1.0 Soalan 1 Pendekatan-pendekatan pengajaran Pendidikan Moral. 1.1 Pemupukan nilai 1.2 Pendekatan bertimbang rasa 1.3 Pendekatan rasional 1.4 Pendekatan tindakan sosial 1.5 Pendekatan perkembangan moral kognitif 1.6 Pendekatan penjelasan nilai 1.7 Pendekatan analisis nilai 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2.0 Rancangan Pengajaran Harian Pendidikan Moral ( Tahun 3 ) Rujukan / Bibliografi Lampiran
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Haslina bt Harun
Bersyukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana dengan limpah kurniaNya saya dapat menyiapkan tugasan yang diberikan mengikut masa yang telah ditetapkan. Saya telah berusaha dengan penuh komitmen untuk menyiapkan tugasan ini sebaik mungkin.Ucapan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada Encik Adnan Bin Baharom yang banyak memberi bimbingan, panduan dan tunjuk ajar kepada saya dalam usaha untuk menyudahkan tugasan ini. Tidak lupa juga kepada rakan-rakan yang banyak membantu dalam usaha
menyempurnakan tugasan ini.Apa yang pasti, yang baik itu datangnya dari Allah S.W.T. dan kelemahan itu datangnya daripada saya. Saya memohon maaf sekiranya terdapat sebarang kekurangan dan kelemahan dalam tugasan ini .
Haslina bt Harun
Question 1 As a mathematics teacher, give five reasons why problem solving skills should be emphasized in mathematics curriculum. Explain clearly with examples of the daily life situation to support your arguments.
Mathematical problem solving is a complex cognitive activity involving a number of processes and strategies. Problem solving has two stages: problem representation and problem execution. Successful problem solving is not possible without first representing the problem appropriately. Appropriate problem representation indicates that the problem solver has understood the problem and serves to guide the student toward the solution plan. Students who have difficulty representing math problems will have difficulty solving them. Early exposure to problem-solving processes to young school children will promote critical thinking at an early age. Introduction to different strategies in problem solving will give ideas and encourage young children to solving mathematical problems, and later to apply the acquired skills to solve real life problems. Problem solving is important in math curriculum because problem solving can be used to develop tools of thinking that will provide framework of actions/thoughts that can be manipulated and utilized by students to confront and overcome the ever-changing knowledge base. Students can develop and improvised ways to overcome anxieties and learning difficulties [in math] by using all the declarative and the procedural knowledge and with it have fun and be contented in learning the subject [math]. Problem solving let students discover, explore and learn on their own the facts/information about any given topics. It lets the students to have the means of being creative, innovative, inquisitives and adventurous in trying to learn the topics in varied manners and approaches. In other words students are taught on how to acquire or gain knowledge by themselves and not only by being the inactive participants in a teaching learning activities [as in a teacher centered approach] using instructions or demonstrations. Problem solving will make student go for the answers by trying to get them on their own using multiple types of techniques and methods rather than totally relying on the memorization or using the usual ways of tracking previously learned ways. They are not going to rely on recalling and reenacting the process in trying to get to the answers and so the students will have to really rely and use their critical and creative thinking often and continuously and in order to find ways and means to get the answers. 3
Introduction To Mathematics Education HBMT 1103
Haslina bt Harun
Problem solving will lead and let students learn to read math. What it means here is that math learning will be much awaited affair as student will lose the fear of learning math. Students can easily learn math by making or creating models to solve standard problems in 3 simple stages: [1] develop specific skills [2] assign set of practices and [3] solve variety of verbal problems.Problem solving can be an integral part of learning math as it can help students build math understanding as problem solving can cut across the curriculums content areas. It means that problem solving can let students tackle all the aspects of the topics covered. Problem solving provides links and relevancies to the students as what they have learned in schools can and should be used in real life situations. Problem solving provides challenges, excitements, and interests as the students will perform better and have better attitude towards math. They will achieve better success and will be more thrilled knowing that they had gotten the answers themselves and be proud and content with what they had done. Problem solving allows and permits students to develop their skills and abilities to manipulate other learned knowledge/skills to solve math problems. Problem solving will let students learn and practice lateral and heuristic thinking and practical reasoning in overcoming math problems and thus make learning math more exciting and challenging. Problem solving allows students to monitor, gauge, assess and reflect the process/techniques in solving math problems as students can keep track and check their progress. In other words problem solving will make the students aware of their ventures and headings.
