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SAP Documentation SPRO ISU

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System R/3


31 Składnik branżowy: Przedsiębiorstwa użyteczności publicznej

This section contains all the information you need to use the industry-specific component for the utilities

31.1 Ustawienia podstawowe/Struktura przedsiębiorstwa

Your company structure is already created in the system (see the section "Company Structure").
The divisions are also already defined.
In this section you choose the divisions you wish to use for billing in IS-U. These divisions are allocated
to company codes.

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31.1.1 Jednostki gospodarcze - Przypisanie medium

In this section you allocate the divisions you wish to use for billing in IS-U to the company codes you
have defined.
For each combination of division and company code you define whether invoicing and bill writing is to
occur jointly with other contracts. This specification is copied to new contracts as the default value.


CoCd Dv Description IJ
0001 01 Electricity 1
0001 02 Gas 1
0001 03 Water 2
0001 05 Dist.heating 3
0002 01 Electricity 3
0002 02 Gas 3
The values entered under IJ (invoice jointly) have the following meanings:
1 -> Contract must be invoiced together with other contracts
2 -> Contract can be invoiced with other contracts
3 -> Contract must not be invoiced with other contracts
In company code 0001, contracts for electricity and gas must be invoiced together. The customer receives
a joint bill. If a water contract has also been billed it can be invoiced with the electricity and gas
In company code 0002 the contracts for electricity and gas are always invoiced separately. The customer
receives two bills.


Define the combinations of company code and division used by your company.

System R/3

31.1.2 Media - Przypisanie typów mediów

In this section you allocate the divisions to the IS-U division categories. You can differentiate the
divisions used by your company in addition to the division categories defined in IS-U.


Division in UC IS-U division category

01 Electricity 01 Electricity
02 Gas 02 Gas
05 Dist.heating 05 Dist.heating
15 Local heating 05 Dist.heating


Define the combinations of divisioin and IS-U division category used by your company.

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31.1.3 Przypisanie pomocniczej jednostki gospodarczej do jednostki



Use this activity to allocate auxiliary company codes to company codes.

The text contains a graphic. To obtain the best display results, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Help -> Settings.
2. Select in modal dialog box (R/3) on the F1 Help tab page.


Use a system (client), in which you are mapping several firms. Different company codes are responsible
here for the individual firms.
You must only maintain this activity if you are working with a data model, which plans a general contract
account for grid usage and energy supply.
This activity must be maintained in order for the system to recognize, during move-in and aggregated
posting, that it is dealing with an auxiliary company code for the specified company code, and that the
combination of company codes is permissable.

Standard settings

No allocations are maintained.


In the table, enter the allocation of auxiliary company codes to company codes.


You are mapping a distributor (distr.) and a supplier (suppl.) in the system. The distributor has the
company code (responsible company code) DISTR and the supplier has the company code SUPPL.
The distributor creates an aggregated bill for grid usage for the supplier.

Data model:

Supplier Distributor

Contr.Acc.for End Cust. Supplier Account

| | /

System R/3

------ ------ / aggregated posting of

| | / grid usage
Supp.contract net contract ------------/

The relationsip between the company code and the responsible company code is set as follows:

Company code | Responsible company code


Entry in allocation table:

HCoCd | CoCd

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31.1.4 Definiowanie parametrów systemu dla IS-U

In this IMG activity, you define the basic system parameters in IS-U/CCS.


If you select the SI for Business Partner add (search index for business partner address) field, and you
want to use the search index, then you must first structure the index using the
REU_SEARCH_IND_UPDATEreport (update search index for business partner by service address). The
system always keeps the index up-to-date, so you do not have to perform any additional activities.
If you select the SIndex Alt.Contr.Acc (search index for alternative contract account) field, you inform
the system that the line item contains a search index for an alternative contract account for the collective
bill. In the productive system, the system regularly updates the index.

Further notes
For more information on the SIndex Alt.Contr.Acc field, see the ISU_XPRA_UPDATE_ABWKT
conversion programin the Alternative Collective Bill Contract Account in Line Item (New) release note.

System R/3

31.1.5 Aktywacja integracji odbiorców/dostawców (CVI)


You can operate SAP IS-U with Customer/Vendor Integration. However, this is only possible if no
connection to a CRM system exists.
By activating Customer/Vendor Integration, business partners can have roles from Treasury, for example,
as well as from SAP IS-U (contract partner).
Before you activate this function, you have to make the general settings for Customer/Vendor Integration
under Cross-Application Components #> Master Data Synchronization. Certain settings are
absolutely necessary if using SAP IS-U (see the Requirements section).


1. Under Cross-Application Components #> Master Data Synchronization #> Customer/Vendor

Integration #> Business Partner Settings #> Settings for Customer/Vendor Integration #> Set
BP Role Category for Direction BP to Vendor, enter the role Contract Partner in the CVI.
2. In the CVI you can only activate the direction Business Partner #> Vendor. Do not make any settings
under Cross-Application Components #> Master Data Synchronization #> Customer/Vendor
Integration -> Business Partner Settings #> Settings for Customer/Vendor Integration -> Define
BP Role for Direction Customer/Vendor to BP.
3. Under Cross-Application Components #> Synchronization -> Customer/Vendor Integration ->
Business Partner Settings -> Settings for Customer/Vendor Integration -> Field Assignment for
Customer/Vendor Integration -> Assign Keys #> Define Number Assignment for Direction BP to
Customer/Vendor, you have to activate the Same Numbers checkbox for all roles.

Standard settings

This function is inactive on delivery.


Once you have made all the necessary settings and selected the checkbox, execute report
REU_CVI_CUST_LINK. This report creates a link table containing the required entries.

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31.1.6 Ustalanie układu domyślnego dla rejestru

Some IS-U applications (such as move-in, move-out, contract) use configurable tabs. This enables you to
modify the screen structure to meet your specific needs.
In this activity, you define the default layout for the configurable tabs of the individual applications.
You only have to change the entries in this table if you have defined your own layouts for configurable

System R/3

31.1.7 Definiowanie ustawień dot. deregulacji


In this section you make the basic settings to prepare the SAP system for deregulation.
There are two basic types of settings:
- Settings for dialog control:
The indicator for the dialog control influences the layout and the visibility (activation) of certain
dialog functions.
- Service provider agreement indicator (ServProv. Agreement)
This indicator activates the service provider agreement function (as a separate tab page) in the
following transactions:
- Create service provider
- Change service provider
- Display service provider
- Create point of delivery -> Point of Delivery Group tab page
- Change point of delivery -> Point of Delivery Group tab page
- Display point of delivery -> Point of Delivery Group tab page

If you set this indicator, the CA of Aggr. Bill.Post. (Contract Account of Aggregated Bill
Posting field is hidden on the header data tab page in the service provider transaction. The
General Ledger Accounts and Contract Accounts for Aggregated Billing Payment and
Payment and Billing Data tab pages are also hidden. You can use the service provider
agreement to store the hidden functions as control information for a certain process.

Setting this indicator allows you to allocate point of delivery groups to a point of delivery in
the point of delivery transactions.

- Supply scenario indicator

This indicator activates the supply scenario tab page in the point of delivery transactions.
If you set this indicator, the supplies that can be identified at the point of delivery are displayed
historically on the supply scenario tab page, in the point of delivery transactions.

- Process control settings (dependent on division category):

The indicators for the process control influence the process flow for certain business processes. This
setting is dependent on the division category.
- Payment handling indicator (Paymt Handling)
This indicator activates the payment process control in a deregulated environment, using the
service provider agreement.
This has the following effects:
- The DFKKTHI table is only maintained if specified in the corresponding service provider
- The SP in Own System indicator, which means that the service provider is located in a
specific logical system, is no longer the controlling indicator.
- The service provider agreement is used to control when and in what form (single bill or

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aggregated bill; as IDoc or in printed form) a bill is sent to another market participant.
- The service provider agreement controls outgoing payments and incoming payments.
- It is possible to store parameters for bill/payment advice note processing in the service
provider agreement.
- Service determination indicator
This indicator activates the supply scenario function.
This has the following effects:
- The automatic service determination (which is dependent on the operational area or the
enrollment type) is deactivated.
- Services are not created automatically with the move-in or ended automatically with the
- The creation or ending of services is dependent on a supply scenario that is selected for the
point of delivery.
Using the supply scenario forms the basis for using the change of supplier infrastructure, which
is provided with SAP IS-U/IDE Release 4.64.

We recommend that you set this indicator, and use the supply scenario function to structure the
data model for a point of delivery in a deregulated environment.

You should only remove this indicator if you have already installed the automatic service
determination (dependent on operational area or enrollment type) and want to continue using
this function after an upgrade.

The following dependencies exist between the indicator for process control and the indicator for dialog
- You can only set the service determination indicator if the supply scenario indicator is already
- You can only set the Paymt Handling (payment handling) indicator if the Serv.Prov.Agrmnt
(service provider agreement) indicator is already set.

Note that you should not change these settings subsequently.
Read up on the settings, and define the desired configuration once for your company.

Standard settings

The specific input checks are realized with the REDEREG_SWITCH report. You can use the
ISU_DB_DEREGSWITCH_SELECT function module to read the current settings.

System R/3

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31.1.8 Deregulacja: Definiowanie rozszerzonej kontroli uprawnień


In this activity ...

System R/3

31.2 Funkcje podstawowe

In this section you make the settings for the following areas:
- Portioning and scheduling
- Regional structure

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31.2.1 Struktura regionalna

In this section you define system settings for modeling the regional structure.

System R/3
__ Pocztowa struktura regionalna

In this section you define the system settings you require for creating the postal regional structure. You
maintain your postal regional structure by creating all postal codes, cities, and streets in your supply area.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup struktury regionalnej

In this activity you devide the postal regional structure into individual areas. These are known as regional
structure groupings.
A regional structure grouping consists of elements of the regional structure (cities, streets, street
sections). It enables the system to determine the regional structure group of a street and can be used for
agent determination.

System R/3
__ Obszary struktury regionalnej

In this IMG activity you define the regional structure areas and allocate one or more regional structure
groups to them.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie obszarów struktur regionalnych specyf. dla ról

In this IMG activity, you define the regional structure area by role. The regional structure areas are
relevant to the following elements of IS-U:
- Plant determination in the context of order and notification creation.
This uses the standard SAP role 20500033 (ISU_WORKMAN).
- Permit determination in the context of supply permit processing.
This uses the standard SAP role 20500068 (ISU_PERMIT).
The roles themselves belong to the Organization Management component (BC-BMT-OM).


Role RSA Text

20500068 0001 North and east
20500068 0002 South and west
20500033 0001 North and east
20500033 0002 South and west

Further notes

The role is required in order to uniquely identify the regional structure area. For you to assign names to
the regional structure areas, they must have been given a role.

System R/3
__ Przypisanie grup struktur regionalnych do obszarów strukt. region.

In this IMG activity, you allocate the regional structure groups to the regional structure areas by role.
This means you merge certain areas (the regional structure groups) on the basis of business criteria to
form larger entities, the regional structure areas. This has a number of advantages, For example, in plant
determination you no longer have to allocate a maintenance planning plant to every regional structure
group. Instead, you only have to allocate it once, to the regional structure area.


Role RSG. Text RSA. Text

20500068 0001 Flooding area downtown 0001 North and east
20500068 0002 Flooding area industrial estate north 0001 North & east
20500068 0003 Flooding area industrial estate east 0001 North & east

In the case of supply permit processing, the system uses regional structure group 001 (area liable to
flooding, downtown) and role 20500068 to determine the correst regional structure area, 0001 (north and
east). The regional structure area contains information on the permits required for reconnections.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie obszarów ciśnienia wody

In this section you define the areas with differing water pressure. This water pressure area can be
allocated to elements of the postal regional structure (city, street, or street section). The water pressure
area is for information only and can be included on the customer’s bill, for example.


Define your areas with differing water pressure.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie obszarów twardości wody

In this section you define areas with differing water hardness. You can allocate water hardness areas to
elements of the postal regional structure (city, street, street section). The water hardness area is for
information only and can be included on the customer’s bill.


- Water hardness 1-2

- Water hardness 3-4
- Water hardness 5-6


Define your areas with differing water hardness.

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______________________________________________________________ Kody pocztowe

In this section you define system settings in order to define postal codes.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla kodów pocztowych

In this section you define notes for postal codes. You can only define a note block for postal codes (object
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

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Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for postal codes with the text object ADRPSTCODE.

System R/3
__ Miejscowości

In this section you define settings for modeling cities in your system.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla miejscowości

In this section you define notes for cities (object ADRCITY).

You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for cities with the text object ADRCITY.

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______________________________________________________________ Ulice

In this section your define settings for modeling streets in your system.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla ulic

In this section you define notes for streets (objekt ADRSTREET).

You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

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Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for streets with the text object ADRSTREET.

System R/3
__ Polityczna struktura regionalna

In this section you define the system settings you require for creating the political regional structure.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla polit. strukt. regionalnej

In this section you maintain the number range object political regional structure.
The entities used in SAP applications are identified using keys. The type of assignment of these keys is
described in number ranges. You define one number range object for each entity. The permissible value
ranges and the assignment type (internal or external) for the key are described in the number range object.

Standard settings

Number range "01" is provided.

The number range "01" is intended for internal number assignment.


If necessary, you can change the number range.


Adjust the number range provided to your requirements, and, if necessary, enhance further number ranges
for the selected number range object.
1. Select the function Change Interval.
2. Select the function Insert Interval to enhance number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval value (From Number, To Number) for the selected number range interval.
4. Save the entries.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie hierarchii politycznej

In this section you define the country-related hierarchy for modeling your political regional structure.
You require a hierarchy structure in order to arrange individual elements of the political regional structure
(e.g. a particular area or county) in hierarchical form later. You link the political regional structure to the
postal regional structure by allocating individual elements of the postal structure to the elements of the
regional structure (cities, streets, street sections). The political regional structure is for information and
can be used for statistical analyses for certain political areas.


An example of the structure of a multilevel hierarchy is:

- Administrative district
- County
- Town not belonging to a county
- District
- Municipality
- City district


Maintain the hierarchy for the political regional structure.

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31.2.2 Podział grup i sterowanie terminami


Portioning is the grouping together of contracts so that they can be billed at the same time. To do this you
group installations together in meter reading units (since one contract belongs to one installation). Several
meter reading units are allocated to a portion. In exceptional cases you can override this general
allocation by entering a portion directly in the contract.


Scheduling controls the following activities:

- Meter reading order creation
- Periodic billing
- Budget billing collection
To define the correct settings for scheduling, you must:
1. Define parameter records for the portions
2. Define portions
3. Define meter reading units
4. Generate schedule records

System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania terminami

In this IMG activity you define the control parameters for scheduling.
You can specify that automatic transport is always deactivated whenever you create or change a schedule
master record.
You can also specify that Customizing changes to the schedule master records are allowed in this client.
You can define the creation period for schedule records for the portion and the meter reading unit here.
You can specify both a warning limit and an upper limit for the generation.
- Warning Limit
If you exceed the warning limit defined for the generation of schedule records, a dialog box appears,
and you must decide whether you wish to continue with your specifications or to cancel the
processing. If you confirm the query, the system creates schedule records for the period you
specified. If you cancel processing, the system does not create any schedule records.
- Upper Limit
The upper limit sets the maximum periods for the future generation of schedule records. You cannot
exceed this limit.

Standard settings

The upper limit is set as default at 7 years.

No warning limit is set as default.


Define the control parameters for scheduling.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla rekordów parametrów

In this IMG activity you define the search help for parameter records.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie rekordów parametrów dla grup umów

The parameter record controls the scheduling of a budget billing. In a parameter record you define how
many budget billings are to occur between two periodic billings (the budget billing cycle). You must
define all the budget billing cycles you wish to use in the portion here. For each budget billing cycle,
specify the number of months between invoicing and the first budget billing, and specify the date of the
printout or debit entry run of the budget billing.
This date signifies (1) the day the budget billing request is printed and (2) the day debit entry occurs
when the budget billing request is transferred to financial accounting. This print/debit entry date is used
as the baseline date for the terms of payment, in order to determine the budget billing due date in the
budget billing plan. You maintain the terms of payment in the contract account.
Therefore, only the print/debit entry date can be specified in scheduling. It is not possible to specify the
due date of the budget billing.

a) b)
Budget billing cycle: 1 2
Months between invoicing and first BB: 1 2
Day of printing/debit entry run: 15. 21.

Two budget billing cycles have been defined: (a) has monthly budget billings and (b) has bimonthly
budget billings.

The planned print/debit entry dates are defined as 15th (a) and 21st (b) of the relevant month:
a) 15.03, 15.04, 15.05, ...
b) 21.03, 21.05, 21.07, ...


Define the parameter records relevant for your company.

Further notes

Normally, only one general parameter record is required, in which all the company’s possible budget
billing cycles are defined

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup

In this IMG activity you define the search help for portions.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup umów

In the portion you schedule billing and allocate budget billing cycles.
Using the scheduled billing date you control when periodic billing is to take place. In addition you
specify how often this is to occur. This information is used to generate the schedule records.
You allocate the budget billing cycle that is normally used using the BB cycle field (this is the default
cycle). If you use various budget billing cycles for this portion, you must also enter all possible budget
billing cycles with the number of budget billing amounts to be collected. You also need to have created
these budget billing cycles in the parameter record. An additional budget billing cycle is then used if the
default cycle is overridden by a different entry in the contract. This may be necessary if the default cycle
entered in the portion is 02 (that is, budget billings are collected every two months) but the customer
wishes to pay monthly. The actual due dates for the budget billing amounts are determined when the
schedule records are generated.


A company uses a periodic billing procedure for its residential customers with a billing run each month.
In this case you require at least 12 portions for the months January to December. Below, the portion for
December is used as an example. In the parameter record general, the possible budget billing cycles
entered are 01 (monthly) and 02 (bimonthly).
See also the example for the parameter record.

Periodic billing: 1st portion December

End of billing period 12/31/97 Period length 1 year
Scheduled billing date 12/20/97
Allowable date (cycle/BB) 01;11 02;05
Budget billing cycle 01
Billing class/division category TA 99

Annual consumption billing takes place in December. If the schedule records are generated up to the year
2000 the following dates are scheduled: 12/20/1998, 12/20/1999 and 12/20/2000 without using the
factory calendar.
Eleven budget billing amounts are collected. The scheduling for the budget billing amounts is determined
from the print/debit entry date (15th) specified in the corresponding parameter record. The budget billing
amount due dates for 1998 are therefore as follows:
01/15/98, 02/15/98 ... 11/15/98


You have defined the billing classes in Customizing. To do this, choose Utilities Industry -> Contract
Billing -> Billing Master Data -> Define Billing Classes.

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Define the portions that are relevant for your company.

Further notes

You can only generate schedule records if their date is later than that of the end of the billing period used
in the portion. If the end of the billing period is on 12/20/99, then you cannot generate a schedule record
for 12/20/98 with this portion.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla jednostek odczytu

In this IMG activity you define the search help for meter reading units.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie jednostek odczytu

In this section you define meter reading units, which group together different installations for the
purposes of meter reading. Meter reading units are then grouped together in a portion if they are to be
billed at the same time.
When you define meter reading units you must make sure that the end of the meter reading period falls
before the end of the billing period of the allocated portion. You determine when meter reading is to take
place from the interval between meter reading and the end of the billing period. You can limit a meter
reading unit to certain billing classes and divisions. This combination must be entered in the allocated
In addition to scheduled periodic meter reading dates you can also create additional meter reading dates
that are already known. For example, in the case of a service territory transfer, you can schedule an
additional meter reading date with the meter reading reason service territory transfer.
When you generate the schedule records you obtain the actual meter reading dates using the same
principle as that which is described in the activity for the portion.
In the meter reading unit you can also specify that meter reading orders are to be created for that meter
reading unit together with other meter reading units. You do this by defining one meter reading unit as
the main meter reading unit. This main meter reading unit is then entered in the other meter reading units
in the Together with field. This enables you, for example, to process annual meter reading for residential
customers and monthly meter reading for non-residential customers in the same area. In the month in
which meter reading for residential customers takes place, you can then create orders for the two meter
reading units together. This enables you to make optimal use of the street route when preparing the meter
reading units for the meter reader. In this process, you can define any of the relevant meter reading units
as the main meter reading unit.


You wish to define a meter reading unit for a particular district.

Meter reading unit District: center

End of meter reading period 12/15/97
Interval between MR and end of MR period 5 days
Period length 12 months
Billing class/division category TA 01
Portion December
Meter reader 023

This meter reading unit is allocated to the December portion. The scheduled meter reading date is
calculated as December 10th. The schedule records are generated for the years 1998, 1999, etc. taking
account of the calendar.


You have defined the meter readers. To do this, choose

System R/3

Utilities Industry -> Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Meter Reading Order -> Order
Creation -> Define Meter Reader.


Define the meter reading units relevant to your company.

Further notes

All the specified dates in this area are scheduled dates. You can therefore still carry out meter reading
after the end of the meter reading period of a schedule record, just as you can carry out billing after the
end of the billing period.

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______________________________________________________________ Generowanie rekordów terminów

Schedule records are generated on the basis of schedule master records for the portion and for the meter
reading unit. Note that you cannot generate schedule records before the date specified in the portion.
When you generate the schedule records you enter a period, and the actual dates for meter reading and
billing are generated for that period on the basis of the master records (portion/meter reading unit).
If you have entered budget billing cycles in the portion, the dates for the budget billing amounts are also


Generation of schedule records for portion and meter reading unit in relation to the previous examples for
parameter record, portion and meter reading unit:
- Date from 01/01/1998
- Date to 12/31/1999
Two scheduled billing dates are generated for the portion:
- 12/31/1998
- 12/31/1999
These have the following due dates for the budget billing amounts:
1. 01/15/1998 1. 01/15/1999
2. 02/15/1998 2. 02/15/1999
3. 03/15/1998 3. 03/15/1999
... ...
10. 10/15/1998 10. 10/15/1999
11. 11/15/1998 11. 11/15/1999

Two dates are generated for the meter reading unit:

- 12/10/1998 (scheduled reading date)
- 12/10/1999 (scheduled reading date)


You have maintained the period keys. To do this, choose:

Financial Accouting -> Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions ->
Postings and Documents -> Document -> Maintain Document Assignments -> Define Period

System R/3


Generate the schedule records.

Further notes

Maintenance of the period key is optional. You can use the period key to enter a text for the individual
budget billing amount due dates. This text is printed on a form for the customer. SAP recommends the
following procedure for using the period keys:
1. Generate the first schedule record of the portion only.
2. Maintain the period key for this schedule record.
3. Generate the remaining schedule records. When you do this, make sure that you do not generate the
first schedule record again.
When the next schedule records are generated, this key is then generated automatically.
In the system table TE633 System Parameters for Budget Billing the Copy infotext indicator must be
You can define the control parameters for the budget billing amount by choosing Utilities Industry ->
Invoicing -> Budget Billing Plan -> Define Control Parameters for Budget Billing Amount.


Period key Description

1QT Budget billing amount: 1st quarter
2QT Budget billing amount: 2nd quarter

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______________________________________________________________ Dynamiczne sterowanie terminami

The purpose of dynamic scheduling is to read the same number of registers on each workday, taking the
factory calendar into account. To achieve this you specify the number of days per month on which meter
reading is to take place.
Dynamic scheduling is useful if you have to read a large number of registers every month, for example, in
the case of monthly meter reading. However, you can also use it for meter reading and billing periods that
are longer than a month. In this case you can use dynamic scheduling together with a budget billing plan.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dynam. sterow. terminami

In this IMG activity you define the following control parameters control parameters:

- Set the Dynamic scheduling active indicator to use dynamic scheduling. When you create or
change a portion you can only set the Dynamic scheduling indicator if you have set this indicator
- Specify whether it is to be possible to move schedule records to the previous or next month. If you
define this setting, you can move meter readings if, in a given month, workdays are still available on
which no meter reading takes place (for example, if you wish to perform meter reading on 20 days
in each month but January has more than 20 workdays).
- Specify intervals (for example, between printing and the end of the billing period).
- Specify the processes for which the factory calendar is to be taken into account.
Once you have defined the control parameters, you can define the dynamic schedule records - that is, the
portions and meter reading units for which the Dyn. scheduling indicator (dynamic scheduling) is set.
When you do this, you can use dynamic scheduling either with or without budget billing amounts.
Dynamic portions with budget billing amounts are only appropriate if the periods of the portion are
longer than one month.
If you want to use dynamic portions, you must specify the factory calender. The Corr. holiday (correct
holiday to workday) field has no effect on dynamic scheduling.
The Sch. bill. date field (scheduled billing date) and Inv. print date field (scheduled date for invoicing
printout) result from the settings in the control parameters for dynamic scheduling. The allocation date
and the gas date correspond to the end of the billing period or the scheduled billing date, depending on
which date is earlier. If you want to use this data in the schedule records, you must enter them in the
In all the meter reading units that you allocate to dynamic portions the Dyn. scheduling indicator
(dynamic scheduling) is set automatically. The end of the meter reading period is always the same as the
end of the billing period.


You want to define monthly meter reading with 20 meter reading days in each month. This is to start in
For the first 20 days in January you define at least one portion. The end of the billing period is 1/1, 1/2,
1/3 and so on. You then define the meter reading units and allocate them to the portions. The number of
registers to be read per day must be roughly the same.
End of billing Portion Meter reading units
1.1. Port1 AE1_1, AE1_2....
2.1. Port2 AE2_1, AE2_2....
... ... ...

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20.1. Port20 AE20_1, AE20_2...


1. Define the control parameters for dynamic scheduling.

2. Define the dynamic portions using the IMG activity Define Portions.
3. Define the allocated meter reading units using the IMG activity Define Meter Reading Units.
4. Create schedule records for the portions and meter reading units using the IMG activity Create
Dynamic Schedule Records.

System R/3

31.2.3 Ustalanie referenta

In this IMG activity you define the settings for clerk determination. You require clerk determination to
determine certain agents. For example, you may wish to print the clerk on forms or save the clerk in the
statistical records.

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______________________________________________________________ Edycja organizacji struktury

In this step, you set up an organizational plan.

Basically, an organizational plan consists of organizational units and the relationships that exist between
them. It also contains positions that can be related with the organizational units and the holders (persons,
employees, users) of these positions. An organizational plan may also contain jobs that are used to
describe the positions. You can assign tasks to these jobs. Thus, an organizational plan reflects the
structure of your organization in the SAP System.


1. Define a superior organizational unit by entering an abbreviation and the editing period in the
"Create" screen.
2. Choose Organizational plan -> Create.
3. The dialog box "Create organizational structure" appears with the organizational unit you created. In
order to create further subordinated organization units, position the cursor on the organizational unit
in question, choose Create and create as many organizational units as you require.
4. In order to create positions and jobs for your organizational units and assign holders to the positions
if required, position the cursor on the organizational unit concerned and choose Staff assignments.
5. In the "Staff assignments" screen, you can then make the desired settings.

Further notes

There is an automatic transport connection available in Customizing if the client you are working in is
marked as a Customizing client.
You can find more detailed information in the online manual "Organization and Planning in Personnel

System R/3
__ Przypisanie zadań dla ustalania wykonawcy

In this IMG activity, you define all the settings required in order to adapt the standard tasks provided by
SAP. Standard tasks are used to determine agents.
This is necessary if you wish to:
- Print the agent’s name on forms
- Save the agent in the statistical records for stock and transaction statistics.
You must specify possible agents for each standard task in order to clearly define the organizational
responsibility for processing.
In addition, a standard role is assigned to each standard task for agent determination. You must also
assign possible agents to this standard role.
- Choose Default roles. In this screen you can see that a specific standard role is assigned to the task.
By double-clicking here, you branch to the maintenance screen for the standard role.
- Choose Responsibilities. In this screen you can assign the possible agents to this standard role. The
responsible agents are determined from the possible agents who are assigned to both the task and the
standard role.
You do not need to activate the event linkage for the standard tasks for agent determination.
The following standard tasks for agent determination are currently provided by SAP (the columns show
the key, the abbreviation and a short description):
- Master data
- Device management
- 20500068 ISU_INST_B_I Installation relevant to billing data
(transaction statistics)
- 20500069 ISU_INST_B_R Removal relevant to billing data
(transaction statistics)
- 20500072 ISU_INST_T_I Technical installation (transaction
- 20500073 ISU_INST_B_R Technical removal (transaction
- 20500077 ISU_DEV_MAN Determination of enterprise area
for periodic replacement
- 20500078 ISU_MRCLERK Meter reading order creation
- 20500177 isuimplmrcor Correct implausible meter reading results
- 20500251 ISU_DEVMOD_I IS-U Clerk device restructuring in grid
- Contract billing
- Invoicing
- 20500112 ISUBillAct Clerk: bill form

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- Contract accounts receivable and payable

- 20500104 ISU_Dunn_Act Clerk: dunning form
- 20500108 ISU_Inst_Act Clerk: installment form
- 20500109 ISU_Intr_Act Clerk: interest form
- 20500110 ISU_Ret_Act Clerk: returns form
- Customer service
- 20500070 ISU_MOVE_I_C Create move-in (transaction statistics)
- 20500071 ISU_MOVE_I_R Reverse move-in (transaction statistics)
- 20500074 ISU_MOVE_O_C Create move-out (transaction statistics)
- 20500075 ISU_MOVE_O_R Reverse move-out (transaction statistics)
- Work management


Check that Basis customizing has been completed for the Workflow Management (WFM) application


1. Execute the activity. From the component hierarchy displayed, select the application components
for which you wish to assign possible agents to standard tasks.
2. Expand the branch Assign tasks to agent.
3. Select a standard task for processing.
Assign the standard task to its authorized agents. This assignment determines the total number of
persons who are allowed to process this task.
Specify all the agents who can be considered.
You can choose from:
- Job
- Organizational unit
- Position
- Work center
- User
Multiple assignments are possible.
Alternatively, you can classify a standard task as a "general task".
4. In the same way, assign possible agents to the standard role.


You generally assign the standard task to organizational units, jobs, or positions, so that changes do not
need to be made when personnel changes are made in the organizational plan.

System R/3

Further notes

Agent determination tasks must always be indicated as general tasks. This activity must be repeated after
every upgrade (to a new release, for example).

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie alternatywnych zadań dla ustalania wykonawcy

In this IMG activity you define alternative tasks for clerk determination.
These tasks do not generally have to be performed. They are only necessary when you want to make
changes to the task or the standard role.


You want to add a standard role to a new parameter. To do this, you must copy the standard SAP role.
You can then modify the copied standard role to include the new parameters.
To activate the change, you must enter the new standard role in the standard task. This change was
previously always linked to a modification.
You can avoid perfoming a modification by defining a supplementary task for the standard SAP task. To
do this, copy the SAP standard task. Enterthe new standard role in the copied task.
You must then link from the standard task to your customer task (alternative task) in this activity. The
standard task must be the task displayed in the previous activity. Enter your copied and adjusted task as
the supplumentary task. The only task the system now executes is your customer activity.


If required, delegate the standard tasks to your newly created customer tasks.

System R/3

31.3 Dane podstawowe

In this section, you make the system settings for the processing of master data. Master data is data, which
remains unchanged over a long period.

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31.3.1 Ustawienia podstawowe

In this section you define the basic settings for modeling IS-U master data. This refers to the structure
indicator and category of the functional locations.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie wskaźników struktury i typów lokalizacji funkcjonalnych

In this IMG activity you define the structure indicators that describe
the structure of the numbers of the functional locations connection object , device location and
property, which are used in IS-U.


I | Str | C
C | AO_GP | A
D | AO_GP | G
A | AREA | F

I = object type for IS-U

Str = structure indicator for functional location
C = functional location category

The object type indicators C (connection object) and D (device location) are predefined by IS-U. The
structure indicator AO_GP is allocated to these predefined object type indicators. The structure
indicator AREA is allocated to the object type indicator A (property). These structure indicators have
the template XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (see below for path). The category
classifies functional locations according to their use (A=connection object, d=device location,

Appropriate internal number assignments for connection objects, device locations and properties are only
possible if you allocate a template without a separator.
Using special number range fields it is also possible to use separate number ranges for connection
objects, device locations and properties.


- You need to define the structure indicator/template for the functional location. To do this, choose:
Plant Maintenance and Service Management-> Master Data in Plant Mainteance and Service
Management-> Technical Objects-> Functional Locations-> Define Structural Display for
Functional Locations.

- You need to define the functional location category. Choose:

Plant Maintenance and Service Management-> Master Data in Plant Mainteance and Service
Management-> Technical Objects-> Functional Locations-> Define Functional Location Category.

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The requirement for special masks (e.g. XXX-XXX-X.XX) for numbering functional locations is an
element of the Plant Maintenance (PM) component, which has to model technical installations with
complex structures (that is, hierarchy levels, key lengths of levels, separators) for other business
applications as well as for the utilities industry and waste disposal industry.
Since there is a large number of the functional locations device location, connection object and
property in IS-U, and since their structure is less complex, we recommend that you use the mask
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, which is provided by SAP. By contrast to the
mask mentioned above, this mask allows for internal number assignment.


1. Check whether the structure indicators allocated to the connection objects, device locations and
areas meet your requirements.
2. If necessary, define new structure indicators in the standard system using the path given above. Use
these new structure indicators to overwrite the SAP proposals for the connection object structure,
device location structure and property structure.

System R/3

31.3.2 Partner biznesowy

In this activity you define the system settings required for processing the business partner.
The business partner can have various roles in the system. In IS-U the roles contract partner (usually a
customer) and installer are used. You can define additional roles for your company.

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______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia do tworzenia klientów standardowych

In this activity, you define settings for the automatic creation of a reference customer in the Sales and
Distribution (SD) application component. When you create a business partner you have the option of
creating a parallel customer in SD. To do this, enter an SD customer in the field for the reference
customer. The data is then copied to the new SD customer.

Further notes

If SD customers already exist in a legacy system, and their numbers are to be kept, then the new number
ranges must start AFTER the numbers from the legacy system.

System R/3
__ Oprac. parametrów do tworzenia klientów wzorcowych w stand.

In this section you define the parameters for the automatic creation of Sales and Distribution (SD)
customers for business partners in IS-U.
If you wish to use information about your utility customer in the standard components as well, it is
appropriate to manage the IS-U business partner as an SD customer. To simplify the procedure, begin by
creating one or more SD reference customers. These serve as a reference for the automatic creation of an
SD customer for the IS-U business partner. The naming convention for the reference customers ensures
that only certain reference customers can be used as valid references for creating the IS-U business
partner in SD.
When a reference customer is specified, the automatic creation of SD customers is controlled by means of
characteristics, such as "parallel customer is required for business partner" or "system action if customer
already exists for partner".


Maintain a naming convention for your SD reference customer:

- Enter a four-character abbreviation (e.g. MUST). Valid reference customers are those that begin
with these four characters.

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______________________________________________________________ Partner umowy

In this activity, you maintain the IS-U-specific characteristics of the contract partner.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie klas konta

In this section you define the account categories you wish to use for classifying business partners and
contract accounts in the supply area.
The account class can be used as a source of information as well as for statistical purposes.


- Private customers
- Industrial customers
- Public authorities

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ID wykonawcy

In this IMG activity you define the clerk IDs for the business partner.
You enter the clerk ID in the business partner; it can be used as criteria for clerk determination. You can
therefore use the clerk ID as an ID for both major customers and VIP customers, for example. .
You can find the standard tasks in Industrial Component Utilities Industry-> Basic Functions-> Clerk


- Customer representative for VIP customers

- Customer representative for multiple buyers/re-distributors
- Customer representative for industry customers


Define the necessary clerk IDs in the system.

System R/3
__ Instalator

In this activity, you maintain the IS-U-specific characteristics of the installer. Utility companies enter
authorized installers in an installer directory, in which installer licenses are recorded.
In addition to installers, other agents, such as architects, can be included in the directory.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów firm instalacyjnych

In this section you define the types of installation company you wish to include in your installer


- Electrician
- Heating installer for gas installations
- Architects


Define the types of installation company.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie pól roboczych firm instal.

In this section you define the types of activity a company performs.


- Planning and construction supervision (architect)

- Installation of a service connection (electrician)


Define the types of activity you wish to differentiate.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów zezwoleń instalatorów

In this section you define the types of installer license.


- Normal license
- Guest license
- Special license

System R/3
__ Definiowanie statusu instalatorów

In this section you define the status of the companies entered in the installer directory. Only companies
for which X is entered in the "AV" (active) column are authorized to perform installations.


- License requested
- License in processing
- License issued; installation company authorized to perform installations
- License is being inspected, installation company can perform installations
- License removed


Define the statuses used by your company.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie głównego przedsiębiorstwa użyteczności publicznej

In this IMG activity, you define the utility company for which the installors primarily work.

System R/3

31.3.3 Umowa o zasilanie

In this section you define the system settings required for processing the utility contract.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla umów o zasilanie

In this section you maintain the number range object NRK ISU contract.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla umów o zasilanie

In this IMG activity you define the search help for utility contracts.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

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______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja rejestru dla umów o zasilanie

In this section you configure the tabs for the application IS-U utility contract.
You can modify the screen layout to meet your needs by defining your own layout. To do this, distribute
the existing group frames among the tab cards.


The IS-U Contract application is used to explain the configuration of the tabs. The following ten group
frames are available in this application:
- General contract data
- Budget billing data
- Payment plan
- Data relevant to billing
- Account assignment data
- Deregulation
- Schedule data
- Memos
- Other
- Move-in and move-out data
You could use these group frames, for example, to create a layout that contains three tab pages:
- Tab page 1:
General contract data, budget billing data, payment plan
- Tab page 2:
Data relevant to billing, account assignment data, deregulation
- Tab page 3:
Move-in and move-out data, schedule data, other, memos

Standard settings

A standard layout is provided for every application in IS-U in which the tabs can be configured.


To activate your layout in the system for this application, change the corresponding entry under
Determine Default Layout for Tabs

System R/3

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla umów o zasilanie

In this section you define notes for utility contracts (object EVER).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for contracts with the text object EVER.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyboru pola dla umów o zasilanie


In this activity, you can define the field selection for utility contracts.
In this activity, you can determine the fields that are used in IS-U for maintenance and display
in this function, as well as define their characteristics.
By choosing the right fields, you can considerably reduce the time and effort needed for data
processing and possible error sources.
Using the menu path Goto -> Modifiable, you can determine the fields that are displayed
during the maintenance and display in this function. You can also specify the fields’
characteristics. This allows you to adjust the appearance of the screen to meet the
requirements and knowledge of users.
Enter an existing module pool as the initial criteria:
Field selection in IS-U is currently supported by the following module pools and transactions:
o Master Data
- SAPLES20 Contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 Installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 Connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 Device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 Premise (screen group 0001)
o Device Management
- SAPLE10R Device data dialog box (screen group 1100)
o Customer Service
- SAPLEC60 Move-in/move-out selection screen (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 Move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR Move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ Move-in/move-out gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group 0200)

Standard settings
In the SAP standard delivery, the radio button field ready for input is activated.
Small and medium-sized municipal utility companies can automatically activate a reduced view

System R/3

of fields in all master data objects.

Since this section of customers does not require all functions to be displayed on the screen a
lot of the time, SAP has developed a way of automatically reducing the fields in the master data.
A hierarchical business configuration set (BC Set) with the key ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER
makes this possible. This BC Set automatically reduces the fields to a necessary minimum in
the following master data objects:
o Business partner
o Contract account
o Contract
o Installation
o Connection object
o Premise
o Device location
o Device
You can find further information on this in the documentation on the BC Set mentioned above.

Keep the number of fields displayed on the screen as low as possible. The fewer fields you offer
the user, the easier his or her work is.

1. Select the screen group you want to process. To do this, place the cursor on the desired field.
a) First of all, select the menu path Goto -> Modifiable. This takes you to the screen Field
Selection: Modifiable Fields.
b) In the next step, choose Goto -> Influencing. This takes you to the screen Field Selection:
Influencing Field. Enter the field value in the field Influencing Value and select
2. Specify the following for every field:
a) Field is ready for input
b) Data must be entered in this field
c) Only display field
This can be used, for example, for default values that should not be overwritten.
d) Hide field
Activate the radio button in the field hide field. This ensures that fields you do not require
are not displayed.
e) Highlight field i.e. field is displayed in a different color
You can select this radio button in combination with other indicators

SAP AG 14.06.2013 79
System SAP

Further notes
You can view all of your profile-related selections by choosing the menu path Goto ->All

System R/3
__ Definiowanie statusu przetwarzania

In this section you define the processing status of the utility contracts.


- Request received
- Contract submitted
- Contract signed


Define the processing statuses used by your company.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 81
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie klasy umowy

In this IMG activity you define the contract classes.

System R/3

31.3.4 Obiekt przyłączony

In this section you define the system settings that you require for creating connection objects.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 83
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla obiektów przyłącz./lokalizacji


In this section you maintain the number range object functional location.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla obiektów przyłączonych

In this IMG activity you define the search help for connection objects.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 85
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla obiektów przyłączonych

In this section you define notes for connection objects (object IFLOT).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for the connection object with the text object IFLOT.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 87
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyboru pola dla obiektów przyłączonych


In activity you can define the field selection for connection objects.

In this activity, you can determine the fields that are used for maintenance and display in the
IS-U functions, as well as define their characteristics.
By selecting the right fields, you can considerably reduce the time and effort required for data
processing and possible error sources.
Using the menu path Goto -> Modifiable, you can determine which fields are displayed on
screen during maintenance and display in the function. You can also define the fields’
characteristics. This allows you to adjust the appearance of your screen to meet the
requirements, knowledge and needs of users.
You must enter an existing module pool as the initial criteria.
In IS-U, the field selection is supported by the following module pools or transactions:
o Master
- SAPLES20 Contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 Installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 Connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 Device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 Premise (screen group 0001)
o Device management
- SAPLE10R Device data dialog box (screen group 1100)
o Customer service
- SAPLEC60 Move-in/move-out selection screen (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 Move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR Move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ Move-in/move-out, gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group)

Standard settings
In the SAP standard delivery, the radio button field ready for input is activated.

System R/3

Small and medium-sized municipal utility companies can automatically activate a reduced view
of fields in all master data objects.
Since this section of customers do not require all functions to be displayed on the screen a lot of
the time, SAP has developed a way of automatically reducing the fields in the master data.
A hierarchical business configuration set (BC Set) with the key ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER
makes this possible. This BC Set automatically reduces the fields to necessary minimum in the
following master data objects:
o Business partner
o Contract account
o Contract
o Installation
o Connection object
o Premise
o Device location
o Device
You can find more information on this in the documentation on the BC Set mentioned above.

Keep the number of fields to be displayed on the screen as low as possible. The fewer fields
you offer the user for maintenance, theeasier you make his or her work.

1. Select the screen group you want to process. To do this, place the cursor on the desired field.
a) First of all, select the menu path Goto -> Modifiable to get to the field selection
maintenance. This takes you to the screen Field Selection: Modifiable Fields.
b) In the next step, select Goto -> Influencing. This takes you to the screen Field Selection:
Influencing Field. Enter the field value in the field Influencing Value and select
2. Specify the following for every field:
a) Field is ready for input
b) Data must be entered in this field
c) Only display field
This can be used for example, for default values that should not be overwritten
d) Hide field
Select the radio button in the field hide field so that fields you do not require are hidden.
e) Field should be highlighted, i.e. displayed in a different colour
You can select this radio button in combination with other indicators.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 89
System SAP

Further notes
You can get an overview of all profile-related field selections by selecting the menu path Goto
-> All Influences.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie wyboru pola dla danych adresowych

In this IMG activity you define the field selection control for address data in the connection object.
You use this to control whether individual fields should be displayed (such as country, city, street, house


If you require settings different to those provided by SAP then select the fields you need.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 91
System SAP

31.3.5 Lokal

In this IMG activity you define the system settings you require for creating premises.
If you wish to allocate an owner in the premise, you need to perform the IMG activities for owner
allocation. To find these activities, choose:
Utilities Industry -> Customer Service -> Move-In/Out -> Owner Allocation

System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla lokali

In this section you maintain the number range object premise.

The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 93
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla lokali

In this IMG activity you define the search help for premises.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla lokali

In this section you maintain notes for premises (object EVBS).

You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 95
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for premises with the text object EVBS.

System R/3
__ Definiowanie wyboru pola dla lokali


In this activity, you define the field selection for premises.

In this activity, you can determine the fields that are used in IS-U for maintenance and display
in this function, as well as define their characteristics.
By choosing the right fields, you can considerably reduce the time and effort needed for data
processing and possible error sources.
Using the menu path Goto -> Modifiable, you can determine the fields that are displayed
during the maintenance and display in this function. You can also specify the fields’
characteristics. This allows you to adjust the appearance of the screen to meet the
requirements and knowledge of users.
Enter an existing module pool as the initial criteria.
Field selection in IS-U is currently supported by the following module pools and transactions:
o Master Data
- SAPLES20 Contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 Installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 Connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 Device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 Premise (screen group 0001)
o Device Management
- SAPLE10R Device data dialog box (screen group 1100)
o Customer Service
- SAPLEC60 Move-in/move-out selection screen (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 Move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR Move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ Move-in/move-out gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group 0200)

Standard settings
In the SAP standard delivery, the radio button field ready for input is activated.
Small and medium-sized municipal utility companies can automatically activate a reduced view

SAP AG 14.06.2013 97
System SAP

of fields in all master data objects.

Since this section of customers does not require all functions to be displayed on the screen a
lot of the time, SAP has developed a way of automatically reducing the fields in the master data.
A hierarchical business configuration set (BC Set) with the key ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER
makes this possible. This BC Set automatically reduces the fields to a necessary minimum in
the following master data objects:
o Business partner
o Contract account
o Contract
o Installation
o Connection object
o Premise
o Device location
o Device
You can find further information on this in the documentation on the BC Set mentioned above.

Keep the number of fields displayed on the screen as low as possible. The fewer fields you offer
the user, the easier his or her work is.

1. Select the screen group you want to process. To do this, place the cursor on the desired field.
a) First of all, select the menu path Goto -> Modifiable. This takes you to the screen Field
Selection: Modifiable Fields.
b) In the next step, choose Goto -> Influencing. This takes you to the screen Field Selection:
Influencing Field. Enter the field value in the field Influencing Value and select
2. Specify the following for every field:
a) Field is ready for input
b) Data must be entered in this field
c) Only display field
This can be used, for example, for default values that should not be overwritten.
d) Hide field
Activate the radio button in the field hide field. This ensures that fields you do not require
are not displayed.
e) Highlight field i.e. field is displayed in a different color
You can select this radio button in combination with other indicators

System R/3

Further notes
You can view all of your profile-related selections by choosing the menu path Goto ->All

SAP AG 14.06.2013 99
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów lokali

In this section you define the keys you wish to use for classifying premises.


Examples of premise types are:

- 0001 Single-family home
- 0002 One-room apartment
- 0003 Two-room apartment
- 0004 Three-room apartment

SAP AG 100
System R/3
__ Przypisywanie mediów do typów urządzeń

In this IMG activity you allocate the equipment category to the divisions. Maintaining the premise
enables you to perform a technical installation. This installation is stored as equipment. The technical
installation depends on the division; that means several division-specific installations can co-exist in one
The requirements of in business processes stem from three areas:
- Control of Installations
- Outage reports (outage scenarios)
- Storage of customer information for marketing activities
You must only perform this activity if you want to use the functions of the technical installation.


Allocate the equipment categories to those divisons, in which you want perform technical installations.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 101
System SAP

31.3.6 Instalacja zasilająca

In this IMG activity you define the system settings you require for creating utility installations.
The industry setting for the installation is made as part of a business partner IMG activity. You can find
this activity by choosing Cross-Application Components -> Central Business Partner -> Business Partner
-> Organizations -> Maintain Industries.

SAP AG 102
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla instalacji zasilających

In this section you maintain the number range object installation.

The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 103
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla instalacji zasilających

In this IMG activity you define the search help for utility installations.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 104
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla instalacji zasilających

In this section you maintain notes for utility installations (object EANL).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 105
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for utility installations with the text object EANL.

SAP AG 106
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wyboru pola dla instalacji zasilających


In this activity, you define the field selection for utility installations.
In this activity, you can determine the fields that are used in IS-U for maintenance and display
in this function, as well as define their characteristics.
By choosing the right fields, you can considerably reduce the time and effort needed for data
processing and possible error sources.
Using the menu path Goto -> Modifiable, you can determine the fields that are displayed
during the maintenance and display in this function. You can also specify the fields’
characteristics. This allows you to adjust the appearance of the screen to meet the
requirements and knowledge of users.
Enter an existing module pool as the initial criteria.
Field selection in IS-U is currently supported by the following module pools and transactions:
o Master Data
- SAPLES20 Contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 Installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 Connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 Device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 Premise (screen group 0001)
o Device Management
- SAPLE10R Device data dialog box (screen group 1100)
o Customer Service
- SAPLEC60 Move-in/move-out selection screen (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 Move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR Move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ Move-in/move-out gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group 0200)

Standard settings
In the SAP standard delivery, the radio button field ready for input is activated.
Small and medium-sized municipal utility companies can automatically activate a reduced view

SAP AG 14.06.2013 107
System SAP

of fields in all master data objects.

Since this section of customers does not require all functions to be displayed on the screen a
lot of the time, SAP has developed a way of automatically reducing the fields in the master data.
A hierarchical business configuration set (BC Set) with the key ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER
makes this possible. This BC Set automatically reduces the fields to a necessary minimum in
the following master data objects:
o Business partner
o Contract account
o Contract
o Installation
o Connection object
o Premise
o Device location
o Device location
You can find further information on this in the documentation on the BC Set mentioned above.

Keep the number of fields displayed on the screen as low as possible. The fewer fields you offer
the user, the easier his or her work is.

1. Select the screen group you want to process. To do this, place the cursor on the desired field.
a) First of all, select the menu path Goto -> Modifiable. This takes you to the screen Field
Selection: Modifiable Fields.
b) In the next step, choose Goto -> Influencing. This takes you to the screen Field Selection:
Influencing Field. Enter the field value in the field Influencing Value and select
2. Specify the following for every field:
a) Field is ready for input
b) Data must be entered in this field
c) Only display field
This can be used, for example, for default values that should not be overwritten.
d) Hide field
Activate the radio button in the field hide field. This ensures that fields you do not require
are not displayed.
e) Highlight field i.e. field is displayed in a different color
You can select this radio button in combination with other indicators

SAP AG 108
System R/3

Further notes
You can view all of your profile-related selections by choosing the menu path Goto ->All

SAP AG 14.06.2013 109
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn gwarancji dostarczania

In this section you define reasons for a guarantee of supply to installations. If you enter one of the reasons
defined here in the appropriate field in the installation, it will not be possible for this installation or the
devices of this installation to be disconnected.


- 0001 Dialysis patient

- 0002 Hospital

SAP AG 110
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów instalacji

In this section you define the installation types you wish to use in order to classify installations.


Examples of installation types are:

- Factory
- Rented apartment

SAP AG 14.06.2013 111
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie poziomów napięcia

In this section you define the voltage levels for the technical description of installations for the electricity
division. You can use the voltage level for statistical analyses.


- - Low-voltage grid
- - Medium-voltage grid
- - High-voltage grid

Further notes

You only require voltage levels for the electricity division.

SAP AG 112
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów grupowania grup instalacji


In this activity you define the grouping types that you want to use to classify installation groups.


- Serial switching
- Serial switching and distribution of difference consumption.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 113
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ról instalacji


In this activity you define the installation roles that you want to use to classify secondary installations in
an installation group.


- Secondary installation relevant for consumption determination

- Secondary installation with distribution and consumption determination
- Secondary installation with distribution, without consumption determination
- Secondary installation without data exchange

SAP AG 114
System R/3
__ Przypisanie ról instalacji do rodzajów grupowania


In this activity, you determine the installation roles that can be used for secondary installations depending
on the grouping type of the primary installation.


- When installation groups have a primary installation that uses the grouping type Serial Switching,
the following installation roles can be used for secondary installations:
- Secondary installation is relevant for consumption determination
- Secondary installation without data exchange
- When installation groups have a primary installation that uses the grouping type Serial Switching
and Distribution of Consumption Difference, the following installation roles can be used for
secondary installations:
- Secondary installation with distribution and consumption determination
- Secondary installation with distribution without consumption determination
- Secondary installation without data exchange

SAP AG 14.06.2013 115
System SAP

31.3.7 Miejsce dostawy

In this IMG activity,you establish the system settings for processing points of delivery.
The IMG activities are as follows:
- Define Number Ranges for Point of Delivery ID
- Define Point of Delivery Type
- Define Structure of Point of Delivery ID

SAP AG 116
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla oznaczeń miejsc dostawy

In this IMG section, you maintain the number range object point of delivery ID.


The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 117
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzaju miejsca dostawy

In this IMG activity, you define the point of delivery types to be used in your company and allocate them
to the point of delivery categories. These are defined by SAP.


PoDType DescrPoDType PoD cat.

0001 Point of delivery Standard point of delivery
0002 Virtual PoD Virtual point of delivery category

PoDType = point of delivery type

PoD cat. = point of delivery category
You must be able to communicate the profiles of several standard point of delivery categories as the
single profile of a virtual point of delivery category. To do this you must define two point of delivery

Standard settings

SAP provides the following standard point of delivery types:

- Standard point of delivery type
- Virtual point of delivery type


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the point of delivery types you want to use.

SAP AG 118
System R/3
__ Definiowanie struktury oznaczenia miejsca dostawy

In this IMG activity, you choose a structure category for the point of delivery ID and define a new
structure category.

Use a predefined structure category

Every point of delivery ID is based on a specific structure, which you define using the following
- Structure category of the point of delivery ID
2-character alphanumeric key of the point of delivery ID
- Subscreen for structuring the point of delivery ID
Description of the subscreen displayed when you create, change or display a point of delivery ID.
- Selection screen for structuring a point of delivery ID
4-character key for the subscreen displayed when you select a point of delivery (for example in
installation processing).
- Single-line selection subscsreen used for structuring a point of delivery ID
4-character key for the subscreen used to display points of delivery in the move-in, move-out, and
move-in/out transaction.
- ABAP program for structuring point of delivery ID
Program that implements the PoD selection/display subscreens. All the above subscreens are
defined in this program.
- Function module for processing point of delivery ID structure
This function module is executed at different times during PoD processing.
- Indicator: do not use structure category of POD ID
If you select this field, the system does not list the structure category of the point of delivery ID in
the list box during creation and selection of a point of delivery. Furthermore the structure category
cannot be used.
- Default Structure Category
If you select this field, the system proposes the structure category of the point of delivery ID during
creation and selection of a point of delivery. (in the list box you can find additional structure categories -
provided you have not selected the Do not use structure category of POD ID field.
Select one structure category only as the default value.
- Structure category
Description of the PoD structure category.

SAP provides the following predefined structure categories:

- Structure category 01 (flat structure)
- Structure category 02 (metering code Germany)

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1. Choose the structure category you use by selecting the Default Structure Category field on the
corresponding line.
2. Define the field settings for this structure category by marking the corresponding line and selecting
Field Settings.
3. In the Default field, you can enter a default values for the individual components of the structure for
the PoD ID of this structure category.
If you are using structure category 02 (Metering code Germany) note that the Country component
contains DE (Germany) as a default value.
The components of the structure category are listed twice. You can define different default values
for different subscreens.
4. You can select the NI field (field is not ready for input). If you do this, the default value cannot be
For example, if you are using structure category 02, the NI is selected for the Country component,
meaning that you cannot change the default value DE.
If you want to change the default value then deselect this field.
The components of the structure category are listed twice. You can select or deselect the NI for each
subscreen according to your requirements.
5. Save your entries.
The structure category used in Germany is the Metering Code.
SAP provides a standard point of delivery ID for the metering code, which is as follows:
Structure category 02
Subscreen 0300
Select subscreen 0400
1-line SelSubscreen. 0500
Function module. ISU_O_EDM_UI_EXT_TYP_VDEW
Structure cat. not allowed
Default structure cat. X
Structure cat. Metering code Germany

The fields of the individual screen are created in the EUI_EXT_TYP_VDEW structure. The fields of the
selection subscreen are created in the EUI_EXT_TYP_VDEW_SEL structure under Field Settings.
They are configured as follows:
Structure Component NI Defau

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Structure EUI_EXT_TYP_VDEW contains the following components:

Comp. Meaning Length
LAND International country code acc. to ISO 2
NETZ Number of wire company 6
PLZ Postal code of area in which PoD is located 5
LFND Consecutive number for unique identification of PoD 20

The point of delivery ID for the flat metering code is predefined by SAP as follwows:
Structure category 01
Subscreen 0300
Selection subscreen 0400
One-line sel. subscreen 0500
Function module ISU_EDM_UI_EXT_TYP_FLAT
Structure cat. not allowed
Default structure cat. X
Structure cat. text Flat structure

The fields of the processing screen are created in the EUI_EXT_TYP_FLAT structure. The fields of the
selection subscreen are configured in the EUI_EXT_TYP_FLAT_SEL structure.

Modify predefined structure category

You can only enter fixed values as the default values of the individual components.
To enter variable values, use the following enhancements:
- Determine default values for the components of a PoD ID structure
Name Enhancement for Enhancement
EEDMUI01 Flat metering code
EEDMUI02 Metering code Germany

- Check default values of the components of a PoD ID structure

Name Enhancement for Enhancement
EEDMUI01 Flat metering code

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EEDMUI02 Metering code Germany

Define new structure category

To define a new structure category, proceed as follows:

6. Copy the EEDM_UI_EXT_TYP2 function group (structure category for metering code) and give
this copied function group a new name (for example ZEEDM_UI_EXT_TYP203).
The system automatically copies the ISU_EDM_UI_EXT_TYP_VDEW function module (VDEW
for metering code). You must also give a new name to this copy (for example
Note that you must create new objects in the customer namespace x*, y* or z*. The names of the
new objects must also begin with X, Y, or Z.
7. Create two new dictionary structures that correspond to the structure of the entry fields on the PoD
structure subscreen and the selection screen (for example ZEUI_EXT_TYP_MYOWN and
8. Modify the new function module and its includes. Note that you must make modifications between
the following comments:
*--start of common changes--*
*--end of common changes--*
9. Use the ABAP editor to define the screens 300, 400, and 500.
10. Define a new structure category by entering the defined objects in the fields in the point of delivery
ID group box.
11. Define the field settings (see Use Predefined Structure Category above).

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__ Definiowanie grup miejsc dostawy


Use this activity to define the point of delivery groups for deregulation processes.
Point of delivery groups are freely definable grouping characteristics for points of delivery.
Point of delivery groups are used in the service provider agreement. You can differentiate agreements
according to point of delivery groups.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie logiki wstępnego przypisania grup miejsc dostawy


Use this activity to define the automatic allocation of points of delivery to point of delivery groups.
A preassigned logic is implemented, which uses rate categories to allocate points of delivery from
installations to groups.
You can also define your own logic, using the BAdI ISU_IDE_UI_PODGROUP.

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31.3.8 Lokalizacja urządzenia

In this section you define the system settings you require for creating device locations.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla lokalizacji urządzenia

In this IMG activity you define the search help for device locations.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 126
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla lokalizacji urządzenia

In this section you maintain notes for the device location (object IFLOT).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

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Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for the device location with the text object IFLOT.

Further notes

This text object is the same as the text object for the connection objects.

SAP AG 128
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wyboru pola dla lokalizacji urządzeń


In this activity, you define the field selection for device locations.
In this activity, you can determine the fields that are used in IS-U for maintenance and display
in this function, as well as define their characteristics.
By choosing the right fields, you can considerably reduce the time and effort needed for data
processing and possible error sources.
Using the menu path Goto -> Modifiable, you can determine the fields that are displayed
during the maintenance and display in this function. You can also specify the fields’
characteristics. This allows you to adjust the appearance of the screen to meet the
requirements and knowledge of users.
Enter an existing module pool as the initial criteria:
Field selection in IS-U is currently supported by the following module pools and transactions:
o Master Data
- SAPLES20 Contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 Installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 Connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 Device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 Premise (screen group 0001)
o Device Management
- SAPLE10R Device data dialog box (screen group 1100)
o Customer Service
- SAPLEC60 Move-in/move-out selection screen (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 Move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR Move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ Move-in/move-out gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group 0200)

Standard settings
In the SAP standard delivery, the radio button field ready for input is activated.
Small and medium-sized municipal utility companies can automatically activate a reduced view

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of fields in all master data objects.

Since this section of customers does not require all functions to be displayed on the screen a
lot of the time, SAP has developed a way of automatically reducing the fields in the master data.
A hierarchical business configuration set (BC Set) with the key ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER
makes this possible. This BC Set automatically reduces the fields to a necessary minimum in
the following master data objects:
o Business partner
o Contract account
o Contract
o Installation
o Connection object
o Premise
o Device location
o Device
You can find further information in the documentation on the BC Set mentioned above.

Keep the number of fields displayed on the screen as low as possible. The fewer fields you offer
the user, the easier his or her work is.

1. Select the screen group you want to process. To do this, place the cursor on the desired field.
a) First of all, select the menu path Goto -> Modifiable. This takes you to the screen Field
Selection: Modifiable Fields.
b) In the next step, choose Goto -> Influencing. This takes you to the screen Field Selection:
Influencing Field. Enter the field value in the field Influencing Value and select
2. Specify the following for every field:
a) Field is ready for input
b) Data must be entered in this field
c) Only display field
This can be used, for example, for default values that should not be overwritten.
d) Hide field
Activate the radio button in the field hide field. This ensures that fields you do not require
are not displayed.
e) Highlight field i.e. field is displayed in a different color
You can select this radio button in combination with other indicators.

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Further notes
You can view all of your profile-related selections by choosing the menu path Goto ->All

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31.4 Zarządzanie urządzeniami

In this section you define settings for device management in the following areas:
- Technology
- Device installation
- Meter reading
- Inspection

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31.4.1 Technika

In this section you establish system settings for technical device and connection data.
This includes the following areas:
- Register group
- Input/output group
- Command and command group
- Inspection point
- Inspection point group
- Winding group
- Device category
- Device

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______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia podstawowe

In this section you define system settings for representing technical device data.
This involves the following areas:
- Combination of basic device categories
- Sorting of basic types in the device category/work list
- Help table for specification of material reference

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__ Definiowanie kombinacji podst. typów urządzeń

In this activity you define the permissible combinations of basic device categories. The specified basic
categories can be combined into a device category dependent on the division category.


DC | Nr | Mr | Tr | RCR| RM | Cr | Ct | PR | Sn | Ot
01 | 1 | x | | | | | | | |
01 | 2 | | x | | | | | | |
01 | 3 | | | x | | | | | |
01 | 4 | x | | x | | | | | |

DC = Division category
Mr = Meter
Tr = Transformer
RCR = Ripple control receiver
RM = Remote meter
Cr = Corrector
Ct = Counter
PR = Pressure Regulator
Sn = Sensor
Ot = Other basic device category

The following basic device categories can be combined into a device category for the division category
"electricity" (El=01): meter (Mr=x), transformer (Tr=x), RCR (RCR=x), as well as meter and RCR (Mr
and RCR=x).


The division category is predefined and encrypted by IS-U.


We recommend using the deliverd supply of combinations.


1. Check whether the delivered supply of combinations is sufficient for your requirements.
2. Choose the function New entries.
3. Define the basic device categories and combinations of basic device categories for each division

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SAP AG 136
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__ Definiowanie sortowania typów podstawowych w typie urządz./na

liście rob.

In this IMG, activity you define the sort sequence for basic device categories. This setting effects the
display screen for the device category and the work list.


No. | Description | Basic category | SB | SD

1 | Meter | Meter |3 |2
2 | Transformer | Transformer |2 |1
3 | RCR/clock | RCR/clock |1 |3

SB = Sort number for basic device category for replacement and removal.
SD = Sort number for basic device category for device category display.

- The device sequence for replacement or removal is based on the work list according to the basic
device category as follows:
- RCR/clock (SB=1)
- Transformer (SB=2)
- Meter (SB=3)

- The individual basic categories are displayed in the following sequence on the display screen of
the device category for device categories that are formed from a combination of basic device
- Transformer (SD=1)
- Meter (SD=2)
- RCR/clock (SD=3)


We recommend using the sort sequences provided.


1. Check whether the sort sequences provided meet your requirements.

2. Define the desired sort sequences in the basic device categories specified in the standard system.

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__ Grupa liczydeł

In this section you define system settings for registers and register groups.
Register groups are required in order to create device categories from the basic category "meter."

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup liczydeł

In this activity you maintain the number range object register group.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

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System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup liczydeł

In this IMG activity you define search help for register groups.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów wyświetlania liczydeł

In this activity you define the possible types of display for registers. The type of display describes the
display format for meter readings per register, for example rolling or digital display.


DT | Text for display type

01 | Roller
02 | Digital display
03 | Mechanical display
04 | LCD display

DT = Display type


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the display types of the meters/registers to be read.

SAP AG 142
System R/3
__ Definiowanie identyfikatorów liczydeł

In this activity you define the register identification of the registers dependent on the division category.
The register identification describes the function of a register.


DC | RID | Text
01 | 01 | Active energy
01 | 02 | Reactive power
02 | 01 | Standard cubic meters

DC = Division category
RID = Register identification
The register IDs "active energy" (RID=01) and "reactive power" (RID=02) are for the division category
"electricity" (DC=01). The register ID "standard cubic meters" (RID=01) is for the division category
"gas" (DC=02).


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the necessary register IDs for each division category.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów liczydeł

In this activity you define the permissible register types of registers. The register type classifies registers
in rate time zones.


RT | Text
01 | on-peak rate
02 | off-peak rate

RT = Register type


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the register types you use.

SAP AG 144
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__ Przypisanie jednostek miary do typów liczydeł

In this IMG activity, you allocate Dimensions to individual division and register categories.


Div. cat. | Register category | Dimension

Electricity | Cumulative watt regoster | POWER
Electricity | Cumulative watt register | POWER
Electricity | Cumulative consumption register | ENERGY


The dimensions must already exist in Customizing.


1. Define a dimension for each division and register category.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie szukanych ciągów znaków dla grup liczydeł

In this section you define the search terms for register groups dependent on the division category. The
freely definable search terms are for classifying register groups.


DC | Search term | Text for search term

01 | 0001 | Alternating current meter
01 | 0002 | Three-phase current meter
02 | 0001 | Gas meter
02 | 0002 | Corrector

DC = Division category
Using the search term "0001", you will find all register groups of alternating current meters; using the
search term "0002", you will find all register groups of three-phase current meters for the division
category "electricity" (DC=1) if you used these search terms during creation of the corresponding register
groups. For the division category "gas" (DC=02), you will find all register groups of gas meters with
search term "0001" and all register groups of correctors with search term "0002".


The division category is predefined and encrypted by IS-U.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the search termns that you wish to use.

Further notes

- Search terms are used as the search criteria in matchcodes.

- The following search terms are dependent on division category: register group, input/output group
and inspection point group
- whereas the search terms command group and winding group are not dependent on division
category. This is because command groups are only used in audiofrequency ripple control receivers
(ARCR) and winding groups are only used in transformers, which both belong to the division for

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie dozwolonych wartości dla wskaźników liczydła


In this activity you can make the following settings:

- You can specify that the register code is required for creating or changing register groups, device
installation, device replacement, and device modification.
- You can make the settings so that only specific values are permitted as register codes. You can also
define the permitted values.
In the following transactions, the system performs checks based on the Customizing settings, to
establish whether the entered values are permitted:
- Device installation transactions
- Device modification
- Register group maintenance
You can use the Create Register Code Table help report (REG_TEKENNZIFF_XPRA) to fill a
Customizing table with the permitted values from the existing register codes.

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System R/3
__ Grupa wejścia/wyjścia

In this section you define system settings for input/output groups.

Input/output groups describe device interfaces and can be used when creating all device categories from
all basic device categories.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup wejścia/wyjścia

In this activity you maintain the number range object input/output groups.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 150
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup wejścia/wyjścia

In this IMG activity you define search help for input/output groups.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 151
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typów wejścia/wyjścia

In this activity you define the input and output categories. These determine whether the functions
described in the input/output group are input, output, or internal functions of the device.


T | Text
1 | Input function
2 | Output function
3 | Internal function

T = Input/output category


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the input/output categories you use.

SAP AG 152
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów funkcji

In this activity you define the permissible function types for the inputs/outputs.
A function is triggered:
- in the device via the concerned input,
- by the device via the concerned output,
- or internally in the device.


Input/output function type | Text

01 | Quantity signal
02 | Measuring period
03 | Supply voltage


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the function types you use.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wartości wejścia/wyjścia

In this section you define the basic values for the specific function of the input/output circuit of a device.
The input/output value specifies the adjustment value for other devices connected to an input/output


I/O value | Text

01 | 1 kWh = 3000 I
02 | 6 values (can be strored)
03 | Measuring period: 15 minutes


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the input/output values you use.

SAP AG 154
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyłączy wejścia/wyjścia

In this activity you define the description on the connections of the input/output circuits. Connections are
the junction point to other devices and transfer control functions.


I/O connection | Text

01 | Terminal 13/15
02 | Terminal 20/21
03 | Plug-in connection K01


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the the input/output connections you use.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 155
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie szukanego ciągu znaków dla grup wejścia/wyjścia

In this section you define the search terms for input/output groups dependent on the division category.


DC | Search term | Text for search term

01 | 0001 | Current meter
01 | 0002 | Transformer
02 | 0001 | Gas meter

DC = Division category
For the division category "electricity" (DC=01) you find all meters using the search term 0001, and all
transformers using the search term 0002 whose input/output groups are allocated, if you used these search
terms during creation of the corresponding input/output groups. For the division category "gas" (DC=02),
you find all meters whose input/output groups are allocated using the search term 0001.


The division category is predefined and encrypted by IS-U.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the search termns that you wish to use.

Further notes

- Search terms are used as the search criteria in matchcodes.

- The following search terms are dependent on division category: register group, input/output group
and inspection point group
- whereas the search terms command group and winding group are not dependent on division
category. This is because command groups are only used in audiofrequency ripple control receivers
(ARCR) and winding groups are only used in transformers, which both belong to the division for

SAP AG 156
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 157
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______________________________________________________________ Polecenie i grupa poleceń

In this section you define system settings for commands and command groups
You require a command when installing devices from the device category ARCR/clock.

SAP AG 158
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup poleceń

In this activity you maintain the number range object command group.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

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System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup poleceń

In this activity you define search help for command groups.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 160
System R/3
__ Definiowanie szukanego ciągu znaków dla grup poleceń

In this activity you define the search terms for command groups.


Search term | Text for search term

0001 | Switch on-peak/off-peak rate
0002 | Switch summer/winter

Using the search term 0001, you find all command groups that control the switching of on-peak and
off-peak operation, and using the search term 0002 you find all command groups that control the
switching from summer to winter operation if you used these search terms during creation of the
corresponding command groups.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the search termns that you wish to use.

Further notes

- Search terms are used as the search criteria in matchcodes.

- The following search terms are dependent on division category: register group, input/output group
and inspection point group
- whereas the search terms command group and winding group are not dependent on division
category. This is because command groups are only used in audiofrequency ripple control receivers
(ARCR) and winding groups are only used in transformers, which both belong to the division for

SAP AG 14.06.2013 161
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______________________________________________________________ Grupa uzwojeń

In this section you define system settings for winding groups.

Winding groups are required in order to create device categories from basic device category

SAP AG 162
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup uzwojeń

In this activity you maintain the number range object winding group.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 163
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup uzwojeń

In this IMG activity you define search help for winding groups.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 164
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów systemowych dla grup uzwojeń

In this IMG activity, you define system parameters for winding groups.

Standard settings

The system permits all winding group inspections.


Determine whether the winding groups you use permit these inspections or not.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 165
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie klas jakości

In this activity you define the measurement accuracy class of a transformer. The accuracy class specifies
the greatest permissible percentage error that may occur between the input value and the output value
(voltage or electricity) for nominal operation.


Accuracy class | Text

01 | Measurement transformer class 0,5 S M5
02 | Protective transformer class 5 P 5


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the classes you use.

SAP AG 166
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów uzwojeń

In this activity you define the type of winding. The winding type describes the function of a winding
within a winding group.


A | Text |M
1 | Measuring winding | x
2 | Protective winding |

The standard system provides you with winding types: measuring winding (A=1) and protective winding
(A=2). A measuring winding must be indicated as such (M=x).


We recommend using the winding types provided in the standard system.


1. Check whether the delivered winding types are sufficient for your requirements.
2. Choose the function New entries.
3. Define the winding types you use in addition to those in the standard system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 167
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie mocy uzwojeń

In this IMG activity, you establish predefined winding demand values. When you specify demand, you
can enter either any numerical value for the permitted demand in the winding group or you can select a
predefined demand value. Use this IMG activity if you want to use predefined demand values.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the winding demand values you require.

SAP AG 168
System R/3
__ Definiowanie szukanych ciągów znaków dla grup uzwojeń

In this activity you define the search terms for the winding groups.


Search term | Text for search term

0001 | Transformer set
0002 | Current transformer

Using the search term "0001", you will find all winding groups used in transformer sets, if you used this
search term during creation of the corresponding winding groups. If you use the search term "0002", you
will find all winding groups used in current transformers.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the search termns that you wish to use.

Further notes

- Search terms are used as the search criteria in matchcodes.

- The following search terms are dependent on division category: register group, input/output group
and inspection point group
- whereas the search terms command group and winding group are not dependent on division
category. This is because command groups are only used in audiofrequency ripple control receivers
(ARCR) and winding groups are only used in transformers, which both belong to the division for

SAP AG 14.06.2013 169
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wartości dla napięcia znamionowego


In this activity, you define nominal voltage, which you can select when creating a winding group.

SAP AG 170
System R/3
__ Typ urządzenia

In this IMG activity, you define system settings for device categories. You require a device category in
order to create or deliver devices.
Depending on the basic device category, you must first maintain the following data in order to create a
device category:
- register group, for the basic device categories:
- Meter
- Remote meter
- Corrector
- Other
- Command group
- For basic device category ARCR/clock
- Winding group
- For basic device category "transformer"


- Define serial number profile

In order to serialize devices of a device category, the reference material master must specify a serial
number profile.
Serial number maintenance and other information about the use of serial numbers can be found by
Plant Maintenance and Service Management -> Equipment and Technical Objects -> Technical
Objects -> Serial Number Management -> Define serial number profiles

In order to define a serial number profile, you must first make the following settings:
- Maintain equipment category
Plant Maintenance and Service Management -> Equipment und Technical objects -> Technical
Objects -> Equipment -> Equipment Categories -> Maintain equipment category
- Define equipment categories for IS-U
Utilities Industry -> Device Management -> Technology -> Device -> Define equipment
categories for IS-U

SAP AG 14.06.2013 171
System SAP

- Define parameter(s) for sampling inspection/certification

If you wish to indicate that a device is "subject to external certification", table TE270 must be
Choose Utilities Industry -> Device Management -> Inspection -> Basic Settings -> Define
parameter(s) for sampling inspection/certification

SAP AG 172
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla typów urządzeń

In this activity you define search help for device categories.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 173
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla typów urządzeń

In this activity you define notes for device categories (object ETYP).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 174
System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for device categories with text object ETYP

SAP AG 14.06.2013 175
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie tabeli pomocniczej do wprowadzania wzorca materiału

In this IMG activity you specify materials to be automatically used as reference materials for the
IS-U-specific material master in the Create device category function.
Linking the IS-U device category to the material ensures integration of IS-U device management with the
standard system and therefore use of existing standard functions such as inventory management,
warehouse management, and the classification system.


You have created a material master record 1 in the standard system via Create material. You enter this
key in the table to you specify that the material master record 1 is automatically used as a reference each
time the Create device category function is executed.


Create a material master via Create material.


- If you do not want to use standard functions (inventory management, warehouse management,
classification system) for device management, you must enter a reference material that meets your

- If you want to use the standard fuctions, you should first define a material in the standard system for
each device category that you create, and then specify it in the Device category field on the initial
screen of Create device category.

- You must maintain the following views if you execute the function Create material in the standard
system for IS-U purposes:
- Basic data 1
- Sales and distribution: general plant data
- Accounting 1 (only if you have selected the Copy valuation view from material reference


1. Check whether you can use the reference provided.

2. If necessary, create a new material in the standard system via Create material, overwriting the
reference provided.

SAP AG 176
System R/3

Further notes

The table permits only one entry. Therefore, you cannot enter a further material reference via New

SAP AG 14.06.2013 177
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie klas funkcyjnych

In this activity you define the function classes dependent on the division category.
Function classes are entered in the master record of a device category and provide a classification of the
device categories as well as devices in the category with regard to their function.
In addition to the function classes, it is possible to reduce the device categories using the classification
criterion construction class with regard to the description. A corresponding function class must first be
maintained in order to completely define a construction class.
To maintain construction classes, choose:
Utilities industry -> Device management -> Technology -> Technical master data -> Device category ->
Define construction classes


Function class | Text for function class | DC

0001 | Three-phase current 1 | 01
0002 | Three-phase current 2 | 01
0003 | Alternating current | 01
0004 | RCR | 01
1001 | Gas | 02


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the function classes you use.

Further notes

As well as the summarizing criteria in IS-U for classifying device categories and devices according to
function and construction class, you can also classify them individually using the Classification System in
the Cross-Application Component (CA). This allows you to classify the devices and device categories
according to classes and characteristics.
See also
Cross-Application Components -> Classification System

SAP AG 178
System R/3
__ Definiowanie klas konstrukcji

In this activity you define the construction class dependent on the function class and division category. In
combination with function classes, construction classes categorize device categories according to
description and function.
It is possible to use one function class in several construction classes, but you cannot define different
functions for one consruction class.


Construction class | Text | Function class | DC

0001 | Direct 10/30 220 | 0001 | 01
0002 | Direct 10/40 220 | 0001 | 01

DC = Division category
The construction classes 0001 and 0002 exist for the function class 0001 from the division category
"electricity" (DC=01). They provide a classification with reference to maximum intensity of current and


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the construction classes you use for the function classes.

Further notes

As well as the summarizing criteria in IS-U for classifying device categories and devices according to
function and construction class, you can also classify them individually using the Classification System in
the Cross-Application Component (CA). This allows you to classify the devices and device categories
according to classes and characteristics.
See also
Cross-Application Components -> Classification System

SAP AG 14.06.2013 179
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie producenta

In this activity you define the manufacturer of devices and installations used in your company. These
manufacturers are allocated in a later step to possible models and device categories.


Manufacturer of installation


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the manufacturer of devices and installations you use.

SAP AG 180
System R/3
__ Definiowanie licznika przedpłat


In this IMG activity you define types of prepayment meter.

A prepayment meter generally describes a case in which a customer can only use energy or services
following prior payment.


- Chip card
- Slot meter

SAP AG 14.06.2013 181
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przypisania producenta/oznaczenia typów do numeru


In this activity you define the permissible models and inspection numbers of devices and installations.
Models and inspection numbers are assigned by the manufacturer.
If a model or inspection number is assigned by several manufacturers, it must be defined for each


Manufacturer of installation | Model | Inspection number

Manufacturer 01 | abc | 0001
Manufacturer 01 | xyz | 0002
Manufacturer 02 | abc |


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Store all models of the devices and installations assigned by your manufacturers.

Further notes

- In a later step, you allocate the models to their device categories.

- In the Netherlands, the inspection number is a criterion for categorizing lots.

Additional criteria for categorizing lots are:

- Division
- Sealing code/Kema category

SAP AG 182
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kombinacji producenta/oznacz. typów producenta i

typu urządz.

In this activity you define the combination of manufacturer, model, and device category (material).


Dv | Manufacturer | Model | Material

01 | AEG | 1001-01 | 1586
01 | AEG | 1001-02 | 1587
03 | KSB | Axial pump 10m | 58796

Dv = Division
The device category (material) 1586 is allocated to the manufacturer "AEG" and the model "1001-01".


Device categories that are to be used in combination must first be created using the function Create
material (MM: Materials Management).


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Allocate the division, manufacturer, and model to the device category (material).

Further notes

After creating a new device category, this table must be extended with the corresponding entry.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 183
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupy ustalania strat dla transformatorów


In this activity you define the loss determination groups for voltage losses of a power transformer. The
loss determination group is an attribute of the power transformer device type.
You must specify one of the loss determination groups you define here when creating and changing the
power transformer device type.

SAP AG 184
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kombinacji mocy znamionowej, napięcia pierwotnego i



In this activity you define a combination of the rating, primary voltage and secondary voltage for the
transformer attributes and assign a name for this combination.
You must specify the combinations you define here when you create and change the transformer device
category, when you create and change the (transformer) device and during device installation, device
replacement and device modification for the transformer.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 185
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Urządzenie

In this activity you define system settings for devices.


In order to create or deliver devices, you must create a device category from the required basic device
To do this, choose:
Utilities Industry -> Device Management -> Technology -> Device Category

SAP AG 186
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla urządzeń

In this IMG activity you define search help for devices.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 187
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawianie parametrów urządzenia

In this activity you define parameters for an individual device. The new electronic devices (for example,
multifunctional devices) are delivered with a standard setting and the parameters must be set to determine
the technical characteristics of the device.
The set parameters are stored in an encrypted form for an individual device. The entire functional scope
of a multifunctional device is entered in its device category.


Parameter | Text
0001 | Parameter 1.1
0002 | Parameter 2.0


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the parameters you use.

SAP AG 188
System R/3
__ Definiowanie typów urządzeń IS-U

In this activity you define equipment categories for IS-U.

An equipment master record of a defined equipmnet category is generated for each IS-U device in the
standard component Plant Maintenance (PM). In order to supply equipment with data relevant to IS-U
during creation, it is necessary to indicate the corresponding equipment category as an IS-U equipment
This indicator means that data is requested for the consistent definition of an IS-U device during creation
of a piece of equipment in this category. Only set this indicator if you are using this equipment category
for devices. For other pieces of equipment, for example house connections, this indicator should not be


T | ISU | Description of equipment category

C | | Connection
I | X | IS-U equipment (devices)
M | | Machines
CE | | Customer equipment

T = Equipment category
ISU = IS-U indicator


- Maintain equipment category

Plant maintenance and Service Management -> Equipment and technical objects -> Technical
Objects -> Equipment -> Equipment categories -> Maintain equipment categories


1. Indicate the equipment categories that are to be recognized as IS-U devices in Plant Maintenance.

Further notes

The serialization of a material and the automatic creation of a piece of equipment from a defined
equipment category is controlled via Serial number profiles referred to in the material master record.
See also:
Plant Maintenance and Service Management -> Equipment and Technical Objects -> Technical Objects
-> Serial Number Management -> Define Serial Number Profiles

SAP AG 14.06.2013 189
System SAP

SAP AG 190
System R/3
__ Przypisanie rodzaju klasy do typów urządzeń IS-U

In this IMG activity you allocate a equipment class type to the IS-U equipment categories you have
defined. By carrying out this allocation, you can integrate all devices/pieces of equipment into the
classification system during Goods receipt. You do this by choosing Classification in the IS-U dialog


- Define class type (in IMG)

Cross-Application Components -> Classification System -> Classes -> Maintain Object Types and
Class Types

- Create class for class type (in application)

Logistics -> Central functions -> Classification -> Class -> Create

- Create characteristic (in application)

Logistics -> Central functions -> Classification -> Characteristic -> Create

- Allocate characteristic to class (in application)

Logistics -> Central functions -> Classification -> Class -> Change

- Define IS-U equipment category (in IMG)

Utilities industry -> Device Management -> Technology -> Device -> Define IS-U equipment


We recommend that you use the standard allocation of class type to IS-U equipment category that has
been provided.


1. Determine whether the settings provided meet your requirements.

2. If necessary, define further IS-U equipment categories and class types and allocate them to each
other via New entries.

Further notes

You can only allocate one class type to one IS-U equipment category.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 191
System SAP

The class type must be an equipment class type.

SAP AG 192
System R/3
__ Country Specific Functions for India

SAP AG 14.06.2013 193
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Activate Country-Specifics


You use this customizing activity to activate Seal management for India.

SAP AG 194
System R/3
__ Seal Management - India

SAP AG 14.06.2013 195
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Define Seal Security Level


Use this IMG activity to define the various Security Level for Seals.


Mainatin the customizing activity Activate Country Specifics

SAP AG 196
System R/3
__ Define Reason for Status Change


Use this IMG activity to define the reasons for change in status of Seal.


Maintain the customizing activity Activate Country-Specifics

SAP AG 14.06.2013 197
System SAP

31.4.2 Instalacja

In this section you define system settings for performing functions related to the installation of devices.
This includes the following areas:
- Device group
- Installation
- Relevant to all data
- Relevant to technical data
- Relevant to billing data
- Removal
- Relevant to all data
- Relevant to technical data
- Relevant to billing data
- Replacement
- Installation allocation
- Modification
- Installation structure
- Device allocations
- Rate data
- Register relationships
- Logical registers

SAP AG 198
System R/3
__ Ustawienia podstawowe

In this section you define basic settings for controlling the installation of devices.
This includes the following devices:
- Number ranges for logical devices numbers.
- Number ranges for logical registers numbers
- Activity reasons for installation, removal and replacement of devices

SAP AG 14.06.2013 199
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla logicznych numerów urządzeń

In this IMG activity you maintain the number range object logical device number. This consecutive
number is automatically assigned upon installation of devices in a device location. The number is not
displayed on the screen and it only used in the program.
The logical device number identifies the position of a device in a device location and therefore in the
installation structure as well. In replacement of devices, the new device adopts the logical device number
of the removed device.


If you install devices in mass runs (via direct input, for example), you should define a number range for
each run.
If you do not install devices in mass runs, it is sufficient to define a single number range for the logical
device number.


Adjust the provided number ranges to your requirements and, if necessary, add new number ranges to the
selected number range object.
1. Choose the function change intervals.
2. To extend the number ranges, choose the function insert interval.
3. Maintain the intervl values (from number, to number) for the selected number range interval.
Avoid external number assignment (do not select the external indicator).
4. Save your entries

Further notes

- The number range object logical device number only permits numerical interval limits.

- Because the logical device number is used internally, you should not create number ranges with
external number assignment.

SAP AG 200
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla numerów logicznych liczydeł

In this activity you maintain the number range object logical register number. This consecutive number
is automatically assigned to all device registers upon installation of devices in a device location. The
number is not displayed on the screen and it only used in the program.
The logical register number identifies the position of a device in a device location and therefore in the
installation structure as well. In replacement of devices, the new registers adopt the logical register
numbers of the corresponding registers of the removed device. If the devices to be replaced do not have
the same number of registers, new logical register numbers are added or the logical register numbers that
are no longer required are deleted.


If you install devices in mass runs (via direct input, for example), you should define a number range for
each run.
If you do not install devices in mass runs, it is sufficient to define a single number range for the logical
register number.


Adjust the provided number ranges to your requirements and, if necessary, add new number ranges to the
selected number range object.
1. Choose Change intervals.
2. To extend the number ranges, choose Insert interval.
3. Maintain the interval values (from-number, to-number) for the selected number range interval.
Avoid external number assignment (do not select the External indicator).
4. Save your entries

Further notes

- The number range object logical register number only permits numerical interval limits.
- Because the logical register number is used internally, you should not create number ranges via
external number assignment.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 201
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definowanie przyczyn montażu/demontażu/wymiany

In this IMG activity you define activity reasons for device installation, replacement and removal that you
must specify during Installation, Replacement and Removal. In addition, for each reason, you can
specify whether devices lose certification and/or lot membership upon installation, removal, or


Reason | Text | IR | RR | PR | LC | LL
01 | Installation removal | |x | |x |x
02 | Installation extension | x | |x | |
03 | Initial data creation | x | | | |
IR = Installation reason
RR = Removal reason
PR = Replacement reason
LC = Loss of certification
LL = Loss of lot membership
- You can only specify activity reason 01 (installation removal) for removal (IR = x). If reason 01 is
specified, devices will lose certifiction (LC = x) and lot membership (LL = x).

- You can specify activity reason 02 (installation extension) in device installation (IR = x) or
replacement (PR = x), in which case device lose neither certification (LC = ) nor lot membership
(LL = ).

- Activity reason 03 (new installation) is only permissible as an installation reason.


We recommend that you use predefined values.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the activity reasons that you require.

SAP AG 202
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 203
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów systemowych dla


In this IMG activity, you define the system parameters for installing, replacing, and removing devices.
You can make the following restrictions, for example:
- Rate type required for billing installation
- Default value is date of most recent operation
- Default value is the controlling measured pressure from gas billing.
For more information, see the field help for Parameters for Device Installation, Removal, and

SAP AG 204
System R/3
__ Rekord informacyjny urządzenia

SAP AG 14.06.2013 205
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów systemowych rekordu informacyjnego


In this IMG activity, you enter the equipment category to be used when device info records are created
and define how the device numbers are assigned.
For more information on number assignment see the field help.



SAP AG 206
System R/3
__ Grupowanie urządzeń

In this section you define system settings for <DS:GLOS.device group>device groupings.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 207
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup urządzeń

In this section you maintain the number range object device group.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 208
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla grup urządzeń

In this section you define notes for device groups (Object EDEVGR).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 209
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 210
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów grupy

In this IMG activity you define group types. A group type is based on group type categories defined by
SAP, currently including:

- Other
- Integrated water meter
- Transformer group
- Meter board
The group types are also allocated to a division category.
In the next activity you have to allocate the group types to divisions.


Group types 0002 (low voltage current transformer) und 0003 (voltage transformer/voltage transformer)
are in group type category 3 (transformer group) and division category 01 (electricity).

Standard settings

You are not allowed to change the entries supplied. You can use names in the following range: Y*, Z*
(customer name range)


Define the group types you require additionally in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 211
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie rodzajów grup do mediów

In this IMG activity you allocate types of device groups to divisions.

In the last activity you allocated the group types to the divison categories. Since the system allows you to
define several divisions for one division category, you have to allocate the device group type to the
division here as well.

Standard settings

You are not allowed to change the entries supplied. You can use names in the following range: Y*, Z*
(customer name range).


Allocate the newly defined group types to the desired divisions.

SAP AG 212
System R/3
__ Montaż

In this section you define settings for installation of devices.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 213
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Związane z rozliczeniem

In this section you define system settings for billing-related installation of devices relevant to billing.

SAP AG 214
System R/3
__ Definiowanie dopuszczalności montażu w odniesieniu do


In this IMG activity, you define permissibilities for billing-related installation of devices in installations.
You define which device divisions are valid for which installation divisions.
If you do not enter an installation division in this table, devices of any division can be installed in all
installations of the division not entered.


Inst. div | Div. low | Div. upper | INCL/EXCL | Option

01 | 01 | 02 |I | BT
03 | 03 | |I | EQ
05 | 07 | |E | EQ

Inst. div = division of the installation

Div. low = division of the device (from)
Div. upper = division of the device (to)
INCL/EXCL = E/I => division(s) of devices included/excluded in this
Option = Selection options: EQ (equal), BT (between) etc.

- In installations of division 01 (Inst. div 01) you can only install devices of division 01 (Div. low =
01) and 02 (Div. low = 02)(INCL/EXCL=I). (INCL/EXCL=I).

- You can install devices of all divisions in installations of division 02 because no entry exists for
division 02 in this table and therefore no restrictions exist.

- You can only install devices of division 03 in installations of division 03.

- You cannot install devices of division 07 in installations of division 05 (INCL/EXCL=E).


- Define division
Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics- General -> Define, copy, delete, check divisions


The table is delivered empty, meaning SAP does not prescribe any division-related restrictions for the
installation of devices in installations. You should only maintain this table if you do not wish to permit
certain device divisions for certain installation divisions

SAP AG 14.06.2013 215
System SAP


1. Choose the function new entries.

2. Define installations for which you do not wish to permit billing-related installation of devices in
certain divisions.

SAP AG 216
System R/3
__ Modyfikacja

In this IMG activity you define system settings for modification of devices.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 217
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn modyfikacji

In this IMG activity you define the activity reasons for modification of devices. You can specify activity
reasons in the modification function. The modification reason only provides information. It does not
have a controlling function.


MRn | Description
01 | Change register group
02 | Change seal code

MRn = modification reason


We recommend that you use the reasons provided by SAP.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the modification reasons that you use.

SAP AG 218
System R/3
__ Struktura instalacji

In this section you define system settings for the installation structure.
This includes the following areas:
- Device allocation
- Register relationship
- Rate data
- Logical registers

SAP AG 14.06.2013 219
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Relacje liczydeł

In this section you define system settings for register relationships.

Further notes

This section contains activities with system settings defined by SAP. It is therefore only possible to
enhance these settings. These enhancements should only be programmed at the end of SAP
For this reason, these activities were placed at the end of the IMG in the section Tools:
Utilities Industry-> Tools -> System Adjustment -> Customer Enhancements for Register Relationships
- Define types of register relationships
- Define permissible register relationships per division category
- Define operation code in a register relationship
- Define operation code per register relationship

SAP AG 220
System R/3
__ Defin. zakresów numerów dla numerów indeksu relacji liczydeł

In this IMG activity you maintain the number range object Indexnr_Zw- Beziehung. This consecutively
assigned index number specifies the register relationships defined in the installation structure. This is
accomplished by grouping all registers corresponding to a relationship. Each installation structure
affected by this register relationship contains a reference to the index number. In this way, it is possible to
access the register relationship from all installation structures without storing the relationship in the
system more than once.


Adjust the provided number ranges to your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number ranges
to the selected number range object.
1. Choose the function change intervals.
2. Choose the function insert interval if the you wish to extend the number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (from-number, to-number) for the selected number range interval.
Avoid external number assignment (meaning do not set the external indicator).
4. Save your entries.

Further notes

- The number range object Indexnr_ZwBeziehung only permits numerical interval limits.
- The logical device number is only used internally. Therefore, you should not create number ranges
with external number assignment.
For more information, see register relationshiops.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 221
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie propozycji do przypisania logicznych liczydeł

This IMG activity, you define default values for allocation of logical registers during logical register
maintenance and replacement.

You replace two device with each other. Each device has one register. The registers of the devices have
the following data:
Field Device removed Device replaced
Reg. cat. 05 05
RA 02 02
Div. cat. 01 01
Reg. type HT HT
Register ID 01 01
Reg. code test1 test2

If you have
- Selected the field No register code (Register code ignored if logical registers proposed) the
registers are not allocated automatically although they do not have the same entry in the Reg. code
- Not selected the No register code field the registers are not allocated automatically because they
do not have the same entry in the Reg. code field.

Standard settings

The fields are not selected.

Further notes

The registers can only be allocated automatically if they have the same entries in the Reg. cat. (register
category), Div. cat., and RA fields.

SAP AG 222
System R/3

31.4.3 Odczyt

In this IMG activity you define system settings for peforming functions related to meter reading order
creation and meter reading of devices
This includes the following areas:
- Validations
- Independent validations
- Dependent validations
- Formal validations
- Weighting procedures
- Weighting of energy feeding
- Weighting of degree days
- User-defined weighting
- Meter reading organization
- Street route
- Meter reader payment
- Mass changes to meter reading units
- Meter reading order
- Meter reading order creation
- Individual order
- Mass order
- Order output
- Print
- Download
- Order reversal
- Retain meter reading result
- Delete meter reading result
- Meter reading result
- Display/change
- Entry of meter reading results
- Upload
- Fast entry with/without correction
- Single entry
- Correction of meter reading results
- Plausible results
- Implausible results
- Estimation of meter reading results

SAP AG 14.06.2013 223
System SAP

- Monitoring

SAP AG 224
System R/3
__ Ustawienia podstawowe

In this IMG activity you establish system settings for controlling meter reading.
This area contains the following activities:
- Define Control Parameters for Meter Reading Data Entry
- Define Control Parameters for Meter Reading Data Processing
- Define Meter Reading Control
- Define Control Group for Creation of Multiple MR Orders
- Define Meter Reading Group
- Define Automatic Monitoring of Meter Reading Data

SAP AG 14.06.2013 225
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Def. technicznych parametrów sterowania - przetwarzanie danych



In this activity, you define the technical control parameters for:

meter reading data processing. The parameters are valid for
the entire system.
You can use the parameters to make the following settings:
- Number of meter reading orders processed together during order output, reversal, and estimation
- Activate consistency check for table of meter reading documents
- No authorization check for table of meter reading documents
- Display plausible meter readings only
- Display implausible meter readings only
- Do not include secondary meter in dependent validations
- Change meter-reading-relevant rate type
- Also assess meter reasing reasons that do not trigger billing (09,10)
- Default meter readings at device installation
- No entry of technical meter readings at device installation other than installation
- Activates accelerated processing
- Include installations with billing lock
- Use default layout for ALV automatically
- Set meter reading status to implausible
- Use entire meter reading history for extrapolation
- Extrapolation ignores impluasible meter reading results


1. Choose New Entries.

2. Define the parameters according to your requirements.
Read the application help (F1) and the input help (F4) for each parameter.

SAP AG 226
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 227
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania przetwarzaniem danych


In this IMG activity you define the control parameters for meter reading result entry in relation to
company code and division.
Via the parameters, you specify:
- Whether a service order or a service notification is to be created for aperiodic meter readings.
- Whether warnings and error messages are displayed if the meter reading date is in the future
- The number of interval days an entry data record is suppressed for move-in/out final billing


- Define division
Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics General -> Define, copy, delete, check
- Allocate company codes to divisions
Utilities Industry -> Basic Settings -> Allocate company codes to divisions


See the online documentation and the possible entries for the parameters.


1. Check whether the settings in the standard system correspond to your requirements.
2. Choose New entries for each combination of company code and division.
3. Define your parameters according to your requirements.

Further notes

Specify control parameters for order creation under Utilities Industry -> Device Management ->
Meter Reading -> Meter Reading Order -> Order Creation -> Control Parameters for Order

SAP AG 228
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sterowania odczytami

In this IMG activity, you define meter reading control. In doing this, you specify the permitted number of
meter readings by the customer or automatic estimations.


MR cntrl |Description |Perm. CMRs |Perm. ests |Est. + CMR

0001 |Nonresidential cutomers | |2 |
0002 |Residential customers |2 | |

MR cntrl = Meter reading control

Perm. CMRs = Permitted number of meter readings by customer
Perm. ests = Permitted number of automatic estimations
Est.+ CMRs = Permitted number of estimations and customer MRs

Control 0001 permits 2 automatic estimations.

Control 0002 permits 2 meter readings by the customer


1. Choose New entries.

2. Establish meter reading control settings as required.

Further notes

An installation is only permitted for meter reading by the customer or estimation if meter reading control
has been defined.
- No entry in the fields Perm. CMRs, Perm. ests and Est.+ CMRs
Meter reading orders are created according to the scheduled meter reading category from
- 0 entered in the fields Perm. CMRs, Perm. ests and Est.+ CMRs
Orders are created for meter reading by utility only.

You enter the scheduled meter reading category in scheduling and meter reading order creation.
In mass order creation, meter reading by the utility company is always proposed as the scheduled meter
reading category. If you want to create orders for meter reading by the customer or estimation, choose
one of the following options:

SAP AG 14.06.2013 229
System SAP

- Change 01 (meter reading by the utility company) in the Scheduled MR category field.
- Choose Use MR cat. from sched. rec.. The system will then ignore the entry in the Scheduled
MR category field and create orders for the meter reading category entered in the schedule record.
In individual order creation, meter reading by the customer or estimation are not possible because an
order for reading by the utility is created automatically.

SAP AG 230
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup ster. dla wielokr. tworz. zlecenia odczytu

In this IMG activity you define control groups for multiple meter reading order creation. Control groups
contain parameters that allow you to specify which and how many meter readings are entered in a period
meter reading. The control group is stored in the register data of the device. You can also allocate the
control group to a register in a register group.


An electronic watt register stores meter readings at the end of each month. However, the register is read
only once a year. For this periodic meter reading, you want to enter all meter readings. Define a control
group accordingly and enter it in the register data. In addition to the periodic meter reading order, eleven
additional meter reading orders are created for interim meter readings of the register.
CntrlGrp |PrCat. |Time |WDay |Day mth |Subper. MRs | No. MR res. ...
0001 |M |1 |- |31 | |1 ...
Meter reading orders are created automatically each month (time basis = 1, period category = M) on the
31st for all registers with control group 0001.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the control groups you require for creation of multiple meter reading orders.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 231
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupy odczytów

In this activity you define the meter reading groups. Using the meter reading group, you can override the
number of places after the decimal point to be read for a register that was predefined by the
register group.
For each meter reading group, you indicate how many decimal places to read for a specific factor
interval. The factors are the product of the register factor times the billing factor.
You enter the meter reading group in the operands of the rates.


Meter reading group: 0001

Factor from| Factor to | Decimal places
0 | 1 |0
1 | 10 |2
10 | 100 |5

When the product of register factor and billing factor is a value between 1 and 10 for a register allocated
to meter reading group 0001 (via the operands), then two decimal places are read.
For example, if a register in the register group is capable of reporting three decimal places, and an
allocated transformer has a transformation ratio of 100, then you can use the operands in meter reading
group 0001 to indicate that only two decimal places should be considered. ocated to meter reading group
0001 in the


1. Assign and confirm a name for the meter reading group.

2. Define number of decimal places to be read for the meter reading group.

SAP AG 232
System R/3
__ Definiowanie automatycznego monitorowania danych odczytu

In this IMG activity you establish settings for automatic monitoring of missing or implausible meter
readings. You define deadlines and follow-up actions that are triggered if deadlines are not met.
You store follow-up actions as alphanumerical character strings that are transferred to the SAP
enhancement User interface for automatic monitoring of meter reading data (EDMLADUE) during
monitoring. Here the strings trigger the follow-up actions that you define.
The follow-up actions are dependent on certain parameters (such as the installation type), the status of the
meter reading order, and the automatic monitoring status of the order. If a follow-up action is triggered,
the status increases each time automatic monitoring is carried out. If the status exceeds a defined limit,
the meter reading result is estimated automatically.


You have requested that a customer takes his/her own readings. If the customer does not respond within 5
days after the scheduled meter reading date, the customer is sent a reminder. If he/she still does not
respond after another 5 days, a meter reader will take the reading. In this case, you would define 5 days as
the number of days until follow-up action and 10 days for the follow-up action meter reader.
The SAP enhancement for which you define settings must interpret both follow-up actions and trigger
reminder printing or meter reading order creation.


Define the deadlines and follow-up actions you require.

Further notes

Read the documentation for automatic monitoring of meter reading resultsand for the SAP enhancement
User interface for automatic monitoring of meter reading results.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 233
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Kontrole wiarygodności

In this IMG activity, you define system settings for controlling internal validations of meter reading
This includes the following validations:
- independent validations
- dependent validations

SAP AG 234
System R/3
__ Niezależne kontrole wiarygodności

In this IMG activity you define system settings for controlling independent validations of meter reading

SAP AG 14.06.2013 235
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie klas kontroli

In this IMG activity you define validation classes, which control independent validations.
You enter validation classes in the rate.


VCls | Text
0001 | Validations for residential customers
0002 | Validations for nonresidential customers
0003 | No validation


1. Choose the function New entries.

2. Define the validation classes you require.

SAP AG 236
System R/3
__ Przypisanie niezależnych kontroli wiarygodn. do klas kontr.

In this IMG activity, you allocate independent validations to each validation class. You can allocate up to
12 independent validations to a class.
You must maintain the relevant validation parameters in the Define Validation Parameters activity.
You must also establish settings in the Define Tolerance Limits activity if you choose one of the
following validations:
- 05 Tolerance limits (absolute)
- 06 Tolerance limits (relative)
- 07 Tolerance limits (moving)


VCls |IV |IV |IV |IV |IV |IV |IV |IV |IV |IV |IV |IV
0001 |01 |06 |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |-
0002 |01 |02 |03 |04 |05 |07 |- |- |- |- |- |-

- Meter reading data from registers with rates allocated to validation class 0001 are checked for zero
consumption (IV = 01) and for X number of successive periods (IV = 06).


For more information, see validations.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Allocate independent validations to your validation classes.

Further notes

When you create an installation, you select either the previous period or the same period from the
previous year as the base period category for comparison.
If you want to create user-defined independent validations, go to Tools -> System Modifications ->
User-Defined Independent Validations.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 237
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów kontroli dla klas kontroli

In this IMG activity, you define validation parameters for each independent validation allocated to a
validation class.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the parameters for independent validations for each validation class.

SAP AG 238
System R/3
__ Definiowanie granic toleracji dla klas kontroli

In this IMG activity, you define tolerance limits for the following independent validations allocated to a
validation class:
- 05 Tolerance limits (absolute): You can store absolute values here. The values are added to the
expected consumption or subtracted from it. The consumption values calculated form the limits of
the valid interval.
- 06 Tolerance limits (relative): You can store percentages here. The percentages are multiplied by
the expected consumption and then added or subtracted. The consumption values calculated form
the limits of the valid interval.
- 07 Tolerance limits (moving): The tolerance limits are defined by the gradient and displacement
factor, which result in a function for calculating tolerance limits. See the formulas under:
- Upper limit gradient for moving tolerance limits
- Lower limit gradient for moving tolerance limits
- Upper displacement factor for moving tolerance limits
- Lower displacement factor for moving tolerance limits
Tolerance limits are defined in relation to consumption limits.
The system determines tolerance limits automatically via the expected consumption and the period
duration according to the settings established above. The limits are displayed during Entry and
correction of MR results and Monitoring of MR results. If the meter reading result exceeds or falls
below these tolerance limits, it becomes implausible.


VCls | Valid-from consump. |I| EC | %PD. | %NDv.| Pos. dev.|Neg. dev.

0001 |0 |1| 1 |70 |40 | |
0001 |100 |1| 1 |60 |30 | |
0001 |100 |2| 2 |65 |35 | |
0001 |1000 |1| 2 |50 |20 | |
0002 |0 |1| 1 | | |200 |100
0002 |5000 |1| 2 | | |400 |300

SAP AG 14.06.2013 239
System SAP

- Results from registers with validation class 0001 have an upper limit of 70% and a lower limit of
40% within the range of 0 to 99 kwh. If these limits are exceeded, a warning is displayed (EC = 1).
If consumption is between 100 to 999 kwh, a warning is displayed whenthe upper limit of 60 % or
the lower limit 30 % is exceeded.
A second interval (I = 2) was defined for the same consumption range. If the upper limit of 65 %
and the lower limit of 35 % is exceeded, an error message is displayed instead of a warning (EC =
2). The meter reading result is automatically deferred for later processing if tolerance limits are
- Absolute deviations have been defined for validation class 0002. An error or warning message is
displayed if tolerance limits exceeded. You can also combine perentage and absolute deviations.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define tolerance limits for each validation class for independent validations.

SAP AG 240
System R/3
__ Przypisanie kontroli stałego odchyl. dla urządzeń bez inst.

In this IMG activity, you define parameters for fixed value deviation (FVD) validations for devices not
allocated to installations. Devices not allocated to installations are devices that are physically installed but
not relevant to billing. For these devices, you can specify a value used for calculating the maximum
permissible deviation of a meter reading from the previous meter reading. The permissible deviation is
calculated based on the number of places after the decimal point in a register.


UM Fixed val. dev.

KWH 50

A fixed value of 50 KWH was defined for devices without an installation structure with KWH as the unit
of measurement. For registers with two places after the decimal, the maximum permissible deviation
from the previous meter reading is +/- 0.50 KWH. For registers with one place after the decimal point,
the permissible deviation is 5.0 KWH.


Read the online documentation for the Fixed value deviation of devices without installation
allocation field.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define fixed value deviations in conjunction with the unit of measurement for devices not allocated
to installations.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 241
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Zależne kontrole wiarygodności

In this IMG activity you define system settings for controlling dependent validations of meter reading

SAP AG 242
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zależnych kontroli wiarygodności

In this IMG activity, you define the dependent validations allocated to a validation group.
First you define the validation group and allocate a register relationship type to it.
You then allocate one or more dependent validations and validation parameters to each validation class.


You want to carry out a cosine phi validation for reactive and active registers.
1. Create validation group 0001 (validation group for reactive/active relationship) and allocate it to
register relationship type 01 (reactive/active relationship).
2. Create dependent validation 04 (cosine phi validation in relation to fixed value) and/or 05 (Cosine
phi validation in relation to previous period) with the respective validation parameters.
3. Allocate the validation parameters to the dependent validations.
You do not have to allocate all validation parameters for every dependent validation. For more
information, see the online help for the individual validation parameters.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define validation groups and the register relationship type.
3. Allocate a dependent validation and corresponding parameters to your validation groups.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 243
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Procedura parametrów prognozy

In this section you define system settings for controlling internal weighting procedures employed in
forecasting consumption values.
In the following activities you establish general settings for weighting procedures:
- Define Periods for Consumption Portions to be Weighted Linearly
- Define Weighting Keys
In the following sections you establish settings for individual weighting procedures:
- Weighting of Energy Feeding
- Degree Day Weighting
- User-Defined weighting

SAP AG 244
System R/3
__ Definiowanie okresów dla części zużycia wymagaj. liniowego przyp.


In this activity you define the validity periods for the consumption portions to be linearly weighted during
You can enter the consumption portion to be linearly weighted as a fixed value in the register data during
device installation, or in the rate data of the installation structure. The validity periods defined here are
then available for selection in the input help.

The text contains a graphic. To obtain the best display results, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Help -> Settings.
2. Select in modal dialog box (R/3) on the F1 Help tab page.


Period | No.| Valid from | Valid to |

0001 | | 01/01 | 03/31 |
0002 | | 06/01 | 08/31 |
Period 001 is entered, together with the consumption portion to be linearly weighted, in the rate data of
the installation structure. In this case, the consumption portion for weighting will be taken into account
for the period January 1st to March 31st.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the validity periods for consumption portions that are to be linearly weighted.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 245
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie klucza parametrów prognozy

In this activity you define weighting keys and allocate the standard weighting procedures to them. You
can assign your own weighting keys and descriptions to the weighting procedures provided in the SAP

The text contains a graphic. To obtain the best display results, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Help -> Settings.
2. Select in modal dialog box (R/3) on the F1 Help tab page.


Wtg key | Weighting descript. | Wtg proc.

0001 | Linear weighting | 01
0003 | Degree day weighting | 03


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define your own weighting keys and allocate them to the the weighting procedures provided in the
SAP standard system.

SAP AG 246
System R/3
__ Parametry prognozy zasilania

In this section you define system settings for controlling the weighting of energy feeding.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 247
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie średniego miesięcznego zasilania

In this activity you define the average monthly energy feeding.

This deals with the quantity issued or the energy feeding volume of energy or water that was supplied to
an area in a specified month. Within this month, the energy feeding volume is divided linearly among the
individual days.
The values for average monthly energy feeding are taken into account in the following cases:
- When consumption has to be broken down by time period during weighting.
- When the weighted average is calculated in the calorific value procedure, the volume correction
factor procedure, or gas procedure of thermal gas billing.
The values of the average monthly energy feeding are taken into account when you have not entered any
information in the Energy Feeding per Period activity or when too few values are available.
Special Feature in Gas Billing
In order for billing or billing simulation to take place, all of the values in the Define Energy Feeding per
Period activity must be available. If this is not the case, billing or billing simulation is terminated. That is,
the average monthly energy feeding values are not used.
The average monthly energy feeding values are only used for the simulation of a period without a billing
contract if the data in the Define Energy Feeding for Each Period activity is incomplete.

The text contains a graphic. To obtain the best display results, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Help -> Settings.
2. Select in modal dialog box (R/3) on the F1 Help tab page.


Wtg key | Div. cat. | Month | Enrgy Fdng Vol.

0003 | 01 |1 | 100
0003 | 01 |2 | 200

- The average energy feeding for January (month=1) amounts to 100 kWh for division category 01
(electricity) for weighting key 0003. In February it amounts to 200 kWh.


First you have to define the weighting keys.

SAP AG 248
System R/3


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define your monthly energy feeding volumes for each weighting key and division category.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 249
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zasilania dla okresów

In this activity you define energy feeding per period.

This deals with the quantity issued or energy feeding volume of energy or water that was supplied to an
area within a specified period.
The values for energy feeding per period are taken into account in the following cases:
- When the consumptions have to be broken down over time for weighting
- When the weighted average is calculated in the calorific value method, the volume correction factor
procedure, or gas procedure of thermal gas billing.
If you have not maintained this table, or if the data is not sufficient for weighting, the values of the
average monthly energy feeding are used.
Special Feature of Gas Billing
In order for billing or billing simulation to take place, all of the values must be available in this table. If
this is not the case, billing or billing simulation is terminated.
The average monthly energy feeding values are only used for the simulatiojn of a period without a billing
contract if the data in this table is incomplete.

The text contains a graphic. To obtain the best display results, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Help -> Settings.
2. Select in modal dialog box (R/3) on the F1 Help tab page.


Wtg key |Div. cat. | Issue by | Quan. issued

0001 |1 | 01/15/1998 | 123
0001 |1 | 01/17/1998 | 145
For weighting key 0001, 123 kWh of electricity were fed by 01/15/1998. From 01/15 to 01/17, 145 kWh
were fed.


You have to define the weighting keys first.

SAP AG 250
System R/3


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define your energy feeding volume per period for each weighting key and division category.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 251
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Prognozowanie stopnio-dnia

In this section you define system settings for controlling the weighting of degree days.

SAP AG 252
System R/3
__ Definiowanie obszarów temperatury

In this activity you define the temperature areas.

Temperature areas are sections of a supply area with roughly the same air temperatures. You enter
temperature areas in the regional structure
Temperature areas are used for the weighting of degree days as well as thermal gas billing as criteria for


TempArea | Temperature area

0001 | Houston: city
0002 | Metro: north
0003 | Metro: south


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define your temperature areas.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 253
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie średnich liczb stopnio - dni

In this activity you define an average degree day coefficient for each temperature area and for each
degree day.
The degree day coefficient is a value that is determined according to a certain procedure from the
measured daily temperature. The average degree day coefficients are based on empirical values.
The values of the average degree day coefficients are taken into account if you have entered too few
values in activity Define Degree Day Coefficients to the Day or none at all.
You can also enter an average air temperature for each degree day for information purposes. This value
can be printed on the bill, for example.


Temp Area| DegrDy | Av.DegrDy | AirTemp

0001 | 01/01 | 12.00 | 11
0001 | 01/02 | 13.00 | 11
0002 | 01/01 | 14.00 | 11
0002 | 01/02 | 14.00 | 12

An average degree day coefficient of 12 is used on degree day 01/01 for temperature area 0001. 11
degrees is indicated as the average air temperature for this area and this day.


You have to define the temperature areas first.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the average degree day coefficients measured in your temperature area for all days of a year.

SAP AG 254
System R/3
__ Definiowanie dokładnych liczb stopnio - dni

In this activity you define a degree day coefficient for an exact number of days for each temperature area
and for each degree day dependent on the weighting key.
Unlike the average degree day coefficient, you enter the actual measured values. Therefore the year is
also specified for degree days.
If you have not maintained the degree day coefficients for an exact number of days, or if there are not
enough values, the system uses the
values from the average degree day coefficient.
You can also enter the exact day’s air temperature for each degree day for information purposes, to
output this value on the bill, for example.


