers,” or those picked up Biden administration has kept Title 42
more than once in a year, which may in place under court order. day, the U.S. the border.
overstate the total number, Isacson The surge in migrants from countries not
said. But even factoring in repeat
Many of those who are expelled under continues to be a
the public health order, finding historically common sources of migration to the
crossers, the numbers are on pace to
themselves mired in dangerous very attractive job U.S.-Mexico border points to a global trend of
break previous records. people fleeing pandemic-ravaged economies
northern Mexico towns, simply cross market, and
“No matter how you measure it … this again to seek asylum, said Jason De and unstable governments, Isacson said.
will be the largest year ever,” he said. León, director of the Colibri Center for migrants tend to “People are on the move everywhere,” he said.
Human Rights, an advocacy group.
track that very Another factor driving migrants to the
Title 42 also creates danger by forcing U.S.-Mexico border: a robust U.S. job market,
migrants to try to cross in more
said Tony Payan, director of the Mexico Center
Are unaccompanied minors hazardous areas, he said. Tony Payan at Rice University in Houston. The labor market
still coming to the US? director of the Mexico Center at
added more than 500,000 jobs last month,
This critique echoes other criticisms Rice University in Houston
Yes, though their numbers are waning. of border policies. Advocates have exceeding expectations, and the unemployment
Encounters of unaccompanied long said that strengthened barriers – rate dropped to a pre-pandemic rate of 3.5%,
children decreased from 15,255 in such as border walls – push crossers according to U.S. labor statistics.
June to 13,299 in July, a 13% drop. So into more-remote areas or dangerous
far this fiscal year, border agents have crossing methods, leading to more
encountered more than 128,000 deaths. Title 42 creates similar
unaccompanied minors. pressures, De León said.

Alabama city finds

loophole to oust officers
in racist text scandal
Christine Fernando
“This has uncovered a flaw that not a
The mayor of a small Alabama city single person at this table realized we
said the city couldn’t legally fire police of- have with our personnel policy.”
ficers after the city’s three-member po- Mayor James Latimore
lice department was engulfed in a scan-
dal over racist texts. So the city is instead should the department come back one
disbanding the department and laying day.
off its officers. “This has uncovered a flaw that not a
The city council for the city of Vincent single person at this table realized we
unanimously voted to disband its three- have with our personnel policy,” Latimore
member police department during a pub- added as residents attending the public
lic meeting Thursday after authorities meeting expressed outrage that the offi-
say one of the members of the depart- cers involved could not be fired.
ment sent a text with a racist joke about Now the city plans to contract the
slavery. The texts, which Mayor James Shelby County Sheriff’s Office for law en-
Latimore said were sent in June, sparked forcement. The police chief and assistant
outrage after being posted online in July. police chief will be laid off five days after
The city council this month voted to the new ordinance is passed, Latimore
suspend the police chief and assistant said, adding that both officers had re-
police chief. The police department’s cently submitted their paperwork for re-
third member resigned just hours before tirement.
the vote. During the Thursday public meeting,
That meeting set in motion the proc- Vincent residents expressed their hurt
ess of disbanding the department, but and outrage over the texts, and demand-
the details of how to terminate remaining ed further investigation into the incident
officers remained unresolved. and accountability for the officers in-
The plan to fire them hit a legal snag, volved. Residents also voiced concerns
even as some officers announced plans to about how far Shelby County Sheriff’s
retire. Office is from the town and questioned
The problem with firing the officers how quickly the agency may be able to re-
was uncovered by the city’s attorney, La-
timore said at Thursday’s meeting. The
city’s personnel policy requires two writ-
ten complaints and a verbal warning to
spond to emergencies.
Latimore said dissolving the police
department is not intended to be a per-
manent solution. He said entering a con-
be filed before an employee can be termi- tract with the sheriff’s office will help
nated. give the city time to hire new officers, re-
Latimore said there have been no offi- build the police department and revise
cial complaints against any department its personnel policies.
employee during his time as mayor. “We can bring the police department AIAAWARDS.COM/VOTE
Voting to eliminate the department back,” he said. “We can go with Shelby
solved the issue, the city’s mayor said. County for a year and then bring the po- F O L L O W @ A I A A W A R D S
“It’s not firing them,” Latimore said. lice department back once we’ve had # A I A A W A R D S 2 0 2 2
“It’s laying them off.” time to interview people to find the right
Disbanding the department also al- people to build positions.
lows the city to craft a better policy to “It’s not the end of Vincent Police De-
deal with future disciplinary issues, partment.”


Experts warn of risks as polio WAR IN UKRAINE


may be making a comeback Russians

Adrianna Rodriguez

In the early 1900s, as many as 35,000

after car
Americans a year were disabled by po-
lio. The virus, which mainly spread dur-
ing summer months, finally was tamed
with a highly effective vaccine. Angry Russians called Sunday for
For decades, transmission had dis- attacks on Ukrainian government
appeared in the U.S. buildings after the death of a promi-
Until now. nent Putin ally in a car bombing after a
New York reported a confirmed case festival outside Moscow.
of paralytic polio in July, and wastewa- Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to
ter surveillance showed the virus may Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelen-
have been circulating in neighboring skyy, denied Ukrainian involvement:
counties since April. “We are not a criminal state, unlike
Experts are calling it a “wake-up call,” Russia.” Ukrainian officials, however,
but they don’t think the single case or urged government employees in the
subsequent viral detection will lead to a capital to work remotely this week
countrywide outbreak akin to COVID-19 amid concerns that the buildings
or monkeypox, as more than 90% of U.S. would be targeted for attack.
children are vaccinated against polio. Russia’s Investigative Committee
Experts, however, say pockets of un- said the explosion ripped through the
vaccinated people across the country Toyota Land Cruiser driven by Daria
may be at risk. Dugina, 29, a conservative commenta-
“What worries me is the communi- tor, near the village of Bolshie Vyaze-
ties where vaccination is suboptimal,” my on Saturday night. RT reported
said Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr, professor of epi- that the vehicle belonged to her father,
demiology and medicine at Columbia The emergency polio ward at Haynes Memorial Hospital in Boston in 1955 is anti-Western Russian nationalist Al-
University Mailman School of Public filled with iron lung respirators. The coffin-like devices helped those whose exander Dugin – often called “Putin’s
Health. “It is in those communities bodies were crippled by polio breathe artificially. Later in 1955, Jonas Salk brain” – giving rise to suspicions that
where you’re likely to get spread rather discovered the vaccine for polio, which today has been eradicated from all but he was the intended target. Dugina
than communities with coverage.” three countries. AP herself was a hardliner who said docu-
Officials announced July 21 that an mented Russian atrocities in Kyiv sub-
adult in Rockland County, New York, urb of Bucha were staged.
had been diagnosed with polio in June. Meanwhile, wastewater surveillance for the 2020-2021 school year fell by 1% “Kyiv will shudder” said a headline
The person had never been vaccinated showed the polio virus in 21 sewage amid disruptions from the COVID-19 on Russia’s website, while
against the virus, officials said, and suf- samples taken in Orange and Rockland pandemic. state-run RT editor Margarita Simo-
fered paralysis as a result of the disease. counties since April, the CDC reported. “We really have to play catch up for nyan retweeted a call to bomb the Uk-
A report from the Centers for Disease “For every one case of paralytic polio some children,” El-Sadr said. rainian intelligence agency headquar-
Control and Prevention shows the case identified, hundreds more may be unde- The highly infectious disease is ters in Kyiv.
– the first transmitted in the U.S. since tected,” New York health commissioner spread through contact with infected “Decision-making centers! Deci-
1979 – came from a person who had tak- Dr. Mary T. Bassett said in a statement. feces, often when children don’t wash sion-making centers!! Decision mak-
en an oral polio vaccine in a different Low levels of vaccination and circu- their hands correctly, experts say. So, ing centers!!!” she said in a post.
country. A rare complication of the at- lating virus in wastewater indicate “a it’s also important to maintain good Russia’s Investigative Committee
tenuated live vaccine, which has not very major storm developing” in these hand hygiene. said the explosion ripped through the
been given in the U.S. in more than two communities, said Dr. Luis Ostrosky, an The single case of polio likely won’t Toyota Land Cruiser driven by Daria
decades, allowed the person to develop infectious disease specialist at the Uni- result in a nationwide outbreak, but Dugina, 29, a conservative commenta-
a mild case of polio and shed the dis- versity of Texas Health Science Center it’s a reminder that even eliminated tor, near the village of Bolshie Vyaze-
ease. at Houston and Memorial Hermann diseases can reappear if the public isn’t my on Saturday night. RT reported
Like every state, New York requires Hospital. careful, said Dr. Daniel Pastula, a neu- that the vehicle belonged to her father,
children to get a polio vaccination be- The “wastewater is showing us there ro-infectious disease expert at the well-known anti-Western Russian na-
fore attending child-care facilities and are infected people in the community University of Colorado Anschutz Med- tionalist Alexander Dugin, giving rise
schools. that aren’t showing clinical signs and ical Campus. to suspicions that he was the intended
But in Rockland County, only about symptoms,” he said, as only about 1 one “Poliovirus isn’t eradicated around target.
60% of children younger than 2 received in 2,000 people who are infected with the world,” he said. “Under the right The blast came at about 9 p.m. local
their recommended series of the polio the polio virus develop the disease. conditions, it can rear its ugly head and time, shortly after Dugina left a festi-
vaccine, state data show. The CDC re- The best way to prevent further those conditions are lack of vaccina- val where she attended a “Tradition
port showed some ZIP codes have vacci- transmission in vulnerable communi- tions, contaminated water and food and History” lecture led by her father,
nation coverage as low as 37%. ties is through vaccination, experts say. and unrobust public health systems.” Russian authorities said.
“Ideally, you want more than 90% at The standard vaccination series for po- Contributing: Chris McKenna and Latest developments:
minimum among children,” El-Sadr lio consists of four doses: one at 2 Nancy Cutler, USA TODAY h Ukraine’s military said it de-
said. months old, the second at 4 months, the Health and patient safety coverage stroyed two Russian ammunition de-
Although data is inconsistent third between 6 and 18 months, and the at USA TODAY is made possible in part pots in the villages of Chornobaivka in
throughout the country, experts say low fourth between 4 and 6 years old. by a grant from the Masimo Founda- Kherson and Starytsia in Kharkiv. The
vaccination rates aren’t unique to New Officials urge parents to make sure tion for Ethics, Innovation and Compe- Kremlin said it destroyed a depot in
York. There are likely other states with their children are current with their vac- tition in Healthcare. The Masimo the Odesa region where missiles for
pockets of unvaccinated residents who cines. An April report from the CDC Foundation does not provide editorial U.S. multiple-rocket launchers known
could be vulnerable to the virus. found coverage among kindergartners input. as HIMARS were stored.
h Two Russians and a Ukrainian
were arrested for alleged espionage at
an Albanian military plant. Albania, a

Search goes on for hiker after flooding at Zion NATO member since 2009, has strong-
ly renounced Russia’s invasion of Uk-
raine and has joined in sanctions
Claire Thornton and Cady Stanton according to NPS. counted for, NPS later received a report against Moscow.
USA TODAY “Park rangers and other members of from Agnihotri’s friends that she was
the Zion Search and Rescue Team re- missing, the service said. Heavyweight champion from
Authorities at Zion National Park sponded quickly to this event, and we Zion National Park is about 20 miles Ukraine retains crown
were still searching for an Arizona wom- are continuing our efforts,” Jeff Brady- north of the Utah-Arizona border and
an who vanished after flash flooding, baugh, Zion National Park superinten- is known for its narrow canyons and Ukrainian fighters typically draw
the park said, and iconic sections of the dent, said Saturday. massive sandstone cliffs. praise from President Volodymyr Ze-
park remained closed Sunday. Park rangers received an initial re- The Narrows is a hiking route that lenskyy for their toil on the battlefield,
Late Friday, the National Park Ser- port Friday afternoon of “multiple hik- includes long periods of walking not the boxing ring.
vice received a report that Jetal Agniho- ers being swept off their feet by a flash through water. Zion National Park Oleksandr Usyk receives it for both.
tri, a 29-year-old Tucson, Arizona, resi- flood” in The Narrows and sent rangers closes The Narrows when the water Six months after he was patrolling
dent, was overdue from a trip to The to respond. They discovered one injured currents in that part of the park get too the streets of Kyiv with an automatic
Narrows, a gorge carved by the Virgin hiker who had been swept downstream strong. rifle and defending Ukraine from the
River that has rock walls 1,000 feet tall. and several others who were isolated by Contributing: K. Sophie Will, St. invading Russians, Usyk outpointed
More than 20 Zion search and rescue high water on high ground and assisted George Spectrum & Daily News; Melis- Anthony Joshua in a closely fought re-
team members were working in the Vir- them to safety. sa Yeager and Haleigh Kochanski, The match Saturday in Saudi Arabia to
gin River area searching for Agnihotri, After all hikers were thought to be ac- Arizona Republic; The Associated Press keep his WBA, WBO and IBF belts.
In defending his titles, Usyk im-
proved his record to 20-0 with 13
knockouts and lived up to his billing as

Staten Island blaze engulfs multiple homes the sporting pride of Ukraine.
“I devote this victory to my country,
to my family, to my team, to all the mil-
Cady Stanton plicated efforts to contain the fire by Keane said. “It looked like an out-of- itary defending this country,” said
USA TODAY spreading the flames, and siding melted control bonfire. The wind then started Usyk, 35, who came into the ring wear-
off of neighboring residences. blowing and it completely caught fire.” ing a blue-and-yellow top with the
Fifteen people were displaced and "It could have been a lot worse if it New York City Council Member Joe words “Colors of Freedom.”
three firefighters suffered minor injuries wasn't for the aggressive actions by the Borelli, who represents Staten Island's Amid all the hardships the war has
after a fire spread across at least three FDNY," FDNY Deputy Assistant Chief south shore, put out a call on social caused, Usyk has served as inspiration
homes on Staten Island late Saturday Kevin Woods said. media for gift-card donations for those for his fellow Ukrainians, and he drew
night, officials said early Sunday. The injured firefighters were taken to affected by the fire. a shoutout from Zelenskyy in his
The fire started on the first floor of a hospitals, Woods said. No residents Investigators have not yet deter- nightly video address to the nation.
two-story home in Charleston, Staten were hurt, but one dog is missing, local mined a cause for the blaze. “We stick together,” the president
Island, around 10 p.m. Saturday night, outlet PIX 11 reported. Last week, a Staten Island firefight- said. “We help each other. We restore
according to the FDNY. The flames then Resident Mark Keane, who took cell- er was released from a hospital after what was destroyed. We fight for all
spread to two neighboring units. phone video of the fire late Saturday, suffering serious internal injuries to our people. And we cheer for those
More than 140 firefighters responded told CBS News New York that he smelled his esophagus when his face piece was who represent Ukraine, today – defi-
to the scene, and it took about an hour the fire and left his home to investigate. knocked off his face while responding nitely for Usyk, our guy!”
for crews to gain control of the blaze, ac- "It just came out of nowhere and to a fire, the Staten Island Advance Contributing: The Associated Press
cording to officials. Strong winds com- erupted like an absolute apocalypse," reported.

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Why there should be

no question about
presidential records
They belong to the cording to the PRA, public presidential
records encompass “documentary ma-
American people, terials,” irrespective of format, created or
not former presidents received by the president or his staff
working on official or ceremonial duties.
It also includes some documents re-
lated to the president’s or staff’s political
activities if they also touch on the presi-
dent’s official duties.
Nixon had been forced by the Supreme
Court to turn over the now infamous President Donald Trump holds up papers in the White House’s news media room
Joseph Michael tapes that led to his impeachment. Some on April 20, 2020. ALEX BRANDON/AP
Lieberman Alexander in his inner circle had actually advised
Former A former Senate Nixon to burn the tapes! After that epi-
U.S. senator staff director sode, Congress was naturally concerned no longer have administrative, historical, could do grave harm to our security – es-
about the destruction and loss of presi- informational, or evidentiary value, once pecially when not only the contents but
During the years I was privileged to be dential records, and it passed the PRA, the views of (the archivist) on the pro- also the methods and sources that our in-
in the leadership of the U.S. Senate which gave custody of all former presi- posed disposal have been obtained in telligence and military agencies use are
Homeland Security and Governmental dents’ records to the National Archives writing.” revealed to foreign adversaries.
Affairs Committee, one of the least com- and Records Administration. Before the PRA became the law of our Releasing classified information can
pelling topics we dealt with was the rules land, every president from George Wash- jeopardize vital national security opera-
regarding presidential records. To many From Washington to Carter ington to Jimmy Carter (who was presi- tions. It does not take a genius to trace
members of the committee and the news dent when the act was enacted) was free the contents of documents to their
media, hearings that we were required to The act made clear that these records to do whatever they pleased with their source, and when those sources are hu-
hold on that subject seemed irrelevant or were important to the nation’s past and records, “including selling them, burning man, to put the lives of American agents
boring, not anyone’s idea of must-see TV. future and were not the property of any them, even flushing them down the toi- at risk.
After the search warrant recently car- individual. They belong to the American let,” as historian Mitchell Robertson has That is exactly what happened in 2010
ried out at former President Donald people. The PRA imposes on the national written. Until the 1970s, the survival of when Julian Assange released an enor-
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm archivist “an affirmative duty to make presidential papers relied on “luck and mous amount of classified information
Beach, Florida, everyone is suddenly such records available to the public as circumstance.” given to him in violation of U.S. law.
talking about presidential records, espe- rapidly and completely as possible.” The Justice Department will decide
cially because some of the records were An incumbent president has discre- Our history, our future whether it will charge anyone with a
marked classified, with potentially seri- tion to restrict access to records for up to crime related to the records found at
ous consequences for national security. 12 years after leaving office. But, with a President Washington’s records were, Mar-a-Lago. Whether DOJ will is not
How to deal with them is now an ur- few stated exceptions, following this pe- according to Mount Vernon, “scattered clear, but one thing that should be clear is
gent and, for many, divisive topic of dis- riod those records must be automatically throughout the country, and around the that the way presidential records are
cussion. But there should be nothing released in accordance with the stan- world.” handled by presidents and their aides is
controversial or remotely partisan about dards in the Freedom of Information Act. Today, thankfully, many presidential critically important to our country, our
how we maintain these records. Among its other provisions, the Presi- records are housed in presidential librar- values, our history and our future. The
Simply put, they belong to the Amer- dential Records Act: ies, but only under the authority of our records of presidents are the property of
ican people, not former presidents, re- h Establishes in law “public owner- national archivist. The records are avail- the American people because in our de-
gardless of what political party a presi- ship of all presidential records.” able to historians, students, journalists mocracy it is the people, and not any
dent belongs to. h Requires the president and White and members of the public who want to president, who are sovereign.
When was the Presidential Records House staff to take “all practical steps to know what happened in that president’s Joseph Lieberman, a U.S. senator from
Act (PRA) adopted and why is it so im- file personal records separately from administration in order to learn from his- Connecticut from 1989 to 2013, was the
portant to our country? presidential records.” tory and hopefully protect and improve Democratic candidate for vice president
Congress passed the PRA in 1978 after h “Establishes that the presidential our democracy. in 2000. He is founding co-chair of the bi-
the Watergate scandal and the resigna- records automatically transfer into legal The safekeeping of presidential rec- partisan organization No Labels.
tion of President Richard Nixon. custody of the archivist as soon as the ords is even more important when the in- Michael Alexander was a staff director
The Presidential Records Act defines president leaves office.” formation they contain has been classi- of the Senate Homeland Security & Gov-
both presidential records, which belong h Allows the incumbent president, not fied. Our government must keep some in- ernment Affairs Committee from 2006 to
to the public, and personal records. Ac- ex-presidents, “to dispose of records that formation secret because its release 2013.

The nerve of workers, insisting on their humanity

Blame or credit the Blame the pandemic, credit the pan-
demic – however you cast it, this is an
vestment banking company Jefferies:
“If you want a job, stay remote all the
there’s the word again, in my effort to be
polite – that bosses are suddenly her-
pandemic for a shift in earthquake in the life of working Amer- time. If you want a career, engage with alding the value of colleague-hobnob-
how we view our work ica. After more than two years of sacri- the rest of us in the office. ... No judg- bing during work hours.
fice and a remarkable ability to keep ment on which you pick, but don’t be Which brings me to a recent New
working-America afloat during this surprised or disappointed by certain York Times story titled, “The Rise of the
pandemic, it’s not unreasonable for all outcomes.” Worker Productivity Score,” by Jodi
those employees to wonder, “Where’s On any day, I am glad not to be an in- Kantor and Arya Sundaram. “Since the
the love?” S vestment banker. Today I’m downright dawn of modern offices, workers have
Connie Schultz hort of that, how about a return on giddy about it. orchestrated their actions by watching
USA TODAY their investment of worker loyalty? Let us acknowledge that is not a one- the clock,” the journalists write. “Now,
Davidson summed it up nicely: size-fits-all conundrum, and it’s a de- more and more, the clock is watching
Many bosses in the United States are “Burned out after logging excessive bate steeped in privilege and good luck. them.”
finally discovering that their employees hours or duties during COVID-19, (mil- Most low-paying jobs require in-person
want lives outside of work. lions of Americans are) resolving to work. These are essential workers, on Hold on to your mice
In addition to work, is perhaps a bet- meet their job requirements but not go whom we all depend.
ter way to put it. Minus their overlords, beyond. No toiling late into the night. No As I write, I was reminded of this over It is as awful as it sounds. At some
to be crystal clear. calls on weekends. And no pushing the last 48 hours, after I drove to Lowe’s companies, this monitoring includes
(I’m going to pivot to “we” and “our” themselves to the brink even during reg- to buy a major appliance. capturing photos of employees’ faces
here, to be inclusive, sure, but mostly to ular business hours.” An experienced employee helped me and computer screens and tracing the
make clear I am not a boss, nor have I The nerve of these people, insisting choose. A cashier helped me check out activity of their computer mice.
ever aspired to be a boss. Not that on their humanity. after the self-service station rejected This is not just for employees work-
there’s anything wrong with being a For white-collar workers, there’s lot me. Another employee called to sched- ing at home.
boss. Sometimes.) of coverage now about the debate of ule delivery. Companies also are installing this
Regardless of our commitment to working at home versus showing up to Not long after I heard Handler’s com- software in offices where employees are
jobs and careers, it turns out we want the office. ments on NPR on Thursday, two delive- supposed to be soaking up the benefits
hours – heck, entire days – not just min- In a curious development, bosses are rymen arrived to lug the appliance up of mingling, but not really.
utes disconnected from employers who arguing for more face time, and they’re one set of stairs and down another. My favorite part of the story, meaning
keep demanding more for less. We want not talking about the app. What I find This is the working life of millions of the part that made me scream at my
virtual walls between our personal lives fascinating is this sudden professed de- Americans who don’t have a choice computer screen, was about the pro-
and bosses who feel entitled to en- sire to see employees who are accus- about showing up if they want to sup- ductivity points assigned to the work of
croach on our time like vines of kudzu tomed to being unseen by higher-ups. port themselves and their families. hospice chaplains. Because if anything
on Georgia pines. Quick, someone order those name tags. Dismissing them as working in jobs, can be scheduled on a timetable, it’s the
As my colleague Paul Davidson wrote not careers, may make you feel better stages of death and grieving.
recently, quoting Korn Ferry’s Mark One size doesn’t fit all workers about your chosen line of work, but it It’s a whole new world, my fellow
Royal: “Employees are saying, ‘I’m not makes you a lousy human being. Americans. Hold on to your mice – or its
going to define myself by traditional This NPR segment on a story about Working parents, people with dis- it mouses? Mingle while you can.
markers of career progression and suc- hybrid work, in which employees split abilities and those who can’t afford the USA TODAY columnist Connie
cess. I’m going to put a box around their time between home and office, means of transportation for easy trips to Schultz is a Pulitzer Prize winner whose
work.’” made me stop mid-pour with the morn- and from the office can be top-notch novel, “The Daughters of Erietown,” is a
I’m going to put a box around work. ing coffee. employees without having to mingle in New York Times bestseller. You can
That’s a country song waiting to hap- First cup. I never do that. the workplace. reach her at or
pen. Somebody get on that, please. Here’s Rich Handler, CEO of the in- By the way, I find it fascinating – on Twitter: @ConnieSchultz

“USA TODAY hopes to serve as a forum for better understanding and unity to help make the USA truly one nation.” – Allen H. Neuharth, Founder, Sept. 15, 1982

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These electric vehicles now Want to live at sea? This ship
qualify for $7,500 tax credit offers full-time cruising
Inflation Reduction Act changes which electric The vessel, MV Narrative, will feature 547 resi-
USA TODAY | MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 | SECTION B vehicles get the Clean Vehicle Credit. Page 2B dences and a range of amenities. Page 4B

ready to
cut costs
Looking for ways to
keep staff in recession
Sara Edwards

Business owners worried about a

possible recession are reevaluating
budgets and spending so they can keep
their staff safely employed. For many
higher-ups, they’ve been here before.
Steve Shriver is CEO of the lip care
company Eco Lips. During the 2008 re-
cession, Shriver said he had to take
himself off the payroll and take on an-
other job to prevent layoffs, and he cut
as few costs as possible. He currently
has a staff of 80 employees.
Now, with another recession on the
horizon, Shriver said he’ll be happy if
the company can “stay flat,” or not see
any growth or shrinkage with its reve-
nue. He also said that to keep his staff Sonja Bonnett, 42, of Detroit, was evicted in 2017 from the house she thought she had bought in 2011 on a land contract.
employed, the company will freeze ad- In 2013, she got a note from the city that she owed $5,000 in back taxes and that foreclosure proceedings would begin.
ditional hiring and step up its plan- She says she had no idea the contract seller had not been paying taxes. PHOTOS BY RYAN GARZA/USA TODAY NETWORK
Shriver declined to disclose the
company’s annual sales or how it’s
grown since 2008.
“It’s super-important that on a daily
basis, we are auditing our expenses to
Is homeownership via
land contract worth it?
reduce expenses outside of labor
costs,” Shriver said. “It’s monitoring
the cost of goods, making sure that
we’re charging enough for products,
having enough gross margin to be able
to afford to keep our staff.” Consumer watchdogs
Why 80% of workers are say the practice
scared of losing their jobs can be predatory
during a recession
Swapna Venugopal Ramaswamy
According to a study from Insight USA TODAY
Global, 80% of workers are worried
that their job is not recession-proof. The pandemic housing market has
And with inflation at an all-time high, been especially tough for home buyers
56% of workers don’t feel prepared fi- looking at the lower end of the price
nancially for a recession. spectrum.
Bert Bean is the CEO of Insight In June, homes sold under $100,000
Global, a staffing company that helps fell by 27% compared with a year before
job seekers look for careers in health where homes sold between $750,000
care, finance, IT and government. He and $1 million went up by 6%, according
said that during the mass layoffs amid to data from the National Association of
the COVID-19 pandemic, workers over- Realtors.
all lost trust and faith in their employ- Apart from a dearth of starter home
ers. As a CEO himself, he said layoffs construction, financing has been a ma-
shouldn’t be the first thing an employer jor barrier.
thinks about when it comes to saving a In 2019, only 23% of homes priced
company during a recession. below $100,000 were purchased with a Bonnett was evicted from a neighborhood on Detroit’s east side.
“You can decide to cut back costs or mortgage, compared with 74% of
you can decide to actually grow homes priced at or above $100,000, ac-
through the recession and take more of cording to the Urban Institute.
an offensive measure,” he said, adding Lenders shy away from small mort-
that companies should be transparent gages because of high fixed origination “Sellers profit by churning a house through one land contract buyer after
with employees. and servicing costs regardless of the another. Sellers take whatever down payment the would-be owner can afford,
loan size, say experts. pull in their payments and sweat equity for as long as possible, and then evict
Businesses brace for slower The shortage is leading millions of them and cycle another buyer into the property.”
consumer spending Sarah Bolling Mancini
See CONTRACTS, Page 2B a staff attorney at the National Consumer Law Center
Taufeek Shah is CEO of minority-
owned Lola’s Fine Hot Sauce. He said
his biggest fear with a recession is the
slow economic growth with consumer
spending and how it could affect the Meet the tech being
cost of its goods.
“We’re a small business, and we’re used to test for and
treat monkeypox
Rayna Song
The technology used to protect against and treat
smallpox is helping the world tackle the monkeypox epi-
Top movers demic today.
The United States has diagnosed more than 6,300
cases of monkeypox since May 18. The first case during
this outbreak was identified in Boston, and the virus has
since spread to 48 states, as well as Washington, D.C., and
Puerto Rico.
People infected with monkeypox would initially expe-
Biggest large-cap stock price rience symptoms like fever, body aches, swollen lymph Introducing CornerIntense®. The biggest
increases (by percentage) for nodes and fatigue, along with red bumps on different revolution in dishwashing in nearly 100 years.
week ending Aug. 19. parts of the body. The rash could develop into blisters.
Wolfspeed Inc ............................21.9% Monkeypox is usually spread through close, skin-to- In stock now! Holdings.......................10.6% skin contact, and could also be spread through touching
Nu Holdings Ltd...........................9.4% objects and surfaces that have been used by an infected $100 Rebate*
Occid Petl ......................................8.5% person.
BJs Wholesale Club ....................8.0% *$100 rebate available on models DIT39434,
DDT39434X, DDT39434XIH, DIT38532,
Caseys Gen Store ........................6.5% How to test for monkeypox? DDT38532X, DDT38532XIH.
Cheniere EngyPtrsLP ..................6.1% $50 rebate available on models DUT36522X
and DUT36522W. Offer valid May 23rd thru Discover more
Colerra Energy Inc.......................5.7% People could test for monkeypox after showing symp- September 9th, 2022.
Kroger Co ......................................4.9% toms with a PCR test, which takes samples from blisters
Eli Lilly.............................................4.8% © 2022 Beko U.S., Inc.



Contracts These electric

Continued from Page 1B vehicles qualify
prospective homeowners to turn to al- for $7,500 rebate
ternative arrangements to finance their
home purchases. One of the most com- Sarah Raza
mon forms of alternative home financ- Detroit Free Press
ing, land contracts – also known as USA TODAY NETWORK
“contracts-for-deed” or “installment
sales contracts” – can be particularly On Tuesday, President Joe Biden
predatory, say consumer watchdogs. signed the Inflation Reduction Act, a
major climate bill that aims to curb in-
What is a land contract? flation while advancing clean energy
Land installment contracts, also The new law changes which electric
known as “contracts for deed,” are sell- vehicles will qualify for the Clean Vehi-
er-financed home sales in which a ho- Sonja Bonnett, of Detroit, sits on the front porch of her current home in Detroit cle Credit; now, only electric vehicles
mebuyer makes regular payments to on Aug. 1. Bonnett is a mother of seven who was evicted in 2017 from a house with final assembly in North America
the seller over a period of 30 or 40 years, she thought she had bought in 2011 on a land contract. will qualify for the $7,500 tax credit.
but the deed does not transfer until the RYAN GARZA/USA TODAY NETWORK Manufacturers that have reached
last payment is made. A single missed the 200,000 electric vehicle credits
payment can be a cause for eviction. cap will not qualify until Jan. 1, 2023.
Buyers who use land contracts are chasing a property on land contract com- terest jeopardized by a later transfer or According to the U.S. Department of
typically households who couldn’t bines the worst of buying and renting, encumbrance, and also puts the reliabil- Energy, here are the electric vehicles
qualify for a conventional mortgage or say experts. ity of the public land records and ability that qualify:
couldn’t pass a credit check to get into a It is marketed disproportionately to to convey good title into question, ac- h 2022 Audi Q5.
conventional rental property. low-income families of color as an alter- cording to research by Pew Charitable h 2022 BMW 3-series Plug-in.
native path to homeownership but in- Trusts. h 2022 BMW X5.
Is it a new way of financing? stead allows investors to avoid responsi- Land contracts generally include a for- h 2022 Chevrolet Bolt EUV, Manu-
bility for property upkeep while churning feiture remedy that can deprive contract facturer sales cap met.
Land contracts are not new. Many successive would-be homeowners buyers of all of their investment in the h 2022 Chevrolet Bolt EV, Manufac-
working-class Black families in the through a property they could not legally home and any equitable interest in the turer sales cap met.
1950s and ’60s were forced to turn to rent, says Sarah Bolling Mancini, a staff home. In many states, the law requires h 2022 Chrysler Pacifica PHEV.
speculative sellers after the federal gov- attorney at the National Consumer Law little or no legal process or public auction h 2022 Ford Escape PHEV.
ernment refused to insure mortgages in Center. of the home for the highest and best val- h 2022 Ford F Series.
redlined minority neighborhoods. Eric Seymour, an assistant professor ue. h 2022 Ford Mustang MACH E.
Speculators often bought homes at a at the Bloustein School of Planning and h 2022 Ford Transit Van.
discount from white families as they Public Policy at Rutgers, has focused his Are land contracts recorded? h 2022 GMC Hummer Pickup, Man-
fled racially changing neighborhoods to research on contract sellers, both the big ufacturer sales cap met.
sell them months later to Black families actors such Harbor Portfolio as well as The terms of a contract for deed may h 2022 GMC Hummer SUV, Manu-
at inflated prices and high interest. smaller “slumlord speculators.” vary, as do particular state and local laws facturer sales cap met.
Since the Great Recession, however, Seymour says land contracts are par- and protections. h 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee PHEV.
land contracts have made a comeback, ticularly attractive for unscrupulous Only about a dozen states require that h 2022 Jeep Wrangler PHEV.
with large investment companies hav- property dealers looking to make money land contracts be publicly recorded, an h 2022 Lincoln Aviator PHEV.
ing bought up foreclosed properties because rather than offering them as a important provision that protects all par- h 2022 Lincoln Corsair Plug-in.
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age of these properties are in Black erty owner on the hook for property menting the buyer’s homeownership, ac- h 2022 Nissan Leaf.
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Are land contracts a potential “The down payment on these proper- contracts meet specific standards for h 2022 Tesla Model 3, Manufacturer
path toward homeownership? ties could be as much or more than what habitability. sales cap met.
these investors paid for these properties h 2022 Tesla Model S, Manufactur-
Proponents of land contracts say in the first place,” he says. What are some recommendations? er sales cap met.
these arrangements provide a viable Mancini agrees. h 2022 Tesla Model X, Manufactur-
means for low-income and credit-chal- “Sellers profit by churning a house The National Consumer Law Center er sales cap met.
lenged families to access homeowner- through one land contract buyer after an- has made the following recommenda- h 2022 Tesla Model Y, Manufacturer
ship, especially when they can’t obtain other. Sellers take whatever down pay- tions to the Consumer Financial Protec- sales cap met.
a traditional mortgage loan from a bank ment the would-be owner can afford, pull tion Bureau for rules it could consider to h 2022 Volvo S60.
or other financial institution. in their payments and sweat equity for as govern land contracts: h 2023 BMW 3-series Plug-In.
For sellers, a contract for deed in- long as possible, and then evict them and h An appraisal to establish the actual h 2023 Bolt EV, Manufacturer sales
stead of a mortgage could be attractive cycle another buyer into the property,” value of the property cap met.
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h Prohibition against contractual cle using the Vehicle Information
What are the downsides? The transactions are typically invisi- clauses which cost buyers their hard- Number Decoder website.
ble in the public deed records, which puts earned investments in the property
From the buyer’s perspective, pur- contract buyers at risk of having their in- when there is an early termination.