Haslina bt Harun
Question 2 Construct TWO words problems based on any topics from Mathematics Sllabus Year 5. Derive clearly the suitable strategies to solve the problems. (Refer Module: 6.2.1 Strategies of problems solving in Mathematic or other reading)
Haslina bt Harun
Question 3 Use the questions in (b) as ashort quiz for Year 6 pupils in the classroom (20 30 pupils). Mark their answer and record the score. Attach the question paper and their answer sheets as proof.
Haslina bt Harun
Question 4 Select the pupils that failed to answer correctly for any given. Describe clearly theirs errors using Newmans ErrorAnalysis Procedure (Refer Moule: 6.3 Newmans Analysis Procedure). Analyse the different errors that were made.
Haslina bt Harun
Question 5 Do e reflection on your findings, Based on your undestanding and other readings, explain and conclude in detail, in your opinion, the effective stratgies in teaching Mathematics words problems in the classroom. As we known, children have a difficult time solving math word problems. However to develop a basic understanding of math they need to learn how to solve even the most difficult math problem. These difficult math problems are typically, word problems. Teaching children how to solve word problems in math is critical if they are to develop full understanding of math. Children can typically solve a math problem presented in numbers and equations. However when the same math problem is written in a paragraph or sentence format, many children h ave difficulty sorting the important information from the distracting information. It is not the fact they cannot solve the math problem in most cases, it is simply they do not know a plan or strategy for solving the problem. The key to solving math word problems is to have a plan or strategy, which works in any math word problem solving situation. For children having problems with math word problems, the following 12 tips are provided for helping children become good problem solvers. Read the problem carefully looking for clues and important information. Write down the clues, underline, or highlight the clues. If necessary, rewrite the problem to help find these clues. Look for clues to determine which math operation is needed to solve the problem, for example addition, subtraction, etc. Look for key words like sum, difference, product, perimeter, area, etc. They lead to the operation needed to solve the problem. Look for what is needed solve the problem, for example: how many will are left, the total will be, everyone gets red, everyone gets one of each, etc. Use variable symbols, such as X for missing information. Eliminate all non-essential information by drawing a line through distracting information. Draw sketches, drawings, and models to see the problem. Is the word problem similar to a previous work, if so how was it solved. Develop a plan based on the information determined to be important for solving the problem. Carry out the plan using the math operations which were determined would find the answer. 8
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Haslina bt Harun
Does the answer seem reasonable, if it does then it is probably ok if not then check the work. Work the problem in reverse or backwards, starting with the answer to see if you wind up with your original problem. Here is another extra bit of information, which is a common mistake made when working with word problems. Forgetting to use the correct units of measure throughout the problem often results in the wrong answer. Units of measure can be mixed in the same word problem and not use the appropriate units leads to errors. These must be used properly to keep the answer correct. Why Problem Solving In The Classroom? First, problem solving is a major part of mathematics. It is the sum and substance of our discipline and to reduce the discipline to a set of exercises and skills devoid of problem solving is misrepresenting mathematics as a discipline and shortchanging the students. Second, mathematics has many applications and often those applications represent important problems in mathematics. Our subject is used in the work, understanding, and communication within other disciplines. Third, there is an intrinsic motivation embedded in solving mathematics problems. We include problem solving in school mathematics because it can stimulate the interest and enthusiasm of the students. Fourth, problem solving can be fun. Many of us do mathematics problems for recreation. Finally, problem solving must be in the school mathematics curriculum to allow students to develop the art of problem solving. This art is so essential to understanding mathematics and appreciating mathematics that it must be an instructional goal. Teachers often provide strong rationale for not including problem solving activities is school mathematics instruction. These include arguments that problem solving is too difficult, problem solving takes too much time, the school curriculum is very full and there is no room for problem solving, problem solving will not be measured and tested, mathematics is sequential and students must master facts, procedures, and algorithms, appropriate mathematics problems are not available, problem solving is not in the textbooks, and basic facts must be mastered through drill and practice before attempting the use of problem solving. We should note, however, that the student benefits from incorporating problem solving into the mathematics curriculum as discussed above outweigh this line of reasoning. Also we should caution against claiming an emphasize on problem solving when in fact the emphasis is on routine exercises. From various studies involving problem solving instruction, Suydam (44) concluded:
Haslina bt Harun
If problem solving is treated as "apply the procedure," then the students try to follow the rules in subsequent problems. If you teach problem solving as an approach, where you must think and can apply anything that works, then students are likely to be less rigid.