Wtg key | Temp Area | DegreeDat | Coef. | AirTp

0003 | 0001 | 01/01/1998 | 13.40 | 11
0003 | 0001 | 01/02/1998 | 14.20 | 11
0003 | 0002 | 01/01/1998 | 15.10 | 08
0003 | 0002 | 01/02/1998 | 15.95 | 1109


You have to define weighting keys and temperature areas first.


Make sure there are no gaps in the intervals. The function Check period shows whether the periods for
the weighting keys are complete.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the degree day coefficients measured in your temperature area per weighting key for all days
of a year.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 255
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ogólne przypisanie wagi

In this section, you define the system settings for controlling the general weighting.

SAP AG 256
System R/3
__ Definiowanie jednostek parametrów prognozy

In this activity, you define a weighting units for each weighting key. These weighting units are then valid
for a certain period of time.
This means that when you have a user-defined weighting, you can divide an annual weighting into as
many partial weightings as you like, and select any periods.
Periods are indicated by month and day, and are not dependent on the year.


Wtg key | Valid from | Weighting

0003 |01/01 | 100
0003 |02/01 | 50
0003 |12/01 | 100

The sum of the weightings for weighting key 0003 within a year is (100 + 50 + ... + 100) = 1000. The
weighting portion then amounts to 10% from 01/01 to 02/01, 5% from 02/01 to 03/01, ... and 10% from
12/01 to 01/01.


You have to define weighting keys first.


Make sure there are no gaps in the intervals. The function Check period shows whether the periods for
the weighting keys are complete.
The function Total calculates the sum of the weightings per weighting key. Select the weighting key for
which you want to calculate the total.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the weighting portions per weighting key for all periods.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 257
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Organizacja odczytu

In this section you define system settings for functions related to meter reading organization.
This includes the following areas:
- Street route
- Meter reader payment
- Mass change meter reading unit

SAP AG 258
System R/3
__ Kolejność odczytu

In this IMG activity you define system settings for the <DS:GLOS.street route>street route

SAP AG 14.06.2013 259
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie formularza dla kolejności odczytu

In this IMG activity you define the appearance of your form for printing the street route.

Standard settings

Use form class IS_U_DM_MR_STREET_ROUTE.

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 260
System R/3
__ Zlecenie odczytu

In this section you define system settings for functions related to meter reading order
This includes the following areas:
- Printing of the meter reading document
- Order creation
- Order output
- Order reversal

SAP AG 14.06.2013 261
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Tworzenie zlecenia

In this section you define system settings for performing functions related to creation of meter reading

SAP AG 262
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów ster. dla tworzenia zlecenia

In this IMG activity, you define control parameters for creation of aperiodic meter reading orders.
You can specify whether service orders or service notifications are to be crated for aperiodic meter
reading orders.
You can also specify the objects for which service orders or notifications are created.


You must establish settings for creation of service orders or notifications for periodic meter readings. To
do this, go to Utilities Industry -> Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Meter Reading Result
-> Entry -> Define Control Parameters for Meter Reading Data Processing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 263
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla zleceń odczytu

In this section you maintain the number range object NR meter reading order
The entities used in SAP applications are identified uniquely by their keys. These keys can be assigned
either internally (by the system) or externally (by the user), as specified in number ranges. For every
entity, you define a number range object, which describes number assignment for the key (internal or
external) and the range of values permitted.

Standard settings

Number range "01" is provided by SAP.

Number range "01" is intended for use in internal number assignment. External number ranges are not
provided for this number range object.


You can change the number ranges as necessary.


Adapt the standard number ranges provided by SAP to your specific requirements and add number ranges
of your own to the number range object as necessary.
1. Choose Change intervals.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number, To number) for the relevant number range interval.
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 264
System R/3
__ Definiowanie inkasenta

In this activity you define meter readers that are to read a meter reading unit later, or that have actually
read meter reading results. You can allocate the meter readers defined here to a meter reading unit using
the function Create meter reading unit.


MR |Description | Name1 | Partner | Pers.no.

001 |external employee | J. Jones | 125 |
005 | | S. Smith | |
008 | | Tech Inc. | 327 |
009 |internal employee | W. Walker | | 5689

- Meter readers 001 and 008 were previously created as business partners and can be selected here via
the matchcode (F4 help).


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define new meter readers or choose business partners already created as meter readers.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 265
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupy formul. wskazówek dla usług zewnętrznych

In this IMG activity you maintain the form groups of notes to field service.
Via the form group, the notes can be allocated to any form classes and forms for meter reading. Output is
limited to certain processes (such as the final meter reading order).


You can also define settings so that that certain notes are only displayed on certain forms. In this way,
note 01 is displayed on the meter reading cover sheet and the meter reading document, for example.
You can settings so that other notes are only be displayed on the meter reading document, for example.
You can use various form groups to make these settings.


Define the form group that you require.

SAP AG 266
System R/3
__ Definiowanie dynam. wskazówek dla usług zewnętrznych

In this activity you define dynamic notes to field service. Dynamic notes are created at runtime by the
program and may not be deleted. The notes are either displayed on a form or downloaded in a file for
mobile data entry.
The priority influences the sort sequence of several notes on the form or in the download file. Via the
form groups, you can determine valid recipient groups and forms for the notes.


Dynamic note 03 (Device &1 disconnected since &2) is always allocated to a device, has priority 1, and
is allocated to form group 0001. The form group is established in the previous IMG activity. It defines the
forms on which the note 03 appears.
The dynamic note 03 is supplied with a date for the placeholder & by the program. If several notes are to
be displayed on the form or in the download file, the text for note 03 appears before the text for note 04.

Standard settings

You are not allowed to change the 0* entries supplied. You can use the following name range: anything
but 0* (customer name space).


- Read the online help (F1) for the field Dynamic note (DN).
- We recommend using the dynamic notes used by the program and listed in the above-mentioned
online help.
- You cannot define additional dynamic notes because they are generated by the program.


1. Allocate the indicators (priority and form group) to the dynamic notes provided.
2. If you do not allocate form groups to the note, the note will be displayed on all forms or form

Further notes

The variables in the note text (&) are provided with values by the
corresponding program at runtime.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 267
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statycznych wskazówek dla usług zewnętrznych

In this IMG activity you define the pool of static notes to field service. You can freely define the notes
with up to five placeholders (&). You can define as many static notes you require. In contrast to dynamic
notes, you must allocate static notes to connection objects and device locations.
Placeholders are maintained during allocation of the notes to objects. Notes are formatted during printing
or downloading. By defining a note that consists entirely of placeholders, any text can be allocated to an
object as a note.


The static note 01 (Ring Mr. & doorbell) is always allocated to a device, has priority 1, and is allocated to
form group 0001. The form group is established in a previous IMG activity. It defines the forms on which
note 01 appears.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the notes to field service that you use.
If you do not allocate form groups to a note, the note will be displayed on all forms or form classes

Further notes

You can use static notes to transfer persons responsible (such as a building manager) to orders. For more
information, see Customizing Work Management under Define Partner Functions and Static MR Notes
for Person(s) Responsible for Objs.

SAP AG 268
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyczyn blokady odczytu

In this activity you define reasons for (temporary) blocking of meter readings.
When you enter a blocking reason for an installation, the system does not generate any meter reading
orders for the registers allocated to the installation during meter reading order creation. When you create
the orders, the system outputs a message indicating which installation is blocked.


RB | Description
01 | House unsafe
02 | House inaccessible
03 | Inst. modif. planned
RB = Meter reading blocking reason


We recommend using the settings provided in the SAP standard system.


1. Check whether the settings in the standard system meet your requirements.
2. Choose New entries.
3. Define the meter reading blocking reasons you use.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 269
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn odczytu dla kontroli karencji odczytu

In this IMG activity you define priorities for individual meter reading reasons. Via these priorities you
define which meter reading reasons cause suppression of meter reading orders if the meter reading
interval already contains other meter reading orders or results.
You can also use the Always create MR order field to specify that a meter reading order is always created
regardless of the meter reading reason.

MR reason Description Priority Always create
01 Periodic reading 3
02 Interim reading with billing 4
03 Final reading (move-out) 2 X
05 Serv. terr. trans. w. bill. 1
If periodic meter reading and a service territory transfer occur together in a meter reading interval, meter
reading order creation and billing are suppressed due to the low priority of the periodic meter reading.
If final billing and a service territory transfer occur together in the meter reading interval, a meter reading
order is created despite the low priority because the Always create MR order field is selected. Billing is
still suppressed, however.


Meter reading reasons are predefined and encrypted by SAP.


We recommend that you use settings provided by SAP.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define priorities for individual meter reading reasons.
3. Select the Always create MR order field.

SAP AG 270
System R/3
__ Definiowanie automat. interpolacji dla przyczyn odczytu

In this IMG activity, you define specify whether meter reading results are to be interpolated automatically
for certain meter reading reasons.


Meter reading reasons are predefined and encrypted by SAP.


We recommend that you use the settings provided.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Specify for individual meter reading reasons whether results are to be interpolated automatically.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 271
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wyprowadzenie zlecenia

In this IMG activity you define system settings for meter reading order output.
You can define various types of forms, including:
- Meter reading cover sheet
- Field selection for MDE download
- Meter reading by customer

SAP AG 272
System R/3
__ Definiowanie formularza dla strony tytułowej odczytu

In this IMG activity you define the appearance of your meter reading cover sheet. For notes to the meter
reader, you can include an indicator so that the note is printed on the cover sheet. In this way, the meter
reader has the option of calling the customer before the meter reading, for example.

Standard settings

Use the form class IS_U_DM_MR_COVER_PAGE.

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 273
System SAP

SAP AG 274
System R/3
__ Definiowanie formularza dla dokumentu odczytu

In this IMG activity you define the appearance of your meter reading document.

Standard settings

Use form class IS_U_DM_MR_ORDER.

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 275
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie formularza dla zapisu do pliku MWD

In this IMG activity you define the record format for mobile data entry (MDE). A certain record format
must be defined for the MDE interface. The record format is defined in this form. Only the required fields
are specified in the form. Texts are not required in this form.


You have maintained the following data:

- If you download via the IDoc interface, you must first customize the IDocs. You will find them
under Cross-Application Components -> IDoc Interface / Electronic Data Interchange -> IDoc
Interface - Basis

Standard settings

Use form class IS_U_DM_MR_DOWNLOAD.

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an

SAP AG 276
System R/3

application form.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 277
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie formularza dla odczytu przez klienta

In this IMG activity you define the appearance of your document for meter reading by the customer.

Standard settings

Use form class IS_U_DM_MR_CARD.

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 278
System R/3
__ Wynik odczytu

In this section you define system settings for performing functions related to the meter reading result.
This includes the following areas:
- Display/change meter reading result
- Enter meter reading result
- Estimate meter reading result
- Monitor meter reading result

SAP AG 14.06.2013 279
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wprowadzanie

In this section you define system settings for performing functions related to entry of meter reading

SAP AG 280
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzaju odczytu zdef. przez użytkownika dla


In this IMG activity you define meter reading types for entry of meter reading results. The meter reading
type specifies the source of the meter reading result and must be specified upon entry of meter reading
You also allocate meter reading types to fixed meter reading categories defined by SAP.
Meter reading types 01 - 03 are defined by SAP.


MR type | Description | MR category

01 | Entry by company | 01
02 | Entry by customer | 02
03 | Manual estimation | 03
10 | Entry via document | 01
11 | Entry via MDE | 01
31 | Entry via estimation | 03

- Meter reading type 10 (Entry via document) is allocated to meter reading category 01 (Entry by
utility company) defined by SAP.
- Meter reading type 31 (Entry via estimation) is allocated to meter reading category 03 (Entry via
estimation) defined by SAP.

Standard settings

Entries 01, 02 and 03 cannot be changed. You can use all namespaces except 0* (customer namespace).


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the meter reading types you use and allocate them to the meter reading categories provided
by SAP.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 281
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wskazówek dla inkasenta

In this activity you define

notes that the meter reader can specify during entry of meter reading results. The are used for correcting
incorrect meter reading results and for outsorting during validation. The field CF contains follow-up
action that is triggered by a certain meter reading note.


Nt | MR note (Text) | CF
Rl | Checked and released | 03
RC | Reference for clerk | 02
Nt = Meter reading note from meter reader
CF = Control function of meter reading note

- The note from the meter reader Rl "Checked and released" means that the meter reading result is
transferred without further checks (Rl=03).

- The note RC means that the meter reading result is reset (CF=V).


We recommend using the settings that are provided.


1. Check whether the settings provided in the standard meet your requirements.
2. Choose New entries.
3. Define the meter reading notes you use.

Further notes

Read the online documentation (F1) for the field CF.

SAP AG 282
System R/3
__ Zmiana

SAP AG 14.06.2013 283
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procesu zmian dla danych odczytu


In this activity you define which meter reading results are modifiable during the upload process.

Standard settings

The upload takes place using the IDoc type and the BAPI ISU_MTRREADDOC_UPLOAD.

SAP AG 284
System R/3
__ Szacowanie

In this section you define system settings for functions related to estimation of meter reading results.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 285
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie oszacowanych parametrów dla wprowadzania wyniku


In this IMG activity, you specify estimation parameters for meter reading result entry according to
company code and division category.


The parameters define:

- The percent by which a meter reading result is to be overestimated when reason 01 (automatic
estimation) is specified.
- The percent by which a meter reading result is to be overestimated via Automatically estimate
meter reading result or via report RELSCHZ1.


- Define division
Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics -General -> Define, copy, delete, check division

- Allocate company codes to divisions

Utilities Industry -> Basic Settings -> Allocate company codes to divisions


1. Check whether the settings provided in the standard system meet your requirements.
2. Choose New entries for each new combination of company code and division.
3. Define the parameters according to your requirements.

SAP AG 286
System R/3

31.4.4 Kontrola

In this IMG activity you define system settings for performing functions that relate to the inspection of
This includes the following areas:
- Device requirements planning
- Sampling procedure (Lot processing)
- Periodic replacement list
- Work orders
- Inspection results management
- Certification

SAP AG 14.06.2013 287
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia podstawowe

In this section you define basic settings for controlling inspection of devices.
The following areas are involved:
- Parameters for the sampling procedure and certification

SAP AG 288
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów próbki/legalizacji

In this IMG activity, you define the parameters for sampling procedures and certification.
The parameters are used to establish the following settings:
- Loss of lot membership
If this indicator is set, all devices will lose lot membership upon removal and replacement as long as
the field Loss of lot memberhip is selected in the table in Define reasons for
installation/removal/replacement. Loss of lot membership occurs if the lot number in the device
record is deleted.
- Loss of certification
If this indicator is set, all devices will lose their certification upon removal and replacement if the
field Loss of certification is selected in the table Define reasons for
- Loss of certification results in loss of lot membership
If this indicator is set, all devices will lose lot membership after losing certification.
- Internal inspection
If this indicator is set, an internal certification period longer than the official calibration validity
period can be entered in the device category.
- Lot warehouse
If this indicator is set, you can allocate uninstalled devices to a lot. In addition, in the Determine
Lot Devices function, the Include Lot Devices field becomes active. Before warehouse devices
can be included in the lot, you must select this indicator.
- Manipulation of devices despite lot inspection/drawing
If this indicator is set, devices can be allocated to a device or deleted from a lot if the lot has already
undergone an inspection or drawing (Swiss requirement).
- Warehouse devices allowed as sample devices
If this indicactor is set, uninstalled devices can be drawn as sample devices in official lots. This
means the Include Warehouse Devices indicator in the Draw lot devices function is active.
- Certificaton/seal extension control
If this indicator is set, the transaction for certification provides the inspection function in addition to
- Certification year same as installation year
If this indicator is set, the certification year is automatically set to the inpsection year when devices
are installed that are subject to certification, internal certification, and sampling inspection.
- Repeated use of devices for inspection
If this indicator is set, devices can be used several times for sample inspection (Swiss requirement).
- Retain lot membership during certification
This means that devices do not lose their lot membership when they are re-certified.
- Duration of certification overrides lot
This means that devices belonging to a lot that did not pass inspection only have to be replaced
when their certification has expired

SAP AG 14.06.2013 289
System SAP

- Only certified devices can be allocated to lots

Means that only certified devices can be allocated to a lot.
- Exclude devices from sample drawing upon installation/removal/replacement
If you select this field, devices are marked as not to be included in sample drawings at the time of
installation, removal or replacement.
- Check the date of the last lead sealing against the current date
If you select this field, you cannot enter a lead sealing date later than than the current date.
- Replacement period
This parameter specifies the number of years within which the devices belonging to a failed official
sample lot must be replaced. As a general rule, failed devices have to be replaced within a year of


Read the online documentation for each parameter.


1. Ensure that the SAP settings meet your requirements.

2. Define the parameters to meet your requirements.

SAP AG 290
System R/3
__ Procedura próbkowania

In this section you define system settings for sampling procedures.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 291
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla partii

In this activity you maintain the number range object Lot.

The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 292
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla partii

In this IMG activity you define search help for sample lots.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 293
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla partii

In this section you define notes for lots (Object TE271).

You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 294
System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 295
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustalania partii próbek

In this activity you define default values for the number of sample devices and spare devices. These
values are then displayed in the Draw sample inspection devices function during the sampling
procedure. You define the default values in relation to the division of the ot, the number drawings, the
certification or internal certification requirement of the lot and the lot size. You can define different
default values for devices with electronic registers only.
You can create absolute or percentage default values. When you create a lot via Create lot, you use the
field Number of lot devices to be determined as a percentage define whether the absolute or
ercentage value is used.


Dv SD CR P E LtSize No.
01 1 1 50 10
01 1 2 50 2
01 1 1 100 20
01 1 2 100 4
01 1 1 500 50
01 1 2 500 10
01 1 1 1000 100
01 1 2 1000 20
01 1 2 X 100 15
01 1 2 X 100 3
- Dv = Division
- EZ = Simple or double sampling procedure
- CR = Type of certification requirement (none/internal/external)
- P = Type of sample device (sample device/spare device)
- E = Meters with electronic registers only
- LtSize = Size of sample lot
- No. = Your default number of sample devices

- Via Determine lot devices, you have allocated up to 50 devices to a sample lot with division 01.
The lot is subject to external certification (CR = 1). Its master data record allows two drawings
(BP=1). If you choose Draw sample devices, the fields will contain the values No. = 10 and No. =
2 for both the first and second drawings.

SAP AG 296
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- If you allocate between 51 and 100 devices to the lot, 20 sample devices and 4 spare devices are
proposed when you draw devices.
- If you allocate between 101 and 500 devices to the lot, 50 sample devices and 10 spare sample
devices are proposed.
- If you allocate 1000 devices to the lot, 100 sample devices are proposed. If you allocate 1500
devices, 0 devices are proposed because the output table does not contain an entry greater than or
equal to 1500.
- If you use lots containing devices with electronic registers only and select the Meters with
electronic registers only field when you create the lot, 15 sample devices and 3 spare sample
devices are proposed, as long as the lot size is less than or equal to 100.


To define the division, choose Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics - General -> Define,
Copy, Delete, Check Division


See the field help and the possible entries for the following fields:
- Single sample drawing
- Type of certification requirement
- Type of sample device
- Number of sample devices


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the number of sample devices and spare sample devices for differet lot sizes.

Further notes

- The sum of sample devices and spare sample device from the first drawing should be under 50% of
the devices included in the lot. If not, the system will display a warning message. For the examples
above, you should define default values that do not exceed the lower limit of 50% of the lot devices
(25 devices). One possibility would be to define 10 sample devices and a maximum of 2 spare
sample devices. This would result in the sum of 2 drawings * (10+2)=24, which would be in a
permissible range.
- Before every first drawing, you must decide whether you want to perform a single or double

SAP AG 14.06.2013 297
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie okresu przedłuż. urzęd. partii kontrolnych

In this activity you define the renewal period for the sample lot if it passes inspection. The division and
the certfication indicator are used in this activity. The next due year of the lot is calculated from the last
certification year and the renewal period defined here.


Dv | C | E | RP
01 | 1 | x | 4

Dv = division
C = type of certification requirement (none/internal/external certif.)
E = x => only permit meter with electronic register
RP = renewal period of the lot

In the division 01 (electricity), all lots subject to certification (C = 1) and devices in those lots that have
been renewed for four years (RP = 4, meaning that if the lot passed inspection in 1997 and was
re-certified in the same year, 2001 is the next due year for the lot). This only applies to lot devices with
the elctronic register indicator (E = x), which is maintained in the lot master record.


- Define division
Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistics - General -> Define, Copy, Delete, Check Division


See the field help and the possible entries for the following fields:
- Type of certification requirement
- Meters withs electronic registers only
- Renewal period (years) for official sample lots


1. Choose new entries.

2. Define renewal periods that you require.

SAP AG 298
System R/3
__ Definiowanie referencji kontroli urządzeń

In this IMG activity you define the testing indicator for devices. During the sampling procedure it is
determined from the value of this indicator whether a device is to be tested or not.
In this way you can specify, for example, that external devices are not to be tested.


- device is to be tested
- device is not to be tested since it is an external device
- device is not to be tested since testing is not technically necessary


Define the required testing indicators in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 299
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia specyficzne dla kraju Belgia/Holandia

In this IMG activity you define country-specific settings for sampling procedures in Belgium and the
All devices to be inspected must be certified and inspected at defined intervals. For this reason, devices
are grouped into lots according to criteria established by authorities. The authorities then notify the utility
company of what lots are to be inspected.

SAP AG 300
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kategorii plomby

In this IMG activity, you define seal categories and allocate them to division categories.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the seal categories you use.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 301
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kodu plomby partii kontrolnej

In this IMG activity, you define seal codes for renewal of sample lots. You allocate a seal category to the
seal code. You can also select the NM (nonmanufacturer seal) field.
In the Netherlands, different devices are created for lots that have the original manufacturer’s seal and
those devices that have undergone a seal extension.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the seal codes you required.

Further notes

You allocate the seal code to devices to be delivered via Goods Receipt. You can also maintain the code
via Change Device/Material Serial Number.

SAP AG 302
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wartości stand. dla łączenia partii

In this IMG activity, you establish settings for lot compilation. The devices to be inspected are grouped
according to the following criteria:
- Division
- Inspection number
- Seal category
- Start year
This is the production year from which the devices are allocated to the lot with a certain inspection
You must also specify the last production year, otherwise the allocation will be infinite. You can use an
interval to divide up the period into single lots. An interval duration of 0 suppresses lot creation for an
Lots created according to these settings are number sequentially.


Maintain the following data:

- Define the inspection number under Utilities Industry -> Device Managament -> Technology ->
Device Category ->Define Allocation of Manufacturer/Cat. Description to Insp. Number.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Establish settings for lot compilation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 303
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia specyf. dla kraju - Kanada

SAP AG 304
System R/3
__ Ustalanie procedury ustalania liczb losowych


In this activity you activate the Canadian sampling procedure.

Standard settings

The system uses the DIN table as standard.


To activate the Canadian sampling procedure, select the entry Pseudo-Chaotic Algorithm to determine
the random numbers.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 305
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustalania partii próbek


In this activity you define the parameters used to determine the sample devices for the Canadian sampling

Standard settings

The following sampling procedures are relevant for the Canadian procedure:
3 - Multiple sampling procedure
4 - Sequential sampling procedure

SAP AG 306
System R/3
__ Lista wymian okresowych

In this section you define settings for creating the periodic replacement list.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 307
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ogólne informacje dotyczące listy wymian okresowych


When you create a periodic replacement list, parallel processing is used internally. This considerably
improves system performance.


During creation of a periodic replacement group, parallel processing uses the ECTUR RFC group. You
must have created this RFC group in order to use parallel processing.
To ensure parallel processing functions, there must be more dialog processes than batch processes during
creation of the periodic replacement list. You may have to define and activate a new operation mode in
order to execute this function.

SAP AG 308
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla listy wymian okresowych

In this IMG activity you define notes for the periodic replacement list. (Object TE683).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 309
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for the periodic replacement list with the text object TE683.

SAP AG 310
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterow. dla listy wymian okresowych

In this activity you define control parameters for creation of the periodic replacement list. Before creating
the list, you have the option of defining whether the following fields are printed as additional information
for the devices to replace. This additional information is used as selection criteria when creating work
orders or notifications:
- Meter reading unit
- Company area
- City
- Street
- House number
- Device category


1. Choose new entries.

2. Define the fields that you would like to include in the periodic replacement list.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 311
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Zlecenia robocze/Zawiadomienia

In this IMG activity, you establish settings for creation of work orders and notifications. In device
management, you can create orders or notifications for the following functions:
- Periodic replacement list
- Sample devices from sampling procedures

SAP AG 312
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterow. dla zleceń/zawiadomień

In this activity you define control parameters for creation of orders and notifications.
You create orders and notificatons from the periodic replacement list and the sampling procedure.


1. If you want to determine and save the business partner during creation of orders or notifications,
select the Save partner field.
This enables you to display corresponding orders and notifications from Customer Interaction
Center, provided that the business partner is an SD customer.
2. Select either orders or notifications in the Document categ. field.
3. Select the level at which the orders or notifications are to be created in the Bundling field.
4. Choose whether you would like to create the orders or notifications for uninstalled devices in the
Uninst. Devs field.
If you would like to create the orders or notifications for uninstalled devices, you can also bundle all
sample devices of a storage location in a single order or notification.
5. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 313
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Dane kontroli urządzenia

In this IMG activity you establish settings for entering and managing device inspection results.
You enter and manage inspection results in the Quality Management (QM) application component. You
establish most of the customizing settings directly in QM.

SAP AG 314
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów ruchów dla tworzenia partii

In this IMG activity, you define movement types for lot creation.
You can specify more than one movement type here. If you transfer devices with this movement type, a
sample lot is created for these devices in the Quality Management application component.


You must maintain the following data:

- Inspection types. To maintain inspection types, go to Quality Management -> Quality Inspection
-> Inspection Lot Processing -> Inspection Lot Creation -> Maintain Inspection Types.
- You must allocate Inspection lot origins to inspection types. To do this, go to Quality Management
-> Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot Processing -> Inspection Lot Creation -> Maintain
Inspection Lot Origins and Assign Inspection Types.
- You must have maintained default inspection types. To do this, go to Quality Management ->
Quality Inspection -> Inspection Lot Processing -> Inspection Lot Creation -> Define
Default Values for Inspection Type.


Define document types for lot creation in the system.

Further notes

For more information, see the road map on device inspection data in IBU-U.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 315
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Legalizacja

In this IMG activity you define system settings for the certification of devices.

SAP AG 316
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzaju legalizacji

In this activity you define certification types. Certification types specify specifically prescribed
conditions under which internal certification or
external certification of a device was carried out. You allocate the certification type to individual devices
in the certification function.


BA | Text
01 | high pressure

CT = certification type

Certification type 01 specifies that the inspection must take place with gas under high pressure instead
of atmospheric pressure.


1. Choose the function new entries.

2. Define the the certification types that you require.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 317
System SAP

31.5 Zarządzanie danymi dot. energii

In this section you establish system settings for energy data management.
It contains the following areas:
- Basic Settings
- Profile Management
- Settlement
- Interface to External Systems
- Interface to RTP Billing
You can make additional modifications under Tools -> System Modifications ->User-Defined Function
Enhancements for Energy Data Management.

SAP AG 318
System R/3

31.5.1 Ustawienia podstawowe

In this IMG activity you establish basic settings for profile management and RTP billing.
This section contains the following areas and activities:
- Profile type
- Season group
- Day group
- Time-of-use group
- Define number ranges for source system
- Activate change documents for profile status

SAP AG 14.06.2013 319
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Rodzaj profilu

In this section you establish settings for profile types.

It contains the following activities:
- Define Profile Types
- Define Permissibility of Interval Length per Profile Type

SAP AG 320
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów profili

In this IMG activity you define profile types.

You allocate profile types to the profile categories defined by SAP.
For each profile type you must specify a number range interval using which the internal profile number is


Profile type Descript. Prof. cat. History

1 HISTORIC PROFILE 1 Historic profile
2 FORECAST PROFILE 1 Forecast profile
4 FORMULA PROFILE 3 Historic profile
5 SYNTHETIC PROFILE 2 Historic profile
6 DAY PROFILE 4 Historic profile
7 INTEGRAL PROFILE 5 Historic profile

- Profile type 1 (HISTORIC PROFILE) is allocated to profile category elementary profile. Profile
type 1 classifies profiles as elementary historic profiles.
- Profile type 2 (FORECAST PROFILE) classifies profiles as elementary forecast profiles.
- Profile type 3 (SCHEDULE PROFILE) classifies profiles as elementary schedule profiles.

Standard settings

The following profile categories are predefined by SAP:

1 Elementary profile
2 Synthetic profile
3 Formula profile
4 Day profile
5 Integral profile
SAP has already defined several profile types.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Choose the profile types you use.

Further notes

The settings you establish for history (historic profiles, forecast profiles, and schedules) do not have a

SAP AG 14.06.2013 321
System SAP

controlling function.

SAP AG 322
System R/3
__ Defin. dopuszczalności długości przedziału dla każdego rodzaju


In this IMG activity you define the interval lengths allowed for each profile type.


Prof. type Int. length

1 15
1 30
1 60
2 60

- You can define interval lengths of 15, 30 and 60 minutes for profiles of type 1.
This means that you can only store values at 15-, 30- and 60-minute intervals in profiles of type 1.
- An interval length of 60 minutes is permissible for profiles of type 2.
This means that you can only store values at 60-minute intervals in profiles of type 2.

Standard settings

SAP provides the following interval lengths:

5-, 10-, 15-, 30- and 60-minute intervals
You can customize the predefined interval lengths to suit your needs.
For more information, see Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined Enhancements for Energy
Data Management -> Interval Lengths.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the interval lengths permissible for each profile type and save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 323
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Grupa sezonów

In this section you define season types and arrange them into season groups.
The system settings established here are required for defining synthetic profiles and for determining the
structure of RTP components in the RTP interface.
This section contains the following actvities:
- Define Season Types
- Define Season Groups

SAP AG 324
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów sezonu

In this activity you define season types.

You also allocate season periods to season types.
You cannot define season periods longer than one year. However, you can allocate two periods; the first
one (with consecutive number 1) until 12/31 and the second (with consecutive number 2) starting on
Season periods in a season group and allocated to season types must be defined for an entire year (01/01
to 12/31) and may not overlap.
In the next step, different season types are arranged into season groups.


Seas. type Descript.

0001 Summer
0002 Winter
0003 Year without subdivision

The following season periods are defined for the individual season periods:
Seas. type Cons. no. Start End
0001 1 04/01 09/30
0002 1 10/01 12/31
2 01/01 03/31
0003 1 01/01 12/31

- The period from 04/01 to 09/30 is allocated to period type 0001

- The periods from 10/01 to 12/31 are allocated to season type 0002.
- Season type 0003 covers a whole year. The period from 01/01 to 12/31 is allocated to this season


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the season types you use.
3. Choose Definition for each season type.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Define at least one season period for each season type.

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System SAP

6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 326
System R/3
__ Definiowanie bloków sezonów

In this IMG activity you define season groups.

Season groups contain different season types.
Season periods in a season group and allocated to season types must be defined for an entire year (01/01
to 12/31) and may not overlap.


Seas. group Descript.

0001 Year divided into summer and winter
0002 One season


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the season groups you use.
3. Choose Definition fo each season group.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Allocate at least one season type to each season group.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 327
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Grupa dni

In this section you define day types and arrange them into day groups.
The system settings established here are required for defining synthetic profiles and for determining the
structure of RTP components in the RTP interface.
This section contains the following activities
- Define Day Types
- Define Exceptions to Day Types
- Define Day Groups
- Define Exception to Day Groups

SAP AG 328
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów dni

In this activity you define day types (such as weekdays and weekend days).
Day types describe how days are allocated to the factory calendar.
In the next step, different day types are arranged into day groups.


Day type Descript. Fac. cal. ID WD PH

0003 ALL DAYS 01 X X

Fac. cal. ID = Factory calendar ID

WD = Workday
PH = Public holiday
- Day type 0001 (weekdays) corresponds to weekdays in factory calendar 01.
- Day type 0002 (weekend days) corresponds public holidays in factory calendar 01.
Day types 0001 and 0002 allow you to differentiate between weekdays and weekend days.
- Day type 0003 (all days) corresponds to workdays and public holidays in factory calendar 01.
Day type 0003 does not allow you to differentiate between weekdays and weekend days.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the day types you use.
3. Save your entries.

Further notes

If you define several day types and reference them to different factory calendars, these factor calendars
must all use the same holiday calendar.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 329
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyjątków dla rodzajów dni


In your system, you based your definition of the day types on a given factory and public holiday calendar.
However, you want to take into account additional regional or company-specific non-working days (such
as company vacations).
To do this, you must define exceptions to day types and allocate them to day groups.
You can then select these exceptions at the installations level of the RTP interface for use with synthetic


1. Define exceptions to day types.

2. Allocate these exceptions to day groups.
You do this in Customizing under Energy Data Management -> Basic Settings -> Day Group
-> Allocate Exceptions to Day Groups.


You supply customers in different regions. You use rates that differ according to working days and public
holidays in all these regions. However the regions have different public holidays.
You have used the factory calendar to define the public holidays common to all the regions. You can use
the day type exception function to define the public holidays specific to individual regions.

SAP AG 330
System R/3
__ Definiowanie bloków dni

In this IMG activity you define day groups.

Day groups contain different day types.


Day group Descript.

0001 Weekdays and weekend days
0002 Week without subdivision

Day group Cons. no. Day type

0001 1 0001
2 0002
0002 1 0003

- Day group 0001 consists of the day types 0001 (weekdays) and 0002 (weekend days).
Day group 0001 allows you to allocate day profiles to synthetic profiles based on day types 0001
and 0002, for example.
- Day group 0002 consists of day type 0003 (all days) and does not distinguish between day types.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the day groups you use.
3. Choose Definition fo each day group.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Allocate at least one day type to each day group.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 331
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie wyjątków do bloków dni


In this IMG activity you allocate the day type exceptions to day groups.
You can then select these exceptions at the installation level of the RTP interface for use with synthetic

SAP AG 332
System R/3
__ Grupa TOU

In this section you define time-of-use types (such as on- and off-peak periods) and arrange them into
time-of-use groups.
The system settings established here are required for the RTP interface, where they determine the
structure of RTP components.
This section contains the following activities:
- Define Time-Of-Use Types
- Define Time-Of-Use Groups

SAP AG 14.06.2013 333
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów pór dnia

In this IMG activity, you define time-of-use (TOU) types .

First, you allocate time-of-use periods to time-of-use types.
You then create time-of-use groups from different time time-of-use types.
You cannot define TOU type longer than one day. However, you can define two TOU periods; the first
one (with consecutive number 1)until 23:59:59 hours and the second one (with consecutive number 2)
starting at 00:00:00 hours.


TOU type Descript.

0001 On-peak rate period
0002 Off-peak rate period
0003 Morning
0004 Afternoon
0005 Evening

The following time-of-use periods are allocated to the individual time-of-use types:
TOU type Cons. no. Start End
0001 1 08:00:00 17:59:59
0002 1 00:00:00 07:59:59
2 18:00:00 23:59:59
0003 1 00:00:00 10:59:59
0004 1 11:00:00 17:59:59
0005 1 18:00:00 23:59:59

- The TOU period from 08:00:00 to 17:59:59 is allocated to TOU type 0001 (on-peak rate period).
- TOU periods from 00:00:00 to 07:59:59 and 18:00:00 to 23:59:59 are allocated to TOU type 0002
(off-peak rate period).
- The period from 00:00:00 to 10:59:59 is allocated to TOU type 0003 (morning).
- The period from 11:00:00 to 17:59:59 is allocated to TOU period 0004 (afternoon)
- The period from 18:00:00 to 23:59:59 is allocated to TOU type 0005 (evening).


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the TOU types you use.

SAP AG 334
System R/3

3. Choose Definition for each TOU type.

4. Choose New entries.
5. Define at least one TOU period for each TOU type.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 335
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup pór dnia

In this IMG activity you define time-of-use (TOU) groups.

TOU groups contain different TOU types.
The TOU periods in TOU groups must describe an entire day (00:00:00 to 23:59:59) and may not
TOU groups are required during RTP billing for billing different parts of a day at different rates.


TOU group Descript.

0001 On- and off-peak periods

The folloiwng TOU types are allocated to this TOU group.

Cons. no. TOU type
1 0001
2 0002
TOU group 0001 consists of TOU types 0001 (on-peak rate period) and 0002 (off-peak rate period), to
which different TOU periods are allocated.
By allocating TOU group 0001 to an RTP component, it is possible to bill consumption from different
periods at different rates during RTP billing.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the TOU groups you use.
3. Choose Definition for each TOU group.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Allocate at least one TOU type to each TOU group.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 336
System R/3
__ Status użytkownika

SAP AG 14.06.2013 337
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statusu użytkownika

This IMG activity describes how you adapt the SAP status management to meet your own requirements.

General Information on Status Management

The SAP system differentiates between the following statuses in status management:
- System status
- User status

System Status

The SAP system contains a central table of statuses that are valid for, and can by used by, all applications.
These statuses are maintained by SAP and cannot be changed. They are called system statuses.

Business Transactions

The SAP system contains another central table of business transactionsthat are valid for, and can by used
by, all applications.
These business transactions are maintained by SAP and cannot be changed.

Business Transaction - System Status

In another central table, also predefined by SAP, a system status is allocated to every business transaction
and it is determined whether thecorresponding system status is deleted or set during the transaction.

Objects - Business Transactions

Another table defines which business transactions are permitted for which SAP objects (order, EDM
profile, EDM profile values). This allocation is also predetermined by SAP.


The above allocations result in:

- Which system statuses can be used for an object
- Which system statuses are set for the individual transactions

Status Profile

In the Define Status Profile activity, you can create your own status profiles. You must allocate at least
one object (equipment, technicallocation, for example) to each status profile.
Every status profile contains one or more permissible statuses.
For each of these statuses you can determine the system response within the limits of the business
transactions predefined by SAP.

SAP AG 338
System R/3

In the status profile you:

- Define your own statuses (user status) and document their functions in a corresponding long text
- Determine status numbers to define the possible order of user statuses
- Define an initial status, which is automatically activated when you create the object.
- Determine which user status is automatically activated whenyou execute a business transaction
- Define which transactions are permitted or forbidden if a certain status is active.

Status Number

You can define a status number for every user status.

The status number determines the order in which the user statuses can be activated.
If you do not allocate a status number to the user status, it can be used at any time. However, only one
user status with a status number may be active at any time.
If you do allocate a status number to a user status, you also have to specify a lowest and a highest status
number for that status. Thesenumbers restrict the status number interval from which the ensuinguser
status can be selected.


There are a number of restrictions regarding the status profile for EDM profile values. This implies that
the user status for EDM profile values really only serves as additional information. It is possible for
theuser status to have more controlling characteristics, however, only to a certain degree:
- Only one status profile can be actively allocated for EDM profile values
- If an initial status is specified, it is ignored
- During profile value import and the interpolation/extrapolationof profile values, the user status is
not set by means of atransaction but directly by the application.
- This keeps the number of transactions small and the application flexible.
- Before profile value import and interpolation/extrapolationof profile values, the customer must mark
the user statuses fordeletion in the status profile.


Define your user status for EDM profile values.

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______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie schematu statusu użytkownika - wartości profilu


You use this step to allocate a status profile to the EDM profile values.


You must first define the status profile for object category EDM profile values.

Standard settings

As standard, no status profile is allocated to the profile values.


You only need to define user statuses if the number or the level of detail of the system statuses do not
meet your requirements, or if you want to add more information to the profile values.


One possible use within EDM is to add additional information to the profile values in the form of user
statuses, for profile value import orreplacement value creation for example.
Note, however, that large amounts of data may be involved and if used excessively it could have a
negative effect on system performance.
For more information on the use of user statuses for EDM profile values, see Define User Status.


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__ Priorytet statusu

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______________________________________________________________ Defin. prioryt. dla statusu odnosz. się do wart. przy większej dł.


In this IMG activity you define the priority of the value related statuses of profile values when you open a
profile in a longer interval length.
This is necessary because when you open a profile in a longer interval length, several values with
different statuses have to be combined. The status of the result value is defined by the priority. The status
with the highest priority is used.
The value-related statuses are as follows:
- Value does not exist (IU010)
- Missing value (IU011)
- Valid value (IU012)
- Value was estimated (IU013)
- Value implausible (IU014)
- Value entered/changed manually (IU015)
- Value was extrapolated (IU020)
- Value was interpolated (IU021)
- Value manually changed externally (IU022)


If you require a more flexible solution, you can use customer enhancement EEDMPRF1 with the
corresponding function module EXIT_SAPLEEDM_PROFILE_001.

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__ Defin. priorytetu dla statusu odnosz. się do war. w przyp. większ. dł.


In this IMG activity you define the priority of the condition-related statuses of profile values when you
open a profile in a longer interval length.
This is necessary because when you open a profile in a longer interval length, several values with
different statuses have to be combined. The status of the result value is defined by the priority. The status
with the highest priority is used.
The value-related statuses are as follows:
- Value has been released (IU016)
- Value is locked (IU017)
- Value is protected (IU018)
- Value was archived (IU019)


If you require a more flexible solution, you can use customer enhancement EEDMPRF1 with the
corresponding function module EXIT_SAPLEEDM_PROFILE_001.

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______________________________________________________________ Defin. priorytetu dla statusu użytkownika w przyp. większej dług.



In this IMG activity you define the priority of user-defined user statuses for profile values when you open
a profile in a longer interval length.
This is necessary because when you open a profile in a longer interval length, several values with
different statuses have to be combined. The status of the result value is defined by the priority. The status
with the highest priority is used.


If you require a more flexible solution, you can use customer enhancement EEDMPRF1 with the
corresponding function module EXIT_SAPLEEDM_PROFILE_001.

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__ Definiowanie przesunięcia dziennego


In this IMG activity you use the division to define day offsets.
You can select a day offset when you create a profile header or in the RTP interface. You can choose the
day offsets that you defined here and in which the Do not use field has not been set.
If you set this field, the day offset cannot be selected using the F4 help, nor manually entered during
creation of a profile header or in the RTP interface.


In the case of a gas day, the day offset can be 6 hours. That means, that for the day-dependent functions a
day begins at 06:00:00 and finishes at 05:59:59 the following day.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla systemu źródłowego

In this section you maintain the number range object source system for profiles imported from external
For example, source systems may be automated meter reading (AMR) systems from which load shapes
are imported.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

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__ Aktywacja dokumentów zmian dla statusu profili

In this IMG activity you determine whether to activate change documents for the profile status.
You use change documents to determine when the profile was changed last or who made changes last.


To activate change documents for the profile status, select the ChangeDocuments field and save.

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31.5.2 Zarządzanie profilami

In this section you establish settings for profile management.

It contains the following areas and activities:
- Define Number Ranges for Profiles
- Define Roles for Profile Allocation
- Profile Versions
- Display Function
- Replacement Value Creation
- Formula Profiles
- Synthetic Profiles

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__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla profili

In this IMG activity you maintain the profile number number range object. This ensures that a profile
number is automatically generated when you create a profile header.
The profile values of profile types allocated to the elementary profile profile category can be archived.
You must create your own number range intervals for profile types whose values you want to archive.
In this way, the profile values are grouped together on the database by profile type. This ensures better
system performance after the profile values have been archived.


Give the number range with the greatest interval the highest number range interval, since this can be
easily enhanced. Do not use external number assignment.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie jednostek miary dla typu medium/wartości profilu


In this activity, you can define the dimensions for the division category and the profile value category.

Standard settings

The table with the following entries is supplied as default:

Division Category Profile Value Category Dimension Key
Electricity 1 ENERGY
Electricity 2 POWER
Electricity 4 ENERGY
Electricity 4 POWER
Electricity 99 AAAADL
Water 1 VOLUME
Water 4 VOLUME
Water 99 AAAADL
Waste water 1 VOLUME
Waste water 4 VOLUME
Waste water 99 AAAADL
District heating 2 ENERGY
District heating 4 ENERGY
District heating 99 AAAADL
Waste disposal 99 POINTS
Other 1 ENERGY
Other 1 VOLUME
Other 2 POWER
Other 4 ENERGY
Other 4 POWER
Other 4 VOLUME
Other 99 AAAADL

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The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
1. Select Help -> Settings.
2. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field

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______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie profilu

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__ Definiowanie ról dla przypisania profilu

In this IMG activity, you define roles for profile allocation and allocate them to a role category
predefined by SAP.
A role describes the task of a profile during allocation to a register.
The role of a profile allocation
- Classifies profiles
- Is necessary in the RTP interface
In the RTP Interface, roles can be used to identify the profiles allocated to billable interval meters.
- Is included in the settlement
- Is a source role when updating usage factors

When importing profile values, the system uses the point of delivery and the register code to identify the
profile from which values are to be used.
Roles are used during RTP billing to allow for flexible allocation of profiles to input parameters from the
RTP interface. This enables you to use RTP rates (that is, rates with an RTP interface) to bill different
interval meters. The role replaces the function of the register operand in the RTP rate.
In the settlement, the profiles allocated to the interval meters, and the synthetic programs allocated to the
installation, are selected for the settlement unit, depending upon the roles relevant for the settlement unit.
You can allocate a source role, which is used to update usage factors, to each defined role (target role).
This source role transfers the usage factor to the target role for the same allocation period. This makes the
calculation of target role usage factors independent of the target profile integral.
If profiles with the target role have already been allocated at the time of the configuration, then the
existing data is not adjusted.

See also Allocate Operand Roles.

The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
1. Select Help -> Settings.
2. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field


Role Role desc. Frequency. Role cat.

0001 Consumption measured 1 Measurement

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0002 Consumption forecast 1 Forecast

0003 Agreed demand 1 Not specified
0004 Load profile of the int cust. for each grid 10 Settlement
The parameter frequency allows you to define how often a role can be allocated to a register with a
certain role. Roles in the categories Measurement and Forecast must always have frequency 1.

Standard settings

The following role categories are predefined by SAP:

- Measurement
- Forecast
- Settlement
- Not specified

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__ Przypisywanie ról operanda


In this activity you allocate operands to roles for profile allocation. This allocation is taken into
consideration when updating the usage factor within the billing, using the QUANTI24 variant.
The following conditions apply:
- If no entries exist, then the existing function does not change.
- If an entry exists for an operand, then the usage factor is only updated for those roles, for which an
entry exists.
In addition to this function, the EEDMUFA1 enhancement, EXIT_SAPLEEDM_USAGEFACTOR_001
function module, also exists. This enhancement is called after the interpretation of the Customizing
included here.

Standard settings

This activity is provided as empty.


In the billing, 3 operands (Oper_1, Oper_2, and Oper_3) are used for the QUANTI24 variant.
- Oper_1 -> Standard consumption rate
- Oper_2 -> Off-peak consumption rate
- Oper_3 -> On-peak consumption rate
3 roles (UF_1, UF_2, and UF_3) are used to allocate profiles to an installation.
- UF_1 -> Role for standard consumption rate
- UF_2 -> Role for off-peak consumption rate
- UF_3 -> Role for on-peak consumption rate
The following entries exist:
Operand Role
Oper_2 UF_2
Oper_3 UF_3

Scenario 1:
- A profile with the UF_1 role is allocated to installation A1.
- The billing scheme uses the Oper_1 operand for QUANTI24.

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- The usage factor for the UF_1 role is updated when billing installation A1. The consumption
transferred in the Oper_1 operand is taken into consideration.
Scenario 2:
- A profile with the UF_2 role, and a profile with the UF_3 role are allocated to installation A2.
- The billing scheme uses the Oper_2 operand for QUANTI24 to transfer the off-peak consumption,
and the Oper_3 operand for QUANTI24 to transfer the on-peak consumption.
- The usage factor for the UF_2 role is updated when billing installation A2. The consumption
transferred in the Oper_2 operand is taken into consideration.
- The usage factor for the UF_3 role is updated when billing installation A2. The consumption
transferred in the Oper_3 operand is taken into consideration.

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__ Wersje profili

In this section you establish system settings for profile versions.

It contains the following IMG activities:
- Define Creation Reasons for Profile Versions
- Define Creation of a Profile Version.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyny tworzenia wersji profilu

In this IMG activity, you define reasons for creating profile versions.
For example, if you change a profile manually, you must create a profile version.


Reason CreatReason


1. Choose New Entries.

2. Define reasons for creation of profile versions.
3. Save your entries.

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__ Definiowanie tworzenia wersji profilu

In this IMG activity you use the profile type to define whether the system creates profile versions.


You can configure the system to create a version when you change the values of an elementary profile.

Further notes

Currently, these settings affect profile value maintenance in dialog only.

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______________________________________________________________ Funkcja wyświetlania

In this section you establish system settings for displaying the profile value status in table format or as a
It contains the activity Define Status Display for Profile Values .

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__ Ogólne informacje dotyczące wyświetlania wartości profilu

In the Display Profile Value transaction, you can configure how the system displays the period for
which a profile value is valid. To do this, choose Change Time Display. You can choose between a time
and period display. Once you have made this settings, it is saved in a user-dependent parameter.

Standard settings

The time display is active by default.


You can configure the system to save you settings by setting the EDM_TFT_DISPLAY SET/GET
parameter in the user profile. Note that X = period display and ’ ’ = time display.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyświetlania statusu systemowego wartości profilu

In this IMG activity you define how the system status of profile values is displayed. Each profile value
must have at least one active system status.
The following system statuses are predefined by SAP:
Status Description
IU010 Value not available
IU011 Value missing
IU012 Value is valid
IU013 Value was estimated
IU014 Value implausible
IU015 Value changed or entered manually
IU016 Value released
IU017 Value locked
IU018 Value protected
IU019 Value was archived
IU020 Value was extrapolated
IU021 Value was intrapolated
IU022 Value was manually changed externally
IU023 Version not it validity period

SysSt = System status

You use the following parameters to define the status display:

- Status
ID of status predefined by SAP
- Status symbol for profile displayed in table form
Here you define the symbol with which the profile value status is displayed in table form.
You choose symbols from the input help or define your own symbols.
- Priority of status for table and graphical display
Here you define which status is displayed if a profile value has more than one status.
See the input help for the permissible value range for priority assignment.
- Color of status for graphical display
Here you define the color of profile values displayed as graphics.
See the field help for the color numbers of the red-green-blue values (RGB) values.
See the input help for the permissible value range for color number assignment.
- Color of status for time-related display as bar chart
Here you define the color of the profile values displayed as graphics in the bar chart.
See the input help for the permissible value range for color assignment.

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Status StatSymbol StatPrior. Stat.color Bar color

IU012 @ 08 @ 5 20 Black

@08@ = @ 08 @
StatSymbol = Status symbol for profile displayed in table form
StatPrior. = Priority of status for table and graphical display
Stat.color = Color of status for graphical profile display
Bar color = Color of status for bar chart display
Status IU012 means Value is valid. Status IU012 has priority 5.
If a profile is displayed in profile form, a valid profile value is displayed with symbol @08@. If
displayed a graphic, the profile is displayed with color 20 and the time-related status is displayed in black
in the bar chart.


Enter > 0 as the color number so that the status is displayed when profiles are displayed as graphics.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Allocate a status symbol, the priority and a color to each status.
3. Save your entries.

Further notes

You can change the color of statuses interactively in the transaction for profile value display. You can
also store user-specific color displays.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyświetlania statusu użytkownika wartości profilu


In this IMG activity you define how the user statuses of profile values are displayed.


First you have to define a status profile and allocate the profile value values.
You can find the activities in Customizing for SAP Utilities under Energy Data Management -> Basic
Settings -> User Status.

Standard settings

No user statuses (nor the corresponding Customizing) are provided as standard.


The procedure for this activity is the same as that for the Define System Status Display for Profile Values

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__ Tworzenie wartości zastępczych

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______________________________________________________________ Ogólne informacje dotyczące tworzenia wartości zastępczych

In Energy Data Management, replacement values must be created in cases when no profile values exist
for a certain time period (for example, if a device breaks down or communication with the device is lost).
It is also necessary to create forecast values for profiles. Forecast values are required for billing
simulations or creating schedules.
You can use replacement value procedures and procedure groups to create replacement values in various
ways in IS-U-EDM.
The most important features are desribed below.

Replacement value procedure

The replacement value procedure contains the calculation used when replacement values are generated.
Replacement values are created using the following input parameters:
- Reference period
- Reference profile
- Role of the reference profile
- Historic values of the profile to be replaced
You define a reference period from which the historic values of the same profile are read.
You define input parameters for in Customizing for replacement value creation.

Error codes for replacement value procedure

You can define various error codes for a procedure. For example, you can define codes that cause
processing to be terminated.

Replacement value procedure group

You can allocate several replacement value procedures to a procedure group in Customizing. This
enables you to use several procedures to replace values and trigger various follow-up actions if errors
occur. You can then select one of the previously defined procedure groups from the header of the profile.
You can find the profile header under Utilities Industry -> Energy Data Management -> Profile
When you allocate the replacement value procedure to a procedure group, you can:
- Use various replacement value processes
- Define a priority for every procedure.
This allows you to control the sequence of replacement value procedures.
- For every procedure you define the number of values that can be replaced using the procedure.

- If the number of values to be replaced lies between 1 and 3, then the values are replaced using

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procedure x.
- If the number of values lies between 4 and 99999999, then the values are replaced using
procedure y.
The system performs the following checks before you save procedure groups:
- Priorities must be defined from 1 to 9 (in this sequence).
- A procedure must be allocated to a priority for each value to be replaced (from 1 to 99999999).

Follow-up actions for errors during replacement value procedure

An action defines further processing for replacement values with errors.
If you want processing to be continued, the replacement value procedure with the next priority (and with
the corresponding number of values to be replaced) is called.

Use of procedure group in a profile

To use a replacement value procedure for a profile, you allocate the procedure group to the profile in the
header data. You can find the profile header under Utilities Industry -> Energy Data Management ->
Profile Management.
You can only allocate procedure groups to profiles with permissible value categories (such as demand or
consumption profiles), as defined in Customizing.

Define workflows
You can define your own replacement value workflows using replacement value events and the BOR

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procedury wartości zastępczych

In this IMG activity, you define replacement value procedures.

Replacement value procedures are used for replacing missing profile values.
The following scenarios exist:
- Replacement of missing values after profile value import
- Extrapolation of profile values (for billing simulations, for example)
Replacement value procedures are allocated procedure groups in the next step.
You use the following parameters to define replacement value procedures:
- Replacement value procedure (required)
Replacement value procedure ID
- Function Module for Replacement Value Creation (required)
Replacement value procedures are implemented as function modules. The function modules perform
the replacement value procedures and return error codes in the case of errors.
- Function Module for Determination of Reference Period
This function module is called during the replacement value procedure and determines reference
periods for the profile.
- Reference Profile
This is a reference profile for the replacement value procedure.
- Reference Profile Role
This is a reference profile role for the replacement procedure. You can allocate reference profiles
both directly and indirectly using roles. In the case of indirect allocation, at the time the procedure is
executed you determine the profile that you allocated to the interval meter in a previous event with
the specified role.
- Start of Reference Period
- Duration of Reference Period or Reference Period Corresponds to Replacement Period
- Replacement Value Procedure Valid for Consumption Profiles
- Replacement Value Procedure Valid for Demand Profiles
Every procedure must be valid for consumption profiles or demand profiles or both.
- Procedure Valid for Interpolation of Profile Values
- Procedure Valid for Extrapolation of Profile Values
Every procedure must be valid for interpolation or extrapolation or both.
- Description of Replacement Value Procedure

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1. Define the function modules for replacement value creation and error codes.
2. Choose New entries
3. Enter your data.
4. Choose Error Codes for Replacement Value Procedure.
5. Define the error codes for the replacement value procedure.
6. Save your entries.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupy procedur wartości zastępczych

In this IMG activity you define replacement value procedure groups.

You can allocate several replacement value procedures to a replacement value procedure group, enabling
you to use several replacement value procedures to replace profile values, and trigger various follow-up
actions in the event of an error.
In the header data of a profile, you can choose one of the replacement value procedures, provided you
have defined the procedures beforehand.
You define replacement value procedure groups using the following parameters:
- Replacement value procedure group
ID for replacement value procedure group
- Replacement value procedure after profile value import
The system automatically replaces missing values after the import.
- Replacement value procedure valid for demand profiles
- Replacement value procedure valid for consumption profiles
Each replacement value procedure group must be valid for demand profiles or consumption profiles.
You define the allocation of replacement value procedures to replacement value procedure groups using
the following parameters:
- Replacement value process
Specify whether the replacement value procedure group is to be valid for the interpolation or
extrapolation of profile values, or for both of the above.
- Priority
Define the priorities from 1 to 9 (in this order).
- Minimum number of values
- Maximum number of values
You must allocate a replacement value procedure to each priority for each value to be replaced (in
the interval 1-99999999).
- replacement value procedure
You define the actions for the error codes of the replacement value procedures using the following
- Error code of replacement value procedure
- Error action
An actions determines how the system handles profile values that containerrors.

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1. Choose New Entries.

2. Define the replacement value procedure groups you want to use.
3. Choose Allocation of Replacement Value Procedure to Group.
4. Choose New Entries.
5. Allocate the replacement value procedures to replacement value procedure groups.
6. Choose Actions for Error Codes for Repl. Value Procedure.
7. Choose New Entries.>.
8. Enter the necessary data and save.

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______________________________________________________________ Profile formuły

In this section you establish system settings for formula profiles.

It contains the following activities and areas:
- Define Number Ranges for Formula Allocations
- Automatic Profile Calculation

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__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla przypisań formuły

In this IMG activity, you maintain the number range object formula allocation. When you create a
formula profile, a formula allocation may be created in the background. You define number ranges for
formula allocations so that a consecutive number is automatically generated each time a formula
allocation is created.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

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______________________________________________________________ Obliczanie profilu

In this section you establish system settings for profile calculation. A profile can be calculated based on a
certain business process.
This section contains the following actvities:
- Define Number Ranges for Calculation Run Number
- Define Status Group and Status for Status Group

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__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla numeru przebiegu kalkulacji

In this IMG activity, you maintain the number range object calculation run number. This ensures that a
consecutive number is assigned to each calculation run during formula calculation.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupy statusów i statusu dla grupy statusów

In this IMG activity you define and prioritize statuses and actions and arrange them into status groups.
Status groups are used in automatic profile calculation. When the status is determined for the result value
of a formula, the action with the highest priority of all input parameters is determined.
- Status
The status of a profile value informs you of its current condition (for example, changed manually or
The following statuses are predefined by SAP:
Status Description
IU010 Value not available
IU011 Value missing
IU012 Value valid
IU013 Value was estimated
IU014 Value implausible
IU015 Value changed or entered manually
IU016 Value was released
IU017 Value locked
IU018 Value protected
IU019 Value was archived
IU020 Value was extrapolated
IU021 Value was interpolated
IU022 Value manually changed externally
IU023 Value not in validity period

You allocate an action to each status.

- Priority
The priority of a status in a status group defines which status in the group is determined for the
result of a formula. The action or status with the highest priority is used.
- Action
The following actions are predefined by SAP:
Action Description
UI10 Change/entered value manually
UI11 Release value
UI12 Import valid value
UI13 Import estimated value
UI14 Import missing value
UI15 Import implausible value
UI16 Interpolate value
UI17 Lock value

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UI18 Delete version

UI19 Import overlapping values
UI20 Export value
UI21 Undo value protection
UI22 Delete value
UI23 Set value protection
UI24 Extrapolate value
UI25 Change value manually externally


Status Priority Action

IU012 1 UI12
IU015 2 UI13

Status IU012 = Value is valid

Status IU015 = Value changed or entered manually
Action UI12 = Import valid value
Action UI13 = Import estimated value
A formula has two input parameters. The first parameter has the status Value is valid and the second one
has status Value changed or entered manually. Different actions have been allocated to the statuses.
The input parameter with status Value is valid has the highest priority.
These statuses and corresponding actions are arranged into the following status group:
Status group Description
IMPORT Priority of imported values

Status IU012 (Value is valid) is determined for the result parameter of the formula based on priorities
defined in status group IMPORT.


1. Choose New entries.

2. Enter and save your data.
3. Select a status group and choose Status for Status Group.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Enter the required data.
6. Save your data and choose Back.
7. To allocate additional statuses and status groups, repeat steps 3 to 6.

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______________________________________________________________ Profile syntetyczne

In this section you generate dynamic modification factors .

Dynamic modification factors allow you to change synthetic profiles.
This section contains the activity Generate Dynamic Modification Factors.

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__ Generowanie współczynników modyfikacji dynamicznej

In this IMG activity you define dynamic modification factors.


1. In the Profile field, choose an elementary profile that contains dynamic modification factors (that
is, a profile with value category Factor.)
If such a profile is not available, create a new profile with profile value category Factor. To do this,
choose Utilities Industry -> Energy Data Management -> Profile Management -> Profile
Header -> Create.
2. Choose a dynamic modification function.
3. Choose the year for which you would like to generate dynamic modification factors
4. Choose Execute

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31.5.3 Bilansowanie

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__ Ogólne informacje dotyczące bilansowania

You can use settlement in IS-U-EDM to calculate actual or forecast consumption for settlement units.
Consumption values are analyzed in small time intervals and calculated as a profile.
The division of consumption values into time intervals (45 minutes, for example) also takes place for
consumption values not measured using an interval meter (for example, annual/monthly consumption of
residential customers).
The algorithm used to divide up consumption not measured in intervals, is determined by the settlement
process, which can be created as an SAP Business Workflow from existing settlement steps.
You can, for example, defined a settlement procedure, which enables settlement using the synthetic
settlement procedure or the analytical settlement procedure, as defined in the German Associations’
Agreement (VV2). (Also see the settlement procedures predefined by SAP).
The following sections explain aspects of settlement in context. Consumption refers to consumption
values that occur in the settlement period (such as settlement of grid usage using the synthetic settlement
procedure or the analytical settlement procedure) or that are forecast for a future period (for example,
creation of a schedule by the suppliers for the registration of anticipated grid usage).

Significance of the Settlement Unit

You use settlement units to control which consumption values are selected for settlement. The result of a
settlement means that a profile (with consumption values per time interval) is created for each settlement
unit for the settlement period.
Allocation of Consumption Values to Settlement Units
The point of delivery plays a crucial role in the allocation of consumption values to settlement units. The
allocation of a point of delivery (and its consumption values) results from the point of delivery services
allocated to the point of delivery. (A point of delivery can also be a billable service in the form of a
contract). The following service categories are important for settlement:
- Settlement coordination
The point of delivery service for this service category describes the service provider that is
responsible for the coordination (execution) of the settlement.
- Distribution
The point of delivery service for this service category describes the service provider in whose
distribution grid the point of delivery is supplied.
- Supply
The point of delivery service for this service category describes the service provider that supplies
the point of delivery.
You define settlement units in which you define the service provider for these service categories.
Consequently, the points of delivery with a point of delivery service for the respective service provider
are allocated to a settlement unit.
In this case, settlement units must be generated.
Settlement Unit Category
A settlement unit is allocated to a settlement unit category. The settlement unit category determines, for
which of the three service categories in the settlement unit you have to define a service provider and what

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effect this has on the settlement unit.

The following options exist for the usage of service categories in a settlement unit.
- Usage of service category Settlement coordination
- Usage of service category Distribution
- Usage of service categorySupply
By using different settlement unit categories you can process consumption values selected for a
settlement unit seperately for settlement.
You can define other settlement unit categories in addition to those predefined by SAP.
Use of Sub-Settlement Units
You can allocate a settlement unit to a higher-level settlement unit for purposes of joint settlement.
Settlement is then carried out based on the higher-level unit.

Settlement Views
You can define various settlement views, which can be independently settled.
You allocate every settlement unit and every settlement procedure to a settlement view. For every
settlement view, the point of delivery must be uniquely allocated to one of the settlement units in the
settlement view.
This means that you can have a different combination of points of delivery and settlement units in every
settlement view.


According to the German Associations’ Agreement Regarding Electric Energy, a municipal utility
company can create independent settlement views (in one system) for the distributor that settles grid
usage and for the supplier that creates the schedule for the points of delivery supplied. Depending on the
settlement view, you can define different settlement units (from a supplier’s or distributor’s point of
view) that can be settled independently.
Note that from the distributor’s point of view, the settlement unit allocated the points of delivery to which
the utility company supplies energy, only consists of points of delivery that are also connected to the
utility company’s supply grid. From the supplier’s point of view, this also includes points of delivery that
are supplied by a third party and are connected to other supply grids.

Data Selection
An important function in settlement (settlement step) is the selection of consumption values (allocated by
points of delivery) for each settlement unit.
The following types of consumption measurement exist:
- Interval reading
Consumption is measured by an interval meter in the time intervals relevant for the settlement. The
summation of consumption values can also be performed by adding up the consumption values of
each time interval.

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- Cumulated consumption measurement

Consumption is determined periodically once a month or once a year, as cumulated consumption.
The consumption must be divided into time intervals relevant to the settlement. You can do this
using synthetic profiles. In doing so, the relationship of the cumulated consumption values for the
standard profile is described by the usage factor.
In the case of interval readings, allocation of consumption values to the point of delivery takes place by
allocating the profile to the interval meter. The interval meter is in turn allocated to an installation which
is allocated to the point of delivery.
In the case of cumulated consumption measurement, the synthetic load shape is allocated to the
installation and therefore also to the point of delivery.
Note that only deregulation points of delivery are are taken into account for data selection in settlement.
In settlement, the allocated points of delivery for each settlement unit are determined first of all.
The following selections are made for each point of delivery:
- Selection of all load shapes
- Selection of all synthetic profiles (in particular the consumption factors per installation)
The roles are taken into account, to which you have allocated load shapes and synthetic profiles. Define
the roles for the settlement process that must be taken into account for settlement.
Multiple Selections
Within a settlement procedure you can define several selection types for selecting consumption data for
each point of delivery.
Selection Not for All Settlement Units
When defining data selection for a settlement procedure, you define the settlement unit categories, for
which data is selected. As a result, data does not need to be selected for every point of delivery,
depending on the settlement unit category.
This can be useful if, for individual settlement units, you want the cumulated consumption values from
all points of delivery to be included as parameters in settlement. Data selection for every point of delivery
impairs performance and is not necessary for this settlement unit.
Selection Depending on the Service Type of the Installation
When defining the data selection for a settlement procedure, you define the service types for which data
selection is to be executed. For a point of delivery, the consumption values are then determined for the
installations that are allocated to the point of delivery and that correspond to one of the service types.


Several installations can be allocated to a point of delivery (deregulation point of delivery). This is the
case when, for example, you manage grid usage and delivery as billable services in your system. This
means that there are two installations (grid usage installation and supply installation) for the point of
delivery, for which you manage the same consumption values. So that the consumption for the point of
delivery is not duplicated in settlement, define the service type for the settlement procedure for which the
selection of consumption values takes place independently of the installation. In this way you can define
that the consumption allocated to the grid usage installation is always used.

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The distributor’s data and the suppler’s data is managed in one system (a municipal utility company, for
example). Only one installation is managed for each point of delivery. The service types that exist are
Full supply, Grid usage, or Supply. Depending on the settlement view, the consumption values are
selected for different service types.
During settlement of grid usage, from the point of view of the distributor, the consumption values for
service types Full supply and Grid usage are selected. During schedule creation, from the point of view
of the supplier, the (forecasted) consumption values for service types Full supply and Supply are

Managing grids
You can manage grids for a distribution company. This means that the supply grid of a distribution
company can be divided up into several grids for the purpose of settlement. In this way, the supply grid of
the distribution company can, for example, extend over several transmission grids of different
transmisson companies. The section of the distribution grid situated in the transmission grid is managed
as one grid in settlement.
You allocate the grid to each point of delivery for which consumption must be settled. The allocation of a
point of delivery to a grid can be determined automatically, depending on the address (via the regional
structure) and the voltage level.
Therefore you can use settlement procedures that calculate the results (such as schedules) for both the
settlement unit and the grid.

Display function for settlement documents

Alerts are displayed as default when processing settlement documents. However, you can hide alerts by
choosing Hide Alerts
You can make this a permanent setting by setting the SET/GET parameter EDM_SETTL_NO_ALERT in
your user profile (’X’ = Alerts are not displayed ’ ’ = Alerts are displayed)

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__ Definiowanie wglądów bilansowania


In this IMG activity you define the settlement views.

If the supplier and distributor are managed in the same system, a point of delivery may have to be
allocated in order to settle settlement unit A and to create the schedule for settlement unit B. One point of
delivery must be uniquely allocated to one settlement unit. For this reason, a point of delivery can only be
allocated to one settlement unit.
Settlement views separate the distributor and supplier views, so that in each view a point of delivery is
always uniquely allocated to a settlement unit.
In a subsequent step, you must allocate every settlement procedure and every settlement unit to a
settlement view.
- In the Define Settlement Procedure IMG activity (contained in Customizing under SAP Utilities ->
Energy Data Management -> Settlement you must select one of the defined settlement views.
Via this selection you allocate the settlement procedure to a settlement view.
- In the settlement unit (Energy Data Management menu under Settlement -> Master Data)
choose one of the defined settlement views. Via this selection you allocate the settlement unit to a
settlement view.
For more information see General Information on Settlement.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla dokumentu bilansowania

In this IMG activity, you define number ranges for settlement documents.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

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__ Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla profili tymczasowych

In this IMG activity you define a number range for temporary profiles created during settlment.


Create one internal number range 01 with the interval 000000000000000000 to


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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów kontroli


In this activity you can define check types.

You can allocate a check type to one or more settlement procedures in a subsequent step. you do this in
Customizing, under SAP Utilities -> Energy Data Management -> Settlement -> Define Settlement
This activity is linked to the ISU_EDM_SETTLEMENT BAdI.

Standard settings

No check types are delivered as standard.

The ISU_EDM_SETTLEMENT BAdI is only executed if an active implementation exists, and this is
established in the settlement procedure.


In order to use the full scope of this activity, you must execute the following steps:
2. Define check types
3. Define a settlement procedure, to which a check type is allocated
For information on how you can define the BAdI, see the documentation for the BAdI and the

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__ Definiowanie procedury bilansowania

You can find this IMG activity at two locations in SAP Utilities Customizing. These are:
- Under Energy Data Management -> Settlement
This contains Application Customizing activities.
- Under Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined Function Enhancements for Energy
Data Management.
This contains activities with predefined SAP entries. You can not change these entries. You can
however define new entries in the customer namespace.
You are now in Application Customizing. In this IMG activity you can define new settlement
For more information see Define Settlement Procedure.
In this IMG activity you define which of the predefined SAP settlement procedures you want to use. In
these procedures, you make settings in the following areas:
- Selection for settlement procedure
- Role for profile-sending
- Log
Copy the predefined settlement procedure as well as the corresponding workflow template and re-insert
them under a new name. In the settlement procedure you want to use, reset the NA (not active) field to
activate the procedure.
For each settlement parameter defined as an input or output parameter, as well as for all the interim
results that you want to save regularly, you must specify an additional role to automatically determine the
parameter. Together with the role specified here, the profile parameters must then be allocated to the
point of delivery of the settlement unit, grid or of the selection variant. The usage type determines to
which of these three options the role and parameters are allocated.
The work flow defintion or the report implementation determines which settlement steps are called in the
settlement procedure. Note that each of the output parameters defined in the procedure is determined by
one of the settlement steps.


You must have copied the corresponding workflow template and re-inserted it under a new name.


1. Select the line of the settlement procedure that you want to copy and choose Copy as.
2. In the Settlement Procedure field, enter a new ID for the settlement procedure. To activate the
settlement procedure, reset the NA (settlement not active) field.

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3. Choose Continue.
4. A dialog box appears. Choose Copy all. This ensures that the settlement parameters belonging to
the settlement procedure are also copied.
5. For each settlement procedure, define the service type and roles. Defining the log is optional.
6. Save.

Further notes

Do not change the SAP predefined settings.

In addition to the settlement procedure Customizing, a sample profile must be allocated to each results
profile used, as well as to interim results that you do not want to save regularly. You define the sample
profiles for profile parameters in the SAP Easy Access menu under Utilities Industry -> Energy Data
Management -> Settlement.
The profile parameters calculated in the settlement procedure have the same header data as the
corresponding sample profile.

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31.5.4 Interfejs do systemów zewnętrznych

In this section you define system settings for the interface to external systems.
It contains the following activities:
- Define Number Ranges for Profile Import Document
- Import Check

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentu importu profilu

In this activity you maintain the number range object profile import document.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

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__ Definiowanie konwersji statusu


In this IMG activity you define status conversion. Statuses must be converted during the import of profile
values from external systems and during the export of profile values to external systems.
For the profile value import you convert external statuses into internal statuses using a business
- External status of a measured value
Status provided by an external system (such as an automated meter reading system).
- Internal status of a measured value
Status with which a measured value is managed in the EDM system.
When you define the conversion of an external system to an internal status, you also have the option to
set a user status.
In order to export profile values, you must allocate the external statuses to the internal statuses.


Before you can allocate a user status you have to define a user status profile and allocate it the profile
values to it. You do this in Customizing for SAP Utilities under Energy Data Management -> Basic
Settings -> User Status.

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______________________________________________________________ Kontrola importu

In this section you establish system settings for profile import checks.
You can define your own checks for profiles imported from external systems (such as automated meter
reading systems).
This section contains the following activities:
- Define Consistency Checks for Profile Value Import
- Define Consistency Check Groups for Profile Value Import

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__ Definiowanie kontroli spójności dla importu wartości profilu

In this IMG activity you define consistency checks for profile import.
Consistency checks are allocated to consistency check groups in the next step.
You can define your own checks for profile imports (such as checks for overlaping data).
You use the following parameters to define consistency checks:
- Consistency check
Consistency check ID
- Function module for consistency check
Consistency checks for profile imports are implemented as function modules. These function
modules perform the consistency check and returns error codes if inconsistencies are found.
- Consistency check description
Description of consistency check for profile import
- Error codes for consistency check
Different error codes can be defined for each consistency check. Some codes may cause the system
to interrupt the profile import without saving the profile values, for example.


Cons. check Cons.check FM Cons. check


The following error code is defined for consistency check MISSDATA:

Error code Error code description
1 overlapping value

Consistency check MISSDATA is performed by function module

ISU_EDM_CONS_CHECK_OVERLAP which returns the error overlapping value if values overlap.


1. Define function modules for consistency checks and corresponding error codes.
2. During the consistency check you have the option to set a corresponding user status due to an
incorrect check, for example.
3. The function modules must provide the following interface:

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You can use function module ISU_EDM_CONS_CHECK_STATUS as a template.

1. Choose New entries.
2. Enter your data.
3. Save your entries.
4. Choose Error Codes for Consistency Checks..
5. Define error codes for each consistency check.
6. Save your entries.

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__ Definiowanie grup kontroli spójności dla importu wartości profilu

In this IMG activity, you define consistency check groups for profile imports.
You can allocate several consistency checks to one consistency check group.
This allows you to perform several consistency checks during profile import and to trigger follow-up
actions if errors occur.
From the profile header data, you can then select a predefined consistency check group.
You use the following parameters to define consistency checks:
- Check group
Consistency check group ID
- Check group description
- Consistency check
The consistency checks allocated to the conistency check group
Error code
Error code ID
- Action after error in consistency check
An action defines further processing of profile values that were imported with errors.
The following actions for consistency check errors are predefined by SAP:
- - Profile values not saved
- - Profile values not saved. Cancel import
- - Profile values saved despite errors
- Error function module (function module for action after error)
Function module that allows you to control further processing of profile values with import errors.
- Error text
Description of error code of consistency check


Check grp Descript.

0001 Check group 1

Consistency check 0001 is allocated to check group 0001

The following actions are defined for check group 0001 for error codes of check MISSDATA:
Error code Error act. Error FM
1 Profile values saved despite errors

When profiles of check group 001 are imported, only check MISSDATA (Check for overlapping values)
is performed. If error code 1 is returned, profile values are saved despite errors. Function module
ISU_EDM_CONS_CHECK_OVERLAP_E triggers the appropriate follow-up actions.

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1. If you require additional actions, define additional function modules for processing import errors.
You can use function module ISU_EDM_CONS_CHECK_OVERLAP_E as a template.
2. Choose New entries.
3. Define the consistency check group you use.
4. Choose Activate Checks for Group.
5. Choose New entries.
6. Allocate consistency checks to consistency check groups.
7. Choose Actions for Error Codes of Activated Checks.
8. Choose New entries.
9. Enter the required data and save your entries.

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31.5.5 Interfejs do rozliczenia RTP

In this IMG activity you define system settings for RTP billing.
It contains the following areas and activities:
- General Information on RTP Interface
- Define RTP Components
- Define RTP Interface

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______________________________________________________________ Ogólne informacje dotyczące interfejsu RTP

The RTP interface is a data object that links the Energy Data Management (IS-U-EDM) and Contract
Billing (IS-U-BI) components.
The RTP interface enables you to use the profiles maintained in IS-U-EDM in IS-U billing. In order to
this, you allocate the RTP interface to the rate used for billing an interval meter.
In the RTP interface you can execute billing-relevant processing steps carried out based on profiles. For
example, you can process billing agreements for periods as small as 15 minutes. The results from such
processing steps are then transferred to the rate steps in the rate. Billing lines can then be created from the
rate steps.
The most important features of the RTP interface are:

Formulas define the calculations that take place when an RTP interface is executed. You allocate a
formula to an RTP interface. When you choose a formula, you define input parameters to be supplied to
the interface as well as the output parameters available.
Input and output parameters always refer to those of the formulas allocated to the RTP interface.

RTP components
RTP components allow you to model the individual calculations in RTP billing. You can group together
parameter allocations within an RTP component for later use.
You define RTP components for RTP interfaces. These components are then used when the interface is
You can activate components of an RTP interface separately. When you activate an RTP component, the
parameters allocated to the component are used when the interface is executed.
When you allocate RTP components to the interface, you can
- Distinguish between different activation types
The different activation types allow you implement RTP interfaces in a flexible way.
- For example, you can bill customer-specific agreements by individually allocating and
activating an RTP component. This means that you would allocate the components only to
those installations that you want to bill with these components. You define the valid periods
for the agreement at the RTP interface level. You only have to define these periods once.
- Limit the activation of RTP components to certain times
This allows you to define parameter allocations in such a way that they are only used when needed,
that is, in certain activation periods.
- Define a priority for each RTP component
This allows you to define which RTP component is used if there is more than one RTP component
in one activation period.

Input parameters
You can allocate profiles to an input parameter. The values from these profiles are used in formula
execution. You can allocate profiles to the input parameter according to the structure defined for the RTP

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component. This means you can allocate the input parameter a different profile for every combination of
season type, day type and time-of-use type. When the RTP interface is executed, the system creates a
profile from these profiles that is transferred to the input parameter for execution of the formula.
You can allocate different profiles to one input parameter in different RTP components. These profiles
are then used according to the priority defined for the RTP component and its corresponding activation
You can also allocate profiles to input parameters indirectly via roles. In this case, the input parameter is
supplied with profile values when the RTP interface is executed. These profile values are from a profile
with a specified role and allocated to the interval meter to be billed.
This allows you to provide an input parameter only with those profile values that correspond to the load
shape of the interval meter to be billed.
In the case of RTP components with activation type Allocate and activate individually or Allocate
individually and activate generally, you can assign profiles or roles to the input parameters at the
installation level. To do this you must first define the appropriate parameter templates. Parameter
templates are proposed automatically during maintenance at the installation level.

Output parameters
You can allocate result parameters to an output parameter. Result parameters describe the results of RTP
interface execution. Result parameter values are defined via result functions.
You allocate result parameters to output parameters in accordance with the Structure defined for the RTP
component. This means you can allocate the output parameter different result parameters for each
possible combination of season type, day type and time-of-use type. When the RTP interface is executed,
a profile is created for every result parameter at runtime. The profile is the result of the profile values of
the corresponding output parameter. This means that the profile values of one output parameter can be
transferred to more than one result parameter. Alternatively, one result parameter can be supplied with
values from more than one output parameter. The result function allocated to the result parameter is then
executed on the profile values transferred to the result parameter.
You can allocate different result parameters to one output parameter in different RTP components. These
result parameters are then processed according to priority of the RTP component and corresponding
activation periods.

Use of the RTP interface in the RTP rate

To use the RTP interface for billing, you have to allocate the interface to a rate. This allocation is only
possible for rates for which you have selected the Permitted for interval meters field. You can allocate
individual input operands for rate steps to result parameters of the RTP interface in the RTP rate facts.
This means that the appropriate operands are provided with result parameter values from the RTP
interface during billing.
You can only allocate result parameters to operands in the rate facts if you have defined RTP operands.
You also have to define the operand category in which the RTP rate values in the RTP rate are to be
processed further. The operand category you define must match the category of the RTP operand.

RTP interface ONOFFPEAK is used to determine the following billing values from a measured
consumption profile (15-minute interval):

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- On-peak consumption
The total consumption in a period from 06:00:00 to 21:59:59 hours.
- Off-peak consumption
The total consumption in a period from 22:00:00 to 05:59:59 hours.
- Maximum demand value
Define the following result parameters in the RTP interface:
No. Description Function Operand category
001 On-peak consum. SUM QUANT
002 Off-peak consum. SUM QUANT
003 Maximum demand measured PEAK DEMAND

You allocate formula COPY01 to the RTP interface. This formula has an input parameter with profile
category quantity. The formula has two output parameters, one with profile category quantity, in which
the values of the input parameter are copied, and another with profile category demand, in which the
values of the input parameter are converted to demand values.
In addition, the following RTP components are required:
RTP comp Descript. Prior. Activation type
ONOFF Calculation of on-/off-peak consumpt. 1 General
MAX Determination of max. demand 2 General

The ONOFF component divides the load shape into on- and off-peak consumption. You define the
component with reference to an appropriate time-of-use group.
The MAX component controls determination of the maximum demand measured. In this case you do not
have to define the component with reference to a season group, day group, or time-of-use group.
In the ONOFF component, you allocate the role "measured consumption" to the input parameter for the
entire period. This corresponds to the load shape of the interval meter in the billing period. You allocate
the first output parameter result parameter 001 for the on-peak period and 002 for the off-peak period.
Note that three levels are available for parameter allocation for the RTP component ONOFF in the RTP
interface: one for on-peak allocations, one for off-peak allocations, and one for allocations valid for the
whole period.
In the MAX component you also allocate the role "measured consumption" to the input parameter
because the load shape also provides the basis for determining maximum demand. You allocate result
parameter 003 to the second output parameter in the component for the whole period.
You can then use the RTP interface for defining an appropriate rate.
For example, you can create a rate called ONOFFPEAK that is permitted for interval meters, that is
allocated the RTP interface ONOFFPEAK.
You create rate steps that valuate the on- and off-peak consumption as well as the maximum demand
No. Variant Input01 Input02 Output01

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You define the operands ONCONSM, OFFCONSM and DEMNDPRC as RTP operands. In the rate facts
you allocate result parameter 001 to operand ONCONSM, result parameter 002 to operand OFFCONSM,
and parameter 003 to operand MAXDEMND.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie składnika RTP

In this IMG activity, you define RTP components.

RTP components define the structure of parameter allocations in the RTP Interface. This structure links
the input, output and result parameters. You require different parameters because parameter allocations
require different period patterns (such as summer and winter). You can allocate different different periods
(such as season, day and TOU groups) to an RTP interface. The components allow you to model billing
for different parts of a profile in the RTP interface (for example, a separate component for on- and
off-peak periods and a component that determines the maximum demand for the entire period.)
The RTP components must be generated before they can be used in an RTP interface.

You want to define the RTP component 01 with separate billing for summer and winter periods.
In the summer period, you want to bill based on week days and weekends. On the weekends you want to
bill using peak and off-peak rates.
In the winter period, you want to bill using peak and off-peak rates only.
To do this structure the RTP component as follows:
> Summer
> Weekday
> Weekend
> Peak
> Off-peak
> Winter
> Peak
> Off-peak

Allocate the individual blocks as follows:

1. Allocate the Component node category to the SOWI season block.
> Summer
> Winter

2. Allocate the WOTAGENDE day block to the Season Block node category and the Summer node.
> Summer
> Weekday
> Weekday
> Winter

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3. Allocate the HTNT day block to the Day Block node category and the Weekend node.
> Summer
> Weekday
> Weekend
> Peak
> Off-Peak
> Winter

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie interfejsu RTP

In this activity, you define the RTP interfaces.

They transfer the values that are managed in the Energie Data Management component (IS-U-EDM)
to the Contract Billing component (IS-U-BI).
RTP interfaces consist of the following:
- Header data
The header data contain the formula for calculating the assigned profiles, the interval length and the
- Result parameters
The result parameters come from the result function. Result parameters are assigned to operand
categories and references to the output parameters. The result parameters supply the operands with
data in the RTP rate in IS-U billing.
- RTP components
An RTP interface can contain several components.
The components are sorted by priority. The prioritization is used to determine which component is
valid when several components have the same activation periods. In this case the component with
the highest priority is valid.
The periods (represented by codes or consecutive numbers for the codes) that have been defined in
the components are listed in those respective componenents.
The input parameters are the assigned profile.
The output parameters come from calculating the formula.
The following activation types exist for the components:
- General (valid for all installations)
- Individual (valid for individual installations)
- Used individually and activated generally
RTP components contain the following assignments:
- Activation
- Input parameters
- Output parameters
- Parameter templates


An RTP interface named EVU_HTNT determines the following values for billing from a profile of a
measured consumption (15-minute interval):
- On/Off-peak consumption
Time of day type Time interval
On-peak 06:00:00 hours to 21:59:59 hours
Off-peak 22:00:00 hours to 05:59:59 hours

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- Maximum demand value

These requirements result in two RTP components:
Comp. Comp. description Prio Activation type
HTNT Calc. on/off-peak consu. 1 General
MAXPOWER Determine max. demand 2 Individual

The profile values from the measured consumption profile are used as input parameters for the formula
for all components.
The output parameters for component HTNT are the consumption as a copy of the consumption profile
(separated by on-peak and off-peak periods), and for component MAXPOWER the demand as a copy of
the demand profile.
The result number can be used to assign the corresponding result functions in the result parameters.
RTP interface EVU_HTNT can be used in the corresponding RTP rates in billing to bill on/off-peak
consumption and the maximum incurred demand.


For a better overview, you can choose Hide lines to hide all the parameters assigned to the component
that have not yet been allocated.
Choose Show lines to display the parameters again.


1. Choose Create RTP interface.

2. Enter your data and save.

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31.5.6 AMI: Interfejs czasu wykorzystania

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System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup formuł dla formuł TOU


In this Customizing activity you define formula groups, which you use to logically group together
time-of-use formulas. You allocate each time-of-use formula to exactly one formula group.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define exception groups for the time-of-use interface. An exception
group consists of multiple dates on which it can be predicted that consumption behavior will deviate from
normal days.


You are expecting unusual consumption data during the soccer world cup.
Short text: WCUP
Text: Dates of the soccer world cup finals

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__ Definiowanie dni wyjątku dla grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define exception days for an exception group.


You have defined exception groups.


Date of the final of the soccer world cup.

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______________________________________________________________ Grupa sezonów

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__ Definiowanie rodzajów sezonu

In this activity you define season types.

You also allocate season periods to season types.
You cannot define season periods longer than one year. However, you can allocate two periods; the first
one (with consecutive number 1) until 12/31 and the second (with consecutive number 2) starting on
Season periods in a season group and allocated to season types must be defined for an entire year (01/01
to 12/31) and may not overlap.
In the next step, different season types are arranged into season groups.


Seas. type Descript.

0001 Summer
0002 Winter
0003 Year without subdivision

The following season periods are defined for the individual season periods:
Seas. type Cons. no. Start End
0001 1 04/01 09/30
0002 1 10/01 12/31
2 01/01 03/31
0003 1 01/01 12/31

- The period from 04/01 to 09/30 is allocated to period type 0001

- The periods from 10/01 to 12/31 are allocated to season type 0002.
- Season type 0003 covers a whole year. The period from 01/01 to 12/31 is allocated to this season


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the season types you use.
3. Choose Definition for each season type.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Define at least one season period for each season type.

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6. Save your entries.

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__ Definiowanie bloków sezonów

In this IMG activity you define season groups.

Season groups contain different season types.
Season periods in a season group and allocated to season types must be defined for an entire year (01/01
to 12/31) and may not overlap.


Seas. group Descript.

0001 Year divided into summer and winter
0002 One season


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the season groups you use.
3. Choose Definition fo each season group.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Allocate at least one season type to each season group.
6. Save your entries.

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______________________________________________________________ Przetwarzanie formuły CzW


In this Customizing activity, you define the time-of-use formulas for billing profile values with a
time-of-use interface.
Depending on how you want to execute the time-of-use interface, either allocate a formula class or a
formula ID of the respective formula in the MDUS system to the formula.
- If you want to use the formula for billing profile values in EDM, select a formula class.
- If you want to use the formula for billing profile values in an external system, enter the formula
ID of the respective formula in the MDUS system.
When you create a time-of-use formula it is automatically given the status Inactive . The formula must
have the status Active if you want to use it in a time-of-use interface.
For more information, see: Status of Time-of-Use Formula
When you create the formula, the first input parameter is automatically given the parameter category 03
(Profile). This input parameter refers to the profile with the measured values which is allocated to the
interval meter to be billed.
For more information, see: Input parameter category


You have defined formula groups for the time-of-use formula.


1. Allocate a previously defined formula group.

2. Depending on how you want to execute the time-of-use interface, either choose a formula class or
enter the formula ID in the MDUS system.
3. Define the input and output parameters.
4. Set the status of the formula to Active if you want to use it in a time-of-use interface.
5. Transport the formula if you want to use it in the production system.

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__ Opracowanie interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define time-of-use interfaces. Time-of-use interfaces are allocated rates,
which are permitted for interval meters and allow the billing of profiles.
When you create the time-of-use interface it has the status Inactive. However, you can only use active
interfaces in the rate (see Status of Time-of-Use Interface).


1. In the header data, make sure that the interval length of the time-of-use interface (for example, 15
mins or 30 mins) is compatible with the interval length of the profile (for example, 15 mins).
2. Define the result parameters.
3. Define the day groups for each season and allocate days to them.
4. Define the periods (with date) and allocate time-of-use formulas to them for specific times of day.
Allocate result parameters to the formula parameters.
5. You also have the option to define exception days for the interface and add notes.
As a follow-up activity ensure that the operands in the rate are assigned values:
1. Enter the time-of-use interface in the rate fact group
2. Allocate the result parameters from the interface to the operands

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31.6 Rozliczenie umowy

Contract billing allows you to bill commercial and industrial customers, and residential customers. It also
supports annual consumption billing and mid-year billing cycles.
Inthis section you make the settings for the following areas:
- Billing master data
- Special functions
- Billing execution

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31.6.1 Dane podstawowe rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you define the data that controls contract billing and that remains unchanged over a
long period of time. Here, for example, you define rates that comprise the billing rules for your utility
You define settings for the following areas:
- Employees (function is not available yet)
- Rate structure
- Discounts/surcharges

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie klas rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you define billing classes. A billing class classifies the installations for billing.
The billing class is used for the following purposes:
- Validation
This, for example, prevents a rate category for a nonresidential customer from being allocated to an
installation for a residential customer.
- Statistical criterion
The billing class can be analyzed with sales statistics.

Standard settings

Possible table entries:

- 0001 Residential customers
- 0002 Nonresidential customers


Define the required billing classes in the system.

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__ Aktywacja trybu wyświetlania dla terminu rozliczenia


In this activity, you can specify whether the billing key date is displayed for the bill in the document
selection overview for billing and invoicing documents instead of the billing period. For example, the
billing key date 2002/12 for December’s bill instead of the billing period.

Standard settings

The billing key date is the month in which the billing period ends. You can define the billing key date
using the Business Add-In ISU_DEF_BILL_PERIOD. To do this, read the corresponding release note.

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______________________________________________________________ Pracownicy

The function for billing employees is not available yet.

SAP AG 422
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__ Definiowanie przedsiębiorstwa użyteczności publicznej

The function for employee billing is not available yet.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzaju pracowników

The function for employee billing is not available yet.

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__ Definiowanie klasyfikacji pracowników

The function for employee billing is not available yet.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 425
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______________________________________________________________ Struktura taryf

In this IMG activity you define the billing rules for your utility company in the system. However, you
must first acquaint yourself with the individual modules and the corresponding terminology; an overview
of the individual modules is therefore provided.
In the Customizing activities that follow, reference is always made to this example:
- Modeling of a household rate for electricity
- Consumption-based (quantity-based) components:
- On-peak energy price of 0.24 per kWh
- Off-peak energy price of 0.11 per kWh
- Billing of single-rate and double-rate meters
- Non-consumption-based (time-based) components:
- Flat-rate basic price of 100.00 for 365 days
- Rental price for a single-rate meter of 50.00 for 365 days
- Rental price for a double-rate meter of 70.00 for 365 days
- For certain customers with a heat pump, an additional service price of 20.00 per kW for 365
Please read the following activities before you begin making your Customizing settings. It is
absolutely necessary to have an overview of the individual rate structure modules beforehand.
The order in which the individual modules must be created in the system does not correspond to the order
in which they are best explained.
The following modules are required within the rate structure:
Perform Rate Analysis
Analyze Variant Programs
Define Rate Types
Rate Categories
Define Rate Fact Groups
Define Rate Determination

Further notes

Billing master data consists of objects which, because of their complex interrelationships, cannot be

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transported individually using the standard automatic transport procedures.

Instead, you must transport the billing master data using the IMG activity provided under: Tools ->
Transport -> Transport Billing Master Data.

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______________________________________________________________ Przeprowadzanie analizy taryfy

In this IMG activity you analyze the rates in your legacy system. You must list all rates in your legacy
system and transfer them to the IS-U structure. You must also determine if it is not possible to group your
rates together in IS-U.


1. List the rates from your legacy system

2. Define the rules and standards for assigning keys for the following modules:
- Rate types
- Rate categories
- Rates
- Operands
- Prices
- Schemas
3. Check whether your billing rules can be billed with the IS-U variant programs.
The activity Analyze Variant Programs supports you in this step.

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__ Przeprowadzanie zestawienia programów wariantowych

In this IMG activity you evaluate variant programs in IS-U and determine which variant programs you
require for your billing rules.
A variant program is contained in the rate and it performs exactly one calculation (for example, QUANT
x PRICE). You can branch to the corresponding documentation from the list of the variant programs.


Four variant programs are required for our billing example:

- On-peak/off-peak rate energy price
- Flat-rate basic price $100.00 in 365 days
- Rental price single/double-rate meter
- Additional service price dependent on certain values, in this case a heat pump (reference value).
After you have performed your evaluation, the following relevant variant programs are determined:
- QUANTI01 Valuation of a quantity using a price
- LUMSUM01 Billing of a flat rate
- SETTLE01 Determination of a rental price
- REFVAL01 Valuation of a reference value using a price
The keys for the variant programs are semantic. For example, all variant programs that begin with
QUANTI affect consumption/quantities to be billed.
Variant programs are grouped as follows:
- BACKBI* Special variant programs to model rates for
nonresidential customers
- COMPUT* Variant programs with arithmetical operations
- DEMAND* Variant programs for valuating demand values
- DISCNT* Discount variant programs
- IF/ELSE/ENDIF IF variant programs for conditions in the rate
- INFACT* Variant programs for writing values to the installation
- LUMSUM* Variant programs for valuating flat rates
- QUANTI* Variant programs for valuating consumption/quantities
- REFVAL* Variant programs for valuating reference values
- SETTLE* Variant programs for valuating rental prices
- UTILIT* Utility variant programs for modelling special features
for billing such as best-rate billing, maximum and
minimum price limitation

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- WASTE* Special variant programs for billing waste-disposal

services, especially servicing containers or cleaning


Determine which variant programs you require in order to model your billing rules in the system. The
variant programs have documentation to which you can also refer for help.

Further notes

If you wish to create your own variant programs, go to: Tools -> System Modifications -> Variant
Programs Created by Customer -> Define Variant Programs.

SAP AG 430
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów taryf

In this IMG activity you define required rate types. The rate type classifies the register for billing. Create
a rate category for every register that is billed with its own rate.
Enter the rate type in the register or define it in the facts as an operand. A rate determination is carried out
later using the rate category from the installation.


Two rates types are required for our billing example:

- On-peak rate active energy (this rate type is also used in the case of a single-rate meter)
- Off-peak rate active energy
Other possible rate types include:
- On-peak rate active power
- Off-peak rate active power
- On-peak rate reactive energy
- Off-peak rate reactive energy
- Gas consumption
- Water consumption
- Container service

Standard settings

The above-mentioned examples are included in the standard setting.


Define the required rate types in the system.

Further notes

The permissibility in Customizing controls on which level the rate type can be used:
- You must always allocate a rate type to registers relevant to billing. In doing this, you establish
which rate is used for billing the consumption or demand of the register.
- It is optional to specify a rate type for devices. It is possible to specify a rate type at the device level
in two cases:
- The device does not have any registers (for example, a ripple control receiver) - nonetheless,
you wish to charge a rental price.

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- The device has registers - but you wish to determine a different rate for the rental price (refer
to rate determination). In most cases for devices with a register, a rental price is determined
using the rate type for the register.
- You can specify rate types in the installation facts. In doing so, you can allocate one or more rates to
installations that are not to be connected to a particular register. You also might wish to specify a
rate type in the rate category for flat-rate installations without a register, such as telephone booths or
- You can also allocate a rate type to reference values. This can be used for flat-rate installations as
For waste billing, you must allocate a rate type to a waste billing category. You must set the permissible
for Waste Management indicator for the rate type.

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__ Operandy

In this IMG activity you define operands. Operands are required for structuring rates. Operands form the
link between the values to be billed (consumption, reference values, prices, etc.) and the variant
Operands are required by the variant programs as input and output parameters. All variant programs that
calculate a value output the result as an output parameter in the form of amounts. In special cases, for
example, it is then possible to carry out a maximum price limitation.
Operands are filled with actual values at billing runtime.
An operand is allocated to one operand category only. The operand categories are pre-programmed and
establish the function of the respective operand. The operand categories required as input and output
parameters are specified in the variant program.
The following are examples of operand categories:
- AMOUNT Amount
- FACTOR Number with decimal places
- LPRICE Flat-rate price
- QPRICE Quantity-based price
- QUANT Quantity (consumption)
- REFVALUE Reference value
- TPRICE Time-based price


For our billing example, the required variant programs have already been identified.
These variant programs require the following operand categories:
- QUANTI01 Valuation of a quantity using a price (on-peak rate)
- Input operand category: QUANT, QPRICE
- Output operand category: AMOUNT
- LUMSUM01 Billing of a flat rate
- Input operand category: LPRICE, FACTOR
- Output operand category: AMOUNT
- SETTLE01 Determination of a rental price
- Input operand category: SPRICE
- Output operand category: AMOUNT
- REFVAL01 Valuation of a reference value using a price
- Input operand category: REFVALUE, TPRICE

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- Output operand category: AMOUNT

- QUANTI01 Valuation of a quantity using a price (off-peak rate)
- Input operand category: QUANT, QPRICE
- Output operand category: AMOUNT
The following operands must therefore be created:
- EQUANT___1 On-peak rate consumption ---> category QUANT
- EQUANT___2 Off-peak rate consumption ---> category QUANT
- EQPRICE__1 On-peak energy price ---> category QPRICE
- EQPRICE__2 Off-peak energy price ---> category QPRICE
- ELPRICE__1 Flat-rate basic price ---> category LPRICE
- EFACTOR__1 Factor ---> category FACTOR
- EREFVALUE1 Heat pump (reference value) ---> category REFVALUE
- ETPRICE__1 Heat pump service price ---> category TPRICE
- ESPRICE__1 Rental price ---> category SPRICE
- EAMOUNT__1 Amount (output operand) ---> category AMOUNT

SAP AG 434
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__ Wartości referencyjne

In this IMG activity you define additional data for the reference values. Reference values include rate
reference values (for example: household, rate room, connection load) and other data that describe the
demand purchase for an installation.
Reference values must be created as operands from the REFVALUE category. You can do this in the
activity Define Operands. You can bill reference values, but only store them in the system as information.
You can differentiate reference values further via a reference value type. Based on this reference value
type, different fields appear when you maintain installation facts. For billing lighting units and containers
there are specific variant programs that can only operate with reference values of the type "lighting unit"
or "container".
The following reference value types exist:
- Reference values
- Heating installations
- Lighting units
- Containers
- Properties

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla wielkości referencyjnych

In this IMG activity you define notes for reference values (Object ETTIF).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

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Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

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______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja zakładki dla wielkości referencyjnych

In this IMG activity you configure the register for the IS-U reference value application.
You can modify the screen layout to meet your needs by defining your own layout. To do this, distribute
the existing group frames among the tab cards.


The IS-U Contract application is used to explain the configuration of the tabs. The following ten group
frames are available in this application:
- General contract data
- Budget billing data
- Payment plan
- Data relevant to billing
- Account assignment data
- Deregulation
- Schedule data
- Memos
- Other
- Move-in and move-out data
You could use these group frames, for example, to create a layout that contains three tab pages:
- Tab page 1:
General contract data, budget billing data, payment plan
- Tab page 2:
Data relevant to billing, account assignment data, deregulation
- Tab page 3:
Move-in and move-out data, schedule data, other, memos

Standard settings

A standard layout is provided for every application in IS-U in which the tabs can be configured.


To activate your layout in the system for this application, change the corresponding entry under
Determine Default Layout for Tabs

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie lokalizacji dla wielkości referencyjnych

In this IMG activity you define the keys that you wish to use for describing the location of reference
Do not confuse this table with the locations for the premises, which has its own Customizing table.


The keys describe where the reference values are found.

Possible table entries:
- EG First floor
- OG01 Second floor
- OG02 Third floor
- OG03 Fourth floor


Define the required locations in the system.

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__ Instalacje grzewcze

In this IMG activity you define heating installations. Heating installations are a special form of reference
values and are differentiated by the reference value type.
Reference values must be created as operands from the REFVALUE category. You can do this in the
activity Define Operands.
Here you can store information about full and partial storage heating as well as information about heat

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kategorii urządzeń dla instalacji grzewczych

In this IMG activity you define descriptions for heating installations.


Possible table entries:

- 0001 Single storage device
- 0002 Radiator heating
- 0003 Floor heating
- 0004 Block storage heating


Define the descriptions for the heating installations in the system.

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__ Definiowanie sterowania poborem dla instalacji grzewczych

In this IMG activity you define the charging control for heating installations. The charging control
consists of a controlling and regulating device. A charging control allocates a heat content within a
certain release duration to a meteorological value (outside temperature). The charging time results from
the determined heat content and the remaining heat in the storage.


Possible table entries:

- 0001 Forward control
- 0002 Reverse control
- 0003 Spread control


Define the charging controls in the system for the heating installations.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statusu przetwarzania dla ustaleń specjalnych

In this IMG activity you define the processing status for special agreements regarding heating
installations. A special agreement is often drawn up in writing between the utility company and the
customer for the operation of heating installations.


Possible table entries:

- 0 Not processed
- 1 In planning
- 2 Active
- 3 Canceled


Define the processing status for special agreements regarding heating installations in the system.

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__ Definiowanie typów umów dla instalacji grzewczych

In this IMG activity you define the contract categories for heating installations.


Possible table entries:

- 0001 Standard contract
- 0002 Special agreement


Define the contract categories for heating installations in the system.

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______________________________________________________________ Oświetlenie

In this IMG activity you define lighting units. Lighting units are a special form of reference value and are
differentiated by the reference value type.
Reference values must be created as operands from the REFVALUE category. You can do this in the
IMG activity Define Operands.
You can bill lighting units, but only store them in the system as information. There are certain variant
programs available for billing lighting units; these programs can only operate for reference values with
the type "lighting unit".
There are two options for determining lighting unit consumption:
- Measuring via the meter
- Multiplying the connection load and the burning hours of the lighting unit. The burning hours are
then stored in the burning hour calendar.

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__ Definiowanie rodzajów operacji dla oświetlenia

In this IMG activity you define the operation types for lighting units. The operation type specifies the
type of lighting unit. You can maintain the burning hours historically in the burning hour calendar for the
individual operation types.


Possible table entries:

- 0001 Constant lighting
- 0002 Whole night
- 0003 Half night
- 0004 Reduced lighting
- 0005 Daytime lighting


Define the operation modes for the lighting in the system.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzaju kalendarza godzin opałowych

In this IMG activity you define the type of burning hour calendar maintenance. You only need to
maintain this table if you wish to calculate the consumption for your lighting units from the connection
loads and the burning hours (from the burning hour calendar).
You can define historically whether the burning hour calendar can be maintained monthly or daily. You
can also change the type of burning hour calendar maintenance at a later time.


Define the type of burning hour calendar maintenance in the system.

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__ Opracowanie kalendarza godzin opałowych

In this IMG activity you maintain the burning hour calendar. You must only maintain this table if you
wish to calculate the consumption for your lighting units from the connection loads and the burning hours
(from the burning hour calendar).
You must only enter the valid-from date; the valid-to date is entered automatically based on the type of
burning hour calendar maintenance. The burning hours must be maintained for each operation type.
In the Burn. hour field you enter the hours during which the lighting units have operated under specified
criteria (period and operation type).


Possible table entries:

OperT Valid from Valid to Burn. hour

- 0002 01/01/1997 01/31/1997 310.000
- 0002 02/01/1997 02/28/1997 266.000
- 0002 03/01/1997 03/31/1997 279.000
- 0002 04/01/1997 04/30/1997 255.000
- 0002 05/01/1997 05/31/1997 248.000
- 0002 06/01/1997 06/30/1997 225.000
- 0002 07/01/1997 07/31/1997 217.000
- 0002 08/01/1997 08/31/1997 232.500
- 0002 09/01/1997 09/30/1997 240.000
- 0002 10/01/1997 10/31/1997 263.500
- 0002 11/01/1997 11/30/1997 270.000
- 0002 12/01/1997 12/31/1997 294.950


Maintain the burning hours for the relevant operation modes.

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______________________________________________________________ Kopiowanie kalendarza godzin opałowych

In this IMG activity you can copy the burning hours from one year to the next year. You can still change
the individual burning hours manually at a later time in the activity Maintain Burning Hour Calendar.
This activity is meant to save you time in each new year, but you can also enter the data manually.


Copy the burning hour calendar as required from one year to the next year.

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__ Definiowanie rodzajów zużycia


You maintain consumption types here. They describe a classification of consumption values and services.
For more information, see the documentation for consumption types.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup operandów

In this IMG activity you define operand groups.

You can use operand groups to group operands in the facts for the rate, the rate category, and the
installation for display purposes.
You can define up to three hierarchy levels for the operand groups. Once you have maintained the
operand groups, press the "Check" button to verify and create the hierarchy.


In certain cases it is useful to group operands for displaying them in the installation facts (grouping of
demand values or reference values, for example).
In the installation facts, the operands MDEMAND (measured demand), ODEMAND (ordered demand),
HDEMAND (maximum demand) are stored, as well as the reference values ENGINE1 (motor 1) and
ENGINE2 (motor 2).
You can create the operand groups DEMAND (demand values) and ENGINE (motors). In operand
maintenance, you allocate the demand operands to the DEMAND operand group and the reference values
to the ENGINE operand group.
The operands are then displayed in the installation facts as follows:


Define the required operand groups in the system.

Further notes

This function is designed primarily for grouping the installation facts; however, it can also be used for the
rate facts and in the rate category facts.

SAP AG 452
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__ Definiowanie operandów

In this IMG activity you define operands. Operands are required for structuring rates. Operands form the
link between the values to be billed (consumption, reference values, prices, etc.) and the variant
An operand is allocated to exactly one operand category and one division. The operand categories are
preprogrammed and they define the function of the respective operand. Those operand categories which
are required as input and output parameters are specified in the variant programs.
When you create an operand you must also specify when and how it is to be used. There are three settings
available for you to choose from:
- Normal usage
This is the setting you will choose in the majority of cases (for price operands, for example).
- Register operand
You specify this usage for operands that you enter in the register- related data in the rate. This
operand contains the consumption for the register at billing runtime.
- Complete history
You must specify this usage to be able to store consumption data in the installation facts and to be
able to print this data again in subsequent billing periods on the bill and/or in the customer
information as a complete history.
If you intend to specify this usage, please read the documentation on complete histories.


Examples of operands:
- EQUANT___1 On-peak rate consumption ---> category QUANT
- EQUANT___2 Off-peak rate consumption ---> category QUANT
- EQPRICE__1 On-peak rate energy price ---> category QPRICE
- EQPRICE__2 Off-peak rate energy price ---> category QPRICE
- ELPRICE__1 Flat-rate basic price ---> category LPRICE
- EFACTOR__1 Factor ---> category FACTOR
- EREFVALUE1 Heat pump (reference value) ---> category REFVALUE
- EREFVALUE2 Container (reference value) ---> category REFVALUE
- ETPRICE__1 Heat pump service price ---> category TPRICE
- 1005/0001 Rental price ---> category SPRICE
- EAMOUNT__1 Amount (output operand) ---> category AMOUNT

SAP AG 14.06.2013 453
System SAP


We recommend that you structure and standardize the operand key beforehand.


Define the required operands in the system.

SAP AG 454
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzaju wykorzystania operanda umowy ramowej


In this activity, you can define how the operands from the accompanying installation facts are used for
each outline contract. You define the following uses:
- 01 Bonus percentage of outline contract
- 02 Bonus percentage of individual contract
- 03 Temporary pricing quantity

SAP AG 14.06.2013 455
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ceny

In this IMG activity you define required prices. Price amounts are not entered directly; rather, they are
managed historically under a price key.
Prices are allocated to operands in the rate facts for the rate. The price operands are thereby provided with
values from the price keys.
You can allocate the prices to the following four price categories:
- Quantity-based price
- Time-based price
- Rental price
- Flat rate


The following prices are created for our billing example:

- E1_1_1 On-peak rate energy price --> cat. quantity-based price
- E1_1_2 Flat-rate basic price --> cat. flat rate
- E1_1_3 Heat pump service price --> cat. time-based price
- E1_2_1 Off-peak rate energy price --> cat. quantity-based price
- 1001/0001 Single-rate meter rent. price --> cat. rental price
- 1002/0001 Double-rate meter rent. price --> cat. rental price

SAP AG 456
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla cen

In this IMG activity you define notes for prices (Object EPREI).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 457
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 458
System R/3
__ Ceny rozliczeniowe

In this IMG activity you define the prerequisites for creating rental prices.
Rental prices refer to one measuring device (device or meter) for a certain period. In this way it is
possible to calculate a different rental price for single-rate and double-rate meters.
To do this, the following components are required:
- Price class: to classify the device
- Price level: to differentiate devices of the same type by different rates
You define the actual rental price in the activity Define Prices.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 459
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie klas cenowych

In this IMG activiy you define price classes. You enter the price class in the device category; it classifies
device categories which are treated the same with respect to price.
During device installation, the price class is transferred to the installation structure. There you can change
this value in exceptional cases.


Possible table entries:

- 1001 Single-rate meter
- 1002 Double-rate meter
- 1003 96-hour meter
- 1004 Demand meter
- 1005 Alternating current meter
- 1006 Three-phase current meter
- 1007 Transformer
- 1008 Ripple control receiver
- 2001 Positive displacement gas meter G4
- 2002 Positive displacement gas meter G6
- 2003 Positive displacement gas meter G10
- 3001 Water meter value 1
- 3002 Water meter value 2
- 3003 Water meter value 3


Define the required price classes in the system.

Further notes

You are also able to define price classes and enter them in the device categories even if you do not define
rental prices. If you do this, you create an informative classification, but it is not relevant for billing.

SAP AG 460
System R/3
__ Definiowanie poziomów cen

In this IMG activity you define price levels. The price level is required to differentiate devices which are
the same by different rates.
If a single-rate meter costs more in rate A than in rate B, for example, then you need more than one price
level. On the other hand, if your single-rate meter costs the same in all rates, then you need only one price


Possible table entries:

- 0001 Residential customers
- 0002 Nonresidential customers


Define the required price levels in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 461
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Klauzula zmienności cen

In this IMG activity you define price adjustment clauses. The price adjustment clause establishes which
price increase factor a base price is multiplied by.
You enter the price adjustment clause in the price master for quantity- and time-based prices as well as in
the flat rates.
If a price adjustment clause is allocated to a price master, the corresponding price is changed only
indirectly, that is, via the factor. The same price increase can then be used simultaneously for all prices
with the same price adjustment clause. Therefore, there is a multiplying and adding component.

SAP AG 462
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla klauzul zmienności cen

In this IMG activity you define notes for price adjustment clauses (Object EPRESCL).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 463
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 464
System R/3
__ Definiowanie klauzul zmienności cen

In this IMG activity you define price adjustment clauses. You allocate the price adjustment clause to one
division and to one price category.
There are four price categories:
- Quantity-based price
- Flat rate
- Rental price
- Time-based price
You can maintain the price adjustment factor historically. This means that future changes to the price are
not made directly via the price, rather only via the price adjustment factor.
You can store a multiplying and an adding component. You can also combine both components.


SAP recommends that you structure and standardize the price adjustment key beforehand.


Define the required price adjustment clauses in the system and enter these in the relevant price keys.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 465
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla cen


Use this activity to define the number range for prices.

The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 466
System R/3
__ Definiowanie cen

In this IMG activity you define prices. You allocate the prices to a price category.
There are four price categories:
- Quantity-based price
- You valuate quantities and consumption values using this price.
- Flat rate
- A flat rate is a fixed amount per unit of time.
- Rental price
- Using this price you charge an amount for supplying the customer with a measuring device
(device or meter) for a certain period of time. For this price category you must also specify the
price level. Enter a valid price class in the price field.
- Time-based price
- This price category is for valuating time-based values such as demands and connection loads
(for example, reference values).
In addition, you must enter the price type on the initial screen. The following price types are available:
- Standard price
- Block price: different prices for each block
- Scale price: one price for all scales


SAP recommends that you structure and standardize the price keys beforehand.


Define the required prices in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 467
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Taryfy

In this IMG activity you define rates. A rate consists of a key, header data and one or more rate steps with
variant programs.
The variant program represents the central part of the rate. It depicts the billing rules for the utility
company. Operands are allocated to the variant programs as input and output parameters.
You do not enter the rate in the master data. Rather, the system determines the rate dynamically using the
rate type of the register and the rate category of the installation.
In the case of waste billing, the rate is dynamically determined from the rate type of the waste billing
category and the rate category of the installation.
Since the rate is determined via rate types, in most cases a rate always corresponds to a register that is
relevant to billing.


Two rates are required for our billing example since single-rate and double-rate meters are billed:
- On-peak rate active energy, key: E1_1
- Off-peak rate active energy, key: E1_2
The required variant programs have already been identified.

SAP AG 468
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla logicz. numerów fazy taryfy

In this IMG activity you define number ranges for the logical number of the rate steps.
The entities used in SAP applications are identified uniquely by their keys. These keys can be assigned
either internally (by the system) or externally (by the user), as specified in number ranges. For every
entity, you define a number range object, which describes number assignment for the key (internal or
external) and the range of values permitted.

Standard settings

Number range "01" is provided by SAP.

Number range "01" is intended for use in internal number assignment. External number ranges are not
provided for this number range object.


You can change the number ranges as necessary.