Recession supply chain bottlenecks started af-

fecting production. Monkeypox you have that infection, and while you are
fighting it off, you can spread that infec-
“I would almost tell you right now, tion to other parts of your body or other
Continued from Page 1B supply chains are worse now than dur- Continued from Page 1B people.”
ing COVID,” he said. “Fortunately for For patients infected with monkey-
always trying our best to stay ahead,” us, we have contracts for any time we or ulcers. pox, doctors might use tecovirimat to
Shah said. “We’re going to stick to our get a product that does not meet the Many laboratories offer monkeypox treat the symptoms. However, its use for
guns, but my biggest fear is if consumer quality standard.” tests, and doctors could also order these monkeypox is not approved by the FDA,
spending goes down to next to nothing.” Some businesses said they aren’t tests for the patients. There are no at- and usually, the symptoms would go
Shah said that because Lola’s isn’t a too worried about staffing during a re- home tests right now for monkeypox, away on their own, Grimberg said.
multimillion-dollar company, it’s able to cession. said Dave Wessner, biology professor at
pivot in a difficult time faster, because it Greg Davies is CEO of Full Measure Davidson College. How does monkeypox compare to
knows what areas of the business it can Education, a startup that works exclu- the AIDS epidemic?
focus on while maintaining product sively with higher education institu- Where can I get the monkeypox
quality and customer experience. tions to make student interaction ac- vaccine? When HIV first became recognized in
Harji Singh, a co-founder of the Delta cessible. When learning went remote, Europe and the United States, most of
8 cannabis beverage LOKI, said he Full Measure helped universities cre- Jynneos is the only FDA-approved the cases appeared in gay and bisexual
shares Shah’s thinking, adding that the ate virtual campus tours and helped vaccine in the U.S. that protects against male communities. With monkeypox,
alcohol industry did very well during the students register for orientation and monkeypox and smallpox. People at around 99% of cases are among men, and
2008 recession. even make a deposit for on-campus high risk from the two viruses could get at least 95% of those infected are men
Singh, who also owns a creative living. the two-dose vaccine, according to the who have sex with men, according to
agency, said the company is trying to “Traditionally recessions are good FDA. Jynneos could be used both pre- WHO smallpox expert Rosamund Lewis.
spend as wisely as possible, cutting for higher (education),” Davies said. and post-exposure. The vaccine could Some technicians at commercial lab-
back on events and influencer market- “So far, it looks like our market isn’t potentially alleviate the symptoms of oratories have refused to draw blood
ing that other beverage companies really impacted by this, but we’re look- monkeypox, said Brian Grimberg, asso- from patients who might have monkey-
might be doing. Because the company is ing at it on a monthly basis for how we ciate professor of pathology, interna- pox, raising concerns about a stigma to-
only 50 people with a core team of eight, need to reconsider and what we tional health, infectious disease and ward LGBTQ communities.
Singh said, it is trying to leverage re- should change accordingly.” immunology at Case Western Reserve “Drawing blood in a clinical setting ...
sources the company already has to University. is not a high-risk event,” Wessner said.
keep staff wherethey are now. Entrepreneurs try to keep Limited Jynneos vaccines have “Unfortunately, we saw that (stigma)
“We’ve seen what happened in the recession and inflation in prompted some states to focus on vac- play out 40 years ago, and to some extent,
recession in 2008, so we’re trying to po- perspective cinating people at high risks of getting we’re seeing that stigma play out again
sition ourselves to spend wisely and le- monkeypox, such as men who have sex right now.”
verage all resources we already have to Davies said business owners should with men, he said. Some states current- Unlike HIV, monkeypox isn’t a chronic
scale the brand,” Singh said. “Find out remember that economic events like a ly vaccinate people with only one dose virus, meaning patients normally recover
where the majority of your revenue is recession don’t last forever, and they to protect more people, although the from monkeypox within several weeks,
coming from and double down on it to should keep employees primed and vaccine comprises two doses. while HIV usually stays with the infected
build the best relationship you can with ready to help in case the business is af- One alternative is the ACAM2000, a person for life, said John Thornhill, clin-
that market.” fected. single-dose vaccine used to prevent ical senior lecturer at Queen Mary Uni-
Singh said business owners should smallpox, Grimberg said. However, this versity of London.
Small business owners are worried nurture relationships with employees, vaccine is used sparingly because of its Although monkeypox isn’t considered
about the supply chain again including vendor relationships, for multiple side effects. a sexually transmitted disease, most
when things get crazy. While both vaccines are based on the cases so far have been transmitted
But some companies are still recover- “When things do hit the fan, it vaccinia virus, the live virus in through sexual contact, he said.
ing from the pandemic and supply chain comes down to a personal connection ACAM2000 could replicate in a per- “(Monkeypox) has a relatively low
interruptions that followed. at that point,” Singh said. “People son’s cells and cause severe skin infec- mortality rate,” Thornhill said. “They’re
Shah said COVID-19 was a double- would rather keep someone they per- tions, especially in more immunocom- completely different in terms of the out-
edgedsword because when the pan- sonally like or a company they person- promised recipients, Grimberg said. comes for people who are infected. I
demic hit, panic buying helped Lola’s ally like verses just another vendor or “Because it’s a live virus, you actually wouldn’t compare them, I think they’re
products sell, but once that slowed, just another product on our shelf.” get a real infection,” Grimberg said. “As so different.”

News from across the USA

ALABAMA Tuscaloosa: Beer and HIGHLIGHT: HAWAII OREGON Portland: Mayor Ted
wine sales are coming to the Univer- Wheeler announced Friday that the
sity of Alabama’s Bryant-Denny Sta- city’s emergency declaration banning
dium with the approval of the state’s homeless camps near high-crash
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board. corridors will expand to designated
safe walking routes used by school-
ALASKA Juneau: The state had
age children.
about 9,900 more jobs last month
than in July 2021, as the Last Frontier PENNSYLVANIA Harrisburg: A judge
experiences a more typical tourism has ordered three Republican-con-
season after two pandemic-stunted trolled counties to add about 800
years, the state labor department contested mail-in ballots to the re-
reported. But Alaska had about 14,100 sults of the May election, ruling in a
fewer nonfarm jobs than in July 2019, legal dispute that stalled statewide
the report released Friday said. certification of the primary results for
governor and U.S. Senate.
ARIZONA Tempe: The city is imple-
menting new rescue procedures and RHODE ISLAND Providence: Brown
equipment months after video University will fund the construction
showed officers doing nothing as a and renovation of three projects
homeless man drowned in a city lake. Activists pray at the base of Mauna Kea in 2019. Native Hawaiian traditions through $100.7 million raised through
say the summit is where gods dwell and humans aren’t allowed to live. AP a bond. The biggest project will be
ARKANSAS Little Rock: A Penn-
two residence halls that will house
sylvania man has been charged with
Honolulu: For more than 50 years, telescopes and the needs of astronomers 350 third- and fourth-year students,
abuse of a corpse, receiving stolen
have dominated the summit of Mauna Kea, a mountain sacred to Native Hawai- according to Brown’s website.
property and other charges after
ians that’s also one of the world’s finest places to study the night sky. But a new
police say he allegedly tried to buy SOUTH CAROLINA Myrtle Beach:
state law says that Mauna Kea must be protected for future generations and that
stolen human remains from an Ar- Two swimmers survived being bitten
science must be balanced with culture and the environment. Native Hawaiian
kansas woman for possible resale on by sharks last week at the state’s
cultural experts will have voting seats on a new governing body, instead of mere-
Facebook. A spokeswoman for the most popular beach. The attacks
ly advising. The shift comes after thousands of protesters camped on the moun-
University of Arkansas for Medical happened in the ocean about a half-
tain three years ago to block the construction of a state-of-the-art observatory.
Sciences confirmed the remains had mile apart, and police said there is no
been donated to UAMS and were later way to know if they are related.
sent to a mortuary for cremation.
SOUTH DAKOTA Watertown: Zebra
CALIFORNIA Death Valley National mussels are steadily infesting South
Park: Death Valley National Park’s KANSAS Topeka: The Kansas At- NEBRASKA Omaha: Federal health Dakota lakes, and the state’s walleye
most popular sites reopened to the torney General’s Office has asked officials confirmed Friday that a and perch populations likely are pay-
public Saturday, two weeks after Kansas Lottery officials to review child died of a rare infection caused ing a price, as the invasive mussels
massive flash flooding, but the Na- some proposed regulations needed by a brain-eating amoeba after increase the mercury content in wall-
tional Park Service cautioned visitors before legalized sports gambling can swimming in the Elkhorn River. eye, experts say.
to expect delays and continuing road begin in the state.
NEVADA Las Vegas: Authorities say TENNESSEE Memphis: The city has
closures into the fall.
KENTUCKY Frankfort: Gov. Andy it’s unclear if a gun found Wednes- submitted its long-planned challenge
COLORADO Boulder: Two gun rights Beshear’s administration has un- day in drought-stricken Lake Mead to the U.S. census. Memphis Mayor
organizations filed federal court law- veiled an initiative aimed at provid- is related to human remains found Jim Strickland’s weekly newsletter
suits Thursday challenging bans on ing comprehensive, cost-effective in a barrel months earlier near the Friday publicly acknowledged the
semi-automatic weapons and maga- care for people age 55 and older. same harbor. work the city’s administration has
zine ammunition restrictions adopted People voluntarily enrolling will done for months gathering evidence
by the cities of Boulder and Louisville receive a variety of medical and that the 2020 count underestimated
explosion collapsed a house, caused
after the state allowed municipalities social services. the amount of people who live in the
a fire and hurled the garage door
to enact tougher gun control mea- Bluff City by about 16,000.
LOUISIANA New Orleans: The city into the street, said firefighters, who
sures than called for by Colorado law.
has quietly moved a cannon owned helped two residents escape Friday. TEXAS Austin: Chronically scandal-
CONNECTICUT New London: Con- by a unit that originally fought for plagued and perennially short-
NEW JERSEY Asbury Park: Several
struction is set to begin on a long- the Confederacy out of a French staffed, the state agency charged
beach towns across the Jersey
awaited national museum that will Quarter park and into a Louisiana with rehabilitating some of the most
Shore say they’ve stepped up their
honor the U.S. Coast Guard. A special National Guard museum. troubled and dangerous young of-
efforts this summer to enforce a
keel-laying ceremony, a term usually fenders in Texas is in need of yet
MAINE Portland: A federal judge smoking ban. It’s the fourth sum-
used to celebrate construction of a another overhaul that would end the
has dismissed a complaint from a mer since the New Jersey law took
cutter, was held Friday at the mu- practice of shipping youth off to re-
group of health care workers who effect, but some town officials say
seum’s riverfront site in New London. mote institutions far from the state’s
said they were unfairly discrimi- the start of legalized marijuana has
population centers, the interim direc-
DELAWARE Wilmington: During the nated against by the state’s CO- them facing increases in complaints
tor of the Texas Juvenile Justice De-
demolition of a building to make way VID-19 vaccine requirement. about secondhand smoke.
partment told a legislative panel.
for the new Bancroft School, a piece
MARYLAND Pocomoke City: An NEW MEXICO Albuquerque: Five of
of history was found buried in the UTAH Salt Lake City: Survivors and
accidental fire destroyed a radio the state’s 26 county jails and de-
school’s walls. A time capsule from faith leaders rallied Friday at the
station on Maryland’s Eastern Shore tention centers are suffering from
1953 was discovered in the date stone Utah State Capitol, on a hill above the
on Thursday, fire officials said. staff shortages that have pushed
of the old Drew Educational Support headquarters of The Church of Jesus
WGOP-AM was on the air when the vacancy rates among correctional
Center and opened at a recent school Christ of Latter-day Saints, to de-
fire broke out, officials said. officers above 50%. At least one has
board meeting. mand change to a state law that ex-
resorted to transporting inmates to
MASSACHUSETTS Boston: The empts religious leaders from require-
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washing- other facilities, including one in
30-day shutdown of one of the ments that they report child sexual
ton: Fans gathered Saturday after- Texas 166 miles away, the Albuquer-
area’s four subway lines that began abuse brought to their attention in
noon to celebrate the life of a go-go que Journal reports.
Friday will make for longer and spiritual confessions.
icon at D.C.’s eighth annual Chuck
more complicated commutes de- NEW YORK Albany: A state trooper
Brown Day festival dedicated to the VERMONT Burlington: A mural that
spite a series of measures intended should have been disciplined for
legend and his music, WUSA-TV was painted in a since-closed syna-
to ease the pain, authorities said. getting romantically involved with
reports. gogue more than 100 years ago by a
then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s adult
MICHIGAN Lansing: A judge on Lithuanian immigrant – and hidden
FLORIDA Fort Lauderdale: A grand daughter while serving on the Dem-
Friday blocked county prosecutors behind a wall for years – has been
jury empaneled after a 2018 school ocrat’s security detail, the state
from enforcing the state’s 1931 ban termed a rare piece of art and
massacre has recommended that inspector general said in a report.
on abortion for the foreseeable fu- painstakingly moved and restored.
Gov. Ron DeSantis remove from office
ture, after two days of witness testi- NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh: The
four members of the Broward County VIRGINIA Richmond: The state end-
mony from experts, providers and state’s highest court opened the
school board, saying they and district ed the 2022 fiscal year with a
the state’s chief medical officer. door Friday to nullifying a voter ID
administrators displayed “deceit, $3.2 billion cash surplus, a sign of a
mandate approved by citizens in
malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of MINNESOTA Minneapolis: When healthy economy and some overtaxa-
2018 because the lawmakers who
duty and incompetence” in their han- the city’s teachers settled a 14-day tion, GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin said
put it on the ballot were elected
dling of a campus safety program. strike in March, they celebrated a Friday as he presented lawmakers
from districts tainted by illegal ra-
groundbreaking provision in their with a review of the state’s finances.
GEORGIA Atlanta: A judge has de- cial bias. However, the North Caroli-
new contract that was meant to
clined to block a section of an elec- na Supreme Court stopped short of WASHINGTON Marysville: Prose-
shield teachers of color from sen-
tion law that bans handing out food striking down the voter ID require- cutors said a state prisons employee
iority-based layoffs and help ensure
and water to voters waiting in line. ment and another constitutional didn’t properly secure the gun with
that students from racial minorities
amendment that limited income tax which her 12-year-old son killed him-
IDAHO Boise: Evacuations are in have teachers who look like them.
rates, ruling that a lower court must self, leading to a first-of-its-kind
place ahead of a west-central Idaho Months later, conservative media
gather more evidence on the mea- criminal charge under a new state
wildfire that continues to grow de- outlets have erupted with denuncia-
sures before tossing them out. law implemented in 2019.
spite a full-suppression effort by tions of the policy as racist and
firefighters that includes water- unconstitutional discrimination NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck: Law- WEST VIRGINIA Charleston: U.S.
scooping aircraft skimming Lake against white educators. yers for the state’s only abortion Sen. Joe Manchin said during a
Cascade, a popular boating and fish- clinic asked a judge Friday to delay roundtable discussion Friday in
MISSISSIPPI Jackson: A lawsuit
ing destination. a trigger law set to ban abortion Charleston that he pays no attention
alleging a school district in the
starting this week while they pursue to criticism or campaign donations
ILLINOIS Chicago: Public safety offi- small Mississippi Delta town of
a lawsuit challenging the ban on when making decisions about what’s
cials are urging residents to exercise Cleveland discriminated against a
constitutional grounds. best for West Virginia. Sounding
caution along the city’s lakefront Black student and stripped her of an
somewhat exasperated when asked
after incidents spanning less than a academic award has been dismissed OHIO Columbus: The State Teach-
whether the dramatic bump in cam-
week saw three people apparently by a panel of federal judges, who ers Retirement System of Ohio
paign contributions he’s received
drown and a woman lose her feet in a wrote that the way course credits board on Thursday approved
from oil and gas interests in recent
boating mishap. were evaluated in selecting a saluta- $9.66 million in bonus pay for about
months influenced his voting, the
torian was not unconstitutional. 100 investment staff, over the ob-
INDIANA West Lafayette: An in- conservative Democrat said no.
jections of retired teachers who
vasive insect that could affect Hoo- MISSOURI Wyatt: A young mother
pointed to more than $3 billion in WISCONSIN Grafton: Five conserva-
sier grape growers and honeybee is the third member of her family to
investment losses in the latest fiscal tion projects previously rejected for
producers has migrated to northern die in a gas explosion at her home
year and high inflation rates. funding by the Legislature received a
Indiana, one year the spotted lan- last week that appears to have been
combined $4.5 million in funding
ternfly was first spotted in the state’s sparked by a propane-powered OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City: The
under a move by Gov. Tony Evers to
southeastern corner. appliance, authorities said Friday. historic Oklahoma City NAACP
use COVID-19 relief money.
Youth Council’s 1958 sit-in demon-
IOWA Des Moines: Hundreds of peo- MONTANA West Yellowstone: A
stration against Jim Crow era segre- WYOMING Jackson: The state’s at-
ple tossing bags for hours landed the tanker truck hauling gasoline in
gation was reenacted Saturday as torney general’s office wants the
Iowa State Fair in the record books. Yellowstone National Park rolled
part of the Freedom Fiesta, the an- Wyoming Supreme Court to take on a
On Saturday, 730 people lined the over Friday and spilled an estimated
nual commemoration and cele- lower court lawsuit contesting a state
Grand Concourse with bean bags in 4,800 gallons, officials said. An
bration of the start of the movement ban on abortion in nearly all cases.
hand, helping the fair smash the pre- investigation was underway to de-
that integrated local restaurants, From USA TODAY Network and
vious Guinness World Record for the termine whether any of the un-
eateries and other establishments. wire reports
largest cornhole tournament. leaded gas entered an area creek.

Travelers can sail full time on this new ship

Nathan Diller Even the most adventurous travelers may long to sleep in their own bed after a while. But Alister Punton, co-founder and CEO of
Storylines, which will launch its first residential cruise ship in 2024 departing from Croatia, has a fix for that. h “Well, you take
your home with you,” Punton told USA TODAY, who started the company with CSO Shannon Lee. h The vessel, MV Narrative, will feature 547
residences and a range of amenities. The ship will sail to six continents, and residents can treat the units as floating pieds-a-terre or year-
round homes, so their travels never have to end. Here is what travelers can expect:

What can travelers expect

from MV Narrative? How much does MV
In the vein of other residential ships like
The World, a privately owned
Narrative cost?
residential yacht, MV Narrative will The residences start at $1 million
travel the globe. While itineraries are for the ship’s lifetime, according
not yet finalized, destinations will likely to a news release, and run as high
include Rome and Naples in Italy, the as $8 million. There also are some
Greek island of Santorini, and Split, 24-year leases, which start at
Croatia, among others. about $616,000, according to
Storylines’ website.
MV Narrative will spend three to five
days in most ports, Punton said, giving Residents also must pay
those on board time to experience all-inclusive fees which cover
more than they might on a typical most meals, housekeeping, Wi-Fi,
cruise. They also can weigh in on the laundry service, gratuities and
itineraries. more. Storylines will launch its first ship, MV Narrative, in 2024.
Units range from one to four bedrooms, Those fees start at $61,564 per RENDERINGS PROVIDED BY STORYLINES
the majority of which have balconies, year for a 237-square-foot interior
and residents can pick from “coastal or studio, and vary depending on the What else do
contemporary interior design styles,” unit price. Punton noted that
according to a news release. There are residents can rent their homes
travelers need
20 restaurants and bars on board, along out when they are not using them. to know?
with a microbrewery, three pools, a Financing also is available.
MV Narrative has
bowling alley, fitness and medical Travelers can learn more about
accessible common
facilities, and other amenities. costs and availability by emailing
spaces designed to
The ship also will offer a youth accommodate guests
education program that can serve as a with wheelchairs.
school for children on board. Storylines also can
provide Americans with
residences, though these
are offered as “a unit
upgrade,” according to
its website.
With an emphasis on
sustainability, MV
Narrative uses
cleaner-burning liquefied
natural gas, and will
feature a solar-powered
hydroponic garden on
board as well as a
no-waste farmers
The vessel has 547 residences on board. market.

MV Narrative’s library will be stocked with 10,000 books.
Frontier to begin service to five IN STYLE.
new destinations from Atlanta
Nathan Diller once a week.
USA TODAY h Service to San Salvador, El Salva-
dor, starts on Nov. 6 and will operate
Frontier Airlines will begin service to twice a week. The introductory fare is
five new international destinations also $69.
from Atlanta, the carrier said this week. h Frontier will begin flights to Kings-
The ultra-low-cost airline will roll out ton, Jamaica, on Nov. 7 and will fly there
the routes this fall, including service to twice a week. The introductory fare is
Nassau in the Bahamas and Kingston, $89.
Jamaica. h Service to Liberia, Costa Rica, will
The new offerings will more than begin on Dec. 17.
double Frontier’s international service Frontier will fly the route, which also
from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Inter- has a $79 introductory fare, once a
national Airport. week.
“This international expansion marks “This is a significant moment for
an exciting milestone for Frontier at Frontier Airlines here at Hartsfield-
ATL,” Jake Filene, senior vice president, Jackson,” airport deputy general man-
customers at Frontier said in a news re- ager and chief commercial officer, Jai
lease. Ferrell, said in the release.
“We now offer an extensive range of “We are excited that Frontier will ex-
flight options, including an impressive pand our travelers’ choice of interna-
roster of international destinations, tional connectivity with these five new
providing Atlanta-area consumers even routes,” Ferrell said.
more opportunities to enjoy our ‘Low
Fares Done Right.’ What are the terms of the intro
“With the addition of these new fare offer?
routes, Frontier now serves 36 nonstop
destinations in total from ATL.” In order to take advantage of the intro
The expansion comes after Frontier fare offer, travelers need to buy their
and Spirit Airlines agreed to terminate a tickets by 11:59 p.m. EDT on Tuesday,
merger proposal in July, clearing the Aug. 23.
way for approval of JetBlue’s takeover The fares are “valid for nonstop travel
bid for Spirit. on select days of the week, Nov. 5
through Feb. 2, 2023,” according to the
When will Frontier’s new release. There are a number of blackout
international service start? dates including Nov. 19 through Nov. 23 USA TODAY retro apparel will
and Nov. 25 through Nov. 28, as well as
Frontier will begin serving the new
routes beginning in early November,
others in December and January.
The tickets are nonrefundable unless
have you making headlines.
and will be offering introductory fares. passengers request a refund within 24 Available at the
h Flights to Nassau, Bahamas will be- hours of booking and have made their
gin on Nov. 5, and have an introductory reservation seven or more ahead of their
fare of $69. Frontier will fly the route flight.
Cowboys rookie Turpin Latest news, results, opinion
flashes electric returns 24/7 at
Plus, Dolphins’ Gesicki adjusts to new role and Check out winners from across the fields of play,
USA TODAY | MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 | SECTION C lacrosse legend hopes to make Falcons. Page 7C including WNBA playoffs and NASCAR Cup Series


Birdie on
17 lifts
in BMW
Adam Schupak
Golfweek | USA TODAY Network

WILMINGTON, Del. – Patrick Can-

tlay drove off with the trophy again.
The 30-year-old made birdie at the
17th hole atWilmington Country Club
and held on for a one-stroke victory
over Scott Stallings at the BMW Cham-
pionship. Cantlay shot 2-under 69 for a
72-hole total of 14-under 268 and be-
came the first player to successfully
defend a FedExCup Playoffs event.
A year ago, Patrick Cantlay needed
six extra holes at Caves Valley to claim
the BMW title en route to winning the
FedExCup. New course, but same re-
sult as Cantlay claimed his eighth PGA
Tour title and second of the season.
Cantlay won the Zurich Classic of
New Orleans with Xander Schauffele
as his partner but hadn’t won an indi-
vidual title since going back-to-back at
the BMW and Tour Championship last
year. Scottie Scheffler, who tied for
third, will start this week in the driv-
er’s seat at the Tour Championship,
where the FedExCup title will be on the
line. Cantlay will start in second place,
two strokes back in the staggered-
Cardinals designated hitter Albert Pujols celebrates after hitting a solo home run in the fourth inning Saturday against start leaderboard; no player has suc-
the Diamondbacks. JOE CAMPOREALE/USA TODAY SPORTS cessfully defended the FedExCup title.
Stallings, who closed in 69, was
seeking his fourth PGA Tour title and

Cardinals think retiring first since the 2014 Farmers Insurance

Open. But he did succeed in booking
his first trip to the Tour Championship
in his 12th year on Tour.

Pujols will reach 700 HRs

Cantlay opened two 65s and then
surged into the lead with a hole-out
eagle at 14 and overcame missing some
short putts. He was the second player
all season to shoot 65 or less despite
rather: How soon will he do it? in the Cardinals’ 16-7 laugher over the missing three putts from inside 5 feet.
“Yes,” Cardinals manager Oliver Mar- Arizona Diamondbacks, becoming the In the final round, he trailed Stall-
Bob Nightengale mol said, “he’ll do it.” first player to produce four hits and ings by two strokes after making his
Columnist The way Pujols is hitting these days, two homers at the age of 42 or older. second bogey of the day at No. 10. But
USA TODAY with five home runs in his last five While the rest of the baseball world he made three birdies on his way to the
games for 692 overall, who would dare may be feeling the effects of the dog clubhouse, with birdies at Nos. 11, 14
disagree? days of summer, Pujols suddenly is in- and 17. The latter included a 351-yard
PHOENIX – We sat down for 20 min- He didn’t have a single homer in June vigorated. He’s hitting .438 the second drive that benefited from a good
utes Saturday afternoon, and Albert Pu- and only six the first half of the season, half with a ridiculous .918 slugging per- bounce. From there, he wedged to 6
jols insisted he wouldn’t change his but he’s hit six home runs alone since centage. The all-time slugging per- feet and rolled in the putt.
mind about retiring after this season, no Aug. 10, more than the combined total of centage record for a second half is .908 In the tournament within the tour-
matter how close he was to the glorious seven entire teams. by Barry Bonds when he hit a record 73 nament to finish in the top 30 in the
700 home run club. Pujols, who has 13 homers for the homers in 2001. standings and qualify for the finale,
Well, as it turns out, it may be a moot year, is now five home runs shy of “It’s just unbelievable watching K.H. Lee, who finished as the odd man
point. eclipsing Alex Rodriguez for fourth him,” Cardinals All-Star third baseman out last year at No. 31, made birdie at
The St. Louis Cardinals icon prompt- place on the all-time home run list, and Nolan Arenado said. “When we got the first four holes and shot 65 to jump
ly went out and hit two home runs into eight away from 700 where only three him, I knew he was going to help us from No. 35 at the start of the day to
the Phoenix night at Chase Field – just men have ever gone before: Barry Bonds win games, but honestly, I don’t know No. 26. Rookie Sahith Theegala made
missing a third – as part of a 4-for-4 (762), Hank Aaron (755) and Babe Ruth where we’d be without him.” birdies on four of his final seven holes
night that saw him pass Hall of Famer (714). Well, the Cardinals have got just a to shoot 68 and finish No. 28. Aus-
Stan Musial for the second-most total Pujols, 42, is suddenly looking like couple of months to figure it out be- tralia’s Adam Scott scrambled for par
bases in baseball history. the same guy who terrorized the Nation- cause no matter what transpires the out of a greenside bunker at the last
It no longer may be whether Pujols al League in his first 11 years. He went 4- that kept him in the top 30 and pre-
can possibly reach 700 home runs but for-4 with two homers and two singles See NIGHTENGALE, Page 3C vented Shane Lowry to qualify.

Texas Tech coaches’ exit a ‘disturbing pattern’

Women’s tennis coach nis team and another
person familiar with the
by email and phone seeking comment
about Petty’s resignation.
letic director, Kirby Hocutt, discriminat-
ed against the women’s sports pro-
Todd Petty left in June, investigation said Petty Petty denied the allegations, accord- grams. The women’s basketball pro-
third in less than 2 years faced allegations from ing to his attorney, Samantha Ekstrand. gram received considerably less money,
former players of verbal “My priority has always been the resources and attention from Hocutt
Josh Peter abuse and improper be- well-being of my players,” Petty, 42, said during Stollings’ tenure from April 2018
USA TODAY Petty havior. in a statement to USA TODAY Sports. to August 2020, according to the com-
The school issued a “To suggest otherwise is simply not plaint. The lawsuit was settled Aug. 11.
For the third time in less than two news release June 30 that said Petty, truthful. The landscape of women’s col-
years, the head coach of a women’s who was completing the first year of a lege athletics is changing. The scrutiny Todd Petty received letter of
sport at Texas Tech has left the school five-year contract worth $970,000 in of coaches is at an all-time high.” reprimand in 2020
under the cloud of an investigation and scheduled compensation, “has indicat- Jonathan Katz, a sports psychologist
allegations of mistreatment of athletes. ed his desire to spend more time with who has worked with professional and USA TODAY Sports filed an open rec-
The school, involved in conducting family as he transitions away from col- college athletes and has served as a ords request with the university June 30
each of the investigations, announced legiate coaching.” Petty served 14 sea- sports psychology consultant for the for copies of records and documents re-
in June the resignation of Todd Petty, sons in the position. University of Texas men’s and women’s lated to all investigations of Petty be-
the winningest coach in the history of “The Equal Opportunity Employ- tennis teams, said what has transpired tween Jan. 1, 2020, and June 22, 2022.
the women’s tennis program. His depar- ment (sic) office” of the Texas Tech Uni- with the women’s basketball, softball In response, the school requested an
ture follows that of women’s basketball versity System was made aware of a and tennis programs at Texas Tech is a attorney general’s open records deci-
coach Marlene Stollings, associate head possible violation and an investigation “disturbing pattern.” sion under the Texas Public Information
coach Nikita Lowry Dawkins, strength was opened, according to a letter ob- “That’s clear,” he added. “I don’t think Act on its claims that records from the
and conditioning coach Ralph Petrella tained by USA TODAY Sports that the somebody could ignore that.” investigation should be “excepted from
and softball coach Adrian Gregory. school wrote to Texas Attorney General Michelle Bartlett, an associate pro- public disclosure.” A copy of the letter,
An investigation by USA TODAY Ken Paxton. The school also wrote that fessor at West Texas A&M who has writ- sent July 14, was provided to USA TO-
Sports, in conjunction with The Inter- the investigation was not completed, so ten about anger, aggression and trauma DAY Sports.
collegiate and published in August “no merit” to the allegations was found. in sport, said the responsibility at Tech Eric Bentley, vice chancellor and gen-
2020, revealed women’s basketball Melissa Kopinski, who was the assis- lies with the people who are hiring the eral counsel for the Texas Tech Univer-
players describing a toxic culture. The tant coach for the women’s tennis team, coaches: “If we’re kind of seeing these sity System, said he could not address
fallout from that investigation has been left Texas Tech earlier in June to become continual patterns, it becomes really why the investigation of Petty was not
quick and widespread as other athletes the associate head coach of the wom- hard to say, ‘Oh, that’s a bad apple.’ ” completed because it is a personnel
came forward. en’s tennis program at the University of After her dismissal, Stollings filed a
A player on last year’s women’s ten- Utah. She did not return messages left lawsuit alleging Texas Tech and the ath- See TEXAS TECH, Page 2C

