Dao 2009-16 - 143
Dao 2009-16 - 143
Dao 2009-16 - 143
In the interest of the service and in view of the clamor of public clientele
for more equitable distribution and access to forestlands for tourism purposes,
DENR Administrative Order No. 2004-28 dated August 25, 2004 is hereby
amended as follows:
Section 7. Mode of Award of FLagT Areas. Areas suitable for FLagT shall
be awarded principally thru competitive bidding. Exempted from bidding,
provided they pay other incidental fees, (i.e., administrative fee, cash performance
bond and government share), are the following:
7.1 Those holding existing Forest Land Use Permits / Lessees who opt
to have their permits / lessees converted to FLagT;
7.3 Those with pending applications for a DENR permit / lease for
tourism-related special uses prior to the effectivity of this order; and /
Provided further, that the whole area under the existing SLUP shall
be converted into FLagT. Provided finally, that all existing SLUPs
for bathing establishment, hotel site (including resort facilities) and
other special uses for eco-tourism purposes shall no longer be
renewed. Instead, they shall be converted into 25-year agreement
(FLagT) during the last year of their existence or six (6) months
before they expire, subject to existing rules and regulations on the
matter. Henceforth, Special Land Use Permits (SLUPs) for tourism
purposes shall no longer be issued.
Let's Go Green
Section 14.2, Chapter V of said DAO is likewise, amended as
Section 14.2 The holder shall submit within six (6) months
from the issuance of thc FLAgT a Comprehensive
Development and Management Plan (CDMP) for the FLAgT
Area. The CDMP shall provide, among others, for appropriate
schemes, arrangements, or activities that will maximize the
use of the FLAgT Area, which are compatible with the
Tourism Project and shall benefit the host community. The
CDMP shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Regional
Executive Director concerned, after review and deliberation
by a Review Committee composed mainly of technical staff of
the Forest Management sector. The approved CDMP shall
form part of the FLAgT.
. Publication: The Philippine Star
November 28, 2009
Registration: ONAR, U.P. L a w Center
December 1, 2009