Adapt the standard number ranges provided by SAP to your specific requirements and add number ranges
of your own to the number range object as necessary.
1. Choose Change intervals.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number, To number) for the relevant number range interval.
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 469
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla taryf

In this IMG activity you define search help for rates.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 470
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla taryf

In this IMG activity you define notes for the rates (Object ETRF).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 471
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 472
System R/3
__ Sterow. okresem

Customer-defined version of the base calculation procedure used to calculate the length of time portions
(billing-relevant periods).
You specify the time control in the schema for each rate step in which a time-based calculation is

SAP AG 14.06.2013 473
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Długości okresu

Length of a billing-relevant period that is determined in period control.
The time portion is relevant for billing in the following cases:
- For values that are valuated with time-based prices
- For values that are defined based on time and that are adjusted to the billing period
- For prices for which the blocks/scales must be adjusted to their time slices
Example of values that are valuated using time-based prices
In this case, the length of each time slice must be calculated, as it is used for valuating the price.
Billing of demand to the day:

10 kW
1/1 time portion = 181 days 6/30

Resulting billing line item:

10 kW * -------- * 181 days = $3620
365 days
Example for values that are defined based on time and that have to be adjusted to the billing period
Month-based extrapolation of a time-dependent quantity:

240 kWh for 12 months

1/1 time portion = 6 months 6/30

Calculation of the quantity based on the time portion:

240 kWh
--------- * 6 months = 120 kWh
12 months

Example for prices for which the blocks/scales must be adjusted to their time slices
Block adjustment:

1st block 0 to 1200 kWh

2nd block 1200 to infinity

SAP AG 474
System R/3

1/1 time portion = 6 months 6/30
Assumption: according to the price table, blocking is based on 12 months and a block adjustment is to be
carried out.
Calculation of the blocks adjusted to the time portion:

1200 kWh
--------- * 6 months = 600 kWh
12 months

This produces new blocking:

1st block 0 to 600 kWh

2nd block 600 to infinity
1/1 time portion = 6 months 6/30
Procedure for disconnection periods
If a schema step is to account for billing-relevant disconnection periods, the disconnection periods are
prorated. In this case, a time portion of zero is calculated for the time slices that fall in the disconnection
For more information on processing disconnection periods, see here.
User exit for calculating time portions
The EBIA0006 enhancement is available for customer-specific calculation of time portions.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 475
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Podstawowa procedura oblicz.

The procedure that period control biulds on, which is used to calculate the length of time portions
(billing-relevant periods).
The following base calculation procedures exist:
- Calculation to the day
- Month-based calculation using key date
- Month-based calculation using interval

SAP AG 476
System R/3
__ Obliczanie wg dni

For the calculation of time portions to the day, the difference in days of the respective time slice is used
as the time portion.
The following fields in the billing line items contain data:
ZEITANT (time portion) = days in time slice
TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 2 (day)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = days in time slice
TCDENOMTOR (denominator of time portion) = 1
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. for quotient) = 2 (day)
For information on using the leap day, see here.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 477
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Obliczanie w odniesieniu do miesiąca z terminem

In Month-Related Calculation Using Key Date the time portion is calculated in whole months.
The number of months is determined depending on the key date. The advantage of this, for example, is
that exactly one month is calculated even if the billing period does not contain the entire month but does
contain the key date.
Proration for month-based procedures can be difficult to present to the customer if time portions have
post-decimal places or if time slices have a time portion of zero.
Normally, such prorations do not occur in billing on a monthly basis. You can prevent prorations of time
slices using Access Control and Historical Maintainability, which you can set individually for each
The likelihood that time slices with a time portion of zero arise is reduced if the billing period begins at
the start of a month and ends at the end of a month.
Examples 1-3 illustrate the month-related calculation using key date activity.
Example 4 illustrates how to make the settings so that calculation is executed to the day for the move-in
or move-out month and that the leap day is taken into account.
All of the following examples are based on Key Date = 15th
03.04. 04.07.

Because exactly one key date lies within the time slice, one month is billed. If two key dates lie in the
time slice, two months are billed, and so on.
If proration occurs due to data changes (prices, taxes, operand values), the following applies:

X = Date of Change

Example 1: Proration at start of month

04.17. 06.01. 07.25.

The entire time slice contains three key dates and therefore three months. The first period contains one
key date (05.15) and is calculated with the time portion of one month. The second period contains two
key dates and is calculated with the time portion of two months.
The following fields in the billing line items contain data:
ZEITANT (time portion) = 1 or 2 months
TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = blank
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = blank
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. of quotient) = blank

SAP AG 478
System R/3

Example 2: Proration in a month, in which a key date lies

04.17. 05.16. 07.25.

The entire time slice contains three key dates and therefore three months. The first period (04.17 to 05.15)
contains one key date whereby the month in which the key date lies is split. In this case, the time portion
for this month is split by days. The days from April are not taken into account as April does not contain a
key date.

16 days of the first period in May

Time portion = ------------------------------- = 0.5161 Month
31 days of the entire month of May
For the second period the time portion is the result of two key dates and the remaining days from May.

15 Remaining days from May

Time portion = 2 full months + -------------------- = 2.4839
31 days of the entire month of May
The following fields in the billing line items contain data:
ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.5161 or 2.4839 months
TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = blank
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = blank
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. of quotient) = blank

Example 3: Proration in a month, in which no key date lies

04.17. 04.27. 07.25.

The entire time slice contains three key dates and therefore three months. The first period (04.17 to 04.26)
does not contain a key date. The month containing the first period does not cover the key date of the rate
time slice. In this case, the time portion for the month is zero.

0 days of first period in April

Time portion = --------------------------------- = 0.0000 Months
30 days of the entire month of April

For the second period (04.27 to 07.25) the time portion is the result of three covered key dates.

Time portion = 3 whole months = 3.0000 months

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:
ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.0000 or 3.0000 months

SAP AG 14.06.2013 479
System SAP

TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)

TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = blank
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = blank
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. of quotient) = blank

Calculation in move-in or move-out month In the table for period control you can enter the value 02
in the Move-In or Move-Out field for a to-the-day calculation of the move-in/move-out month. This
means that the move-in or move-out month is separated from the remaining period. You can print the
periods calculated to the day seperately from the month-related periods on the bill.
In contrast to the normal procedure, key date evaluation is not applicable for months in which a move-in
or a move-out occurs. The time portion in these months is calculated to the day. In addition, the
calculated days are converted into monthly time slices using the standard year (365 days). In this case the
move-in or move-out month is separated from the remaining time slice.
Exception: If the move-in or move-out time slice covers the whole month, a whole month is always used.
Move-in month is April and a price change occurs on 04.27.
Move-in Price change
04.17. 04.27. 07.25.

Once the move-in month has been separated from the remaining time slice,the time slices are as follows:
04.17. 04.27. 05.01. 07.25.

For the first time slice (04.17. to 04.26.) the time portion is calculated as follows:
10 days * 12 months
Time portion = -------------------------- = 0.3288 months
365 days (standard year)
The following fields in the billing line items contain data:
ZEITANT (time portion) = 10 (days of time slice)
TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 2 (day)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 10
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 365
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. of quotient) = 2 (day)

For the second time slice (04.27. to 04.30.), the time portion is calculated using the difference of all the
days of April:

14 days * 12 months
Total time portion April = ------------------------ = 0.4603 months
365 days (standard year)

Time portion = 0.4603 months - 0.3288 months = 0.1315


SAP AG 480
System R/3

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 4 (days of time slice)
TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 2 (day)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 4
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 365
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. of quotient) = 2 (day)

For the third time slice (05.01 to 07.25.) the time portion is calculated as follows:
Time portion for whole month with key date
without move-in/move-out month (May to July) = 3.0000 months
The following fields in the billing line items contain data:
ZEITANT (time portion) = 3.0000 (months)
TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = blank
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = blank
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. of quotient) = blank
For information on the use of the leap day see here.
In the basic calculation procedure, the calculation to the day of the move-in or move-out 02 (Monthly
time portions dependent on a key date) can result in incorrect billing.
Example: move-in month
A customer moves in on the first day of the month. The first billing is executed within the month. The
key date is the 15th of the month.
Move-in Per.Bill. Per.Bill.
!--------20 T-------!---11 T--!--------------!
01.01. 01.21. 02.01. 02.22.

For the first periodic billing, 20 days are calculated to the day ((20 days : 365 days) x 12 months = 0.658
months). For the second periodic billing, one month (=February) is billed. The missing 11 days from the
move-in month are no longer accounted for.
If you choose the 22nd as the key date, two whole months may be billed in the second periodic billing.
Incorrect billing may also occur if the customer does not move in on the first of the month.
Example: move-out month
In this case you must find out whether or not the move-out month has already been billed.
- If the key date of the move-out month lies within the previous periodic billing period, the move-out
month has already been billed. In the final bill, however, the last 12 days are taken into account

Key date Prev.P.B.Per. Move-out

!---------------!--------12 T----------!

SAP AG 14.06.2013 481
System SAP

01.15. 01.20. 01.31.

If move-out does not occur at the end of the month, you would have to credit the customer with the
difference from move-out date to the end of the month. Instead, the difference is included in the
final bill.

Key date LPrev.P.B.Per. Move-out

!---------------!--------9 T-----------!
01.15. 01.20. 01.28.

- If the key date of the move-out month does not lie within the previous periodic billing period, 22
days would be billed to the customer in the final bill, according to our example. The missing 9 days
from the move-out months are not taken into account.

Prev.P.B.Per. Key date Move-out

!---------------!--------22 T----------!
10.1. 15.1. 31.1.

To avoid incorrect billing (as described in the examples above) during month-related calculation using
key date in cases of move-in or move-out, refer to the documentation for Calculation for move-in/out.

SAP AG 482
System R/3
__ Obliczanie w przypadku zawarcia lub rozwiązania umowy


Use the procedures described below to avoid incorrect billing during month-based calculation with a key
date for move-in or move-out and to calculate time portions using exact days for move-in and move-out.


To The Day Calculation of Time Portions for Move-In

Move-in Processing Procedure 03 (To the day, new)
Examples 1 and 2 are based on key date = 15th

Example 1: Move-in on first of the month

The time portions for the time slices within the move-in month are calculated to the day.
If move-in occurs at the start of the month, the time portions calculated to the day are based on the
number of days in the move-in month.
1. Billing 2nd Billing
01/01 12/01 01/02 17/02

The time portion is calculated for the first billing as follows:

12 days
Time portion = --------- = 0.387097 M
31 days
The following fields in the billing line items contain data:
ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.387
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 12
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 31
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

For the second billing procedure, the move-in month is first of all separated from the other time slice.
The time portions are as follows:
- 1. 1st time slice (01/13 01/31)

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19 days
Time portion = --------- = 0.612903 M
31 days

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.612903
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 19
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 31
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

- 2. Time slice (02/01 02/17)

Time portion for whole months with key date without move-out/in month(February) = 1.000 month

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 1.0000
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = blank
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = blank
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = blank

Example 2: Move-in not on first of the month

If move-in does not occur on the first of the month, the time portions are based on the standard year (365
1. Billing 2nd billing
03/01 12/01 01/02 17/02

The time portion is calculated for the first billing as follows:

10 days x 12 (months)
Time portion = ------------------------- = 0.328767 M
365 days (standard year)

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.328767
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 10
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 365
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

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For the second billing procedure, the move-in month is first of all separated from the other time slice.
The time portions are as follows:
- 1. 1st time slice (01/13 01/31)

19 days x 12 (months)
Time portion = ------------------------- = 0.624657 M
365 days (standard year)

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.624657
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 19
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 31
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

- 2. Time slice (02/01 02/17) as in the example

Move-in Processing Procedure 04 (month-related if move-in on first; otherwise to the day new)
- If the move-in occurs on the first of the month, the time slices are calculated on a monthly basis.
- If move-in does not occur on the first of the month, the time portions are calculated to the day (see
move-in procedure <Emphasis>03).
Pay special attention to the following during monthly billing with period-end billing/DPC over the entire
The billing period does not contain a key date
If move-in occurs on the first of the month and the key date is not contained in the first billing, the billing
is executed with a time portion = 0 months. For proration in period-end billing, time slices with time
portion <> 0 months can exist.

0.1 M 2.9 M TP Bill.

!--!----------------------------------------------------!PE Bill.

0 M 1 M 1 M 1 M TP Per.Bill
01/01 KD 02/01 KD 03/01 KD 04/01 04/14
* = Proration date

To The Day Calculation of Time Portions for Move-Out

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Move-Out Processing Procedure 03 (To the Day, New, Special Reversal)

If the key date from the move-out month was already included in the previous billing, the whole month
has already been billed. During final billing a(n) (adjustment) reversal is executed for this billing to
ensure that the time portions for the move-out month are calculated correctly.
If the to-date of the last periodic billing is in the move-out month, the first day of the move-out month is
used as the from-date for the time portion calculation.
- If the move-out does not occur on the last day of the month, the to the day time portions are based
on the standard year (365 days)
- If move-out does occur on the last day of the month, the to the day time portions are based on the
number of days in the move-out month.
The (adjustment) reversal is only executed in the event of actual billing. If billing is being simulated, it is
terminated, if necessary.
You can find further information on the reversal of move-outs here.

Example 1
Prev. periodic billing Period-end billing period
03/18 04/01 04/17 04/26

In periodic billing, the April is already completely billed. This periodic billing is reversed (for
adjustment). This results in a period-end billing period from 03/18 to 04/26.

Period End Billing Period

03/18 04/01 04/17 04/26

The move-out month is split. The time portions of the resulting time slices are as follows:
- 1. Time slice (03/18 03/31)

Time portion for the full month with key date without move-out/in month = 0.000 month

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.0000
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = blank
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = blank
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = blank

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- 2. Time slice (04/01 04/26)

26 days x 12 (months)
Time portion = ------------------------- = 0.854795 M
365 days (standard year)

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.854795
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 26
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 365
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

Example 2: Move-out on last of the month

Prev.Periodic Billing Period-End Billing Period

03/18 04/01 04/05 04/12 04/30
* = Proration date

The to-date of previous periodic billing is in the move-out month but comes before the key date. This
means that the move-out month has not yet been billed.
The time portions of the resulting time slices are calculated as follows:

- 1. Time slice (04/05 11/04)

11 days
Time portion = ---------- = 0.366667 M
31 days

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.366667
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 11
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 30
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

The from date of the first time slice is 04/05

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- 2. 2nd time slice (04/12 -04/30)

19 days
Time portion = --------- = 0.633333 M
31 days

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.633333
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 19
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 30
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

Example 3: Move-out not on last of the month

Prev. Periodic Bill Period End Billing Period
03/18 04/01 04/05 04/12 04/23
The to-date of previous periodic billing is in the move-out month but comes before the key date. This
means that the move-out month has notyet been billed.
The time portions of the resulting time slices are calculated as follows:

- 1. Time slice (04/05 11/04)

11 days x 12 (months)
Time portion = ------------------------- = 0.361644 M
365 days (standard year)

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.361644
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 11
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 365
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

The from date of the first time slice is 04/05

- 2. 2nd time slice (04/12 -04/23)

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12 days x 12 (months)
Time portion = ------------------------- = 0.394521 M
365 days (standard year)

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.394521
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 12
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = 365
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = 2 (day)

Move-out processing procedure 04 (to the day, new, time portion = 0, for move-out on the last
of the month)
If the move-out occurs on the last of the month, and the move-out month has already been billed, the time
portions =0

Prev. periodic billing Period-end billing period

03/18 04/01 04/17 04/30

The key date of the move-out month lies within the previous billing period. Since the move-out occurred
on the last day of the month, the time portion = 0.

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 0.0000
TIMTYPZA (time category for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = blank
TCDENOMOR (denominator of time portion) = blank
TIMTYPQUOT (time category of quotient) = blank

Billing-relevant changes are not included in this period!

All other situations are treated as described in the move-out processing procedure 03.
You can find further information on the reversal of move-outs here

The text contains a graphic. To obtain the best display results, proceed as follows:

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1. Choose Help -> Settings.

2. Select in modal dialog box (R/3) on the F1 Help tab page.

SAP AG 490
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__ Obliczanie w odniesieniu do miesiąca z karencją

In month-based calculation using an interval, the time portion is calculated in months.

If the number of days in the billing period fall within the interval days specified in the portion, the
months of the scheduled billing period are taken from the portion and used as the time portion (see also
examples 1a and 1b).
If the number of days in the billing period does not fall within the interval, the time portions are first
calculated for an exact number of days (see example 2). Then these time portions in days can be
converted to the standard month (30 days) or the standard year (365 days) (depending on the settings in
the reference days).
Prorations for month-based procedures can be difficult to present to the customer if time portions have
post-decimal places or if time slices have a time portion of zero.
Normally such prorations do not occur in billing on a monthly basis. You can prevent prorations of time
slices, using access control and historical maintainability, which you can set individually for each
In the base calculation procedure month-based using interval, seasonal variants can result in billing
periods being calculated to the day up to the season change and after the season change.
Example 1a - The number of days lies inside the interval
The length of the billing period in the portion is defined as a month. The interval when a period is still
considered a month has been specified in the portion as having a lower limit of 25 days and an upper limit
of 36 days.

Actual billing period:

33 days
4/12 5/14
In this case the time portion is determined as one month. This results, for example, in a time-based flat
rate being calculated for one month only and not for 33 days.

Example 1b with proration - The number of days lies inside the interval
If prorations occur (for example, due to price or tax changes), the billing period is determined as follows

Actual billing period:

6 days 9 days 10 days 8 days (total = 33)
4/12 5/14

The time portions are calculated as follows:


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1st period: --- * 1m = 0.18181818.. => time portion = 0.1818

33d remainder = 0.00001818..

2nd period: --- * 1m = 0.27272727..+ remainder 0.00001818 ==>
33d => time portion = 0.2727
remainder = 0.0000454

3rd period: --- * 1m = 0.30303030..+ remainder 0.0000454 ==>
33d => time portion = 0.3031
remainder = -0.0000243

4th period: 1 month minus the time portion already allocated (=

=> time portion = 0,2424
The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = time portions for periods

TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 6, 9, 10 or 8
TCDENOMTOR (denominator of time portion)= 33
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. for quotient) = 2 (day)

Example 2 - The number of days fall outside the interval

Actual billing period:
38 days
4/12 5/19
In this case the time portion is determined as 38 days since the billing period lies outside the interval.
Afterwards the time portions can be converted to the standard month (30 days) or the standard year (365
days) (depending on the settings in the reference days, see examples).
For information on the use of the leap day, see here.

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__ Definiowanie typu rozszerzonej procedury dotyczącej karencji


In this activity, you define the category for the enhanced interval procedure</. This is specified in
the table define period control (TE432). If the enhanced interval procedure is active, the daily
intervals are determined from a combination of the category for the enhanced interval procedure
and type for the enhanced interval procedure (V_TE435) in the table: define additional values
for enhanced interval procedure (TE433).

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzaju rozszerzonej procedury dot. karencji


In this activity, you define the type of enhanced interval procedure. This can be specified in the
portion. If the enhanced interval procedure is active, the daily intervals are determined from a
combination of the category for the enhanced interval procedure (V_TE434) and the type for the
enhanced interval procedure in the table define additional values for the enhanced interval procedure

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__ Definiowanie dodatkowych wartości dla rozszerzonej

procedury dot. karencji


You can define additional values for the day intervals in this activity.
The day interval key consists of the following fields:
- Category for enhanced interval procedure
- Type for the enhanced interval procedure
If the number of days for a billing period is within the corresponding day intervals, months from the field
M Reg (or for a move-in/ out field M I/O) are used as time portions (see example below).
You can define the day intervals independently for a move-in or a move-out. The values are used in a
move-in or move-out if you previously selected month-based move-in/move-out control in the table
define period control (TE432).
Make sure that the intervals [lower lim. reg, upper lim. reg] or [lower lim. I/O, upper lim. I/O] in the
interval key are clearly defined.


If you want to use the additional values of the day intervals for the time portion calculation, make the
following settings:
- Define the category and the type of the enhanced interval procedure
- Maintain the following fields in the table period control:
- Basis calculation procedure for period control: Month-based calculation with interval
- Include enhanced interval procedure: Selected
- Category for enhanced interval procedure is maintained
- Maintain the following fields in the portion:
- Type for enhanced interval procedure is maintained
- Maintain the table define additional values for the enhanced interval procedure


The table define additional values for the enhanced interval procedure is maintained as follows:

CatEIP TypeEIP LowLim.Reg LowLim.Reg MReg LowLim.I/O UppLim.I/O MI/O

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0001 0001 25 35 1 30 35 1
0001 0001 50 70 2 60 70 2
0001 0001 80 100 3 90 100 3

Case 1: Move-in, number of days is within the interval

31 days
01Jan. 31Jan.
The number of days in the billing period (31 days) lies within the interval [LowLim. I/O = 30, UppLim.
I/O = 35]. The time portion of the billing period is determined with a month (M I/O = 1).

Case 2: Move-in, number of days is not within the interval

28 days
01 Jan. 28 Jan.
The number of days in the billing period (28 days) is not within any of the intervals [LowerLim. I/O,
UppLim. I/O]. The time portion of the billing period is determined to the day and, if required, converted
to the standard month (30 days) or standard year (365 days) (depending on settings for reference days).

Case 3: Regular billing, number of days is within the interval

61 days
25 March 24 May.
The number of days in the billing period (61 days) is within the billing period [LowLim. Reg = 50,
UppLim. I/O = 70]. The time portion of the billing period is determined to 2 months (M Reg = 2).

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______________________________________________________________ Obliczanie w przypadku zawarcia lub rozwiązania umowy

Unlike for the month-based procedure using a key date, for the month-based procedure using an interval
the entire billing period (not just the move-in/move-out month) is calculated to the day in the case of a
move-in or move-out.
The length of the billing period in the portion is defined as one month. The interval in the portion where a
period is still considered a month is specified as having a lower limit of 25 days and an upper limit of 36
Actual billing period:
Move-in 33 days
4/12 5/14
In this case, the time portion is first calculated as 33 days.
Then, according to the reference day control, these 33 days are converted to a time portion in months
using either the standard month (30 days) or the standard year (365 days).
- Conversion according to the standard year (365 days)
33 days * 12 months
--------------------- = 1.0849 months
365 days

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 1.0849 (months)

TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 33
TCDENOMTOR (denominator of time portion) = 365
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. for quotient) = 2 (day)

- Conversion according to the standard month (30 days)

33 days
--------------------- = 1.1000 months
30 days

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 1.1000 (months)

TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 33
TCDENOMTOR (denominator of time portion) = 30
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. for quotient) = 2 (day)
In the case of proration (for example, due to price or tax changes), all time slices are calculated in this
way. The time portion is rounded in the last time slice.

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______________________________________________________________ Rozliczenie wg dni w przypadku zmian nieokresowych

Calculation to the day in the case of aperiodic changes controls how schema steps and values are
processed if they are added to or omitted from the billing period.
The system supports three procedures. Note that the time portions to the day are calculated in much the
same way as processing to the day in the case of move-in/out:
- Procedure 1
- Calculation of month-based time portions if a schema step deviates from the billing period, but
still falls within the interval in the portion.
- Calculation of time portions to the day if a schema step falls outside the interval.

Example 1 for procedure 1

Interval = 27 to 35 days
!------------------Billing period-----------------------!
!-------------------Schema step 1-----------------------!
1/10 32 days 2/10
!---------------Schema step 2---------------------!
1/12 29 days 2/9

Time portion for values of schema step 1 = one month

Time portion for values of schema step 2 = one month

Example 2 for procedure 1

With prorations (due to VAT change, for example)
!------------------Billing period-----------------------!
!-------------------Schema step 1---!-------------------!
1/10 22 days 2/1 10 days 2/10
!---------------Schema step 2---!-----------------!
1/12 20 days 2/1 9 days 2/9
!---------Schema step 3---!-------------------!
1/16 16 days 2/1 10 days 2/10

Time portion for values of schema step 1 = 1 month (month-based)

===> time portions for partial periods = 22/32 month and 10/32 month
Time portion for values of schema step 2 = 1 month (month-based)
===> time portions for partial periods = 20/29 month 9/29 month
Time portion for values of schema step 3 = 26 days (to the day)
===> time portions for partial periods = 16/30 month 10/30 month with reference to the
standard month = 30 days

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- Procedure 2
- Calculation of month-based time portions if a schema step corresponds exactly to the billing
period and falls within the interval in the portion.
- Calculation of time portions to the day if a schema step deviates from the billing period or the
billing period does not fall within the interval.

Example for procedure 2

Interval = 27 to 35 days
With prorations (due to VAT change, for example)
!------------------Billing period-----------------------!
!-------------------Schema step 1---!-------------------!
1/10 22 days 2/1 10 days 2/10
!---------------Schema step 2---!-----------------!
1/12 20 days 2/1 9 days 2/9
!---------Schema step 3---!-------------------!
1/16 16 days 2/1 10 days 2/10

Time portion for values of schema step 1 = one full month (month-based), since the step
corresponds exactly to the billing period and it falls within the interval.
===> time portions for partial periods = 22/32 month and 10/32 month
Time portion for values of schema step 2 = 29 days (to the day), since the step deviates
time-wise from the billing period.
===> time portions for partial periods = 20/30 month and 9/30 month with reference to the
standard month = 30 days
Time portion for values of schema step 3 = 26 days (to the day), since the step deviates
time-wise from the billing period and it does not fall within the interval.
===> time portions for partial periods = 16/30 month and 10/30 month with reference to the
standard month = 30 days

- Procedure 3
- Calculation of month-based time portions if a logical value of a schema step falls within the
- Calculation of time portions to the day if a logical value falls outside the interval.

A logical value could, for example, be a device in a rental price variant (such as SETTLE01
variant). In contrast to the other two procedures, the decision whether month-based billing is to be
executed is based on the billing days of the logical value, not on the length of the schema step. The
procedure also affects the billing of reference values. This is because several logical values come
into question at the same time only during billing of device rental prices and reference values.
Other values - such as factors, quantities, demand and prices - must cover the complete schema step
period in the variants where they are used. Values such as these are processed in schema steps with
procedure 3, in the same way as if the schema step had procedure 1.

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Interval = 27 to 35 days in the following examples for procedure 3

Example 1 for procedure 3

With device rental price
!-----------------------Device 1---------------------------!
1/10 32 days 2/10
!--------------------Device 2-------------------------!
1/12 29 days 2/9

Since both devices (logical values ) fall within the interval, a time protion of one month is
calculated for each of them.

Example 2 for procedure 3

With device rental price
!------------------------Device 1---------------------------!
1/10 32 days

!---------------Device 2----------------!
1/20 22 days
Time portion for device 1 = 1 month
Time portion for device 2 = 22/30 month (standard month = 30 days)

Example 3 for procedure 3

With device rental price and proration (due to change in tax, for example)
!------------------------Device 1---!-----------------------!
1/10 22 days 2/1 10 days

!--------------------Device 2---!-----------------------!
1/12 20 days 2/1 10 days

Since both devices (logical values) fall within the interval, a total time portion of one month is
calculated for each of them. The time portions for the individual time slices are calculated as
Time portions for device 1 = 22/32 month and 10/32 month
Time portions for device 2 = 20/30 month and 10/30 month
For both of the second time slices, different time portions are calculated for the devices
although both time slices cover the same period.

Example 4 for procedure 3

With device replacement
!------------------------Device 1---------------------------!
1/10 32 days 2/10

!----------Device 2-------------!------Device 3-------!

1/12 20 days 2/1 9 days 2/9

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In the case of a device replacement, device 2 and device 3 are considered as a single logical
value. This means that a time portion of one full month is calculated on the basis of the 29-day
period (20 + 9).

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For a device rental price the system can recognize a logical value in the case of aperiodic
changes (such as device replacement) in the following ways:

Case A: Rental price is levied at the device level

In this case, consecutive time slices for devices can only be recognized as a single logical value
if a device was replaced. Only in the case of a replacement can the system recognize that in
example 4 device 2 logically becomes device 3. If, instead, device 2 was removed and
afterwards device 3 was installed, the system would consider the two devices as two
independent logical values. In this case, the time portions would be calculated to the day as
20/30 and 9/30.

Case B: Rental price is levied at register level

In this case, consecutive time slices for registers can only be recognized as a single logical
value if you defined in the other installation structure that the registers replace each other. You
can manually maintain logical register allocations in the installation structure, if this has not
already taken place automatically during a device replacement.

The following applies to both cases, A and B: If you change the level on which the rental price
is levied from the device to the register level or vice versa, the system cannot recognize a
logical transition. Such changes are always interpreted as a change of the logical value.

Example 5 for procedure 3

With gaps in the period

!-----------------------Device 1---------------------------!
1/10 32 days 2/10

!-----Device 2------! !----------Device 2---------!

1/12 13 days 1/24 1/27 15 days 2/10

The time slices for device 2 are handled as a single logical value despite the gap. This means
that a time portion of one full month is calculated on the basis of the 28-day period (13 + 15).
The time portions are 13/28 month and 15/28 month.
The information for procedure 3 (per logical value) also applies to the calculation of time portions for
reference values. Since there is no function similar to device replacement for reference values, the logical
value is always the individual reference value itself.

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__ Dni referencyjne dla przeliczenia udziałów dni w miesiącach

You can only use this control for the month-based procedure using an interval. The days in a time
slice are coverted to months.
The length of the billing period in a portion was defined as one month. The interval where a period is still
considered a month was specified in the portion as having a lower limit of 25 days and an upper limit of
36 days.
Actual billing period:
38 days
4/12 5/19
In this case (and always, if calculation is performed to the day for this base procedure), the time portion is
first determined as having 38 days. According to the control set for the reference days, these 38 days are
converted to a time portion in months using either the standard month (30 days) or the standard year (365

- Conversion according to the standard month

38 days
-------------------- = 1.2667 months
30 days

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 1.2667 (months)
TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 38
TCDENOMTOR (denominator of time portion) = 30
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. of quotient) = 2 (day)
- Conversion according to the standard year
38 days * 12 months
--------------------- = 1.2493 months
365 days

The following fields in the billing line items contain data:

ZEITANT (time portion) = 1.2493 (months)
TIMTYPZA (time cat. for time portion) = 1 (month)
TCNUMTOR (numerator of time portion) = 38
TCDENOMTOR (denominator of time portion) = 365
TIMTYPQUOT (time cat. of quotient) = 2 (day)

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______________________________________________________________ Wykorzystanie dnia przestępnego

You can use the leap day control for all base calculation procedures.
If you set the leap day indicator, leap days are treated like any other day. If you do not set the field, leap
days are not counted as a day.
Calculation to the day
If you set the leap day indicator, the time slice from 1/1 to 12/31 is calculated with a time portion of 366
days in a leap year.
Month-based calculation using a key date
For month-based calculation using a key date, the leap day control refers only to leap days in the
move-in/out month, if these months are to be calculated to the day.
If you set the leap day indicator, a move-in time slice from 2/25 to 2/29 is calculated with the following
time portion in a leap year:
5 days * 12 months
-------------------- = 0.1644 month
365 days
If the leap day indicator is not set, the following time portion is calculated:
4 days * 12 months
--------------------- = 0.1315 month
365 days
Month-based calculation using an interval
For month-based calculation using an interval, the control refers only to billing periods that are to be
billed to the day (for example, a move-in/out or billing period outside of the interval)
If you set the leap day indicator, the following time portion is calculated, for example, for a move-in
time slice from 2/25 to 2/29 in a leap year with reference to the standard month (= 30 days).
5 days
---------- = 0.1667 month
30 days
If the leap day indicator is not set, the following time portion is calculated:
4 days
----------- = 0.1333 month
30 days

SAP AG 506
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sterowania okresami

In this IMG activity you define period control. You make the period control entry in the rate at the rate
steps level.
The following procedures are supported:
- Time portions calculation to the day
- Month-based calculation of time portions, using a key date
- Month-based calculation of time portions, using an interval
You specify the key date for billing on a monthly basis in the meter reading unit. You specify the
intervals for billing on a monthly basis in the portion.
You can also make settings for the following specific situations:
- Taking leap days into account
- Handling a move-in/out
- Handling occasional/intermittent events (such as device installation)
- Converting time portions in days to months.


Define period control in the system.

Further notes

Please also read the other information available on period control.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 507
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup określ. wartości taryfy

In this IMG activity you define rate fact groups. Rate fact groups allow you to use different prices per
operand within a rate.
You must always specify the rate fact group directly for the rate type (for example, in the register in the
installation structure or for the container during valuation of the waste billing category).


Examples of several rate fact groups within a rate:

- Example 1
- Within one rate a certain group of customers receives a different price. This does not relate to a
discount; there is no reference to the other price on the bill. There is no statistical display of the
difference between the normal price and the reduced price.
- Example 2
- The utility company offers a rate. However, the prices are different according to regional
conditions; the prices are dependent on the city or the region of the premise.
- Example 3
- Within one rate a certain group of customers receives a discount (for example, 10% amount
discount for municipalities); this must be displayed on the bill as a discount. The discount is
also displayed statistically. In this case, the optional discount variant program is provided with
values in the rate facts only in the case of the one rate fact group. In the other rate fact group
(no discount), no value is allocated to the discount variant program. The discount is then not
granted for this rate fact group. This means that only one rate category is required.

In this example, you should consider whether several rate fact groups or separate rate
categories and rates should be created. For reasons of clarity, most utility companies create
their own rate categories and rates for this special case.


Define the required rate fact groups in the system. Even if you do not differentiate by rate fact groups,
you need to define at least one rate fact group.

SAP AG 508
System R/3
__ Definiowanie taryf

In this IMG activity you define rates. A rate consists of a key, header data, and one or more rate steps
(variant programs).
Maintain the following areas in the rate header:
- Permissibility
- Register-related data (only required if the rate refers to a register)
First, branch to the rate steps. Here you must identify the required variant programs. Perform the
following steps:
- Select the required variant program
- Maintain the relevant sub-transactions for billing. You must specify sub-transactions for all variant
programs that generate billing line items relevant to posting. The sub-transaction and main
transaction (determined internally) are used to find the receivables account and the sales revenue
account. Here you can post to different accounts for each rate step. You can also post all rate steps
(for example, energy price, demand price, rental price) to the same accounts using different
In these cases, the different sub-transactions enable a differentiation in the sales statistics. We
therefore recommend that you group the rate steps according to different sub-transactions. You can
display an overview of account determination from the rate by choosing: Goto -> Overviews ->
Acct determination.
- Maintain the relevant sub-transactions for the budget billing requests or the budget billing
repayment requests. Here you can define how detailed the display of the open item lines is in the
budget billing plan. A differentiated examination is not recommended because of the high volume of
data. Therefore, all rate steps should refer to the same sub-transactions. An exception is when a
certain part of the budget billing (for example, duties, CO2 tax) is to be booked to other accounts. In
this case, you must use a different sub-transaction.
- Enter the input and output operands that are required for the variant program. You can also create an
operand directly from this transaction. To do this, enter the name of the operand. Then double-click
the operand name.
- For certain variant programs, you must specify a period control value. Period control is used in
calculating the length of periods to be billed.
- You must maintain control parameters for certain variant programs. For example, variant program
QUANTI01 asks you whether info lines are to be written. Since the device number can only be
printed from the info lines, we recommend that you select this parameter.
- If rate steps are to be performed in one season only, you must specify that season here.
- You are only required to enter a franchise fee group if a franchise fee is to be calculated for the rate
- You must allocate line item types to the rate step in order to print the bill. These line item types can
be retrieved during bill printout in order to print corresponding texts.
You must provide values for the input operands in the rate facts. You can define rate facts for each rate
fact group.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 509
System SAP


The following data must already be maintained:

- Validation classes for independent validations
To maintain validation classes, go to: Utilities Industry -> Device Management -> Meter Reading ->
Validations -> Independent Validations -> Define Validation Classes.
- Franchise fee group (optional)
To maintain franchise fee groups, go to: Utilities Industry -> Contract Billing -> Special Functions
-> Franchise Contract -> Define Franchise Fee Groups.
- Operands
- Sub-transactions for billing
To maintain sub-transactions, go to: Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable -> Basic Functions -> Postings and Documents -> Document -> Document Assignment
Maintenance -> Sub-transactions for IS-U/IS-T Maintenance.
- Sub-transactions for budget billing request or budget billing repayment request
To maintain sub-transactions, go to: Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable and
Payable -> Basic Functions -> Postings and Documents -> Document -> Document Assignment
Maintenance -> Sub-transactions for IS-U/IS-T Maintenance.
- Prices


SAP recommends that you structure and standardize the rate key beforehand.


Define the required rates in the system.

Further notes

If you wish to make settings for nonresidential customers using backbilling or period-end billing, please
read the following documentation first: Define Schemas and Structure of a billing schema with
If you wish to use consumption histories/bill printout histories, please read the following documentation:
Bill printout history.
If you wish to model maximum price limitation and best-rate billing, please read this documentation.
If you wish to model register relationships (for example, serial switching) in billing, please read this

SAP AG 510
System R/3
__ Kontrola operacji cz. dla taryf

In this IMG activity you can check the sub-transactions stored in the rate for completeness and
consistency. For each sub-transaction, the process and account and tax determination are checked to see
that they have been correctly and completely maintained in Customizing.
If an error occurs, a list of the affected sub-transactions is displayed in the application log. For additional
information on the error, double-click on it or press the "Detail" pushbutton. You can also access
Customizing for contract accounts receivable and payable from the detail view.
A where-used list can also be created for rates that use this sub-transaction.
The billing and the budget billing sub-transactions are checked for completeness and consistency.


Carry out this activity in order to execute a consistency check.

Further notes

This activity allows you to execute consistency checks for all rates stored in clients. This is in addition to
the individual check that is automatically carried out whenever a rate is created or changed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 511
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Schematy

In this IMG activity you define required schemas. In the schema, you establish which rates are billed and
in which sequence the rates and variant programs are to be executed.
A schema represents a grouping of one or more rates.


One schema is required for our billing example:

- Schema household, key: E1
Both of the rates E1_1 and E1_2 are inserted in this schema. An important requirement for our billing
example was that both single-rate and double-rate meters can be billed.
If only rate E1_1 is determined when billing is performed for a single-rate meter, then only this rate is
billed. In this case, the off-peak rate (E1_2) is not processed in the schema.

SAP AG 512
System R/3
__ Dynamiczne sterowanie okresami

In this IMG activity, you define a control that allows the flexible backbilling of periods that have already
been billed during regular billing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 513
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Informacje dotyczące dynamicznego sterowania okresami

In this IMG activity, you make Customizing settings for dynamic period control at the following levels:
- Rate category (must be classified in the rate category header for dynamic period control)
- Schema (must be classified in the scheme header for dynamic period control)
- Schema step: The following information is defined here:
- The periods for which the schema step is set up
- Whether a schema step should be executed for these periods and/or whether the bill lines that
were generated by this schema step in the former billing for this period are to be canceled
In addition to this definition, you can control the execution and deletion of bill line items from
schema steps by defining additional conditions in the schema setup design
To better understand the structure and completely display the Customizing settings, see the example
schema for dynamic period control.
Basic categories for dynamic period control
Only one basic category exists at the present time. It is based on the interpretation of the meter reading


Actual meter readings of the register on-site are only performed over longer intervals. Because the billing
period is shorter than this interval, billing has to be based on estimated meter readings in the interim.
T1 T2 T3 T4
Actual Estimate Estimate Actual
As long as the meter readings that trigger billing are estimated, the measured quantity is only billed
preliminarily (time points T2 and T3). The entire period T1-T4 regarding the measured quantity is
recalculated based on the actual meter reading result at time point T4. The two actual meter readings at
the start and end of billing period T1-T4 enable better proration, which is advantageous in the case of
price changes.
The following rules apply to this basic category:
- When billing is based on estimated meter readings (for time points T2 and T3), all meter reading
results from the billing period are used.
- When billing is based on actual meter reading results (for time point T4), only the actual meter
reading results from the billing period are used.
- When multiple registers have to be read for an installation, and a mixed case is involved (actual and
estimated meter readings), the system proceeds as if only estimated meter reading results were
- The dynamic setup of periods in the past is always based on the current periodic billing period. No
separate billing order that only dynamically calculates the past can be used (this is the case, for
example, in the standard period-end billing).

SAP AG 514
System R/3

- When a final billing, territory-transfer billing, contract change billing, or customer change billing is
involved, the system proceeds as if only actual meter reading results were available.


Example schema with dynamic period control


The following restrictions apply to dynamic period control: It cannot be used together with:
- A budget billing procedure
- Rates with floating backbilling
- Period-end billing rates
- Rates with variants, apart from DYNBI04 and DYNBI05,in which the update type from the previous
periods is used in the current period, or vice versa
- Base calculation procedure 03 (calculation of month-specific time portions, using intervals)

Further notes

You can use the following enhancements to influence the program flow:
- EBIA0020 (change the current period for dynamic period control)
- EBIA0021 (change the billing period for dynamic period control)
In the future, we plan to enhance the options for dynamic period control. As a result, the Customizing
may change in the future.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 515
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie dynamicznego sterowania okresami

In this IMG activity, you define the Customizing settings for dynamic period control. At the present time,
you can use dynamic period control to correct the period since the last actual meter reading result when a
new actual meter reading result is entered. Therefore, you can presently only change the settings provided
by SAP in the tables Category of the current billing period and Basic categories for dynamic period
- Dynamic period control
Use this field to define how dynamic backbilling is controlled. Presently, dynamic period control is
based on the meter reading type - that is, it is controlled by actual and estimated meter readings.
- Basic categories for dynamic period control
Use this field to determine how the category of the current period is determined.
- Category of the current billing period
Use this field to define the categories that you want to use in the system
- Basic period categories of the periods to set up
Use this field to define the basic period categories that you want to use in the system.
- Time slice generator
Use this field to define the time slice generators that you want to use in the system.
- Check table for periods to set up
Use this field to define the periods to set up that you want to use in the system.
- Periods to set up
Use this field to define which periods you want to set up for a schema for each category of the
current period and time slice generator.

SAP AG 516
System R/3
__ Definiowanie dynamicznych grup kalkulacji uzupełniającej

In this IMG activity you define the dynamic backbilling groups. These groups are needed when you want
to perform backbilling in a schema with dynamic period control.
You can use these dynamic backbilling groups to group rate steps together for dynamic period control.
To suppress automatic line grouping, set field No line grouping.

Structure of a billing schema with dynamic period control

This section describes a simplified schema structure that illustrates the special features of dynamic period
control. It also describes the settings of the various Customizing tables that are involved in dynamic
period control.
You define that a schema will be used for dynamic period control in the header of that billing schema. In
this case, the schema can only be used in rate categories that have also been classified for dynamic period
control in the rate category header.
You maintain the following information in the steps of the billing schema:
- A time slice generator. It determines the periods for which the schema step is set up, dependent on
the category of the current billing period. If you use a schema with dynamic period control, you
have to enter a time slice generator in every schema step. SAP provides 0000 as the default value,
which is proposed for all steps when you create the schema. You have to assign the periods to set up
for this standard value in the table of periods to set up for your schema. If you have a schema with
dynamic period control, for example, that you always use to bill the current periodic billing period,
you have to explicitly specify the periodic billing period. Information on how to control the periods
for billing is available in Customizing for contract billing, under Information for dynamic period
- The conditions that will result in backbilling. Normally, backbilling is triggered whenever an actual
meter reading result is recorded. You also have to use variant DYNBI01 to trigger dynamic
backbilling in the schema. However, you can use the various IF variants to suppress the dynamic
backbilling after an actual meter reading result. For example, variant IF09 prevents dynamic
backbilling when a move-in has taken place.
- The schema steps that are affected by dynamic backbilling.
Assign a dynamic backbilling group to the affected schema steps. This group forms the
parentheses for dynamic backbilling.
Schema steps can:
- Be set up for different periods
You can define that a schema step will be set up for different periods, depending on the
category of the current periodic billing period. We currently differentiate between four
different basic categories of periods to set up (see example below).
- Trigger dynamic backbilling
(only possible using variants from variant category 14). To do this, enter a dynamic backbilling
group in field Execute dynamic period control. This group defines the schema steps for
which the bill line items from the correction periods are cancelled, and which schema steps are
executed again in the correction periods.
- Be backbilled

SAP AG 14.06.2013 517
System SAP

To do this, enter a dynamic backbilling group in field Schema step for execution in
dynamic period control. It determines the backbilling that is used for the schema step in
the correction periods. This schema step is then performed in the correction periods when
backbilling is triggered for the dynamic backbilling group.
- Be cancelled
To do this, enter a dynamic backbilling group in field Schema steps for cancellation in
dynamic period control. It determines the backbilling that is used to cancel the bill line
items from the correction periods (for the schema step). The bill line items are cancelled when
backbilling is triggered for the dynamic backbilling group.

See the documentation on dynamic period control

In the example below, a consumption and a flat-rate charge are billed each month. The consumption is
only a preliminary estimate when based on estimated meter readings. The consumption between the last
actual meter reading and the current actual meter reading is revaluated when an actual meter reading
result is entered. The preliminary bill line items for consumption have to be cancelled in this case. The
flat-rate charge should be incurred normally for the last month.
You want to bill the following periods:
T1 T2 T3 T4
Actual Estimation Estimation Actual

The schema steps are set up for the individual billing periods:

Curr. period T1 to T2
|------------------| Consumption
|------------------| Flat rate

Curr. period T2 to T3
|------------------| Consumption
|------------------| Flat rate

Curr. period T3 to T4
|-------------------| Flat rate

The corresponding schema DYNPER has the following structure:

CSNO Variant TimeSlcGen Dyn.per.exec Exec.step. Canc.step

SAP AG 518
System R/3


2 LUMSUM01 0000
3 DYNBI01 0000 NVB1

The following settings are required in the Customizing tables:

1. Table Check table of periods to set up
Period to set up Text Basic period category
T Per.bill.period 4
E Complete period 3

2. Table Periods to set up

Schema Category TimeSlcGen Periods to set up
DYNPER 1000 0000 T
DYNPER 2000 0000 T
DYNPER 3000 0000 T
DYNPER 4000 0000 T

Note: Maintenance of this table will be integrated in schema maintenance in a later release.

Interpretation of schema step identification and the table Customizing

When the current meter reading result is an estimate (category 1000 or 2000), both time slice generators
point to period to set up T with basic period category 4, which means variants QUANTI01, LUMSUM01,
and DYNBI01 are each set up for the current periodic billing period. When an actual meter reading result
is entered (category 3000 or 4000), time slice generator 0000 points to period to set up T, but CONS
points to E, which has basic period category 3. In this case, variants LUMSUM01 and DYNBI01 are set
up for the current periodic billing period. Variant QUANTI01 is set up for the period between the last and
current actual meter reading results.
The start of each period to set up (with the exception of the current periodic billing period) is taken from
table ERCHP. This table is a supplemental table of the billing document, ERCH.
- When a move-in is involved, the move-in date is the start date.
- When an actual meter reading result is billed, the start date is equal to the end of the current billing
period plus one day.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 519
System SAP

- When a periodic bill for an estimated billing document is involved, the start date is not changed - the
start date of the previous document is used.
Schema steps
Periods T1 to T2 and T2 to T3: All three variants are executed for the current periodic billing period.
However, variant DYNBI01 does not perform any actions, because it only affects steps outside the
current periodic billing period.
Period T3 to T4: Variant LUMSUM01 calculates the flat-rate charge for the current periodic billing
period. Variant DYNBI01 triggers backbilling for the QUANTI01 that has been set up for period T1 to
T4 (trigger: backbilling group NBV1 in DYNBI01 and execution group NBV1 in QUANTI01). It also
triggers the cancellation of the consumption line items that were generated in the past periodic billing
periods (trigger: backbilling group NBV1 in DYNBI01 and cancellation group NBV1 in QUANTI01).

The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
3. Select Help -> Settings.
4. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field


Define the required dynamic backbilling groups in the system.

SAP AG 520
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla schematów

In this IMG activity you define search help for schemas.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 521
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla schematów

In this IMG activity you define notes for schemas (Object ESCH).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 522
System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 523
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup rozliczenia dodatkowego

In this IMG activity you define backbilling groups. You need these if in the schema, for example, you
wish to perform backbilling or period-end billing.
To model these special forms of billing, please read Structure of a billing schema with backbilling.
Using these backbilling groups, you can group together rate steps for backbilling and period-end billing.
You can deactivate the automatic line compression by setting the No line compression flag.


Possible table entries:

- 0001 Period-end billing of demand
- 0002 Update of measured demand from previous periods
- 0003 Floating backbilling of demand
- 0004 Reversal of energy and demand in period-end billing
- 0005 Reversal of maximum price in period-end billing


Define the required backbilling groups in the system.

SAP AG 524
System R/3
__ Definiowanie schematów

In this IMG activity you define schemas. In the schema you define which rates are billed and in which
sequence the variant programs are executed.
A schema represents a grouping of one or more rates.
Choose Insert rate and a second window opens where you can select all rates that are not yet contained
in the current schema. You must transfer the required rates to the schema.
Maintain the following areas in the schema steps:
- Price summary indicator
- Presort key


The following data must already be maintained:

- Rates
- Statistics groups for quantities and amounts
To maintain the statistics groups, go to: Utilities Industry -> Information System -> Statistics ->
Sales Statistics -> Update -> Updating Control -> Statistics Groups
- Sort criteria for bill printout
To maintain the sort criteria, go to: Utilities Industry -> Invoicing -> Bill Printout -> Define sort
criteria for bill printout.


SAP recommends that you structure and standardize the schema key beforehand.


Define the required schemas in the system.

Further notes

If you wish to make settings for nonresidential customers using backbilling or period-end billing, please
also read Structure of a billing schema with backbilling.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 525
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Typy taryf

In this IMG activity you define rate categories. In the rate category, you can store data for controlling
For example, you establish the following data:
- Billing on a daily or monthly basis
- Type/amount limits for bill outsorting
- Normal billing
- Floating backbilling
- Period-end billing
You enter the rate category in the installation, and in combination with the rate type from the register, it
forms the basis for rate determination.
The term "rate category" in IS-U corresponds to what utility companies call the rate. Examples of rate
categories include:
- Electricity
- Household
- Trade
- Gas
- Limited consumption rate
- Basic price rate 1
- Basic price rate 2
- Note: In the case of best-rate billing, the name assignment is different. For example, best-rate billing
is to be performed jointly for the the limited consumption rate, basic price rate 1, and basic price
rate 2. In this case, only one rate category and one rate may be created. The individual components
are then controlled separately in the rate. A differentiation by statistical rates is possible in the rate.
The actual best-rate billing is executed with the UTILIT* variant programs.


One rate category from the electricity division is required for our billing example. E1 (electricity:
household) is used as the key.

SAP AG 526
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla typów taryf

In this IMG activity you define search help for rate categories.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 527
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla typów taryf

In this IMG activity you define notes for rate categories (Object ETTA).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 528
System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 529
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typów taryf

In this IMG activity you define rate categories. In the rate category you can store data for controlling
Maintain the following areas in the rate category header:
- General data (for example, billing class)
- Statistics group for sales statistics
- Allocation to billing schema
You can override the rate facts in the rate category facts. Here you must observe the following hierarchy:
1. Installation facts have priority over:
2. Rate category facts, which have priority over:
3. Rate facts per rate and rate fact group


You must first maintain the following data:

- The statistics groups must be defined for the rate category. To do so, choose Utilities Industry ->
Information System -> Statistics -> Sales Statistics -> Update -> Updating Control -> Statistics
Groups -> Define Statistics Groups for Rate Categories.


SAP recommends that you structure and standardize the rate category key beforehand.


Define the required rate categories in the system.

SAP AG 530
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ustalania taryfy

In this IMG activity you define rate determination. You do not enter the rate in the master data. Rather,
the rate is determined dynamically (at runtime) from the rate type of the register and the rate category of
the installation.
Rate determination is performed historically. This has the advantage that possible rate changes can be
implemented easily. You do not need to change the rate types and rate categories in the master data.
Instead, a new rate is determined starting from a new from-date.


For our billing example, rate determination is performed for both of the rates E1_1 and E1_2:
Rate type Rate category Rate

1. 1001 + E1 ----> E1_1

2. 1002 + E1 ----> E1_2


Define the required rate determinations in the system.

Further notes

If you wish to model maximum price limitation and best-rate billing, please read this documentation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 531
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Kontrola danych podstawowych rozliczenia pod wzgl. spójności

In this IMG activity you can check billing master data for consistency.
Currently you can check the following objects for consistency:
- Rates
- Schemas
- Rate determinations
Examples of the checks carried out for each rate are:
- Is the rate header complete?
- Have entries been made in the required entry fields in the rate steps?
- Is the IF-/ELSE-/ENDIF sequence correct?
- Are the register operands correct?
- Period control?
- Input operands?
- Output operands?
If an error occurs, a list of the checked and inconsistent rates is displayed in the application log. For
additional information on the incorrect objects, double-click them or choose the "Log" pushbutton.


Carry out this activity in order to execute a consistency check.

Further notes

This activity allows you to execute consistency checks for all master data stored in the client. When you
create or change individual objects, the system checks them automatically.
However, you might make changes to an operand that cause rates to become inconsistent. These
inconsistencies are not found until you check all billing master data for consistency.

SAP AG 532
System R/3
__ Definiowanie reguł rozliczenia dla grup instalacji


In this activity, you determine which rules are used to bill installation groups.


A general consistency check checks the rules used to bill installation groups.


You specify the following rules for installation groups that have a primary installation with the grouping
type Serial Switching and Distribution of Consumption Difference:
- Secondary installations can only be billed after the primary installation has been billed
- Secondary installation bills cannot be individually reversed
- Final billing can take place immediately for secondary installations
- Data is exchanged from the secondary installations to the primary installation
- Data is exchanged from the primary installation to thesecondary installations

SAP AG 14.06.2013 533
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Rabaty/Dopłaty

In this IMG activity you define required discounts and surcharges. You must define a discount/surcharge
not only when the price is reduced, for example, but also if the difference amount is to be displayed on
the bill and statistically.
Discounts/surcharges are required if you have defined rates in the rate structure activity that are used to
bill a discount or surcharge.
Special variant programs exist for discounts/surcharges that you must provide for in the corresponding

SAP AG 534
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla rabatów/dopłat

In this IMG activity you define the number ranges for discounts and surcharges.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 535
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla rabatów/dopłat

In this IMG activity you define search help for discounts and surcharges.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 536
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla rabatów/dopłat

In this IMG activity you define notes for discounts and surcharges (Object EDSC).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 537
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 538
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rabatów/dopłat

In this IMG activity you define required discounts and surcharges.

You can model both discounts and surcharges in the system by means of the discount category.
The discount type enables you to define how you wish to grant the discount or levy the surcharge:
- As an absolute amount
- As a percentage
The reference base enables you to define what the discount or surcharge refers to:
- Quantity
- Price
- Amount
- Demand
Special variant programs exist for discounts and surcharges that you must utilize in the relevant rates.
These variant programs begin with DISCNT*.


SAP recommends that you structure and standardize your discount/ surcharge key beforehand. If you do
not specify a key, the system assigns the key internally. However, internal number assignment is not
recommended in this case.


Define the required discounts and surcharges in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 539
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ AMI: Interfejs czasu wykorzystania

SAP AG 540
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup formuł dla formuł TOU


In this Customizing activity you define formula groups, which you use to logically group together
time-of-use formulas. You allocate each time-of-use formula to exactly one formula group.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 541
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define exception groups for the time-of-use interface. An exception
group consists of multiple dates on which it can be predicted that consumption behavior will deviate from
normal days.


You are expecting unusual consumption data during the soccer world cup.
Short text: WCUP
Text: Dates of the soccer world cup finals

SAP AG 542
System R/3
__ Definiowanie dni wyjątku dla grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define exception days for an exception group.


You have defined exception groups.


Date of the final of the soccer world cup.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 543
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Grupa sezonów

SAP AG 544
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów sezonu

In this activity you define season types.

You also allocate season periods to season types.
You cannot define season periods longer than one year. However, you can allocate two periods; the first
one (with consecutive number 1) until 12/31 and the second (with consecutive number 2) starting on
Season periods in a season group and allocated to season types must be defined for an entire year (01/01
to 12/31) and may not overlap.
In the next step, different season types are arranged into season groups.


Seas. type Descript.

0001 Summer
0002 Winter
0003 Year without subdivision

The following season periods are defined for the individual season periods:
Seas. type Cons. no. Start End
0001 1 04/01 09/30
0002 1 10/01 12/31
2 01/01 03/31
0003 1 01/01 12/31

- The period from 04/01 to 09/30 is allocated to period type 0001

- The periods from 10/01 to 12/31 are allocated to season type 0002.
- Season type 0003 covers a whole year. The period from 01/01 to 12/31 is allocated to this season


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the season types you use.
3. Choose Definition for each season type.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Define at least one season period for each season type.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 545
System SAP

6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 546
System R/3
__ Definiowanie bloków sezonów

In this IMG activity you define season groups.

Season groups contain different season types.
Season periods in a season group and allocated to season types must be defined for an entire year (01/01
to 12/31) and may not overlap.


Seas. group Descript.

0001 Year divided into summer and winter
0002 One season


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the season groups you use.
3. Choose Definition fo each season group.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Allocate at least one season type to each season group.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 547
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przetwarzanie formuły CzW


In this Customizing activity, you define the time-of-use formulas for billing profile values with a
time-of-use interface.
Depending on how you want to execute the time-of-use interface, either allocate a formula class or a
formula ID of the respective formula in the MDUS system to the formula.
- If you want to use the formula for billing profile values in EDM, select a formula class.
- If you want to use the formula for billing profile values in an external system, enter the formula
ID of the respective formula in the MDUS system.
When you create a time-of-use formula it is automatically given the status Inactive . The formula must
have the status Active if you want to use it in a time-of-use interface.
For more information, see: Status of Time-of-Use Formula
When you create the formula, the first input parameter is automatically given the parameter category 03
(Profile). This input parameter refers to the profile with the measured values which is allocated to the
interval meter to be billed.
For more information, see: Input parameter category


You have defined formula groups for the time-of-use formula.


1. Allocate a previously defined formula group.

2. Depending on how you want to execute the time-of-use interface, either choose a formula class or
enter the formula ID in the MDUS system.
3. Define the input and output parameters.
4. Set the status of the formula to Active if you want to use it in a time-of-use interface.
5. Transport the formula if you want to use it in the production system.

SAP AG 548
System R/3
__ Opracowanie interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define time-of-use interfaces. Time-of-use interfaces are allocated rates,
which are permitted for interval meters and allow the billing of profiles.
When you create the time-of-use interface it has the status Inactive. However, you can only use active
interfaces in the rate (see Status of Time-of-Use Interface).


1. In the header data, make sure that the interval length of the time-of-use interface (for example, 15
mins or 30 mins) is compatible with the interval length of the profile (for example, 15 mins).
2. Define the result parameters.
3. Define the day groups for each season and allocate days to them.
4. Define the periods (with date) and allocate time-of-use formulas to them for specific times of day.
Allocate result parameters to the formula parameters.
5. You also have the option to define exception days for the interface and add notes.
As a follow-up activity ensure that the operands in the rate are assigned values:
1. Enter the time-of-use interface in the rate fact group
2. Allocate the result parameters from the interface to the operands

SAP AG 14.06.2013 549
System SAP

31.6.2 Integracja sprawozdawczości

SAP AG 550
System R/3
__ Integracja analizy rentowności

SAP AG 14.06.2013 551
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Aktywacja księgowania rzeczywistego wg miesięcy zużycia

In this IMG activity, you define the overall control for the update of actual data to the operating concern.
Store a transaction type for each operating concern, with which data is posted.

SAP AG 552
System R/3
__ Aktyw. księgow. rzeczyw. wg miesięcy zużycia dla skróconej

dekretacji CO

In this IMG activity, you define the fine-tuned control for the update of actual data to the operating
A billing document is only posted according to consumption month, if the Relevant for CO-PA Posting
According to Consumption Month field is selected for the CO account assignment.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 553
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyprowadzeń cechy dla księgowań rzeczywistych

In this IMG activity, you define the characteristics for the update for each operating concern. This table is
also used for the characteristic derivation for posting according to posting date. You can define whether a
characteristic is used for posting according to posting date and/or for posting according to consumption
month, by using the Use of Characteristics in CO-PA field.
It makes sense to use one characteristic only for both postings, because the number of characteristics
affects performance. The more characteristics you create, the finer the differentiation of data in CO-PA.
The number of database accesses to CO-PA tables increases accordingly. This increases the runtime of
programs and memory space requirements. You should not use a large number of characteristics without
first checking whether you later require the differentiation according to these characteristics.

SAP AG 554
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup statyst. kwot dla wyprowadz. pól wart.

In this IMG activity you define statistics groups for amounts. You enter statistics groups in the billing
Statistics groups enable you to control how amounts are processed in the sales statistics in the Utilities
Information System (UIS) or in Profitability Analysis (CO-PA).
The statistics groups 000000 to 000005 are delivered by SAP. When you add a rate to a new billing
schema, these statistics groups are proposed as default values. THe selection depends on the variant
program of the rate step. The default value determines the type of billed quantity from variant definition:
Type of quantity Default cont.gr. Update in IUS key figures
In these default settings, the net amount of the bill line is always copied to field NETTOBTR of the
communication structure. Therefore, NETTOBTR contains the total amount. In addition, the net amount
of the bill line is copied to a specific key figure for each type of billed quantity.
Of course, you can also use other statistics groups when you create a billing schema. Statistics group
000000 does not have any update rules. Use it for the schema steps whose amounts are not relevant for
the statistics.

Standard settings

You are not permitted to change the entries that are delivered (000000 to 000005). You can use the
following namespaces: A*, B*, ..., Z*** (customer namespace).


Important: We do not supply any CO-PA update rules for statistics groups 000001 through 000005
because we do not supply an operating concern either. If you want to statistically post bills to CO-PA,
you should define CO-PA update rules for statistics groups 000001 to 000005.


1. Establish which statistics groups you require for amounts.

2. Define the statistics groups in the system.
3. Enter the statistics groups in the schemas.

Further notes

You can also use the consistency check and analysis function to check the settings you have defined.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 555
System SAP

SAP AG 556
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup statyst. ilości dla wyprowadz. pól wart.

In this IMG activity you define the statistics groups for quantities. You enter the statistics groups in the
billing schema.
You use the statistics group to specify how quantities are transferred to sales statistics (in the Utilitiy
Information System) or to the Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) component.
SAP supplies the standard statistics groups 000000 to 000002. If you enter a rate in a new billing schema,
the system proposes these statistics groups as defaults. The selection of the statistics group depends on
the variant program of the rate step as follows:
- For variants to which the value 1 energy is allocated as type of billed quantity in the variant
definition, the system proposes the statistics group 000001.
The system copies the billed consumption of the billing line item to the field I_ABRMENGE of the
UIS communication structure.
- For variants to which the value demand is allocated as the type of billed quantity in the variant
definition, the system proposes the statistics group 000002.
The system copies the billed demand of the billing line item to the field I_LEIMENGE of the UIS
communication structure.
- For variants to which another value is allocated as type of billed quantity in the variant definition,
the quantity in the billing line item has no specific meaning. In this case the system proposes the
statistics group 000000.
No update rules are allocated to this statistics group. Therefore, the system does not copy the
quantity of the billing line item to the statistics.

Standard settings

You must not change the standard statistics groups 000000 to 000002.
Use the following namespaces: A*, B*, ... , Z* (customer namespaces).


Important: No update rules are delivered to CO-PA for the statistics groups 000001 to 000002. This is
because no operating concerns are delivered. If you wish to post invoicing documents to CO-PA
statistically, you must also create update rules for the statistics groups 000001 to 000002.


1. Specify the statistics groups you require for quantities.

2. Define the statistics groups.
3. Make sure that the statistics groups are entered in the schema.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 557
System SAP

Further notes

You can also check the settings you have defined using a consistency check and analysis function.

SAP AG 558
System R/3
__ Integracja symulacji zbiorczej

SAP AG 14.06.2013 559
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów symulacji

Simulation types control the properties of mass simulation. Define whether:

- Simulation documents are saved
- An update to CO-PA takes place
If you activate the update to CO-PA, you must define the characteristic derivation.
- An update to the sales statistics (UIS) takes place
If you activate the update to the UIS, you must specify the information structures.

SAP AG 560
System R/3

31.6.3 Funkcje specjalne

This IMG activity contains all necessary information and activities for implementing special functions -
gas billing and franchise contracts - within billing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 561
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Rozliczenie zużycia gazu

This IMG activity contains all the necessary information for implementing the gas division.
There are several gas billing procedures for billing in the gas division:
- Volumetrc gas billing
- Gas billing according to standard cubic meters
- Thermal gas billing

Function scope in IS-U

At the moment, the billing functionality in IS-U primarily meets the requirements of residential
There are comprehensive bodies of legislation in different countries. For example, in the USA, customer
requirements are stored in the reports of AGA (American Gas Association); in New Zealand in the New
Zealand Standard NZS 5259:1997.

Process flow of thermal gas billing

In thermal gas billing, one or more volume correction factors and one or more calorific values are
determined for the billing period for each billing-relevant register.
The calculation procedure for the volume correction factor and the calorific value is specified for each
register in the installation structure. Determination takes place before proration.
In thermal gas billing, a volume correction factor procedure and a calorific value procedure are combined
in the gas procedure. Any procedures can be combined. It is possible, for example, to use daily calorific
values in the calorific value procedure, but to calculate the temperature as the weighted average in the
volume correction factor procedure. The only prerequisite is that both procedures are active, and the
billing classes agree.
The heating energy contained in the gas supplied to customers must firstof all be converted, and is not
directly tapped from its volume.
Therefore you convert the operating volume first of all into a standard volume. The energy contained in
the standard volume is determined by the calorific value.
- The volume correction factor procedure is used to convert the volume into standard volume.
- The calorific volume factor procedure is used to convert the standard volume into energy.
The gas procedure links the volume correction factor procedure and the calorific value procedure, and
contains all the control indicators (in compacted form) that are required to determine all conversion

Determination of amount of warmth

In thermal gas billing, you bill on the basis of the chemical bound amount of warmth (in kWh) in the gas.
The amount of warmth supplied to the customers is determined as follows:

SAP AG 562
System R/3

Amount of warmth (kWh) = measured operating cubic meters * volume correction factor of the gas *
average calorific value of the gas
First you convert the measured operating volume into standard volume, using the gas volume correction
factor. The gas volume correction factor takes into account the following influencing factors:
- Temperature
- Measured gas pressure
- Air pressure
- Gas category
To calculate the amount of warmth in kWh, you multiply the standard cubic meters of gas by the average
calorific value of the gas.
The calorific value is dependent on the grouping of the gas, and specifies the amount of warmth
contained in a standard cubic meter of gas. It is determined using the gas calorimeter.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 563
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Funkcje specj. w przypadku rozliczania zużycia gazu

In gas billing, the meter reading dimension and the billing dimension do not always agree. This means
that conversions are sometimes necessary.

Units of measurement in gas billing

Conversions only take place in the gas division when source units of measurement and target units of
measurement can be in different dimensions. This type of conversion is described in more detail by the
gas volume correction factor procedure and the calorific value procedure.
These procedures define a source and target unit of measurement, and also the calculation rules for the
determination of the conversion factor volume correction factor or calorific value.
Note that the gas tables normally do not contain any units of measurement.
Make sure that you specify the number values for calorific value, temperature, air pressure and
measured pressure in the corresponding gas tables in the same units of measurement, standardized
for each calorific value district (such as kWh/ Ncbm), temperature area (degrees celsius), air
pressure area, gas pressure area (such as bar) and so on.
These units of measurement should normally be standard for all companies.
It is also possible to determine the units of measurement for the respective procedure. However, we
do not recommend that you do this unless absolutely necessary, because there are no consistency
checks between the procedures and the tables (upon which these procedures operate), relating to

Example 1: Unit of measurement for calorific value:

Use fixed calorific value procedure CVP1 with source unit of measurement Ncbm and target unit of
measurement kWh.
For all registers that use a gas procedure with the calorific value procedure CVP1, you should enter
a calorific value district whose calorific values are maintained in this unit of measurement.

Example 2: Unit of measurement for volume correction factor:

Use a fixed volume correction factor procedure VCFP1 with source unit of measurement FT3 (cubic
feet) and target unit of measurement SCF (standard cubic feet). For all registers that use a volume
correction factor procedure VCFP1, you must enter the temperature, area pressure and gas pressure
areas whose units of measurement correspond. For example, all temperatures are standardized in
degrees fahrenheit.
In the volume correction factor procedure, you must:
- Specify the standard pressure in psi.
- Specify the zero temperature/standard temperature in the corresponding absolute unit degrees

Determination of energy quantities

If you multiply the operating volume (V) with the volume correction factor (Z) and the calorific value
(B), the result is the stored energy in standard volume quantity:
V x Z x B = V x (Vn / V) x B = Vn x B
Since the energy is independent of the considered status, the result is also the stored energy searched for
in the operating volume.

SAP AG 564
System R/3

The right side of the equation indicates that if you use the specified conversions V x Z x B, on the left
side of the equation you can determine the energy contained in the operating volume (V). This exact
procedure is realized in IS-U.

Influencing factors
The following factors can be considered in gas billing:
- Temperature
- Air pressure
- Measured pressure of the register
- Gas law deviation factor
- Calorific value

SAP AG 14.06.2013 565
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Dane dotyczące gazu w liczydle

You can maintain the following gas-relevant fields at register level.

- Gas procedure
- Enter a key in the following fields, under which you can store fixed values:
- Temperature area
- Air pressure area
- Gas pressure area
- Calorific value district

Gas procedure for device installation

- The following values decide on the gas procedure that is permissible for installing a register in an
- Thermal gas billing
- Nominal load
- Measured pressure
The following are at installation level:
- Rate category
- Type of gas billing
- Billing class
Enter the gas procedure for the device installation at register level, in the GasP field. The gas procedure
valid for a register is determined as follows:
The billing class and the type of gas billing are determined from the current rate category allocated to the
installation. All gas procedures (with this billing class and type of gas billing) that are marked as inactive,
are copied to a preselection.
Then the system checks the volume correction factor procedure for the respective gas procedure, to see
whether the nominal load and the measured pressure of the device/register are also in the areas defined
for the nominal load or measured pressure. The same factors must be taken into account for thermal gas
billing in both the volume correction factor procedure and in the register.
Only a gas procedure that corresponds to all requirements is a permissible gas procedure.

SAP AG 566
System R/3

Further notes

You can maintain the following gas-relevant fields directly for the installation of a gas meter:
- Measured pressure
- Gas procedure
- Temperature area
- Gas pressure area
- Air pressure area
- Calorific value district
- Altitude correction pressure
- Gas correction pressure
- Actual gas law deviation factor
- Set gas law deviation factor
- Volume correction factor from register

To add historical changes, choose the following in the SAP Menu:

- Device Management -> Installation -> Installation Structure -> Device Allocations ->
Maintain, to change the following fields:
- Measured pressure
- Allocation of pressure regulator
- Device Management -> Installation -> Modification, to change the following fields:
- Temperature area
- Air pressure area
- Gas pressure area
- Calorific value district
- Altitude correction pressure
- Gas correction pressure
- Set or actual gas law deviation factor
- Device Management -> Installation -> Installation Structure -> Rate Data -> Change, to
change the following fields:
- Gas procedure
- Fixed temperature key
- Volume correction factor from register

SAP AG 14.06.2013 567
System SAP

SAP AG 568
System R/3
__ Współczynnik korekty objętości

This IMG activity contains all the necessary information about the volume correction factors of the gas
A certain quantity of gas (such as 1kg) has a certain volume (V), according to the pressure (P) and the
temperature (T).
For an ideal gas, the equation of the thermal volume correction factor (R = specific gas constant) is valid:
If the n index indicates physical standard conditions, the following is valid for an ideal gas:
(V / Vn) x (P / Pn) x (Tn / T) = 1
This proportionality, however, is inexact for a real gas. It must be replaced by the gas law deviation factor
(V / Vn) x (P / Pn) x (Tn / T) = K Equation (1)
Compressibility is a function of temperature, gas pressure and gas type (such as natural gas H and natural
gas L).
In the USA, instead of using K itself, the reciprocal of the root of K is also used - the super
compressibility factor (F= 1/K)
The following results from equation (1):
(Vn / V) = (Tn / T) x (P / Pn) x (1 / K) Equation (2)
The left side of the equation (2) shows the ratio of standard volume to operating volume, as a result of
which, the volume correction factor is defined:
Z = Vn / V Equation (3)
Solution T = To + t and P = Pamb + Pe (where To = zero temperature in absolute units, t = difference
in temperature in degrees celsius or fahrenheit, Pamb = air pressure, Pe = measured pressure on the
meter) results in the following formula for the determination of the volume correction factor.
Z = [Tn / (To + t)] x [(Pamb + Pe) / Pn] x (1 / K) Equation (4)
t, Pamb, Pe and K are variable
Tn, To and Pn are constant
Formula (4) is valid for a point in time, and not for longer periods (you normally bill over longer periods
in IS-U).
Because all four influence factors and the gas consumption constantly fluctuate over a consumption
period, you would need to constantly enter all changes and mathematical integration, in order to be able
to determine the exact revaluated volume. This would be too costly in the area of residential customers.
Nevertheless, to obtain a usable result, the influencing factors are usually averaged over a longer period,
and used in the formula (4).
The volume correction factor is determined from the following components:
- Temperature

SAP AG 14.06.2013 569
System SAP

- Air pressure
- Measured pressure
- gas law deviation factor
In the volume correction factor procedure, you define which volume correction factor components are
important in your gas billing.

Further notes

You must not maintain the components and activities of the volume correction factors if:
- You want to perform volumetric gas billing.
- You select the Fixed VCF field under the special procedure in IMG activity Define Volume
Correction Factor Procedure, and execute IMG activity Define FIxed Volume Correction

SAP AG 570
System R/3
__ Temperatura

This IMG activity contains all the necessary information about the volume correction factor procedure
temperature component.
The maintenance and selection of the following activities depend upon what you enter in the volume
correction factor procedure.
The respective documentation describes how to use the following activities.
You can store the temperature in the system as a historical daily value or monthly value. Alternatively
you can use fixed temperatures that are regarded as annual average values.
For historical temperature data, the gas energy feeding quantities are used to determine a weighted
average over the billing period or over one year. You must choose a weighting key, for which values have
been maintained in Customizing under: Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Weighting
Procedures -> Weighting of Energy Feeding -> Define Energy Feeding per Period. The weighting
key specified in the volume correction factor procedure relates to all components for which a weighted
average is possible (this means for temperature and gas components).
A regional classification can take place by temperature areas.

Determination of temperature

There are several procedures for temperature determination:

- Temperature on daily basis
- Fixed temperature
- Daily temperature value
- Arithmetic average for the billing period
The temperatures for the days in the billing period are averaged arithmetically.
- Weighted average for the billing period
The temperatures for the days in the billing period are multiplied by the respective sendout of
the individual days. The total of the products is divided by the total sendout of these days.
- # Temperature on monthly basis
- Monthly temperature value
- Arithmetic annual average
The temperatures from the last 12 months are averaged arithmetically.
- Weighted annual average
The temperatures from the last 12 months are multiplied by the respective sendout of the
individual months. The total of the products is divided by the total sendout for the 12 months.
- Arithmetic average for the billing period
- Weighted average for the billing period
- Temperature measurement at the meter
The temperature at the gas meter is measured using a thermometer, and is read monthly
together with the gas meter. The procedure is used only for nonresidential customers. This can

SAP AG 14.06.2013 571
System SAP

be modeled by allocating individual installations to small parts of the postal regional structure
and thereby to different temperature areas.
You can take the Joule-Thomson effect into account for all the procedures.

Further notes

You must not execute the activities for this unit if:
- You do not want to use the temperature to calculate the volume correction factor.
- select the special procedure No Temperature in the volume correction factor procedure.
- You use gas meters that take the temperature into account.
- enter this in the Therm.gas.bill. field in the volume correction factor procedure.
Enter the temperature area or the fixed temperature key at register level if necessary. You do not have to
enter this if the register already takes the temperature into account. This means if the value for thermal
gas billing does not equal 00 in the volume correction factor procedure.
Exception: If you have selected the Temp.Extra field, thetemperature components are calculated as
normal, so that they can be used for determination of the gas law deviation factor.

SAP AG 572
System R/3
__ Opracowanie zmierzonej dziennej temperatury gazu

In this IMG activity you maintain the average gas temperature in a temperature area for each day.


You must first create the temperature areas.

To do so, choose: Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Weighting Procedures -> Degree Day
Weighting -> Define Temperature Areas.


1. Check to what extent you can copy the standard settings.

2. Change or delete the standard settings.
3. If you accept the standard settings, it is essential that you check the temperature areas specified in
the IMG activity "Define Temperature Areas".
4. To enter a new setting, proceed as follows:

- In the TempArea field (temperature area), specify the appropriate area.

- Specify the date and the measured gas temperature.

Further notes

You only need to perform this activity if a temperatures for exact days are used in the volume
correction factor procedure.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 573
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie zmierzonej miesięcznej temperatury gazu

In this IMG activity you maintain the average gas temperature of a temperature area for each month.


You must first create the temperature areas. To do so, choose: Device Management -> Meter Reading ->
Weighting Procedure -> Degree Day Weighting -> Define Temperature Areas.


1. Check to what extent you can copy the standard settings.

2. Change or delete the standard settings if necessary.
3. If you want to copy the existing entries, check the temperature areas specified in the IMG activity
Define Temperature Areas.
4. To enter a new setting, proceed as follows:
- In the TempArea field (temperature area), specify the appropriate area.
- Specify the valid period and the measured GasTmp (gas temperature).

Further notes

If a fixed temperature or temperature for exact days is used in the volume correction factor
procedure, then do not perform this activity.

SAP AG 574
System R/3
__ Definiowanie klucza stałej temperatury

In this IMG activity you define the keys for the fixed temperature.
Using this key and a valid-from date you can maintain specific values for the fixed temperature. A fixed
temperature value is used to determine the volume correction factor (various calculations of average are
also possible).


Key Long text

STUTTGAR Stuttgart

Standard settings

Fixed temperatures are used for determining the volume correction factor mainly for residential


The keys for fixed temperatures should be based on the postal regional structure.


- Establish how many of the standard settings you are able to use.
- Change or delete the standard settings if necessary.
- To define a new setting, enter a key and a text in the FxdTemp field (fixed temperature).

Further notes

You only have to create or maintain fixed temperature keys if you have selected the Fixed temp. field
under temperature in the volume correction factor procedure.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 575
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie stałych wartości temperatur

In this IMG activity you maintain the fixed temperatures of a fixed temperature key for a particular

Standard settings

Fixed temperatures are mainly used for determining the volume correction factor for residential


1. Check to what extent you can copy the standard settings.

2. Change or delete the standard settings if necessary.
3. If you copy the standard settings, check the fixed temperatures specified in IMG activity Define
Fixed Temperature Keys.
4. To define a new setting, proceed as follows:

- In the FxdTemp field (fixed temperature), enter the appropriate fixed temperature key.
- Specify the valid-from period and enter a text for the fixed temperature.

Further notes

You only have to maintain the fixed temperatures if you have set the Fixed Temp. indicator, under
temperature in the volume correction factor procedure.

SAP AG 576
System R/3
__ Definiowanie klucza dla stosunku ciśnienia do temperatury


In this IMG activity, you define the key for the pressure-temperature ratio in the Joule-Thomson effect..
Using this key and a valid from date, you can define fixed values for the ratio between the pressure drop
and temperature drop in the Joule-Thomson effect.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
3. If you make a new entry, enter a key and a text in the K field (Key: define pressure-temperature
ratio Joule-Thomson).

Further notes

You are only required to create and maintain the key for the pressure- temperature ratio if you want to use
the Joule-Thomson effect in gas billing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 577
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie wartości dla stosunku ciśnienia do temperatury


In this activity, you maintain the ratio between the pressure drop and temperature drop in the
Joule-Thomson effect for a certain period.

Standard settings

It is necessary to take the Joule-Thomson effect into account if there is a large difference between the
inlet pressure and the measured pressure at the register.


1. Check to what extent you can copy the standard settings.

2. Change or delete the standard settings.
3. If you are going to use the standard settings, check the Joule-Thomson key provided using the
activity Define Key for Pressure-Temperature Ratio Joule-Thomson
4. To enter a new key, proceed as follows:
a) Enter the corresponding Joule-Thomson key in the K field (Key: define pressure-temperature
ratio Joule-Thomson).
b) Enter the valid-from period and values for the pressure and temperature drop.

Further notes

Only enter the values for the pressure-temperature ratio for the Joule-Thomson effect if you want to
consider the effect in gas billing.

SAP AG 578
System R/3
__ Nacisk mierniczy

This IMG activity contains all the necessary information about the volume correction factor measured
pressure component.
The measured pressure specifies the outlet pressure of the gas pressure regulator device.
To define the measured pressure for a device, you can:
- Enter a measured pressure for the device in the allocations area for device installation.
- Install a pressure regulator on the device that controls the pressure.
- You centrally allocate a date-dependent measured pressure to the device, by the gas pressure area.
If the measured pressure changes within a billing period, you can set the MP Proration field in the
volume correction factor procedure if a proration is to be carried out at the time of the change. If no
proration occurs, the current value is used as the basis for calculation.
You must create all the measured pressures that are used in the system for each desired billing class. You
do this in the Define Measured Pressures activity.
The measured pressure is stored in the gas pressure regulator device. You specify this during installation
of the pressure regulator. If no gas pressure regulator device is installed in the installation, the measured
pressure is stored in the register for the gas meter.
How you maintain and select the following activities depends mainly on the settings you established in
the volume correction factor procedure.
The respective documentation describes how to use these activities.

Further notes

- If you want to take the Joule-Thomson effect into account, you must enter the pressure at the
register directly at register level. In this case the inlet pressure is stored in the gas pressure area.
- You must not complete the activities in this section if:
- You do not want to use the measured pressure to calculate the volume correction factor.
- select the Fixed VCF field in the volume correction factor procedure under the special
- You use gas meters that take the pressure into account.
- enter 02 (register takes temperature and pressure into account) in the Therm.gas.bill in the
volume correction factor procedure.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 579
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie nacisków mierniczych

In this IMG activity you store all permissible measured pressures for each billing class. When a measured
pressure is specified for the device installation, the system checks it against these entries. You can define
a certain measured pressure as a default value for each billing class. Enter this measured pressure in the
Default Value field. If billing-relevant and technical installations take place separately, you can select
one value as the default value for the technical installation. If you enter several default values for each
billing class, then the first value found by the system is used.
To make sure that these default values are actually proposed, you must maintain the entry SU_P_TE341
in Customizing under: Device Management -> Installation -> Basic Settings -> Define System
Parameters for Installation.
If a pressure regulator is installed in the corresponding installation, its measured pressure is proposed.


1. Check to what extent you can copy the standard settings.

2. Change or delete the standard settings if necessary.
3. For a new entry, proceed as follows:
- Enter the corresponding billing class in the ’BClss’ field.
- Enter the permissible measured pressure in the ’MeasPr.’ field, and maintain the associated
default indicator.
4. Maintain the measured pressures and associated default indicator.

SAP AG 580
System R/3
__ Definiowanie poziomów ciśnienia gazu

In this IMG activity you define the pressure levels required in gas billing for each billing class. These
pressure levels correspond to the procedure areas defined in the publication G685, "Implementation of
Thermal Gas Billing" (April 1993).
You can use the pressure level to describe a measured pressure interval in the gas area. Measured
pressure refers to the gauge pressure at the gas meter.
The pressure level is not used as a control; it is for information only and can be printed on the customer’s
bill, for example.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. To define a new setting, proceed as follows:

- In the ’BClss’ field, specify the appropriate billing class.

- Define the measured pressure interval.
- In the ’GPr’ field, assign a mnemonic key for the gas pressure level.
- In the field ’VC factor’ field, specify the corresponding volume correction factor.
3. Maintain the pressure levels of billing classes where necessary.

Further notes

Also refer to the online documentation on the procedure area.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 581
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie obszarów ciśnienia gazu

In this IMG activity you define gas pressure areas. Gas pressure areas have two uses:

Determination of gas pressure using gas pressure area

You can group several registers with the same measured pressure in a gas pressure area. In this case, you
enter the measured pressure in the table for ’gas pressure per gas pressure area’ instead of in the register.
You can specify whether the measured pressure is to be determined using the entry in the register or in
the gas pressure area by setting the Gas press. det. field in the volume correction factor procedure.

Use of Joule-Thomson effect

If you wish to use the Joule-Thomson effect in gas billing, you must define the values for inlet pressure
in the gas pressure area. In this case you must specify the pressure at the register directly in the
You can also maintain the pressures for the particular gas pressure areas in the following activity.


Define the required pressure areas in the system.

Further notes

You are only required to perform this activity if you have selected the ’Gas press. det.’
field under the measured pressure in the volume correction factor procedure.

SAP AG 582
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ciśnienia gazu w zal. od obszaru ciśnienia gazu

In this IMG activity you define the gas pressure per gas pressure area for a certain period.


Define the required gas pressures in the system for each gas pressure area.

Further notes

You are only required to complete this activity if you have set the "Gas press. det." indicator under
measured pressure in the volume correction factor procedure.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 583
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ciśnienie atmosferyczne

This IMG activity contains all the necessary information about the volume correction factor air pressure
You primarily use different air pressure values if there are altitude differences of more than 100 meters in
the service territory. The service territory is divided in the air pressure area that orients towards the
average geodetic altitude. For each air pressure area, you can maintain monthly air pressure values in
IMG activity Maintain Monthly Measured Air Pressures, annual values in IMG activity Maintain
Annually Measured Air Pressures or daily values in IMG activity Maintain Daily Measured Air
The air pressure is used to calculate the volume correction factor.
The maintenance and selection of the following activities depends on what you have entered in the
volume correction factor procedure.

Determination of air pressure

There are several procedures for the determination of air pressure:

- Air pressure on a daily basis (table Maintain Annually Measured Air Pressures)
- Annual air pressure
- Air pressure on a daily basis (table Maintain Daily Measured Air Pressures)
- Daily air pressure
- Arithmetic average over the billing period
- Weighted average over the billing period
- Air pressure on a monthly basis
- Monthly air pressure
- Arithmetic average over the billing period
- Weighted average over the billing period
The respective documentation describes how to use the activities.

Further notes

You must not define air pressure areas. You must not maintain monthly or annual measured air
- If you do not want to use the air pressure to calculate the volume correction factor.
- select the Fixed VCF field under the special procedures in the volume correction factor procedure.
- If you use a gas meter that takes the pressure into account.
- enter value 02 (register takes into account temperature and pressure) in the Therm. gas. bill. field
in the volume correction factor procedure.

SAP AG 584
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 585
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie obszarów ciśnienia atmosferycznego

In this IMG activity you create different air pressure areas. You allocate an average geodetic height above
mean sea level to each air pressure area.


Key Long text

STUTTGAR Stuttgart


The air pressure areas should be based on the postal regional structure.
You should use mnemonic keys.


1. Establish how many of the standard settings you are able to use.
2. If necessary, change or add to the standard settings.
3. To define a new air pressure area, proceed as follows:

- Enter a key in the AirPrAr. field (air pressure area).

- In the HghtMSLev. field (height above mean sea level), enter the corresponding height.

Further notes

When you create an installation, an air pressure area from the postal regional structure is proposed and
copied to the installation. You can change this value. This makes it possible, for example, to allocate
installations in high-rise buildings from a particular height upwards to an air pressure area different to
that of the regional structure.

SAP AG 586
System R/3
__ Opracowanie zmierzonych dziennych wartości ciśnienia



In this IMG activity, you store the daily measured air pressure values for air pressure areas.
The procedure for arithmetic and weighted calculation of average is based on these results.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. Check the specified air pressure areas using the Define Air Pressure Areas step, if you copy the
standard settings.
3. For a new entry, proceed as follows:
- Enter the appropriate air pressure area in the AirPr. Area field.
- Enter today’s valid date and the measured air pressure.

Further notes

The air pressure for a particular installation results from adding the measured value to an altitude
correction pressure that is stored in the installation. This procedure is only used for nonresidential
You must only use this activity if the AirPress To-Day field is selected under Atmospheric pressure in
the volume correction factor procedure.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 587
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie miesięcznie mierzonych wartości ciśnienia atmosf.

In this IMG activity you store the air pressure measured monthly for an air pressure area.
Arithmetic and weighted averaging procedures are used for these air pressures.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. If you accept the standard settings, you must check the specified air pressure areas in the activity
"Define Air Pressure Areas".
3. To define a new setting proceed as follows:
- Specify the appropriate air pressure area in the ’AirPrAr.’ field.
- Specify the valid period and the measured air pressures.

Further notes

The air pressure for certain installations is calculated by adding the measured value and an altitude
correction pressure stored in the installation. This procedure is only used for a few nonresidential
You do not need to complete this section if, in the volume correction factor procedure under the
atmospheric pressure, you specify "Annual air pressure" in the "Air pressure" field.

SAP AG 588
System R/3
__ Opracowanie rocznego ciśnienia atmosferycznego

In this IMG activity you create the annual average air pressure of an air pressure area.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. If you accept the standard settings, it is essential that you check the air pressure areas specified in
the activity Define Air Pressure Areas.
3. To define a new setting, proceed as follows:

- In the AirPrAr. field (air pressure area), specify the appropriate air pressure area.
- Specify the valid-from date and the average air pressure.

Further notes

If no annual air pressure is selected in the volume correction factor procedure (under "Atmospheric
pressure"), you do not have to complete this activity.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 589
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Współczynnik ściśliwości

This IMG activity contains all the necessary information about the volume correction factor component
gas law deviation factor.
The gas law deviation factor formulates the deviating behavior of a real gas from an ideal gas.
See the documentation for the determination of the gas law deviation factor.

SAP AG 590
System R/3
__ Definiowanie współcz. ściśliwości w zal. od ciśnienia i temp.

In this IMG activity you maintain the gas law deviation factor according to pressure and temperature.
Billing uses the entries in this table to determine the gas law deviation factor.
The values for the gas law deviation factor determined in a corrector may differ from the actual values. If
this is the case, a correction can be carried out. In this process, the standard cubic meters are multiplied
by the quotient of the determined gas law deviation factor and the actual gas law deviation factor. The gas
law deviation factor is stored at the register level during device installation.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. If you accept the standard settings, it is essential that you check the measured pressures specified in
the activity "Define Measured Pressures".
3. To define a new setting, proceed as follows:
a) In the ’MeasPr.’ field (measured pressure), specify the appropriate measured pressure.
- In the ’GasT’ field (gas temperature), specify the corresponding gas temperature, and in the
’Dev.fac.’ field (deviation factor), specify the gas law deviation factor determined.
4. Maintain the gas law deviation factor for each measured pressure and temperature.

Further notes

The gas law deviation factor is only relevant if the measured pressure exceeds 1000 mb.
If you do not wish to use the gas law deviation factor for calculating the volume correction factor, you do
not need to complete this activity. If this is the case, you must leave the Gas law DevFac. field blank in
the volume correction factor procedure (this field can be found under "Compressibility").
Furthermore, this activity is not necessary if the gas meters used by your company account for the gas
law deviation factor. You must specify this in the volume correction factor procedure in the Therm.gas
bill. field (inclusion of factors in thermal gasbilling).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 591
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustalonych czynników korekty objętości

In this IMG activity you can store date-based values for the volume correction factor. You need to have
enabled access to these values for the purposes of actual gas billing by setting the Fixed VCF indicator
(fixed volume correction factor) in the activity Define Volume Correction Factor Procedure. The control
indicators for temperature, air pressure and measured pressure in that activity are then not taken into
account. The control indicators for the gas law deviation factor may still be relevant.
In the Usage type field of that activity you can also control how the defined volume correction factors are
to be interpreted in relation to the from-date.
- If the field is left blank, the factors are analyzed according to the time slice generated by the
- If "1" is entered, the factors are analyzed according to the most current date from this activity for
which the validity period coincides with the gas month defined in scheduling or in the activity
Define Allocation Data for Gas.


If you have entered the from-dates 12/20/1996, 12/15/1996 and 11/03/1996 in this activity, and if the gas
date specified in scheduling is 12, then the from-date 12/20/1996 is used for determining the volume
correction factor.
The volume correction factor stored here is used as a basis for the whole billing period.


You must first create the temperature areas. To do so, choose Device Management -> Meter Reading ->
Weighting Procedure -> Degree Day Weighting -> Define Temperature Areas.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. If you accept the standard settings, it is essential that you check the billing classes, air pressure areas
and temperature areas specified in the activities Define Billing Classes, Define Air Pressure Areas,
and Define Temperature Areas.
3. To define a new setting, proceed as follows:

- In the BClss field (billing class), specify the appropriate billing class.
- Select the corresponding air pressure areas and temperature areas. Select the corresponding
measured pressure and volume correction factors for the valid-from date.
4. Maintain the volume correction factors for a particular period within the measured pressure limits.

SAP AG 592
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 593
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Procedura współcz. kor. objęt.

In the volume correction procedure, the measured volumes are converted into standard volumes.

The following components must be taken into account in the volume correction procedure:

- Fixed temperature
- Daily temperature
- Monthly temperature
- Ignore temperature
You may only choose settings for averaging (arithmetic/weighted) if you have not selected the Fixed
Temperature field.
Enter the standard and zero temperature in the absolute temperature units such as Kelvin.

Measured pressure:
Enter a measured pressure interval. This area is used besides the other properties (see Gas Procedure), in
order allocate suitable gas procedures. You must also specify the measured pressure area for registers that
take the pressure into account. There is a finer distribution of the gas procedure for smaller intervals.
Take into account the following for measured pressure:
- Proration for changes in measured pressure
- Gas pressure determination for gas pressure area
- Gas pressure correction

Air pressure:
- Standard air pressure
- Air pressure
- Air pressure correction

Gas law deviation factor:

Take into account the following for the gas law deviation factor:
- Super compressibility factor is used
- Determination of gas law deviation factor
- Correction of gas law deviation factor

SAP AG 594
System R/3
__ Procedura specjalna dla procedury współczynnika korekty


In this IMG activity, the special procedures for volume correction factor determination are explained.
Select the corresponding field for this under special procedures in the volume correction factor
When you select a special procedure, some of the control fields, such as Fixed Temperature, Averaging
Type, Average from, Air Pressure, Air Press Corr., Gas Las Deviation Factor are not taken into
account. Only combinations of one of the special procedures with the control fields for volume correction
factor determination are taken into account to calculate the gas factors.
- Register relationship ZZ
- Register relationship ZE
- Combination of register relationships ZZ and ZE (see documentation for register relationship ZZ).
- Fixed VCF
- Last value
If you select the Last Value field, the volume correction factor of the current time slice in the
billing period is used for the whole billing period. Each type of averaging is suppressed.
This procedure is mainly intended for demand billing, in order to avoid unnecessary prorations. To
use this procedure, you must select the field in both the volume correction factor procedure and the
calorific value procedure, for the gas procedure.
- Volume correction factor from register
- Without temperature

SAP AG 14.06.2013 595
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procedury czyn. korekty objętości

In this section you define the various procedures for determining the volume correction factors. Normally
you perform this activity once. The possible volume correction factor procedures are required for
defining the gas procedure.
Volume correction factors are required if the gas billing types are either thermal or according to standard
cubic meters.


Different gas meters process the factors for calculating the volume correction factor in different ways:
- Gas meters that do not use a factor
- Temperature compensation gas meters
- Correctors that may or may not use the gas law deviation factor.


The fixed preset values indicate which factors the register uses:
- Neither temperature, nor pressure, nor the gas law deviation factor
- Temperature only
- Temperature and pressure
- Temperature, pressure and the gas law deviation factor

Standard settings

If you use gas billing for residential and non-residential customers, the main volume correction factor
procedures used are as follows:
- At least one procedure for the meters required in the Therm.gas bill. field
- A procedure with fixed temperature for residential customers
- A procedure that uses compressibility for large nonresidential customers
Depending on the existing contracts, procedures with either a linear or a weighted weighting key are


1. Establish which of the standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or add to the standard settings.
3. To define a new volume correction factor procedure, proceed as follows:

SAP AG 596
System R/3

- In the VCF procedure field, enter the appropriate key.

Further notes

For certain selections in the volume correction factor procedure you must perform certain activities as
- If you enter a value in the Gas law DevFac. field, a gas law deviation factor is required:
- Activity: Define measured pressures.
- Activity: Define gas law deviation factor per pressure and temperature
- If you set the Fixed temp. indicator, fixed temperatures are required:
- Activity: Define fixed temperature keys
- Activity: Maintain fixed temperature values
- If you do not set the Fixed temp. indicator and you do not select a special procedure, monthly gas
temperatures are required:
- Activity: Maintain gas temperatures measured monthly
- If the gas meter does not use pressure (see documentation for the Therm.gas bill. field), and you do
not select a special procedure, pressure values are required:
- Activity: Define air pressure areas
- Depending on the entry in the Air pressure field, you either Maintain Monthly Measured Air
Pressures or Maintain Annual Measured Air Pressures.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 597
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ciepło spalania

This IMG activity contains all the necessary information about the calorific value.
The calorific value of a gas is specified in the unit energy per standard volume. For example,
11kWh/Ncbm (Ncbm = standard cubic meter).
Different gas types usually have different calorific values.
The calorific value can vary in time, just like the components of the volume correction factor. This
becomes effective when you change the energy fed gas.
The calorific values are usually averaged over a larger period and grouped into one single calorific value.
Calorific values can be maintained as daily or monthly values. A separate calorific value and supplier
calorific value are specified each time.
The corresponding tables are maintained for each calorific value district that you create in IMG activity
Define Calorific Value Districts. You can specify a default value in the postal regional structure. This is
used for the device installation, and can be overriden.

Further notes
- If you do not want to implement thermal gas billing, you must not maintain the components and
activities for the calorific value.
- To set individual limits for the level of the calorific value, use enhancement Check Level of
Calorific Value (EBIS0008).
- To determine when the plant calorific value and the supplier calorific value are to be used in billing
for daily calorific values, use enhancement Determination of Calorific Values in Billing
- See the documentation for field Weighting/CV dist..
There are two special procedures for the calorific value procedure:
Reference Calorific Value
Last Value

SAP AG 598
System R/3
__ Definiowanie obszarów ciepła spalania

The service territory is divided into different calorific value districts via the postal regional structure.
When you add a meter to the installation, the calorific value from the regional structure is proposed in the
You can overwrite this value in each register.

Key Long text
STUTTGAR Stuttgart


The calorific value districts should be based on the postal regional structure.
You should use mnemonic keys.


1. Check to what extent you can copy the standard settings.

2. Change or add to the standard settings if necessary.
3. To define a new calorific value district, proceed as follows:
- Specify a key for the district in the CV dist. field.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 599
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie dziennego ciepła spalania w zal. od obszaru

In this IMG activity you store the calorific values measured by the supplier and/or the company for each
day and calorific value district.

Standard settings

In contrast to the maintenance of monthly calorific values, it is neither necessary nor possible to maintain
the actual billing calorific value. In this case, billing always accesses the table directly.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. If you accept the standard settings, it is essential that you check the calorific value district specified
in the activity Define Calorific Value Districts.
3. To define a new setting, proceed as follows:
- In the CV dist. field (calorific value district), specify the appropriate district.
- Enter the date and the calorific values measured by the customer and by the supplier.

Further notes

The energy feedings per calorific value district or per period are used to calculate a weighted calorific
You only have to perform this activity if you have entered "Valid for 1 day" in the Time ref. for CV (time
reference for calorific value) field in the calorific value procedure.

SAP AG 600
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__ Opracowanie miesięcznego ciepła spalania w zal. od obszaru

In this IMG activity you store the calorific values measured by the supplier and/or company for each
month and calorific value district.

Standard settings

You normally maintain the monthly calorific values in the activity Maintain Billing Calorific Values
It is essential that you complete the activities in this sequence.
If you change the monthly calorific values afterwards, you must update, check and, if necessary, correct
the entries in the activity Maintain Billing Calorific Values.


1. Change or delete the standard settings if necessary.

2. You must check the specified calorific value district specified in activity Define Calorific Value
Districts, if you want to copy the existing entries.
3. To define a new setting, proceed as follows:
- Specify the corresponding district in the CV dist. field.
- Specify the measured calorific values in the valid period.

Further notes

The energy feedings per calorific value district or per period are used to calculate a weighted calorific
You must only perform this activity if you enter "Valid for 1 Year" or "Valid for 1 Month" in the Time
ref. for CV (time reference for calorific value) field in the calorific value procedure.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 601
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______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie zasilania w zal. od obszaru ciepła spalania

In this IMG activity you store the monthly energy quantities supplied by a utility company for each
calorific value district.
These quantities are used as a basis for the weighting procedure according to energy feedings, and for
calculating the weighted temperature average or calorific value average for thermal gas billing.
Weighting is always carried out according to the calorific value district.
Specify the time in the Issue by field. If the billing period covers several energy feeding periods, or is
shorter than the required energy feeding period, the consumption is derived accordingly.
You can specify the units of measurement for the energy feeding quantities. The system does not
currently check these units of measurement. You must ensure that you specify the energy feeding
quantities in the source unit of measurement for the calorific value procedure. All calorific value
procedures for a particular calorific value district must have this same source unit of measurement.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. Check the specified calorific value districts in activity Define Calorific Value Districts if you want
to copy the existing entries.
3. To define a new calorific value district, proceed as follows:
- Enter the corresponding district in the CV dist. field.
- Enter the issue by period, the issue quantity and its unit of measurement.

Further notes

Define how weighting should take place, in the Weighting CV district field in the calorific value
procedure. The difference between the weighting according to table Energy Feedings per Period (TE415)
and Energy Feedings According to Calorific Value District (V_TE921) can be found in the key field
Cal.val.dist. in V_TE921. This means that weighting is carried out according to calorific value district.
To define energy feedings for each period, choose the following in Customizing: Device Management
-> Meter Reading -> Weighting Procedures -> Weighting of Energy Feeding -> Define Energy
Feeding per Period. You do not need to perform this activity if you only select weighting according to
table TE415 in the calorific value procedure.

SAP AG 602
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__ Opracowanie średniego zasilania w zal. od obsz. ciepła spal.

In this IMG activity you define an average energy feeding volume for every calorific value district and
every month.
In most cases you only have to maintain the average energy feeding volume once, based on past values.
The values from the "Energy feedings per calorific value district" table are usually used for calculations.
If the values from this table are not sufficient for a calculation, the average energy feeding volumes are


CV dist. Mth Qty issued

0001 01 100
0001 02 250
0002 01 400
0002 02 360


1. Select New entries.

2. Define average energy feeding volumes measured in your calorific value districts for each month in
a year.

Further notes

You do not need to carry out this activity if you only select the weighting according to TE415 in the
calorific value procedure.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 603
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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procedury ciepła spalania

In this IMG activity you define procedures for calculating calorific values. You determine whether actual
or defined calorific values are used. You can also decide whether the company calorific value or supplier
calorific value are used for billing, and how the billing calorific value is determined.
The following procedures are used to determine the calorific value:
- Weighted annual average:
The actual calorific values of the last 12 months are multiplied by the respective sendout of the
individual months.The total of the products is divided by the total sendout for the 12 months. The
result is the weighted actual annual average of the calorific values. If the fixed calorific value is
used, the actual annual average can be compared to the fixed calorific value.
If the percentage deviation is too large, you should use the actual annual average instead of the fixed
calorific value for the calorific value to be billed.
To calculate the weighted average use either activity Energy Feeding per Calorific Value District or
Energy Feeding per Period.
- Arithmetic annual average:
The actual calorific values of the last 12 months are averaged arithmetically. If the fixed average
calorific value is used, the actual and fixed annual averages are also compared here.
- Arithmetic average for the billing period:
The actual calorific values of the months in the billing period are averaged arithmetically.
- Weighted average for the billing period
The actual calorific values for the months in the billing period are averaged using a weighting
- Lowest value

Standard settings

In most cases two procedures are defined - one for residential customers and one for non-residential
Because of the many control possibilities and the direct effects on other activities, you should define the
calorific value procedures once, and change them only if it is absolutely necessary.

The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
1. Select Help -> Settings.
2. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field

If you change the settings afterwards in the determination mode area or in the Weighting/CV dist.
field, you must update, check and, if necessary, correct the entries in the activity Maintain Billing
Calorific Values.
Only certain combinations of the control fields for time control and averaging are allowed. These can be
taken from the following tables:

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Daily calorific values:

Type of calorific value actual actual actual actual
Time reference for calorific value day day day day
Average type arithmetic weighted lowest value
Average X X X

Monthly calorific values:

Type of calorific value actual/defined actual actual defined
Time reference for calorific value year month month month
Ave. type arith./weight.ave. arith./weight.ave arith./weight.ave
Average X
To display the tables in the Performance Assistant, choose Help -> Settings.
You control these settings in activity Maintain Billing Calorific Values. The documentation also explains
the effects of the fields on billing.


3. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

4. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
5. To define a new calorific value procedure:
- Specify a key in the CalValue procedure field.
- On the next screen, specify the billing class for which this calorific value procedure is valid.
- Adjust the other fields according to your requirements.

Further notes

The field allocation on the Maintain Billing Calorific Values screen depends upon Type of Calorific
Value entered in the determination mode.

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______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie rozliczenia ciepła spalania

In this IMG activity you define the calorific values to be billed for each calorific value procedure and
calorific value district.
The field allocation and settings options for the screens depend on the settings of the chosen calorific
value procedure.
Two important fields in the calorific value procedure are Calorific value type and CalVal for billing.
Daily values:
If you use daily calorific values, you must not maintain activity Maintain Billing Calorific Values. The
values are used directly and can also be used for averaging for the billing period.
Monthly values:
The billing calorific values must be calculated for calorific values with a time reference of a month or a
year. This activity is influenced by the fields in the calorific value procedure, as follows:
- Actual calorific values
For actual calorific values, the maintenance screen consists of three columns. You enter the months
in these columns. After you have entered the dates, select the corresponding line. The billing
calorific value is determined using the Maintain Line function, based on the fields. The system
selects the Maintained field.
Which calorific value is determined, depends on the value you enter in the CalValue for billing
field in the calorific value procedure.
- Defined calorific values
The maintenance screen for defined calorific values consists of six columns. You can specify a fixed
calorific value for each month. After you have entered the date, select the corresponding line. The
billing calorific value is determined using the Maintain Line function, based on the fields. At the
same time, you obtain the percentage difference between the fixed calorific value and the calculated
calorific value.
Because of this result, the billing calorific value can now be determined. This procedure is used so
that primarily all residential customers use the same calorific value. Certain legislative requirements
do specify that this calorific value may deviate by only a certain percentage from the actual calorific
value. Always enter the same fixed calorific value. A billing calorific value is only used in cases of
larger deviation from the actual calorific value, when the billing calorific value is closer to the actual
calorific value.
Effects on the Average field for the calorific value procedure
The calculations of the billing calorific values depend on the Average field in the calorific value
- If the Average field is also selected in the calorific value procedure for actual calorific values,
along with the arithmetic/weighted averaging/lowest value, then the billing period is averaged. In
this case, the billing calorific values agree with the settings in IMG activity Maintain Monthly
Calorific Values per Calorific Value District. Averaging first takes place during billing, because
only then is the exact billing period known. You cannot select the Average field for defined
calorific values.

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- If the Average field is not selected, the specifications relate to the type of averaging, but only in
this IMG activity. Averaging takes place over one year. This means that for September 1999,all
values from October 1998 until September 1999 are correspondingly determined. The calculated
value is used as the billing calorific value for actual calorific values. For defined calorific values, the
calculated value is used as a comparison value for the calorific value you specified. This averaging
is fixed over 12 months and can take place before the actual billing. This saves calculation time in
If the time reference for the calorific value is one year, the billing calorific value of the access month is
used for a whole year. This means that if the access month is September 1998, the billing calorific value
is valid from October 1998 until September 1999 inclusively.
If the time reference of the calorific value is one month, the corresponding monthly billing calorific
values are used.


Here are explanations for the valid combinations of control fields for the calorific value procedure for
monthly calorific values.
Column (1)
The settings defined in IMG activity Maintain Monthly Calorific Values per Calorific Value District
are used. The time reference of the calorific value is one year. The arithmetic/weighted average is
- The following applies for actual calorific values:
The date you specified (09.1999 for example) is the start date for the corresponding averaging. The
result is the billing calorific value for 09.1999. The access time is determined from the gas date in
gas billing. The associated billing calorific value is valid for the whole year.
- The following applies for defined calorific values:
The date you specified (09.1999 for example) is the start date for the corresponding averaging. The
result is the comparison value for 09.1999. In gas billing, the access time is determined from the gas
date. The associated billing calorific value is valid for the whole year.
Column (2)
The actual calorific values and the settings defined in IMG activity Maintain Monthly Calorific Values
per Calorific Value District are used. The time reference of the calorific value is one month. The
arithmetic/weighted average is created. The Average field is selected.
In this case, averaging takes place first during billing, because only then is the exact length of the billing
period known. The corresponding settings in IMG activity Maintain Monthly Calorific Values per
Calorific Value District, are copied to activity Maintain Billing Values.
Column (3)
Actual calorific values are used. The time reference of the calorific value is one month.
The corresponding settings in IMG activity Maintain Monthly Calorific Values per Calorific District
are copied to IMG activity Maintain Billing Values. There is one time slice per month in billing.
Column (4)
Defined calorific values and entries from IMG activity Maintain Monthly Calorific Values per

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Calorific District are used. The time reference of the calorific value is one month. The
arithmetic/weighted average is created.
The corresponding average is created over one year and is used as the comparison value for the billing
calorific value. This means that the comparison value for 09.1999 is the corresponding averaged value
from 10.1998 until 09.1999. The time reference is one month. This means that one time slice exists for
each month. Time slices with the same defined calorific values are grouped together.


1. Check to what extent you can copy the standard settings.

2. Change or add to the standard settings if necessary.
3. If you copy the standard calorific value procedure and district, you must check the specified
calorific value procedure and district in activities Define Calorific Value Procedure and Define
Calorific Value District.
4. To define a new billing calorific value, proceed as follows:
- Enter the calorific value procedure and calorific value district.
- On the next screen, specify the period for the billing calorific value.
According to the calorific value procedure, certain additional values are available for input.
The fields that are not ready for input are calculated for the specified period, because of the control
data in the calorific value procedure in the system.
5. To maintain the billing calorific values, proceed as follows:
- Enter the calorific value procedure and the calorific value district.
- On the next screen, specify a new period and complete the fields requiring input.

SAP AG 608
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procedury dla gazu

There are three billing procedures for the gas division:

- In volumetric gas billing,
- the meter reading difference is assigned a conversion factor of 1.
- In gas billing according to standard cubic meters the prorated meter reading differences are
multiplied by the volume correction factor as conversion factor.
- Thermal gas billing
Procedure for thermal gas billing:
For each register relevant to billing, one or more volume correction factors and one or more calorific
values are determined for the billing period.
Enter the calculation procedure for the volume correction factor and for the calorific value per
register in the installation structure.
The system then determines the values before the proration.
The prorated meter reading differences are multiplied by the following conversion factors:
- the calorific value and the volume correction factor (VCF)
- the product of the calorific value and VCF
- F = Sum (Di) / Sum (Di/Fi)
Fi = Ci * Vi
Di: Degree day coefficient; Ci: Calorific value; Vi: volume correction factor; Fi: conversion
Determination of heat quantity:
Thermal gas billing is performed on the basis of the heat quantity in kilowatt-hours (kWh).
The heat quantity supplied to customers is calculated using the following formula:
Heat quantity = measured operating cubic meters *
(in kWh) volume correction factor of the gas *
average calorific value of the gas
First, the measured operating cubic meters are converted into standardcubic meters using the gas
volume correction factor. The gas volumecorrection factor accounts for influencing factors such as
temperature,measured pressure of the gas, air pressure and gas type.
Next, the standard cubic meters are multiplied by the average calorific value of the gas to obtain the
heat quantity in kWh.
The calorific value is dependent on the composition of the gas and itspecifies which heat quantity is
contained in one standard cubic meterof the gas. The calorific value is determined with gas



Depending on the billing procedure, you must have completed the following actions.
- You must have created a volume correction factor procedure.

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- You must have created a calorific value procedure.

Standard settings


You should define at least one of the procedures mentioned above.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
3. If you accept the standard gas procedures with the corresponding volume correction factor
procedures and calorific valueprocedures, you must check the specified procedures for volume
correction factor and calorific value in the activitiesDefine Volume Correction Factor Procedure
and Define Calorific Value Procedures.
4. To define a new gas procedure, proceed as follows:
- Specify a mnemonic key in the Gas procedure field.
- Specify the type of gas billing you use in the Gas billing type field.

Further notes

The gas procedure is stored in the installation structure in the register.

SAP AG 610
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__ Definiowanie danych przypisania dla gazu

In the allocation data you can define how the gas month is determined by specifying values for the
Selection, Deviation and Default fields.
The gas month refers to the time at which the data required for performing thermal gas billing is
You can define a maximum deviation that allows the gas date to differ back (in months) from a gas date
that has been set in the portion (in the scheduling component). You can additionally define a default value
for the gas month within the maximum deviation.
You can determine whether a window is processed using default values calculated by the system.
If the window is to be processed, you can set the Gas date/Gas Year field to not ready for input if you
If the window is not to be processed, the calculated default values are used for meter reading order
In most cases a maximum deviation of 2 months is sufficient.
If you do not wish to determine the gas month explicitly according to billing class and billing procedure,
you can can leave a particular field blank (the billing procedure, for example) and the system performs a
generic search.


You should define a setting for each of your billing classes.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 611
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______________________________________________________________ Czasy dostępu

The reading and back reading times are determined to read the required data from the
corresponding tables. These are different, depending upon whether monthly, daily or fixed values
are used. An additional incluencing factor is the averaging type.
The following always apply:
- If no gas date is specified for a time slice in the associated period, the to-date of a suitable time slice
is used as the replacement value. Normally the date of the latest time slice is used.
- If no gas date exists for the previous reading, the from-date of a suitable time slice is always used as
the back reading date. Normally the date of the oldest time slice is used.