Texas Tech TODAY Sports questioned Giovannetti

about it. Hanslik and Dendle said they
did not inform athletic officials before
Continued from Page 1C calling the meeting.
The Holland & Knight report – after
matter, according to Robert Giovannetti, more than a year’s worth of work – also
senior associate AD/external opera- found ongoing problems, including spe-
tions and strategic communications. cific issues with the football team, men’s
Petty, who also was director of tennis golf team and, despite the firing of Stoll-
at Texas Tech, said he did not speak to ings, women’s basketball team. Howev-
anyone who was conducting the inves- er, the report did not outline issues in
tigation before he resigned, according to women’s tennis.
Giovannetti. Petty’s exit followed more allega-
Texas Tech officials had been made tions.
aware of allegations concerning Petty’s
treatment of athletes before. Petty re- ‘Screaming, getting into our faces,
ceived a letter of reprimand from Hocutt punishing us’
on Jan. 4, 2021, according to a copy of
the letter USA TODAY Sports obtained Nine former players who competed
from Texas Tech. on the team between 2014 and 2022 told
The letter, which Hocutt noted fol- USA TODAY Sports that Petty subjected
lowed “an extensive review in adher- them to verbal abuse, threw tennis rack-
ence to NCAA rules,” also addressed is- ets and violated an NCAA rule limiting
sues of student welfare. In part, Hocutt athletes to 20 hours a week for required
wrote Petty “should be mindful that “countable athletically related activ-
overtly critical comments about a stu- Marlene Stollings talks to Mia Castaneda during a Texas Tech game in 2018. ities,” such as supervised practices and
dent-athlete’s performance on the BRAD TOLLEFSON/AJ MEDIA FILE ART strength and conditioning sessions.
courts can be taken personally. In that The former players who spoke to USA
regard, student-athletes should be re- TODAY Sports said they did not report
minded that you are focused on trying to tigation in May when she told school of- Giovannetti, the senior associate athlet- to school officials the allegations about
improve their play, and not being critical ficials that Petty did the following: ics director who also serves as a spokes- Petty’s abusive behavior and exceeding
of them as individuals.” h Remarked after Evans started dat- man for the athletic department. the 20-hour maximum for countable
Hocutt also clarified how Petty ing a Mexican tennis player at Tech, “I Gregory, the former softball coach, athletically related activities because
should handle situations when athletes thought your type was basic white guys received $333,000 after she resigned, they feared repercussions or, in some
feel sick and concerns over an athlete’s and now you’re dating Pablo Escobar.” according to records obtained by USA cases, did not think the school would act
mental health. h Told Evans she should wear span- TODAY Sports. on their complaints.
The review was conducted in Decem- dex more after Evans said her father “Yesterday, you indicated to me that Jackson, who helped lead Texas Tech
ber 2020 after the school received alle- would prefer she wear something more you are tendering your resignation as to four straight Sweet 16 appearances in
gations from a player who had trans- conservative. Texas Tech University’s Head Women’s the NCAA Tournament from 2015 to
ferred to another school in 2019, accord- h Screamed so forcefully at another Tennis Coach effective July 5, 2022, in 2018, said Petty violated the players’
ing to the letter of reprimand. player after practice that the player later order to attend to personal matters,” Ho- personal space during outbursts.
Petty violated NCAA rules when he said it was the first time she felt like she cutt wrote in a letter to Petty. “I agree “He would come running up in my
triggered “countable athletically related was “going to be hit by a guy.” that this is in your best interest; there- face and say, ‘What the (expletive) are
activities during summer,” when activ- h Asked Evans and another player to fore, I accept your resignation.” you doing? Are you (expletive) kidding
ities were supposed to be voluntary, ac- eavesdrop when a third player was After stepping down, Petty coached me?’ ” Jackson said. “I remember one
cording to an NCAA case summary that meeting with officials from the athletic for a week at his annual summer tennis time he was so close to my face that I
USA TODAY Sports obtained from Tech department’s compliance office, tasked camps at Texas Tech, according to Gio- snapped back and I was like, ‘I’m trying.’
through a public records request. with ensuring rules are followed. vannetti. Giovannetti said Petty did not And he was like, ‘You’re not (expletive)
In one instance, Petty “followed up” A person familiar with allegations coach at the final weeklong camp but trying.’ ”
with a player about why she did not par- from Evans and other members of last was unsure why. Angyalosy, who played doubles with
ticipate in a voluntary team-led hitting year’s team agreed to speak on the con- Hocutt, in his 12th year as Texas Jackson in 2017, said the verbal abuse
drill, records show. He also “inadver- dition she not be identified because she Tech’s athletic director, declined to was common.
tently observed” strength and condi- fears repercussions. comment. Lawrence Schovanec, the “Screaming, getting into our faces,
tioning on a couple of occasions during Jones, a five-star recruit who left school’s president, did not respond to punishing us,” she said. “I was the brunt
the summer, according to records. Texas Tech in 2019 after her freshman multiple requests for comment. of it many times, and it wasn’t OK the
In addition to the rules violations, year, spoke with USA TODAY Sports and But Texas Tech issued a statement to way I was treated. I would end up calling
Petty did not adhere to Texas Tech’s made the following allegations: USA TODAY Sports. my parents, crying after practice.”
time management policy, according to h Petty contributed to an eating dis- “Each day our focus is on our stu- Angyalosy’s father, Adrian, said he
the letter of reprimand. order she developed while at the school. dent-athletes’ experience,” the state- and his wife grew increasingly con-
Texas Tech self-imposed a reduction h Petty had players regularly exceed ment read. “Whenever issues come for- cerned about their daughter that fall.
of seven hours of “countable hours of the 20-hour weekly maximum for ward, from any channel, we determine “She was extremely miserable,” Adri-
athletically related activities,” double countable athletically related activities, the appropriate course of action. In such an Angyalosy told USA TODAY Sports.
the 3.5 countable hours that Petty trig- which included practices he supervised. cases, we conduct our due diligence and “We were afraid that she was going to be
gered, according to a copy of an NCAA h Petty was overly involved in the make the best decisions for our student- suicidal or something.”
case summary obtained by USA TODAY players’ personal lives. athletes and Texas Tech Athletics. It is One former player who spoke on con-
Sports through a public records request. Jones’ mother, April, said her daugh- important to note that all details and in- dition she not be identified because she
The case study shows the NCAA ac- ter first called home with complaints formation cannot be disclosed by the fears repercussions said Petty told her
cepted the proposed action and classi- about Petty’s behavior in the fall of 2018 University to the public due to legal pro- she deserved to eat dog food after she
fied the case Level III, which the NCAA and that things got progressively worse tections such as individual privacy lost a match. Jackson said the player
defines as secondary violations “isolat- until Jones left Texas Tech after the rights that are made confidential under told her about the alleged incident and
ed or limited in nature.” spring semester. Texas and federal law. However, it can- another former player who spoke on the
At the same time of the review into “We had already heard that Todd Pet- not be emphasized enough that we will condition that she not be identified be-
the rules violations by Petty, the law ty was a tough coach,” before Sydney follow University processes and guide- cause she fears repercussions said she
firm of Holland & Knight was conduct- Jones enrolled at Texas Tech, April lines as well as applicable law.” witnessed the incident.
ing an external review of the athletic Jones told USA TODAY Sports. “But we In the statement, the school also re- A second player who spoke on the
program commissioned by Tech after just thought, (he’s) just going to be a ferred to the external review of the ath- condition she not be identified because
the USA TODAY Sports investigation good, tough college coach. Never letic program. she fears repercussions said she wit-
into the women’s basketball program. thought it would cross the line of being Referring to the 46-page report, Tex- nessed the incident and that after the
A 46-page report released by Holland mentally abusive.” as Tech noted, “The external review by match, Petty “went ballistic.”
& Knight in November 2021 after the law Tech did not provide USA TODAY Holland & Knight found, ‘Texas Tech Other former players who spoke on
firm completed its review of the athletic Sports with any documents that generally, and the Athletics department the condition they not be identified be-
program contained no mention of the showed Evans or Jones reported their specifically, have put in place the staff- cause they fear repercussions, along
student-welfare concerns found during allegations to the school. ing, policies, procedures, and reporting with Jones, said Petty berated them
the extensive review of women’s tennis “Todd told me and a few other girls protocols designed to support the phys- with words like “disgusting,” “disgrace”
in December 2020. that we weren’t allowed to go out and ical and mental health and well-being of and profanity.
date tennis guys,” Jones said. “He also its students, including its student-ath- In 2021, Evans said, on the same day
Allegations of verbal and mental knew very specific details if we decided letes.’ Petty referred to her boyfriend, a Texas
abuse, sexual harassment to go out on weekends and knew when “Texas Tech Athletics continues to Tech tennis player from Mexico, as
some of us started seeing the tennis invest ensuring that its student-ath- “Pablo Escobar,” he made the comment
In Petty’s 14 seasons, the Red Raiders guys. He always made comments about letes have a great experience and the about her wearing spandex.
compiled a 229-106 record, won three our personal lives.” department remains a national leader in “It was the first time I wore them to
Big 12 regular-season titles and made In October 2020, Jones emailed Jen- student-athlete well-being program- practice,” Evans said, “and he made the
four appearances in the NCAA Sweet 16. nifer Brashear, director of compliance ming.” comment, said like, ‘I’ve never seen you
His success coincided with alleged mis- for Texas Tech, and wrote that she Evans, the lone player from last wear spandex.’ I said because if my dad
treatment dating to 2014, according to wanted to file a formal complaint year’s team who agreed to talk with USA saw me he’d probably go tell me to
one recent player and eight other former against Petty, according to emails Jones TODAY Sports, said other Texas Tech change. Then (Petty) said, ‘You should
players who spoke to USA TODAY provided to USA TODAY Sports. The players are scared to speak publicly. She wear them more often.’ It just kind of
Sports. Five of the players spoke on the emails also showed Brashear scheduled said that stemmed in part from a Zoom made me feel uncomfortable.”
condition they not be named because a Zoom meeting with Jones for later that meeting July 1 called by Kacey Hanslik, Evans said she initially shared her al-
they said they fear repercussions. USA week. a strength and conditioning coach, and legations with Tyler Bradstreet, director
TODAY Sports found no record of the al- In November 2020, Jones said, Tech Brooklyn Dendle, director of operations of clinical and sport psychology at Texas
legations being reported to athletic offi- compliance officials contacted her to for tennis. Tech. Bradstreet then joined her during
cials before 2020. ask what led her to transfer to Rutgers. According to Evans, the six returning a meeting with Brian Shannon, a law
Players who spoke on the record “I basically gave an overview of my players were “interrogated” after news professor and the faculty athletics rep-
about Petty’s behavior are Alex Angya- experience with Todd and highlighted of Petty’s resignation spread outside resentative, according to Evans.
losy, who played at Texas Tech in the fall times he broke NCAA rules and also Texas Tech before athletic department Due to privacy laws, Shannon and
of 2017 before transferring to Clemson; spoke about my injuries and (eating dis- officials learned about it. Bradstreet are unable to discuss the
Sydney Jones, who played at Texas Tech order),” said Jones, adding that she de- “We would never interrogate them or matter with USA TODAY Sports, Gio-
from 2018 to 2019 before transferring to cided to file the complaint after discuss- make them feel like they were in some vannetti said.
Rutgers; Katelyn Jackson, who played at ing the issue with former teammates. sort of trouble or anything,” Hanslik told Evans said Shannon “was very open
Texas Tech from 2014 to 2018; and Kai- About 18 months later, amid an inves- USA TODAY Sports. “We truly wanted to about hearing what I had to say. He was
ley Evans, who played at Texas Tech tigation into Petty, the coach abruptly make sure that they were all right.” shocked by the racial and the sexual
from 2020 to 2022 and said she is trans- stepped down. Gionvannetti said no players report- (comments).”
ferring to the University of San Diego ed to the school they felt interrogated at Neither Shannon nor Bradstreet re-
and plans to play tennis. Issues continued after exits of the meeting. sponded to requests for comment left by
The former tennis players began other women’s coaches Hanslik and Dendle both said they email and phone.
reaching out to USA TODAY Sports in had not been questioned by school offi- Texas Tech announced on July 25 it
October 2020, a month after Gregory, After resigning, Petty was provided a cials conducting the investigation of had hired Adam Herendeen of Furman
the softball coach, was fired. They said lump sum payment of $95,000, an Petty – despite their involvement with as Petty’s successor. On Monday, the
they wanted Petty forced out but didn’t amount equal to approximately six the women’s tennis program. And at the school announced it had hired Dani
think Texas Tech officials would act on months’ salary, by Texas Tech, accord- time of the Zoom meeting, one day after Nasser of Gonzaga as assistant coach.
their allegations. ing to a copy of a letter Hocutt wrote to Petty tendered his resignation, Hanslik Contributing: Steve Berkowitz, Jori
But the recent investigation coincid- Petty on July 1. Bentley, general counsel and Dendle said, the two women were Epstein
ed with Petty’s departure. for the Texas Tech University System, unaware of the investigation. Do you have a tip or sensitive infor-
Evans, who was a blue-chip recruit in said the lump sum payment is standard Giovannetti said Hocutt and other mation you want to share? You can
Texas before signing with Texas Tech, negotiating for contracted employees senior staff members did not know reach out to USA TODAY Sports anytime
said she thinks she triggered the inves- who are not fired for cause, according to about the Zoom meeting until USA at


Newgarden wins, closes within 3 points of title lead

Nathan Brown laps, Newgarden picked off one car after
The Indianapolis Star | USA TODAY Network another, and though O’Ward had swung
around the outside of Power in Turn 2
MADISON, Ill. – Coming in as the on the restart to take the lead, the driver
two-time defending IndyCar winner at of the No. 2 Penske Chevy jumped him
WWT Raceway, the only multi-time with ease on lap 164.
winner on the 1.25-mile oval and with Seven laps later, Newgarden had
more than two hours to scheme about amassed more than a 7-second lead
his next move for a green flag restart, over McLaughlin in 2nd-place.
this is what we should’ve expected. “I thought that (first) yellow would
But Josef Newgarden and the No. 2 help us, but my team didn’t tell me the
Team Penske crew’s execution of Satur- (fuel) number I’d have to make if we
day’s rain-delayed race had to be flaw- didn’t pit,” Power said during the stop-
less nonetheless to overtake his team- page. “If they’d told me what it was, I
mate, Scott McLaughlin, late and hold would’ve said, ‘Pit.’ But finishing 4th,
off a hard-charging David Malukas on that’s really good for us.”
the final lap to pick up their 5th win of At that moment, as the track was still
the year to move within three points of drying and Power sat 4th behind his two
the championship lead. Josef Newgarden reacts after winning the IndyCar Series race Saturday at World Penske teammates and O’Ward, the
A roll of the dice on pit stop strategy Wide Technology Raceway in Madison, Illinois. JOE PUETZ/AP points leader was prepared to head into
just past the halfway point ended up the final two races of the year with a 17-
handing Newgarden and McLaughlin point edge over Newgarden. By virtue of
fresh tires and no need to save any fuel tion rather than dipping in like Newgar- “If we’d gotten through Turn 3, may- Newgarden’s victory and Power drop-
once the rain-delayed race restarted den and McLaughlin, were shouldered be I could’ve held him off, but (Josef) ping to 6th, that deficit is now 3 points.
just after 9 p.m. local time Saturday with the decision whether pit during the was quick. If we’d kept green, it “You’ve gotta win these races when
night with 43 laps to the checkered flag. impending caution – knowing they’d might’ve been different if it hadn’t you’re in position to do it,” said Newgar-
With the field split on two different have to weave through lapped cars on rained. But the main thing is Penske den, who’s won five times this year –
pit strategies by the time cars began fresh tires without the need to save fuel won, and for the team and for Roger, three more than anyone else. “I wanted
rolling off pitlane at 9:05 p.m., – or stay put and hope they could, at that was a big deal. Ultimately, I was to pull that one out really badly, an I’m
McLaughlin held the lead. The second- minimum hold on or even move up. disappointed with 3rd, but I feel like elated we got back going and had the op-
year Team Penske driver had leap- When pitlane opened, the three Ga- we’re building – not only for the end of portunity.
frogged Newgarden as the pair were nassi cars, all near the back of 10 cars the year, but for next year.” “I was really surprised the whole field
running 1st and 2nd just past lap 200 still on the lead lap, opted to dive in – a Not long after, Malukas and Sato committed (to a three-stop strategy),
when both made their final stop one lap move that ultimately gained them noth- with their fresh tires underneath them, because when we were provided that
apart. By virtue of stopping first on lap ing over the final stretch. Ericsson ulti- wove around IndyCar points leader Will opportunity to pit again, it changed
205, McLaughlin avoided any other cars mately paced his teammates in 7th, fol- Power for 4th and 5th and set their things up. I thought our car was able to
on pitlane and picked up some clean lowed by Dixon (8th) and Palou (9th). sights on potential podium finishes. maximize that strategy, and I’m really
track for a lap, while Christian Lund- Coming to the green on lap 224, New- During the delay, Power, had lamented happy with our team to pick that out.
gaard came in just ahead of Newgarden. garden got a great jump on McLaughlin his team not making him aware around You can’t win races like this without
When asked during,the delay wheth- and by Turn 3, he was around his team- lap 150 about the massive fuel-saving that.”
er the Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing mate for the race lead. he’d have to undergo in order to stay on With two laps to go, Malukas dove up
driver had slowed him at all during his “That wasn’t really planned,” New- his original pit strategy and not pulling into the highline and overtook
stop, Newgarden answered with a smirk garden said post-race. “I was just going. him in like Newgarden’s and McLaugh- McLaughlin with relative ease, but it
and a simple, “Oh yeah, oh yeah.” The (Coming to the line) I don’t know where lin’s strategists had. was too late for a run at Newgarden.
two-time IndyCar champ came out of I’m going, because it may work out and On lap 145, Jack Harvey drifted up Still, his 2nd-place finish easily became
pit lane and onto the warmup lane it may not. That’s just my mentality, and into the outside wall in Turn 4, bringing his best of the year, edging his 8th-place
ahead of the No. 30 Chevy, but as it seemed like it worked tonight, ‘cause out the race’s first caution. Coming right run in Race 2 at Iowa. Following
McLaughlin flew around Turns 1 and 2, it can go so many ways. in the middle of the third of four stints in McLaughlin (who’s now 54 points back
it took him little effort to clear Newgar- “I’m just reacting. I’m going like a bul- the race, drivers and teams were faced of Power for the title in 6th), O’Ward
den and take over the race lead. let, and this first lap, I’ve got to be quick- with a decision whether to pit for fresh managed to hold onto 4th and main-
Malukas, Takuma Sato, Colton Herta er than him. I was ready to do that.” tires and additional fuel that might keep tained his 7th-place position in the title
and Graham Rahal remained out on a McLaughlin, Saturday’s 3rd-place them from having to run anything less run (58 back).
version of the Newgarden-McLaughlin finisher, said he felt his car just wasn’t as than full-bore to the end. McLaughlin Sato finished 5th, followed by Power
pit strategy, but were forced to come in equipped for running in the dark and in and Newgarden (running 4th and 6th at (6th). Finishing 8th Saturday, Dixon
to top-off on fuel mere minutes (and in cooler temperatures with his setup the time of the yellow), as well as the dropped from just six points behind
Rahal’s case, seconds) before rain began compared to his teammate’s. “That slip- leader at the time, Sato, opted to pit. Power to now 14 back. Ericsson only
to fall. For more than two hours, fellow stream effect here, when you can get a The decision slid them back to 6th dropped a couple points himself after
championship and race-win contenders run, it works pretty good,” McLaughlin (McLaughlin), 7th (Newgarden) and 8th his short-oval result, making four driv-
Will Power, Scott Dixon, Alex Palou, said of his teammate’s pass during the (Sato) on the lap 157 restart, and in- ers within 17 point as the series enters a
Marcus Ericsson and Pato O’Ward, all last restart. “I’m not surprised he did it, stantly, the paddock got a glimpse of week off before picking back up at Port-
who stayed out for the race’s first cau- but I did all I could to break away. why they popped in. In the span of eight land on Sept. 4.

Nightengale jols said, that re-energized him. He was

released by the Los Angeles Angels last
ball with the home-run ball bouncing
back into the field.
served for him in Cooperstown.
He played the game clean, played it
May in the final year of his 10-year, $240 “It’s just crazy, every day that I go to a right, and respected the game every mo-
Continued from Page 1C million contract. The Dodgers, even game,” Pujols says, “they’re asking for a ment he has stepped onto the field.
with no DH in the National League last baseball. I say, ‘Ok, what is this for?’ Who else would be OK being pinch-
rest of the season, Pujols insists he’s year, decided to give him a chance. Pu- They say, ‘oh, you just tied or passed so- hit for by a rookie with a a right-hander
calling it a career after the Cardinals’ fi- jols became a pinch-hitter deluxe, hit- and-so.’ I’ll say, ‘What, I didn’t know on the mound, with the crowd of 34,248
nal game. ting .254 with 12 homers in 189 at-bats to that. I swear, I’m not B.S.’s you, I have no loudly booing the hometown kid, Nolan
“I’m still going to retire, no matter help lead the Dodgers to the postseason. idea.’” Gorman, and offer encouragement as he
whether I end up hitting 693, 696, 700, “I had so much respect for that or- He was quite aware of the history of stepped to the plate? When Gorman de-
whatever,” Pujols told USA TODAY ganization, so much respect for the this milestone, though. livered a single, guess who was on the
Sports. “I don’t get caught up in num- players, and was so blessed to have the Musial has a huge statue at the en- top step of the dugout wildly cheering?
bers. If you were going to tell me 22 opportunity to be back in the playoffs,” trance of Busch Stadium. He was Pujols’ Yep, Pujols.
years ago that I would be this close, I Pujols said. “It kind of really excited me mentor and idol when Pujols came up It was a moment that Gorman will
would have told you that you’re freakin’ to come back and play this year because with the Cardinals, and Pujols was never, ever forget. He’ll be able to tell his
crazy. My career has been amazing.” they gave me the joy, gave me that thrill moved, even a bit emotional, that he kids, grandkids, and great grandkids
So, nothing will change your mind? of being back in the postseason.” was the one to eclipse Stan the Man. that there was an August night, with 150
“If I can’t hit 70 homers, I’m not com- Now, it’s just like 2011 all over again. “Just to be mentioned in the same friends and family members in atten-
ing back,” Pujols said, laughing. “No, I’ve Pujols has the Cardinals sitting atop the sentence is awesome,” Pujols said. dance, when he pinch-hit for the great
had enough. I’m glad I made the an- National League Central with a five- “What he has done for this organization Hall of Famer.
nouncement this was it when I signed. game lead over the Milwaukee Brewers, is pretty incredible. I’m sure he’s looking “It was awesome,” said Gorman, who
Really, I wouldn’t change a thing.” feeling like he’s a kid again. down and smiling on me.” has an autographed jersey from Pujols.
Pujols, who didn’t even have a job He hit a 437-foot homer off veteran Now, there’s one magical milestone “That’s all I was thinking about was get-
when spring training started, came aw- lefty Madison Bumgarner in the second left. It’s the one everyone in baseball ting this job done for Albert.”
fully close to spoiling this Hollywood inning, a 429-foot homer in the fourth talks about. The 700-home run club, the That’s Pujols, the ultimate team-
story. He had three other job offers, and inning, and nearly homered again in the most prestigious fraternity in all of mate, role model and ambassador.
at least one that was going to pay him sixth when the ball left his bat at 109.4- baseball. It hurts him when he sees players like
significantly more than the $2 million mph, caroming off the left-field wall. “We talk about it all of the time when Fernando Tatis Jr. busted for perfor-
the Cardinals eventually offered, with He even tried to steal second base in he’s not around,” Arenado says. “I mean, mance-enhancing drugs knowing that
others promising more playing time. the sixth inning, was barely thrown out, 700 home runs? That’s something hard- their careers are stained forever. He
But once the Cardinals called, the job and produced another single in the sev- ly anyone has seen. It’d be pretty spe- hopes that Tatis and others who have
search was over. enth inning. cial.” been suspended for PEDs can be forgiv-
He packed his bags and was in the He was a one-man show. While everyone is transfixed on 700, en, but knows they’ll never again be
Cardinals’ camp by the next morning, “I feel really good to tell you the Pujols will tell you he’s more proud of a viewed the same.
preparing for his farewell tour. truth,” Pujols said. “I really didn’t know number no one talks about these days: “I don’t judge people, but it saddens
“I took obviously a lot less money and what I could do, but I know I put in a lot He has 2,187 career RBI. The only men in me to see that being from the same
less promises,” Pujols said, “but this is of hard work with the gift the Lord has history with more RBI are Aaron (2,297) country, the Dominican Republic, and
where I want to be. This is where I want- given me. I didn’t know what the year and Ruth (2,214). the mistake the guy made,” Pujols said.
ed to finish my last year, and thank God would look like, but what I could control “That’s the number that means ev- “It doesn’t make you a bad person, but
he allowed me to have this door open to was dedication and hard work. erything to me,” Pujols said. “That’s how you made a bad choice. All it takes is a
come here to finish my career.” “Because of that hard work, I’m able you win games. It takes four walks to get bad choice and it just stinks to see that
While everyone else might have to get better, stay healthy, and accom- an RBI. It takes one homer to get at least not just for them, but for baseball and
thought it was simply going to be a cere- plish a lot of things in this game that a one, or a base hit. the people in our country.
monial joy ride into the night, Pujols had lot of players have never done.” “That’s how you win, scoring runs. If “I’m on the radar just like everybody
other ideas. Pujols, who will go down as one of the somebody comes up to me and says that else, but there’s a huge responsibility
“It’s been awesome having the op- greatest right-handed hitters of all time, RBIs are overrated, I’ll tell them they are you have to carry with you,” Pujols add-
portunity to come back to St. Louis can’t even keep track of all his accom- freaking crazy.” ed. “That responsibility I have with God
where everything started for me 21 years plishments. Chris Conroy, the Cardinals’ The dream, of course, is for Pujols to has helped me have the success I’d had.
ago,” he said. “This organization be- assistant trainer, constantly brings in leave the game with the ultimate prize, I know there’s a lot of people, a country
lieved I can help. It wasn’t just come baseballs for Pujols to sign and authen- another World Series championship. He that has followed me throughout my ca-
back to celebrate my last year, it was ticate, with Pujols asking what just hap- already has two rings, with plenty of reer, and I want to make them proud.”
knowing I can help. That means a lot to pened. room for another. Yet, no matter what Mission accomplished, 700 homers
me. On this night, the historic achieve- transpires the final six weeks, no matter or not.
“It’s pretty special to help this organi- ment was passing Musial, the Cardinals’ whether he hits 700 homers, no matter “No matter what happens, buddy,”
zation win every way I can, and enjoying all-time great, in total bases (6,141) for how far the Cardinals advance into Oc- Pujols says, “I wouldn’t change a thing.
my last path through this city.” second place behind only Hank Aaron tober, he’s leaving the game with an im- I’ve had an unbelievable career. How
It was the Los Angeles Dodgers, Pu- (6,856). And yes, Conroy got the base- peccable reputation and a plaque re- blessed am I?”

Vanessa Bryant tells jury she wants justice

Brent Schrotenboer posted online. not in uniform Friday and in-
USA TODAY Bryant said she says a spe- stead wore a dark suit and tie.
cial prayer every night for her He said the strategy
LOS ANGELES – Vanessa husband and daughter and “worked,” though Bryant’s at-
Bryant broke down and cried thinks about “why they’re not torneys have a different view-
on the witness stand Friday in here.” point. They said the deletions
federal court, wiping her eyes “And then I think about what were an improper destruction
and struggling through much of was done to them,” she said un- of evidence. Bryant herself said
her testimony as she described der direct examination by her Friday that even if she never
her reaction to a troubling dis- attorney, Luis Li. wanted anyone to see these
covery in February 2020. Bryant noted her husband’s photos, she wanted them pre-
She remembers it vividly. body was recovered on the day served to help aid an investiga-
She was in a game room watch- of the crash, but her daughter’s tion into what happened.
ing television with her family body was not recovered until Because the photos were de-
and friends when another the next day. leted, there is no exact way to
friend called her to share the “Her body was found in a ra- know what they showed or who
news: vine, so anyone who has pho- was in them, except to ask wit-
Gruesome photos of her de- tographs of her, they would nesses about them in court.
ceased daughter and husband, have had to go out of their way,” This has led to graphic testimo-
Kobe, the NBA legend, had ap- Bryant said through tears. “So ny about body parts and the
parently been taken and shared they violated her, taking ad- conditions of bodies after they
after they died in a helicopter vantage of the fact that her were flung from a high-velocity
crash on Jan. 26, 2020. daddy couldn’t protect her. He crash.
Two days after the accident, was at the morgue.” Bryant has stayed out of
a Los Angeles County sheriff ’s Bryant is joined at trial by court at times to avoid hearing
deputy trainee even showed Chris Chester, who lost his wife some of it. At other times, she’s
grisly crash scene photos to a and daughter in the same crash heard more than she would
bartender at a Mexican restau- and also sued the county for have liked.
rant. similar reasons. Both say the But she’s pressing this suit
“I bolted out of the house, county violated their constitu- anyway. She said she expected
and I ran to the side of the tional rights to control the county first responders to have
house so my girls couldn’t see death images of their loved “more compassion” and said
me,” Bryant testified. “And I ones. They claim they suffered Vanessa Bryant, the widow of Kobe Bryant, testified she would her husband and daughter de-
broke down and cried and just emotional distress because of go through hell and back to fight for justice for her husband and served dignity from them.
felt like I wanted to run. I just the county’s conduct and are daughter. JAE C. HONG/AP “I’m willing to go through
wanted to run down the block seeking damages to be deter- hell and back to get justice for
and just scream … like wanting mined at trial. my husband and daughter,” she
to run down the pier and just wasn’t safe to fly from that air- Johnson also said he guided said.
taking your clothes off and run- The day of the crash port by helicopter, as Kobe and a fire captain around the scene The county tried to paint a
ning and jumping into the her daughter had done earlier and that he took photos of the fuller picture of Bryant’s life
ocean. But the problem is I just Bryant started her testimo- that morning. bodies, too. According to John- and emotional state during her
can’t escape. I can’t escape my ny by telling the jury about her The drive took more than an son, he was doing his job docu- cross-examination. The coun-
body. I can’t escape what I feel.” background and family life be- hour. Nobody had confirmed menting the scene. ty’s lead outside counsel, Mira
This was Day 8 of Bryant’s fore recounting how she their deaths at this point. When Even if he was, the photos Hashmall, asked her about
civil trial against Los Angeles learned of the fatal crash. Her she arrived at the sheriff ’s sta- spread from there, eventually managing her husband’s busi-
County, arguably the biggest testimony about this was simi- tion near the crash, she hoped ending up on the devices of 28 ness and promoting his book
day of the trial so far because it lar to her pretrial deposition to find them there. sheriff ’s personnel, according projects after his death.
was the first day the jury of five testimony last year but still “Where are they?” she to court records. One of them The implication was that
men and four women heard brought the tragedy to life for asked, according to her testi- was deputy Joey Cruz, who tes- evaluating her emotional dis-
from Bryant and the county the jurors on Friday. mony. “Where are they?” tified this week that he showed tress from this case could be
sheriff, Alex Villanueva. Bryant She testified about how an Sheriff Villanueva told her crash scene photos at the res- complicated. Her life has gone
brought this case to trial after assistant knocked on her door what happened: There were no taurant on Jan. 28, 2020. After on, including with other stress-
filing a lawsuit that accused in an aggressive manner that survivors. a patron at the same restaurant inducing factors.
county sheriff ’s and fire de- morning and eventually told “I’m sorry, Mrs. Bryant,” Vil- that night learned of this, that “The only damages you’re
partment employees of using her there had been a helicopter lanueva said, according to her patron filed a complaint with seeking in this case are for your
their personal phones to take accident. The initial word was testimony. “Is there anything I the sheriff ’s department. emotional distress?” asked Mi-
and share gratuitous photos of that there were “five survivors.” can do for you?” This news soon reached Vil- ra Hashmall, the county’s out-
human remains from the crash Then Bryant looked at her She testified she told him lanueva, who then had a deci- side counsel.
scene despite having no legiti- phone and saw comments that that if he couldn’t bring back sion to make. “There are violations that
mate business reason for doing read, “RIP Kobe.” her “babies,” then “please se- He testified about it Friday. took place … and emotional dis-
so. At one point she tried to call cure the area” to protect her tress,” Bryant said.
Bryant answered questions Kobe to determine his and loved ones’ remains from inva- Willing to ‘go through hell’ “You understand the jurors
on the stand for nearly three Gianna’s whereabouts using a sions of privacy, such as from can’t fire county personnel?”
hours and covered several key phone locater application that the news media. “I laid it out very clearly,” Vil- Hasmall asked.
areas of the case, including showed Gianna was at a church But it turned out it wasn’t lanueva testified. “These pho- “I understand that,” Bryant
why she filed this lawsuit, how and Kobe was near a hillside. the news media she needed to tos can never see the light of replied.
she learned of the crash and This gave her the impression worry about, according to her day.” Two other families who lost
how the photos issue has af- Gianna was safe and Kobe was attorneys. A sheriff ’s deputy, His goal, he said, was to pre- loved ones in the crash also
fected her. She said she has suf- trying to help people. Douglas Johnson, had hiked up vent the photos from spreading sued the county over the pho-
fered panic attacks about it, to In an effort to get to them to the crash scene that morning further. So the sheriff ’s depart- tos but last year agreed to end
the point she says it feels like quickly, she headed for the air- and taken dozens of photos, in- ment offered “amnesty” to any their lawsuits in exchange for
she can’t breathe. port in Orange County, still cluding close-ups of human re- personnel involved: If they $1.25 million each from the
“I live in fear every day,” Bry- holding out hope there were mains. He then shared those came clean and deleted the county.
ant testified, implying the pho- five survivors. Los Angeles Lak- with at least two others – an- photos, they would not suffer Bryant made clear Friday
tos could re-emerge at any mo- ers general manager Rob Pelin- other deputy and a fire depart- discipline, other than a perfor- why she has persisted and has
ment, even though the county ka arrived there, too, and de- ment employee who remains mance-log entry in their file. not settled.
says they were deleted soon af- cided to drive her to the crash unidentified and conceivably “We made the right choice,” “I want justice for my hus-
ter the crash and were never site after they were told it could still possess them. testified Villanueva, who was band and daughter,” she said.


