Long Island Rail Road/Vanderbilt Yard/ Carlton Avenue Bridge
Long Island Rail Road/Vanderbilt Yard/ Carlton Avenue Bridge
Long Island Rail Road/Vanderbilt Yard/ Carlton Avenue Bridge
of upcoming construction activities, ESD and Forest City Ratner provide the following outline of anticipated upcoming construction activities. Please note: the scope and nature of activities are subject to change based upon field conditions. In addition, during the utility work water shut-offs may be required; these shut downs are done under the oversight of DEP and property owners will be given advance notice. All work has been approved by appropriate City and State agencies where required. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our project ESD at: 212-803-3233 or AtlanticYards@empire.state.ny.us Weeks covering July 4, 2011 through July 17, 2011
Long Island Rail Road/Vanderbilt Yard/ Carlton Avenue Bridge Asbestos abatement of the old car shop boiler and its associated piping (specifically at the east end of Block 1121 and at the far east end of the car shop) may begin during this reporting period depending upon when the applicable permit is received. The contractor has filed all the required paperwork and permits. Once these permits are in hand, work will commence. General Excavation and soil removal work will continue during the reporting period. In conjunction with this, additional soil characterization work will be conducted within the former Electric Car Shop and Block 1121. This soil characterization will be done utilizing both test pits dug by an excavator and by a specialized drill rig doing borings. All results will be used to determine final disposition of the excess soil to be removed as a result of construction activity. Posillico/Tully will continue to receive deliveries of material for lagging, tie back and mini pile pipe for the car shop during this reporting period. Work associated with drilling the mid block SOE piles continue during this reporting period. This work is located on the south side of the jobsite located in block 1120. Drilling of tiebacks will commence in various areas of the yard (BL1120 and BL1121). These tiebacks are drilled by small rigs, and are required at several elevations as excavation and lagging continue to the final depth of the yard subgrade. Once started, Tieback drilling will continue for several months.
Em pi re State D eve lo p m en t Co rp o rati on
633 Third A venue New York New York 10017 T el 212 803 3100 Web Sit e: www.empire.state.ny.us
Work related to the fit out of Block 1129 (related to staging) continues. Work entails the installation of water, sewer and electric service to the new location of the LIRR Maintenance of Equipment department trailers. These trailers are located on the east end of this block at Vanderbilt Avenue and Pacific Street. Posillico/Tully will continue to drill Mini-Pile for load test in the CAB north abutment area. Posillico/Tully continues to install a line of 17 drilled piles located in the area of the former gas station located on block 1121, lot 42. All but 5 of these piles have been drilled. This work has recommenced after being halted due to an incident where soil and small stones were projected beyond the property line. An improved shield has been fabricated to prevent recurrence of this type of incident. A construction fence was installed previously and will be maintained during all construction activities in this area. Work is expected to be completed during this reporting period. Posillico/Tully has started preparatory work for the drilling of the car shop mini piles. MPT has been put in place, and openings are being core-drilled in the sidewalk. Once that preparatory work is complete the drill rig used for this work will be mobilized on Atlantic Avenue within the MPT between Carlton Ave & Vanderbilt Ave. All DOT permits are in place. This work, once started, is scheduled to take approximately 2 months. New MPT will be put in place for the south abutment soil excavation from Pacific Street. The exact location is in the intersection of Carlton Avenue & Pacific Street. This will not have an impact on the traffic flow at this intersection. Additional soil characterization work will be conducted during this reporting period within the former Electric Car Shop and Block 1121. This soil characterization will be completed by test pits conducted by an excavator and or drill rig. All results will be used to determine final disposition of the excess soil to be removed as a result of construction activity.
Environmental Remediation Soil that has been classified as clean, contaminated or hazardous will be removed from the site as part of the excavation activities and brought to appropriate disposal locations. Where excavation and soil moving activities occur in areas of known Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (BL 1119, lot 1 & 64, BL 1118, lot 1 and BL 1127, lot 1) VOC monitoring will be performed as required in the Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) and VOC Best Monitoring Practices documents. CAMP monitoring is continuing on all areas of soil disturbance per the project plan, including excavation, grading and demolition.