The following examples demonstrate how to set the access times for calorific value calculation. The logic
behind this is the same for the calorific value procedure and the volume correction factor procedure.
Daily values
The corresponding values are read for the period (from-date - to-date). These are determined if necessary.
Annual calorific values
The same gas date is used for all time slices in the coherent period.
This results from the gas date of the latest record or its to-date.
01/01/1998 |---------------------------------------------| 12/31/19999

The actual gas date is 10/25/1999 and the access point is 19/1999. The calorific value found is valid for
the period 01/01/1998 -12/31/1999.
The gas date is the same as the to-date of the latest record and the access point is 12/1999. The calorific
value found is valid for the period 01/01/1998 - 12/31/1999.
Monthly values (no averaging)
The reading date of the latest record, is the month and the year of the gas date. If this does not exist, then
it is the month and the year of the to-date of the latest record.
The back reading date is only required for the oldest time slice, and is the same as the year and the month
of the gas date for the previous reading + one month (gas date of previous reading 09/30/1998, and back
reading date = 10.1998) or the same as the year and the month of the from-date of the oldest time slice
within the associated period.
The standard case for this procedure is as follows:
|----- |----- |-----|
01 02 03
The billing period is always from 15th - 15th. For example, 15. February until 15th March. The calorific
values for March do not exist at the time of billing, so February is fixed as the gas month, and the
calorific value for February is used in gas billing. This results in the following:
Reading month = gas month (February)

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Back reading month = last reading month + 1 month (February)

Averaging for one year
The reading date of all time slices in the associated period is the same as the gas date or the to-date of the
latest time slice.
| ---------------------------------------------- |----------- |
11/2000 12/31

The gas month is November, because the calorific value for December does not yet exist for billing. This
results in the following:
Reading month = gas month (November)
Fixed back reading month = gas month - 11 months (December of the previous year)
The average of the calorific value from December 1999 - November 2000, for example, is created. This
value applies for the whole billing period (01/01/2000 12/31/2000).
If the fixed 12 month average is used, then the calculated value is also used, if necessary, for smaller
billing periods. In the above-mentioned case, this is possible if the customer first moves in during
the year, in July for example.
If you want to prevent this, you can alternatively use the procedure mentioned below. For this procedure,
only the actual length of the billing period is important.
Averaging for the billing period
The reading date of all time slices in the associated period is the same as the gas date or the to-date of the
latest time slice.
The back reading date of all time slices in the associated period is the same as the year and month of the
gas date for the previous meter reading + 1 month (gas date of previous reading 9.30.1999 and back
reading date = 10.1999) or the same as the year and month of the from-date of the oldest time slice within
the associated period.
|---------------------------------------------- |----------- |
01/01 11/2000 12/31

The gas month is November, because the calorific value for December does not yet exist for billing.
Reading month = gas month (November)
Back reading month = gas month of the previous meter reading + 1 month (December of the previous
The average of the calorific value from December 1999 - November 2000 is created. This value is valid
for the whole billing period (01/01/2000 - 12/31/2000).
Fixed values
Fixed values do not relate to calorific values, but rather to temperature, measured pressure and air
pressure, which are all stored in the tables with the valid from-date.
The reading date of the latest record is the month and the year of the gas allocation date. If this is not
available, then it is the month and year of the to-date of the latest record.
For time slices in the period, in which the month of the to-date is later than the gas allocation date, the gas

SAP AG 14.06.2013 613
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month is copied as the reading date. Otherwise it is the month and year of the to-date.
Special features
- Determination of the gas month for several devices in the installation:
The following applies for the annual procedures:
In one year, several devices are installed in the installation as follows:
|__________________________ Billing Period_____________________|
|____Device 1 _______|
|____________Device 2 __________|
|____Device 3 ____|
When billing the calorific value and temperature, the same gas month is used for all three devices.
This is the same as the latest gas month. Therefore, in the above example, the gas month of device 3
is the gas month for all three devices.
- Back reading month for fixed calorific values:
For determination of the back reading month, you distinguish whether the billing calorific values are
fixed or actual calorific values.
- The following applies for fixed calorific values:
Back reading month = month from the last billed meter reading result + 1 day.
- The following applies for all other components in the volume correction factor, calorific value
and gas procedures. In other words, for actual calorific values, air pressure, temperature and
conversion factors with degree day coefficient:
Back reading month = last reading month + 1 month
- All calorific values are combined:
For fixed calorific values, the time slices with the same calorific values are combined:
|---10---|---10---|---10---| |---11---|---11---| |---12---|---12---| becomes
|-------------10-------------| |--------11--------| |--------12--------|

Call-up environment
The following call-up environments exist for gas billing. You distinguish whether gas billing is called up
for a period or for a particular access time.
Call-up environment Replacement valuesFrom-date To-date
Billing None Move-in date or last billing date + 1 day End of billing
Simulation with billing order None Move-in date or last billing date + 1 day End of billing period
Simulation without billing order Yes Input from-date Input to-date
Entry of meter reading data Yes Meter reading date Meter reading date
Budget billing extrapolation Yes Move-in date or last billing date Scheduled meter reading
date from budget billing period from following period
Overall check Yes Move-in date or last billing date + 1 day Input to-date
Proration within billing No Date of price change, for example Date of price change, for
To display tables in the Performance Assistant, choose Help -> Settings.
The following applies for replacement values:

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- None - No replacement value is used. If not all values are available, the processing is cancelled and
an error message is output.
- Yes - the last value that is smaller than the access date is used for the calorific value, volume
correction factor, measured pressure and gas law deviation factor. The value of the previous year is
used as a replacement value for temperature and air pressure.
- No - replacement values may also be used for prorations within those call-up environments where
replacement values are allowed.
Replacement values are not possible for conversion factors in the gas procedure.
The extrapolation cookbook describes the key dates, on which the gas billing is called during

The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
1. Select Help -> Settings.
2. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field

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______________________________________________________________ Rozgraniczenie


The billing period is prorated if one of the following gas components has changed:
- Gas procedure
- Calorific value district
- Measured pressure of the register (only if the MP Proration field is selected in the volume
correction factor procedure)
- Gas pressure area
- Gas correction pressure
- Temperature area
- Fixed temperature key
- Air pressure area
- Altitude correction pressure
- Set or actual gas law deviation factor in the register
The resulting time slices are considered separately.

The billing period is from 01.01 to 12.31.
01.01|------------------------------------------------------ |12.31

On 04.25 the gas procedure is changed. The following periods result from this change,and are considered
separately from this point onwards for the determination of the access times:


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__ Gaz - data

Gas Date
You use the gas date, during billing or the billing simulation with billing order,to determine the first
access time for reading the gas data.
The date is calculated from the scheduled meter reading date during the order creation. This date is
contained in the schedule record for the meter reading unit, or is entered during the single entry of a
meter reading result.
You determine the gas date from the scheduled meter reading date, in accordance with the rules you
define in IMG activity Define Allocation Data for Gas for each billing class and billing transaction. A gas
month is determined, beginning from the scheduled meter reading date. The last day of the month is
proposed as the gas date. If the gas date determined and the scheduled meter reading date lie in the same
month, the system adopts the scheduled meter reading date as the gas date.
If you defined in the IMG activity that an input dialog box for the gas data is displayed, then you can still
change the gas date in the defined area.
If meter reading data for a billing class and a billing transaction should be processed as a batch job, this
input dialog box cannot be displayed. In this case, create an entry in the activity Define Allocation Data
for Gas, for which the field Background Processing is selected.
IMG activity Define Allocation Data for Gas is not important for move-outs. First the system copies
the scheduled meter reading date directly as the gas date. You can later correct this in move-out
You can use enhancement EDMMR002 to change the date in the meter reading data entry. You can, for
example, set the gas date to the actual meter reading date. At the moment, only the month and year of the
gas date are used to define the access time.
In billing, a gas date is always contained in the latest time slice within a coherent record. If the gas date
cannot be determined from the scheduled meter reading date, because the time slice taken into account
results from the prorations, the To-Date of this time slice is used as the replacement value.

The gas procedure was changed on 4.25. This means that both time slices must be processed separately.
The gas date is 9.30.


The gas date for the time slice 4.25 - 12.31 is 9.30. The replacement value for the gas date of time slice
1.1. - 4.24 is 4.24.
The allocation date for gas billing that you specified in the portion, is not important in gas billing.
Note that the move-in meter reading does not contain a gas date.

Special cases by postponement of the gas date

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The gas date is used if the actual calorific values do not exist at the time of billing.
Carefully consider how much you need to postpone the gas month. Here are a few examples to
demonstrate the possible negative effects if you postpone the gas month too much.

Averaging for the billing period

Example 1
The customer wants an interim bill in February.
|----------|9.1999 ----------|2.2000 ----------|

The gas month of the previous meter reading result is 9.1999. The gas month is 2.2000 (month from the
to-date). The billing period is from 10.1.1999 - 2.28.2000. If the gas month is postponed the following
extreme case is possible:
The gas month is postponed by 5 months (to 9.1999). Averaging takes place for just month 9.1999. This
means that this average value is copied. There is also a calorific value that has nothing to do with the
actual billing period.
You obtain the same result if the new gas month is before the previous meter reading.
Example 2
In the installation, two tenants have each lived for three months during the period 1.1.2000 - 6.30.2000.
|1.1.----------|3.31.---------- |----------6.30.|
The gas month for the move-out of the first tenant is 3.2000, and for the second tenant 6.2000. The
gas month is postponed for both tenants by 3 months. Therefore, the following applies for the second
Gas month = postponed gas month 3.2000
Back reading month = gas month of the previous meter reading + 1 month (= 1.2000), because this
gas month was also postponed by three months.
The second tenant is billed using the calorific value average, for the months 1.2000 to 3.2000.
Therefore he is billed for a period during which he never actually lived there.

Annual billing, averaging of the calorific value for one year.

If the gas month is postponed by the allocation of an installation to another portion, for example, it is
possible that averaging takes place for a postponed period.
The portion of the installation has changed for the year 2000. For this reason, the billing period is 7.01 -
6.30 for the following year. In the first year after the changeover, the period 1.1 - 6.30 is billed. The
following applies in this case:
Reading month = gas month of the new portion (5.2000)
Back reading month = gas month - 11 months (6.1999)
The average value is created for the period 6.1999 - 5.2000. The determined calorific value is valid for
the whole billing period (1.1.2000 6.30.2000).

Special cases for monthly calorific values

SAP AG 618
System R/3

Overwriting the gas month

Monthly calorific values are used without averaging. The billing period is one year.
The gas month is copied as the reading month, in the time slices in the period, in which the month of the
to-date is later than the gas allocation date.
|--------------- ... --------------- |------------------------ |
1.1. ... 30.9.(gas date). 12.31.

There is one time slice for each month that begins on the first day of the month and ends on the last day
of the month. The months that are later than the month of the gas date, are grouped together in one time
slice. The calorific value is that from the month of the gas date.
|------ |------|--- ... ---|------| ------|------ |------|------ |
1.1. 2.1. 9.1. 12.31.
For the time slice 9.1. to 12.31, the calorific value for September is valid. For the remaining time slices,
the calorific value of the corresponding month is valid. This means for January, the calorific value from
January, and so on.

Underwriting the backreading month

Monthly calorific values are used without averaging. The billing period is one year.
For the time slices where the from-date is earlier than the back reading month, the back reading month is
copied as the reading month.
Example 1
The gas month of the previous meter reading is 2.2000.
|------ |------ |------ |--------------------------------------|
12.1. 1.1. 2.1.

The billing period begins on 12.1.1999. In this case the first time slice is extended to 12.1.1999 -
Example 1
The gas date of the previous meter reading is 12.31.1999.
The following applies:
Back reading month = gas month of the previous meter reading + 1 month, (= 1.2000). In this case, the
time slice from Januar 2000 is extended to 12.15.1999 - 1.31.2000. The calorific value from January is
valid. The calorific value of the corresponding month is valid for all other time slices.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 619
System SAP

SAP AG 620
System R/3
__ Umowa koncesyjna

This IMG activity contains all the information necessary for implementing franchise contracts.
In the electricity and gas divisions, franchise fees are levied only according to consumption, not as a flat
In the franchise contract, you can determine which procedure is used for calculating the franchise fee:
- Gross procedure
Here, a fixed gross price (net price + franchise fee) is agreed. If the municipality raises the franchise
fee, the gross price does not change for the business partner. This means that the utility company
receives a lower net price.
The divisions for water and district heating are only billed with the gross procedure and the
franchise fee is specified as a percentage rate of the net price.
- Net procedure
Here, a fixed net price is agreed. If the municipality raises the franchise fee, the net price increases
- Maximum gross procedure
In contrast to the gross procedure, the agreed gross price is also a maximum. This means it can only
vary below the maximum limit. A maximum is also set for the franchise fee and the maximum
franchise fee is taken from the maximum gross price. The actual franchise fee is then added.
- Where municipalities have no fanchise fee or a lower franchise fee, the business partner
receives a lower price.
- Where municipalities have a higher franchise fee, the gross price for the business partner does
not change. However, the utility company receives a lower net price because the municipality
receives the higher franchise fee. In other words, the utility company pays the difference
between the maximum and the actual franchise fee.
- Gross procedure for the electricity division:
Gross price: 0.21 USD/kWh (net price 0.20 USD/kWh + franchise fee 0.01 USD/kWh)
Franchise fee increases to 0.02 USD/kWh -> net price 0.19 USD/kWh
- Net procedure for the electricity division:
Net price: 0.20 USD/kWh, franchise fee: 0.01 USD/kWh -> gross price 0.21 USD/kWh
Franchise fee increases to 0.02 USD/kWh -> gross price 0.22 USD/kWh
- Maximum gross procedure for the electricity division:
Maximum gross price: 0.21 USD/kWh, of which, max. franchise fee: 0.02 USD/kWh
- Actual franchise fee: 0.01 USD/kWh
0.21 USD/kWh - 0.02 USD/kWh + 0.01 USD/kWh = 0.20 USD/kWh
Business partner pays 0.20 USD/kWh.
Utility company receives 0.19 USD/kWh
- Actual franchise fee: 0.03 USD/kWh
0.21 USD/kWh - 0.02 USD/kWh + 0.03 USD/kWh = 0.22 USD/kWh
Business partner only pays 0.21 USD/kWh (= maximum gross price).
Utility company only receives 0.18 USD/kWh.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 621
System SAP

SAP AG 622
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla umów koncesyjnych

In this IMG activity you define number ranges for franchise contracts.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 623
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla umów koncesyjnych

In this IMG activity you define the search help for franchise contracts.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 624
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not dla umów koncesyjnych

In this IMG activity you define notes for franchise contracts (object EKON).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 625
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 626
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów umów koncesyjnych

In this IMG activity you define the various contract types for franchise contracts.
You can define the contract types as you wish.


Contract type: GAS Gas contract

ELEC Electricity contract
WAT Water contract


You should base your definitions on the divisions used by your company and enter a contract type for
each division with a franchise fee.
You should assign mnemonic keys.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. To enter a new contract type, specify the appropriate contract type and the corresponding text in the
ConTy. field.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 627
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup opłat koncesyjnych

In this IMG activity you define franchise fee groups.

Franchise fee groups are used to determine the franchise fee from the franchise contract. In relation to
the rate, the combination of franchise fee group and billing class must be unique, that is, the billing class
"_" cannot be used instead of other billing classes.
In the rate the franchise fee group is allocated in the rate steps.


Key Text
TH Residential customer: household
SO Nonresidential customer


You should define at least one franchise fee group for each billing class.
If possible, you should assign mnemonic keys.


1. Change or delete the standard settings.

2. If you accept the existing entries it is important that you check the specified billing classes in the
activity Define Billing Classes.
3. To enter a new franchise fee group, proceed as follows:
- In the FT group field (franchise fee group), specify the appropriate franchise fee group.
- In the BClss field (billing class), specify the valid billing class and enter an explanatory text.

SAP AG 628
System R/3
__ Okresy rozliczeniowe dla rynku japońskiego

SAP AG 14.06.2013 629
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Współczynnik usługi dla rozliczenia (Japonia)


In this activity, you can maintain the table of demand factors.

The demand factor is used by several Japanese energy suppliers to calculate a surcharge/discount for
demand billing. This is calculated from the ratio of reactive to active energy or reactive to active power.
Normally, it corresponds to the cosinus phi as it is determined, for example, in the billing variant
QUANTI13. However, you can also enter different values in the table here.
In billing, the values for this table can be determined by the variants QUANTI31 for quantity and
DEMAND31 for demand.


If you want to use one of the variants QUANT131 or DEMAND31, you must find a value for the service
factor in this table for every vale of the ratio of reactive and active energy (or power). This means that the
intervals, which you specify with the upper and lower limits, must comprehensively cover the are from 0
to 200.
Because the service factor can only be specified in whole numbers, you must specify a separate interval
for each service factor value.


Low.Limit Up.Limit Service Factor

0 0,1004 100
0,1005 0,1752 99

The text contains a graphic. To obtain the best display results, proceed as follows:
1. Choose Help -> Settings.
2. Select in modal dialog box (R/3) on the F1 Help tab page.

SAP AG 630
System R/3
__ Definiowanie okresów rozliczeniowych


You define selection of the billing period here.

Define whether billing is to be performed using the standard billing period (SBP) or the Japanese billing
period (JBP) for all division categories.

Please note that you must not change these settings retroactively.

Make sure that you are familiar with the settings and do not change the configuration required for
your company once you have defined it.

The following tables are available:

- Select SBP or JBP
- Solution Packages - SAP Proposal
- Solution Packages - Customer-Specific
Note that the Solution Packages - SAP Proposal is the only client-independent table.
The Solution Packages - SAP Proposal and Solution Packages - Customer-Specific tables describe
the resolution of conflict scenarios. This is only planned for use of the Japanese billing period (JBP).
There are one or more alternative solutions for every conflict scenario.


You can enter define solutions that are not the same as the alternative solutions in the Solution Packages
- Customer-Specific under Solution Packages - SAP Solution. Note that you cannot change the list of
alternative solutions for a conflict scenario. You can only change the type of usage for alternative
solutions defined by SAP.
You can define the way in which the alternative solutions proposed by SAP are to be used in your system
differently for dialog and mass processing:
- Selection box for resolution, if possible (dialog processing only)
- Execute resolution automatically, if possible
- Do not use resolution
If the SAP proposal for dialog processing is to display a dialog box with three alternative solutions,
you can indicate that the system is only to display two alternatives in the customer setting by
selecting Do not use resolution or Execute resolution automatically, if possible for one of the

SAP AG 14.06.2013 631
System SAP

If you select Do not use resolution for all alternatives, this will trigger an error when meter reading
results are entered for this type of conflict scenario. Note that this type of configuration can require
significant manual postprocessing.
We recommend implementing one solution only during mass processing. In cases of doubt, the system
uses the first admissible alternative.
By choosing Solution Check, you can display the result that will be produced by your specific settings in
each case.
You can also define two variants for resolution of the conflict: a default mode and an expert mode under
Solution Packages - Customer-Specific .

SAP AG 632
System R/3
__ Obliczanie strat w transformatorze

SAP AG 14.06.2013 633
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Straty w transformatorze wg stref zużycia


You can enter and edit power transformer losses by consumption zone in this table.


You should only edit this table if you use devices that belong to the basic device category Power
Transformer and if you want to calculate power transformer losses using the variant program


Use this table for all combinations of loss determination group, rating, primary voltage, and secondary
voltage that you use for power transformer device categories.
Create an entry with a lower consumption limit of <zero> for all combinations.
Create other entries with different lower consumption limits for each combination as required. When you
execute the variant program UTILIT84, the system determines the consumption for each power
transformer, adjusts it to a period of 30 days, and uses it to select the corresponding consumption zone.

SAP AG 634
System R/3
__ Parametry dla obliczania strat w transformatorze na podstawie



You enter the parameters for formula-based calculation of power transformer losses in this table.


You should only edit this table if you use devices that belong to the basic device category Power
Transformer and if you want to calculate power transformer losses using the variant program


Use this table for all combinations of loss determination group, rating, primary voltage, and secondary
voltage that you use for power transformer device categories.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 635
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Stosunek dostosowania współczynnika mocy


You can use this table to enter a power factor adjustment ratio for combinations of contractual and
calculated power factors (cosine phi). The adjustment ratio can be multiplied by an amount or lump sum
in billing.


You should only edit this table if you want to use the variant program UTILIT87.


- Specify a positive adjustment ratio for combinations where the calculated power factor is lower
(and therefore less favorable) than the power factor agreed in the contract.
- The greater the difference between the calculated and contractual power factors, the greater should
be the adjustment ratio. The amount billed is the greater.
- Specify a negative adjustment ratio for combinations where the calculated power factor is higher
(and therefore more favorable) than the power factor agreed in the contract. The billed amount is
then treated as a credit memo.

SAP AG 636
System R/3

31.6.4 Wykonanie rozliczenia

This IMG activity contains all the information necessary for implementing billing.
The system supports the following billing procedures:
- Periodic billing
- Floating backbilling
- Period-end billing
- Interim billing
- Final billing
A billing document is created during billing that - together with other documents in invoicing - is used to
produce a bill. Billing can be executed automatically or manually.
All forms of billing can be reversed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 637
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Tworzenie historii zużycia

SAP AG 638
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ustalania pozycji faktury


In this activity, you can maintain prerequisites for starting the mass activity Consumption History from
Bill Lines.
You must enter selection conditions that are used to search for bill lines that contain consumption
information. This information is then used to create the consumption history.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 639
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustalania określonych wartości instalacji


In this activity, you can maintain prerequisites for starting the mass activity Consumption History from
Installation Facts.
You must enter selection criteria that are used to search for installation facts with consumption
information. This information is then used to create the consumption history.

SAP AG 640
System R/3
__ Dokumenty rozliczeniowe

In the following IMG activities you make specifications for billing documents.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 641
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dokumentów rozlicz.

In this IMG activity you define search help for billing documents.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 642
System R/3
__ Przypisanie zakresów numerów do rodzajów dokumentów


Use this activity to allocate number ranges to document types.

The number ranges are used in billing to determine the document number of the billing document. You
can use one number range for several document types. Note, however, that you require number ranges for
single billing and mass billing.
You can find detailed information on number ranges in the documentation for IMG activity Define
number ranges for manual billing documents.


You must have defined the document type and number range.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 643
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Automatyczne rozliczenie i symulacja

This IMG activity contains all information necessary for implementing standard automatic billing and
billing simulation.

Automatic billing

Automatic billing includes the billing of:

- Individual contracts
- Contracts of a division
- Portions
The sytem supports the following billing procedures:
- Periodic billing
- Final billing
- Period-end billing
Billing is started with an existing billing order. This billing order is processed and deleted after billing
has been performed successfully.

Billing simulation

You can perform a simulation to:

- Validate existing data
- Provide information to the customer in advance regarding the bill amount or budget billing
- Perform an overall check of billability for the contract
A contract is billable if all master data exists and if the rate data is stored correctly.
Billing simulation is performed for one contract or for one contract account. For each simulation, the
contract is billed with the data valid for that simulation period. There is neither an update of the datasets
nor a posting. Only the bill is marked specially as a simulation bill and saved under a document number.
The simulation documents form its own procedure in billing and its own number range via determination
of document type categories and document types. Simulation documents are easily distinguished from
actual documents by their own number range.
You can perform simulation in two ways:
1. Simulation of billing without a billing order
Meter readings are extrapolated in place of meter reading results. The end of the billing period is set
via the to-date for the simulation. If you enter a from-date for the simulation, this date determines
the start of the billing period; otherwise the start of the billing period is used.
2. Simulation of billing with an existing billing order
The existing orders are billed with the existing meter reading results. Billing is performed for orders
whose billing date falls before the to-date of the simulation. In this case, the from-date of the
simulation is irrelevant.

SAP AG 644
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 645
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Blokady rozliczenia

This IMG activity contains information for defining settings for blocking and releasing billings.
Blocking and releasing is always implemented for individual contracts.
The block hinders billing for an installation.
You must always record a reason for the blocking and releasing of billings. This enables you to react
quickly to any request for customer information.

SAP AG 646
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyczyn blokad rozliczenia

Use this activity to define reasons for blocking billing.

The blocking is carried out in the contract, and prevents billing taking place.
- You can use the indicator Billing Block Reason Permits Mass Simulation to determine that the
reason for blocking billing is only a warning in the mass simulation, and does not cause a
- Use the indicator Billing Block Reason Permits Budget Billing Simulation to determine that the
reason for blocing billing is only a warning in the budget billing simulation, and does not cause a
- Refer also to the Business Add-In ISU_BI_BLOCK_BILLING


01 Incomplete data collection

02 Processing by legal department
03 Other blocking reasons


1. Specify to what extent you can accept the standard settings.

2. If necessary, change or expand the standard settings.
3. Specify a key and the blocking reason in the field BBR when making a new entry.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 647
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn zatwierdzenia rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you define reasons for releasing billing.

The release cancels a previous billing block.


01 Error explained
02 Release by legal department
03 Other release reasons


You should create at least one release reason.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
3. To define a new setting, specify a key and the release reason in the RBR field.

SAP AG 648
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla przebiegu rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you define the number range for the billing run. One number is assigned to each
billing run. All billing documents generated for this billing run are grouped together under this number.
After the billing run, for example, you can reverse the entire billing run or start an invoicing simulation.
The entities used in SAP applications are identified uniquely by their keys. These keys can be assigned
either internally (by the system) or externally (by the user), as specified in number ranges. For every
entity, you define a number range object, which describes number assignment for the key (internal or
external) and the range of values permitted.

Standard settings

Number range "01" is provided by SAP.

Number range "01" is intended for use in internal number assignment. External number ranges are not
provided for this number range object.


You can change the number ranges as necessary.


Adapt the standard number ranges provided by SAP to your specific requirements and add number ranges
of your own to the number range object as necessary.
1. Choose Change intervals.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number, To number) for the relevant number range interval.
4. Save the entries.

Further notes

The number for the billing run is not stored. This means that after you exit the "Automatic billing and
simulation" transaction, the billing run number is no longer available.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 649
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentów rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you define number ranges for billing documents.
Each billing procedure creates a billing document that is assigned a consecutive number. To differentiate
between these procedures, different numbers can be assigned depending on the procedure.


You wish to assign the document numbers differently for the procedures consumption billing and final
In most cases, consumption billing is performed more frequently than final billing. Therefore, you define
a number range with a larger number interval for consumption billing and one with a smaller number
interval for final billing.


You should define at least two number ranges since billing distinguishes between consumption billing
and final billing.
The number range with the largest interval should also have the highest number in the number range so
that it can be extended more easily.


Define number ranges by specifying the upper and lower limits.

You are not permitted to specify an external number assignment.
Be careful not to define the intervals too small; otherwise you will need to define additional intervals

Further notes

Billing is able to function with only one number range. However, this detracts considerably from the
In a later release, billing will include a procedure for unbilled revenue reporting. You can decide whether
you wish to define this setting already; the functionality is not influenced by doing so.

SAP AG 650
System R/3
__ Defin. typów rodz. dok. do rozlicz. zużycia i rozl. końc.

In this IMG activity you define how number ranges are determined for the internal assignment of
document numbers within billing.
You are not permitted to change the document type categories since they are used internally.


Document type category Document type

01: Consumption billing CB

02: Final billing FB


You are required to create created document types beforehand.


You should allocate a different document type to each document type category.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
3. If you accept the existing settings, you must check the specified document types in the activity
Define Doc. Types for Consumption Billing and Final Billing.
4. To define a new setting, proceed as follows:
- Specify the document type category in the DCat field.
- Specify the corresponding document type in the Doc. type field. The document type category
and the document type should match to prevent confusion.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 651
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentów symulacji

In this IMG activity you define number ranges for the simulation documents.
Each billing simulation creates a simulation document which is assigned a consecutive number.


You should define a larger interval for this number range since billing simulations are performed
relatively often.


Define the number range by specifying the upper and lower limits.
You are not permitted to specify an external number assignment.
Be careful not to define the intervals too small; otherwise you will need to define additional intervals

Further notes

Billing (for actual and simulated documents) is able to function with only one number range. However,
this detracts considerably from the clarity.

SAP AG 652
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów dokumentów dla dok. symulacji

In this IMG activity you define the document type that determines the assignment of document numbers
within billing simulation.
You also define the number range valid for the simulation document via the document type and an
explanatory text.
When you assign number ranges, you should generally assign higher number ranges to document types
for the billing procedures used more frequently; it is then easier to extend a higher number range.


Document type FB (final billing) ---> number range 02

Document type CB (consumption billing) ---> number range 04
Document type SI (billing simulation) ---> number range 03


You are required to create the number ranges beforehand.


You must create the document type Simulation since billing simulation uses its own document type.
Allocate a separate number range to this document type.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
3. If you accept the standard document type and corresponding number range, you must check the
specified document number range in the activity Define Number Ranges for Billing Documents.
These number ranges must contain the number intervals you wish to have.

Further notes

There are possible entries stored for the document types; you can see these by choosing F4.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 653
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typów rodz. dokumentów dla dok. symulacji

In this IMG activity you define how number ranges are determined for the internal assignment of
document numbers within billing.
In particular, the entry for billing simulation must still be made.
You are not permitted to change the document type categories since they are used internally.


Document type category Document type

01: Consumption billing CB

02: Final billing FB
03: Billing simulation SI


You are required to create the document type for simulation beforehand.


You should allocate a separate document type to the document type category Simulation.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
3. If you accept the existing settings, you must check the specified document type in the activity
Define Document Types for Simulation Documents.
4. To define a new setting proceed as follows:
- Specify the document type category for simulation in the DCat field.
- Specify the corresponding document type in the Doc. type field. The document type category
and the document type should match to avoid confusion.

SAP AG 654
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyczyn rozgraniczenia

In this IMG activity you define proration reasons.


You must only define separate proration reasons, if you want to include external proration reasons using
enhancement EBIA0002.


1. Clarify to what extent you can copy the standard settings.

2. If necessary, add to the standard settings.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 655
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Rozliczenie ręczne

The manual billing function is always used to supplement automatic consumption billing.
You can enter as many manual billings as required for each contract.
You can perform manual billing for individual contracts only. It is not possible to perform manual billing
for a contract account because in most cases the manual billing refers to a concrete contract. For example,
you wish to create a credit memo for a customer’s water contract due to a burst pipe. You can enter the
credit memo for the water contract even if it is included in a contract account.
You can use the Joint invoicing indicator to control whether the manual billing should be included with
the next consumption billing, or whether it should be posted and sent separately.
If you include a manual billing with a consumption billing, the amount is entered in the bill sum total
(refer to the IMG activity "Invoicing").

SAP AG 656
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla ręcznych dok. rozlicz.

In this IMG activity you define number ranges for manual billing documents.
Documents with consecutive numbers are created in the "manual billing" transaction.


Define the number range by specifying the upper and lower limits.
You are not permitted to specify an external number assignment.
Be careful not to define the intervals too small; otherwise you will need to define additional intervals

Further notes

Billing (for all documents) is able to function with only one number range. However, this detracts
considerably from the clarity.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 657
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typów rodz. dok. dla ręcznych dok. rozlicz.

In this IMG activity you define how number ranges are determined for the internal assignment of
document numbers within billing.
In particular, you must make the entry for manual billing.
You are not permitted to change the document type categories since they are used internally.


Document type category Document type

01: Consumption billing CB

02: Final billing FB
03: Billing simulation SI


You are required to create the document type for manual billing beforehand.


You should allocate a separate document type to the document type category "manual backbilling".


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
3. If you accept the existing settings, you must check the specified document type in the activity
Define Document Types for Manaul Billing Documents.
4. To define a new setting proceed as follows:
- Specify the document type category for simulation in the DCat field.
- Specify the corresponding document type in the Doc. type field. The document type category
and the document type should match to avoid confusion.

SAP AG 658
System R/3
__ Definiowanie proced. opłaty konces. w ręcznym rozliczaniu

In this IMG activity you define the procedure for calculating the franchise fee in manual billing.
You can define for each line item type whether or not the franchise fee line item is to be created
automatically. If so, the necessary data is also determined automatically, via the rate.
If you do not specify that the line item is to be generated automatically, you can still initiate creation of
the line item, if required, using a special function key in manual billing.


A number of line item types are provided by SAP.

You can find them by choosing Utilities Industry -> Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined
Variant Programs -> Define Line Item Types.


Define the procedure for franchise fees in manual billing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 659
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Dok. niezaakceptowany do rozliczenia

This IMG activity contains all information necessary for implementing outsorting in billing.
Outsorting is specified in the outsorting check groups.
If a contract fails validation, it is automatically blocked from any further processing. When a contract is
outsorted in billing, invoicing cannot be performed.

SAP AG 660
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup kontroli dok. niezakceptow. do rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you define outsorting check groups used for outsorting checks in billing.
Based on the billing procedure, you can allocate as many checks as you require to an outsorting check
The outsorting check group is allocated to the rate category. You can also maintain it individually at the
contract level.


You should assign mnemonic keys for the outsorting check groups.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard entries as required.
3. To define a new setting, specify the key for the outsorting check group and an explanatory text.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 661
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Defin. kontroli dla każdej gr. kontr. dok. niezaak. do rozl.

In this IMG activity you define checks to be performed and their characteristics.
Checks are stored in check lists. Bills are outsorted in billing.


Key Check

ABSOLUTE1 Net amount of bill against minimum and maximum limits

ABSOLUTE2 Gross amount of bill against minimum and maximum limits
NO_LINES At least one billing line item is required in the
billing document

Standard settings

If you wish to create your own check lists, choose: Tools -> System Modifications -> Outsortings
Defined by Customer -> Define Check List for Billing.


You should create at least one check for limit amounts and for amounts of zero.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or supplement the standard settings as required.
3. To define a new setting proceed as follows:
- Choose "New entries".
- Enter your values in the required fields and supplement the corresponding value range on the
next screen.

SAP AG 662
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ręcznego wycofania faktur z rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you define how often a manual outsorting is performed or a bill is outsorted.
If a clerk submission is to be performed one time only, the clerk is informed to cancel the "clerk
submission" indicator in the contract when he/she releases the bill.


1. Determine which standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or delete the standard settings as required.
3. To make a new entry proceed as follows:
- Specify an outsorting key and an explanatory text respectively in the MO and Description
- Specify the number of manual outsortings in the NM field.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 663
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Storno rozliczenia

In the following activities, you configure settings for billing reversals.

SAP AG 664
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyczyn stornowania

In this IMG activity, you define the reversal reasons for billing and invoicing. When a document is
reversed, the reversal reason is written in the document header. Currently the reversal reasons are only
used for informative purposes.


Even if you don’t want to use the reversal reasons, you must create a reversal reason 00 that is valid for
billing and invoicing. This is because the entry in the reversal reason field is checked against the entries
in this table.
If you want it to be mandatory to enter a reversal reason (the No Reason entry will not exist), create the
reason that occurs most often as reversal reason 00. This reversal reason must be valid for billing and
invoicing. It is proposed automatically during reversal.


Define the reversal reasons in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 665
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie sterowania korektą faktury


You use this activity to define the basic settings for billing corrections in IS-U/CCS and the IC
In the field Reversal Reason enter the reversal reason that you wish to use as default.
If you want to use a different reversal reason during the billing correction in IS-U/CCS, you must change
the entry on the Bill Correction tab page.
To keep the budget billing plan during an invoice correction, set the indicator BB Plan Kept.
You can control whether it is possible to change the indicator Budget Billing Plan Kept when Invoice
Is Reversed. If you want to change this indicator during the bill correction, you must alter the entry on
the Bill Correction tab page.

SAP AG 666
System R/3
__ Definiowanie scenariuszy symulacji


You define Simulation Scenarios in this activity. You can use transaction EASIM to execute the
simulation scenarios.


Before you define the simulation scenarios, you must define Simulation Scenario Categories and allocate
these to the scenarios. You can define the categories in the activity Customer-Specific Categories for
Simulation Scenarios.

Standard settings

Define the following values for the simulation scenario:

- Display simulation results in net amounts and/or gross am
- Processing options for period consumption or meter readings.
- Groups of Simulation Lines.
- You can also maintain Replacement Rate Categories for simulation scenarios that can be used to
compare rate categories.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 667
System SAP

31.7 Fakturowanie
This section contains all information required for creating an accounting document and a bill from the
billing documents of the individual contracts of a contract account.
The following activities are possible:
- Grouping of billing documents into invoicing units
- Settlement of budget billing amounts and payments on account against receivables from the billing
- Determination of taxes, charges and duties
- Determination of due dates

SAP AG 668
System R/3

31.7.1 Ustawienia podstawowe

In this IMG activity you define basic settings for invoicing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 669
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Rozliczenie dokonywane na miejscu

SAP AG 670
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup rozliczeń dokonywanych na miejscu


Define an on-site billing group in the customer contract if the contract is to be billed via on-site billing.
An on-site billing group combines determined meter reading transactions and billing transactions, which
are valid for the customer in question.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 671
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procesu dla rozliczenia wykonywanego na miejscu


In this IMG activity you define the on-site billing process for a customer or you define the on-site billing
Allocate meter reading and billing transactions that you want to be billed on-site to an on-site billing
group. You can define how the on-site billing process runs for each meter reading or billing process.
Once you have allocated a meter reading or billing transaction to an on-site billing group, it is included in
on-site billing.
Make the following settings:
- Customer Information
On-site billing provides information to the customer about the possible bill amount. Billing itself
takes place in the system. This means that the on-site bill amount can differ from the bill amount in
the system.
If this setting is not active, an actual bill is displayed in on-site billing. In system billing, the system
bill amount is compared with the on-site bill amount. If the bill amounts are different the bill is
outsorted. If this happens, you have to process the bill manually. You can for example enter a credit
memo or receivable in manual billing in order to clear the bill amounts. You must cancel the
outsorted bill and bill it again. If you release the incorrect bill, other billings are not taken into
The system also checks the tax amount in on-site billing and adapts it for system billing.
- System Bill Printout
Here you define whether or not system billings that are based on on-site billings are to be printed.
- Multiple Meter Reading or Billing Orders
You activate this setting if you want the system to create several meter reading or billing orders for
one day. In some circumstances, this can cause the meter reading result of on-site billing to be
processes incorrectly. This can occur if a periodic meter reading and a move-out fall on the same
day. Depending on the settings for the meter reading priorities, the periodic result is used as the
move-out result and the periodic system billing is hidden. Only activate this setting if you can
ensure by means of organizational measures that this situation never occurs.
If this setting is not active, the system may reject the meter reading or billing orders.
- Posting Lock
This setting allows you to apply a posting lock for the entire on-site billing process. The process
begins when the meter reading and on-site billing data is downloaded and ends when the on-site
billing document is invoiced. A posting lock ensures that no other items are posted to the customer
account. This would make the actual on-site billing invalid as a different bill amount would be
determined in system billing.

SAP AG 672
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 673
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Upusty

In this IMG activity you define the basic settings for the billing and invoicing of concessions.
Concessions are discounts that are granted to persons in need of financial assistance. This type of social
support is currently available in Australia and some other countries. In the utilities industry, percentage or
amount-related reductions are granted towards energy bills, for example.
The discount amount is deducted from the customer’s bill amount and is billed to the respective authority
at the same time. The utility companies do not make any financial losses by granting concessions, as the
discount amount is billed to a third party (the authority).

SAP AG 674
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych In this IMG activity you define

the basic settings for processing of concessions.

You can activate or deactivate the posting of concessions during invoicing and the incoming payments

SAP AG 14.06.2013 675
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów upustów In this IMG activity you define the
different concession types and associated discount amounts or factors. You
also allocate concession types to concession operands and define the
transactions for posting concession documents.


You want to define a particular concession, for example, for electricity consumption in winter (Winter
Energy Concession), that grants customers a 17% discount towards their energy bills.
Create a new entry for this, for example, with key WEC and description text Winter Energy Concession.
Enter 0,17 (17%) in the Operand value field, and store the main and subtransactions for the bill credits
or receivables for wrongly granted concessions. If the concession is a fixed amount, you must store it as
an operand value. You must also enter the currency key of the amount.
You define operands for all concession types. These operands are later written to the installation facts of
the installation belonging to the contract, using function ECON1 (Maintain Concession Eligibility). If a
variant exists in the rate step, which uses this operand as an input parameter, the respective concession is
billed. The variant must be marked as an optional billing step, because the operand is not available at all
points in the installation facts.


Further notes
Define all the keys so that billing lines are recognized as concession lines in invoicing or incoming
payments. To define the keys in Customizing, choose Invoicing -> Bill Printout -> Define
Classification Indicators for Billing Lines.
- For time-dependent concessions (such as if the value of a certain time period is changed from 15
Euros to 17.50 Euros) you must use operand category RATETYPE, when you configure the
concession type.
In this way, you avoid the direct allocation of a value that cannot be maintained here
time-dependently. Store the time-dependent value in the rate or in the rate facts.
Alternatively you can also maintain the concession in a price. Here you can maintain the value
centrally and time-dependently.

SAP AG 676
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów kart rabatowych

In this IMG activity you define the different concession card types, for pensioners and students, for

SAP AG 14.06.2013 677
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie miejsca wydania karty rabatowej

In this IMG activity you define the authorities that issue concession cards. For example, the Department
of Social Security or the Department of Veteran Affairs.

SAP AG 678
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ustawień deregulacji dla upustów

In this IMG activity you define the deregulation settings for concessions.
You can, for example, only display contracts for a particular service type in concession eligibility, to
prevent concessions from being allocated to unrelevant contracts. This is possible for the two-contract
model, for example, for a concession that should only be used for the supplier contract and not for the
distributor contract.
It is also possible to restrict the display of contracts, but to update the concession eligibility update of
undisplayed contracts.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 679
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie podstawowych ustawień dla Brazylii

SAP AG 680
System R/3
__ Ustawienia dla brazylijskiej kalkulacji podatkowej


In this activity, you make the settings for the Brazilian tax types PIS/COFINS or ICMS.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 681
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupowania podatków dla dynamicznego określ. stawki



In this activity, you enter the tax groups for the dynamic tax determination for ICMS to reduce the
number of possible proration records during billing.
The system takes these tax groups into account in the standard implementation of method PRORATION


The proration switch must be active in Customizing for SAP Utilities under Invoicing -> Basic Settings
-> Basic Settings for Brazil -> Settings for Brazilian Tax Calculation.

SAP AG 682
System R/3
__ Księgowanie przychodu PIS/COFINS


In this activity, you define that the tax types PIS and COFINS are automatically posted as revenue. The
system performs a value adjustment during write-off.


You can process the relevant revenue account in posting area 0010 in Customizing for Financial
Accounting under Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Postings
and Documents -> Document -> Define Account Assignments for Automatic Postings ->
Automatic G/L Account Determination -> Define Accounts for Sales/Purchase Tax for the
relevant tax transaction.


Enter a posting area and tax transaction - for example, PIS

SAP AG 14.06.2013 683
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Księgowanie przychodu jako wartości brutto


In this activity, you define that the revenue is posted as a gross amount during invoicing. The tax
difference is posted to a provisional revenue account.


Enter a posting area and a revenue account and assign the provisional revenue account.

SAP AG 684
System R/3
__ Definiowanie podstawowych ustawień dla Włoch

SAP AG 14.06.2013 685
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustawień stornowania

In this activity, you make the settings for reversal of invoicing in Italy.

SAP AG 686
System R/3
__ Konto dla nieoczekiwanych przychodów podczas storna

In this activity you determine the account to which the system posts unexpected revenues during
invoicing reversal or reinvoicing of an adjustment reversal. Unexpected revenues occur when a reversed
bill has exceed a certain age and the reversal is due to a company fault.
A clearing account is required for the posting regardless of whether the reversal is due a company fault or
a customer fault.

You have to activate the special procedure for Italy for non-reversal of sales tax amounts in Customizing
for SAP Utilities under Invoicing #> Basic Settings #> Define Basic Settings for Italy #> Define Settings
for Reversal.

Enter the required company
1. code and other values if necessary.
Allocate the account for
2. unexpected revenues.
Allocate the clearing 3.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 687
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych dla fakturowania

In this IMG activity you specify whether you wish to determine taxes in billing or in invoicing. If you
wish to determine taxes in invoicing, you must also specify the date on which taxes are to be determined;
the entry date, document date or posting date.
Furthermore, you can determine that you want a detailed error message on billing documents that do not
exist for mandatory groups. If, for example, you have defined a mandatory group from three contracts,
and no billing document exists for one of the contracts, this contract will be reported in the application
You can also specify whether the rounding amount is to be managed. If the bill amount is to be rounded,
the rounding amount is saved at contract account level. The system then takes the rounding amount into
account in the next bill.


If the invoiced amount is 52.63 Euros, it is rounded up to 53 Euros (provided you have specified to round
to the nearest 1 Euro (100 cent in the rounding rules). If the next bill is for 51.47 Euros, the system takes
the rounding amount of 0.36 cents into account, and rounds the bill down to 51.00 Euros.
You can also specify a rounding amount limit. When this amount is exceeded, the invoiced amount is
rounded down to zero and stored as a rounding balance. To do this, in Customizing choose Utilities
Industry -> Invoicing -> Invoicing Execution -> Define Rounding Limits for Rounding Balance.


- You have defined the rounding rules. To do this, in Customizing choose Financial Accounting ->
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Postings and Documents
-> Basic Settings -> Define Rounding Rules for Currencies.
- You have specified the accounts to which the rounding differences are to be posted. To do this,
choose Financial Accounting Customizing -> Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable ->
Postings and Documents -> Document -> Define Account Assignment for Automatic
Postings -> Automatic G/L Account Determination -> Define Accounts for Rounding


Define the basic settings for invoicing.

SAP AG 688
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych dla wydr. faktury online

In this IMG activity you define the basic settings for online bill printout. The entries in the fields
Transm. method (document transmission method), RDI (raw data interface) and OutputDevice then
serve as default values for the online bill display.


Define the basic settings for online bill printout.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 689
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych stornowania

In this IMG activity you determine,

1. how the system reverses invoicing documents, when clearing documents for contract accounts
receivable and accounts payable exist.
2. Whether a document sort order check must be executed during invoicing reversal
3. how the system reverses collective bills and individual bills that belong to a collective bill.


You can establish the following settings in Customizing for point 1:

1. No Reverse Clearing
If balanced accounts receivable and accounts payable items for the print document are found, a
message appears and cancels processing.
2. Automatic Reverse Clearing
All balanced accounts receivable and accounts payable documents are automatically withdrawn and
entered as deposits. Automatic reverse clearing only works when all accounts receivable and
accounts payable documents involve single payments. This applys to clearing payments which only
concern items from a single invoicing document. If the system cannot find a single document, it
cancels processing.
3. Clearing Confirmation in a Dialog
As detailed in point number 2, the user is advised prior to reversal of the accounts receivable and
accounts payable documents. After he has looked at the documents, the user can choose whether to
continue the reversal or not. This option only applies to single runs.
The Customizing settings can be maintained separately for single and mass runs.


Define basic settings for reversal.

SAP AG 690
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procedury ustalania podatku dla każdej grupy jednostek



In the activity Define Basic Settings for Invoicing, you defined when the sales / purchase tax code is
determined. You can choose between:
- Tax determination during billing
- Tax determination during invoicing.
In this activity, you can define exceptions for when the tax code is determined. You can define the
procedure that you want to use for determining the tax code at company code level. If you define an
exception in this activity, the system uses the settings when this exception occurs. If the exception does
not apply to the contract currently being billed or invoiced, the system uses the general settings.
When you choose invoicing as the event, you must also define a date type.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 691
System SAP

31.7.2 Przetwarzanie faktur

In this section you define the settings for invoicing.

Invoicing forms the interface for the Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA) component.
It generates a bill or provides the data required for the print interface. Documents that are invoiced
together are grouped into invoicing units and a joint bill is generated.
Invoicing includes:
- Billing documents
- Budget billing plans
- Items from Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
- Credit memos and backbilling
The following are created in invoicing:
- Print documents
- Taxes and charges
- Due dates

Further notes

Before invoicing can take place, the settings for account assignment maintenance must be defined in
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.

SAP AG 692
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentów wydruku

In this IMG activity you define number ranges for print documents. Assign number ranges to document
types in IMG activity Define Document Types for Print Documents.

Note: number ranges for accounting document created during invoicing are defined in the IMG for
Number ranges are required for single and mass invoicing. Mass processing is carried out in parallel
processes which cannot access the same number ranges. Several number ranges are necessary per
document type in mass processing.
Some processing types have parallel invoicing runs. In this case you should assign the same number of
number ranges to each document type, as the number of parallel processes which are allocated to it. This
is necessary because each process requires a number range. The number ranges should be the same size.
Keys for number ranges must be formed as follows:

- In single processing, the first character must be a number. The number assignment can occur
internally or externally.
- In mass processing, the first character must be a letter. The number assignment can only occur
Number ranges for FI-CA are valid client-wide.


You should plan at least 10 number ranges for parallel processing of invoicing runs, per document type
which may be used in mass processing.


1. Analyze your previous print documents. Determine how many print documents per year and
document types were entered. Enter the corresponding number ranges which are sufficient for
several years. If necessary, change the entered number range or create new number ranges.
2. Only change the number range status in exceptional cases. If you do change the status, make sure
that all previously entered numbers are covered using the changed number range status.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 693
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów dokumentów dla dokumentów wydruku

In this IMG activity you maintain document types for print documents andassign number ranges to these
document types.
The print document number is determined from the number ranges in invoicing. You can use one number
range for several document types. Note that you need more than one number range for single and mass
You can find further details of number ranges in the documentation for IMG activity Define Number
Ranges for Print Document.


You have defined the number ranges for print document.

SAP AG 694
System R/3
__ Przypisanie rodzajów dokumentów do dokumentów wydruku

In this IMG activity you assign document types to print documents.

The assignment can take place at two levels:
1. Creation reason for print document.
2. Creation reason and main company code (standard company codefrom contract account).
In the first instance leave the company code field blank (= SPACE).
You can use one document type for several creation reasons.
You must also enter a document type for simulation documents. Use a single document type with its own
number ranges for simulation documents. This ensures completeness of print document numbers. Deleted
simulation documents are not displayed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 695
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sterowania funkcji dodatk. fakturowania

In this IMG activity you define the additional functions in invoicing.

You can specify the following for each settlement (clearing) type and settlement (clearing) category:
- Interest calculation for debit items in invoicing
- Interest calculation for cash security deposits in invoicing
- Dunning in invoicing
- Late payment charge for overdue items in invoicing
- Late payment charge for installment plan items in invoicing


You have defined the settlement (clearing) types and settlement (clearing) categories. To do this, choose
Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Open
Item Management -> Clearing Control -> Define Clearing Categories and Define Clearing Types.


Define the additional invoicing functions.

SAP AG 696
System R/3
__ Opracowanie wart. stand. dla met. spłaty/nośnika płatności

In this IMG activity you maintain the default values for the repayment method and the transfer medium.
For each company code you define the sequence in which the repayment methods are to be handled in
In the ID field you enter a form ID for the cash payer. This ID controls the printout of the payment form
from invoicing.


You have defined the repayment methods. To do this, choose Financial Accounting -> Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Business Transactions -> Payments -> Incoming/Outgoing
Payment Creation.
You have defined the form ID. To do this, choose Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting
Global Settings -> Correspondence -> Attached Payment Media -> Country-Dependent Data for
Attached Payment Media.


Enter the default values for invoicing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 697
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sterowania dla terminu płatności faktury

In this IMG activity you specify whether the bill due date is to be combined with the next budget billing
due date of a new budget billing plan that was created in invoicing.
You can store the criteria for a joint due date here.
You can store the bill receivable and the number of days between the bill due date and the budget billing
due date as conditions for due date combination. This data is dependent on the payment method, which is
derived from the bank details ID for incoming payment and the reason for blocking incoming payment,
which are specified in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA).


The combination of the two due dates must be activated in the corresponding portion. In the schedule
master record of this portion, 1 or 2 must be entered in the BB/bill dates field.


Specify whether the due dates are to be combined or not.

SAP AG 698
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sterowania zaliczkami w fakturowaniu


In this activity, you can specify if partial bills are to be generated during consumption billing.
If you permit a partial bill to be created, you should enter the number of days you want partial bill
creation to take place in this activity starting from the document date in the bill .


The budget billing procedure: Partial bill procedure for budget billing amounts is used.


Specify whether partial bill procedure should take place or not.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 699
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie reguł dla zaokrąglania faktury

In this IMG activity you define the rounding unit and rules for currencies, in which invoice amounts are
created in a multiple of the smallest unit of currency instead of the single smallest unit. Your definition is
used if an invoice amount is to be posted in IS-U invoicing.
This ensures that the amounts that result take into account the currency unit specified.


In Italy the invoice amount was normally rounded to the nearest 1000 Lire. Therefore enter 1000 for
Italian company codes and currency. The rounding amount, which was the difference between the
rounded and unrounded invoice amount, was managed as a rounding amount carryforward.
Note that the value entry in Customizing relates to the smallest currency unit of any currency. For
example, always enter the rouning value in cents for the Euro currency.
If, for example, you would like to determine that a billing amount is always rounded to the nearest 1
Euro, then you must enter the value 100 (100 cents = 1 Euro) in Customizing..

SAP AG 700
System R/3
__ Definiowanie granic zaokrąglania dla zaokrąglenia faktury

In this IMG activity, you define the rounding limits for the rounding amount carryforward.
You must specify whether rounding amount carryforwards are managed in invoicing or not. To do this,
choose Utilities Industry -> Invoicing -> Basic Settings -> Define Basic Settings for Invoicing.
In this activity you can specify a rounding amount limit. When this limit is exceeded, the invoice amount
is rounded down to zero and is stored as a rounding amount carryforward.


- You must specify whether rounding amount carryforwards are to be used or not. To do this, choose
Utilities Industry -> Invoicing -> Basic Settings -> Define Basic Settings for Invoicing.
- You must define the settlement types. To do this, choose Financial Accounting -> Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Open Item Management ->
Settlement Control -> Define Settlement Variant Determination.


Define rounding limits for rounding amount carryforwards in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 701
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn blokowania dla fakturowania

In this IMG activity you define the blocking reason for invoicing.
Allocate the defined blocking reasons to a contract account. This procedure blocks the contract account
for invoicing.


1. If necessary change the blocking reason for invoicing.

2. If necessary define a new blocking reason for invoicing.

SAP AG 702
System R/3
__ Wybór pozycji w fakturowaniu

In this IMG activity you define the item selection in invoicing for account maintenance and for bill
display (subitems).
The print document is made up of the contract accounting documents generated in invoicing minus any
budget billing payments made.
The item selection controls which credits (possibly with clearing restrictions), such as cash security
deposits, are to be reposted to the credit memo in billing so that they can be repaid. In this IMG activity
you also select items for clearing.
In invoicing - as a supplement to the rule set for settlement control in clearing processing - you can select
items to appear on the bill. This does not trigger any subsequent postings, and only affects the the
appearance of the printed document. The item selection controls which posted open items are to be
printed on the bill for information purposes, and which are to be used to determine the bill total.
Moreover, the item selection controls which credits (possibly with clearing restrictions), such as cash
security deposits are to be re-posted to the credit memo in billing so that they can be repaid.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 703
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyboru pozycji dla opracowania kont/ podpozycji

In this IMG activity you define item selection for:

1. Account maintenance in invoicing
2. Bill display (subitems)

Item Selection in Account Maintenance

To carry out account maintenance in invoicing, you must select all open items you want to take into
account in this activity. The open items generated in invoicing are subject to this selection procedure.
This depends on the billing settlement type for the invoicing unit.
The selection is dependent on the settlement type of the invoicing unit. It can also be made with regard to
the transaction and the item due date, for example.
Selection specification can be determined at different levels; from detail selection with specification of
settlement type, main and sub-transaction of items to be selected, to general selection with unspecified
settlement type, main and sub-transaction. Accordingly, several attempts to read the scheduling table are
made, to determine the selection criteria. These attempts can be a fully specified or unspecified key.
When the system finds a valid entry for an open item, it then decides, on the basis of the selection rules
and interval days, whether or not to include the item in clearing analysis.
The following example clarifies the read algorithm:
You want to:
- Only consider items which are due in the next 14 days (after document date) at the latest.
- Permit the settlement with the next budget billing request (main transaction 0050) which is due
in the next 21 days, at the latest.
- Exclude payment of cash security deposit (transaction 0020 0010) from settlement.
You can copy the request in the following three selection specifications:
SType SCat Main SubTr OISel Intvl d.
R41 100 14
R41 100 0050 21
R41 100 0020 0010 9

The system makes up to four read attempts for each open item. It uses the following selection criteria:
- Access with a fully qualified key
- Access with unspecified sub-transaction
- Access with unspecified main and sub-transaction
- Access with unspecified main/sub-transaction and settlement type
The first entry the system finds is used for selection.

SAP AG 704
System R/3

If a table entry is determined for an item, the corresponding selection rule (field OISel) and interval
selection are interpreted for the due date which is to be considered.
If no table entry could be determined, the item is excluded from selection.
Note that an unspecified interval is interpreted as interval 0. This means that only the due items for the
document data of the bill are considered.

The following settings for the selection rule are possible:

- ´ ´ Consider all qualifying items for current table entry.
- 1: Only consider items which have a contract reference (are contract-assigned).
- 2: Only consider items refering to contracts which are processed in current business transactions.
This rule makes sense in invoicing. Invoicing delivers the selection of items to contracts which are
currently invoiced.
- 3: Item selection is the same as rule 2, plus items which have no contract reference (for example;
non contract-assigned payments on account).
- 4: Item selection is the same as rule 2, but only applies to completed contracts. For example, the rule
allows a cash security deposit (which is assigned to a completed contract) to be included in the
clearing analysis in invoicing.
- 5: Only consider items which are recently entered in current business transactions. For example, all
recently generated open items from clearing assessment in invoicing.
- 6: Do not consider qualified items for current table entry.

Item Selection in Bill Display

In this IMG activity you can specify the following:
- Which open items from the contract account are included in the print document. These items can be
displayed on the bill for information purposes.

The open items generated in the current invoicing run, and the items cleared/partially cleared
in account maintenance in invoicing, belong to the fixed part of the print document. Item
selection does not cover these items.

The same rules apply for selection specifications (table access algorithm) as in IMG activity
Item Selection in Account Maintenance.
- Which items you take into account for the final bill amount, and then collectively adjust in payment
transactions. This rule is especially important for credits, that have qualified in settlement
scheduling (clearing analysis), but have not been used, because the account only contains credit
items. The items detailed in the final bill amount are considered part of the bill.

Note that items summarized in the final bill amount retain their original due date. An old receivables
balance is given a revised due date in the bill display for the customer.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 705
System SAP

Only items that do not have clearing restrictions are included in the final bill amount.

The same rules apply for selection specifications (table access algorithm) as in IMG activity
Item Selection in Account Maintenance.
- Which credit or receivable items you would like to repost in the credit memo for clearing billing.
This rule can be used for the payment of cash security deposits with a clearing restriction. It expands
payments in the final billing document. The new item contains the due date of the consumption

All non-statistical items and statistical items with the statistic indicator ’G’ can be reposted.

An entry with a fully specified settlement type, main and sub-transaction must be deposited in
this table for the items to be reposted.
- Which statistical receivables you want to expand without subsequent posting. This rule is important
when you expand cash security deposit receivables in final invoicing.

If you want to repost items, you must enter a fully specified settlement type, main and
sub-transaction in the table.

Selection Rule
The same rules apply as in IMG activity Item Selection in Account Maintenance.

SAP AG 706
System R/3
__ Dokument niezaakceptowany do fakturowania

This section contains all the information and activities required for implementing outsorting in invoicing.
Outsorting is specified in outsorting check groups.
If a contract fails a validation, it is first of all blocked automatically from further processing. This means
that when checks take place in invoicing, no bill can be printed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 707
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup kontroli dokumentów niezaakcept. dla


In this IMG activity you define the outsorting check groups, which are used for carrying out outsorting
checks in invoicing.
You can allocate any number of checks to an outsorting check group in accordance with the billing
You maintain the outsorting check group in the contract account.


Assign mnemonic keys for the outsorting check groups.


1. Establish how many of the standard settings you are able to use.
2. If necessary, change or add to the standard settings.
3. To enter new settings, proceed as follows:

- Enter the key for the outsorting check group and an explanatory text.

SAP AG 708
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kontroli grup kontroli dokum. niezaakc. dla


In this IMG activity you define the checks that are actually to be performed and their characteristics.
The checks are stored in the "check lists". Bills are outsorted in invoicing.


Key: Check:
AMOUNT2 Gross billing amount against min. and max. limits
AMOUNT3 Bill sum total against minimum and maximum limits
FORWARD1 Bal. forward against max. amt for cred. memo/receivable

Standard settings

If you wish to create your own check lists, choose Utilities Industry -> Tools -> System Modifications
-> User-Defined Outsortings in Billing/Invoicing -> Define Check List for Invoicing.


1. Establish how many of the standard settings you are able to use.
2. Change or add to the standard settings if necessary.
3. To enter a new setting, proceed as follows:

- Choose New entries.

- Enter the appropriate values in the required fields. In the next screen enter the corresponding value

SAP AG 14.06.2013 709
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ręcznego wykluczenia faktury z fakturowania

In this IMG activity you specify how often manual outsorting is to occur or how often a bill is to be
If outsorting is to occur only once, then, when the bill is released, a message appears reminding you to
cancel the manual outsorting indicator in the contract account.


1. Establish how many standard settings you are able to use.

2. Change or add to the standard settings if necessary.
3. To enter a new setting, proceed as follows:

- Specify an outsorting key and enter an explanatory text.

- Specify the number of manual outsortings.

SAP AG 710
System R/3
__ Opłaty w fakturowaniu

In this IMG activity you define the settings for posting late payment charges (LPC) to overdue items in
In the US a charge is levied in invoicing if items are overdue. This requirement cannot be modeled using
the function for dunning in invoicing because that function does not incorporate posting of charges.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 711
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie opłat

In this step, you store the percentage rates used to calculate charges (LPC - Late Payment Charges). The
charges are calculated by the invoicing function.



Standard settings



Store the percentage rates you want the system to use to calculate the charges.

Further notes

SAP AG 712
System R/3
__ Przechowywanie opłat dla zaległych pozycji w fakturowaniu

In this IMG activity you allocate the key for managing late payment charges (LPC) to a dunning
procedure. This enables you to calculate different charges for different dunning procedures, for example.


Allocate the charge key to the dunning procedures for which charges are to be calculated in invoicing.

Further notes

To calculate and post the charge, you must allocate an external transaction to internal transaction 0010

SAP AG 14.06.2013 713
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Country Specific Setting for India

SAP AG 714
System R/3
__ Charges in Invoicing

SAP AG 14.06.2013 715
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Define LPC, PPI and Interest Components


Use this IMG activity to specify if one or more of the the following are applicable to consumer(s):
- Late Payment Charges (LPC)
- Prompt Payment Incentive (PPI)
- Interest on Overdue Items
You can also specify the percentage or the fixed amount applicable for a specific charge or incentive
component. Components are a combination of Main and Sub transactions.
- In Posting areas R410, you must group your Billing Sub transactions and point them to Invoicing
Sub transactions. You maintain the same sub transactions in this IMG activity.


- LPC and PPI

You must activate the Posting Area R491 for the relevant Dunning Procedures (of your Contract
Accounts), with their corresponding Charge Keys. The Charge Keys that you maintain in
customizing Define Charges need not have a Percentage. This is because the India specific
configurations that you maintain in the current IMG activity overrides the percentage value
maintained in Define Charges.
- Interest on Overdue Items
You must maintain the Main and Sub transactions in the IMG Item Selection in Account
Maintenance/ Define Sub-Items. Ensure that you have activated the Calculate Interest for Items
option in the activity.
After maintaining the Main and Sub transactions, you can activate them for interest calculation at
the state and account class in the current IMG activity.

For example, you have maintained the following Main and Sub transactions in the Item Selection
in Account Maintenance/ Define Sub-Items. and activated them for interest calculations.
Main Sub
0100 0021
0100 0022
0100 0023

Use the current IMG activity, you must now activate the Main and Sub transactions for interest
calcuations at the relevant state and account class.

SAP AG 716
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 717
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Define LPC Exemption Percentage


Use this IMG activity to define the exemption percentage applicable to a consumer on Late Payment
Charges. You can also specify the period within which the exemptions apply.


If you want the system to process interest calculations along with invoicing, ensure that you have
activated the Charge (LPC) for Overdue Items in Invoicing indicator. You can do so using the IMG
activity, Define Control for Additional Invoicing Functions.

SAP AG 718
System R/3
__ Define LPC, PPI Maximum Limits


Use this IMG activity to define the following:

- Tolerance limits on Late Payment Charges
The system calculates an LPC if the delay in payment of utility charges exceeds the Tolerance Days
specified in this activity. If the calculated LPC amount is less than the LPC tolerance amount, the
system sets the LPC amount to zero.
- Period for a Prompt Payment Incentive (PPI)
The system calculates a PPI when the a customer pays the utility charges within the period specified
in this IMG activity.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 719
System SAP

31.7.3 Wydruk faktury

In this section you define settings for bill printout.

You can:
- Define how the print document is displayed
- Define the bill form

SAP AG 720
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dok. wydruku

In this IMG activity you define the search help for print documents.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 721
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kryteriów sortowania dla wydruku faktury

Groups together line items that are written by variants with the same presorting key into one block. The
blocks are sorted according to their presorting keys and processed in invoicing by a function module.
In the function module, the billing line items can be sorted further. Each function module ends with the
generation of a tax line.

If no tax lines are to be generated, you must set the NS indicator in invoicing Customizing, under
Invoice print -> Defined sort criteria for invoice print.
In this IMG activity you define the sort criteria for your bill.
Presorting keys are used to sort the billing line items before printing. Billing line items with the same
presorting indicator make up a block. These blocks are sorted in ascending order according to the
presorting key. Each block is processed further using function modules.
When the function module is processed, a tax line item is generated. You must allocate the presorting
keys to all the schema steps in the schema.
In the schema, at least one block must be used in which a subtotal is output. This is essential for bill
printout. This means that in a schema, at least the presorting key with the highest value must include
calculation of a tax line. In other words, you must use a presorting key for which the NS indicator (no
subtotal) is not set.


The following presorting keys have been defined:

- 0001 No sorting
- 0003 Sort by contract number
The entries in the schema are as follows:
CNo. Rate Variant DLTy1 Srt1 DLTy2 Srt2
1 HH_HT QUANTI01 0000001 0003 IQUANT 0001
2 HH_NT QUANTI01 0000001 0003 IQUANT 0001
A portion with contracts 4711 and 4712 is billed. These contracts are allocated to a contract account.
After billing, the billing documents are transferred (unsorted) to invoicing as follows:
DLTy. Contr. Srt
IQUANT 4712 0001
0000001 4712 0003
IQUANT 4711 0001
0000001 4711 0003

SAP AG 722
System R/3

This means that the print document and the bill are sorted as follows:
DLTy. Contr. Srt
IQUANT 4712 0001
IQUANT 4711 0001
0000001 4711 0003
0000001 4712 0003
Block 0001 comes before block 0003. Block 0001 is unsorted. Block 0003 is sorted by contract number.

Standard settings

Examples of function modules provided by SAP that are used for further processing of invoicing blocks
can be found in the function group E21J.


1. Define the bill structure required by your company.

2. Check the standard settings. If necessary, create new sort criteria.

Further notes

You also have the option of creating your own function modules for sorting. These can then be integrated
in the same way.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 723
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie formularza faktury

In this IMG activity you define the appearance of your bill form.

Standard settings

Use the form class ISU_BI_BILL, which is provided by SAP.

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 724
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 725
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kryteriów klasyfikacji dla pozycji rozliczenia

In this IMG activity, you define that customer-specific information specified in the schema steps, must be
transported from billing to bill printout.
In customer-specific function modules, you can test the ClassCrit. field and execute certain actions.

Further notes

In concession billing, the respective concession type, for example, is entered in this field, to later execute
the respective steps for concession posting within invoicing.

SAP AG 726
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla wydruku faktury


Use this activity to define the control parameters for the bill print and collective bill print.


You can currently define whether, in the mass activities for bill print and collective bill print,
- a spool entry should be generated per interval or per job
- the Open/Close optimization should never be used.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 727
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przesterowanie formularza aplikacji dla symulacji faktury

In this activity you can override the application form of the print document for the bill printout
You can simulate or preview the bill printout in the following functions:
- Bill correction
- Display print document (transaction code EA40)
- On calling the Preview method of the BOR object PRINTDOC (in account balance display, for
- Display interim bill in UCES system
- Bill correction in ICWEBCLIENT system
- Bill display in Web UI
The individual functions are stored in the value table V_TE480. You can also enter values for individual,
user-defined functions in this table.
There are several function processes in a function that lead to a bill printout simulation. The individual
function processes are stored in the value table V_TE481. You can also make your own entries in this
The functions and function processes supplied by SAP should only be used in certain combinations. The
combinations are specified in the Permissible Combinations for Functions and Function Processes table
(TE442). If you want to enter your own values in the Define Functions (V_TE480) and Define Function
Processes (V_TE481) value tables, you must also specify the permitted combinations in table TE442.
Use transaction SM30 to make the settings in the tables mentioned above.
If IS-U bill printout is realized by the layout formatting of a raw data stream in the output management
system (OMS) of a third party service provider, you do not have to edit any additional application forms
to reproduce the layout of the external system when using the simulation or preview of the bill printout.
Instead, you can use the application form itself to generate the raw data stream and send it to the OMS in
the usual way. The OMS then sends the prepared bill back as a PDF file. To use this function, you first
have to activate the Activation: Bill Preview Using PDF from OMS parameter.

SAP AG 728
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kryteriów grupowania pozycji faktury częściowej


In this activity, you can define how partial bill lines are grouped together on a partial bill or a periodic
You can define which lines are grouped together for every creation reason and account determination
characteristic of invoicing.
Normally, partial bill lines are transferred directly from the budget billing plan and printed on the bill.
However, if you have defined several subtransactions in the budget billing plan, the information on the
bill is separated and printed on the bill according to each subtransaction. This procedure is necessary for
accounting; however, it is not relevant for the bill. As a result, you can use this activity to specify whether
you want to group together partial bill lines, and if so, how.
You can choose different settings for partial and periodic bills. In the case of partial bills, it makes sense
to group together all lines from subtransactions. However, for periodic bills, you can use, for example,
the due date as well as subtransaction as grouping criteria. This means that you only print one bill line in
the periodic bill and that this line contains the complete balance of the partial bill.
Define one or more field names that are identical to the fields in the structure ERDZ. These fields will be
used later for grouping together partial bill lines on the bill. For example, if you defined the field
TVORG, the field TVORG on the bill will be set to an initial value. All lines in a partial bill that have
identical character fields are grouped together. This means, for example, in this case, the lines are always
grouped together according to contract and due date.
Compressing the bill lines does not affect posting documents. The declared tax amount can still be
calculated incorrectly if you compress bill lines using contract. This is because the tax for the partial bill
is calculated at contract level.
If several lines are compressed, tax amount are only added together and not re-calculated.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 729
System SAP

31.7.4 Plan rozliczania zaliczkowego

This chapter contains the information you require when working with budget billing plans.

SAP AG 730
System R/3
__ Ustawienia podstawowe

SAP AG 14.06.2013 731
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procedury zaliczek

In this IMG activity you define the budget billing Procedures, such as the statistical budget billing
procedure, for each company code. The procedure you store first automatically becomes the default for
the corresponding field in the contract account. All other budget billing procedures stored for that
company code are still permissible and you can enter them in the contract account.


In company code 0001 you enter 12. This means that procedure 1 (statistical budget billing procedure)is
always the default value in the contract account. Alternatively, you can enter procedure 2 (partial bill) in
the contract account. Procedure 3 (payment plan) is not permitted in company code 0001 and cannot be


Define the system settings for invoicing.

SAP AG 732
System R/3
__ Definiowanie formularza zaliczki

In this section you define the appearance of your budgt billing form.

Standard settings

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 733
System SAP

SAP AG 734
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla planu zaliczek

In this IMG activity you define the search help for budget billing plans.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 735
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie powodów zmian dla internetowego klienta centrum



In this IMG activity, you define change reasons for a budget billing amount change in the Interaction
Center WebClient. These reasons are evaluated in event R942. You can allow or reject changes to the
amount if you specify certain reasons.


Change reason: 01
Text: Vacation

SAP AG 736
System R/3
__ Procedura statystyczna i faktury częściowej

SAP AG 14.06.2013 737
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia podstawowe

SAP AG 738
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania

In this IMG activity you define the basic settings for statistic and partial billing procedures.


You have defined the form ID for attached payment media. To do this, choose Financial Accounting ->
Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Correspondence -> Attached Payment Media ->
Country-Dependent Data for Attached Payment Media or Company-Code Dependent Data for
Attached Payment media in Customizing.


1. Define how a debtor or cash payer receives the budget billing request. The following situations are
- First request received with the bill; the remainder as separate budget billing requests
- Separate budget billing request for each due date
- One budget billing request for all due dates
2. Define how an automatic remaining amount is to be processed.
A remaining amount occurs in the case of late annual consumption billing if the amount is no longer
requested. It can also occur when amounts are adjusted as a result of simulated billing if the due
amounts to be adjusted are higher than the due amounts already requested.
3. Define whether or not you wish to round the sub-budget billing.
4. Define whether you require a detailed description of your budget billing amount due dates, and
determine the required data retention. For example, you can provide an explanatory text for each
due date in the budget billing plan.
Budget billing amount due for January/February 2002.
You enter the texts in the schedule records in scheduling. To do this in the IMG, choose Utilities
Industry -> Basic Functions -> Portioning and Scheduling.
5. Determine which form is to be used to print the budget billing amount during create, change, display
and portion change. These settings can be made separately for cash payers and debitors.
6. Enter the desired form ID. This ID controls printing of the payment form from budget billing
7. Specify which form is to be used for printing the budget billing request for cash payers and debtors.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 739
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla transakcji ekspresowej


In this transaction, you define the basic settings of the express transaction for changing budget billing


1. Define the meter reading type with which a new meter reading is entered.
2. Specify the default print settings.
3. Specify whether the customer contact is hidden or displayed.
4. Specify whether the ’Save Meter Reading/Period Consumption’ check boxes are displayed or provided
with default values.
5. If you use budget billing plans in a deregulated scenario, you can specify whether the grid or supply
contract can be changed. You can query the attribute ChangeNetOrSupply from the BOR object
BUDBILPLNH and, for example, set an indicator for the budget billing plan in the navigation tree that
displays that this plan must not be changed.

SAP AG 740
System R/3
__ Definiowanie not

In this section you define notes for budget billing plans (Objekt EABP).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 741
System SAP

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for budget billing plans with the text object EABP.

SAP AG 742
System R/3
__ Ustalanie kwoty

This section contains all the information required for determining the budget billing amount.
Amount determination controls the following:
- Rounding
- Upper limit and lower limit
- Amount, using general adjustment factors

SAP AG 14.06.2013 743
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie minimalnej kwoty/ ograniczeń zaliczki

In this IMG activity you define the minimum amounts and amount limits for the budget billing amount
for each billing class.


You have defined the billing classes. To do this, choose Utilities Industry -> Contract Billing -> Billing
Master Data -> Define Billing Classes in Customizing.

Standard settings

The standard settings are as follows:

Residential customers (EUR)

Field Value
Lower limit amount 2.50
Upper limit amount 99,999,999,999.99

This means that, if the budget billing amount is less than 2.50 Euro, no budget billing payment is
collected. There are no restrictions on budget billing amounts larger than this amount.
Commercial and industrial customers (EUR)

Field Value
Lower limit amount 150.00
Upper limit amount 99,999,999,999.99

This means that, if the budget billing amount is less than 150.00 Euro, no budget billing payment is
collected. There are no restrictions on budget billing amounts larger than this amount.


Make one entry in the table for each billing class.


Define the amount limits you require for each billing class.

SAP AG 744
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów zaokrąglania

In this IMG activity you define how the budget billing amount is to be rounded.


For the billing class residential customer there are two value ranges with different types of rounding.
Budget billing amounts below 5,000.00 are rounded to the nearest whole number. Budget billing amounts
over 5,000.00 Euro are rounded to the nearest 5.00.
The basic possibilities for rounding are as follows:
- -3 Round to the nearest thousand 2123.3456 => 2000.0
- -2 Round to the nearest hundred 123.3456 => 100.00
- -1 Round to the nearest ten 123.3456 => 120.0
- 0 Round to the nearest whole number 123.3456 => 123.0
- 1 Round to first decimal place 123.3456 => 123.3
- 2 Round to second decimal place 123.3456 => 123.35
- 3 Round to third decimal place 123.3456 => 123.346
This means that the entries for the example are as follows:
BClss No. Curr. BB amt from BB amt to RV
0001 1 EUR 4 999.99 0
0001 2 EUR 5,000.00 9,999,999,999.99 -1


You have defined the billing classes. To do this, choose Utilities Industry -> Contract Billing -> Billing
Master Data -> Define Billing Classes in Customizing.

Standard settings

The above example is used as the standard setting for residential customers. In the case of commercial
and industrial customers, rounding in the respective intervals occurs to the nearest 5.00 or 50.00.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 745
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ogólnego czynnika dostosowania kwoty

In this section you can define a general amount adjustment factor. This factor is multiplied by the net
budget billing amount. The result is saved in the budget billing plan. The factor is only used when you
create budget billing plans.
You can specify the amount adjustment factor according to the following criteria:
- Company code
- Division
- Account determination ID


You must make entries for all company codes, divisions and account determination IDs that occur in
budget billing plans.

Further notes

If you do not want to use an adjustment factor, make no settings here. An adjustment factor with the
value 0 sets the budget billing amount to 0,- EUR.

SAP AG 746
System R/3
__ Opłata za rok z góry (tylko dla statyst. procedury planu rozl. zaliczk.)

In this section you establish settings for the yearly advance payment.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 747
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla opłaty za rok z góry

Use this activity to define the control parameters for the yearly advance payment function.
For each company code, define the default value for participation in the yearly advance payment offer.
Enter the type of participation in the YAP Participation field in the contract account.
In the YAP Interval field, define the number of days within which the customer must pay the YAP
amount in order to be able to participate in a YAP offer.
You must enter a value in the Disconnection Reason field. This value defines the clearing block, which
is active once the YAP interval has expired.


COCD YAP Participation YAP Interval Disconnection Reason

0001 No Participation 30 A

SAP AG 748
System R/3
__ Przypisanie reguły obliczania odsetek dla opłaty za rok z góry

In this activity you set the interest calculation rules to be used for determining the YAP bonus.
A compound interest calculation is carried out for each budget billing plan item. The first item is not
included here, as the due date coincides with the due date for the yearly advanced payment.
The interest amount is saved in the system as a bonus.
The budget billing amounts (not the yearly advanced payment amount) are used as the basis for the
interest calculation.


Define the interest calculation rule.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 749
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Plan płatności

In this IMG section you define payment plans.

SAP AG 750
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów planów płatności (AMB/BBP)

In this IMG activity you define separate payment plan types based on the following payment plan
- BBP procedure
- AMB procedure

SAP AG 14.06.2013 751
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów wydruku dla planu płatności


Use this activity to define the print parameters for printing payment plans.

SAP AG 752
System R/3
__ Dostosowanie wartości standardowych dla kwoty różnicy

In this IMG activity you define the document type for the document that is produced when you manually
adjust the balance forward amount.


To define the document type in Customizing, choose: Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Postings and Documents -> Document ->
Maintain Document Assignments.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 753
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not

In this section you define notes for budget billing plans (Objekt EABP).
You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 754
System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.


Maintain notes for budget billing plans with the text object EABP.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 755
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Parametr sterowania dla planu płatności w Internetowym kl. centrum



In this IMG activity, you make the basic settings for the payment plan in the Interaction Center


You can define:

- Whether or not payment plans can be processed together
- How many inactive payment plans are to be displayed
- How many future start months are to be available for selection when creating a payment plan
- That the last payment plan month in which there is no payment plan amount due is not to be
- Default payment plan category entered when creating a payment plan.
- Whether or not the payment plan amount can be reduced to an amount below the default value.

SAP AG 756
System R/3
__ Schemat płatności

SAP AG 14.06.2013 757
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia podstawowe

SAP AG 758
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla schematu płatności


Use this section to define the basic processing controls for the payment scheme.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 759
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typu schematu płatności


Use this activity to define your own payment scheme categories.

SAP AG 760
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyczyny dezaktywacji


Use this activity to define the deactivation reasons for payment schemes, which you can specify when
deactivating payment schemes. You can thencategorize the payment scheme on the basis of the
deactivation reason.For example, you can assign a separate deactivationreason to payment schemes that
were deactivated due to dunning activities. This allows you to decide later whether or not
thecorresponding customer can participate in payment scheme procedures.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 761
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla schematu płatności


Use this activity to define the number range for the payment scheme.

SAP AG 762
System R/3
__ Przypisanie zakresu numerów do obiektu zakresu numerów

schematu płatności


Use this activity to allocate the defined number range to the number range object.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 763
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania schematu płatności w IC



In this activity you define the control parameters for certain functions of the payment scheme in the CRM
Interaction Center WebClient.

Standard settings

No entries exist in the standard system.


- Not lower than proposed amount

If you select this checkbox, a changed payment scheme amount cannot be lower than the proposed
amount. The proposed amount is determined in event R885.
However, you can override this check if you specify a reason for the change. The amount change
and the reason for the change can be evaluated in event R886.

- Customer Notification
This checkbox is a presetting for the Print Customer Notification field, which is selected when you
create and change a payment scheme.
- Default Category
The payment scheme category that you enter here is used as the default value when you create a new
payment scheme.

- Default Frequency
The frequency that you enter here is used as the default value when you create a new payment

- Default Reason for Change

The reason for change that you enter here is used as the default value when you set up a payment

SAP AG 764
System R/3
__ Określanie i zmiana kwoty

SAP AG 14.06.2013 765
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów zaokrąglania

In this IMG activity you define how the budget billing amount is to be rounded.


For the billing class residential customer there are two value ranges with different types of rounding.
Budget billing amounts below 5,000.00 are rounded to the nearest whole number. Budget billing amounts
over 5,000.00 Euro are rounded to the nearest 5.00.
The basic possibilities for rounding are as follows:
- -3 Round to the nearest thousand 2123.3456 => 2000.0
- -2 Round to the nearest hundred 123.3456 => 100.00
- -1 Round to the nearest ten 123.3456 => 120.0
- 0 Round to the nearest whole number 123.3456 => 123.0
- 1 Round to first decimal place 123.3456 => 123.3
- 2 Round to second decimal place 123.3456 => 123.35
- 3 Round to third decimal place 123.3456 => 123.346
This means that the entries for the example are as follows:
BClss No. Curr. BB amt from BB amt to RV
0001 1 EUR 4 999.99 0
0001 2 EUR 5,000.00 9,999,999,999.99 -1


You have defined the billing classes. To do this, choose Utilities Industry -> Contract Billing -> Billing
Master Data -> Define Billing Classes in Customizing.

Standard settings

The above example is used as the standard setting for residential customers. In the case of commercial
and industrial customers, rounding in the respective intervals occurs to the nearest 5.00 or 50.00.

SAP AG 766
System R/3
__ Definiowanie granic kwoty/ proc. dla dostos. schem. płatn. podczas


Use this activity to define the amount limits / percentage limits for adjustments to the payment scheme in
the periodic bill / interim bill.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 767
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie granic procentowych dla ręcznych zmian schematu



In this activity, you define the amount/percentage limit for manual changes to amounts in the payment
scheme line items. You can define percentage and absolute upper and lower limits for increasing or
decreasing amounts in payment scheme line items. These limits are dependent on billing class, division,
payment frequency, currency, and payment scheme category. Agents, however, can ignore warnings if
the amount limit is exceeded or not reached.

SAP AG 768
System R/3
__ Klienci ryczałtowi

SAP AG 14.06.2013 769
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie okresów liczb


In this activity, you define the payment periods for unmeasured customers.
- General Settings for Year
Here you define the start and the end of the payment period and define whether payment schemes
can be created during a payment break.
Take the following points into account:
- One payment period cannot end after the next one has started.
- Payment breaks must be a reasonable length.
- Also define the payment period for the following year as this date determines the end of the
payment break for the previous year.
- Frequency-specific settings
Here you can determine the end of the payment period for a year for special payment scheme
- Enter at least a payment scheme frequency and a frequency-specific end date.
- Enter a fixed number of payment requests to be made in the payment period.


The following example shows the minimum settings required to create a payment scheme for unmeasured
customers for 2009.

General settings:
Year PP Month PP Day PP End of PP Creation?
2009 04 01 31.01.2010
2010 04 01 31.01.2011

These settings give a payment period from 01.04.2009 to 31.01.2010

and a payment break from 01.02.2010 to 31.03.2010 (start of payment period 2010 minus one day).

If you create a payment scheme for unmeasured customers on 01.07.2009 (advance billing 1,000 UNI,
frequency Monthly, first payment date 10.07.), the following payment scheme lines are generated:

SAP AG 770
System R/3

Start End Payment Date Amount

01.02.2010 31.12.9999 0 UNI
10.08.2009 31.01.2010 10.08.2009 142 UNI
01.07.2009 09.08.2009 10.07.2009 148 UNI

The advance billing of 1,000 UNI is distributed across the payment period defined in Customizing in
such a way that the first payment scheme line includes the rounding difference:
- The first line from 01.07.2009 to 09.08.2009 contains a request (10.07.2009) with the entire
rounding difference, therefore 148 UNI.
- The second line contains 6 requests (10.08.2009, 10.09.2009, 10.10.2009, 10.11.2009, 10.12.2009,
10.01.2010) without any rounding difference, therefore 142 UNI (6*142 UNI + 1*148 UNI = 1,000

SAP AG 14.06.2013 771
System SAP

31.8 Usługi serwisowe dla klienta

In this IMG activity you define settings for customer service.
This includes the following areas:
- Front office
- Customer information
- Customer contacts
- Transaction processing

SAP AG 772
System R/3

31.8.1 Front Office

In this IMG activity, you establish settings for the front office. You can:
- Define front office processes
- Define front office editor steps
- Configure front office
As of Release 1.2 the new core component, Customer Interaction Center, becomes available. This
component contains the complete front office functionality. In Release 1.2 the front office is still
available alongside the Customer Interaction Center. In a later release the customer interaction
center will completely replace the front office.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 773
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procesów Front-Office

In this activity, you define front office processes.

You can execute front office processes from the IS-U front office or the Customer Interaction Center
(CIC) using the action box. When you call a front office process, the action box automatically supplies
parameters (such as the current business partner).

A front office process is made up of two components:

- Process container
- One or more process steps

Process container

The process container contains all data which is used or processed in the Front Office process. You must
first define all the container elements required for your process. To do this, position the cursor on the
Process containerline and choose Edit -> Create Container Element.
In the following dialog, you define whether the container element has a reference to a data dictionary
field or whether it is a business object.
In the parameter attributes, you determine whether the container element is an import or an export
- Import parameter
This means that the value is supplied from outside (from the front office workbench).
- Export parameter
This means that the value can be sent back to the Front Office Workbench after the process is complete.

The Mandatory indicator signifies that a data import must be carried out so that the process can be
carried out.

The editing sequence determines in which field the field appears within the parameter dialog.

Process Steps

A process contains different steps. To create a new process step, position the cursor on Process steps
and choose Edit -> Create.
You can specify what the system calls when executing a step:
- Method of a Business Object
- Workflow
- Front Office Sub Process (processes can be grouped)

SAP AG 774
System R/3

- CATT-Test Procedure
- Editor Step (see IMG activity Define Front Office Steps)
Each call has an interface (an import and export parameter) that is either supplied by the process
container or which is sent back to it. You must define a dataflow for each step. To do this, position the
cursor on the step and choose Edit -> Dataflow.
The dataflow dialog is made up of two components. In the top half you specify the export dataflow from
the process container to the the call interface (step container). On the left, you can see all import
parameters that are defined in the step interface. On the right, use the F4 help to view all the elements of
the process container. If the type of a process container element corresponds to the target object in the
step container, the element is green. Complete type matches are dark green, type relationships are light
The same applies to the import dataflow from the step container to the process container in the bottom
half of the dialog. On the right (data source) the parameters in the step container are offered as possible
entries. All the elements from your process container are on the left (target element).
There is a predefined element in the dataflow <*MAINOBJ*> with a special meaning. <*MAINOBJ*>
always contains the object reference relating to an object method. If you want to maintain a business
partner’s step, you can choose the method "Edit" for object type ISUPARTNER. The <*MAINOBJ*>
element has type ISUPARTNER and must have a corresponding value. You can see this example in the
BPCHAN01 process of delivery customizing. Export parameters are the same. If, for example a "create"
method creates an object first, the new object will be found in the import dataflow and in <*MAINOBJ*>
(see process BPCHAN05, for example). <*MAINOBJ*> corresponds to the element _WI_Object_ID in a
workflow task definition.

Standard settings

You can not change standard entries. You can use the following name ranges: X*, Y*, Z* (customer
name range).


See the SAP standard system. Copy the standard system or add the new front office processes.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 775
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kroków edytora Front-Office

In this activity, you define Front Office Editor steps.

An Editor step is part of a Front Office process or a workflow. It makes it possible to facilitate a data
entry by a user within a process, without having to program a dialog yourself.
This activity allows you to generate a dialog based on an interface that you have previously defined. This
interface is made up of parameters that, as with process container elements, are defined in the previous
activity. In addition to this interface a dialog (a report with corresponding screen) is generated, that
allows you to process the fields described in the interface.
To define the interafce, position the cursor on the "Editor Parameter" line and choose "Edit->Create
In the following dialog, you determine whether the parameter has a reference to a data dictionary field or
whether it is a business object.
In the parameter characteristics, you can see that all parameters are defined as import and export
parameters. Using a suitable dataflow you can always, on one hand, define defaults for the field and on
the other, import user entries into your process or workflow container. The "obligatory" indicator
signifies that it is a required field. If the "Multiple lines" attribute is set, a table will be displayed. The
editing sequence determines where in the parameter dialog the field is to appear.
Using the "Edit->Generate screen" you can generate a report with a screen in a special reserved name
range. In the header information you can enter the suffix of the report name as well as the screen number.
Every time you save your editor step a new report/screen is generated.
Using the "Edit->Test dialog" command, you can display the dialog that is generated.

Standard settings

You can not change the entries that are supplied. You can use the following name ranges: X*, Y*, Z*
(Customer name range).


Check the SAP system standard. Copy the system standard or add a new Front Office Editor step.

SAP AG 776
System R/3
__ Konfiguracja Front-Office

In this IMG activity, you can configure the initial screen of the front office.

Standard settings

You may not change the existing entries provided by SAP. However, you may use the following
namespaces: X*, Y*, and Z* (customer namespaces).


1. Check the configurations provided by SAP in the standard system. If necessary, copy the standard
configurations or add a new front office configuration or process.
2. Maintain the configuration determination for the changes you made.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 777
System SAP

31.8.2 Centrum obsługi klienta

In this IMG activity you establish the following settings for the customer interaction center (CIC). These
- Maintain front office framework ID and parameters
- Define front office processes
- Define front office editor steps
- Define the selection function
- Define auto activity component
As of Release 1.2 the new core component, Customer Interaction Center, becomes available. This
component contains all the functions of the front office. In Release 1.2 both the CIC and the front
office are available. In a later release the CIC will completely replace the front office.
These IMG activities do not contain the entire CIC Customizing. This activity only contains
IS-U-specific Customizing settings. For the standard CIC Customizing settings, see Customer Service
and Customer Interaction Center-> Customer Interaction Center and Telephone Integration-> Settings for
Customer Interaction Center (CIC).

SAP AG 778
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przeglądu klientów HTML

In this IMG activity, you define which information you want to display in the HTML customer overview.
You can also define which data to transfer to other systems in the form of XML information using the
EWHV_XML WebRFC service. To do this, you must create a HTML data selection, which defines the
data objects and attributes you want to use . The data objects activated in the HTML data selection
constitute the field list of the HTML customer overview. They can be reached on the Internet Transaction
Server (ITS) as business HTML fields in your customer overview.
To create an HTML data selection, proceed as follows:
1. Choose the structure you want to use, and then the data object you want to be displayed in the
HTML customer overview.
Deactivate any data objects you do not want to display.
2. For each object type, activate the attributes you want to use in your HTML template. To do this
select the Value Printout field.
If you do not specifically activate any attributes, then all the attributes are automatically activated.
Instead of activating individual attributes on the first tab, you can use the second tab and deactivate
The Function module field is not used at this stage.


We recommend that you deactivate all the objects and attributes that you do not want to use in your
HTML template. This improves performance.


Copy and maintain your data selection in the customer name spaces X*, Y*and Z*.

Further notes

To create a HTML-based customer overview you must create the HTML data selection and perform the
following additional activities:
1. Set up the service on the internet transaction server (ITS)
To be able to use the HTML customer overview, you must first set up the following services on the
ITS: EWHV und ISU_GLOBAL. To do this, create a service file and a service folder by checking
out service EWHV and ISU_GLOBAL from the system. Use the SAP@Web studio.
For more information on the SAP@Web studio, choose Help -> SAP Library ->
Cross-Application Components -> SAP Internet Applications -> SAP@Wb Studio.
2. Create an HTML template for the customer overview.
Create an HTML template with the description <xxx>.HTML in the service folder.
Replace the placeholder <xxx> with the name of the HTML data selection. You can also use the

SAP AG 14.06.2013 779
System SAP

standard SAP HTML templates PARTNER.HTML (customer overview) or ACCOUNT.HTML

(contract account overview).
In the HTML template, you have access to all the attribute values that you activated in the data
selection. The system uses business HTML functions to enable this access; they are defined in file
EWHV_FUNCTIONS.HTML. To access the values, you must integrate the functions using an
include ("ewhv_functions"). This template is located in the ISU_GLOBAL service.
The business HTML functions enable you to access both the attribute values and the navigation via
the objects. For information on the precise usage of the business HTML objects, see the standard
examples. It is planned to enable the system to automatically generate HTML templates.
You display the customer overview in the browser. It has the following URL:
http://<ITS-URL>/servicename/!?~okcode+objkey=<Business partner number>
You have created HTML data selection XOV1 and service EWHV. You then call the URL:
Note that in the URL, the customer number must contains the initial sequence 000000.
3. Use the HTML customer overview, for example in the CIC Application Area
You can integrate the HTML customer overview, for example in the CIC Application Area. Choose
the menu path SAP Utilities -> Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Maintain
Standard Settings for Navigationand Application Area, and include the CUSTINFO component.
You must also create a configuration for this component. To do this, in Customizing, choose
Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Components Configuration ->
Application Area -> Maintain HTML Configuration of Application Area. Enter the entire URL
(see above) as far as the parameter OBJKEY in the External URL field. Create the following two
external parameters:
- Parameter CLASSID with editing sequence 1
- Parameter OBJKEY with editing sequence 2
During runtime, the value of parameters CLASSID and OBJKEY are automatically supplied and the
customer overview for the current customer in the CIC is called.
You can also use the HTML customer overview as a call from the action box, or from the context

SAP AG 780
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procesu dla dokumentów wpływających

The inbound documents enables you to receive all documents, E-mails and faxes sent to company’s
service addresses, and pass them on to the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) for processing.
The business object workflow start for inbound documents (CCPRECEIVE) automatically receives all
inbound messages. For each inbound E-mail it starts a workflow that acts as the container in which the
document is processed. SAP provides the standard workflow WS20500144 which automatically answers
the sender’s mail with a confirmation of receipt. It then attempts to determine the relevant business
partner by means of the sender’s E-mail address. The system then generates a dialog workitem for the
method CCPCICWI.ExecuteCICDocumentItem- this represents the received document in the workflow
inbox of the CIC agent. These workitems can only be executed in the workflow inbox of the CIC.
When the agent executes the document, the system displays the document. It also and communicates the
business partner to the business partner component of the CIC in the same way as an incoming call. The
system also places the mail in the CIC clipboard. If necessary, the agent can initiate a response mail to the
business partner or a callback.
Once the mail has been processed, the CIC agent ends the workitem. He/she can cancel the workitem,
retain it in his/her inbox or place it in the general CIC inbox where it as accessible to all CIC agents.
In this IMG activity, you maintain the settings of the recipient object CCPRECEIVE. This includes the
configuration of the workflow that is started, as well as the start priority and the E-mail address to which
the agent sends any answers.
See Preconditions for information on the SAPconnect settings required for the CCPRECEIVE
configuration to receive the documents. These settings also ensure that the workflow is able to send
documents as answers to the mail.

Standard settings

Maintain SAPconnect settings in the IMG under Basis -> Basis Services-> Communication
Interfaces -> SAPconnect Cross Client Settings. You can also use the function SCOT with which
you can manage and monitor SAPconnect.
To display the workitems in the CIC, activate the CIC workflow inbox for the application area in your
profile. For more information, see Establish Settings for the Workflow Inbox Component. WS20500144.
SAP provides the standard task group TG20500002 that contains all the ta sks associated with this
process, including the example workflow WS20500144.


Use your own workflows to process E-mails to be sent to different addresses. The text for the automatic
confirmation mail is stored as a task description of the workflow step for send the automatic reply.
You can include additional steps in your workflow to, for example, change the priority of the workflow
on the basis of the business partner.
You can also remove the workflow step that identifies the business partner. The business partner is then
automatically identified when the workitem is executed in the CIC.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 781
System SAP

Further notes

You can send SAP system documents to predefined E-mail address and fax numbers using your own user.
This enables you to test your settings locally. The documents are then sent to the address/number with
your user master specified as the sender. If the settings are correct then you will find an automatic reply
in your normal SAPoffice inbox.
You must also define an additional node for the communication type INT or FAX that processes the
documents sent to the predefined recipient addresses and uses the RFC dsetination NONE.
You do not have to schedule any sending jobs. You can start a sending job for the relevant
communication type manually in the function SCOT after you have sent the document. This means you
do not have to wait for next scheduled sending process in order to continue testing.
Give the E-mail address/fax number from your user master to one of your business partners, so that you
can test the business partner identification settings in both the workflow and the CIC.

SAP AG 782
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procesu dla czynności oddzwonienia do klienta

Using the customer callback process, you enable your customers to request a phone call from a Customer
Interaction Center (CIC) agent via your home page in the Internet, or via telephone (for example using
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)).
The process requires the customer to specify the number at which he/she wants to be called. He/she can
provide a business partner number and the reason for the callback. In addition, he/she can specify the
time at which the agent should call. You can define a number of other objects and values to be transferred
for the callback. The system then passes all these to the workflow container where they can be evaluated.
For each inbound callback request, the system generates a workflow. This workflow ends with a special
dialog workitem for the method CCPCICWI.ExecuteCICCallbackItem, which represents the callback
request in the workflow inbox of the CIC agent.
These workitems can only be executed in the workflow inbox of the CIC.
When the agent executes the workitem, the system displays the number to be called and the reason for the
call. The business partner who is to be called is communicated to the business partner component of the
CIC in the same way as an inbound call. In addition, the workflow and any objects appended to the
workflow are placed on the CIC clipboard.
During processing of the workitem, the agent can initiate the call to either the number given by the
customer or to the corresponding business partner telephone number as stored in the system.
When the callback is complete, the agent ends the workitem. If the callback is unsuccessful, it can be
retained in the agent’s inbox. It can also be placed in the general CIC inbox, where it can be accessed by
all the CIC agents.
In this IMG activity, you define which workflow tasks are based on the callback reason at the start of the
workflow, as well as the start priority of the workflow. If the customer has not given a reason for the
callback then the settings for the entry are all assigned initial values. If this entry is also not available then
the system start a workflow for the SAP standard task TS20500333. Theses settings apply cross-client.

Further notes

The system generates a callback request by calling the RFC-compatible fucntion module
ISU_CIC_CALLBACK_REQUEST_CREA. This module attempts to identify the customer by means of
the callback number that was given if the customer has not identified him/herself.
We are currently developing an Internet service for this scenario. However, you can easily create your
own using the flow logic provided.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 783
System SAP

SAP AG 784
System R/3
__ Opracowanie ID Front-Office-Framework i parametrów

In this IMG activity you define the front office framwork ID and its parameters. You also allocate visible
and invisible components from the CIC to the framework ID.
First you must define the framework. The framework definition consists of the screen layoutas well as the
selection and arrangement of visual and functional components.
When you select a screen, you are already determining its basic layout. You have three choices:
- Screen with vertically arranged slots
- Screen division in L-format (large)
- Screen division in L-format (small)

If you choose an L-shaped format then the slots are arranged as follows:

Slot 1 small rectangular area on the upper left-hand side

Slots 2 and 3 two wide flat areas on the upper right-hand side. Arranged one above the other
Slot 5 long and narrow area underneath slot 1. As wide as slot 1
Slot 6 wide area next to slot 5. As high as slot 5
Slots 4 and 7 two flat areas under slots 5 and 6

You can determine the content of the slots by allocating the components to them.

Allocate the visible components to the slots in which you want them to appear. You can also allocate
hidden components that do not appear on thh screen but perform functions in background.
Visible components
Allocate the visible components to your framework. Use the input help whenever possible to choose your
components and variants. Arrange the selection on the screen layout. Note that in the case of L-format
frameworks you have no choice when allocating components to the different parts of the screen.
Note the following standard setups:

Framework with six vertically arranged slots You can arange the following slots as you want:
- ACTION_BOX: call start, table presentation
- ABOX_SLIM: call start, pushbutton box with drop-down menus
- BD_DISPLAY: clipboard
- CALL_STATE: display of the current business partner(s) (telephone integration)

SAP AG 14.06.2013 785
System SAP

- CCONT: component container for including additional components

- ISUFINDER: IS-U search criteria
- QUICK_KEYS: function keys
- SCRIPT_DISP: reminder scripting display
- SPL_SEARCH: input template for the solution database
- APPL_AREA: standard application area for HTML configuration calls started in the action box.

Framework in L-format
You do not have a free choice in the selection and arrangement of the cocomponents. The following
allocations are possible:
- Slot 1: ISUSDPART: business partner ID
- Slot 5: NAV_AREA:navigation area
- Slot 6: APPL_AREA_2: application area

In the navigation and application area in slots 5 and 6 you can use several specialist components
simultaneously. You can establish these settings in SAP Utilities -> Customer Service -> Maintain
Navigation and Application Areas

Slots 4 and 7 are not used in IS-U.

Hidden components
There are three types of hidden component:

Independent components
- AUTO_CALL (autocalls)
- CALL_BACK (call returns)
- CIC_TOOLBAR (symbol and toolbar) This component must be used.
- HLOG (logging)

Components that require the allocation of visible components

- CTI (telephone integration) for CALL_STATE
- HIDDEN_SCRPT (scripting) for SCRPT_DISP

Components that can be used in combination with visible components

SAP AG 786
System R/3

- BD_MARK (selection function) with BD_DISPLAY

- CALLCRT (call center) with CALL_STATE

The components CSEARCH_DISP and CSEARCH_HIDE are not used in IS-U. We no longer
recommend you use the component HTML-based customer overview (CUST_OVIEW) for
performance reasons.
In this activity, you can execute the three standard activities for front office framework maintenance on
the same screen. You can find the original activities in Customer Service -> Customer Interaction
Center -> Define Front Office Frameworks
- Maintain Front Office Framework ID and Parameters
- Assignment of Visible Components to Framework IDs
- Assignment of Hidden Components to Framework IDs

SAP AG 14.06.2013 787
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procesów Front-Office

In this activity, you define front office processes.

You can execute front office processes from the IS-U front office or the Customer Interaction Center
(CIC) using the action box. When you call a front office process, the action box automatically supplies
parameters (such as the current business partner).

A front office process is made up of two components:

- Process container
- One or more process steps

Process container

The process container contains all data which is used or processed in the Front Office process. You must
first define all the container elements required for your process. To do this, position the cursor on the
Process containerline and choose Edit -> Create Container Element.
In the following dialog, you define whether the container element has a reference to a data dictionary
field or whether it is a business object.
In the parameter attributes, you determine whether the container element is an import or an export
- Import parameter
This means that the value is supplied from outside (from the front office workbench).
- Export parameter
This means that the value can be sent back to the Front Office Workbench after the process is complete.

The Mandatory indicator signifies that a data import must be carried out so that the process can be
carried out.

The editing sequence determines in which field the field appears within the parameter dialog.

Process Steps

A process contains different steps. To create a new process step, position the cursor on Process steps
and choose Edit -> Create.
You can specify what the system calls when executing a step:
- Method of a Business Object
- Workflow
- Front Office Sub Process (processes can be grouped)

SAP AG 788
System R/3

- CATT-Test Procedure
- Editor Step (see IMG activity Define Front Office Steps)
Each call has an interface (an import and export parameter) that is either supplied by the process
container or which is sent back to it. You must define a dataflow for each step. To do this, position the
cursor on the step and choose Edit -> Dataflow.
The dataflow dialog is made up of two components. In the top half you specify the export dataflow from
the process container to the the call interface (step container). On the left, you can see all import
parameters that are defined in the step interface. On the right, use the F4 help to view all the elements of
the process container. If the type of a process container element corresponds to the target object in the
step container, the element is green. Complete type matches are dark green, type relationships are light
The same applies to the import dataflow from the step container to the process container in the bottom
half of the dialog. On the right (data source) the parameters in the step container are offered as possible
entries. All the elements from your process container are on the left (target element).
There is a predefined element in the dataflow <*MAINOBJ*> with a special meaning. <*MAINOBJ*>
always contains the object reference relating to an object method. If you want to maintain a business
partner’s step, you can choose the method "Edit" for object type ISUPARTNER. The <*MAINOBJ*>
element has type ISUPARTNER and must have a corresponding value. You can see this example in the
BPCHAN01 process of delivery customizing. Export parameters are the same. If, for example a "create"
method creates an object first, the new object will be found in the import dataflow and in <*MAINOBJ*>
(see process BPCHAN05, for example). <*MAINOBJ*> corresponds to the element _WI_Object_ID in a
workflow task definition.

Standard settings

You can not change standard entries. You can use the following name ranges: X*, Y*, Z* (customer
name range).


See the SAP standard system. Copy the standard system or add the new front office processes.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 789
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kroków edytora Front-Office

In this activity, you define Front Office Editor steps.

An Editor step is part of a Front Office process or a workflow. It makes it possible to facilitate a data
entry by a user within a process, without having to program a dialog yourself.
This activity allows you to generate a dialog based on an interface that you have previously defined. This
interface is made up of parameters that, as with process container elements, are defined in the previous
activity. In addition to this interface a dialog (a report with corresponding screen) is generated, that
allows you to process the fields described in the interface.
To define the interafce, position the cursor on the "Editor Parameter" line and choose "Edit->Create
In the following dialog, you determine whether the parameter has a reference to a data dictionary field or
whether it is a business object.
In the parameter characteristics, you can see that all parameters are defined as import and export
parameters. Using a suitable dataflow you can always, on one hand, define defaults for the field and on
the other, import user entries into your process or workflow container. The "obligatory" indicator
signifies that it is a required field. If the "Multiple lines" attribute is set, a table will be displayed. The
editing sequence determines where in the parameter dialog the field is to appear.
Using the "Edit->Generate screen" you can generate a report with a screen in a special reserved name
range. In the header information you can enter the suffix of the report name as well as the screen number.
Every time you save your editor step a new report/screen is generated.
Using the "Edit->Test dialog" command, you can display the dialog that is generated.

Standard settings

You can not change the entries that are supplied. You can use the following name ranges: X*, Y*, Z*
(Customer name range).


Check the SAP system standard. Copy the system standard or add a new Front Office Editor step.

SAP AG 790
System R/3
__ Definiowanie funkcji zaznaczania

In this IMG activity you define the selection function. After a process has been executed in the CIC, the
affected business objects can be copied to the clipboard.
You can then execute another process on these business objects from the clipboard. This saves the agent
time as the data does not have to be re-entered.
You must define the relevant business objects for display and sorting purposes for each CIC


- The component business data display (BDD) must be activated in CIC

- The marker function component must be activated in CIC Customizing.
- Maintain these components in customer service and Customer Interaction Center -> Settings for
Customer Interaction Center (CIC)

Standard settings

You cannot alter standard entries. You can use the following namespaces: 9*, X*, Y*, Z* (customer


Allocate your configuration (CIC profile) to the business objects

you want to display and sort.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 791
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie składników czynności automat.

In this IMG activity you define the autocall component.

You can use the new hidden component autocall to configure the CIC in such a way that automatic calls
from the action box are triggered by certain events, such as when a customer is identified or when a
telephone call is received. You can also make the call start from the action box dependent on the content
of the clipboard (business data display).
The new component responds to activities recorded in the log or in the scripting component. If an activity
occurs in the CIC for which a call start is planned in the autocall profile then the activity evaluates the
conditions stored in the CIC against elements from the clipboard. Once these conditions are met it starts
the corresponding calls from the action box configuration.


You want to configure the system so that the customer overview is automatically displayed when a
business partner has been identified in the CIC.
To do this, define the profile you require from the autocall component by entering the appropriate key.
You then branch to the actions. In the Activity field enter ISUPARTNER_ID (business partner
identified). In the Call ID field enter OP. The value OP then links to the method customer overview.
You have now linked an activity to a call.


1. Define the activities you require in the autocall component.

2. Allocate the autocall profile to the framework ID and the CIC profile.
Customer Service and Customer Interation Center -> Customer Interaction Center and
Telephone Integration -> Settings for Customer Interaction Center (CIC) -> Definition
of Front Office Framework -> Assignment of Hidden Components to Framework IDs
- CIC profile
Customer Service and Customer Interation Center -> Customer Interaction Center and
Telephone Integration -> Settings for Customer Interaction Center (CIC) -> CIC Profile
Maintain CIC Profile

SAP AG 792
System R/3
__ Definiowanie otoczenia danych obszaru nawigacji

In this IMG activity, you can define your own data environments for the navigation area in the new CIC.
When you maintain the profiles, you have the following options:
- Choose the structure you want to use
- Choose the level you want to display
- Define additional selection parameters for each level (such as the minimum/maximum number of
customer contacts to be selected)
- Maintain the presentation rules. These determine the object attributes the system displays. SAP
supplies a default presentation for most object types which you can either adopt or overwrite.
From the intitial screen, use the Maintain action profile pushbutton to branch to the maintenance screen
of the action box configuration linked to your profile. In this screen you can determine which actions you
want to call by double click, and which ones by accessing menu nodes.
The action groups that correspond to the node types are automatically generated in your profile. They
correspond to the object types displayed in the allocated data environment. You can use the following
objects for the data flow you want to define:
- <*NODEOBJECT*> object selected during runtime#
- <*ROOTOBJECT*> current business partner during runtime

Standard settings

SAP supplies example profiles that you can either use or adapt to your requirements.


Include your data environment in component NAV_AREA or APPL_AREA by assigning the component
NAV_VIEW and the profile of your data environment. You perform this activity in Maintain Standard
Settings for Navigation and Application Areas.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 793
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Dokonywanie ustawień dla składnika foldera wejściowego Workflow

In this IMG activity, you establish the settings of the workflow inbox component (WF_INBOX) for the
application area of the Customer Interaction Center (CIC).
On the Workflow inbox profile level of the view cluster, you maintain the profile name and an
explanatory text. On the Task filter level, can enter task (single or multi-step), or task groups to serve as
the filter. The system then only displays workitems whose basic tasks match the crtieria of the filter.
If you do not maintain the filter settings then the system display all the workitems that are displayed in
the general inbox of the SAP Business Workplace.
To activate the workflow inbox in a CIC profile, you must go to the IMG activity Maintain Navigation
and Application Areas.Include the component WF_INBOX with the profile maintained here in one of the
tabs of the application area.


Task group TG20500002 contains all the standard SAP tasks intended for use in the CIC. sind.


When setting the task filter, ensure that you can only display workitems intended for the CIC context.
This reduces the number of workitems the system proposes.
If you want, you can execute all the workitems from the CIC inbox (in the full screen). However,
constructing the list of workitems impairs system performance.

Further notes

The system only displays workitems that the user can process him/herself. The task filter is provided to
reduce this list still further.

SAP AG 794
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ustawień dla historii kontaktów

In this IMG activity you can allocate default data in selection dialog (search funtion) to the contact
history of the CIC navigation area.
When you create a new entry, enter the profile name and an explanatory text. Select the Created by field
if you want to allow changes to the field. In the Number field, you can specify the maximum number of
contact for which you want the system to search. In the Days, Hours, and Minutes fields, you can
restrict the selection criteria.


You enter the following data:

- Class: 1
- Activity: 2
- Hours: 3
All contacts in class 1 and relating to activity 2 from the last 3 hoursare displayed belonging to the agent
currently logged on.


We recommmed you configure the selection criteria as simply as possible using as few individual criteria
as possible. Overly complicated criteria may impair system performance.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 795
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie obszaru nawigacji i aplikacji

In this IMG activity, you define which information in the navigation and application areas is to loaded
when you start the new CIC.
You can load HTML configurations (see Customer Service -> Customer Interation Center ->
Component Configuration -> Application Areas) and component workspaces. This includes the
clipboard, contact processing, the customer overview and the data environment.


Ensure that the clipboard (business data display) is assigned in each profile. This is necessary as the
clipboard is needed for action box calls.
Always maintain HTML configurations, component workspaces and their profiles using the F4 help. The
system does not immediately recognize invalied entries; these can then cause problems during runtime
(such as program crashes).
We recommend you process customer contacts in the application area only.
The customer information workspace also requires a HTML configuration as a profile. Each time a
business partner is identified or called, this HTML configuration is called. The object type
(ISUPARTNER) serves as an external parameter, and the business partner key as an external parameter
with the editing sequence 1 (object type) or 2 (key). You can choose the parameter names yourself.
In addition, you can choose another HTML configuration that is displayed when the system cannot
identify a business partner. The name of this HTML configuration is composed of the name of the
customer information HTML and the suffix INIT.


Maintain your own profiles.

Further notes

You can include your own profile in the CIC profile in the component profile

SAP AG 796
System R/3
__ Definiowanie danych sterowania dla wywołań WebGUI

In this IMG activity you maintain the URL of the internet transaction server for the current logical
system. The ITS must have the EWB_WEBGUI service.
The ITS is used in the new CIC to configure the system so that you can call the action box in the
application error, instead of in a full-screen session. To be able to carry out an action box call in the
application area, the Execute in application area field must be selected in the action box profile on the
call level.
You can specify a number of ITS according to your requirements, or, without giving your user name,
define a default value.
By using the Un field (suppress inplace), you can deactivate the inplace calls. This can either be done
temporarily, or so that it only applies to specific users.
If you do not maintain a URL then you can only call the action box in full-screen sessions.


For examples, see http: //www.yourdomain.com/scripts/wgate/

SAP AG 14.06.2013 797
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pasków symboli i definiowanych przez użytkownika

statusów GUI

In this IMG activity you can create profiles for the standard toolbars, thereby selecting the GUI status for
your call center settings.
Unlike the Define Toolbars and GUI Status activity in the Customer Service IMG, in this IMG activity
you can also use user-defined statuses.
In a user-defined status, you can, for example, add functions to function key without having to define an
action box call.
If you want to use a user-defined status, copy one of the statuses from the SAPLEE_CIC_TOOLBAR
function group to the SAPLXEECICTOOLBAR function group.
In this customer enhancement group you can then change the copied status.

Further notes

You must allocate the profile defined in this activity to the TBAR2_PROF profile category. You do this
in the Maintain CIC Profile IMG activity.
In the Assignment of Hidden Components to Framework IDs IMG activity, you must also allocate the
CIC_TOOLBAR2 component.
If you use this component, you can no longer allocate the CIC_TOOLBAR component.

SAP AG 798
System R/3
__ Opracowanie składnika partnera handlowego


In this IMG activty you define which master data template to use when creating the business partner in
CIC. If you do not make an entry, the default template CIC Partner is used.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 799
System SAP

31.8.3 Informacja dla klienta

In this IMG activity you establish settings for customer information. You must configure the data
environment display.

Further notes

For more information on modeling consumption histories/bill printout histories in customer information,
refer to the following documentation: Bill printout history

SAP AG 800
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów systemu dla historii zużycia

In this IMG activity, you define the parameters for the consumption history of the Internet application
component (IAC).
- Standard settings
- In the standard settings, the Contract account (select contract account) field is not selected.
This means that the systems takes all the contract accounts into consideration.
- Select the Contract account field.
A dialog box appears in which you can select contract accounts.
- Activities
Check the configurations defined by SAP in the standard system. You can change the standard
configuration if necessary.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 801
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja historii zużycia

In this IMG activity, you can configure the display function for consumption history data in the customer
- Standard settings
The system proposes evaluation group 001 as a default value. However, it can be changed.
- Aktivitäten
Check the configurations defined by SAP in the standard system. If required, copy the standard
configuration or create a new configuration.

