Time to Delamination (TMA Method)
Date Revision
IPC-TM-650 Originating Task Group
TEST METHODS MANUAL MIL-P-13949 Test Methods Task Group (7-11b)
1.0 Scope This method describes the method for deter- 5.1.2 Specimens shall be cut to the specified size using
mining the time to delamination of laminates and printed appropriate procedures and equipment to minimize mechani-
boards through the use of a thermomechanical analyzer cal stress or thermal shock.
5.1.3 The edges shall be smooth and burr-free by means on
2.0 Applicable Documents sanding or equivalent (to allow the specimen to rest com-
pletely flat on the mounting stage). Use care to minimize
IPC-TM-650 Method 2.4.24, Glass Transition Temperature
stress or heat on the specimen.
and Z-Axis Thermal Expansion by TMA.
5.1.4 The specimen shall be preconditioned by baking for 2
3.0 Test Specimens
hours at 105 ±2°C [221 ±3.6°F], then cooled to room tem-
perature in a dessicator.
3.1 Size Specimens shall be approximately 6.35 mm x
6.35 mm [0.25 in x 0.25 in] by the thickness of the sample.
5.2 Measurement
3.2 Quantity and Sampling Unless otherwise specified,
5.2.1 Remove the specimen from the dessicator and place
two specimens shall be tested, to be taken from random loca-
the specimen on the stage of the TMA taking care that the
tions of the material in question.
sample is centered and resting flat on the stage.
4.0 Apparatus or Material
5.2.2 Lower the TMA’s probe onto the specimen and apply
4.1 Drying Chamber Air circulating oven capable of main- a force of 0.005 Newtons [5g]; then lower the furnace into
taining 105 ±2°C [221 ±3.6°F]. place around the stage.
4.2 Cutting Equipment Diamond blade or wheel, sanding 5.2.3 Start the temperature ramp (or scan) from an initial
equipment, or equivalent, to provide a specimen of the size temperature no higher than 35°C [95°F].
and edge quality specified.
5.2.4 Maintain the scan at the specified rate. Unless other-
4.3 Desiccator Dessication chamber capable of maintain- wise specified, the scan rate shall be 10°C/minute (see 6.4).
ing an atmosphere less than 30% RH at 23°C [73.4°F].
5.2.5 After the scan reaches the specified isothermal tem-
4.4 Tester Thermal Mechanical Analyzer (TMA) capable of perature, hold at that temperature for 10 minutes or to failure.
determination of dimensional change to within ±0.0025 mm Unless otherwise specified, the isothermal temperature shall
be 260°C [500°F].
[0.0001 in] over the specified temperature range.
If the instrument allows real time display of the data, terminate
5.0 Procedure the experiment after evidence of delamination is displayed.
Material in this Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of the IPC. This material is advisory only
and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary. IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use, application, or adaptation of this Page 1 of 2
material. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement.
Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by the IPC.
Number Subject Date Time to Delamination (TMA Method) 12/94
Figure 1
the isotherm is reached. In this case, the temperature at the 6.3 The Tg of the material may be obtained from this test,
time of failure shall be recorded. which is similar to Method 2.4.24. It should be noted that the
Tg so obtained is a ‘‘first pass’’ value.
5.4 Report
6.4 A faster ramp rate will decrease the time to run, provide
5.4.1 Report the Time to Delamination as determined in 5.3. some greater distinction between materials, and provide a
Report the time at which any other plot event has taken place closer equivalence to the Thermal Stress test,
which was not determined to be irreversible. A rate of 100°C/minute [212° F/minute] is recommended for
such determinations.
5.4.2 Report the configuration of the sample (e.g., whether
external or internal foil is present).
6.0 Notes
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