Cleanup of the standing water and oil mixture in the basement at the one-story structure affiliated with 752 Pacific Street has been completed. Sub-slab soil samples have been collected for laboratory analyses; results are currently pending. The remaining aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), which have been cleaned, are scheduled to be removed during future demolition work. All waste generated from the AST cleaning and previously stored paint cans/drums have been removed from the Site. All work is being completed in accordance with and under jurisdiction of the DEC. The final groundwater injection performance monitoring sample round has been completed at Block 1127 Lot 1. All work was completed under jurisdiction of the DEC.
Infrastructure On behalf of the DEP, FCRC is managing the installation of new water trunk main and associated distribution mains on Flatbush and Atlantic Avenues. The work is divided into three stages. o Stage One is the work on the west side of Flatbush, north of the Atlantic intersection, continuing across Flatbush to the edge of the transit improvements on the arena block. This is called Stage One because the design of this section was critical to the remaining two stages. The actual installation will follow Stage Two. o Stage Two is the work along the south side of Atlantic Ave from a location just west of the former 5th Avenue bed, running eastward to a location west of the 6th Avenue intersection. o Stage Three is the area between Stages One and Two, across Flatbush Avenue and the top of the future new transit station improvements. The installation of the new trunk water main in Stage Two on the south side of Atlantic Avenue east of the Fort Green intersection is complete. Contractors completed the cleaning operation in this section. A section of Atlantic Avenue at Cumberland was excavated to allow reconnection of the pipes and resumption of the water flow. During the next two week period a cap or bulkhead will be installed on the west end of the main, west of the Ft. Green intersection. When the cap is installed the Cumberland valve will be opened to allow flow. All work will be performed behind MPT. Over the next few months, POEs (points of entry) will be installed between the new sewer main on the south side of Atlantic and east side of Flatbush and the arena foundation wall. This work will be performed behind MPT. During the course of utility installation work, the contractor may encounter unforeseen contaminants, underground storage tanks or other structures. In the event that this happens and where appropriate, notification will be given to the DEC, VOC monitoring will be continuously performed, and remediation steps will be implemented.
Demolition Applications for demolition permits for 768 Pacific and 603 Dean and an Alt-2 alteration permit to remove a one-story addition on the east side of 752 Pacific were approved. Work will begin during the upcoming two-week period. Work will be completed through a combination of hand demolition at the top and edges to reduce the building to an extent that mechanical demolition is deemed safe. Mitigation Site Work The FEIS requires the construction of certain roadway, sidewalk and traffic signal improvements prior to arena opening to mitigate traffic projected in the area. Work will be divided into two seasons summer/fall 2011 and spring/summer 2012. The details of the work have been reviewed with City agencies, Community Boards and the general public. The first element of the 2011 work includes the installation of curb extensions at the Pacific/4th Avenue and Pacific/Flatbush intersections and the reversal of traffic from westbound to eastbound on Pacific between 4th and Flatbush Avenues. Permits for this work have been secured and work has commenced. During the next two week period the layout for four intersections will be completed, the curbs will be installed at the Pacific Street and Flatbush Avenue new signal poles will be installed. This phase of the work is expected to take approximately 5 to 6 weeks.
Arena Hunt has demobilized the access ramp at Dean Street and Flatbush Avenue. This gate will no longer accept primary deliveries. The main gate and delivery ramp is now and will remain for the future at Pacific Street and 6th Avenue. The access route to the Pacific gate remains posted at the site and is the same as it has been throughout the project. Waterproofing and backfilling along the outside of the arena Atlantic Avenue foundation wall will continue, subject to weather conditions, during this reporting period. Steel deliveries and steel erection will continue throughout this reporting period. Precast concrete stadia erection will continue during this reporting period. Excavation for the footings and walls will continue within the footprint of the arena during this reporting period. Large scale excavation has halted with the removal of the Dean Street ramp and will resume only when the Pacific Street ramp is removed, which is projected to be March 2012. The Pacific Street ramp concrete is on hold during this reporting period.