SAP AG 802
System R/3
__ Konfiguracja wyświetlania otoczenia danych

In this IMG activity, you can configure the display of the data environment. The data environment can be
displayed from various transactions via the "environment" menu option. The data environment can also
be displayed from various front office processes.

Standard settings

You may not change the existing navigation configuration entries provided by SAP. However, you may
use the following namespaces: X*, Y*, and Z* (customer namespaces).
The configuration determination has deleivery class C and is not subject to any restrictions. You can
therefore use a configuration without having to define the user context. Previously,the standard SAP
entries had to modified to do this.
User contexts are now no longer subject to restrictions.


1. Check the configurations provided by SAP in the standard system. If necessary, copy the standard
configurations or add a new configuration.
2. Maintain the configuration determination for the changes you have made.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 803
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przeglądu klientów HTML

In this IMG activity, you define which information you want to display in the HTML customer overview.
You can also define which data to transfer to other systems in the form of XML information using the
EWHV_XML WebRFC service. To do this, you must create a HTML data selection, which defines the
data objects and attributes you want to use . The data objects activated in the HTML data selection
constitute the field list of the HTML customer overview. They can be reached on the Internet Transaction
Server (ITS) as business HTML fields in your customer overview.
To create an HTML data selection, proceed as follows:
1. Choose the structure you want to use, and then the data object you want to be displayed in the
HTML customer overview.
Deactivate any data objects you do not want to display.
2. For each object type, activate the attributes you want to use in your HTML template. To do this
select the Value Printout field.
If you do not specifically activate any attributes, then all the attributes are automatically activated.
Instead of activating individual attributes on the first tab, you can use the second tab and deactivate
The Function module field is not used at this stage.


We recommend that you deactivate all the objects and attributes that you do not want to use in your
HTML template. This improves performance.


Copy and maintain your data selection in the customer name spaces X*, Y*and Z*.

Further notes

To create a HTML-based customer overview you must create the HTML data selection and perform the
following additional activities:
1. Set up the service on the internet transaction server (ITS)
To be able to use the HTML customer overview, you must first set up the following services on the
ITS: EWHV und ISU_GLOBAL. To do this, create a service file and a service folder by checking
out service EWHV and ISU_GLOBAL from the system. Use the SAP@Web studio.
For more information on the SAP@Web studio, choose Help -> SAP Library ->
Cross-Application Components -> SAP Internet Applications -> SAP@Wb Studio.
2. Create an HTML template for the customer overview.
Create an HTML template with the description <xxx>.HTML in the service folder.
Replace the placeholder <xxx> with the name of the HTML data selection. You can also use the

SAP AG 804
System R/3

standard SAP HTML templates PARTNER.HTML (customer overview) or ACCOUNT.HTML

(contract account overview).
In the HTML template, you have access to all the attribute values that you activated in the data
selection. The system uses business HTML functions to enable this access; they are defined in file
EWHV_FUNCTIONS.HTML. To access the values, you must integrate the functions using an
include ("ewhv_functions"). This template is located in the ISU_GLOBAL service.
The business HTML functions enable you to access both the attribute values and the navigation via
the objects. For information on the precise usage of the business HTML objects, see the standard
examples. It is planned to enable the system to automatically generate HTML templates.
You display the customer overview in the browser. It has the following URL:
http://<ITS-URL>/servicename/!?~okcode+objkey=<Business partner number>
You have created HTML data selection XOV1 and service EWHV. You then call the URL:
Note that in the URL, the customer number must contains the initial sequence 000000.
3. Use the HTML customer overview, for example in the CIC Application Area
You can integrate the HTML customer overview, for example in the CIC Application Area. Choose
the menu path SAP Utilities -> Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Maintain
Standard Settings for Navigationand Application Area, and include the CUSTINFO component.
You must also create a configuration for this component. To do this, in Customizing, choose
Customer Service -> Customer Interaction Center -> Components Configuration ->
Application Area -> Maintain HTML Configuration of Application Area. Enter the entire URL
(see above) as far as the parameter OBJKEY in the External URL field. Create the following two
external parameters:
- Parameter CLASSID with editing sequence 1
- Parameter OBJKEY with editing sequence 2
During runtime, the value of parameters CLASSID and OBJKEY are automatically supplied and the
customer overview for the current customer in the CIC is called.
You can also use the HTML customer overview as a call from the action box, or from the context

SAP AG 14.06.2013 805
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja przeglądu klientów dla wyświetlania HTML (poprz.)

In this IMG activity you configure the customer overview for the HTML display. The customer overview
can be called from the customer interaction center and from the front office as either
- a standard display
- or as a HTML display


Configure the customer overview for the HTML display.

Start the following report. This report copies certain resources (graphics, java script libraries) into the
local file system. In the customer information configuration, specify where these resources can be found
at runtime. This can either be a file path or a URL prefix.
Export resources from the web repository
Start the following report. This report generates an optimal, monolingual version of an existing customer
information configuration. If the outbox configuration contains HTML pages either from the text pool or
field labels from R/3 data elements, significant improvements in performance can be achieved.
Generates a language version of a HTML customer information configuration

Further notes

For more information, there is a detailed description of the HTML display. You can request this
description from SAP.

SAP AG 806
System R/3

31.8.4 Przetwarzanie operacji

In this section you define settings for different transactions and business processes such as:
- Move-in
- Move-out
- Disconnection
- Initial data creation

SAP AG 14.06.2013 807
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie właścicieli

In this IMG activity, you determine owner allocations. There are three ways of allocating owners to
premises in IS-U:
- Maintenance via the premise
In this case, you can only maintain the owner using the transaction for the premise. Historical
maintenance is not possible.
- Maintenance via owner allocation without automatic move-in
In this case, you can only maintain the owner using the transaction for owner allocation.
Maintenance via the premise is then no longer possible. The advantage of this procedure is that
owner allocation can be maintained historically using a key date.
- Maintenance via owner allocation with automatic move-in
In this case, you can only maintain the owner using the transaction for owner allocation.
Maintenance via the premise is then no longer possible. The advantage of this procedure is that
owner allocation can be maintained historically using a key date. In addition, this procedure
automatically triggers the move-in from the owner allocation. This procedure is used for example,
by customers who always have the owner move into an empty premise. An automatic owner
move-in or move-out is started by a workflow.

SAP AG 808
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla przypisania właścicieli

In this IMG activity, you define the number ranges for owner allocation.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 809
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyboru pól dla przypisania właściciela


In this activity, you define the field selection forowner allocation.

In this activity, you specify which fields are displayed on the maintenance and display screens
for functions used by IS-U. You also define their characteristics.
Choosing the right fields can considerably reduce the time and effortneeded for processing data
as well as reduce the number of errors.
The menu path Goto -> Modifiable enables you to specify the fields that appear on
maintenance and display screens in functions and to determine their characteristics. As a result,
you can adjust theappearance of screens to meet the requirements and abilities of users.
You must enter an existing module pool as the initial criteria
IS-U field selection is currently supported by the following module pools:
o Master Data
- SAPLES20 Contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 Installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 Connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 Device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 Premise (screen group 0001)
o Device Management
- SAPLE10R Device data for dialog box (screen group 1100)
o Customer Service
- SAPLEC60 Move-in/move-out selection screen (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 Move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR Move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ Move-in/move-out, gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group 0200)

Standard settings
In the SAP standard delivery, the radio button field ready for input is activated for all modified
Small and medium-sized municipal utility companies can activate an automatically reduced field

SAP AG 810
System R/3

view in all master objects.

Since this customer section often does not need all functions to bedisplayed on the screen, SAP
has developed a way of automatically reducing the fields for master data.
A hierarchical Business Configuration Set (BC Set) with the key ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER
is used to do this. This BC Set automatically reduces the fields in the following master data
objects to anecessary minimum:
o Business partner
o Contract account
o Contract
o Installation
o Connection object
o Premise
o Device location
o Device
For further information, see the documentation on the BC Set mentioned above.

Keep the number of fields to be displayed on the screen to a minimum.The fewer fields you
offer the user, the easier his or her work becomes.

1. Select the screen group you want to process. To do this, place the cursor on the desired field.
a) Select the menu path Goto -> Modifiable. This takes you to the view Field Selection:
Modifiable Fields
b) Then select Goto -> Influencing. This takes you to the view Field Selection: Influencing
Field Enter the field value in the field Influencing Value and select Continue.
2. Specify the following for every field:
a) Field must be ready for input
b) Data must be entered in this field
c) Display field only
This can be used for default values that should not be overwritten.
d) Hide field
Select the radio button in the field Hide field. This ensures that unnecessary fields are not
e) Highlight field
You can select this radio button in combination with the other indicators

Further notes
You can view all of your profile selections via the menu path Goto -> All Influences.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 811
System SAP



SAP AG 812
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzaju przypisania właścicieli

In this IMG activity, you define the type of owner allocation. One of the following procedures will be
activated depending on the parameters you set:
- Maintenance via the premise
In this case, you can only maintain the owner by using the transaction for the premise. Historical
maintenance is not possible.
- Maintenance via owner allocation without automatic move-in
In this case, you can only maintain the owner by using the transaction for owner allocation.
Maintenance via the premise is then no longer possible. An advantage of this procedure is that the
owner allocation can be maintained historically using a key date.
- Maintenance via owner allocation with automatic move-in
In this case, you can only maintain the owner by using the transaction for owner allocation.
Maintenance via the premise is then no longer possible. An advantage of this procedure is that the
owner allocation can be maintained historically using a key date. In addition, the move-in is
automatically triggered from the owner allocation. This procedure is used, for example by customers
who automatically have the owner "move into" an empty premise. An automatic owner move-in or
move-out is started by a workflow.

You must specify the earliest and latest possible start date for the workflow.
You must also define charges for this procedure. For example, you can define a charge for agreeing
an automatic owner move-in and for the automatic move-in itself. To do this, you must specify a
charge schedule. Both charge categories must be defined in the charge schedule.


You must have maintained the following data:

- The charge categories must have been defined. You can make these settings in Customizing under
Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounting -> Basic Functions -> Correspondence -> Define
Charge Categories for Correspondence.
- The charge schedules must have been defined. You can find them in Cusomizing under -> Financial
Accounting -> Contract Accounting -> Basic Functions-> Correspondence-> Configure Charge
Schedules for Correspondence.
- The charge types must have been allocated to a document type and to predecessors. You can find
them in Customizing under Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounting -> Business Transcations
-> Dunning Notices -> Define Document Types for Dunning Charge Categories.
- The payment terms must have been defined. You can find them in Customizing under Financial
Accounting -> Contract Accounting -> Basic Functions -> Postings and Documents -> Document
-> Maintain Payment Terms.

Standard settings

The premise is the setting in the standard release for maintaining owner allocation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 813
System SAP


Specify the type of owner allocation you desire in the system.

SAP AG 814
System R/3
__ Definiow. dodatk. czynności do automat. przypis. właścicieli

In this IMG activity you define additional activities for the automatic owner move-in. You can only
define additional activities if you have determined the "Owner allocation with automatic move-in"
procedure in the previous IMG activity.
You can define the additional activity in the Owner allocation transaction. To do this, you must activate
the "Generate event" field and choose the additional activity you require.


Possible additional activities for automatic owner allocation include:

- Post a charge for automatic owner move-in
- Owner letter

Standard settings

The additional activity ’X’ (levy charge for automatic owner automatic move-in) is part of the SAP
standard configuration and can be used without making any adjustments. You need to store a charge
schema and a charge type in the previous activity.
To define more additional activities, such as owner letter, adjust the workflow for automatic owner
move-in (workflow reference WS20500047). In the workflow reference, the additional activities are
stored via the step "Check whether owner move-in required".You can evaluate the additional activity by
adding a condition of your choice at a subsequent point in the workflow and then querying in the
conditions editor about the value of the AdditionalActivity operand. In the SAP standard configuration, a
subworkflow checks for each installation whether the additional activity has the value X and, if so, posts
a charge.


Define the additional activities you require in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 815
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przeniesienie umowy

In this IMG activity you define settings for the following cross functions: move-in/out, move-in,
move-out and property allocation.

SAP AG 816
System R/3
__ Definiowanie protokołu informacyjnego

In this IMG activity you define the information log for the move-in/out.
You can determine how the message is issued by messaging number. Possible display categories are
Error, Information or Warning. If you do not require certain messages in the log, you can deactivate
them, and leave the display category field empty.
The line with message number ’000’ plays a particular role in the customizing. Here, the display category
controls whether or not the information log is displayed.
You can use the following entries:
- ’ ’ (initial): The log is deactivated and is not displayed.
- ’S’: The log is displayed if an information message or a warning exists in the information log.
- ’W’: The log is displayed if a warning exists in the information log.
- ’E’: The log is activated, but is not displayed.

Category ’E’ error messages are always issued directly. The requirement for this is that the display
category in the line with message number ’000’ is not ’ ’.

Standard settings

You can neither delete existing message numbers or add new ones. You can only determine how the
messages are handled.
If you want to add further messages to the information log, use enhancement ECSBT001 / function
module EXIT_SAPLESBP_001. You can find detailed information in the documentation for function
module EXIT_SAPLESBP_001.


Define how the individual messages are to be handled.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 817
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie specjalnych wariantów przetw. dla przeniesienia


In this IMG activity you define special processing variants for move-in/out. These special processing
variants enable you to speed up the move-in/out process.
The special processing variants can refer to a particular action in move-in and move-out processing. In
the next IMG activity you must allocate the special processing variants to the general variants.
By means of example, the following possibilities are available for the special processing variants:
- Automatic contract selection for move-in/out
- Automatic contract selection for mandatory move-in/out
- Automatic installation selection for move-in/out
- Create move-out in background
- Create mandatory move-out in background
- Copy business partner’s existing contract account
- Create reversal in background
- Attempt move-in, even if move-out is not possible
- Period for displaying move-in/move-out documents
- New contract account for contract change
- Reasons for contract change
- Document selection list for move-in/out
- Control business partner selection list
- Layout for move-out processing
- Layout for move-out processing
- Layout for forced move-out processing
- Invoice reversal in move-in/out
- Layout for move-in processing
You can differentiate the above parameters for the following functions:
- CREI Create move-in
- CHEI Change move-in
- DSEI Display move-in
- STOE Reverse move-in
- CRAU Create move-out
- CHAU Change move-out
- DSAU Display move-out

SAP AG 818
System R/3

- STOA Reverse move-out

- UMZA Create move-in/out for business partner
- UMZB Create move-in/out for premise
- UMPA Environment for business partner
- UMPR Environment for premise
- CTRS Create contract change with invoicing
- CRSR Create customer change
- RSVR Reverse customer change
- CRCS Create contract change without invoicing
- RVCS Reverse contract change
- Remove product allocation
- Other action


Define the special processing variants you require in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 819
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ogólnych wariantów przetwarz. dla przeniesienia


In this IMG activity you define general processing variants for move-in/out. The general processing
variants enable you to speed up the move-in/out process.

The general processing variants always refer to the initial screen of move-in/out processing. You can use
the special processing variants to speed up move-in and move-out processing. In this activity you must
allocate the special processing variants to the general variants.
You can set the following parameters for the general processing variants:
- Stop at move-in/out initial screen during CIC calls
- Automatically identify premise
- Execute commands by pressing Return
- Number of possible premises in moe-in/out


Define the general processing variants you require in the system.

SAP AG 820
System R/3
__ Przypisanie wariantów przetwarzania

In this IMG activity you allocate the preoviously defined general processing variants to the user groups.
The user groups are themselves allocated to the individual users.
In this way you allocate the various processing variants to the different user groups.


Allocate the previously defined general processing variants to the user groups.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 821
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiow. parametrów systemowych dla zawarcia i rozwiązania


In this IMG activity you define the system parameters for move-in and move-out. This table contains
parameters that control move-in and move-out processing.
You can establish the following settings:
- Maximum number of contracts for individual maintenance
- Interval period for changes to the business partner and contract account in move-in/out
- Delay in generation of service notification/service order
- Interval for creating periodic meter reading orders in move-in/out


If you want to post move-in charges, you must have previously defined the following:
- Charge categories
To do this, choose Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Define Charge
Categories for Correspondence.
- Charge schema
To do this, choose Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Correspondence ->
Configure Charge Schema for Correspondence.


To post move-in charges you must also enter a charge schema in Customizing. You do this in one of the
following activities:
Also enter a charge schedule in Customizing under:
- Define Control Parameters for Move-In at Document Level, if you want to post the move-in charges
at document level
- Define Control Parameters for Move-In at Contract Level, if you want to post the move-in charges
at contract account level

SAP AG 822
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyczyn zmiany umowy

In this IMG activity you define the reasons for the contract change. Contract change is a specialized
feature of deregulation.
In addition to the reason for the contract change, you must enter another service type.
If you select the field NI (contract change without invoicing) then you have the following options:
- Posting block on contract level
If you activate the posting block then the system prevents any further postings on the terminated
contracts after the customer change.
- Automatic transfer of security deposits
- Automatic transfer of budget billing plans
- Transfer posting of open items


If you want to enter a service type in addition to the contract change reason, you must have defined the
service type beforehand. You do this under Utilities Industry -> Intercompany Data Exchange ->
Service Provider -> Define Service Types.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 823
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn zmiany odbiorcy

In this IMG activity, you define the reasons for a customer change. You can select the following
- Posting block on contract level
If you activate the posting block then the system prevents any further postings on the terminated
contracts after the customer change.
- Automatic transfer of security deposits
- Automatic transfer of budget billing plans
- Transfer posting of open items

SAP AG 824
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wyboru pól dla ekranu począt. - przetw. przeniesienia



In this activity, you define the field selection for the initial screen for processing a move-in/move-out.
In this activity, you specify which fields are displayed on the maintenance and display screens
for functions used by IS-U. You also definetheir characteristics.
Choosing the right fields can considerably reduce the time and effort needed for processing
data as well as reduce the number of errors.
The menu path Goto -> Modifiable enables you to specify the fields that appear on
maintenance and display screens in functions and to determine their characteristics. As a
result, you can adjust theappearance of screens to meet the requirements and abilities of users.
You must enter an existing module pool as the initial criteria.
IS-U field selection is currently supported by the following module pools:
o Master Data
- SAPLES20 Contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 Installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 Connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 Device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 Premise (screen group 0001)
o Device Management
- SAPLE10R Device data for dialog box (screen group 1100)
o Customer Service
- SAPLEC60 Move-in/move-out selection screen (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 Move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR Move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ Move-in/move-out, gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group 0200)

Standard settings
In the SAP standard delivery, the radio button field ready for input is activated for all modified

SAP AG 14.06.2013 825
System SAP

Small and medium-sized municipal utility companies can activate an automatically reduced field
view in all master objects.
Since this customer section often does not need all functions to be displayed on the screen,
SAP has developed a way of automatically reducing the fields for master data.
A hierarchical Business Configuration Set (BC Set) with the key ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER
is used to do this. This BC Set automatically reduces the fields in the following master data
objects to a necessary minimum:
o Business partner
o Contract account
o Contract
o Installation
o Connection object
o Premise
o Device location
o Device
For further information, see the documentation on the BC Set mentioned above.

Keep the number of fields to be displayed on the screen to a minimum. The fewer fields you
offer the user, the easier his or her work becomes.

1. Select the screen group you want to process. To do this, place the cursor on the desired field.
a) Select the menu path Goto -> Modifiable. This takes you to the view Field Selection:
Modifiable Fields
b) Then select Goto -> Influencing. This takes you to the view Field Selection: Influencing
Field Enter the field value in the field Influencing Value and select Continue.
2. Specify the following for every field:
a) Field must be ready for input
b) Data must be entered in this field
c) Display field only
This can be used for default values that should not be overwritten.
d) Hide field
Select the radio button in the field Hide field. This ensures that unnecessary fields are not
e) Highlight field
You can select this radio button in combination with the other indicators

SAP AG 826
System R/3

Further notes
You can view all of your profile selections via the menu path Goto -> All Influences.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 827
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wybór pól partnerów handlowych dla ekranu zawarcia i rozwiązania



In this activity you select the fields that are displayed for the business partner in the move-in and
move-out screens. You can select the following options for every field group:
- Hide
- Required entry
- Optional entry
- Display


You do not need the driver’s license fields for your business partner in your system. They should
therefore not appear on the move-in/move-out screen. Carry out the following to remove the fields:
1. Select the line with the external application ISU0001 (move-in)
2. Select the button Field Modification
3. In the table Dataset, select the line ISU010 (ISU Data for Contract Partner)
4. Select the button Detail View
5. Select Hide for the field groups 411 (ISU: Driver’s License) and 414 (ISU: Driver’s License - Country
and Region)
6. Save and select Back (F3)
7. Select the line with the external application ISU0002 (move-out) and repeat steps 2 to 5.

SAP AG 828
System R/3
__ Wybór pól kont umowy dla ekranu zawarcia / rozwiązania umowy


Use this activity to select the fields for the contract account view at the move-in and move-out screen.
You can select the following options for each field group:
- Hide,
- Required entry,
- Optional entry,
- Display.


You must complete the fields, in your system, for a possible dunning procedure for the contract account.
For this reason, define these fields as required entry fields. To do this, follow the following instructions:
1. Select the line with the external application ISU0001 (move-in).
2. Select the pushbutton Field modification.
3. Select Required entry for field group 33 (dunning procedure).
4. Save and select Back (F3).
5. Select the line with the external application ISU0002 (move-out) and repeat steps 2 to 4.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 829
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Szybkie wprowadzanie

SAP AG 830
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla wstępnie wprowadzonych



In this activity you define number ranges for parked documents.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 831
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie dozwolonych wzorców umów


In the accelerated entry, the move-in and move-out documents are not created immediately. This takes
place asynchronously with the master data generator, using contract templates.
In this Customizing activity you define the contract templates that are relevant for the accelerated entry of
move-ins, move-outs and move-in/outs. Here you define for which divisions a contract template is valid.
The master data template for creating a contract is determined using the contract template.

SAP AG 832
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wariantów wstępnego wprowadzania


In this activity you define parking variants.

You can make the following settings:
Header Data:
- Explanation:
Here, you can define an explanatory text for parking variants.
- StdTemp.BP/CA MoveIn (master data template for business partner and contract account for
Here, you enter the master data template from the BPARTNER category, which is to be used,
when creating a move-in, to create or change a business partner or contract account.
- MDT. BP/CA MoveOut (master data template for business partner and contract account for
Here, you enter the master data template from the BPARTNER category, which is to be used,
when creating a move-out, to change a business partner or contract account.
- Create contact (indicator: Create contact for parked document):
This indicator creates a contact for a parked document. The configuration determination for
customer contacts is used to determine the class and action of the contact. You can find the
corresponding Customizing activities under Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts
Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Customer Contacts. The program
SAPLEC70, with the three subcontexts 0001 (parking: move-in), 0002 (parking: move-out)
and 0003 (parking: move-out for business partner), is relevant for parking.
- Save immediately (indicator: Save immediately):
This indicator ensures that move-in documents and move-out documents are not created
asynchronously, but are created immediately after the parked document has been created
without errors.
Division-dependent data
Here, you enter a contract model for each division. This is the default value when calling the accelerated
entry interface.
Visibility of Fields
Here, you can define which fields are displayed in the parking interface. The field visibility depends on
the process (move-in, move-out, move-in/out for business partner, or move-in/out for premise).
You can divide the fields into three categories:
- Field is visible: These fields are immediately visible when you call the parking interface.
- Field is hidden: These fields are visible when you select the function Expand All. This category is
recommended for fields that the agent must only maintain occasionally during move-in, move-out or
- Field is invisible

SAP AG 14.06.2013 833
System SAP

SAP AG 834
System R/3
__ Przypisanie wariantów wstępnego wprowadzania


In this activity you allocate parking variants to the different user groups, such as call center employees.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 835
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawianie opóźnionego ponownego uruchomienia w monitorze

błędów IS-U


In this activity you set the delayed restart for the IS-U Error Monitor.


You can set the delayed restart for both transactions from the accelerated entry and transactions from the
CRM integration.
The accelerated entry transactions are:
- EC70: Create / change business partner and contract account for accelerated entry
- EC70: Create move-out for accelerated entry
- EC70: Create move-in for accelerated entry
The CRM integration transactions are:
- CRM: Contract replication
- CRM: Connection object replication
- CRM: General replication
- CRM: Point of delivery replication
- CRM: Replication of scheduled contract changes

For the delayed restart, you must specify a function module for the restart in the background. The
standard function modules are as follows:
For the accelerated entry:
- EC70: Create / change business partner and contract account:
- EC70: Create move-out for accelerated entry: ISU_AMIO_RESTART_MO
- EC70: Create move-in for accelerated entry: ISU_AMIO_RESTART_MI
For the CRM integration:
- CRM: Contract replication: ISU_CRMQ_CONTRACT_RESTART
- CRM: Connection object replication: ISU_CRMQ_RESTART_SAMPLE
- CRM: General replication: ISU_CRMQ_CONTRACT_RESTART
- CRM: Point of delivery replication: ISU_CRMQ_RESTART_POD

SAP AG 836
System R/3

- CRM: Replication of scheduled contract changes:


You can specify between 1 and 5 repeats for the delayed restart.

Furthermore, you can specify a time delay of 10 seconds to 2 minutes for the different transactions.

You can define the following restrictions for the delayed restart:
- Always execute delayed restart
- Delayed restart according to message table
- No delayed restart
If you select ’delayed restart according to message table’, you must also make Customizing settings for
the message table for the delayed restart of the IS-U Error Monitor.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 837
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracow. tabeli komunikatów opóźn. ponownego uruch. monitora

błędów IS-U


In this activity you maintain the message table for the delayed restart of the IS-U Error Monitor.


To maintain the message table you must maintain the Customizing activity for the delayed restart of the
IS-U Error Monitor.


You can use the message table for both accelerated entry transactions and CRM integration transactions.
Note that it is imperative that you maintain the message table if, in the Customizing for the delayed
restart in the IS-U Error Monitor, you specified the message table for restrictions to the restart.

SAP AG 838
System R/3
__ Zawieranie umowy

In this section you define settings for the move-in business process.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 839
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dok. zawarcia umowy

In this section you define the number ranges for move-in documents.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 840
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dok. zawarcia umowy

In this IMG activity, you define the search help for move-in documents.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 841
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja zakładki dla ekranu zawarcia umowy

In this IMG activity you configure the tabs for move-in.

You can define your own views for a transaction. To do this, allocate the existing field groups in the tab
to individual pages. The view, that is, the number of pages that belong together, determines how the
transaction will appear.
A view can be selected as the default value. Each user can select his/her own default value for a view for
each transaction.


The structure of a tab is explained below using the example contracts. In this case, five field groups are
- General contract data
- Budget billing data
- Billing
- Classification: Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
- Info dates
In additional windows the following field groups are also available:
- Notes
- Move-in/out
- Contract account linked to contract data
From these field groups you could compile a view with three pages for:
- General contract data, budget billing data and data for classification
- Billing data and info dates
- Notes and move-in/out
Data for the contract account is linked to the field group for the contract data, which you cannot place

Standard settings

Each transaction for which a tab can be maintained has a tab with the standard view.


Before you change the standard views of a tab, you should define your own additional views.

SAP AG 842
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 843
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla zawarcia umowy

In this section you define notes for move-in (object EEIN).

You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 844
System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 845
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wyboru pól dla zawarcia umowy - dane umowy


In this activity, you define the field selection for the contract screen in the move-in processing. Due to
technical reasons, contract fields f result, you must process the fields in two activities.
In this activity, you specify which fields are displayed on the maintenance and display screens
for functions used by IS-U. You also define their characteristics.
Choosing the right fields can considerably reduce the time and effort needed for processing
data as well as reduce the number of errors.
The menu path Goto -> Modifiable enables you to specify the fields that appear on
maintenance and display screens in functions and to determine their characteristics.
You must enter an existing module pool as the initial criteria.
IS-U field selection is currently supported by the following module pools:
o Master Data
- SAPLES20 Contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 Installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 Connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 Device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 Premise (screen group 0001)
o Device Management
- SAPLE10R Device data for dialog box (screen group 1100)
o Customer Service
- SAPLEC60 Move-in/move-out selection screen (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 Move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR Move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ Move-in/move-out, gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group 0200)

Standard settings
In the SAP standard delivery, the radio button field ready for input is activated for all modified
Small and medium-sized municipal utility companies can activate an automatically reduced field

SAP AG 846
System R/3

view in all master objects.

Since this customer section often does not need all functions to be displayed on the screen,
SAP has developed a way of automatically reducing the fields for master data.
A hierarchical Business Configuration Set (BC Set) with the key ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER
is used to do this. This BC Set automatically reduces in the following master data to a
necessary minimum:
o Business partner
o Contract account
o Contract
o Installation
o Connection object
o Premise
o Device location
o Device
For further information, see the documentation on the BC Set mentioned above.

Keep the number of fields to be displayed on the screen to a minimum. The fewer fields you
offer the user, the easier his or her work becomes.

1. Select the screen group you want to process. To do this, place the cursor on the desired field.
a) Select the menu path Goto -> Modifiable. This takes you to the view Field Selection:
Modifiable Fields
b) Then select Goto -> Influencing. This takes you to the view Field Selection: Influencing
Field Enter the field valu
2. Specify the following for every field:
a) Field must be ready for input
b) Data must be entered in this field
c) Display field only
This can be used for default values that should not be overwritten.
d) Hide field
Select the radio button in the field Hide field. This ensures that unnecessary fields are not
e) Highlight field
You can select this radio button in combination with the other indicators

Further notes
You can view all of your profile selections via the menu path Goto -> All Influences.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 847
System SAP

SAP AG 848
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pisma powitalnego zawarcia umowy

In this section you determine the appearance of your welcome letter.

Standard settings

Use the delivered form class IS_U_CS_MOVE_IN_WELCOME_LETTER

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 849
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie param. sterowania zawarciem umowy na poz.


In this IMG activity you define the control parameter(s) for move-in at the move-in document level.
This table contains parameters that control the entire processing of a move-in document. The parameters
are only used during creation of a move-in document.
If an entry is maintained with an empty key, this is always used if no entry is found for the company code
relevant to processing, or if no relevant company code can be determined.
The latter is always the case if no default value can be determined for the company code from the various
contracts to be created or changed during creation of a move-in.
The following settings are possible:
- Transfer the address of the connection object
- Default value for welcome letter
- Warning for automatic save
- Suppress change log during save




Define the control parameters for move-in in the system.

Further notes

In move-in processing, you can override the following fields manually: Charge schema Welcome
letter (application form for the welcome letter) Automatic welcome (automatic welcome letter)
Selection welcome letter (form selection dialog for welcome letters) LS>print order (generate print
order instead of printing) Adjust standard address(adjusts standard address of move-in customer).

SAP AG 850
System R/3
__ Definiowanie param. sterowania zawarciem umowy na poz.


In this IMG activity you define the control parameter(s) for move-in at the contract level.
This table contains parameters that control move-in document processing at the individual contract level.
Each parameter record is only used for contract within a move-in document, for which the parameter key
from the company code, division and billing class applies. The divsion and billing class take account of
the installation to which the contract is allocated in move-in. In this way, several records from the table
can affect the same move-in document.
The parameters are only taken into account during move-in creation.
If an appropriate entry is not found for the key data relevant to processing a contract, the field contents of
this key are replaced with their initial values- starting at the back- and the system attempts to determine a
valid entry. As a final attempt, the system tries to read an entry with an empty key.


Define the control parameters for move-in in the system.

Further notes

In move-in processing, you can override the following fields manually.

- AT (transfer security deposit automatically)
- create budget billing plan
- Charges

SAP AG 14.06.2013 851
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn zwolnienia z zabezpieczenia

In this section you define the reasons for exemption from security deposits. In certain cases, a security
deposit is requested from the customer at move-in. However, there are exemptions from security deposits
for several reasons.


The following table entries are possible:

- 0001 Recommendation letter
- 0002 Low consumption
- 0003 Approval of an exception exists


Define the required exemption reasons in the system.

SAP AG 852
System R/3
__ Rozwiązywanie umowy

In this section you define settings for the move-out business process.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 853
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentów rozwiązania


In this section you defien the number ranges for move-out documents.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 854
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dokumentów rozwiązania


In this IMG activity, you define the search help for move-out documents.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 855
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja zakładki dla ekranu rozwiązania umowy

In this section you configure the tabs for IS-U move-out

You can modify the screen layout to meet your needs by defining your own layout. To do this, distribute
the existing group frames among the tab cards.


The IS-U Contract application is used to explain the configuration of the tabs. The following ten group
frames are available in this application:
- General contract data
- Budget billing data
- Payment plan
- Data relevant to billing
- Account assignment data
- Deregulation
- Schedule data
- Memos
- Other
- Move-in and move-out data
You could use these group frames, for example, to create a layout that contains three tab pages:
- Tab page 1:
General contract data, budget billing data, payment plan
- Tab page 2:
Data relevant to billing, account assignment data, deregulation
- Tab page 3:
Move-in and move-out data, schedule data, other, memos

Standard settings

A standard layout is provided for every application in IS-U in which the tabs can be configured.


To activate your layout in the system for this application, change the corresponding entry under
Determine Default Layout for Tabs

SAP AG 856
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 857
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla rozwiązania umowy

In this section you define notes for move-out (object EAUS).

You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 858
System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 859
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pisma potwierdzającego rozwiązanie umowy

In this section you determine the appearance of your move-out confirmation letter.




Use the deliverd form class IS_U_CS_MOVE_OUT_NOTIFICATION

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 860
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 861
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterow. rozw. umowy na poz.


In this section you define the control parameters for move-out at the move-out document level.
This table contains parameters that control the entire processing of a move-out document. The parameters
are only used for creation of a move-out document.
If an entry is maintained with an empty key, this is always used if no entry is found for the company code
relevant to processing, or if no relevant company code was determined.
The latter is always the case, if the company codes of the various contracts of a move-out document are
different from one another.
The following settings are possible:
- Default value for move-out confirmation letter


Define the control parameters for move-out in the system.

SAP AG 862
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterow. rozw. umowy na poz. umowy

In this section you define the control parameter(s) for move-out at the contract level.
This table contains parameters that control processing of a move-out document at the individual contract
level. This means that each parameter record is only used for the contracts within a move-out document,
for which the key of the parameter from the company code, division, and billing class is relevant. The
installation that is to be allocated to a contract within move-out is considered with regard to the division
and billing class. In this way, several records of this table can have an effect on the same move-out
The parameters are only considered during creation of a move-out.
If an appropriate entry is not found for the key data relevant to processing a contract, the field contents of
this key are replaced with their initial values one after another starting at the back, and the system tries to
determine a valid entry. As a final attempt, the system attempts to read an entry with an empty key.


Define the control parameters for move-out in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 863
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn rozwiązania umowy bez jej zawierania

In this section you define the reasons for a move-out without move-in. In certain cases, it is possible that
there is no further move-in for the installation.


The following table entries are possible:

- 01 Installation removal
- 02 Service territory transfer
- 03 Termination of contract
- 04 Other reason


Define the necessary reasons in the system.

SAP AG 864
System R/3
__ Odłączenie/Ponowne uruchomienie

In this section, you define settings for the business process: disconnection/reconnection of an installation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 865
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dok. odłączenia

In this section you define the number ranges for the disconnection documents.
The entities used in the R/3 applications are identified using key terms. The type of assignment of these
key terms is described in number ranges. For each entity you define a number range object, in which the
permissible value ranges and the type of assignment (internal or external) of the key term are described.

Standard settings

The number ranges "01" and "02" are provided.

Number range "01" is for internal number assignment and number range "02" is for external number


You can change the number ranges if you need to.


Adjust the provided number ranges to suit your requirements and, if necessary, add additional number
ranges to the number range object.
1. Choose Change interval.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number and To number) for the selected number range
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 866
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dok. odłączenia

In this IMG activity, you define the search help for disconnection documents.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 867
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not dla odłączenia

In this section you define notes for disconnection (object EDCN).

You define notes for an entity if you wish to store information for that entity in addition to the
information contained in the standard fields. After you have defined a note, a note block is proposed in
the corresponding maintenance and display transactions. In this note block you can store information in
Fixed text objects for the entities are provided. These text objects have a fixed key, which must not be
changed. In addition, a text ID for each text object is provided. You have the option of changing or
deleting this text ID or of creating additional text IDs.


The predefined text object EVER (entity for the contract) already has the text ID ISU general notes for
the contract, which is provided by SAP. You now have the option of creating a second text ID with
special agreements, e.g. ZISU special agreements. Once you have defined this setting, two note blocks
will be proposed in the maintenance and display transactions.


You must have maintained the following data:

- Define languages for the notes. Specify the languages in which notes can be created by choosing
Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions -> Notes -> Define Languages for

Standard settings

There is one table entry for each entity for which a note can be defined. To define additional note blocks
you must create additional text IDs.


We recommend that you use the standard specifications and that, for clarity, you propose a maximum of
one note block on the master data screen.


1. Check whether the list of notes provided meets your requirements.

2. If you wish to define additional note blocks, position the cursor on the appropriate text object and
choose Text IDs.
3. Choose Create.
4. Define the additional note block that you require for entering additional information (e.g. Text ID =
ZISU, Meaning = special agreements).

SAP AG 868
System R/3

Further notes

Once a text ID is deleted, any notes already entered will no longer be displayed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 869
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statusu potwierdzenia

In this IMG activity you define the confirmation status for your disconnection documents.
The confirmation status controls further processing in the disconnectiondocument and in the workflow.
You can establish the following settings for each confirmation status:
- Whether to allow disconnection objects to be included in the confirmation status (such as devices).
- Whether the service order is technically closed or whether it has the status disconnection not
carried out.
- Whether it is possible to generate a new serice order for the confirmation status.
- Whether the confirmation status can be used in the disconnection or reconnection.
In the next IMG activity, you can store the confirmation status as a default value for each processing


Define the statuses you require in the system.

SAP AG 870
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wariantów przetwarzania dla dok. odłączenia

In this activity, you define the processing variants for disconnection documents.
You can make the following settings for each processing variant:
- Disconnection reason
- Disconnection order code for service management
- Reconnection order code for service management
- Control of budget billing adjustment
- Definition of contact types, classes, and activities (after version V1.0)
- Settings for customer notifications
During disconnection and reconnection you can enter customer notifications for the automated
meter infrastructure (smart meters) and for classic meters, and define default values for the
corresponding work items.
- Start and end of processing
- Maximum processing time
In the customer notification process, the system checks the maximum processing time # that is,
the maximum amount of time between the current date and the date agreed with the customer
for the disconnection or reconnection.
- Work item category
The customer notification process for disconnection and reconnection requires SAP CRM to be
- Settings for advanced meters
In this section you can define specifications for disconnection and reconnection orders for the
automated meter infrastructure.
For disconnection orders, you can specify whether the disconnection of an advanced meter triggers a
meter reading and requests the meter reading results. You can also preselect devices, which the
system can then propose for the disconnection. If you want the system to propose all AMI devices
for disconnection and remote disconnection as standard, you have to select the disconnection
processing variant DUNN Dunning.
For each processing variant for advanced meters, you can make the following settings, which can
deviate from classic devices:
- Control of scheduled date for creation of disconnection/reconnection orders
- Determine charge schema for disconnection and reconnection
- Control of budget billing adjustment
- Automatic reversal of meter reading results
- Automatic reversal of disconnection/reconnection charges
- Intervals for rescheduling disconnection and reconnection orders
You can define the maximum valid interval for the rescheduling of disconnection and reconnection
orders for advanced meters scheduled for remote disconnection and reconnection. These intervals
also apply during rescheduling or disconnection and reconnection orders for classic meters.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 871
System SAP

In the transaction for rescheduling disconnection and reconnection orders, the system checks the
newly scheduled disconnection/reconnection date or the number of days against the maximum valid
The processing variants are provided by SAP as standard.



- You have already defined the notification category. You define this data under SAP Utilities ->
Customer Service -> Process Execution -> Disconnection/Reconnection -> Worklists and
Work Items.
- You define the disconnection order codes for Work Management under SAP Utilities -> Work
Management -> Processing -> Orders -> Define Order Codes and Allocate Order Codes to
Order Profiles.
The order codes from Work Management must be allocated to a service object that has a reference
to the function location (reference object type) in table T399A. You can find the service object
under SAP Utilities -> Work Management -> Processing -> Orders -> Define Service

Standard settings

You must not change the entries supplied. You may use the following namespaces: X*, Y*, Z* (customer


Define the additional processing variants in the system.

SAP AG 872
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów odłączenia

In this activity you define the disconnection types for a device. A device can be disconnected for various
reasons. You must enter the reasons here.


Possible entries are:

- 1 Device sealed
- 2 Device disconnected
- 3 Distribution box disconnected
- 4 Disconnection lever

SAP AG 14.06.2013 873
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Listy robocze i pozycje robocze

SAP AG 874
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kategorii pozycji roboczej


In this Customizing activity you assign work item categories to processing variants so that the system can
generate work items for the category in question. The system generates a separate worklist for each
category. If you enter a different category for disconnection as for reconnection within a processing
variant, the system generates a separate worklist for each category.
Enter values for the following settings:
- Processing type
Work items can be processed directly by an agent, or using an automated dialer.
- Creation mode for worklist
You can either add work items from a dunning run to an automatically generated worklist, or you
can use the Manage Worklists transaction (FPWLM) to add them to a manually generated worklist
(in the SAP Easy Access menu under Utilities Industry -> Customer Service -> Transaction
Processing -> Disconnection/Reconnection -> Work Item Management -> Manage

The system always creates work items by creating a disconnection or reconnection order and
allocating them to the worklist. The following creation options are available for automatically
generated worklists:
- Automatically
You can only use this variant if the disconnection document was generated by a dunning run.
The system then generates a worklist for each dunning run and work item category.
- Automatically as Consecutive Worklist
With this variant, the system generates a worklist for each group and work item category.

- Action profile
You can allocate an action profile to a work item category. This specifies which actions are assigned
to the work item when it is created.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 875
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Tworzenie przyczyn powtórnego przedłożenia dla pozycji



In this Customizing activity you define the resubmission reasons for work items.
The resubmission reasons are used to add context to the work item status For Resubmission.

SAP AG 876
System R/3
__ Tworzenie przyczyn przypisania pozycji roboczych


In this activity, you define reasons for the assignment of work items.
You have to enter an assignment reason in the work item if you want to assign it to a new group and/or a
new agent, or if you want to remove an assignment.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 877
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kodów wyników


In this activity you enter descriptions that characterize the success of a work item. The system uses these
descriptions when an agent sets a work item to a final status. You can assign result codes to one final
status only.

SAP AG 878
System R/3
__ Definiowanie reguł wyceny dla przetwarzania list roboczych


In this Customizing activity you define the rules for valuating worklist entries.


You have to create function modules and assign them to a rule.


Define a rule R001 and create function module FKK_SAMPLE_SCRULE_R001. When creating your
own rules and modules, take the interface of the example module into account.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 879
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Tworzenie specyfikacji dla szybkiego wyszukiwania


In this activity you assign work item search IDs to function modules. The function modules are used
during the work item search in the Interaction Center and provide an initial selection of work items. Users
can use additional parameters in the Interaction Center to restrict the results of this preselection.


Define a work item search ID S01 and create the function module FKK_WLI_QSEARCH_S01.
When creating your own work item searches and modules, take the interface of the example module into

SAP AG 880
System R/3
__ Opracowanie statusu podrzędnego


In this activity you define the substatus values that a work item can have. The substatus is a status
assigned to a work item by an external system (such as an automated dialer).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 881
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie profilu czynności


In this activity you create an action profile. You assign action profiles to work item categories. When you
create a work item for a work item category, the system then creates the actions of the action profile for
the work item.

SAP AG 882
System R/3
__ Opracowanie czynności


In this activity you define the actions for processing worklists.

When creating an action for a work item, the system uses the system date and the values in the Min.
Days and Max. Days fields to calculate the earliest and latest processing dates for that action (you can
change these processing periods in event 2843).
The reaction days refer to the number of days you can expect to elapse after execution of an action before
there is a reaction. This value is used to calculate the resubmission date of a work item.


Assign an action to an execution category.

If an action is executed and the execution category is Function, the system executes the function defined
under Action Execution. The system can only execute functions that refer to the same interface as
If the execution category is Navigation, the action is only executed in the Interaction Center.
If an action is executed manually, no navigation takes place in the Interaction Center, nor is a function
executed in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 883
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie czynności do profilu czynności


In this activity, you assign actions to an action profile.

When you create a work item, the actions assigned to the action profile are generated. The action profile
is in turn assigned to a work item category.
If you enter a value in at least one of the Min. Days, Max. Days, or Reaction Days fields during
assignment of an action to an action profile, the system uses all of the values from this assignment to
calculate the values for the action.
If you leave all three of these fields empty, the system uses the values that you entered in the Maintain
Actions activity.
You can set an action in an action profile to be mandatory. Only mandatory actions influence the
resubmission date of a work item.

SAP AG 884
System R/3
__ Przedpłata

SAP AG 14.06.2013 885
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie wpisów dla licznika przedpłatowego


In this activity, maintain the entries for prepayment meter.

SAP AG 886
System R/3
__ Opracowanie przyczyny reklamacji


In this activity, you maintain the reason for a complaint.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 887
System SAP

31.8.5 Generator danych podstawowych

In this IMG activity, you establish settings for the master data generator.
For more information, see the cookbook IS-U Sales Processing 4.62 .

SAP AG 888
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wzorca danych podstawowych

In this IMG activity, you define the master data template.

To create a new master data template, proceed as follows:
1. In the initial screen, choose an autonomous master data category and then Create.
2. Maintain the header data of the master data template. To do this, choose Header data -> Master
data template nodes.
3. Maintain the individual master data template nodes. In the hierarchy area on the left-hand side of the
screen, you can find the master data category you selected. You can derive information about the
status of the nodes from the icons on the screen:
- If a node has a mandatory attribute that has not et been assigned a value then it has a red icon.
The allocation of icons also observes the hierarchy of the master data template category. For
example, mandatory attributes with lower-level nodes that have not yet been assigned a value
are also given a red icon.
- A grey icon indicates inactive master data template nodes. You can activate and copy these
depending on the cardinality specified in the master data template category.
- A green icon indicates master data template nodes that have all the required entries.
4. Select an active master data template node and maintain its attributes.
Since the general master data categories are already provided by SAP, you can now construct all the
master data templates used to be used in your company at once. In addition, you can view and maintain
existing master data templates.
We recommend that you create a business partner in a parallel session. This enables you to view the
contents of the individual fields and determine the fields to which you want to preassign data.
Opening a parallel session containing the function (create business partner) has the following
- The function enables you to see the meaning of the attributes, and whether you can maintain them.
The attributes in the master data template generally correspond to those on the screen of the master
data function.
- The sequence of the attribute in the master data template and the corresponding function in also
generally uniform. However, exceptions can occur. For example, entering a division influences the
entries in all the other fields in the master data function.
- You can use the function checks. For technical reasons, you cannot check the constants in the master
data template maintenance function.
- The master data function shows you which fields are mandatory. Attributes, for which the
Mandatory field is selected, often contain additional fields, whose entries are based on other

SAP AG 14.06.2013 889
System SAP

Further notes

For more information, see New: Master Data Template and Master Data Generator.

SAP AG 890
System R/3

31.8.6 Marketing

SAP AG 14.06.2013 891
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Segmentacja partnerów biznesowych

In this activity, you establish the settings for business partner segmentation.

SAP AG 892
System R/3
__ Konfiguracja historii zużycia

In this IMG activity, you define evaluation groups for the interpretation of consumption histories in the
context of business partner segmentation using the logical database ECRMMKT_PARTNER.
The system proposes the evaluation group with the key 001 as a default value. This can be overriddden
on the selection screen of the logical database. The evaluation group can be overridden individually using
the SAP enhancement SAP-Erweiterung ECSMA001 (Determine evaluation group for business partner

SAP AG 14.06.2013 893
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie danych standardowych dla segmentacji partnerów


In this IMG activity, you can define standard values for the segmentation of business partners using the
logical database ECRMMKT_PARTNER .
Currently, the system only supports the storage of one default value for the evaluation groups of the
consumption history.

SAP AG 894
System R/3
__ Załącznik do faktury

In this IMG activity, you establish settings for bill supplements.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 895
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja załącznika do faktury

In this IMG activity you define the bill supplement to be used in a CRM marketing campaign. The bill
supplement can be a flyer or a standard text inserted into the bill. The bill supplement forms part of the
bill printout. The number of each flyer/standard text corresponds to an entry in the bill supplement
definition table. This number is used in the print action record to determine which flyer/standard text to
insert into the bill printout.


You must have defined the flyers/standard texts for print action records under Financial Accounting ->
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Print Action
Before you can generate a bill supplement in IS-U, you must have allocated an open channel to the
campaign and implementated the corresponding BAdI. You perform both of these activities in CRM.

SAP AG 896
System R/3
__ Programy lojalnościowe

In this IMG activity, you can implement your own loyalty program.
The loyalty program provides functions for allocating and redeeming loyalty points. You can also
implement loyalty schemes in cooperation with other companies.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 897
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja wyświetlania konta programu lojalności

In this IMG activity, you define how loyalty account details are arranged on the query screen for the
loyalty program. You can also define on which level loyalty points are deducted from a loyalty account
when a customer redeems the points. For example, the points can be checked against the total balance of
the account, or with the display control balance.
Display control loyalty account
The details of the loyalty account are displayed by:
- Organizer
This includes the organizer of the loyalty program as well as all external participants in the loyalty
- Company code
- Division
- Contract
Redemption control
The points needed for a redemption can be compared with one of the following account balances:
- Total points balance of the loyalty account
- Points balance on the display control level.

SAP AG 898
System R/3
__ Definiowanie programów lojalnościowych

In this IMG activity, you can define all previous, present and future loyalty programs, as well as the
external participants in the program.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 899
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procesów gospodarczych

In this IMG activity, you define all business processes of a loyalty program. The system uses these
business processe to determine how many points can be awarded, and how these points are awarded. The
business processes also defines the rules by whch the system determines the expiration date of the points.
Loyalty points can be awarded in two ways:
- As a fixed value (as defined in the Loyalty points field)
- As a value determined using the base value
When the system determines the number of loyalty points, the following must be determined:
- The LP BV field (Determine loyalty points using base value) must be selected.
- The base value in the LP BV (base value for point determination) must be defined, since this
determines the current loyalty points.
- The mass unit in the Unit (mass unit) field for the base value mustbe defined.


If 10 loyalty points are to be awarded for 50 kwh consumption, then establish the settings as follows:
- Field Loyalty points: 10
- Field LP BV: selected
- Field BV: 50
- Field Unit: KWH

SAP AG 900
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyczyn niewykupienia punktów za lojalność

In this IMG activity, you define the reasons for the cancellation of loayalty points.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 901
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kategorii nagród za lojalność

Im this IMG activity, you define the reward cateogries of the reward articles. Reward articles can be food
items, or items related to entertain ment or travel.

SAP AG 902
System R/3
__ Definiowanie nagród za lojalność

In this IMG activity, you define all the rewards for a loyalty program with corresponding validity periods
and the required amounts of points.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 903
System SAP

31.8.7 Integracja CRM

In this IMG activity, you establish settings for CRM integration.

SAP AG 904
System R/3
__ Definiowanie produktów domyślnych

In this IMG activity you store the description of the default product. This description is based on the
service type. Note that CRM must contain a matching default product.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 905
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych


In this IMG activity you define the basic settings for integration with SAP CRM. You also activate the
connection between SAP IS-U/CCS and SAP CRM.

SAP AG 906
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wzorca danych podst. do generowania techn. ob. dla

prod. CRM

In this IMG activity you define the master data template of a CRM product that system uses to
automatically create or change technical objects in IS-U if you have specified an IBase component for an
item in the CRM utility contract.
Note that the master data template must have the CRMTECHOBJ category.


You can specify generic entries using *, for example NEW_CONTRACT* for all CRM products that
beginn with NEW_CONTRACT.

Further notes

In the CRM utility contract, you can only assign points of delivery as IBase components. In the IBase
hierarchy, the point of delivery is subordinate to the connection object.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 907
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie wzorca danych podst. rodzinom obiektów w celu odczytu

ob. tech.


In this activity, you allocate the master data template that the system uses to automatically create or
change technical objects in IS-U during an upload to an object family.
Use a master data template from the category CRMCONNOBJ_ALONE for connection objects and a
master data template from the category CRM_POD_INST for points of delivery.
You can define division-dependent master data templates for points of delivery. If you do not do this, the
system uses a standard template.

SAP AG 908
System R/3
__ Definiowanie odsyłacza do danych organizacyjnych CRM

In this IMG activity you define the link between mySAP Utilities and mySAP CRM. Based on the
regional structure and division, you can define which CRM organization units are to be used for the
contract items.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 909
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie odsyłacza do rodzajów operacji CRM

In this IMG activity you define the link between mySAP Utilities and the mySAP CRM transaction types.
Based on the division, you can define which CRM transaction type to use for the contract items.

SAP AG 910
System R/3
__ Ustawianie opóźnionego ponownego uruchomienia w monitorze

błędów IS-U


In this activity you set the delayed restart for the IS-U Error Monitor.


You can set the delayed restart for both transactions from the accelerated entry and transactions from the
CRM integration.
The accelerated entry transactions are:
- EC70: Create / change business partner and contract account for accelerated entry
- EC70: Create move-out for accelerated entry
- EC70: Create move-in for accelerated entry
The CRM integration transactions are:
- CRM: Contract replication
- CRM: Connection object replication
- CRM: General replication
- CRM: Point of delivery replication
- CRM: Replication of scheduled contract changes

For the delayed restart, you must specify a function module for the restart in the background. The
standard function modules are as follows:
For the accelerated entry:
- EC70: Create / change business partner and contract account:
- EC70: Create move-out for accelerated entry: ISU_AMIO_RESTART_MO
- EC70: Create move-in for accelerated entry: ISU_AMIO_RESTART_MI
For the CRM integration:
- CRM: Contract replication: ISU_CRMQ_CONTRACT_RESTART
- CRM: Connection object replication: ISU_CRMQ_RESTART_SAMPLE
- CRM: General replication: ISU_CRMQ_CONTRACT_RESTART
- CRM: Point of delivery replication: ISU_CRMQ_RESTART_POD

SAP AG 14.06.2013 911
System SAP

- CRM: Replication of scheduled contract changes:


You can specify between 1 and 5 repeats for the delayed restart.

Furthermore, you can specify a time delay of 10 seconds to 2 minutes for the different transactions.

You can define the following restrictions for the delayed restart:
- Always execute delayed restart
- Delayed restart according to message table
- No delayed restart
If you select ’delayed restart according to message table’, you must also make Customizing settings for
the message table for the delayed restart of the IS-U Error Monitor.

SAP AG 912
System R/3
__ Opracow. tabeli komunikatów opóźn. ponownego uruch. monitora

błędów IS-U


In this activity you maintain the message table for the delayed restart of the IS-U Error Monitor.


To maintain the message table you must maintain the Customizing activity for the delayed restart of the
IS-U Error Monitor.


You can use the message table for both accelerated entry transactions and CRM integration transactions.
Note that it is imperative that you maintain the message table if, in the Customizing for the delayed
restart in the IS-U Error Monitor, you specified the message table for restrictions to the restart.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 913
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Replikacja kontaktu

SAP AG 914
System R/3
__ Dokonywanie centralnych ustawień mapowania

In this activity you define the central mapping procedures for contacts. You can influence the following
functions, depending on the contact class, contact action, contact type and contact direction:
- Do you want to execute a replication?
The Distribution indicator is available for this setting.
- Do you want to use a template activity when creating the activity?
The GUID of BP Contact field is available for this setting.
- Which transaction type and activity category do you want to use?
The Transaction Type and Category fields are available for these settings.
- Do you want the description of the activities to be preassigned, or to be composed of the texts from
the contact class/action?
The Text indicator and Description field are available for these settings.
- Do you want to temporarily deactivate the delta data transfer?
The Comparison Inactive indicator is available for this setting.


The business partner replication must have been activated. Before you can replicate a contact, you must
have replicated the corresponding business partner.

In order for all input helps in the Customizing tables (in particular the template activity in the
BPCT_CRM_CLASS table) to work, you must set up an RFC connection with dialog capabilities, and the
logical system for the CRM system. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Set up the logical system in the Customizing for SAP NetWeaver, under IDoc Interface /
Application Link Enabling (ALE) -> Basic Settings -> Logical Systems -> Define Logical
2. Enter a standard destination for dialogs. You do this in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver, under
IDoc Interface / Application Link Enabling (ALE) -> Communication -> Determine RFC
Destinations for Method Calls.

Standard settings
No contacts are planned for replication in the standard settings.

In order to activate the replication, you must make at least one entry, for which you set the distribution
indicator. In the case of the combination Contact Class = Contact Action = Contact Type = Direction =
SPACE, all selected contacts would be replicated, if you have not set a middleware filter.


SAP AG 14.06.2013 915
System SAP

You can, for example, make settings so that all contacts with a particular combination of contact class,
action, and type are replicated. The exception here would be the contact with the contact direction
Internal ("3").

SAP AG 916
System R/3
__ Definiowanie odwzorowania kierunku kontaktu

In this activity you define how the contents of the Contact Direction field in a contact is to be mapped to
the same field in a business partner activity.

Standard settings


I o.O (Incoming or Outgoing) Direction

1 incoming
2 outgoing
3 no entry

SAP AG 14.06.2013 917
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie mapowania priorytetu kontaktu

In this activity you define how the contents of the Contact Priority field in a contact is to be mapped to
the same field in the business partner activity.

Standard settings

Priority Priority
(Contact) (Activity)
1 1
2 3
3 3
4 5
5 9

SAP AG 918
System R/3
__ Definiowanie mapowania ID tekstu


In this activity you define how the text IDs of notes are to be mapped to the text IDs of activities.

Standard settings

The standard system contains the BCONT text object, with the BCON text ID, for the contacts. During
the replication, the text object is replaced with the text object for the activity. The BCON text ID is then
converted to the A002 text ID (note) for the activity.


ID Text ID

SAP AG 14.06.2013 919
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Zbiorcza zmiana produktu

SAP AG 920
System R/3
__ Konfiguracja pojedynczych umów dot. zmiany produktu masowego


In this activity you configure the individual contracts, for which the product change is to be executed.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 921
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie czynności związanych ze zmianą produktu masowego


In this activity you define the actions for executing the mass product change.
An action uniquely defines a report run for the mass product change, with a new and old product.

SAP AG 922
System R/3
__ Zapamiętywanie wartości atrybutów dla konfigurowalnego produktu


In this activity you maintain the values for the configurable product. These values can, for example, be
the area of the premise, or the number of persons in the premise.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 923
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Propozycja produktu

SAP AG 924
System R/3
__ Symulacja katalogu produktów


In this activity, you define simulation product catalogs that are used for the product proposal in the IC
In the product simulation view, you define which CRM products are permitted for the product proposal in
the IC WebClient. For each CRM product, you can define a contract that is simulated for the product
proposal. The admissible installation type must match the installation structure of the sample contract.
You then group the CRM products in product catalogs. The product catalog is assigned to the risk class of
a customer consumption segment in the Define Customer Consumption Segment activity.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 925
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie segmentu zużycia klienta


In this activity you define customer consumption segments. The customer consumption segment
determines which simulation scenario is executed for the product proposal.


- Maintain the Simulation Period in Days (Sim. Days) field if you want to simulate a specific
number of days.
- Maintain the Number of Periods for Simulation (Periods) field if you want to simulate a specific
number of billing orders. In this case, you must specify a period in the Projected Simulation
Period (Projected Per.) field, for which the result of the simulation is projected.
On the Customer Consumption Segment Item screen, you can enter period consumption values for
each division and register type. You can also enter a sample contract. This is used for simulation in the
product proposal if there is no explicit assignment of a sample contract on the CRM product level in the
Simulate Product Catalog activity.
On the Segment Risk Class screen, you define a product catalog and the budget billing cycles to be
On the Simulation Characteristics screen, you can specify the operand values that replace the values of
the master data template that is allocated to the CRM product.
You can enter a customer consumption segment as a default segment. This customer consumption
segment is displayed as standard if no customer data is available.

SAP AG 926
System R/3
__ Definiowanie dozwolonych wymiarów dla typu medium


In this activity you define the permitted dimensions for each division category. In the Define Customer
Consumption Segment activity, you can only allocate units of measurement from the permitted
dimensions to a customer segment item for a division.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 927
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wprowadzanie stanu licznika

SAP AG 928
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów dla możliwości zmiany wyników odczytu


In this IMG activity, you specify which types of meter reading results can be changed during the change
process in the call center.


The system only takes the settings in these activities into account if the standard logic is active for the
enhancement spot ISU_IL_MRDOC.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 929
System SAP

31.8.8 e-usługi dla klienta przedsiębiorstwa użyt. publ. (UCES)

SAP AG 930
System R/3
__ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla koncepcji rozszerzenia UCES


To implement your own methods for the UCES enhancement concept, use transaction SE19 (BAdI
Builder: Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations. Define
your own customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_EXTENSION (UCES:
Enhancement Spot for UCES Enhancement Concept).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 931
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla wprowadzania stanu licznika (e-usługi)


To implement your own methods for the meter reading entry for e-services, use transaction SE19 (BAdI
Builder: Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations. Define
your own customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_METERREAD (UCES:
BAdI for Meter Reading Entry for E-Services).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 932
System R/3
__ Konfiguracja anonimowego wprowadzania liczników


You can define the number of meter readings that can be entered per day under Maximum Number of
Meter Readings.
You can also make settings for the anonymous part of meter reading entry in this activity.
You can select the level in the IS-U data model to which devices are read for the Meter Readings entry.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 933
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla ogólnych rozszerzeń UCES


To implement you own methods for the general enhancements for SAP Utility Customer E-Services,
use transaction SE19 (BAdI Builder: Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement
spot implementations. Define your own customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot
ISU_UCES_GENERAL (General Enhancements for UCES).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 934
System R/3
__ Usługa - dostosowanie planu rozliczania zaliczkowego

SAP AG 14.06.2013 935
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Dokonywanie ustawień dla usługi dostosowania planu rozliczania


The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
1. Select Help -> Settings.
2. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field


In this activity you make the necessary settings for the Budget Billing Plan Adjustment service.

Standard settings

Display Filter Area:

If the number of budget billing plans for the business partner > LIM_FILTER, then the filter area is
displayed in JSP content_abbp_overview_html.jsp.
Variant ABBP:
value = 1 Variant 1: Budget billing plan overview
value = 2 Variant 2: Direct budget billing adjustment
value = 3 Variant 3: BB plan adjustment through extrapolation
value = 4 Variant 4: User can decide between variants 2 and 3

Minimum Distance ABBP:

The period between 2 subsequent Internet budget billing plan adjustments must be greater than
MIN_DIST_LAST_ADJ (in days).
Maximum Adjustments:
A maximum of MAX_NUM_ADJ Internet budget billing adjustments are permitted in the current billing
Forced Filters:
(When the filter area is displayed:)
value = 0 The system displays all budget billing plans
value = 1 Before the system displays the budget billing plans,
the user
must make a selection in the filter area

Customer Meter Reading or Cust.:

(Meter reading reason:)
value = 0 The TE410 customizing table is used to determine the
reading reason.

SAP AG 936
System R/3

value = 1 MRREASON = 10 (corresponds to control meter


Minimum Current Percentage:

Lower percentage limit for new budget billing amount, based on the current budget billing amount
(variant 2)
Maximum Current Percentage:
Upper percentage limit for new budget billing amount, based on the current budget billing amount
(variant 2)
Absolute Lower Limit:
Fixed lower limit (Variants 2+3)
Minimum Extrapolated Percentage:
Lower percentage limit for the new budget billing amount, based on the extrapolated budget billing
amount (variant 3)
Maximum Extrapolated Percentage:
Upper percentage limit for the new budget billing amount, based on the extrapolated budget billing
amount (variant 3)

SAP AG 14.06.2013 937
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wprowadzanie ustawień dot. zaokrąglania kwot zaliczek


In this activity you make the required settings for rounding budget billing amounts.

SAP AG 938
System R/3
__ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi dostosowania planu rozliczania



To implement your own methods for the Budget Billing Plan Adjustment service, use transaction SE19
(BAdI Builder: Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations.
Define your own customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_ABBP_NEW
(Enhancement Spot for the Budget Billing Plan Adjustment Service).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 939
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Usługa dostosowania planu płatności

SAP AG 940
System R/3
__ Dokonywanie ustawień usługi dostosowania planu płatności


In this activity you make the settings for the Budget Billing Plan Adjustment service.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 941
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Dokonywanie ustawień dla zaokrąglania kwot planu płatności


In this activity you make the settings for the rounding of payment plan amounts.

SAP AG 942
System R/3
__ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi dostosowania planu płatności


To implement your own methods for the Budget Billing Plan Adjustment service, use transaction SE19
(BAdI Builder: Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations.
Define your own customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_APP (UCES:
Enhancement Spot for the Payment Plan Change).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 943
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Usługa dostosowania schematu płatności

SAP AG 944
System R/3
__ Dokonywanie ustawień dla usługi dostosowania schematu płatności


In this activity you make the settings for the Payment Scheme Adjustment service.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 945
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi dostosowania schematu płatności


To implement your own methods for the Payment Scheme Adjustment service, use transaction SE19
(BAdI Builder: Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations.
Define your own customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_PAYSCHEME
(UCES: Enhancement Spot for the Payment Scheme Adjustment Service).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 946
System R/3
__ Usługa - wyświetlanie przeglądu umowy

SAP AG 14.06.2013 947
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wprowadzanie ustawień dla usługi wyświetlania przeglądu umów


In this activity you make the necessary settings for the Contract Overview Display service.

SAP AG 948
System R/3
__ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi przeglądu kontraktów


To implement your own methods for the Contract Overview service, use transaction SE19 (BAdI
Builder: Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations. Define
your own customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_CO_NEW (UCES: BAdI
for Contract Overview).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 949
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Usługa - symulacja faktury/faktura pośrednia

SAP AG 950
System R/3
__ Ustawienia dla usługi symulacja faktury/rozliczenie pośrednie


In this activity you make settings for the bill simulation/interim billing service. You can for example use
this activity to allow interim bills to be created and to stipulate that a plausible meter reading is required
to perform the bill simulation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 951
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Usługa symulacji faktury: Definiowanie tekstu dla typu taryfy


In this activity you define the text for a rate category, which is only displayed in the E-service. If you do
not define a text for a rate category, the rate category text is displayed from the Define Rate
Categoryactivity in the E-service.

SAP AG 952
System R/3
__ Usługa symulacji faktury: Definiowanie możl. zmiany typu taryfy dla


In this activity you define a possible rate category change for the E-Service.
In the Define Simulation Scenarios activity, you define which alternative rate categories are to be
simulated for the Utility Customer E-Services. The result of this simulation is used as the basis for a rate
category change in the service. You should therefore only define rate categories as being possible for a
rate category change if they are also simulated.
You can only change to one of the rate categories defined here if a rate change is admissible in the
Settings for Bill Simulation/Interim Billing Service activity.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 953
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi symulacji faktury/faktury pośredniej


To implement your own methods for the Bill Simulation / Interim Bill service, use transaction SE19
(BAdI Builder: Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations.
Define your own customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_IB (UCES:
Enhancement Spot for Interim Billing).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 954
System R/3
__ Konfiguracja e-maila

SAP AG 14.06.2013 955
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla konfiguracji wiadomości e-mail


To implement your own methods for the configuration of e-service-specific e-mails, use transaction SE19
(BAdI Builder:
Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations. Define your own
customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_MAIL_NEW (UCES: BAdI for All
Mails of E-Services).
Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 956
System R/3
__ Przypisanie formularzy PDF do procesów


In this activity you assign the corresponding PDF forms, which are sent as a file attachment by e-mail to
confirm the respective transaction, to the individual processes (such as address change, bank data


The GEN_EBP_SCEN_KEY table contains the following scenario key:

This scenario key is used to define the possible entries.

Standard settings

The Customizing table does not contain any entries in the standard system. However, you have the option
of using the following standard sample forms supplied as a template:

SAP AG 14.06.2013 957
System SAP



You want to assign the PDF form used to confirm the address data change to the Address Change
process. To do so, assign the ISU_UCES_EBPP_BANK_ADD form to the ADD_BANK scenario key in
the Customizing table.

SAP AG 958
System R/3
__ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla zmiany adresu


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer E-Services
(UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the Confirmation E-Mail for Change of Address
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_ADDR_CHANGE) BAdI to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends
to the customer automatically to confirm changes to his/her address data.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_ADDR_CHANGE is active as standard. The default

code is executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single use.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_ADDRCHG. For more information, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 959
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdi: E-mail potwierdzający dla wprowadzania danych karty



This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer E-Services
(UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the Confirmation E-Mail for Payment Card Data Entry
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARD_ADD) BAdI to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends to
the customer automatically to confirm that his/her payment card data has been entered.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARD_ADD is active as standard. The default code is

executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single use.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARDADD. For more information, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 960
System R/3
__ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla zmiany danych karty kredytowej


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer E-Services
(UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the Confirmation E-Mail for Payment Card Data Change
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARD_CHANGE) BAdI to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends
to the customer automatically to confirm the change to his/her payment card data.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARD_CHANGE is active as standard. The default

code is executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single use.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARDCHG. For more information, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 961
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający usuwanie danych karty płatniczej


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer E-Services
(UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the Confirmation E-Mail for Payment Card Data Deletion
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARD_DELETE) BAdI to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends
to the customer automatically to confirm that his/her payment card data has been deleted.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARD_DELETE is active as standard. The default

code is executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single use.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_CARDDEL. For more information, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 962
System R/3
__ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla wprowadzania danych banku


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer E-Services
(UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the Confirmation E-Mail for Entry of Bank Details
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANK_ADD) BAdI to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends to
the customer automatically to confirm that his/her bank details have been entered.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANK_ADD is active as standard. The default code is

executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single use.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANKADD. For more information, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 963
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla zmiany danych banku


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer E-Services
(UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the Confirmation E-Mail for Change of Bank Details
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANK_CHANGE) BAdI to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends
to the customer automatically to confirm the changes to his/her bank details.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANK_CHANGE is active as standard. The default

code is executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single use.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANKCHG. For more information, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 964
System R/3
__ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla usuwania danych banku


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer E-Services
(UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the Confirmation E-Mail for Deletion of Bank Details
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANK_DELETE) BAdI to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends
to the customer automatically to confirm that his/her bank details have been deleted.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANK_DELETE is active as standard. The default

code is executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single use.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_BANKDEL. For more information, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 965
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający zapłatę za nierozliczone faktury


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is accessed under SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer
E-Services (UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the BAdI Confirmation E-Mail for Payment of Open Bills
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_PUT_DATA) to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends to the
customer automatically to confirm that the payments they have made for open bills have been entered in
the system.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_PUT_DATA is activated in the standard system. The

default coding is executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single usage.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_PAYMENT. For more infomation, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 966
System R/3
__ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający odwołanie polecenia zapłaty


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in SAP Utilities - Customer Service - Utility Customer E-Services
(UCES) - E-Mail Configuration.
You can use the Confirmation E-Mail for Recalling Payment Instruction
(ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_STOP_DATA) BAdI to configure the standard e-mail that the system sends to
the customer automatically to confirm that a reversal of payments for open bills/items (such as one for an
incorrect bill) has been entered in the system.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_STOP_DATA is active as standard. The default code

is executed automatically.
The BAdI is designed for single use.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

See also:
This BAdI uses the interface IF_EX_ES_FIN_EBPP_MAIL_STOP_PY. For more information, display
the interface in the Class Builder.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 967
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja kontaktu z klientem

SAP AG 968
System R/3
__ BAdI: Tworzenie kontaktów z klientem


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used in the Utilities Industry (IS-U) component.
You can use this BAdI to create contacts for E-Service processes.

Standard settings

The BAdI implementation ES_FIN_EBPP_CONTACT is activated in the standard system.

This BAdI is designed for simple usage.
It is not filter-dependent.


Information about the implementation of BAdIs in the context of the enhancement concept is available in
the SAP Library for SAP NetWeaver under BAdIs - Embedding in the Enhancement Framework.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 969
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Miejsce rozszerzenia dla tworzenia kontaktów


To implement your own methods for creating customer contacts, use transaction SE19 (BAdI Builder:
Initial Screen for Implementations) for processing enhancement spot implementations. Define your own
customer-specific implementation for enhancement spot ISU_UCES_BCONTCREAT (UCES: BAdI for
Creation of Contacts).

Ensure that you only use enhancement spots for the implementation. As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement
package 4, BAdI definitions and BAdI implementations are no longer supported.

SAP AG 970
System R/3
__ Przypisanie kontaktów z klientem


In this activity, you allocate customer contacts to the different contact classes.
For each Biller Direct process (such as paying bills or changing addresses) the system creates a customer
contact for the business partner. The contact class indicates the type of Biller Direct process.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 971
System SAP

31.8.9 Definiowanie prezentacji obiektu

In this IMG activity you can arrange the object presentation. The object presentation allocates attributes
to a business object which are displayed in a certain context.


In the front office you can call the customer overview. Contract and installation data are presented on tab
strips in the lower part of the screen.
You can call the customer overview in the front office. The contract and installation data is presented in
the lower part of the screen, in tabs. The divsion text is displayed as standard in the tab strips.
The text can now be altered in this IMG activity. That means a different attribute can be selectes for the
business object contract (ISUCONTRCT). You can, for example display the contract description instead
of the division text.
To do this, you must enter something in the table. You can find a list of all the available functions using
the F4 Help.
The entry for the customer overview is as follows:
Enter the business object ISUCONTRCT in the object category field. Usingthe F4 Help in the attribute
field, you find all the attributes that can be used for this business object. For example, to display the
contract description, select the attribute DESCRIPTION.
The next time you call the customer overview, the contract description will be displayed instead of the
division text.


You can change the object presentation for certain functions.

Further notes

You cannot use the object presentation in every function. The object presentation must be available from
the functions/transactions. You can find the list of all available functions in F4 Help in the program name
SAP performs the standard definition in the EBAPRES table, which is a system table. You cannot change
the entries already given.

SAP AG 972
System R/3

31.9 Work Management

Work Management supports the industry-specific Utilities (IS-U) component in the generation of orders
and notifications for the Plant Maintenance (PM) and Customer Service (CS) components.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 973
System SAP

31.9.1 Dane podstawowe

In this IMG activity you define service objects and allocate them to division and set level.

SAP AG 974
System R/3
__ Definiowanie obiektów serwisu

In this IMG activity you define service objects. You also specify the parameters that are automatically
transferred into the order. The following data can be specified in accordance with the plant,service object
and service object ID:
- Order type
- Maintenance activity type
- Main work center
- Business area
- General maintenance task list (Task list groups from category A)
- If the general maintenance task list is configurable, only the tasks and components that were
selected and valuated using the configuration are included in the service order.
- If no general maintenance task list is specified, the system creates a default task.
- Technical reference object (reference type und reference object type)
- Billing rule
Service objects with the service object ID 01 are called service products. A service product can be entered
in a sales order item. A service order is then generated automatically in the background. Note that other
service object IDs are not yet used in the standard system.

Standard settings

The Customizing table does not contain entries provided by SAP.

Further notes

You can maintain service objects and service products in the SAP menu under Utilites Industry-> Work
Management -> Master Data.
You can later define order codes as shortcuts for each service object, which along with plant
determination, serve towards order generation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 975
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie poziomów zestawu dla obiektów serwisu

In this IMG activity you define set levels for the service objects. In the next activity you allocate these set
levels to the service objects.


Set levels Text

Connection Set levels for connections

SAP AG 976
System R/3
__ Przypisanie obiektów serwisu do medium i poziomu zestawu

In this IMG activity, you allocate service objects to the set levels created in the previous activity. You
also allocate a division to the service object.
As a result of this allocation, the agent is offered a list of only suitable service objects when he/she
executes certain workflows, such as service connection with quotation. The agent can also limit the
search for service objects by entering set levels and or divisions.


ID Service object Set levels Divisions

00 Service connection electricity Connection Electricity
00 Service connection gas Connection Gas
00 Service connection water Connection Water

In this case the system proposes three service objects for set level connection.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 977
System SAP

31.9.2 Przetwarzanie

In this IMG activity you define the requirements for processing. This enables you to:
- Generate orders and notifications for IS-U.
It also ensures integration of the utilities industry with the Plant Maintenance (PM) and Customer
Service (CS) components. This means, for example, that a corresponding work order is generated
on the basis of an aperiodic meter reading order.
- Run separate Work Management processes and functions such as inspections.

SAP AG 978
System R/3
__ Zlecenia

In this IMG activity you define the settings that enable you to generate orders both manually and
automatically in IS-U. These settings mean it is possible to determine all order data for the validity period
from just the order code and regional structure group. You can enter the order code manually, when
blocking an installation for example. Otherwise you can preset the order code in the system, in period
replacement for example.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 979
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kodów zlecenia

In this IMG activity you define the order codes.

Standard settings

The table below contains all the order codes supplied by SAP and the reference object type that you have
to use in the respective service object.
Do not change the entries provided by SAP, as the system has been designed to use them.
Order code Reference object type Usage
DC00 01 (Funct. loc.) Disconnection order (collection)
EINS 02 (Equipment) Initial check order
INS2 01 (Funct. loc.) Inspection order
Connection object
INSO 01 (Funct. loc.) Installation order: Device
INSP 02 (Equipment) Inspection order: Equipment
PHOL 03 (Serial + mat. no.) Get uninstalled sample devices
for device inspection
PLAG 01 (Funct. loc.) Get sample devices from
for device inspection
PRE1 01 (Funct. loc.) Periodic replacement order
Device location
PRE2 01 (Funct. loc.) Periodic replacement order
Connection object
PREP 03 (Serial+mat. no.) Periodic replacement order
RC00 01 (Funct. loc.) Reconnection order
SAM1 01 (Funct. loc.) Inspection unit change order
Device location
SAM2 01 (Funct. loc.) Inspection unit change order
Connection object
SAMP 03 (Serial+mat. no.) Inspection unit change order
SMR1 01 (Funct. loc.) Irregular meter reading order
Device location
SMR2 01 (Funct. loc.) Irregular meter reading order
Connection object

SAP AG 980
System R/3

SMRO 03 (Serial+mat. no.) Irregular meter reading order

SREP 01 (Funct. loc.) Repair order: Device
or 02 (Equipment)
VINS 02 (Equipment) Order for advance


Define your own order codes in the customer namespace (X*, Y*, Z*).

Further notes

In order to generate orders based on the order codes, you have to perform the activities described in this
IMG section for both your own order codes and the order codes supplied by SAP.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 981
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie obiektów usługi do kodów zlecenia

In this IMG activity you allocate service objects to order codes. The service object contains all settings,
such as order type and work center, which are automatically transferred into the work order.


Order code Text ID Service object

CERT Certification of installed devices 00 Device certification
PREP Order for periodic replacement device 00
Device replacement
SAMP Order for (spare) sample device 00 Device


Define service objects in Work Management Customizing under Master Data.

SAP AG 982
System R/3
__ Definiowanie ustalania zakładu i stanowiska roboczego dla zleceń

In this IMG activity you allocate PM planning plants to service objects und regional structure areas. The
PM planning plants are determined later on in work order generation from the order code (service object
and its ID) and regional structure group (regional structure area and role 20500033).
If your service organization is structured according to regional viewpoints, you can determine the
responsible work center independantly of the regional structure group. This supports preliminary
planning. You can optionally allocate a responsible work center to the regional structure group and
service object.
If you do not maintain work center determination, the work center for the corresponding service object is
The scheduling and dispatching for the responsible work center are controlled as follows:
1. Preliminary planning
Orders are automatically allocated to the responsible work center.
2. Detailed planning
The planner assigns the orders for a reponsible work center to the main work centers or service
Plant and work center determination are supported for the creation of orders
- for device replacment (periodic replacement)
- for inspections
- for disconnection and reconnection
- for aperiodic meter reading
- with BAPI UtilServOrder.CreateMultiple
- with method UtilServOrder.CreateByOrderCode
- with Front Office Process Create repair order (SMREP02)


ID Service object RegStrArea. PM planning plant
00 Device replacment 0001 0001
00 Device replacement 0002 0002
Shortly before the order can be generated, the only information the system has is the order code and
address (for example a connection object). The service object with ID 00, for example, results from the
order code PREP (periodic replacement order for device). Regional structure area 0001 (north and east) is
determined from the address on the basis of regional structure group 0001 and role 20500033. The
responsible PM planning plant 0001 is determined from the notification default values.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 983
System SAP

RegStrGroup Responsible work center

0001 Service 1
0002 Service 2

Responsible work center service 1 is determined for the service object device replacement for regional
structure group 0001, and is transferred into the order.


You need to complete the following in Customizing:

1. Customizing of postal regional structure in basic functions:
a) Define Regional Structure Group
b) Define Regional Structure Areas for Roles.
Note: Define role 20500033 (ISU_WORKMAN) for plant determination.
c) Allocate Regional Structure Groups to Regional Structure Areas
2. Customizing of basic functions in Work Management: Define Service Objects
3. Customizing of order processing in Work Management
a) Define Order Codes
b) Allocate Service Objects to Order Codes

SAP AG 984
System R/3
__ Def. funkcji partnera i wskazówek dot. odczytu dla osób odpow. za

In this IMG activity, you define the business partner functions and static meter reading notes for the
person(s) responsible for objects. In doing so, you also define the functions in which the person(s)
responsible are transferred to orders.
Note the following:
When you create orders, you can only transfer one partner per function. You are required to do the
- In this activity, allocate another function to each note.
- In the connection object, allocate only one partner to each note.
When you create orders, the following happens:
1. Determination
a) of the static notes (for example, XY) to which the person(s) responsible for the object are
b) of the partner functions (for example, CP - contact person) in which the person(s) responsible
are transferred to the order
2. Determination of the connection object based on the following reference objects for the order:
- Connection object
- Device location
- Device
- Technical installation
- Equipment, such as connection, that is installed in the connection object
- Equipment, such as heating, that is installed in the device location
3. A check to see whether one or more notes with respective business partners are allocated to the
current connection object.
4. Transfer of business partners (in the respective determined functions, such as CP) to the order.


Define the static notes in Customizing: Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Meter Reading
Order -> Order Creation -> Define Static Notes for Field Service.
Define partner determination procedures and functions in Customizing: Plant Maintenance and
Customer Service -> Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance and Service Orders
-> Partner -> Define Partner Determination Procedure and Partner Function.
The business partner also exists as an SD (Sales and Distribution) customer.
If you have created new partner functions, you must allocate these functions to the corresponding account

SAP AG 14.06.2013 985
System SAP

groups for your partner. To do this choose the following in Customizing: Sales and Distribution ->
Basic Functions -> Partner Determination -> Set Up Partner Determination.

SAP AG 986
System R/3
__ Definiowanie profili siatki terminów


In this IMG activity, you define time slot profiles. By doing so, you decide to which time slot a given day
is allocated. You can define the following characteristics:
- Number of time slots used for each day
- Length of a time slot in minutes
- Number of days in a standard planning horizon
- Number of days in an enhanced planning horizon
- Number of lead days
- Number of subsequent days
- Percentage value for displaying yellow traffic light
- Percentage value for displaying red traffic light
- Percentage value to indicate overplanning
- Offset to postpone time slot profile
- Start time of time slot
You can use the pushbutton Test Interface to display a created time slot profile for checking in the
planning horizon.

Standard settings

SAP does not provide standard time slot profiles.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 987
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie profili siatki terminów do stanowisk roboczych


In this IMG activity, you allocate work centers to the time slot profiles. This ensures that, based on the
work center, the correct time slot profile is selected.


Before you allcoate the work centers, you must have completed the following activities:
- Define time slot profiles.

SAP AG 988
System R/3
__ Zawiadomienia

In this IMG activity you define the settings that enable you to generate notifications both manually and
automaticalls in IS-U. These settings mean that it is possible to determine all data for a notification from
just the notification code and regional structure group. You can enter the notification code manually or
preset it in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 989
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kodów zawiadomień

In this activity you define your own notification codes

Standard settings

The following table lists all the notification codes supplied by SAP.
Please do not change the supplied settings, because the system has been programmed to use them.
Notification code Usage
DC00 Disconnection notification (collection)
INS2 Inspection notification for connection object
INSP Inspection notification for device
PHOL Get uninstalled sample devices for sampling
PLAG Get sample devices from warehouse for sampling
PRE1 Periodic replacement notification for device location
PRE2 Periodic replacement notification for connection
PREP Periodic replacement notification for device
RC00 Reconnection notification
SAM1 Sample unit change notification for device location
SAM2 Sample unit change notification for connection object
SAMP Sample unit change notification for device
SMR1 Irregular meter reading notification for device location
SMR2 Irregular meter reading notification for connection
SMRO Irregular meter reading notification for device


Use the customer namespace (X*, Y*, Z*) to define your own notification codes.

Further notes

To create notifications for both your own notification codes and the notification codes supplied by SAP,
you have to perform the following activities of this IMG section.

SAP AG 990
System R/3
__ Definiowanie schematu działania

In this IMG activity you define the activity schemas. An activity schema describes a flow of activities.
The activities are written to the notification. The activity schema corresponds to the general maintenance
task list for orders.
You allocate the activity schema for each combination of catalog, code group and code from the Plant
Maintenance (PM) component.


You have defined the code groups and codes in Customizing. To do this, choose Plant Maintenance
and Customer Service -> Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance and Service
Notifications -> Notification Creation -> Notification Content -> Maintain Catalogs.
In the activity Maintain Catalogs you must first define then edit catalogs. IS-U currently only supports
catalogs of catalog type 8 (activities).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 991
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie profili zawiadomień

In this IMG activity you define notification profiles. Define the parameters that are automatically
transferred into the notification. You can specify the following data in accordance with the plant and the
notification profile.
- Notification type
- Priority
- Business area
- Main work center
- Plant where main work center is located
- Maintenance activity type
- Activity schema

Further notes

The notification profile corresponds functionally to the service object for orders. The service object that
belongs to the Customer Service (CS) component is only used by IS-U. In contrast, the notification
profile is an object belonging to and only used by the industry-specific Utilities (IS-U) component.

SAP AG 992
System R/3
__ Przypisanie profili zawiadomień do kodów zawiadomień

In this IMG activity you allocate notification profiles to notification codes. The notification profile
contains all parameters, such as notification type or work center, that are automatically transferred into a


NCode Description Notification profile

PREP Notification for periodic replacement Device replacement
SAMP Sample device replacement Device replacement

SAP AG 14.06.2013 993
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustalania zakładu dla zawiadomień

In this IMG activity you allocate plant maintenance planning plants to notification profiles and regional
structure areas. The PM planning plant is later determined in notification generation from the notification
profile and regional structure group (regional structure area and role 20500033).


Notification profile RegStrArea PM planning plant

Device replacement 0001 0001
Device replacement 0002 0002

Shortly before the notification can be generated, the only information the system has is the notification
and address (for example a connection object). The notification profile device replacment results from
the notification code PREP (notification for periodic replacement). Regional structure area 0001 (north
and east) is determined from the address on the basis of regional structure group 0001 and role 20500033.
The responsible PM planning plant 0001 is determined from these default values for the notification.


You need to complete the following in Customizing:

1. Customizing of postal regional structure in basic functions
a) Define Regional Structure Group
b) Define Regional Structure Areas for Roles
Note: Define role 20500033 (ISU_WORKMAN) for plant determination.
c) Allocate Regional Structure Groups to Regional Structure Areas
2. Customizing of notification processing in Work Management
a) Define Notification Codes
b) Define Activity Schemas
c) Define Notification Profiles
d) Allocate Notification Profiles to Notification Codes

SAP AG 994
System R/3
__ Przygotowanie wydruku zleceń/ komunikatów z danymi IS-U

This IMG activity is used for organizational purposes. If you wish to print work orders or notifications
with selected IS-U data, proceed as follows:

Printing periodic replacement orders:

1. Copy print report REPRJT00.

2. Modify the copied print report.
3. Copy SAPscript form ISU_COMMON.
4. Modify the copied form.
5. Define your own shop paper from the copied print report and copied form, and specify the shop
papers for the order type.
Perform this activity in Customizing under Plant Maintenance and Customer Service ->
Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance and Service Orders -> Print Control
-> Define Shop Papers, Forms and Output Programs.

Printing disconnection and reconnection orders

1. Copy print report REPRDC00.

2. Follow steps 2 to 5 of the procedure for printing periodic replacement orders.

Printing aperiodic meter reading orders

1. Copy print report REPRMR00.

2. Follow steps 2 to 5 of the procedure for printing periodic replacement orders.

Printing general notifications

1. Copy print report REPRSN00.

2. Follow steps 2 to 4 of the procedure for printing periodic replacement orders.
3. Define your own shop paper from the copied print report and copied form, and specify the shop
papers for the notification type.
Perform this activity in Customizing under Plant Maintenance and Customer Service ->
Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance and Service Notifications ->
Notification Processing -> Notification Print Control -> Define Shop Papers, Forms and
Output Programs.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 995
System SAP

SAP AG 996
System R/3
__ Przetwarzanie przyłącza

In this IMG activity you make the settings necessary for service connection processing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 997
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustawień dla przetwarzania przyłącza

In this IMG activity, you define the settings for service connection processing. A sample workflow for
service connection processing is provided by SAP.
To be able to perform service connection processing and down payment clearing, you must define the
following settings in other components:
1. Define new item category ISUD
This ensures that the values of an item of this item category are not included in the bill total.
a) Define the new item category ISUD in Customizing of the Sales and Distribution component
underSales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Define Item Categories.
b) Use service item category TAD as a template for ISUD.
c) You must enter Y in the Statistical value field (no accumulation - values can be used
2. Create new service material
The down payment amount is included in the sales order via a service material in item category
ISUD, which you have defined (see point 1). The service material defined in the reference workflow
Create the service material in the Materials Management menu.
3. Provide item category for the material
To be able to use the new item category for the service material, you must allocate it to the
appropriate item category group for the sales and distribution document types used. To allocate
ISUD to the item category in Customizing choose Sales and Distribution -> Sales -> Sales
Documents -> Sales Document Item -> Assign Item Categories.
4. Adjust pricing procedure
To ensure correct pricing with a negative price (down payment) for the service material you define,
you must delete the condition AZWR with the calculation formula 048 in the corresponding pricing
procedure. This condition controls down payment clearing in SD, but cannot be used in conjunction
with contract accounts receivable and payable.
5. Adjust bill printout in SD
In bill printout you must make the following adjustments:
a) Do not print down payment item with special item category as normal bill item
b) Include down payment value in total shown on bill


To be able to perform service connection processing, you must define the following settings in
Customizing for the Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA) component:
- You must define the default document types for the down payment request. To do this, choose
Basic Functions -> Postings and Documents -> Document -> Document Assignment
Maintenance -> Document Types -> Maintain Doc Type Specifications for Down Payment

SAP AG 998
System R/3

- You must define the default values for down payment clearing from the service connection. To do
this, choose Basic Functions -> Open Item Management -> Define Default Values for Down
Payment Clearing from Service Connection.
- You must define the main transactions, subtransactions and account determination for the down
payments in FI-CA.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 999
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dezagregacji SD/CS

In this IMG activity you define control parameters for the disaggregated processes of Sales and
Distribution/Customer Service.

SAP AG 1000
System R/3
__ Inspekcje

In this section you define system settings for inspection of technical installations or equipment.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1001
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla inspekcji

In this IMG activity you determine whether

- The business partner should be saved during creation of orders or notifications.
Note the following:
- If you save the business partner, you can display its orders or notifications in Customer
Overview in the Customer Interaction Center.
- You cannot transfer the business partner to a piece of equipment (for example, a gas riser).
- Orders or notifications should be created.
- Orders or notifications should be bundeled at equipment/technical installation level, or at connection
object level.

SAP AG 1002
System R/3
__ Definiowanie okresów inspekcji dla instalacji technicznych

In this IMG activity, you define periods in either months or years, depending upon the type of premise
and division.
You can also enter an order or notification code, that is valid instead of the standard order or notification
code, when creating an order or notification. This entry is optional.

Standard settings

The standard code for

- connection object bundeling level is INS2
- equipment/technical installation bundeling level is INSP

Further notes

The system does not convert inspection periods from months into years or vice versa. For example, if the
inspection list contains technical installations with inspection periods of 12 months, then you can only
enter 12 months (and not 1 year) as a restriction for order creation in the inspection list.
We recommend that you enter all full year periods in years.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1003
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie okresów inspekcji dla urządzeń

In this activity, you define periods in either months or years, depending upon the type of technical object
(type of equipment) and division.
You can also enter an order or notification code, that is valid instead of the standard order or notification
code, when creating an order or notification. This entry is optional.

Standard settings

The standard code for

- connection object bundeling level is INS2
- equipment/technical installation bundeling level is INSP

Further notes

The system does not convert inspection periods from months into years or vice versa. For example, if the
inspection list contains technical installations with inspection periods of 12 months, then you can only
enter 12 months (and not 1 year) as a restriction for order creation in the inspection list.
We recommend that you enter all full year periods in years.

SAP AG 1004
System R/3
__ Włączenie urządzenia do otoczenia danych lokalu i obiektu


In this IMG activity you include the equipment in the data environment of the premise or the connection
object. The technical installations are already contained in the data environments, together with the
inspection data.
You can view the inspection-relevant equipment (such as connections or central heating) together with all
other technical objects of the Utilities (IS-U) component. When you adjust the data environment of
premises and connection objects, you can only display these pieces of equipment in the functional
locations of Plant Maintenance/Customer Service.


1. Choose the following in Customizing: SAP Utilities -> Customer Service -> Customer
Information -> Configure Data Environment Display.
2. Copy the delivered configurations as follows:
- PREMISES to ZPREMISES, for example
- CONNOBJ to ZCONNOBJ, for example
3. Change the new configuration and enter a subentry for the BOR object PREMISES or CONNOBJ,
that displays the installed equipment by BOR navigation.
4. Maintain the display options for the installed equipment the same as the display options for BOR
object TECHINST.
5. Save your entries and go back.
6. Choose Configuration determination in the initial screen of navigator configuration and maintain
the data so that the new configuration is found instead of the original configuration.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1005
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wyświetlanie danych inspekcji w urządzeniu

This IMG activity describes how you show the inspection data as additional fields for the equipment. In
this context, equipment can mean a basic piece of equipment or a technical installation, a device or a


SAP recommends that you define separate equipment categories for inspection-relevant equipment, as
this makes it easier to show the inspection data.


1. Define a new view profile for the equipment category concerned.

a) To do this choose the following in Customizing: Plant Maintenance and Customer Service
-> Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Technical Objects ->
General Data -> Define View Profiles for Technical Objects.
b) Show subscreen 150 with user data in your new view profile, at a suitable point on the screen.
2. Allocate the profile you created in step 1 to the equipment category concerned.
To do this in Customizing choose: Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Master Data
in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Technical Objects -> Equipment ->
Equipment Category -> Maintain Equipment Category.
3. Create a new project in Project Management of SAP enhancements (transaction CMOD), and
allocate enhancement ITOB0001 to it.
4. Create a new screen in the component of your project.
To do this choose the first entry of the screen exit.
The screen must be a subscreen. SAP recommends that you only include the fields of tables
for example) as display fields.
5. Create include ZXTOBTOP for include LXTOBTOP of function group XTOB and enter the table
instructions for the tables used in step 4. Activate the tables.
6. Call up function module EXIT_SAPLITO0_001 from the component of your project.
a) Create include ZXTOBU01 by double-clicking.
b) Read the inspection data from table EWMOBJINSP in this include, based on the current object
number, and complete the corresponding screen fields from step 4.
7. Activate your project.

SAP AG 1006
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1007
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przetwarzanie zezwolenia na zasilanie

In this activity you define the requirements for supply permit processing. For more information, see SAP
Library IS-U Utilities Industry -> Work Management -> Processing -> Supply Permit Processing.

SAP AG 1008
System R/3
__ Przypisanie katalogu, grupy kodów i kodu do zezwolenia

In this IMG activity you assign permits to a combination of catalog, code group und code in the Plant
Maintenance (PM) component.
This allocation is necessary if you want to record information in supply permit processing for entered
permits using catalog information for notifications.


Permit Catalog Code group Code

WIB_0001 I WIB 0001
WIB_0002 I WIB 0002
WIB_0003 I WIB 0003

For the reconnection three permits are allocated to catalog I, code group WIB and the corresponding


You must first define code groups and codes in Customizing under: Plant Maintenance and Customer
Service -> Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance and Service Notifications ->
Notification Creation -> Notification Content -> Maintain Catalogs.
In the Maintain Catalogs activity you must first define and edit catalogs.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1009
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustalania zezwolenia

In this IMG activity you allocate permits to service objects and regional structure areas.
You must use this permit determination if you want to automatically allocate definate permits to orders in
supply permit processing.


ID Service object RegStrArea Permit

00 Reconnection 0001 WIB_0001
00 Reconnection 0002 WIB_0001
00 Reconnection 0002 WIB_0002

If you create a reconnection order for a reconnection with permit, you must first of all call up permit
determination. The service object reconnection with ID 00 results from the order code RC00, for
example. Regional structure area 0002 (south and west) is determined from the address of the object that
is being reconnected, based upon regional structure group 0003 and role 20500068. Permits WIB_0001
and WIB_0002 are determined from these default values and transferred into the order.


You need to complete the following in Customizing:

1. Customizing of postal regional structure in basic functions
a) Define Regional Structure Group
b) Define Regional Structure Areas for Roles
Note: Define role 20500068 (ISU_PERMIT) for permit determination.
c) Allocate Regional Structure Groups to Regional Structure Areas
2. Customizing of master data in Work Management: Define Service Object
3. Customizing of order processing in Work Management
a) Define Order Codes
b) Allocate Service Objects to Order Codes
c) Define Plant and Work Center Determination for Orders

SAP AG 1010
System R/3
__ Defin. gr. kodów i kodów dla zawiadomień o przerwie w dost.

In this IMG activity you define the code groupps and codes for the Front Office process Create outage
notification (OMSNOT01).
To find the code groups and codes, choose the following in Customizing: Plant Maintenance and
Customer Service -> Maintenance and Service Processing -> Maintenance and Service
Notifications -> Notification Creation -> Notification Content -> Maintain Catalogs. In the activity
Maintain Catalogs you must first define then edit catalogs.
These codes are used for describing the outage more precisely. In the Front Office process Create
outage notification, C is used as the default for the catalog, and OUTAGE is used as the default for the
code group.
Therefore, if you wish to use the above Front Office process without making any additional changes, you
must create the code group OUTAGE for the catalog C (damages), and also various codes for that code


Catalog Code group Code Short text

C OUTAGE 0001 Cable/pylon faulty - no light
C OUTAGE 0002 Fuse blown - no light
C OUTAGE 0003 Cause unknown - no light


If, for naming convention reasons, you do not wish to create the code group OUTAGE, you can also use
a different code group. However, if this is the case, you must adjust the editor step OMS_NOT.
In addition, you must carry out the following activities:
1. Define a new auxiliary structure containing the field FECOD.
2. Create a foreign key dependency for this field.
You can use the foreign key for EEWM_HELP-FECOD as a default and adjust the constant value
for the code group to correspond to your code group.
3. Change the field reference for the editor parameter Problem in the editor step OMS_NOT to the
auxiliary field you have just created.
Define the editor step by choosing Utilities Industry -> Customer Service -> Customer
Interaction Center -> Define Front Office Editor Steps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1011
System SAP

31.9.3 Zarządzanie operacyjnymi aktywami trwałymi dla przedsiębiorstw użyt.


SAP AG 1012
System R/3
__ Definiowanie numerów materiałów dla przetw. danych na urządzeniu



You can use this activity to define materials for mobile processing. As a result, the data for these
materials is transferred to the mobile application and is available there as input help. The field service
employee particularly needs material information when entering unplanned, aperiodic meter readings or
unplanned device replacements. This is because the material number and the device number are used
together to uniquely identify a device.
Note, that entries in this table are not required if you have uniquely defined devices using only the device


- You have used transaction MM01 to define each material.

- The creation of a device category, using transaction EG01 is optional.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1013
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Defin. numerów urządzeń dla przetw. danych na urządz. przen. jako


You can use this activity to define that the device number (serial number) is sufficient for identifying a
certain device. This means that the device category (material) is no longer displayed in the mobile
application, or is not available as an input field when entering unplanned meter readings and unplanned
device replacements.
Note, that you should only set this indicator if you have uniquely defined the device using the device
number, and the device category is not necessary for identifying a device.

SAP AG 1014
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sekcji dla stron przeglądu


You can use this activity to define which sections in the order overview or notification overview of the
mobile application are to be displayed as expanded when called. You can determine this for the device
replacement, aperiodic meter reading and disconnection/reconnection processes, and the processes that
you defined yourself (such as repair order).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1015
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie danych zależnych od użytkownika dla okresowych



You use this activity to allocate users to meter readers in IS-U. You also define which variant to use for
selecting meter reading documents.

SAP AG 1016
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wartości domyślnych dla możliwych wpisów


You can use this activity to define default values, which are used in the input helps in MAU. For
example, you can define the value EUR as default for the currency.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1017
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Jednostki odczytu dla replikacji sterowanej przez Backend


You can use this activity to define meter reading units for processing on a mobile device.
When you create or change a meter reading order, the system only transfers the meter reading units listed
in this table to the mobile application.
You do not have to make any entries in this table.
If you do not make any entries, all meter reading units in the system are relevant for mobile processing.

SAP AG 1018
System R/3
__ Aktualizacja informacji dot. konta umowy w warstwie pośredniej


If you handle collection processes in Mobile Asset Management for Utilities, you sometimes need
up-to-date information about a contract account. By selecting the Update CA (update contract account
information) checkbox, each incoming payment for this contract account automatically updates the
contract account data in the Middleware for all relevant disconnection orders or notifications.
Selecting this field can have a negative effect on system performance during the payment run.


You have created a dunning notice for an overdue bill, and a service order or service notification has been
generated for a disconnection order.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1019
System SAP

31.9.4 Interfejsy

In this IMG activity you can define interfaces for the following external systems:
- Outage management systems (OMS)
- Computer-aided dispatch and scheduling (CADS) systems
- Geographical information systems (GIS)
The following interfaces are available for outage management:
- Download of order data and customer contact data to the outage management system (IDoc
- Setting of system status in the order using an external system (BAPI interface)
- Uploading outage data for the order from an external system and generating customer contacts for
the customers affected by the outage (IDoc interface)
The following interfaces are available for scheduling and dispatching:
- Download of service orders for aperiodic meter reading (IDoc interface)
- Download of service orders for disconnection orders (IDoc interface)
- Download of service orders for device replacement (IDoc interface)
- Upload of meter reading results without prior meter reading order creation (IDoc interface)
- Request from the external system for customer information (BAPI interface)
The following interface is available for the geographical information system:
- GIS business connector

SAP AG 1020
System R/3
__ Przypisanie typów IDOC do modułów funkcyjnych

In this IMG activity you define which IDoc types can be used in method CreateIdoc for BOR objects
UtilServNotification and UtilServOrder. You allocate the IDoc types to certain function modules. The
function modules determine how IDocs are filled.
You must only establish Customizing settings if you have created an enhancement for a Basis type.


Function module MASTERIDOCCREATE_ISU_COL_ORDER creates an IDoc from Basis type

ISU_COL_ORDER. This IDoc contains disconnection and reconnection orders.


You must have established settings in Customizing in Basis Components -> Basis Services in either
IDoc Interfaces/Electronic Data Interchange or Application Link Enabling (ALE) .

Standard settings

In the following table you can find all entries offered by SAP, which refer to Basis types offered by SAP.
Application area Basis type Function module

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1021
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ GIS Business Connector

In this IMG activity you establish the settings to operate the GIS Business Connector. Before you use the
interface, you must ensure that the following prerequisites have been met:
- An RFC server is installed in your network environment, which uses the interface services. This
RFC server must fulfill one or both of the following conditions:
- It receives remote procedure calls from the SAP System.
- It can send calls to the GBC interface.

We recommend that you install the Actional ControlBroker# RFC software as the RFC server,
because the GIS Business Connector supports the call convention of this software, for the realization
of remote procedure calls.
- These services are registered in your network environment, which offers server services.
- The method signatures that are called up by the remote procedure call are automatically recognized.

SAP AG 1022
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla GBC


Using this activity, you can maintain the number range objects GBC connections and GBC links.

Standard settings

The number range "01" is delivered and used for internal number assignment.


If necessary, you can adjust the interval values of the number ranges "01".

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1023
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Tworzenie relacji obiektu i opracowanie repozytorium metod GIS

In this IMG activity you define which interfaces the object relationships are based on. To do this use the
existing SAP Business Objects from the Business Object Repository (BOR) and specify existing GIS
objects for the GIS Business Connector (GBC). You specify a GIS object, when you give the object a
name. In order to use the object, you must specify the signatures of existing object methods, when you
store the methods with their parameters in the GIS method repository. The names of the methods and
their parameters must correspond with the original names. You must just maintain the methods that are
used in the subsequent task definition.


You want to create a relationship between the SAP Business Object service connection and the service
connection in the GIS.
Define an object link between the two objects. The definition of the SAP Business Object service
connection exists in the system, and the GBC can use all methods for this object. The name of the object
corresponds to the name in the SAP System.
Provide a name for the GIS object to be modeled. The object is then recognized in the GBC. In order to
make the methods of the object available to the GBC, you must store the signatures for the methods in the
GIS method repository.

Further notes

For more information see the documentation for report RIGC0004 (Maintain Object Relations and GIS
Method Repository).

SAP AG 1024
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zadań

In this IMG activity you specify the tasks for an object relationship that are executed in a particular
system (SAP System or GIS). A task can be allocated methods that are executed in a particularly defined


You want to ensure a synchronous dataset for the object relationship created in the previous step, between
the service connection objects in the SAP System and the GIS. The objects are generated in the GIS and
the system automatically compares the objects.
Define a task to be executed in the SAP System. Allocate a method for reading data from a service
connection, to be executed in the GIS. Also allocate a method for creating a service connection, to be
executed in the SAP System.

Further notes

For more information see the documentation for report RIGC0005 (Maintain Task Definition).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1025
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie pól i wartości

In this IMG activity you define how data is supplied to methods that are executed in a task. Otherwise
you can specify a key allocation for each task that represents an object relation (a fixed characteristic of
the object relationship).
You can supply methods with data by field allocation or by fixed value allocation.
If you use field allocations, you can choose whether the value conversion takes place using fixed values
or using a user-defined subprogram.
Field allocations take priority over fixed value allocations. This means that the dynamic value overwrites
the default value, if necessary.


The task created in the previous step, for the creation of service connections in the SAP System, reads the
corresponding GIS object in the first task step. The task was called up using the corresponding object key
of the GIS object that is now available as a global container value.
1. As the first field allocation, drag the object key to the corresponding input parameter for the method.
2. In the second step, a method is called up to create the service connection in the SAP System.
You can now use field allocation to enter the output data from the previous step in all entry fields
for this method.
3. You also want to save a key allocation for both objects.
To do this, switch to the view of the key allocations.
The key for the higher object is proposed by the container value. Use the object key for the lower
object, that is available in the output data for the second step.

Further notes

For more information see the documentation for report RIGC0006 (Maintain Field and Value

SAP AG 1026
System R/3

31.10 Gospodarka odpadami

In this IMG activity you establish waste management settings.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1027
System SAP

31.10.1 Ustawienia podstawowe

In this IMG section, you establish the basic settings for Waste Management.

SAP AG 1028
System R/3
__ Definiowanie typów potwierdzeń


In this IMG activity you define confirmation categories.

The confirmation category defines which fields in the waste disposal order, weighing data record and
resource assignment (personnel and vehicles) you can confirm in the waste disposal order.
You can assign confirmation categories at various hierarchy levels:
- Service areas
- Service types
- Combination of the service product and service type
A bottom to top search is performed to find the correct fields for the waste disposal order item in the
confirmation. This means that a search is first performed to see if a confirmation category is available for
the service product and service type combination. If this assignment does not exist, the system searches
in the service type and finally in the service area.

Further notes

If you want to confirm additional fields you can use customer includes for the following fields from the
enhancement EWAOD002:
Field for Customer Include
Waste Disposal Order CI_EWA_ORDER_RESULT_HEAD for:
Waste Disposal Order CI_EWA_ORDER_RESULT_EMPTYIN for:

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1029
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów usług


In this activity you define service types and allocate them to a service category.
You can allocate a service category to each service type. If you want to bill the waste disposal service,
you must allocate at least one waste billing category to the service type.
You can also allocate confirmation categories to the service type. This means that you can control the
fields that are displayed for the respective service type during confirmation of waste disposal orders.


You have defined waste billing categories.


Service type Service category

Empty container Disposal
Clean container Disposal
Cleaning Cleaning / Winter maintenance
Gritting Cleaning / Winter maintenance

SAP AG 1030
System R/3
__ Definiowanie obszarów usługi

In this IMG activity you define service areas for waste management. Similar services are grouped
Allocate the following to the service area:
1. Service types
2. Confirmation categories


- Swap-container services
- Discharge system container service
- Other waste transport services

Further notes

In an external system for route planning, you can allocate these services to a prorated planning instance
with a separate vehicle fleet, containers and/or cleaning objects. You can also adjust the service areas to
the area of responsibility of the planner, for example.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1031
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie not


In this activity you define notes for a waste disposal service.

You can allocate a service area to each note. You can also specify the additional period of time and
service points.


- 10 m carrying distance
- Narrow entrance

Further notes

If a note is to be entered during billing, you must

1. Define and
2. Valuate a waste billing category.
You can also evaluate the note as being billing-relevant or logistics-relevant only. If the note is
logistics-relevant only, the system does not check whether the note can be allocated to a service or
modified in periods that have already been billed.

SAP AG 1032
System R/3
__ Definiowanie frakcji odpadów


In this activity you define material groups as waste fractions. You can also allocate container types to
each waste fraction, and specify the corresponding bulk weight per container category.
You enter the container categories for the waste fractions in the SAP Easy Access menu under -> Utilities
Industry -> Waste Management -> Master Data -> Container Category .


- You have already created the waste in the system as a material.

- You have defined the material groups in the system.


You define the waste fraction "non-recyclable waste" and allocate the following waste to it:
- Ash
- Disposable nappies
- Porcelain

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1033
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sterowania okresem dla wyborów


In this activity you can preassign the to and from date values for different transactions from SAP Waste
and Recycling. These values are used for selecting different objects. This applies for the following
- Selection of service dates from the service frequency and the CIC
- Selection of waste disposal orders from the service frequency and CIC
- Selection of services for the service frequency when accessing the ERONEW transaction (service
frequency maintenance)

SAP AG 1034
System R/3
__ Wstępne przypisanie trybu przetwarzania dla transakcji



You use this activity to define to which processing mode and which transaction you want to go when you
choose Continue:
- Maintain Service Frequency (ERONEW)
- Container Location Management (ELOC)
- Maintain Cleaning Object (EWAROB)
- Maintain Route (EROUTE)
- Maintain Property (EWACLEAN)
You can choose between Display and Change.

Standard settings

If you do not make an entry here, then the system asks you to select a processing mode each time you
start the transaction.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1035
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla warunków ramowych dotyczących odpadów


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to define your own version for the logistical processing of
hazardous waste.
The BAdI is not dependent on filters, and cannot be used more than once.

Standard settings

The integration of the Waste Management component (EH&S WA) is executed as a standard
implementation, together with the logistical processes for hazardous waste in the waste disposal industry
For further information see the documentation for the BAdI-Interface
IF_EX_ISU_WA_HAZARD_WASTE, and the methods listed there.


To display standard source text, choose Goto -> Default Coding -> Display from the menu.

SAP AG 1036
System R/3
__ Integracja SD

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1037
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Dokonywanie ustawień dla integracji SD


Here, you get an overview of the settings required for the integration of SAP Sales and Distribution (SD)
with SAP Waste and Recycling (IS-U-WA). The procedure using Customizing for SAP Waste and
Recycling is also described. In doing this, the necessary settings and maintenance in other modules will
also be briefly described. The tasks to be carried out are listed here in table form. For the settings, a
maximum definition of the service product is assumed. This means that the service product (waste
disposal service) and its subitems are triggered using a bill of material, and can be configured in its
characteristics. If the service product does not contain certain definitions, the Customizing is simplified
by the aspects of the omitted functions.
You can find detailed information on SD integration in the Business Scenario Configuration Guide, under
http://service.sap.com/utilities -> Product Information -> SAP Waste and Recycling -> Cookbooks &
Process flow of scenarios in SAP Sales and Distribution, and SAP Waste and Recycling:
1. Create waste disposal contract in SD
a) Explode bill of material for service product, and configure subitems
b) Maintain service frequency with/without "technical object list"
c) Create waste disposal order
2. Plan waste disposal order
3. Output waste disposal order
4. Perform service
5. Confirm performed service from waste disposal order
6. Automatic generation of demit memo request from values from the confirmation, with reference to
the waste disposal contract
7. Generate invoice --> debit memo (with reference to debit memo request)
8. Output document
9. Transfer invoice to FI-CA or FI-AR
10. Accounting monitors incoming payments


In order to use the SD integration, you must create the following master data:
- Maintain materials and services
- Creation of bills of material for service products (material BOM)
- Definition of classes

SAP AG 1038
System R/3

- Definition of characteristics
- Creation of a configuration profile
- Definition of relationships between characteristics (as procedures)
- Maintenance of characteristic values, which characterize the material
- Maintenance of relevant conditions / variant conditions

SD Customizing:

Execute the following activities to use SD integration:

- Sales document - Generate Own Order/Contract Type
- Maintain Copy Control for Sales Documents
- Maintain own item categories and their controls
- Define order type of debit memo request
- Set invoice type --> debit memo
In addition, the following general settings in SD Customizing are prerequisite:
- Organizational structure
- Pricing
- Document pricing procedure
- Customer pricing procedure
- Incompleteness settings
- Output determination procedure
- Form control
- Taxes
- Account assignment/calculation
For further information, see the implementation guide for SD.

Customizing in FI-CA, for transferring to contract accounts receivable and payable

Make the following settings for the integration in FI-CA:

- Certain main transactions must be set
- Certain subtransactions must be set
- The transactions that are relevant for SD must be maintained
Furthermore, the settings that are relevant to sales and distribution must be made in the FI-CA

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1039
System SAP

- Define posting to FI-CA for customer accounts groups

- Derive main transaction/subtransaction using SD information
- Derive document type using SD invoice data
These settings make a correct account determination and posting in contract accounts receivable and
payable possible. They are maintained in order to correctly transfer the invoices from SD to contract
accounts receivable and payable.