Haslina bt Harun
Haslina bt Harun
Rancangan Pengajaran Harian Subjek Tarikh Hari Masa Tahun Bilangan murid 12 : Pendidikan Moral : 12 Febuari 2010 : Jumaat : 8.30 9.30 pagi : 3 Berjaya : 21 orang
Haslina bt Harun
: Nilai Berkaitan Dengan Diri Dan Masyarakat : Patuh Kepada Peraturan Dan Undang-Undang : Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran murid-murid dapat : (a) Menyenaraikan simbol peraturan jalan raya. (b) Menulis maksud simbol peraturan jalan raya.
Isi Pelajaran
Set Induksi
( 10 minit)
Memperdengarkan 1. Guru memainkan lagu Awas di lagu Awas di jalan jalan raya. raya 2. Murid diminta menyanyikan 2. Soalan: lagu tersebut berdasarkan irama a) Apakah yang perlu kita lagu Awas KRU. lakukan ketika berada di jalan raya? 3. Murid diminta meneliti lirik lagu tersebut. b) Apakah yang terdapat di sepanjang jalan raya? 4. Guru mengaitkan jawapan murid dengan tajuk pelajaran pada hari ini. Jawapan murid: a) Berhati-hati memandu.. ketika
Radio CD
Langkah 1 ( 20minit)
1. Guru bersoal- jawab dengan murid: a) Pernahkah kamu melihat simbolsimbol ini? b) Di manakah simbolsimbol ini boleh
1. Guru menayangkan tandatanda keselamatan jalan raya kepada murid melalui persembahan powerpoint.
Haslina bt Harun
dilihat? c) Mengapakah simbolsimbol ini diletakkan di tepi jalan? Jawapan murid: a) Ya. b) Di tepi jalan c) Panduan kepada pengguna jalan raya
Langkah 2 (25minit)
1. Guru membahagikan murid kepada 5 kumpulan. 2. Murid diminta berbincang maksud setiap simbol jalan raya yang diberikan. 3. Murid diminta menulis jawapan di dalam lembaran yang diberikan.
ARAHAN : Tulis maksud bagi setiap tanda keselamatan jalan raya berikut. 1)
4. Wakil setiap kumpulan akan membentangkan jawapan. 5. Guru menilai dan merumuskan jawapan murid-murid.
3. Jawapan : a) Tidak boleh meletakkan kenderaan. b) Tidak dibenarkan masuk c) Tidak boleh membuat pusingan U d) Pusingan bulatan e) Pusingan U f) Awas! Lembu 14
Introduction To Mathematics Education HBMT 1103
Haslina bt Harun
melintas. Penutup ( 5 minit) Rumusan pelajaran : Sentiasa mematuhi peraturan dan undangundang jalan raya. Lirik lagu: Rujuk lampiran 1. Guru mengedarkan lirik lagu Peraturan dan UndangUndang Menjamin Keselamatan. 2. Dengan bimbingan guru, murid menyanyikan lagu mengikut irama lagu Geylang Si Paku Geylang.
Alessi, S.M. & Trolip, S.R. ( 1991 ). Computer-based instruction methos and development. Englwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall 15
Introduction To Mathematics Education HBMT 1103
Haslina bt Harun
Baharuddin Aris, Rio Sumarini & Manimegalai Subramaniam. ( 2002 ) Reka Bentuk Perisian Multimedia. Skudai : Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Ismail Zain ( 2002 ). Aplikasi multimedia Dalam Pengajaran. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publication.
Jamaludin Harun, Baharuddin Aris dan Zaidatun Tasir. ( 2001 ) Pembangunan Perisian Multimedia satu Pendekatan Sistematik. Kuala Lumpur : Venton Publication
Norhashimah Abu Samah, Mazenah Youp dan Rose Alinda Alias. (1996) Pembelajaran Bantuan Komputer. Kuala Lumpur : UTM Skudai dan Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka.
Omar Zakaria, Shaifol Bahari Sulaiman, Hassan Ahmad & Azman Abdullah ( 2008 ) HBEF2303 Teknologi Maklumat Dalam Pendidikan. Kuala Lumpur: OUM
Shaifol Bahary Sulaiman. ( 2004 ). Teknologi Maklumat Untuk Institusi Perguruan. Kuala Lumpur : Federal Publication