Thornton, Wings force deciding Game 3

August 22, 2022
The Associated Press Stewart, Bird help Storm trailed, also set WNBA playoff GLAXOSMITHKLINE CAPITAL INC.
oust Mystics marks for consecutive field ANNOUNCES REDEMPTION OF CERTAIN NOTES
UNCASVILLE, Conn. – Kayla goals made to open a game August 22, 2022 — GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. (the “Issuer”), a
wholly-owned subsidiary of GSK plc, announced on August 16,
Thornton scored 20 points and SEATTLE – Breanna Stewart (10) and most 3-pointers in a 2022 that it will redeem on September 15, 2022 (the “Redemption
Teaira McCowan had 17 points had 21 points, 10 rebounds and half (11, in the first). The top- Date”) the following series of its outstanding notes:
and 11 rebounds to help the Dal- eight assists, Sue Bird added seeded Aces beat Phoenix 79- Series Outstanding Principal Amount
2.800% Notes due 2023 U.S. $1,250,000,000
las Wings beat the Connecticut season highs of 18 points and 10 63 on Wednesday. (the “Notes”)
Sun 89-79 on Sunday to avoid assists, and the Seattle Storm Kelsey Plum added 22 All of the outstanding principal amount of the Notes will be
redeemed at a Redemption Price equal to the greater of (A) 100%
elimination and earn the fran- beat the Washington Mystics points for Las Vegas. of the principal amount of the Notes or (B) 100% of the principal
chise’s first playoff game win 97-84 on Sunday to sweep their Kaela Davis led short- amount of the Notes plus a make-whole premium that will be
determined on the third business day preceding the Redemption
since 2009. opening-round series. handed Phoenix with 23 Date, in either case plus accrued and unpaid interest on the
The sixth-seeded Wings, No. 4 seed Seattle plays top- points, and Diamond DeSh- principal amount of the Notes to the Redemption Date.
who will host Wednesday’s seeded Las Vegas in the second ields had 21.
Game 3, never trailed. They led round. The best-of-five series
by double digits for the final 26- begins Sunday in Las Vegas. Sky post record rout August 22, 2022
plus minutes, despite a 22-2 Jewell Loyd was 5 of 10 from to tie series GLAXOSMITHKLINE CAPITAL INC. ANNOUNCES
fourth-quarter run that 3-point range and finished with REDEMPTION OF CERTAIN NOTES
August 22, 2022 — GlaxoSmithKline Capital Inc. (the “Issuer”), a
trimmed a 31-point Sun deficit 19 points for the Storm. CHICAGO – Kahleah Cop- wholly-owned subsidiary of GSK plc, announced on August 16,
to 84-73 with less than 2 min- Ariel Atkins hit a 3-pointer 13 per scored 20 points and 2022 that it will redeem on August 31, 2022 (the “Redemption
Date”) the following series of its outstanding notes:
utes left. seconds into the third quarter Courtney Vandersloot added Series Outstanding Principal Amount
“I think we have to learn how to give the Mystics a 46-45 16 to help Chicago to a record 3.375% Notes due 2023 U.S. $1,250,000,000
(the “Notes”)
to capitalize,” McCowan said. lead, but Stewart answered rout of New York 100-62, tying
All of the outstanding principal amount of the Notes will be
“With us being a young team, with a 3 on the other end and the first-round WNBA play- redeemed at a Redemption Price equal to the greater of (A) 100%
you know, sometimes we get a Seattle never again trailed. offs series on Saturday and of the principal amount of the Notes or (B) 100% of the principal
amount of the Notes plus a make-whole premium that will be
little sloppy – as you could see forcing a decisive Game 3. determined on the third business day preceding the Redemption
at the end. But, I mean, once we Gray, record-setting Aces The teams will play on Date, in either case plus accrued and unpaid interest on the
principal amount of the Notes to the Redemption Date.
tighten that up, it’ll be good for sweep Mystics Tuesday in New York with a
the next game.” trip to the semifinals at stake.
Allisha Gray had 15 points, LAS VEGAS – Chelsea Gray Candace Parker added 12
eight assists and three steals had 27 points and eight assists points, 12 rebounds and four
for the Wings, and Marina Ma- and hit a career-high seven of assists for the Sky, who broke
brey scored 14 points. Las Vegas’ WNBA playoff-rec- their own WNBA record for
Jonquel Jones had 20 points ord 23 3-pointers and the Aces largest margin of victory in
and nine rebounds for third- beat the Phoenix Mercury 117- the playoffs. Chicago won by
seeded Connecticut, and 80 on Saturday to sweep the 36 at home in Game 3 of the
Brionna Jones also scored 20. best-of-three series. Finals against the Mercury
DiJonai Carrington added 13. Las Vegas, which never last year.


All times ET CF Montréal 4, New England 0 South DP World Tour Czech Masters
Miami 2, Toronto FC 1 W L T Pct PF PA Albatross Golf Resort, Prague
Minnesota 2, Austin FC 1 Atlanta 1 0 0 1.000 27 23
MLB Houston 1, Colorado 1, tie Carolina 1 1 0 .500 33 41 Purse: $1.8 million
Vancouver 1, Real Salt Lake 1, tie New Orleans 0 2 0 .000 23 37 Yardage: 7,468; Par: 72
San Jose 2, Los Angeles FC 1 Tampa Bay 0 2 0 .000 27 39 Third Round
AMERICAN LEAGUE Sunday’s Games North Maximilian Kieffer, Germany ..................................68-66-66—200 (-16)
East Division Atlanta at Columbus W L T Pct PF PA Gavin Green, Malaysia ...............................................67-63-71—201 (-15)
W L Pct GB New York City FC at Chicago Chicago 2 0 0 1.000 46 25 Louis De Jager, South Africa ...................................64-70-68—202 (-14)
New York 74 48 .607 — Orlando City at Charlotte FC Detroit 1 1 0 .500 50 53 Tapio Pulkkanen, Finland .........................................66-69-67—202 (-14)
Tampa Bay 65 55 .542 8 Green Bay 1 1 0 .500 41 38 Zander Lombard, South Africa ................................70-69-64—203 (-13)
Odds available as of print deadline
Portland at Sporting Kansas City
Toronto 65 55 .542 8 FC Dallas at Nashville Minnesota 0 2 0 .000 27 43 Jake McLeod, Australia............................................67-68-69—204 (-12)
Baltimore 62 58 .517 11 Marcel Schneider, Germany......................................66-67-71—204 (-12)
Boston 60 61 .496 13½ Friday’s Games West NFL
Los Angeles FC at Austin FC, 8 p.m. W L T Pct PF PA Thriston Lawrence, South Africa .............................68-69-68—205 (-11)
Central Division Seattle at Portland, 10 p.m. Arizona 1 0 0 1.000 36 23 Wilco Nienaber, South Africa ....................................71-67-67—205 (-11) Monday
W L Pct GB San Francisco 2 0 0 1.000 45 28 Eddie Pepperell, England ........................................69-68-68—205 (-11) Favorite Spread O/U ML Underdog
Cleveland 64 56 .533 —
Saturday’s Games L.A. Rams 1 1 0 .500 49 46 Thomas Pieters, Belgium .........................................65-68-72—205 (-11)
Houston at Minnesota, 3:30 p.m. Falcons 2.5 38.5 -140 JETS
Minnesota 62 56 .525 1 Seattle 0 2 0 .000 36 59 Carlos Pigem, Spain.................................................68-69-68—205 (-11)
Miami at New York, 7 p.m. Pep Angles, Spain.....................................................68-67-71—206 (-10) MLB
Chicago 62 59 .512 2½ Thursday’s Game
Toronto FC at Charlotte FC, 7 p.m. Bobby Bai, China.......................................................71-64-71—206 (-10)
Kansas City 49 74 .398 16½ Chicago 27, Seattle 11 Monday
Detroit 47 76 .382 18½
Columbus at Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m. Alfredo Garcia-Heredia, Spain................................69-69-68—206 (-10)
Colorado at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. Friday’s Games Tom Lewis, England ................................................69-69-68—206 (-10) Favorite Spread O/U ML Underdog
West Division CF Montréal at Chicago, 8 p.m. New England 20, Carolina 10 Renato Paratore, Italy...............................................67-68-71—206 (-10) White Sox 1.5 8.5 -150 ROYALS
W L Pct GB San Jose at Sporting Kansas City, 8:30 p.m. Green Bay 20, New Orleans 10 Mets 1.5 6.5 -180 YANKEES
Houston 78 45 .634 — Antoine Rozner, France............................................67-70-69—206 (-10)
Real Salt Lake at FC Dallas, 9 p.m. Houston 24, L.A. Rams 20 Jack Senior, England ...............................................68-68-70—206 (-10) Braves 1.5 8.5 -205 PIRATES
Seattle 66 55 .545 11 Nashville at Vancouver, 10 p.m.
Texas 54 66 .450 22½ Saturday’s Games Cormac Sharvin, Northern Ireland...........................71-69-66—206 (-10) PHILLIES 1.5 8.5 -240 Reds
Los Angeles 52 69 .430 25
Sunday, August 28 Buffalo 42, Denver 15 Lee Slattery, England..............................................69-69-68—206 (-10) TWINS 1.5 8.5 -205 Rangers
D.C. United at Atlanta, 4 p.m. Detroit 27, Indianapolis 26 Rory Sabbatini, Slovakia .........................................68-69-69—206 (-10) RAYS 1.5 7.5 -190 Angels
Oakland 44 77 .364 33 New York City FC at Orlando City, 7:30 p.m. Kansas City 24, Washington 14 Laurie Canter, England ..............................................72-68-67—207 (-9) Cardinals - - -165 CUBS
Saturday’s Games LA Galaxy at New England, 8 p.m. Las Vegas 15, Miami 13 Jannik De Bruyn, Germany.........................................71-69-67—207 (-9) Marlins 1.5 6.5 -145 ATHLETICS
Detroit 4, L.A. Angels 3 Pittsburgh 16, Jacksonville 15 Grant Forrest, Scotland..............................................67-68-72—207 (-9)
Toronto 5, N.Y. Yankees 2 English Premier League DODGERS 1.5 7.5 -250 Brewers
San Francisco 17, Minnesota 7 Marcus Kinhult, Sweden ...........................................68-70-69—207 (-9)
Tampa Bay 5, Kansas City 2 GP W D L GF GA Pts Tennessee 13, Tampa Bay 3 Richard Mansell, England...........................................67-66-74—207 (-9)
Boston 4, Baltimore 3 Arsenal 3 3 0 0 9 2 9 Dallas 32, L.A. Chargers 18 Victor Perez, France ...................................................70-71-66—207 (-9) Odds are subject to change. Tipico Sportsbook
Oakland 4, Seattle 3, 10 innings Man City 3 2 1 0 9 3 7 Sunday’s Games Ian Poulter, England ...................................................70-71-66—207 (-9)
Texas 4, Minnesota 3, 10 innings Leeds 3 2 1 0 7 3 7 does not offer lines for New Jersey-based college
Philadelphia 21, Cleveland 20 Oliver Farr, Wales......................................................69-70-69—208 (-8)
Atlanta 5, Houston 4, 11 innings Tottenham 3 2 1 0 7 3 7 Cincinnati at N.Y. Giants Stephen Gallacher, Scotland .....................................71-69-68—208 (-8) sports teams. Gannett may earn revenue from
Chicago White Sox 2, Cleveland 0 Brighton 3 2 1 0 4 1 7 Baltimore at Arizona Kalle Samooja, Finland ..............................................71-68-69—208 (-8) audience referrals to betting services. Newsrooms
Sunday’s Games Newcastle 3 1 2 0 5 3 5 Julien Brun, France....................................................73-68-68—209 (-7)
Fulham 3 1 2 0 5 4 5 Monday’s Game are independent of any such relationships and
N.Y. Yankees 4, Toronto 2 Jens Dantorp, Sweden ...............................................70-71-68—209 (-7)
Brentford 3 1 1 1 8 5 4 Atlanta at N.Y. Jets, 8 p.m. Ross Fisher, England..................................................70-69-70—209 (-7) there is no influence on news coverage. Terms and
Detroit 4, L.A. Angels 0
Tampa Bay 3, Kansas City 2 Crystal Palace 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 Thursday’s Games Gregory Havret, France .............................................70-70-69—209 (-7) conditions apply, see site for details. 21+ only.
Houston 5, Atlanta 4 Nottingham For. 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 Green Bay at Kansas City, 8 p.m. Daan Huizing, Netherlands .......................................70-70-69—209 (-7)
Southampton 3 1 1 1 5 7 4 San Francisco at Houston, 8:15 p.m. Gambling Problem? Call: 1-800-GAMBLER (NJ, PA,
Chicago White Sox at Cleveland, ppd. Scott Jamieson, Scotland..........................................68-69-72—209 (-7)
Texas at Minnesota Chelsea 3 1 1 1 3 5 4 Friday’s Games Frederic Lacroix, France ............................................69-71-69—209 (-7) IL, VA), 1-800-522-4700 (CO, NV, KS),
Seattle at Oakland Aston Villa 3 1 0 2 3 6 3 Buffalo at Carolina, 7 p.m. Oliver Wilson, England ..............................................70-69-70—209 (-7) 1-800-BETS-OFF (IA), 1-800-9-WITH-IT (IN),
Boston at Baltimore Bournemouth 3 1 0 2 2 7 3 L.A. Chargers at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Nino Bertasio, Italy.....................................................69-70-71—210 (-6)
Liverpool 2 0 2 0 3 3 2 1-800-589-9966 (OH), 1-877-770-7867 (LA),
Monday’s Games Seattle at Dallas, 8 p.m. Sean Crocker, United States .......................................71-71-68—210 (-6)
Chicago White Sox (Kopech 4-9) at Kansas
Everton 3 0 1 2 2 4 1 New England at Las Vegas, 8:15 p.m. Joakim Lagergren, Sweden .......................................68-72-70—210 (-6) 1-888-238-7633 (MO), 1-888-777-9696 (MS). Call
Wolverhampton 3 0 1 2 1 3 1 Joost Luiten, Netherlands..........................................71-70-69—210 (-6) or text: 1-800-889-9789 (TN).
City (Lynch 4-8), 2:10 p.m. Leicester 3 0 1 2 5 8 1 Saturday’s Games
N.Y. Mets (Scherzer 9-2) at N.Y. Yankees (Ger- Jacksonville at Atlanta, 3 p.m. Zach Murray, Australia ................................................71-68-71—210 (-6)
Man United 2 0 0 2 1 6 0 Ricardo Santos, Portugal............................................69-71-70—210 (-6)
mán 1-2), 7:05 p.m. West Ham 3 0 0 3 0 5 0 L.A. Rams at Cincinnati, 6 p.m. For the latest picks and expert analysis, go to
L.A. Angels (Davidson 2-3) at Tampa Bay Arizona at Tennessee, 7 p.m. Alejandro Canizares, Spain .........................................69-72-70—211 (-5)
Saturday’s Games John Catlin, United States ..........................................71-68-72—211 (-5)
(Springs 5-3), 7:10 p.m. Chicago at Cleveland, 7 p.m.
Texas (Ragans 0-2) at Minnesota (Gray 7-3), Tottenham 1, Wolverhampton 0 Philadelphia at Miami, 7 p.m. Benjamin Hebert, France............................................70-66-75—211 (-5)
7:10 p.m. Crystal Palace 3, Aston Villa 1 Washington at Baltimore, 7 p.m. Hugo Leon, Chile.........................................................67-73-72—212 (-4)
Miami (Cabrera 3-1) at Oakland (Oller 2-5), Everton 1, Nottingham Forest 1 Tampa Bay at Indianapolis, 7:30 p.m. Gregory Bourdy, France ..............................................71-70-72—213 (-3)
9:40 p.m. Fulham 3, Brentford 2
Leicester 1, Southampton 2
Minnesota at Denver, 9 p.m. Sebastian Garcia Rodriguez, Spain .............................70-71-72—213 (-3)
Jordan Gumberg, United States.................................66-74-73—213 (-3)
Scan for latest odds
Tuesday’s Games Bournemouth 0, Arsenal 3 Sunday, Aug. 28 Soren Kjeldsen, Denmark ...........................................70-70-73—213 (-3)
Chicago White Sox at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. N.Y. Giants at N.Y. Jets, 1 p.m. David Tomi, Czech Republic........................................69-71-73—213 (-3)
N.Y. Mets at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. Sunday’s Games Detroit at Pittsburgh, 4:30 p.m. Johannes Veerman, United States.............................66-72-75—213 (-3)
See up-to-the-minute
L.A. Angels at Tampa Bay, 7:10 p.m. Leeds 3, Chelsea 0
West Ham 0, Brighton 2
San Francisco at Detroit, 7:10 p.m.
Newcastle 3, Man City 3 WNBA
Champions Tour DICK’S Sporting Goods Open lines and compete in
Toronto at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Saturday
Arizona at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Monday’s Game Daily Ticket free-to-play
Minnesota at Houston, 8:10 p.m. Man United vs. Liverpool, 3 p.m. En-Joie GC, Endicott, N.Y.
Texas at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Saturday’s Games Playoff Purse: $2.1 million
Cleveland at San Diego, 9:40 p.m. Southampton vs. Man United, 7:30 a.m. (Best-of-3; x-if necessary) Yardage: 6,994; Par: 72 games
Miami at Oakland, 9:40 p.m. Brentford vs. Everton, 10 a.m. Second Round
Washington at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. First Round
Brighton vs. Leeds, 10 a.m. Mike Weir........................................................................67-65—132 (-12)
NATIONAL LEAGUE Chelsea vs. Leicester, 10 a.m. Las Vegas 2, Phoenix 0
August 17: Las Vegas 79, Phoenix 63 Padraig Harrington .........................................................66-67—133 (-11)
East Division Liverpool vs. Bournemouth, 10 a.m. Ernie Els ...........................................................................67-68—135 (-9)
Man City vs. Crystal Palace, 10 a.m. Saturday: Las Vegas 117, Phoenix 80
W L Pct GB Vijay Singh .......................................................................65-70—135 (-9) PGA Tour BMW Championship
New York 78 44 .639 — Arsenal vs. Fulham, 12:30 p.m. Chicago 1, New York 1 Jim Furyk..........................................................................65-71—136 (-8)
Atlanta 75 48 .610 3½ Sunday, Aug. 28 August 17: New York 98, Chicago 91 Tom Pernice ....................................................................68-68—136 (-8) Saturday
Philadelphia 66 54 .550 11 Aston Villa vs. West Ham, 9 a.m. Saturday: Chicago 100, New York 62 Gene Sauers ....................................................................69-67—136 (-8) South Course, Wilmington, Del.
Miami 52 68 .433 25 Wolverhampton vs. Newcastle, 9 a.m. Tuesday: Chicago at New York, 9 p.m. Doug Barron ....................................................................69-68—137 (-7) Purse: $15 million
Washington 41 81 .336 37 Nottingham Forest vs. Tottenham, 11:30 a.m. Connecticut 1, Dallas 1 Shane Bertsch..................................................................68-69—137 (-7) Yardage: 7,534; Par: 71
August 18: Connecticut 93, Dallas 68 Paul Broadhurst ...............................................................68-69—137 (-7)
Central Division NWSL Sunday: Dallas 89, Connecticut 79 Darren Clarke....................................................................65-72—137 (-7) Third Round
W L Pct GB W L T Pts GF GA Patrick Cantlay .........................................................68-68-65—201 (-12)
Wednesday: Connecticut at Dallas, 1 p.m. Thongchai Jaidee .............................................................70-67—137 (-7)
St. Louis 68 51 .571 — San Diego 8 5 4 28 24 15 Xander Schauffele ....................................................67-69-66—202 (-11)
Milwaukee 64 56 .533 4½ Portland 7 1 7 28 36 15 Seattle 2, Washington 0 Scott McCarron................................................................68-69—137 (-7)
Scott Stallings..........................................................68-68-66—202 (-11)
Chicago 52 68 .433 16½ August 18: Seattle 86, Washington 83 Stuart Appleby ................................................................68-70—138 (-6)
Houston 8 5 4 28 29 21 Alex Cejka........................................................................68-70—138 (-6) Scottie Scheffler......................................................68-67-68—203 (-10)
Cincinnati 48 71 .403 20 Kansas City 7 4 5 26 21 21 Sunday: Seattle 97, Washington 84
Matt Gogel ......................................................................70-68—138 (-6) Adam Scott..............................................................65-69-69—203 (-10)
Pittsburgh 47 74 .388 22 OL Reign 6 4 6 24 20 15 Collin Morikawa..........................................................67-72-65—204 (-9)
Chicago 6 5 5 23 22 22
Andrew Johnson .............................................................68-70—138 (-6)
West Division BASEBALL Rob Labritz......................................................................69-69—138 (-6) Aaron Wise ................................................................69-68-67—204 (-9)
W L Pct GB Angel City 6 5 4 22 16 17 Corey Conners ...........................................................68-67-70—205 (-8)
Orlando 5 5 6 21 19 31 Bernhard Langer ..............................................................71-67—138 (-6)
Los Angeles 83 36 .697 — Corey Pavin .....................................................................69-69—138 (-6) Joaquin Niemann......................................................69-68-68—205 (-8)
San Diego 67 56 .545 18 Louisville 2 6 8 14 16 22 Sungjae Im .................................................................70-69-67—206 (-7)
North Carolina 3 6 4 13 27 26 Little League World Series Ken Tanigawa ..................................................................69-69—138 (-6)
San Francisco 59 61 .492 24½ Michael Allen...................................................................70-69—139 (-5) Denny McCarthy ........................................................68-72-66—206 (-7)
Arizona 55 65 .458 28½ Gotham FC 4 11 0 12 12 32 At Williamsport, Pa. John Daly .........................................................................72-67—139 (-5) Rory McIlroy ..............................................................68-68-70—206 (-7)
Colorado 53 69 .434 31½ Washington 1 6 9 12 16 21 UNITED STATES Taylor Pendrith ...........................................................71-68-67—206 (-7)
Ken Duke .........................................................................70-69—139 (-5)
Saturday’s Games NOTE: Three points for win, one point for tie. GREAT LAKES REGION, Hagerstown, Ind.; Joe Durant .......................................................................69-70—139 (-5) Christiaan Bezuidenhout............................................67-73-67—207 (-6)
N.Y. Mets 8, Philadelphia 2, 1st game Friday’s Game METRO REGION, Massapequa, N.Y.; MID-AT- Bob Estes .........................................................................74-65—139 (-5) Tyrrell Hatton .............................................................67-71-69—207 (-6)
Chicago Cubs 6, Milwaukee 5, 11 innings Angel City 1, Kansas City 1, tie LANTIC REGION, Hollidaysburg, Pa.; MIDWEST Steve Flesch ....................................................................69-70—139 (-5) Andrew Putnam.........................................................73-68-66—207 (-6)
Philadelphia 4, N.Y. Mets 1, 2nd game Saturday’s Games REGION, Davenport, Iowa; MOUNTAIN RE- Rocco Mediate.................................................................70-69—139 (-5) Cameron Young..........................................................67-68-72—207 (-6)
Cincinnati 10, Pittsburgh 1 Orlando 2, Gotham FC 1 GION, Santa Clara, Utah; NEW ENGLAND RE- Brett Quigley ...................................................................70-69—139 (-5) Sam Burns .................................................................69-69-70—208 (-5)
Atlanta 5, Houston 4, 11 innings North Carolina 4, Chicago 0 GION, Middleboro, Mass.; NORTHWEST RE- David Toms......................................................................70-69—139 (-5) Lucas Herbert ...........................................................70-70-68—208 (-5)
Colorado 4, San Francisco 3, 10 innings San Diego 3, Houston 1 GION, Bonney Lake, Wash.; SOUTHEAST RE- Marco Dawson .................................................................69-71—140 (-4) Shane Lowry ...............................................................66-71-71—208 (-5)
L.A. Dodgers 7, Miami 0 GION, Nolensville, Tenn.; SOUTHWEST RE- David McKenzie...............................................................70-70—140 (-4) Hideki Matsuyama......................................................70-67-71—208 (-5)
Wednesday’s Game GION, Pearland, Texas; WEST REGION, Trey Mullinax .............................................................71-68-69—208 (-5)
St. Louis 16, Arizona 7 Portland at North Carolina, 7 p.m. Scott Parel .......................................................................70-70—140 (-4)
San Diego 2, Washington 1 Honolulu, Hawaii Tim Petrovic.....................................................................73-67—140 (-4) Jon Rahm ...................................................................73-70-65—208 (-5)
Friday’s Game INTERNATIONAL Y.E. Yang ...........................................................................67-73—140 (-4) Brendan Steele ..........................................................76-67-65—208 (-5)
Sunday’s Games OL Reign at Orlando, 7 p.m. Harold Varner III .........................................................66-71-71—208 (-5)
Houston 5, Atlanta 4 ASIA-PACIFIC REGION, Taipei City, Chinese Russ Cochran.....................................................................71-70—141 (-3)
Cincinnati 9, Pittsburgh 5 Saturday’s Games Taipei; AUSTRALIA REGION, Brisbane, Aus- Glen Day ............................................................................70-71—141 (-3) Emiliano Grillo ............................................................68-71-70—209 (-4)
Chicago at Louisville, 7:30 p.m. tralia; CANADA REGION, Vancouver, British Fred Funk ..........................................................................70-71—141 (-3) Max Homa .................................................................72-69-68—209 (-4)
Milwaukee 5, Chicago Cubs 2 Kurt Kitayama ............................................................71-66-72—209 (-4)
N.Y. Mets at Philadelphia Washington at Houston, 8:30 p.m. Columbia; CARIBBEAN REGION, Willemstad, Miguel Angel Jimenez......................................................72-69—141 (-3)
San Diego at Portland, 10:30 p.m. Curacao; EUROPE-AFRICA REGION, Bologna, Brandt Jobe ......................................................................67-74—141 (-3) Kyoung-Hoon Lee ......................................................68-70-71—209 (-4)
San Francisco at Colorado J.T. Poston .................................................................72-69-68—209 (-4)
Miami at L.A. Dodgers Sunday, August 28 Italy; JAPAN REGION, Takarazuka, Japan; LAT- Billy Mayfair......................................................................72-69—141 (-3)
Angel City at Gotham FC, 5 p.m. IN AMERICA REGION, Managua, Nicaragua; Duffy Waldorf...................................................................66-75—141 (-3) J.J. Spaun...................................................................68-74-67—209 (-4)
St. Louis at Arizona Jordan Spieth ............................................................68-67-74—209 (-4)
Washington at San Diego North Carolina at Kansas City, 7 p.m. MEXICO REGION, Matamoros, Mexico; PANA- Billy Andrade....................................................................70-72—142 (-2)
MA REGION, Aguadulce, Panama; PUERTO RI- David Duval ......................................................................72-70—142 (-2) Sahith Theegala ........................................................72-68-69—209 (-4)
Monday’s Games CO REGION, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Ricardo Gonzalez...............................................................71-71—142 (-2) Russell Henley .............................................................67-71-72—210 (-3)
Atlanta (Odorizzi 4-5) at Pittsburgh (Contre-
ras 3-3), 7:05 p.m. FOOTBALL Double Elimination
Cincinnati (Cessa 3-1) at Philadelphia (Syn- Wednesday, Aug. 17
dergaard 7-8), 7:05 p.m. Game 1: Willemstad (Curacao) 2, Managua 0
N.Y. Mets (Scherzer 9-2) at N.Y. Yankees (Ger- Canadian Football League 2: Nolensville (Tenn.) 5, Middleboro (Mass.) 3
mán 1-2), 7:05 p.m. East Division 3: Vancouver (BC) 7, Brisbane (Australia) 0
St. Louis (Montgomery 6-3) at Chicago Cubs W L T Pts PF PA 4: Honolulu (Hawaii) 11, Bonney Lake (Wash.) 1 9. (5) Alex Palou, Honda, 260, Running. 37. (28) Jeb Burton, Chevrolet, accident, 8, 1. Ozougwu.
Toronto 4 5 0 8 199 230
(Smyly 5-6), 8:05 p.m.
Montreal 4 6 0 8 260 273
Thursday, Aug. 18 10. (16) Graham Rahal, Honda, 260, Running. 38. (10) J. Allgaier, Chevrolet, accident, 4, 1.
Miami (Cabrera 3-1) at Oakland (Oller 2-5), Game 5: Taipei City 2, Bologna (Italy) 0 11. (11) Colton Herta, Honda, 259, Running.
9:40 p.m. Hamilton 3 7 0 6 223 265
6: Hagerstown (Ind.) 8, Davenport (Iowa) 7 12. (9) D. DeFrancesco, Honda, 259, Running. TENNIS
Milwaukee (Lauer 8-5) at L.A. Dodgers (Urías Ottawa 1 8 0 2 167 225
7: Matamoros (Mexico) 6, Guaynabo (PR) 1 13. (18) R. Grosjean, Honda, 259, Running. DEALS
13-6), 10:10 p.m. West Division 8: Pearland (Texas) 8, Hollidaysburg (Pa.) 3 14. (21) J. Johnson, Honda, 259, Running.
Tuesday’s Games W L T Pts PF PA 15. (17) H. Castroneves, Honda, 259, Running. ATP World Tour
Winnipeg 9 1 0 18 267 182 Friday, Aug. 19
St. Louis at Chicago Cubs, 2:20 p.m., 1st game Game 9: Aguadulce (Panama) 9, Willemstad 16. (26) F. Rosenqvist, Chev., 259, Running. BASEBALL Winston-Salem Open
BC 8 1 0 16 323 185 17. (20) K. Kirkwood, Chevrolet, 258, Running.
Atlanta at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m.
Calgary 6 3 0 12 268 210 (Curacao) 3 Major League Baseball At Wake Forest University
Cincinnati at Philadelphia, 7:05 p.m. 18. (24) D. Kellett, Chevrolet, 258, Running.
Ssktchwn 5 5 0 10 244 243 10: Nolensville (Tenn.) 11, Santa Clara (Utah) 2
19. (19) C. Lundgaard, Honda, 258, Running. American League Winston-Salem, N.C.
N.Y. Mets at N.Y. Yankees, 7:05 p.m. 11: Vancouver (BC) 6, Takarazuka (Japan) 0 BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Recalled OF Yusniel
San Francisco at Detroit, 7:10 p.m. Edmonton 3 7 0 6 198 336 20. (13) S. Pagenaud, Honda, 257, Running. Purse: $713,635
12: Honolulu (Hawaii) 12, Massapequa (N.Y.) 0 Diaz from Norfolk (IL).
St. Louis at Chicago Cubs, 8:05 p.m., 2nd Note: Two points for a win, one point for a tie. 21. (22) Callum Ilott, Chevrolet, 257, Running. Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
Arizona at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Friday’s Games Saturday’s Games 22. (25) Ed Carpenter, Chev., 256, Running. BOSTON RED SOX — Recalled 1B/OF Franchy
Game 13: Bologna (Italy) 12, Brisbane 7 Cordero from Worcester (IL). Singles - Qualification
Texas at Colorado, 8:40 p.m. Edmonton 30, Ottawa 12 23. (15) Conor Daly, Chevrolet, 244, Running. Christopher O’Connell (6), Australia, def. Tal-
Game 14: Davenport (Iowa) 6, Bonney Lake 24. (14) Jack Harvey, Honda, 239, Running. CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Placed C Yasmani
Cleveland at San Diego, 9:40 p.m. BC 28, Saskatchewan 10 (Wash.) 3 Grandal on the 10-day IL. Selected the con- lon Griekspoor (1), Netherlands, 7-6, 7-6;
Miami at Oakland, 9:40 p.m. Saturday’s Games 25. (10) A. Rossi, Honda, 226, Running. Marc-Andrea Huesler (4), Switzerland, def.
15: Managua (Nicaragua) 3, Guaynabo (PR) 1 26. (23) Rinus VeeKay, Chevrolet, 53, DNF. tract of C Carlos Perez from Charlotte (IL).
Milwaukee at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m. Montreal 29, Hamilton 28 Game 16: Hollidaysburg (Pa.) 7, Middleboro Transferred RHP Kyle Crick to the 60-day IL. Shintaro Mochizuki (8), Japan, 6-2, 6-4; Jason
Washington at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Calgary 22, Toronto 19 (Mass.) 5 NASCAR-Xfinity Sunoco Go NEW YORK YANKEES — Recalled RHP Luke Kubler (5), Australia, def. Marton Fucsovics
Thursday’s Game Bard from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). Placed (2), Hungary, 6-4, 6-0; Emilio Nava (7), United
Sunday’s Games Rewards 200 at The Glen States, def. Taro Daniel (3), Japan, 6-4, 3-6,
Calgary at Winnipeg, 8:30 p.m. RHP Albert Abreu on the 15-day IL.
SOCCER Friday’s Games
Game 17: Willemstad (Curacao) 1, Bologna 0
Game 18: Santa Clara (Utah) vs. Davenport
Saturday TEXAS RANGERS — Reinstated OF Kole Cal- 7-5.
Hamilton at Toronto, 7:30 p.m. (Iowa), 11 a.m. Watkins Glen International houn from the 10-day IL. Optioned INF/OF Singles - Round of 64
Watkins Glen, N.Y. Josh Smith to Round Rock (PCL). Richard Gasquet, France, def. Kamil Majchr-
MLS Saskatchewan at BC, 10:30 p.m. 19: Managua vs. Takarazuka (Japan), 1 p.m. zak, Poland, 6-7 (5), 6-2, 1-0, ret; Kwon Soon
Saturday’s Game Game 20: Hollidaysburg (Pa.) vs. Massapequa Lap length: 2.45 miles National League Woo, South Korea, def. Daniel Altmaier, Ger-
EASTERN CONFERENCE Ottawa at Edmonton, 7 p.m. (N.Y.), 2 p.m. (Start position in parentheses) ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Recalled RHP
W L T Pts GF GA Luis Frias from Reno (PCL). Optioned RHP Ed- many, 6-1, 6-4.
Philadelphia 14 4 9 51 51 20 Monday’s Games 1. (3) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 82 laps, 0 points.
CF Montréal 14 8 4 46 47 41 NFL Preseason Game 21: Taipei City (Chinese Taipei) vs. 2. (4) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 82, 52. win Uceta to Reno. WTA Tennis in the Land
AMERICAN CONFERENCE Aguadulce (Panama), 1 p.m. 3. (19) Sammy Smith, Toyota, 82, 44. COLORADO ROCKIES — Reinstated C Elias Diaz Flats West Bank, Cleveland
New York City FC 12 7 6 42 46 30 from the 10-day IL. Optioned C Dom Nunez to
New York 11 8 8 41 41 33 East Game 22: Hagerstown (Ind.) vs. Nolensville 4. (16) Noah Gragson, Chevrolet, 82, 40.
(Tenn.), 3 p.m. 5. (14) Kaz Grala, Chevrolet, 82, 0. Albuquerque (PCL). Purse: $251,750
Inter Miami CF 10 10 6 36 34 42 W L T Pct PF PA
Columbus 8 6 10 34 32 27 Buffalo 2 0 0 1.000 69 39 Game 23: Vancouver (BC) vs. Matamoros 6. (7) Sam Mayer, Chevrolet, 82, 31. NEW YORK METS — Recalled RHP Jose Butto Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
New England 8 8 10 34 38 40 N.Y. Jets 1 0 0 1.000 24 21 (Mexico), 5 p.m. 7. (6) Riley Herbst, Ford, 82, 30. from Syracuse (IL). Selected the contract of Singles - Qualification
Cincinnati 8 8 10 34 43 46 Miami 1 1 0 .500 39 39 24: Honolulu vs. Pearland (Texas), 7 p.m. 8. (11) Sheldon Creed, Chevrolet, 82, 37. LHP Nate Fisher. Optioned LHP Rob Zastryzny Harmony Tan (2), France, def. Jessie Aney,
9. (17) Josh Berry, Chevrolet, 82, 32. to Syracuse. Placed RHP Stephen Nogosek on United States, 7-5, 6-4.
Orlando City 9 10 6 33 28 36 New England 1 1 0 .500 41 33 Tuesday’s Games 10. (22) Jeremy Clements, Chevrolet, 82, 34. the 15-day IL. Designated LHP Sam Clay for Singles - Round of 32
Charlotte FC 10 14 2 32 33 40 South 25: Game 21 loser vs. Game 19 winner, 1 p.m.
Chicago 8 11 6 30 28 34 11. (5) Cole Custer, Ford, 82, 0. assignment. Irina-Camelia Begu (5), Romania, def. Peyton
W L T Pct PF PA 26: Game 22 loser vs. Game 20 winner, 3 p.m. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Placed RHP Seran- Stearns, United States, 6-4, 6-3; Aliaksandra
Toronto FC 8 13 6 30 40 47 Houston 2 0 0 1.000 41 33 27: Game 17 winner vs. Game 23 loser, 5 p.m. 12. (23) Stefan Parsons, Chevrolet, 82, 0.
Atlanta 7 10 8 29 34 38 13. (34) Ryan Sieg, Ford, 82, 24. thon Dominguez on the 15-day IL, retroactive Sasnovich (7), Belarus, def. Aleksandra Krun-
Tennessee 1 1 0 .500 23 26 28: Game 18 winner vs. Game 24 loser, 7 p.m. to Aug. 18. Transferred RHP Corey Knebel ic, Serbia, 7-6 (5), 6-1.
D.C. United 6 16 4 22 28 55 Indianapolis 0 2 0 .000 50 54 14. (35) Timmy Hill, Ford, 82, 0.
15. (13) Connor Mosack, Toyota, 82, 0. from the 15-day IL to the 60-day IL. Optioned
WESTERN CONFERENCE Jacksonville 0 3 0 .000 39 67
16. (20) Landon Cassill, Chevrolet, 82, 21. LHP Bailer Falter to Lehigh Valley (IL). Select- WTA Championnats Banque
W L T Pts GF GA North AUTO RACING 17. (21) Josh Bilicki, Chevrolet, 82, 0. ed the contract of RHP Tyler Cyr from Lehigh Nationale de Granby
Los Angeles FC 18 5 3 57 55 26 W L T Pct PF PA Valley.
Austin FC 14 6 6 48 55 36 Baltimore 1 0 0 1.000 23 10
18. (26) Anthony Alfredo, Chevrolet, 82, 19. Tennis St-Luc - Les Loisirs
19. (33) Andy Lally, Ford, 82, 19. PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Selected the contract de Granby, Granby, Canada
FC Dallas 11 7 9 42 39 28 Pittsburgh 2 0 0 1.000 48 40 IndyCar Bommarito 20. (27) Brad Perez, Toyota, 82, 0. of LHP Cam Vieaux from Indianapolis (IL). Op-
Minnesota United 12 9 5 41 42 36 Cleveland 1 1 0 .500 44 34 Automotive Group 500 21. (31) Preston Pardus, Chevrolet, 82, 16. tioned RHP Yohan Ramirez to Indianapolis. Purse: $251,750
Real Salt Lake 10 8 8 38 34 35 Cincinnati 0 1 0 .000 23 36 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
LA Galaxy 10 11 4 34 40 37 Saturday 22. (25) Kyle Weatherman, Chevrolet, 82, 21. Designated C Jose Godoy for assignment.
Vancouver 9 11 7 34 32 46 West World Wide Technology 23. (32) Scott Heckert, Chevrolet, 82, 14. FOOTBALL Singles - Qualification
W L T Pct PF PA 24. (12) Brandon Jones, Toyota, 82, 13. Kayla Cross, Canada, def. Himeno Sakatsume
Seattle 10 13 3 33 35 34 Las Vegas 3 0 0 1.000 68 44 Raceway at Gateway National Football League (8), Japan, 6-1, 6-3; Lulu Sun (6), Switzerland,
Nashville 8 9 9 33 34 36 25. (1) William Byron, Chevrolet, 82, 0. CHICAGO BEARS — Signed FB Jake Bargas.
Portland 7 7 12 33 42 40
Denver 1 1 0 .500 32 49 Madison, Ill. 26. (37) Bayley Currey, Chevrolet, 82, 11. Placed WR David Moore on injured reserve.
def. Jana Fett (3), Croatia, 7-6, 6-2; Cadence
Kansas City 1 1 0 .500 38 33 Lap length: 1.25 miles 27. (2) Ty Gibbs, Toyota, 82, 19. Brace, Canada, def. Nadiia Kichenok, Ukraine,
Colorado 8 10 8 32 37 40 L.A. Chargers 0 2 0 .000 40 61 GREEN BAY PACKERS — Reinstated LT David
San Jose 6 11 9 27 42 54 (Start position in parentheses) 28. (15) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, 81, 0. 6-3, 6-4; Marina Stakusic, Canada, def. Erin
Bakhtiari from the physically unable to per- Routliffe, New Zealand, 6-2, 6-7, 6-1.
Houston 7 14 5 26 32 43 1. (3) J. Newgarden, Chev., 260 laps, Running. 29. (38) Blaine Perkins, Chevrolet, 80, 0. form (PUP) list. Released C Ty Clary and LB
Sporting KC 6 15 5 23 26 48
NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2. (12) David Malukas, Honda, 260, Running. 30. (8) Austin Hill, Chevrolet, 73, 7. Singles - Round of 32
Chauncey Manac.
NOTE: Three points for win, one point for tie. East 3. (4) S. McLaughlin, Chevrolet, 260, Running. 31. (9) D. Hemric, Chevrolet, accident, 58, 6. HOUSTON TEXANS — Released LB Tae Davis,
Tatjana Maria, Germany, def. Nadia Podoros-
W L T Pct PF PA 4. (7) Pato O’Ward, Chevrolet, 260, Running. 32. (30) Brandon Brown, Chevrolet, axle, 51, 5. ka, Argentina, 7-5, 6-1; Harriet Dart, Britain,
Friday’s Game N.Y. Giants 1 0 0 1.000 23 21 FB Andy Janovich and OL Myron Cunningham. def. Maryna Zanevska, Belgium, 6-4, 7-5;
5. (8) Takuma Sato, Honda, 260, Running. 33. (29) M. Snider, Chevrolet, accident, 50, 4. Placed WR Chester Rogers on injured reserve.
Seattle 3, LA Galaxy 3, tie Dallas 1 1 0 .500 39 35 6. (1) Will Power, Chevrolet, 260, Running. 34. (36) Kris Wright, Chevrolet, garage, 30, 0. Katherine Sebov, Canada, def. Wang Xinyu,
Saturday’s Games Philadelphia 1 1 0 .500 42 44 7. (2) Marcus Ericsson, Honda, 260, Running. 35. (18) Alex Labbe, Chevrolet, accident, 26, 2. Vyncint Smith, S Troy Warner and LB JoJo
China, 3-6, 6-4, 6-0.
Cincinnati 1, New York 1, tie Washington 0 2 0 .000 35 47 8. (6) Scott Dixon, Honda, 260, Running. 36. (24) Patrick Gallagher, Ford, reargear, 14, 1.
Philadelphia 6, D.C. United 0