VOC monitoring as required by the CAMP continues. Installation of footings and perimeter walls is continuing at the southeast corner of arena site. The application of waterproofing to the foundation walls from 6th Avenue at Pacific Street starting north and then west down Atlantic Avenue will continue during this reporting period, as weather allows. Backfilling at these locations will follow the waterproofing and is expected to continue during this reporting period. Layout/installation related to the underground plumbing will continue within the arena footprint. Underground plumbing will continue within the arena footprint including in controlled access zones beneath the structural steel erection as needed this period. The spray fireproofing will continue throughout this reporting period. performing this work will use temporary electric to power their equipment. The contractor
The masonry contractor will continue working at the Event Level and at the Main Concourse Level during this reporting period. Pile installation and SOE is expected to continue during this reporting period, during the week of July 5th and July 12th. Underground electrical installation will continue as needed during this reporting period. This work is taking place within the entire arena footprint where the concrete foundations and footings are being poured and beneath the structural steel erection within control access zones. The maintenance of the site to accommodate steel erection will continue during this period. Steel erection will continue near the intersection of Dean Street & Flatbush Avenue as well as along the 6th Avenue elevation throughout this reporting period. The placement of concrete on metal deck (SOD) will continue during this reporting period. Lathing (rebar placement) work will continue on the superstructure decks prior to concrete placement in this period. The drywall framing & construction subcontractor (GWB) will continue layout of walls during this reporting period and has started placement of the top wall track at the suite levels. The placement of slab on grade (SOG) concrete will continue within the arena site at the event level during this reporting period. Installation of ductwork at the Event Level will continue during this reporting period. Installation of ductwork at the Main Concourse and Suite Levels will continue during this reporting period. The faade erector will continue the installation of erection clips on the Atlantic Avenue elevation during this reporting period. 5
Preparation for the erection / installation of a material hoist near the intersection of Ft. Greene & Atlantic Avenue will continue during this reporting period. Modifications to the existing MPT will not be required. The placement of additional geo-textile fabric and stone on Block 1129 to assist with dust control and maintenance of streets will continue during this reporting period. Precast concrete risers, tubs and vomitory wall deliveries to the lay down area east of 752 Pacific Street will continue this period. Occupancy/Use of the laydown area due south of the 752 Pacific Street office will continue during this period. Excavation materials from the Dean Street ramp are being temporarily stored in this lot and are expected to remain for two to six months. Access is via Pacific Street via approved truck routes. During the course of the excavation work, the contractor may encounter unforeseen contaminants, underground storage tanks or other structures. In the event that this happens and where appropriate, notification will be given to DEC, VOC monitoring will be continuously performed while excavating these materials and remediation steps will be implemented. The arena contractors are coordinating their concrete placement and structural steel activities on the Atlantic Avenue elevation with the utility contractors water main installation within this same zone, inside the MPT barrier that is already in place. Weekend work will be scheduled no later than close of business on the preceding Thursday, where makeup work due to weather or other delays makes it necessary. Subject to receipt of permits, a second shift will be continued throughout this reporting period, from 3 11 PM, Monday-Friday only. Hunt and FCRC have reviewed and are considering actions to supplement the site and adjacent neighborhoods rodent protection activities. Hunt has more than 225 rodent bait stations within the area work site and Block 1129 that are being monitored and maintained.
NYC Transit Improvements Work has now progressed at the tip of the site and the demolition of the IRT foundation wall continues. The last remaining sections of concrete floor slabs will continue over the next month in this area. The concrete at the center section over the BMT Tunnel has been completed. Concrete placement is currently underway at the new walls to support the future new staircase -- the north, east and south walls have been completed. Waterproofing behind the foundation walls is in process and backfill will then follow. Walls to tie to the existing structure will then follow at the tip as the construction progresses.