- Maintain the aforementioned master data

- Execute the aforementioned activities


The following example can be used as a basis for your own definitions:

Service product: Waste disposal service --> WASTEDL

-> Bill of material item 1: WASTE
-> Bill of material item 2: RENT_CONTAINER
-> Bill of material item 3: WASTE DISPOSAL TRANSPORT

Create your waste disposal-specific services as service materials, and maintain service products. Use the
menu for Materials Management to create the service material. The service material must be indicated as
configurable in the material master record. Maintain further waste-specific materials, such as waste,
rent_container, waste disposal transport. The materials to be defined using the characteristics in the
configuration must be indicated as configurable in the material master record.
Define bills of material for your service product. These display the individual billing-relevant items for
your product. Use the menu from Materials Management to create the bill of material. This bill of
material can be structured as above.
In the class system LO-VC classes with allocated characteristics and their values are created for the
materials. The respective classes are to be allocated to class type 300, which makes a configuration
possible. The correct setting in the class system allows the main transactions, in the waste disposal
contract, to automatically trigger the corresponding subitems, and to use the configurator in the SD
document to prepare the individual configuration. The pricing is also dependent upon the definition of the
characteristics in the configuration valuation, and is controlled via a procedure. In this way, the field
VKOND in the table SDCOM is replaced with a procedure. In addition, the description text for the
material can be controlled. This exchanges the text in the table VCSD_UPDATE -> field ARKTX when
you execute the configuration according to criteria defined in a procedure.
Example --> If BIOMUELL is selected when configuring the generic waste, BIOWASTE appears as a
descriptive text in the waste item, instead of simply waste. The price is also determined using a variant
condition, which is controlled using the waste characteristics. These controls are defined in procedures,
and added to the individual configurable materials as relationships.

SAP AG 1040
System R/3

You can find further information in the implementation guide, under General Logistics -> Variant
Configuration (LO-VC), and in the Business Scenario Configuration Guide for SD integration, under
http://service.sap.com/utilities -> Product Information -> SAP Waste and Recycling -> Cookbooks &

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1041
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Integracja CO

SAP AG 1042
System R/3
__ Aktywacja integracji CO dla kokpitu controllingu


Activate CO integration


You have to set this indicator if you are using the controlling cockpit for waste disposal orders.
You can also deactivate the warnings from any missing Customizing settings/search strategy mapping
when setting up CO preparation in the cockpit. You can also set the indicator to do this.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1043
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typu rodzaju usługi dla podpozycji produktu



Define category of activity type for a service product subitem


Now that you have activated the controlling cockpit for waste disposal orders, you will now define the
subitem types that are used later in the other CO integration settings in this step.
You should choose a similar definition of the CO-relevant subitems as the one defined in the design of
the service products.


You have a service product with a main item ISUWA_SP01 and the following subitems:

In this case, it would make sense to make the following allocations in the CO-relevant Customizing:
You should then use these settings so that the search strategy tables can be allocated semantically.
For example, when maintaining the CO data for the waste disposal order item (transaction EWACO04),
the settings would be as follows:
Field name Value
Service object ISUWA_SP02 (service product)
Service type 01
Valid from 01/01/2007
Sequence number 1
Activity type FZGKM
Activity qty 0.000
Activity unit

SAP AG 1044
System R/3

Total price 0.0000

Currency EUR
Sender cost center category Vehicle
CO activity type TRANSPORT
Valid to 12/31/9999
Field name ZPOSDAUER

The service product definition specifies that subitem ISUWA_TRANSP_MAT is TRANSPORT. This
defines the activity output type. The purpose of these settings is to design the corresponding service
product items and their basic type flexibly.
It is also possible to group several related CO activity type allocations if there is more than one CO
activity type-relevant allocation for ONE service product subitem.
Please see the notes on the search strategy mapping tables in the documentation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1045
System SAP

31.10.2 Dane podstawowe

In this IMG activity you make master data settings for waste management. The term master data refers to
data that remains unchanged for extended periods of time.

SAP AG 1046
System R/3
__ Obiekt do oczyszczania

In this IMG activity, you establish the settings for the cleaning object.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1047
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla obiektów do oczyszczania

In this IMG activity, you maintain the number range object cleaning object.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1048
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pola dla danych adresu


This activity enables you to define the field selection control for address data in the cleaning object.
You can choose which individual fields (for example, country, city, street, house number) are displayed.


Select the desired field if you require settings that differ from the SAP delivery.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1049
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie poziomów usług świadczonych zimą

In this IMG activity you define the winter maintenance levels for cleaning objects.


- 001 - High priority

- 002 - Medium priority
- 003 - Low priority


You can use the winter maintenance level to control the creation of waste disposal orders.

SAP AG 1050
System R/3
__ Definiowanie metod oczyszczania

In this IMG activity you define the cleaning methods for cleaning objects.


- 001 - Washing by hand

- 002 - Washing by machine

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1051
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typów obiektów do oczyszczania


In this activity you define categeories for cleaning objects.

You define the fields that subsequently appear on the cleaning object screen in a category, which in turn
defines the data that can be entered.
You also determine the following:
- Service Area for Cleaning Object Category
The service area is used at a subsequent stage to restrict available service types for a cleaning object
in the service frequency.
- Division for Cleaning Object Category
By assigning a division to the cleaning object category you can change the automatic adjustment
reversal process for property processing. If you have for instance assigned two different cleaning
objects with different cleaning object categories and divisions to the property and you want to
change one of the assignments to the property, the system only reverses the object assignments to
the property with the same division.


- Street
- Sidewalk
- Park
- Trash can
- Bus stop


1. Enter the category, description, unit of measurement, service area and division. Choose Continue.
The unit of measurement is valid for all cleaning objects of this category and cannot be changed
retroactively. Use meters for streets and square meter for parks and so on.
2. Highlight all of the screen fields for this cleaning object category in the selection list.
Fields that you can select are subdivided as follows:
- SAP fields
These fields are combined in groups. If you select a group, al fields associated with this group
are available for processing on the cleaning object processing screen.
- User-Defined Fields
You must first define these fields in the customer include CI_ROB. CI_ROB is part of the

SAP AG 1052
System R/3

database table EEWA_ROB (cleaning object). Changes in CI_ROB affect the EEWA_ROB
table structure. If you have activated CI_ROB, you must, if necessary, use the database utility
to convert the table EEWA_ROB (transaction SE14)

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1053
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla obiektów do oczyszczania

Use this activity to define the Search help for Cleaning objects.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 1054
System R/3
__ Powierzchnia

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1055
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla powierzchni

In this IMG activity, you maintain the number range object property


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1056
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów lokalizacji funkcjonalnej dla



In this activity you define the number range of the functional locations for the property object. This
number assignment is also used by the waste disposal object and container location objects.

Standard settings

When you create properties, a functional location is created in the background. In contrast to the waste
disposal object and container location objects, the property is not exclusively handled as a functional
location in the system, but also as a separate object. This means that two independent number ranges exist
for the object in question. These number ranges can be handled independently of each other. As a result,
the replication of the functional location cannot take place with the same number as that of the property.
This in turn means that the number assignment for the functional location can only take place internally.
Remember this during the creation of number ranges and the definition of the structure indicator and
category of functional locations.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1057
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pola dla danych adresu dot.



In this activity you define the field selection controls for the property address data. This allows you to
control which of the individual fields (such as country, city, street, or house number) are to be displayed.


Make the desired field selection if you require settings different to those delivered by SAP.

SAP AG 1058
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pola danych pozycji dla



In this activity you control the display of fields, and whether these fields are ready for input, in the
property item data. You can, for example, hide individual fields or define them as required entry fields.

Standard settings

SAP provides a standard setting for the field selection control. You should only change this when
absolutely necessary, or if you have included customer fields in the structure EEWA_PROP and want to
control these fields.


You no longer want to define the fields ’house number start’ and ’house number end’ as required entry
fields. Specify that these fields are ready for input but an entry is no longer obligatory.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1059
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla właściwości

Use this activity to define the Search help for Properties.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 1060
System R/3
__ BAdI: Sprawdzanie adresu przy przypisaniu obiektu do



You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to perform your own address checks when allocating cleaning
objects to properties.


Define the CHECK_ADDRESS method. The following data, which can be transferred as importing
parameters to the method, is available for executing the check:
This paramter contains all data for the property currently in processing. The structure PROP_HEAD
contains the data for the current property, structure PROP_LIST contains the cleaning objects
already allocated to the property, and structure ADDROBJ contains the address data for the current
Importing parameter for the cleaning object to be reallocated


You want to allocate a cleaning object with the address "9 Main Street, City A" , to a property with the
address "1 Main Street, City A" . You can have the system check whether this allocation is permitted.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1061
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Ogólne rozszerzenia dot. powierzchni


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to process data in property management.
The following methods are available for this purpose:
Calculate the evaluated measured amount. A calculation is required because this value must often be
derived from other factors.
Read data for property management.
Save data for property management.


Standard settings

SAP provides a standard version for the DETERMINE_RATED_VALUE method. In this standard
version, the class system is used to read property characteristics, which can be used to calculate the
evaluated measured amount.

SAP AG 1062
System R/3
__ BAdI: Definicja specyficznych dla klienta rozszerzeń pól dla


With this enhancement, you can create customer-specific fields for processing a property, and can specify
field checks for these fields in the flow logic.
You change and create fields on the following tabs on the screen of the transaction for processing
- Header Data
- Item Data
For these tabs you must create and activate a dynpro (screen) and some function modules. You use these
function modules to enter and check your data. The standardized enhancement function modules
EXIT_SAPLEEWA_CLEAN_001 to EXIT_SAPLEEWA_CLEAN_006 are used for the communication
with the property transaction.

You store your changes to the source code for each function module in the following include files:
Function Module Include File

Before you implement this enhancement, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the
implementation model for SAP Waste and Recycling(IS-U-WA). You need this information to understand
the program structure and the function modules. This knowledge also helps when implementing your own
program changes.
You have the following options for adding your own data for the property:
- For data you enter directly in the table EEWA_PROP_H (CI include), you must implement and
activate the following components:
- Function Modules:
- Program: SAPLXEWAPROP, dynpro number 0100

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1063
System SAP

- CI Include: CI_PROPH (customer table with your own header data for the property)
- For data that you enter directly in the table EEWA_PROP (CI include), you must implement and
activate the following components:
- Function Modules:
- CI include: CI_PROP (customer table with your own historical data (allocations of cleaning
objects) for a property)

SAP AG 1064
System R/3
__ Pojazd

In this IMG section, you:

- Establish specific settings for Waste Management master data
- Establish additional settings in order to integrate vehicle management from the Plant Maintenance
and Customer Service areas.
You require these additional settings to integrate your vehicle fleet in route and resource planning.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1065
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów obsługi pojemników

In this IMG activity, you define the container service types of the vehicle. The container service type
describes the container service device on the vehicle (for example, front end loader or side arm loader).


- Side arm loader (left)

- Side arm loader (right)
- Side arm loader (both sides)
- Front end loader

SAP AG 1066
System R/3
__ Przypis. atrybutów specyficznych dla gospodarki odpadami do

rodz. pojazdu

In this IMG activity, you allocate the following Waste Management-specific attributes (defined in
Customizing for Plant Maintenance and Customer Service) to the vehicle type
- Service type
- Service area
- Container category
Proceed in exactly this order, otherwise dependencies between the service areas and container categories
cannot be checked.


The vehicle type domestic waste vehicle is is given the following attributes:
- Service type: rear loader
- Service area: discharge system container service
- Container category: 120 liters, 240 liters, 80 liters


You must have defined the vehicle types in Customizing for Plant Maintenance and Customer
Service under Master Data in Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Technical Objects ->
General Data-> Define Types of Technical Objects.
If necessary, you must also have adjusted the settings for your vehicle types. If the SAP default values
meet your requirements then you do not have to change the settings.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1067
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definicja roli partnera dla pojazdu


In this IMG activity, you define the partner function for the vehicles.


Create a partner determination procedure for the equipment type vehicle Assign partner functions to this
partner determination procedure.


This assignment can be used, for example, in accelerated weighing entry, to determine the business
partner (for example, external service provider) for the vehicle and the posting-relevant data for the SD

SAP AG 1068
System R/3
__ Pojemnik

In this section, you carry out the settings for the container.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1069
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sumy udziałów w pojemniku

In this IMG activity, you define the following for container location management:
- The total of the portions for a container that is shared by several parties.
If you have entered 1 in the Portion field,
- you must later maintain the portions of the container as 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5, for example.
If you have entered 100 in the Portion field,
- you must later maintain the portions of the container as 20, 30 and 50, for example.
- Whether and how (with errors or warning) the system checks all portions against this total when
saving a portion.
The error or warning is only issued if the total determined from the system is bigger or smaller than
the total defined here. The check always considers the smallest common time slice.
The total is valid for all containers, irrelevant of which category they belong to.


Mrs Smith, Mr Brown and Family Cook all share a container for biodegradable waste. The total of the
portions is defined as 1.
The individual parties own their container portions since the following dates:
- Mrs Smith since 12/12
- Mr Brown from 2/4 to 12/22
- Family Cook since 12/15
This means that from 12/15 to 12/22, the total of the portions for Mrs Smith, Mr Brown and Family Cook
must be 1. If you enter 0.5 as the portion for Family Cook from 12.15, but Mrs Smith has 0.3 and Mr
Brown has 0.3, you must change the portion of Mrs Smith to 0.2, for example.
The system informs you of this only if you have set the check to include a warning or an error message.

SAP AG 1070
System R/3
__ Przypisanie rodzaju materiału do rodzaju grupy (pojemnika)


In this activity you allocate material types to group types. This allows you to use container groups within
the integration of SAP Waste and Recycling and the Sales and Distribution module.


You must execute the following activities before the allocation:

- Define group type
- Define material type
- Define industry

Standard settings

If you do not maintain an entry here, then the container groups are not replicated as material, and you can
not use container groups with the technical object list in plant maintenance.


1. Define an allocation between a material type and a group type.

2. Assign an industry and a base unit of quantity to this allocation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1071
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Trasa

In this IMG activity you establish the settings for routes.

SAP AG 1072
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla tras

In this IMG section, you maintain the number range object for the route.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1073
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie kalendarza dla gospodarki odpadami

In this activity you define exceptions for the factory calendar and you also define how non working days
are dealt with. This is possible for all non working days in the factory calendar. These exceptions are
taken into account for the creation of waste disposal orders.
You have the following options for dealing with non working days:
- Use the working day after the non working day.
- Use the working day before the non working day.
- Allow service dates to fall on non working days.
This results in the waste disposal calendar that you can later enter as a template in the route. An
advantage of this is that you can centrally make changes to routes using this template. If you have
overriden the waste disposal calendar in the route with route-specific exceptions, changes to the waste
disposal calendar do not effect this route.


You have already defined the non working days in the factory calendar.

Further notes

If you only use the factory calendar for one route and maintain exceptions for it, you must change all
routes individually.

SAP AG 1074
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zmian

In this IMG activity you maintain the shifts for routes and define in which periods the routes are traveled.
You require this setting for resource planning for routes:


- Early shift: 06:00 - 11:00

- Late shift: 18:00 - 23:00

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1075
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla tras

Use this activity to define the Search help for Routes.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 1076
System R/3
__ BAdI: Dostosowanie zależnych usług po zmianie trasy


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) is modify dependent service frequencies after changing the
service frequency for a route.
Dependent service frequencies are those in which the changed route is entered as the productive route.

Standard settings

SAP provides a standard definition of method ADAPT_SERVICES for this purpose. This adopts the
changes to the service for the route without carrying out further checks in the service for the dependent


If you want to execute your own checks to see whether changes to the service for the route are to be
adopted, you must create your own definition of the method ADAPT_SERVICES.
For further information on the structure and parameters of the method, see the documentation for the
corresponding interface IF_EX_ISU_WA_ADAPT_SERVICE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1077
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Lokalizacja pojemnika

SAP AG 1078
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla lokalizacji pojemników

Use this activity to define the Search help for Container locations.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1079
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania - partner handlowy dla lokaliz.


Use this activity to define the Search help for the business partner for a container location.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 1080
System R/3
__ Definiowanie próby przypisania obiektu do lokalizacji


In this activity you define which objects in container location management can be allocated to the
container location. You can allocate:
- Waste disposal object
- Premise
You can use this allocation to create a static connection between the container location and the waste
disposal object or premise. This connection can otherwise only be made by allocating an object allocation
to a container at the container location.
You can also determine whether, when allocating an object allocation to a container, to check whether the
waste disposal object or premise are permitted for the container location. This allows you to avoid
incorrect assignments.
You can only enter one entry in this activity. This means that it is only possible to allocate either
premises or waste disposal objects.


Use this IMG activity if you want to check the allocation of a premise, or an object allocation, to a
container location.
If you are already using container location management, and subsequently want to automatically allocate
objects to a container location, you use the following report:

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1081
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definicja roli partnera dla osoby do kontaktów w lokalizacji



In this IMG activity, you define the partner function for the contact person at the container location.


Create a separate partner schema for the functional location. Then allocate your own partner functions to
this partner schema.

SAP AG 1082
System R/3
__ BAdI: Ogólne rozszerzenia w zarządzaniu lokalizacjami pojemników


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the following processes within container location
- Allocate a waste disposal object or a premise to the container location
- Pass on a container location note to the container services at the container location
- Select the next free container for a container category, and check whether a specific container is
- Allocate an object allocation to the container in container location management
The following methods are available:
Uses the address from the object allocation to check whether a waste disposal object or premise is
permitted for the container location
Compares notes between the container location and the service frequency
Selects next free container for a container category, and checks whether a specific container is
You can use this method to check whether the object allocation is permitted for the container
location. This check is performed only if you have activated the IMG activity Define Check for
Allocation of Objects to Container Location in Customizing.

For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ISU_WA_ELOC.

Standard settings

SAP provides a standard version for the method BALANCE_DIFFCULT. The notes for the container
location are compared with those for the container services.
These adjustments are automatically saved when you save the container location allocation.
The logic from the function module ISU_CHECK_CONTAINER_IS_FREE is used as standard for the
method CHECK_CONTAINER_IS_FREE. This logic checks the usage of a container, for example, for
the values for Provisional Container Delivery, Reference Value, Technical Object List.
You can modify the check by defining the methods to meet your own individual requirements.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1083
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Sprawdzanie czy trasa jest dozwolona dla usługi


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to control the permissibility of service frequencies of a route
for the service of a waste disposal object (container, container group, cleaning object).
The CHECK_ROUTE method is encapsulated in the function module
ISU_WA_CHECK_ROUTE_SERVICES. This function module is called at the following points:
- In the maintenance dialog of a service frequency when entering a route for a service
- When selecting the route proposal in a service frequency
- When saving the route from planning into the service.
The CHECK_ROUTE_ORDER_CREATE method is called when creating waste disposal orders. The
method determines the relevant service for the route, which is to be used when determining the order

Standard settings

A standard implementation exists for this BAdI. This proceeds as follows when checking the
1. First, the intervals are checked to see whether they match (weekly, monthly, daily). Here, the route
is permitted if:
a) The route has the same interval
b) The route interval covers the object interval (for example, the route is permitted if a
two-weekly object interval is covered by a weekly route interval. It is not permitted for a
three-weekly route interval).


You enter a route in the service of a container. You have previously maintained the desired interval,
weekday and service type for the service. You now use this data to check whether the route is permitted
for the service. If it is, then the service data for the route is returned to the service of the container. This
service data can no longer be changed.
These checks are very strictly defined in the standard system. If you now want to define your own checks
and/or save data in the service, you can do this using a user-defined implementation of the BAdI.

SAP AG 1084
System R/3
__ Częstotliwość usług

In this IMG section, you establish settings for the service frequency.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1085
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla częstotliwości usług

In this IMG activity, you maintain the number range object for service frequencies.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1086
System R/3
__ Definiowanie statusu klienta

In this IMG activity you define the customer statuses for waste management. The customer status
specifies whether rendering of services for a particular customer is to be limited or stopped.
If you have set the Lock Waste Disposal Order indicator, no waste disposal orders are generated for the
service with this status.


Status Lock Waste Disposal Order

Service for customer permitted
Service for customer blocked X

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1087
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Aktywacja kontroli niekompletności dla częstotliwości usług


In this activity you activate the events for the service frequency incompleteness check. This allows you to
control for which processes and functions the incompleteness check is to be carried out.

Standard settings

The event Before Saving is always set to active. This is because it is essential for further processing of
the service frequency that some fields (such as service type) are filled.


A BAdI carries out the incompleteness check. SAP provides a standard implementation for this BAdI. If
you want to define your own checks (for customer fields, for example) you must create your own
implementation of the BAdI methods. For more information, see the documentation for the BAdI
ISU_WA_SF_CMPL_CHECK. Use transaction SE18 to access this BAdI. Use Transaction SE19 to
create your own implementation.

SAP AG 1088
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grupowania usług


In this activity you define service groupings. You then allocate these service templates, which represent
the service grouping. When maintaining the service frequency you must only specify the service
grouping. The system then uses the templates to automatically create the services that belong to the
service grouping.


You want to map a service grouping Monday + Thursday. You first create an entry for the service
grouping, and assign a description for this entry. You then create two service templates, from which one
weekly service is mapped from each template. However, one template is given Monday as the weekday,
and the other is assigned the Thursday as the weekday.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1089
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Ogólne rozszerzenia dla częstotliwości usług


This Business Add-In (BAdI) provides the following methods:

This method is called in the function module ISU_O_ROUTEOBJ_OPEN. The entire object is
transferred to you as parameter COBJ in the ISUWA_OBJ structure. This structure contains all
service frequency data read in OPEN, which you can now adjust or enhance.
This method is called in the subroutine SAVE of the function group EEWA_MD_RO. The service
frequency data has already been saved by this point. You can now perform your own database
changes or trigger events.
This method allows you the have data transferred to the screen 0105 of the function group
EEWA_MD_RO. You can use this, in connection with the SERVICE_GROUPING method, to
influence the display of historical service frequency data.
This method allows you to transfer data from the screen 0105 of the function group
EEWA_MD_RO back to the program. You can use this, in connection with the
SERVICE_GROUPING method, to influence the display of historical service frequency data.
The subscreen area SUB is provided for this purpose.
This method interprets the Service Grouping indicator in the service frequency. This makes it
possible to react to the indicator itself, or to changes to a service that contains the indicator.
You can use this method to have the system check whether billing-relavent changes in periods that
have already been billed within a service frequency are permitted. The method is called in the
subprogram of the same name of the function group EEWA_MD_RO.
The parameter I_FCODE is used to transfer the function code to the change to be made (for
example, creation/deletion of a service, or creation/deletion of a time slice).
For example, you can use this method to check whether it is still possible to create an additional
one-off service in a period that has already been billed.
You can use this method toadjust services to the contract duration . It is used in connection with
the linking of the service frequency and the SD contract. As a rule, you must adjust services to
comply with the contract duration of the SD contract if the contract duration is being extended or
reduced, and this affects the service.
You can use this method to influence the ready-for-input status of fields in the service grouping.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ISU_WA_SERVICE_FREQ.

SAP AG 1090
System R/3

Standard settings

For most methods, standard versions are supplied, which you can find in the


If you require further functions in addition to those provided in the standard system, then you must create
your own definitions for the methods.


Additional BAdIs are available for the service frequency:

Incompleteness check for service frequency.
Adjustment of services after changes to route.
Note that you are responsible for the consistency of the data that you save.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1091
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Weryfikacja niekompletności częstotliwości usług


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used for checking whether the service frequency data is complete. Three
different methods are available for this purpose. They are called at different points in the flow logic for
service frequency maintenance:
This method is called directly before saving the service frequency. Here, all data from the object
currently in processing is checked. If the check discovers errors this is output in a log, and the
saving is cancelled. The data can only be saved when the check does not discover any errors. An
error cannot be directly output.
This method is also called if the processing of a service frequency is left to return to a calling object.
This is necessary, as checks of the calling object (such as a container location or cleaning object)
will otherwise overlap with the checks of the service frequency, thus making a specific message
output or error handling impossible.
This method is called as soon as the service processing is ended (for example, by changing to a
different service or a different time slice of the same service). Errors can be either output either
directly or in the form of a log.
This method is called as soon as the service frequency processing is ended (for example, by
switching between two containers). Errors can be output either directly or in the form of a log.
All three methods have the same interface, which is structured as follows:
- Parameter CEWAOBJD
Contains all screen data, for the service frequency currently in processing, that is known at runtime.
- Parameter COBJ
Contains all service frequency data known at runtime. This data can be used for a check, or you can
preassign values to fields.
- Parameter CPROT_TAB
Table for the log output. See the standard implementation for information on how to fill this table
(method FILL_PROT).
- Parameter FLT_VAL
Filter for calling implementations. The object that forms the basis for the service frequency (route,
container location, cleaning object, SD contract) is transferred as the filter criterion. You can also
control the check logic here.

Standard settings

Standard implementations are provided for all three methods. You can use these methods as templates for
your own implementations. You can find the standard implementations in the class

SAP AG 1092
System R/3

The following fields are necessary for the further processing of the service frequency, and can, therefore,
not be saved as initial:
Description Field Name
Service type SERVICE_TYPE
Order relevance WASTE_FLAG


To define your own checks for the service frequency, you must use transaction SE19 to create your own
implementations of the aforementioned methods. As this BAdI can be used more than once, you can also
create several implementations for each method, which will all run.


This BAdI is principally used for checking whether data is complete, and not for checking syntax. The
methods are, therefore, not installed in the PAI flow logic, but are called at defined points (such as when
leaving the service). The standard implementations are restricted to executing fewer checks.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1093
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Sprawdzanie czy trasa jest dozwolona dla usługi


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to control the permissibility of service frequencies of a route
for the service of a waste disposal object (container, container group, cleaning object).
The CHECK_ROUTE method is encapsulated in the function module
ISU_WA_CHECK_ROUTE_SERVICES. This function module is called at the following points:
- In the maintenance dialog of a service frequency when entering a route for a service
- When selecting the route proposal in a service frequency
- When saving the route from planning into the service.
The CHECK_ROUTE_ORDER_CREATE method is called when creating waste disposal orders. The
method determines the relevant service for the route, which is to be used when determining the order

Standard settings

A standard implementation exists for this BAdI. This proceeds as follows when checking the
1. First, the intervals are checked to see whether they match (weekly, monthly, daily). Here, the route
is permitted if:
a) The route has the same interval
b) The route interval covers the object interval (for example, the route is permitted if a
two-weekly object interval is covered by a weekly route interval. It is not permitted for a
three-weekly route interval).


You enter a route in the service of a container. You have previously maintained the desired interval,
weekday and service type for the service. You now use this data to check whether the route is permitted
for the service. If it is, then the service data for the route is returned to the service of the container. This
service data can no longer be changed.
These checks are very strictly defined in the standard system. If you now want to define your own checks
and/or save data in the service, you can do this using a user-defined implementation of the BAdI.

SAP AG 1094
System R/3
__ Rozliczenie

In this IMG activity you establish the billing-relevant settings for Waste Management. These settings
apply exclusively to the Waste Management (IS-U-WA) component. This means that you can only
establish settings to bill object allocations and contracts for division 06 (Waste Management).

Billing constructs

First create a billing construct (rate category, rate type, rate, schema and so on). Since charge elements
are container-dependent (container charge) on the one hand, and container-independent (basic charge) on
the other hand, you must create different rates and then incorporate them into the schema.


The rate type and the rate both have the indicator Permissible for Waste Management. The
permissibility of the billing master data for Waste Management is checked at rate type level and at rate
level as follows:
- In rate determination
You may only allocate waste management rates to a waste management rate type.
- In waste management rate
This rate may only contain variants of variant category 16 (variants only for waste disposal with
Waste Management master data). In exactly the same way, the system checks that you do not
allocate any variants of this variant category, which are impermissible for Waste Management.
You must allocate standard facts group 00000001 to each container-dependent rate. This standard
fact group is used to process waste disposal services internally. You must not enter fixed values for
this standard facts group. However, the settings for the respective operands must be correct.
Operands that you create from a waste management rate, automatically have indicator 01 (analysis of
waste disposal-specific facts group).
You allocate prices, factors and so on in the rate facts groups. Create a separate facts group for different
services that you want to evaluate.You need these later in the waste billing category to evaluate the
billing-relevant factors.


The following variants are available for Waste Management:

- WASTE01 For calculation of container charges
For more information, see function module ISU_WASTE01.
- WASTE02 For calculation of cleaning charge
For further information, see function module ISU_WASTE02.
- WASTE03 For service-based calculation of container charges
For more information, see function module ISU_WASTE03.
- WASTE00 For covering the billing period
For more information, see function module ISU_WASTE00.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1095
System SAP

- WASTE14 For updating of billing-relevant factors

For more information see function module ISU_WASTE14.
Create a separate rate for each billing-relevant factor.
- COMPUT22 For calculation of basic charge
For more information see function module ISU_COMPUT22.


Use the Special Provision field to control the provision of values for operands as follows:
- "Normal" - By the installation facts, register allocation and so on.
- By the rate facts group of the waste billing category. This means by theanalysis of the waste
disposal-specific facts group.
- By the allocation operand<->field name.
To calculate basic charges that are generally container-independent, but data-dependent, and that are not
managed in the installation facts (such as number of persons or premises), use Customizing activity
Abrechnungsrelevante Felder zu Operanden zuordnen. In billing, the system finds the value that
must be multiplied by the basic charge. You have already defined the price of the basic charge in the rate
facts group of the basic charge rate. The corresponding operands must have value 02 (value provision by
allocation operand <-> field name) in the Special Provision field.


You have created billing-compatible rate types, operands, prices and so on in Customizing under
Contract Billing -> Billing Master Data -> Rate Structure.

Further notes

If you want to bill waste disposal services, you cannot use a common object allocation (or a common
contract) for containers and properties. Object allocation applies to containers only or properties only.
In addition to the activities that you previously executed, you must also execute the activities under the
IMG node garantor billing, if you want to bill garantor services.
Since billing for Waste Management is based on billing for the utilities industry, here is a list of the
terminology with equivalents in SAP Utilities (IS-U) and Waste Management (IS-U-WA):
Connection object Waste disposal object
Premise Premise
Installation Object allocation
Device location Container location
Device Container
Device category Container category

SAP AG 1096
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla współcz. rozliczenia dot. usuw.


In this IMG activity you maintain the number range object for the waste billing factor.


1. Wählen Sie Intervalle ändern.

2. Wählen Sie Intervall einfügen.
3. Geben Sie die erforderlichen Daten ein.
4. Wählen Sie Einfügen.
5. Wenn Sie weitere Intervalle einfügen möchten, wiederholen Sie die Schritte 2 bis 4.
6. Sichern Sie.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1097
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie czynników rozliczania odpadów

In this IMG activity you define the waste billing factors. These factors are taken into account historically
for valuations of the billing-relevant fields.


A container has a compacting device. Therefore on the basis of the compaction factor, enter 1.25 as the
factor so that a surcharge of 25% is added to the price.


See the Billing area in Waste Management.

SAP AG 1098
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grupowania przedziału usługi

In this IMG activity you define service interval summaries. These summarize the waste objects for
containers and cleaning objects for billing. The service interval summary enables you to override value
allocation in billing. Note that you must specify the service interval summary during calculation of the
waste billing category.
In the servie frequency, the system groups services using the service interval summary.
Note the following:
- You cannot define a service interval summary for less than two services of an object.
- The service interval summary applies to identical service types only.


You can summarize fortnightly services so that, in terms of price, they are handled in the same way as a

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1099
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typów rozliczenia dot. usuwania odpadów

In this IMG activity you define the waste billing categories. If this concerns difficulties, you must define
a separate waste billing category for each difficulty, in which you enter the respective difficulty in the
subsequent activity.
Allocate the following to a waste billing category:
1. Billing-relevant fields
This field list is predefined by SAP (F4). You can extend it by adding your own fields to it.
2. A rate type
The Permissible for Waste Management indicator must be set for the rate type. Note that later in
billing, only one waste management rate is found from the rate type together with the rate category
of the object allocation (=installation) for a timepoint.
In billing of waste disposal services, these settings are read as follows for containers and cleaning objects:
1. One or more containers or properties are allocated to the operand in the facts for object allocation
You must define the operands in Customizing as follows:
- Division category 06 (waste management)
- Operand category REFVALUE (reference value)
- Reference value type - container or property
2. A service frequency is allocated to the container or the cleaning object (via the property).
3. You can allocate several waste disposal services (such as empty every week or clean every 2 weeks)
to the service frequency.
4. A service type is specified in the service.
5. One or more waste billing types with billing-relevant fields in Waste Management result from the
service type.


The waste billing type container charge contains the following fields:
- Container category (BEH_TYPE)
- Service interval (FREQUENZ)


See the Billing area in Waste Management.

SAP AG 1100
System R/3

Further notes

If you want to evaluate additional billing-relevant fields, use customer include CI_EWA_BILL_FIELDS
from enhancement EWABI001.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1101
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie operandów do pól istotnych dla rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you allocate operands to the billing-relevant fields.

In billing execution, the operand value from the respective allocated field is read for this operand.


Here you can define at which point the number of premises for the basic charge operand are found. At
runtime the system reads how large the number of premises for the current object allocation actually is,
and multiplies this as a factor with the basic charge. While doing so, you can map the
container-independent charges.


See the Billing area in Waste Management.

You have entered an operand in the variant for which special valueprovision 02 is set (value provision by
allocation operand <-> field name).

SAP AG 1102
System R/3
__ Definiowanie umów ramowych dla gospodarki odpadami


In this activity, you can define outline contracts for your customers. This function is normally used for
interval customers who have special contractual agreements. These agreements are valid for all branches
of the interval customer.
The following apply:
- The price agreements determined in the outline contract override all other agreements at contract
level in the branches.
- All services that are to be universally applicable for the branches must have been defined in the
outline contract.


One of your customers is a chain of fast-food restaurants and you want to guarantee that the same
conditions for container removal apply for all branches.
You use this activity to create an outline contract for the interval customer and enter the contracts of the
branches that are to be covered by the outline contract. You still have to allocate the outline contract at
service frequency (container) level since it is possible that the outline contract is not valid for all
containers allocated to the contract.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1103
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Kontrola spójności danych rozliczenia specyf. dla usuwania



In this activity you can check whether waste disposal-specific billing master data is consistent.
You can select the service type as the entry object. The following checks are carried out for each service
- Is a waste billing category (WBC) allocated?
- Are the waste billing categories valuated?
- Do rate determinations exist for the rate types of the waste billing categories?
- Are the rates consistent (period control, input operands, output operands, and so on)?
- Are the rate fact groups for the WBC used in the rate?


Execute the activity to carry out a consistency check.

Further notes

When you create/change the individual objects, checks are automatically carried out for each object.
However, it is possible, for example, that you make changes to a waste billing category, which result in
rates being inconsistent. These inconsistencies are only recognized if you check the consistency of all
billing master data.
In addition to this check, another consistency check exists within the definition of the billing master data.
The general billing data is checked in this consistency check.

SAP AG 1104
System R/3
__ Definiowanie harmonogramowania dla naliczania opłat


In this activity you define controlling elements for determining due dates in the creation of municipal
charges notifications.
These settings are used in the standard module ISU_EVENT_R406 for calculating the due dates in FI
event R406.

Standard settings

SAP does not provide any standard settings.


Maintain a charge parameter record for all different payment periods (monthly, quarterly, yearly, and so
on) of your company.
The following explains the meaning of the individual fields:
- Charge parameter record
Unique key for the charge parameter record
- Portion
Link to the portion from IS-U billing. Note, that the portion can only be linked with a charge
parameter record.
- Due date within first period
Here, you define the regular due date for the first period of the charge period. For example, the
regular due date for the first period (01.01 - 31.03) of a customer paying on a quarterly basis is
February 15. The regular due date is maintained without specifying a year (DDMM).
- Due date within second to twelfth period
Here, you define the regular due date for the subsequent periods.
- Interval days between charge notification delivery date and charge notification date
The charge notification delivery date is the document date of the billing document, which
corresponds to the date of the bill creation. You can use this to maintain the number of days required
to print and post the charge notification. This interval is normally formed by the duration of the
billing run and the duration of the print creation.
- Factory calendar
Here, you can define a factory calendar, which is used to calculate the adjusted days.
- Correct Non-Workday
You use this field to define how to handle a non-workday from the factory calendar.
- Interval for Postal Delivery
The maximum duration taken into account for postal delivery (generally three days). This is used
when calculating the due date.
- Due Date Determination Using Number of Days

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1105
System SAP

Here, you specify the number of days to be used when calculating the due date.
- Due Date Determination Using Number of Months
Here, you specify the number of months to be used when calculating the due date.

SAP AG 1106
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pól istotnych do rozliczenia częstotliwości usług


In this activity you define the billing-relevant fields of the service frequency. These fields are not ready
for input in the service frequency for the period in which an IS-U contract, to which the service is linked,
has already been billed.

Standard settings

As default, all historical fields of the service frequency are indicated as billing relevant. This means that
they are not ready for input as soon as they fall in a period that has already been billed.


You want it to be not permitted to change service fields, which are billing-relevant for your company in a
billed period. However, other service fields, which only have information characters or are only relevant
for the logistics (such as the route), are to remain changeable in periods that have already been billed. To
do this, remove the ’route’ field from the list of billing-relevant fields.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1107
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procesów dla automatycznego storna korekty


In this activity, you define the billing-related processes, for which you want to execute an automatic
adjustment reversal.
For each individual process you can define whether the adjustment reversal is to run without confirmation
prompts in the background, or whether the agent is to receive confirmation prompts when executing the
adjustment reversal.
The following processes are supported:
- Change container portion (from container location management)
- Change number of containers (from container location management)
- Delimit customer allocation to container (from container location management)
- Change container category (from container location management)
- Remove container (from container location management)
- Create customer allocation to container (from container location management)
- Create service (from the service frequency)
- Delete service (from the service frequency)
- Delete time slice (from the service frequency)
- Change property, number of persons/premises in premise
- Confirm container replacement (from the confirmation)
- Confirm container removal (from the confirmation)
- Confirm change to number of containers (from the confirmation)
- Confirm container delivery (from the confirmation)
- Change property portion (from property management)
- Delimit customer allocation to property (from property management)
- Change (evaluated) measurement amounts (from property management)
- Create customer allocation to property (from property management)
- Maintain allocation of cleaning object to property (from property management)

Standard settings

If you do not define any specific procedures for a process, then the changing of billing-related data in a
period that has already been billed is automatically prevented.

SAP AG 1108
System R/3


If you want to support customer-specific processes, or change the default testing of processes supplied by
SAP, you must create an implementation for the ISU_WA_BILLING Business Add-In (BAdI). You use
transaction SE18 to call this BAdI. You use transaction SE19 to create your own implementation.
To define a customer-specific process, you must enhance the EWA_BILLING_PROCESS domain.


You want to increase the number of containers in a container group, because the customer has requested
an additional container. The customer has already received a municipal charges notification for the
current year, and the change to the number of containers is relevant to the charges. To have the system
automatically execute an adjustment reversal in the background when you change the number of
containers, you must select the ELOC2 process (change number of containers) and set the AK indicator
to 1 (automatic).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1109
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia automatycznego storna dostosowania


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the changing of billing-relevant data when
executing waste disposal-specific processes.
You can
- Check whether it is possible to change billing-relevant data in periods that have already been billed.
- Check whether an adjustment reversal is to take place automatically for this change.
The following methods are available for this purpose:
Execute an automatic adjustment reversal
Check whether an automatic adjustment reversal is permitted
Within these checks you can also determine how to perform an installation of provisionally delivered
containers in periods that have already been billed. You can also define how artificially generated
prorations of service time slices in the service frequency can be condensed again.
The following methods are available for these purposes:
Check the provisional container delivery in the installation facts
Compress (artificially) prorated service time slices.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ISU_WA_BILLING.

Standard settings

SAP provides a standard version of this BAdI for all methods. In the
carried out for the SAP processes from the Define Processes for Automatic Adjustment Reversal
Customizing activity.


If you want to define your own checks to see whether billing-related changes can be executed with a
process, you must define the existing methods yourself. See the interface documentation for information
on the interface parameters.

SAP AG 1110
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenia w procesie rozliczania


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is called during billing in SAP for Utilities. You can use the ADOPT_AAT
method to change the relevant waste billing categories for each service.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ISU_WA_BILLING_EXEC.

Standard settings

SAP does not supply a standard variant here.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1111
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Rozliczenie z gwarantem

SAP AG 1112
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla umów z gwarantem


Use this section to define the number range object - guarantor contract.


1. Wählen Sie Intervalle ändern.

2. Wählen Sie Intervall einfügen.
3. Geben Sie die erforderlichen Daten ein.
4. Wählen Sie Einfügen.
5. Wenn Sie weitere Intervalle einfügen möchten, wiederholen Sie die Schritte 2 bis 4.
6. Sichern Sie.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1113
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typów gwaranta


Use this activity to define guarantor categories.

Allocate fields to each guarantor category. These fields originate from a field list that is supplied by SAP.
To allocate fields, which are not located in a field list, to a guarantor category, you can define and
allocate customer-specific fields for the guarantor category.


If required, you must define your customer-specific fields in advance in the customer includes
CI_GUARANTOR (at header level) and CI_GUARANTORH (at item level).


You define the guarantor category DSD, which contains the following fields:
EX_WAKEY Ext. Waste key
LGORT_GG Storage location
PRICE_CUST Customer portion (price)
PRICE_GG Guarantor portion (price)
QUANT_CUST Disposal company portion (quantity)
QUANT_GG Guarantor portion (quantity)
VERTRAGSGEBIET Elementary political regional structure

SAP AG 1114
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla umowy z gwarantem

Use this activity to define the Search help for guarantor contracts.


You can find information on maintaining search helps in the SAP Library by choosing Basis -> ABAP
Development Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary -> Search Help.
To maintain search helps, you require technical knowledge about the ABAP dictionary. Search helps are
therefore maintained by system administration.
Note that if you have a large number of search helps, this will affect performance. Check which search
helps you wish to use for your field of work. You can deactivate the search helps you do not require.
Search helps are created for all clients.


You are recommended to use the search helps provided.


1. Establish whether the search helps provided by SAP meet your requirements.
2. Add to the existing search help objects, or, if necessary, create new search helps.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1115
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Ogólne rozszerzenia umowy z gwarantem


You can use this business add-in (BAdI) to:

- Display customer-specific data for the guarantor contract when maintaining the guarantor contract.
- Run checks on your data, and general guarantor contract data.
- Supplement existing data with your own data, or trigger actions.


To display or maintain customer-specific fields, you must first define the following customer includes:
Include Description
CI_GUARANTOR Customer include for header data of the guarantor contract
CI_GUARANTORH Customer include for historic data for the
guarantor contract
You must also use the Customizing activity Define Guarantor Categories to allocate your
customer-specific fields to the corresponding guarantor category.


To implement the BAdI you must take the following steps. For further information, see the general note
on the implementation of screen enhancements (see "Application Help").
1. Create a function group
2. Create your customer subscreens, with the relevant process control.
3. In the subscreen tab, allocate the name of the called program and the subscreen.
4. Define the individual methods of the interface with your code.

SAP AG 1116
System R/3

31.10.3 Przetwarzanie zleceń usuwania odpadów

In this IMG activity, you establish settings for waste management.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1117
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Business Add-Ins dla przetwarzania zleceń usuwania odpadów

SAP AG 1118
System R/3
__ Business Add-Ins kokpitu zleceń usuwania odpadów

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1119
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "działanie" w obszarze roboczym


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object activity to meet your individual
requirements. The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WDOCACTIVITY. The application is
located in the function group EEWA_WDOCWORKAREA.
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit EWAWDOC.


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 1120
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Obszar roboczy"


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object work area to meet your
individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WORKAREA. The application is located in the function
The function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit (EWAWDOC).


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1121
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Zlecenie usuwania odpadów"


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object waste disposal order to meet
your individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WDORDER. The application is located in the function
To influence postings, you can additionally define the interface IF_EX_EEWA_BO_WDORDER.
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit EWAWDOC.


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 1122
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Pozycja zlecenia usuwania



You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object item of waste disposal order
to meet your individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WDORDERITEM. The application is located in the
function group EEWA_WDOITEM.
To influence postings, you can additionally define the interface IF_EX_EEWA_BO_WDORDERITEM.
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit EWAWDOC.


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1123
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Nota ważenia"


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object weighing data record to meet
your individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WDORDERWEIGH.
To influence postings, you can additionally define the interface
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit (EWAWDOC).


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 1124
System R/3
__ BadI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Typ potwierdzenia"


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is not called at present and is planned for future enhancements.
For information about the general procedure, see the documentation for the interface


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1125
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia kokpitu zlecenia usuwania odpadów


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the main process flow of the Waste Disposal Order
Cockpit. The object is called in the function group EEWA_WDOCOCKPIT.
The function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit (EWAWDOC).


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 1126
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenie obszaru roboczego


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the application for the work areas and activities of
the Waste Disposal Order Cockpit. It is called in the function group EEWA_WDOCWORKAREA and is
used by the main application (hierarchy display).
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit (EWAWDOC).


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1127
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Zlecenie usuwania odpadów w procesie potwierdzenia


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the application for the waste disposal orders of the
Waste Disposal Order Cockpit. It is called in the function group EEWA_WDOORDER.
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit (EWAWDOC).


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 1128
System R/3
__ BAdI: Pozycja zlecenia usuwania odpadów w procesie



You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the application for the waste disposal order items
of the Waste Disposal Order Cockpit. It is called in the function group EEWA_WDOITEM.
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit (EWAWDOC).


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1129
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla potwierdzenia


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the application for the confirmation (main
application with hierarchy display) of the Waste Disposal Order Cockpit. It is called in the function group
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit (EWAWDOC).


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.This BAdI also
supports the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_DATAREADER for adjusting the hierarchy display.

SAP AG 1130
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenia noty ważenia w procesie potwierdzania


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the application for the weighing records of the
Waste Disposal Order Cockpit. It is called in the function group EEWA_WDOWEIGH.
This function is used in the transaction Waste Disposal Order Cockpit (EWAWDOC).


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1131
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla planowania zleceń usuwania odpadów


This Business Add-In (BAdI) allows you to plan waste disposal orders.
By implementing the BAdI you can influence the following processes within planning:
- Update the service frequencies from planning
- Additional restriction of the route selection
The following methods are provided:
This method updates the sequence number and the service period in the service frequencies of the
respective objects of the order items.
Method to restrict the routes
Method to incorporate a customer-specific dynpro or screen. You can define criteria for the route
restrictions here.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ISU_WA_ORDER_DISPO.

Standard settings

There is a standard implementation of the method UPD_ROUTE_TO_SERVFREQUENCE.

This method checks whether all of the service frequencies of the items have identical intervals and days
and whether a service has the same interval and day for a route. If this is the case, the route and the
sequence number are updated in the service sequences of the items without the need for user interaction.
If this is not the case, a one-off dialog box appears for the user to select a service frequency from the
route. The selected service together with the sequence number is then updated in the service frequencies
of the items.
There is no implementation or only an empty implementation for the methods
the standard system.


If you want to use your own logic to update service frequencies or if you want to use your own criteria to
restrict the route selection during planning, you must create your own implementation of the BAdI

SAP AG 1132
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla tworzenia zleceń usuwania odpadów


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used to create waste disposal orders.

The BAdI
- Incorporates customer-specific fields into a customized dynpro or screen.
- Specifies the service frequencies that are to be used for creating the orders.
- Checks whether an order header already exists for an order item and stipulates whether the order
header is to be created anew, if necessary.
The following methods are available:
This method is used to incorporate the custom-tailored screen. You can specify the criteria for
selecting service frequencies.
This method is used to select the service frequencies.
This method is used to check whether an order header exists and is to be created anew.

Standard settings

A standard implementation exists for this BAdI, which

- Selects the service frequencies for creating the waste disposal orders.
- Checks the order header for the order item and stipulates whether the header is to be created anew.


To incorporate your own selection fields into the screen or to influence the selection of the relevant
service frequencies and/or to decide yourself on the procedure for the order header, you must create your
own implementation of the BAdI.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1133
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla wyboru zleceń usuwania odpadów


This Business Add-In is used to transfer the selection of waste disposal orders for the following
subsequent functions:
- Planning of waste disposal orders (EWAPLAN)
- Deletion of waste disposal orders (EWAORDDEL)
- Confirmation of waste disposal orders (EWAORDRESL)
- Output of waste disposal orders (EWAORDDOWN)


In the aforementioned transactions you can install customer-specific fields for selecting waste disposal
orders. To do this you must create your own customer subscreen with the desired selection criteria.
Use the methods PUT_DATA_TO_SCREEN and GET_DATA_FROM_SCREEN to enter values in
your fields. You use the structure ISUWA_CUST_SELECT_OPTIONS to return your own selection
parameters to the calling program, in the form of range tables. You can then use these ranges in the
method SELECT_ORDERS to execute your own selections for determining orders.
For the output and confirmation of waste disposal orders it is imperative, in the structure
ISUWA_CUST_SELECT_OPTIONS, that the TAB_CUST_ROUTE range is transferred with route
data. This is because the subsequent processes of this transaction need the route as an input criterion. It is
left to you to decide whether to specify the route as a selection criterion directly at the customer
subscreen, or to use a different logic to complete the route.

SAP AG 1134
System R/3
__ BadI: Rozszerzenie dla potwierdzenia zleceń usuwania odpadów


This Business Add-In (BAdI) is used to confirm waste disposal orders.

By implementing this BAdI, you can influence the following processes:
- Distribute the CO costs to cost objects
- Create an SD debit memo request from the confirmation
The followiong methods are available:
Calculates the distribution of the confirmed CO costs, which are to be posted to the different cost
objects in the header and items of the waste disposal order.
Modifies and enhances debit memo requests to be created and updates the number of the created
debit memo requests in customer fields.

Standard settings

A standard implementation of this BAdI method exists, which calculates the distribution of the CO
costs linearly.
No standard implementation or only empty standard implementation exists.


To influence the distribution of the confirmed CO costs or the generation of the debit memo requests
from the confirmation, you must create your own implementation of the BAdI.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1135
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla zlecenia na usuwanie odpadów

In this IMG activity, you define number range objects for waste disposal orders.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1136
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów zleceń na usuwanie odpadów o dużych


In this IMG activity you define the bulk waste order types. Define the tax information for the customer
order in Sales and distribution (SD), which is generated in the background when you create a waste
disposal order for bulk waste. Allocate the corresponding service areas (for example, commercial) and
material types of the bulk waste (such as wooden cupboard, washing machine) to the bulk waste order


Logistics - General

You have defined your material master correspondingly. This includes:

- Material types
- Material groups
- Divisions in SD

Sales and Distribution

You have defined the following:

- Price determination
- Conditions
- Item categories for sales document

Waste Management

You have defined the following for bulk waste:

- Service types
- Service areas
- Difficulties

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1137
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wskazówek dla potwierdzenia


In this IMG activity, you define notes for confirmation. You can allocate the indicators reset and negative
confirmation to every note. These influence the further processing and billing of the waste disposal order.

As of Enhancement Package 4, you can also allocate the confirmation note to a confirmation mode. This
allows you to control how to handle waste disposal order item in the event of a negative confirmation.
You have the following alternatives:
- Postponement: The waste disposal order item can be postponed to another date during the
confirmation. Subsequent orders for the same container are also postponed.
- Total Rejection: The waste disposal order item is negatively confirmed and subsequent orders
could have been deleted (if it is a delivery order).


You define a confirmation message with the text Customer has rejected. To this message, you
allocate the Negative Confirmation indicator and the confirmation mode Total Rejection.
During confirmation of a delivery order, specify in the confirmation note that the customer rejected the
container delivery. This results in a negative confirmation of the delivery order and any existing service
orders for this container could have been deleted.

SAP AG 1138
System R/3
__ Definiowanie statusu użytkownika

In this IMG activity you find out how you can adjust the general SAP status management to meet your

General Status Management Information

When maintaining the various statuses, the following statuses are distinguished between in the SAP
- System status
- User status

System Status

The SAP system contains a number of statuses in a central table. These statuses are valid for all
applications and can be used by all applications.
The statuses are defined by SAP, and cannot be changed. They are indicated as system statuses.

Business Transactions

The SAP system contains a number of business transactions in a different table. These business
transactions are valid for all applications, and can be used by all applications.
These business transactions are defined by SAP and cannot be changed.

Business Transaction - System Status

In another central table, also predefined by SAP, a system status is allocated to each business transaction.
In this table it is also defined whether the corresponding system status is deleted or set for the transaction.

Objects - Business Transactions

Another table is used to define which business transactions are permitted for which SAP objects (order,
waste disposal order header, waste disposal order item, and so on). This allocation is also predefined by


The allocation defines:

- Which are the maximum system statuses possible for an object
- Which system statuses are set for the various individual transactions

Status Profile

In the IMG activity Define Status Profile, you can create your own status profile. Each status profile
must be allocated to at least one object (such as equipment or functional location).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1139
System SAP

Each status profile contains at least one permissible status.

You can define the system response for each status within the business transactions predefined by SAP.
In the status profile
- Define your own status (user status) and document its functions in a corresponding long text.
- Define the status numbers for the user status. These status numbers specify the possible sequence
for running user statuses.
- Define an initial status, which is automatically activated when an object is created.
- Define which user status is automatically activated when a business transaction is executed.
- Define which transactions are permitted and forbidden when a certain status is active.

Status Numbers

You can define a status number for each user status.

The status number is used to determine the order in which the user statuses can be activated.
If you do not allocate a status number to a user status, this status can always be set. However, only one
user status with status numbers can be active.
If you allocate a status number to a user status, you must also specify a lowest and highest status number
for this status. This defines the status number interval, from which the subsequent user status can be


Define your user status for the waste disposal order header and/or the waste disposal order items.

SAP AG 1140
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pól dla nagłówka zlecenia

usuwania odpadów


In this activity you can define which fields are to be displayed for header data in the waste disposal order
in the waste disposal order cockpit on an individual basis. You can also define attributes for these fields.
This enables you to modify the application screen to meet your requirements and those of the respective
You must enter an existing module pool as an initial criterion. The module pool for header data in the
waste disposal order is SAPLEEWA_WDORDER and the screen group is MAIN.

Standard settings

The Field is Ready for Input attribute is defined for all modifiable fields in the default system settings.
Since the modifiable screen only contains fields that are not ready for input, this means that all fields are


1. Select the screen group that you want to edit by selecting the field required.
2. Choose the following menu path Goto -> Modifiable to access generic processing of the field
selection. The Field Selection: Modifiable Fields screen appears.
3. Choose the following menu path Goto -> Influencing. The Field Selection: Influencing Field
screen appears.
4. Specify the field value under Influencing Field and choose Enter.
5. You can now define the following attributes for every field:
- Field is to be ready for input.
- Field is a required entry.
- Field is display-only (for instance for default values that are not to be overwritten).
- Field is hidden.
Select the Field Is Hidden indicator to hide fields that are not required.
- Field is Highlighted.
You can also select this indicator in conjunction with other indicators.

Further notes

By choosing the menu path Goto -> All Influences you can display an overiew of the profile-related

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1141
System SAP

field selection you have made.

SAP AG 1142
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pól dla pozycji zlecenia usuwania



In this activity you can define which fields are to be displayed for item data in the waste disposal order in
the waste disposal order cockpit on an individual basis. You can also define attributes for these fields.
This enables you to modify the application screen to meet your requirements and those of the respective
You must enter an existing module pool as an initial criterion. The module pool for item data in the waste
disposal order is SAPLEEWA_WDOITEM and the screen group is 0001.

Standard settings

The Field is Ready for input attribute is defined for all modifiable fields in the default system settings.


1. Select the screen group that you want to edit by selecting the field required.
2. Choose the following menu path Goto -> Modifiable to access generic processing of the field
selection. The Field Selection: Modifiable Fields screen appears.
3. Choose the following path Goto -> Influencing. The Field Selection: Influencing Field screen
4. Specify the field value under Influencing Field and choose Enter. Service Type is available to you
as an influencing field at item level.
This means that you can define your own screen structure for each service type. You can for
instance hide all non cleaning-relevant fields (such as container data) for all cleaning services.
5. You can now define the following attributes for every field:
- Field is to be ready for input.
- Field is a required entry.
- Field is display-only (for instance for default values that are not to be overwritten)
- Field is hidden.
Select the Field is Hidden indicator to ensure that fields that are not required are hidden.
- Field is Highlighted.
You can also select this indicator in conjunction with other indicators.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1143
System SAP

Further notes

By choosing the menu path Goto -> All Influences you can display an overiew of the profile-related
field selection you have made.

SAP AG 1144
System R/3
__ Definiowanie aktualizacji statusu dla kokpitu zleceń usuwania



In this activity you define the type of status processing during confirmation using the waste disposal
order cockpit. The waste disposal order uses SAP status management.
The system assigns a status automatically or the users assigns this for specific transactions. The system
defines the status assignment sequence.
You can influence the status assignment in this activity. You can for instance specify that the next status
is set directly when a specific status is assigned. This can be important for organizational reasons in your
company. If you for instance want to release a waste disposal order when its is confirmed without
additional confirmation for billing, you can only control this using this activity.
This setting applies to all types of waste disposal order.

Standard settings

All statuses are assigned sequentially. This sequence would be as follows for the standard setting:
Created --> Planned --> Output --> Confirmed Positively (or Negatively) --> Checked --> Posted


You can assign the following follow-on statuses :

Header Level
Name Description
Automatic Review Waste disposal order is assigned the status
Checked automatically once it is assigned the status Confirmed.
Automatic Posting Waste disposal order is posted automatically
once the status Checked is set.
Automatic Item Confirmation During confirmation, items are automatically
assigned the status Confirmed.
Automatic Negative Confirmation of Item During negative confirmation, items are
automatically assigned the status Confirmed Negatively
Automatic Review of Item Items are assigned the status Checked
automatically when the Checked status has been set.
Post Item Automatically Items are posted automatically when the waste
disposal order header is posted.

Item Level
Name Description
Post Item Automatically During confirmation, the item is automatically
assigned the status Checked.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1145
System SAP

Post Item Automatically Item is posted automatically once the Checked

status is set.

SAP AG 1146
System R/3
__ Opracowanie działań w tle dla zleceń usuwania odpadów wg rodzajów


SAP AG 14.06.2013 1147
System SAP

31.10.4 Zakłady utylizacji odpadów

SAP AG 1148
System R/3
__ Dane podstawowe

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1149
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie dozwolonych odpadów dla zakładu oczyszczania


You can use this activity to define the material types that are relevant when selecting a waste in a waste
disposal installation.


If you enter the material type WASTE, then you are only offered materials from this material type for
selection when choosing the material supplied or delivered to the waste disposal installation.

SAP AG 1150
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów zakładów oczyszczania


You can use this activity to define types of waste disposal installation, which you can use to classify
waste disposal installations.


One possible configuration is:

- DMP (dump)
- COM (compost plant)
- SO (sorting installation)

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1151
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla zakładów oczyszczania

In this section you define the number range object ’waste disposal installation’.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1152
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla blokad dostawy

In this section you define the number range object ’delivery lock’.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1153
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla kontroli wglądu

In this section you define the number range object for view controls and reserve samples.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1154
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla wprowadzania drobnicy

In this section you define the number range object ’general cargo entry’ .


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1155
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla operacji w ramach instalacji


In this IMG activity, you define the number range object for transactions within the facility.


1. Wählen Sie Intervalle ändern.

2. Wählen Sie Intervall einfügen.
3. Geben Sie die erforderlichen Daten ein.
4. Wählen Sie Einfügen.
5. Wenn Sie weitere Intervalle einfügen möchten, wiederholen Sie die Schritte 2 bis 4.
6. Sichern Sie.

SAP AG 1156
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procedury pomiaru dla parametrów próbki


You can use this activity to define the measurement procedures used to determine the sample parameters
for a reserve sample.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1157
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów próbki


You can use this activity to define the sample parameters observed for a reserve sample. To do this, you
can define the description and the unit of the parameter, the measurement procedure to be used, and the
minimum and maximum permitted values.


You must have entered the permitted measurement procedures.

SAP AG 1158
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów zleceń dla zakładów oczyszczania


You can use this activity to control the creation of sales documents during accelerated weighing entry and
general cargo entry. To do this, you must define the following settings for each order type for the waste
disposal installation:
- Sales document type and item category to be used by the SD transfer function
Specify a sales document type and allocate it an item category, which is to be created for the
individual items from the accelerated weighing entry or general cargo entry.
- Sales document type and item category for cash sale
Specify a sales document type, which is to be used for the cash sale. Then allocate an item category,
which is to be created for the individual items from the accelerated weighing entry and general
cargo entry, to this sales document type.
- Condition types for use and removal of delivered material
According to the type of waste (use or removal), the bill contains different prices for accepting the
waste. This can occur using the link from the material to a corresponding condition type. These
condition types are not included for a delivery from a waste disposal installation.
- Order reasons for maintenance and assignment of SD documents
To facilitate the assignment of SD documents to individual weighing procedures, a mnemonic order
reason is explicitly allocated to the possible order characteristics. This order reason is maintained in
the SD Customizing, and is allocted in the fields "Weigh.Ord.Reas." and "Gen.Carg.Ord.Reas.". The
F4 help for the entries displays all maintained SD order reasons. The following order reasons are

1.) "Weigh.Ord.Reason": WEIGHING PROCEDURE, waste and recycling

2.) "Gen.Carg.Ord.Reas.": WEIGHING PROCEDURE, general cargo for waste and recycling

The assignment makes it possible, when creating SD orders from transaction EWAWA01, to
automatically provide corresponding order reasons for the SD orders.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1159
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przypisania zawiadomienia PM dla protokołu



You can use this activity to define which maintenance notifications are displayed in the operations log on
the Checks and Malfunction Reports tab pages.
To do this, you assign the tab page the desired notification origin, which has also been defined in the
notification type.

SAP AG 1160
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenia obiektu "Odłączenie zasilania"


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object delivery lock to meet your
individual requirements.
The business object for the delivery lock is the class CL_EEWA_BO_DELIVERYBAN. The application
is located in the function group EEWA_EL_DELIVERYBAN.
In addition, you can manage your own fields for the delivery lock. To do this, you must have first added
your fields in the customer include CI_EWA_EL_DELVRYBAN. The customer include is integrated in
the structure EWAEL_DELIVERYBAN.
The relevant screen area SS_BADI is located directly on the delivery lock screen and is always navigated
For information about the general procedure, see the documentation for the


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1161
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia obiektu "Próbki archiwalne"


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object visual control/reserve sample to
meet your individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_SAMPLE. The application is located in the function
The base table is EWA_EL_SAMPLE. It contains the customer include CI_EWA_EL_SAMPLE for
customer-specific fields.
The screen area SS_BADI is located under the comment field or - in the case of a reserve sample - under
the parameter list, and is navigated to at each call.
For information about the general procedure, see the documentation for the interface


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 1162
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla obiektu "Zakład utylizacji odpadów"


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object waste disposal facility to meet
your individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WDPLANT. The application is in the function group
The screen area SS_MSK is located on a separate tab page Suppl. on the screen. The tab page is only
visible if a BAdI implementation exists. It is only navigated to if the tab page is visible.


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1163
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia wewnętrznego procesu instalacji


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor the proceses in the object transaction within facility to
meet your individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WDPPROC. The application is located in the function


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 1164
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla obiektu "Protokół operacyjny"


For information about the general procedure, see the documentation on the interface
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_PLANTJOURNAL. The application is located in the
function group EEWA_EL_PLANTJOURNAL.
The subscreen area SS_MSK is located on a separate tab page Suppl. on the screen. The tab page is only
visible if a BAdI implementation exists. It is only navigated to if the tab page is visible.


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1165
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Połączenie ważenia

SAP AG 1166
System R/3
__ Definiowanie profili sprzętu


You can use this activity to enter the technical parameters for a device connected to some scales. You can
call these parameters either using a serial interface or by TCP/IP. For devices that are called using a serial
interface you must specify the settings, such as the interface name, parity, baud rate, and number of data
bits and stop bits. For devices connected by TCP/IP, you must specify the IP address and the port for the

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1167
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sterowania profilem sprzętu


You can use this activity to implement the flow control for the externally connected devices. JavaScript
(or JScript) is used as the descriptive language. The options provided by this language are not
documented here. For each script you must define the parameterless function "Main()" as the access
point. This is responsible for the entire flow of the controls and must, if necessary, save all results in the
structures provided for this purpose. Furthermore, the success of the execution is to be returned as a
boolean value.
2 global class instances are available at the script runtime:
- Device (corresponds to the device called)
- Debugger (corresponds to a class for outputting information at the runtime)
Device Methods:
- Write(AData : string)
Write ASCII data
- WriteHS(AData : string)
Write hexadecimal data
- WritePacket(AData, AStartSequence, AEndSequence : string)
Write ASCII data (with sequences for the start and end of the package)
- WritePacketHS(AData, AStartSequence, AEndSequence : string)
Write hexadecimal data (with sequences for the start and end of the package)
- ReadCount(ACount, ATimeOut : Integer)
Reads n bytes from the device in the buffer
- ReadPacket(AStartSequence, AEndSequence : string; ATimeOut : Integer)
Reads a package that starts or ends with the specified ASCII sequence.
The ATimeOut parameter has a standard value of 2000ms, and is optional.
- ReadPacketHS(AStartSequence; AEndSequence : string; ATimeOut : Integer)
Reads a package that starts or ends with the specified hexadecimal sequence.
The ATimeOut parameter has a standard value of 2000ms, and is optional.
- CompareBuffer(AValue : string; AbufferIndex : Integer)
Compares the value in the current buffer, at the index, with the specified ASCII string.
- CompareBufferHS(AValue : string; ABufferIndex : Integer)
Compares the value in the current buffer, at the index, with the specified hexadecimal string.
- GetBuffer(ABufferIndex, ACount : Integer)
Returns the ASCII characters described by the index and count from the current buffer.
- GetBufferHS(ABufferIndex, ACount : Integer)
Returns the hexadecimal characters described by the index and count from the current buffer.
- SetResult(AName, AValue : string)
Sets a parameter to the specified value for returning to the ABAP program.

SAP AG 1168
System R/3

- SetError(AValue : string)
Sets an error message, which is evaluated by the client
Device Properties:
- Buffer : string
Option to directly read/write the current data buffer.
- Parameter : string
Parameter transfer from client (can only be read)
Debugger Methods:
- Write(AValue : string)
Gives a text message to the debugger


The following example demonstrates the controls for a vehicle weighing:

function Main()
var LResult = false;
var LCount;
var LRepeatRead = 1;
var LWeight;
var LDimension;

Debugger.Write("command send");
LCount = Device.ReadPacket("\x01","\x17",2000);
if(LCount >= 0)
Debugger.Write("scale not in neutral position");
LRepeatRead = 1;
if(Device.CompareBuffer("+",1)) // weight-datagram
if(Device.CompareBufferHS("21",2)) // weight invalid

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1169
System SAP

Debugger.Write("weight valid");
LWeight = parseFloat(Device.GetBuffer(3,9));
LDimension = Device.GetBuffer(12,2);
LRepeatRead = 0;
LResult = true;
else // scale under- or overloaded
Device.SetError("scale under- or overloaded");
Debugger.Write("weight invalid (scale under- or overloaded)");
LRepeatRead = 0;
LResult = false;
LRepeatRead = 0;
LResult = false;
} while(LRepeatRead == 1);

SAP AG 1170
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grup profili sprzętu


You can use this activity to group together hardware profiles and hardware profile controls for groups. A
hardware profile group represents the logical grouping of several devices, which can be reached via a
certain RFC destination. A unique allocation of hardware profiles to the respective hardware profile
control must take place.
You can use a hardware profile group in the accelerated weighing entry to determine the weight and
vehicle, and to control a traffic light or barrier at the entrance to a waste disposal installation.


Before you can define hardware profile groups, you must have defined hardware profiles and hardware
profile controls.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1171
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla dokumentów ważenia offline


In this IMG activity, you maintan the number range objectOffline Weighing Documents.


1. Wählen Sie Intervalle ändern.

2. Wählen Sie Intervall einfügen.
3. Geben Sie die erforderlichen Daten ein.
4. Wählen Sie Einfügen.
5. Wenn Sie weitere Intervalle einfügen möchten, wiederholen Sie die Schritte 2 bis 4.
6. Sichern Sie.

SAP AG 1172
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla operacji ważenia

In this section you define the number range object for weighing procedure.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1173
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresu numerów ulubionych dla szybkiego

wprowadzania wagi


In this IMG activity, you define the number range object for the favorites in Accelerated Weighing Entry.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1174
System R/3
__ Definicja rodzaju danych ważenia


In this IMG activity, you define the types of weighing data. These classify the weighing data records and
stipulate whether goods movements are triggered with the posting and whether the weighing data is
updated at item level.


An example of a configuration is:

Weighing Data Type A001
Weighing Data Type Text Weighing data type with goods
Bill. Ind (blank)
Goods Ind. X
Over.Bill. X
Over.G.M. X

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1175
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie poziomu księgowania podczas szybkiego wprowadz.

danych ważenia


In this IMG activity, you define whether the material splitting process is to be posted together with the
incoming weighing posting process, or separately.

Standard settings
BOOKACT Incoming weighing and
material splitting Complete

If material splitting is terminated due to an error message, this setting results in no incoming weighing

SAP AG 1176
System R/3
__ Definicja dodatkowych wag - tara


In this IMG activity, you define objects that represent additional tare weights over and above the vehicle
and the containers in the weighing process.
For each of these objects, you must enter a text, the average weightand the weight unit .


Examples of additional objects are snowchains and the vehicle crew.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1177
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wartości granicznych dla weryfikacji ilości



In this IMG activity, you define the limits for checking the target quantities from the SD contract.
When you make a posting against an SD contract (quantity contract) in Accelerated Weighing Entry, the
system checks the target quantities of the contract to prevent excessive posting to a contract.


You can stipluate that the system is to issue a warning message when 80% of the contract’s posting
capacity has been exceeded, and an error message when 95% has been exceeded.

SAP AG 1178
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procesu front office dla pomocy wyszukiwania dla



In this IMG activity, you define the assignment of front-office processes to the data identifier in
accelerated weighing entry.
These front-office processes make it possible to find the necessary input data for a weighing process
efficiently and quickly, thereby minimizing the processing time for the user (for example, weighing
supervisor). For the weighing transaction, the internal delivery processes are distinguished from the
external delivery processes.

Standard settings

SAP Waste and Recycling provides a standard front office process for the internal delivery and external
delivery process respectively. These processes support different search scenarios. You can also use these
processes as copy templates to define search strategies of your own.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1179
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pola dla szybkiego

wprowadzania wagi


In this IMG activity, you stipulate which fields are to be displayed on the screen for weighing accelerated
You can define the properties of the fields and tailor the data overview to best suit your own requirements
by selecting the fields you need.

Standard settings

In the standard system, the Field Is Ready for Input indicator is set for all modifiable fields.


To define which fields are to appear on the screen in the edit and display functions and the properties of
these fields, choose Goto -> Modifiable.
You must enter an existing module pool as the initial criterion. The module pool for the header data of the
waste disposal order is SAPLEEWA_WDORDER and the screen group is MAIN.

- Choose the screen group that you want to edit. To do this, position the mouse pointer on the required
- Then choose Goto -> Modifiable for the general management of the field selection. The
Field Selection: Modifiable Fields view appears.
- In the second step, choose Goto -> Influencing. The Field Selection: Influencing Fields
view appears. Here in the Influencing Value field enter the value of the field, and choose
- For each field, stipulate one of the following:
- Field is ready for input
- Required entry field
- Field is to be displayed only
This is suitable, for example, for default values that are not to be overwritten.
- Field is to be hidden
Select the Field Is Hidden radio button to suppress from the screen the fields you do not need.
- Field is to be highlighted
You can combine this indicator with the other options.

Further notes

You can see an overview of the profile-specific field selection you have made by choosing Goto -> All

SAP AG 1180
System R/3


SAP AG 14.06.2013 1181
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definicja walidacji czasu trwania kontraktu SD


In this activity, you define threshold values for checking the validity from the SD document.
When you post againt an SD contract in the Accelerated Weighing Entry, the system checks the end of
the contract validity period.


You can specify that the user receives a warning 10 days before the contract expires and an error message
1 day before it expires.

SAP AG 1182
System R/3
__ BAdI: Podział ilości podczas księgowania przyjęcia materiałów


You can use this Business Add-in (BAdI) to allocate the updated quantities for the inventory
management. The information in the guarantor contract is included here.
The following data is available at the BAdI-Methods interface:
- ORDERPOS = The current lines of the waste disposal order items. This structure also contains the
guarantor contract number.
- MATEINGANG = Order item data, necessary for inventory posting (waste, quantity, plant, storage
location, unit of measurement).
- MATEINGANG_GG = Order item data, necessary for inventory posting. This structure is to contain
the data from the guarantor contract specifications.


In the guarantor contract, which must be allocated to the service frequency, you must have defined a plant
and a storage location for the guarantor’s waste fraction, to which the quantities are to be posted.
In the waste disposal order item, which was confirmed, you must have specified a plant and a storage
location for the inventory posting of the disposal company.

Standard settings

Once they have been successfully posted, the material document numbers of the postings to the storage
location of the disposal company are located in the field MLBNR of the table EEWA_ORDER_OBJECT.
Once they have been successfully posted, the material document numbers of the postings to the storage
location of the guarantor are located in the field MLBNR_GG of the table EEWA_ORDER_OBJECT.
The splitting records in the guarantor contract are considered, and the initial quantities are multiplied with
these factors. These quantities are then transferred to the inventory management.


If you want to include further attributes, alongside the splitting records, for the splitting of the quantities
to be posted, you must do this in an attribute of the method SPLITWASTEAMOUNT. This method only
includes the splitting records!


You have defined a plant and a storage location, in your guarantor contract, for the waste fraction paper,
cardboard, cartons. This guarantor contract is allocated at service level in the service frequency. When
confirming this service, 10 cubic meters of paper, cardboard and cartons is confirmed. Because it was
specified in the guarantor contract that 75% of the confirmed amount should be booked to the storage
location of the guarantor, and 25% to the storage location of the supplier, the amount is divided and
booked accordingly.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1183
System SAP

SAP AG 1184
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla wprowadzania towarów drobnicowych


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object general cargoto meet your
individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_PCKGOODSREG. The application is located in the
function group EEWA_WA_PCKGOODSREG.
The screen area SS_BADI is located below the items and is navigated to at each call.
For more information about the general procedure, see the documentation for the


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1185
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla szybkiego wprowadzania wagi


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the objectweighing transactionto meet
your individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WEIGHINGPROCESS. The application is located in
the function group EEWA_WA_WEIGHINGPROCESS. The application for accelerated entry is located
in the function group EEWA_WA_WEIGHINGPROCFAST.
The tap page area SS_WGS is located on a separate tab page Addnl(additional data). The tab page is only
visible if a BAdI implementation exists. It is only navigated to if the tab page is visible.
The tab page area SS_BADI is located directly on the accelerated entry screen and is always navigated to.
To influence postings directly, you can define values for the interface
For more information about the general procedure, see the documentation for the interface


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

SAP AG 1186
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla ważenia offline


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to tailor processes in the object offline weighing transaction to
meet your individual requirements.
The business object is the class CL_EEWA_BO_WEIGHINGOFFLINE. The application is located in the
For more information about the general procedure, see the documentation for the interface


To implement this Business Add-In (BAdI), you need to work through the following steps:
1. Create a function group.
2. Create your own tab pages with the related flow control.
3. On the Subscreens tab page, assign the name of the programs to be called and the tab pages.
4. Create your own source code for the various methods of the interfaces.
5. See the general information about implementing screen enhancements in the SAP Help Portal.


For an example, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_EEWAEL_BA_BASE.

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System SAP

31.10.5 Usługi serwisowe dla klienta

SAP AG 1188
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__ Rozszerzone przetwarzanie SD

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1189
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie produktów serwisowych


In this activity you define Waste Disposal Services.

This is a three-stage process:
1. Define Waste Disposal Service
2. Assign Waste Disposal Service Set Types to Waste Disposal Service
3. Define Field Attributes for Waste Disposal Service


Define Waste Disposal Service

You define the waste disposal services that you want to offer in enhanced sales and distribution
processing at the highest level of the view cluster. You can only include products defined here in the
quotation, order or contract in the Utilities Industry menu under Utilities Industry -> Customer
Service -> Waste Management -> Enhanced Sales and Distribution Processing -> Create
Quotation or Create Order or Create Contract.
In addition to the Key and the Description, you should also specify the associated SD material and
create any default values for the sales organization, distribution channel and division. You should also
specify a validity period for the service.

Assign Waste Disposal Service Set Types to Waste Disposal Service

You define the fields required to configure the product for each waste disposal service here. To do so,
assign various waste disposal set types to the respective waste disposal service. Each set type contains a
group of fields with related content (such as service type, service interval etc).
If the standard SAP set types do not contain a field you require, you can also create your own set types
(see Define Customer-Specific Service Product Set Types).

Define Field Attributes

You must only make settings in this step, if you want to change the number of fields selected by the set
types. You can hide a field or define it as a required or display-only field. You can also propose a default
value that is entered as a default entry for this field.
If you do not make an entry for a field, the system displays the field as a standard input field in the sales

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Further notes

A waste disposal service is based on a specific master data template. You define the waste disposal
service first so that you can then reference this service when you define the master data template under
Define Master Data Template .

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1191
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wzorców danych podstawowych dla produktów



In this IMG activity, you define themaster data template for a waste disposal service.
You use the master data template to create or change all master data that is required for billing the
service. This step is usually the last step in the sales process and is executed automatically as part of the
For the most part, the following objects are created or changed:
- Service frequency
- Container delivery
Depending on the customer or premise, objects may already exist that you can use and change
The objects Business Partner, Contract Account, Waste Disposal Object, and Premise are created in the
sales process when you create the order and therefore do not need to be created. You can, however,
change these objects.


If you want to create a new master data template, proceed as follows:

1. On the initial screen, enter a name for the new master data template, select the master data template
categories NEWCUSTWASTE_ISU or NEWCUSTWASTE_SD and choose Create.
2. In the header data, enter the waste disposal service to which the master data template refers. During
the sales process the system then automatically reads any available parameters (the set fields for the
waste disposal service). You can now use these parameters to fill the node attributes.
3. Edit the individual master data template nodes. In the left-hand hierarchy area you find the master
data template node of the selected master data template category. The icons provide information
about the status of the master data template nodes:
- A red icon indicates a master data template node with amandatory attribute that does not yet
contain a value. The red icon is also set if a mandatory attribute of a lower-level master data
template node does not yet contain a value, thereby respecting the hierarchy of the master data
template category.
- A gray icon indicates inactive master data template nodes. Depending on thecardinality
specified in the master data template category, you can activate and replicate the master data
template node.
- The green icon indicates master data template nodes in which all the required entries have
been made.
4. In the hierarchy area, select an active master data template node and edit the attributes.
5. If you want to give an attribute a parameter, you must ensure that the parameter has the same name
as the characteristic that you have generated for the corresponding set type.

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Some attributes have certain predefined parameter names:

- SALES_PARTNER for the business partner
- SALES_VKONT for the contract account
- SALES_HAUS for the waste disposal object
- SALES_VSTELLE for the premise
Note that you must not maintain any other attributes for these specified objects. You edit these in
the master data templates for the Sales Quotation/Sales Order function.
You can set up an overview of all the master data templates that are sold by your company.
However, you can also easily survey and edit any existing, delivered master data templates.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1193
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Cechy dla produktów serwisowych, przypisanie materiałów SD


In this IMG activity, you generate characteristics and classes for configuring the waste disposal service in
the sales and distribution documents.
To configure a waste disposal service, you have to generate a class for each required set type and then in
the configuration profile assign this class to a material. You then assign the material to your waste
disposal service.
The following assignments must also exist:
Waste disposal service - material - configuration profile - class


- You have already assigned a material to your waste disposal service.

- The material can be configured. To do this, use a material type that allows configuration (in the
standard system, this is the material type KMAT, for example) or select the Configurable Material
field on the basic data screen in the material master.
To be able to use the material in a sales document, you should enter the following data and make the
following checks:
- Configure the sales views in the material master. Enter a delivering plant on sales screen 1 and enter
at least one condition.
- On sales screen 2, in the material master enter an item category group for the configuration. In the
standard system, for example, the item category group LEIC applies to configurable services
without supply.
- Call the function Create Sales Order and check whether you can call the configuration for your
material in the order item.
- If this is not the case, the enhanced sales and distribution processing for this material or waste
disposal service cannot function.


After you have generated the classes, create the configuration profile for your material and assign the
required classes:
- Create Configuration Profile
- Change Configuration Profile

SAP AG 1194
System R/3
__ Wzorce danych podstawowych dla funkcji oferta, zlecenie, umowa


In this IMG activity, you define the two master data templates that are used in the utilities industry menu
under Waste Management -> Customer Service -> Enhanced Sales and Distribution Processing
to create or change the following data:
- Business Partner and Contract Account
- Waste Disposal Object and Premise
SAP provides the sample templates SALES_PARTNER and SALES_SERVLOC. On the initial screen,
you can copy and change these templates so that they create the objects you require with the correct
standard values. You generally do not have to change the allocation of parameters to fields. However, it is
possible if required.
You enter the names of the new master data templates in a sales processing profile, where the templates
will be used.


You can change your templates as follows:

1. Configure the individual master data template nodes. In the left-hand hierarchy area you find the
master data template node of the selected master data template category. The icons provide
information about the status of the master data template nodes:
- A red icon indicates a master data template node with a mandatory attribute that does not yet
contain a value. The red icon is also set if a mandatory attribute of a lower-level master data
template node does not yet contain a value, thereby respecting the hierarchy of the master data
template category.
- A gray icon indicates inactive master data template nodes. Depending on the cardinality
specified in the master data template category, you can activate and replicate the master data
template node.
- The green icon indicates master data template nodes in which all the required entries have
been made.
2. In the hierarchy area, select an active master data template node and enter the attributes.
- If you want to give an attribute a parameter, ensure that the parameter has a valid name. A
valid name is composed of the following:
- For business partners and contract accounts: PARTNER + hyphen + field name from the
ESALES_SETTYPE_PARTNER structure. Example attribute: business partner type
- For waste disposal object and premise: SERVLOC + hyphen + field name from the
ESALES_SETTYPE_SERVLOC structure. Example attribute: type of premise
Since SAP provides general master data template categories, you can set up an overview of all the master

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data templates that are sold by your company. You can also survey and edit any existing master data

SAP AG 1196
System R/3
__ Definiowanie profili dla funkcji przetwarzania sprzedaży


In this IMG activity, you define the standard settings for the function Create Sales Quotation/Create
Sales Order in the utilities industry menu under Waste Management -> Customer Service ->
Enhanced Sales and Distribution Processing.
A profile is a record of settings. You can create different profiles and then call the function with a profile.
For example, it is possible for different users to have different standard settings.
You define the following in a profile:
- Creation of quotation, order, and/or contract
- Quotation, order, or contract category
- Further standard settings for quotation, order, or contract
You also enter settings for the master data templates for creating/changing the business partner/contract
account and waste disposal object/premise.


The IMG activity Define Master Data Templates for Sales Order/Quotation describes how you must
copy and complete the delivered master data templates so that the aforementioned objects are correctly
created and changed.


In the profile, enter the name of the copied templates in the Master Data Template for Business
Partner and Master Data Template for Premise fields.
If you want to be able to create business partners using an enhanced sales and distribution processing
function you need to enter an SD reference customer here. Note that the specified reference customer
must be assigned to an account group with internal number assignment.
You must make an entry in the Program, Screen Number, and Check Function Module for Partner
or Premise fields only if you want to define your own interfaces or functions for the areas "business
partner/contract account" or "waste disposal object/premise."
To define your own interfaces and functions, proceed as follows:
1. Copy the ISU_SALES_SETTYPE_PARTNER (business partner/contract account) or
ISU_SALES_SETTYPE_SERVLOC function group (waste disposal object/premise) into your own
2. Now modify the interfaces to meet your requirements. All the fields from the
3. Implement your own checks and additional functions in the copied check function module that is
run before saving.
4. Then enter your copied objects in the profile. The program name of your function group is entered

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in the Program Name field.

SAP AG 1198
System R/3
__ Definiowanie specyficznych dla klienta typów zestawów produktów



You execute the IMG activity Define Customer-Specific Service Product Set Types when you want to
define your own waste disposal service set type or enhance a set type provided by SAP.
You have the following options:
- You can include additional fields that are not contained in an SAP set type in the configuration of a
waste disposal service
- You can change the layout of the fields for a set
- You can enhance or change the automatic assignment of set data, or the checks performed on set
data (configuration)
- You can change the layout of the business partner and premise areas in the sales transaction (include
additional fields, and so on)


To create or enhance waste disposal service set types, you must make a corresponding entry in the set
types table. You must also undertake your own (manageable) development using the ABAP workbench.
Creating set types is similar to creating enhancements.


Select an Existing Set Type as a Copy Template

1. Select the IMG activity Define Customer-Specific Service Product Set Types.
2. You obtain the following information for each set type:
- Name
- Description
- Dictionary Structure
The dictionary structure defines the fields that can be defined by the user when creating waste
disposal orders or waste disposal quotations for a set type.
- Program Name
The program name identifies the function group in which the set type is implemented.
- Screen Number
The screen number identifies the screen in the function group that is displayed in the
transactions for creating waste disposal orders or waste disposal quotations for the set type.
The screen typically contains all the fields in the aforementioned dictionary structure.
- Check Function Module
The check function module is called in the transactions for creating waste disposal orders or

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waste disposal quotations - for example, when the user executes the Check function. This
enables you to implement a check for the set type fields.
3. If you want to change an existing set type, note the field values for the set type that are listed in the
table. If you want to create a new set type, select a set type that is similar to your planned set type
and note the corresponding field values.

Copy the Function Group / Function Group as a Copy Template

4. Use the selected set type as a copy template for creating your own set type. Choose Tools -> ABAP
Workbench -> Overview -> Object Navigator and copy the function group that you noted.
We recommend you use the function group of an SAP predefined set type as a copy template, for

Copy the Dictionary Structure

5. Define which fields you want to appear in your new set type. Copy the dictionary structure you
noted in your function group.
6. Next modify the new dictionary structure or set type structure so that it contains the fields you
7. Ensure that all the fields of the set type structure display product characteristics that can be modified
at runtime. If an order, quotation, or contract is created with a waste disposal service, all the fields
of the dictionary structure appear as configuration characteristics of this product in the SD order,
quotation, or contract that is generated.

Declarations in the TOP Include (Mandatory)

8. To integrate your set type in the framework of the entry transaction of enhanced sales and
distribution processing, you must include the following declarations in the TOP include of your
function group:
TABLES: <Name of your set type dictionary structure>
DATA: sap_set_ref TYPE REF TO cl_isu_sales_order_set
You require the table instructions to process the characteristics of the set type on your set type
screen in ABAP at runtime. For more information, see below.
At runtime, the SAP main program automatically gives the SAP_SET_REF variable a reference to
your set type. In addition, SAP_SET_REF is used to apply services of the main program to your set
These services are the application of the screen field modifications maintained in Customizing (for
example the Output Only or Optional fields) on the set type fields and cursor position.

Modify the Set Type Screen

9. Now modify the set type screen to suit your requirements. Since you have created a new function
group, you should find a screen of your function group.
- Screen Layout
Include all the fields of the set type structure in your screen. Ensure all the screen fields that
display product characteristics are defined with a reference to the set type structure. This is the
only way to ensure that the main program correctly processes the product characteristics at

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You have already declared your dictionary structure in the TOP include by the TABLES
instruction. You now also declare your screen fields in the screen painter with reference to this
dictionary structure.
You can also enhance your desired screen with any other fields, pushbuttons, texts, or other
screen elements. However, ensure that you assign unique OK codes for your own functions
(for example a unique prefix).
- Flow Logic
To integrate your set type in the framework of the entry transaction of enhanced sales and
distribution processing, you must perform the following steps in your function group:
10. In a PBO module, call the ISU_SALES_SET_PBO function module as follows:
im_set_ref_object = sap_set_ref.
11. In a PAI module, call the ISU_SALES_SET_PAI function module as follows:
im_set_ref_object = sap_set_ref
ex_okcode_main = main_ok_code.
In both instances, the SAP_SET_REF variable is mandatory for processing the field modifications
and cursor positioning as defined in Customizing.
The MAIN_OK_CODE variable can be renamed.
At runtime, the main program returns the current OK code of the main screen in this variable. This
enables you to react to user actions in your set type. This is especially important if you implement
your own functions, such as pushbuttons, on your set type screen. This is the only way you can react
to your own OK codes.

Develop the Check Function Module

The check function module validates the field values of your set type. You can use the values of your
own set type as well as those of other set types that belong to the current order/quotation item at runtime.
The SAP main program calls the check function module in the following cases:
- Waste disposal service is included in the order or quotation
The check function module is called to load the main memory with the function modules of the set
types that belong to the waste disposal service.
- User chooses the Check function
- User chooses the Simulate function
- User chooses the Save function
For example, the set types CONSUMPTION and DISTRIBUTION are allocated to a waste disposal
service. If the check function module of the CONSUMPTION set type is called at runtime, it can
access the values of the DISTRIBUTION set type to validate its own field values.
If required, you can change the field values of your own set type. You cannot change the field
values of the other set types in your check function module. These are write-protected by the
IF_ISU_SALES_ORDER_SET interface definition.
This prevents the check function modules of other set types changing your field values.
The procedure is illustrated in the ISU_SALES_SETTYP_DISTRIB_CHECK check function

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module of the DISTRIBUTION set type.

The internal table ALL_SET_VALUES provides you with the references to the
if_isu_sales_order_set interface. Call the GET_VALUES for these references to access the field
values of your set type.
You can insert additional validations in your set type screen. These are then executed after each PAI/PBO

Activate the Function Group

12. Enter the new set type in Customizing. To do this, call the IMG activity Define Customer-Specific
Service Product Set Types and create a new entry with the following entries:
- Name
- Description
- Dictionary Structure
The set type structure you created.
- Program Name
- SAPL + (Name of Function Group)
The function group you created.
- Screen Number
The number of the screen in your function group.
- Check Function Module
Name of the function module you created.
In Customizing, you can now allocate utility products to your new set types and maintain the
corresponding configuration characteristics for the order, quotation, or contract at runtime.

SAP AG 1202
System R/3
__ BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla układu propozycji produktu


You can use this Business-Add-In (BAdI) to change the layout used to display utility products in
enhanced sales and distribution processing for utilities.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ESALES_PRODLIST_MOD.

Standard settings

SAP supplies standard variants for the methods MODIFY_TREE_ITEMS and

MODIFY_TREE_COLUMNS. Methods are also supplied without a standard variant.


If you want to influence the structure of the utility products display, you must create your own
implementation of the BAdI.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1203
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia propozycji produktu


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence the proposal list for potential service products.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ESALES_PROD_PROPOSAL

Standard settings

SAP does not supply a standard variant here.


You want to restrict the display of available service products for specific users, for instance using the
organizational unit for the user.

SAP AG 1204
System R/3
__ BAdI: Specyficzna dla klienta dokumentacja produktów



You can use this Business-Add-In (BAdI)to record your own information for the respective service
product. This information can be displayed from enhanced sales and distribution processing.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ESALES_PROD_DOCU.

Standard settings

SAP does not supply a standard variant here.


You can use this enhancement to record explanatory texts on service products for your users.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1205
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Tworzenie dokumentu SD na podstawie przetwarzania SD


You can use this BAdI to modify enhanced sales and distribution processing for utilities.
You can use the following methods before and after creation of the SD sales document (quotation,
order or contract) to add data or make other dependent changes:
You can also manage your customer-specific data and transfer this to the SD sales document. The BAdI
therefore provides you with a screen area in enhanced sales and distribution processing on which you can
enter and edit your data.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ESALES_PROD_SALESDOC.
This BAdI is also called by the master data template category SD_CONTRACT_HEADER. This
template category calls the master data template categories NEWCUSTWASTE_SD.
You can use this BAdI to influence creation of the contract or to modify the data according to the
document requirements.
For more information on master data template categories, see the documentation on the following
transaction:Master Data Template Categories


- You want to create or change dependent objects directly after creating the SD sales document.
- You want to define specific data in the SD sales document that is not covered by the standard
solution directly during creation.

SAP AG 1206
System R/3
__ BAdI: Implementacja produktu serwisowego


You can use this Business Add-In (BAdI) to influence creation of master data using the Master Data
Generator in enhanced sales and distribution processing.
You can
- Influence attributes transferred before the master data generator is called.
- Respond to the objects created once the master data template has been executed.
For more information, see the documentation for the interface IF_EX_ESALES_PROD_IMPLEMENT.

Standard settings

SAP does not supply any standard variant here.


You want to add customer-specific objects, which are not provided by the master data template, to a
service product once the master data has been created.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1207
System SAP

31.10.6 Interfejsy

In this IMG activity, you define interfaces to external systems. These are used for:
- Route planning
- Outputting waste disposal orders.

SAP AG 1208
System R/3
__ Definiowanie formularza dla zapisu do pliku częstotl. serw.

In this IMG activity, you define the format of forms for downloading service frequencies.

Standard settings

Use the form class provided (IS_U_WA_ROUTING_DATA_DOWNLOAD).

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1209
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie formularza dla zapisu do pliku zlecenia usuwania


In this IMG activity, you define the format of your form for downloading waste disposal orders.

Standard settings

Use the SAP standard form class IS_U_WA_ORDER_DOWNLOAD.

In IS-U notifications are defined using the print workbench.


Proceed as follows:

- Plan the design of your notification with your user department.

- Maintain your application form
- by calling the activity from here or
- by going to the IS-U menu and choosing Utilities industry -> Tools Print workbench ->
Application form or
- by going to the IMG and choosing Financial Accounting -> Contract Accounts Receivable
and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Print Workbench -> Define Application Forms

Further notes

For detailed information on maintaining application forms refer to the "Print Workbench Documentation
for Users".
To maintain application forms you require basic knowledge of the following:

- SAPscript, the standard SAP text editor, if you wish to create application forms
- ABAP/4 programming, if you wish to use user exits for complex applications.


The basic requirement for creation of an application form is a form class, for which you define an
application form.

SAP AG 1210
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1211
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Integracja EH&S - Gospodarka odpadami

SAP AG 1212
System R/3
__ Przypisanie partnera handlowego i lokalizacji pojemnika


Use this IMG activity to allocate the objects business partner and container location to each partner type,
which you have defined in EH&S waste management Customizing.
This creates a link between objects in IS-U and in EH&S waste management.


You must first execute the following IMG activities:

Enviroment, Health & Safety -> waste management -> master data -> specify partner types


You can allocate the partner type ’waste generator’, from EH&S waste management, to a business
partner. You can also allocate the partner type ’waste generator’, from the premise category, to a
container location.

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System SAP

31.11 System informacyjny

This IMG activity contains all information for implementing the logistics information system in your
The logistics information system (LIS) currently includes information systems for the following logistics
- Utility information system (UIS)
- Inventory management
- Purchasing
- Production control
- Plant maintenance
- Quality management
- Retail information system (RIS)
- Sales
The LIS consists of many elements (modular), however all of the information systems share a common
user interface and use some of the same techniques. These include:
- Flexible summarization
- Standard reporting
- Flexible reporting
- Tools for planning
- Tools for analysing
- Tools for archiving
Information systems are flexible tools for collecting, summarizing, and analysing data from the operative
application. You can use this data as a foundation for controlling and planning.

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31.11.1 Hurtownia danych gospodarczych

You go from this IMG activity to the OLTP IMG, in which you make the settings for SAP Utilities, so
that the data can be transferred to the SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW).

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31.11.2 Statystyka

In this IMG activity, you determine the stock statistics and the transaction statistics.

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__ Statystyka zapasów

In this IMG activity you define settings for stock statistics. Stock statistics provide you with detailed
information about your current stock of data in compressed form, for example, the number of business
partners, contract accounts, contracts, installations or connection objects, broken down according to
certain criteria.
The connection objects and connections are created as functional locations and the devices as equipment
in the Plant Maintenance (PM) application component. You can also analyze statistics in PM. To do
this, see the menu PMIS. PM also provides stock lists. To view these, use Transaction MMBE and report

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pól istotnych dla aktualizacji

In this IMG activity, you define the fields relevant to updating for stock statistics.
These statistics categories are fixed in the programs and you cannot change them. You can choose
whether statistics records are to be written for each statistics category (through the "A" checkbox in the
You must also activate the fields that are to be updated for each statistics category (through the "A"
checkbox in individual processing).
When you save, the system generates tables EMDSTnn in the ABAP Dictionary (nn is the statistics
category). The EDMSTATnn structures contain include CI_EMDSTnn, where you can enter other fields
from the source table (including customer fields). These fields are prohibited in the transaction for

SAP provides the following statistics categories:

Cat. Name Source table/structure

01 Business partner EKUN_EXT
Business partner with all roles
The following special fields exist (not contained in table EKUN_EXT):
- KZ_VKONT ="X": A contract account is allocated to the business
- RLTYP_CP ="X": Business partner is created as contract partner
- RLTYP_INST ="X": Business partner is created as installer
02 Business partner relationships BUS050_EXT
You can maintain these in the business partner transactions.
03 Contract accounts FKKVK and FKKVKP
The following special fields exist (not contained in table FKKVK or FKKVKP):
- KZ_EBVTY ="X": Incoming bank details are entered
- KZ_ABVTY ="X": Outgoing bank details are entered
04 Contracts EVER
- CONTR_ACT ="X": The contract is currently valid (with respect to
move-in and move-out dates)
- KZ_INSTALL ="X": An installation is allocated to the contract
- KZ_PERSNR ="X": A personnel number is entered
05 Installations V_EANL
Company and political regional structure are not yet supported
06 Connection objects EHAU
Political regional structure is not yet supported (REGPOLIT).
07 Premises EVBS
08 Device locations EGPL
10 Reference values ETTIF
Reference values, lighting units, heating installations and containers.

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11 Totals for reference values ETTIF

Instead of the stock, the system displays the sum of the entry values and values to be billed for
reference values, lighting units, heating installations and containers.
12 Totals for ARCR allocations EVST
The system displays the sum of the entry values of the ARCR allocations for reference values,
lighting units and heating installations.
13 Devices V_EGER
14 Extended contract statistics FKKVKI, FKKVKP, EVER, V_EANL
Summary of contract account, contract and installation statistics. You
can combine the criteria of statistics categories 3, 4 and 5.
Technical restrictions allow you to create a maximum of 15 criteria.

The various statistics categories can contain the following fields:

- - ACTORID: Company regional structure
- - REGPOLIT: Political regional structure

These statistics categories are defined in the programs and you cannot change them. You can choose
whether statistics records are to be written for each statistics category (through the "A" checkbox in the
You must also activate the fields that are to be updated for each statistics category (through the "A"
checkbox in individual processing.)
Changes in the future are managed separately. Report REUSTACT transfers changes that have become
current to the statistics records. You should therefore run this report regularly, at least prior to evaluating
the historically-relevant statistics. The statistics categories 02, 04, 05, 10, 11, 12 and 14 contain historical

Standard settings

1. In the default settings, no statistics categories are activated, and no fields are activated for the
statistics categories.
2. Therefore, you must activate the statistics categories and fields you require before you go live.


- Activate the statistics categories and fields you require.

- Activate the objects in all necessary systems and clients. For technical reasons, a transport
connection to this activity is not possible.

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Further notes

Any change you make to the settings affects the statistics records to be written after you have made that
change. If you require the change to relate to existing records, you can reconstruct the stock statistics
using report REUSTAUF.
Activation of criteria affects all clients. In contrast, the activation of statistics categories is client-specific.

SAP AG 1220
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__ Ustawianie statystyki zapasów

In this IMG activity, you can set-up the stock statistics.

The set-up of stock statistics is necessary in the following cases:
- If the statistics update was changed in customizing
- If the statistics data is inconsistent
You can select certain entities for which a set-up is necessary.
You have to delete the statistics records before set-up.


Set-up the stock statistics if necessary.

1. Delete the desired statistics records
2. Set-up the desired statistics records again.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1221
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______________________________________________________________ Statystyka operacji

In this IMG activity, you define settings for the transaction statistics. Transaction statistics provide you
with information on a monthly basis about various activities (that is, the transactions you have
processed). For example, you can evaluate business partners, contract accounts, contracts, installations,
connection objects, move-ins, move-outs, initial data creation and rate maintenance.

SAP AG 1222
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__ Definiowanie pól istotnych dla aktualizacji

In this IMG activity, you define the fields relevant to updating for transaction statistics. SAP provides
statistics categories (for example, category 1 = business partner).
These statistics categories are defined in the programs and you cannot change them. You can choose
whether statistics records are to be written for each statistics category (with the "A" checkbox in the
You must also activate the fields that are to be updated for each statistics category (with the "A"
checkbox in individual processing.)
When you save, the system generates tables EACTSTnnn in the ABAP Dictionary (nnn is the statistics
SAP provides the following statistics categories:

Category Name
001 Business partner
002 Contract account
003 Contract
004 Installation
005 Premise
006 Connection object
007 Connection
Not currently supported.
008 Reference value
009 Device location
030 Move-in (from move-in/out)
031 Move-out (from move-in/out)
032 Initial data creation
Not currently supported.
033 Rate maintenance
034 Installation disconnection
035 Shutdown/remove installation
Not currently supported.
037 Bank and dunning data
Not currently supported.
050 Move-in reversal
051 Move-out reversal
070 Technical installation
071 Technical removal
072 Installation relevant to billing
073 Removal relevant to billing

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074 Replacement (installed device)

075 Replacement (removed device)
080 Modification of device in grid
085 Certifications (EG97)
086 Certifications (EG81)
090 Reverse installation/removal/replacement
110 Billing transaction: credit memo
111 Billing transaction: backbilling
112 Manual bill
Not currently supported.
113 Billing transaction: release
130 Billing transaction: reversal
131 Billing transaction: delete credit memo
132 Billing transaction: delete backbilling
145 Invoicing
146 Invoicing: release
150 Invoicing reversal

The fields belong to structure EACTSTAT. The meaning of each field is explained in the corresponding
data element documentation.
You can activate one of three fields for the required update period:
- E_MONAT MM Month (two characters)
- KJAHR YYYY Calendar year (four characters)
- ACT_MONTH YYYYMM Year and month (six characters)
The determining factor for the update of these fields is the system date.
Some of the following criteria are available for the regional structure:
- REGPOLIT Political regional structure
- OTYPE Object type
- ACTORID User ID in organization management
The object type and user ID form the company regional structure (organizational unit).
You must maintain the relevant tasks. To do this, choose Basic Functions -> Clerk Determination ->
Assign Tasks for Clerk Determination.

Standard settings

In the default settings, no statistics categories are active, and no fields are activated in the statistics
You have to activate the required statistics categories and fields before you go live.

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- Activate the statistics categories and fields you require.

- Activate the required objects in each separate system and client. For technical reasons, this activity
is not supported by the Transport System.

Further notes

Any change you make to the settings only affects the statistics records that are written after you have
make that change. It is not possible to reconstruct the transaction statistics.
Activation of criteria affects all clients. However, activation of the statistics categories is client-specific.

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______________________________________________________________ Statystyka sprzedaży

IS-U sales statistics data is analyzed in the Utility Information System (UIS). UIS is part of the Logistics
Information System (LIS).
UIS is an application-related information system that is implemented in the LIS. The following
information concerns only the special UIS settings. You can find or maintain more detailed information
in the standard LIS IMG. To do this, choose Logistics - General -> Logistics Information System
(LIS) -> Logistics Data Warehouse.
The logistics information warehouse consists of two groups of activities: Data Basis and Updating.
The next activities deal with the following questions:
- Which information is permissible for data collection in the logistics data warehouse?
Definition of communications structures
Definition of field catalogs
- Which different views of characteristics and key figures are required in the applications?
Definition of information structures
- How are the characteristics and key figures from the different business processes to be updated?
Definition of updating
- Are freely definable requirements or formulas needed for the update?
Definition of requirements and formulas.
- Are special processes necessary for updating?
Definition of updating
- Is it possible to monitor the update?
- Can statistics data also be created afterwards?
Definition of updating

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__ Podstawa danych

The summarization of information is one of the most important requirements of an information system.
The summarization of data is necessary if strategic decisions are to be derived from operational
processes. A goal is to be able to recognize important relationships and trends by summarizing a lot of
individual information from the operational procedure.
This illustrates the advantages of saving summarized information separately, which provides quick and
efficient access. However, hidden behind the idea of an integrated logistics information system is the
demand of satisfying as many different user groups as possible.
This requirement makes having variable data structures necessary, in which each user group can have an
individual view of data.
Different requirements for various applications regarding the selection and summarization level of the
key figures must also be considered. Requirements may be very different even within the same
Therefore, it is necessary to be able to define flexible data structures that can include different data from
the corresponding applications.
In this way, the demand arises for a flexible tool, with which single user communities can define their
individual information systems. The self-defined information structures form the central element of the
logical information system.
In this IMG activity, you can summarize data from the operative process according to the requirements of
your company by using the field catalogs and information structures.
In addition, you will be provided with various tools for processing and generating your information

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______________________________________________________________ Struktury komunikacyjne

Communication structures form the interface between the operational system (IS-U) and the LIS.
The MCVU_ESTA communication structure is used as the standard data dictionary structure in the UIS.
If necessary, it can be extended by additional fields.
The following IMG activities contain information on maintaining dictionary structures as communication

Further notes

- Before you use dictionary structures as communication structures, you should get an overview of the
use and maintenance of structures.
You can find detailed information on this topic in the R/3 library by selecting Basis -> ABAP/4
Development Workbench -> ABAP/4 Dictionary.

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__ Rozszerzenie stuktury komunikacyjnej

The MCVU_ESTA communication structure is the standard ABAP Dictionary structure used in the
Utility Installation System (UIS). You can add additional fields to it from include CI_MCESTA.
The MCVU_ESTA communication structure consists of all of the fields of the billing document that are
relevant to statistics.


If you would like to extend your MCVU_ESTA communications structure, it is essential that you
famailiarize yourself with the functions of the ABAP Dictionary, particularly how to maintain structures.
You can find detailed information in the SAP Library under Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench
-> ABAP Dictionary.


- Extend the communications structure by adding the fields you require.

- You can supply the new fields with data using the update rules in the statistics groups. In special
cases, you can supply the new fields with data in the SAP enhancement ESTA0001.

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______________________________________________________________ Katalogi pól

Field catalogs are for logically grouping the fields of a communication structure. In turn, these form the
basis of the information structure.
A field catalog defines a group of relevant fields from the application (in the sense of a statistics update).
In this way, a field catalog takes on the following functions:
- Selection of the relevant information
- Logical grouping of this information

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__ Definiowanie katalogów pól

In this IMG activity, you can create, change, delete and display field catalogs.

Standard settings

SAP provides some sample field catalogs for UIS.

You cannot change these field catalogs, however you can extend them by adding your own field


1. Specify a name as well as a description for the field catalog you want to create in the field "Field
2. Assign the field catalog to the application utilities.
3. Define the catalog category.
4. Press ENTER.
You branch to the maintenance screen of the individual fields of the catalogs.
5. Depending on the catalog category you have chosen, select Edit -> Characteristics or Key figures
or Date.
Two dialog boxes are displayed for selecting the fields.
One dialog box lists the fields you have already selected. Choose "Selection list" to select further
If you have not yet selected any fields, the second dialog box is displayed at the same time.
The second dialog box is divided into two columns. The right side of the window lists all source
tables from which you can select fields for the field catalogs. In this case, only the tables valid for
the selected application are displayed.
6. If you want to display the fields of a certain source table, you can select this by double-clicking on
The left side of the window lists the fields of the selected source table.
7. If you want to copy a field from the list into your field catalog, position the cursor on the
corresponding field name and choose "Copy".
The selected field is marked and copied into the list of the already selected fields.
When you select the MCVU_ESTA source table and fields, the respective descriptions are
You can use the "Switch display" function to display the technical names (table and field names
from the Data Dictionary).
8. Press ENTER to branch to the list of the selected fields.
You can now also edit this list, i.e. you can change the sequence in which the fields appear, delete
fields from the list or add new fields from the source tables.
9. Press ENTER again to copy the selected fields into your field catalog.
10. Save the field catalog.

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Additional information

When you copy fields, two different types of information are proposed:
- Source table / source field
This information is primarily required to update statistical data.
When you define the update rules, this information is proposed as source fields.
It is not absolutely essential that you specify a source field.
If you are using fields in the field catalogs that are to be derived from a formula during the update,
then you are not recommended to specify a source field, as it does not make sense. The same applies
if you want to include counters (for example, the number of order items) in the field catalog.
Please refer to the chapter Updating Definition for more information on how to use formulas and
- Reference table / reference field
The reference field specifies the technical attributes of a field. When information structures are
generated, the reference field is used as a template for the technical attributes of the new Data
Dictionary field.
Source field and reference field are usually identical.
A different reference field is always required if the field in an information structure must have
different technical attributes to those of the source field.
This is often the case for key figures, for example. The aggregation of many pieces of information
from documents to one piece of cumulated information in the information structure means that a
larger field is required to contain longer numbers. In this case, the technical attributes of the field to
be generated in the information structure must be different to those of the source field from
document processing.

SAP AG 1232
System R/3
__ Struktury informacyjne

Data summarization is necessary for understanding important relationships in an information system.

Fixed determination of the summarization is not sufficient, since the requirements of data summarization
are determined by many different user groups. Experience shows that different user groups require
different views of the data summarization.
To represent these various views, self-defined information structures are provided in the SAP system.
You define your individual view in the information structures by choosing the information from the
operational application that you consider to be important for summarization.
There are three types of information:
- Characteristics
A maximum of nine characteristics can be defined for each information sturcture.
- Key figures
Key figures are values that are to be summarized according to the characteristics (for example,
consumption or revenue).
- Period split
Periodic cumulation of data is an additional summarization criteron. Data is summarized either
daily, weekly, monthly, or dependent on a variable period split that is determined via the fiscal year
The self-defined information structures and those provided in the system form the foundation for all
subsequent functions in the information system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1233
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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie struktur informacyjnych

In this IMG activity, you can create, change, delete and display information structures.


If you create new information structures, you must assign a name that is between S501 and S999. A
database table is created with the same name. This external number assignment ensures that the names of
information structures and the corresponding table names do not overlap in different systems.


You can only change or delete information structures if no data is stored in them.
If the information structure in question contains data, then you have to delete this data first.
When you delete an information structure, all of the update rules that are assigned to it will also be
deleted in all of the clients.


1. In the "Info structure" field, specify both a name and a description for the information structure that
you wish to create.
2. Assign the information structure to the utilities application.
3. If you want to create an information structure with reference to an information structure that already
exists, specify the name of the information structure to which you are referring in the field "Copy
from info structure" (for example, S440ff for UIS information structures.
The elements of the reference structure are then automatically copied to the new information
structure. You can make changes to these proposals.
4. Press Enter.
You now branch into the maintenance screen of the characteristics and key figures of the
information structure.
5. Select Edit -> Characteristics, in order to define the characteristics for the information structure.
Two dialog boxes for selecting the characteristics are displayed.
One dialog box (Chosen Characteristics: Sequence) lists the fields that have already been selected.
To select other fields choose the function "Selection list".
The second dialog box (Selection List) is split into two halves. The right half lists all of the field
catalogs from which you can select characteristics. Only the field catalogs that apply to the selected
application are displayed (characteristic catalogs).
6. If you want to display the characteristics in a certain field catalog, select it by double-clicking on the
The left half lists the characteristics from the selected field catalog.
7. If you want to copy a characteristic from the list to your information structure, position the cursor on
the respective charcteristic name and select the function "Copy".
The characteristic you select is marked and is then copied into the list of the characteristics you have
already selected.

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When you select field catalogs and characteristics, the respective descriptions are displayed.
You can use the "Switch display" function to display the technical names (field catalog names and
field names of the characteristic from the Dictionary).
8. You can branch into the list of selected characteristics, by pressing Enter.
You can now edit this list further, i.e. you can change the sequence of the of the characteristics,
delete characteristics from the list or insert new characteristics from the field catalogs.
To change the sequence of the selected characteristics, proceed as follows:
a) Mark the characteristic that needs to be moved by double clicking or using the designated icon.
b) Mark another characteristic by placing the cursor on it and selecting the icon "Move".
The characteristic that you marked first will now be be inserted exactly above this second

An alternative to selecting characteristics from the field catalogs is to copy the characteristics from
an information structure that already exists.
Select the function Edit -> Chacteristics with reference. In the dialog box, specify the name of
the information structure from which you want to copy the characteristics.
If you have already selected characteristics and use the "Characteristics with reference" function, the
characteristics that you have already selected will be overwritten and not added.
9. In order to define the key figures for the information structure, select Edit -> Key figures.
The system displays the field catalogs for key figures and the catalogs for date fields which
correspond to the application.
The procedure for the definition of the key figures is exactly the same as for the definition of the
It is sometimes necessary to define key figures which resemble characteristics in the key figure area.
This is necessary in cases of information structures that are relatively document-specific, for
The key figure catalogs in the standard system only contain key figures that can be calculated.
If you want to define key figures that resemble characteristics, you need to have created your own
key figure catalogs.

When defining a key figure, you must also specify a unit. You thus determine the unit in which the
key figure should appear in the information structure (for example, consumption or revenue). This
causes the unit from the source field of the application to be proposed.
The unit of the key figure can differ from this proposal. If you use similar key figures in an
information structure whose source fields have different units (for example, local currency and
document currency), these key figures are not directly comparable when different document
currencies and local currencies are used in evaluations.
In this case you can assign the unit "local currency" to the key figure whose source field is in
document currency for statistical purposes.
If the units in the source field and key figure are different, the units are automatically converted
when the statistics update from the application takes place.
There is a limited number of ways in which the unit conversions can be used.
Only very specific conversisons are allowed for the statistics update. These are, as a rule, the unit
conversions whose conversion factors are saved in the document of the application. This is required

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to guarantee the consistency of statistics updates when changes are made to the document. This will
help prevent inconsistencies arising during the time between the creation of a document and the
subsequent changes to the document. In both cases, the same conversion rate is used for the unit
When the information structure is generated, a corresponding unit field is automatically created in
the information structure in accordance with the selected unit. This unit field is automatically
supplied with the respective unit that corresponds to the key figure during updating.
The automatic generation of a unit field does not occur for key figures that do not have a unit or for

They also play an important role in standard analyses for the definition of a key figure.
If you use qualitative key figures, it is not recommended to display these key figures as a
For example, if the key figure value to be evaluated is greater than the key figure 3.5 by 1.5, it does
not make sense to illustrate both of the key figures as a percentage of a sum of 5.0.
If you work with the ABC analysis, the cumulative strategy cannot be used in the case of these key
figures for the same reasons.
Since this feature cannot be automatically taken from the reference field, use the percentage display
in the standard analyses by pressing the selection key "SInd" (Summation indicator).
This key figure does not affect the display of totals in the flexible analyses.
10. Save the information structure.
11. If you wish to use a new information structure in the information system, a special technical
environment is required.
For instance, you usually need to make a definition in the Dictionary and in the database system to
guarantee the technical transparency of the structure.
In order to generate this environment automatically, select the function "Generate info structure".
The necessary steps for the generation are listed in a log after the generation is complete. The log
lists the successful generation of the individual steps, as well as the errors that may have occurred.
First you gain an overview of the most important steps of the generation (brief summary of the
generation log). If you wish to view
all of the created objects in more detail, select the function "Goto ->
Complete log". To print the log, select the function "Log -> Print". In the case of most objects, it is
even possible to display the generated objects. Position the cursor on the corresponding line of the
log and select "Goto -> Generated object". You then branch into the
program editor for displaying the ABAP/4 programs or into the Dictionary to display the generated
The following objects are created:
- The Dictionary table and the corresponding database table provide the means for saving the
aggregated data.
- The general access routines are required by the programs that read the saved data from the
information structure.
- A corresponding evaluation structure is generated so that the respective information structure
can be used in flexible analyses.
The flexible analyses use techniques from the general reporting tool, the "Report Writer".
The evaluation structure defines the environment that is required by the Report Writer

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- When you use an information structure in standard analyses, the corresponding reports are

Additional functions
If you require more detailed information about the selected characteristics and key figures, you can use
the following functions:
- Display technical field information
- Display field documentation
- Display general features
If you need precise technical information about the characteristics or key figures, select the function Edit
-> Techn. field inform.
The following information is shown in a dialog box:
- the field name of the characteristic or the key figure as it was created in the information structure
and in the accompanying Dictionary table
This field name is a default name from the name of the reference field and can be overwritten.
- the names of the reference table and the reference field from which the technical features for the
fields in the information structure are copied.
These fields can also be overwritten.
- the name of the corresponding data element and the domain of the reference field
- The name of the source field is for documentation purposes only in this case. It is proposed as a
source field when you define the update rules.
It is important to display the unit of the source field for the technical features of the key figure. Only
specific unit conversions to the unit of the key figure are permitted, dependending on this source
In you wish to display the field documentation, position the cursor on a charcteristic or a key figure and
select the function Edit -> Display field docu. The documentation of the respective reference field is
then shown.
You can use the function Edit -> General features to display the name of the Dictionary table that
belongs to the information structure. The table is only displayed if the information structure has already
been saved or generated.
You can use the function Tools -> Transport features to change the transport features (development
class) of an object.
You can use Environment to branch into any update definition of an information structure or to display
the generation log for an information structure.