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In Watson mess, Browns got what they bargained for

takes weeks, months and a long time to
get where you understand so much
Jarrett Bell more about yourself … but it is not going
Columnist to happen overnight.”
USA TODAY Watson, 26, is fortunate to have the
support of the Haslams, along with gen-
eral manager Andrew Berry, coach Kev-
Jimmy Haslam put a number on it: in Stefanski and others within the or-
100. ganization. Then again, they all need
“Absolutely,” the Cleveland Browns each other.
owner declared of his comfort level in The Browns have pledged $1 million
having suspended quarterback Desh- to efforts that include preventing sexual
aun Watson on his team. “100%. 100%.” misconduct and assault. No doubt,
Add that to the smorgasbord of big that’s a noble cause. But it’s also the
numbers attached to Watson. He agreed least that you’d expect when the face of
to a settlement on Thursday that includ- the franchise was accused of serial sex-
ed an unprecedented $5 million fine on ual misconduct – and in the NFL’s eyes,
top of an 11-game suspension for violat- guilty, even without a criminal convic-
ing the NFL’s personal conduct policy, tion – during his final years with the
stemming from 24 women making alle- Houston Texans.
gations of sexual misconduct during Haslam surely feels the heat, realiz-
massage sessions. ing that many expected a harsher pun-
Watson has a five-year contract ishment. Yet this is a case where talent –
worth $230 million that is fully guaran- and Watson has so much of that as a
teed – which to some degree may ex- multiple-threat playmaker – creates
plain why Haslam insists he’s harboring more opportunity.
no regrets for swinging the huge trade “People deserve second chances,”
that brought the quarterback from Jimmy Haslam said. “Is he supposed to
Houston and signing him to the big deal. never play again? Is he never supposed
After all, despite the intense back- to be a part of society? Does he get no
lash, this is what Haslam signed up for. chance to rehabilitate himself? That is
Perhaps, given that Cleveland gave up what we are going to do.”
three first-round picks as part of the And if that helps turn the Browns into
package to get him, Watson will ulti- a Super Bowl contender, even better for
mately be the catalyst for a Super Bowl Haslam.
run. But for now and many months, if “You can say, ‘Well, that is because he
not years, the face and by extension the is a star quarterback,’ ” Haslam added.
franchise’s brand is associated with the Browns owner Jimmy Haslam on quarterback Deshaun Watson: “People deserve “Well, of course, but if he was ‘Joe
term sexual predator. NFL Commission- second chances. Is he supposed to never play again? Is he never supposed to be Smith,’ he would not be in the headlines
er Roger Goodell, after all, called the a part of society? Does he get no chance to rehabilitate himself?” BOB SELF/AP every day.”
quarterback’s behavior “egregious” and Haslam believes that with the disci-
“predatory.” plinary punishment that the high-pro-
“Since Deshaun came into our build- evaluation and treatment plan that the mixed signals and none of the remorse file Watson will have paid his debt for
ing in April, he has done everything we Browns brain trust may be banking on that Haslam says is there. Obviously, on his alleged transgressions. It is a stag-
have asked of him and more,” Haslam as a game-changer. Haslam insists that the heels of settling 23 civil suits, Wat- gering tally. A record fine. Nearly two
told reporters shortly after the settle- he’s seen growth over the past four or son welcomes the clarity that came with dozen civil settlements. Massive legal
ment was announced. “He has been the five months, since Watson took up the the settlement for his NFL discipline. fees.
person and the leader that we expected suggestion from the team owners to vol- He’s pegged to be back on the field on The Browns, too, have paid a price in
him to be.” untarily enroll in counseling. Dec. 4 in Week 13, at Houston, of all excess of Watson’s mega contract. Al-
Did Haslam expect Watson would “I think we have seen him recognize places. This, while some doubt that he though the association with the new
maintain his innocence – “I always said some things that he wished he had done will ever claim accountability for his al- face of the franchise hasn’t resulted in
that I never assaulted anyone or disre- differently and some positions he leged actions. corporate sponsors pulling out or re-
spected anyone, and am continuing to wished he had not put himself into,” “Counseling takes time,” said Dee duced season ticket demand, Haslam
stand on that,” Watson said – while re- Haslam said. “He has been very open to Haslam, the fellow Browns owner. “You and Co. have taken a tremendous PR hit.
versing course on the tone of contrition counseling and seeking help.” do not just go to a counseling session, In other words, they are getting 100%
he expressed last weekend? Maybe so, but in front of the mic on wake up and understand the impact it of what they bargained for in “winning”
The settlement includes a mandatory Thursday, Watson was a man with has. I think it is a layering effect, and it the sweepstakes to land Watson.

The weather changes.
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T-storms Rain Snow Ice/mix

As a large pool of dry air Seattle
sprawls over the North Central 80 Bangor
81 Spokane
states, unsettled conditions will be Portland 85 Helena Miles City
Bismarck Duluth Marquette

widespread from the Northeast to Salem 84 94 92 81 76

85 92 Burlington Augusta

the Southeast and South Central Boise Fargo Mpls-St. Paul 81 Montpelier
98 Billings 84 82 Boston
states today. Downpours in parts 87 91
Rapid City Grand Buffalo 78 74
95 Milwaukee Rapids 75 Albany
of the mid-Atlantic and southern 93 Pierre Sioux Falls
78 80 79
Eureka Idaho Falls Jackson
95 84 Cleveland 77
New England regions have the 68 91 Hole Casper
Des Moines Madison
Lansing 76 Pittsburgh New York
Reno 79 89 North Platte 80 TODAY
potential to lead to flash urban Sacramento
Elko 82 79 74 77
98 92 Salt Lake City 92 Chicago Philadelphia
flooding, while soaking rain helps 94
Cheyenne Omaha
79 Columbus Harrisburg
Carson City
82 85 78 80 83
to combat building drought. San Francisco 93 Kansas City Washington Annapolis
87 83 Indianapolis Cincinnati
85 83
By far, the greatest concentra- 76 St. George Aspen
Topeka 82 82
Las Vegas
100 74 84 Charleston Richmond
tion of heavy rain capable of both Fresno
102 88 Jefferson City St. Louis Louisville 80 83
103 Wichita 85 85 85
drought-easing downpours and Dodge City 83 Raleigh
90 92 Memphis
dangerous flash floods will stretch Los Angeles Santa Fe Charlotte
Palm Springs Flagstaff
75 Oklahoma 84 Nashville
84 Columbia
from northern Texas and southern 109 76 City
Albuquerque 91 82
Oklahoma to northern Louisiana, San Diego
81 87 Little Rock Birmingham Atlanta Charleston
78 Lubbock Dallas/Ft. Worth 79 78 80 85
southern Arkansas and central Alaska 99 76 80 Montgomery Savannah
Mississippi. El Paso Midland- Shreveport Jackson 81 86 Note: For contiguous
48 states through
As the rain ramps up in the 85 Odessa Austin
79 78 Jacksonville 3 p.m. ET yesterday
Fairbanks Hawaii 78 90 Mobile
South Central region, down- 74 Juneau Baton Rouge 83 HOTTEST:
Honolulu San Antonio 88
pours are forecast to dwindle over Anchorage 66 88 95 Houston 83 New 103°
61 89
Orleans China Lake, Calif.
the Southwest. Spotty storms 86 Tampa

and lightning strikes could spark Puerto Rico

Brownsville 89 92 37°
Northwest. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather Inc. ©2022
97 Bodie State Park, WEDNESDAY
Below 10 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+
TOP TRAVEL CITIES Air quality index (AQI)
Stray Stray A few Mostly Heavy Partly Stray Stray Mostly Mostly
t-storm showers sunny t-storms sunny t-shower t-storm sunny sunny
85/67 84/69 88/74
80/69 74/68 79/62 80/71 84/59 79/62 89/75 102/84 80/65
Stray Stray A P.M. Stray Mostly Partly Partly A few Mostly
TUE TUE t-storm TUE TUE TUE TUE T-storms TUE TUE TUE TUE T-storm TUE TUE Sunny
t-storm t-storm t-storm sunny sunny sunny showers sunny
86/69 86/72 86/75 87/65
84/71 81/68 86/70 80/63 86/62 82/64 88/76 103/84
Stray Partly Partly A P.M. Some Partly Sunny, Stray Hazy
t-storm sunny t-storm sun, nice sunny warm t-storm sunshine
88/69 87/73 89/75 86/73
81/71 85/68 85/69 83/66 88/61 86/66 97/78 86/67
AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate
Stray Partly T-show- Stray Stray Mostly Partly Sunny, Stray
t-storm er t-storm t-storm sunny sunny nice t-storm
82/64 77/70 83/72 76/60
92/80 86/76 93/76 99/84 94/72 78/69 80/60 85/71
Mostly Mostly Very Partly Mostly Stray
TUE T-storm TUE sunny TUE T-storm TUE T-storm TUE T-storm TUE T-storm TUE TUE TUE TUE Breezy TUE TUE
sunny warm sunny sunny t-storm
91/79 83/66 83/75 82/70 92/76 86/71 71/58
101/81 97/73 79/70 79/62 86/72
Stray T-storms Sunny, Stray Partly Stray Partly Sunny, Partly
t-storm 82/64 warm t-storm sunny t-storm sunny warm sunny
83/74 80/71 72/57
92/80 87/72 91/77 88/72 99/82 93/72 85/63 87/72
AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Unhealthy s/g AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good
c Cloudy f Fog i Ice r Rain sf Snowflurries sn Snow w Windy dr Drizzle h Haze pc Partly cloudy s Sunny sh Showers t Thunderstorms


82/64s Hartford, Conn.
81/65t Nags Head, N.C.
83/74t Sarasota, Fla.
Akron, Ohio 77/65t 79/63pc Cleveland 76/65t 79/61pc Indianapolis 82/59pc 82/63pc Nashville, Tenn. 86/68c 87/67s Savannah, Ga. 86/71t 83/72t TODAY TUE
Albany, N.Y. 77/66t 81/65t Colorado Springs 74/55pc 81/57pc Islip, N.Y. 77/69t 83/67t Newark, N.J. 79/70t 86/70t Scottsdale, Ariz. 98/82t 99/81t Beijing 89/65h 82/66pc
Albuquerque 81/62t 83/65t Columbia, S.C. 82/70t 84/69t Jackson, Miss. 78/71t 79/71t New Haven, Conn. 78/69t 82/68t Shreveport, La. 79/73t 81/72t Buenos Aires 59/52c 64/56s
Allentown, Pa. 79/66t 84/62t Columbus, Ohio 78/62c 81/63s Jacksonville, Fla. 90/72t 88/71t Norfolk, Va. 82/71c 84/70t Sioux Falls, S.D. 84/64s 88/63s Cancun, Mexico 90/76pc 90/77t
Amarillo, Texas 79/59pc 82/62s Corpus Christi, Texas 96/77pc 94/77t Jefferson City, Mo. 85/64s 84/65s Oakland, Calif. 78/59pc 72/58pc South Bend, Ind. 78/57pc 80/59s Dubai, UAE 108/92s 108/92s
Anaheim, Calif. 86/67pc 92/68pc Dayton, Ohio 81/61pc 81/62pc Kansas City 87/63s 88/68pc Oklahoma City 87/64pc 87/64pc Spokane, Wash. 85/61pc 89/64s Frankfurt 85/63pc 86/63pc
Anchorage, Alaska 61/54sh 62/53sh Daytona Beach, Fla. 92/75t 91/76t Key West, Fla. 90/83s 89/82r Omaha, Neb. 85/64s 89/68pc 85/63s 87/65s Hong Kong 91/83pc 93/84h
Aspen, Colo. 74/46t 75/48t Des Moines, Iowa 82/63pc 83/64s Knoxville, Tenn. 83/67t 86/66c Palm Springs, Calif. 109/86s 109/86s 83/60s 85/64s Istanbul 88/75pc 87/75pc
Atlantic City, N.J. 79/69t 81/70t Duluth, Minn. 81/61pc 78/58t Laredo, Texas 102/79pc 97/79t Pensacola, Fla. 86/74t 83/74t St. Louis 85/68s 86/69pc Jerusalem 85/64s 85/62s
Augusta, Ga. 83/70t 85/70t Durham, N.C. 84/69t 86/68t Lexington, Ky. 82/63c 83/64s Pierre, S.D. 95/64pc 93/64t St. Petersburg, Fla. 91/77t 90/76t Johannesburg 65/44s 65/45s
Austin, Texas 90/72t 86/71t El Paso, Texas 85/67t 85/67t Lincoln, Neb. 88/61s 90/67pc Pittsburgh 74/63t 77/62pc Syracuse, N.Y. 78/65t 77/65t London 74/63c 78/65pc
101/73s 101/75s Fairbanks, Alaska 74/56c 75/50c Little Rock, Ark. 79/70t 84/69t Portland, Maine 74/63sh 74/64t Tallahassee, Fla. 88/73t 86/73t Mexico City 74/56pc 73/56sh
Baton Rouge, La. 83/74t 81/73t Flagstaff, Ariz. 76/53t 76/55pc Long Beach, Calif. 81/66pc 85/69pc Portland, Ore. 84/63pc 85/64s Tampa, Fla. 93/80t 92/79t Montreal 80/68t 73/64sh
Billings, Mont. 91/65pc 87/61pc Fargo, N.D. 84/59pc 82/60pc Louisville, Ky. 85/67pc 85/67s Providence, R.I. 78/67t 83/68t Toledo, Ohio 81/62c 84/63s Moscow 81/63pc 87/63pc
Birmingham, Ala. 78/70t 81/69t Fort Myers, Fla. 94/78t 92/76t Lubbock, Texas 76/63t 82/63pc Raleigh, N.C. 83/70t 86/70t Topeka, Kan. 88/62pc 89/64pc Mumbai, India 85/79r 86/79sh
Bismarck, N.D. 92/63pc 89/63t Fort Smith, Ark. 86/69pc 87/70c Madison, Wis. 80/59s 81/59pc Rapid City, S.D. 95/63pc 90/59pc Tucson, Ariz. 91/75t 93/75t Paris 79/65pc 84/65pc
Boise, Idaho 98/65s 95/66s Fort Wayne, Ind. 80/54pc 80/58s Manchester, N.H. 78/66sh 81/66t Reno, Nev. 97/59s 97/63s Tupelo, Miss. 81/71t 85/69t Rio de Janeiro 70/64pc 72/65pc
Buffalo, N.Y. 75/65t 77/63sh Fresno, Calif. 103/71s 103/70s Memphis, Tenn. 84/72t 86/71c Richmond, Va. 83/69c 86/70t Tulsa, Okla. 91/67pc 92/67pc Rome 86/67pc 87/67s
Burlington, Vt. 81/67sh 78/66t Grand Rapids, Mich. 80/57pc 80/61pc Milwaukee 78/62s 78/65pc Rochester, N.Y. 76/63t 78/61sh Virginia Beach, Va. 81/71c 84/70t Seoul 85/72pc 86/68s
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 80/58s 81/61pc Green Bay, Wis. 81/59s 83/62pc Mobile, Ala. 83/74t 82/73t Sacramento, Calif. 98/62s 96/60s Wichita, Kan. 92/64s 93/65s Singapore 87/79t 87/79r
Charleston, S.C. 85/71t 82/73t Greensboro, N.C. 83/66t 84/68t Modesto, Calif. 97/64s 96/63s San Antonio 95/76pc 87/76t Wilmington, Del. 82/69t 85/69t Sydney 72/55pc 66/48sh
Charleston, W.Va. 80/63pc 82/62c Greenville, S.C. 84/67t 88/68t Montgomery, Ala. 81/71t 81/71t San Jose, Calif. 86/61pc 83/59pc Winston-Salem, N.C. 84/67t 85/67t Toronto 76/65t 79/62pc
Cheyenne, Wyo. 82/56pc 83/55s Harrisburg, Pa. 80/67t 83/66t Myrtle Beach, S.C. 83/73t 80/73t Santa Fe, N.M. 75/55t 78/53t Worcester, Mass. 74/65sh 78/65t Tokyo 85/78c 88/80pc

Turpin flashes electric return ability

Jori Epstein becoming a greater man now.”
USA TODAY He reentered professional football
last fall with the Fan Controlled Football
KaVontae Turpin had shown this league and starred this spring in the na-
during an electric college career at TCU scent USFL. Turpin’s 921 all-purpose
three-plus years ago. He’d flashed his yards, including a league-best 540 re-
rare ability again this spring in the USFL ceiving yards, earned him MVP honors.
during his league-MVP campaign. He also posted a league-best 71-yard
With a 98-yard kick return touch- punt return in the regular season and a
down and an 86-yard punt return TD, 78-yard go-ahead punt-return TD in the
Turpin proved it again Saturday: He is a playoffs. The Cowboys were enthralled.
legitimate threat in the return game. “When you watch the tape, the thing
Turpin’s performance in a 32-18 vic- that jumps out is he’s dynamic with the
tory over the Los Angeles Chargers like- ball in his hand,” McCarthy said. “He’s a
ly solidified his spot on the Dallas Cow- returner then his responsibility on of-
boys 53-man roster. fense will be secondary. He has some
“I got the heart of a lion,” Turpin told Tony Pollard-type traits, I think from an
the CBS broadcast during a sideline in- offensive perspective. So once again I
terview. “So I’m just trying to use my think this is a really good opportunity
speed, use my ability that God gave me and we’ve been talking about this for
to my advantage.” quite some time.”
Turpin had handled returns in his KaVontae Turpin returns a punt for a Cowboys touchdown past Chargers punter Turpin’s special-teams threat is clar-
preseason debut Aug. 13. He returned J.K. Scott during the first half Saturday in Inglewood, California. ASHLEY LANDIS/AP ifying at a fortuitous moment for the
two kickoffs for 47 combined yards (25 Cowboys, whose shuffled roster dic-
and 22 yards), returned a punt for 10 tates a new return plan. Wide receivers
yards, and caught two passes for a com- McCarthy’s face. Teammates swarmed arriving nearly four years after his last CeeDee Lamb and Cedrick Wilson split
bined 12 yards. But he “wasn’t really Turpin. college game. His on-field performance punt-return duties last year. But Lamb’s
comfortable” in that contest, “so during With just over a minute left in the at TCU had been impactful: Turpin elevation to top receiver now makes him
this week of practice I got very comfort- first half, the Chargers faced 4th-and-4 caught 145 passes for 1,748 yards and 13 too valuable to risk on returns, while
able,” Turpin said. at their 32-yard line and opted to punt. TDs; rushed for 318 yards and two TDs; Wilson signed with Miami in free agen-
Turpin’s first touch came with 6:17 to Turpin lined up to receive. He caught and added six more scores in the return cy. Cowboys running back Pollard led
play in the first quarter, when he caught this one at the 14-yard line and immedi- game. But TCU dismissed him midway Dallas in kick returns last season, but
Dustin Hopkins’ kickoff at the Cowboys ately juked to leave rookie defensive through the 2018 season after he was ar- his expected increased role both rush-
2-yard line. Then Turpin was off. He ran back Deane Leonard sprawled on the rested for assault. Turpin pleaded guilty ing and receiving will likely correlate
straight up the middle of the field, trust- ground. Then his zigzag continued, Tur- in 2019 to assault causing bodily harm. with a dip in returns.
ing his speed and his blockers as he pin’s poise in traffic belying the defend- He received two years’ deferred adjudi- Turpin believed he was ready to re-
surged past a mass of defenders. ers in near proximity. At least three cation probation in 2019, according to turn from his arrival at Cowboys camp.
“He’s got daylight in front of him,” Chargers were down before he crossed The Dallas Morning News, and was or- He sought to prove he could contribute
said NFL Network’s broadcast after the 50-yard line. Punter J.K. Scott dered to complete a 27-week partner as a receiver as well.
Cowboys tight end Sean McKeon neu- tracked Turpin admirably into Cowboys abuse intervention program. “Return man, that’s what I do,” Tur-
tralized the final likely threat to Turpin territory before the 5-7, 158-pound “The classes helped me,” he said last pin said. “I’m a specialty guy. I’m here to
streaking down the right sideline. With- weapon’s speed edged him home. month after signing with the Cowboys. prove to everybody I’m a true receiver.
in 12 seconds of his catch, Turpin Turpin knew he faced an uphill battle “I’ve learned my accountability and Special teams is what I do, I can wake up
reached the end zone. when the Cowboys signed him July 28, consequences. I just look forward, put and do that. I’m here to prove to every-
A grin spread across head coach Mike his first NFL training camp opportunity that behind me and looking forward to body that I’m a true receiver.”

Gesicki adjusting to new Dolphins offense

new Dolphins receivers in the mix, the can ask him. He was frus- “We’re going to be able to put it all to-
team should move him. trated. … We rely on him gether, and I know Mike knows that,”
For now, the Dolphins have patience. and we went to him, and Tagovailoa said of Gesicki, who had
Safid Deen But it’ll only be a matter of time before it had a couple really good three catches for 27 yards on six targets.
USA TODAY wears thin for both sides. (opportunities) where he McDaniel was encouraged Gesicki
“I need it. I need all the reps I can get,” didn’t come up with the wanted to play more snaps to adjust.
Gesicki said after playing into the sec- Gesicki play.” “I’ll do whatever they ask me to do,”
MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. – If there’s an ond half of Miami’s 15-13 loss to the Las Gesicki’s best play was Gesicki said when asked if he’d prefer
NFL team looking to trade for a talented Vegas Raiders on Saturday. “I played re- a 16-yard reception in the final two min- more passing opportunities than block-
receiving threat, there might be one in ceiver last year. I played receiver the last utes of the first half. He was lined up in ing ones.
Miami for you. three, four years. So, I’m playing tight the slot. He caught the football with no After a career year, it seemed like
No, not Tyreek Hill – the Dolphins’ end now. So, any reps I can get out there defenders around him. He turned up Gesicki was primed to be among the
prized free agent and highest paid re- live … I can use it.” field before he was tackled. The play NFL’s top tight ends. Even Travis Kelce,
ceiver in the NFL. Or standout Jaylen The Dolphins’ new offense requires a was all too familiar for Gesicki, reminis- the Kansas City Chiefs’ seven-time Pro
Waddle, who broke the NFL’s rookie re- blocking tight end who can catch the cent of what his last set of Dolphins Bowl selection, said last year he be-
ceptions record last season. football. Gesicki’s biggest problem? coaches asked of him. lieved Gesicki had top-five potential at
Instead, tight end Mike Gesicki, who Blocking isn’t his strong suit. Gesicki’s worst play of the game was the position.
had career highs of 73 catches and 780 Gesicki was supposed to be quarter- quarterback Teddy Bridgewater’s first But the schematic adjustment could
yards last season, could be a viable op- back Tua Tagovailoa’s third-best receiv- rep. Gesicki allowed incoming edge cost the Dolphins valuable plays they
tion for a team looking to upgrade its re- ing option after dynamic speedsters Hill rusher Jordan Jenkins to get past him as can’t afford to miss in a make-or-break
ceiving corps. Because his time with the and Waddle. But things have changed at soon as the ball was snapped. Bridge- season for Tagovailoa with such high
Dolphins might be numbered. the start of his fifth NFL season. water was flagged for intentional expectations after Hill’s acquisition.
The Dolphins and new coach Mike Being forced to play the position he’s grounding to avoid a sack, and the play Gesicki surely doesn’t want to be the
McDaniel have a tough decision to make listed at hasn’t come with the results resulted in a safety. reason the Dolphins fall short.
regarding Gesicki, who has 13 touch- Gesicki or the Dolphins were hoping for And during Gesicki’s run with the “It’s definitely a whole different of-
downs in his first four seasons and is this preseason. Against the Raiders, first-team offense, he did not turn his fense and a whole different scheme. I’m
making $10.9 million this year. troubles as a blocker in the run game head around fast enough on a slant learning a new position, honestly,” he
If Gesicki can’t improve as a blocker, also carried over into passing plays that route. Tagovailoa threw the football said. “It’s been good. It’s been exciting. I
McDaniel should find a way to use him Gesicki normally makes. right between Gesicki’s jersey numbers think there’s been a lot of progress, but
as a slot receiver predominantly. And if “He was in a position to have a pretty as two Raiders defenders waited to obviously there’s a lot more to go. I’m
that isn’t feasible, or with the number of good game,” McDaniel said. “And you break up the play. looking forward to continue to attack.”

Lacrosse legend Bernhardt now a long shot in NFL

on his resume. Last year, with his la- Yet his chances are probably better here der was desperate as the play broke
crosse eligibility completed, he played than elsewhere, with the rebuilding Fal- down when the receiver to his left that
Jarrett Bell his only season of college football as a cons considered thin at receiver. With was targeted for a fade pass was
Columnist grad student – and option quarterback. his athletic footprint, he might also be jammed at the line of scrimmage. Bern-
USA TODAY He led Ferris State to an undefeated sea- the perfect practice squad candidate as hardt (6-1, 195) ran across the end zone
son (14-0) and Division II national a long-term developmental project. and positioned himself in front of a de-
championship. In the title-game blow- Besides, there’s the example of re- fender to provide an alternative target.
ATLANTA – Oh, for the curiosity. out of Valdosta State he didn’t throw a ceiver Chris Hogan, who starred in la- “I don’t know it it’s a lacrosse move,”
Which is worse? Going across the single pass, running for 148 yards and crosse at Penn State before carving out a Bernhardt said. “Just trying to compete
middle to meet a hard-charging safety? three touchdowns. productive, 10-year NFL career that in- and go get the ball. That’s my job. Get
Or getting whacked by a lacrosse stick? What was it, the Flexbone? Did they cluded winning two Super Bowl rings open and catch the ball. I was just trying
No one in the Atlanta Falcons camp even pitch the ball? with the New England Patriots. Going to do my job.”
would be as qualified as Jared Bern- He seemed taken aback by the ques- way back, Jim Brown starred in lacrosse Arthur Smith, the Falcons coach, can
hardt to make the assessment. After all, tion, then chuckled. “We pitched,” he at Syracuse before becoming arguably sense transferable traits with his cre-
he is a lacrosse legend. The undrafted said. “It was like Navy-Army-Air Force. the greatest player in NFL history. ative project. “He can play in space. Le-
rookie receiver is also the all-time lead- It was a triple option.” It’s no wonder that Bernhardt says, “I verage. Spatial awareness,” Smith rat-
ing lacrosse scorer for the University of Now there’s another type of option. just figured I’d give it a go and just give it tled off.
Maryland. Two years ago, he won col- Bernhardt is one of the most intriguing my best.” Then the coach put the potential in
lege lacrosse’s version of the Heisman training camp stories in the NFL given If it doesn’t pan out, he can surely cir- context. “I love his competitiveness,” he
Trophy, the Tewaaraton Award. his unusual path. The son of a football cle back to lacrosse. said. “But he has a lot of work to do.”
As he stood in the end zone, sur- coach – his father, Jim, who served on Bernhardt was on the field for just The physicality of football won’t be
rounded by a small group of reporters Bill O’Brien’s staff with the Houston seven plays during Atlanta’s preseason an issue. Learning the nuances needed
after an evening practice last week at Texans for four years and coached la- opener Aug. 12 at the Detroit Lions, but to be an elite receiver is the crux of the
Mercedes-Benz Stadium, Bernhardt crosse at times – put the prospect of he managed to add to his legend by challenge.
pondered the comparative query: pursuing pro lacrosse on hold to chase hauling in a 21-yard touchdown with “It’s definitely a transition, for sure,”
“There’s some pretty big safeties out the NFL dream. 1:30 remaining that held up as the win- Bernhardt said. “Lot to learn. Long ways
here. I don’t know if some of these guys Part of the motivation, he contends, ning score. One catch on the night, one to go.”
have been hit by a lacrosse stick. I don’t is to compete at the highest level. Sure, TD, one viral video. In other words, for all that is unique
want to get hit by a lacrosse stick. But as one of 85 players still on a roster that Talk about making a play to get no- about the journey of the lacrosse legend,
you kind of get used to it after a while.” will be pared to 53 by Aug. 30, he’s a long ticed. On a 4th-and-9, Bernhardt impro- Bernhardt is lot like every other undraft-
Bernhardt, 24, is certainly here with shot trying to earn a spot with the least vised as rookie quarterback Desmond ed rookie in an NFL camp trying to sur-
a unique range of athletic perspective experience of any in the receivers room. Ridder scrambled out of the pocket. Rid- vive the next cutdown.
Manti Te’o says he is healing Demi Lovato rocks on new
from catfishing scandal album to cast out her demons
Football standout shares his thoughts about We break down her eighth studio album, which
USA TODAY | MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2022 | SECTION D Netflix’s “Girlfriend” docuseries. Page 2D is even more visceral than her last. Page 4D


can’t match
scale, fire
of ‘Thrones’
Kelly Lawler
When you play the game of TV spin-
HOW WAS YOUR DAY? offs, you win or you die. Well, maybe
JILL BIDEN die is a bit too strong, but there’s a lot
at stake here for a certain premium ca-
First lady Jill Biden has tested ble network and its streaming service.
negative for COVID-19 and will HBO is betting big that more than
leave South Carolina, where she has three years after mega-hit “Game of
been in isolation since vacationing Thrones” aired its final (and poorly re-
there with President Joe Biden, and ceived) episode, there is still an appe-
rejoin him at their Delaware beach tite for Westerosi drama. It’s making
home, her office said Sunday. The that bet with prequel series “House of
White House announced on Tuesday the Dragon” (HBO and HBO Max, Sun-
that the 71-year-old first lady, who days, 9 EDT/PDT, eeEE), a gilded
like her husband has been twice- new drama that aims to recapture the
vaccinated and twice-boosted with phenomenon.
the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, had Unfortunately, phenomena are sin-
tested positive for coronavirus. She gular, and extraordinary difficult to
first had symptoms on Monday. Jill achieve. Trying to re-create one leads
Biden’s positive test came nine days to dull, cookie-cutter series such as
after the president ended his isola- “Dragon” – something that smells and
tion for a rebound case of COVID-19. sounds and looks like “Thrones,” but
lacks the substance of the original. For
fans who love the world author George
R.R. Martin created with his “A Song of
Ice and Fire” series of novels, it’s a
deep disappointment.
Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey in “Dirty Dancing.” VIA AP Created by Ryan Condal and Mar-
tin, “Dragon” is a very different beast
than “Thrones,” pun intended. Based

‘Dirty Dancing’
on Martin’s encyclopedia-like book
“Fire and Blood,” it’s a prequel that tells
the story of one episode among the an-
cestors of Daenerys Targaryen, played

soundtrack has by Emilia Clarke in “Thrones.” The cre-

ators have likened it to Shakespeare’s
“King Lear”: Not a world-spanning ep-

tunes of our lives

ic featuring 20-plus characters and lo-
cations, but rather a smaller family
FRAZER HARRISON/GETTY IMAGES drama about the ruling dynasty in the
capital of King’s Landing.

