Trainees Record Book
Trainees Record Book
Trainees Record Book
SUPERVISOR’S NAME : Alisson C. Carter
School Mission:
This Trainee’s Record Book (TRB) is intended to serve as record of
all accomplishments/tasks/activities while undergoing SIT (Supervised
Industry Training in your respective school industry partner as a
continuation of your in-house training for Agricultural Crops Production
NC II. This will eventually become an evidence that can be submitted for
portfolio assessment and for whatever purpose it will serve you. It is School Vision:
therefore important that all the required inputs are viably entered by both
by you (the trainee) and your supervisor.
This Trainee’s Record Book contains all the required competencies
in Agricultural Crops Production NC II. All activities taken up during the
in-house training that need to be practiced and mastered in your institution
are specified in this TRB. Please expect your supervisor to observe you
every now and then using the Performance Criteria Checklist for each School Faculty and Staff:
activity as a guide.
Your supervisor will likewise indicate his/her remarks on the
“Supervisor’s Remarks” column related to the outcome of the task you
have accomplished. Be sure to personally accomplish the tasks and have
them confirmed by your supervisor.
It is of great importance that the contents are written legibly on ink.
Avoid any corrections or erasures and please maintain the cleanliness of
this record book.
This TRB will be collected and submitted by your supervisor. This
shall form part of the trainee’s permanent document on file
Qualification Title : Agricultural Crops Production NC II
Unit of Competency : Perform nursery operation
Learning Task/Activity sor’s
Accompl Nursery sanitation is
Outcome Required Remar
ished maintained according to
GAP standard.
Tools, farm implements
and simple equipment Repair and maintenance
are prepared according of nursery facilities are
work requirements. performed to maximize
Basic pre-operative 2. Maintain their efficiency and
checking of tools, farm April 7, Compet
1. Prepare nursery effectiveness.
implements and 2022 ent
nursery facilities
equipment is performed Preventive measures are
tools, farm April 5, Compet
in accordance with applied for inclement
implements 2022 ent
manufacturer’s manual weather.
and simple
and GAP standard.
Tools with wear and Safety measures are
corrosions are practice according to
segregated and treated OSHS.
according to
maintenance plan and
Planting materials are
determined according to
kinds and varieties.
Crop maturity is
identified according to
parameters affecting
physiological growth
and physical
Records of crop
agronomic history is
1. Perform verified and referenced
pre – for maturity. May 5,
harvest Obstructions from the 2022
operations field are removed for
efficient harvesting
Harvesting tools and
materials, and
temporary shed are
Records regarding
crops to be harvested
are checked
Appropriate harvesting
methods are
implemented based on
best cultural practices
for each crop using
suitable tools
Crops are handled
according to the
2. Perform postharvest treatment.
May 7,
harvesting Crops are harvested Competent
activity based on maturity
indices and
affecting harvest
Harvesting is
performed while
observing GAP
Postharvest operations
are employed based on
standard are followed.
Use of postharvest
equipment is
monitored avoiding
damage to crop in line
3. Perform
e procedures. May 9,
postharvest Competent
Handling and 2022
packaging are done
according to variety
and destination.
Crops are stored and
stacked in cool dry
place prior to
distribution in line
with enterprise
Pest are identified
based on references for
storage pest and
4. Monitor
diseases May 11,
storage pest Competent
Identified storage pest 2022
and diseases
and diseases are
logged and reported to
immediate authority.
Supervisor’s Signature
Over printed name