Vibration and Tilt sensors have been installed and are being monitored per NYCT requirements. IRT and BMT Tunnel inspections have taken place and repair work will be implemented during scheduled NYCT track outages during evenings and weekends. BMT Track Outages (G.O.s) were conducted on March 5th, March 12th and April 16th. Additional GOs for both the IRT and BMT will be evaluated as the work progresses. The next IRT GO is schedule for the weekend of July 9th which will occur within this reporting period. In the event the work is not completed a GO will be conducted on the weekend of July 23rd. The next BMT GOs will take place in September and October and are currently being scheduled with NYCT. Minor repair and cleanup work will occur on selective evenings under scheduled NYCT flagging protection. Permits have been secured for the portions of the street immediately adjacent to the Tip of the project area. Concrete plank/decking in the roadway (at the corner of Flatbush and Atlantic) is now complete. This work is being done to allow the Fare Control Area excavation & demolition to continue below the street. Traffic will be restored every morning according to DOT stipulations. Barricades have now been installed at the southern end of the IRT platforms as approved by NYCT. Minor mechanical, electrical and plumbing work within the subway station below ground is underway to accommodate new station configuration. Structural steel erection at the main transit entrance area is now complete where the staircase/elevator will be installed. Steel installation at the lower levels of the BMT mezzanine is in progress. Once the concrete work is completed at the tip of the site, steel erection will take place in this area as well as over the new entrance to the BMT connection. Work at the southern vent shafts along Flatbush Avenue will continue during this reporting period. Permanent Changes to Roadway Network on Fourth Avenue & Pacific Street As part of the transportation improvements related to the Atlantic Yards project, beginning on or around July 29, 2011, the following changes will be made to the roadway network: Fourth Avenue (between Atlantic & Flatbush Avenues only) will be converted to one-way southbound to improve traffic flow at the Flatbush Avenue/Atlantic Avenue/Fourth Avenue intersection. Pacific Street (between Fourth & Flatbush Avenues only) will be reversed, changing from one-way westbound to one-way eastbound. To accommodate this change, a new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Pacific Street & Flatbush Avenue, as will a new crosswalk across Flatbush Avenue. Vehicles will be able to make right or left turns onto Flatbush Avenue at this location. This block can be accessed from both northbound and southbound Fourth Avenue. Fourth Avenue northbound traffic, including all commercial vehicles, can use Third Avenue via Atlantic Avenue to access Flatbush Avenue.
Pacific Street will offer secondary access to Flatbush Avenue. No through truck traffic will be permitted on Pacific Street.
Anticipated Night Time & Weekend Work During this reporting period the following work will be performed either at night or during the weekend as noted. All work will be done pursuant to approved permits: Long Island Rail Road/Vanderbilt Yard/ Carlton Avenue Bridge: o As of May 2nd, yard construction hours are 6am 4:30pm. o In addition, as of Saturday May 7, 2011, construction work will take place on Saturdays during the hours of 7am 5:30pm for a period of at least three months. Work will consist of the installation of SOE piles along the south side of the jobsite within block 1120 & 1121; along the bump on Block 1120 (Lots 19, 28 and 35) and near the former gas station on Block 1121, lot 42. Arena Site: Arena weekend work will be scheduled no later than close of business on the preceding Thursday, where make-up work due to weather or other delays makes it necessary. Saturday work is expected to continue for this reporting period. Subject to receipt of permits, a second shift will be continued throughout this reporting period, from 3 11 PM, Monday-Friday only. The Developer has been requested to advise ESDC and STV of what contractors will be working over the weekend and what they will be working on. NYC Transit Improvements: o Temporary concrete road decking is substantially complete, however, in the event there is a need to do any related work, such work will be performed at night per DOT regulations. Traffic will be restored every morning according to DOT stipulations. o Concrete and steel repair work will be conducted in the IRT Subway tunnel under a GO for the weekend of July 9th through the morning of July 11th. All work associated with this GO will take place below grade within the tunnel. o Work related to demolition of BMT structure and below grade concrete, steel and MEP work may be conducted on Saturdays, July 9th and 16th, during this reporting period. All such work will take place within the site. Demolition: o None anticipated at this time. Block 1129 staging arena: o Contractors conducting night work may have cause to enter and exit this area as it serves as a staging and material/equipment storage area.
During the course of work, conditions may be encountered at the site which may warrant the need for night and/or weekend work. Work will be done pursuant to approved permits.
Community Liaison Office (CLO) Persons seeking access should do so from Carlton Avenue. Both the CLO phone line (866-9235315) and email (communityliaison@atlanticyards.com) are operational and community residents are encouraged to use both when making inquiries about the project.
768 Pacific
Block 927
5 AV
18 13 12 11 192021 22 10 1
29 30 33 51 50
4 2 1 87 85 89 88 86
Block 1127
55 56 54
48 47 45 48 46 43
13 81
Block 1129
25 62
Block 1128
3 1
5 4 4
46 44 39 43 45 49 50 54
603 Dean
as of MAY 9, 2011
6 AV
Block 1118
Block 1119
16 1
2122 24 23 25 27 6
Block 1120
Block 1121
Block 927
Block 1119
6th AVE.
Block 1118
Block 1120
Block 1121
Block 1127
Block 1128
Block 1129
E AV .
36''/ 48'' Trunk Water Main 12'', 16'', & 20" Water Main & 12'' Distribution Main