Another “Love Is Blind” couple

has called it quits, putting an end
Nobody puts Baby in a corner, and no one better disrespect the
to their yearlong marriage. Danielle “Dirty Dancing” soundtrack. h Celebrating its 35th anniversary
Ruhl and Nick Thompson met and
married on Season 2 of Netflix’s reali-
Sunday, the throwback romance/dance drama (released in thea-
ty dating show, which aired earlier ters Aug. 21, 1987) told the timeless tale of young Frances “Baby”
this year. Ruhl filed for divorce on
Aug. 15, court documents obtained
Houseman (Jennifer Grey) vacationing at a swanky Catskills re-
by USA TODAY show. The announce- sort in the summer of 1963 with her family when she meets su-
ment came just a few weeks after
Ruhl detailed their plans for a big
premely cool dance instructor Johnny Castle (the late Patrick Alicent (Olivia Cooke, left) and
wedding celebration. “At either our Swayze). Sparks fly, life lessons are had and Johnny hoists Baby Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) anchor
two – or three-year – anniversary, we “House of the Dragon.” PROVIDED BY HBO
really want to redo a reception to
in an iconic movie moment, all set to a mix of original ’80s tunes
make sure all of our families can be (including one sung by Swayze himself) and some classic oldies That in itself is not really a problem.
there,” Ruhl said in an interview with “Thrones” always was at its best when
Us Weekly.
to evoke the film’s retro setting. h In honor of the “Dirty” birthday, it focused on political drama instead of
we’re ranking every song on the soundtrack: fantastical. But the spinoff ’s story of
family angst amid the dragon-taming
Targaryen clan is just not nearly as in-
12. Zappacosta, ‘Overload’ 8. Mickey & Sylvia, ‘Love Is teresting as the heyday of Lannisters,
Strange’ Starks and Littlefinger in the original
This pumping, poor man’s Robert series. It’s often just boring. And all the
Palmer-type jam is better suited for, Grey and Swayze lip sync the scenes of orgies, disturbingly graphic
say, a buddy cop action comedy than bluesy pop song – plus he does a lit- childbirth and dragon flying in the
here, where it plays in the back- tle air guitar – as they first cha-cha world can’t fix a dull plot and a stilted
ground as Johnny commits a little and then playfully seduce each script.
grand theft auto (on his own car, by while taking a break from their “Dragon” primarily tells the story of
the way). dancing lessons. two women, Rhaenyra Targaryen and
Alicent Hightower, played at first as
IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY 11. Bruce Channel, ‘Hey! Baby’ 7. Eric Carmen, ‘Hungry Eyes’ teenagers by young actresses Milly Al-
WHO’S CELEBRATING TODAY cock and Emily Carey and then by Em-
Some folks are really into the Every good ’80s movie needs a ma D’Arcy and Olivia Cooke after a
Kristen Wiig is 49. James Corden is perky, harmonica-flavored 1961 one- montage, even the heartfelt ones, midseason time jump. Spirited and in-
44. Dua Lipa is 27. hit wonder that peppers the scene and this power ballad is a sensual dependent Rhaenyra is the only child
when Johnny and Baby have to keep needle drop for when shirts come of King Viserys (Paddy Considine), a
their balance dancing on a log. How- off, leotards are put on, sweat hap- pushover of a king who longs for noth-
ever, others of us played it way, way pens and Johnny shows Baby all the ing more than a son and heir. He’s
too many times in our college pep right dance moves for an important stuck, for the moment, with his wild
band. performance. and slightly sadistic brother Daemon
(Matt Smith, of “The Crown” and “Doc-
Top paid iPhone apps 10. Tom Johnston, ‘Where Are 6. Merry Clayton, ‘Yes’ tor Who” fame), who’s next in line to
App Store Official Charts for the You Tonight?’ the throne.
week ending Aug. 16: There’s a hip and funky Pointer Viserys also is under constant pres-
Johnston, a founding member Sisters vibe to the soul singer’s big- sure for favors from his “friends” and
1. Minecraft, Mojang
and lead singer of the Doobie Broth- gest hit. You only hear a bit in the advisers, including powerful naval
2. Bloons TD 6, Ninja Kiwi
ers, turned in a little beach music movie, as Baby’s sister finds out that commander Corlys Velaryon (Steve
3. Heads Up!, Warner Bros.
ditty for the soundtrack. Which aforementioned jerky guy is cheat- Toussaint) and the ambitious Otto
4. Incredibox, So Far So Good
makes sense considering the sum- ing on her, but it gets the spotlight in Hightower (Rhys Ifans) – the Hand of
5. HotSchedules, HotSchedules
mer setting, though it’s aggressively the closing credits. the King and Alicent’s father – who
bland. wants to use her for his own political
4. (tie) The Five Satins, ‘In the gains.
9. The Blow Monkeys, ‘You Still of the Night’/Maurice Poor characterization is a problem
Don’t Own Me’ Williams and the Zodiacs, ‘Stay’ with every person we encounter. None
of these characters are purely good or
In a precursor to Swayze’s pen- Kudos for including these stone- evil (well, Smith’s Daemon is definitely
chant for fisticuffs in “Road House,” cold doo-wop classics from 1956 and pretty far on the evil end of the spec-
Johnny beats up a jerky co-worker 1960 respectively that, alongside trum). And while this may reflect real
(who totally deserves it, honestly) to things such as Billy Joel’s “The life, we can’t sympathize or connect
the British new wave band’s cover of
ASSOCIATED PRESS a Lesley Gore staple. See DIRTY DANCING, Page 2D See DRAGON, Page 2D


‘Untold’ helps Te’o’s healing from girlfriend hoax

Erin Jensen

Famously catfished football player

Manti Te’o is once again feeling the love
following the debut of a two-part docu-
mentary examining the headline-grab-
bing scandal, “Untold: The Girlfriend
Who Didn’t Exist.”
“I was worried about it for a long
time,” Te’o, 31, says in an interview
Wednesday, a day after the latest in-
stallment from the sports-focused do-
cuseries arrived on Netflix. His anxiety
stemmed from previous backlash over
the scandal and uncertainty about
whether viewers would understand
what in fact happened to the former
linebacker for Notre Dame, the San Die-
go Chargers and New Orleans Saints,
who now is a free agent.
“But the reception has been amaz-
ing,” Te’o says. “I’ve been humbled by Former Notre Dame football player Manti Te’o says after participating in Netflix’s “Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn't Exist”
the love and the support that has come documentary that he has “healed from it all.” PHOTOS PROVIDED BY NETFLIX
from all around the world... I’ve gotten
messages in different languages that I
don’t understand, but by the hearts on
them, I understand that it’s all love.”
A decade ago, tides quickly turned for
the 2012 Heisman trophy finalist, then a
college player who helped the Fighting
Irish remain undefeated for the regular
season. Support for the senior that fol-
lowed the back-to-back losses of his
grandmother and his girlfriend, Lennay
Kekua, changed to backlash when a
January 2013 Deadspin article revealed
“The Most Heartbreaking and Inspira-
tional Story of the College Football Sea- Te’o won the Heisman Trophy and led
son” to be a scam. Nortre Dame in an undefeated season.
The truth of the matter is that Ro-
naiah Tuiasosopo, assigned male at
birth, struggled with her gender. As a hearing the details,” Te’o says, adding
way to cope, she created a Facebook that his forgiveness of Tuiasosopo pre- Ronaiah Tuiasosopo created a fake online persona and began a romantic
profile for the fictitious Kekua that fea- pared him for whatever he might see in relationship with Manti Te’o.
tured images of Tuiasosopo’s high the documentary.
school classmate, Diane O’Meara, and “For the first three years, my life was
initiated online relationships with men, extremely difficult, and I was desperate he remembers. “And the thought ‘Foot- matter how hard it is for me,” he says of
including Te’o. Tuiasosopo fabricated to find peace,” he says. “The only thing prints in the Sand’ came in my head.” overcoming his adversity. “I’mma look
Kekua’s death to end the relationship that I could think of during that time Confused, Te’o pulled out his phone. at all these people who made fun of me
with Te’o, who could never meet his al- was forgiveness, was to let it go. Once I “I’m in tears, and I’m angry, and I’m just and the people who actually believed in
leged girlfriend. did, I felt like I then regained the power in this dark place, and I type in ‘Foot- me – I have to take a second to be like,
Te’o says he requested directors Ryan over my life and that peace over my life.” prints in the Sand,’ and the poem pops ‘They actually love me, man. They love
Duffy and Tony Vainuku include Tuia- Te’o’s forgiveness is awe-inspiring, up.” you. They don’t want to make fun of you,
sosopo in the documentary to tell a full- considering the fallout that followed In the poem, God is questioned by bro. Treat ’em nice in a world that’s just
er story that extends beyond his own Deadspin’s exposé. Some in the media someone who’s confused why, during spit on you.’ ”
perspective. suspected he was complicit and ques- difficult times, they saw only one set of If viewership is any indication of ac-
Tuiasosopo, who transitioned to tioned his sexuality. He was mocked on footprints. God explains these are the ceptance, the world may stop spitting
female after the scandal, shares her mo- “Saturday Night Live” and inspired a times He carried his follower. “I knew at on Te’o. (As of Thursday morning, the
tivations for maintaining her fake pro- cruel trend of being photographed em- that time, that when I looked back into program ranked second among Netflix’s
file. bracing an invisible partner, dubbed my life and I saw those one set of foot- most-watched movies in the U.S.) If it
“I knew what was right and wrong, “Te’oing.” prints that I know that it was Him carry- can’t, at least the project has provided a
but I was too far in love with being Te’o says “many times” he felt like he ing me and I knew at that time that He balm for the athlete that even he didn’t
looked at in this way,” she says. “Yes, it was going to break, and relied on his would carry me,” Te’o says. “I just had to know he needed.
was completely selfish, but it was what family, friends and faith to get him just close my eyes at times and just en- “Doing this project and going through
made me happy. It was what I wanted to through. dure it and get through it and do my best old text messages and going through the
be a reality.” “One of the darkest moments during to just be resilient, and (God will) handle old phone, there (were) a lot of things
Te’o, who says he and Tuiasosopo that time” came a week after the article the rest.” that were coming up that needed to be
have not been in contact, concedes that was published. In his Florida apart- And resilient he is. Arguably the most addressed for me,” he says. “Now that
watching the person who catfished him ment, Te’o says he was having a heated moving part is the documentary is the doc is out, and everything is out
proved challenging. discussion with God. “I was just yelling, Te’o’s teary-eyed closing remarks. there – there is nothing that is left – def-
“There are a lot of emotions there, ‘How could you let this happen to me?’ ” “I’mma rise above all of that, bro. No initely, I’ve healed from it all.”

Dirty Dancing Dragon

Continued from Page 1D Continued from Page 1D

Longest Time,” gave ’80s kids an im- with many of them.

portant lesson on the awesomeness of The scripts do not help. The writers
old-school multi-part harmonization. are heavy-handed with symbolism
(many rats appear at moments of cor-
3. Patrick Swayze (featuring ruption for the characters, shockingly).
Wendy Fraser), ‘She’s Like the They also chose a far more medieval ef-
Wind’ fect in the dialogue (you can play a
drinking game with how often someone
The 1980s featured plenty of croon- says the words “mine own” instead of
ing A-list actors – Bruce Willis, Eddie “my”) that feels wooden. The words
Murphy, even Don Johnson – but the simply don’t jump off the screen, which
talented Swayze arguably was the best is a problem because “Dragon” is talkier
of them all. Swayze, who co-wrote the than “Thrones.” Yes, there are battles
track, is silky smooth on an electric and sword fights, but they are few and
ballad that, like many of the time, also far between. This Westeros is a place
gave good sax. mostly of peace, which is great for the
fictional citizenry but terrible for story-
2. Bill Medley and Jennifer telling opportunities.
Warnes, ‘(I’ve Had) The Time of “Dragon” at times feels like it’s run- Prince Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith), preparing to joust, is the king’s
My Life’ ning through a “Thrones” checklist so troublesome younger brother in HBO’s “Game of Thrones' prequel series, 'House
as not to miss any element from the of the Dragon.” PROVIDED BY OLLIE UPTON/HBO
The rousing duet (which won an original series and anger a single fan.
Oscar, Golden Globe and Grammy Incest? Check. Sniveling prince?
back in the day) – isn’t just what you Check. Gore? Check. Sexual exploita- deftly chosen, all working in tandem to
instantly hear in your head when you tion of women and girls? Check. Battle take our breath away. When “Thrones”
remember the film’s final-dance cli- sequences so dark you can’t really see was at its peak, it was truly breathtak-
max – and, of course, The Lift. Origi- what’s happening? Check again. ing, creating drama, tension and even
nally offered to Donna Summer and Before “Game of Thrones” got bad it comedy unparalleled by its peers. Any
Joe Esposito, it’s undoubtedly one of was good, very good. There was nothing spinoff didn’t really have a chance to
the great movie songs, a cheesy and on TV quite like it. “Dragon” doesn’t feel recreate that kind of greatness, but
joyous delight that’s become a pop- unique or novel at all, and not just be- “Dragon,” one of many developed by
culture and radio staple. cause rival fantasy series such as “Lord HBO, may not have been the best choice
of the Rings” and “The Wheel of Time” to attempt it.
1. The Ronettes, ‘Be My Baby’ are around. It’s because unlike TV’s The Targaryens are a dynasty de-
small number of spectacular spinoffs scribed in “Thrones” as rotting from the
An all-time pop hit featuring Ronnie such as “Frasier,” “Maude” or the re- King Viserys (Paddy Considine) is a inside, slowly failing over the genera-
Spector, one of the greatest voices cently ended “Better Call Saul,” “Drag- mostly decent man who makes tions until the last family members are
ever? Come on now. The 1963 girl- on” hasn’t nailed the sweet spot of be- questionable decisions. PROVIDED BY HBO left with no dragons, no money and no
group tune, which plays over the open- ing familiar yet new, enriching the old power. One can only hope that HBO
ing credits, is the very definition of a story rather than copying it. doesn’t let the world of “Thrones” fade
ringer on a record that didn’t need one Great TV shows aren’t paint-by- works of art, and each brushstroke is into oblivion like its platinum-haired
(but we’re glad it’s here anyway). numbers endeavors. They are original meaningful and dynamic, each color royals.


Settle in with Gurnah’s epic

‘Afterlives,’ Donoghue’s ‘Haven’
In search of something good to read? USA TODAY’s Barbara VanDenburgh scopes out the shelves for this week’s hottest new book releases. All
books are on sale Tuesday.

‘Afterlives’ ‘A Place in the World: ‘My Government Means to ‘Haven’ ‘Amy Among the Serial
By Abdulrazak Gurnah Finding the Meaning of Kill Me’ By Emma Donoghue (Little, Killers’
(Riverhead, fiction) Home’ By Rasheed Newson Brown, fiction) By Jincy Willett (St. Martin’s
By Frances Mayes (Crown, (Flatiron, fiction) Press, fiction)
What it’s about: From the Tan- nonfiction) What it’s about: The author of
zanian-born British author and What it’s about: Newson’s de- “Room” returns with a new nov- What it’s about: In Willett’s
winner of the 2021 Nobel Prize What it’s about: The author of but novel is a queer coming-of- el set in 7th-century Ireland, third book in the series, Amy
in Literature comes a saga set “Under the Tuscan Sun” is age story about Earl “Trey” Sin- where three monks vow to Gallup, a retired writing in-
against the colonization of east known for her wanderlust and gleton III, a young, gay, Black leave the sinful world behind structor, hears from her former
Africa, where as a boy, Ilyas travels across Italy, but her lat- man in 1980s New York City and find refuge – and tribula- student Carla Karolak when
was stolen from his parents by est is a collection of personal who finds himself in the midst tion – on an isolated island. her therapist turns up dead and
German troops. stories reflecting on the com- of the AIDS crisis. The buzz: Kirkus Reviews calls finds herself swept up in a mur-
The buzz: A starred review forts of home. The buzz: Publishers Weekly it “more fine work from the tal- der investigation.
from Kirkus Reviews calls it “a The buzz: A starred review in calls it “an eloquent story of the ented Donoghue.” The buzz: A starred review in
novel with an epic feel, even at Publishers Weekly calls it a struggle for gay liberation.” Kirkus Reviews calls it “a riot-
320 pages.” “rich testament to the plea- ous, breathless, winking,
sures of wanderlust and per- strangely feel-good romp.”
manence is a gift as well.”

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about dessert.
6. 62784323 3. 47783 L I V E K E
8. 2679 5. 63342 decode the ________ ___________ A PRETTY ________
clues. S A D N
7. 847
6 7
For example: 6
S T A R R T CAKE TO ___________ ________.
2 could be A,
7 8/22
B or C ... and E S H O W
5678 could 8

8 be LOST T O N E P

Friday’s Answer: “You’ve got to take the initiative and play your game.
© USA TODAY and Rich Coulter Friday’s solution In a decisive set, confidence is the difference.” - Chris Evert


Lovato rocks hard to excavate her demons on ‘Holy’

Melissa Ruggieri

This is not “Give Your Heart a Break”

Demi Lovato – and nor should it be.
They’ve shed their pop skin to howl
through the pain.
For years, Lovato’s life – complicated,
messy, traumatic – has been on public
Fans walked with them through a
drug overdose (detailed in 2021’s in-
tense “Dancing With the Devil” docu-
mentary) and cheered their decision to
adopt they/them pronouns to indicate
gender fluidity.
(Lovato recently reintroduced she/
her to their identity pronouns, too.)
While Lovato’s eighth studio album, plains how she substitutes love for
“Holy Fv--,” could be seen as a continu- drugs (“I’m scared of the comedown …
ation of 2021’s “Dancing With the Devil getting wasted on you”). It’s an addic-
… The Art of Starting Over,” it’s even tion for sure, albeit a healthier one.
more forthright and visceral.
Lovato is not only excavating de- ‘Come Together’
mons but doing so through bold, guitar-
heavy rockers to channel her seesawing Clean guitar lines and a thumping
emotions. bass drum anchor an updated version of
Here’s a look at the 16 tracks, all co- Madonna’s similarly themed “Border-
written by Lovato: line” (“Got me closer to the edge than
ever/We both want it but we don’t sur-
‘Freak’ (featuring Yungblud) render”). Lovato’s potent vocals get a
vigorous workout at the song’s end.
Squealing guitars coupled with an in- Demi Lovato’s new album is even more forthright than 2021’s “Dancing With the
terpolation of the familiar circus theme Devil … The Art of Starting Over.” PROVIDED BY BRANDON BOWEN ‘Dead Friends’
(officially called “Entry of the Gladia-
tors,” in case you were wondering), re- When Lovato sings “I made it
sults in a blistering entry into “Holy sion than a genuine question. I miss my vices.” through hell and I don’t know why/How
Fv--.” “Came for the trauma, stayed for am I different … it doesn’t feel right,” her
the drama,” Lovato thunders. Surely, ‘Holy Fv--’ ‘Heaven’ survivor’s guilt is palpable.
she is not alone. And when she states, “I miss my dead
Over a slithering groove, Lovato’s The Nine Inch Nails effect is preva- friends,” it’s not a soft bit of introspec-
‘Skin of My Teeth’ voice swings from snarly and woozy to lent here as well, with shards of guitar tion, but a candid confession injected
unleashed fury in the first 30 seconds of and breathy vocal effects culminating in with the type of adrenaline found
The influence of Courtney Love and the efficient rocker. Searing guitars and a middle finger of a rocker. After asking throughout the album.
Hole blasts through several songs on the a symphony of crashing cymbals color a for forgiveness and admitting that she’ll
album, but the bulldozing feel of ’90s tale spiked with serpents, angels, de- always be a “heathen,” Lovato cackles as ‘Help Me’ (featuring Dead Sara)
grunge rock is most apparent here as mons, sinners and saints. the song closes over an angelic chorus.
Lovato bluntly declares, “I can’t believe A combination of sarcastic senti-
I’m not dead.” Her brutal honesty cuts ‘29’ ‘City of Angels’ ments (“I’m gonna take your opinions,
even deeper when she sings, “I just shove ’em back in your face”) and a
wanna be free, but I can’t/’cause it’s a The song’s name is a reference to Lo- Jumpy drums inject a restlessness quirky lyrical insert from guest Emily
(expletive) disease.” vato’s age at the time they wrote it (they that perfectly complements Lovato’s Armstrong of Dead Sara culminate in
turn 30 on Saturday), giving listeners a quest for sexual adventures in Los An- the album’s most unusual song.
‘Substance’ blunt depiction of being taken advan- geles (the Viper Room, the Roxy and
tage of by an older suitor (“Numbers told Disneyland are namechecked as locales ‘Feed’
Death is never far from Lovato’s brain you not to / but that didn’t stop you”), for her libidinous action). The spirit of
(“Don’t wanna end up in a casket/head which fans have surmised is about her Avril Lavigne looms large over this pun- As this power ballad intensifies, Lo-
full of maggots”), even when she uses relationship with actor Wilmer Valder- chy romper. vato grapples with things that will never
her sweeter tones in a display of hard rama. “I see you’re quite the collector/ leave her – like her demons “on the
pop. Her continued desire to be heard Yeah, you’re 12 years her elder,” Lovato ‘Bones’ hunt” – but also realizes now that “my
(“Am I talking to myself?” she wonders) sneers, referencing “17 … 29,” the ages angels taught me how to run.” She also
is tinged with sadness belied by a caffei- she and Valderrama were, respectively, A pumping disco beat with teeth and unloads one of her most compelling lyr-
nated drum beat. when they started dating in 2010. a killer guitar groove that would make ics on an album full of them: “I found my
Nile Rodgers proud serve as the back- soul just to lose my mind.”
‘Eat Me’ (featuring Royal & The ‘Happy Ending’ drop to Lovato’s extremely unsubtle
Serpent) lustful objectives (“Let me jump your ‘4 Ever 4 Me’
A milder pop-rocker that finds Lova- bones”). It’s impressive that she’s craft-
Call it Nine Inch Nails-lite, as Lovato to ruminating: “Will I ever know what ed both a call to the dance floor and a Closing this stirring but emotionally
and Royal & The Serpent (aka Ryan San- it’s like to be fine/My demons are calling brazen head thrasher in one song. exhausting album with an introspective
tiago) tiptoe in on a creeping goth vibe and tearing me to shreds.” A scratching summary might sound simplistic. But
before the song explodes into a fireball guitar riff builds into a mountain of a ‘Wasted’ Lovato’s hopefulness at finding love (“I
of anger. “Would you like me better if I chorus as a pensive Lovato provides think this is forever for me”) and unre-
was still hurt?” Lovato asks, her inten- even more truth. “Sure, I’m sober now What starts as a ballad soon esca- lenting fearlessness make it easy to root
tion clearly more of a foregone conclu- and everybody’s proud,” she sings. “But lates into a surging chorus as Lovato ex- for her to succeed.


Plus-size clothing isn’t just a trend – it’s fashion’s future

Hannah Yasharoff “The modeling space as a whole often have shifted away from excluding any-
USA TODAY only feels welcoming when you fit neat- one who wears more than a size large.
ly into one category,” Russo writes. Many major fashion magazines and
Size equality in fashion has come a “Choose from the list of identities and fashion weeks have gotten more inclu-
long way from the days of Abercrombie maybe, just maybe, you’ll be deemed sive in recent years, too. But there’s still
and Victoria’s Secret outwardly sham- worthy of having a seat at the table. plenty of room for growth, Russo ar-
ing those who aren’t a size 0. But the “But if you exist somewhere between gues.
fight for inclusivity isn’t over yet. multiple intersections, far too often the He highlights the need for fashion
Fashion reporter Gianluca Russo’s doors remain closed. For plus-size brands to ensure that inclusivity is re-
debut book, “The Power of Plus: Inside hopefuls, that means the boundary has flected behind the scenes, which means
Fashion’s Size-Inclusivity Revolution” already been laid; your body is the ob- hiring a range of plus-size designers,
(out now), couples his experiences cov- stacle to overcome. Add on another ‘dif- photographers, marketing specialists
ering the world of fashion over the past ficulty’ – like gender, ethnicity, disabil- and executives. And it isn’t enough for
five years and his interviews with doz- ity – and you’re disqualified from the fashion schools to merely offer plus-size
ens of models, influencers, designers race.” design as an elective course.
and advocates about their own experi- Model Jordan Underwood, whose Russo points to brand collaborations
ences in the industry. It also outlines the pronouns are they and he, says in the including Rihanna’s Savage x Fenty and
issues plus-size fashion still faces with book they often have to “pretend that Priscilla Ono x Eloquii, as well as de-
actionable steps on how to fix them. I’m a girl for the day” when booked for a signer Christian Siriano: All have made
“There were so many stories that modeling gig due to people working on diversity not just a priority but an inspi-
were untold and that hadn’t had their the set being “really horrible about tran- ration and something to be celebrated.
time to shine but that were so impactful sphobia and misgendering.” Ultimately, Russo writes, the move-
on a personal level to me and to other “People are so willing to use margin- ment to normalize plus-sizes in fashion
people in this community,” Russo tells alized people if it helps their profit or has succeeded because of the commu-
USA TODAY. “I wanted to find a way to supports their brand, but they’re not nity working together, particularly the
celebrate all these people who have con- willing to do the work to make sure that Black women who fought for size-inclu-
tributed to this size inclusivity revolu- they’re hiring people who are going to looked like me?” Hunter McGrady, sivity before the concept became main-
tion over the years.” treat us properly,” Underwood added. known as the Sports Illustrated swim is- stream.
Enter: “The Power of Plus,” which Yet “Plus” also highlights how the re- sue’s “curviest model ever,” says in the “I hope that this book inspires people
Russo began writing during COVID-19 silience of plus-size advocates has posi- book of her first photo shoot for the to keep pushing for change even when it
quarantine in 2020. Models including tively affected not only the models try- magazine in 2016. feels like change is not happening,” Rus-
Iskra Lawrence, “America’s Next Top ing to succeed in the industry, but peo- “I think it would have saved me,” she so says. “If you look over the past 30
Model” alum Toccara Jones, Gabi Gregg ple across the world who have histori- adds. years, there have been low points and
and Tess Holliday offer horror stories cally been taught to hate their bodies there have been high points. We’ve gone
about working in a still-often fatphobic through the images they see and the Where does inclusivity in fashion backwards and forwards. Nothing is lin-
industry and explain how those experi- lack of clothing available to them. go from here? ear. … It might take 30 more years to get
ences are worsened for those who aren’t “How awesome would it have been to the point of size equality, but all that
cisgender, white and a more “palatable” when I was younger if I was able to open Many clothing brands, including Ab- matters is that we’re in the fight togeth-
size in the plus range. a magazine and see someone who ercrombie & Fitch and Victoria’s Secret, er.”

Kansas recount
confirms results in
favor of abortion
rights. 5NN

RUSSIA’S WAR AT 6 MONTHS ’24 hopefuls

a no-show
‘Trump effect’ may
explain absence of some
Families struggle with soaring food, energy costs
Thomas Beaumont

DES MOINES, Iowa – Texas Sen.

Ted Cruz raised the roasted turkey leg
like a sword in his Iowa State Fair de-
but in 2014, the up-and-coming con-
servative joining a half-dozen other
Republican presidential prospects in
strolling the Grand Concourse.
Four years later, almost as many
Democrats made the pilgrimage to the
fair, including former U.S. Housing
and Urban Development Secretary Ju-
lian Castro, who snaked his way past
tables under the Iowa Pork Producer’s
tent at the annual Midwestern tribute
to overindulgence.
But as the 2022 fair entered its final
weekend, the 2024 traffic was notice-
ably light.
It speaks to the careful dance that
potential presidential candidates are
attempting as Democrats remain un-
certain about President Joe Biden’s
political future and many Republicans
avoid taking on former President Don-
ald Trump. Several would-be GOP can-
didates have quietly made political in-
roads in the first-in-the-nation nomi-
nating state, but they’ve done so by
campaigning with Iowa candidates,
not by being so obvious as to stand on
straw bales at a perennial stop for
White House hopefuls.
“There’s a bit of a Trump effect go-
ing on. They are still coming here. But
they know there needs to be that em-
A worker moves metal pieces that are hot-dip galvanized in the Zinkpower galvanizing company in Meckenheim,
phasis that they are here for Iowa Re-
Germany, Thursday. MICHAEL PROBST/AP
publican candidates,” said Michael
Bousselot, a former top aide to Repub-
Paul Wiseman and David McHugh ing for $6.90 a gallon. Something lican Gov. Kim Reynolds and now a Des
ASSOCIATED PRESS that’s $16.70 this week may cost 3$25 Moines-area GOP state representa-
next week. tive. “The fair is more in-your-face
MECKENHEIM, Germany – Martin “You have to limit yourself,’’ she campaigning. If you’re too overeager,
Kopf needs natural gas to run his fam- said. “You have to buy a few things that people might say, ‘Whoa, President
ily’s company, Zinkpower GmbH, which move fast.’’ Trump is still the guy.’ ”
rustproofs steel components in western Gamisha has noticed something
Germany. else, too – a phenomenon called See HOPEFULS, Page 4NN
Zinkpower’s facility outside Bonn “shrinkflation”: A price may not
uses gas to keep 600 tons of zinc worth change, but a doughnut that used to
2.5 million euros ($2.5 million) in a mol- weigh 45 grams may now be only 35
ten state every day. The metal will hard- grams. Bread that weighed 1 kilogram
en otherwise, wrecking the tank where is now 850 grams.
steel parts are dipped before they end Russia’s war led the International
up in car suspensions, buildings, solar People shop for food in a market in Monetary Fund last month to down-
panels and wind turbines. Hanoi, Vietnam, on Aug. 14. In the six grade its outlook for the global econo-
Six months after Russia invaded Uk- months since Russia invaded Ukraine, my for the fourth time in under a year.
raine, the consequences are posing a the fallout from the war has had huge The lending agency expects 3.2%
devastating threat to the global econo- effects on the global economy. growth this year, down from the 4.9%
my, including companies like Zinkpow- HAU DINH/AP it forecast in July 2021 and well below a
er, which employs 2,800 people. Gas is vigorous 6.1% last year.
not only much more costly, it might not coronavirus pandemic ravaged global “The world may soon be teetering
be available at all if Russia completely trade. Inflation is soaring, and rocketing on the edge of a global recession, only
cuts off supplies to Europe to avenge energy costs have raised the prospect of two years after the last one,” Pierre-
Western sanctions, or if utilities can’t a cold, dark winter. Europe stands at the Olivier Gourinchas, the IMF’s chief
store enough for winter. brink of recession. economist, said.
Germany may have to impose gas ra- High food prices and shortages, The U.N. Development Program
tioning that could cripple industries worsened by the cutoff of fertilizer and said rising food and energy prices
from steelmaking to pharmaceuticals to grain shipments from Ukraine and Rus- threw 71 million people worldwide into
commercial laundries. “If they say, sia that are slowly resuming, could pro- poverty in the first three months of the
we’re cutting you off, all my equipment duce widespread hunger and unrest in war. Countries in the Balkans and sub-
will be destroyed,” said Kopf, who’ also the developing world. Saharan Africa were hit hardest. Up to
chairs Germany’s association of zinc Outside Uganda’s capital of Kampa- 181 million people in 41 countries could
galvanizing firms. la, Rachel Gamisha said Russia’s war in suffer a hunger crisis this year, the U.N. Former Vice President Mike Pence
Governments, businesses and fam- faraway Ukraine has hurt her grocery Food and Agriculture Organization has speaks to the media during a visit to
ilies worldwide are feeling the war’s business. She has felt it in surging the Iowa State Fair on Friday in Des
economic effects just two years after the prices for necessities like gasoline, sell- See ECONOMY, Page 6NN Moines. CHARLIE NEIBERGALL/AP

DC’s pioneering ‘Baby Bonds’ plan aims to narrow wealth gap

In single decade, idea no in the nation’s capital working fast food
jobs. Now she lives largely on public as-
nity for him, a lot different than what I
had,” Manning said of her soon-to-ar-
longer a fringe concept sistance in a two-bedroom apartment rive baby.
with her boyfriend, his mother and his In just over a decade, the Baby Bonds
Ashraf Khalil 9-year-old daughter from another rela- idea has moved from a fringe leftist con-
ASSOCIATED PRESS tionship. She still has student debt and cept to actual policy, with the District of
there’s a baby boy on the way. Columbia as the first laboratory. Law-
WASHINGTON – Aaliyah Manning’s She sees a brighter future for that ba- makers from coast to coast are monitor-
dreams of becoming a psychologist by, thanks to a landmark social program ing the experiment, one that propo-
ended abruptly during her freshman being pioneered in Washington. Called nents say could reshape America’s
year at Potomac State in West Virginia “Baby Bonds,” the program will provide growing wealth gap in a single genera-
Aaliyah Wright, of Washington, nuzzles when the cost of continuing her educa- children of the city’s poorest families tion if instituted on a federal level.
her newborn daughter Kali and tion became overwhelming. with up to $25,000 when they reach One week after giving birth to her
husband Kainan Wright holds their son “The money just wasn’t there,” she adulthood. The money is to be used for a second child, a daughter named Kali,
Khaza, 1, during a visit to the children’s said. “I knew I wasn’t going to finish so I handful of purposes, including educa- Aaliyah Wright told The Associated
grandmother in Accokeek, Md., Aug. 9. just had fun.” tion.
JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP After a year, Manning, 25, was back “It would be such a different opportu- See BABY BONDS, Page 7NN



In the digital e-edition, you can click anywhere on the US map to get up-to-date forecasts, radar, MinuteCast® and more.
Drenching and locally Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation for Monday. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
gusty thunderstorms will
affect the Northeast today.
However, the most intense Seattle
80/60 Winnipeg
rain capable of produc-
ing flooding on a more
regional basis will extend Montreal
from northern Texas and Billings 79/67
Minneapolis Toronto
southern Oklahoma to 91/65
northern Louisiana and
82/64 75/65
central Mississippi. Parts
of the Southwest will get a
break from storms.
Detroit New York
Chicago 78/63 77/71
San Francisco 80/61
77/60 Denver
83/59 Washington
Kansas City 84/70

Fairbanks Los Angeles

74/56 81/65
El Paso 80/69
62/53 84/68
65/56 Houston
Honolulu Chihuahua 90/76
88/74 Hilo 79/65 Miami
83/69 Monterrey 92/80
-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold front Warm front Stationary front


NATIONAL (for the 48 contiguous states) INTERNATIONAL (excludes Antarctica) Frost on Aug. 22, 1816, damaged crops Q: Flash floods occur most during what
High: 109 at China Lake, CA High: 123 at Jahra, Kuwait as far south as North Carolina and led to month?
Low: 37 at Bodie State Park, CA Low: 16 at La Paz, Bolivia widespread food shortages. The year 1816 is
Precip: 3.29” at Lorain, OH Precip: 6.61” at Jabalpur, India known as the year without a summer.