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______________________________________________________________ Wyświetlanie protokołu generowania dla struktur informac.

When the system generates an information structure, it also writes a log. This log lists the objects that
were created during the generation. The log also displays any errors that occurred during generation.
The system saves the generation log. You can therefore also display deletion logs for information
structures that have already been deleted.
In this step, you can display the last log written for each information structure.


1. Enter the name of the information structure for which the log is to be displayed.
2. Press ENTER.

SAP AG 1238
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__ Narzędzia

In this IMG activity, you make the necessary settings, for example for restructuring the statistical data.
Additional settings, for example copy management, are independent of the Utility Information System
(UIS) and you can maintain them in the standard LIS IMG. To do this, choose Logistics - General ->
Logistics Information System (LIS) -> Logistics Data Warehouse -> Data Basis -> Tools.

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______________________________________________________________ Nowa struktura danych statystycznych

During a setup (statistical setup), the information structures are filled with consistent and complete data.
The statistical setup of one or more information structures is necessary in the following cases:
- If an information structure was created by using the Logistics Data Warehouse (statistical database)
- If the update for the information structures was activated after documents were already in the system
that were meant to be included in the statistics
- If the statistical update in Customizing was changed
- If the statistical data is inconsistent


To restart a statistical update after an termination, allocate a name to each background run of the setup.
If a statistical setup is then terminated, the status of the setup will then be saved under the name of this
When restarting under the same name, processing will continue from the intermediate status that was
After the run is successfully completed, the intermediate status that was saved is deleted.


- The reports should run as a background job.

- You should not change the sequence of steps that describe the statistical setup of information
structures (procedure).


The following steps are necessary to perform a complete statistical set up:
1. Initialize version for statistical setup
For reasons of security, the statistical data that are determined during a setup, are not directly
written into an information structure, but are saved instead under a separate version name. This
version must be activated for intermediate storage before the statistical setup is carried out.
For this purpose, the report RMCSISCP is available.
The actual data is saved under the version name "000".
2. Save actual data
The actual data in the system should be saved for safety reasons.
Again, use report RMCSISCP for this purpose.
3. Process invoiced billing documents
Report REASTA02 is available for the statistical setup of the UIS.
4. Transfer data aquired by the statistical setup from the version for the statistical setup to the
actual data version.
The new data is not transferred to the actual data version until the statistical setup has been

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This also occurs via report RMCSISCP.
You can see the versions of the standard information structures by using the standard analyses. Here
are the following possibilities:
a) You can allocate the version number of the version as a value to the user parameter "MCR"
that you would like to see.
On the selection screen of the standard analysis, the field "Version" under "Parameters" is
automatically completed with the given version number. The version number can be changed
simply by overwriting it.
This setting is user-dependent and applies to all standard analyses.
b) If you assign the value "X" to the user paramter "MCR", the version "000" will generally
appear on the selection screen of the standard analyses. Even in this case, the version number
can be overwritten.
This setting is also user-dependent and applies to all standard analyses.

If you want to use either one of these functions, select System -> User profile -> User
parameters. You can select this function from any menu.
You should change the user parameters in an alternative session, as it is not possible to return
to the starting point from the user parameters maintenance screen.

c) Via "User settings", you can also make specifications for the versions, which are also
user-dependent, but also only refer to one particular standard analysis.
To do this, in the selection screen of the standard analysis, select Goto -> User settings.
You are now in the standard drill-down. Select Goto ->Parameters.
If you set the indicator "Selectable version", the field "Version" with the version number "000"
will also appear on the selection screen. This version number can be overwritten at any time
and thus changed.
5. Follow-up processing
After successfully completing the statistical setup, you can then delete data that is no longer needed
by deleting the version under which this data is saved.
These include:
- Safety copy
- Version for statistical setup
The report RMCSISCP can be used for this purpose.


To carry out a statistical setup, procede as follows:

1. Enter your selection requirements.
2. Save your entries.
3. Select Program -> Execute.

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Description of the report RMCSISCP

The report "RMCSISCP" is used in all information systems in Logistics. For this reason, the report is
described below.
You can use report "RMCSISCP" you can copy or delete versions from information structures under
which statistical data has been saved.
The data, that has been saved in an information structure, is different due to the version under which they
have been saved.
The version "000" includes the actual data, i.e., the data that was written into the information structure as
a result of the statistical update.
The intermediate results are stored in the versions that begin with "&(" and that are created when an
information structure is setup.
Planning data is stored under all other versions (that means version A000 and all numerical versions
except version 000).
The statistical setup of an information structure is carried out just like the online update, with the
difference being that the data is not usually written into version "000" first, but rather into a version that
you choose, that begins with "&(". The data is only copied from this version into the "000" version after
the successful completion of the initial transfer.

While (i.e., at the same time) copying into the "000" version, you must not carry out any postings
that update the respective information structure.
To keep the old version "000", i.e., the existing actual data, from being lost, save it under another version.
This "safety copy" is also generated with report "RMCVISCP".
This report is also used to initialize a version, i.e., to delete the data that were stored until now under this
1. Enter the name of the information structure that is to be copied/deleted.
2. Choose an processing type.
The Copy Management screen is called up. The processing type that you have selected is already
3. Here you make all the remaining entries required for selection.

Additional functions

As of Release 3.0C, you can call up a log which contains detailed information about all of the completed
setup runs.
This function allows you to make restrictions by specifying the start date of a run, the run name, the user
and the application.
You can also either print the list of selected setup runs or the detail screen for a setup run.

SAP AG 1242
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SAP AG 14.06.2013 1243
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______________________________________________________________ Aktualizacja

In this IMG activity, you define the settings for updating and for controlling the update.

SAP AG 1244
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__ Definicja aktualizacji

Defining information structures provides the foundation for your individual information system.
By defining the update, you determine the information flow of the statistics data from the application to
the information system.
There are two types of updating controls:
- Rough control through the application using updating groups
- Fine-tuned control using updating rules

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wstępne poprzez grupy aktualizacji

It is often necessary for certain forms of data objects to influence the statistics update. This usually means
that certain data objects (for example, rate category, division, contract) in the UIS can have a determining
influence on updating.
The updating group is the central control element of updating. It is determined in the UIS by a
combination of the statistics group from the rate category, and the statistics group form the contract.

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__ Definiowanie grup aktualizacji

In this IMG activity you can

- Create, change and display
- Copy
- Delete
the update groups for the statistics update.
Note about SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW)
You can use the update groups in the update rules within BW, to use characteristics and key figures

Example BW

The document number is always extracted to BW, independently of the customer grouping. However, you
must still save the document number in the InfoCube - just for nonresidential customers. You do not
require this information for residential customers.
Check at document number field level in the update rules in BW, to see which update group is valid for
this record. Set the document number field as ’initial’. If you do not do this, the document number is
saved in the InfoCube. This reduces the time required for updating residential customers in BW.
In the later analyses, you can:
- Analyze sales and consumption per nonresidential customer
- Analyze residential customers gathered under the ’dummy’ business partner

Standard settings

All update groups that begin with a number or S are in the SAP namespace.


Organize the update groups based on your customer groupings. Basic differences are nonresidential and
residential customers, but also take into account employees and competitive customers.


Maintain the update groups that can use the application.

Further notes

You must use the update groups in the billing documents, otherwise the document lines are not processed
in the statistics update.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie szczegółowe poprzez reguły aktualizacji

When you define updating, you must define both update rules for the key figures and update rules for the
The update rules are divided into general rules and extended update rules.
You need to define the following update rules:

Update rules for key figures

- Type of updating
The update type determines how the data to be updated is linked to the data that has already been
updated in the information structure.
If you choose cumulative updating, the new values are always added to or subtracted from the old
The update type "Counter" is a special form of cumulative updating. In this case, value "1" is always
added to or subtracted from the old values.
If you want the new value to overwrite the already updated value, then choose the update type "Data
transfer only". The old value in the information structure is deleted and replaced by the new value.
This update type enables you to update information such as "Latest price".
- Event
The event determines which activity in the operative application is to trigger the update of this key
Since this update rule is directly assigned to a key figure, you can trigger the update of an
information structure from a variety of different transactions in the application. This enables you to
mix key figures from the sales order, delivery note, and billing document in an information
structure, for instance.
If you want to use "mixed" information structures, you must define a self-defined application. When
you define the update rules, you can use update groups from different applications.
You can also mix key figures across applications (for example, data from sales order processing and
from purchase order processing).
In this case, your information structure should contain characteristics which are available in both
- Unit
This field displays the unit in which the key figure is displayed (e.g. local currency, statistics
currency), which you specified when you defined the information structure.
You cannot change this update rule any more because a special unit field has been generated for the
unit you specified when you created the information structure.
- Source table/source field name/source unit
The information proposed in the fields Source table and Source field name is either the
information that you specified in the key figure definition when you created the information
structure or the information that you received automatically when you selected a key figure from a
field catalog.
The source unit is determined automatically from the specified source field.

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At this stage, you can change the source field.

If you use the update type "Counter" or specify a formula or an external routine as a source, you do
not have to specify a source table or a source field.
In this case, you must specify the source unit yourself since this unit can no longer be determined
You must also specify a hierarchy.
- Date field for period determination
When a key figure is updated, the system determines the period in which the key figure is
You must specify a date field from the application. The contents of this field then determine the
Selecting the correct date has a significant effect on the informative value of the stored information.
For example, if you update the sales order quantity for the event "sales order" using the date on
which the order was entered in the system, you obtain information on the order receipt since the
current date of the incoming order is taken as the entry date.
If you use the shipping date instead of the entry date, the order quantity is cumulated in another
period since the shipping date usually lies in the future. The update now contains information on the
shipping capacity to be planned in the subsequent periods.
When you define the order receipt, an order receipt by period can be interpreted in two ways. These
can be varied by using the date field.
The different interpretations can be best explained by an example:
The basis is a sales order with an item of 100 pieces which you created in January. In February, you
reduce the order quantity of this item to 50 pieces, because you cannot produce or supply the full
quantity or because your customer no longer needs as many pieces, for instance.
How should this change be updated by period in the information structure?

Situation A:
You are of the opinion that the order for the item was received in January, and therefore that the
change to the item should also be updated in January.
You reduce the quantity in the information structure from 100 to 50 in the January period.
In this case, you use the entry date of the item (MCVBAP-ERDAT) to specify the period.

Situation B:
You are of the opinion that the order receipt in January should not be changed by the order
modification in February since an order for 100 pieces was actually placed in January.
You want to post the order modification to the current period (February).
The incoming order for 100 pieces in January will remain unchanged in the information structure.
Minus 50 pieces will be updated as the incoming order in February.
The changes are therefore credited to the period that caused the changes (current) and not the
original period.
In this case, you choose the special date field (MCVBAP-VDATU) which always contains the
current date.
- Formula
You use a formula when the specification of one source field is insufficient for the chosen key
figure because the key figure is calculated using several source fields.
To define a formula, branch to the appropriate maintenance activitiy for this task.

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If you specify a formula, you cannot specify a source field.

In this case, you need to specify a source unit manually.
If you specify a source field, the source unit is determined automatically. This is not possible when
you use a formula.
- Requirement
The updating of a key figure often depends on a particular combination of factors in the business
event which triggers updating.
For example, if you only want the delivery quantity to be updated if the delivery item is marked as
being completely delivered, you can define a requirement which checks whether the Status field of
the delivery note has been set to "Delivery completed".
To define a requirement, branch to the appropriate maintenance activitiy for this task.
If you want to use requirements, you can check beforehand to see whether these can be represented
using the function General Definition Using Update Groups (for example, if key figures are only to
be updated for specific organizational units or document types).
This check is performed at a much earlier stage than the requirements check of the update rules in
the overall chain of updating activities, and is therefore more favorable to performance levels.
If you specify a requirement, you may not enter a source field.
In this case, you must specify a source unit yourself.
If you give a source field, the source unit will automatically be determined. This is not possible
when using a requirement.
- Program name/FORM routine
If you need a complex update definition which cannot be represented by the definition of "normal"
update rules, you can save your own update rules in an external program.
Processing of these rules is then triggered automatically at the time of update.
To configure this process, enter the name of the external program in the Program name field and
the name of the FORM routine containing your special processing in the FORM routine field.
The definition of external update routines is subject to conventions.
Depending on the event to which you refer, you can only use certain source information from the
application, for example. This source information is transferred to the update routine as USING
The following method provides a simple way of identifying the necessary parameters:
a) Enter the name of the routine you want to use for the update in the FORM routine field.
b) Generate the update.
The log displays the name of the generated update program.
c) Position the cursor on the program name and choose Display object.
The generated update program is displayed.
The part which describes the key figure update also contains the generated call of the external
update routine.
The transfer parameters you require were also generated. Use them to define the external
update routine.

Generated call of an external update routine:

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* external program
- Hierarchy
The document hierarchy determines which information from the application must be made available
for the update.
This information is generally determined automatically from the specification of a source field.
If you use the update type "Counter" or formulas, requirements, and external update programs, you
do not have to specify a source field.
In this case, you must manually specify the level of the hierarchy from document processing up to
which you need information for the update.
The specification of a hierarchy is important for the internal flow control of the update.

Update rules for characteristics

- Source table/source field

In the field Source field, enter the source field from the application from which the information is
to be taken.
The system proposes the source fields from the definition of the information structure.
If you use several different events for the key figures, you must adjust the default values
accordingly, since the proposed source fields are not available for every event.
- Offset/length
If you do not want the entire contents of the source field is to be used in the update, you can use
offset and length to precisely specify the section of the source field that you require.
Offset and length are most often used for interpreting hierarchy fields.
A hierarchy is often represented in the 18-character field "Product hierarchy" from sales and
distribution processing. For example, the first five characters represent a main group, the next five
characters a subgroup, and the last eight characters a further subgroup.
Proceed as follows if you want to update and evaluate data according to these logical elements:
a) Define three new fields.
b) Save them in the dictionary table in which you have also stored the other reference fields.
c) The three new fields are P1, P2, P3 with the lengths 5, 5, and 8 respectively.
d) Include the new fields in one of your own field catalogs.
e) Create a new information structure which contains these three fields as characteristics.

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f) Define the update rules for this new information structure.

The update rules for the new characteristics are as follows:
- P1 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 00 length 05
- P2 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 05 length 05
- P3 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 10 length 08
The new characteristics P1, P2 and P3 are used in reporting and planning in just the same way
as any other characteristic.
- Initial condition
If the specified source field in the document is not filled (initial) and if no update is to be made, you
can activate the initial condition.
In this way, you can prevent the statistics update if no representative was specified in the sales
order, for example.
If you do not activate the initial condition, all values are cumulated from the documents in which no
representative was specified.
This option allows you to cumulate all these values under "Miscellaneous".
- Formula
If the update for a characteristic cannot be directly determined from one source field, you can
specify a formula to determine the source information.
This is the case, for example, if the characteristic is to be made up of several source fields.
Otherwise, you define the formula for characteristics in exactly the same way as for key figures.
Unlike the key figures formulas, you use the "FORMULA_VALUE_OBJECT" field and not the
"FORMULA_VALUE" field in characteristics formulas to transfer the result of the determination
by the formula.
- Hierarchy
The document hierarchy enables you to determine which information from the application must be
made available for the update.
This information is usually determined automatically from the source field specified.
If you use the update type "Counter" or formulas, requirements and external update programs, you
do not have to specify a source field.
In this case, you must manually specify the level of the hierarchy from document processing up to
which you need information for the update.
The specification of a hierarchy is important for the internal flow control of the update.

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__ Definiowanie reguł aktualizacji

Update rules help you to define updating in detail.

The definition of the update rules depends on the information structure and update group.
Update rules consist, for example, of the source field, the event which triggers the update, requirements
and formulas.
Once you have defined the update rules, the corresponding update programs are automatically generated.
In this IMG activity, you can create, change and display update rules.


Once you have defined the update rules, you then need to activate the update in a separate step.
The creation of update rules, the generation of the update programs, and the eventual activation of the
update have been divided up into separate steps for security reasons.


1. In the "Info structure" field, specify the name of the info structure for which you would like to
maintain the update rules.
2. Allocate an update group to the information structure in order to establish an application-specific
3. If you would like to create updating for the information structure with reference to an update group
that already exists, specify the name of the update group to which you are referring in the Copy
from -> update group field.
Here you can only use the update groups that exist for the information structure you have specified.
If, for instance, you enter information structure S003 here, you can only copy from the update
groups that have been created for information structure S0006.
4. Press Enter.
You are now in the update rules maintenance screen.
The maintenance screen lists all of the key figures in the information structure for which you can
define update rules.
If no update rules have been defined by the time that updating is created, then all available
information from the information structure definition will be proposed.
5. In order to reach the detail screen of the updating definition, place the cursor on the key figure you
require and select the Edit -> Rules for key figures function.
6. Define the individual update rules.
7. When you have defined all of the update rules for the key figure, select the Copy function.
The update rules that you have defined will be copied and displayed in the maintenance screen.
8. Procede in the same way for the other key figures.
9. In addition to the update rules for the key figures, define the update rules for the characteristics.
Place the cursor on the desired key figure and select the Edit -> Rules for characteristics function.

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You are now in the detail screen for maintaining the update rules for the characteristics.
You must define the update rules of the characteristics for each key figure so that the key figures
can be updated when different events occur.
The update rules for the characteristics can be different for each key figure.
10. Define the individual update rules.
11. When you have defined the update rules for all key figures and characteristics, save these update
12. Generate the update from the update rules.
Before the generation, all of the update rules are checked for consistency. Possible inconsistencies
are documented in a log and generating is canceled.
You can also start the check independently by selecting Updating -> Check.
If no errors occur during the check, the update is generated.
A log is issued after generation is completed.

Additional information

You can also make use of the following additional functions when defining update rules:
- Delete rule
If you would like to exclude key figures from the update (for example, when using a specific update
group), place the cursor on the correspondingkey figure and select Edit -> Delete rule.
The update rules are then deleted for the key figure and the corresponding characteristics that you
- Restore
The "restore" function is closely connected to the delete function.
If you delete the update rules for a key figure by mistake, you can reactivate this key figure by
selecting it from the list of key figures that have not been used.
To do this, select Edit -> Restore -> Key figures.
A dialog box appears which lists all of the key figures that you have defined in the information
structure but which you have not used in your update definition.
Select the key figures which you have not yet included in your update.
Press Enter to copy the selected key figures.
This, however, does not restore all of the update rules that you might have defined.
Only the source field information that was already specified in the information structure definition is
- Copy rule
You need to use this function if you would would like to define more than one update for one key
The best way to explain this function is to use an example.
You want to update the open order quantity.
The open order quantity is defined as the order quantity that has not yet been delivered.
Customer order processing updates the "open order quantity" field.
When a delivery is entered, the open order quantity should be reduced.
When defining updating for this process, you need to define two update rules for the key figure
"open order quantity".
The first update rule describes the upate for the event "sales order". Here, the key figure is updated

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from special source information in the document (MCVBAP-OAUME) that is provided specifically
for this purpose.
The second update rule describes the reduction of the open order quantity by the delivered quantity
for the event "delivery".
Here, you need to copy the first update rule and change the event and the and the source
The quantity delivered is also made available for updating in a special field (MCLIPS-APOAUME).
Since the open order quantity is reduced by the delivered quantity, the information is then shown as
a negative value.
The open order quantity that is established by the first update rule is then reduced by the second
update rule.
This is a special case, where the delivered quantity is automatically displayed as a negative value to
reduce the open order quantity.
If you would like to express differences in different ways, where the second update is supposed to
reduce the value of the previously updated value, for instance, use a formula to invert the process.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie warunków

When updating key figures, it is often necessary to define complex update rules.
This includes the definition of requirements which either allow or prevent the update.
The definition of requirements is subject to widely differing conditions; for this reason, a flexible
medium is necessary for the definition.
Maintenance of the requirements is subdivided into the specific applications.

Select the application for which you want to maintain requirements.
An overview of all existing requirements for the selected application appears.
1. If you want to define a new requirement, enter a new number for it in the field Routine number.
A specific name range is reserved for standard SAP requirements.
For that reason, please use numbers 600 through 999 for your requirements.
2. Enter an explanatory text for the requirement.
3. If you want to save a long text which describes the requirement, proceed as follows:
a) Position the cursor on the requirement.
b) Select the function Long text.
You branch to the SAP editor.
c) Enter the text.
d) Save your text.
e) Return to the overview screen.
1. To change a requirement, place the cursor on the line of the respective requirement.
2. Select the function Source text.
The system branches to the program editor.
A name is automatically predefined for the FORM routine when the requirement is defined.
You may not change this name.
3. Now define your requirement using ABAP language elements.
To define the requirement, you can use all the source fields that are valid for the event you have
selected for the relevant update rule and to which the requirement is to apply.
If you use transaction SM30 to evaluate the view V_QUTAB, the system displays an overview of
the source tables permitted for each event.
4. When you define requirements, you must assign the result of the check to the Return code field.
The following then applies:

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- Return code equals 0 requirement was satisfied

- Return code does not equal 0 requirement was not satisfied
The field Return code has already been defined in a common data area.
5. Save the requirement definition.
6. Return to the overview screen of the requirements.


You want to define a requirement so that data from sales order processing is only updated if the document
has been completely processed.
The completeness of document processing is recorded in the document via a status field.

FORM MCV1_600.
A requirement definition can only be used in updating if it is active.
To activate a requirement, proceed as follows:
1. Place the cursor on the line of the requirement you wish to activate.
2. Select the function Edit -> Activate.
You can only delete a requirement if it is inactive.
If you want to delete a requirement, proceed as follows:
1. Place the cursor on the line of the requirement you wish to delete.
2. Select the function Edit -> Deactivate.
3. Select the function Edit -> Delete line.
The requirement is then deleted.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie formuł

When updating key figures, it is often necessary to define complex update rules.
These include the definition of formulas for determining the key figures.
The definition of formulas is subject to widely differing conditions; for this reason, a flexible medium is
necessary for the defining them.
The maintenance of formulas is subdivided according to application.


Choose the application for which you want to maintain formulas.

An overview of all the existing formulas for the selected application is displayed.
1. If you want to define a new formula, enter a new number for the formula in the field Routine
A specific name range is reserved for standard SAP formulas.
For that reason, please use numbers 600 through 999 for your formulas.
2. Enter an explanatory text for your formula.
3. If you would like to save a long text to describe your formula, proceed as follows:
a) Position the cursor on the formula.
b) Select the function Long text.
You branch to the SAP editor.
c) Enter the text.
d) Save your text.
e) Return to the overview screen.
1. To change a formula, place the cursor on the line of the respective formula.
2. Select the function Source text.
The system branches to the ABAP/4 editor.
A name is automatically predefined for the FORM routine when the formula is defined.
You may not change this name.
3. Now define your formula using ABAP language elements.
To define the formula, you can use all the source fields that are valid for the event which you have
selected for the respectve update rule and to which the formula is to apply.
If you use transaction SM30 to evaluate the view V_QUTAB, the system displays an overview of
the source tables permitted for each event.
4. If you define formulas for key figures with numerical data type (type F, N, P, or X), you must assign
the result of the formula calculation to the field formula_value.

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If you define formulas for characteristics or key figures with alphanumeric data type, you need to
use the field formula_value_object.
You can use the field returncode, to specify the validity of value determination via the formula.
You should always define the return code (for example, CLEAR RETURNCODE).
The fields formula_value, formula_value_object and returncode have already been defined in a
common data range.
5. Save the formula definition.
6. Return to the overview screen of the formulas.

Example of the Formula Definition

For the event "Billing document", you want to determine the profit margin I.
The profit margin I is the difference between the net value of the billing document and the corresponding

FORM MCV2_600.
A formula definition can only be used in updating if it is active.
To activate a formula, proceed as follows:
1. Position the cursor on a line.
2. Select the function Edit -> Activate.
You can only delete a formula if it is inactive.
If you want to delete a formula, proceed as follows:
1. Position the cursor on the line of the formula you wish to delete.
2. Select the function Edit -> Deactivate.
3. Select the function Edit -> Delete line.
The formula is then deleted.

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______________________________________________________________ Wyświetlanie protokołu generowania dla reguł aktualizacji

A log is written during the generation of the update rules for an information structure and an update
group. This log lists the objects that were created during the generation. It also displays the errors that
occurred during the generation.
The generation log is stored. This means that you can also display deletion logs for information structures
that have already been deleted.
In this IMG activity, you can display the last log for each information structure.


1. Specify the name of the information structure for which the log is to be issued.
2. Specify the corresponding update group.
3. Press ENTER.

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__ Sterowanie aktualizacją

In this IMG activity you define the updating control.

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______________________________________________________________ Aktywacja aktualizacji

In this IMG activity, you make settings for updating the information struktures.
Data analysis in the information system is based on statistics data that is updated from the operative
application in the information structures. Updating is triggered by an event in a logistics application (for
example, a sales order). An event is the point at which information that is to be stored arises.
You can determine the following:
- Time frame of the update
You determine the time at which the statistics data is to be cumulated. You can choose between the
following periods:
- Daily updating
- Weekly updating
- Monthly updating
- Updating according to the posting period
In this case, you can allocate a posting period to an information structure. The period is then
always determined according to this posting period, and not according to the period for the
company code.
You should allocate a posting period if the company code cannot be clearly identified from the
characteristics of the information structure.
If the fiscal year variant is not specified, the period split "posting period" corresponds to the
posting period that is automatically determined in the documents for the link to financial
If you want to have an individual period split (for example, quarterly, every two weeks) for an
information structure, you must specify a fiscal year variant.
- Type of updating
You determine when the information structures are updated. You can select from the following
- synchronous update (V1 update)
The statistics update occurs synchronously to the document posting.
However, if errors occur during the update and as a result the statistics posting is terminated,
the corresponding documents no longer exist and must be newly created.
- Asynchronous update (V2 update)
In this case, the document posting and the statistics posting are separated so that termination of
the statistics update does not have an effect on the posting of documents that exist in the
operative application.
You can also carry out the document posting and the statistics postings on two separate
- No posting, meaning the update is turned off.


You can only change the updating period if the only data that exists in the information structures is
planning data.

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Therefore, the information structure for which you want to change the updating period cannot yet be
updated, meaning it cannot be filled with actual data.


1. Position the cursor on the information structure for which you want to change the update
2. Choose "Parameters".
The updating parameters are displayed.
3. Choose the desired setting.
4. Press "Enter".
5. Save the changed update parameters.

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______________________________________________________________ Grupy statystyczne

In this IMG activity, you define statistics groups for rate categories and contracts, and allocate them to an
updating group using a determination table.
The statistics groups can be entered in the corresponding rate categories or contracts.

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__ Definiowanie grup statystycznych dla typów taryf

In this IMG activity you define the statistics groups that can be used for the allocation of individual rate
Allocate the statistics groups to the rate categories in Customizing under Contract Billing -> Billing
Master Data -> Rate Structure -> Rate Categories -> Define Rate Categories.
You can use the statistics group in update group determination, to differentiate between residential and
nonresidential customers, because you generally differentiate between these two groups by rate category.


Define a rate category structure group for each customer grouping.


1. Define which groups of rate categories affect the statistics update.

2. Define the statistics groups.
3. Ensure that the statistics groups are entered in the rate categories.

Further notes

Statistics group ’ ’ (SPACE) is also supported.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup statystyk dla umów

In this activity you define the statistics groups that can be used for allocating individual contracts.
Allocate the statistics groups in the contract.
Only use the statistics group in exceptional cases, if, for example, you want to consider a residential
contract as a nonresidential contract, due to its importance. Just one contract statistics group is normally
sufficient in this case.


Enter nonresidential contract in the contract statistics group.


1. Define which groups of invoices affect the statistics update.

2. Define the statistics groups.
3. Ensure that the statistics groups are entered in the contracts.

Further notes

The statistics group ’ ’ (SPACE) is also supported. This means that the agent usually does not have to
enter a statistics group in the contract.

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__ Definiowanie grup statyst. ilości

In this IMG activity you define the statistics groups for quantities. You enter the statistics groups in the
billing schema.
You use the statistics group to specify how quantities are transferred to sales statistics (in the Utilitiy
Information System) or to the Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) component.
SAP supplies the standard statistics groups 000000 to 000002. If you enter a rate in a new billing schema,
the system proposes these statistics groups as defaults. The selection of the statistics group depends on
the variant program of the rate step as follows:
- For variants to which the value 1 energy is allocated as type of billed quantity in the variant
definition, the system proposes the statistics group 000001.
The system copies the billed consumption of the billing line item to the field I_ABRMENGE of the
UIS communication structure.
- For variants to which the value demand is allocated as the type of billed quantity in the variant
definition, the system proposes the statistics group 000002.
The system copies the billed demand of the billing line item to the field I_LEIMENGE of the UIS
communication structure.
- For variants to which another value is allocated as type of billed quantity in the variant definition,
the quantity in the billing line item has no specific meaning. In this case the system proposes the
statistics group 000000.
No update rules are allocated to this statistics group. Therefore, the system does not copy the
quantity of the billing line item to the statistics.

Standard settings

You must not change the standard statistics groups 000000 to 000002.
Use the following namespaces: A*, B*, ... , Z* (customer namespaces).


Important: No update rules are delivered to CO-PA for the statistics groups 000001 to 000002. This is
because no operating concerns are delivered. If you wish to post invoicing documents to CO-PA
statistically, you must also create update rules for the statistics groups 000001 to 000002.


1. Specify the statistics groups you require for quantities.

2. Define the statistics groups.
3. Make sure that the statistics groups are entered in the schema.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1267
System SAP

Further notes

You can also check the settings you have defined using a consistency check and analysis function.

SAP AG 1268
System R/3
__ Definiwanie grup statyst. kwot

In this IMG activity you define statistics groups for amounts. You enter statistics groups in the billing
Statistics groups enable you to control how amounts are processed in the sales statistics in the Utilities
Information System (UIS) or in Profitability Analysis (CO-PA).
The statistics groups 000000 to 000005 are delivered by SAP. When you add a rate to a new billing
schema, these statistics groups are proposed as default values. THe selection depends on the variant
program of the rate step. The default value determines the type of billed quantity from variant definition:
Type of quantity Default cont.gr. Update in IUS key figures
In these default settings, the net amount of the bill line is always copied to field NETTOBTR of the
communication structure. Therefore, NETTOBTR contains the total amount. In addition, the net amount
of the bill line is copied to a specific key figure for each type of billed quantity.
Of course, you can also use other statistics groups when you create a billing schema. Statistics group
000000 does not have any update rules. Use it for the schema steps whose amounts are not relevant for
the statistics.

Standard settings

You are not permitted to change the entries that are delivered (000000 to 000005). You can use the
following namespaces: A*, B*, ..., Z*** (customer namespace).


Important: We do not supply any CO-PA update rules for statistics groups 000001 through 000005
because we do not supply an operating concern either. If you want to statistically post bills to CO-PA,
you should define CO-PA update rules for statistics groups 000001 to 000005.


1. Establish which statistics groups you require for amounts.

2. Define the statistics groups in the system.
3. Enter the statistics groups in the schemas.

Further notes

You can also use the consistency check and analysis function to check the settings you have defined.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1269
System SAP

SAP AG 1270
System R/3
__ Grupa aktualizacji

In this IMG activity, you allocate the individual accounting transactions to an update group.
In this way, you determine which statistics data is to be updated from the individual accounting
Allocation of the update groups occurs with the statistics group from the rate category and contract.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1271
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustalania grup aktualizacji

In this IMG activity you allocate the statistics groups rate category and contract to an update group. In
doing so you create the basis of your individual Information System in the SAP Business Information
Warehouse (BW).
It is often necessary that certain features of the data objects affect the statistics update. This generally
means that certain objects in BW, such as rate category, division and contract, can influence the update.
The update group is a central control element of the update. It is determined during billing of a contract
from the statistics group for the rate category, and the statistics group for the contract, and the update
group determination in this activity.
Note about BW
You can use the update groups in the update rules within BW, to use characteristics and key figures

Example BW

The document number is always extracted to BW, independently of the customer grouping. However, you
must still save the document number in the InfoCube, just for nonresidential customers. You do not
require this information for residential customers.
Check at document number level in the update rules in BW, to see which update group is valid for this
record. Set the document number field to ’initial’ for the update group for residential customers. This
reduces the amount of time required for updating residential customers in BW.
In the later analyses you can implement a breakdown in the document display in IS-U for non-residential


You must have defined and allocated the statistics groups.


Organize the update groups based on your customer groupings. Basic differences are nonresidential and
residential customers, but also take into account employees and competitive customers.


Allocate the statistics groups to the update groups.

Further notes

You must use the update groups in the billing documents, otherwise the document lines are not processed
in the statistics update. You must maintain at least one update group for each combination of division,
rate category statistics group and contract statistics group.

SAP AG 1272
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1273
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie waluty statystyki dla każdej jednostki


In this IMG activity you define the statistics currency, if it is different to the local currency.
Note the following for the:
- Information System for SAP Utilities (UIS)
This definition is valid for all information structures of the sales statistics.
- Business Information Warehouse (BW)
BW can process amounts from different currencies. For this reason, it is not necessary to set the
statistics currencies.
The amounts are normally updated in the local currency of the respective company code, in the
information structures and the extract structures.

SAP AG 1274
System R/3
__ Przypisanie jedn. miary rozliczenia do jedn. miary statyst.

In this IMG activity you allocate units of measurement for billing to the units of measurement for
statistics. This activity is required, in order to be able to convert different units of measurement for the
same division into a uniform statistical unit of measurement.
This allocation is only required for units of measurement used in billing that differ from the statistical
unit of measurement.
You define the conversion factor by choosing: General Settings -> Check Units of Measurement.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1275
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Kontrola aktualizacji

You can monitor updates of statistics data, by using the updating log. The updating log is written
dependent on the user and process.
The updating log is used for tracking the update, and generating information structures and the updating
Updating simulation is available from release 3.0 for monitoring the update. You can also use the
updating simulation to record an update log for documents that did not generate an update.

SAP AG 1276
System R/3
__ Wyświetlanie protokołu aktualizacji

To check the update of statistical data from the application-specific transactions, you can generate an
update log.
The system interprets the corresponding update rules and displays the data resulting from the update.
The update log is activated by a parameter in the user master record. This user-specific activation
guarantees targeted and selective use ofthe update log.


Displaying the update log increases the runtime when the document that has caused updating is saved.
For this reason, SAP recommends that you only display update logs selectively and temporarily during
the test phase of the statistics update.
In the standard system, the log is always generated for one transaction only. Thus, if you enter a
transaction which causes a log to be activated, this log will be overwritten by the next log that is
recorded. This avoids an excessive build-up of logs stored in the system.


You must have saved the documents that activate the update.


1. From any menu, select System -> User profile -> User parameters.
The system displays your current user-specific parameters.
2. Enter the parameter "MCL" in field "PID" (parameter ID).
3. Allocate the parameter value "X" to this parameter.
4. Save the new parameter setting.
5. In the initial screen for the update log, specify the name of the user who has activated the log.
The system proposes the name of the user currently logged on as a default.
6. If you select the function "Execute", an overview appears of all updates (information
structure/update group) that have been initiated by a document.
7. To analyze a specific update, position the cursor on the corresponding line and select "Details".
This function displays all data which affects the business transaction.
In accordance with the definition of the update rules, the system displays an overview of the key
figures which to be updated from the document.
If you select "Analysis", the system displays the Customizing environment.
The following information is displayed for each key figure:
- contents (updated value of the key figure):
"No updating" means that no updating took place, because a requirement was not satisfied, for
example. In this case, the detail screen provides you with a further analysis option: position the
cursor on the line you want to analyze further and choose "Key figure" or "Characteristics".
The detail screen contains information on the source data of the document in the update.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1277
System SAP

- O/N stands for old/new, and specifies whether the update transaction is a new or a changed
If a document is added in the application, the system only creates new update transactions are
If, on the other hand, a document is changed, the original update that was created must be
corrected. To do this, the original update that was initially added is posted with a negative
value. This posting is marked as "Old" in the overview. In a second step, the new constellation
is updated in the transaction as during the creation, and marked as "New" in the overview.
- The next column displays the hierarchy level of the document that causes an update to occur
(for example, position, classification).
8. Deactivate the log recording after the test phase by deleting the user parameter "MCL", or overwrite
the parameter value "X" with a blank.

SAP AG 1278
System R/3
__ Symulacja aktualizacji

In this IMG activity, you can perform an update check for documents that did not cause an update. The
update of the document is simulated and the update log is created.
An update simulation can be performed for the following documents:
- Billing documents


If you create an update log within the update simulation, existing update logs are overwritten.


1. Enter the number of the document, for which the update is to be simulated.
2. Press Enter.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1279
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Sprawozdawczość

Reporting within the logistics information system covers standard reporting using the standard analyses,
and flexible reporting using the flexible analyses.
Flexible analyses are independent of the Utility Information System (UIS) and you can maintain them in
the standard LIS IMG. To do this, choose Logistics - General -> Logistics Information System (LIS)
-> Reporting -> Flexible Analyses.

SAP AG 1280
System R/3
__ Analizy standardowe

In this IMG activity, you set special parameters for standard reporting.
Data analysis for standard reporting is done via the standard analysis.
The standard analysis provides you with various functions and selection options that you can use to
determine the scope of data to be analysed.
The information structures form the data basis of the standard analysis. An information structure defines
a group of information that is used for the summarization and subsequent analysis of data.
For standard reporting, detailed data of the operative application is integrated into the logical information
system based on aggregated data. On the one hand, you can expand the key figures along the
characteristics defined in an information structure and refine the summary level. On the other hand, you
can display the operative data (master data and transaction data).
The standard analyses are subdivided according to the application. Specific key figures at a certain
summarization level are displayed first.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1281
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Zmiana ustawień

In this IMG activity, you make basic settings for the standard analysis.
You can determine settings for the following areas of standard reporting:
- Standard expansion
For each standard analysis, SAP provides a standard expansion for the characteristics.
You can change the sequence of these characteristics according to your requirements.
- Key figures
The key figures are preset for each standard analysis in the SAP standard system.
You can determine which key figures are displayed in the list generated by the analysis you
You can also change the selected key figures during the analysis.
- Parameters
The parameters for the layout of the evaluation lists are preset in the SAP standard system for each
standard analysis.
You can change these parameters to meet your requirements.
You can also determine default values for the selection screen.
You can change these settings during the analysis.
You can make settings for the following parameters:
- Number of periods in the selection screen
- With current period
- Version can be selected
- Analysis currency
- Exchange rate type for the currency translation
- Characteristic display (key, description, or both)
- Width of characteristics column
- Width of key figures column
- Display expansion log in page header
- Initial graphic
- Methode zur Datenanreicherung
- Methods for data enhancement
- Formula for list enhancement
The standard analyses are subdivided according to applications.


1. Select the application within which you want to perform a standard analysis.
2. Specify the name of the information structure for which you want to perform a standard analysis.

SAP AG 1282
System R/3

3. Press Enter.
4. Select an analysis.
If only an analysis exists for the information structure you specified, you branch directly to the
characteristics overview.
5. Determine the sequence of the characteristics for the standard expansion.
6. Determine the key figures.
7. Set the parameters for the analysis lists.

Further notes

Additional information on data enhancement

Additional information on list enhancement
Additional information on deletion of selection versions.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1283
System SAP

31.12 Wymiana danych pomiędzy kilkoma przedsiębiorstwami

In this IMG activity, you establish general settings for the Intercompany Data Exchange (IDE)
Deregulation is resulting in increasing data traffic in all directions between all the business partners
involved (home utilities, customers, and suppliers). This component enables you to exchange data
You can make additional modifications under Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined
Enhancements for IDE.

Before you set up this component, you must have established the necessary settings in Customizing for
To do this choose the following Customizing menu: Basis Components -> Basis Services -> IDoc
Interface / Electronic Data Interchange.

SAP AG 1284
System R/3

31.12.1 Ustawienia podstawowe

In this IMG activity, you establish general settings for the Intercompany Data Exchange (IDE)

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1285
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania

In this IMG activity you define the type of communication control and the method of service
determination to be used.
Note the following: As of Release 4.64, the data exchange process functions are to be used for the data
exchange. It is not necessary to set the type of communication control when using the data exchange
- As of Release 4.71, the supply scenario is available. If you activated the service determination based
on the supply scenario (Utility Industry -> Basic Settings/Enterprise Structure -> Define
Deregulation Settings) it is not necessary to set the method for the service determination.
We recommend you use the supply scenario when using the new service determination.

Choose from the following types of communication control:

- Communication based on service types
Intended for stable deregulated markets, in which different distribution
grids use the same communication standards. The communication standards are defined at service
type level. This procedure is the least specific but it is the easiest to maintain.
- Communication based on service providers
Intended for markets in which the communication standards of service providers can vary. The
communication standards are defined at service provider level, enabling you to enter specific data
on the communication type and format of different service providers. Note that this type of
communication control requires extensive maintenance but enables you to configure the type and
format of communication very precisely. The disadvantage of this procedure is that the
configuration is more time-consuming.
Depending on the type of communication control you have chosen you must also establish the necessary
settings in the SAP Easy Access menu under Intercompany Data Exchange -> Communication
Control -> Communication on the Basis of Service Types or under Communication Control ->
Communication on the Basis of Service Providers
Choose from the following methods of service determination:
- By operational area
Intended for deregulated markets in which the type and number of services vary very little or not at
- By service provider relationship
Allows for a more flexible determination of billable and non-billable services.
Depending on the method of service determination you have chosen you must also establish the necessary
settings in the Utilities Industry menu under Services.


Communication Control

SAP AG 1286
System R/3

- If you choose Communication by Service Type in the Communication Method field, you
must establish settings in the IMG under Intercompany Data Exchange -> Communication
Control -> Communication on the Basis of Service Types.
Note that in this case, you cannot establish settings in the Communication Based on Service
Providers activity. If you do, these settings have no effect on the system.
- If you choose Communication by Service Provider in the Communication Method field, you
must establish settings in the IMG under Intercompany Data Exchange -> Communication
Control -> Communication on the Basis of Service Providers.
Note that in this case, you cannot establish settings in the Communication Based on Service
Type activity. If you do, these settings have no effect on the system.
Service Determination
- If you choose By Operational Area in the Service Determination Method field then you must
establish settings in the IMG under Intercompany Data Exchange -> Services -> Services
Based on Operational Area.
Note that in this case, you cannot establish settings in the Services Based on Service Provider
Relationship activity. If you do, these settings have no effect on the system.
- If you choose By Service Provider Relationship in the Service Determination Method field
then you must establish settings in the IMG under Intercompany Data Exchange -> Services ->
Services Based On Service Provider Relationship.
Note that in this case, you cannot establish settings in the Services Based on Operational Area
activity. If you do, these settings have no effect on the system.

Further notes

You can only define one communication control key.

The communication method you have chosen here applies for all communication with the following
exception: sending and receiving schedules and load shapes. Schedules and load shapes are always sent
and received using the communication on the basis of service providers communication method,
even if the communication by service type communication procedure has been set. The reason for this
is that schedules and load shapes must also be sent to recipients that cannot be identified as the service
provider of a point of delivery service.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1287
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie obszaru serwisu

In this IMG activity, you define the operational areas.

SAP AG 1288
System R/3
__ Definiowanie listy kodów dla zewnętrznych ID


In this IMG activity, you define code lists for external IDs.
External IDs are used to uniquely identify objects (such as a point of delivery) during intercompany
communication. An external ID belongs to a certain code list - for example, the VDEW or EAN code list.


You have to define a code list in the activity before you can use it.


Ext. ID Description for ID of Ext. Code List

292 VDEW

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1289
System SAP

31.12.2 Usługi

SAP AG 1290
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów serwisu

In this IMG activity, you define the service types and allocate them to the service categories. The
service categories are predefined by SAP. They are as follows:
- Distribution
- Supply
- Settlement coordination
- Clearing house
- Technical service provider
- Other

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1291
System SAP

31.12.3 Procesy wymiany danych

SAP AG 1292
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procesów wymiany danych


W tym działaniu definiuje się procesy wymiany danych.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1293
System SAP

SAP AG 1294
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wersji formatu transferu


In this IMG activity you define versions of the transfer format.

You can define the possible transfer format versions for a certain data exchange process and transfer


The data is only transferred in the selected format version if the external communication systems (such as
the SAP Business Connector) use this information to forward the IDocs created in IS-U/CCS.


When exporting profiles, you want to send the generated message by SAP-XML or VDEW-XML to the
Internet address
Define 2 versions for transfer format XML and data exchange process "Export Profile Values":
SAP-XML: XML generated directly from an IDoc
VDEW-XML: XML generated according to VDEW specifications
You determine which version to use in the data exchange definition.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1295
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzaju wysyłki IDoc


In order to be able to send aggregated messages, you use this activity to define the IDoc Sending Type
and allocate this to a sending category predefined by SAP.
You then select a sending type in the data exchange definition.
If a data exchange task is due, then the system checks whether the IDoc is to be sent immediately. The
corresponding IDoc sending type is read from the data exchange definition.

SAP AG 1296
System R/3

31.12.4 Dostawca usług

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1297
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typu zewnętrznego ID dostawcy usług


In this activity, you define the category of the external ID of the service provider. You allocate the
category to a codelist.
You cannot use initial external codelist IDs.
In the service provider transaction, you can classify the (first and second) external IDs of the service
provider by means of a category. This allows you to differentiate between category ILN and VDEW code
numbers, for example.

Standard settings

When sending messages, the system uses the first external ID.
When receiving messages, the system first tries to identify the service provider by means of the first
external ID. If the system cannot identify the service provider, it tries again using the second external ID.
BAdI ISU_IDE_CODE_CONV is available for receiving and sending messages. In the default
implementation, the external codelist ID is allocated to a category of the external ID. The same applies
the other way round. You can use this BAdI to make a customer-specific allocation.


Category of external ID Name of external ID External Codelist-ID

1 VDEW 292
2 EAN 9

SAP AG 1298
System R/3

31.12.5 Uzgodnienia z dostawcą usług

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1299
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów uzgodnienia z dostawcą usług


In this IMG activity you define the type of service provider agreement.

The service provider agreement type defines the deregulation process to be controlled subject to the
service types of the service providers involved in the agreement (service provider market partner,
processing service provider).


Standard settings


Type of agreement: INVINBOUND (Bill processing)

Process: INV_IN (Inbound bill/payment advice note processing)
Service type SP (part): 0001 (Distribution)
Service type SP (proc): SUPP (Supply Electricity)

SAP AG 1300
System R/3
__ Definiowanie pozycji parametrów w konfiguracji parametrów


In this activity you define the parameter item in parameter configuration for display in the parameter
configuration tool of the service provider agreement.
To get a better overview, it can sometimes be advantageous with large parameter configurations to define
a sequence for the display.
The definition always refers to a deregulation process.
In the definition, you must include the dependencies relating to the higher-level parameter.
It is not essential to define an item for all parameters. You can also make the definition for just a part of
the parameter.

Standard settings

If you do not make any settings here, the parameter configuration is displayed as defined in the definition
for the deregulation process.
You can find the definition for the deregulation process in Customizing, under SAP Utilities -> Tools ->
System Modifications -> User-Defined Enhancements for IDE -> Define Deregulation


Deregulation process: GRIDUSAGE

Parameter number: Reference field: Item:

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1301
System SAP

31.12.6 Scenariusze dot. zasilania

SAP AG 1302
System R/3
__ Definiowanie scenariuszy dot. zasilania


In this IMG activity you define supply scenarios.

For a point of delivery, you must structure the necessary master data (especially billable and non-billable
services) according to the supply situation. If the supply situation for a point of delivery changes, the
master data for the new supply situation must be modified.
Using the supply scenario you can carry out automated master data changes, with reference to a point of
A supply scenario describes the past, current, or future supply situation for a point of delivery. The supply
scenario relates to the description of the market participants and their roles (supplier, transmission
company, distributor) as well as to the master data in the SAP IS-U system (service type, single/dual
contract model, and so on). In this way, the supply scenario describes who is participating in the supply
process, and who is providing which services.


- Contracts for a supply scenario

Here, you specify the service type of the billable services, which must be created for the service
providers who are involved in supplying the point of delivery.
A check is carried out for the selected service providers when you apply the supply scenario for the
point of delivery.
- Services for a supply scenario
Here, you specify the service type of the non-billable services, which must be created for the service
providers who are involved in supplying the point of delivery.
A check is carried out for the selected service providers when you apply the supply scenario for the
point of delivery.
- Service provider agreements for a supply scenario
Here, you specify the types of service provider agreement for the service providers who are involved
in supplying the point of delivery, and are required for the service provider agreements.
A check is carried out for the selected service providers when you apply the supply scenario for the
point of delivery.
- Data exchange processes for a supply scenario
Here, you enter the data exchange processes for service providers who are involved in supplying the
point of delivery, and are required for the data exchange definition.
A check is carried out for the selected service providers when you apply the supply scenario for the
point of delivery.
Own implementation

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1303
System SAP

BAdI ISU_DIE_DRGSCEN_GEN allows you to implement the methods for creating the master data for
the supply scenario (installation, contract, service, for example).

SAP AG 1304
System R/3

31.12.7 Sterowanie komunikacją

In this IMG activity, you make communication control settings.

Intercompany data exchange takes place via the IDoc interface.
IDocs can be exchanged between SAP systems directly, or they can be translated into other EDI formats
(such as UN/EDIFACT or ANSI X.12) using the EDI subsystem so that they can be transmitted to the
non-SAP system of a partner, for example.
Various IDocs are supported. They can be:
- Outbound IDocs
IDocs that are transmitted to a partner either during or after an SAP process.
- Inbound IDocs
IDocs that your SAP system receives from a partner and then processes. Inbound IDocs can be:
- Notification of a new customer
- Supplier change
- Drop
- Customer data changes
- Payment transactions

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1305
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla IDOC

In this IMG activity you define the number ranges for IDocs in Intercompany Data Exchange.


The entities used in SAP applications are identified uniquely by their keys. These keys can be assigned
either internally (by the system) or externally (by the user), as specified in number ranges. For every
entity, you define a number range object, which describes number assignment for the key (internal or
external) and the range of values permitted.

Standard settings

Number range "01" is provided by SAP.

Number range "01" is intended for use in internal number assignment. External number ranges are not
provided for this number range object.


You can change the number ranges as necessary.


Adapt the standard number ranges provided by SAP to your specific requirements and add number ranges
of your own to the number range object as necessary.
1. Choose Change intervals.
2. Choose Insert interval if you wish to add number ranges.
3. Maintain the interval values (From number, To number) for the relevant number range interval.
4. Save the entries.

SAP AG 1306
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla numerów referencyjnych

In this IMG activity, you define the number ranges for reference numbers. In Intercompany Data
Exchange, reference numbers are used to group account-based items that logically belong together.


Distributors and suppliers must communicate in order to bill customer contracts, even more so if one of
the two operates as a billing consolidator.
In electronic billing, the affected items must be grouped internally under a reference number. This is
necessary to correctly process inbound payments or reversals. This takes place automatically and is not
visible to the user.
The reference number is not to be confused with the cross refernce number. The cross reference number
is an external number and is used for the unique allocation of consumption values, bills and payments
between communication partners. If you use a cross reference number it is uniquely allocated to a
reference number.
You must always assign the reference number whereas the assignment of the cross reference number is


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

Further notes

The reference number is stored in the ECROSSREFNO table. The system accesses this table upon
receiving inbound IDocs (for a payment, for example). An entry is also generated in the same table in the
recipient’s system (supplier) so that the information can be cross-referenced.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1307
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Aktywacja zdarzeń związanych z komunikacją

In this IMG activity you define the events to be activated for outbound communication. Communication
is only subsequently processed if the event is active. This means that for processing to occur, an event
from the Define Events activity must be contained in this activity and the Activate Event field must be
In the case of inbound communication, the activation of an event is irrelevant.
While event definition is cross-client, the event activation is client-dependent.
Alongside the predefined SAP events, you can define your own additional events. You do this in
Customizing under Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined Function Enhancements for
IDE -> Define Events.

Standard settings

The events are not active by default

Further notes

If you want to use the data exchange processes, the events must not be active. In this case, do not change
any settings in this activity.

SAP AG 1308
System R/3
__ Definiowanie dozwolonych modułów funkcyjnych dla zdarzeń dot.


In this IMG activity, you define the function modules to be used for each event.
For example, the processing of inbound, and the generation of outbound IDocs takes place in the function
The function modules that you define here are used in the next IMG activity (under Communication
Control Based on Service Types or Communication Control Based on Service Providers)
You can add enhancements to the function modules/events. This is a prerequisite for integrating new
inbound and outbound IDocs into communication control. The enhancements are usually user-defined
function modules.
The settings are cross-client.

Standard settings

The necessary function modules and their corresponding events are provided as standard.
Standard entries cannot be changed. You can use the following namespaces: X*, Y*, Z* (customer

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1309
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Sterowanie komunikacją - komunikaty wejściowe

SAP AG 1310
System R/3
__ Przypisanie rodzaju liczydła

In this IMG activity you define IDoc register types. You do this by allocating the register types defined in
Device Management (IS-U-DM) to internal register types in Intercompany Data Exchange
This is necessary because a different service providers indicate register types in different ways.
You use the internal IDE register type for the function module that you activated for the USG_IN_ACT
processing event. In the function mod ule you define how to process the transmitted consumption data.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1311
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie jednostek miary

In this IMG activity, you allocate IDoc units of measurement (that, for example, are derived from EDI
standards (Electronic Data Interchange)) to the units of measurement used in the IS-U system.
If you want to aggregate one internal value from several IDoc then you can specify whether you want the
system to take the greatest value, the total of all values or the average value.

SAP AG 1312
System R/3
__ Przypisanie rodzajów liniii dokumentu

In this IMG activity, you specify the line item types, of which you want to transfer billing lines to other
contract parties in the context of Intercompany Data Exchange (IDE).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1313
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Sterowanie komunikacją - informacje wyjściowe

In this IMG activity, you make communication control settings for outbound messages.

SAP AG 1314
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodz. linii dokumentu istotnych dla komunikacji

In this IMG activity, you define the line item types that are relevant to communication. This means
entering the line item types that you wish to be able to transmit to third parties (for example, in
notifications of consumption).
You must also enter additional information (such as a special information type, for example) for each line
item type.


Define the line item types relevant to communication in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1315
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pozycji rachunku bież. istot. dla komunikacji

In this IMG activity, you define the accounts receivable and payable items relevant to the sending of
electronic bills. Information from billing and invoicing is included in the customer’s bill. The bill is
created by an external service provider.
In the context of electronic data exchange in the deregulated energy market, you can have the system
automatically send an IDoc for the following business transactions:
- Bill for deregulated customers
- Bill reversal for deregulated customers
If you want to send information from accounts receivable and payable in addition to the billing data- a
credit memo to be from a service provider for example- enter the main transaction and sub-transaction


You must have defined the main and sub-transactions under Financial Accounting -> Contract
Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Function s -> Postings and Documents ->
Document -> Maintain Document Assignments -> Maintain Transactions for IS-U/IS-T.


Define the necessary accounts receivable and payable items relevant to communication in the system.

SAP AG 1316
System R/3

31.12.8 Status zatwierdzenia

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1317
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statusu zatwierdzania informacji dla partnera


In this IMG activity, you define the information release status for the business partner.
In this way you can determine whether a business partner has agreed to let his or her details be passed on.

This activity is for information purposes only. Entries you make here have no effect on the function.


Define the required information release status in the system.

SAP AG 1318
System R/3
__ Definiowanie statusu deregulacji

In this IMG activity you define the deregulation status. Customers in a deregulated market can have a
number of statuses, from release to participation. As of a certain status, the customer can be supplied by a
different vendor.
You must enter all the neccessary deregulation statuses here. You must mark the status, at which
provision by a different vendor becomes possible, with ’Enrollment possible.’
This activity is for information purposes only. Entries you make here have no effect on the function.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1319
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statusu zatwierdzania informacji dla instalacji

In this IMG activity you define the information release status for the installation.
In this way you can determine whether a business partner has agreed to let his or her installation and
consumption-related details be passed on.

This activity is for information purposes only. Entries you make here have no effect on the function.


Define the required information release status in the system.

SAP AG 1320
System R/3

31.12.9 Zarządzanie procesem

In this IMG activity, you establish settings for the business processes used in Intercompany Data
Exchange (IDE).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1321
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wykorzyst. wariantów procesu do identyfikacji miejsc



In this activity, you define which process variants to use as default

The process variants that you select here are defined in the Define Process Variants for Identifying Points
of Delivery activity.
For each relevant deregulation process, you define which process variants are used for processing
incoming queries and replies during manual and automatic identification of points of delivery.
The default parameter is used in the following deregulation processes during manual or automatic
identification of points of delivery.
- GRIDUSAGE: Registration or termination of grid usage
- INV_IN: Bill and payment advice note processing

The settings defined here are taken into account at the start of the identification process.
During manual identification, you can execute other process variants
in the dialog.

SAP AG 1322
System R/3
__ Zawarcie umowy

In this section you define default values and establish settings for the enrollment processes. It contains:
- Transactions for manual move-in
- Move-in using a master data template
- Point of delivery services in the master data template
- Workflow template for enrollment processes

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1323
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Workflow

SAP AG 1324
System R/3
__ Zarządzanie statusem

In this IMG activity, you store the status of the workflow processes needed for Intercompany Data
Exchange (IDE).
In addition to the SAP standard status, you can define your own in order to meet your particular

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1325
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statusu gospodarczego dla procesów workflow

In this IMG activity, you define the processing status from the business view. This status is displayed in
the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) and is used for customer information.

Further notes

In addition to the standard SAP statuses, you can define you own in the namespaces X*, Y* and Z*.

SAP AG 1326
System R/3
__ Definiowanie statusu technicznego dla procesów workflow

In this IMG activity, you define the processing status from the technical view. This documents the state
of the workflow, and any allocated communication processes.

Further notes

In addition to the standard SAP statuses, you can define your own in the namespaces X*, Y* and Z*.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1327
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Def. zakresów numerów dla procesów workflow dla zawarcia

umowy z usługodaw.

In this IMG activity, you define number ranges for the workflow processes that control service provider
The master data templates defined in the master data generator can be relevant to communication. The
process in the enrollment workflow contains all the requirements for communication with third parties.
The system allocates a number to each process so that it can be uniquely identified.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1328
System R/3
__ Def. zakresów numerów dla funkcji workflow dla zawarcia umowy
z usługodawcą

In this IMG activity, you define the number range of the workflow functions of service provider
The master data templates defined in the master data generator can be relevant to communication. If
several partners are involved in a communication process then the system assigns each communication an
internal function number. The function numbers are allocated to process numbers.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1329
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzaju zawarcia umowy

In this IMG activity you define the enrollment type.

The enrollment type is an additional key used to determine the default values for the services belonging
to the point of delivery. The enrollment type is determined using the account class. You define the
relationship between enrollment type and account class in the Allocate Enrollment Type to Account Class

SAP AG 1330
System R/3
__ Określanie rodzaju zawarcia umowy

In this IMG activity you allocate the enrollment type to the account class.
This ensures that the system can use the account class to determine the enrollment type.
Using the Service Provider of Last Resort field, you can differentiate between the following cases:
- Enrollment for a newly acquired customer
- Enrollment for an allocated customer whose installation must be taken on
The market rules define that the provider of last resort must take on the installation if no other
service provider is willing to do so.
These two cases necessitate different master data constructs and default values. For this reason you must
use different enrollment types.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1331
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Zmiana dostawcy

SAP AG 1332
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla numeru dokumentu wymiany


In this IMG activity you define the number ranges for the switch document. The switch document is
created when you carry out a supplier change. It logs the steps in the change process.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1333
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów terminów


In this IMG activity you define period types.

You use period types in the following processes:
- Supplier perspective: Cancellation processing (previous supplier) and registration for supply (new
- Distributor perspective: Change of supplier (incl. start and end of supply)
You define periods for each switch type (change of supplier, start of supply, end of supply, for example).
Periods for which you selected the Period Type Can Be Redefined in SAV field can be overwritten in
the service provider agreement. The following settings can be changed:
- Period category and if necessary the higher-level period type
- Time unit (month, day, work day, or week) and number
- Factory calander and factory calander control


Standard settings



SAP AG 1334
System R/3
__ Definiowanie workflow dla wglądu wymiany


Use this activity to allocate workflow tasks to switch views. Define switch views can be found in
Customizing under Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined Enhancements for IDE ->
Change of Supplier.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1335
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie działań dokumentu zmiany do komunikatów BPEM


In this activity you allocate switch document activities to BPEM messages (Business Process Exception
You can monitor and evaluate switch document activities using BPEM. To ensure all (customer-specific
activities) can be evaluated using BPEM, you must assign activities to BEPM messages. If no allocation
is made for one or more activities, the system does not observe these activities during the BPEM


BPEM monitoring must be activated for the EIDE business process area. Use the activity Activate
Business Process Areas for Message Management to do so.


1. Create a message class in the customer namespace.

2. Create messages for this message class that are suitable for the switch document activities to be
3. Create an assignment of switch document activities to BPEM messages.


1. First create a new message class ZEIDEMSGASSIGN. Create a message 123 "registration
notification received" in this message class.
2. Now create a new allocation of a switch document activity to a BPEM message as follows.
- Switch activity: 011 (Registration notification received)
- Message class: ZEIDEMSGASSIGN
- Message number: 123

If activity 011 is read during the BPEM analysis of a switch document, the system displays error message
123 in the BPEM evaluation.

SAP AG 1336
System R/3
__ Definiowanie obsługi wyjątków dla kontroli


In this activity you define the project-specific exception handling for checks and switch views.


Only define project-specific, standard exception handling in the following cases:

- You use the same check in different switch views, and a different standard exception handling is
necessary for each switch view.
- You must redefine the exception handling for the standard checks.

Standard settings

Checks and exception handling are predefined by SAP. The predefined checks and preconfigured
exception handling can be found in Customizing, under SAP Utilities -> Tools -> System
Modifications -> User-Defined Enhancements for IDE -> Change of Supplier -> Define Checks.
If you do not define project-specific standard exception handling, the preconfiguration for the exception
handling from the exceptions definition is adopted.


The following values can be used for exception handling:

00 No error -> Resume process
The check was carried out successfully, the result is logged, and the process is resumed.
Note: If you select this exception handling when an error occurs, the error is ignored and the process
is resumed, as though no exception were triggered.
01 Temporary error -> Repeat check
A temporary error occurred during the check (for example, an object was blocked for processing).
The check is automatically repeated several times according to the workflow system settings.
02 Critical error -> Cancel processing
A critical error occurred during the check. The processing of the message is cancelled (message
status 006). The agent is not informed of the problem via information in his inbox.
03 Critical error -> Cancel processing + Agent information
A critical error occurred during the check. The processing of the message is cancelled (message
status 006). In addition, the agent asynchronously receives information in his workflow inbox.
04 Critical error -> Agent decision necessary
A critical error occurred during the check. The agent receives a decision task with the following
options in his workflow inbox:
- Continue processing / Modify data manually

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1337
System SAP

- Reject notification / Cancel Processing

The process is only continued once the agent has made his/her decision. Both the result of the check
and the agent decision are logged in the switch document.
05 Warning -> Resume process
The check results are logged in the switch document as a warning. The processing is resumed.
06 Warning -> Resume process + Agent information
The exception from the check is handled as a warning. The process is resumed. In addition, the
agent asynchronously receives information in his/her workflow inbox.
07 Warning -> Agent decision necessary
The check provides a warning. The agent receives a decision task with the following options in his
workflow inbox:
- Continue processing / Modify data manually
- Reject notification / Cancel processing

The process is resumed once the agent has reached a decision.

08 Unexpected exception -> Inform administrator
An unexpected error occurred during the check. The agent cannot handle this error. The
administrator has the following options:
- Continue processing / Modify Data Manually
- Reject notification / Cancel processing
09 No error -> Continue according to agent decision
No errors occurred during the check. However, the agent must decide how to continue the process.
The agent does not make the decision for this error handling within the workflow for the check
framework, but in the calling workflow. For this exception handling, the agent receives
case-relevant decision texts (such as, change switch type to end of supply). A handling of this type
is not possible using the generic decision task from the check framework. In addition, however, the
logging from the check framework is to be used.
Note: When using this exception handling, you must ensure in the workflow that, after the check
framework has been called, a project-specific dialog step for the agent decision is called in the

SAP AG 1338
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wykorzystania kontroli pola obowiązkowego


In this activity you define for each relevant switch view which field checks are executed in the calling
function for processing inquiries, answers, and cancellation notifications for all message categories used
in the change of supplier.
You use the Define Field Check activity to define which message data fields are checked for each switch

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1339
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie warunków wypowiedzenia dla kontroli min. czasu

trwania umowy


In this activity, you define the cancellation conditions. A cancellation condition describes the
requirements for cancelling a contract.
You can then select one of the cancellation conditions defined here in the contract (page 3 of contract
In the change of supplier process, you can check whether the existing contract fulfills these conditions.


Before you make the settings for this function, you must enhance the contract by adding the cancellation


Requested change of supplier: on April 30, 2004

Cancellation receipt date: April 10, 2004

- Start of contract: February 29, 2004
- End of contract: n/a

Cancellation condition:
- Day from: January 01, 2004
- Day to: December 31, 9999
- Minimum duration of contract: 3 months
- Cancellation period: 14 days before end of month
- Factory calendar ID: 01
- Public holiday control:n/a

SAP AG 1340
System R/3

Result of check:
The minimum duration of the contract ends on May 29, 2004.
The contract cannot be cancelled before this date.
=> Cancellation rejected

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1341
System SAP

31.12.10 Wystawienie faktury (zagregowane)

SAP AG 1342
System R/3
__ Faktury własne

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1343
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wartości do tworzenia zagreg. faktury


In this activity you can define defaults for controlling the processes for posting the aggregated bill and for
generating bills or budget billing requests for individual contract accounts in deregulated scenarios.
See the F1 Help for the respective function for information on the way in which each button works.


You are using deregulated scenarios and have made the central setting for deregulation:
- SAP Utilities -> Basic Settings/Enterprise Structure -> Define Deregulation Settings
- SAP Utilities -> Intercompany Data Exchange -> Communication Control

SAP AG 1344
System R/3
__ Def. danych stand. w przypadku płatności reg. przez zewn.

dostawcę usług

In this activity you define specifications should the case arise that items are billed to the customer by a
third company. The payment block reason is written in all items in question. These are then skipped by
the payment program, and receive the item indicator 151 Bill Issued by Third Party (Deregulation).
The document type is proposed during the aggregated posting to the service provider’s account.

You must have defined payment block reasons in advance in contract accounts receivable and payable
(FI-CA). You do this under Business Transactions -> Payments -> Incoming/Outgoing Payment

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1345
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typu konta umowy dla fakturującego dostawcy usług


In this activity you define the contract account categories for invoicing service providers.
If you want to use the aggregated posting of outgoing bills, you set the Contract Account of Invoicing
Service Provider indicator for the contract account category used.

SAP AG 1346
System R/3
__ Definiowanie cechy grupowania zagreg. konta umowy


In this activity you define the grouping characteristics for aggregated contract accounts. You can define
multiple grouping characteristics.
This allows you to define several aggregated contract accounts for one service provider pair within the
service provider agreement for the INV_OUT deregulation process.
At least one of the grouping characteristics within a service provider agreement must be indicated as
Default. The aggregated contract account allocated to this grouping characteristic is then always used,
provided the customer does not override it.
Event R207 is used to determine the aggregated contract account.


Existing service provider agreements may have to be converted, in order to be able to use several
aggregated contract accounts. You can use the REDEREGPARA_001 report for this purpose.


See also the ISU_SAMPLE_R207 example module.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1347
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiow. danych standardowych dla zagregowanego księgowania

płatn. wych.


In this activity you record defaults for situations where payments to third parties are to be aggregated.
Choose the document type for posting in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA) or the
document type for posting in Accounts Payable Accounting (FI-AP) according to the module to be used
for posting. The system proposes the document type selected for the posting procedure. You can change
the document type manually if necessary.
You can define the maximum number of bill lines that are to be combined in an aggregated document.
You can also decide whether aggregated documents are to be cleared individually or with other
documents during payment.

SAP AG 1348
System R/3
__ Faktury obce

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1349
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia podstawowe dla zagregowanego księgowania faktur



In this activity, you define the basic settings for aggregated posting of incoming bills.
If budget billing amounts for the supplier are always to be posted as down payments, select the Post
Budget Billing Amount as Down Payment for Supplier indicator.
This means you can support the process of posting budget billing amounts as down payments for the
respective market partner in the service provider agreement.


If the distributor uses the statistical budget billing procedure to bill the grid usage costs, the distributor
requests a fixed budget billing amount from the supplier for each customer. To ensure that the budget
billing amounts requested can be posted as down payments for the supplier, you must activate this
procedure in the supplier system.

SAP AG 1350
System R/3
__ Definiowanie danych stand. dla zagreg. księg. faktur



In this activity you define specifications for if the case should arise that incoming bills are to be posted as
aggregated bills.
In accordance with the module, which is to be used for the posting, you select the document type for
posting in contract accounts receivable and payable (FI-CA) or in accounts payable accounting. The
system proposes the selected document type in the posting transaction. If necessary, you can change the
document type manually.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1351
System SAP

31.12.11 Przetwarzanie faktury/ awiza

SAP AG 1352
System R/3
__ Dokonywanie ustawień podstawowych


In this IMG activity you make the basic settings for bill and payment advice note processing within the
scope of Intercompany Data Exchange.
Here, you define how a bill or payment advice note can be structured and processed.
You use the individual subdialogs for the following purposes:
- Permitted Bill Lines / Payment Advice Note Lines
You maintain all the permitted line types here (for documents).
For every line type, you have to decide whether it is a posting-relevant line type, or an info line.
As a rule, only posting-relevant line types are included for processing processes.

You can also specify between a prepayment and a budget billing.

This is important, for example, to be able to differentiate between normal bill lines and budget
billing lines in document processing.
In order to prevent any ambiguity during the bill creation and further processing, you should use
each line type only once in the Permitted Line Type per Bill section.

Line type 1 describes a posting-relevant bill line, which deals with a prepayment.

- Permitted Document Types

You maintain all permitted document types here (for different bill types / payment advice note
For each document type you can specify which of the following it is:
- Bill
- Payment advice note
- Request for prepayment
- Bill reversal
- Reversal of a request for prepayment
You must also specify the meaning of the internal ID.
In order to prevent any ambiguity when creating or processing line types , you should use each line
type only once in the Permitted Document Type per Bill Type section.

Document type 1 describes a grid usage bill. Within the grid usage bill, the point of delivery is used
for identification. The document is from the Billing type.

- Permitted Bill Types

You maintain the permitted bill types and payment advice note types here.
Specify which bill category / payment advice note category it is. You have the following options

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1353
System SAP

- Single bill
- Aggregated bill
- Payment advice note
- Complaint
You must also specify which identification function is used for the header data ID. Corresponding
identification functions are already stored in Customizing, in the activity Define Process Control
(Part 1), and can be enhanced there.

Specify what type the sender and recipient are (for example, IS-U service provider). For each bill
type / payment advice note type you can specify a function module, which reads the
application-specific parameters. The function module should have the interface from the sample
module INV_INVOICE_EXAMPLE_PARAM_001. You can use function module
ISU_DEREG_PARAM_INV_INBOUND as a sample implementation.

The following process types are available for each bill type / payment advice note type:
1. Identification (of end customer)
2. Check Before Data Transfer
3. Data Transfer
4. Check After Data Transfer
5. Transfer of Data
6. Complaint
For each bill type / payment advice note type you can use the corresponding indicator to specify
whether the process step Identification, Check After Data Transfer, Data Transfer and Check
After Data Transfer are to be omitted.
You can also override the description of the process types in the processing log for the documents.
This means that you can change the descriptions of the process types.

The bill type / payment advice note type ’1’ describes a grid usage bill for single customers. The bill
is from the single bill category. The sender and recipient are to be IS-U service providers, who are
to be determined using the identification module ’1000’ (Determine Service Provider).
Parameters different to those in Customizing are to be determined using function module
ISU_DEREG_PARAM_INV_INBOUND. No process steps are to be omitted.

Enter the following, dependent data for the permitted bill types / payment advice note types:
- Permitted document type for each bill type / payment advice note type
Here, you specify which document types are permitted for a bill type / payment advice note
type. You also specify a function module, which can generate a reversal document from the
corresponding document.

The document type Grid Usage Bill (document type ’1’) is to be permitted for grid usage
bills (bill type / payment advice note type ’1’). The function module
ISU_DEREG_INV_REVERSAL generates a corresponding reversal document from this bill.

- Permitted Line Type per Bill Type

SAP AG 1354
System R/3

You define which line types are permitted for a bill type here.
You can also specify whether the lines are relevant for transfer and what these lines contain (such as
normal bill lines/payment advice note line, totals line, deduction line, final amount line, additional
quantity information, additional prepayment information).

Line type ’1’ (bill line) is permitted for grid usage bills (bill type / payment advice note type
’1’) and document type ’1’ (grid usage bill). This bill line is not relevant for transfer, and
corresponds to a normal bill line. In contrast, line type ’5’ (final amount of bill) is relevant for
transfer, as this is to be transferred to contract accounts receivable and payable or accounts
payable accounting. This transfer takes place in the process step Transfer of Data.

- Permitted Processes Per Bill Type / Payment Advice Note Type

Here, you specify the permitted processes for each bill type / payment advice note type, for
each document type, and for each process type. The selection of processes is stored in
Customizing, in the following activities:
Define Process Control (Part 1)
Define Process Control (Part 2)

For process type Complaint, the following processes are permitted for grid usage bills (bill
type / payment advice note type ’1’) and document type ’1’ (grid usage bill):
- Process ’6000’ (no complaint)
- Process ’6001’ (bill complaint and payment advice note processing)
- Process ’6002’ (bill complaint)
You can use these three processes in a service provider agreement.

- Processes per Bill Type / Payment Advice Note Type

Here, you specify the individual processes that are to be executed for each bill type/payment
advice note type, document type and process type. In addition, you can specify how the
processes are to be overridden at application level.

Process ’6001’ (invoice complaint and payment advice note processing) is specified for
the process type complaint, for grid usage bills (bill type / payment advice note type ’1’) and
document type ’1’ (grid usage bill). This process is used if no service provider agreement
(that overrides this process) between the sender and recipient of the bill.
- Definition of Release Level
You maintain the release level here if bills are to be released manually.
- Type of References
References can exist for a bill or a payment advice note. You maintain the permitted types of
reference here.
For each reference type, you must specify a function module that is used to display the reference.

You can use function module INV_DISPLAY_REFERENCE_IDOC to display the reference type
’1’ with the description Reference to IDoc.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1355
System SAP

- Customer Action in Monitoring

In monitoring for bill and payment advice note data it is possible to include customer-specific
actions. You create those actions here. For each action, you must specify a function module that
executes the action.

SAP AG 1356
System R/3
__ Definiowanie sterowania procesem (część 1)


In this IMG activity you define how the bill or payment advice note data is processed.
You either enter the bill and payment advice note data manually, or it is imported by means of an IDoc or
Once you have entered the data, you can execute the following processes:
- Identification of data
- Check before data is copied
- Data transfer (to IS-U)
- Check after data is copied
- Export of data (to FI-CA)
- Complaint
This process has a special setting, as it is only relevant when the document status is changed to To
Complain and a reason for complaint is added. Function modules for the complaint are defined in
Customizing, in the activity define process control (part 2).
- Reversal
This process has a special setting, as it is only relevant when the document status is changed to To
Reverse and a reversal reason is added. Function modules for the reversal processing are defined
in Customizing, in the activity Make Basic Settings for permitted document types for each bill and
payment advice note type.

- Manual processing
Manual Processing does not require you to make any Customizing settings.


You can save certain basic data, such as check modules, for the individual processes:
- Identification of data
Identification modules
Here, you can specify which function modules can be used for identification purposes. The
identification can be divided into two parts:
- Identification of header data
The sender and the recipient of the bill and payment advice note data are identified in this step.
If you want to use the function module to identify the header data, you must select the FuMo
Used for Identification of Header Data field.
- Identification of Document Data/Line Data

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1357
System SAP

The individual end customers are identified in this step.

The processes Check Before Data is Copied, Copy Data, Check After Data is Copied and Transfer
of Data have the same structure.
It is however possible to specify the function modules that execute the action and give them a general
key. The individual actions are then grouped together for processing at a later stage.
Each of these groups consists of a header and the corresponding subprocesses.
You can specify the following data at header level:
- Key
- Description
- Number of errors permitted
- Function module to determine the resulting status
You can specify the following data at subprocess level:
- Run number
- Key of subprocess to be executed
- Flag, whether an error terminates the process
- Flag, whether subprocesses can be hidden


The identification number ’1000’ is used to determine the function module for identifying the service
provider (sender/recipient) ISU_DEREG_INV_IDENT_010. The indicator Ident.HD is set, as header
data for a bill or payment advice note is to be identified here.
This identification number is used in Customizing, in the activity Make Basic Settings to determine
service providers within permitted bill/payment advice note types.
The identification number ’1001’ is used to determine the function module for identifying the end
customer ISU_DEREG_INV_IDENT_020. Within the function module the internal point of delivery
identification, and thus the internal business partner number, are determined. This is done, for example,
using the external point of delivery identification (which, for example, was transferred in an IDoc). This
identification number is then used in Customizing, in the activity Make Basic Settings within the
permitted processes for the process type Identification of Data, and within the processes for each bill /
payment advice note.
The function module ISU_DEREG_INV_CHECKB_010 with the check module number ’2001’ and the
description Supply Scenario at Point of Delivery is defined, for example, as the Check Module
Before Transfer. Because the module only checks the current document with a view to the supply
scenario at the point of delivery, the All Documents indicator is not set.
The group ’2001’ with the description Supply Scenario Check is, for example, maintained as the
Check Group Before Transfer to Header. Within the group, no status of the check group is to be
determined using the customer-specific module. For this reason, the corresponding fields are not
maintained. If you branch from the header data to the Check Group Before Transfer, you can define

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which check modules are to be run in what order within the check group.
The check group number can then be used in Customizing, in the activity Make Basic Settings within
the permitted processes for the process type Check Before Data Transfer, and within the processes for
each bill/payment advice note.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1359
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sterowania procesem (część 2)


In this activity, you define how bill or payment advice data is processed when the complaint process is
This process is executed when the document to be processed has the status To Be Queried and contains a
Complaint Reason.


You can enter individual complaint modules that execute the action. You can allocate these a general key.
The individual actions (subactions) are then grouped together and used again.
Each group consists of a header and the individual subprocesses.
You can enter the following data in the header:
- Key
- Descriptive text
- Number of errors permitted
- Function modules for determining the resulting status
You can enter the following data in the subprocesses:
- Program run number
- Key of each transaction to be executed
- Indicator denoting whether an error leads to cancellation
- Indicator denoting whether the subfunction can hidden


In order to query invoicing documents, you define the function

ISU_DEREG_REMADV_CMPLNT_CREAT module with the complaint module number 6001. Since
the function module only requires the document data from the document to be processed, you do not set
the indicator Function Module Requires Data from all Documents.
You define the group 6001 and the description Invoicing Query in the complaint group header. Since no
errors are permitted and customer-specific status does not have to be determined, you do not have to
maintain the remaining fields.
You only have to define the complaint module 6001 as the actual complaint group. In order to do this,
enter the number 6001 in the Complaint Group area for program run 1. If an error occurs in the complaint

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module, you want the process to be cancelled. Set the Cancel if Error indicator. Since it will not be
possible to skip the function group manually during document processing, do not set the indicator Cannot
Skip Process/Action Manually After Error.

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System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie oznaczenia składników faktur/awizów


In this activity you define the identification of the bill and payment advice components.
The bill and payment advice components are used during electronic data exchange to inform a market
partner of the identification of a demand or service to which a bill item or payment advice item refers.
This can, for example, be a 13 digit EAN number.
Under indication type you define which types of indication to use (EAN, VDEW (German Electricity
Under internal identification you define the internal identification of a demand or service. The internal
identification can be linked to a line type.
For each internal identification you can define, per identification type, an external identification. This
external identification is usually transferred to the market partner using the electronic data exchange.
The interpretation of the identification is used to determine the internal identification. Here, you can use
the main transaction, sub-transaction and document line type to determine the internal identification of a
demand or service.


1. You want to send (electronically) a document with different document items, and thus inform your
market partner of the external number of the demand/service.
Using the document item (main transaction, sub-transaction, or document line type) you can
determine your internal identification for the demands/services. You can use the predefined
identification type (such as in the service provider agreement) and the internal identification to
determine the external identification of the demands/services, and inform your market partner of this
external identification.
2. You receive a document, which contains the external identification for each bill item / payment
advice item. In the bill receipt / payment advice receipt, you want to use different document line
types for different bill items and payment advice items.
The internal identification is determined using the external identification and a predefined
identification type (such as in the service provider agreement). The internal identification is used to
determine the document line type.

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__ Definiowanie przyczyn różnic


In this activity you define the reasons for difference.

The reasons for difference (complaint reasons, reasons for deviation) are used within a data exchange
(such as an electronic payment advice note) to inform a market partner of the reasons for differing
payment amounts.
The defined reasons for difference are transferred 1:1 to the corresponding payment advice items.
Therefore, you define the reasons for difference in correspondence with the specifications for the
electronic data exchange.


If a bill is complained about, the reason for difference within the complaint notification is used as the
complaint reason.
If a bill is only to be partially paid, the reason for difference within the payment advice note is used to
inform the market partner of the reason for the partial payment.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przyczyn stornowania


In this activity you define reversal reasons.

Reversal reasons are used to document the reversal reason for a document during a manual reversal
within the bill/payment advice processing.

SAP AG 1364
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__ Definiowanie parametrów kontroli


In this activity you define check parameters.

You can use the check parameters in customer-specific function modules, which, for example, are
defined as check modules in the process control.


1. Define possible check categories.

Check categories characterize check types and defines the selection of check units.
- Check category 1: Check amounts
- Check category 2: Check time units
2. You can define different check units for each check category.
- Check units for check category 1: Different currencies (such as UNI, EUR, USD, JPY)
- Check units for check category 2: Different time units (such as day, week, month, and so on)
3. Define possible check types.
- Check type 1: Gross amount check
4. For each check type, define possible checks, with corresponding check values and check units.
- You allocate check ’1’ with the check value 100 and the check unit UNI to check type ’1’.
5. Define the combination of points of delivery, bill type / payment advice note type, document
type and check type, for which the checks are permitted. Here, you can allocate different checks to
this combination. You can then indicate precisely one check as the basic setting.
6. You can store a permitted combination of point of delivery, bill type / payment advice note,
document type, check type and check in a service provider agreement (based on the deregulation
process check parameter for bill/payment advice note receipt) within the parameter
If a permitted combination is not stored in a service provider combination, you can use the
combination, which is indicated as the basic setting, within customer-specific function modules.

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During receipt processing, bills are to be manually checked as soon as the final bill amount exceeds a
certain check amount.
The bill is to be a grid usage bill for single customers (bill type / payment advice note type ’1’) with the
document type 1 (grid usage bill). For this you should define different check amounts for different
- Bills for customers who are allocated to the point of delivery group 1 (rate customer) via the point
of delivery are to be manually checked for amounts over 1000 UNI.
- Bills for customers who are allocated to the point of delivery group 2 (commercial and industrial
customers) via the point of delivery are to be manually checked for amounts over 100000 UNI.
Proceed as follows:
1. Define a check category (such as ’1’) with the description check amounts.
2. Define the check unit ’UNI’ with the description universal currency unit for this check
3. Define a check type (such as ’1’) with the description final billing amount check and the
check category ’amount check’.
4. Define the following checks for this check type:
- Check ’1’ with the check value ’1000’ and the check unit ’UNI’
- Check ’2’ with the check value ’100000’ and the check unit’UNI’
5. Define the following values as a combination of point of delivery group, bill type / payment
advice note type, document type, check type and check:
- Point of delivery group ’1’, bill type / payment advice note type ’1’, document type ’1’
- Point of delivery group ’2’, bill type / payment advice note type ’1’, document type ’1’,
check type ’1’
6. For the first combination, define the check ’1’ and set the indicator basic setting.
For the second combination, define the check ’2’ and set the indicator basic setting.
7. Call your customer-specific function module, ISU_DEREG_GET_INV_INCHCK. The function
module returns the corresponding check value, so that you can trigger status changes or other
follow-up actions in your customer-specific function module.
To use different checks to the preset check within service provider agreements, you must define the
corresponding combination of point of delivery group, bill type / payment advice note type, and so
on. The function module ISU_DEREG_GET_INV_INCHCK then automatically returns the
corresponding check values from the service provider agreement.

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31.12.12 Sterowanie płatnością

In this IMG activity you establish settings for payment control.

These settings are necessary if the service provider acts as abilling consolidator and payments are
transferred between service providers.

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______________________________________________________________ Częstotliwość płatności

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__ Definiowanie częstotliwości wpłat

In this IMG activity, you define the payment frequency. Using the payment frequency you can define
whether and when payments are to be transferred to the service provider.
You can define a number of different frequencies of payment in this IMG activity and then allocate them
to different service providers in the Allocate Payment Method and Payment Frequency to Service
Provider IMG activity.
The following payment cycles are supported:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
In the Payment Day field, enter the day on which you want the system to determine the payment. The
system uses this entry in combination with the entry you have made in the Payment Frequencyfield to
determine the day of payment.
In the Number of Days That Must Pass Before Payment field, enter how many days after the entry
of meter reading results must pass before the payment is to be made.
If you select the Determine Due Date from Due Date of Bill field,the system determines the number of
days between the entry of meter reading results and payment as of the bill date.
If you do not select this field, the system determines the number of days between the entry of meter
reading results and payment as of the document date.


The table below shows a typical scenario:

Payment Freq. Text Freq.Cat. Pmnt Day No. Days DD
0001 Daily Payment Daily 25
0002 Weekly Payment Weekly 3 15
0003 Monthly Payment Monthly 15 25 x
0004 Payment Every 3 Months Quarterly 15 15

Payment Freq. = Payment frequency

Text = Short text to describe payment frequency
Freq.Cat. = Payment frequency category
Pmnt Day = Payment day
No. Days = Number of days that must pass before payment
DD = Due date from bill date
Read the table in the following way:
- Payment frequency 0001 (daily payment) means that payments are made once 25 days have elapsed
since payment entry (as of the document date).

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- Payment frequency 0002 (weekly payment) means that payments made every Wednesday (indicated
in this case by the entry 3 (3rd day of the week) in the Pmnt Day field) once 15 days have elapsed
since payment entry (as of the document date).
- Payment frequency 0003 (monthly payment) means that payments made on the 15th of every
months once 25 days have elapsed since payment entry (as of bill date becasue the DD field is
- Payment frequency 0004 (payment every 3 months) means that payments made on the 15th day of
each quarter once once 15 days have elapsed since payment entry (as of the document date).

Further notes

The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
1. Select Help -> Settings.
2. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field

SAP AG 1370
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__ Opracowanie kalendarza zakładowego dla postul. daty płatn.


During bill creation, for example for the grid usage billing, entries are generated for the bill items in the
DFKKTHI database table during invoicing. The valid factory calendar is not taken into consideration for
the planned payment date of a third party.
You can use this IMG activity to create entries (depending on the country and region), which are
determined from the corresponding business partner data for the service provider. As well as selecting the
valid factory calendar, you can also define how the planned payment date of a third party is to be moved:
- ’ ’: Do not correct date
- ’1’: Use the workday after the non-workday
- ’2’: Use the workday before the non-workday
As of SAP ECC Industry Extension Utilities, Waste & Recycling 6.0 Support Package 8, you can
synchronize the determination of due dates for third parties (DFKKTHI-THIDT) with the determination
of due dates when generating single documents.
If you have activated this function by setting the Due Date Determination indicator (procedure for
determining the due date) in Customizing under Defaults for Creation of Aggregated Bill, the system
does not take into consideration the settings in the IMG activity Maintain Factory Calendar for
Planned Payment Date.
In this case, you do not need to make settings in this IMG activity.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie klas płatności

In this IMG activity you define payment classes. Payment classes are used in deregulated scenarios to bill
services carried out by third parties. It enables you define different payment methods and frequencies for
the various customer groups (residential and non-residential customers, for example) of different service

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__ Definiowanie operacji istotnych dla transferu

In this IMG activity, you define the payment-relevant transactions. For each transaction (main transaction
and sub-transaction), you can specify whether the item is to be transferred to the third party.
Choose one of the following methods:
- Advance payment
- Customer payment


You must have defined the main and sub-transactions in Customizing under Financial Accounting ->
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Basic Functions -> Postings and Documents ->
Document -> Maintain Document Assignments -> Maintain Transactions for IS-U/IS-T.


Define the processes relevant to transfer in the system.

Further notes

To ensure consistency, you must make an entry in this table for every transaction you use.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typów faktur


In this IMG activity you define the bill categories used to uniquely identify accounts for aggregated
payment information for the Billing Consolidator.
Refer to the field help for more information.

Standard settings

The default entry SPACE is delivered to the customer. For every service provider, the general ledger
account that was previously allocated directly to the service provider is automatically allocated to this bill
category when the system is updated.


In a sole provider scenario, the supplier receives grid usage bills from the distributor. Because of legal
requirements, the supplier must process and transfer the tax portion of the bill seperately.
Two bill categories are defined: a bill category for the bill amount before tax and a bill category for the
tax amount. Both amounts are processed seperately in the EPAYTHP table and allocated to the
appropriate bill category (by customer-specific processing of the inbound bill).
Different bill categories and therefore different accounts are found when report RECTHP02 is executed.

SAP AG 1374
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__ Definiowanie parametrów dla rozdziału zagregowanych płatności


Aggregated payments from third-party service providers are distributed amongst individual receivables
during the construction of payment lots. You can use this activity to save default values for the lot header
and lot item, as well as to specify default values for executing distribution runs.
Payment advice notices or bill creation data can form the basis of the distribution. The following
parameters must be set for both distribution categories:
Distr. Lot Prefix: The three-figure prefix acts as an indicator for the distribution and payment lot in the
system. It is part of the lot key. The twelve-figure lot key is structured in the following way:
P Key prefix (this is the prefix that can be up to three figure. If you enter fewer figures, the following
parts shift accordingly to the left).
Y Current year
F Fixed value as indicator for payment lot
N Sequential numbering
1. ... 3. Selection category: The selection categories represent default values for the selection categories
in the lot header. They define how the individual items from the payment lot to be constructed describe
the open items. The selection categories that can be selected for the distribution category Distribution
from DFKKTHI are limited to the following fields in the structure FKKOP:
OPBEL Number of a document from Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
OPUPK Item number in document from Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
GPART Business partner number
VKONT Contract account number
VTREF Reference specifications from the contract
INVOICING_PARTY Service provider who invoices the contract
All selection categories can be used for distribution from payment advice notes.

Maximum number of items per payment lot: If the number of items in a payment lot exceeds the
maximum number permitted, the remaining items are transferred to new payment lots. Distribution from
payment advice notes uses the value entered here without changing it. For distribution from DFKKTHI,
this value appears as a default on the selection screen of the distribution run where it can be overwritten,
if necessary.

Further processing: Once the payment lot has been created, it can either be closed immediately or
posted. You enter this here. Distribution from payment advice notes copies the value entered here w
ithout changing it. For distribution from DFKKTHI, this value appears as a default on the selection

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screen, where it can be overwritten, if necessary.

SAP AG 1376
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__ Specyfikacja algorytmów dla interpretacji pozycji awiza


The interpretation algorithms determine a payment advice note item (see structure of table
TINV_INV_LINE_A) that can determine the corresponding receivables.
In this IMG activity you define the algorithm IDs for the algorithms you want to maintain. The algorithm
ID is saved as a parameter of the corresponding service provider agreement. Enter the following for each
algorithm ID:
- Object categories for the sample search
- Sample search and selection categories
- Individual search modules
- Default interpretaion algorithms

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1377
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31.13 Zaawansowana infrastruktura pomiarowa

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31.13.1 Ustawienia podstawowe

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1379
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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie funkcji zaawansowanego licznika


In this activity, you make the settings for the advanced metering system and for the devices used in the
advanced metering infrastructure. The SAP Utilities processes take both the advanced meter system and
the devices into account. For more information, see the Example section.
- Settings for Capabilities of Advanced Metering System (AMS)
Under Capabilities of Advanced Metering System, you define the capabilities of the software.
- Settings for Capabilities of Device
Under Capability Group of Device, you define the capabilities of the device.

In this activity, you can also define which capabilities are permitted for devices of a certain device
category, and which AMI data is entered automatically when you create a device. You make these
settings in the Determination Groups sections.
You allocate the determination groups to device categories in the application. The allocation of advanced
metering systems (AMS) and advanced meter capability groups (AMCG) to the determination groups
determines which AMS and which advanced meter capabilities are permitted for all devices created for a
specific device category. The system automatically enters the AMS and AMCG marked as default into
the AMI data when you create a device.

Standard settings

The following advanced meter capabilities are predefined by SAP:

- Remote disconnection
- Remote reconnection
- Remote meter reading
- Manual meter reading using AMS
- On-demand meter reading
- Request operational state
- Receive message
Only the AMI capabilities predefined by SAP are taken into account in the SAP Utilities processes.


1. Under Advanced Meter Capabilities, display the AMI capabilities predefined by SAP.
Use can use the checkboxes to define which AMI capabilities can be allocated to advanced metering
systems (AMS-Relevant) and devices (AMCG-Relevant) at a later stage.
If necessary, you can define additional AMI capabilities in namespace 9*.

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Note: Only the AMI capabilities predefined by SAP are taken into account in the SAP Utilities
2. Make the settings for the capabilities of the AMS:
a) Under Capability Group of Advanced Metering System, define one or more capability
b) Select each capability group and, under Capabilities of Advanced Metering System,
allocate AMI capabilities
You can only allocate AMI capabilities for which the AMS-Rel. checkbox is selected under
Advanced Meter Capabilities.
c) In the Advanced Metering System section, define one or more AMS.
Specify from when the AMS is valid and allocate it an AMS capability group.

You can also allocate an MDUS, which you defined previously under Meter Data Unification
and Synchronization.
The allocation of an MDUS does not have any controlling function.

3. Make the settings for the capabilities of the device:

a) Under Capability Group of Device, define one or more capability groups.
b) Select each capability group and, under Capabilities of Device, allocate AMI capabilities
You can only allocate AMI capabilities for which the AMCG-Rel. checkbox is selected under
Advanced Meter Capabilities.
4. Make the settings for the permitted capabilities for the devices of a device category and for the AMI
data to be entered automatically when you create a device.
a) Under Advanced Metering System Determination Group, define one or more
determination groups for advanced metering systems (AMS).
b) Select each determination group and, under Advanced Metering System of a
Determination Group, allocate one or more advanced metering systems (AMS).
You can select one of the allocated AMS as default; the system then enters this AMS
automatically into the AMI data when you create a device.
c) Under Advanced Meter Capability Group Determination Group, define one or more
determination groups for advanced meter capabilities.
d) Select each determination group and, under Advanced Meter Capability Group
Determination Group, allocate one or more advanced meter capability group (AMCG).
You can select one of the allocated AMCG as default; the system then enters this AMCG
automatically into the AMI data when you create a device.
You can use the AMCG Obs. checkbox (AMCG is Obsolete) to control that the system does
not take this AMCG into account and that the user can no longer allocate this AMCG to a


Settings for AMS and Device Within an Advanced Metering Infrastructure

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The advanced metering system has the capability Remote Disconnection

-> AMI capability 1 # Remote Disconnection is allocated in the capability group of the advanced
metering system.
The device does not have the capability Remote Disconnection
-> AMI capability 1 # Remote Disconnection is not allocated in the capability group of the device.
The process of remote disconnection cannot take place as the AMS has this capability but the device does
not. The SAP Utilities processes always take both the AMS and the device into account and require both
to have this capability.

SAP AG 1382
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__ Definiowanie kodów statusu


In this Customizing activity you define the status codes for advanced meters.
These status codes are used for the operational state request.

Standard settings

The following status codes are predefined by SAP:

- 0001: Overall Status
- 0002: Communication Status
- 0003: Disconnection Status


Check whether the status codes predefined by SAP are sufficient for your requirements.
If they do not, create new entries in namespace 1*, 2*, 3*, 4*, 5*, 6*, 7*, 8*, or 9*.

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31.13.2 Wysyłanie komunikatów

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__ Definiowanie komunikatów tekstowych


In this activity, you make the settings for messaging.

Standard settings

Some entries have been predefined by SAP.


1. Message category
Check the predefined entries and if necessary define additional message types using namespace 5*,
6*, 7*, 8*, and 9*.
2. Message attribute determination group
Here you make the entries for the message attribute determination group of a device category. The
message attribute determination group is used in the device or device info record to determine the
message attribute. A message attribute determination group can have more than one message
- Message attribute
Here you define the length of the message and the message category, for example.
3. Message Types
Check the predefined entries and, if necessary, define additional message types using the
namespaces 5*, 6*, 7*, 8*, and 9*.
4. Message source
Check the predefined entries and if necessary define additional sources from which to send the
message using namespace 5*, 6*, 7*, 8*, and 9*.
5. Validity for messages
Here you define the number of days for which the message is valid.
The system uses the following logic to determine the message validity:
- If a number of days is specified in Customizing for the message template and the agent has
selected this template in the application, the system calculates the validity date by adding the
specified number of days to the system date.
- If no number of days is specified in Customizing for the message template or if the agent has
not selected a template in the application, the system calculates the validity date by adding the
number of days specified in Customizing for the message source to the system date.
If no number of days has been specified in Customizing for the message source either, the
system uses the system date as the validity date.
- If the agent has authorization to change the message template or to write the message, they can
enter or overwrite the validity date directly when saving or sending the message.
6. Message object type

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Check the predefined entries and if necessary define additional message object types using
namespace 5*, 6*, 7*, 8*, and 9*.
7. Parameters for template
Check the predefined entries and if necessary define additional parameters using namespace X*, Y*,
You can also use these parameters as placeholders in the text of message templates. The parameters
are filled as soon as the agent selects the template in the application when saving or sending the
For example, if you use the parameters &DEVICE_CATEGORY& and &DEVICE_NO& in the text
of the message template, they are replaced by the device category and the device serial number
respectively when the message template is used in the application.
To allow the system to fill parameters defined in the customer namespace, you have to implement
For more information, see the documentation for interface IF_EX_ISU_AMI_MSG.
8. Message templates
If you edit a message template, you can assign a template ID.
You can enter messages in multiple languages for a template ID.
9. Assign template to dunning activity

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31.13.3 Zarządzanie zdarzeniami

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustawień dla zarządzania zdarzeniem


In this activity, you define the settings for AMI Event Management.

Standard settings

The following settings are predefined by SAP:

Event Category
o 1 Meter Error
o 2 Tampering
o 3 Voltage Deviation

Event Source
o 1 Device
o 2 Concentrator
o 3 AMS
o 4 MDUS
o 5 Other


1. Attributes
You can use this activity to define the event attributes.
2. Event Category
You can use this activity to display the event categories predefined by SAP and define additional event
You can add new entries to define new event categories in namespace 9*.
3. Event Types
You can use this activity to define event types. You can also specify which event category this event type
belongs to and which BRFplus function should be executed for this event type.
a) Attributes
Under this activity, you also define what attributes a certain event type can have and which attributes are

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4. Document Types
You can use this activity to define the result of the execution of the follow-up process in BRFplus. You
can also define the BOR object type which will be used by the transaction launcher in CRM to launch the
document view. Currently, CRM supports only notification and service orders.
5. Event Source
You can use this activity to display event sources that have been predefined by SAP, and define
additional sources from where the event is sent.
You can add new entries to define new event sources in namespace 9*.

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kryteriów wyboru dla zarządzania zdarzeniem


In this activity, you can define the maximum number of events that are displayed.

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31.13.4 Pomoce

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kryteriów wyboru dla monitorowania


In this activity you define which additional selection criteria (object types, such as device) can be selected
in Monitoring of AMI Communication.

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31.13.5 Interfejs czasu wykorzystania

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup formuł dla formuł TOU


In this Customizing activity you define formula groups, which you use to logically group together
time-of-use formulas. You allocate each time-of-use formula to exactly one formula group.

SAP AG 1394
System R/3
__ Definiowanie grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define exception groups for the time-of-use interface. An exception
group consists of multiple dates on which it can be predicted that consumption behavior will deviate from
normal days.


You are expecting unusual consumption data during the soccer world cup.
Short text: WCUP
Text: Dates of the soccer world cup finals

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie dni wyjątku dla grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define exception days for an exception group.


You have defined exception groups.


Date of the final of the soccer world cup.

SAP AG 1396
System R/3
__ Grupa sezonów

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1397
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów sezonu

In this activity you define season types.

You also allocate season periods to season types.
You cannot define season periods longer than one year. However, you can allocate two periods; the first
one (with consecutive number 1) until 12/31 and the second (with consecutive number 2) starting on
Season periods in a season group and allocated to season types must be defined for an entire year (01/01
to 12/31) and may not overlap.
In the next step, different season types are arranged into season groups.


Seas. type Descript.

0001 Summer
0002 Winter
0003 Year without subdivision

The following season periods are defined for the individual season periods:
Seas. type Cons. no. Start End
0001 1 04/01 09/30
0002 1 10/01 12/31
2 01/01 03/31
0003 1 01/01 12/31

- The period from 04/01 to 09/30 is allocated to period type 0001

- The periods from 10/01 to 12/31 are allocated to season type 0002.
- Season type 0003 covers a whole year. The period from 01/01 to 12/31 is allocated to this season


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the season types you use.
3. Choose Definition for each season type.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Define at least one season period for each season type.

SAP AG 1398
System R/3

6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1399
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie bloków sezonów

In this IMG activity you define season groups.

Season groups contain different season types.
Season periods in a season group and allocated to season types must be defined for an entire year (01/01
to 12/31) and may not overlap.


Seas. group Descript.

0001 Year divided into summer and winter
0002 One season


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define the season groups you use.
3. Choose Definition fo each season group.
4. Choose New entries.
5. Allocate at least one season type to each season group.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 1400
System R/3
__ Przetwarzanie formuły CzW


In this Customizing activity, you define the time-of-use formulas for billing profile values with a
time-of-use interface.
Depending on how you want to execute the time-of-use interface, either allocate a formula class or a
formula ID of the respective formula in the MDUS system to the formula.
- If you want to use the formula for billing profile values in EDM, select a formula class.
- If you want to use the formula for billing profile values in an external system, enter the formula
ID of the respective formula in the MDUS system.
When you create a time-of-use formula it is automatically given the status Inactive . The formula must
have the status Active if you want to use it in a time-of-use interface.
For more information, see: Status of Time-of-Use Formula
When you create the formula, the first input parameter is automatically given the parameter category 03
(Profile). This input parameter refers to the profile with the measured values which is allocated to the
interval meter to be billed.
For more information, see: Input parameter category


You have defined formula groups for the time-of-use formula.


1. Allocate a previously defined formula group.

2. Depending on how you want to execute the time-of-use interface, either choose a formula class or
enter the formula ID in the MDUS system.
3. Define the input and output parameters.
4. Set the status of the formula to Active if you want to use it in a time-of-use interface.
5. Transport the formula if you want to use it in the production system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1401
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Opracowanie interfejsu TOU


In this Customizing activity you define time-of-use interfaces. Time-of-use interfaces are allocated rates,
which are permitted for interval meters and allow the billing of profiles.
When you create the time-of-use interface it has the status Inactive. However, you can only use active
interfaces in the rate (see Status of Time-of-Use Interface).


1. In the header data, make sure that the interval length of the time-of-use interface (for example, 15
mins or 30 mins) is compatible with the interval length of the profile (for example, 15 mins).
2. Define the result parameters.
3. Define the day groups for each season and allocate days to them.
4. Define the periods (with date) and allocate time-of-use formulas to them for specific times of day.
Allocate result parameters to the formula parameters.
5. You also have the option to define exception days for the interface and add notes.
As a follow-up activity ensure that the operands in the rate are assigned values:
1. Enter the time-of-use interface in the rate fact group
2. Allocate the result parameters from the interface to the operands

SAP AG 1402
System R/3

31.14 Narzędzia
In this section you define the basic settings in order to:
- Define the required application forms
- Copy data from a non-SAP system or from a RIVA system
- Control the transport of complex objects (e.g. rates)
- Carry out archiving of data
- Start consistency check programs
- Carry out certain system modifications

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1403
System SAP

31.14.1 Monitorowanie przebiegów zbiorczych

SAP AG 1404
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1405
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ukrywanie komunikatów EMMA w przypadku pomyślnego wykonania


Suppresses success messages and the two corresponding EMMA messages (EMMA-011 and -012) in the
application log.
For more information, see the documentation for parameter Suppress Success and EMMA Messages in
this Customizing activity.

SAP AG 1406
System R/3
__ Aktywacja monitorowania przebiegów zbiorczych


In this IMG activity you obtain a table of mass activity types that are supported by monitoring.
In the Active field, you define whether you want to monitor the mass runs of a mass activity. You select
the field to log messages for monitoring the mass runs of this mass activity at runtime.
You can also use the monitoring mass runs function for deactivated mass activities. There is however
no information available about the business objects that are processed in the mass run.


If you want to use the monitoring mass runs function for user-defined mass activities, you must first
enter the new mass activity in table ESMON_MASS_ACT.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1407
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie obiektów gospodarczych do zawiadomień


In this IMG activity you allocate business objects to certain message texts. If an error message appears on
the screen when monitoring mass runs, double-click on the message text to display the business objects
that are mentioned.


During an invoicing mass run, error message AH385 appears Installation 4711: contract 815 must be
billed first.
Double-click on the message text to display installation 4711 or contract 815. You do not need to open a
new session.

SAP AG 1408
System R/3

31.14.2 Migracja

In this section you find information on migration for IS-U.

You use migration several times for the implementation of IS-U in order to transfer master data and
transaction data into the SAP system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1409
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie ustawień dla migracji IS-U

Determine how the master data and transaction data is to be transferred from your legacy data processing
You must perform the following steps:
- Field comparison with legacy data processing system
- Create data extract in legacy data processing system
- Define required migration objects
- Generate reports for the required migration objects
- Migrate migration objects
- Test and implement transfer


Customizing of the components to be imported must be completed before migration can be carried out.

Further notes

You can find detailed information on the migration procedure in the user manual for the IS-U Migration

SAP AG 1410
System R/3

31.14.3 Transport

In this section you can carry out transports for the various areas. These transports are normally collective
transports for several objects that cannot be processed using the individual transactions.
An example of a collective transport is a transport for all billing master data objects.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1411
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Transport danych podstawowych rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you can transport billing master data. Billing master data consists of objects which,
because of their complex interrelationships, cannot be transported singly using the standard automatic
transport procedures.
Instead, this IMG activity allows you to transport the complete set of billing master data from the source
system (or client) to the target system (or client).


Transport the billing master data from your integration system to the target systems.

Further notes

There are a number of points to watch out for when transporting billing master data, so please also read
the relevant report documentation.

SAP AG 1412
System R/3

31.14.4 Archiwizacja

In this section you define settings for archiving documents.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1413
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Aktywacja struktur informacyjnych archiwum

In this activity you activate the archive information structures for the archives listed in the activity.
If you want to access or display these archives, you must activate the archive information structures.


Choose activate for each archive required.

SAP AG 1414
System R/3
__ Definiowanie czasu przechowywania dla obiektów archiwizacji

In this activity, you define the retention periods for documents in days. When documents are archived,
the system checks whether this minimum period was adhered to.
You can also define which date the retention period is to be based on. You have the following options:
- Posting date
- Creation date
- Document date


Define the retention periods for archiving objects in the system.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1415
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie czasu przechowywania dla danych faktury/awiza


In this activity, you specify the retention period for billing documents in days. When billing documents
are archived, the system checks that this minimum period is observed.

The following billing information can be archived:

- Bill/payment advice note
Here, you can specify whether logs created while the bill/payment advice note was processed should
also be archived.

If you do not want the logs to be archived, they will be deleted from the database during archiving.
- Conversion table for bill data to FI-CA


Specify the retention period for archiving objects in the system.

SAP AG 1416
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania archiwizacją


In this activity, you define the basic control for archiving.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1417
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie parametrów sterowania archiwizacją danych zapytania



In this Customizing activity, you define whether to also archive the MDUS request data for each
archiving object.


For each archiving object, specify whether you also want the MDUS request data to be archived or
deleted from the database with the deletion run.
Note that the system cannot execute archiving without this information.

SAP AG 1418
System R/3

31.14.5 Modyfikacje systemowe

When you modify the IS-U System to meet your company’s requirements, it may be necessary to enter
new fields or to use existing fields in other functions. It may also be necessary to modify certain routines.
When making adjustments of this kind, you must ensure that the changes are protected during any
upgrade to a new release. Using the modification concept described below you can make changes on the
basis of the examples and be sure that these changes will not be lost during the next upgrade. There is no
guarantee that changes made in any other way will be protected.
The following sections explain how to carry out modifications in the various functions. In particular, they
contain information about the following:
- How you use existing fields in functions
- How you enter new fields in functions
- How you modify user exits
- How you create variant programs
- How you create outsorting routines
- Which standard settings for the installation structure you can enhance with additional functions.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1419
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Rozszerzenia SAP

In this IMG activity the SAP enhancements are listed and described in the various areas.

SAP AG 1420
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rozszerzeń SAP

In this IMG activity, all SAP enhancements for IS-U are described.
You can display an overview of all the SAP enhancements as follows:
1. Choose Utilities -> SAP enhancements.
2. All IS-U enhancements begin with E. Therefore, enter E* in the Enhancement field.
3. Enhancements for the regional structure begin with SZ. Therefore, enter SZ* in the Enhancement


Check whether enhancements are necessary. To do this, define the required projects.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1421
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Business Add-Ins

This IMG activity lists and describes the business add-ins of the various areas.

SAP AG 1422
System R/3
__ Przegląd dostępnych Business Add-Ins (Opracowanie definicji)

In this activity, you can display an overview of all available business add-ins.
You do this as follows:
- All business add-ins (the definitions) begin with ISU. Therefore, enter ISU* in the Definition name


Decide where you need business add-ins.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1423
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Implementacja Business Add-Ins (Opracowanie implementacji)

In this IMG activity, you implement business add-ins.


Decide where you need business add-ins. To do this, define the implentations you require.

SAP AG 1424
System R/3
__ Wybór pól

In this IMG activity you specify which fields are to be used on maintenance and display screens in IS-U
transactions, and you define the properties of these fields.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1425
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Wybór pól

In this IMG activity you determine which fields you want to use when you maintain and display objects
in IS-U transactions, as well as defining the fields’ properties.
An intelligent choice of fields can make processing substantially easier, as well as reduce the scope for
You can determine which fields appear on the screen when you call display and maintain functions, and
decide the properties they are to have (Goto -> Modifiable). In this way, you can alter the appearance of
the screen to suit your requirements.
The first thing you have to do in this transaction is enter an existing module pool.

In IS-U, the following module pools and transaction currently support field selection:

- Master data
- SAPLES20 contract (screen group ES20)
- SAPLES30 installation (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES55 connection object (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES65 device location (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES60 premise (screen group 0001)
- Device management
- SAPLE10R device data dialog box (screen group 1100)
- Customer service
- SAPLEC60 selection screen for move-in/out (screen group MAIN)
- SAPLES20 move-in contract data 1 (screen group SUBS)
- SAPLEC50_CONTR move-in contract data 2 (screen group EC51)
- SAPLEUMZ move-in/out- gas data for meter reading order creation (screen group 0001)
- SAPLES50 Owner allocation (screen group 0200)

Standard settings

In the SAP standard system, the Field ready for input indicator is active for all modifiable fields.
For small and medium sized municipal utility company, it is possible to automatically reduce the field
view in all master data objects.
Because this size of customer often does not need all the functions in the interface, SAP has now made it
possible to automatically reduce the size of the fields in the master data area.
In addition, a hierarchical business configuration set (BC set) with the key

SAP AG 1426
System R/3

ISU_FIELDS_LIGHT_HEADER now exists. This BC set automatically reduces the fields to the
minimum size necessary in the following master data objects:
- business partner
- contract account
- contract
- installation
- connection object
- premise
- device location
- device
Detailed information can be found in the documentation on the aforementioned BC set.


When selecting the number of fields to be displayed, note that that the smaller the number, the easier you
make working with the system for the user. We recommend you select as few fields as possible.


1. Select the screen group you want to process. Position the cursor on the requires field.
a) Choose <LSGoto -> Modifiable for cross-application maintenance of field selections. The
Field Selection: Modifiable Fields screen appears. .
b) Choose Goto -> Influencing. The Field Selection: Influencing Field view appears. Enter the
value of the field in the Influencing value field and choose Continue
2. For each field, you need to determine the following:
a) whether it is ready for input
b) whether an entry in the field is mandatory
c) whether the field is to be displayed only
Example: default values that you do want to overwrite.
d) whether you want to hide the field
Example: set the Hide field radio button to hide fields you do not require.
e) whether the field should stand out on the screen.
You can set this radio button in combination with other indicators.

