nuary 18, 1993
NO. 03
Vor a more effective and orderly implementation of the Resolution of the Supreme Court,
dated May 15, 1980, in G. R. No. L-21062, entitled “Cabonitalia, et. al, V8. Santiago, et.
al. the dispositive portion of which is herennder quoted
“ACTING on the report submitted by June Rosalio C. Segundo of the cout of First
Instance of Pangasinan, Hranch V. dated August 20, 1979, (agended on April 30, 1980)
recomnnending one of the two alternatives, namely ; thal the matter be entirely placed on the
‘ap of the Bureun of Lands to avoid a protected proceedings in Court of the land in
controversy be “placed xx under Ind reform” pursuant to PD, No, 27; and
CONSIDERING that there are 362 peiitioners herein; that a Special Commitee of the
Bureau of Lands, constituted on April 18, 1973 to determine the actual occupants of the
fand, has submitted a comprehensive report dated December 8, 1973, with
recommendations for the equitable adjudication and distribution of the land in question to
ceitimate occupants and claimants”
“Ihe Cowt RESOLVED. with the end in view of a speedier determination of these
and disputes, to consider the case definitely terminated, ‘The Director of Lands, with the
‘Spproval of the Minister of Agriculture (now Secretary of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources) shall determine the adjudication and distribution of the land in
‘question to legitimate occupants and claimants.” (Underscoring, and Bracketing, supplied)
and fo expedite the termination of the controversy over the 491 hectares of lund Imowmn as
the “Pindanean Estate” im Alcala Pangasinan, which 1s covered hy ‘TCE No, 151 issued im
the name of Cristina Gozales as foreclosed in
November 22, 1922, the following supplementary guidolines in the disposition of the
suixiivision lots comprising the estate are hereby issued for the information and guidance
of all concerned :
1. The equitable distribntion to legitimate occupants and claimanis shail be the
primary consideration in the disposition of the Pindangan Listalo ;
2. The Community Environment and Natwal Resourees Office (CENRO)
concerned shall make an inventory of the status of the subdivision lots, and
shall submit to the Director of the Lands Management Bureau (LMB) the
corresponding listr indicating therein the following :2.1 Land use - lot classification as to whether it is agricultural, residential,
‘commerciai/industrial, etc. :
2.2. Ifthe application has already been file
2.3 Name of the applicant ;
2.3.1 Claimants/Occupants incinded in the list of 178 named occupants
submitted by former DLO Pedro A. Asensi shall be properly
2.3.2. Lets occupied by two or more persons both claiming preferential
rights may be divided «anong thems or may be properly annotated
for investigation as case of claim and contlict
The subdivision lots, if agricultural, shall be disposed of in the manner and
subject to the limitations prescribed in Chapter V and V1 of the Public Land
Act (Commonwealth Act No. 141, 98 amended) and if non-nerienihwral, in
conformity with the provisions of Chapter IX of the same Act entitled
“Classification and Concession of Public Lands Suitable for Residence,
Commerce and Incustry” as prescribed in Section 2 of Act 3038,
2.1 Non-disposable areas, such as streets, schoolsite, public plaza, ete.,
reflected in the subdivision pian of the estate shall be disposed of
Processing of application. - Applications for uncontested lots already filed
with the CENRO concerned shall be immediately given due course in
accordance with existing rules and regulations governing the sale of public
lands. Ih the exercise of this fimction, the CENRO shall give prefirence to
bona fide residents of Barangay Pindangan, Aleala, Pangasinan, particularly
those 178 occupants previously named in the fist of former DLO Pedro Y.
Asensi, and who aust establish the following qualification
4.1, He musi a Filipino citizen, ot legal uge and/or hed of the Family:
4.2 Tle must have filed his sales application for the subdivision lot (s) in the
‘Burean of Lands as of 1950;
4.3. Tle must have been issued a provisional permit to occupy the same ;
4.4 Tle mst be a professional squatter, A professional squatter, for the
purpose of this guidelines, is one who engages in selling lots in the area
of speculationConsidering, the intent of the Supreme Court Resolution, approval of the
spraised value of the land, the authority to conduct bidding, and the issuance
of the final deed of conveyance shail be done by the Lands Managemeni Bures.
3.1. The Director of the Lands Management Burem (LIMB) shaii have anthority
to cancel or reject any of all applications, which do not conform to the
foregoing requirements. When the and applied for has been abandoned for a
period of one (2) year or more, it shall be declared vacant. For with, the land
shall be dectared available for disposition by sale thru oral bidding following
existing rules and regulations,
5.11 The order of rejection or cancellation may be appealed by the
person adversely affected, to the Secrotwy of environment and
Natural Resources within filleen (15) days irom receipt thereof.
AIL oases involving conflict of applications or protest against public Jand
‘applications shuli be investigated by the CENRO in accordance with PD
1508, L.O.L No. 1314 and LOC No. 68, and the corresponding report to be
submitted to the corresponding report to be submitted to the Director of LMB
resojution foliowing exisiing ries and repulations
6.1 Since possession cannot be recognized at the samne time in two different
personalities except in the case of co-ownership, 2 question is bound to
se regarding the fact of possession. Accordingly, this issue should be
revolved bused on the following eriteria.
6.1.1. ‘The present and undisputed possessor shall be preferred ;
6.1.2. Ihave are two or more possessors the provision of Par. 2.3.2.
shall apply,
6.1.3. An application shall only be entitled to own one residential lot not
to exceed one thousand (1,000) square meters and one Farmlot not
to exceed five (5) hectares,
6.14, pone in excess of the limits provided herein shall be segregated
bby land survoy and disposed of by safe thru oral bidding undor the
sales application to be filed by claimants included in the list of
178 occupants ordered to be restored pursuant to the 1962
Supreme Court Decision, in G. K. No. 14591, if there are any, or
by any qualified applicant,6.2. It shail be the responsibility of the CENRO lo enioree and adopt adequaic
mcasure to prevent the entry of squatters in the arca, In the performance of
ite duty, the CENRO may avail of tho assistance of law enforcement
‘Any applicant fora lot within the Estate who may be able to fink his possession
to anyone of the 178 occupants named in the list of former DLO Pedro Y.
Asensi, either as heir or transferee in good faith, may continue the sales
application tfus filed subject to the area limitation prescribed in these
herewith are hereby revoked or
All Order and other issuances inconsist
modified accordingly.
‘This Order shal! tuke effect immediately.