A: July

NATIONAL CITIES MONDAY O Denotes possible travel delays

Air Air Air Air
High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality
Aberdeen, SD 87/63/s 38 Evansville, IN 84/63/pc 25 O Levittown, PA 80/68/t 40 O Rochester, NY 76/65/t 47
O Abilene, TX 82/69/t 25 O Fall River, MA 78/68/t 25 Lincoln, IL 81/61/s 25 Rockford, IL 82/58/s 25
O Accomac, VA 80/68/sh 39 Farmington, NM 86/63/t 61 Louisville, KY 84/66/pc 25 Ruidoso, NM 69/54/t 36
Adrian, MI 78/58/pc 43 O Fayetteville, NC 85/70/t 40 O Lubbock, TX 76/63/t 25 Salem, OR 85/60/pc 50
Akron, OH 77/65/t 25 Fond du Lac, WI 79/58/s 25 Manitowoc, WI 75/59/s 25 Salina, KS 90/61/s 48
O Alamogordo, NM 83/65/t 62 O Fort Myers, FL 94/77/t 25 Mansfield, OH 75/62/pc 48 Salinas, CA 77/59/pc 25
O Alexandria, VA 85/70/t 46 Fort Smith, AR 86/70/pc 41 Marshall, NC 80/63/t 35 O Salisbury, MD 84/71/sh 37
Alliance, OH 77/65/t 25 O Framingham, MA 78/65/t 25 Marshfield, WI 79/58/s 25 O San Angelo, TX 84/70/t 24
Amarillo, TX 78/60/pc 25 Freeport, IL 79/57/s 25 Massillon, OH 78/65/t 25 O Sarasota, FL 92/77/t 25
Ames, IA 82/58/pc 25 Fremont, OH 77/64/t 41 O McLean, VA 84/68/t 46 O Savannah, GA 86/71/t 45
Anderson, SC 84/69/t 43 Fort Collins, CO 85/59/pc 75 Melbourne, FL 91/77/t 25 Sheboygan, WI 76/59/s 25
Appleton, WI 78/60/s 25 Gadsden, AL 81/68/t 35 Memphis, TN 85/72/t 40 O Shelby, NC 83/65/t 35
Asheville, NC 79/62/t 35 O Gainesville, FL 91/73/t 25 O Middletown, NY 73/63/t 38 O Sherman, TX 78/70/t 22
Ashland, OH 75/61/pc 25 Galesburg, IL 80/59/s 25 O Milford, MA 75/65/t 25 O Shreveport, LA 79/73/t 38
Athens, GA 81/68/t 41 O Gastonia, NC 83/66/t 40 Milwaukee, WI 77/61/s 25 O Silver City, NM 79/63/t 37
Augusta, GA 82/70/t 34 O Glen Rose, TX 80/70/t 19 Monroe, MI 78/60/pc 37 Sioux Falls, SD 84/64/s 42
O Austin, TX 91/73/t 25 O Gonzales, LA 85/75/t 29 O Monroe, LA 78/72/t 29 Somerset, PA 75/63/t 37
Bartlesville, OK 91/62/s 60 Great Falls, MT 91/60/s 41 O Montgomery, AL 81/71/t 19 O Somerville, NJ 83/64/t 40
Battle Creek, MI 80/58/pc 47 Green Bay, WI 81/58/s 25 Muncie, IN 80/56/pc 44 South Bend, IN 79/57/pc 25
Bedford, IN 84/60/pc 57 Greenville, SC 84/66/t 43 Murfreesboro, TN 84/64/c 41 Spartanburg, SC 85/67/t 43
O Binghamton, NY 73/63/t 38 O Hackensack, NJ 78/69/t 42 O Naples, FL 92/77/t 25 Springfield, IL 82/61/s 25
O Bluffton, SC 88/74/t 42 Hagerstown, MD 81/65/t 40 Nashville, TN 86/66/c 41 Springfield, MO 85/63/s 52
Bremerton, WA 82/56/pc 33 O Hattiesburg, MS 81/72/t 17 O Neptune, NJ 79/68/t 40 O St. Augustine, FL 89/74/t 25
O Brockton, MA 77/66/sh 25 Henderson, KY 83/61/s 25 O New Bedford, MA 76/67/t 25 St. Cloud, MN 81/58/pc 25
O Brownwood, TX 83/70/t 23 Hendersonville, NC 79/63/t 35 O New Bern, NC 82/72/t 35 St. George, UT 100/75/s 55
Burlington, IA 81/61/s 43 O Herkimer, NY 73/64/t 40 New Philadelphia, OH 74/61/t 25 Staunton, VA 81/58/t 47
O Burlington, NC 83/66/t 40 Hillsdale, MI 76/56/pc 47 Newark, OH 78/61/c 42 Stevens Point, WI 80/58/s 25
O Burlington, VT 81/66/t 40 Holland, MI 76/58/pc 53 O Newton, NJ 81/65/t 40 Stockton, CA 99/62/s 50
Cambridge, OH 76/61/t 49 O Hornell, NY 76/63/t 40 O New York, NY 77/71/t 42 O Stroudsburg, PA 75/63/t 40
Camdenton, MO 84/62/s 45 O Houma, LA 86/76/t 29 O Norwich, CT 75/66/t 44 Stuart, FL 92/77/t 25
O Canandaigua, NY 74/64/t 38 Howell, MI 79/59/pc 48 O Ocala, FL 91/74/t 25 Sturgis, MI 77/56/pc 25
Canton, OH 78/65/t 25 Hutchinson, KS 91/60/s 49 Oklahoma City, OK 85/65/pc 60 Tallahassee, FL 88/72/t 25
Carlsbad, NM 82/66/t 35 O Hyannis, MA 77/68/sh 25 O Opelousas, LA 84/75/t 26 O Thibodaux, LA 86/76/t 29
Chambersburg, PA 81/66/t 40 Indianapolis, IN 82/59/pc 25 Oshkosh, WI 79/59/s 25 Topeka, KS 88/62/pc 48
O Cherry Hill, NJ 85/70/t 40 Iowa City, IA 82/60/s 40 Palm Beach, FL 91/82/t 25 O Tuscaloosa, AL 79/70/t 22
Cincinnati, OH 80/62/t 50 O Ithaca, NY 75/61/t 38 Palm Springs, CA 109/86/s 126 O Utica, NY 74/64/t 39
Clarksville, TN 86/63/pc 41 O Jackson, MS 79/70/t 35 Panama City, FL 86/74/pc 25 Ventura, CA 68/58/pc 33
Coldwater, MI 77/56/pc 48 Jackson, TN 85/65/c 60 Pekin, IL 82/62/s 25 Victorville, CA 99/66/s 97
Columbus, OH 78/63/c 42 O Jacksonville, FL 91/72/t 25 Pensacola, FL 86/74/t 25 O Vineland, NJ 84/67/t 40
O Corning, NY 78/61/t 39 O Jacksonville, NC 81/72/t 35 Peoria, IL 82/62/s 25 Visalia, CA 100/65/s 105
O Corpus Christi, TX 95/77/pc 25 Kent, OH 77/66/t 25 O Petersburg, VA 82/66/c 44 O Washington, DC 84/70/t 46
O Daytona Beach, FL 92/75/t 25 Kewanee, IL 79/59/s 25 Phoenix, AZ 99/84/t 101 Watertown, SD 83/61/s 36
O Deming, NM 83/65/t 40 Keyser, WV 83/65/t 36 Port Huron, MI 75/59/sh 40 Wausau, WI 81/59/pc 25
O DeRidder, LA 81/72/t 33 O Kinston, NC 83/69/t 35 O Portsmouth, NH 74/64/c 25 Waynesboro, PA 81/66/t 40
Des Moines, IA 82/63/pc 25 Knoxville, TN 84/65/t 46 O Poughkeepsie, NY 76/66/t 38 O White Plains, NY 75/67/t 43
Detroit, MI 78/63/pc 38 Lafayette, IN 82/56/pc 46 O Providence, RI 77/68/t 37 Wichita Falls, TX 80/68/r 50
Devils Lake, ND 84/62/pc 29 O Lafayette, LA 86/76/t 26 Pueblo, CO 84/57/pc 75 O Wilmington, DE 83/69/t 41
O Dover, NH 80/66/sh 25 Lakeland, FL 93/76/t 25 O Quincy, MA 75/66/sh 25 O Wilmington, NC 85/73/t 35
El Paso, TX 84/68/t 25 Lansing, MI 80/60/pc 48 Redding, CA 103/69/s 51 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 81/58/s 25
O Elmira, NY 78/62/t 39 O Las Cruces, NM 83/65/t 43 Reno, NV 96/60/s 75 Wooster, OH 75/62/t 25
O Erie, PA 76/65/t 38 Lebanon, PA 80/65/t 42 Ravenna, OH 77/65/t 25 O Worcester, MA 72/64/t 25
Eugene, OR 87/58/pc 25 O Leesburg, FL 91/76/pc 25 Richmond, IN 78/55/pc 44 O York, PA 82/66/t 42
Air Quality Index: 0-50, Good; 51-100, Moderate; 101-150, Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200, Unhealthy; 201-300, Very unhealthy; 301-500, Hazardous
Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday
High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W
Acapulco 88/77/t 87/77/t Cape Town 65/46/pc 78/50/s La Paz 59/26/s 61/26/s San Jose 84/65/t 81/66/t
O Addis Ababa 71/55/sh 69/55/sh O Caracas 88/74/t 89/74/t Lagos 84/74/c 82/74/r O San Salvador 85/68/t 82/68/t
Algiers 90/68/s 89/67/s Casablanca 90/70/s 88/71/pc O Lima 63/57/pc 63/58/pc Santiago 66/41/pc 69/43/pc
Amman 88/67/s 88/65/s O Colombo 86/78/sh 85/79/t O Lisbon 85/67/pc 87/66/s Sao Paulo 65/52/pc 70/54/pc
Amsterdam 76/62/c 77/63/pc Copenhagen 72/59/pc 74/60/sh London 74/63/c 77/65/pc O Sarajevo 66/57/t 69/59/t
Ankara 94/67/s 96/64/s Damascus 95/68/s 95/64/s Madrid 97/69/s 99/71/s Shanghai 102/86/pc 99/81/c
Asuncion 82/64/s 87/66/s Dublin 71/58/sh 68/55/c O Manila 87/79/r 85/78/t Singapore 87/78/t 86/77/r
Athens 88/75/pc 85/73/pc Geneva 80/57/s 81/57/pc Mexico City 74/57/pc 74/58/sh Stockholm 70/52/pc 69/52/pc
Auckland 62/50/sh 61/52/pc Guatemala City 78/62/t 79/62/t Milan 87/64/s 87/67/s Sydney 72/56/pc 67/47/sh
Baghdad 110/80/s 110/82/pc Hanoi 93/80/t 95/81/t O Mombasa 82/69/s 83/70/r Taipei 100/82/pc 100/82/c
O Bangkok 91/78/t 93/79/t Harare 75/48/s 76/47/s Montevideo 59/44/pc 65/52/s O Tegucigalpa 84/65/t 83/65/t
Beijing 92/62/pc 81/65/pc Havana 91/73/t 91/73/t O Montreal 79/67/t 73/64/sh Tehran 91/74/s 91/72/s
Beirut 87/78/s 86/76/s Helsinki 74/57/r 72/62/pc Moscow 81/64/pc 87/62/pc Tokyo 86/79/c 88/80/pc
Belgrade 73/59/t 73/62/t Hong Kong 90/82/pc 93/83/pc Nairobi 77/51/c 76/55/pc O Toronto 75/65/t 79/62/pc
Berlin 75/59/pc 76/57/pc Jakarta 90/76/t 92/77/t O New Delhi 94/82/t 91/80/pc Tunis 92/75/pc 92/73/s
Bogota 65/46/r 65/46/pc Jerusalem 85/64/s 85/63/s O Panama City 84/74/t 84/74/r Vancouver 74/61/pc 76/63/pc
Brussels 77/61/c 81/62/pc Johannesburg 64/44/s 65/44/s Paris 79/65/pc 84/66/pc O Vienna 64/60/r 67/62/sh
O Bucharest 88/67/t 89/68/t O Kabul 74/64/c 67/64/r Port-au-Prince 91/73/t 92/72/t Warsaw 80/65/c 84/65/t
O Budapest 75/63/t 78/63/t O Khartoum 94/79/pc 97/83/s Rio de Janeiro 70/63/pc 73/66/pc O Yerevan 90/66/pc 90/65/s
Buenos Aires 59/51/c 65/55/s Kyiv 83/64/pc 84/64/pc Riyadh 112/90/pc 110/90/pc O Zagreb 69/58/t 74/60/pc
Cairo 98/80/s 100/82/s Kingston 89/79/t 88/80/t Rome 86/67/pc 87/67/s Zurich 78/53/s 79/52/pc
O Denotes possible travel delays Monday Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
©2022; forecasts and graphics provided by | Go to

Leon Vitali,
man, dies
Lindsey Bahr

Leon Vitali, the “Barry Lyndon” ac-

tor who became one of Stanley Ku-
brick’s closest associates, has died. He
was 74.
Vitali died Friday in Los Angeles,
his family told The Associated Press
Sunday. He passed peacefully sur-
rounded by loved ones including his
three children, Masha, Max and Vera.
“Leon was a special and lovely man
driven by his curiosity, who spread
love and warmth wherever he went,”
his children said in a statement pro-
A still from “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero”, which topped the charts in its first weekend in theaters with $20.1 million in vided by Masha Vitali. “He will be re-
ticket sales, according to studio estimates on Sunday. CRUNCHYROLL VIA AP membered with love and be hugely
missed by the many people he

Anime ‘Dragon Ball Super’ bests Though Vitali was often described
as Kubrick’s assistant, Tony Zierra’s
2017 documentary “ Filmworker ” shed

action flick ‘Beast’ with $20.1M light on Vitali’s enormous and largely
unsung contributions to the work of
one of cinema’s greatest figures from
“The Shining” through “Eyes Wide
Lindsey Bahr Estimated ticket sales ing a trip to South Africa. Shut.” He did everything from casting
ASSOCIATED PRESS Including international showings, and coaching actors to overseeing res-
Friday through Sunday at U.S. and “Beast” has made $21.8 million so far. torations. Vitali even once set up a
Idris Elba may go head-to-head with Canadian theaters, according to “I think this is a terrific start for video monitor so that Kubrick could
a lion in “Beast,” but the action flick was Comscore. Final domestic figures will ‘Beast,’ ” said Jim Orr, Universal’s head keep an eye on his dying cat.
no match for the latest “Dragon Ball” be released Monday. of domestic distribution. “I believe we Matthew Modine, who starred in
movie at the North American box office 1. “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero,” will have a great run at the box office.” Kubrick’s “Full Metal Jacket,” tweeted
this weekend. $20.1 million. Elba also has another film opening in his condolences Sunday.
“Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero” theaters next weekend – George Miller’s “There are people we meet who
topped the charts in its first weekend in 2. “Beast,” $11.6 million. fantasy epic “Three Thousand Years of have a profound impact upon our lives.
theaters, with $20.1 million in ticket 3. “Bullet Train,” $8 million. Longing.” Leon Vitali was one such person in
sales according to studio estimates on Sony’s “Bullet Train,” meanwhile, mine,” Modine wrote. “An artist in ev-
Sunday. “Beast,” meanwhile, settled for 4. “Top Gun: Maverick,” $5.9 million. landed in third place after two weekends ery aspect of his life. A loving father &
a second-place debut with $11.6 million. 5. “DC League of Super-Pets,” $5.8 at No. 1 with an estimated $8 million, friend to so many. A kind, generous &
Crunchyroll released “Dragon Ball million. bringing its domestic total to $68.9 mil- forgiving nature. He exemplified &
Super: Super Hero” on 3,900 screens in lion. Paramount’s “Top Gun: Maverick” personified grace.”
North America, marking the widest- 6. “Thor: Love and Thunder,” $4 million. placed fourth in its 13th weekend in Before meeting Kubrick, Vitali was
ever opening for an anime. The Toei Ani- 7. “Nope,” $3.6 million. theaters with an additional $5.9 million. a rising actor in England, appearing in
mation production was directed by Tet- “Top Gun” has made over $683 million in several British television shows in-
suro Kodama, who had the support of 8. “Minions: The Rise of Gru,” $3.5 North America to date, which was was cluding “Softly, Softly,” “Follyfoot,” “Z
“Dragon Ball” creator Akira Toriyama. million. enough to overtake “Avengers: Infinity Cars” and “Notorious Woman.” Then in
The Dragon Ball universe is almost 40 9. “Where the Crawdads Sing,” $3.2 War” as the sixth highest grossing do- 1974 he got his biggest break yet, when
years old, and includes manga, televi- million. mestic release of all time. “DC League of he was cast in “Barry Lyndon” as Lord
sion shows, movies, games and toys. Super-Pets” rounded out the top five. Bullingdon, the son-in-law of Ryan
“We’re absolutely thrilled that Drag- 10. “Bodies Bodies Bodies,” $2.4 Paramount also released “Orphan: O’Neal’s title character.
on Ball fans could come together to ex- million. First Kill” on Paramount+ and in 498 lo- Vitali famously helped cast 4-year-
perience and enjoy this amazing film in cations this weekend. The Esther origin old Danny Lloyd to play Danny Tor-
theaters,” said Mitchel Berger, senior story made an estimated $1.7 million rance in “The Shining” and Louise and
vice president of global commerce for Paul Dergarabedian, the senior media from theaters. Lisa Burns as the creepy Grady twins
the distributor, in a statement. analyst for Comscore. “To be ahead of all The weekend overall saw about $77 (citing Diane Arbus as inspiration).
“Crunchyroll thanks all of the fans, these other mainstream Hollywood million in North American ticket sales – After Kubrick’s death in 1999, Vitali
whether or not you are a ‘super’ fan or a movies is quite incredible. It speaks vol- up over 168% from the same weekend oversaw restorations for many of Ku-
newcomer, and we hope they come back umes to the globalization of the box of- last year– bringing the year to date to brick’s films. He received a Cinema
again and again.” fice.” $5.2 billion, according to Comscore. But Audio Society award for his work. Vi-
According to PostTrak, the “Dragon “Beast,” meanwhile, opened on 3,743 the summer movie season continues a tali later worked with director Todd
Ball Super” audience was heavily male screens in North America. The film, di- wind down that may last deep into the Field on his films “Little Children” and
(79%) and 44% between the ages of 25 rected by Baltasar Kormákur (“Everest”) fall. “In the Bedroom.”
and 34. stars Elba as a widowed father of two “It’s not that there’s not going to be Before making the documentary,
“Japanese anime is a cinematic tradi- teenage girls, played by Iyana Halley any movies, there’s just not going to be a Zierra said that he and many Kubrick-
tion, but rarely do you see a movie like and Leah Jeffries, who find themselves $100 million blockbuster for a while,” obsessed fans knew Vitali for his per-
this topping the domestic chart,” said on the run from a bloodthirsty lion dur- Dergarabedian said. formances in “Barry Lyndon” and
“Eyes Wide Shut,” in which he played
Red Cloak, and as a key member of Ku-
brick’s inner circle.
Zierra is working on a director’s cut
Lopez and Affleck celebrate marriage with friends, family of “Filmworker” that will include new
footage that he and Vitali wanted in
Lindsey Bahr it turns out love is patient. Twenty the film, but couldn’t get done in time
ASSOCIATED PRESS years patient,” Lopez wrote last month, for its Cannes debut in 2017.
signing off as Jennifer Lynn Affleck.
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck said Lopez, 53, and Affleck, 50, famously
“I do” again this weekend. dated in the early 2000s. They starred
But instead of in a late night Las Ve- together in 2003’s “Gigli” and 2004’s
gas drive through chapel, this time it “Jersey Girl” and became engaged but
was in front of friends and family in didn’t wed at the time.
Georgia, a person close to the couple Paparazzi has feverishly trailed the
who was not authorized to speak pub- couple since they rekindled their ro-
licly said Sunday. mance last year, from the earliest
According to People Magazine, the stages of the courtship, to their red car-
wedding was held at Affleck’s home Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez pet debut at last year’s Venice Interna-
outside of Savannah, Georgia, with all tional Film Festival and their recent Actor Leon Vitali poses for
of their kids present for the proceedings honeymoon in Paris. photographers at the photo call for
on Saturday. Lopez shared with fans in her “On the J Representatives for the couple did “The Shining” at the 2019 Cannes
The celebrity couple were officially Lo” newsletter. not immediately respond to request for Film Festival in southern France.
married last month in Las Vegas, which “Love is beautiful. Love is kind. And comment Sunday. PETROS GIANNAKOURIS/AP

Stelter says CNN must hold media accountable as show ends

David Bauder dialogue. News Channel and was frequently criti-
ASSOCIATED PRESS “It’s not partisan to stand up to dem- cal of Fox, was a lightning rod for con-
agogues,” he said. “It’s required. It’s pa- servatives’ complaints.
NEW YORK – “Reliable Sources” host triotic. We must make sure we don’t give Some of his final “Reliable Sources”
Brian Stelter insisted Sunday that he’ll platforms to those who are lying to our guests were more direct.
still be rooting for CNN even after his faces. But we also must make sure we Eric Deggans, NPR television critic,
show was canceled this week, but are representing the total spectrum of said he hopes CNN will continue to give
stressed that it was important for the debate and representing what’s going viewers context and not be reduced to
network and others to hold the media on in the country and the world.” false equivalency. “Just the facts” isn’t
accountable. It was Stelter’s most direct reference enough, he said.
CNN gave Stelter the chance to host a to what is believed to be the reason for “Will CNN have the courage to do
CNN “Reliable Sources” anchor Brian final episode of the 30-year Sunday his demise; CNN hasn’t talked publicly that?” Deggans asked. “I hope so.”
Stelter said Sunday that he’ll still be morning program on the media even af- about it. Since he started this spring, Stelter, who hosted the show for nine
rooting for CNN even after his show ter it was learned this week that he and new CNN chief executive Chris Licht years, also had Watergate scribe Carl
was canceled this week, but stressed the show would be exiting – a gesture has made clear he wants to tone down Bernstein as a guest and brought back
that it was important for the network that’s relatively rare in television. opinion, particularly as it made Repub- the first guest from the first “Reliable
and others to hold the media Stelter said that it was not partisan to licans resistant to the network. Sources” in 1992 – then-local journalist
accountable. EVAN AGOSTINI/INVISION/AP stand up for decency, democracy and Stelter, who wrote a book about Fox Brian Karem.

Democratic candidate for Florida Governor Nikki Fried is greeted by supporters U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, D-Fla., greets supporters at Lorna’s Caribbean Grill on
at Mount Bethel Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Sunday, the last day Sunday in Miami Gardens, Fla. The winner between Crist and Fried will face
of early voting in Broward County. The primary election takes place Tuesday. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in November.

Governor’s race highlights Florida primary

Rubio unopposed, Gaetz enough money or has the name recog-
nition to run a credible statewide cam-
open Jacksonville-area seat. The other
two are Erick Aguilar and Jon Chuba. On
decided to run for governor. It is essen-
tially a rematch between Anna Paulina
faces 2 GOP challengers paign. the Democratic side, former state Sen. Luna and Amanda Makki, who came in
Anthony Hill faces LaShonda Holloway, first and second respectively in a five-
ASSOCIATED PRESS Chief financial officer who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in way primary two years ago. The former-
2020. Republicans have an advantage in ly competitive seat now leans Republi-
Miami governor Incumbent Republican Jimmy Patro- the district. can. The winner will face Democrat Eric
nis has no GOP opposition for chief fi- h District 7: Eight Republicans and Lynn, who worked in the Obama ad-
The Democratic primary pits U.S. nancial officer. He will face Democratic four Democrats are seeking the seat left ministration.
Rep. Charlie Crist, a former governor as former state Rep. Adam Hattersley, who open by Democratic Rep. Stephanie h District 15: Five Republicans are
a Republican, against Agriculture Com- also has no opposition, in the November Murphy’s decision to leave Congress. competing for the new district east of
missioner Nikki Fried, who is currently general election. The district extends from Seminole Tampa. The top Republicans include
Florida’s only statewide elected Demo- County to the Atlantic Coast and now former Secretary of State Laurel Lee,
crat. US Senate leans Republican after redistricting. state Sen. Kelli Stargel and state Rep.
The winner will face Republican Gov. State Rep. Anthony Sabatini is among Jackie Toledo. Five Democrats are also
Ron DeSantis in November. Crist last Democratic U.S. Rep. Val Demings is the Republican candidates. Among seeking the nomination in the district
served in statewide office from 2007 to running against three little-known, un- Democrats are Karen Green, a former that heavily favors Republicans.
2011 as a Republican governor. He lost a derfunded candidates for her party’s Florida Democratic Party vice chair, and h District 20: Democratic U.S. Rep.
2010 race for U.S. Senate as an indepen- nomination to face Republican U.S. Sen. Al Krulick who has run unsuccessfully Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick is facing
dent and a 2014 run for governor as a Marco Rubio, who has no primary chal- for Congress three other times. primary competition in the seat she
Democrat. lenger. h District 10: Ten Democrats and six won in a special election earlier this
Republicans are seeking the seat left year. Former Broward County Mayor
Attorney general US House open by Democratic Rep. Val Demings’ Dale Holness, who lost to Cherfilus-Mc-
decision to run for Senate. Among Dem- Cormick by five votes, and state Rep.
Former Orlando-area State Attorney Florida this year will elect at least six ocrats are former U.S. Reps. Corrine Anika Omphroy, are also running for the
Aramis Ayala and Dan Uhlfelder are new members of Congress – four be- Brown and Alan Grayson. Brown is a seat that includes parts of Broward and
among three Democrats hoping to chal- cause incumbents are retiring or seek- convicted felon from Jacksonville and Palm Beach counties.
lenge Republican Attorney General Ash- ing higher office and two because of the Grayson is an outspoken former con- h District 23: Six Democrats and
ley Moody, who doesn’t have a primary creation of a new district and redrawing gressman whose inflammatory com- seven Republicans are running for the
opponent. Ayala received national at- of current districts that pit two incum- ments generated headlines. His two re- South Florida seat left open by Demo-
tention for refusing to seek the death bents against each. Here are the key pri- cent efforts to return to Washington cratic Rep Ted Deutch’s decision to re-
penalty in murder cases. Uhlfelder has maries: have failed. Social justice activist Max- tire. The most prominent name among
been a frequent critic of DeSantis and h District 1: Republican incumbent well Alejandro Frost has a money ad- Democrats is Jared Moskowitz, the for-
made headlines by walking Panhandle Matt Gaetz is being challenged by Mark vantage and a number of high-profile mer state representative who helped
beaches dressed as the Grim Reaper to Lombardo and Greg Merk. In 2020, endorsements. State Sen. Randolph pass gun legislation after the Parkland
protest the governor’s COVID-19 poli- Gaetz won the primary with 80.9% of Bracy is also in the primary for the seat shootings, and who served as DeSantis’
cies. the vote against Merk and another can- in a firmly Democratic district. emergency management director. The
didate. This year, Lombardo, a veteran h District 11: Nationally known far- seat is firmly Democratic.
Agriculture commissioner and business executive, is a well-fi- right activist Laura Loomer, who’s been h District 27: State Sen. Annette
nanced opponent, having sunk hun- banned by several social media plat- Taddeo, who was Crist’s lieutenant gov-
Republican Senate President Wilton dreds of thousands of dollars of his own forms because of anti-Muslim and other ernor running mate in 2014, and Miami
Simpson is running in the GOP primary money in the race in the hopes that GOP remarks, is challenging incumbent Re- City Commissioner Ken Russell are
for agriculture commissioner against voters in the western Panhandle aren’t publican Dan Webster, who has served among three Democratic candidates
little-known candidate James Shaw. happy with Gaetz’ frequent inflamma- central Florida districts since 2011. hoping to challenge Republican Rep.
Three Democrats – Naomi Blemur, J.R. tory remarks. h District 13: Five Republicans are Maria Elvira Salazar. The Miami-area
Gaillot and Ryan Morales – are on the h District 4: State Sen. Aaron Bean is seeking the nomination in the St. Pe- district has switched parties several
primary ballot, though none has raised among three Republicans seeking this tersburg-area seat left open when Crist times in recent years.

Continued from Page 1NN

That means the few who entered the

gates on Des Moines’ working-class
east side were doing so with little such
Mike Pence, Trump’s estranged for-
mer vice president, visited the fair Fri-
day, and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a
prominent Trump critic, was there last
A cowboy-boot-wearing Pence was
escorted by seven-term Republican
Sen. Chuck Grassley, as have countless
White House prospects over the years.
The former vice president was careful,
however, to keep his political remarks Potential White House hopefuls from both parties often swing by Iowa’s legendary state fair to connect with voters. This
focused on the November midterm elec- year, more of them stayed away. CHARLIE NEIBERGALL/AP
tion, when Grassley is on the ballot, and
not on the 2024 presidential race.
“It’s an honor to be here at the Iowa bration of meat and deep-fried foods. In spondents said they hope he doesn’t. common Trump alternative mentioned
State Fair with you,” he told Grassley, 2007, Republican Fred Thompson was Trump has enjoyed his kingmaker by Iowa Republicans – has steered clear
with the politicians surrounded by doz- mocked for sporting Gucci loafers, status over the past few months, boost- of Iowa as he seeks reelection in Novem-
ens of news reporters and photogra- which stood out among the more com- ing his endorsed candidates to victory ber, others such as Arkansas Sen. Tom
phers in the shadow of the century-old mon flip-flops and cowboy boots of at- in primary elections ranging from top of Cotton, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki
brick grandstand. “Iowa and America tendees. the ticket to state legislature. Haley, former Secretary of State Mike
need six more years of Chuck Grassley.” Hogan more anonymously chowed And while he faces a number of swirl- Pompeo and others have visited Iowa
Pence later got caught in a fast-de- down on a grilled pork chops – a rite of ing investigations, including scrutiny this summer to campaign for Reynolds,
veloping thunderstorm, which soaked passage for any White House aspirant – from a U.S. Department of Justice Grassley and others.
him and his entourage as they sought as he meandered through the fair with search of his Florida home for classified On Thursday, Cruz was in the north-
shelter under the Iowa Pork Producers Reynolds, his fellow governor. documents, aides say it’s more a matter ern Iowa summer resort town of Clear
tent. Undeterred, Pence waded through Despite the smiles and laughter they of when he announces his candidacy for Lake, headlining a private fundraiser for
the damp crowds of fairgoers and even shared, the pair painted an awkward president than whether he announces Grassley.
got in a few bites of one of the fair’s sig- political picture. Reynolds, heavily fa- it. Cruz, who won the 2016 caucuses and
nature hand-held caloric monstrosities. vored to win reelection in November, is Kevin Holmes, a Republican from campaigned deep into that primary sea-
As hail pummeled the roof, Pence backed by Trump and is a devoted sup- central Iowa, would “absolutely” con- son, said this month he would wait to
sampled a “picnic in a cup” – pulled porter of the former president. sider supporting an alternative to see what Trump’s plans were before he
pork, coleslaw, baked beans and Fritos, The dynamic reflects both the state Trump in the 2024 caucuses. entertained a second presidential cam-
topped with barbecue sauce and bacon. GOP’s pro-Trump lean but also the lurk- “I’m just not happy with Trump’s paign.
Politicians’ food choices and attire at ing liabilities for him. character,” the 61-year-old retired police He also suggested a Trump candida-
the Iowa State Fair are almost as impor- A majority of Iowa Republicans – officer said while touring the fair with cy would keep several prospects from
tant as the visits themselves. 57% – said they hope Trump decides to his wife. “He’s alienated an awful lot of entering the 2024 race.
In 2003, Democrat John Kerry mem- run again for president in 2024, accord- people. If there were a viable alterna- With that in mind, Cruz was in and
orably ordered a strawberry smoothie, ing to a July Des Moines Register/ tive, I wouldn’t hesitate to get on board.” out of Iowa in one day, avoiding the fair
notable for an event known for its cele- Mediacom Iowa Poll. One-third of re- While Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – a by 110 miles.