Further notes

Choose Goto -> All influences for an overview of your profile-related field selection.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1427
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla przypisań


In this section you can enhance SAP system settings for device allocations in order to meet your
SAP settings cover the most essential device allocations. For this reason, this section has requirement
status not required. Company-specific enhancements should only be created in exceptional cases.
However, if you still require new table entries, you must use special keys reserved for customer-specific
enhancements. These keys are included in the documentation of individual activities.

SAP AG 1428
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów przypisań urządzenia

In this activity you define the types of permissible device allocations in an installation structure. You
must specify an allocation type if during processing of the installation structure, you execute the function
device allocation, which describes the relationship between installed devices. A device allocation
always contains a controlling device and a device that is controlled. The controlling device must have the
basic category defined in the allocation type.
The device allocations provided by SAP in the standard sytem, and the structure of the keys for customer
enhancements are described below:


AT | Text |Attrib. desc. for alloc.type| BD | D | R

01 | Ripple control receiver | Command |T |x|x
02 | Transformer (group) | Billing factor |W | |x
03 | Pressure reg. rel. bill | Measured pressure |D | |x
04 | Press.reg.not rel. bill | Measured pressure |D |x|
90 | Customer allocation | | | |
AT = Allocation type
BD = Basic device category
D = x => Allocation permitted at device level
R = x => Allocation permitted at register level

- Allocation type 01:

If a ripple control receiver is to control the switching of day/night operation for a meter, allocation
type 01 is selected. The controlling device must be from the basic category "ripple control receiver"
(BD=T) and the controlling relationship can be valid for the entire meter (D=x) or for an individual
register (R=x).

- Allocation type 02:

If a register is connected in front of a transformer, the resulting factor must be indicated by
allocation type 02. The controlling device must be from the basic category "transformer" (BD=W)
and the control relationship is only valid at the register level (R=x, D= ). The billing factor stored
for this allocation type in the installation structure for each register, is taken into account in
consumption billing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1429
System SAP

- Allocation type 03 and 04:

You have to assign the allocation types 03 or 04 to the control relationship between a pressure
regulator that reduces the demand pressure to consumption pressure, and a gas meter. The
controlling device must be from from the basic category "pressure regulator" (BD=D). The
measured pressure stored for allocation type 03 in the installation structure for each register, is
taken into account in consumption billing.

- Allocation type 90:

Device allocations defined by the customer always have the two-digit key 9*.


If you execute the function device allocation, the controlling device and the device that is controlled
must be installed. They may be in different installations.

Standard settings

There are four types of device allocations provided in the SAP standard system as well as the programs
for taking allocation types into account for consumption billing.
If you want to create new types of device allocations, you must assign keys with the structure 9* to each
entry. These keys were specially designed and reserved for customers by SAP.


We recommend using the settings provided in the SAP standard system.


1. Check whether the device allocations provided in the standard system meet your requirements.
2. Choose New entries.
3. Define the types of device allocations you require. Make sure that the two-digit key field allocation
type begins with a "9".

Further notes

In some allocation types, values are stored that are used by consumption billing (for example, measured
pressure, or billing factor). Therefore, these allocation types are relevant to billing.
The allocation types relevant to billing are:
- 02 Transformer (group)
- 03 Pressure regulator relevant to billing
Device allocations defined by the customer cannot be relevant to billing because the billing programs
only access the types of device allocations provided in the SAP standard system.

SAP AG 1430
System R/3
__ Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla relacji


In this section you can enhance SAP system settings for register relationships allocations in order to meet
your requirements.
SAP settings cover the most essential register relationship allocations. For this reason, this section has
requirement status not required. Company-specific enhancements should only be created in
exceptional cases.
However, if you still require new table entries, you must use special keys reserved for customer-specific
enhancements. These keys are included in the documentation of individual activities.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1431
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów relacji liczydeł

In this activity you define register relationships. You must define a relationship type if you execute the
register relationship function when processing the installation structure. This function is used to
describe relationships between registers of installed devices. Relationships between registers are taken
into account for validations carried out when recording meter reading results. Register relationships are
also taken account in billing.
You can define register relationships between registers of a single device and between registers of
different devices. Via an indicator, you can define whether all devices in relationships must be in an
You can define the the role of a register in a register relationship (for example, control register, primary
or secondary register) via an operation code that you must also specify when executing the register
relationship function. The definition of this code can be found in the documentation of the activity
Define operation code in a register relationship.
You can define several different register relationships for a register. For example, a register can be a
serial-switching register and simultaneously be in a control relationship with other registers.
Standard SAP register relationships and key structures for customer enhancements are described in the


RR | Reg. rel. type | U | I | Check module |fill. code

1 | Reactive/active rel. | x | | ISU_REGRELSHIP_CHECK_01 | ISU_RE..
2 | Serial-switching rel.| x | | ISU_REGRELSHIP_CHECK_02 |
3 | On/-off peak rel. | x | | ISU_REGRELSHIP_CHECK_03 |
4 | Control rel. | x | | ISU_REGRELSHIP_CHECK_04 |
5 | VCF relationship. | x | x | ISU_REGRELSHIP_CHECK_05 |
6 | VCF calc. | | x | ISU_REGRELSHIP_CHECK_06 |
90 | Cust.-defined rel. | | | ISU_REGRELSHIP_CHECK_90 |

RR = register relationship
U = x => Unit of measurement for meter reading of affected registers
must match

I = x => all affected registers must be in the same installation

A Check module carries out special checks for a register

relationship type and is determined dynamically from the input check
program of the register relationship function. The filling
code module fills the operation code automatically.

SAP AG 1432
System R/3

- Relationship type 1:
In a reactive/active relationship, all active registers of a register category and all reactive registers of
the same register category are added together. A cosine phi check is carried using the sum of this
addition. The meter reading units of measurement of these registers must match (U = x). However,
the registers may be in different installations (I = ).

- Relationship type 2:
The serial-switching relationship is automatically assigned to all other relationships in validations
and in meter reading.

- Relationship type 3:
The on-/off peak relationship describes the relationship between registers with different register
types (for example, on/off-peak rate register)

- Relationship type 4
In a control relationship, all registers are added and the sum is compared with the control register,
which is specially marked.

- Relationship type 5:
The relationship type for the gas volume correction factor is required for billing of difference
quantities that arise from different meter readings from operating cbm meters of the quantity
converter and from another operating cbm meter. The devices of registers in this relationship must
be in the same installation (I = x).

- Relationship type 6:
Calculation of the gas volume correction factor is required for billing of difference quantities that
arise from different meter readings from operating cbm meters of the quantity converter and another
operating cbm meter. The units of measurement do not have to match (U = ).

- Relationship type 90:

Register relationships defined by the customer always have the two-digit key 9*. When you create a
new register relationship, you must program your own check module and enter the name of the
module in the appropriate column. This check module is determined dynamically from the input
check program of the register relationship function.

Standard settings

SAP provides six standard types of register relationship and corresponding function modules. These
usually cover required functionality.
However, if you still require new types of register relationships, you must assign keys for each entry
starting with 9* and program the function modules.


SAP AG 14.06.2013 1433
System SAP

- We recommend using the predefined types provided.

- Read the online help (F1) for field function name for check module. The online help provides an
overview of the required interface parameters.


1. Ensure that the supplied register types meet your requirements.

2. Choose the function new entries.
3. Define the types of register relationships that you require. Ensure that the two-digit key register
relationhip starts with 9.

SAP AG 1434
System R/3
__ Definiow. dopuszczalnych relacji liczydeł dla typów medium

In this activity you define the permissible register relationships for each division category.


1 |1
1 |4
2 |4
2 |5
2 |6

DC = Division category
RRT = Register relationship type

Read the documentation for the activity Define types of register relationships for the following

- Division category 1 (electricity):

For electricity registers, only register relationships 1 to 4 are valid: reactive/active consumption,
serial switching, on-peak/off-peak, and control relationship.

- Division category 2 (gas):

Register relationships 5 und 6 (volume correction factor relationship, and calculation of volume
correction factor) are only valid for gas registers.


- The division category is predefined and encrypted by SAP.

- The register relationship types are defined. To do this, choose:

Utilities Industry -> Tools -> System Modifications -> Customer Enhancements for Register

Standard settings

SAP provides a package of permissible combinations of division categories and register relationship
types. This covers most of the functions required.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1435
System SAP


You are recommended to use the settings provided in the standard system.


1. Check whether the settings provided by SAP are sufficient for your requirements.
2. Choose New entries.
3. Add the additional permissible register relationships you require for each division category.

SAP AG 1436
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kodu operacji w obrębie relacji liczydła

In this activity you define operation codes for registers that are in a register relationship. An operation
code determines how the meter reading difference of the relevant register is incorporated into the billing
variable, taking into account relationships to other registers.
Some of the operation codes provided by SAP in the standard system, and the structure of keys for
customer enhancements are described below:


O | Text for operation code

1 | Register adopts volume correction factor
2 | Register passes on volume correction factor
3 | Primary register
4 | Secondary register
90 | Customer operation code 1
91 | Customer operation code 2

O = Operation code

Read the documentation for the activity Define types of register relationships for the following

- Operation codes 1 and 2:

The operation codes Register adopts/passes on volume correction factor are used only in the
volume correction factor relationship permitted for gas registers. Registers with operation code 2
pass on their volume correction factor to registers indicated with operation code 1.

- Operation codes 3 and 4:

The operation codes primary and secondary registers are used in a serial switching relationship.
The register indicated by operation code 3 is the primary register and the registers with operation
code 4 are the secondary registers.

- Read the online help (F1) for the field Operation code for a description of operation codes 5 to 12.

- Operation codes 90 and 91:

If you create a new register relationship, you can either define your own operation codes or use
those that already exist (see the example for relationship type 90 in the documentation for the
activity Define types of register relationships). Operation codes that you define must have the
two-digit key 9*.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1437
System SAP

Standard settings

SAP provides 12 predefined allocations betwen register relationships and operation codes and the
permitted maximum and minimum number of registers per operation code. The following operation codes
are used for certain types of register relationships:

Register relationship | Operation codes

1 reactive/active rel. | 7 active register
| 8 reactive register
2 serial switching rel. | 3 primary register
| 4 secondary register
3 on-/off-peak rel. | 11 on-peak rate register
| 12 off-peak rate register
4 control relationship | 5 register
| 6 control register
5 vol. corr. factor rel. | 1 register adopts vol. correction factor
| 2 register passes on vol. corr. factor

- We recommend using the settings provided in the SAP standard system.

- Read the online help (F1) for the Operation code field.


1. Check whether the pool of operation codes meet your requirements.

2. Choose New entries.
3. Define the additional operation codes you require. Make sure that the two-digit key field Operation
codes begins with a "9".

SAP AG 1438
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kodu operacji dla każdej relacji liczydła

In this section you allocate register relationships to operation codes. You also define the maximum and
minimum number of registers in a relationship that can have the same operation code.


RR | Op | Max | Min
1 |7 |1 |1
1 |8 |1 |1
2 |3 |1 |1
2 |4 | |1
90 | 90 | 1 | 1
90 | 91 | | 1

RR = type of register relationship

Op = operation code
Max/Min = maximum/minimum number of register per Op per RR

Read the documentation for the activities

Define types of register relationships and Define operation codes.

- Register relationship 1:
In the reactive/active relationship, only operation codes 7 and 8 (reactive and active register)
are permitted for one register per register relationship (Max = 1 und Min = 1).

- Register relationship 2:
In the serial switching relationship, only operation codes 3 and 4, (primary and secondary
register) are permitted. In this relationship, only one register may be primary register (Op = 3 =>
Min = 1, Max = 1), but any number of registers may be secondary registers (Op = 4 => Min = 1,
Max = ).

- Register relationship 90:

You can allocate your own operation codes (90 and 91) to register relationships that you have
programmed or you can use predefined SAP codes.


SAP AG 14.06.2013 1439
System SAP

- Define types of register relationships:

Utilities Industry - Tools -> System Modifications -> Customer Enhancements to Register
Relationships -> Define types of register relationships

- Define operation code in a register relationship:

Utilties Industry -> Tools -> System Modifications -> Customer Enhancements to Register
Relationships -> Define operation code in a register relationship

Standard settings

SAP provides predefined allocations betwen register relationships and operation codes and the permitted
maximum and minimum number of registers per operation code. The following operation codes are used
for certain types of register relationships:

Register relationship | Operation codes

1 reactive/active rel. | 7 active register
| 8 reactive register
2 serial switching rel. | 3 primary register
| 4 secondary register
3 on-/off-peak rel. | 11 on-peak rate register
| 12 off-peak rate register
4 control relationship | 5 register
| 6 control register
5 vol. corr. factor rel. | 1 register adopts vol. correction factor
| 2 register passes on vol. corr. factor
6 vol. corr. factor calc. | 9 reg. contains standard vol.
| 10 register contains operating volume


- We recommend that you use predefined SAP operation codes.

- Read the online help (F1) for the field Operation code.


1. Ensure that the SAP allocations meet your requirements.

2. Choose New entries.
3. Allocate operation codes to your additional register relationships.

SAP AG 1440
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1441
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowane przez użytkownika kontrole wiarygodności

In this IMG activity, you can add validations (system checks) required by your company to the
independent validations and dependent validations provided by SAP.

SAP AG 1442
System R/3
__ Definiowane przez użytkownika niezależne kontrole wiarygodności

In this IMG activity, you can add validations (system checks) required
by your company to the independent validations provided by SAP.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1443
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie niezal. kontroli wiarygodności przez użytk.

In this IMG activity, you can define up to 12 different user-defined independent validations.


Define independent validations as required by entering the number of the validation in the IV field. You
can use numbers between 50 and 99. Numbers below 50 are reserved for SAP.

SAP AG 1444
System R/3
__ Przypisanie kontroli wiaryg. zdef. przez użytk. do mod. funk.

In this IMG activity, you allocate user-defined independent validations to corresponding function


1. You enter the number of the validation in the IV field.

2. You enter a consecutive number between 1 and 12 in the FM field. This number determines the
function module (1 to 12) in enhancement EDMLELDV (user exit for independent validations) to be
used for the validation.
You can find this enhancement under Tools -> System Modifications -> SAP Enhancements.
3. In the Screen field you enter the number of the subscreen to appear if results must be corrected.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1445
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie niezależnych kontroli wiaryg. do klas kontroli

In this IMG activity, you allocate user-defined independent validations to validation classes. You can
allocate up to 12 validations to each validation class.


You must have defined validations in the previous activity.

You must have also maintained validation classes under Utilities Industry -> Device Management ->
Meter Reading -> Validations -> Independent Validations -> Define Validation Classes.


Allocate user-defined validations to validation classes.

SAP AG 1446
System R/3
__ Definiowane przez użytkownika zależne kontrole wiarygodności

In this IMG activity, you can add validations (system checks) required
by your company to the dependent validations provided by SAP.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1447
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie zależnych kontroli wiarygodności przez użytk.

In this activity you can define up to 12 different user-defined dependent validations.


Define dependent validations as required by entering the number of the validation in the DP field. You
can use numbers between 50 and 99. Numbers below 50 are reserved for SAP.

SAP AG 1448
System R/3
__ Przypisanie kontroli wiaryg. zdef. przez użytk. do mod. funk.

In this IMG activity, you allocate user-defined dependent validations to the corresponding function


You have to program your defined validations in the function modules of SAP enhancement
EDMLELDE (IS-U: User exit: Dependent checks).
This SAP enhancement is located under Tools -> System modification -> SAP enhancements.


1. Enter the number of the validation in the DV (dependent validation) field.

2. Enter the number of the function module in which you programmed your user-defined validation in
the FM (function module) field.
3. Enter the number of the subscreen to call in case a correction is required in the Screen field.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1449
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie zależ.kontr.wiaryg.zdef.przez użyt. do gr.kontr.

In this IMG activity, you allocate user-defined dependent validations to validation groups. You can
allocate up to 12 validations to each validation group.


You must have defined validations in the previous activity.

You must have also maintained validation groups under Utilities Industry -> Device Management ->
Meter Reading -> Validations -> Dependent Validations -> Define Dependent Validations.


Allocate user-defined validations to validation groups.

SAP AG 1450
System R/3
__ Def. przez użytk. rozszerz. funkcji dla zarządzania danymi dot. energii

In this section you can enhance the system settings for energy data management provided by SAP to suit
your own needs.
If you want to make new entries in tables, you must assign special keys reserved especially for customer
enhancements. The documentation of the individual activities refer to these keys.
This section contains the following areas:
- Interval Lengths
- Formulas
- Result Functions

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1451
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Systemy pochodzenia

SAP AG 1452
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla systemu źródłowego

In this IMG activity you maintain the source system number range object for points of delivery
imported from external systems.


1. Choose Change Intervals.

2. Choose Insert Interval.
3. Enter the data required.
4. Choose Insert.
5. To insert additional intervals, repeat steps 2 to 4.
6. Save your entries.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1453
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie systemów źródłowych

In this IMG activity you define source systems.

You can allocate a source system to each point of delivery, thereby savining the information on the
system from which the point of delivery was imported.
For each source system you can enter the following data:
- Description
- Category
- Service provider that operates the source system
- Address

Further notes

This activity is for information purposes only. Entries you make here have no effect on the function.

SAP AG 1454
System R/3
__ Długości przedziałów

In this section you can define other intervals than the 15-, 30- and 60-minute intervals provided by SAP.
This section contains the activity Define Interval Lengths.

Further notes

Do not perform this activity without consulting SAP first. New interval length definitions impair system

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1455
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie długości przedziałów

In this IMG activity you define the additional interval lengths that you require. SAP provides 15-, 30- and
60-minute intervals.
In the next step you allocate the interval lengths to times.
You can then go to the header data of the profile and choose from the interval lengths already defined.
You use the following parameters to define interval lengths:
- Interval length
4-character interval length ID
- Interval length description
Description of interval length
- Interval length
Number of time units in interval (such as 15)
- Interval length category
Time unit of interval (such as minutes or days)
- Equal intervals
Means that the same interval lies between two profile values.
- Function module for selecting profile values
- Function modules for updating profile values
- Function module for updating preparation of profile values.


1. Define a function module to be used for selecting the profile values.

Use the SU_PROFILE_GET_EPROFVAL15 function module as a template.
2. Define a function module to be used for updating the profile values.
Use the SU_PROFILE_PUT_EPROFVAL15 function module as a template.
3. Define a function module to be used for updating the preparation of thethe profile values.
Us the ISU_PROFILE_VAL_UPD_PREP_0015 function module as a template.
4. Choose New Entries.
5. Enter the necessary data and save your entries.

Further notes

Do not perform this activity without consulting SAP first. Defining new interval lengths can impair

SAP AG 1456
System R/3

system performance.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1457
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie profilu

SAP AG 1458
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kontekstu dla przypisania profilu

In this activity you can define context categories, in addition to those predefined by SAP, for the profile
allocation roles.

The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
1. Select Help -> Settings.
2. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field

Standard settings
By default, the table is supplied as follows:
Context category Context description Function module
0 Not used -----
1 Settlement unit
3 Settlement procedure


To use the new functions, proceed as follows:

1. Define a context for the profile allocation.
Specify a context (in your customer namespace), a description, and the corresponding function
The function modules for the settlement unit, the supply grid and the settlement procedure are
delivered as default.
To generate a compatible function module, you just need an export parameter with the name
2. In the Change profile allocation (EEDM04) transaction, you can use the input help to select a
context type (defined previously in Customizing) in the profile allocation group box in the context
category field.
Only the context categories predefined by SAP are used in the settlement procedure.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1459
System SAP

The customer-specific context is not used in the settlement procedure to uniquely determine the
settlement parameters.

SAP AG 1460
System R/3
__ Formuły

In this section you can enhance the predefined formulas for profile calculation.
Formulas are mapped in the RTP interface. Formulas are also used to calculate a formula profile from an
inbound profile. An inbound profile can be an elementary profile or a form profile.
The following formulas are predefined by SAP.
Formula Description
ACCU_TO_BALANCE Convert cumulative values to balanced values
COPY01 Copy one profile into two output profiles
COPY02 Copy a demand profile
FILTER01 Copy a quantity profile
GAS01 Thermal Gas Conversion
INTEGRAL01 Integral creation with resetting function
LIMIT01 Value determination above and below demand limit
LIMIT02 Consumption greater/less than limit and spot price
LIMIT03 Use of two demand limits
LIMIT04 Spot price for demand exceeding the demand limit
MULTI01 Multiplication of demand profile by factor
MULTI02 Multiplication of a quantity profile by a factor profile
MULTISUM01 Multiplication of quantity profiles by factor and
creation of total (linear combination)
PENDEL01 Pendulum account
PENDEL02 Billing for pendulum account
SUBT01 Subtraction of two quantity profiles
SUBT02 Subtraction of two demand profiles
SUM01 Addition of profiles (quantities)
TOLER01 Use of a tolerance

The text contains a graphic. Carry out the following to display it the best possible way:
1. Select Help -> Settings.
2. On the tab page F1-Help, select the field In Performance Assistant field

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1461
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie trybu obliczania

In this IMG activity you define the calculation mode.

Further notes

For more information see the F1 help.

SAP AG 1462
System R/3
__ Definiowanie metody ustalania dla zmiennych


In this activity you define determination methods for the variables used during the formula profile
To do so, assign an ID for the formula variable and a descriptive text. The actual implementation of the
determination method is found in the assigned function module. The determination method is used to
determine the corresponding values from the IS-U environment and add these to the formula profile
calculation. Values determined in this manner do not have any status.
The system terminates processing if it does not find any values.
You can then configure the formula variable ID in the formula definition or formula assignment.
You can assign one of the following objects to an input parameter for the formula according to the
formula definition:
- A profile
- Constant
- Variable

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1463
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wartości domyślnych


In this IMG activity, you define default values for the formula profile calculation.
If there are no valid profile values for an input parameter for a formula allocation, the system uses the
default values entered here.
Enter an ID for the default values and a descriptive text.
You can enter additional data in the following ways:
- Enter a value in the Constant Value field.
The system uses this value as the default value.
- Enter a formula variable in the ID of Formula Variable field.
The system determines the default value using a determination method.
- Enter a value in the Constant Value field and a formula variable in the ID of Formula Variable field.
The system uses the constant value first.
If the system then uses the formula variable to determine values, the constant value is overwritten by
the value found by the determination method.
The status for the default values (IU012, valid values) is defined in the Business Add-In

SAP AG 1464
System R/3
__ Definiowanie formuły

In this IMG activity, you define additional profiles (further to the predfined SAP profiles) for calculating


1. Define a function module for performing calculations. The function module must have the following

You must use the following function modules as templates:
Contains the most commong calculation macros and is sufficient for most instances.
Maximum of all existing calculation macros.
After you have copied the function module, you must make modifications to the calculation in the
function module as meets your requirements. To do this you can use the functions of the ABAP
You can take detailed information calculation from the source text of the
ISU_EDM_FORMULA_000 function module.
2. Enter the required data and save.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1465
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Funkcje wynikowe

In this section you can enhance the result functions predefined by SAP with your own result functions.
SAP provides the following result functions:
Res. func. Descript.

Result functions are used in the RTP interface.

This section contains the activity Define Result Functions.

SAP AG 1466
System R/3
__ Definiowanie funkcji wyniku

In this IMG activity you define additional result functions to those provided by SAP. You define the
result function along with a descriptionand the function module to perform the calculation. Results from
result functions are currently only used as input values in billing. This links the RTP interface to IS-U


Res.func. Descript. Func. mod.

MINIMUM Minimum profile value ISU_EDM_RESULT_0003

Res.func. = Result function

Descript. = Description of result function
Func. mod = Name of function module to perform calculations


1. Choose New entries.

2. Define new result functions.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1467
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów informacji

In this IMG activity you define additional information types for your own user-defined results functions.
Information types are used in the calculation of results values in order to transfer additional information
within a results function.
For example, a results function that calculates total consumption may require information on the greatest
consumption value, as well as the time and date on which this value was recorded.

Further notes

Use the ISU_EDM_RESULT_0001 function module as a template. This function module determines total
Currently, the information used in the results function is not interpreted for billing purposes.

SAP AG 1468
System R/3
__ Funkcje modyfikacji dynamicznej dla profili syntetycznych

In this section you can enhance the predefined functions for calculating dynamic modification factors
with your own functions.
The following function is predefined by SAP:
DMF funct. DM factor DMF desc.
VDEW ISU_FACTOR_PROFILE_CALC_0001 DMF function according to
VDEW for residential customers

This function is used to calculate dynamic modification factors according to the following formula:
Factor(d) = a * d ** 4 + b * d ** 3 + c * d ** 2 + d * d + e.
d = number of day in question beginning with 1 (January 1) and ending with 365 (Decemeber 31) with
366 for the last day of a leap year.
a = -3.92E-10
b = 3.2E-7
c = -7.02E-5
d = 2.1E-3
e = 1.24
Factors are calculated based on an algorithm defined for residential customers by the German Electricity
Association (GEA).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1469
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie funkcji dla obliczania współczynników modyf.


In this IMG activity you define additional functions for calculating dynamic modification factors .


1. Define a function module to be used for calculating dynamic modification factors.

The function module must provide the following interface:

Use the ISU_FACTOR_PROFILE_CALC_0001 function module as a template.

2. Choose New entries.
3. Enter the necessary data and save your entries.

SAP AG 1470
System R/3
__ Bilansowanie

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1471
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie typu jednostki bilansowania


In this IMG activity you can define additional categories of settlement units.
A settlement unit category is controlled by the allocation of service providers to:
- The distribution service category. The defining factors here are:
- Whether the allocation must be defined
- Whether the allocation can be defined
- Whether the allocation must be defined without the service being provided by the own service
- The supply service category. The defining factors here are
- Whether the allocation must be defined
- Whether the allocation may not defined
This enables you to define a settlement area for renewable energy, for which only points of delivery can
be selected to which no service providers of the supply category are allocated (since energy is not
supplied for these points of delivery, but generated).
For more information see General Information on Settlement.
When you create a settlement unit via the Utilities Industry menu under Energy Data Management ->
Settlement -> Master Data -> Create Settlement Unit, you must select one of the settlement unit
categories defined here.


You must create all new entries in the customer namespace, for which the keys 8* and 9* have been

SAP AG 1472
System R/3
__ Definiowanie parametrów bilansowania

In this IMG activity you define additional settlement parameters.

These settlement parameters are used in a separate step as the input, output, or change parameters of
settlement steps or as the input or output parameters, or interim results of settlement procedures.
You can use both profiles or values as settlement parameters. You can also configure the system so that
several repeatable profiles or values can be used for each parameter.
The entry you make in the Usage type of settlement parameter field determines where the input/result
profile is saved:
- General parameters must be transferred at the start of the settlement procedure and can be used in
all subsequent processing steps. These parameters contain header data and control information, both
of which are independent of the settlement procedure.
- Specific parameters
Provided for further processing. They contain all the input data and results of the individual
settlement steps (profiles and values).
- Specific parameters of the settlement procedure
Together with the role defined in the settlement procedure, these are allocated to the virtual point of
delivery of the settlement procedure. The virtual point of delivery of the settlement procedure is
determined from the selection variants used for settlement.
- Specific parameters for each settlement unit
Together with the role defined in the settlement procedure, these are allocated to the virtual point of
delivery of the settlement unit.
- Specific parameters for each grid
Together with the role defined in the settlement procedure, these are allocated to the grid. Partial
results that are calculated for each settlement unit have a different entry in the context of the role.
If you want the reference profile in the profile header to be evaluated during parameter
determination, select the RProf field (Reference Profile Evaluated During Parameter
Determination). Generally, parameter profiles that refer to a customer group contain the
corresponding synthetic profile in the form of a reference profile.
To use individual values as settlement parameters you can additionally specify a company-specific table
that can be used to automatically update the results. In this case, note that the settlement step that
calculates the parameters provides the individual value together with the key value. If you do not specify
a field name during parameter determination, note that the individual value must be a structured category,
and the line category must correspond to a company-specific table.
Note that the the automatic value parameter update is not suitable for mass data changes. If you want to
update more than one individual value, do not specify a table for the automatic update. Instead, use the
settlement step to perform mass data changes.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1473
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie etapów bilansowania

In this IMG activity you define additional settlement steps.

You allocate a class to a settlement step. The class is used to implement the settlement step. Note that the
class must be derived from the CL_ISU_EDM_SETTLSTEP abstract class.
Input, output, and change parameters are allocated to settlement steps.
To process other parameters in the supplied reusable settlement steps, create a copy of the settlement step
in the customer namespace.
The parameter numbers must correspond to the parameter numbers used by the implementation. Provided
it is permitted by the implementation, you can define selected input parameters as optional by selecting
the Opt. Parameters field (Parameters Optional in Settlement Step). These parameters are then
evaluated if the automatic parameter determination can determine them for the runtime. The settlement
step is not terminated if optional input parameters are missing but a warning is noted in the application
log. Some classes used for the implementation of a settlement step can only be called using a settlement
unit. For settlement steps that belong to these classes, you must ensure that the settlement step is
executed for every settlement unit. To do this, select the For Each Unit field (Step Executed for Each
Settlement Unit).

Further notes

Do not change the predefined SAP data.

SAP AG 1474
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procedury bilansowania

You can find this activity at two points in SAP Utilities Customizing. These are:
- Under Energy Data Management -> Settlement
This contains Application Customizing activities.
For this activity, Application Customizing includes the following points:
- Selection for settlement procedure
- Profile roles for sending
- Log
For more information, see Define Settlement Procedure.
- under Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined Function Enhancements for Energy
Data Management.
This contains activities that have predefined SAP entries. You cannot change these activities.
However, you can define new entries in the customer namespace.
You are now in function enhancement Customizing. In this IMG activity you define additional settlement
For each new settlement procedure you must define the following points:
- Description of the settlement procedure
- Settlement period
For example: daily, monthly, annual, any other.
- Activate the settlement procedure
The predefined SAP settlement procedures are not active. This means the NA field (Settlement
Procedure is Inactive) is selected. Note that this is a default setting. The settlement procedures that
contain this setting cannot be selected when you create a settlement document.
Remove this setting for all the settlement procedures that you want to use in your company.
- No settlement document for selecting the point of delivery data
Means that a settlement document cannot be entered to select the point of delivery data. For more
information see settlement document.
- Settlement for complete dataset only
Means that settlement cannot only be performed for the complete dataset and not for subsets (such
as individual settlement units).
- Problem class as of which the messages are recorded in the log
- Log deletion
Means that the log cannot be deleted before the specified expiration date.
- Offset for log expiration date
For more information see offset.
- Internal identification of settlement workflow and/or program name of report for settlement
The workflow ID consists of a 2-character task abbreviation (WS) and an 8-figure number. These
are assigned during workflow creation.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1475
System SAP

- Interval length for calculating settlement results

In the settlement procedure, only profiles that have the same or a larger interval length than the one
specified here can be processed.
If the interval length of the measured settlement-relevant load profiles is 30 and 15 minutes, you
must choose an interval length for settlement of 15 minutes. This ensures that all the result profiles
of settlement have the specified interval length.
- Reason for creating a profile version
Each settlement run generates a new profile version if the recalculation changes the profile values of
the result parameters. A reason for creating a profile version is specified for each settlement
You define reasons for creating a profile version in Customizing under SAP Utilities -> Energy
Data Management -> Profile Management -> Profile Versions -> Define Creation Reason
for Profile Versions.
- Grid selection
Means that when you select data for settlement the grid is selected for each point of delivery
relevant to settlement.
Since point of delivery selection impairs system performance, only select a grid if you want the
settlement procedure to contain steps that do not only calculate the results for each settlement unit,
but also for each grid.
For each settlement procedure, you must also define the parameters of the settlement procedure. These
- Input parameters evaluated in the settlement procedure to calculate the results.
- Output parameters updated as the results of the settlement run.
- Interim results contain temporary results from interim calculations that are further processed in
subsequent settlement steps.

Further notes

Do not change the predefined SAP settings.

SAP AG 1476
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów wyboru

In this IMG activity you define additional selection types for settlement.
Selection types enable you to group together points of delivery that are relevant to settlement according
to predefined criteria. You can use selection types to settle several profiles for a point of delivery (where
the profiles are allocated to the PoD with different roles).
The selection type plays a role in the definition of the selections for the settlement procedure (see Define
Settlement Procedure).


If points of delivery are summarized in a settlement unit in which energy is generated as well as
consumed, the selection type can be used to control what needs to be settled (generated or consumption).

Further notes

For more information, see the F1 help and the document General Information on Settlement.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1477
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Analizy

SAP AG 1478
System R/3
__ Funkcja analizy dla deregulacji


Use this activity, in the transaction Analysis for Point of Delivery and Service Provider
(EDEREG_ANALYSE), to define which icons and function modules to allocate to your own analysis
objects (defined in the customer name space).

Standard settings

The icons and function modules are predefined for the standard analysis objects.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1479
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla rozliczenia

SAP AG 1480
System R/3
__ Definiowane przez użytkownika warianty programów

In this section you can add your own variant programs to the variant programs predefined by SAP.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1481
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów linii dokumentu

In this IMG activity you define any additional line item types you may require.
You can use the Do not archive field as part of this activity.
The line item type selects the billing line items generated by the variant programs for bill printout. You
can display the line item types in the bill printout.
Certain line item types are already provided by SAP.


- 000001 Energy price

- 000002 Demand price
- 000003 Flat rate
- 000004 Rental price
- 000005 Reference value
- 000006 Amount discount
- IDEMAN Demand (meter readings)
- IMREG Primary register before subtraction
- IQUANT Quantities (meter readings)
- ISREG Consumption: secondary register
- IT001 Flat rate * factor
- IT002 Addition of two operands
- IT003 Quantity * (/) factor
- IT004 Demand * (/) factor
- IT005 Subtraction of amounts
- IT006 Comparison of two quantities
- IT007 Comparison of two demands

Standard settings

Do not change the entries provided by SAP. You can use the following namespaces: X*, Y*, and Z*
(customer namespace).
Billing line items that can be posted should have keys that are numeric after the initial customer
namespace letter (Z00001 for special customer-defined energy price line items, for example).
Special information lines should have keys in which the second character after the initial customer
namespace letter is ’I’ (ZIT001 for special customer-defined ’Flat rate * factor’ information lines, for

SAP AG 1482
System R/3



Define the additional line item types you require.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1483
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie programu wariantu

In this IMG activity you can define your own variant programs. This is necessary if the functions for
modeling your billing rule are not available.
Here you maintain frame data for the variant program. If you wish to create your own variant programs,
please consult SAP. In addition to this frame data, the coding still needs to be stored in a function
module. The key of the function module must have the following structure: ISU_XXXXXXXX
XXXXXXXX corresponds to the name of the variant program (for example, QUANTI01).
Standard variant programs are provided by SAP.

Standard settings

Do not change the entries provided by SAP. You can use the following name ranges: Y* and Z*
(customer name range).


If you do wish to create new variant programs, we recommend that you always copy and then modify
similar existing variant programs. You must first create a function group to which your new variant
program can belong. You cannot simply add your variant program to an existing function group provided
by SAP.


Create additional variant programs if you require them.

Further notes

To find out how to integrate your own variant programs in rates, choose:
Utilities Industry -> Contract Billing -> Billing Master Data -> Rate Structure.

SAP AG 1484
System R/3
__ Framework dla uproszczonej korekty linii dokumentu

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1485
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Ustawienia podstawowe (aktywacja funkcjonalności)


In this activity, you activate the functions for simplified billing document line correction
(client-dependent), and for each storage location, enter the billing document lines to be migrated from a
legacy system.
Once you have activated the functions and entered a location, you can load billing documents from a
legacy system to the data pool using migration object BILLDOCEBF.


Before activating the framework, create a table in the customer name space as a storage location for the
billing document lines to be migrated (transaction SE11). Use includes EBFKEY (key fields) and
EBFLIN (minimum data fields) for this purpose. You can then maintain the technical settings for the
table and activate it.

Standard settings

The framework for the simplified correction of legacy documents is inactive.


To use the framework, activate the framework function and make the settings for the data pool. Make the
following settings:
The activation category defines which read modules are used to read the document lines. Currently only
activation category "Storage in Customer Table" is supported.
- Define the storage location (for example, the name of the customer table) where you want to save
the legacy document lines. Do not change this setting after data becomes available. Otherwise, no
document lines can be read.
- Define the application area.

SAP AG 1486
System R/3
__ Definicja indywidualnych metod korekty


In this activity, you define the individual correction methods to use for the simplified correction of
migrated or archived billing document lines.


Define a correction method and allocate it at least one correction step. A correction step is a function
module with a specific interface. You can find the delivered function modules and samples in function
group EEBF_CORR.
To generate a new correction step, enter a number for the call sequence as well as the function module to
be called. Here, the "Active" field means that the function module is used when the event is processed.
You can preselect multiple billing lines for each correction method.


BAdI ISU_BI_EBF_LINES-PREASSIGN allows you to determine default document lines required by

your organization at runtime. If a legacy document cannot be corrected using the simplified correction
method, you must implement BAdI ISU_BI_EBF_HEAD-ALLOW.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1487
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Specyficzne dla klienta typy scenariusza symulacji


You can use this activity to define your own simulation scenario categories.


You must implement the simulation scenario categories in the following ABAP OO classes:
- Class for installation-related simulation scenarios
(only for installation-related scenarios)
- Simulation scenario class
- Simulation class

SAP AG 1488
System R/3
__ Definiowanie puli kontrolnej dla rozliczenia

In this IMG activity you define check types that lead to the outsorting of bills according to SAP or
non-SAP check programs.


You should use the standard check list. If you wish to create your own outsorting checks, you must enter
these here.


1. Change the standard settings if necessary.

2. For a new entry, proceed as follows:

- Specify the key for the check.

The SAP standard program, or a non-SAP check program may be used. The name range Y* or Z* is
reserved for non-SAP programs.
- Specify the checks in the Text fields.

Further notes

The standard entries may not be changed or deleted. The actual checks are stored in the program. The
check programs are function modules, the keys of which have the following form:
ISU_VAL_XXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXX represents the name of the check program in this table).
You must create this function module.
You define the actual values for the checks by choosing Utilities Industry -> Contract Billing -> Billing
Execution -> Outsorting for Billing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1489
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla fakturowania

In this section you can enhance the SAP system settings for invoicing, and modify the settings to meet
your company-specific requirements.

SAP AG 1490
System R/3
__ Definiowanie puli kontrolnej dla fakturowania

In this IMG activity you define check types that lead to the outsorting of bills according to SAP or
non-SAP check programs.


You should use the standard check list. If you wish to create your own outsorting checks, you must enter
these here.


1. Change the standard settings if necessary.

2. For a new entry, proceed as follows:

- Specify the key for the check.

The SAP standard program, or a non-SAP check program may be used. The name range Y* or Z* is
reserved for non-SAP programs.
- Specify the checks in the Text fields.

Further notes

The standard entries may not be changed or deleted. The actual checks are stored in the program. The
check programs are function modules, the keys of which have the following form:
ISU_VAL_XXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXX represents the name of the check program in this table). You
can also create customer-specific function modules in the customer namespace in the form
You must create this function module.
You define the actual values for the checks by choosing Utilities Industry -> Invoicing -> Invoicing
Execution -> Outsorting for Invoicing.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1491
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla IDE

SAP AG 1492
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów poziomów sieci


You use this activity to define grid level types in addition to those predefined by SAP.
The grid level type describes the division of the grid in different levels.


For example, the grid level type can be ’voltage level’. This means that the grid is divided into different
voltage levels.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1493
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wymiany danych - procesy podstawowe


W tym działaniu można definiować dodatkowe procesy podstawowe dla wymiany danych.

SAP AG 1494
System R/3

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1495
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Def. podst. procesu wymiany danych dla komunikacji zorient. na

usł. (eSOA)


In this activity, you define which data exchange basic processes should allow service-based
communication (eSOA).
You have the following options:
- You can define that service-based communication only is possible for data exchange processes that
are defined on the basis of the selected data exchange basic process.
- You can define that service-based communication or communication using IDocs is possible for
data exchange processes that are defined on the basis of the selected data exchange basic process.

SAP AG 1496
System R/3
__ Definiowanie formatów transferu


In a deregulated market, you must communicate with different business partners in different formats.
In this activity you can define additional communication formats to those that were predefined by SAP.


However, communication can only take place in the defined format, if the external communication
systems (such as the SAP Business Connector) use this information to forward the IDocs that were
created in IS-U/CCS.


When exporting profiles, you should send the created message, via XML, to the Internet address,
Enter XML as the communication format.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1497
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie procesów deregulacji


Use this activity to define deregulation processes that are in addition to those predefined by SAP.
The deregulation processes help you to define the service provider agreement
This process determines which parameters can/must be maintained in the service provider agreement.

Standard settings

Do not make any changes to the deregulation processes predefined by SAP. If a change is made, then the
functions of the corresponding deregulation process can no longer be guaranteed.

SAP AG 1498
System R/3
__ Definiowanie wariantów procesu dla identyfikacji miejsc dostawy


In this activity, you can define process variants in addition to those predefined by SAP.
A process variant is a rule for identifying points of delivery.
When you define a new process variant, you have to define the following:
1. Process variant header data
2. Field comparison rules for identification (optional)
3. Replacement rules for synonymous characters (optional)
For a two-level algorithm, a process variant is made up of two processing steps:
Processing Step Description
Search Search algorithm (search variant) used for finding
points of delivery in the IS-U system according to specific criteria
Identification Identification algorithm (identification variant) used
for choosing one point of delivery from a selection

You also have the option to determine the following for each processing step:
1. Addtional configuration of process variants
2. Conversion rules for individual search data fields and the identification matrix


Before you can define a new process variant, you must implement a corresponding class:
1. Check whether an existing implementation already meets the requirements of the new process
variant. Note that not all of the classes provided take all of the configuration data mentioned above
into account.
2. If no suitable implementation already exists, implement a new class for process variants.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1499
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Scenariusze dot. zasilania

SAP AG 1500
System R/3
__ Definiowanie metody ustalania dla dostawcy usług


Use this activity to define additional determination methods for the service provider, that are different to
those predefined by SAP.
The determination method is used by the supply scenario (generator) to determine the corresponding
service provider for the services.
The determination can be either automated or using a dialog. If you select the Dialog field and the
process does not recognize the service provider, the agent must enter the corresponding service provider
in a dialog.
For a supply scenario, the service providers involved (in particular the supplier) can already be defined
by the process (such as change of supplier).

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1501
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Zmiana dostawcy

SAP AG 1502
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów wymiany


You use this activity to define switch types in addition to those predefined by SAP.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1503
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie wglądów wymiany


In this IMG activity you define additional switch views to those predefined by SAP.
A switch view is the view from which the process runs and to which the switch document belongs.
You select the switch views that you define here later on in the Define Workflow per Switch View


Standard settings



SAP AG 1504
System R/3
__ Definiowanie działań wymiany dostawców


Use this activity to define the activities that characterize the processing steps during a change of supplier.
Each activity possesses an identification key and a description text.
The processing steps are logged in the switch document. In addition, the activity and its status are
documented in every document step.
The workflow templates and sample modules use the activites, which are supplied by SAP, for the change
of supplier.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1505
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statusu wymiany dostawców


Use this activity to define the status for the activities that characterize the processing steps during a
change of supplier.
Each status possesses an identification key, description text and an icon.
The processing steps are logged in the switch document. To do this, the activity and its status is logged in
each document step.
The status delivered by SAP is used by workflow templates and sample modules for a change of supplier.
You can find the workflows for a change of supplier via the Business Workflow Explorer, in the SAP
menu under Tools -> Business Workflow -> Development -> Definition Tools -> Business
Workflow Explorer. Use the search area application components to find the workflows under
Intercompany Data Exchange (IS-U-IDE).

SAP AG 1506
System R/3
__ Definiowanie kontroli


Use this activity to define check modules.

For further information, read the field help.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1507
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Dane komunikatu

SAP AG 1508
System R/3
__ Ustalanie statusu przetwarzania


In this activity you can define additional processing statuses to those predefined by SAP.
A processing status indicates the current processing situation for incoming messages.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1509
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie statusu odpowiedzi


You use this activity to define answer statuses in addition to those predefined by SAP.
An answer status shows the result of processing outgoing messages by the communication partner.

SAP AG 1510
System R/3
__ Definiowanie procedury współczynnika korekty objętości


Use this activity to define additional metering procedures to those predefined by SAP.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1511
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kategorii


Use this activity to define additional notification categories to those predefined by SAP.
The notification categories differentiate the message data, thus indicating whether the message is a
registration, termination or a cancellation.

SAP AG 1512
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przyczyny transakcji


Use this activity to define additional transaction reasons to those predefined by SAP.
A transaction reason defines the purpose for which a switch was triggered.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1513
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie kontroli pola


Use this activity to define additional field checks to those predefined by SAP
The field checks define which fields in an incoming message are required-entry fields, optional fields, or
non-relevant fields.
The field checks you define are included in the check framework for the message check in the workflows
for change of supplier, cancellation processing, or supply registration.

SAP AG 1514
System R/3
__ Definiowanie zdarzenia dot. komunikacji

In this IMG activity you can define additional communication events. These are communication events
that can process generated or inbound IDocs.
Note that enhancements to the communication events used for outbound IDocs affect the standard IS-U
program. If you want to change these communication events then contact SAP.


Communication events for the generation of outbound IDocs:

- Billing document generated
- Reversal document generated
- Contract account changed
- Contract change
- Installation change
- Customer changed
- Clearing of open item
- Historical consumption data created
- Bill generated
Communication events for handling inbound IDocs:
- Supplier change request
- Master data change request

Standard settings

SAP supplies the most important communication events. Do not make any changes to them.


To define the additional communication events, choose New Entries.

You must create these entries in the customer name space, for which the keys X*, Y*, Z* are reserved.

Further notes

To ensure that the processing of outbound communication continues, the events contained in this activity
must also be entered in the Activate Communication Events activity. In addition, the Activate
Communication Event field must be set.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1515
System SAP

SAP AG 1516
System R/3
__ Definiowanie rodzajów warunków

In this IMG activity you define additional condition types that can be used to refine communication
control based on service providers.
The condition type and conditiona value act as additional selection criteria for the function module used
in communication control. SAP provides the following predefined condition types:
- 01 General condition type
- 02 Profile type
The ISU_IDE_COM_CONTROL BAdI contains two methods for determining the condition type and
condition value. Note that you must modify these methods to meet your requirements. They are as
This method is called in the ISU_COM_CONTROL_ACCESS function module. It is only called if
you are using communication control based on service providers. Using the point of delivery
provided in communication the method determines a condition type and condition value from the
master data or any other point of delivery-related data.
This method is called by the function modules in order to handle inbound IDocs (CMEV modules).
Using the data from the IDocs, the method determines a condition type and condition value.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1517
System SAP
______________________________________________________________ Pola użytkownika

In this IMG activity, you can add fields required by your enterprise to the files preassigned by SAP.

SAP AG 1518
System R/3
__ Definiowanie przez użytkownika pól dot. miejscowości i ulicy

In this IMG activity you can include customer-defined fields in the files for city and for street. For
information about this see the documentation for the table ADRDYCONTR.


Check the SAP settings. If necessary, define additional fields.

Further notes

For information about file enhancement see the description of the activity Define customer-defined fields
in city and street.

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1519
System SAP

31.15 Zarządzanie uprawnieniami

In this section you use the SAP authorization concept to define which functions users are permitted to
For this purpose you must define authorizations and allocate these authorizations to users using profiles
Authorizations are related to authorization objects, which are predefined by SAP. You can group together
authorizations that belong to the same field of work in one profile; profiles can in turn be grouped
together in composite profiles.
You must perform the following tasks for users:
- Create user master records
- Create authorizations for authorization objects
- Group together authorizations for predefined authorization objects into profiles
- Allocate one or more profiles to each individual user in the user master record
For this purpose you must define:
- Who is to be responsible for creating user master records
- Who is to define and manage authorizations for authorization objects
- Who is to allocate authorizations to profiles and profiles to users
- Which authorizations users are to have in other R/3 application components


To carry out user maintenance you require authorizations for the following authorization objects:
- S_USER_GRP (User Master Maintenance: User Groups)
This authorization object controls access to the authorization group and to the activity.
You require an authorization for this object if you wish to create or process users in the system.
- S_USER_AUT (User Master Maintenance: Authorizations)
This authorization object controls access to the authorization object, to the authorization name and
to the activity.
You require an authorization for this object if you wish to maintain authorizations or if you wish to
group authorizations into profiles.
- S_USER_PRO (User Master Maintenance: Authorization Profile)
This authorization object controls access to the authorization profile and to the activity.
You require an authorization for this object if you wish to process profiles or allocate profiles to
For information on the authorizations you require, refer to the Implementation Guide for the relevant


It is recommended that you carry out user maintenance and authorization management locally by

SAP AG 1520
System R/3

assigning different authorizations according to specialist areas and user groups.

Further notes

You can either create authorization profiles manually or automaticall using the profile generator.
The profile reduces the workload involved in introducing the ERP system.Authorizations are
automatically generated based on selected menu functions and proposed for subsequent processing. The
profile generator can also be integrated with HR-Org (organization management, time dependency).
You can create authorizations using the Profile Generator in transaction PFCG (role maintenance).
Note the general documentation for the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. You can find this by
BC - Basis Components -> Computer Center Management System -> Users and Authorizations -> The
Profile Generator
This information is also available in the Implementation Guide by
choosing Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Maintain
Authorizations and Profiles using the Profile Generator

SAP AG 14.06.2013 1521
System SAP

31.15.1 Definiowanie uprawnień

In this step, you can create roles and use the profile generator to generate authorization profiles.


To assign an authorization profile to a user, do the following:

1. Create a role
2. Enter a description
3. Select transactions
4. Create and edit authorizations
5. Assigns users and compare the user master (in doing so, the profile is entered in the user’s master
6. Transport roles, if desired
Detailed documentation
For more information about the procedures, see transaction documentation
See also the general documentation on the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. Choose:
Basis Components -> Computing Center Management System -> Users and Roles or in the
Implementation Guide (IMG), choose: Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and
Authorizations -> Maintain Authorizations and Profiles using Profile Generator.
You can also use authorization profiles you created manually or were delivered by SAP, in roles. You can
create a role without a menu and include the corresponding profile in the authorization data of the role.
In the fourth step, choose "Edit -> Add authorization -> From profile" to add the authorization profile
data to the role.

SAP AG 1522
Składnik branżowy: Przedsiębiorstwa
użyteczności publicznej

Copyright 2013 SAP AG. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.

Udostępnianie i rozpowszechnianie tej dokumentacji lub jej części - niezależnie od celu i

postaci - bez wyraźnej, pisemnej zgody SAP AG jest zabronione. Informacje zawarte w
niniejszej dokumentacji mogą ulec zmianie bądź zostać uzupełnione bez uprzedniej

SAP jest zastrzeżonym znakiem towarowym SAP AG.

Pozostałe produkty wymienione w tej dokumentacji są zastrzeżonymi lub niezastrzeżonymi

znakami towarowymi współpracujących z nią firm.
Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium> SAP AG

31 Składnik branżowy: Przedsiębiorstwa użyteczności publicznej 1

31.1 Ustawienia podstawowe/Struktura przedsiębiorstwa 1
31.1.1 Jednostki gospodarcze - Przypisanie medium 2
31.1.2 Media - Przypisanie typów mediów 3
31.1.3 Przypisanie pomocniczej jednostki gospodarczej do jednostki
gospodarczej 4
31.1.4 Definiowanie parametrów systemu dla IS-U 6
31.1.5 Aktywacja integracji odbiorców/dostawców (CVI) 7
31.1.6 Ustalanie układu domyślnego dla rejestru 8
31.1.7 Definiowanie ustawień dot. deregulacji 9
31.1.8 Deregulacja: Definiowanie rozszerzonej kontroli uprawnień 12
31.2 Funkcje podstawowe 13
31.2.1 Struktura regionalna 14 Pocztowa struktura regionalna 15 Definiowanie grup struktury regionalnej 16 Obszary struktury regionalnej 17 Definiowanie obszarów struktur regionalnych specyf. dla ról 18 Przypisanie grup struktur regionalnych do obszarów strukt.
region. 19 Definiowanie obszarów ciśnienia wody 20 Definiowanie obszarów twardości wody 21 Kody pocztowe 22 Definiowanie not dla kodów pocztowych 23 Miejscowości 25 Definiowanie not dla miejscowości 26 Ulice 28 Definiowanie not dla ulic 29 Polityczna struktura regionalna 31 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla polit. strukt. regionalnej 32 Definiowanie hierarchii politycznej 33
31.2.2 Podział grup i sterowanie terminami 34 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania terminami 35 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla rekordów parametrów 36 Definiowanie rekordów parametrów dla grup umów 37 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup 38 Definiowanie grup umów 39 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla jednostek odczytu 41 Definiowanie jednostek odczytu 42 Generowanie rekordów terminów 44 Dynamiczne sterowanie terminami 46 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dynam. sterow. terminami 47
31.2.3 Ustalanie referenta 49

SAP AG iii
Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Edycja organizacji struktury 50 Przypisanie zadań dla ustalania wykonawcy 51 Definiowanie alternatywnych zadań dla ustalania wykonawcy 54
31.3 Dane podstawowe 55
31.3.1 Ustawienia podstawowe 56 Definiowanie wskaźników struktury i typów lokalizacji
funkcjonalnych 57
31.3.2 Partner biznesowy 59 Ustawienia do tworzenia klientów standardowych 60 Oprac. parametrów do tworzenia klientów wzorcowych w stand. 61 Partner umowy 62 Definiowanie klas konta 63 Definiowanie ID wykonawcy 64 Instalator 65 Definiowanie rodzajów firm instalacyjnych 66 Definiowanie pól roboczych firm instal. 67 Definiowanie rodzajów zezwoleń instalatorów 68 Definiowanie statusu instalatorów 69 Definiowanie głównego przedsiębiorstwa użyteczności
publicznej 70
31.3.3 Umowa o zasilanie 71 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla umów o zasilanie 72 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla umów o zasilanie 73 Konfiguracja rejestru dla umów o zasilanie 74 Definiowanie not dla umów o zasilanie 76 Definiowanie wyboru pola dla umów o zasilanie 78 Definiowanie statusu przetwarzania 81 Definiowanie klasy umowy 82
31.3.4 Obiekt przyłączony 83 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla obiektów
przyłącz./lokalizacji urządz. 84 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla obiektów przyłączonych 85 Definiowanie not dla obiektów przyłączonych 86 Definiowanie wyboru pola dla obiektów przyłączonych 88 Definiowanie wyboru pola dla danych adresowych 91
31.3.5 Lokal 92 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla lokali 93 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla lokali 94 Definiowanie not dla lokali 95 Definiowanie wyboru pola dla lokali 97 Definiowanie rodzajów lokali 100

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium> SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Przypisywanie mediów do typów urządzeń 101

31.3.6 Instalacja zasilająca 102 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla instalacji zasilających 103 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla instalacji zasilających 104 Definiowanie not dla instalacji zasilających 105 Definiowanie wyboru pola dla instalacji zasilających 107 Definiowanie przyczyn gwarancji dostarczania 110 Definiowanie rodzajów instalacji 111 Definiowanie poziomów napięcia 112 Definiowanie rodzajów grupowania grup instalacji 113 Definiowanie ról instalacji 114 Przypisanie ról instalacji do rodzajów grupowania 115
31.3.7 Miejsce dostawy 116 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla oznaczeń miejsc dostawy 117 Definiowanie rodzaju miejsca dostawy 118 Definiowanie struktury oznaczenia miejsca dostawy 119 Definiowanie grup miejsc dostawy 123 Definiowanie logiki wstępnego przypisania grup miejsc
dostawy 124
31.3.8 Lokalizacja urządzenia 125 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla lokalizacji urządzenia 126 Definiowanie not dla lokalizacji urządzenia 127 Definiowanie wyboru pola dla lokalizacji urządzeń 129
31.4 Zarządzanie urządzeniami 132
31.4.1 Technika 133 Ustawienia podstawowe 134 Definiowanie kombinacji podst. typów urządzeń 135 Definiowanie sortowania typów podstawowych w typie
urządz./na liście rob. 137 Grupa liczydeł 139 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup liczydeł 140 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup liczydeł 141 Definiowanie rodzajów wyświetlania liczydeł 142 Definiowanie identyfikatorów liczydeł 143 Definiowanie rodzajów liczydeł 144 Przypisanie jednostek miary do typów liczydeł 145 Definiowanie szukanych ciągów znaków dla grup liczydeł 146 Definiowanie dozwolonych wartości dla wskaźników liczydła 148 Grupa wejścia/wyjścia 149 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup wejścia/wyjścia 150 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup wejścia/wyjścia 151 Definiowanie typów wejścia/wyjścia 152

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzajów funkcji 153 Definiowanie wartości wejścia/wyjścia 154 Definiowanie przyłączy wejścia/wyjścia 155 Definiowanie szukanego ciągu znaków dla grup wejścia/wyjścia 156 Polecenie i grupa poleceń 158 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup poleceń 159 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup poleceń 160 Definiowanie szukanego ciągu znaków dla grup poleceń 161 Grupa uzwojeń 162 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup uzwojeń 163 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla grup uzwojeń 164 Definiowanie parametrów systemowych dla grup uzwojeń 165 Definiowanie klas jakości 166 Definiowanie rodzajów uzwojeń 167 Definiowanie mocy uzwojeń 168 Definiowanie szukanych ciągów znaków dla grup uzwojeń 169 Definiowanie wartości dla napięcia znamionowego 170 Typ urządzenia 171 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla typów urządzeń 173 Definiowanie not dla typów urządzeń 174 Definiowanie tabeli pomocniczej do wprowadzania wzorca
materiału 176 Definiowanie klas funkcyjnych 178 Definiowanie klas konstrukcji 179 Definiowanie producenta 180 Definiowanie licznika przedpłat 181 Definiowanie przypisania producenta/oznaczenia typów do
numeru kontrolnego 182 Definiowanie kombinacji producenta/oznacz. typów producenta
i typu urządz. 183 Definiowanie grupy ustalania strat dla transformatorów 184 Definiowanie kombinacji mocy znamionowej, napięcia
pierwotnego i wtórnego 185 Urządzenie 186 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla urządzeń 187 Ustawianie parametrów urządzenia 188 Definiowanie typów urządzeń IS-U 189 Przypisanie rodzaju klasy do typów urządzeń IS-U 191 Country Specific Functions for India 193 Activate Country-Specifics 194 Seal Management - India 195

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium> SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Define Seal Security Level 196 Define Reason for Status Change 197
31.4.2 Instalacja 198 Ustawienia podstawowe 199 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla logicznych numerów
urządzeń 200 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla numerów logicznych
liczydeł 201 Definowanie przyczyn montażu/demontażu/wymiany 202 Definiowanie parametrów systemowych dla
montażu/demontażu/wymiany 204 Rekord informacyjny urządzenia 205 Definiowanie parametrów systemowych rekordu informacyjnego
urządzenia 206 Grupowanie urządzeń 207 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla grup urządzeń 208 Definiowanie not dla grup urządzeń 209 Definiowanie rodzajów grupy 211 Przypisanie rodzajów grup do mediów 212 Montaż 213 Związane z rozliczeniem 214 Definiowanie dopuszczalności montażu w odniesieniu do
rozliczenia 215 Modyfikacja 217 Definiowanie przyczyn modyfikacji 218 Struktura instalacji 219 Relacje liczydeł 220 Defin. zakresów numerów dla numerów indeksu relacji liczydeł 221 Definiowanie propozycji do przypisania logicznych liczydeł 222
31.4.3 Odczyt 223 Ustawienia podstawowe 225 Def. technicznych parametrów sterowania - przetwarzanie
danych odczytu 226 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania przetwarzaniem danych
odczytu 228 Definiowanie sterowania odczytami 229 Definiowanie grup ster. dla wielokr. tworz. zlecenia odczytu 231 Definiowanie grupy odczytów 232 Definiowanie automatycznego monitorowania danych odczytu 233 Kontrole wiarygodności 234 Niezależne kontrole wiarygodności 235 Definiowanie klas kontroli 236

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______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie niezależnych kontroli wiarygodn. do klas kontr. 237 Definiowanie parametrów kontroli dla klas kontroli 238 Definiowanie granic toleracji dla klas kontroli 239 Przypisanie kontroli stałego odchyl. dla urządzeń bez inst. 241 Zależne kontrole wiarygodności 242 Definiowanie zależnych kontroli wiarygodności 243 Procedura parametrów prognozy 244 Definiowanie okresów dla części zużycia wymagaj. liniowego
przyp. wag 245 Definiowanie klucza parametrów prognozy 246 Parametry prognozy zasilania 247 Definiowanie średniego miesięcznego zasilania 248 Definiowanie zasilania dla okresów 250 Prognozowanie stopnio-dnia 252 Definiowanie obszarów temperatury 253 Definiowanie średnich liczb stopnio - dni 254 Definiowanie dokładnych liczb stopnio - dni 255 Ogólne przypisanie wagi 256 Definiowanie jednostek parametrów prognozy 257 Organizacja odczytu 258 Kolejność odczytu 259 Definiowanie formularza dla kolejności odczytu 260 Zlecenie odczytu 261 Tworzenie zlecenia 262 Definiowanie parametrów ster. dla tworzenia zlecenia 263 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla zleceń odczytu 264 Definiowanie inkasenta 265 Definiowanie grupy formul. wskazówek dla usług zewnętrznych 266 Definiowanie dynam. wskazówek dla usług zewnętrznych 267 Definiowanie statycznych wskazówek dla usług zewnętrznych 268 Definiowanie przyczyn blokady odczytu 269 Definiowanie przyczyn odczytu dla kontroli karencji odczytu 270 Definiowanie automat. interpolacji dla przyczyn odczytu 271 Wyprowadzenie zlecenia 272 Definiowanie formularza dla strony tytułowej odczytu 273 Definiowanie formularza dla dokumentu odczytu 275 Definiowanie formularza dla zapisu do pliku MWD 276 Definiowanie formularza dla odczytu przez klienta 278 Wynik odczytu 279 Wprowadzanie 280 Definiowanie rodzaju odczytu zdef. przez użytkownika dla

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wprowadz. 281 Definiowanie wskazówek dla inkasenta 282 Zmiana 283 Definiowanie procesu zmian dla danych odczytu 284 Szacowanie 285 Definiowanie oszacowanych parametrów dla wprowadzania wyniku
odczytu 286
31.4.4 Kontrola 287 Ustawienia podstawowe 288 Definiowanie parametrów próbki/legalizacji 289 Procedura próbkowania 291 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla partii 292 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla partii 293 Definiowanie not dla partii 294 Definiowanie ustalania partii próbek 296 Definiowanie okresu przedłuż. urzęd. partii kontrolnych 298 Definiowanie referencji kontroli urządzeń 299 Ustawienia specyficzne dla kraju Belgia/Holandia 300 Definiowanie kategorii plomby 301 Definiowanie kodu plomby partii kontrolnej 302 Definiowanie wartości stand. dla łączenia partii 303 Ustawienia specyf. dla kraju - Kanada 304 Ustalanie procedury ustalania liczb losowych 305 Definiowanie ustalania partii próbek 306 Lista wymian okresowych 307 Ogólne informacje dotyczące listy wymian okresowych 308 Definiowanie not dla listy wymian okresowych 309 Definiowanie parametrów sterow. dla listy wymian okresowych 311 Zlecenia robocze/Zawiadomienia 312 Definiowanie parametrów sterow. dla zleceń/zawiadomień 313 Dane kontroli urządzenia 314 Definiowanie rodzajów ruchów dla tworzenia partii 315 Legalizacja 316 Definiowanie rodzaju legalizacji 317
31.5 Zarządzanie danymi dot. energii 318
31.5.1 Ustawienia podstawowe 319 Rodzaj profilu 320 Definiowanie rodzajów profili 321 Defin. dopuszczalności długości przedziału dla każdego
rodzaju profilu 323 Grupa sezonów 324 Definiowanie rodzajów sezonu 325

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie bloków sezonów 327 Grupa dni 328 Definiowanie rodzajów dni 329 Definiowanie wyjątków dla rodzajów dni 330 Definiowanie bloków dni 331 Przypisanie wyjątków do bloków dni 332 Grupa TOU 333 Definiowanie rodzajów pór dnia 334 Definiowanie grup pór dnia 336 Status użytkownika 337 Definiowanie statusu użytkownika 338 Przypisanie schematu statusu użytkownika - wartości profilu 340 Priorytet statusu 341 Defin. prioryt. dla statusu odnosz. się do wart. przy
większej dł. przedz. 342 Defin. priorytetu dla statusu odnosz. się do war. w przyp.
większ. dł. prz. 343 Defin. priorytetu dla statusu użytkownika w przyp. większej
dług. przedz. 344 Definiowanie przesunięcia dziennego 345 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla systemu źródłowego 346 Aktywacja dokumentów zmian dla statusu profili 347
31.5.2 Zarządzanie profilami 348 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla profili 349 Definiowanie jednostek miary dla typu medium/wartości
profilu 350 Przypisanie profilu 352 Definiowanie ról dla przypisania profilu 353 Przypisywanie ról operanda 355 Wersje profili 357 Definiowanie przyczyny tworzenia wersji profilu 358 Definiowanie tworzenia wersji profilu 359 Funkcja wyświetlania 360 Ogólne informacje dotyczące wyświetlania wartości profilu 361 Definiowanie wyświetlania statusu systemowego wartości
profilu 362 Definiowanie wyświetlania statusu użytkownika wartości
profilu 364 Tworzenie wartości zastępczych 365 Ogólne informacje dotyczące tworzenia wartości zastępczych 366 Definiowanie procedury wartości zastępczych 368

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grupy procedur wartości zastępczych 370 Profile formuły 372 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla przypisań formuły 373 Obliczanie profilu 374 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla numeru przebiegu
kalkulacji 375 Definiowanie grupy statusów i statusu dla grupy statusów 376 Profile syntetyczne 378 Generowanie współczynników modyfikacji dynamicznej 379
31.5.3 Bilansowanie 380 Ogólne informacje dotyczące bilansowania 381 Definiowanie wglądów bilansowania 385 Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla dokumentu bilansowania 386 Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla profili tymczasowych 387 Definiowanie rodzajów kontroli 388 Definiowanie procedury bilansowania 389
31.5.4 Interfejs do systemów zewnętrznych 391 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentu importu profilu 392 Definiowanie konwersji statusu 393 Kontrola importu 394 Definiowanie kontroli spójności dla importu wartości profilu 395 Definiowanie grup kontroli spójności dla importu wartości
profilu 397
31.5.5 Interfejs do rozliczenia RTP 399 Ogólne informacje dotyczące interfejsu RTP 400 Definiowanie składnika RTP 404 Definiowanie interfejsu RTP 406
31.5.6 AMI: Interfejs czasu wykorzystania 408 Definiowanie grup formuł dla formuł TOU 409 Definiowanie grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU 410 Definiowanie dni wyjątku dla grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu
TOU 411 Grupa sezonów 412 Definiowanie rodzajów sezonu 413 Definiowanie bloków sezonów 415 Przetwarzanie formuły CzW 416 Opracowanie interfejsu TOU 417
31.6 Rozliczenie umowy 418
31.6.1 Dane podstawowe rozliczenia 419 Definiowanie klas rozliczenia 420 Aktywacja trybu wyświetlania dla terminu rozliczenia 421 Pracownicy 422

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie przedsiębiorstwa użyteczności publicznej 423 Definiowanie rodzaju pracowników 424 Definiowanie klasyfikacji pracowników 425 Struktura taryf 426 Przeprowadzanie analizy taryfy 428 Przeprowadzanie zestawienia programów wariantowych 429 Definiowanie rodzajów taryf 431 Operandy 433 Wartości referencyjne 435 Definiowanie not dla wielkości referencyjnych 436 Konfiguracja zakładki dla wielkości referencyjnych 438 Definiowanie lokalizacji dla wielkości referencyjnych 440 Instalacje grzewcze 441 Definiowanie kategorii urządzeń dla instalacji grzewczych 442 Definiowanie sterowania poborem dla instalacji grzewczych 443 Definiowanie statusu przetwarzania dla ustaleń specjalnych 444 Definiowanie typów umów dla instalacji grzewczych 445 Oświetlenie 446 Definiowanie rodzajów operacji dla oświetlenia 447 Definiowanie rodzaju kalendarza godzin opałowych 448 Opracowanie kalendarza godzin opałowych 449 Kopiowanie kalendarza godzin opałowych 450 Definiowanie rodzajów zużycia 451 Definiowanie grup operandów 452 Definiowanie operandów 453 Definiowanie rodzaju wykorzystania operanda umowy ramowej 455 Ceny 456 Definiowanie not dla cen 457 Ceny rozliczeniowe 459 Definiowanie klas cenowych 460 Definiowanie poziomów cen 461 Klauzula zmienności cen 462 Definiowanie not dla klauzul zmienności cen 463 Definiowanie klauzul zmienności cen 465 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla cen 466 Definiowanie cen 467 Taryfy 468 Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla logicz. numerów fazy taryfy 469 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla taryf 470 Definiowanie not dla taryf 471 Sterow. okresem 473

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______________________________________________________________ Długości okresu 474 Podstawowa procedura oblicz. 476 Obliczanie wg dni 477 Obliczanie w odniesieniu do miesiąca z terminem 478 Obliczanie w przypadku zawarcia lub rozwiązania umowy 483 Obliczanie w odniesieniu do miesiąca z karencją 491 Definiowanie typu rozszerzonej procedury dotyczącej karencji 493 Definiowanie rodzaju rozszerzonej procedury dot. karencji 494 Definiowanie dodatkowych wartości dla rozszerzonej procedury
dot. karencji 495 Obliczanie w przypadku zawarcia lub rozwiązania umowy 498 Rozliczenie wg dni w przypadku zmian nieokresowych 500 Dni referencyjne dla przeliczenia udziałów dni w miesiącach 505 Wykorzystanie dnia przestępnego 506 Definiowanie sterowania okresami 507 Definiowanie grup określ. wartości taryfy 508 Definiowanie taryf 509 Kontrola operacji cz. dla taryf 511 Schematy 512 Dynamiczne sterowanie okresami 513 Informacje dotyczące dynamicznego sterowania okresami 514 Definiowanie dynamicznego sterowania okresami 516 Definiowanie dynamicznych grup kalkulacji uzupełniającej 517 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla schematów 521 Definiowanie not dla schematów 522 Definiowanie grup rozliczenia dodatkowego 524 Definiowanie schematów 525 Typy taryf 526 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla typów taryf 527 Definiowanie not dla typów taryf 528 Definiowanie typów taryf 530 Definiowanie ustalania taryfy 531 Kontrola danych podstawowych rozliczenia pod wzgl. spójności 532 Definiowanie reguł rozliczenia dla grup instalacji 533 Rabaty/Dopłaty 534 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla rabatów/dopłat 535 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla rabatów/dopłat 536 Definiowanie not dla rabatów/dopłat 537 Definiowanie rabatów/dopłat 539 AMI: Interfejs czasu wykorzystania 540 Definiowanie grup formuł dla formuł TOU 541 Definiowanie grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU 542

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie dni wyjątku dla grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu

TOU 543 Grupa sezonów 544 Definiowanie rodzajów sezonu 545 Definiowanie bloków sezonów 547 Przetwarzanie formuły CzW 548 Opracowanie interfejsu TOU 549
31.6.2 Integracja sprawozdawczości 550 Integracja analizy rentowności 551 Aktywacja księgowania rzeczywistego wg miesięcy zużycia 552 Aktyw. księgow. rzeczyw. wg miesięcy zużycia dla skróconej
dekretacji CO 553 Definiowanie wyprowadzeń cechy dla księgowań rzeczywistych 554 Definiowanie grup statyst. kwot dla wyprowadz. pól wart. 555 Definiowanie grup statyst. ilości dla wyprowadz. pól wart. 557 Integracja symulacji zbiorczej 559 Definiowanie rodzajów symulacji 560
31.6.3 Funkcje specjalne 561 Rozliczenie zużycia gazu 562 Funkcje specj. w przypadku rozliczania zużycia gazu 564 Dane dotyczące gazu w liczydle 566 Współczynnik korekty objętości 569 Temperatura 571 Opracowanie zmierzonej dziennej temperatury gazu 573 Opracowanie zmierzonej miesięcznej temperatury gazu 574 Definiowanie klucza stałej temperatury 575 Opracowanie stałych wartości temperatur 576 Definiowanie klucza dla stosunku ciśnienia do temperatury
Joule’a-Thomsona 577 Opracowanie wartości dla stosunku ciśnienia do temperatury
Joule’a-Thomsona 578 Nacisk mierniczy 579 Definiowanie nacisków mierniczych 580 Definiowanie poziomów ciśnienia gazu 581 Definiowanie obszarów ciśnienia gazu 582 Definiowanie ciśnienia gazu w zal. od obszaru ciśnienia gazu 583 Ciśnienie atmosferyczne 584 Definiowanie obszarów ciśnienia atmosferycznego 586 Opracowanie zmierzonych dziennych wartości ciśnienia
powietrza 587 Opracowanie miesięcznie mierzonych wartości ciśnienia

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atmosf. 588 Opracowanie rocznego ciśnienia atmosferycznego 589 Współczynnik ściśliwości 590 Definiowanie współcz. ściśliwości w zal. od ciśnienia i
temp. 591 Definiowanie ustalonych czynników korekty objętości 592 Procedura współcz. kor. objęt. 594 Procedura specjalna dla procedury współczynnika korekty
objętości 595 Definiowanie procedury czyn. korekty objętości 596 Ciepło spalania 598 Definiowanie obszarów ciepła spalania 599 Opracowanie dziennego ciepła spalania w zal. od obszaru 600 Opracowanie miesięcznego ciepła spalania w zal. od obszaru 601 Opracowanie zasilania w zal. od obszaru ciepła spalania 602 Opracowanie średniego zasilania w zal. od obsz. ciepła spal. 603 Definiowanie procedury ciepła spalania 604 Opracowanie rozliczenia ciepła spalania 606 Definiowanie procedury dla gazu 609 Definiowanie danych przypisania dla gazu 611 Czasy dostępu 612 Rozgraniczenie 616 Gaz - data 617 Umowa koncesyjna 621 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla umów koncesyjnych 623 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla umów koncesyjnych 624 Definiowanie not dla umów koncesyjnych 625 Definiowanie rodzajów umów koncesyjnych 627 Definiowanie grup opłat koncesyjnych 628 Okresy rozliczeniowe dla rynku japońskiego 629 Współczynnik usługi dla rozliczenia (Japonia) 630 Definiowanie okresów rozliczeniowych 631 Obliczanie strat w transformatorze 633 Straty w transformatorze wg stref zużycia 634 Parametry dla obliczania strat w transformatorze na
podstawie formuły 635 Stosunek dostosowania współczynnika mocy 636
31.6.4 Wykonanie rozliczenia 637 Tworzenie historii zużycia 638 Definiowanie ustalania pozycji faktury 639 Definiowanie ustalania określonych wartości instalacji 640 Dokumenty rozliczeniowe 641

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dokumentów rozlicz. 642 Przypisanie zakresów numerów do rodzajów dokumentów 643 Automatyczne rozliczenie i symulacja 644 Blokady rozliczenia 646 Definiowanie przyczyn blokad rozliczenia 647 Definiowanie przyczyn zatwierdzenia rozliczenia 648 Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla przebiegu rozliczenia 649 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentów rozliczenia 650 Defin. typów rodz. dok. do rozlicz. zużycia i rozl. końc. 651 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentów symulacji 652 Definiowanie rodzajów dokumentów dla dok. symulacji 653 Definiowanie typów rodz. dokumentów dla dok. symulacji 654 Definiowanie przyczyn rozgraniczenia 655 Rozliczenie ręczne 656 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla ręcznych dok. rozlicz. 657 Definiowanie typów rodz. dok. dla ręcznych dok. rozlicz. 658 Definiowanie proced. opłaty konces. w ręcznym rozliczaniu 659 Dok. niezaakceptowany do rozliczenia 660 Definiowanie grup kontroli dok. niezakceptow. do rozliczenia 661 Defin. kontroli dla każdej gr. kontr. dok. niezaak. do rozl. 662 Definiowanie ręcznego wycofania faktur z rozliczenia 663 Storno rozliczenia 664 Definiowanie przyczyn stornowania 665 Opracowanie sterowania korektą faktury 666 Definiowanie scenariuszy symulacji 667
31.7 Fakturowanie 668
31.7.1 Ustawienia podstawowe 669 Rozliczenie dokonywane na miejscu 670 Definiowanie grup rozliczeń dokonywanych na miejscu 671 Definiowanie procesu dla rozliczenia wykonywanego na miejscu 672 Upusty 674 Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych 675 Definiowanie rodzajów upustów 676 Definiowanie rodzajów kart rabatowych 677 Definiowanie miejsca wydania karty rabatowej 678 Definiowanie ustawień deregulacji dla upustów 679 Definiowanie podstawowych ustawień dla Brazylii 680 Ustawienia dla brazylijskiej kalkulacji podatkowej 681 Definiowanie grupowania podatków dla dynamicznego określ.
stawki podatku 682 Księgowanie przychodu PIS/COFINS 683

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______________________________________________________________ Księgowanie przychodu jako wartości brutto 684 Definiowanie podstawowych ustawień dla Włoch 685 Definiowanie ustawień stornowania 686 Konto dla nieoczekiwanych przychodów podczas storna 687 Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych dla fakturowania 688 Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych dla wydr. faktury online 689 Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych stornowania 690 Definiowanie procedury ustalania podatku dla każdej grupy
jednostek gospod. 691
31.7.2 Przetwarzanie faktur 692 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentów wydruku 693 Definiowanie rodzajów dokumentów dla dokumentów wydruku 694 Przypisanie rodzajów dokumentów do dokumentów wydruku 695 Definiowanie sterowania funkcji dodatk. fakturowania 696 Opracowanie wart. stand. dla met. spłaty/nośnika płatności 697 Definiowanie sterowania dla terminu płatności faktury 698 Definiowanie sterowania zaliczkami w fakturowaniu 699 Definiowanie reguł dla zaokrąglania faktury 700 Definiowanie granic zaokrąglania dla zaokrąglenia faktury 701 Definiowanie przyczyn blokowania dla fakturowania 702 Wybór pozycji w fakturowaniu 703 Definiowanie wyboru pozycji dla opracowania kont/ podpozycji 704 Dokument niezaakceptowany do fakturowania 707 Definiowanie grup kontroli dokumentów niezaakcept. dla
fakturowania 708 Definiowanie kontroli grup kontroli dokum. niezaakc. dla
fakturowania 709 Definiowanie ręcznego wykluczenia faktury z fakturowania 710 Opłaty w fakturowaniu 711 Definiowanie opłat 712 Przechowywanie opłat dla zaległych pozycji w fakturowaniu 713 Country Specific Setting for India 714 Charges in Invoicing 715 Define LPC, PPI and Interest Components 716 Define LPC Exemption Percentage 718 Define LPC, PPI Maximum Limits 719
31.7.3 Wydruk faktury 720 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dok. wydruku 721 Definiowanie kryteriów sortowania dla wydruku faktury 722 Definiowanie formularza faktury 724 Definiowanie kryteriów klasyfikacji dla pozycji rozliczenia 726 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla wydruku faktury 727

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______________________________________________________________ Przesterowanie formularza aplikacji dla symulacji faktury 728 Definiowanie kryteriów grupowania pozycji faktury częściowej 729
31.7.4 Plan rozliczania zaliczkowego 730 Ustawienia podstawowe 731 Definiowanie procedury zaliczek 732 Definiowanie formularza zaliczki 733 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla planu zaliczek 735 Definiowanie powodów zmian dla internetowego klienta centrum
obsługi 736 Procedura statystyczna i faktury częściowej 737 Ustawienia podstawowe 738 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania 739 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla transakcji
ekspresowej 740 Definiowanie not 741 Ustalanie kwoty 743 Definiowanie minimalnej kwoty/ ograniczeń zaliczki 744 Definiowanie parametrów zaokrąglania 745 Definiowanie ogólnego czynnika dostosowania kwoty 746 Opłata za rok z góry (tylko dla statyst. procedury planu
rozl. zaliczk.) 747 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla opłaty za rok z góry 748 Przypisanie reguły obliczania odsetek dla opłaty za rok z
góry 749 Plan płatności 750 Definiowanie rodzajów planów płatności (AMB/BBP) 751 Definiowanie parametrów wydruku dla planu płatności 752 Dostosowanie wartości standardowych dla kwoty różnicy 753 Definiowanie not 754 Parametr sterowania dla planu płatności w Internetowym kl.
centrum obsługii 756 Schemat płatności 757 Ustawienia podstawowe 758 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla schematu płatności 759 Definiowanie typu schematu płatności 760 Definiowanie przyczyny dezaktywacji 761 Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla schematu płatności 762 Przypisanie zakresu numerów do obiektu zakresu numerów
schematu płatności 763 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania schematu płatności w IC
WebClient 764

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______________________________________________________________ Określanie i zmiana kwoty 765 Definiowanie parametrów zaokrąglania 766 Definiowanie granic kwoty/ proc. dla dostos. schem. płatn.
podczas faktur. 767 Definiowanie granic procentowych dla ręcznych zmian schematu
płatności 768 Klienci ryczałtowi 769 Definiowanie okresów liczb 770
31.8 Usługi serwisowe dla klienta 772
31.8.1 Front Office 773 Definiowanie procesów Front-Office 774 Definiowanie kroków edytora Front-Office 776 Konfiguracja Front-Office 777
31.8.2 Centrum obsługi klienta 778 Definiowanie przeglądu klientów HTML 779 Definiowanie procesu dla dokumentów wpływających 781 Definiowanie procesu dla czynności oddzwonienia do klienta 783 Opracowanie ID Front-Office-Framework i parametrów 785 Definiowanie procesów Front-Office 788 Definiowanie kroków edytora Front-Office 790 Definiowanie funkcji zaznaczania 791 Definiowanie składników czynności automat. 792 Definiowanie otoczenia danych obszaru nawigacji 793 Dokonywanie ustawień dla składnika foldera wejściowego
Workflow 794 Definiowanie ustawień dla historii kontaktów 795 Opracowanie obszaru nawigacji i aplikacji 796 Definiowanie danych sterowania dla wywołań WebGUI 797 Definiowanie pasków symboli i definiowanych przez
użytkownika statusów GUI 798 Opracowanie składnika partnera handlowego 799
31.8.3 Informacja dla klienta 800 Definiowanie parametrów systemu dla historii zużycia 801 Konfiguracja historii zużycia 802 Konfiguracja wyświetlania otoczenia danych 803 Definiowanie przeglądu klientów HTML 804 Konfiguracja przeglądu klientów dla wyświetlania HTML
(poprz.) 806
31.8.4 Przetwarzanie operacji 807 Przypisanie właścicieli 808 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla przypisania właścicieli 809 Definiowanie wyboru pól dla przypisania właściciela 810

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie rodzaju przypisania właścicieli 813 Definiow. dodatk. czynności do automat. przypis. właścicieli 815 Przeniesienie umowy 816 Definiowanie protokołu informacyjnego 817 Definiowanie specjalnych wariantów przetw. dla przeniesienia
umowy 818 Definiowanie ogólnych wariantów przetwarz. dla przeniesienia
umowy 820 Przypisanie wariantów przetwarzania 821 Definiow. parametrów systemowych dla zawarcia i rozwiązania
umowy 822 Definiowanie przyczyn zmiany umowy 823 Definiowanie przyczyn zmiany odbiorcy 824 Definiowanie wyboru pól dla ekranu począt. - przetw.
przeniesienia umowy 825 Wybór pól partnerów handlowych dla ekranu zawarcia i
rozwiązania umowy 828 Wybór pól kont umowy dla ekranu zawarcia / rozwiązania umowy 829 Szybkie wprowadzanie 830 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla wstępnie wprowadzonych
dokumentów 831 Definiowanie dozwolonych wzorców umów 832 Definiowanie wariantów wstępnego wprowadzania 833 Przypisanie wariantów wstępnego wprowadzania 835 Ustawianie opóźnionego ponownego uruchomienia w monitorze
błędów IS-U 836 Opracow. tabeli komunikatów opóźn. ponownego uruch. monitora
błędów IS-U 838 Zawieranie umowy 839 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dok. zawarcia umowy 840 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dok. zawarcia umowy 841 Konfiguracja zakładki dla ekranu zawarcia umowy 842 Definiowanie not dla zawarcia umowy 844 Definiowanie wyboru pól dla zawarcia umowy - dane umowy 846 Definiowanie pisma powitalnego zawarcia umowy 849 Definiowanie param. sterowania zawarciem umowy na poz.
dokumentu 850 Definiowanie param. sterowania zawarciem umowy na poz. umowy 851 Definiowanie przyczyn zwolnienia z zabezpieczenia 852 Rozwiązywanie umowy 853 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dokumentów rozwiązania

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium> SAP AG

umowy 854 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dokumentów rozwiązania
umowy 855 Konfiguracja zakładki dla ekranu rozwiązania umowy 856 Definiowanie not dla rozwiązania umowy 858 Definiowanie pisma potwierdzającego rozwiązanie umowy 860 Definiowanie parametrów sterow. rozw. umowy na poz.
dokumentu 862 Definiowanie parametrów sterow. rozw. umowy na poz. umowy 863 Definiowanie przyczyn rozwiązania umowy bez jej zawierania 864 Odłączenie/Ponowne uruchomienie 865 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla dok. odłączenia 866 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla dok. odłączenia 867 Definiowanie not dla odłączenia 868 Definiowanie statusu potwierdzenia 870 Definiowanie wariantów przetwarzania dla dok. odłączenia 871 Definiowanie rodzajów odłączenia 873 Listy robocze i pozycje robocze 874 Definiowanie kategorii pozycji roboczej 875 Tworzenie przyczyn powtórnego przedłożenia dla pozycji
roboczych 876 Tworzenie przyczyn przypisania pozycji roboczych 877 Definiowanie kodów wyników 878 Definiowanie reguł wyceny dla przetwarzania list roboczych 879 Tworzenie specyfikacji dla szybkiego wyszukiwania 880 Opracowanie statusu podrzędnego 881 Opracowanie profilu czynności 882 Opracowanie czynności 883 Przypisanie czynności do profilu czynności 884 Przedpłata 885 Opracowanie wpisów dla licznika przedpłatowego 886 Opracowanie przyczyny reklamacji 887
31.8.5 Generator danych podstawowych 888 Definiowanie wzorca danych podstawowych 889
31.8.6 Marketing 891 Segmentacja partnerów biznesowych 892 Konfiguracja historii zużycia 893 Definiowanie danych standardowych dla segmentacji partnerów
handlowych 894 Załącznik do faktury 895 Konfiguracja załącznika do faktury 896 Programy lojalnościowe 897

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______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja wyświetlania konta programu lojalności 898 Definiowanie programów lojalnościowych 899 Definiowanie procesów gospodarczych 900 Definiowanie przyczyn niewykupienia punktów za lojalność 901 Definiowanie kategorii nagród za lojalność 902 Definiowanie nagród za lojalność 903
31.8.7 Integracja CRM 904 Definiowanie produktów domyślnych 905 Definiowanie ustawień podstawowych 906 Definiowanie wzorca danych podst. do generowania techn. ob.
dla prod. CRM 907 Przypisanie wzorca danych podst. rodzinom obiektów w celu
odczytu ob. tech. 908 Definiowanie odsyłacza do danych organizacyjnych CRM 909 Definiowanie odsyłacza do rodzajów operacji CRM 910 Ustawianie opóźnionego ponownego uruchomienia w monitorze
błędów IS-U 911 Opracow. tabeli komunikatów opóźn. ponownego uruch. monitora
błędów IS-U 913 Replikacja kontaktu 914 Dokonywanie centralnych ustawień mapowania 915 Definiowanie odwzorowania kierunku kontaktu 917 Definiowanie mapowania priorytetu kontaktu 918 Definiowanie mapowania ID tekstu 919 Zbiorcza zmiana produktu 920 Konfiguracja pojedynczych umów dot. zmiany produktu masowego 921 Definiowanie czynności związanych ze zmianą produktu
masowego 922 Zapamiętywanie wartości atrybutów dla konfigurowalnego
produktu 923 Propozycja produktu 924 Symulacja katalogu produktów 925 Definiowanie segmentu zużycia klienta 926 Definiowanie dozwolonych wymiarów dla typu medium 927 Wprowadzanie stanu licznika 928 Definiowanie parametrów dla możliwości zmiany wyników
odczytu 929
31.8.8 e-usługi dla klienta przedsiębiorstwa użyt. publ. (UCES) 930 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla koncepcji rozszerzenia UCES 931 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla wprowadzania stanu licznika
(e-usługi) 932

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______________________________________________________________ Konfiguracja anonimowego wprowadzania liczników 933 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla ogólnych rozszerzeń UCES 934 Usługa - dostosowanie planu rozliczania zaliczkowego 935 Dokonywanie ustawień dla usługi dostosowania planu
rozliczania zaliczkowego 936 Wprowadzanie ustawień dot. zaokrąglania kwot zaliczek 938 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi dostosowania planu
rozliczania zaliczkowego 939 Usługa dostosowania planu płatności 940 Dokonywanie ustawień usługi dostosowania planu płatności 941 Dokonywanie ustawień dla zaokrąglania kwot planu płatności 942 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi dostosowania planu płatności 943 Usługa dostosowania schematu płatności 944 Dokonywanie ustawień dla usługi dostosowania schematu
płatności 945 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi dostosowania schematu
płatności 946 Usługa - wyświetlanie przeglądu umowy 947 Wprowadzanie ustawień dla usługi wyświetlania przeglądu umów 948 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi przeglądu kontraktów 949 Usługa - symulacja faktury/faktura pośrednia 950 Ustawienia dla usługi symulacja faktury/rozliczenie
pośrednie 951 Usługa symulacji faktury: Definiowanie tekstu dla typu
taryfy 952 Usługa symulacji faktury: Definiowanie możl. zmiany typu
taryfy dla usługi 953 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla usługi symulacji faktury/faktury
pośredniej 954 Konfiguracja e-maila 955 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla konfiguracji wiadomości e-mail 956 Przypisanie formularzy PDF do procesów 957 BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla zmiany adresu 959 BAdi: E-mail potwierdzający dla wprowadzania danych karty
płatniczej 960 BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla zmiany danych karty
kredytowej 961 BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający usuwanie danych karty płatniczej 962 BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla wprowadzania danych banku 963 BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla zmiany danych banku 964 BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający dla usuwania danych banku 965 BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający zapłatę za nierozliczone faktury 966

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______________________________________________________________ BAdI: E-mail potwierdzający odwołanie polecenia zapłaty 967 Konfiguracja kontaktu z klientem 968 BAdI: Tworzenie kontaktów z klientem 969 Miejsce rozszerzenia dla tworzenia kontaktów 970 Przypisanie kontaktów z klientem 971
31.8.9 Definiowanie prezentacji obiektu 972
31.9 Work Management 973
31.9.1 Dane podstawowe 974 Definiowanie obiektów serwisu 975 Definiowanie poziomów zestawu dla obiektów serwisu 976 Przypisanie obiektów serwisu do medium i poziomu zestawu 977
31.9.2 Przetwarzanie 978 Zlecenia 979 Definiowanie kodów zlecenia 980 Przypisanie obiektów usługi do kodów zlecenia 982 Definiowanie ustalania zakładu i stanowiska roboczego dla
zleceń 983 Def. funkcji partnera i wskazówek dot. odczytu dla osób
odpow. za obiekt 985 Definiowanie profili siatki terminów 987 Przypisanie profili siatki terminów do stanowisk roboczych 988 Zawiadomienia 989 Definiowanie kodów zawiadomień 990 Definiowanie schematu działania 991 Definiowanie profili zawiadomień 992 Przypisanie profili zawiadomień do kodów zawiadomień 993 Definiowanie ustalania zakładu dla zawiadomień 994 Przygotowanie wydruku zleceń/ komunikatów z danymi IS-U 995 Przetwarzanie przyłącza 997 Definiowanie ustawień dla przetwarzania przyłącza 998 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dezagregacji SD/CS 100 Inspekcje 100 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania dla inspekcji 100 Definiowanie okresów inspekcji dla instalacji technicznych 100 Definiowanie okresów inspekcji dla urządzeń 100 Włączenie urządzenia do otoczenia danych lokalu i obiektu
przyłączonego 1005 Wyświetlanie danych inspekcji w urządzeniu 100 Przetwarzanie zezwolenia na zasilanie 100 Przypisanie katalogu, grupy kodów i kodu do zezwolenia 100 Definiowanie ustalania zezwolenia 101

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______________________________________________________________ Defin. gr. kodów i kodów dla zawiadomień o przerwie w dost. 101
31.9.3 Zarządzanie operacyjnymi aktywami trwałymi dla
przedsiębiorstw użyt. publ. 1012 Definiowanie numerów materiałów dla przetw. danych na
urządzeniu przenośnym 1013 Defin. numerów urządzeń dla przetw. danych na urządz. przen.
jako jednozn. 1014 Definiowanie sekcji dla stron przeglądu 101 Definiowanie danych zależnych od użytkownika dla okresowych
odczytów 1016 Definiowanie wartości domyślnych dla możliwych wpisów 101 Jednostki odczytu dla replikacji sterowanej przez Backend 101 Aktualizacja informacji dot. konta umowy w warstwie
pośredniej 1019
31.9.4 Interfejsy 102 Przypisanie typów IDOC do modułów funkcyjnych 102 GIS Business Connector 102 Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla GBC 102 Tworzenie relacji obiektu i opracowanie repozytorium metod
GIS 1024 Definiowanie zadań 102 Przypisanie pól i wartości 102
31.10 Gospodarka odpadami 102
31.10.1 Ustawienia podstawowe 102 Definiowanie typów potwierdzeń 102 Definiowanie rodzajów usług 103 Definiowanie obszarów usługi 103 Definiowanie not 103 Definiowanie frakcji odpadów 103 Definiowanie sterowania okresem dla wyborów 103 Wstępne przypisanie trybu przetwarzania dla transakcji
jednoekranowych 1035 BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla warunków ramowych dotyczących odpadów 103 Integracja SD 103 Dokonywanie ustawień dla integracji SD 103 Integracja CO 104 Aktywacja integracji CO dla kokpitu controllingu 104 Definiowanie typu rodzaju usługi dla podpozycji produktu
serwisowego 1044
31.10.2 Dane podstawowe 104 Obiekt do oczyszczania 104 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla obiektów do oczyszczania 104

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______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pola dla danych adresu 104 Definiowanie poziomów usług świadczonych zimą 105 Definiowanie metod oczyszczania 105 Definiowanie typów obiektów do oczyszczania 105 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla obiektów do
oczyszczania 1054 Powierzchnia 105 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla powierzchni 105 Definiowanie zakresów numerów lokalizacji funkcjonalnej dla
powierzchni 1057 Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pola dla danych adresu dot.
powierzchni 1058 Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pola danych pozycji dla
powierzchni 1059 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla właściwości 106 BAdI: Sprawdzanie adresu przy przypisaniu obiektu do
oczyszczania 1061 BAdI: Ogólne rozszerzenia dot. powierzchni 106 BAdI: Definicja specyficznych dla klienta rozszerzeń pól dla
powierzchni 1063 Pojazd 106 Definiowanie rodzajów obsługi pojemników 106 Przypis. atrybutów specyficznych dla gospodarki odpadami do
rodz. pojazdu 1067 Definicja roli partnera dla pojazdu 106 Pojemnik 106 Definiowanie sumy udziałów w pojemniku 107 Przypisanie rodzaju materiału do rodzaju grupy (pojemnika) 107 Trasa 107 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla tras 107 Opracowanie kalendarza dla gospodarki odpadami 107 Definiowanie zmian 107 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla tras 107 BAdI: Dostosowanie zależnych usług po zmianie trasy 107 Lokalizacja pojemnika 107 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla lokalizacji pojemników 107 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania - partner handlowy dla
lokaliz. pojemn. 1080 Definiowanie próby przypisania obiektu do lokalizacji 108 Definicja roli partnera dla osoby do kontaktów w lokalizacji
pojemnika 1082

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______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Ogólne rozszerzenia w zarządzaniu lokalizacjami

pojemników 1083 BAdI: Sprawdzanie czy trasa jest dozwolona dla usługi 108 Częstotliwość usług 108 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla częstotliwości usług 108 Definiowanie statusu klienta 108 Aktywacja kontroli niekompletności dla częstotliwości usług 108 Definiowanie grupowania usług 108 BAdI: Ogólne rozszerzenia dla częstotliwości usług 109 BAdI: Weryfikacja niekompletności częstotliwości usług 109 BAdI: Sprawdzanie czy trasa jest dozwolona dla usługi 109 Rozliczenie 109 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla współcz. rozliczenia dot.
usuw. odpadów 1097 Definiowanie czynników rozliczania odpadów 109 Definiowanie grupowania przedziału usługi 109 Definiowanie typów rozliczenia dot. usuwania odpadów 110 Przypisanie operandów do pól istotnych dla rozliczenia 110 Definiowanie umów ramowych dla gospodarki odpadami 110 Kontrola spójności danych rozliczenia specyf. dla usuwania
odpadów 1104 Definiowanie harmonogramowania dla naliczania opłat 110 Definiowanie pól istotnych do rozliczenia częstotliwości
usług 1107 Definiowanie procesów dla automatycznego storna korekty 110 BAdI: Rozszerzenia automatycznego storna dostosowania 111 BAdI: Rozszerzenia w procesie rozliczania 111 Rozliczenie z gwarantem 111 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla umów z gwarantem 111 Definiowanie typów gwaranta 111 Definiowanie pomocy wyszukiwania dla umowy z gwarantem 111 BAdI: Ogólne rozszerzenia umowy z gwarantem 111
31.10.3 Przetwarzanie zleceń usuwania odpadów 111 Business Add-Ins dla przetwarzania zleceń usuwania odpadów 111 Business Add-Ins kokpitu zleceń usuwania odpadów 111 BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "działanie" w obszarze roboczym 112 BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Obszar roboczy" 112 BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Zlecenie usuwania odpadów" 112 BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Pozycja zlecenia usuwania
odpadów" 1123 BAdI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Nota ważenia" 112 BadI: Rozszerzenie obiektu "Typ potwierdzenia" 112

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______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia kokpitu zlecenia usuwania odpadów 112 BAdI: Rozszerzenie obszaru roboczego 112 BAdI: Zlecenie usuwania odpadów w procesie potwierdzenia 112 BAdI: Pozycja zlecenia usuwania odpadów w procesie
potwierdzenia 1129 BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla potwierdzenia 113 BAdI: Rozszerzenia noty ważenia w procesie potwierdzania 113 BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla planowania zleceń usuwania odpadów 113 BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla tworzenia zleceń usuwania odpadów 113 BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla wyboru zleceń usuwania odpadów 113 BadI: Rozszerzenie dla potwierdzenia zleceń usuwania odpadów 113 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla zlecenia na usuwanie
odpadów 1136 Definiowanie rodzajów zleceń na usuwanie odpadów o dużych
wymiarach 1137 Definiowanie wskazówek dla potwierdzenia 113 Definiowanie statusu użytkownika 113 Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pól dla nagłówka zlecenia
usuwania odpadów 1141 Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pól dla pozycji zlecenia
usuwania odpadów 1143 Definiowanie aktualizacji statusu dla kokpitu zleceń
usuwania odpadów 1145 Opracowanie działań w tle dla zleceń usuwania odpadów wg
rodzajów usług 1147
31.10.4 Zakłady utylizacji odpadów 114 Dane podstawowe 114 Definiowanie dozwolonych odpadów dla zakładu oczyszczania 115 Definiowanie rodzajów zakładów oczyszczania 115 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla zakładów oczyszczania 115 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla blokad dostawy 115 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla kontroli wglądu 115 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla wprowadzania drobnicy 115 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla operacji w ramach
instalacji 1156 Definiowanie procedury pomiaru dla parametrów próbki 115 Definiowanie parametrów próbki 115 Definiowanie rodzajów zleceń dla zakładów oczyszczania 115 Definiowanie przypisania zawiadomienia PM dla protokołu
operacyjnego 1160 BAdI: Rozszerzenia obiektu "Odłączenie zasilania" 116

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Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium> SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ BAdI: Rozszerzenia obiektu "Próbki archiwalne" 116 BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla obiektu "Zakład utylizacji odpadów" 116 BAdI: Rozszerzenia wewnętrznego procesu instalacji 116 BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla obiektu "Protokół operacyjny" 116 Połączenie ważenia 116 Definiowanie profili sprzętu 116 Definiowanie sterowania profilem sprzętu 116 Definiowanie grup profili sprzętu 117 Definiowanie zakresu numerów dla dokumentów ważenia offline 117 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla operacji ważenia 117 Definiowanie zakresu numerów ulubionych dla szybkiego
wprowadzania wagi 1174 Definicja rodzaju danych ważenia 117 Definiowanie poziomu księgowania podczas szybkiego wprowadz.
danych ważenia 1176 Definicja dodatkowych wag - tara 117 Definiowanie wartości granicznych dla weryfikacji ilości
docelowych 1178 Definiowanie procesu front office dla pomocy wyszukiwania
dla ważenia 1179 Definiowanie sterowania wyborem pola dla szybkiego
wprowadzania wagi 1180 Definicja walidacji czasu trwania kontraktu SD 118 BAdI: Podział ilości podczas księgowania przyjęcia
materiałów 1183 BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla wprowadzania towarów drobnicowych 118 BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla szybkiego wprowadzania wagi 118 BAdI: Rozszerzenia dla ważenia offline 118
31.10.5 Usługi serwisowe dla klienta 118 Rozszerzone przetwarzanie SD 118 Definiowanie produktów serwisowych 119 Definiowanie wzorców danych podstawowych dla produktów
serwisowych 1192 Cechy dla produktów serwisowych, przypisanie materiałów SD 119 Wzorce danych podstawowych dla funkcji oferta, zlecenie,
umowa 1195 Definiowanie profili dla funkcji przetwarzania sprzedaży 119 Definiowanie specyficznych dla klienta typów zestawów
produktów serwisowych 1199 BAdI: Rozszerzenie dla układu propozycji produktu 120 BAdI: Rozszerzenia propozycji produktu 120 BAdI: Specyficzna dla klienta dokumentacja produktów

SAP AG xxix
Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium SAP AG

serwisowych 1205 BAdI: Tworzenie dokumentu SD na podstawie przetwarzania SD 120 BAdI: Implementacja produktu serwisowego 120
31.10.6 Interfejsy 120 Definiowanie formularza dla zapisu do pliku częstotl. serw. 120 Definiowanie formularza dla zapisu do pliku zlecenia
usuwania odpadów 1210 Integracja EH&S - Gospodarka odpadami 121 Przypisanie partnera handlowego i lokalizacji pojemnika 121
31.11 System informacyjny 121
31.11.1 Hurtownia danych gospodarczych 121
31.11.2 Statystyka 121 Statystyka zapasów 121 Definiowanie pól istotnych dla aktualizacji 121 Ustawianie statystyki zapasów 122 Statystyka operacji 122 Definiowanie pól istotnych dla aktualizacji 122 Statystyka sprzedaży 122 Podstawa danych 122 Struktury komunikacyjne 122 Rozszerzenie stuktury komunikacyjnej 122 Katalogi pól 123 Definiowanie katalogów pól 123 Struktury informacyjne 123 Definiowanie struktur informacyjnych 123 Wyświetlanie protokołu generowania dla struktur informac. 123 Narzędzia 123 Nowa struktura danych statystycznych 124 Aktualizacja 124 Definicja aktualizacji 124 Definiowanie wstępne poprzez grupy aktualizacji 124 Definiowanie grup aktualizacji 124 Definiowanie szczegółowe poprzez reguły aktualizacji 124 Definiowanie reguł aktualizacji 125 Definiowanie warunków 125 Definiowanie formuł 125 Wyświetlanie protokołu generowania dla reguł aktualizacji 126 Sterowanie aktualizacją 126 Aktywacja aktualizacji 126 Grupy statystyczne 126 Definiowanie grup statystycznych dla typów taryf 126

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium> SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Definiowanie grup statystyk dla umów 126 Definiowanie grup statyst. ilości 126 Definiwanie grup statyst. kwot 126 Grupa aktualizacji 127 Definiowanie ustalania grup aktualizacji 127 Definiowanie waluty statystyki dla każdej jednostki
gospodarczej 1274 Przypisanie jedn. miary rozliczenia do jedn. miary statyst. 127 Kontrola aktualizacji 127 Wyświetlanie protokołu aktualizacji 127 Symulacja aktualizacji 127 Sprawozdawczość 128 Analizy standardowe 128 Zmiana ustawień 128
31.12 Wymiana danych pomiędzy kilkoma przedsiębiorstwami 128
31.12.1 Ustawienia podstawowe 128 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania 128 Definiowanie obszaru serwisu 128 Definiowanie listy kodów dla zewnętrznych ID 128
31.12.2 Usługi 129 Definiowanie rodzajów serwisu 129
31.12.3 Procesy wymiany danych 129 Definiowanie procesów wymiany danych 129 Definiowanie wersji formatu transferu 129 Definiowanie rodzaju wysyłki IDoc 129
31.12.4 Dostawca usług 129 Definiowanie typu zewnętrznego ID dostawcy usług 129
31.12.5 Uzgodnienia z dostawcą usług 129 Definiowanie rodzajów uzgodnienia z dostawcą usług 130 Definiowanie pozycji parametrów w konfiguracji parametrów 130
31.12.6 Scenariusze dot. zasilania 130 Definiowanie scenariuszy dot. zasilania 130
31.12.7 Sterowanie komunikacją 130 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla IDOC 130 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla numerów referencyjnych 130 Aktywacja zdarzeń związanych z komunikacją 130 Definiowanie dozwolonych modułów funkcyjnych dla zdarzeń
dot. komunikacji 1309 Sterowanie komunikacją - komunikaty wejściowe 131 Przypisanie rodzaju liczydła 131 Przypisanie jednostek miary 131 Przypisanie rodzajów liniii dokumentu 131

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Sterowanie komunikacją - informacje wyjściowe 131 Definiowanie rodz. linii dokumentu istotnych dla komunikacji 131 Definiowanie pozycji rachunku bież. istot. dla komunikacji 131
31.12.8 Status zatwierdzenia 131 Definiowanie statusu zatwierdzania informacji dla partnera
gospodarczego 1318 Definiowanie statusu deregulacji 131 Definiowanie statusu zatwierdzania informacji dla instalacji 132
31.12.9 Zarządzanie procesem 132 Definiowanie wykorzyst. wariantów procesu do identyfikacji
miejsc dostawy 1322 Zawarcie umowy 132 Workflow 132 Zarządzanie statusem 132 Definiowanie statusu gospodarczego dla procesów workflow 132 Definiowanie statusu technicznego dla procesów workflow 132 Def. zakresów numerów dla procesów workflow dla zawarcia
umowy z usługodaw. 1328 Def. zakresów numerów dla funkcji workflow dla zawarcia
umowy z usługodawcą 1329 Definiowanie rodzaju zawarcia umowy 133 Określanie rodzaju zawarcia umowy 133 Zmiana dostawcy 133 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla numeru dokumentu wymiany 133 Definiowanie rodzajów terminów 133 Definiowanie workflow dla wglądu wymiany 133 Przypisanie działań dokumentu zmiany do komunikatów BPEM 133 Definiowanie obsługi wyjątków dla kontroli 133 Definiowanie wykorzystania kontroli pola obowiązkowego 133 Definiowanie warunków wypowiedzenia dla kontroli min. czasu
trwania umowy 1340
31.12.10 Wystawienie faktury (zagregowane) 134 Faktury własne 134 Wartości do tworzenia zagreg. faktury 134 Def. danych stand. w przypadku płatności reg. przez zewn.
dostawcę usług 1345 Definiowanie typu konta umowy dla fakturującego dostawcy
usług 1346 Definiowanie cechy grupowania zagreg. konta umowy 134 Definiow. danych standardowych dla zagregowanego księgowania
płatn. wych. 1348

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium> SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Faktury obce 134 Ustawienia podstawowe dla zagregowanego księgowania faktur
przychodzących 1350 Definiowanie danych stand. dla zagreg. księg. faktur
przychodzących 1351
31.12.11 Przetwarzanie faktury/ awiza 135 Dokonywanie ustawień podstawowych 135 Definiowanie sterowania procesem (część 1) 135 Definiowanie sterowania procesem (część 2) 136 Definiowanie oznaczenia składników faktur/awizów 136 Definiowanie przyczyn różnic 136 Definiowanie przyczyn stornowania 136 Definiowanie parametrów kontroli 136
31.12.12 Sterowanie płatnością 136 Częstotliwość płatności 136 Definiowanie częstotliwości wpłat 136 Opracowanie kalendarza zakładowego dla postul. daty płatn. 137 Definiowanie klas płatności 137 Definiowanie operacji istotnych dla transferu 137 Definiowanie typów faktur 137 Definiowanie parametrów dla rozdziału zagregowanych
płatności 1375 Specyfikacja algorytmów dla interpretacji pozycji awiza 137
31.13 Zaawansowana infrastruktura pomiarowa 137
31.13.1 Ustawienia podstawowe 137 Definiowanie funkcji zaawansowanego licznika 138 Definiowanie kodów statusu 138
31.13.2 Wysyłanie komunikatów 138 Definiowanie komunikatów tekstowych 138
31.13.3 Zarządzanie zdarzeniami 138 Definiowanie ustawień dla zarządzania zdarzeniem 138 Definiowanie kryteriów wyboru dla zarządzania zdarzeniem 139
31.13.4 Pomoce 139 Definiowanie kryteriów wyboru dla monitorowania 139
31.13.5 Interfejs czasu wykorzystania 139 Definiowanie grup formuł dla formuł TOU 139 Definiowanie grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu TOU 139 Definiowanie dni wyjątku dla grupy wyjątków dla interfejsu
TOU 1396 Grupa sezonów 139 Definiowanie rodzajów sezonu 139 Definiowanie bloków sezonów 140

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Przetwarzanie formuły CzW 140 Opracowanie interfejsu TOU 140
31.14 Narzędzia 140
31.14.1 Monitorowanie przebiegów zbiorczych 140 Ukrywanie komunikatów EMMA w przypadku pomyślnego wykonania 140 Aktywacja monitorowania przebiegów zbiorczych 140 Przypisanie obiektów gospodarczych do zawiadomień 140
31.14.2 Migracja 140 Definiowanie ustawień dla migracji IS-U 141
31.14.3 Transport 141 Transport danych podstawowych rozliczenia 141
31.14.4 Archiwizacja 141 Aktywacja struktur informacyjnych archiwum 141 Definiowanie czasu przechowywania dla obiektów archiwizacji 141 Definiowanie czasu przechowywania dla danych faktury/awiza 141 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania archiwizacją 141 Definiowanie parametrów sterowania archiwizacją danych
zapytania MDUS 1418
31.14.5 Modyfikacje systemowe 141 Rozszerzenia SAP 142 Definiowanie rozszerzeń SAP 142 Business Add-Ins 142 Przegląd dostępnych Business Add-Ins (Opracowanie definicji) 142 Implementacja Business Add-Ins (Opracowanie implementacji) 142 Wybór pól 142 Wybór pól 142 Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla
przypisań urządzeń 1428 Definiowanie rodzajów przypisań urządzenia 142 Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla
relacji liczydeł 1431 Definiowanie rodzajów relacji liczydeł 143 Definiow. dopuszczalnych relacji liczydeł dla typów medium 143 Definiowanie kodu operacji w obrębie relacji liczydła 143 Definiowanie kodu operacji dla każdej relacji liczydła 143 Definiowane przez użytkownika kontrole wiarygodności 144 Definiowane przez użytkownika niezależne kontrole
wiarygodności 1443 Definiowanie niezal. kontroli wiarygodności przez użytk. 144 Przypisanie kontroli wiaryg. zdef. przez użytk. do mod.
funk. 1445

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium> SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Przypisanie niezależnych kontroli wiaryg. do klas kontroli 144 Definiowane przez użytkownika zależne kontrole wiarygodności 144 Definiowanie zależnych kontroli wiarygodności przez użytk. 144 Przypisanie kontroli wiaryg. zdef. przez użytk. do mod.
funk. 1449 Przypisanie zależ.kontr.wiaryg.zdef.przez użyt. do gr.kontr. 145 Def. przez użytk. rozszerz. funkcji dla zarządzania danymi
dot. energii 1451 Systemy pochodzenia 145 Definiowanie zakresów numerów dla systemu źródłowego 145 Definiowanie systemów źródłowych 145 Długości przedziałów 145 Definiowanie długości przedziałów 145 Przypisanie profilu 145 Definiowanie kontekstu dla przypisania profilu 145 Formuły 146 Definiowanie trybu obliczania 146 Definiowanie metody ustalania dla zmiennych 146 Definiowanie wartości domyślnych 146 Definiowanie formuły 146 Funkcje wynikowe 146 Definiowanie funkcji wyniku 146 Definiowanie rodzajów informacji 146 Funkcje modyfikacji dynamicznej dla profili syntetycznych 146 Definiowanie funkcji dla obliczania współczynników modyf.
dynamicznej 1470 Bilansowanie 147 Definiowanie typu jednostki bilansowania 147 Definiowanie parametrów bilansowania 147 Definiowanie etapów bilansowania 147 Definiowanie procedury bilansowania 147 Definiowanie rodzajów wyboru 147 Analizy 147 Funkcja analizy dla deregulacji 147 Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla
rozliczenia 1480 Definiowane przez użytkownika warianty programów 148 Definiowanie rodzajów linii dokumentu 148 Definiowanie programu wariantu 148 Framework dla uproszczonej korekty linii dokumentu 148 Ustawienia podstawowe (aktywacja funkcjonalności) 148 Definicja indywidualnych metod korekty 148

Informacje o wersji Katalog repozytorium SAP AG
______________________________________________________________ Specyficzne dla klienta typy scenariusza symulacji 148 Definiowanie puli kontrolnej dla rozliczenia 148 Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla
fakturowania 1490 Definiowanie puli kontrolnej dla fakturowania 149 Definiowane przez użytkownika rozszerzenie funkcji dla IDE 149 Definiowanie rodzajów poziomów sieci 149 Definiowanie wymiany danych - procesy podstawowe 149 Def. podst. procesu wymiany danych dla komunikacji zorient.
na usł. (eSOA) 1496 Definiowanie formatów transferu 149 Definiowanie procesów deregulacji 149 Definiowanie wariantów procesu dla identyfikacji miejsc
dostawy 1499 Scenariusze dot. zasilania 150 Definiowanie metody ustalania dla dostawcy usług 150 Zmiana dostawcy 150 Definiowanie rodzajów wymiany 150 Definiowanie wglądów wymiany 150 Definiowanie działań wymiany dostawców 150 Definiowanie statusu wymiany dostawców 150 Definiowanie kontroli 150 Dane komunikatu 150 Ustalanie statusu przetwarzania 150 Definiowanie statusu odpowiedzi 151 Definiowanie procedury współczynnika korekty objętości 151 Definiowanie kategorii 151 Definiowanie przyczyny transakcji 151 Definiowanie kontroli pola 151 Definiowanie zdarzenia dot. komunikacji 151 Definiowanie rodzajów warunków 151 Pola użytkownika 151 Definiowanie przez użytkownika pól dot. miejscowości i ulicy 151
31.15 Zarządzanie uprawnieniami 152
31.15.1 Definiowanie uprawnień 152


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