Hiker missing in Utah flooding

Strong seasonal storms
hit parts of Southwest

SPRINGDALE, Utah – Authorities

have been searching for days for an Ari-
zona woman reported missing after be-
ing swept away by floodwaters in Utah’s
Zion National Park as strong seasonal
rainstorms hit parts of the U.S. South-
National Park Service officials said
rangers and members of the Zion Search
and Rescue Team were in the Virgin Riv-
er area Sunday looking for Jetal Agniho-
tri, 29, of Tucson.
They said Agnihotri was among sev-
eral hikers who were swept off their feet
Friday afternoon by rushing water in the
popular Narrows area in the park,
known for its spectacular red-rock cliffs
and narrow canyons, in southern Utah
near the Arizona border.
All of the hikers except Agnihotri
were found on high ground and were
stranded until water levels receded.
Rain can turn hiking in the park
deadly when the moisture runs off the The scene after a recent flash flood in Zion National Park in Utah. Authorities have been searching for days for
desert landscape and quickly fills Jetal Agnihotri, 29, of Tucson, Ariz. She was reported missing after being swept away by floodwaters in the park
canyons with water, rocks and debris, as strong seasonal rain storms hit parts of the U.S. Southwest. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE VIA AP FILE
especially during the summer when
seasonal afternoon thunderstorms de-
velop. the gateway to Arches National Park, on streams in New Mexico have nearly scientists say is the worst in the U.S.
The storms can lead to flooding in Saturday night closed trails in the city reached historic flood levels not seen West in 1,200 years and aggravated by
normally dry washes and in areas on Sunday as crews assessed the dam- since the 1960s due to recent heavy rain- climate change. Colorado River reser-
stripped of vegetation by wildfires that age. A video posted on the city’s Twitter fall. voirs have fallen to historic lows as a re-
have plagued the drought-stricken re- account showed a creek gushing under In Arizona, emergency crews rescued sult.
gion. Vegetation normally slows and a downtown bridge. four hikers stranded in Sabino Canyon For Nevada, recent storms have given
partially absorbs precipitation. Meanwhile, in New Mexico, officials east of Tucson on Friday and helped 41 the Las Vegas metro area its wettest
On Sunday, an approximately 20- at Carlsbad Caverns National Park said students and staff from Marana off monsoon season in 10 years.
mile stretch of Colorado’s main east- about 150 tourists were evacuated late school buses that got stuck in high wa- “Most locales in Arizona, New Mex-
west highway, Interstate 70, was tem- Saturday night after being stranded by ter when the storms began to move in. ico, the California deserts, southern Ne-
porarily closed because of the risk of rising water. More than 3 inches of rain fell Satur- vada, and a few other scattered areas
flooding and mudslides from forecasted Park officials told people at the visi- day in the mountains northeast of Tuc- have measured at least 200 percent of
storms in Glenwood Canyon, where a tor’s center to wait there for hours be- son, according to the National Weather normal (rainfall) over the past 2
wildfire burned in 2020. cause of flash flooding. Service. months,” the U.S. Drought Monitor said
Elsewhere in Utah, flooding in Moab, Authorities said several rivers and The rain comes amid a drought that in a report issued on Aug. 11.

Kansas recount confirms ruling on abortion

Heather Hollingsworth and ferred on a thumb drive from one voting
John Hanna machine to a tabulating machine.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Gietzen said he plans to file a lawsuit
Monday seeking a full statewide recall.
OLATHE, Kan. – A decisive statewide Gietzen said he won’t publicly report
vote in favor of abortion rights in tradi- the names of private donors helping him
tionally conservative Kansas was con- finance the recount, even though a state
firmed with a partial hand recount, with ethics official says it’s required. Gietzen,
fewer than 100 votes changing after the who leads a small GOP group, the Kan-
last county reported results Sunday. sas Republican Assembly, argues that
Nine of the state’s 105 counties re- he’s not campaigning for the anti-abor-
counted their votes at the request of tion measure but is instead promoting
Melissa Leavitt, who has pushed for election integrity.
tighter election laws. A longtime anti- Votes were recounted in Douglas
abortion activist, Mark Gietzen, is cov- County, home to the University of Kan-
ering most of the costs. Gietzen ac- sas’ main campus; Johnson County, in
knowledged in an interview that it was suburban Kansas City; Sedgwick Coun-
unlikely to change the outcome. ty, home to Wichita, Shawnee County,
A no vote in the referendum signaled home to Topeka; and Crawford, Harvey,
a desire to keep existing abortion pro- Jefferson, Lyon and Thomas counties.
tections and a yes vote was for allowing Abortion opponents lost all of those
the Legislature to tighten restrictions or counties except Thomas.
ban abortion. After the recounts, “no” Bipartisan counting teams prepared to recount nearly 150,000 ballots in Wichita, In Jefferson County, the margin re-
votes lost 87 votes and “yes” gained 6 Kansas, on Wednesday. A constitutional amendment that would’ve removed mained the same, with the pro- and an-
votes. abortion rights from the Kansas Constitution failed. ti-amendment totals declining by four
Eight of the counties reported their JAIME GREEN/THE WICHITA EAGLE VIA AP votes each. Linda Buttron, the county
results by the state’s Saturday deadline, clerk, blamed the change on things like
but Sedgwick County delayed releasing ovals not being darkened and “the chal-
its final count until Sunday because Gietzen, of Wichita, and Leavitt, of cost, according to the secretary of lenges of hand counting ballots.”
spokeswoman Nicole Gibbs said some Colby, in far northwestern Kansas, have state’s office. Leavitt has an online In Lyon County, the anti-amendment
of the ballots weren’t separated into the both suggested there might have been fundraising page. group lost a vote. County Clerk and
correct precincts during the initial re- problems without pointing to many ex- Gietzen said Sunday he doesn’t ac- Election Officer Tammy Vopat said she
count and had to be resorted Saturday. amples. cept the results of the Sedgwick County wasn’t sure the reason. But she noted:
She said the number of votes cast over- Recounts increasingly are tools to en- recount because of the discrepancy “You have to factor in human error.”
all didn’t change. courage supporters of a candidate or about the way the ballots were sorted Johnson County, the most populous
A larger than expected turnout of cause to believe an election was stolen and because some of the recount hap- in Kansas, faced the biggest recounting
voters on Aug. 2 rejected a ballot mea- rather than lost. A wave of candidates pened Saturday without outside ob- challenge because it had the most bal-
sure that would have removed protec- who have echoed former President Don- servers present to watch. lots. It pulled in workers from different
tions for abortion rights from the Kan- ald Trump’s lie that the 2020 election “We still don’t know what happened departments to help. The sorting proc-
sas Constitution and given to the Legis- was rigged have called for recounts after in Sedgwick County. I won’t pay for ess took so long that the actual counting
lature the right to further restrict or ban losing their own Republican primaries. Sedgwick County,” he said. didn’t begin until Thursday afternoon.
abortion. It failed by 18 percentage Kansas law requires a recount if He said he’s also concerned about the “This is almost like doing an Ironman
points, or 165,000 votes statewide. those who ask for it prove they can cover results statewide because of a report triathlon and having to add on another
The vote drew broad attention be- the counties’ costs. The counties pay out of Cherokee county in southeast marathon at the end,” said Fred Sher-
cause it was the first state referendum only if the outcome changes. Kansas about the results of one county man, the county’s Election Commis-
on abortion since the U.S. Supreme Leavitt and Gietzen provided credit election being transposed between two sioner. “So it is quite a gargantuan proc-
Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June. cards to pay for the nearly $120,000 candidates when the results were trans- ess.”

Texas man accused of menacing young conservatives

ASSOCIATED PRESS tion. in San Antonio. The complaint did not clarify why the
The event was held from July 22 Velasquez had bought a plane ticket event was allegedly targeted, but Tam-
SAN ANTONIO – A Texas man re- through July 24 in Tampa. to fly from Austin to Tampa on July 22 pa police took the threat seriously and
mained jailed Sunday after authorities Turning Point is a Donald Trump- but canceled the ticket the night before obtained an arrest warrant.
accused him of making threats against a aligned group that organizes young peo- his flight, FBI agents said. Velasquez was arrested in San Anto-
convention of young conservative activ- ple on college campuses into conserva- According to the complaint, agents nio and charged with making threaten-
ists held last month in Florida. tive activism. said they believed Velasquez had ing interstate communications. He was
Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez, FBI agents allege Velasquez posted planned an attack similar to a violent also charged with possession of child
19, of San Antonio, was arrested earlier on Instagram that the first day of the rampage in 2014 in which Elliot Rodger, pornography for images allegedly found
this month after FBI agents alleged he convention would be “the day of retri- 22, killed six students and wounded on his phone.
posted threats on social media to carry bution the day I will have revenge more than a dozen others near the Uni- An attorney for Velasquez didn’t im-
out a mass attack on the Turning Point against all of humanity,” according to a versity of California, Santa Barbara, be- mediately reply to an email seeking
USA Student Action Summit conven- criminal complaint filed in federal court fore killing himself. comment Sunday.

Women sift wheat in a field near Segou, central Mali. It’s been six months since Russia invaded Ukraine, and the consequences are posing a devastating threat to the
global economy. The West responded with heavy sanctions. Both actions disrupted trade in food and energy. JEROME DELAY/AP FILE

Continued from Page 1NN

In Bangkok, rising costs for pork,
vegetables and oil have forced Warunee
Deejai, a street-food vendor, to raise
prices, cut staff and work longer hours.
“I don’t know how long I can keep my
lunch price affordable,’’ she said. “Com-
ing out from COVID lockdowns and hav-
ing to face this is tough. Worse is, I don’t
see the end of it.’’
Even before Russian President Vladi-
mir Putin ordered the invasion of Uk-
raine, the global economy was under
pressure. Inflation had skyrocketed as a
stronger-than-expected recovery from
the pandemic recession overwhelmed
factories, ports and freight yards, caus-
ing delays, shortages and higher prices.
In response, central banks began rais-
ing interest rates to try to cool economic
growth and tame spiking prices.
“We’ve all got all these different
things going on,’’ said Robin Brooks,
chief economist at the International In-
stitute of Finance. “The volatility of in-
flation went up. The volatility of growth
went up. And therefore, it’s become infi-
nitely harder for central banks to steer
the ship.’’ A vendor waits for customers at his stall that sells rice and other grains at a market in Jakarta, Indonesia, Aug. 14. Syahrul
China, pursuing a zero-COVID-19 Yasin Limpo, Indonesia’s agriculture minister, warned this month that the price of instant noodles, a staple in the
policy, imposed lockdowns that have Southeast Asian nation, might triple because of inflated wheat prices. ACHMAD IBRAHIM/AP
severely weakened the world’s second-
biggest economy. At the time, many de-
veloping countries still grappled with bags and hoses. exporter, says he can no longer get flooring material and contractors. Sales
the pandemic and the heavy debts they In Karachi, Pakistan, far from the wheat, white chickpeas and yellow peas are down because fewer homeowners
had taken on to protect their popula- battlefields of Ukraine, Kamran Arif has from Ukraine. are borrowing to pay for home improve-
tions from economic disaster. taken a second, part-time job to supple- “Now that we have to import from ments.
All those challenges might have been ment his wages. other countries, we have to buy at high- “A huge percentage of our customers
manageable. But when Russia invaded “Because we have no control on er prices” – sometimes 10 to 15% more, finance their projects with home-equity
Ukraine on Feb. 24, the West responded prices, we can only try to increase our Shakil said. loans and similar products, meaning
with heavy sanctions. Both actions dis- income,’’ he said. As the war fuels inflation, central that the hike in interest rates really
rupted trade in food and energy. Russia A vast majority of people live in pov- banks are raising interest rates to try to killed our business,’’ CEO Todd Saun-
is the world’s third-biggest petroleum erty in Pakistan, whose currency has slow price increases without derailing ders said. “Inflation wasn’t helping, but
producer and a leading exporter of nat- lost up to 30% of its value against the economic growth. the interest rates had a bigger effect.’’
ural gas, fertilizer and wheat. Farms in dollar and the government has in- The resulting increase in loan rates is Europe, which for years depended on
Ukraine feed millions globally. creased electricity prices 50%. punishing FlooringStores, a New York Russian oil and natural gas for its indus-
The resulting inflation has rippled Muhammad Shakil, an importer and company that helps customers find trial economy, has absorbed a gut
out to the world. punch.
Near Johannesburg, South Africa, It faces the growing threat of reces-
Stephanie Muller has been comparing sion as the Kremlin throttles back flows
prices online and checking different of natural gas used to heat homes, gen-
grocery stores to find the best deals. erate electricity and fire up factories.
“I have three children who are all in Prices are 15 times what they were be-
school, so I have been feeling the differ- fore Russia massed troops on the Ukrai-
ence,’’ she said. nian border in March 2021.
Shopping at a market in Vietnam’s “There’s a lot more recessionary risk
capital of Hanoi, Bui Thu Huong said and pressure in Europe than in the rest
she’s been limiting her spending and of the high-income economies,” said
cutting back on weekend dinners out. At Adam Posen, president of the Peterson
least there’s one advantage to cooking Institute for International Economics
at home with her children: “We can and a former Bank of England policy-
bond with them more in the kitchen, maker.
while saving money at the same time.’’ The damage has hardly spared Rus-
Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Indonesia’s ag- sia, whose economy the IMF expects to
riculture minister, warned this month contract 6% this year. Sergey Aleksash-
that the price of instant noodles, a sta- enko, a Russian economist now living in
ple in the Southeast Asian nation, might the United States, noted that the coun-
triple because of inflated wheat prices. try’s retail sales tumbled 10% in the sec-
In neighboring Malaysia, vegetable ond quarter compared with a year earli-
farmer Jimmy Tan laments that fertiliz- In Bangkok, Thailand, rising costs for pork, vegetables and oil have forced er as consumers cut back.
er prices are up 50%. He’s also paying Warunee Deejai, a street-food vendor, to raise prices, cut staff and work longer “They have no money to spend,” he
more for supplies like plastic sheets, hours. SAKCHAI LALIT/AP said.

Aaliyah Wright, 25, holds newborn daughter Kali and husband Kainan Wright, 24, holds their son Khaza, 1. A landmark social program is being pioneered in the
nation’s capital. Coined “Baby Bonds,” the program is designed to narrow the wealth gap. JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP

Baby Bonds videographer shooting music videos for local

making things work for him.”
There are differences among plans in the size
“It takes such a burden off my shoulders,” he of the final payout. Booker’s proposal would
Continued from Page 1NN said. Gibson said he will raise his son to make have paid about $46,000 to children of the
good use of that money when he matures. “It’s poorest families, while the district expects to
Press that she did not anticipate having much on me to work on him and make sure he follows pay out a maximum of $25,000. Connecticut’s
savings to help her children when they reached his ambitions.” plan would pay an estimated $13,000 – some-
adulthood, especially with about $80,000 in The concept’s journey from academic thing Wooden described as “pretty much the
student loan debt. thought experiment to on-the-ground policy floor” for a serious attempt at a Baby Bonds pro-
She and her husband, Kainan, are on Medi- received a major boost from the national con- gram.
caid despite steady jobs (she’s a case worker at versation on poverty brought on by the pan- Naomi Zewde, an assistant professor in
a nongovernmental organization and he’s a bar- demic. The economic iniquities exposed by CO- health economics at the City University of New
ber) and an estimated annual income of about VID-19 fueled calls for a new approach to the cy- York who conducted a 2019 analysis of the con-
$70,000. cle of generational poverty. And the Baby Bonds cept, set the lowest impactful payment at
Even at that income level, their new daughter concept, already familiar from Booker’s cam- $15,000.
still would qualify for the city’s Baby Bonds pro- paign, gained fresh momentum with multiple “It has to be a sum of money that’s kind of
gram, although at a lower level. proposals receiving serious consideration at a outside what people would normally come
“At that stage of maturity and adulthood, state level. across,” she said.
that money can be a door opener to some pretty But most of them have failed to see daylight. Zewde’s analysis suggested that a nation-
big things,” Kainan Wright said Gov. Phil Murphy, D-N.J., made headlines in wide federal Baby Bonds program would mas-
Despite the name, the bonds are more accu- 2020 for backing a Baby Bonds proposal. But sively reduce the racial wealth gap between
rately trust funds, designed to provide a boost the Legislature stripped it out of his budget, and white and Black Americans in a single genera-
of capital at a critical time in the lives of the Murphy did not propose it again. tion, even as it boosted both races.
country’s poorest children. At age 18, each en- In June 2021, Connecticut’s legislature ap- Currently the median wealth of young white
rolled child would receive a large lump sum pay- proved the country’s first state-level Baby Americans stands at $46,000, compared with
ment that can be used to pay for higher educa- Bonds program. But in May of this year, law- $2,900 for Black Americans.
tion, invest in a business or make a down pay- makers, in coordination with the governor’s of- For a Baby Bonds program to succeed, it has
ment on a home. fice, chose to delay the program’s start by two to be on a national level and have strong popular
“Think about all the things that people with years. support, advocates said.
money do to support themselves or what par- That makes Washington, D.C., the first real Darity, a Duke professor who co-authored
ents do for kids,” said Kenyan McDuffie, a Dis- test case. the original Baby Bonds proposal, points to Brit-
trict of Columbia Council member who pushed Connecticut’s treasurer, Shawn Wooden, ain, which instituted a similar program called
through Washington’s Baby Bonds program last who championed the program, said he was sur- the child trust fund in 2005. But the program
summer. The clock started ticking in October prised and disappointed by the delay in his own was discontinued and all future payments halt-
and as of mid-August the city has so far identi- state but remains convinced that the policy’s ed in 2010 in a government austerity campaign.
fied 833 babies born since then who will receive time has come. “I think the assessment in England was that
up to $25,000 when they turn 18. “There’s quite the level of interest in this, and they had not built grassroots support for the
“Think about all those young folks who are always with these things we need what we call policy when they started it,” he said. “So there
going to be here in a city trapped in poverty, first movers,” Wooden said. For the concept to wasn’t any strong resistance to eliminating the
graduated from high schools turning 18,” spread, “there needs to be success in Connecti- plan.”
McDuffie said. “And then having an account cut. There needs to be success in the District of In the United States, the program already has
with money in it for them.” Columbia.” been strongly endorsed by prominent liberal or-
It’s an expensive and long-simmering in- Wooden has discussed Baby Bonds with ganizations such as the Urban Institute and
vestment that by definition will take a genera- members of President Joe Biden’s domestic pol- Prosperity Now.
tion of sustained political willpower to truly icy team. McDuffie’s office has fielded queries But there are detractors.
bear fruit. The district’s program will cost $32 from multiple state governments. Veronique de Rugy, a senior research fellow
million for the first four years alone. The concept is new enough that it’s still be- at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center,
The idea was originally proposed in 2010 by ing tinkered with in real time, with multiple said the one-way nature of the deposits, with
academics William Darity and Darrick Hamil- models and internal debates among advocates no mechanism for the families themselves to
ton as a way to break the poverty cycle by giving on issues such as how best to determine eligi- add money, “does nothing to encourage the cul-
children of poor families a chance to build long- bility. Washington’s program is so new that the ture of savings.”
term equity – either actual property, a stake in a 833 families who have qualified have not been She added that the program could tie up mil-
business or the earning potential that comes informed yet and will not be until the city hires a lions that could be used to address immediate
from higher education. fund manager. societal conditions that also help feed the cycle
It came to mainstream attention when Sen. Connecticut’s will automatically enroll any of poverty.
Cory Booker, D-N.J., made it a centerpiece of his newborn from a family on the state’s Medicaid “A lot of these kids are still going to be stuck
2020 presidential campaign. program. Booker’s proposal would have side- in bad schools,” she said.
“I think it’s an idea that’s growing,” Booker stepped that issue by granting every child born Michael Strain, an economist at the conser-
told the AP. “And it’s a big idea. It’s on the level in the country a Baby Bonds fund and $1,000 in vative American Enterprise Institute, says Baby
of Social Security. It’s on the level of Medicare. seed money. Then, all subsequent payments Bonds advocates will struggle to persuade law-
One generation would create a dramatic into the fund would have been heavily weighted makers around the country to make such an ex-
change.” toward poorer families. pensive commitment. “I absolutely think it’s a
But for politicians, the price tag can be Washington’s program is open to families on hard sell,” he said. “The 18-year lag is less of a
daunting. Booker’s national plan envisioned Medicaid who make less than 300% of the fed- political obstacle than the price tag.”
annual costs of $60 billion, something he pro- eral poverty line, meaning earnings of up to Wooden rejected the perception of Baby
poses financing by raising taxes on the wealthy. about $83,250 for a family of four. With those Bonds as having no payoff for 18 years, saying
For now, the Washington experiment will be parameters, it is designed to benefit not only the benefits will be immediate and measurable.
closely watched by other state and local govern- the impoverished but also families like the That nest egg, he said, will inspire real-time
ments, with Baby Bonds proposals recently Wrights who might be considered lower-middle changes in planning, academic achievement
emerging in Wisconsin and Washington state class. and overall ambition in both children and fam-
and Massachusetts studying the issue. Califor- At their income level, their daughter will re- ilies.
nia just created a more targeted version, with ceive closer to $15,000 instead of the $25,000 “There is a high value that should be placed
Baby Bonds funds specifically for children who limit. on hope,” he said. “We know what hopelessness
lost parents to COVID-19. There is one inevitable quirk in the system: looks like in our communities.
Manning and her boyfriend, Darren Gibson, Any Baby Bonds program has to set a start date Manning, the young expectant mother in
say the expectation that their child will be part that excludes anyone born before it. In the case Washington, said the knowledge that the mon-
of the district’s first Baby Bonds generation is a of the Wright family, Kali, would receive bene- ey was waiting for her son would change how
much needed injection of hope. Gibson, 26, left fits but her older bother, Khaza, would not. Aali- her family talks about his future.
high school three credits short of graduation. yah Wright was fine with that. “It would be much more focused,” she said.
Now he’s the sole earner for his growing house- “OK, so I know my future is set for one child,” “ ‘Do you know what you want to do? What are
hold, making less than $10,000 per year as a said Wright. “So now I need to really focus on your plans?’ ”

Zoran Milojkovic rides a motorcycle on the “Wall of Death” in Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday. Motorcycle enthusiasts were in for a trip down memory lane when the
near-forgotten stunt show came to town. PHOTOS BY DARKO VOJINOVIC/AP

‘Wall of Death’ show delivers

thrills, memories in Serbia
One-time carnival fixture
appears to defy gravity
Darko Vojinovic

BELGRADE, Serbia – Stunt-driving

enthusiasts waxed nostalgic when the
“Wall of Death” came to Serbia’s capital.
A cylinder-shaped wooden structure
was put up by the Danube River in Bel-
grade so motorcyclists could drive up
and around its walls, an act that appears
to defy gravity but once was a fixture of
carnivals in many parts of the world.
The round arena serves as a track,
and centrifugal force holds up the riders
who navigate it vertically. Spectators
watch from above as the deafening roar
of engines mixes with the smell of gaso-
line and screeching tires.
A performance in Belgrade thrilled
younger viewers. Most never had seen a
“Wall of Death” show, which emerged
almost a century ago and became a rar-
ity after giving way to other forms of en-
The stunt drivers came from neigh-
boring Bosnia. Zoran Milojkovic and
Drazen Grbic, who are from the north-
western Bosnian town of Banja Luka,
are determined to keep up the family
business started by their father-in-law Zoran Milojkovic prepares to perform in the “Wall of Death” on Thursday.
when both Serbia and Bosnia were part
of the now-former Yugoslavia.
Riding the wall of death, sometimes their motorcycle tires were in good
known as a well of death, isn’t easy. The shape. As they looked up, audience
driver must carefully speed up while as- members greeted and encouraged
cending the barrel-shaped structure them.
and must maintain the right speed and Once the show finishes its run in Bel-
position to avoid sliding down. grade, the stunt structure will be dis-
Before a performance in Belgrade mantled and ready to move on to anoth-
this week, Grbic and Milojkovic made er event in the region, bringing with it a
sure their helmets were on properly and whiff of forgotten times.

Adam Mujagic prepares lights for Thursday’s show.

Performers prepare motorcycles A performer refuels a motorcycle

Drazen Grbic drives a miniature car on the “Wall of Death” during the motorcycle Thursday. Once the show finishes, the Thursday. Drivers must maintain speed
rally Thursday. Stunt drivers come from neighboring Bosnia. stunt structure will be dismantled. to keep from sliding down the wall.

Palestinian activist defies Israeli order

Sam Mcneil

JERUSALEM – A Palestinian rights

campaigner said that Israel tried to
summon him for questioning on Sun-
day, as it pressed ahead with a crack-
down on Palestinian rights groups
based in the West Bank.
European and U.S. diplomats have
pushed back against the claim by Israeli
officials that the targeted groups are
linked with terrorism.
The apparent Israeli order for Sha-
wan Jabarin to report to a military pris-
on followed a widely criticized raid last
week on six Palestinian civil society or-
ganizations in the occupied West Bank.
Nine European countries, using unchar-
acteristically blunt language, called the
raid “not acceptable,” while the U.S. ex-
pressed concern.
Jabarin, who is director of one of the
targeted groups, Al-Haq, said on Sun-
day that he received a five-minute
“threatening call” from Israel’s Shin Bet
security service ordering him to go to
the Ofer military prison in the occupied
West Bank. He said an officer threat-
ened arrest, interrogation and “other
things” if he did not comply.
“I will not change my mind, but if he
wants to arrest me then he can surely do
it as an occupying power,” Jabarin said.
He said he invited the officer to the Al- Shawan Jabarin, director of the al-Haq human rights organization, talks to reporters at his office that was raided by
Haq office and that he demanded the Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Ramallah. NASSER NASSER/AP FILE
summons to be sent officially through
lawyers, not over the phone.
The Shin Bet did not respond to a re- last Thursday entered the West Bank U.S. State Department spokesman in solidarity with the targeted Palestin-
quest for comment. city of Ramallah in an armored convoy Ned Price last week said Washington ian groups.
Israel last year outlawed six rights and blew up the front doors of the Pales- was “concerned” about the raids and “Defense of human rights is not ter-
groups, including Al-Haq, claiming they tinian groups’ offices. Soldiers seized closures but Israel had pledged to pro- rorism,” the statement said. “We repudi-
have ties to the Popular Front for the documents, computers, and broke fur- vide additional information. Western ate these baseless declarations and call
Liberation of Palestine. The PFLP is a niture and appliances before sealing the diplomats visited one of the offices on the international community to pres-
secular, left-wing movement with a po- entrances. hours later in a show of support for the sure Israel to revoke its decision.”
litical party as well as an armed wing The nine European countries – Bel- outlawed groups. Major Israeli human rights groups,
that has carried out deadly attacks gium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ire- The groups raided include Al-Haq, an including B’Tselem and the Association
against Israelis. Israel and the U.S. have land, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and internationally respected Palestinian for Civil Rights in Israel, as well as the
labeled the PFLP a terrorist organiza- Sweden – stepped up their criticism of rights group; Addameer, which advo- liberal pro-Israel group J Street, were
tion. Israel over the weekend, saying the lat- cates for Palestinian prisoners in Israel; among the signatories.
The rights groups deny the Israeli al- est raids are “part of a worrying reduc- Defense for Children International-Pal- Rights defenders have described the
legations. Jabarin called the claims of tion of space for civil society” for Pales- estine; the Union of Palestinian Wom- raid as part of a decades-long crack-
PFLP ties “utter nonsense and complete tinians. en’s Committees; the Union of Agricul- down in the occupied territories on po-
lies.” Nine European countries have also “These actions are not acceptable,” tural Work Committees, and the Bisan litical activism.
rejected the Israeli charges, citing a lack they said in a joint statement, adding Center for Research and Development. “We know that there is a price to de-
of evidence. they have seen no evidence of extremist On Sunday, some 45 Israeli and Jew- fend rights and citizens, and we are
Despite the criticism, Israeli soldiers links. ish advocacy groups issued a statement moving forward,” Jabarin said.

Serbia warns it will protect

Kosovo Serbs if NATO doesn’t
Dusan Stojanovic

BELGRADE, Serbia – Serbia’s presi-

dent called on NATO on Sunday to “do
their job” in Kosovo or he says Serbia it-
self will move to protect its minority in
the breakaway province.
The fiery televised address to his na-
tion by President Aleksandar Vucic fol-
lowed the collapse of political talks be-
tween Serbian and Kosovo leaders ear-
lier this week mediated by the Euro-
pean Union in Brussels.
Serbia, along with its allies Russia
and China, has refused to recognize Ko- Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic
sovo’s 2008 declaration of independ- called on NATO on Sunday to “do their
Pope Francis told thousands of people gathered in St. Peter’s Square that he ence. A NATO-led intervention in 1999 job” in Kosovo or Serbia “will save (its
was closely following events in Nicaragua. DOMENICO STINELLIS/AP ended the war between Serbian forces minority in the breakaway province)
and separatists in Kosovo and stopped from persecution and pogroms.”
Belgrade’s bloody crackdown against DARKO VOJINOVIC/AP

Pope worried over bishop’s Kosovo’s majority Albanians.

The EU has overseen years of unsuc-

detention in Nicaragua
cessful talks to normalize their ties, plates would no longer be valid in Koso-
saying that’s one of the main precondi- vo’s territory. Serbia has been imple-
tions for Kosovo and Serbia’s eventual menting the same measures for Kosovo
Frances D'Emilio hate against the population.” membership in the 27-nation bloc. citizens crossing into Serbia for the
ASSOCIATED PRESS The National Police confirmed the “We have nowhere to go, we are cor- past 10 years.
detentions, saying the operation was nered,” Vucic said. “We will save our Minority Serbs in Kosovo reacted
VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis carried out to allow “the citizenry and people from persecution and pogroms, with anger to the proposed changes,
voiced worry Sunday about the situa- families of Matagalpa to recover if NATO does not want to do it.” putting up roadblocks, sounding air
tion in Nicaragua, where police de- normalcy.” It didn’t cite specific He also claimed that Kosovo Albani- raid sirens and firing guns into the air
tained several Roman Catholic clergy, charges. an “gangs” need to be stopped from and in the direction of Kosovo police of-
including a bishop, critical of President “For several days, a positive commu- crossing into northern Kosovo, where ficers. No one was injured.
Daniel Ortega’s administration. nication from the Matagalpa diocese most of the Kosovo Serbs live. He of- Under apparent pressure from the
Calling for “open and sincere dia- was awaited with a lot of patience, pru- fered no proof for the claim. West, Kurti postponed implementation
logue,” the pontiff made his first public dence and sense of responsibility, that There are widespread fears in the of the measure for a month to Sept. 1,
comment on the Friday raid of Mata- never materialized,” the statement West that Russia could encourage its when more trouble is expected if a
galpa Bishop Rolando Alvarez’s resi- said. “With the continuation of the de- ally Serbia into an armed intervention compromise is not reached by then.
dence. The detention of him and an un- stabilizing and provocative activities, in northern Kosovo that would further Vucic said Serbia will “work hard” to
known number of priests came amid the aforementioned public order opera- destabilize the Balkans and shift at reach a “compromise solution in the
worsening tensions between the tion became necessary.” least some world and NATO attention next 10 days” and accused the Kosovo
church and a government increasingly Álvarez was held under guard at a from Russia’s war in Ukraine. leadership of “only being interested in
intolerant of dissent. house in Managua and allowed to meet Nearly 4,000 NATO-led peacekeep- abolishing any trace of the Serbian
Francis told thousands of people with relatives and Cardinal Leopoldo ers have been stationed in Kosovo fol- state in Kosovo.”
gathered in St. Peter’s Square for his Brenes, the police statement said. The lowing the 1998-99 war and any armed Vucic also claimed, again without
customary Sunday noon remarks that police didn’t name the priests who were intervention there by Serbia or Russia proof, that Kosovo’s government want-
he was closely following with “worry taken into custody. would mean a major escalation of a ed “the final removal of the Serbian
and sorrow” events in Nicaragua that Álvarez has been a key religious simmering conflict in Europe. people from Kosovo” – something that
involve “persons and institutions.” He voice in discussions of Nicaragua’s fu- Following the collapse of the EU- has been repeatedly denied by Kosovo
didn’t mention the detentions. ture since 2018, when a wave of pro- mediated talks, NATO peacekeeping officials.
“I would like to express my convic- tests against Ortega’s government led troops in Kosovo have been deployed at Kosovo Interior Minister Xhelal Sve-
tion and my hope that through means to a sweeping crackdown on oppo- main roads in its north, saying they are cla on Sunday visited Kosovo police
of open and sincere dialogue, one can nents. ready to protect the freedom of move- units stationed near the northern bor-
still find the bases for respectful and Ortega’s government arrested doz- ment for all sides. der with Serbia, saying that he hopes
peaceful co-existence,” the pope said. ens of opposition leaders last year, in- Tensions between Serbia and Koso- there will be no trouble when the new
Before Friday’s pre-dawn raid, Nic- cluding seven potential presidential vo soared anew last month when the measures begin on Sept.1.
araguan authorities had accused the candidates. They were sentenced to Kosovo government led by Prime Min- “Our common interest here is that
bishop of “organizing violent groups” prison this year in quick trials closed to ister Albin Kurti declared that Serbian this land is ours and we will not give it
and inciting them “to carry out acts of the public. identity documents and vehicle license up at any price,” he said.

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